Hair mask tincture of pepper and castor. Red pepper mask for hair growth

A lover of the garden, summer residents do not like this plant at all. Dandelion officinalis (lat. Taraxacum officinale) is a hard to eradicate weed.

One undestroyed flower is enough for the ripened seeds to sow the entire area. And yet, in spite of everything, the plant pleases the eye with yellow inflorescences in green grass.

Botanical description of the plant and harvesting

Dandelion root is vertical, thick, brown, white in section. At mechanical damage all parts exude a bitter juice.

The leaves in the rosette are lanceolate, serrated, up to 25 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. The peduncle is tubular, hollow inside.

The flower is bright yellow in the form of a single basket. After the plant fades, a bare receptacle remains.

blank plant material causes no difficulty. It can be found almost everywhere.

The plant often covers fields, lawns and gardens with a solid yellow carpet.

WITH therapeutic purpose leaves and flowers are harvested during flowering, and the root - in autumn from the end of September.

Large roots are cleaned of lateral small roots, dried for several days in the sun, washed, cut into small pieces and dried in a ventilated room.

Store in canvas bags in a dark and dry place.

Chemical composition and main active ingredients

Dandelion root is rich in substances related to sesquiterpenes, glycosides taraxacin and taraxacerin.

Includes sterols, flavonoids luteolin-7-glucoside and cosmosine, sucrose, carotene, bitterness, tannins, traces of linoleic, palmitic, mellisic, oleanolic acids.

In addition, it accumulates inorganic elements and metals.

Substances of the triterpene series, inulin (24%), nicotinic acid, sigmasterol, sitosterol, choline, B vitamins.

Dandelion officinalis herb contains:

  • Proteins;
  • Alcohols:
  • vitamins B2, F, C;
  • nicotinic acid.

Flowers found:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • resins;
  • wax;
  • carotenoids;
  • proteins, phosphorus;
  • iron, manganese.

The amount of macro- and microelements even exceeds their content in many vegetables.

Medicinal properties of dandelion root

In medicine, more and more attention is being paid to this plant, because it has concentrated many biologically active elements in itself.

Dandelion officinalis is a unique natural weapon for healing.

Herbalists with experience often introduce the ingredient into the composition of herbal teas, folk cosmetics, recommend introducing the plant into the diet.

The active substances of this plant exhibit diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, laxative, and sedative properties.

  • Digestive Aid

Dandelion contains bitterness and acts as a mild laxative, promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, has choleretic action, restores electrolyte balance and also balances beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

Preparations based on it have a beneficial effect on secretory and motor functions. gastrointestinal tract.

They cause irritation of taste receptors, which entails the excitation of the center of food intake. Increases the secretion of digestive substances.

Medicines from the root can be used independently and in combination with other drugs. good results can be achieved with pathologies of the gallbladder, gastritis, cholecystitis.

  • Choleretic effect

The choleretic effect, explained by the presence of β-sitosterol, allows the use of Taraxacum officinale preparations as a hepatoprotector.

In combination with liver drugs, high results can be achieved in the treatment of liver diseases, in particular when it is damaged as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages.

  • Diuretic effect

This medicinal weed is a good diuretic that helps cleanse the kidneys by increasing urine production.

In addition, due to its disinfectant properties, dandelion inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system.

  • Anti-cancer effect

IN Lately carry out numerous studies anti-cancer properties dandelion root, The results look promising.

A 2011 Canadian study found that dandelion root extract induces melanoma cell death.

Important are clinical researches devoted to the possibility of using dandelion officinalis for the treatment of breast cancer.

New Mexico scientists have shown that an extract from the root of Taraxacum officinale can kill non-invasive breast cancer cells.

It is believed that drugs that include the plant in question will be able to stop the process of metastasis.

  • Reduces blood sugar levels

Recent animal studies show the ability of dandelion to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.

Dandelion juice helps diabetic patients stimulate the production of insulin from the pancreas, thereby keeping blood sugar levels low.

  • Lowers high blood pressure

Due to its diuretic action, dandelion reduces arterial pressure. And the presence of the trace element potassium in dandelion helps to regulate it.

The fiber in the plant also helps in lowering cholesterol and thereby helps to reduce blood pressure, since cholesterol is one of the factors that increases it.

  • Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect

Dandelion contains essential fatty acid, antioxidants and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Recent studies also show that dandelion increases immune function and fights germs, viruses and fungi.

  • Improves skeletal health

Dandelion is rich in calcium, which is essential for bone growth and strength. And also in its composition is an antioxidant - luteolin, which protects bones from age-related damage.

  • Antioxidant effect

All parts of dandelion are rich in antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage to cells and DNA.

It is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene and increases the liver's production of superoxide dismutase.

Published science articles, in which the possibility of using the root in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is proved, due to the high content of inulin polysaccharide in plant tissues. The substance has the property of lowering blood sugar.

  • Dandelion for the treatment of skin diseases

To combat skin diseases, dandelion juice is used, the very milk that forms on the stalk if the root is plucked.

This is due to the fact that the juice has bactericidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.

It is used to treat lichen, eczema and other skin diseases, without the risk of side effects or hormonal disorders usually caused by pharmaceuticals.

For skin ailments, boils, eczema, dark spots you can use infusions, decoctions, ointments, powder from the root of Taraxacum officinale.

What diseases are dandelion root used for?

  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract: cholecystitis, hepatitis
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: , colitis, chronic constipation, lack of appetite
  • Diseases urinary system: cystitis
  • Inflammatory joint diseases: gout, arthritis and others
  • Skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis
  • Diabetes
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension
  • insomnia
  • And many others

Dandelion Root Medicines

Traditional and folk medicine uses the root of Taraxacum officinale in the form of decoctions, tinctures, ointments.

