Coriander herb beneficial properties and contraindications. Coriander or cilantro - composition and beneficial properties

Unfortunately, not all men manage to maintain thick hair into old age. But they open where they knock. If your hair begins to fall out and thin, you need to take action. The most radical remedy for hair growth and restoration of hair density - use of burning red tincture capsicum

Impact principle

Red capsicum contains a biologically active substance - capsacin. It is thanks to this that the burning effect is ensured.

When applying pepper tincture to the hair roots, kasapcin warms the skin and increases blood circulation in the capillaries. This ensures good food hair follicles.

Hair grows quickly. Also, with repeated use of masks with tincture of red pepper, new hairs begin to appear.

Methods for preparing tincture

Already prepared pepper tincture is sold in a wide range pharmacy chain. It’s easy to prepare masks from it for hair growth.

But where is it better to use natural product and make the tincture yourself. Moreover, the recipe is very simple. But at home, the medicine for thinning hair made from red capsicum may have variations in preparation.

Recipe 1

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Large red pepper pod;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Finely chop the pepper; put in a glass bottle. Vodka is poured in.

The product is infused for two weeks in the dark. The finished drug is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

Main components:

  • Large capsicum;
  • oil (take castor, burdock).

To enhance therapeutic effect You can also add 1 tbsp. l. burdock or calamus roots.

All crushed components are poured with oil; leave in a dark place for about a month. Next, filter and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3


  • red capsicum (1 pc.);
  • stinging nettle leaves (1 tbsp);
  • any oil (1 tsp);
  • essential oils of bitter almond and grape seeds(2 drops each).

Make an infusion of nettle leaves in a glass hot water. When it cools down, strain.

Pour oil into a bowl, chop the pepper, pour in the nettle infusion. Heat the mixture in a water bath for about 12 minutes. Cool.

This pepper tincture recipe is designed for immediate use.

Revitalizing masks

Treatment with pepper tincture alone is not recommended. It should be diluted with emollient components.

Because of too much active influence red pepper on the scalp may cause severe dandruff, allergic reactions.

A special mask with pepper helps for hair growth and renewal.

Recipe 1


  • Pepper tincture;
  • Castor or Burr oil;
  • Hair balm without silicone.

All components must be taken equally. They are thoroughly mixed and applied.

To achieve intensive growth of strands and increase their thickness, it is recommended to apply the following mask with a pepper base.

Recipe 2


  • red capsicum infused with vodka;
  • heated boiled water;
  • oils (can be castor, burdock).

Take in equal quantities. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the head.

If a man begins to lose such precious strands, the following pepper mask helps for their growth.

Recipe 3


  • pepper tincture;
  • hot water.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed; rub into hair roots.

This medicinal pepper mask for hair growth helps against baldness.

Oil tincture with pepper, lightly massaging, rub the scalp. Next, take any clean vegetable oil and moisten the ends of the hair with it.

Treatment process

Since a mask with pepper for hair growth always contains auxiliary components, vegetable oil, it is best to apply it to dry strands before washing. Wash your hair twice before and after medical procedure not good for hair.

Any mask with pepper tincture has a warming effect. For greater benefits, the main component of red capsicum should be heated.

After rubbing in the mask, the head is covered with cellophane film and wrapped in a terry towel.

Just without fanaticism

Indeed, a mask of pepper tincture is very useful for hair growth. Within a month or two of the procedures, the process of strand loss is reversed.

Hair stops falling out, hair becomes thicker, and bald spots disappear. Their condition improves - appears natural shine and elasticity. Each individual hair becomes thicker, more resistant to weather vagaries and other adverse influences.

But you don’t need to be too zealous and carry out treatment every day. The mask should be applied only twice or thrice a week.

  1. Pepper still contains a pungent substance. Although men have relatively thick skin, it is still not recommended to burn it daily. Too much frequent use pepper tincture can lead to redness and dandruff.
  2. When holding the mask on your head, you should only feel a slight tingling sensation and pleasant warmth. If the skin of red pepper burns with fire, do not endure it. Everything should be washed off.
  3. You may need to add oil and other ingredients to the pepper mask. Pepper therapy allows for innovation within reasonable limits.
  4. It happens that due to hypersensitivity to pepper tincture and a predisposition to allergies, treatment has to be abandoned altogether. But such cases are very rare.
  5. After the end of the time of holding the mask, the head should be washed thoroughly. If oil remains on the hair, it becomes tangled and the hairstyle takes on a very pitiful appearance.
  6. Products with the addition of red capsicum work wonders. You only need to work a little for your own good. The most important condition for hair growth is systematic treatment.

