Shrapnel wound to the head first aid. What happens with a gunshot wound (10 photos)

"Futurist" tried to figure out if there is a chance to survive after such a real life.

Cinema does not get tired of romanticizing things. Previously, they were gangsters, then extra-class thieves, at some point it became fashionable to romanticize survivors after a headshot. “Kill Bill”, “Fight Club”, “X-Men 2” - in each of these films, one of the characters lives on after a headshot. In Doctor Strange, Stefan himself performs an operation on the skull and pulls out a bullet without hitting any important organs. We asked ourselves: is it possible to experience this in real life?

As it turns out, you can. The Internet is not only full of cases describing people who were shot in the head and survived after it, but, moreover, gives scientific justification as much as possible.

Dr. Keith Black of Los Angeles Cedars-Sinai medical center argues that a person's chances of survival after being shot in the head depend on where the bullet hit, the speed with which it traveled, and whether the wound was penetrating or perforating.

You can read more about penetrating wounds to the head on Wikipedia. Unlike a penetrating wound, in which the traumatic object leaves the head and leaves an exit hole, in the case of a penetrating wound, such an object remains in the head until it is pulled out or left in the same position in which it was. You can live with such an injury for a very long time.

In 92% of cases, a person has no chance of surviving a penetrating headshot. However, in 8% of cases, a miracle can happen.

The Guinness Book of Records claims that cemetery caretaker William Pace of California lived to be about 95 years old after being accidentally shot in Texas in 1917 by his brother Marvin with a .22-caliber rifle. Pace died only in 2012 - at the age of 103.

But what is the chance of survival? Dr. Black, already mentioned, states that the chances of survival increase if only one half of the brain is affected, and also if brain stem and thalamus. These brain structures are responsible for heartbeat and breath control. It is important for the projectile not to touch the main blood vessels that carry oxygen. Much depends on the speed of the bullet: the machine gun is much more dangerous than a pistol.

As stated in the material of the American magazine Medscape, in 92% of cases, a person has no chance of surviving after a penetrating shot to the head. However, in 8% of cases, a miracle can happen. So how are penetrating head injuries treated?

The earliest recorded cases of penetrating head injuries and attempts to treat them were recorded in 1700 BC. in Egypt, where doctors left a wound on the skull open, bandaged it and applied a special ointment.

Hippocrates (460-357 BC) was the first to perform trepanation for contusions, cracks, and depressions in the skull. In 130-210 AD. e. Galen's experience in treating wounded gladiators led to the recognition of a correlation between injury and motor loss.

In the Middle Ages, the problem of treating penetrating head wounds did not receive new solutions. But in the 17th century, Richard Wiseman advanced a little - he recommended the evacuation of subdural hematomas and the extraction of bone fragments. In his experience, deep wounds had a much worse prognosis than superficial ones.

The main successes in the treatment of penetrating head injuries in the middle of the 19th century were associated with the work of Louis Pasteur (1867), Robert Koch in bacteriology (1876) and Joseph Lister in aseptic research (1867). Such advances have drastically reduced the incidence of local and systemic infections, as well as mortality.

A wound on the head is damage to the integrity of soft tissues with their divergence (open wound) or with the formation of a hematoma (closed wound), resulting from a bruise, blow or fall from a height. Wounds, depending on the type, can be life threatening with massive bleeding. First aid and comprehensive treatment will help reduce the risk of complications.

Given the nature of the damage, wounds are of several types:

    1. 1. Stab wound of the head - occurs as a result of penetration into the head of a sharp thin object(nail, awl, needle), which is extremely life-threatening. The deeper the object entered the head, the higher the risk of death.
    1. 2. Chopped head wound - develops with mechanical action on the head area of ​​a sharp heavy object: a saber, an ax, parts of a machine tool in production.
    1. 3. incised wound head - is formed as a result of the penetration of a sharp flat object: a knife, sharpening, scalpel. Accompanied by large blood loss.
    1. 4. Bruised head wound - occurs when exposed to a blunt object: a stone, a bottle, a stick. Accompanied by the appearance of a hematoma.
    1. 5. Rupture of the head - the wound has no clear boundaries; its formation is provoked by the impact of a blunt object that damages the outer skin, muscle layer and nerves.
    1. 6. Gunshot wound of the head - characterized by penetration into the head of a bullet from a firearm, which can pass through ( penetrating wound), and can get stuck in the meninges.
    1. 7. Bitten head wound - develops with animal bites. Requires complex treatment with the appointment of antimicrobial therapy and the introduction of serum against rabies.