You can also make tea from the roots, which will perfectly replace store mixes with the presence of flavors that are harmful to the body.

  • Water decoction of dandelion root

Root decoction is most commonly used in folk medicine and is the main dosage form, which is applied as:

  • Choleretic;
  • Enhancing digestion;
  • Hypoglycemic;
  • Anti-cold;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antioxidant and other means.

How to prepare a decoction correctly:

  • To prepare a decoction, you need to take 10 g of finely ground root, place in a bowl and add 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Cover the mixture and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, remembering to stir.
  • Remove from heat and leave for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  • The mixture is then filtered and the residue is squeezed out. Bring the resulting volume to 0.5 l with boiled water.

It is necessary to save at a temperature below 0 C, no longer than 2 days.

Drink 80 ml. pre-heating, 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

The treatment of constipation is effective with the following composition. 1 st. brew a spoonful of chopped roots. Leave for 15 minutes, strain and consume. ¼ cup 3 times will help normalize the stool. The main thing is not to forget to drink this miraculous natural medicine 30 minutes before meals.

  • Milk extract of dandelion

1 tsp a root for 250 ml of milk tones the intestines, treats problems with stools, and is a useful remedy for hemorrhoids.

  • Dandelion Root Powder

For constipation, Taraxacum officinale powder is used. Use 0.5 teaspoon with water 25-30 minutes before meals 3 times.

How to apply healing powder yellow handsome with atherosclerosis?

Grind dry root material and take 1 tbsp. 3 times during the day. It tastes bitter, so it is better not to chew, hold it in your mouth until saliva envelops, then swallow. Best used with honey or sweet syrup.

  • Collection with dandelion for insomnia

Helps normalize sleep next collection. It is necessary to mix 1 part of lemon balm and roots with 2 parts of mint. 1 tsp collection pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take half a cup before bed. It is recommended to add honey if the patient does not suffer from allergies.

The roots collected in the first month of spring are used for inflammation. lymph nodes. Grind the dug roots to a state of porridge. Place the mixture in gauze and attach to the lymph node. Fix the compress with a bandage and hold for 40 minutes. The same recipe will help cure the bumps formed during hemorrhoids.

  • Dandelion spirit tincture

Alcohol tincture is also popular. 2/3 cup finely chopped roots pour 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka.

Then cork the bottle and hide for 14 days in a place where light does not penetrate. Shake the contents every 3 days.

This drug treats epilepsy, diseases of the joints, increases immunity. For therapeutic purposes, drink 1 tbsp. spoon at least 3 times a day.

  • Dandelion coffee

Sun flower root can be used to replace coffee.

A lover of such a drink will be able to boast beautiful skin, calm character and a cheerful mood is provided.

This coffee normalizes metabolic processes in the body and has a calming effect, so it is perfect for the night.

But hypertensive patients should not take the drink, because it increases blood pressure !!!

If you add fried acorns to the fried roots in a ratio of 1:2:7, then coffee will be useful for people suffering from diabetes (1 tsp per glass of milk). And for healthy people- This is a healing preventive nectar, moreover, it is tasty.

How to make dandelion coffee:

  1. To prepare miracle coffee, cut the washed and dried roots into pieces 2-3 cm thick and dry at small temperature in the oven until light brown.
  2. The roots processed in this way are ground, mixed with crushed chicory 1:1. For brewing, take 1 tsp. funds for 1 tbsp. boiling water.

The roasted roots of the plant are sweetish. The sugar in the roots caramelizes and gives the drink a distinctive coffee flavor and color.

The drink is especially tasty with the addition of honey and lemon. By the way, this original drink is known as "Azawa's coffee" and is named after the Japanese scientist and nutritionist J. Azawa. It was he who told the world about him, and claimed that this miracle drink is healing for patients with arthritis, rheumatism, people with heart and nervous system problems.

  • Dandelion Root Ointment

For burns, abscesses, ulcers, bedsores on help will come root ointment.

The powder must be mixed to
obtaining a viscous mixture with molten wax. To harden it must be put in a cold place.

To obtain therapeutic effect ointment should be used externally, it must be applied to the affected areas.

  • Dandelion Powder

To prepare the powder, the roots are ground into a powder. The resulting powder has many useful properties and a lot of applications.

It can be used as a component of facial masks. It will help in the battle with toxins, inflammation, age spots and acne.

The powder can be used to enrich lotions, creams, ointments. Powder can be added to shampoos and hair products.

This will nourish the epithelium of the head and hair roots, help to give the depleted curls smoothness and spectacular shine.

For women with inflamed skin, a mixture of massage oil and powder is suitable. In addition to all of the above, the powder is an excellent additive for all kinds of home-made cosmetology products.

Soaps, lotions, scrubs and creams with the addition of powder will delight exhausted dry skin.

As you can see, dandelion preparations affect the processes of regulating the balance of fluid in the body, the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and are used in the treatment of destructive processes in the joints. You can learn more about this by watching this video.

Contraindications to the use of dandelion root

Despite its healing properties and benefits, dandelion root is characterized by a number of contraindications.

People suffering from gastritis, bile duct blockage or ulcers while using folk remedies from dandelion root can provoke severe vomiting and diarrhea.

TO backfire may cause medication in the presence of stones in the gallbladder.

Due to laxative properties, dandelion roots should be limited or used with increased caution those people who suffer from frequent disorders intestines.

Also, contraindications apply to people suffering from allergies and individual intolerance.

