Coriander treatment. What are the benefits of coriander seeds? Interesting facts and features of the plant

As you know, many spices not only add a special taste and aroma to food, but are also intended for medicinal purposes. One such spice is coriander, whose beneficial properties have been used thousands of years ago.

IN medicinal purposes The fruits and leaves of the plant are harvested, the product can also be consumed in the form of seeds, and coriander oil is used as an analgesic and choleretic agent.

Coriander is widely used by those people who want to lose overweight and look beautiful. The fruits of the plant have low calorie content, due to which they are used in diet menu. This plant is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, so it is in great demand and popularity.

Coriander: beneficial properties

The leaves of the plant contain carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2. Can be found in fruits essential oils, amino acids, useful material, microelements. It is especially worth highlighting the presence of alkaloids, starch, tannins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of almost all human organs.

Beneficial features coriander can be listed for a very long time, and all of them have proven their effectiveness in practice.

How is coriander useful during illnesses?

  1. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, you should consume the fruits of the plant, which enhance the production of gastric juice, restore metabolic processes in organism.
  2. Healing infusions and decoctions based on coriander have choleretic and antimicrobial properties.
  3. Coriander: the beneficial properties of the product also help get rid of excess freckles. Coriander oil is used for this.
  4. For stomach ulcers, it is recommended to consume coriander fruits along with dried sea buckthorn.

Is coriander good for weight loss? There can be no doubt about it, although the product increases a person's appetite, it does not contain many calories. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, which promotes rapid digestion of food in the body.

In other words, the benefits of coriander can be seen in almost everything: in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and even for weight loss.

Coriander: contraindications

Every person knows that abuse of any product can lead to undesirable consequences. This plant was no exception, because coriander can only be harmful if you consume it in unlimited quantities.

The contraindications of coriander are as follows:

  • should not be used by people who have increased coagulability blood;
  • It is contraindicated to apply coriander-based preparations to bleeding wounds;
  • during pregnancy it is worth minimizing the use of the product;
  • You should avoid the product if you have hypertension, thrombosis and some cardiovascular diseases.

Now you know why coriander is harmful, and in what cases you should not lose weight with its help. In any case, check this question with your attending physician, who has seen your blood tests and knows all the features of your body.

Coriander and weight loss

This unique grass also suitable for weight loss. Many women, wanting to look slimmer and more beautiful, go on exhausting diets and spend hours in the gym. However, not everyone knows about wonderful properties coriander, which can help you lose a few extra pounds in a fairly short period of time.

Coriander for weight loss is important because:

  • it speeds up the digestion process, stimulates the functioning of the entire digestive system;
  • helps digest food easier;
  • despite the fact that it initially increases appetite, then it completely saturates the body, nourishing it useful vitamins and elements;
  • improves metabolism, which promotes rapid weight loss.

You can lose weight by 10-15 kg in 1 month with the help of coriander. During this time, you will have to give up some foods (sugar, flour, fatty foods) and add the fruits of this versatile plant to your diet. However, the result will not keep you waiting long, because the loss of such large quantities losing extra pounds in the first month is already a significant achievement.

How to lose weight with coriander?

The daily intake looks like in the following way: 4 g coriander seeds and 35 g if you consume the product in herbal form. This is enough for you to start losing excess weight every day.

Coriander can also be used as a seasoning for many dishes, including vegetable salads, soups, cereals, etc.

Methods and amounts of coriander use

  1. You can prepare spicy salted mackerel. To do this, take 1 mackerel, cut off the fins and remove the entrails, cut off the head and prepare a container in which you will salt the fish. Pour 1 glass of water into a saucepan and place on fire, boil for 2 minutes. At this time, add spices and salt. Besides pepper bay leaf and cloves, you should add 10 g of coriander, which will add a refined taste and aroma to the finished dish. Cool the resulting brine, pour it over the fish and refrigerate for 2 days.
  2. Coriander roots can be added to broths or baked with vegetables.
  3. Ground grains of the plant are added to marinades and baked goods.

