Increased heart rate causes treatment. Video - Rapid heartbeat

Tachycardia or rapid pulse is a common symptom that indicates a malfunction of the cardiovascular system or other organs. It occurs as a result of an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart above the norm, and this puts an increased load on it. In what cases is tachycardia a normal condition, and when does it indicate pathological health disorders? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Tachycardia - increased heart rate

What pulse can be considered normal?

From a physiological point of view, the pulse is a vibration of the walls of blood vessels. They occur when the blood pressure inside the blood vessels rises when the heart contracts.

Depending on age, anatomical features and lifestyle, the rate of heart rate in different people varies from 50 to 100 beats per minute. It is necessary to measure this parameter in a calm state, sitting or lying down. It is important that before this a person does not perform physical activity and does not experience strong emotional experiences (positive or negative, it does not matter). You need to measure the pulse for a minute. The technique, when it is measured for 30 seconds, and then the result is multiplied by 2, is incorrect. It does not provide objective data. The ideal time to measure the pulse is in the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed.

We can talk about an increase in the pulse when, in a calm state, the number of contractions exceeds 100 beats. If this indicator is more than 120 beats, this is an acute tachycardia, which carries a great danger to the body.

In a child in infancy, a pulse rate of 100-120 beats per minute is considered normal. This parameter decreases gradually, as they grow older. After 7 years, the child's pulse should not exceed 100 beats.

It is important to note that tachycardia is not an independent disease. This is a symptom that signals problems in the functioning of other organs.

It is necessary to measure the pulse in a calm state

Causes of increased heart rate

Depending on the reasons that provoked a frequent pulse, tachycardia is divided into 2 types:

  1. Physiological (sinus) - is the result of physical exertion, especially cardio, strong emotional experiences. It is also provoked by the use of tea, coffee, certain medicines and other stimulants. This state is considered normal, because after the action of the stimulus disappears and the person is in a calm state, the pulse rate stabilizes. There is no need for treatment.
  2. Pathological (paroxysmal)- a symptom of the disease, the presence of which can be assumed when the pulse exceeds 100 beats at rest. This is accompanied by pain in the heart, dizziness, general weakness, nausea.

The following reasons can provoke pathological tachycardia:

  • heart dysfunctions, in particular problems with the upper chambers;
  • thyroid disease;
  • lung problems, in particular emphysema;
  • high body temperature - with an increase in body temperature as a result of a cold, infectious or viral disease;
  • neurogenic disorders - diseases of the nervous system;
  • oncological diseases.

A rapid heartbeat is also provoked by constant stress, overwork, insomnia, and the presence of excess weight.

When diagnosing tachycardia, it is important to establish the cause of this symptom. If timely treatment is not started, serious consequences are possible: from a deterioration in the blood supply to all organs to a heart attack and ischemia.

Constant stress can negatively affect the heart rate.

What to do and how to reduce a frequent pulse?

A high pulse must be reduced to normal levels. The way to treat tachycardia depends on the cause of its occurrence.

To normalize the pulse after physical exertion, emotional stress, it is enough to stop the impact of stimuli that provoke an increase in heart rate, and it stabilizes.

If a person has a constantly increased number of heartbeats in a calm state, he needs to undergo a complete diagnosis. If an ailment that provokes tachycardia is detected, treatment should be directed to its elimination.

The most common treatment options for tachycardia are:

  • with anemia, drugs are prescribed that increase the concentration of iron in the body;
  • with infections, colds, it is important to lower the temperature, then the pulse rate stabilizes;
  • if the symptom is caused by thyroid dysfunction, treatment is aimed at stabilizing the hormonal background;
  • when neurological disorders are the cause of the symptom, treatment is aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Medicines that purposefully lower the heart rate are prescribed in extreme cases, when this condition can be life-threatening. Then the person takes pharmacological preparations.

