What does rapid growth of uterine fibroids mean? Signs of disease development


Fibroids in the uterus are one of the most common types of tumors in women. Uterine fibroids large sizes develops over a fairly long period of time. But since on early stages it hardly manifests itself in any way; this course of the disease is observed quite often. How to stop the growth of fibroids? This is discussed in this article.


Large fibroids are diagnosed when the diameter of the node is more than 60-100 mm. This corresponds to the enlargement of the uterus at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors use this size assessment system (similar to pregnancy) for convenience. Such a tumor grows from a nodule several millimeters in diameter. The reasons for the growth of uterine fibroids are mainly hormonal.

Types of fibroids

Large fibroid on ultrasound

In some cases, large fibroids can weigh several kilograms. But in countries with developed healthcare, this usually does not happen. Since symptoms begin to appear earlier, the patient consults a doctor.

Reasons for growth

If multiple large uterine fibroids are detected, this indicates quite advanced disease. Because education takes some time to grow. But since it hardly manifests itself at all when it is small, patients often go to the doctor with a large nodule. And, usually, at the stage when symptoms are present.

Many factors influence the growth rate. This includes both the histology of the formation and its localization. For example, a node supplied with blood, located under the mucosa, grows much faster than muscle formation.

Fibroids on ultrasound

But the main reasons for the growth of fibroids are hormonal. Disturbed hormonal status provokes the growth of tumors. Whereas normalization hormonal balance can stop growth.

How to stop the growth of fibroids? Due to the hormone-dependence of the formation, treatment is also carried out with hormonal drugs. Normalizing hormonal balance allows you to stop the growth of the node. There is an opinion that taking hormonal drugs can even cause fibroids to shrink. But this usually does not happen with large tumors.

Moreover, in view of hormonal changes During menopause, fibroids stop growing. Or they completely dissolve. But here, too, this does not happen with large formations. A node with a diameter of 6-10 cm can sometimes not be removed at all if menopause is approaching. But larger tumors are removed in any case.


In general, the presence of fibroids may not manifest itself at all and have no symptoms. For this reason, it is most often diagnosed accidentally. However, with significant growth of the node, characteristic features are almost always found. Typically, they are as follows:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen. Depending on the location of the fibroids, acute or aching, mild;
  • Feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower back;
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation. Bleeding not associated with the menstrual cycle (not with all types of fibroids, sometimes there may be no symptom);
  • Large uterine fibroids can interfere with the flow of blood during menstruation. In this case, a cavity filled with blood is formed in the uterus. It can only be removed surgically;
  • When a large neoplasm is localized on back wall organ, possible compression of the intestines. As a result, its dysfunction is observed;
  • When localized on the anterior wall of the organ, it is compressed bladder. As a result, its dysfunction is revealed. This can be either an increased urge to urinate or a delay;
  • Increase in the size of the abdomen, especially in the lower part. However, the weight does not change, that is, the patient does not gain weight. In this case, the fibroid directly stretches the abdominal wall.

The absence of symptoms of fibroids indicates that they are not growing too actively. But when large formations symptoms are always present. Even in cases where drugs are taken to stop its growth. Because clinical picture The disease is bright, the diagnosis is made quickly. Treatment is also not delayed. However, the very fact of the presence of large fibroids indicates that the disease is quite advanced.

Fibroids and pregnancy

Large uterine fibroids can become a serious obstacle to pregnancy. In some cases, such formations lead to infertility. The knot can compress the fallopian tubes. This prevents the passage of sperm to the eggs. In this case, it is impossible to get pregnant without the intervention of doctors.

If the tumor is located in the uterine cavity, it does not allow the embryo to attach to its walls. Also, when localized in the muscle layer, contraction is disrupted smooth muscle organ. Hypertonicity may occur. This can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

The presence of large fibroids in the uterus can cause fetal hypoxia. The development of various pathologies is possible. In addition, in the presence of a tumor, childbirth can be significantly complicated. In some cases, a large node may even block the birth canal.

There is a possibility of heavy bleeding during childbirth. Blood losses in this case can be very significant.


What to do if uterine fibroids have been diagnosed? You need to see a doctor. Only he can prescribe effective and safe treatment. In some cases, treatment is not prescribed. For example, with the expected imminent arrival menopause. But with large fibroids that cause severe symptoms, surgery is almost always necessary.

Stopping growth

In older patients, in some cases the tumor may not be removed. In this case, they are assigned conservative treatment. Appointed. Since fibroids are a hormone-dependent neoplasm, taking such drugs can stop its growth. The following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Progesterone;
  2. Dydrogesterone;
  3. Ciploterone acetate.