Coriander during pregnancy

Is coriander safe for pregnant women? This question interests many expectant mothers, because you can often hear that spices of any type are prohibited during pregnancy.

Indeed, many spices have a negative impact on the health of some women, but coriander does not have a strong pronounced properties, especially if you use it ground as a seasoning for salads and soups.

Coriander during pregnancy eliminates heartburn, normalizes the digestion process and removes unnecessary substances from the body. Therefore, in small quantities it is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Know in moderation in everything - here main principle, with which you should eat this and other foods.

The coriander seasoning, which is similar to parsley, is called cilantro or cilantro, with the accent placed on either syllable. Georgians call the spice kinji, Palestinians call it kuzbara, and beekeepers call it kinji. North Caucasus- Kolyandra, and the Greeks - Corianon.

It is interesting that the Greek name for coriander comes from the name of the odorous blood-sucking bug, the smell of which is similar to the smell of the leaves of a young plant. Then, as the grass grows, it dissipates, and the smell of coriander becomes pleasant, woody.

In India they believed that the coriander plant has magical properties, which were used during the worship of the gods. Necklaces were made from the seeds to get rid of headaches, they were cooked and are still being cookedvery useful, used

What does coriander look like?

An annual herb of the celery or umbelliferous family with a spindle-shaped root, a straight stem with thin grooves, branched from the base. Coriander flowers are small, white, pink, collected in numerous complex umbrellas. The fruit is a brown ball with a strong aroma.

The Mediterranean is considered its homeland. The coriander herb was allegedly brought to Europe by the Romans. In the British Isles, the plant appeared in the first century and was classified as a weed. Then it spread to Australia, America, New Zealand. The first mentions in Russian sources date back to the eighteenth century, where it is described as “kishnets”.

Determined that medicinal coriander grown by the ancient Egyptians as early as 1000 BC. Now it is cultivated in many countries as a necessary essential oil crop. Grows in the southern regions, such as Transcaucasia, middle Asia, Iran, Türkiye. Grows well in any garden soil in a sunny place.

Coriander storage

The grass is cut as soon as the plant begins to turn brown and tied in bunches. Hang to ripen in a well-ventilated area. All that remains is to shake and collect the crumbled seeds.

Coriander greens last longer than other spices. The herb can be stored frozen and slowly defrost before use. Only the leaves are used for food.You can save the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a week by removing yellowed, spoiled parts every day.

Coriander composition

Young leaves, grass

  • about 1% essential oil;
  • valuable source of vitamin C;
  • routine;
  • vitamins B 1, B 2;
  • carotene.


  • about 2.1% essential oil which contains 20 components;
  • macro- and microelements.

Coriander uses

Fresh coriander

Coriander juice

  • increases the blood clotting process. At internal use juice, the hypercoagulable effect of the plant begins within an hour and lasts for high level up to six hours;
  • calms down strong pulsation, including beating of blood vessels in the eye;
  • coriander is useful as a hemostatic - stomach and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, postoperative bleeding, stops bleeding from the nose, gums, postpartum hemorrhage, heavy, painful periods;
  • chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • teaspoon coriander - hay fever, allergies, skin rashes, consume three times;
  • fresh grass juice - inflammation oral cavity, erysipelas, urticaria, carbuncles;
  • coriander herb juice mixture, grape juice- hypertension, diabetes, scrofula;
  • the juice of the fresh part of the grass is given to children for measles, scrofula
  • rinsing - healing of the oral cavity, ulcerative stomatitis, oral cavity burn;
  • skin rashes, itching, skin inflammation - baths, compresses, washing.