Just a short time after applying healing masks with pepper, a man can boast of the appearance of hair volume and healthy condition strands.

Red pepper is a real godsend for girls who want to treat their hair. folk remedies. The burning composition accelerates subcutaneous blood circulation, normalizes everything metabolic processes, strengthens follicles. Thanks to vitamins C and E, hair grows 2 times faster and stops splitting. For achievement positive effect It is necessary to make masks according to existing recipes.

Features of using masks with red pepper

  1. To prepare masks, give preference to young pepper pods, since they contain all useful elements. Do not use old, shriveled fruit.
  2. It is not necessary to take pepper pods as the main component. It is allowed to prepare products based on pepper tincture, powder or ampoule composition.
  3. Red pepper masks should be applied only to the scalp; hair lengths are not treated. In addition, it is advisable to lubricate all hair with any natural oil to avoid dryness and split ends.
  4. It is strictly not recommended to wash your hair for 2 days before the procedure. Otherwise, you will wash away the lipid layer that protects the scalp from irritation and flaking.
  5. To create a steam effect, it is advisable to keep the mask under cling film or a plastic bag. Additionally, wrap a warm terry towel around the mop (heat it with a hairdryer or iron).
  6. The main thing in application pepper masks- compliance with the exposure time. You must not violate the deadline specified in the instructions. Otherwise, burns will appear on the scalp.
  7. The cosmetic product is removed with slightly warm water with the addition of shampoo. Be sure to apply the balm after the procedure. You can also rinse your curls with a decoction based on medicinal plants.
  8. It is recommended to make masks once every 3 days. Therapy continues for a month provided that it is used regularly. During the specified period, hair will grow by 4-6 cm.
  9. Because the hot pepper may cause allergies, be sure to test for individual intolerance. To do this, measure 5 grams from the prepared mask and apply to the area behind the ear. Wait 20 minutes, rinse. If there is no itching, red spots or burns, proceed to the procedure.
  10. As auxiliary components Honey, mustard, cognac, beer, burdock or castor oil, eggs, etc. are often added. Read the ingredients carefully to identify possible allergies.

Beer and honey

  1. Pour 180 ml. beer in a saucepan, heat to 60 degrees. Turn off the burner, add 25-30 g. gelatin, stir until the grains dissolve. Remove the mixture from the sides of the dish.
  2. When the gelatin is infused and swells, add 45 g. honey and 5 gr. red pepper powder. Achieve a uniform consistency from the product.
  3. Comb your hair, make several partings so that the scalp is clearly visible. Apply the composition to it and continue rubbing. Wear gloves to avoid burning your hands. After 25 minutes, rinse off.

Cognac and starch

  1. You will need 80 ml. cognac, 15 gr. corn starch, a third of a young pepper. Chop the hot ingredient into rings and remove the seeds. Pour hot cognac and leave for 24 hours.
  2. After this period, remove the pepper; it is not needed. Pour starch into the cognac tincture, add 15 ml. olive oil. Additionally, you can add gelatin to create a thick consistency.
  3. Distribute the composition onto the skin and perform a short massage session. Wrap plastic bag around your head, in addition throw a towel. Leave for half an hour, rinse.

Cottage cheese and chicken yolk

  1. Take a flour sieve and place 70 grams in it. high-fat cottage cheese (yellowish tint to the product). Grind until the composition is divided into individual grains.
  2. Add a couple of yolks to the cottage cheese and mix. Pour 10 ml here. pepper tincture or add 5 g. powder based on a burning component.
  3. The mask is ready for application. The main thing is to affect exclusively the root area. Do not touch the entire length. Brush the ends separately with olive oil. Let the mixture sit for a third of an hour and remove.

