With pancreatitis disease, what can you eat. What can not be eaten with pancreatitis, prohibited foods - what is harmful to the pancreas, what should not be eaten? Milk noodle soup

The pancreas is small in size, but its role in the processes of digestion and metabolism is very significant. It is responsible for the production of pancreatic juice and insulin, and is involved in the regulation of metabolism. Damage to the pancreas - pancreatitis - is its destruction by its own enzymes due to external or autoimmune causes. The disease can be acute or chronic, but in both cases one condition for recovery remains unchanged - strict special diet with pancreatitis. What can you eat and what should you avoid? The article will answer these questions.

A sparing diet No. 5 is necessary in order to avoid exacerbations of pancreatitis and protect other organs from damage. digestive system. It helps to reduce the degree of chemical and mechanical damage mucous membrane of the stomach and lining of the intestine, prevents fatty degeneration of the pancreas and liver.

What can and cannot be eaten with pancreatitis?

Products and dishes allowed for pancreatitis must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  1. high protein content and low percentage of fat and carbohydrates;
  2. increased content of vitamins;
  3. no flavor enhancers, including a large number salt, spices, vinegar, hot spices, smoking;
  4. soft texture;
  5. temperature close to body temperature, neither cold nor hot.

Most suitable way food preparation: baking, stewing or steaming. Additionally, you can grind coarse fibrous food with a blender, scroll it through a meat grinder or rub it through a sieve.

Chronic pancreatitis: allowed foods

During pain relief or chronic pancreatitis with frequent exacerbations, a sufficient intake of protein is important, and products for pancreatitis should be consumed appropriately. Its main sources are meat, fish and dairy products. But even among them it is important to choose only those that will benefit. So, what can you eat to replenish your protein reserves and not harm yourself?

Meat and poultry for pancreatic diseases

Without fear, you can eat boiled lean meat, mashed after cooking. The meat must be impeccably fresh and of high quality. Preferred types of meat:

  • lean beef
  • Veal
  • rabbit meat
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Pheasant

Before cooking, it is necessary to remove not only bones and cartilage from it, but also tendons, skin fragments and fat. It is allowed to cook meatballs and meatballs, meat soufflé and homemade pates from meat.

Fish in the diet

Fish is one of the foods that you can eat with pancreatic pancreatitis to normalize the condition. But not any gifts of rivers and seas will benefit. The table will help you understand a little about their diversity and make right choice.

All fish consumed in the patient's diet is steamed or boiled.


Vegetables should be the basis of the diet for diet number 5. Stewed and boiled vegetables, crushed after cooking - this is what you can eat with inflammation of the pancreas as the main food. In addition to the vegetables themselves, it is worth eating broths based on them daily. Combining boiled vegetables and lean broth, you can prepare mashed soups, which, due to their delicate texture, have a beneficial effect on digestion and do not overload the damaged pancreas.

Most preferred for feeding a patient with pancreatitis:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • Bell pepper;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • green pea.

With the onset of remission, you can gradually include thermally processed white cabbage and tomatoes in dishes.

It is worth mentioning especially about the beets. This root crop contains iodine, which is necessary for the restoration of pancreatic functions. Grated boiled beets for two weeks should be taken as a medicine: 150 grams half an hour before lunch or dinner.

Fruits, berries, nuts

Fruits and berries are a pantry of vitamins that are necessary for recovery and wellness. But the coarse fiber that most natural treats are made of is something that you can’t eat with pancreatitis. Therefore, fruits are consumed only baked, stewed or in the form of mousses and baby food from mashed fruits.

Preference should be given to the following fruits:

  • strawberries;
  • apricots;
  • sweet apples;
  • grenades;
  • cherry;
  • red grapes;
  • papaya.

With bananas, everything is less clear. They can be eaten one per day, but not during an exacerbation, and it is advisable to bake before use.


The beneficial properties of dairy products have long been known to mankind. But the diet for diseases of the pancreas makes its own adjustments to the way of eating. What can be eaten from dairy products, and what can not? Unfortunately, here too the choice of the patient is limited. Among dairy products, there are also prohibited products: glazed curds, fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, store-bought yogurts and dairy drinks, whole cow's milk as well as ice cream. Among the allowed products:

  • soft low-fat cottage cheese;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • homemade yogurt;
  • goat milk;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir and yogurt.