Coriander fruit

  • aerophagia - swallowing air;
  • poor digestion, appetite, gastrointestinal spasms, flatulence, diarrhea;
  • use coriander - nervous vomiting, anorexia nervosa, dyspepsia of nervous origin;
  • useful - migraines, fainting, dizziness associated with digestive disorders;
  • fried - prevents vomiting and sour belching;
  • intestinal atony - 70 ml of fruit infusion three times a day;
  • recommend - neurosis, nervous fatigue, depression, hysterical attacks;
  • tincture of the fruit is not only an excellent antidepressant, it reduces blood pressure, cleanses the blood, strengthens the heart muscle, restores impaired metabolism;
  • coriander treats bronchitis, cough, bronchial asthma;
  • painful periods, weak bladder, cystitis;
  • helps - worms, hemorrhoids;
  • wine with coriander - dyspepsia, bad job intestines, constipation, colds, liver disease;
  • coriander oil - problems of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, for inhalation or as a bath additive for colds;
  • externally - erysipelas skin, rheumatism, for washing eyes, nasopharynx with inflammation,
  • stimulate the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • a decoction of which the recipe is described below is useful - inflammation of the oral mucosa, as a hemostatic, healing for strangulations and burn wounds;
  • coriander tincture, take 2 tsp externally, a glass of water - for mouth rinsing, wounds, skin inflammation;
  • oil, ointment from fruits - excellent all-rounder useful remedy for the treatment of wounds, skin problems, prevents inflammatory processes from occurring, accelerates healing, relieves pain from rheumatism.
  • In addition, the ointment increases blood circulation, makes it more elastic, so it is effective against mechanical, chemical damage, and suppuration.

Coriander essential oil

  • In addition to the diseases listed above, the oil will reduce the burden on the psyche during stress, makes a person softer, and helps with general weakness after a long illness. Use from one to three drops 3 times a day;
  • at obsessive states anxiety, nervousness, nervous exhaustion An aroma lamp with the addition of 5 drops of coriander oil, 2 cinnamon oil, 3 orange oil is useful;
  • improves stomach function, useful - difficult digestion, accumulation of gases, flatulence, indigestion. An ordinary salad can become a cure for gastritis if you add a few drops of oil to the dressing;
  • coriander oil heals - bronchial asthma, bronchial spasms, colds, cough;
  • use - nervous fatigue, depression, exhaustion of the nervous system, nervous vomiting, anorexia nervosa;
  • headache, dizziness, fainting, migraine associated with digestive disorders;
  • colic in children;
  • heartbeat;
  • sluggish blood circulation;
  • has a carminative, stimulating effect;
  • improves memory;
  • when used externally, relieves pain, warms, and is used for rheumatic pain;
  • baths, massage - a mixture of oils: 3 drops each of coriander oil, geranium oil, 4 sandalwood oil, 2 tbsp. base oils, for example almond or some other.

Coriander recipes

Coriander infusion: tablespoon herb, 200 ml boiling water, leave boiling water bath 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup in 15 minutes.

Fruit infusion: 3 tsp. coriander grains, 250 ml of boiling water, infuse in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour, cool for 45 minutes, drain. Take 2 tbsp. in half an hour.

Coriander tincture: 100g of fruit, 0.5l of vodka, kept in a dark place, room temperature for three weeks. The contents are sometimes shaken. Take 20 drops three times. One of the best antidepressants.

Decoction for external use: 2 tbsp. chopped coriander, one and a half cups of boiling water, simmer on low heat for half an hour, leave until it cools down, strain.

Ointment: the fruits are ground to powder, part coriander powder, two parts unsalted visceral fat. Grind everything, heat it in a boiling water bath, stirring constantly. Keep the refrigerator.

Coriander seed oil: half a glass of crushed seeds, a liter of vegetable oil, a water bath for an hour. Then cool, squeeze out the remainder, place in a dark container, and seal tightly. Take 2 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.

Wine with coriander: 100g of crushed seeds, a liter of dry grape wine, keep tightly covered in a sunny place for 3 weeks. Then express and squeeze. Take 50ml with meals

Coriander tea: a teaspoon of seeds per cup of water. The seeds are poured in, left for a quarter of an hour, and drained.