Cocoa and rye bran

  1. To prepare an effective mixture, pass 50 grams through a sieve. cocoa powder. Add 30 gr. rye bran(can be replaced with wheat ones).
  2. Inject 10 ml. pepper tinctures. If the mixture is dry, add 20 ml. vegetable or corn oil.
  3. Additionally, you can add a little warm water. Scoop the mixture with a brush and spread only over the root zone. After a third of an hour, rinse off.

Apple juice and castor oil

  1. It's better to use natural Apple juice, but a store-bought mixture with pulp is also suitable. Measure out 30 ml, heat it up, add 5 g. red pepper powder.
  2. Heat 30 ml in the microwave. castor oil or burdock oil, add to total weight. Apply the composition to the entire root part, rub into the scalp. Leave for 35 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. After the procedure, prepare a decoction based on 40 g. chamomile inflorescences and 1 l. boiling water Let the product stand for 1 hour, filter and rinse your curls with it.

Honey and calendula

  1. Buy red pepper and calendula tincture at the pharmacy. Measure out 10 ml. each composition, warm up slightly. Enter 50 g. honey, turn the product into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Dip a sponge into the mixture and apply to the partings of the scalp. Rub in with your fingertips, wrap a plastic bag and a towel around the mop. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse.

Egg and lemon juice

  1. Cut the lemon into equal parts, set one half aside, it will not be needed. Squeeze the juice out of the other and grind the peel in a blender or on a grater.
  2. Mix the zest, juice and pulp with two eggs, add 15 ml. pepper tincture. Additionally, 30 ml must be administered. vodka (blondes, fair-haired women) or cognac (brown-haired women, brunettes, redheads).
  3. The composition is distributed over the root area in a circular motion. Massage should be done in order to speed up blood flow and strengthen the follicles. Keep the mask on for a total of 20 minutes.

Cream and clay

  1. Measure out 100 ml. high fat cream (from 30%). Warm them up to 50-60 degrees. Add 50 gr. blue clay, mix and wrap the dishes with film.
  2. Separately rinse half the chili, discarding the seeds. Chop the pepper into half rings and pour vodka. Let stand for 2 days, strain.
  3. From the resulting tincture you need to take 20 ml, then mix it with the clay. Comb your hair and separate all your hair into sections. You will get partings that need to be covered with the mixture. Rub in, leave for 25 minutes, rinse.

Mustard and nicotinic acid

  1. Nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules; you can buy it at the pharmacy. Measure out a tablespoon of the drug and add 20 grams to it. dry mustard (can be replaced with 30 grams of liquid mustard).
  2. Separately, make a chili oil infusion. Peel a third of the pod and chop into strips. Pour in 80 ml. warm olive oil. Let stand for 20-25 hours.
  3. When the pepper mixture is ready, measure out 20 ml and add to the mustard. You also need to add 1 white and a couple of yolks. Whisk the mixture, distribute over the scalp and rub in. Rinse off after 25 minutes.

Vitamin E and vodka

  1. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is sold in pharmacies. You need 2 ampoules. Additionally, you can purchase retinol (vitamin A in the amount of 2 ml.).
  2. Combine the drugs, add 5 grams to them. chili powder and 30 ml. vodka. Divide your hair into partings, treat each section with liquid mass.
  3. Rub in with your fingertips for 5 minutes. Then let the composition act for another 20 minutes.

Kefir and gelatin

  1. Pour 60 ml into the saucepan. kefir or fermented baked milk, heat slightly, but do not boil. Pour 20 grams into the warm milk mixture. gelatin, start stirring slowly until the grains dissolve.
  2. After about 20 minutes, add 15 g. pepper tincture. Apply to the root area and massage. After a third of an hour, remove the composition as usual.

Red pepper contains esters and natural oils, which provide protection from external factors and moisturizing hair along the entire length. You can achieve an impressive result only if you follow the rules for using masks.

Video: Capsicum tincture for hair

Vegetable natural ingredients have long been used in cosmetology and home folk recipes for health and hair care. One of these components is red pepper tincture. This is a very effective, proven remedy that has unique properties And great benefit for hair, for correct use. Read further in the article about how pepper tincture works for hair growth, what masks and recipes it is used in, what problems it solves, and what contraindications it has.