Even the products on the list should be used carefully, starting with a small amount during remission.


What foods can be eaten as a dessert? Sweets, rich pastries, chocolate are prohibited. With pancreatitis, you need to switch to more healthy foods: fruit mousses, homemade marmalade or marshmallows. You should not buy store analogues - instead natural ingredients they often contain synthetic substitutes, and healthy sweetness can become poisonous to the pancreas.


What can you drink with pancreatitis? The perfect drink is pure water room temperature Good also special herbal teas. Coffee, cocoa, and even chicory are contraindicated in this disease. And tops the list of prohibited drinks - sparkling water. She can cause severe pain and deterioration general condition.

Products prohibited for pancreatitis

An important part of the diet for pancreatitis is pancreatic disease: foods that should not be eaten under any circumstances.

Semi-finished products and sausages

Despite the alluring names, "Children's" sausages and "Tender" sausages are not among the permitted products. Such names are just a marketing ploy for which you can pay with your health.

Even allowed dishes like meatballs and meatballs, bought in the form of semi-finished products, are not what you need. Soy protein and spices are often added to such products, which are contraindicated in acute pancreatitis, and in chronic pancreatitis they can become a “trigger lever” for a new exacerbation.

Alcoholic drinks

The pancreas suffers from alcohol more than other organs. And the damaged pancreas reacts to toxic effect alcoholic beverages with new bouts of illness and delayed recovery from them.

Alcoholic drinks with pancreatitis are prohibited, as in acute stage, and with persistent remission. Doctors tell every patient with this disease that they should not drink at all. A person who drinks alcohol with pancreatitis simply destroys his pancreas.

Moreover, alcohol is contraindicated within a year after full recovery if it happened. It is known that, unlike the liver, the pancreas is not able to recover completely after an illness or poisoning with ethanol, so its sensitive reaction to ingestion even low alcohol drinks quite understandable, and the dose of alcohol immediately gives a painful attack.

The list of foods that you can eat with pancreatitis is not so long. However, by combining them in a variety of dishes, you can support the function of the pancreas and restore lost health, eating tasty and healthy.

Pancreatitis is understood as an inflammatory process of various etiologies in the tissue of the pancreas (PJ). One of the fundamental functions is the formation of the pancreas digestive juice required in the normal act of digestion of incoming food.

Another the most important task determined hormonal function production and control of insulin and glucagon. Without the participation of the pancreas, a healthy act of digestion is not possible. What can you eat with pancreatitis? What foods can you eat with pancreatitis?

Those who have encountered pancreatitis are curious: “?”, “What? What is impossible?" Consider what should be.

In everyday communication, you can often hear the following statement: “pancreatitis of the pancreas”, and if you look, pancreatitis carries this meaning, the inflammatory process in the tissue of the pancreas (translated from Latin “pancreas” - the pancreas (PZH), and “ it" - inflammatory process).

Ideally, it is created for a person. When choosing a doctor, he is guided by the following criteria:

  • severity of pancreatitis
  • etiology of its occurrence,
  • intolerance to some food components,
  • the presence of comorbidities,
  • taste preferences.

Acute pancreatitis or decompensation of existing chronic pancreatitis (CP) requires a special approach. What can you eat with pancreatitis? For the first days, hunger is prescribed, even the appearance and aroma of food is not allowed. Treatment is carried out in the hospital bed rest and accompanied by medical examinations.

Can I drink with pancreatitis? In the first three days, the liquid is compensated through the intravenous route, then water is taken orally. The main way to get useful components and water, recognized intravenous.

The period of fasting in acute pancreatitis can vary from one day to rare cases up to 20. However, the transition to oral nutrition should occur as early as possible.

The principle of diet therapy: the diet is introduced in stages, the list of products is gradually expanding and the amount of healthy food is increasing.

The consistency of the dishes is semi-liquid or moderately liquid. The food is preliminarily mechanically crushed, thermally processed and served at a warm temperature.

All this helps to normalize the affected functions. Regulates the work of the body and produces a therapeutic effect:

  • elimination of pain syndrome,
  • regulation of elevated enzymes,
  • elimination of intoxication.