It is forbidden to take dandelion preparations for stomach diseases accompanied by high acidity gastric juice.

A stomach ulcer in the acute phase is also important contraindication for taking infusions and decoctions from dandelion roots.

Infographic about dandelion root and its properties

Here is such a "miracle weed".

Unfortunately, it can concentrate substances hazardous to health. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect material near busy roads, industrial enterprises and other polluting objects of national activity.

By the way, due to the fact that the dandelion is unpretentious, it is possible to allocate a part of the garden or garden in the country for its cultivation.

It would seem that the dandelion is just an ordinary flower, field plant, which generously decorates spring lawns and looks like a small reflection of the sun.

Meanwhile, its inflorescences and leaves contain such a pantry of useful substances and trace elements that you simply wonder how nature prudently combined a modest appearance and the great benefits of this plant.

Most healers call dandelion the "elixir of life", as it contains many substances that help get rid of many diseases and improve the overall health of the body.

In particular, 100 grams of dandelion contains:

  • Retinol or vitamin A - 56%, which is responsible for increasing immunity, the body's fight against viruses, and also for improving vision.
  • Tocopheron or vitamin E - 23%, which is needed to improve metabolism, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, cell restoration, not to mention the improvement of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin C - 39%, which prevents the accumulation of toxins, improves the functioning of all systems and prevents early aging not only skin, but also internal organs.
  • Vitamins B - 13%, which contributes external beauty, and this is the health of hair, nails, skin, as well as nourishing the body with energy and getting rid of insomnia.
  • Vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and the distribution of nutrients throughout the body.

Dandelion also contains the following macro and micro elements:

  • potassium - 16%,
  • calcium - 19%,
  • magnesium - 9%,
  • phosphorus - 8%,
  • iron,
  • manganese, copper 17% each.

The plant also contains:

  • carbohydrates - 2%,
  • proteins - 5%,
  • fats - 1.

That means low calorie dandelion, only 45 kilocalories.

It should be noted that dandelion, unlike other plants, is useful for all its components, that is unique properties possess and root, and leaves, and inflorescences. In particular:

  • 100 grams of leaves contain 338% vitamin A, 649% vitamin K, 58% vitamin C, 23% vitamin E, not to mention iron, manganese and calcium;
  • 100 grams of roots contain 40% inulin, 5% ascorbic acid, 18% glucose, as well as copper, manganese, cobalt, selenium, boron;
  • 100 grams of flowers contain carotenoids, nicotinic acid, saponites, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium.

By the way, this perennial plant can be called the most unpretentious, because it grows almost everywhere where there is fertile soil and a little moisture, which is typical for the forest-steppe zone of Russia, Belarus and the Caucasus.

As a rule, the first dandelion sprouts appear in the spring in late April - early May in the form of jagged leaves, which then give rise to a small copy of the sun, consisting of bright rays. yellow color, which eventually disappear and by the end of summer turn into white hairs of fluff.

Medicinal properties of herbs and contraindications

Given the rich palette of useful substances of dandelion, it is widely used to treat many diseases, both in traditional medicine and non-traditional.

So, dandelion helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a choleretic, diuretic, which is typical for leaves that can be used not only in the form of decoctions, but also used in fresh in salads.

The leaves help to increase appetite, have the property of general healing of the body, this product is recommended for use in a healthy diet.

Dandelion has blood-purifying, bactericidal and antiviral properties, thanks to which, with the help of a decoction of the roots, you can fight colds and any inflammatory processes in the body.

A decoction of the roots of the plant can also be used as a tonic, because it can give strength and increase the energy reserve in the body.

It should be noted about another feature of the dandelion, or rather about its flowers, which contain a unique saponin. It prevents the development of cancer cells, and therefore contributes to the prevention cancer. A decoction of dandelion flowers can be used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an antispasmodic.

Dandelion has the following properties:

  • enhances immunity and helps regulate the immune system;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body and removes fats and toxins, not to mention the fact that the juice of this plant prevents the formation cholesterol plaques and promotes weight loss
  • cleanses the blood and promotes hematopoiesis, is indicated for use in anemia and various diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • improves the structure of the skin, which is manifested in the disappearance of acne and various skin rashes, the acquisition of skin elasticity and a radiant complexion;
  • contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, which is manifested in increased cell elasticity, as well as in increasing the tone of the skin.

Flower in the treatment of diseases

Dandelion is recommended for use in gout and rheumatism, cholelithiasis, hepatic colic, any inflammatory processes in the body, dysfunction thyroid gland and with tuberculosis, skin rashes and hypertension, with atherosclerosis and increased fatigue.

Dandelion is also indicated for violations of the housing and communal services, nervous disorders and insomnia, for fractures, for speedy recovery bone structure, with fragility of the skeleton and muscles, which is important for the elderly, and to increase lactation.

Application in medicine

Given the undoubted benefits of dandelion, as well as the centuries-old experience of its use in non-traditional treatment, in currently the plant is actively used in the treatment of many diseases and in traditional medicine.

The crushed root is available in the form of capsules or compressed tablets, and the flowers and leaves are present in pharmacies in the form of tea or herbal preparations with detailed instruction by application. Decoctions and infusions of dandelion are also made.

Application in cosmetology

Decoctions from dandelion tone up and help cleanse the skin, so the plant is actively used in cosmetology. Also, the flower helps to rejuvenate the skin and therefore its components are included in various anti-aging creams.

Considering that with the help of dandelion you can also improve hair, the plant is part of medicated shampoos and rinse aids. Dandelion extract is also present in antifungal creams, which is important when there are problems with the nail plates. You can also use it for those who suffer from a lack of vitamins in the body.