Medicines that doctors prescribe, depending on the current condition of the patient:

  • with hormonal dysfunctions, beta-blockers - Propranolol, Atenolol;
  • with excessive production of adrenaline, adrenoblockers help - Fentolamine;
  • with disorders of the nervous system, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia, sedatives - based on herbs (Persen, valerian, Novo-passit) or synthetic (Phenobarbital, Diazepam);
  • for cardiac arrhythmias, antiarrhythmic tablets and drops are required - Adenosine, Propranolol, Verapamil, Flecainide.

Propranolol helps stabilize heart rate

You can take medicines that stabilize the pulse only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since drugs that are effective in some types of tachycardia are useless or even dangerous in other forms.

In the most difficult cases, when tachycardia is caused by tumors, excessive activity of the thyroid gland, heart muscle defects, surgical intervention is recommended. After the operation, the parameters stabilize.

When, with a rapid pulse, the state of health deteriorates greatly, you should immediately go outside or go to an open window to get some fresh air. At the same time, it is important to unbutton the shirt collar so that it is easy to breathe. You also need to wash with cool water, attach a wet towel to your forehead, a bottle of water. It is also recommended to drink a glass of cool water in small sips, holding your breath. If such measures did not help bring down the pulse, urgently call an ambulance, especially if the attack occurred at night when the person was calm.

Rapid pulse at normal pressure

If you notice that the pulse has become rapid, but are normal, this may be a sign of serious illness. Most often, this condition signals:

  • hormonal imbalance due to thyroid dysfunction:
  • intoxication;
  • pathologies of the lungs, heart;
  • infectious diseases.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease will progress.

If the pressure is normal, and the pulse is increased, then consult a doctor

Decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate

If the pulse rate exceeds the norm against the background of low pressure, this may indicate severe blood loss, which often happens after accidents and injuries. When there is no external bleeding, it may be internal. Also, low blood pressure is accompanied by an excessively fast heartbeat in shock conditions, diseases of the endocrine system, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Such symptoms are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, increased anxiety, unreasonable fear. To urgently improve the condition, you can drink an infusion of valerian, motherwort, but it is extremely important to undergo an examination.
Low blood pressure and rapid pulse cause dizziness

Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure

Most often, a simultaneous increase in heart rate and pressure occurs after physical exertion or strong emotional experiences, taking stimulants. In such cases, treatment is not necessary, because this is a compensatory reaction of the body. The pulse rate stabilizes after the onset of a calm state of the body.

If the pulse and pressure simultaneously increase in a calm state, this may be a sign of the presence of heart pathologies (coronary sclerosis, valve pathology, arrhythmia), problems with the thyroid gland, lungs, oncology or anemia. An examination will help determine the exact cause.

If the pressure and pulse rise in a normal state, then this may indicate a problem with the heart.

Increased heart rate during pregnancy

During pregnancy, great changes take place in the body. Hormonal restructuring, increasing physical activity and the need to provide enough oxygen and nutrients not only to your body, but also to the fetus, lead to the fact that the pulse quickens. For a future mother, 110-115 heart beats per minute at rest are considered the norm, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. Strong discomfort should not occur.

If the increased heart rate is accompanied by nausea, pain in the heart, dizziness, negative emotional states, you should consult a doctor. During pregnancy, it is important to avoid excessive physical exertion and negative emotional experiences.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes major changes.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have begun to suffer from rapid heart rate, you should not ignore this symptom, or try to get rid of it at home using self-medication methods. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

This problem can be referred to:

  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • therapist.

They will prescribe the necessary diagnostics: blood and urine tests, an echocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart and thyroid gland, an X-ray of the heart, Holter monitoring. Based on the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and then prescribes the appropriate treatment.

A rapid pulse cannot be ignored, especially if this symptom is accompanied by high or low blood pressure. This parameter, which is constantly changing, is important to monitor regularly. When the first cases of tachycardia appear in a calm state, contact your doctor immediately. This may be the first symptom of a complex pathology. If you start a course of therapy at an early stage, the chances of being cured and normalizing the condition increase.