The medications must be taken over a long period of time. They stop the body's production of hormones. Essentially, temporary menopause occurs. At the same time, the growth of the node stops. Multiple fibroids Large uteruses cannot be cured in this way.

Due to the high hormone dependence of the tumor, regular use of such drugs can stop the growth of uterine fibroids. The products are quite effective when selected professionally. To do this, the patient takes a blood test for hormones. Only knowing the hormonal status can the doctor prescribe a suitable remedy.

Surgical methods

If it is not possible to stop the growth of uterine fibroids, then you have to operate on it. The same applies to very large tumors. Several types of interventions can be performed:

  1. Complete removal of the uterus in older patients. It is carried out when a woman no longer wants to have children;
  2. Removal of a section of an organ with a node. After this, reproductive function is often preserved;
  3. Laparoscopic or abdominal excision of the node. The method is selected depending on the diameter of the formation. Fertility, usually preserved;
  4. An operation in which the vessels that supply the formation with blood are blocked. As a result, its growth stops. This operation is performed when the node is actively growing or there is severe bleeding.

Surgical intervention is complicated if there is large quantity nodes In this case, removing one at a time can be quite difficult. Then doctors are forced to carry out a total intervention to remove the organ.

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Only last year the Russian Ministry of Health approved a treatment protocol that takes into account all new technologies. Uterine fibroids occur in almost 80% of women of childbearing age, but only 30% have “ clinical significance“- poisons life and needs treatment. An obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medicine, talks about how to live and fight it. medical sciences, member Russian Association human reproduction Dmitry Lubnin.

What is fibroid

Myoma is benign tumor, formed from muscle cells of the uterus. Myoma occurs as a result of a defect in one muscle cell from which a node begins to grow. If there are several nodes in the uterus, then each of them comes from a separate damaged cell. It is not yet known at what stage the failure occurs. There are two theories: according to the first, cells become defective even during intrauterine development girls (this explains the appearance of early fibroids); according to the second theory, cells are damaged as a result of multiple menstrual cycles, as well as inflammation, trauma and abortion. Some myomatous nodes die by themselves, while others begin to grow. It is important to understand that fibroids are a benign tumor. And it never turns into cancer. The idea that fast growth fibroids supposedly speaks of its malignancy, outdated!

What causes fibroids to grow?

Only one thing is known for certain: the growth of fibroids depends on sex hormones, but is not initiated by them. The main hormone that supports the growth of uterine fibroids is progesterone. Estrogens play a supporting role - they are responsible for the sensitivity of cells to progesterone. In this case, we are not talking about hormonal imbalances: the vast majority of women with fibroids normal levels hormones.

Previously, fibroids were considered a “nun’s disease.” Until the beginning of the twentieth century, a woman who did not take a vow of celibacy was almost always in the reproductive cycle: pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, several menstruation and pregnancy again. That is, menstruation was rare. The modern woman menstruates most of her life. It is assumed that it is the excess number of menstruation that accumulates errors in the muscle cells of the uterus, forming the rudiments of nodes.

In most cases, fibroids stop growing and even disappear after menopause, that is, with a lack of female sex hormones. The growth of fibroids occurs in the second (luteal) phase of the menstrual cycle against the background of a surge of progesterone. If you “cancel” the luteal phase using, for example, single-phase hormonal contraceptives, then we will exclude one of the factors stimulating tumor growth. Long-term use COCs are the only clinically proven method for preventing fibroids. Even if a fibroid node already exists, but its size does not exceed 15 mm, hormonal contraceptives can restrain its growth - and you will not need other methods of dealing with fibroids. Age is not a contraindication for taking COCs; they can be used until the onset of menopause.

Other risk factors are not so obvious, but statistically it can be noted that fibroids are often combined with obesity. Adipose tissue- Same endocrine organ, it produces estrogens in excess quantities, and these activate the growth of fibroids.

Severe stress is often the cause active growth fibroids. I often see how a node that has not been growing for several years suddenly shows pronounced growth at the next examination. Almost always, a woman says that during this time some kind of misfortune, a serious illness or severe overwork happened in her life.