According to the depth of damage to the head area, wounds are classified into:

  • soft tissue damage;
  • damage to nerve fibers;
  • damage to large blood vessels;
  • damage to bone tissue;
  • brain damage.

Each wound has its own causes and characteristics. In the presence of accidents or catastrophes, injuries can be complex and include several types of wounds at once, which have their own characteristics.


Open head wound accompanied by dissection skin With characteristic development bleeding. The abundance of blood flow depends on the location of the wound, its depth and the cause. The danger of this group of wounds is that there are large vessels, violation of the integrity of which entails the development of full-scale bleeding. Absence qualified assistance can cost a person a life.

Open wounds are accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, numbness of the extremities, which indicates a concussion and bruising of the meninges. Along with stopping the bleeding, resuscitation of the victim is performed, restoring all vital important processes in organism.


Most often, a closed wound is the result of a blunt heavy object acting on the head area, or a fall from a height. A hematoma and a bruise are formed, while the skin does not diverge and does not provoke the development of bleeding.

Clinical manifestations are similar to open wounds except for the absence of bleeding. Because the we are talking about the head, in addition to eliminating the hematoma, it is necessary to make sure that there is no damage to the meninges and the brain itself, which may develop somewhat later.

Characteristic signs and clinical manifestations of all types of wounds

Differentiation of wounds is not difficult. For this, attention should be paid to clinical manifestations and the condition of the patient.

Gunshot wounds of the head in 99% of cases are fatal. They are characterized by deep penetration of a bullet or fragment into the deep layers of the brain with damage to large blood vessels, bone tissue And nerve endings. Only in the presence of a tangential gunshot wound can a person be conscious. A blind and penetrating wound in almost all cases provokes instant death.

Bite wounds have such distinctive features as:

  • lacerated wound with no smooth ends of the connective tissue;
  • bleeding;
  • accession of the inflammatory process.

On the teeth of animals or humans is great amount microbes that, when bitten, enter the victim's bloodstream. Therapy involves antibiotic therapy and vaccinations against rabies and tetanus.

For a lacerated wound, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • irregular shape of the wound, many edges that do not touch each other;
  • heavy bleeding and severe pain;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the organs located on the head.

Numerous and deep lacerations can provoke the development pain shock, which is characterized by complete loss of sensitivity, loss of consciousness and coma.

A bruised closed wound has a relatively even outline in the form of a circle, crumpled inside. Often the appearance of the wound resembles the imprint of the object that provoked its appearance. Small capillaries bleed, which causes the development of a hematoma of saturated purple and purple-red color. Bleeding is absent completely or partially. Predominantly superficial capillary bleeding develops, caused by a violation of the integrity of the outer layer of the skin. Swelling and swelling appear at the site of the injury. Soon a lump is formed, which gradually disappears.

Chopped wounds are characterized by great depth and area of ​​damage to the head. From hard hit the victim often loses consciousness. Reproduction of soft tissues and bones is noted, after which it may occur death. The wounds are accompanied high probability infection, since the object was previously used for its intended purpose, which leads to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the deep layers of the cranial box.

Incised wounds are accompanied profuse bleeding, as well as the presence of lumen different depth. Soft tissues are affected and nerve fibers. The brain is not damaged. Appears sharp pain, developmental pain shock. When pathogenic microflora enters the general bloodstream, it joins clinical picture intoxication with fever, chills and fever.

For stab wounds distinctive features are:

  • relatively smooth edges of the inlet;
  • slight swelling and hyperemia of the skin around the puncture;
  • no profuse bleeding.