Contraindications and harm

Despite a solid list of useful properties and diseases in which dandelion is indicated for use, there are some contraindications.

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • blockage of the bile ducts in the presence of large stones.

Otherwise, dandelion has no contraindications and, subject to the recommended dosage, will not cause harm.

If the dose is exceeded, vomiting or diarrhea is possible, therefore, when taking, you should strictly follow the instructions both when preparing decoctions and when taking them.

Healing recipes and their health benefits

Each of the components of the dandelion, both ground and underground, has its own properties.


As a rule, juice is prepared from fresh leaves, which are thoroughly washed, dried, chopped with a knife or in a blender, and then squeezed out the liquid.

Juice is used as an antipyretic and antispasmodic, by ingestion in a diluted form (½ juice, ½ boiled water). You can wipe your face with acne and age spots, as a bleaching agent.

Freshly squeezed medicinal juice mixed with rice broth helps with atherosclerosis, and adding carrot juice can get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Healing jam

Dandelion jam is made according to a recipe from inflorescences, which in the process heat treatment slightly lose some useful properties, but, nevertheless, benefit.

Jam is used to increase appetite and digestive problems, to remove stones.

A few tablespoons of the product a day will help prevent asthma attacks and improve heart function.

Alcohol and vodka tincture

Dandelion tincture is prepared from all the components of the plant, which is crushed and poured with vodka or alcohol. The resulting mixture is used for gallstone or urolithiasis, with constipation, metabolic disorders, kidney diseases and various skin diseases. Also, tincture can be used for metabolic disorders and hypertension.

A mixture of leaves and roots

Prepared from dandelions and potion, using the roots and leaves of this plant. They are crushed, poured with boiling water and insisted, and then taken for chronic liver diseases or as a means of reducing cholesterol in the blood.

Dandelion potion can also be used as a diaphoretic or tonic in case of loss of strength or insomnia.

Dandelion honey

No less healthy is dandelion honey, for which only inflorescences collected at noon are used, since it is at this time of day that the flower has the greatest sweetness when making honey. Dandelion honey is used for colds, as it has both anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. It is used for cholecystitis and cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and joint pain.

Dandelion salad

Dandelion is also used in food as one of the ingredients for vitamin salads. IN pure form dandelion leaves are bitter, so they are dipped in ice water or doused with boiling water.

How to prepare, how to store?

Dandelions are known to bloom only in the spring, although the leaves can be harvested in the summer, and the roots can be obtained in the fall. people get sick all year round, respectively, for the preparation of decoctions and tinctures, the above ingredients are constantly needed, especially in the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is more expedient to prepare a dandelion during its growth period, but only in a way that allows you to save the largest number useful substances.


Dandelion can be dried. The leaves are harvested in May before the flowers appear, that is, during the period when they have not yet acquired bitterness. The leaves are cut, washed thoroughly, and laid out on a clean cloth to dry in a free order so that they do not stick together and become covered with a putrefactive coating.

Flowers are harvested in June, preferably at noon, when they are fully opened and have more strength and beneficial substances. The inflorescences are carefully cut, and then laid out on paper or a clean cloth to dry in a chaotic manner and not tightly so that the flowers do not rot and wrinkle. Previously, the flowers must be checked for the presence of insects and impurities from other herbs.

The roots are harvested in the fall, carefully digging out, keeping their integrity. The extracted root is cleaned from the ground, washed thoroughly under running water and dried on fresh air until the cracks no longer stand out white juice. Then they are laid out on paper and dried indoors.

Store dried dandelion ingredients in a cool and dark place in linen bags to avoid moisture and insects.

It is better to collect dandelion in places remote from settlements and roadways, as exhaust gases from cars not only settle on roadside plants, but also accumulate, and then enter the human body along with medicinal tinctures.


If there is no way to dry the dandelion, then you can freeze it. They are well stored frozen and at the same time do not lose their properties of inflorescences and roots. Dandelion inflorescences must be collected, washed, dried, and then placed in plastic bag and freeze.

The roots must be dug up, cleaned of dirt, dried a little in the fresh air and placed in the freezer, preferably with dry freezing. Thus, the plant will retain its beneficial substances in full.

Dandelion is not in vain considered the “elixir of life”. With the help of this plant, it is possible not only to get rid of many diseases, but also to improve the body, which is so important in our age, polluted with toxins and harmful preservatives. In addition, dandelion can not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also significantly diversify daily diet, especially in the summer, when vitamins grow literally under your feet.

With the advent of spring days, when the earth warms up from the first rays of the sun, cheerful and freedom-loving yellow flowers - dandelions - begin to appear here and there. Freedom-loving, because they cannot live in captivity, they quickly wither in a vase. And cheerful, because a clearing of bright yellow flowers able to fill any person with a good mood. However, few people know that dandelion is not only pleasing to the eye, but also incredibly beneficial to health. Today we will talk about dandelion root - its beneficial properties, method of application and precautions that should be observed in such a treatment.

How to prepare dandelion root

A few centuries ago, in the villages, women always harvested dandelion root - every good housewife should have had it. Still, the root replaced a good half medicines, perfectly influenced many human organs. You need to collect dandelion root either in early spring, when the plant has not yet let out all its healing juices up, or in autumn, when the leaves begin to fade. It is better to collect the roots in the fall - during the summer the root has time to pour and collect many useful components. In summer, it is impossible to collect the root - all the strength of the plant at this time is in the leaves and flowers.