Allowed products for pancreatitis are grouped into a list. What can you eat with pancreatitis?

Stage 1. Set to reduce the menu of protein and fat-containing foods, the introduction of carbohydrate foods:

  • The diet is represented by watery cereals, cereal soups-puree from buckwheat, rice cereal, oatmeal.
  • Vegetables are present in the diet in the form of vegetable platter soups, potato and squash puree, vegetable mousse, carrot and pumpkin puree, soybeans.
  • Fruits are presented in the form of semi-liquid jelly, apple and pear puree and juice. Can fruits be eaten raw? Fresh fruits are not allowed, as they activate the fermentative microflora in the intestines, and then cause flatulence and bloating, as well as increased loose stools.
  • Sweet tea is not strong, crackers or bagels a couple of pieces a day, dried bread, yesterday, wheat, dry biscuits Maria.

Stage 2. Entering protein-containing foods, starting with easily digestible:

  • Egg white: soft-boiled egg, steamed protein omelet.
  • Meat puree from lean meats (beef, turkey, rabbit, veal, chicken).
  • Fish puree from lean fish species (perch meat, pike fillet, cod fillet, pikeperch fillet, pollock fillet).
  • lactic acid products: semi-liquid lean cottage cheese, semi-liquid lean kefir. Can you eat dairy products? Milk is introduced into the finished dish or cooked with it.

Stage 3. Entering fat-containing foods, with small amounts.

  • Creamy natural oil(72%-82%) put before serving the dish, starting from 2 grams and up to 20 grams per day.
  • Vegetable refined oil from 2 grams to 15 grams per day.

Pancreatitis damages the pancreas. Diet reduces pancreatic juice production. There are products for pancreatitis that enhance the formation of pancreatic juice, they are prohibited during this period.

What can not be eaten with pancreatitis?

  • Food prepared from animal meat and fish, under the means of frying.
  • Rich, fatty broths from mushrooms, fish or meat (sheep carcass, pork fillet, duck and goose fillet, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon fillet, catfish, carp).
  • Smoked or dried dishes, meat or fish.
  • Smoked sausages, liver and blood sausages.
  • Bakery products, freshly baked, soft, rich pastries are contraindicated.
  • Canned products.
  • Seasonings, spices, products with a high concentration of extractive substances (onion, garlic), ketchup, mayonnaise, ready-made sauces, with the inclusion of mustard and pepper or vinegar.
  • Strong teas, black coffee, acidified juices, carbonated water, energy drinks.
  • Alcohol and alcoholic drinks. Strict ban! Alcohol enhances the production of pancreatic juice and changes it biochemical composition, which negatively affects the PZh. Evil Influence affects neighboring organs: liver, duodenum, gallbladder, stomach, sphincter of Oddi, vessels, nerves.

As the condition of the pancreas normalizes, complaints regress, laboratory numbers stabilize, diet options diversify, and the amount of food received increases. A week later, the introduction of diet number 5. Enzyme replacement therapy is recommended.

Diet No. 5 (sparing) according to Pevzner, decoding of the diet:

Product List:

With pancreatitis, what can you eat? The list of products consists of animal and vegetable products. supplies useful elements, the level of carbohydrates and vitamins, proteins, fats, as well as trace elements, meets the stated requirements, an energy-rich diet.

If you follow a diet, you should remove the following products from the menu:

Nutrition with subsiding exacerbation of CP

Nutrition with a subsiding exacerbation of CP is important for:

  • achieving remission
  • resumption of the working capacity of the gland and its function,
  • stimulation of repair and healing mechanisms,
  • rehabilitation of other organs,
  • strengthening immunity.

The subsequent dietary diversity takes into account the increased costs in protein products, and provides daily allowance in fat-containing, carbohydrate-containing foods, vitamins and minerals. Further variety of sparing diet No. 5 to No. 5 P.

Protein build up to 120 grams per day. Protein has a restorative effect on the gland, activates repair processes, relieves inflammation, supports immunity, replenishes protein deficiency in the body.