The pulse is the oscillation of the arterial walls caused by the contraction of the heart muscle. It can be determined by pressing the large arteries with your fingers in places as close as possible to the surface: on the radial artery in the area of ​​​​the wrist, on the carotid artery passing in the neck. It is recommended to measure the pulse rate shortly after waking up, without getting out of bed. In a healthy adult, normal rates range from sixty to eighty beats per minute.

Even in the absence of pathological causes, pulse values ​​​​can change under the influence of many factors, the main of which are:

  • Age group - in children of the first year of life, the parameter is normally about 110-120, by adolescence it gradually decreases to the level of an adult. In older people, the pulsation again becomes somewhat more frequent.
  • Physical activity - in people who regularly play sports, who have a high level of physical fitness in a calm state, the pulse rate is lower than in those who spend most of the day without movement.
  • Gender - in men, tachycardia, i.e. increased heart rate, is less common than in the fairer sex.
  • Pregnancy, especially the last trimester.
  • Strong positive or negative emotions.

To assess the pulse, several indicators are evaluated:

  • Frequency- the number of strokes per minute. The value may change depending on whether the person is lying or standing at the time of measurement, at what time of day the procedure is performed, and other factors.
  • Voltage- depends on the effort required for probing, is in direct proportion to the level of blood pressure.
  • Rhythm- Normally, the same period of time should pass between beats, otherwise arrhythmia is diagnosed.

What are the reasons for the increase

In order not to worry about the state of health for no reason, or, conversely, to be alert and consult a doctor, you need to know why the pulse quickens.

To obtain the most accurate result, the pulse should be measured not for fifteen or thirty, but for sixty seconds, i.e. full minute. Otherwise, if a person has an arrhythmia, unreliable values ​​will be obtained.

Tachycardia can be caused by such factors:

  • stressful situations.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Overweight.
  • Sleep disorders, insomnia.
  • Accumulated fatigue.
  • Addictions - the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs.
  • The use of drugs that increase sexual activity.
  • Taking antidepressants and certain other medications.

What other causes of such a condition as a rapid pulse are there? Rapid heartbeat is one of the symptoms of such disorders:

  • Cardiopathologies - myocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, heart failure, myocardial infarction, etc.
  • Hypertension.
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia.
  • Violations of the functions of the central nervous system.
  • Changes in impulse conduction of cardiac tissues.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Anemia of various nature.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes.
  • Intoxication.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory organs.
  • Endocrine disorders - disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Influenza, SARS, colds, accompanied by fever.

How is it manifested?

An increase in pulse rate is one of the main symptoms of tachycardia, which, depending on the causes that caused it, is divided into:

  1. sinus- caused by physiological causes (emotional stress, physical work, sports). A pulsation exceeding one hundred beats normalizes after a short time after the cause has been eliminated.
  2. paroxysmal- As a rule, it is caused by violations of the functions of the heart, it has the character of a sudden attack. The indicator increases to 140 - 220, a person experiences severe dizziness, pain in the heart, nausea, weakness, difficulty breathing, and may lose consciousness.

In turn, paroxysmal tachycardia is divided into:

  1. atrial- while maintaining a normal rhythm, myocardial hypoxia develops. Characteristic symptoms are increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.
  2. ventricular- develops in the case of myocarditis, various types of ischemia, heart defects. This condition is extremely dangerous, can cause pulmonary edema, shock, cardiac arrest.

Now let's look at cases at different levels of blood pressure and find out how to treat violations.

Rapid pulse with normal blood pressure

Such a condition can be caused simply by overeating or being in a stuffy room, but at the same time, it is it that signals the development of serious cardiopathologies that require immediate treatment. But most often, an increase in pulse frequency acts as a compensatory reaction and lasts a short time. Also, a similar condition is observed with constant stress, tense psychological atmosphere at work or at home, chronic forms of cardiac and infectious and inflammatory diseases.