You will need a shovel to harvest the root. Dig up large and mature plants - their roots are larger. After digging, the roots must be cleaned of stems, leaves and small cobwebs of roots. The root must be washed, and the sooner the better. If possible, the root should be washed immediately in a river or other body of water. Place the roots in a basket and fill it with water several times. The roots need to be slightly dried for several hours so that the cut site stops emitting white milk. And only after that the dandelion roots are removed for the main drying.

It is necessary to dry useful and valuable roots in a well-ventilated and shady place. An attic is perfect. It is impossible to dry the roots in the sun - the useful component of the glycoside is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. For quick drying, you can place the roots in the oven. The roots can be passed through a meat grinder, and only after that the pulp can be dried, stirring it regularly. So the raw material will dry much faster, but will be stored for less time. A well-dried root is quite dense, it breaks with a bang. Outside, the roots are dark, and on the fault they have a lighter shade. Store dandelion root in a canvas bag, wooden box or cardboard box. Be sure to put cotton wool soaked in chlorophyllipt in the container. This will protect the cooked product from rodents and pests.

Medicinal properties of dandelion root

Many healers compare dandelion root with ginseng root - it is so wide and varied. therapeutic effect. It contains numerous acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, others useful components. Due to this, the root has a tremendous effect on the body.

In addition, the root is effective for various cosmetic problems. The decoction perfectly brightens age spots, relieves freckles and unwanted tanning. Dandelion is widely used in problematic skin. Anti-inflammatory properties help to get rid of acne and blackheads.

As a rule, either a decoction or an alcohol tincture is prepared from the root. For a decoction, the roots need to be crushed and put in a glass jar. Pour in boiling water. For a liter of boiling water, you will need about two tablespoons of chopped raw materials. It is impossible to boil a decoction on an open fire - and you will lose all the beneficial properties of the medicine. Close and wrap the jar to absorb the liquid. valuable properties root, let it brew for about two hours. This decoction is perfect for treatment - it is usually recommended to drink it on an empty stomach. For cosmetic purposes, a more concentrated decoction is prepared - about the same amount of raw materials per glass of boiling water.

The tincture is used for longer storage and treatment. To prepare it, fill a dark glass bottle with crushed roots, fill it with alcohol or vodka, let it brew in a cool place for about two to three weeks. Shake the bottle periodically to make the tincture more concentrated and rich. Tincture should be drunk for medicinal purposes, 15-20 drops, diluted in a small amount of water. Dandelion root tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for about three months.

Contraindications for Dandelion Root

Any, even the most potent folk or medicinal medicine has its own number of contraindications. And dandelion root is no exception. First of all, you need to understand that such remedies for constipation cannot be used when food poisoning, dysentery and diarrhoea. This can lead to aggravation of the situation and dehydration of the body. Also, the root cannot be used if the bile ducts are clogged or too large stones are located in the gallbladder. A decoction can provoke their movement, which will lead to pain.

As noted, dandelion root enhances the production of gastric juice. However, if you have gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, such an effect of the drug will only aggravate the course of the disease. In the presence of chronic diseases Before using any decoctions and tinctures, you should consult your doctor.

Dandelion - amazing plant. From its leaves, stems and roots are prepared medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Boiled from flowers delicious jam and make rich wine. And if dry dandelion roots are fried and brewed, you can get delicious drink similar to coffee. Young dandelion leaves are added as greens to salads. The milk of a freshly cut stem perfectly discolors freckles. Dandelion is not a weed, it is a gift of nature that must be used wisely.

Video: what dandelion root heals

Dandelion, and its useful and medicinal properties. The benefits of dandelion are manifested when it is used for liver diseases, diabetes, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia. Dandelion is one of those plants that almost everyone talks about. It is also medicinal. The benefits of dandelion as a medicinal plant are irreplaceable; dandelion is widely used in folk medicine as various extracts, extracts, and infusions. Dandelion ripens in May-June. The whole plant contains milky sap. Already in ancient times, dandelion was highly valued as treatment plant. The antioxidants found in dandelion help normal functioning liver, and also prevent it from aging. dandelion like medicinal plant used by other doctors Ancient Greece and Rome. Dandelion has been used for food since ancient times. Dandelion contains a large number of useful substances: choline, B vitamins, carotene, tocopherol, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and iron.

Dandeliondrug, or Dandelion field, or Dandelion pharmacy, or Dandelion ordinary (lat. Taraxácum officinále) - the most known species from the genus Dandelion Asteraceae family.
For therapeutic purposes, dandelion root (lat. Radix Taraxaci), leaves, grass, juice are used. Leaves, grass and juice are harvested in June, roots - in early spring or late autumn in the stage of wilting leaves, dried in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. The healing and beneficial properties of dandelion are used to treat many ailments and diseases.

In the spring, during flowering, it gives honey bees a large amount of pollen, which contains a lot of sugar, proteins and fats. Dandelion nectar is collected by bees in small quantities and not always.

Dandelion is familiar to everyone. It is a perennial plant of the Compositae family. Leaves basal, in the form of a rosette, strongly dissected; flower baskets are golden yellow, located on a straight leafless stem-arrow. When ripe, "parachutes" are formed with seeds that are easily carried away by a breath of breeze. Hence the name. Among the people, dandelion is also called dandelion, milker, milk jug, odeuy-ilesh, grandmother, tooth root.

About 1000 species of this plant are found in nature, of which about 70 species are used by humans. Dandelion is distributed throughout the planet, except for the Far North and deserts. Central Asia.