Operating principle

Pepper tincture for hair - quite aggressive agent, because it contains hot pepper and in some cases alcohol. Masks, rinses, balms, and shampoos are made on its basis. Such products are applied mainly to the scalp and root areas of the hair in a diluted form.

The operating principle is based on activation due to burning properties, blood circulation in the scalp, and therefore, an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the cells is established, which stimulates hair growth and an increase in the number of hairs. Also, pepper tincture against hair loss contains a lot useful substances, nourishing and healing hair.

Composition and beneficial properties

The bitter pepper tincture contains many active substances:

  • capsaicin is the main effective and valuable component of the plant, it is it that interacts with the alcohol in the tincture and irritates the scalp, activating metabolism;
  • B vitamins are responsible for accelerating the growth of strands, their thickness and strength;
  • vitamin C increases the level of immunity;
  • vitamin A heals any wounds and injuries skin heads;
  • iron, magnesium, potassium nourish and strengthen the hair structure, activate new hair follicles.

Attention! You should not have a negative attitude towards alcohol in the tincture; in cosmetology it is widely used in remedies for dandruff, hair loss, and to prevent fragility and thinning of strands. Fixed oils the composition of pepper softens the ability of alcohol to dry out the skin.

Pepper tincture is used to make hair preparations such as masks, shampoos, balms, and ointments. Tincture of red capsicum for hair growth suggests liquid composition, and has a more aggressive effect than more gentle products that have emollient components.

What pepper to use

It is best to use red capsicum.(spicy, hot varieties, such as chili). Red pepper tincture for hair can be prepared directly from fresh pods; for oil infusions you need ground raw materials.

How to use the tincture, application:

It is mainly added to masks, balms, pure form it must be used with with utmost care- easy to get burns or provoke allergies.

What actions does

Hot pepper tincture, when used correctly, brings obvious benefits to the hair and scalp. It tones the hair follicles and significantly improves the condition of weakened, split ends, tired and thinning hair.

Hair growth is achieved through stimulation hair follicles, improving blood circulation and nutrition of the scalp, and with it the hair roots, improving the supply of oxygen to the root areas, while at the same time increasing nutrition and hydration. Curls become stronger, hairs stop falling out, dormant follicles awaken, increasing the thickness of the hair.


Despite its unique healing properties, red pepper is a very aggressive agent:

  • Pepper spray is not recommended for too dry scalp; itching and dandruff may occur.
  • People with high blood pressure It is not recommended to use products with pepper tincture, as they provoke a worsening of the condition and can cause headaches.
  • If there are wounds, ulcers, irritations, dermatitis on the scalp, as the product may aggravate the condition.

Important! Be sure to perform an allergy test before use. But even with a negative reaction, you need to use the product carefully and carefully - in case of manifestations severe itching, you need to immediately wash off the drug to avoid burns.

Rules and features of use

  • if you really want to use pepper tincture, but your hair and scalp are dry, then must be observed minimum concentration product and be sure to take as a basis suitable for hair vegetable oil(burdock, almond, flaxseed, etc.);
  • essential oils will add aroma and enhance the effect of masks with pepper;
  • For several days you should not use hard brushes and tire your irritated scalp with excessive care and styling. It is not recommended to do “chemistry” or dye your curls;
  • You need to wash off the product very carefully: do not allow it to get into your eyes, face, or any mucous membranes, as this can cause burns and irritation. That is why pepper tincture do not wash off in the shower - only under the tap, protecting the skin of the face. You can lubricate your face and hair growth area with a rich cream before washing. After washing your hair, your hands should be washed with soap. People with sensitive skin You can put on gloves before washing your hands.

Photos before and after

Review of pharmacy tinctures

Pharmacy tinctures of red pepper come in two types:

  • water pepper tincture for hair growth
  • Capsicum tincture for hair growth

These medicines Usually sold in dosages of 25 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml, they represent clear liquid yellowish or reddish in color, very hot in taste.

Tincture of water pepper (or peppermint) has antibacterial effect, heals wounds, helps eliminate alopecia.

The price at the pharmacy is between 10–60 rubles.

Instructions for use of pharmaceutical tinctures: mix a spoonful of tincture with a spoonful of oil (linseed, jojoba, olive, etc.), rub into the hair roots. Cover with a towel, wait half an hour, wash with mild shampoo, rinse. You can add the tincture to masks to treat curls.