When contacting a doctor with such complaints, the patient is referred for the following examinations:

  • General analysis of blood and urine, determination of the content of hormones.
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart.

Light sedative preparations of plant origin (tinctures of motherwort, valerian, sedative herbal collection), sedatives (Adaptol), β-blockers (Bisoprolol) are used for treatment.

Heartbeat at low blood pressure

This condition is observed when:

  • Severe intoxication.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Massive bleeding.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia.
  • The period of bearing a child is explained by the narrowing of blood vessels under the influence of progesterone and a simultaneous increase in the volume of blood flowing through the vascular bed.

The patient experiences heart pain, heaviness in the chest, throbbing headaches in the temporal and occipital regions, mental agitation.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disorder. If such a condition develops during pregnancy, a woman needs to spend more time in bed, observe the daily regimen, sleep at least nine to ten hours at night, and make some adjustments to the diet. They recommend taking Valocordin or Corvalol.

The pulse rate can increase with strong excitement, anxiety, physical exertion. In such cases, this is a natural reaction of the body: the brain's need for oxygen and glucose increases significantly and, in order to compensate for their deficiency, the myocardium begins to contract more often and blood flow increases.

Tachycardia and high blood pressure

A simultaneous increase in heart rate and an increase in pressure indicators are characteristic of strong nervous excitement, physical exertion that is too heavy for the body. This is due to the release of adrenaline in such cases, which speeds up the pulse and increases blood pressure. What to do when a high pulse is observed at high pressure? First of all, you should go in for sports, improve your physical shape, and spend more time in the fresh air. You should also use caffeine-containing drinks as little as possible: strong coffee, tea, energy drinks. In addition, prescribe drugs that help lower blood pressure, most often β-blockers (Anaprilin). In any case, you should consult a doctor who will send you for examinations, find out the cause of the pathology and select a treatment regimen to eliminate it.

Usually, with psycho-emotional and physical overstrain, the frequency of heart contractions increases. This phenomenon is considered normal in such cases and goes away by itself. But sometimes an increase indicates problems with a person’s health, primarily with his cardiovascular system.

The pulse is considered an important hemodynamic indicator, because depending on its parameters, one can talk about the health or pathologies of the heart and vascular system.

Pulse in medical terminology is the fluctuation of the vascular walls, which occurs when the blood pressure in them rises. The normal heart rate for a healthy person at rest is between 50 and 70 beats per minute. These beats coincide with the number of contractions of the heart muscle.

The pulse rate also depends on such factors:

  • Gender identity. In men, the rate is slightly lower than in women.
  • age criterion. An increase in heart rate up to 120 beats per minute is observed in infants; as they grow older, it decreases markedly.
  • Physiological features. The pulse quickens in some conditions, for example, during pregnancy.
  • Physical development. With hypodynamia, the pulse rate at rest is higher than that of athletes.

In addition to this characteristic, the filling, rhythm and tension of the pulse are also evaluated. It is normal when the pulse is full, rhythmic and has moderate tension.

Usually, the pulse is measured on the area of ​​​​the ulnar or radial artery near the hand. In addition, the indicator can be assessed using the carotid artery. To do this, check the pulse on the side of the neck, namely in the corner of the lower jaw.

Causes of increased heart rate

A physiological increase in heart rate occurs in the following cases:

  1. During physical labor.
  2. During psycho-emotional overstrain (as a response to excitement, joy, fear and other emotions).
  3. During sports training.
  4. By eating a rich meal.

In these situations, the pulse can almost double, but after some time after physical or psychological stress, it returns to normal.

However, often there is an increase in heart rate, which is pathological.

This is observed when a person at rest has a pulse rate of more than a hundred beats. In medicine, this phenomenon is called. It indicates that the heart is not able to pump blood properly.