When a stab object is in the wound, its edges are directed inward. The wound is accompanied severe pain, dizziness and nausea.

First aid algorithm

Wound First Aid Kit

First aid, regardless of the type of wound, is carried out according to the scheme:

    1. 1. Stop bleeding - apply a clean bandage, cloth or gauze to the wound site, press firmly to the wound site. Apply cold, with the help of which the vessels will narrow and the bleeding will decrease.
    1. 2. Disinfect the area around the wound, but not the wound itself - the surface of the skin is treated with brilliant green, iodine or any disinfectant.
    1. 3. Control general state the victim - control of breathing and heartbeat, and in their absence, an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration are performed.
    1. 4. Deliver the patient to the hospital, fixing the head in a fixed position.
  • press the wound and independently set the bone fragments;
  • wash deep wounds with water;
  • independently extract foreign objects from the head;
  • give the victim medication.

A bruised wound of the scalp is almost always accompanied by a concussion and vomiting. Therefore, the patient is laid on his side, a roller is placed under his head.

At laceration it is necessary to take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible, as stitches will be required.

You can treat a wound on your head with brilliant green or iodine, if it is insignificant.

Treatment methods depending on the nature of the damage

First aid for head wounds

Hematomas and closed wounds are treated with heparin-based absorbable creams. The wound does not require additional treatment. Special attention turn to symptomatic treatment, choosing it taking into account individual features organism.

open wounds, especially torn type require suturing. After that, the scar is treated with brilliant green or iodine solution. At the site of the wound, a colloid scar can form, to reduce the manifestation of which, Contractubex ointment is used.

As part of complex therapy, such groups of drugs are prescribed as:

    1. 1. Analgesics: Analgin, Kopacil, Sedalgin.
    1. 2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin.
    1. 3. Hemostatic drugs: Vikasol.
    1. 4. Antibiotics: Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Cefix, Amoxiclav.
    1. 5. Nootropic drugs that improve cerebral circulation.

A scalp wound may have different kinds and shape, as well as the degree of damage. Gunshots are considered the most dangerous, since the survival rate after them is minimal. Treatment of a head wound helps prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the general bloodstream. The right help can save a life.

A participant in the war with Japan, said that under his leadership trepanations were performed 299 times. Later, he published the famous manual “On Military Field Wounds of the Skull”, recognizing that these injuries are the most dangerous, although there were cases when a person did not die after receiving a bullet in the forehead.

Kutuzov phenomenon

In the mass consciousness Kutuzov appears in the image of a "one-eyed" field marshal, as he is shown in the film of the same name Vladimir Petrov(1943). A group of Russian, Ukrainian and American neurosurgeons reconstructed two bullet wounds in the head of the commander and made an assumption about the high degree of their danger to life. In fact, the fact that these injuries were fatal was recognized. So, during the Russian-Turkish war in the battle near Alushta on July 23 (according to some sources, 24) July 1774, Mikhail Illarionovich received a bullet in his left temple, which went right through his right temple. By the way, Kutuzov wore a black armband for only a few months - in rehabilitation period. According to General-Anshef V. M. Dolgorukov, this wound "contorted" the hero, but preserved his sight. The second time Kutuzov was wounded in the head on August 18, 1788 in the Battle of Ochakov. This time the bullet pierced the head from the side of the left cheek, flying out under the base of the skull. Neurosurgeon Mark Proyle from the Barrow Neurological Institute (USA) said in this regard that such injuries make a person suspicious, cautious and even indecisive, they say, that is why Kutuzov preferred to surrender Moscow, while other Russian generals offered to defend the capital.