Bloating, gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, to improve appetite and gastrointestinal function: 20g of fruits are ground in a coffee grinder with powdered sugar (30g). Store tightly closed. Use 2 tsp. with a glass warm water twice before meals.

Hemorrhoids treatment and prevention

1. 10g each of coriander seeds, yarrow herb, cassia leaves, 200ml of water. Mix everything, add boiling water, wait until it boils, then leave for half an hour. The strained composition is consumed 100 ml once a day before bedtime.

2. 20g each of coriander fruits, buckthorn bark, senna, licorice root. A tablespoon of the mixture, 200 ml of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Drink half a glass in the evening.

Inflammation of the gallbladder: 10g coriander seeds, 30g trifoliate leaf, 40 cumin flowers, 500ml water. The raw materials are ground well. Take 20g, boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Decant and cool. Take 100 ml 20 minutes before meals.

Frigidity, sexual coldness of a woman: Mix one part of the tincture of coriander fruits, two parts of the tincture of European hogweed fruits. Take 20 drops 3 times a day.

Gargling halitosis: 20g dried coriander, 10g 10g Roman cumin, 5g flowering tops. A teaspoon of mixture, 0.5 liters of water. Boil the sealed container, cool, and drain.

Prevention of aging: 30g coriander fruits, 50g petals, 50g thyme herb. 2 tbsp. mixture, 0.5 liters of boiling water, boiling bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45, decant. Drink 3/4 cup 20 minutes before meals.

Prostatitis: take the same number by weight of coriander seeds, plantain seeds, onions, 0.5 liters of boiling water. 2 tbsp. the mixture is crushed to a powder, infuse tightly closed water bath for 30 minutes. Take 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, and a glass in the evening while lying in a warm bed, warmed with a heating pad.

Choleretic agent: 20g each of dry coriander, coltsfoot, 30g trifoliate leaf, 40g immortelle flowers. 2 tbsp. mixture, 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Use 100ml 3 times.

Coriander contraindications

This wonderful spice is not only very useful, but also has many contraindications. For healthy people Of course, two or three branches will only bring benefit, but more will do harm.

Coriander is harmful:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • hyperacid form of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • severe heart and kidney diseases;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • myocardial infarction or previous myocardial infarction;
  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • cholecystitis;
  • taking medications that increase blood clotting;
  • various hypotonic states after severe illnesses.

Most often, spices are added during the preparation of various dishes for a richer and more intense taste. But they are famous not only taste qualities, but also have a positive effect on the body. They help cleanse the body and improve the condition. One of these spicy ingredients is coriander (cilantro - young leaves of the plant), the beneficial properties and contraindications of which should be considered.

Description of the plant

What is coriander? This is a plant that is actively used in cooking and other fields of activity. The seeds and flowers of the plant are usually used for medicinal and preventive purposes. As for the young leaves, they are used in recipes for preparing various dishes. They have a rich, pleasant aroma and are called cilantro. Ground coriander is also used in cooking.

From fruits of this plant getting ready various decoctions and tinctures, as well as essential oils, which are actively used in aromatherapy. You can grow coriander all year round, it begins to bloom in early summer. The plant is quite unpretentious, so many people grow it in flower pots on windowsills. Blooms with small flowers of pale pink or white shade.

Coriander seeds: beneficial properties

This plant has positive impact on the body, namely:

  • eliminates pathogenic bacteria, therefore it is actively used for infectious diseases;
  • improves brain activity, ability to remember;
  • renders beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • calms down nervous system during stressful situations and emotional turmoil;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases appetite;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • relieves cramps;
  • cleans up bad smell from the oral cavity;
  • improves the condition as a result of alcohol poisoning.

Thanks to these beneficial properties, coriander is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • neurosis;
  • cystitis;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

The seeds of this plant are used in pure form, they are also used to prepare medicinal decoctions.