Pathological increase in heart rate may indicate the following pathologies:

  • Myocarditis
  • Heart failure
  • Cardioneurosis
  • Ischemic disease
  • Heart defects
  • Endocarditis
  • rheumatic heart disease
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Anemia
  • hypertension

More information about the pulse can be found in the video:

Other conditions that cause an increased heart rate include:

  1. Emphysema of the lungs.
  2. Thyroid dysfunction.
  3. Bronchial asthma.

The causes of a rapid pulse can also be intoxication of the body, infectious diseases, accompanied by fever. In addition, this condition causes the use of certain medications (Eufillin, Adrenaline, Ephedrine, Atropine, as well as hormonal agents).

Often, an increase in heart rate is observed in people without physical and psycho-emotional stress. Then such a condition may indicate neurocirculatory dystonia. Tachycardia in this case is neurogenic.

The pulse also quickens during menopause in women, as well as during the period of bearing a child, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Signs are a feeling of a strong heartbeat in the sternum on the left, weakness, shortness of breath, tinnitus or darkening of the eyes. Sometimes this condition can cause dizziness, headaches, hot flashes, fainting, increased sweating. In addition, panic attacks, feelings of fear and anxiety are characteristic.In such cases, it is important to measure the pulse rate, and if it is high, call an ambulance.

State Danger

An increase in the pulse of a pathological nature can be dangerous to human health and life. This is due to the fact that tachycardia affects the general condition of the patient.

An increase in heart rate contributes to the development of pain in the sternum, causes loss of efficiency, apathy and irritability.

If the pulse quickens for a long time, then it can affect hemodynamic disorders of the coronary and general nature. In the coronary vessels with frequent tachycardia, there is not enough necessary nutrients. This usually results in cardiopathy.

When an increase in heart rate develops with damage to the heart muscles, then this condition is fraught with such complications as heart failure.

Heart rate values ​​are much higher in people who suffer.Increased heart rate can lead to arrhythmic shock or cardiac asthma.

It is also possible violation of cerebral blood supply. This phenomenon is considered dangerous in view of the fact that as a result it can lead to a stroke.Ventricular fibrillation is considered a dangerous consequence of tachycardia, in which resuscitation procedures are necessary.

Ways to normalize the pulse

To normalize the pathological increase in heart rate, complex therapy is necessary. First of all, it should be aimed at treating the underlying disease, a symptom of which is tachycardia.

To normalize the pulse, the following measures are used:

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and foods that contain caffeine.
  3. Discontinue the use of drugs that lead to an increase in heart rate.
  4. Eliminate excess loads.

In addition, the following groups of drugs are usually prescribed for tachycardia:

  • Glycosides. These drugs decrease the heart rate. Effective drugs in this group are Isolanide, Digoxin, Digitoxin.
  • . Anaprilin is considered to be a frequently prescribed drug in this regard.
  • Sedative drugs. With tachycardia, it is recommended to take phyto-based medicines, for example, motherwort tinctures, valerian. Valocordin, Corvalol, Valoserdin are also used.
  • Means acting on the sinus node. These include tablets Anilidine or Falipamil. They are usually used for contraindications to the use of beta-blockers.
  • At home, the pulse can be reduced with the help of certain breathing exercises and massage of the eyeballs and carotid sinus, which is located in the lower jaw area, namely in its corner.
  • When the increase is provoked by an increase in blood pressure, then Metoprolol, Furosemide and Verapamil are used.
  • With tachycardia, which occurs due to a stressful situation, massage and aromatherapy are indicated. At home, it is recommended to use decoctions and teas from medicinal plants that have a sedative effect. It is desirable to add milk or honey to them.

If the pulse is very high for no apparent reason, then you need to call for medical help. Before the ambulance arrives, it is recommended to take magnesium B6 and Validol. You can give the patient tea from a weak brew with the addition of milk.

A pulse is a repetitive beat in the blood vessels caused by the contraction of the heart muscle. It is arterial, venous and capillary, as well as pressure. For diagnosis, the most informative is the arterial pulse. It makes it possible to evaluate the work of the heart in many ways. For example, Chinese medicine describes almost 100 characteristics of the pulse, according to which it diagnoses human diseases.