After your hair gets used to the effects of pepper, you can use the tincture without oil. The tincture is diluted in a ratio of 1/10 with clean water.

Homemade tincture recipes

Although they are worth it pharmaceutical drugs It’s not expensive, you can make this remedy at home. How to prepare pepper tincture for hair growth:

With cognac

You will need:

  • Hot cayenne pepper 2 pods;
  • 200 ml cognac;
  • Vessel made of darkened glass.

Preparation, how to do:

  1. Wash the pepper and remove the seeds, as they will add heat to the already aggressive infusion.
  2. Cut the raw material into small pieces, put it in a vessel, combine the cognac with pepper.
  3. Leave in the dark for 10–12 days, strain.

How to use pepper tincture for hair growth:

Can be used as part of masks, or solo. Soak a cotton swab or disk in the diluted tincture and apply to the roots and scalp along the partings, do not get it on the face or eyes, and do not apply to the hair itself. Wrap with film and a towel. Pepper tincture for hair growth lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. Wash off warm water, rinse cool.

With vodka and alcohol

Vodka with pepper for hair growth

You will need:

  • Cayenne pepper 3 pods;
  • 300 ml vodka;
  • 5 ginger leaves (this root contains a lot useful components, nourishes follicles, relieves dryness and dandruff);
  • Opaque bottle.


  1. Wash the peppers and chop.
  2. Place the ginger and pepper slices in a container.
  3. Pour vodka.
  4. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking the vessel occasionally, strain. Use pepper tincture at home, as in the first recipe.

Hot tincture for growth

Tincture of red capsicum for hair growth in alcohol:

You will need:

  • 4 red hot peppers capsicum for tincture;
  • 250–300 ml of alcohol;
  • container with dark glass.


Cut the pepper, pour in alcohol so that it covers the raw material, tightly seal the vessel with the tincture and keep in the dark for 14–20 days. Strain and dilute when using.

With burdock oil

How to make pepper tincture for hair on oil for dry skin:

  1. Slice the red pepper.
  2. Mix with burdock oil.
  3. Pour in nettle decoction (pour boiling water over 1 tbsp of raw material, strain after half an hour).
  4. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave covered for 4 hours. Strain.

Apply to hair roots for 15–30 minutes, washed off in the usual way.

You can purchase ready-made burdock oil with red pepper for hair growth. Read more about choosing a product and a review of the best on our website.

Mask recipes

To soften the effects, peppercorns are often mixed with fatty bases - various oils. They moisturize and nourish the scalp and somewhat extinguish irritant pepper, do not dry out hair and skin.

With castor oil and kefir

  • castor oil (100 ml);
  • a tablespoon of pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt (yogurt).


Stir until smooth. The hair growth mask is applied with a brush to the roots, the head is wrapped, and left for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Yeast with milk and honey


Mix yeast with milk, add honey, leave to swell, after half an hour add pepper powder, gently rub into hair roots. Leave for 40 minutes - an hour. Wash with a gentle shampoo and apply the mask once or twice a week.

Important! The mask with tincture is applied to the hair with care so that the composition does not get on the mucous membranes.

Egg with beer

You will need:

  • yolk;
  • a quarter glass of beer (light);
  • two spoons of pepper.


Stir the yolk with beer, pour in the tincture, warm it up a little, rub into the scalp along the partings, and after 30 minutes rinse with shampoo. If your hair is very dry, it is better to add a teaspoon of oil (burdock, olive) to the mask.

Effect of use

The use of the tincture has a positive effect on the condition of the hair follicles, allows you to get rid of small areas of baldness, stimulates the growth of new hair and activates healthy follicles. In addition, if you use the drug correctly, you can successfully fight dandruff, oily scalp, and improve nutrition and oxygen supply to your hair. This in the best possible way will affect their appearance.

By combining the product with oils and using it in masks, you can achieve excellent results and significantly improve the health of your hair. In addition to improve appearance curls, you can use a hair growth care spray. When using pepper spray, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the scalp to prevent burns.

To summarize, we can confidently recommend pepper tincture to stimulate hair growth and thickness, as well as for care and nutrition. However, apply this potent remedy It is necessary to use caution, following the recommendations for application and time of exposure on the scalp.