Coriander fruits: beneficial properties

The fruits of this plant are actively used in folk medicine. Based on them, many medicines, which are aimed at eliminating such problems:

  • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
  • poor appetite or complete loss of it, anorexia;
  • inflammatory processes in joint tissues;
  • increased blood glucose;
  • anemia;
  • eye fatigue and other visual problems.

It is important to know! Coriander fruits are an effective diuretic! Therefore, they can be used to reduce arterial and intraocular pressure.

Ground coriander: beneficial properties

Ground coriander is most often used as a seasoning for various dishes. Also, this plant in powder form is actively used in cosmetology and medicine, since various ointments and creams can be prepared on its basis. These remedies relieve inflammation on skin, and also contribute to more fast healing wounds, cuts, ulcers and other mechanical damage.

As for the use of ground plant seeds in cooking, this spice is very popular in the preparation of Indian, Greek and Caucasian dishes. Also, coffee has a richer taste and aroma if you add coriander to it.

Coriander honey: beneficial properties

Thanks to his good taste and aroma, honey from this plant is used in the following fields of activity: cosmetology, soap making, perfumery, and medicine. Flowers appear in early summer, after which honey can be prepared. It is enriched with manganese, copper and iron, and has a specific caramel taste. Use coriander honey has the following effect on the body:

  • mild stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • disinfectant;
  • removes painful sensations, therefore actively used by women during the period critical days;
  • normalizes rapid heartbeat;
  • increases appetite;
  • promotes faster secretion of gastric juice;
  • used in the treatment of dry and wet cough;
  • improves memory ability, activates brain activity.

Also this product very useful for men as it increases potency.

It is important to know! In addition to the above functions, coriander honey improves the composition of the blood, helps cleanse it harmful substances!

Coriander tea: beneficial properties

Enough popular means V alternative medicine is a decoction or tea made from coriander or cilantro. What are the benefits of cilantro in tea form? This liquid can be used to treat wounds and other damage to the skin. Since this tea is considered an excellent diuretic, it can be used for swelling of the upper and lower limbs, as well as to reduce blood and intraocular pressure. In addition to these beneficial properties, it is used to treat the following diseases:

  • allergic manifestations on the skin and the form of inflammation, itching, burning, rashes;
  • convulsions;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • infectious diseases of the visual apparatus;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • psoriasis;
  • epileptic seizures.

It is important to know! Coriander tea helps strengthen the walls blood vessels, as well as improving the functioning of cardio-vascular system generally!

This plant is actively used in cosmetology for preparing various ointments, creams and masks that have a beneficial effect on women's appearance. In addition, it helps normalize hormonal levels, due to which the menstrual cycle is restored. Also, during critical days, cilantro-based medications help relieve unpleasant symptoms such as pain in abdominal cavity, migraines, weakness, etc. For the same reasons, the use of the plant is very useful during menopause.

Important to remember! It is better not to use coriander when losing weight! Because it promotes the active production of gastric juice, which increases appetite.

Benefits for men

What are the benefits of cilantro for men? Tincture or decoction of cilantro leaves has beneficial influence on the male body, namely:

  • increases potency;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing myocardial infarction;
  • prevention of high blood pressure.

Cilantro is also very effective for urolithiasis, impaired renal function, which predominantly affects men.

Parsley or cilantro: which is healthier?

These types of greens have an external similarity. But despite this, even in smell they have significant differences. Every person knows that eating greens is very good for health. But which is healthier: parsley or cilantro? ABOUT healing properties A lot has already been said about cilantro. As for parsley, it has the following effects on the human body:

  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • restores the menstrual cycle;
  • increases lactation during the period breastfeeding;
  • benefits for the stomach - improves the functioning of this organ;
  • helps with diseases of the liver system;
  • relieves swelling of the upper and lower extremities;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • reduces body temperature in hot weather;
  • removes painful sensations and itching due to insect bites;
  • helps improve immunity.