Extended, deciphering the diet:

  • Rehabilitation of the functions of the pancreas, protection of neighboring digestive organs, reduction of the tone of the gallbladder.
  • Support for an overestimated level of protein, the level of carbohydrates and fats, on the contrary, is minimized.
  • Mechanical crushing and a chemically protective diet.
  • The diet needs fractional up to six times a day.
  • Food grated, baked or steamed.
  • Temperature range from 20 to 55 degrees.
  • The numbers of fat-80 grams, protein-120 grams, carbohydrates-300 grams, energy value-2600 kcal, drinking fluids up to 2 liters per day.

Product List:

Subsiding exacerbation of pancreatitis, what can you eat? It is possible with pancreatitis dishes of the animal world and vegetable from the presented list of products.

The set of products is similar to the list during an exacerbation, the expansion of the diet in the form of:

  • Vegetable soups (except for red and white cabbage).
  • Vegetables are present in the diet in the form of potato and squash casseroles, soybeans, green peas, green beans, cauliflower casserole.
  • Fruits are presented in the form of semi-liquid jelly, casseroles with cereals, without skins. Baked apples, excluding sour varieties.
  • Meat puree from lean meats. Fish puree from lean varieties of fish. Steam processing, cooking, stewing, baking with cereals and vegetables are welcome.
  • Cereal porridge in half milk or water - buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, rice.
  • Drinking - rosehip broth, black currant juice.
  • Light cheese, without additives, doctor's sausage, fresh vegetables grated, pasta, spaghetti, vermicelli.
  • Can I have soy with pancreatitis? You can, and in case of animal protein intolerance, switch to soy protein.
  • It is possible to include sets of some spices: vanilla, cumin, nutmeg, cloves, zest, cinnamon.

This diet is followed for 3 months, moderately expanding the diet and volume. necessary food. Appointment of enzyme replacement therapy, for unloading, with food. If malfunctions in digestion are detected, they return to the previous stage.

The goals of the diet during this period are as follows:

  • Prevention of relapses
  • Correction of nutritional deficiency,
  • prevention of CP progression.

Deciphering diet indicators:

The implementation of the diet reduces the risk of recurrence of pancreatitis, reduces the likelihood of complications, inhibits the aggravation of the disease, prolongs remission, provides varied diet, prolongs life good quality. The selection of a diet is carried out by a nutritionist, taking into account the individual indicators of each person and the characteristics of the disease. Consult with a specialist.

Features of metabolism in inflammation of the pancreas (pancreas) are expressed in the syndrome of exocrine insufficiency and dyspepsia. Standard treatment disease is associated with drug inhibition of natural secretion and enzyme replacement therapy. Together, this determines the basis for compiling diets for the treatment of pancreatitis: what is allowed during remission, and what can be eaten during periods of exacerbations.

Basic diets for pancreatitis

Despite the similarity of restrictions for acute and chronic pancreatic pancreatitis, gastroenterologists define some of the nuances of diets in different ways: it happens that you can eat with one form, you can’t with another. The answer depends on the severity, stage of the process and the presence of concomitant diseases. With all the requirements to reduce inflammation of the pancreas, effective regeneration tissues and improve the general condition of patients, 3 complexes were developed:

  • Diet N5. The least rigid complex (for remissions and uncomplicated diseases).
  • Diet N5 b. It is prescribed for remission pancreatitis, including complicated by diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Diet N5 n. The most rigid complex (for the period when the patient needs to be taken out of acute form pancreatitis).

Right after intensive care at " acute abdomen”, and also after stopping attacks of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, you can’t eat anything. Health food appointed after 3 days of therapeutic fasting.

Diet N5

The menu is chosen so that the patient's pancreas functions are gradually restored. Preference is given to food containing enough fiber, pectins, proteins and lipotropes. It is necessary to completely abandon the fried and bake or steam fish, meat and vegetable dishes. The daily amount of food should be divided into 5 - 6 meals. Meals can only be consumed warm.

So, what can people suffering from pancreatitis eat when a doctor prescribes “table N5” ?, and what should they give up for a while?

What can you eat

You can eat sweets low content fats and acids: fruit jellies (remember the undesirability of citrus fruits); dried fruits, fresh fruits(peelless) and berries (except oranges, lemons, cherries, strawberries and kiwis).

Read also: Dairy products and pancreatitis

It is useful to use fermented milk: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream, acidophilus paste.

The need for animal proteins should be met by: scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, wind or steam fish and lean chicken.