Useful substances in dandelion

milky dandelion juice contains taraxacin and taraxacerin, 2-3% rubber substances, and dandelion flowers and leaves- taraxanthin, flavoxanthin, vitamins C, A, B2, E, PP, choline, saponins, resins, salts of manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, up to 5% protein, which makes them nutritious foods. In dandelion roots contains triterpene compounds: taraxasterol, taraxerol, pseudotaraxasterol, β-amirin; sterols: β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, taraxol; carbohydrates: up to 40% inulin; fatty oil, which includes glycerides of palmitic, lemon balm, linoleic, oleic, cerotinic acids; rubber, proteins, mucus, resins, etc. In flower baskets and dandelion leaves found taraxanthin, flavoxanthin, lutein, triterpene alcohols, arnidiol, faradiol.

Useful properties of dandelion

Dandelion roots and leaves contain bitter glycosides taraxacin and taraxacerin, resinous substances, rubber, asparagine, choline, organic acids, dyes, fixed oils, vitamins and other substances. The leaves contain vitamin C, saponins, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Dandelion is an excellent honey plant, honey from it turns out to be thick, golden, fragrant, with a rather sharp taste. The plant has a choleretic, antipyretic, laxative, expectorant, sedative, antispasmodic and mild hypnotic effect.

Application of dandelion

Dandelion has been used by humans since ancient times. In Western Europe, it has long been cultivated as a garden plant. Prepared from young dandelion leaves vitamin salads, mashed potatoes, cook cabbage soup and soups. Dandelion salad is useful for beriberi, it improves metabolism and helps to restore harmony to the figure. Such a delicacy as pickled flower buds is also very useful - they look great in vinaigrettes and hodgepodges. Dandelion wine has long been made in England; the famous story by R. Bradbury is called “Dandelion Wine”. The blooming flowers are used to make jam that tastes like honey. Roasted roots can be used to make a coffee substitute.

In China, all parts of the dandelion are used as an antipyretic, tonic, and diaphoretic. It is prescribed at poor appetite, furunculosis, inflammation of the lymph glands, various skin diseases, with insufficient milk in nursing mothers. The leaves are considered an antidote for venomous snake bites.

In Tajik folk medicine, dandelion is considered useful in the treatment of gonorrhea. Salad from young leaves is used for anemia and general weakness.

In the Czech Republic, it is used as a choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic agent.

In folk medicine in Bulgaria, it is recommended for the treatment of inflammation of the liver, gallbladder diseases, against gallstones, with jaundice. It is believed to have a calming effect on stones, sand, and other kidney and bladder ailments. It is used for incomplete absorption of fats, flatulence, constipation, and also as an antihelminthic.

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, in Germany, dandelion root is used for insufficient spleen function.

Dandelion in folk medicine

Especially widely dandelion is used in medicine. It helps with atherosclerosis, liver diseases, kidney and gallbladder stones and inflammatory diseases kidneys. Dandelion is also used for poisoning and intoxication, cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, low potassium levels, edema, poor appetite, gastritis with low acidity, joint diseases.

Dandelion juice is the most valuable tonic and tonic. raw juice dandelion mixed with turnip leaf juice and carrot juice helps with diseases of the bones and spine and gives strength to the teeth. Taken before meals, 2-3 tablespoons of dandelion juice, mixed with other healthy wild herbs will give the body almost all the substances it needs. The bitter substances of dandelion stimulate the functions of the liver, destroy stones and remove sand from the gallbladder.

An infusion of dandelion roots is a tonic, diaphoretic and blood purifier. Dandelion roots are beneficial for diabetics as they are hypoglycemic agent; they are part of the herbal preparations for weight loss. Dandelion root powder helps to restore metabolism, heal wounds, ulcers, burns, bedsores.

The plant has a choleretic, antipyretic, laxative, expectorant, sedative, antispasmodic and mild hypnotic effect.

An aqueous infusion of roots and leaves improves digestion, appetite and general exchange substances, enhances the secretion of milk in lactating women, increases general tone organism.

Due to the presence of biological active substances dandelion food gruel passes through the intestines faster, and this helps to reduce fermentation processes in colitis.

Experimentally, in the chemical and pharmacological study of dandelion, anti-tuberculosis, antiviral, fungicidal, anthelmintic, anticarcinogenic and antidiabetic properties were confirmed.

Dried dandelion root powder is used to enhance excretion from the body. harmful substances with sweat and urine, as an anti-sclerotic agent, for gout, rheumatism.

A decoction, a thick extract is used as bitterness to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands and as a choleretic agent.

Dandelion is very popular in folk cosmetics: a mask of fresh leaves nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, and an infusion of flowers whitens freckles and age spots.


Dandelion in nutrition

Dandelion has long been used as food by various peoples, it was consumed by both the ancient Chinese and the first settlers in the Americas.

Its young leaves are practically devoid of bitterness and therefore are often used to make salads and borscht, jam is made from dandelion flowers and wine is made, “dandelion honey” is made from opened buds, and a coffee surrogate is made from roasted roots.

In the British Isles, a very pleasant and popular wine in England has been made from dandelion flowers for a long time. This wine was sung by R. Bradbury in his story “Dandelion Wine”.

In early spring, dandelion leaves are used to make salads. In this case, the leaves are immersed for 30-40 minutes in saline solution to greatly reduce their bitterness.

In some countries, the leaves are fermented like cabbage, spring leaves are pickled.

Dandelion leaf salad

Ingredients: green onion - 3-4 arrows, parsley - 5 sprigs, dill - 5 sprigs, dandelion (leaves) - 90 g, olive oil - 2 tbsp. l., balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp, pepper, salt.