There are many heart rate measurement points on the body. The most accessible and understandable to a simple person who is not associated with medicine is the section of the radial artery close to the wrist. Four fingers, except for the thumb, are placed along the blood vessel and, with a slight pressure, feel the tremors of blood. Measure the number of beats per minute. This is the most optimal, as there may be rhythm changes. In emergency cases, do this for 15 or 30 seconds, and the result is multiplied by 4 or 2, respectively.

Two different concepts should not be confused - a high pulse rate and its height. The frequency is the number of beats per minute, and the height of the pulse is the maximum amplitude of the oscillation of the artery wall, often caused by aortic insufficiency. The second indicator is familiar and important for doctors to make an accurate diagnosis. The inhabitants of the high pulse understand its high frequency.

In addition to the two indicators already mentioned, there are others: rhythm, fullness, tension, symmetry.


Physiological tachycardia, not associated with diseases, and pathological can be observed. The reasons for the first are the following factors:

  • Physical overload of the body.
  • Increased nervous excitability.
  • Strong emotions such as fear.
  • different stress conditions.
  • Alcohol.
  • Drugs.
  • Caffeine.
  • Eating foods high in fat.
  • Taking certain medications.

After the termination of these causes, the pulse returns to normal. If its elevated indicators are permanent, then this condition is caused by a pathological process in the human body. Then tachycardia indicates diseases:

  • Heart and vessels.
  • blood.
  • nervous system.
  • Oncological.
  • Endocrine.
  • Infectious.

Tachycardia may be accompanied by weakness, a feeling of pulsation in large blood arteries, a strong heartbeat, ringing in the ears. It happens that it gets dark in the eyes, and the body is covered with cold sweat. If you do not treat the diseases that led to such conditions, then everything can end:

  • Stroke of the brain.
  • Acute ventricular failure.
  • Cardiac asthma.
  • arrhythmic shock.


If you find yourself with such symptoms, then do not fuss and panic. On the contrary, you need to calm down, drink a glass of water, ventilate the room and lie down. In the supine position, the pulse will decrease. And then call an ambulance to rule out complex pathological consequences. Especially if it was, and the weakness did not go away, and sedatives did not lead to improvement.

At home, you can use one of the remedies: 30 drops of valerian tincture, motherwort, valocordin or their analogues.

Treatment of physiological tachycardia is usually not required. Include foods that are good for heart and blood vessel health in your diet. Don't eat a lot of fat. Quitting smoking and alcohol will also make you feel better.

Pathological processes involve the treatment of diseases that cause rapid heart rate. Here you can not do without the help of doctors. You will be offered a thorough examination and comprehensive treatment.

To identify pathologies, you may be prescribed:

  1. Special monitoring study (it involves monitoring the state of the body during the day).
  2. Cardiograms with and without exercise.
  3. Ultrasound of the heart and thyroid gland.
  4. Blood chemistry.
  5. Examinations to rule out cancer.

High pulse and high blood pressure

Such a tandem indicates the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as hypertension. When the vessels constrict, the pressure readings creep up, the heart has to work harder and the pulse rate increases. Only a doctor can find out the reasons for the process. Such conditions are observed in hypertensive crisis and other dangerous conditions and diseases. Due to the severity of the consequences, you should not hesitate to visit a specialist. Only he can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

The combination of high pressure and pulse does not always indicate the proximity of pathologies. It may be caused by other reasons. In healthy people under some circumstances: stress (no difference, positive or negative), insomnia, strong drinks, this combination is also possible.

There are others - high blood pressure and low pulse rate, low blood pressure and rapid pulse, normal pressure and rapid pulse. High pulse and low blood pressure are associated with a disorder of the autonomic system during high physical and mental stress.

A strict relationship between the heart rate and blood pressure has not been established.

Why is my heart rate high at rest?