By observing regularity and system, you can achieve real noticeable results. Masks for hair growth, including pepper infusion, help with any hair type, but those with dry curls need to be careful and choose gentle oil formulations.

Useful videos

Mask for rapid growth hair from pepper tincture.

Pepper tincture for hair growth.

Coriander is a herbaceous annual plant, used as a spice. The use of coriander in cooking is universal - both greens (leaves) and seeds are suitable for cooking. Such properties of coriander are reflected even in its very name: the leaves of the plant are widely known as cilantro, but the seeds are usually called coriander.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to imagine without this plant oriental cuisine, coriander came to Asia from Europe, and not vice versa, unlike most other herbs and spices.

Below you will learn about the benefits of coriander, how to choose the right leaves and seeds, and also receive recommendations for using the plant.

Benefits and medicinal properties of coriander

Coriander leaves, or cilantro, have a number of nutritional properties, inherent in all leafy vegetables. For example, they contain a fair amount of antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C. The medicinal properties of coriander are due to the high ORAC index - an indicator that helps measure the ability of foods to absorb free radicals oxygen molecules.

What are the benefits of coriander for the body?

The benefits of coriander are to provide the body with required quantity folic acid and vitamin K. Cilantro contains many components that have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the greatest value comes from the potassium, fiber, cineole and vitamin PP it contains.

The benefits of coriander for the body include normalizing digestion, preventing cancer and protecting against infections.

The use of coriander (cilantro) in cooking

Cilantro in cooking, like any greens, is recommended to be used in fresh by adding whole leaves to salads. However, if you have some heart conditions, you should not consume fresh cilantro. To preserve the piquant aroma as much as possible, add chopped cilantro leaves at the very end of cooking. The use of coriander in cooking provides a slightly different aroma and other properties; it is best to season meat dishes with the seeds.

It is recommended to buy not dried, but fresh cilantro, with bright green juicy leaves without signs of wilting. Since cut leaves lose up to 70% of vitamins, ideal option there will be cilantro in pots. Coriander seeds are best purchased unripe when they contain maximum amount essential oils, and let them sit for a while. There is a tricky rule here: fresh is not always best.

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Coriander ( Latin name Coriandrum sativum) belongs to the annual herbs of the umbrella plant family. This plant may be called differently among different peoples. It is called: cilantro, klopovnik, koliandra and other names. The underground part of cilantro is a spindle-shaped thin root. The stem of the bug plant can grow up to seventy centimeters in height.

The top of the erect stem of the plant is branched and covered with pinnately compound leaves, and the bottom of the stem is covered with tripartite or entire, long-petioled leaves. The flowering period of cilantro lasts from June to July. At this time, the plant is covered with small flowers of white and Pink colour, which form numerous umbrella inflorescences. In their place, from July to August, seeds ripen, which are called coriander. They have a characteristic strong aroma.

Cilantro is considered to be the birthplace of eastern territories coast Mediterranean Sea. Humanity began to cultivate this plant more than a thousand years ago. Even in ancient times, cilantro was grown for culinary and medicinal purposes in Egypt, India, Palestine and other countries. Currently, this plant is cultivated almost everywhere, in particular in the Caucasus, in the countries Central Asia, in Iran, Turkey and many other countries.

Harvesting and storing coriander

Not the whole plant has medicinal properties, but only its seeds and herbaceous parts. Therefore, they need to be harvested during July - August, when the seeds ripen. To do this, choose a dry, sunny day. After collecting, the seeds must be dried by scattering thin layer in the shade under some kind of canopy or in a ventilated attic. Picked green cilantro is also dried in the shade on fresh air, spreading it out in a thin layer. You can store dry cilantro seeds and herbs by placing them in a linen bag or cardboard box and placing them in a dry place for four years.

Use in everyday life

Both greens and cilantro seeds are very widely used in cooking various dishes because they have a specific spicy aroma and taste. The leaves of this plant go very well with various vegetables and meats. They can be added to hot first courses, but this should be done at the very end of cooking so that the greens do not lose their spicy aroma. Cilantro seeds (coriander) are used as a spicy seasoning for preparing various dishes, as well as for baking bread and preparing sausages. In addition, coriander is used to prepare various marinades and alcoholic beverages.