First there was a drink, then -electric drill

In fact, the first effective tool for trepanation of the skull in helping soldiers wounded in the head was a wire saw for sawing out a bone flap, which was thrown back along with soft tissues. The author of the saw for the head, oddly enough, was an obstetrician - Italian Geely. It was he who in 1894 proposed this tool, which immediately gained worldwide popularity among doctors. And in 1908 a French surgeon T. de Martel described the method of using a conventional electric drill to drill through the internal bone plate. Further F. Krause began to use an electric pump, and G. Cushing silver clips to ensure hemostasis during brain surgery. Practically with this set of tools, doctors met the First world war.

bullet speed

In 1914-1919, combinations of gunshot and mine-explosive damage appeared quite widely on the battlefields. open injury, as well as barotrauma with brain contusion. At the same time, they began to pay attention to the speed of a bullet piercing the skull. If at the time of the collision it was less than 100 m/s, then brain damage was observed along the bullet channel, slightly larger than the diameter of the bullet. It also turned out that more high speed became a source of additional damage due to shock waves and temporary cavitation. There was practically no chance to survive in these conditions. However, the Mexican revolutionary Wenceslao Moguel(Wenseslao Moguel), who was executed on March 18, 1915 by the soldiers of the firing squad, survived despite a control shot to the head. After receiving 8 bullets, he fell to the ground. After that, an officer approached him and almost point-blank "finished off" the revolutionary. After the soldiers left, Wenceslao Moguel woke up and independently reached his own. Behind medical care he did not turn and quickly recovered.

All deaths out of spite

The war against German fascism, according to Soviet doctors, was characterized by an increase in head wounds: from 7.8% in 1942? m to 12% in 1945, while the severity of injuries also increased. Boris Vsevolodovich Gaidar, Head of the Military Medical Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General medical service, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, wrote in this regard: “As a neurosurgeon, I will dwell in more detail on the features of providing neurosurgical care to the wounded. Penetrating wounds of the skull were particularly severe; among all those killed on the battlefield, those wounded in the skull and brain accounted for 30.9%. At the end of the war, the operability of the wounded in the skull in specialized hospitals increased significantly. At the stage of qualified medical care, only urgent indications(continued external or intracranial bleeding, injury to the ventricles with abundant liquorrhea). Such a system of providing neurosurgical care to those wounded in the skull made it possible to reduce the incidence of brain abscesses from 70% in the First World War to 12.2% in the Great Patriotic War.”

Headshot America

Medics Felix Vinas And John Pilitsis cited statistics, according to which approximately 2 million Americans annually seek medical help with various injuries of the head, with head injuries being the leading (fourth leading) cause of death (among people under the age of 44 years). Of these, approximately one-third (35%) of all fatalities are due to gunshot wounds to the head. Targeted skull shooting, according to neurosurgeons, lies in the popularization of this type of killing in popular culture and in the uncontrolled firearms market. Despite advances in medicine, mortality from penetrating brain injury remains very high. At the same time, not everyone dies. Perhaps that is why, queries on the topic “how to survive a headshot” in American search engines beat all records.

chances of salvation

Most famous in Lately assassinated a member of the US Congress Gabriel Giffords January 8, 2011 in Tucson. An attacker suffering from paranoid schizophrenia shot Giffords in the head with a Glock pistol (and also killed 6 other people). The bullet from the back of the head passed right through the skull in the region of the left hemisphere of the brain. At the request of the public, her attending physician Keith Black from Los Angeles spoke about the chances of surviving a head wound. “Almost everything depends on the area of ​​the brain that was hit, as well as the speed, and whether the bullet went right through,” Black explained. - If the bullet passes through both hemispheres, then the probability of death is much greater than in the case of Gabrielle. The brain is somewhat redundant, and can sometimes lose up to half, leaving a person alive. The chances of recovery are higher if the deep structures of the brain, such as the brain stem and thalamus, are not affected. The danger is also internal hemorrhage due to damage to the blood vessels. In general, it is possible to save people who have not stopped breathing and blood pressure remains high enough: both functions are necessary to maintain an adequate supply of oxygen to the brain. Such "lucky ones", as statistics show, are few - about one in ten. And then, if help was provided in a timely manner.

Gunshot wounds of the skull are severe, especially if there is also a brain wound at the same time.