Symptoms of fibroids

Symptoms depend on the size and location of the fibroids. There are reasons to consider treatment if you:

  • Heavy, painful, prolonged menstruation
  • Infertility or miscarriage not explained by other reasons
  • Nagging pain in the lower back
  • Frequent urination (an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder)
  • Constipation (pressure on the intestines)

Small nodes can only be detected by ultrasound; if the fibroid is large, it can enlarge the uterus so much that it can be felt through the anterior abdominal wall. When identifying uterine fibroids, you need to clearly decide on the tactics further actions. It is determined by the following important criteria:

  • Your age
  • Plans for pregnancy (soon, sometime later, never)
  • The possibility or impossibility of carrying a pregnancy to term in the presence of existing nodes
  • Number, size and locations of nodes
  • Presence of symptoms
  • Growth dynamics

Treatment of fibroids

Women often have to deal with passive-aggressive tactics from doctors: at first they simply monitor the growth of fibroids, and when a certain stage of the disease is reached, they offer to completely remove the uterus. If you are not planning a pregnancy, they urge you to remove the uterus even if there are no complaints: “Woman, why do you need a uterus, you can’t give birth.” Then horror stories about “degeneration into cancer” are used. In fact, there are quite a few ways to treat fibroids - and you need to know about them.

Hysterectomy - complete removal uterus. This radical technique is based on the principle “no organ - no problem.” Indeed, if you do not have a uterus, then no new myomatous nodes will appear on it, and, moreover, you will not face uterine cancer... This method is justified only in the presence of very large fibroids, when the size of the uterus corresponds to 25 weeks of pregnancy, as well as when the presence of concomitant oncogynecological diseases. As shown by a large study, the Scandinavian registration with the participation of 700 thousand women, removal of the uterus with or without appendages within a year increases the risk cardiovascular diseases- strokes and heart attacks. In addition, in 20-80% of cases after removal of the uterus (with or without appendages), posthysterectomy syndrome develops - serious condition, conditioned sharp decline hormone levels.

Myomectomy- surgical removal myomatous nodes. This is a temporary restoration of the uterus when planning a pregnancy. If existing nodes interfere with conception and pregnancy, they must be removed. It is important not to cause significant injury to the uterus. Removing many nodes that lie deep in the muscle layer will leave scars on the uterus, which will be dangerous to bear and give birth to. The risk of recurrence with myomectomy is about 7-14% per year. Therefore, if pregnancy is not planned for the near future, preference should be given to embolization uterine arteries(EMA).

Uterine artery embolization (UAE)- minimally invasive method, the main alternative surgical intervention. Its essence is to cut off the blood supply to the fibroids. For this purpose in vasculature, surrounding the fibroid, microspheres are injected, blocking the blood flow. As a result, the fibroid literally “dries out” - it decreases in size, its tissue turns into scar tissue and never grows again. In this case, the vessels supplying blood to the uterus itself are not affected and continue to function as usual. As a rule, there are no relapses, and the pregnancy rate after UAE and myomectomy is on average the same.

MRgFUS- focused ultrasound, or FUS ablation. The essence of the method is to melt uterine fibroid tissue with focused ultrasound under the control of magnetic resonance imaging. The tumor evaporates, the surrounding tissues are not affected. At the beginning of its application, great hopes were placed on this method, however, as practice has shown, it did not justify itself. The possibilities of FUS ablation are extremely limited: not all nodes, scars or a large layer of fatty tissue on the anterior abdominal wall make the procedure pointless. On average, after a year the nodes resume growth.

Drug therapy until recently, it was not very common and was used mainly to prepare for myomectomy, since the essence of the treatment was reduced to simulating menopause (against which the fibroids usually decrease). The choice between fibroids and menopause is truly a choice of two evils. And only recently a substance (ulipristal acetate) was approved for use, which, while leading to fibroid degeneration, does not cause symptoms of menopause. Here, however, your plans are of fundamental importance: you will not be able to get pregnant while taking the drug, and after discontinuation within six months, the growth of nodes may resume.

Myoma is a chronic progressive disease of the muscular layer of the uterus, limited reproductive age women. This is exactly what one of the current and modern definitions this pathology. It is emphasized here that the tumor grows from the muscle layer and is detected mainly during the childbearing period. Before menarche (first menstruation), fibroids are not detected. After a woman enters menopause, many nodes resolve on their own, and the problem ceases to bother the patient.

How quickly does fibroid grow in the uterus? No doctor can predict in advance how the disease will develop in a particular woman. And if some patients manage to do without treatment and survive until menopause, then others have to agree to surgery at quite a time. at a young age. The prognosis for fibroids depends on its location and number of nodes, the presence concomitant pathology and other factors influencing the proliferation of muscle tissue of the uterus.

Causes of tumor appearance

Before talking about how to stop the growth of a tumor, you should understand the causes of its occurrence and find out the main risk factors. By influencing these points, it is possible to slow down the development of education and prevent the occurrence of complications.