Sort the dandelion leaves, wash and dip in a bowl of salted cold water for 30 minutes to remove bitterness. Drain in a colander, letting the water drain. Dry and then chop finely. Also chop parsley and onion. Combine with dandelion leaves, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with vinegar, salt, pepper and season with olive oil. Decorate with dill sprigs.

Dandelion Root: Benefits and Applications

Dandelion root is a vertical brown, and on the cut is white, a powerful rod. The composition of the roots different types dandelions include rubber, and in the fall, inulin accumulates there. It helps fight bile and promotes healing and strengthening of the liver.

Roots are harvested either in early spring or late autumn. Then they are well washed from the ground with cold water and cut into four pieces along. Dry either in the sun or in a dryer, where the temperature is 40-50 ° C.

Roots are used in many areas of pharmacology and traditional medicine. It can be in the form of syrup, powder and tincture. The main methods of using the roots of a flower, in all its forms, are written below.

To increase appetite, reduce spasms, cleanse the blood, it is recommended to use tincture from dandelion root. It is also a pretty good laxative. And they prepare it according to this recipe: take 1 tablespoon of roots per 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 1/3 cup for 15 minutes. before meals 3-4 times a day. Drinking a tincture from the roots of a plant is possible not only in order to strengthen the appetite and, but also as cholagogue.

Dandelion root is used for gastritis with secretory insufficiency, then the bitterness of dandelion will increase the secretion of gastric juice, for diabetes, for chronic spastic and atonic constipation (here, decoctions are used as a laxative). Doctors advise the use of dandelion for cholecystitis, cholangitis, gallstone disease and hepatitis, since in this case the root acts as a choleretic agent. Both doctors and folk healers, dandelion roots are used as a means that speeds up the metabolism. Also, their use is prescribed as a remedy for sclerosis.

In folk medicine, dandelion root tincture is used to treat abdominal pain, sexually transmitted diseases, eczema, anemia, gout, allergies, to stimulate milk flow in lactating women. A decoction - for hemorrhoids, pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases. Lotions from the root of the plant are made for eye diseases. The powder is used for burns, frostbite, ulcers, bedsores and festering wounds.

If you have a noise in your head, you need to eat dandelion root grated on a coarse grater with carrot root and other salad greens for the whole summer, seasoning the salad with oil.

Dandelion officinalis is a herbaceous perennial from the Asteraceae family. A yellow flower familiar to everyone since childhood, the pollen of which stains hands in a sunny color, and the juice is difficult to wash off from skin and clothes, is useful and valuable plant with a wide range of medicinal properties.

In nature, it is found everywhere and is considered by gardeners as an annoying weed. Due to the easy, well-known method of reproduction, the plant disperses over vast areas and takes root well even on poor and dry soils.

Favorite places of growth - along roads, near housing, on lawns, flower beds and beds. Actively inhabits meadows, gardens, glades, edges and banks of water bodies, mountainous terrain. Distributed in subtropical, cold and temperate climatic zones. On the territory of Russia (even in the tundra zone), Belarus, Ukraine, it is found everywhere.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion are well studied, which allows the plant to be used with health benefits.

Morphological description

The vertical branched root up to 0.6 m long is thickened up to 20 mm in diameter, it has a brown color on the outside, and a core inside white color. Dandelion leaves have a pinnately dissected oblong shape, collected in a basal rosette.

A cylindrical arrow-peduncle with a hollow middle ends with a single rounded basket 20-50 mm in diameter. Dandelion flowers are reed, collected in inflorescences and have a rich yellow color.

The fruit is a pubescent seed. Seeds are scattered with the help of umbrellas over long distances.

The plant contains thick milk - juice, which is rich in all parts.

The flowering period falls on April-May, as well as at the beginning of summer. It bears fruit for a long time, from the beginning of summer and actually until mid-autumn - about 200 seeds are obtained from one yellow flower.

Plant collection and harvesting

In folk medicine, the healing properties of the dandelion root and its aerial part are valued, respectively, and they are harvested.

The roots are harvested in autumn and early spring: carefully dug with a shovel, shaken off the ground, cut off the leaves and washed well under water. After that, the root is dried in air for about 4-5 days, then dried in ventilated rooms or in dryers at t from 40 to 50°C.

Plant blanks are stored for 5 years.

Chemical composition and properties

Surprisingly, the familiar dandelion traditional healers called the "elixir of life". Useful chemical composition characteristic of all parts of the plant:

  • Vitamins A, PP, E, C, group B, vitamin-like substance inositol;
  • Trace elements: manganese, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, boron, cobalt, copper.
  • organic acids;
  • Substances of terpene nature: tetrahydrodentine, lactucopicrin, taraxolide, taraxic acid;
  • Glycosides: taraxanthin, flavoxanthin;
  • Sterols: sitosterol and stigmasterol;
  • The amino acid asparagine;
  • Polysaccharide inulin;
  • Flavonoids: tricine, luteolin, chrysoeriol;
  • Oils;
  • bitterness;
  • resins;
  • Tannins.

Dandelion has a beneficial tonic effect and improves overall well-being. Normalizes metabolism, gastrointestinal function. Reduces cholesterol levels. Helps with heart failure and hypertension.

  • It has analgesic, bile and diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, laxative, sedative, tonic effects.
  • It has anticarcinogenic activity.
  • There is evidence of antiviral, antituberculous, fungicidal and anthelmintic properties of the plant.
  • Acts as a mild diuretic, while supplying the body with potassium, washed out with urine.
  • Purifies the blood, activates the synthesis of leukocytes and erythrocytes.