In peacetime, these injuries are quite rare, predominate bullet wounds to the head. The bullet in the vast majority of cases gives through or tangential wounds. Blind bullet wounds are rare. Most blind wounds are caused by shrapnel and can occur during various blasting operations. When injured, fragments carry with them particles of a headdress, hair, etc. to the brain. Foreign bodies carried away by fragments serve as a source of infections.

In the first hours after injury, traumatic edema develops in the brain. Quantity cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles and subarachnoid space increases, thereby increasing intracranial pressure, contributing to the protrusion of the brain from the wound. In the future, traumatic edema disappears and is replaced by edema from inflammation. Brain prolapse after injury can also occur due to purely mechanical reasons.

In the fallen part of the brain, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads first to edema, and later to its necrosis.

All gunshot wounds of the skull and brain are divided into non-penetrating and penetrating. TO non-penetrating wounds include injuries to the brain tissues and bones of the skull without damage to the dura mater. Gunshot wounds are also divided depending on the angle at which bullets or shell fragments strike the surface of the head. Distinguish: 1) tangent, 2) diametrical (longitudinal), diagonal (transverse), 3) segmental and 4) blind wounds.

According to the shape of the wound, or rather, the defect, tangential wounds are called striated.

Tangential (tangential) include such wounds in which the injuring projectile passes tangentially to the surface of the skull. With tangential wounds, either only soft tissues can be damaged, or bone can also be damaged.

Damage to the bone can be different - from scratches, shallow furrows to fractures with the formation of cracks and fragments in the bone. Due to ruptures of the spongy substance of the cranial bones, hemorrhages are observed. Rupture of vessels of the dura and pia mater above the dura and under the dura meninges cause the formation of hematomas (suprathecal and intrathecal). They lead to brain damage.

With diametrical wounds, the wound channel passes along one of the diameters of the skull. These wounds are characterized by the presence of an inlet and outlet (smaller inlet and larger outlet). Wounds at close range are characterized by tremendous destruction of the skull and brain, since a bullet at close range, as mentioned, has a bursting effect. Segmental wounds (or segmental) occupy a middle position between tangential and diametrical. The bullet channel with these wounds runs along the chord of the circle. characteristic feature of these wounds is the presence of a crack running from the inlet to the outlet. In the brain, the same damage is observed as with tangential and diametrical wounds.

Blind wounds occur as a result of being wounded by fragments of various sizes, etc. Blind wounds can also be caused by bullets at the end. Non-penetrating blind wounds are caused by bullets and shrapnel with low force. With these injuries, fractures with depression are observed.

Symptoms. The symptoms of gunshot wounds to the brain are diverse and vary depending on the location, extent and severity of the injury and circulatory disorders. In mild cases, phenomena of concussion and brain contusion are observed. In cases of moderate severity, the symptoms of bruising and concussion are more intense and may be accompanied by phenomena of brain compression by bone fragments, bullets, or hemorrhage. Compression of the brain, depending on the zone, is accompanied by focal symptoms (excitation, nystagmus, contractures, paralysis). Immediately after the injury, dumbness, deafness can be observed; in severe cases, the symptoms are expressed in the appearance of hemiplegia. All seriously wounded in the skull clearly expressed shock. The temperature often rises to 40°. In very severe cases, the wounded fall into a coma. Breathing is hardly noticeable, the pulse is weak, the skin is cold; the wounded involuntarily excretes urine and feces. Death comes very quickly.

Of the individual symptoms, attention is drawn to themselves:

1) loss of consciousness; prolonged loss of consciousness occurs in most severe penetrating wounds;

2) strong excitement or numbness, which can turn into a collapse;

3) vomiting, which is observed more often with injuries near the fourth ventricle and the medulla oblongata;

4) changes in heart rate; frequent and small pulse in the first time after injury (up to 130 beats per minute) indicates shock; more rapid pulse happens later on developing infection; tense rare pulse is observed with increased cranial pressure or irritation vagus nerve, pulse acceleration - at high blood pressure due to cerebral edema or hemorrhage:

5) rapid breathing in shock; with loss of consciousness, it is irregular and often bubbling; in severe cases, Cheyne-Stokes respiration is observed;

6) the temperature is initially elevated; an increase in temperature further indicates an infection; it can be observed after dressings, unnecessary movements, etc.;

7) congestive nipples are noted from the side of the eyes; dilated and uneven nipples indicate an increase in intracranial pressure;

8) immediately after the injury, dumbness and deafness can be observed;

9) focal symptoms: irritation, paresis and paralysis with injuries, compression and bruises of the brain.