The main side dishes are vegetable (excluded White cabbage). Preference should be given to stewed and boiled.

From the first dishes you can eat lean borscht and soups with vegetables and noodles, with the exception of those cooked on meat broth.

What not to eat

The ban includes: products from cocoa beans, chocolate, coffee, cold drinks, alcohol, spices, freshly baked bread, fried, fatty meat and fish. We must forget for a while about fried pies, muffins, freshly baked bread, puff pastry products. Confectionery - from ice cream to cakes - all this is also not for you.

Beware of dairy products from the market. Ryazhenka, cream and sour cream fatter than 15% from the store are also banned.

With the N5 diet, patients with pancreatitis should not eat everything that is cooked in meat broth, mushrooms (in any form), as well as pickles and smoked.

Diet N5 b

The main difference from the previous one is in a more gentle mode, which is expressed in the need to alternate pureed and whole food. Several products are added to forbidden list. Another feature is the increase daily allowance protein intake.

What can you eat

With pancreatitis of the pancreas in remission and comorbidities The gastrointestinal tract is recommended to use: plentiful drink(tea, compote, water) in the amount of 1.5 - 2.0 liters per day, salt (no more than 10 g), pureed soups in vegetable and milk broth and lean varieties chicken and fish.

Meat, fish and vegetables should be steamed or boiled. Whenever possible, eat both pureed and whole foods.

You can include in the menu liquid (not loose) buckwheat porridge. Except vegetable oil the diet uses butter (up to 15 g).

Read also: What you need to know to draw up a diet menu for pancreatic diseases

It is better to eat eggs as part of other dishes, and prefer yesterday's bread (avoid rye and bran-containing varieties).

Within this diet for pancreatic pancreatitis, you can eat the same sweets that are allowed in the previous complex.

What not to eat

Cold and hot dishes are not allowed. The list of restrictions, with rare exceptions, is repeated. An additional ban is issued for pears, quince and walnuts.

Diet N5P

The food intake regimen is observed the same as in the previous complexes - 5-6 times a day at the same time. The proportion of pureed food in the diet is increasing.

What can you eat

Meat should be steamed and consumed only in pure form. Allowed not wiped meat dishes in the form of well-steamed meatballs and meatballs.

Do not forget: the quality of meat and other goods purchased at the market or in the supermarket for a seriously ill person plays no less a role than the method of preparation. Buy only the freshest and best. Health is more valuable than money.

Other allowed protein food- this is a steam omelette (without yolks), diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, milk and dairy products, including fat-free cottage cheese.

Strongly steamed vegetables can not be ground. Preference is given to potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini and pumpkin.

The requirements for fruits differ in one nuance: it is undesirable to eat overripe fruits.

What not to eat

To the warnings issued by less sparing diets, only one thing is added: you should categorically refrain from drinking whole milk.

Principles of gentle nutrition in pancreatitis

Food contact with an inflamed ductal zone duodenum and the need to avoid additional peristaltic stimulation of excretion gastric juice are the main precautionary factors regulating the specific principles of specific nutrition. It should be:

  1. Chemically gentle.
  2. Mechanically gentle.
  3. Fractional.

In the context of the treatment of the pancreas, undesirable substances that irritate the gastric mucosa and increase secretion include salts, bitterness, acids, fats, alcohol, some phenols and carbonyl compounds that are part of smoked products. Accordingly, what categorically cannot be eaten with all types of pancreatitis is products with high content such inclusions.

The number of patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis has doubled over the past 40 years. If before illness pancreas were diagnosed mainly in people who abuse alcohol, today the majority of patients are quite well-to-do citizens. Doctors explain this trend simply: the wrong food culture. The abundance of fatty foods in the diet, snacks from time to time, hot coffee on the run - sooner or later this lifestyle will provoke a disease and an increased interest in the question of what you can eat with pancreatitis.

Obviously, only drug treatment A problem that has been brewing for years can no longer be solved. In acute pancreatitis, the doctor may generally prohibit the patient from touching food for the next 3 days. The next stage of treatment is a lifelong diet. It certainly sounds intimidating. But this is not about constant debilitating hunger strikes, but about a full-fledged balanced diet, which will relieve the burden on the pancreas and enable its cells to recover.