Parsley is also used in cosmetology, like cilantro. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about which greens are healthier. Both cilantro and parsley are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Contraindications to the use of coriander

This plant in any form is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. This is due to the impact on endocrine system this product. Therefore, it is better not to use it even as a seasoning for pregnant women. Also, women should refrain from consuming coriander during breastfeeding, so as not to harm the baby.

Also, people with the following ailments should refrain from using this plant:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction;
  • gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure.

To use the plant in medicinal purposes you need to consult a specialist. Because the excessive use cilantro can negatively affect general condition body and the course of the disease. Also, excessive consumption of cilantro activates the nervous system, as a result of which a person develops insomnia. As for women, they may experience disturbances menstrual cycle. Therefore, coriander, like any other product, should be consumed in moderation. In this way, this product will release only beneficial substances without negative consequences.

Spicy plants are not only for food consumption: they are also used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

For example, doctors have sufficiently studied the beneficial properties of coriander (cilantro seeds) to begin using them to heal various ailments. Let's get acquainted with all the qualities of this spice to know which of them can be useful to us in Everyday life and self-care.

Chemical composition of coriander seeds

Properties are provided by its rich chemical composition.

Cilantro fruits contain:

  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Squirrels.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Di- and monosaccharides.
  • Tannins.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Vitamins: A, PP, beta-carotene, B1, B2, E.
  • Folic acid.
  • Choline.
  • Minerals: sodium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, iodine, calcium, iron, zinc and others.
  • Fatty oils, including linoleic and oleic acid, flavonoids, phytoncides, antioxidants and the antibiotic dodecenal, which defeats any gastrointestinal infections

Medicinal properties of cilantro seeds

Regular consumption of cilantro seeds improves blood composition, the functioning of the digestive system and brain, normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin, lowers cholesterol, removes toxins and waste, relieves PMS and menstrual pain, treats cystitis.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of coriander.

  • For hemorrhoids Cilantro seed tea helps a lot. Mix equal parts of coriander seeds, licorice roots, buckthorn bark, yarrow herb and cassia leaf. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and wait until it cools. We filter the tea and take 0.5 cups before bed.
  • For conjunctivitis ground coriander will help, the beneficial properties of which help to quickly cope with harmful bacteria. To do this, make a decoction of cilantro seeds:
    • Pour 1 tbsp. chopped cilantro fruits 250 ml boiling water.
    • We wait 30 minutes for it to brew.
    • We filter and rinse the eyes with a decoction at room temperature five times a day.
  • At lazy intestines(constipation) The same decoction will help. Drink 50 ml of cilantro seed decoction three times a day.
  • For jaundice and inflammation of the gallbladder pour 2 cups of boiling water into a mixture of 1 g of coriander seeds, 4 g of caraway flowers and 3 g of watch leaf. Boil the herbs for 10 minutes, cool and filter. Take half a glass 20 minutes before meals.
  • For insomnia, increased nervousness, stress and depressive states A tincture of coriander seeds helps well, which is prepared in two ways (choose any):
    • Pour a tablespoon of cilantro seeds into a container with 100 g of vodka, leave for half a month, shaking regularly, and filter. We use 15 drops three times a day.
    • Pour 100 grams of seeds into 1 liter of red wine, leave for a week, filter and take 0.5 tbsp. twice a day.
  • With exacerbation of rheumatism mix 3 drops of cilantro seed oil with honey and take it three times a day after meals. You can also add this oil to medicinal ointments and creams.
  • For flatulence and swelling pour 100 ml boiling water 2 tsp. a mixture of 2 parts cilantro seeds, 1 part anise and 1 part fennel. Leave for 10 minutes, filter and drink.
  • For stomach pain Chew thoroughly and swallow 3 coriander seeds.
  • For healing cuts and other wounds, including purulent ones, dust them with ground coriander.
  • To relieve menopausal conditions. It is known that coriander exhibits beneficial properties during menopause as effectively as it does against problems with the menstrual cycle. A decoction of cilantro seeds helps to cope with menopausal problems. Pour 1 tsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 3 minutes, leave for half an hour and filter. We take a warm decoction three times a day before meals, 1/3 cup. We treat like this for one month, then rest for a week and repeat the course.
  • For the treatment of cystitis pour 4 tbsp into boiling water (4 cups). cilantro seeds, and boil to half the volume. We drink the resulting amount per day. The course of treatment for cystitis is 7 days. A decoction of coriander seeds copes with urination problems and eliminates burning sensation during this process.
  • For headaches pour 4 tbsp. seeds with a small volume of water, after boiling, cook for a couple of minutes, remove from heat and, covered with a blanket over the saucepan, inhale the steam.
  • At colds fry a little 4 tbsp. cilantro seeds, mixed with 4 small pieces ginger root and cook in 4 tbsp. water until everything is reduced by half. Filter the broth and drink in small sips until the condition improves.
  • IN for cosmetic purposes the seeds in the form of essential oil extracted from them are used in products for whitening, relieving irritation and peeling of the skin, masks for combating acne and other rashes, eliminating puffiness, and rejuvenation.