Treatment . Wounded in the skull surgical care should be provided in a timely manner and as early as possible, which is very important to prevent infections. It is necessary to take into account the general condition of the wounded, the condition of the wound and nervous phenomena. The wounded are subjected surgical intervention during the first hours after injury. If it is impossible to perform the operation within the first hours primary processing wounds can be made in 24-48 hours and even longer (delayed primary treatment). The lengthening of the wound treatment period became possible due to the use of sulfanilamide preparations (into the wound and inside) and especially penicillin (powdering the wound, infiltration of the skin edges, wound irrigation and intramuscular injection). Currently, the use of penicillin together with streptomycin is recommended.

The operation consists in excising the edges of the wound, biting the edges of the bone defect, removing fragments and foreign bodies, blood clots, destroyed medulla to stop bleeding. The soft integument wound is not sutured, the brain wound is not plugged. A bandage is applied to the wound with sterile petroleum jelly, some non-irritating antiseptic solution and sprinkled with penicillin powder.

A head wound is very dangerous, as there is a high probability of brain damage. In this case, swelling of the brain tissue occurs very quickly, which leads to wedging of a part of the brain into the foramen magnum. As a result, the activity of vital centers responsible for breathing and blood circulation is disrupted, while a person can quickly lose consciousness and even die.

Another reason for the high risk of head injuries is the good blood supply to this part of the body, so if the vessels are damaged, there is a high probability of rapid blood loss.

If such an injury occurs, it is necessary to stop the bleeding as soon as possible and seek medical help. Let's talk about first aid for a head injury.

Head injuries and soft tissue injuries

TO soft tissues heads include skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue. When they are bruised, pain occurs, later - swelling ("bump"), reddening of the skin, and then the formation of a bruise (bruise).

In case of a bruise, it is necessary to apply cold to the affected area (a bottle with cold water, a heating pad with ice), apply a pressure bandage and take the patient to medical institution. Additional examination necessary in order to exclude damage to the cranial bones.

Soft tissue injuries are accompanied by intense bleeding. Detachment of skin flaps, the so-called scalped wounds, is also likely.

If the blood flows slowly, it is dark in color, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage with a sterile material (for example, a well-ironed bandage).

If the blood spurts out, then the artery is damaged. A pressure bandage will not help in this case. If damaged, you can apply a rubber band horizontally above the forehead and above the ears. With a slight blood loss, the victim is taken to the hospital in a sitting or lying position.

If the blood loss is extensive, the victim's skin turns pale, covered with cold sweat, excitement sets in, and then lethargy, urgent transportation is necessary.

You should carefully put the victim on a flat surface, after laying a blanket, clothes, etc. on it. It is recommended to put a roller (pillow, jacket) under the shins. If the victim is unconscious, carefully place the palms on both sides under the lower jaw and, without significant effort, tilt the head back, pushing the chin forward. Clear oral cavity from saliva or other contents with a clean handkerchief, then try to turn your head to the side to prevent vomit or other fluid from entering the respiratory tract.

Any foreign body in the wound should not be moved, let alone attempted to be removed. These actions can increase the volume of brain damage and increase bleeding.

To stop bleeding, first try to clean the skin around the lesion with a towel, if possible, quickly treat the surface around the wound with a solution of brilliant green or. Then apply a pressure bandage on the wound: first, several layers of clean cloth or gauze, it is advisable to put a solid object on top (a remote control from equipment, a piece of dry soap, a comb, etc.) and bandage it well so that this object squeezes the damaged vessel.

If the bleeding is severe, and it is not possible to apply a bandage, you should press the skin near the edge of the wound with your fingers so that the blood stops flowing. Finger pressure the vessel must be carried out before the arrival of the ambulance.