Folk recipes

Recipes that contain dandelions are simply impossible to list. The plant is effective in chronic pathologies of the liver, kidneys (especially inflammatory nature), kidney stones and gallbladder. Helps with atherosclerosis. Used for poisoning, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, edema various genesis, reduced level potassium, poor appetite, gastritis with reduced acidity, with joint pathologies. Dandelion can be found in complex herbal teas with a wide range of applications.

  • The easiest, most affordable way to treat is to eat the plant. In cooking, fresh, canned and dry dandelions are used. Add it to the first and second courses, snacks and drinks. Very common healthy desserts- jam, marshmallow and honey.
  • Dried aerial parts are used to brew tea. A kind of coffee substitute is made from the dried root.
  • Young, tender leaves are suitable for salads, which is especially recommended for beriberi, improves metabolism and helps to lose weight. To eliminate the characteristic taste of bitterness, the leaves can be soaked in salted water for about 30 minutes. However, it is this bitterness that is beneficial for the body.
  • Dandelion juice is a valuable tonic and tonic, and a remedy recommended for beriberi. Helps to normalize the acidity of gastric juice. Assign with stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, atherosclerosis, anemia, to improve appetite, diabetes. Effective for cleansing the blood with furunculosis, allergies. Old-timers advise dandelion juice to strengthen bones for the elderly and for the treatment of rickets - for children. Also recommended in the fight against cancer. Juice is obtained from all parts of the plant, which are strongly crushed and soaked in a small amount of water (extraction). Take from ¼ cup to 200 ml daily mixed with honey or oatmeal broth. Outwardly, fresh, undiluted juice is used to remove freckles, warts, corns, pigmentation, eczema, and also to reduce the severity allergic reaction with bee stings.
  • To preserve juice, squeeze it without dilution with water and mix with an equal part of vodka. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day
  • Infusions and decoctions are prepared from roots, leaves and flowers. Take 1 tbsp. dry raw materials from the outer parts of the plant and 1 tsp. dried roots for 0.2 liters of boiling water. In the case of infusion, it is kept for 2-3 hours in a thermos, the broth is boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 1-2 tbsp. (dose may be increased to 1/3 cup) between meals for the main indications. If we are talking about the treatment of depression or insomnia, be sure to take the medicine at bedtime as well.


Helps with: lack of appetite, constipation, as a choleretic agent for liver pathologies, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, spleen, atherosclerosis, gastritis, anemia, diabetes mellitus (activates the production of own insulin). Effective remedy with venereal diseases, abdominal pain, eczema, skin rash and allergies. It is prescribed for hypo- and beriberi, metabolic disorders, colitis, headaches, abdominal cramps, poor appetite, gout. Dandelion infusion for women is prescribed for inflammatory diseases and hormonal changes.


It helps with chronic constipation, hypoacid gastritis, hemorrhoids, general weakness, beriberi. Outwardly: on the basis of a decoction, eye lotions are made for inflammation of the tissues, foci of furunculosis, skin rashes are treated.

Alcohol tincture

Fresh flowers are poured with whole vodka and infused in a dark place for 3 weeks, then the raw material is squeezed out and the resulting tincture is taken 40 ml 2 times a day. It is especially recommended after severe hypothermia and at the initial signs of colds and flu.

Dry Root Powder

Prepared by grinding dry raw materials. Helps with atherosclerosis and is applied orally 1 tsp. 3 times a day with water. Externally used to treat skin diseases (burns, eczema).


To obtain an ointment, the roots and leaves are washed and dried, finely chopped and poured with vegetable oil 1: 5, insisted in the dark for 15 days. The resulting remedy is excellent for burns (at the stage of regeneration), non-healing wounds, and is used in the treatment of bedsores.

Dandelion oil

Place dandelion flowers (1/3) in a container, washed and dried from water, pour vegetable oil so that it completely covers the flowers and boil on the smallest fire for 40 minutes. Indications are similar to the use of ointment.

Dandelion honey

300 gr. free baskets from green leaves and stems, rinse and pour 0.2 liters of water, boil for 3 minutes, turn off. Add 1 crushed lemon (without peel) to the mixture and leave for 6-8 hours. From 1 glass of water, 1 kg of sugar, boil the syrup. Strain the dandelion-lemon infusion and pour into sugar syrup, cook for about half an hour on the smallest fire. Pour into sterile jars.

Taken with tea and milk, 1 tsp. 3 times / day. It can be used instead of sugar, as well as confiture for a sandwich. It is indicated for the improvement of the liver, improvement of digestion, restoration of intestinal biocenosis, normalization of the gallbladder, prevention and therapy. colds(especially flowing with a cough).

Compresses, lotions

The basis for the compress is prepared according to the recipe of the infusion and is used to reduce the symptoms of arthrosis, gout.

Dandelion Pharmaceuticals

The plant is a part of collections and herbal teas, both mono- and polycomponent. There are other dosage forms.

  • It is part of the popular German drug aristachol. It is indicated for infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the biliary tract and liver and after operations on them, with jaundice, initial stage cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Dandelion oil. It has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect and is used externally for the treatment of ulcers, burns, joint diseases (for rubbing).
  • Available in homeopathic remedy galsten, used for pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, as well as for pancreatitis.
  • BAA "Dandelion" in the form of capsules. Recommended as an additional source of vitamin C.


Dandelion is not recommended for acute conditions frolicking against the background of blockage of the biliary tract. Use with caution in patients with peptic ulcer and gastritis with hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid(according to some sources - contraindicated).

The decision on the treatment of pregnant, lactating women and children should be made jointly with the doctor.

Overdose and side effects

Overdose leads to reactions in the form of diarrhea and vomiting. Adverse reactions: diuretic effect, heartburn, diarrhea, allergic rash on the skin.



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