When it comes to pancreatitis, what you can and cannot eat can be discussed for a long time. Therefore, the main thing is to remember the basic rules of nutrition.

  1. The basis of the diet is protein of animal and vegetable origin.
  2. Fats and complex carbohydrates should be ingested exclusively in the form of cereals.
  3. Frying pans and grills are best hidden in distant drawers. All the same, now you can eat only boiled, baked or steamed dishes.
  4. The amount of the daily food intake should be evenly distributed over 3-4 doses. Hunger and overeating aggravate pancreatic diseases and cause acute pain.
  5. Food should be consumed warm. Too hot or cold foods and drinks irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby stimulating the production of pancreatic enzymes, and an extra load on the gland in this disease is not desirable.

Foods that should be included in the diet

Answering the question of what you can eat with pancreatitis, doctors provide a long list of foods from which you can make varied menu and even a festive table.

  • Meat.

It is allowed to eat at least every day, because the protein promotes the regeneration of pancreatic cells. The main thing is to choose low-fat varieties. Preference should be given to beef, veal, rabbit and poultry. You can't fry meat, of course. It is better to ask about recipes for steam cutlets and vegetable stews in a slow cooker.

Update: November 2018

The pancreas is a very small but capricious gland, and if not everything is in order with it, then a person has to refrain from many favorite dishes and foods. In order not to bring to acute pancreatitis or until an exacerbation of a chronic one, one should adhere to a diet, which is commonly called - table 5P.

What can you eat with pancreatitis? We will talk about this in this article. Consider the most frequently asked questions regarding prohibited and permitted foods for this ailment.

What vegetables can you eat?


Is it possible to eat tomatoes with pancreatitis? As for tomatoes, here the opinion of nutritionists is divided, some believe that they are very useful because they contain delicate fiber, which is so necessary for gastrointestinal tract, output bad cholesterol from the blood, which is very important for the pancreas.

Others believe that it is worth refraining from using them, especially during an acute process or even a mild exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Definitely, you can not eat unripe tomatoes, containing a lot of toxins that load all the organs of the digestive system.

And here's a fresh one tomato juice made from ripe tomatoes (not juice from bags industrial production, and squeezed out of fresh tomato) turns out to be a very valuable product that stimulates the pancreas, especially when mixed with freshly squeezed carrot juice. You can also eat tomatoes stewed or baked. But, everything should be in moderation, abuse even useful products may affect the work of the pancreas.

Tomato juice is a choleretic, that is, choleretic. If you drink it during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, then most likely it will be even worse, as a secondary reactive pancreatitis, as in cholelithiasis. Excess bile will be thrown into the common pancreatic duct, where pancreatic enzymes will be activated, which will digest non-food in small intestine, but the gland itself. The result is acute pancreatitis, a gurney, operating table about pancreatic necrosis, then either disability or death.

Thus, tomatoes and tomato juice are allowed in remission of chronic pancreatitis, when there is no pain, no swelling on ultrasound, no increase in amylase, diastase, elastase and other signs of inflammation.

All recommendations in this article are indications for the 5P table for chronic pancreatitis during the recovery period after an exacerbation and without an exacerbation. In order not to bring to acute pancreatitis, do not drink alcoholic drinks(especially strong) and some medicines.


With pancreatitis, can you eat cucumbers or not? Cucumbers, despite being 90% water, are actually very rich in trace elements and vitamins. It is possible to eat cucumbers with this disease, moreover, for treatment, a cucumber diet is sometimes prescribed for pancreatitis, when a person eats 7 kg of cucumbers in a week, while the pancreas is unloaded and it prevents inflammatory processes. Again, let's talk about the fact that everything is useful in moderation, with overuse cucumbers, especially if they contain nitrates or even worse pesticides, the benefits are reduced to zero.


Is it possible to eat cabbage, broccoli with pancreatitis? cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing, you can eat, but it is better in stewed or boiled form. Ordinary white cabbage, which is most familiar to us, has a very hard fiber, so it is forbidden to use it raw, but after heat treatment, not often it can also be eaten. And of course, do not forget that fried vegetables should be discarded. And it is better to refuse sauerkraut, as it greatly irritates the mucous membrane. Beijing cabbage can sometimes be consumed raw, only any kind of cabbage should be introduced into the diet after an exacerbation.