    A decoction of seeds is used to improve hair health in case of dandruff, oily seborrhea, premature gray hair, hair loss and fragility.

    • To strengthen hair and accelerated growth mix new ones with chamomile or Burr oil with ground cilantro seeds and massage your hair with this mixture 1-2 times a week.
    • For home skin peeling prepare utban with coriander seeds:
      • Mix the powdered ingredients in equal parts: cilantro seeds, aloe, calamus, cumin, comfrey, elderberry flowers, nutmeg, fenugreek, licorice, lemon zest, sandalwood, vetiver.
      • Add cosmetic clay.
      • For the peeling procedure, dilute 3 parts of the mixture with 1 part of liquid: mineral water with lemon juice (for oily skin), mineral water or boiled water(for normal skin) or full fat milk(for dry skin).
      • As soon as the herbs increase in volume, apply the mixture to the skin and gently massage for several minutes.
      • Wash off the remnants of the utban warm water. The skin rejuvenates and takes on a healthy appearance.

    By the way, for utban you can use other powders of herbs, roots, flowers and seeds that are beneficial for the skin. So if you can’t find an ingredient at the pharmacy, replace it with another, for example, string or chamomile.

    Despite the obvious beneficial properties of coriander (cilantro seeds), it is contraindicated for some people.

    Let's find out in what cases you should not use coriander:

    • During ischemia and after a heart attack.
    • For gastritis, if there is increased acidity, and ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
    • For diabetes mellitus.
    • With thrombophlebitis.
    • With increased blood clotting.
    • For cholecystitis.
    • During pregnancy (can only be used as a seasoning for food).

    Do not get carried away with coriander when treating, taking more than 4 g (teaspoon) of seeds at a time. Abuse of them can cause insomnia, memory impairment, stuttering (in children), and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

    In any case, if you decide to treat any disease with cilantro seeds, first consult with your doctor, in case their properties do not benefit you. Well, if there are no contraindications, use the beneficial properties of coriander for your benefit!

Coriander - herbaceous annual plant, used as a spice in cooking, as well as to impart a pleasant aroma in perfumery and soap making. The seeds, roots, and greens of coriander, which is also known as cilantro, are used as a spice.

Coriander is described in ancient treatises; it is one of the most widespread spicy plants in the world, grown in Asia and the Mediterranean for about three thousand years.

Warriors and travelers took coriander with them on the road. They noticed that the seeds of this plant provide energy, increase appetite and help recover from illness and injury. In addition, meat sprinkled with seeds is stored longer, which has a great importance. It was with travelers that coriander seeds came to Europe and Russia.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that coriander and cilantro are two different spices. These are different parts of the same plant. But they have a different smell and taste significantly different. Both herbs (fresh or dried) and dried seeds (whole or ground) are used in cooking.

Coriander seeds are round, 3-5 mm in diameter, usually light brown in color, sometimes greenish, taste bittersweet, very aromatic.