It is important to understand that today the exact figure is not known. Not a single doctor will tell you how this actually happens and what really affects the appearance of a tumor in the uterus. There are many theories, and some of them contradict each other. The following versions are currently popular:


The emphasis in this theory is on excess estrogen production against the background of progesterone deficiency. This happens with prolonged reproductive period when the first menstruation comes too early and menopause is delayed. Hyperestrogenism is also observed with late first births, refusal to breastfeed, and also with frequent abortions. According to this version, excess estrogen stimulates growth muscle cells and tumor formation.

It is assumed that when a child refuses to breastfeed, the amount of estrogen increases against the background of a lack of progesterone (hyperestrogenism), which can lead to the growth of muscle cells and tumor formation.

What is the disadvantage of this theory? According to latest research, unambiguous connection between high level estrogens and the development of fibroids were not found. Moreover, many scientists indicate that excess progesterone also negatively affects tumor development. In this regard, doctors are gradually abandoning the use of progestin drugs (in particular) in the treatment of fibroids, preferring more modern means.

On a note

The final choice of medications is made after a full examination and taking into account the patient’s medical history.

Frequent ovulation

Before the appearance modern means Many children were born into families using contraception. A hundred years ago, a woman only ovulated 30-40 times, and the rest of the time she carried or nursed children. Today, due to the possibilities of contraception, women have regular menstruation, ovulation occurs frequently, and fewer children are born. Repetitive menstrual cycles lead to tissue proliferation. It is not surprising that in last years Uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other pathologies are increasingly being recorded, about which almost nothing was known just 100 years ago.

Proponents of this theory point out that the only method to stop or reduce the growth of fibroids is to reduce the frequency of ovulation. But since modern woman cannot give birth to 10-15 children, one solution was found - taking combined oral contraceptives. Unfortunately, this method is not without its drawbacks, otherwise COCs would have long been used as the best remedy against growing fibroids.

More detailed information information on the use of oral contraceptives for fibroids can be found.

The use of combined oral contraceptives can reduce the frequency of ovulation in a woman.

Injuries and surgeries

There is an opinion that a difficult and traumatic birth, in which damage to the muscle fibers of the uterus occurs, can provoke tumor growth. Under consideration Negative influence caesarean section and abortions on later pregnancy. Unfortunately, this theory does not explain where the node in the uterus comes from. nulliparous women and what influences the appearance of the tumor in this case.

On a note

Many gynecologists agree that it is directly related to the fact that women refuse to perform their reproductive function. Social activity, one or two children in families, replacement breastfeeding feeding with an artificial formula - all this, in their opinion, leads to an increase in morbidity and an increased risk of complications.

How do uterine fibroids grow?

Initially, the tumor is located in the muscular layer of the uterus, from where it can spread to different sides. arise the following types fibroids:

  • Submucosal – reaches the submucosal layer, deforms the uterine cavity (centripetal growth of the node);
  • Subserous - grows to the outer layer of the uterus;
  • Interstitial - remains within the myometrium.

At submucous myoma the pathological area is located between muscle layer and the mucous membrane, with subserous - between the muscular layer and the peritoneum, with interstitial - in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus.

IN clinical practice Another classification is also important:

  • Progressive fibroids - the tumor gradually increases in size;
  • Stable fibroids - the diameter of the node remains virtually unchanged over many years;
  • Regressive fibroids - the tumor decreases in size.

Particular attention is paid to the growth rate. There is no clear norm here, since education can vary within any limits. A tumor is considered to be rapidly growing when the size of the uterus increases to 4 or more weeks per year.(). With this development, the issue of surgical treatment is resolved.

Some important aspects regarding the growth rate of fibroids:

  • A benign tumor cannot grow in a month. Fibroids progress slowly over many years, certain moment reaching clinically significant sizes. If a woman claims that her education has grown in one month, it is likely that we're talking about about a diagnostic error. With poor resolution of the equipment, the doctor could not notice a small fibroid or mistake it for another pathology;
  • Fibroids can grow back. To date, the only guaranteed means getting rid of the disease is (removing the tumor along with the uterus) according to the principle “no organ - no problem.” Even after EMA remains minor risk relapse, not to mention classic myomectomy, during which the doctor may simply not notice a small node. Hormonal drugs do not allow you to completely get rid of fibroids. All medications only reduce the size of the tumor or stabilize its growth, but, as a rule, do not eliminate the problem completely;
  • The rapid growth of fibroids is always an alarming sign. Probably, under the guise of myometrial pathology is hidden malignant tumor uterus.

