Is it possible to cure the autonomic system? Vegetative vascular dystonia: symptoms and treatment in adults

That is, a malfunction of the nervous system. The development of VSD is provoked by various factors, including genetic predisposition and unhealthy lifestyle. This syndrome causes a lot of trouble for patients, so it is important to know how to get rid of VSD.

The disease is characterized by crises—attacks that are accompanied by somatic and neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Crises appear spontaneously. For an attack, a provoking factor is required, which can be anything - from certain foods to emotional shock and stress.

Crises are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • disorientation;
  • panic attack;
  • change in blood pressure.

VSD and vegetative crises that manifest the disease do not pose an immediate threat to the patient’s life, despite the frightening symptoms.

Vascular dystonia does not provoke the development of pathologies internal organs or chronic diseases, and does not affect the patient’s life expectancy, but the disease can worsen the quality of life.

  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • nootropics;
  • antidepressants;
  • vitamin preparations.

It is imperative to normalize the patient's blood pressure. For this, the doctor will prescribe special drugs, which must be taken as a course.

Sedative medications are indicated to improve sleep and relieve stress in the patient. These drugs differ mainly natural composition and have a gentle effect on the nervous system, allowing you to get rid of. If attacks of VSD are accompanied by panic attacks, such treatment is not enough. In this case, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed.

The peculiarity of tranquilizer drugs is that they depress the nervous system, therefore causing drowsiness and impaired concentration. These medications help relieve nervous tension and are prescribed if VSD is accompanied by neuropsychiatric disorders - asthenic syndrome and panic attacks. Tranquilizers also effectively combat tachycardia and a feeling of shortness of breath.

Nootropics are prescribed to improve blood supply to the brain and normalize its activity. These drugs improve attention and help strengthen memory.

Vegetovascular dystonia is often accompanied by depression, apathy and hypochondria. Antidepressants are used to suppress these symptoms. The drugs also help relieve stress and emotional excitability, and help normalize sleep.

Whether VSD needs to be treated with all of the listed drugs is determined by the doctor. In some cases, it is enough to take only antidepressants and sedatives.

All medications for VSD must be prescribed by a doctor. Tranquilizers, nootropics and antidepressants have a number of contraindications and side effects Therefore, the dosage is selected with caution. Self-administration of drugs for the treatment of VSD can be harmful to health.

To improve immunity and strengthen the nervous system, patients are prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements. This allows you to minimize the harm caused by autonomic dysfunction to the entire body, as well as prevent further depletion of the nervous system.

Psychotherapy for VSD

Psychotherapy occupies a special place in the treatment of VSD. A visit to a psychologist helps:

  • relieving stress;
  • getting rid of neurosis;
  • combating panic attacks;
  • liberation from phobias.

All these conditions accompany vegeto vascular dystonia and call.

It should be understood that psychotherapy is not an alternative to drug treatment. This technique should complement, but not replace conservative therapy. Psychotherapy alone will not get rid of the disease once and for all.

The method of psychocorrection should be discussed directly with the doctor. Only a specialist can decide how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia in each specific case. The fact is that each patient experiences VSD differently, so there is no universal method of psychotherapy for this disease. For some, group psychotherapy sessions to combat phobias will be preferable, while others may require individual therapy to get rid of neurosis. The duration of the course and the optimal number of sessions are also selected individually.

Folk remedies for VSD

Many patients are tormented by the question of whether it is possible to get rid of VSD using folk methods alone or not? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since everything depends on the severity of the symptoms and the frequency of crises in a particular patient. However, folk remedies perfectly complement medication and psychotherapy, and help strengthen the nervous system, therefore, with an integrated approach, it is possible to get rid of recurring attacks.

Traditional methods are based on treatment with medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures or decoctions.