Composition and medicinal properties of coriander

  1. In the composition of coriander fruits, researchers have identified: essential oils with high content linalool, geraniol, borneol, terpinolene, phellandrene, pinea, cymene, decylaldehyde and decyl acid. However, fully ripened seeds contain less essential oils, but their linalool content increases. Fatty oils containing: oleic, isooleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic and myristic fatty acid. In small quantities alkaloids, and vitamins A and C.
  2. IN official medicine The drug "Coriander Oil" is widely used, the main active substance which contains linalool.
  3. Currently, coriander oil is used to normalize disturbed digestive processes, reduce blood sugar levels, and normalize the release of the hormone insulin. In addition, the use of coriander oil stimulates the release of estrogen into the blood. This oil can also be prescribed as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diuretic. At colds Coriander oil is prescribed to thin and facilitate the removal of mucus from the bronchi.
  4. Tincture of coriander seeds is prescribed: for the treatment of various liver pathologies and inflammation of the gallbladder, when the body is affected by helminths, with excessive gas formation in the intestines, for the treatment of bronchitis, and so on.
  5. A decoction of coriander seeds is prescribed: for the treatment of gallbladder pathologies, for malfunctions gastrointestinal tract, for treatment various wounds and skin ulcers when used externally.
  6. Use of coriander in folk medicine

    In folk medicine, coriander has long been used very effectively to treat various diseases. However, if you wish to use products prepared according to recipes traditional medicine, you must obtain permission from your attending physician. Only in this case can you prepare healing agents based on coriander at home for the purpose of their use.

    Coriander fruit tea used to treat hemorrhoids

    To prepare this tea, you need to take in equal parts: cassia leaves, yarrow herb, buckthorn bark, coriander seeds and licorice roots. All this needs to be crushed, take one tablespoon of this mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Leave the broth to steep until it cools completely. After which it needs to be filtered and used to treat hemorrhoids. Dosage: take 10 ml of this tea at a time before bed.

    Coriander seed tea used to treat jaundice and gallbladder inflammation

    For cooking this tool You will need to take 4 g of cumin flowers, 3 g of watch leaves and 1 g of coriander seeds. All this needs to be crushed in a mortar, and then pour two tablespoons of this mixture into 400 ml of boiling water. Then the container with the broth must be put on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for another ten minutes. After this, the broth must be removed from the heat, allowed to cool completely, and then strain. Dosage: 100 ml twenty minutes before meals. It is necessary to perform two to three doses during the day. This tea is very good at enhancing the secretion of bile.

    Tincture of coriander seeds, used to relieve increased nervous excitability

    One tablespoon of ground coriander seeds is poured into half a glass of vodka in a dark glass bottle and left to infuse for 14 days. After this, the tincture needs to be filtered and you can take 40-50 drops throughout the day. This tincture is a very effective antidepressant that has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect.

    A decoction of coriander seeds used to treat intestinal atony

    For this remedy, you need to take one teaspoon of coriander seeds, previously crushed in a mortar, and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Then place the container with the broth on water bath and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, the container is removed from the heat, and the broth is left to infuse for forty minutes. Then the infusion needs to be strained and topped up boiled water to the original volume. Dosage: two tablespoons of infusion at a time. In total, you need to perform 3-4 doses throughout the day.

    Coriander sugar used to treat gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers

    To do this, you will need to take about 20 pieces of coriander seeds for every 30 g of granulated sugar. All this is poured into a coffee grinder and ground to a powder. All this must be stored in a glass, tightly closed container. Dosage: two teaspoons of coriander sugar per 200 ml warm water. Take 2 times a day. In addition, this product can be used to remove pain, to improve appetite, to alleviate well-being with excessive gas formation, and so on.

    Contraindications for use

    The use of coriander is prohibited: if you have a personal intolerance to this plant, as it can cause severe allergic reaction in the body, with gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach, for diseases of cardio-vascular system, for example, myocardial infarction, ischemia, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, increased blood pressure, at diabetes mellitus. Exceeding the dosage of coriander can lead to mental disorders and fainting. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to the dosages specified in the recipes for preparing the products.



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