If the fibroid grows very quickly in size, then most likely a malignant neoplasm is hidden behind this pathology.

On a note

It is believed that sarcoma is independent disease, which has nothing to do with uterine fibroids. It is difficult to confirm or refute this, because the clinical picture of the tumors is very similar. Having recorded the rapid growth of fibroids, doctors first try to exclude sarcoma, using the same methods and schemes for diagnosis.

Factors influencing the growth of myomatous nodes

Taking into account various theories of the origin of uterine tumors, the following factors can be identified that provoke its development:

  • Unrealized reproductive function or late labor;
  • Refusal of breastfeeding;
  • Chronic diseases that create an imbalance of hormones in the body;
  • Injuries and surgeries on the uterus;
  • Heredity.

It is known that visiting a sauna, bathhouse, or solarium does not contribute to the appearance of fibroids and does not affect the rate of its development.

Stages of tumor formation and features of the disease course

Each tumor goes through three stages in its development:

  • Progressive growth - observed mainly at the age of 25-40 years;
  • Stabilization of the node - some women may not have this stage;
  • Regression should normally occur during menopause, when the production of sex hormones stops.

Uterine fibroids almost always grow throughout a woman’s life. Reception hormonal drugs It only allows you to slow down this process, but does not guarantee a final solution to the problem. At certain periods of life may be interfered with various factors, affecting the development of the tumor, leading to an increase in its size or regression:

  • Pregnancy. While waiting for the baby, fibroids can grow, but by no more than 25% and mainly in the second trimester. In 20-30% of women, the tumor regresses or stabilizes. After childbirth hormonal background is restored, and the fibroid can return to its previous size. Another situation is possible when the node decreases and is not detected even with ultrasound;
  • Lactation. It is noticed that when lactational amenorrhea fibroids do not grow and even decrease in size. After the cycle is restored, the clinical picture changes;
  • Climax. In many cases, a year after the onset of menopause (the last menstruation in a woman’s life), myomatous nodes regress on their own. we wrote in a separate article;
  • Taking hormonal drugs. Some medications can cause fibroids to grow, while others cause them to regress.

After menopause, as a rule, fibroids decrease in size.

Signs of fibroid growth

Symptoms indicating progression of the disease:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. A growing node leads to the appearance discomfort, both during menstruation and on other days of the cycle;
  • Menometrorrhagia – . The gradual replacement of the muscle layer by tumor cells disrupts normal course cycle, interferes with uterine contractions and leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms;
  • Acyclic uterine bleeding. The more nodes in muscle tissue, the higher the likelihood of such a complication;
  • Increase in size of the abdomen. The fibroid grows, and the uterus grows along with it, extending beyond the pelvic cavity. An enlarged abdomen becomes noticeable when the tumor size is more than 6 cm and the size of the uterus is from 12 weeks;
  • Weight gain. Unmotivated weight gain may indicate the presence of fibroids;
  • Problems with urination and/or defecation. Subserous nodes, putting pressure on the bladder and intestines, leading to a malfunction in their functioning.

On a note

The growth of the abdomen may also be associated with the development of other tumors, including cysts and other ovarian tumors.

The general condition of the woman with fibroids is not changed, there is no fever. An increase in body temperature is observed with necrosis or inflammation of the node and indicates the development of complications.

In the photo below you can see how the belly grows with fibroids and what size it can reach:

A 48-year-old female patient undergoes surgery to remove a giant fibroid.

Diagnostic methods: how to identify the problem in time

Ultrasound is the simplest and most informative way to assess the rate of tumor growth. You can read more about this research method in the article:.

The timing of the ultrasound examination will vary:

  • Everyone healthy women over 25 years of age, it is recommended to undergo an annual ultrasound for preventive purposes;
  • If a stable myoma is diagnosed, it is necessary to carry out ultrasonography every 6 months;
  • For a rapidly growing tumor, ultrasound is prescribed every 3 months or more often (at the discretion of the doctor);
  • Control studies after treatment are carried out according to the generally accepted scheme.

Ultrasound is quite reliable, but at the same time not the most exact method. And if in several reports the difference in the diameter of the node is 2-3 mm, this is not a reason to panic. This difference does not indicate the growth of fibroids, but only indicates that the doctor looked at the tumor from a different angle. For objective assessment You should undergo an ultrasound on the same high-quality machine from the same doctor.