Many doctors believe that a heart rate of 90 beats or more at rest is associated with the presence of pathology. The risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart attack increases. Often tachycardia at rest is caused by heart rhythm disturbances. The pulse can increase up to 200 beats per minute. A person suffers from shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness. Obesity and diabetes contribute to such conditions.

High heart rate (130 or more) at rest for a long time weakens the heart muscle. She starts to work poorly. For recovery, they resort to electrical stimulation or drug therapy.

The heart muscle, like others, requires training. In athletes, at rest, the heart rate may be less than 60 beats per minute.

High heart rate during pregnancy

An increase in heart rate with reduced pressure can be in pregnant women. Such a state in them is physiological. It is associated with an increase in the level of progesterone and its effect on the walls of blood vessels. It also affects the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

During pregnancy, more blood volume and increased circulation are needed. The load on the heart increases, and it compensates for it with frequent contractions. The body of a woman adapts to this. More rest, adherence to the daily regimen and good nutrition with vitamins are needed.

For the health of each person, the most important thing is self-control and disease prevention. Those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle get sick less, better tolerate stress and adverse factors.

The heart rate changes, because it depends on different parameters. At such times, patients experience both high and low blood pressure. The answer to the question of how to lower the pulse depends on the general state of human health, the presence of established diagnoses of diseases of the heart or blood vessels, as well as the circumstances that resulted in an increase in heart rate. A heartbeat of 100 beats per minute is not normal. The pulse should be within 60-90 pulses of blood in the vessels within 60 seconds.

Causes of high heart rate

Cases of patients visiting medical institutions with complaints of increased heart rate are not uncommon. When classifying an existing symptom, one should understand the difference between height and pulse rate. In the first case, we are talking about the degree of fluctuations in the walls of the arteries, in the second - about the number of contractions. A regular high pulse is considered a serious deviation and a sign of the presence of ailments that unite the human motor (heart) and blood vessels.

The reasons for the increase in the oscillations of the walls of the arteries are factors such as:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • pericarditis;
  • pathology of the heart valves;
  • a sharp increase in physical activity on the body (lifting heavy objects, fast running, etc.);
  • anemia;
  • fever;
  • excess weight (obesity);
  • fatigue;
  • pregnancy;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • uncontrolled intake of psychostimulant drugs.

Heart rate reduction methods

There are several ways to reduce the number of heartbeats (pulse). The choice of specific methods should be carried out taking into account the age of the patient, his general condition and the level of blood pressure at the time of increased heart rate. It is necessary to reduce the heart rate regardless of whether such a situation is regular or caused by short-term external factors. This can be done with the help of medicines, folk remedies or special psychological techniques.

Medical preparations

Pills for tachycardia are conventionally divided into three categories - natural, synthetic drugs, antiarrhythmic drugs. It is recommended to take any medications after a competent consultation. The first group of drugs eliminates the symptoms, and the second helps to fight diseases in which the pulse begins to jump upward.

Drugs that help in solving the issue of how to reduce an increased heart rate:

  • "Valerian" (sedative drug, natural remedy).
  • "Persen" (a drug with a sedative effect, has a beneficial effect on the body, pulse).
  • "Motherwort" (a powerful sedative medicine based on natural ingredients, normalizes the pulse).
  • "Phenobarbital" (a sleeping pill, prescribed by specialists, normalizes sleep, the functioning of the nervous system).
  • "Relanium" (a tranquilizer, prescribed by a doctor, taken in the presence of dangerous symptoms, normalizes the pulse to a lower (permissible) rate).