Is seaweed useful, the answer of nutritionists is yes, this is the most useful of all types, because it is very a large number of cobalt and nickel, without which it is impossible normal functioning glands. Is it possible sea ​​kale have pancreatitis? Yes, … residents only South-East Asia(Japan), because there enzymatic systems are different from European ones. Even on medicines in a pharmacy in Japan, they indicate that Europeans may not be helped. Therefore, it is impossible to eat seaweed with pancreatitis, especially during an exacerbation. This is not like other types of cabbage, this product is closer to mushrooms, that is, its utilization will require a massive release of pancreatic enzymes, which will provoke an increase in inflammation. Therefore, sea kale, like mushrooms, is not given to children under 12 years of age (they do not have the appropriate enzymes) and they are contraindicated in pancreatitis.

What fruits can be with pancreatitis?

All sour fruits, especially those with coarse fiber, are not advisable to use, especially during exacerbations. You can eat fruits only 10 days after the onset of remission of pancreatitis. In chronic pancreatitis, it is also not worth abusing various fruits, it is enough to eat 1 of any of the permitted fruits per day. Of course, the content useful substances, vitamins and minerals, they have no equal and in this they are useful for the gland, but the presence coarse fiber detrimental to its functioning.

  • You can eat: strawberries, sweet green apples, papayas, pineapples, avocados, watermelons
  • Do not eat: pears, all kinds of citrus fruits, sour apples, peaches, plums, cherry plums, mangoes
  • During remission, experiments are allowed with the use of various fruits, subject to their heat treatment - in a double boiler, oven.

There are certain rules when and how to eat fruits with pancreatitis:

  • Permitted fruits should be crushed, rubbed, crushed as thoroughly as possible.
  • It is better to use after baking in the oven or in a double boiler.
  • Do not eat more than one fruit per day
  • You should know exactly the list of allowed and prohibited fruits and know the medicines that should be taken if an undesirable fruit is accidentally consumed.

Is it possible to eat strawberries, bananas with pancreatitis and why? Most nutritionists believe that the pancreas, without exacerbation of pancreatitis, is able to cope with strawberries in small quantities, but everything is individual. It is better to refuse the use of bananas.

Is it possible to drink alcohol with pancreatitis?

The pancreas categorically rejects any alcoholic beverages. Of all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, this gland is the most susceptible to toxic effects alcohol. Unlike the liver, it does not contain an enzyme capable of breaking down alcoholic drink. It is known that more than 40% of all cases of acute pancreatitis occur after heavy drinking, fatty snacks, a fun long feast.

In chronic pancreatitis, when drinking alcohol, there is a high risk of recurrent attacks of acute pancreatitis, which lead to serious functional, anatomical destruction of the pancreas. And as you know, unlike the liver, this gland is not completely restored. And with each intake of alcohol, the formation of fibrosis foci progresses, which essentially means that the pancreas does not just become inflamed, but rots.

So, what can not be eaten with pancreatitis?

Fatty food

The pancreas does not like fatty foods, smoked meats, foods with a high content of protein or fat.

  • Meat . Therefore, fatty meats (pork, duck, goose), especially their kebabs, meatballs, sausages, stew and canned food, should be excluded.
  • Fish . Fatty fish - sturgeon, salmon, trout, salmon, herring, sprat, mackerel, catfish, as well as caviar and canned fish, salted and smoked fish are also excluded from the diet.
  • broths . According to gastroenterologists, it is difficult to find more harmful product for the pancreas than rich broth on the bone, aspic. And many people try to bring strong chicken broth to the hospital to improve their health. This is a big mistake!
Products containing artificial dyes, flavorings, preservatives

They also do not spare the pancreas. There are practically no products on the shelves of our supermarkets without the chemical additives listed above, therefore, in Lately the number of patients with pancreatitis in varying degrees of severity is steadily increasing. It becomes especially scary for children, because they also consume harmful chemical products called " baby yogurt” (stuffed with preservatives, flavorings and flavor enhancers), children's smoked sausage, “baby sausages” - by definition there can be no children's sausages, children should not eat such products at all !!! And then we wonder why a 10-year-old child has pancreatitis?