How to stop the growth of fibroids without harm to health

Helps slow down the activity of uterine fibroids various methods, and above all, we are talking about hormonal therapy. It is important to understand that taking medications does not guarantee complete deliverance from illness. As a rule, hormonal therapy has the following goals:

  • Achieve tumor size reduction before surgery;
  • Start node regression before planning pregnancy;
  • Stabilize the growth of fibroids in the premenopausal period and bring the woman to natural menopause.

Hormone therapy is called time-regression treatment. This means that such a scheme allows you to achieve reduction, stabilization or regression of fibroids, eliminate the accompanying unpleasant symptoms, reduce the risk of complications and help a woman realize her reproductive function.

Medicines that affect the growth of uterine fibroids and help stop its development:

Drugs Form Application diagram
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists Depot forms valid for a month Intramuscular injections once every 28 days for a course of 3-6 months. Prescribed under cover therapy to eliminate side effects
Antiprogestogens Pills 5-10 mg per day for 3 months
Progesterone analogs and synthetic progestogens Pills 10-20 mg per day from days 5 to 25 of the cycle or a continuous course for 6 months
Combined oral contraceptives(low-dose with gestagen III generation) Pills According to the 21+7 scheme or in continuous mode for 3-9 months or more according to indications
Intrauterine contraceptive Issued once for 5 years

At the first stage, GnRH agonists are usually used to regress the tumor, followed by any drug that can stabilize this process. All hormonal agents make it possible to ensure that uterine fibroids stop increasing in size. But is it possible to do without surgery altogether? Gynecologists practice conservative treatment only for nodes up to 3 cm in size and in the absence of complications. In other situations it is shown.

Hormonal therapy is used for tumors no larger than 3 cm in the absence of complications. It involves slowing down and stopping the growth of myomatous nodes.

It is important to know

Myoma growth for more than 4 weeks per year or any tumor activity during menopause is an indication for surgery.

The possibility of using antiestrogens for the treatment of uterine fibroids, and in particular Tamoxifen, is currently being discussed. However, in some studies it was noticed that the use of this drug leads to a paradoxical growth of the tumor. In this regard, the use of antiestrogens is limited, and doctors prefer safer methods.

Disease prevention

According to doctors, it has not been developed to date effective recipes, allowing to prevent the development of fibroids or avoid its rapid growth. Reduce risk somewhat undesirable consequences The following recommendations help:

  • Timely implementation of reproductive function;
  • Refusal of abortion;
  • Long-term breastfeeding;
  • Taking oral contraceptives;
  • Rational use of any hormonal drugs;
  • Competent treatment of gynecological pathology.

The prognosis for fibroids directly depends on the stage at which the disease was detected. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of slowing down the growth of the tumor and preventing removal of the uterus.

Useful video: symptoms of uterine fibroids, which are an indication for surgery

What were you embarrassed to ask: questions and answers about fibroids

Fibroids can be diagnosed during routine gynecological examination, but ultrasound helps most accurately confirm its presence, size and location. If she doesn’t show herself in any way, then this moment treatment as such is not required. In order not to provoke the growth of fibroids, experts recommend limiting the consumption of carbohydrates. If possible, animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats. Try your diet with fruit and berry juices. Get gynecological and ultrasound examinations twice a year.

If you notice that menstruation has become more painful, bleeding has increased, strong pain lower abdomen, urination has become more frequent - you should be wary. Perhaps the fibroid has begun to grow. Immediately contact a gynecologist who will full examination and based on the results of tests and ultrasound, he will prescribe a course of treatment.

In most cases, doctors prescribe conservative therapy, but sometimes it is also necessary surgery. Non-surgical treatment is intended to at least slow down the growth of fibroids. For this purpose, specialists prescribe products containing progesterone. As a supplement, iron-containing, folic and ascorbic acids of group B are used. Experts also recommend the use of some traditional medicine methods.

Antitumor drugs are used to treat fibroids medicinal plants, which, in most cases, are capable of destroying the tumor regardless of its location. These include Baikal and Dzungarian wrestlers, speckled hemlock, mistletoe, marsh cinquefoil, red fly agaric, common. Tinctures are prepared from these plants and taken dropwise according to a certain scheme. This must be done strictly following the instructions of the attending physician, because... these plants are poisonous (except cinquefoil).

Another type of antitumor plants used for fibroids are called queen plants: hog queen, horehound, lemon balm, St. John's wort, cornflower, etc. They directly affect the tumor of the uterus, slowing its growth and, in some cases, reducing it in size.