Folk remedies

Examples of alternative medicine recipes that help resolve the issue of how to reduce a rapid heart rate:

  • herbal collection (1 tsp each of lemon balm leaves, valerian root, hops and dill seeds, pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, take 100 ml 15 minutes before meals three times a day for two weeks, the remedy has a calming effect, normalizes work of the heart)
  • collection of motherwort and calendula (mix in equal amounts, pour boiling water, insist, consume two weeks before dinner, the pulse becomes normal, the nervous system calms down);
  • a decoction of wild rose (2 tablespoons of crushed berries, pour 400 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, strain, use a glass of decoction once a day);
  • blackcurrant treatment (it is easy to make jam from berries, eat them fresh or make decoctions from dried leaves, the ingredient must be regularly present in the diet, currants can calm the nervous system, slow down the high pulse, and have a general strengthening effect on the body);
  • a decoction based on valerian root (1 tablespoon of valerian roots pour a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, take a tablespoon three times a day, the remedy helps to bring down the rapid pulse, normalize the nervous system, favorably affect the heart).

Psychological methods

It will be possible to slow down the rapid pulse not only with drugs or traditional medicine, but also with methods developed by psychologists. Any sedative program will have a beneficial effect on the psyche, the work of the heart or blood vessels. It is recommended to attend sessions of psychologists, consult with psychotherapists, take part in trainings.

In emergency situations

In cases where there are no medicines at hand, the patient must be given first aid. The human body should be placed horizontally, windows should be opened to provide the maximum amount of fresh air. If the clothes are tight, then you need to unbutton the top buttons or remove wardrobe items that can make breathing difficult. The call for an ambulance is carried out as quickly as possible.

The algorithm of actions in an emergency occurs in several stages:

  • preparations for the room and clothing of the patient;
  • gauze, bandage or a piece of cloth should be moistened with cold water and applied to the patient's forehead;
  • during an attack, a person should be in a horizontal position;
  • the patient should be advised to hold his breath for a few seconds (repeat the procedure several times);
  • to avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink water if necessary (room temperature, without gas);
  • The patient needs peace, a calm atmosphere.
  • massage the neck in the area of ​​the arteries (lateral parts of the neck);
  • middle-aged people are advised to induce vomiting;
  • call an ambulance.

How to lower your heart rate

Heart rate may increase in a healthy person. To restore the pulse in the absence of a disease of the cardiovascular system is obtained without the use of drugs. If the patient is characterized by high or low blood pressure, increased heart rate occurred during pregnancy or after severe stress, then it is recommended to eliminate the symptom without medication with special medications.

At high pressure

It is recommended to reduce the rapid pulse with an increased blood pressure after prior consultation with a specialist. In most cases, this combination is a symptom of hypertension. In this situation, it is important to eliminate the underlying disease, and the pulse returns to normal automatically.

At low

Low blood pressure is accompanied by symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and a sense of fear. The most effective way to reduce the pulse in this case is to take motherwort or valerian tincture. Of the drugs, it is better to take Valocardin or Validol. If the increase in heart rate occurs regularly, then changes in the diet should be made. It should contain black currants, rose hips, honey, pomegranates, dark chocolate and other products that have the ability to increase blood pressure.

During pregnancy

Women should be aware that during the period of gestation, the heart rate may change. Rapid heart rate during pregnancy can occur continuously or suddenly. It is not recommended to take medications without the prescriptions of specialists at such times. During pregnancy, it is necessary to control the diet, avoid overeating, eat components that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. With attacks of increased heart rate, it is recommended to try to relax, calm down, take a comfortable position.

How to lower your heart rate at home

Treatment of tachycardia at home is not difficult. Proper diet, regular exercise, health control are the nuances that are the key to the proper functioning of the heart. With a rapid heart rate, it is important to identify external factors that negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Increase heart rate can stress, depression, eating certain foods, the presence of internal diseases.

Rules to follow with a regular increase in heart rate:

  • excess weight causes an increase in heart rate, so your body weight must be controlled;
  • if it is not possible to control emotions, then to stabilize the work of the central nervous system, it is necessary to use sedatives;
  • use foods that cause excitation of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary with caution;
  • insomnia should not be ignored (the consequences can become health complications);
  • with regular jumps in the pulse, it is necessary to abandon bad habits;
  • fresh air has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, blood vessels;
  • soothing decoctions should be used for prevention, without waiting for the onset of symptoms.

Video: help with tachycardia



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