A foreign body protruding from the wound should be fixed. This requires a long ribbon of bandage, torn sheets, handkerchiefs tied together, and so on. The tape is placed so that the foreign body falls on its middle, and the ends are wrapped around several times and fixed to form a tight knot.

After stopping bleeding and immobilization foreign body it is necessary to attach ice or a heating pad with cold water closer to the wound, cover the victim well and urgently transport him in a prone position to a medical facility.

If there is a detached skin flap, it must be wrapped in a sterile cloth, preferably placed in a cold place (but not on ice) and sent along with the victim. A traumatologist will most likely be able to use it for soft tissue repair.

Closed head injury

A victim with a head injury must be given first aid and taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

If the bones of the upper part of the skull are damaged, it is very difficult to determine whether there is a fracture without x-ray examination. Therefore, if the blow fell on hairy part head, do not think that this is a simple bruise. The victim must be put on a stretcher without a pillow, put ice on his head and transported to the hospital. If such an injury is accompanied by vomiting, impaired consciousness, breathing and blood circulation, assistance should be provided according to the symptoms, up to artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts.

One of the most serious injuries is a fracture of the base of the skull. It occurs when falling from a height, with such a fracture, the brain is damaged. A characteristic symptom of this injury is the release of a colorless liquid (liquor) or blood from auricles or nostril. In addition, in trauma facial nerve facial asymmetry appears. There may be a rare pulse. A day later, another one develops characteristic symptom: hemorrhages in the eye sockets, resembling panda eyes or glasses.

Transportation of such a victim should be as careful as possible, without shaking the stretcher. The patient can be placed on them in two ways: lying on his stomach, but under strict control so that there is no vomiting. The second way is to carry a person in the supine position, but at the same time pin the tongue 2 cm from its edge with a sterilized (calcined) safety pin to the collar. You can also open the victim's mouth and lay a bandage over the tongue, attaching it to mandible for the prevention of falling tongue and suffocation.

When vomiting, the patient's head is carefully turned to one side.

Maxillofacial trauma

The injury is accompanied by swelling and pain. Lips quickly swell and become inactive. First aid - pressure bandage and cold at the site of injury.

When the mandible is fractured, the person is unable to speak. There is a copious flow of saliva from the half-open mouth. Even if consciousness is preserved, with a jaw fracture there is a danger of retraction of the tongue and suffocation.

fracture upper jaw observed less frequently. It is accompanied by severe soreness and a very rapid accumulation of blood in subcutaneous tissue changing the shape of the face.

The first action in such a situation is to fix the tongue and prevent it from falling back. Then, with a finger wrapped in a clean cloth, the oral cavity should be cleaned.

Sometimes develops heavy bleeding, which does not stop after applying a bandage. In this case, you need to press one of two points with your finger:

  • in front of the tragus of the ear at the cheekbone;
  • on the lower jaw in front of the front edge masseter muscle(approximately at the level at the corner of the mouth).

In case of ineffectiveness, it will be necessary to press down the carotid artery on the affected side before the doctors arrive.

You need to fix the fragments of the jaw. To do this, a stick or ruler is wrapped in a clean cloth and passed through the mouth, and the protruding ends are tightly fixed with a bandage around the head.

Transportation of the victim is carried out lying on his stomach so that he does not choke on blood. If the patient turns pale, his head is spinning, the lower end of the stretcher should be raised to improve the blood supply to the brain. In this case, care must be taken not to increase bleeding.

Dislocation of the lower jaw

It can develop as a result of strong yawning, laughter, on impact. Elderly people have a habitual dislocation of the jaw.


  • open mouth;
  • severe salivation;
  • difficult movements in the jaw;
  • speech is almost impossible.

Help with habitual dislocation lies in its reduction. The person providing assistance stands in front of the victim, who is sitting on a chair. Introduced into the mouth thumbs along the lower molars. The jaw is forced back and down. With a successful procedure, movements in the jaw and speech are restored.



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