To stop or slow down the growth of a uterine tumor, herbal medicine must be carried out comprehensively. Along with the reception herbal tinctures, experts recommend using local treatment: tampons, douching, poultices, etc. For example, good antitumor effect give a poultice on the lower abdomen with tincture of sweet clover or black root, as well as douching with a decoction of the root horse sorrel or tenacious bedstraw.

If fibroids are found in a pregnant woman, doctors recommend carefully monitoring hemoglobin levels, because anemia can cause tumor growth. In cases where the growth of fibroids cannot be prevented, it is prescribed to slow it down. iron supplements, vitamins A, E and group B. Preparations with progesterone, like folk remedies, are prescribed with great caution. In severe cases, surgery is used.

When a diagnosis of “tumor” is announced to a patient in a clinic, the person’s reaction will be approximately the same – a state close to shock, when it seems that life is already over and the situation is irreversible. In fact, this is not always the case.

There are many oncological lesions various organs and systems, when the pathology is of a benign nature of development, is non-aggressive and is not directly associated with fatal. One of these diseases is fibroids.

Myoma – benign neoplasm, concentrated in the body of the uterus and formed in its smooth muscle layers. The development of pathology is provoked by abnormalities in the pituitary-hypothalamoid sphere, as well as an increased concentration of estrogen.

Myoma location options

It has nodal shape and the tendency to form in the body of the organ, and in in rare cases- in the cervix. Affects women of average age group. It grows slowly, but already at initial stages progression of the disease can have vivid symptoms, which is why it is often diagnosed on early stages and is well treated.

How to stop the growth of a tumor if such a diagnosis has already been made, in addition to therapeutic treatment, help yourself?


A therapeutic approach to solving problems associated with this disease, based on conservative principles of treatment, is, from the point of view of the majority specialized specialists, the most justified, since even the simplest surgical operations are associated with certain risks for the patient.

The purpose of drug treatment of the anomaly is to stop its growth, reduce its size and prevent relapses and complications.


Belongs to the category of hormonal contraceptives. It contains the component gestodene, progestin and estrogen. Normalization of hormonal levels occurs at the level of suppression of ovulation processes. Use 1 tablet per day for 21 days. If multiple courses are shown, next appointment should start in a week.

The drug itself does not have a positive effect on slowing down the growth of education - its direct purpose is to complex application to eliminate symptoms - bleeding and episodic pain.

At the same time, there are cases when the effect of the drug has a suppressive effect on a tumor characterized by a small size and the pathology decreases.

The cost of packaging is from 400 rubles.


Representative of the group of active hormone-containing agents. Initiates episodic drug-induced menopause by suppressing gonadotropin synthesis. At course application leads to the disappearance of pathogenic receptors with cell membranes affected tissues, and these processes are irreversible.

Thus, the tumor growth stops, and as the hormone triptorelin accumulates in the woman’s body, the anomaly decreases markedly. In the vast majority of cases, it is possible to reduce its volume by more than 50%.

It is injected under the skin daily for a week, after which the concentration of the drug is reduced from 0.5 mg to 0.1, followed by a three-week intake.

Price – about 6,400 rubles for 7 injections.


Has an antiprogestogen effect, blocking negative impact excess hormone concentration on tumor growth by suppressing the activity of progestogen receptors.

Causes short-term regression of fibroids and qualitatively eliminates symptoms. Often prescribed not only as a remedy complex therapy, but also in preoperative period to improve the clinical situation.

It is taken as a course, 1 time per day, 1.5 hours after meals. Dosage and duration are determined individually.

Cost – 1,500 rubles.


Blocks the synthesis of estrogen reproduction by the ovaries, high concentration which stimulates the growth of pathology. Causes degeneration of atypical cells, destroying the tumor from the inside. In the initial stages it gives a lasting positive result.

Take 1 tablet three times a day for three weeks, or for several months if the situation is too severe and there is a risk of cells becoming cancerous.

Refers to gestogenic medications.

Cost – from 640 rubles.


Representative of a new generation of hormone replacement therapy drugs. Facilitates the manifestations of the disease, prevents tissue atrophy caused by pathology, improves psychological condition, prevents depression and stress that creates favorable conditions For hormonal imbalance, and as a consequence, the progression of educational growth.

In 75% of cases it stops, and in 40% it completely blocks the further spread of the anomaly to neighboring healthy tissues.

Take 1 capsule in the morning continuously until the end of the course of treatment.

The cost is within 750 rubles.


Treat large fibroids folk remedies the matter is extremely doubtful, but pathologies whose size is no more than 2 cm are quite justified.


Propolis therapy offers two options for its use - by insertion into the vagina or internal reception. In any of the described cases effective impact component on the activity of tumor cells, in combination with drug treatment, there is a decrease in the size of fibroids, as well as the removal of focal inflammation.