Glazed cheese curds, fatty varieties of cottage cheese, cheeses, especially smoked and salted ones, should not be consumed. Ice cream is also contraindicated, especially since recently it is not made from natural butter, milk and cream, but from palm oil, dried cream and milk, which go through several stages chemical processes that the gland has a very hard time when such products enter the body.

  • Confectionery- sweets, rich pastries, chocolate - they strain the pancreas very much.
  • Eggs . Hard-boiled eggs or fried eggs are contraindicated.
  • Vegetables. Such rough, hard and spicy vegetables as radish, garlic, horseradish, lettuce, sorrel, mushrooms, legumes, bell pepper, onion(raw) should not be eaten in any form. The rest of the vegetables are very necessary, but only in boiled or steamed form.
  • Fast food. This kind of food is absolutely dangerous. healthy person, and if we are talking about pancreatitis, that is, almost "poisonous" finished products - this is a direct path to a hospital bed.
  • Fruits . There are also restrictions here, they cannot be eaten raw, especially sour ones (citrus fruits, cranberries) and too sweet ones - grapes, figs, persimmons.

Proper nutrition - what can you eat with pancreatitis?

Everyone knows that the pancreas loves during an exacerbation - HUNGER, COLD and REST. And outside of exacerbation, it is very important how much, how often, when and what a person suffering from pancreatitis eats.

It is very important to follow certain rules and diet, the most important thing is to eat a small amount of food, quite often, preferably every 3 hours, limit food intake at night and, of course, not to eat certain types of foods.

Compliance with these rules is the key to long-term remission and full life with pancreatitis. What can you eat with pancreatitis without harming this small organ?

Question answer:

Is it possible to have goat milk?

goat milk is pretty heavy product for the pancreas. Since its fat content exceeds cow's two and a half times. The peoples who traditionally use this product as the main one have enzymatic systems more adapted to its use. But unaccustomed to goat milk can cause digestive disorders. Therefore, when introducing this type of milk and products from it, care must be taken, starting with small portions and gradually increasing them with normal tolerance. Absence of nausea, fluid or mushy stool will indicate that the product is normally digested (see).

Can you have matsoni?

Yogurt, like other fermented milk products, is not contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis. The whole point will be in the fat content of the milk from which it (it) is prepared. Too much fat milk of course undesirable.

Is it possible to make yeast cakes, puff pastry, gingerbread?

During the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, yeast baking is not indicated. In remission, yeast baking should be reasonably dosed. Puff pastry is not contraindicated. In gingerbread, the degree of sweetening will come first (in case of problems with insulin in pancreatitis) and the icing with which they are covered. Often cheap confectionery use glaze based on refractory fats (coconut and palm oil), which does not add health to the pancreas.

Can I have cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a spice that is sold only in specialized stores or brought by distributors. What we buy in hypermarkets in bags is more cheap option called cassia. Tales have been associated with this pseudo-cinnamon that it helps with diabetes 2 types. This is not actually the work of the pancreas, but the response of insulin receptors in tissues. There is no good evidence for this anywhere. In general, cinnamon enhances the production of gastric juice, being a stimulant, so it is not recommended for exacerbations of pancreatitis.

Is it possible to eat liver - stomach, heart, liver?

Products related to the liver (heart, stomach), as well as the liver in pancreatitis are not contraindicated if they are boiled or stewed. It is best not to eat these foods when fried.

Is it possible to process cheese, coffee, chocolate, bread?

It is advisable to choose processed cheese without hot spices and a large number of emulsifiers and preservatives. Chocolate should not be abused. You can eat bread. Coffee is undesirable regularly and during exacerbations. The way out is to add milk and drink infrequently in small cups.

Can brown and white rice, olive oil?

You can eat rice. add to salads and other dishes as usual. Without fanaticism.

Can I have cabbage pickle?

Cabbage pickle as a remedy for a hangover is contraindicated, because alcohol destroys the pancreas. In general, without exacerbation of pancreatitis in the absence of inflammation in the stomach or 12 duodenum a couple of spoons of brine cannot harm, but it is not recommended to drink it with glasses.

Salted fat?

Salo loads the liver more and bile ducts. In this case, the pancreas may suffer secondarily. Against the background of remission of pancreatitis, you can eat fat, but in reasonable portions in a couple of pieces a day a couple of times a week.




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