Coriander contains organic acids, trace elements and many vitamins (A, PP, B1, B2, C), it contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine. It is important that these beneficial substances in coriander are balanced in such a way that they are perfectly absorbed in the human body.

The benefits of coriander are known to many peoples, and its use in folk medicine is very wide. Coriander greens (cilantro) tones the muscles of the heart and blood vessels. Coriander seeds stimulate the digestive system, increasing appetite and helping to better absorb food, and have carminative and diaphoretic properties. The essential oils of its seeds have a strong bactericidal and anthelmintic effect. Coriander enhances liver function during lethargy and stagnation in it, and improves appetite.

But this does not exhaust the beneficial properties of coriander: by accelerating digestion and improving metabolism, coriander promotes weight loss.

Coriander tincture helps treat bleeding gums and stomatitis. Coriander is useful for diarrhea, menstrual disorders, it normalizes blood sugar levels, and also strengthens eye muscles, improving vision.

In the old days, coriander was often used for skin lesions and diseases. A compress of mashed cilantro leaves applied to a wound speeds up its healing. Antibacterial action juice is combined with enhancing the regeneration process, so cilantro excellent remedy for skin diseases.

Infusions and decoctions of coriander seeds are taken as a choleretic and antiseptic, for stomach and colds, as a sedative and anti-convulsant, they increase the secretion of gastric juice. Among the beneficial properties of coriander is a mild diuretic effect, which allows it to be used to treat edema.

To prepare coriander infusion, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds into 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place in a sealed container for 1 hour, strain. Take 0.25 cups 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Coriander essential oils have long been used to treat eye diseases. When treating conjunctivitis and keratitis, the eyes were washed with a decoction in which coriander was an important component.

Contraindications to the use of coriander

Coriander is contraindicated during pregnancy. In all other cases, if coriander is consumed in moderation and used as a seasoning, then there are no contraindications for use. The only caveat is that it should not be taken by patients with stomach ulcers or exacerbations. chronic cholecystitis. Such people should refrain from using spices, and coriander is no exception.

In addition, like any other product containing large doses vitamins and microelements, coriander requires compliance with the norm. An excess of this plant in the diet leads to poisoning.

Use of coriander in cooking

Among spices, coriander takes pride of place. Moreover, greens (cilantro), seeds and roots of coriander are used.

Cilantro(young coriander leaves) has a fresh and spicy taste. Greens taste and aroma are very different from seeds. It is indispensable in Caucasian cuisine and is widely used in countries South-East Asia. Green leaves and young shoots of coriander are added to salads and soups.

Coriander seeds, like greens, is an excellent seasoning for meat and fish. They can also be added to potatoes, salads, and soups. They are the main ingredient for the food seasoning "kari", which came to us from India and became very popular. Coriander is added to sauces, sausages, and cheeses. Coriander is used in preparing dishes from red, Chinese, and Savoy cabbage; it gives them a piquant taste.

Coriander seeds are used to flavor liqueurs, add them in powder form to baked goods and confectionery, sprinkle bakery products. It is also widely used in canning: pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, and mushrooms are hard to imagine without coriander. This is a universal seasoning that is suitable for any dish and goes well with many other spices: black pepper, cumin, celery, cumin, fennel.

Ground coriander does not retain its beneficial properties for long, even if the spices are stored correctly. It loses its taste and aroma very quickly, so it is better to buy whole seeds and grind them as needed. If you lightly fry the seeds in a dry frying pan and then grind them, they will become more aromatic.

Coriander roots also used in cooking. Their taste is reminiscent of the leaves, but more muted. Dried and ground roots are an excellent seasoning, very popular in Thai cuisine.

Other uses of coriander

In the perfume industry, essential oils obtained from coriander seeds are used in the production of cologne. This oil is used medicinally as an additive to improve the taste of certain medicines.

Coriander seeds are also widely used in the cosmetics industry, in the production of liqueurs and soap making.



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