For vaginal use, tampons are made impregnated with a 10% aqueous composition based on propolis. Leave overnight for 10 days.

Suitable for oral administration: 20% pharmaceutical grade alcohol tincture. Reception – 20 days, 20 drops before meals, at least three times a day. Propolis nourishes cells, stimulates the processes occurring in them metabolic processes, enhances regeneration.


This method of treatment is based on the theory of hormone dependence. Leech saliva has big number enzymes that restore the necessary hormonal levels in a woman’s body. They thin the blood and stop the bleeding that often accompanies the disease.

One course will require 10 manipulations, they are carried out at intervals of 3 days. From 5 to 8 individuals are taken per session.


Refers to poisonous plants, positive effect from taking has scientific confirmation. The poisons it contains kill tumor cells, contribute to their rapid disintegration and elimination from the body through natural means.

Photo. Hellebore

Possible complications

Despite the seeming harmlessness of treatment at home, traditional medicine can be fraught with danger in the form of serious side effects, the risk of which can exceed the positive dynamics they provide. Such complications include:

  • bleeding– often occur due to incorrect use medicines, the effect of which is enhanced by drug treatment;
  • reverse effect- in some cases hormonal disorders, which the patient tries to eliminate in this way, not only are not eliminated, but, on the contrary, the imbalance is aggravated even more. This happens in cases where a woman has not been examined for a blood test and she does not know which hormones provoke the tumor;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract– a number of plants that have a positive effect on the reduction of fibroids have contraindications for use in the form of problems with the digestive system;
  • allergy- based on individual intolerance components of plants or herbs.

Precautionary measures

Regardless of how the patient tries to get rid of the disease, she should take certain precautions:

  • exclude attempts self-treatment - any method, even reception medicinal tinctures and decoctions, must be agreed with the attending physician. The course of treatment, dosage - everything is only under medical supervision;
  • do not combine medications another spectrum of action simultaneously with fibroid therapy without the approval of a doctor;
  • take a blood test for hormones- that's the only way to find it best option eliminating pathology;
  • adequately evaluate possible risk from reception medicines in the presence of chronic diseases and severe damage to other organs, be sure to inform your doctor about them.

The degree of positive dynamics in the treatment process largely depends on the rhythm in which the patient lives and her lifestyle.

  • avoid thermal overheating of the pelvic area– this means not only the sun, but also the thermal effect from warming gels and creams used during the massage. From such a useful and pleasant procedure will have to refuse;
  • sunbathestrong impact ultraviolet radiation is very dangerous and can provoke cell mutation and the transition of the disease to cancer. For the same reason, baths and saunas are contraindicated;
  • physical exercise– maximum weight transfer limit – 5 kg;
  • abortions– this method of contraception in this situation is unacceptable and can greatly aggravate the situation, stimulating even greater hormonal imbalance;
  • drink plenty of fluids in the afternoon– this provokes swelling of the uterus;
  • take contraceptives on your own– their action, not authorized by a doctor, can activate the growth of pathology;
  • exclude classes in gyms, cycling– in a word, everything that puts stress on the pelvic area.

What you can do:

  • you can eat almost anything– from healthy grains, fish, to vegetables and fruits;
  • hiking– extremely useful procedure, saturating cells with oxygen and stimulating measurement processes;
  • have sex regularly– the process has a very positive effect on hormonal levels, stimulates the reproduction of missing hormones, improves mood and strengthens immune forces.

It is worth noting that restrictions familiar image life during favorable course diseases are minimal.


If the treatment is carried out correctly and the woman observes the precautions discussed above, the prognosis for full life quite optimistic. At the same time, fibroids have an extremely negative effect on fertilization and give a high prognosis for infertility.

Basically, it is only possible to stop the growth of the formation, slightly reduce its volume and bring it into a state of latency, when the disease does not produce symptoms and does not pose a danger to the patient.

Based on the size of the pathology, the tumor does not cause serious danger; the size varies between 1 – 2 cm. If it grows over 10 cm in diameter, surgical intervention is indicated.

Can a tumor disappear completely?

Unfortunately, it is extremely rare to completely eliminate a tumor, and then only in cases where it has minimum dimensions and refers to a specific type of anomaly.

Technically, this is possible due to its complete regression, since the cause of the disease is hormonal dependence. On the background developing menopause when the concentration female hormones reaches an extremely low point, small formations from the therapy may resolve.

When I was young childbearing age it's practically impossible.



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