  1. Mix 10 grams of licorice root, the same amount of crushed valerian root and St. John's wort. Pour the resulting mixture with three glasses of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Then the broth should be cooled and strained. You need to take the medicine 100 ml daily for a month. This remedy helps relieve nervous tension and normalize sleep.
  2. Peony alcohol tincture is a natural sedative that can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy. The dosage of this medicine is selected individually, and it can only be taken after consulting a doctor, since the drug is poisonous and can cause intoxication if the dosage is exceeded. The tincture helps relieve stress and nervous tension, normalizes sleep and delicately fights headaches. The medicine has a cumulative effect, so it must be taken daily for several weeks.
  3. Oregano decoction: pour a large spoonful of dried oregano herb with a glass of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes in a water bath. The decoction is taken 150 ml daily for 20 days. To normalize sleep and get rid of insomnia, the decoction should be drunk immediately before bed.
  4. A well-known folk remedy for “nerves” is motherwort. The plant is widely used to treat neuroses and asthenic syndrome due to its ability to normalize the activity of the nervous system and combat nervous overstrain. Motherwort is taken in the form of a decoction. To prepare, you need to pour 350 ml of boiling water over a large spoon of the dried plant and boil for about 10 minutes. The course of treatment is a month, during which you should drink a large spoonful of the decoction every day before bed.

Chamomile tea has a good calming effect. It is recommended to drink one cup daily before bed. You can also prepare a decoction of mint and lemon balm with the addition of a small amount of honey.

Traditional methods of treatment help get rid of nervous tension, which is one of the symptoms of VSD. However, such treatment does not replace conservative drug therapy recommended by the attending physician. Before you start getting rid of the symptoms of VSD using traditional methods, you should consult a specialist.

Other treatments

There are also alternative therapeutic methods - these are physiotherapy(physical therapy), massage and acupuncture (acupuncture).

Autonomic dysfunction develops as a result of disruption of the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system. To normalize these processes, physical therapy is used. Physical therapy can be done in the exercise therapy room at the nearest clinic. The advantage of this method is the constant monitoring of the doctor, who will always correct the patient if incorrect execution exercises.

Yoga, breathing exercises and swimming also help well. These areas normalize the activity of the nervous system and successfully combat the manifestations of neurosis, therefore they are recommended by neurologists for the treatment of VSD.

You can do stretching at home. Daily exercises, lasting no more than 10-15 minutes, help improve the metabolic processes occurring in the body and fully relax. This will significantly reduce the frequency of crises.

Massage sessions help relax muscles and improve blood circulation. After a course of massage, headaches disappear, the frequency of sudden changes in blood pressure decreases and sleep normalizes. For VSD, acupuncture works well. During the session, the patient's body completely relaxes. Improving blood circulation helps relieve muscle hypertonicity, which is often the cause of recurring crises.

If vegetative-vascular dystonia appears as a result of instability of the cervical spine, a course of electrophoresis with vasodilating drugs is indicated. This allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the cervical region and relieve pinching of the nerve roots of the spine, which can provoke exacerbations of VSD.

Lifestyle adjustments

VSD is a treatable disease if you approach the issue of treatment correctly. Medication and alternative treatment has one goal - reducing the frequency of attacks. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of VSD using such methods. To obtain lasting therapeutic effect, along with drug treatment, it is important to correctly adjust your own lifestyle.

First of all, you should give up bad habits. Smoking depletes the nervous system and aggravates VSD symptoms. This habit causes oxygen starvation brain cells, as a result, the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction are aggravated by migraines, dizziness and nausea. Alcohol abuse leads to increased blood pressure and impaired vascular tone, which provokes a vegetative crisis.

An important step in getting rid of VSD is changing your daily routine. A working day should not exceed eight hours. Overtime and night shifts strain the nervous system and lead to worsening symptoms of VSD. Night rest should be at least eight to nine hours. It is important to follow a routine, that is, go to bed at the same time every day.

The diet must be balanced. Should be abandoned fatty foods, limit the consumption of confectionery products and abandon semi-finished products. The basis of the diet consists of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, dairy products. You should drink enough clean water and avoid excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks. If you are prone to high blood pressure, regular coffee should be replaced with a decaffeinated drink, and instead of black tea, it is recommended to like herbal teas and fresh juices.

Giving up bad habits, normalizing your daily routine and diet, as well as drug therapy and sports - all this will help you get rid of VSD forever. You will have to wait a long time for the result, you will need A complex approach, but a happy, calm life without vegetative crises is worth it.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), like dysbiosis, has recently been actively criticized (and some experts continue to do so now) as “fictitious” diagnoses. Indeed, in the main official document - International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, operating now, exactly such diagnoses cannot be found. However, most scientists and doctors already admit: based on modern scientific data, problems with microflora are not at all far-fetched and, as a rule, lead to various health problems, including depression and diabetes. The same thing happens with VSD - there is no escape from the bouquet of symptoms characteristic of it, these are the most frequent complaints, found in modern humans (see below). At the same time, depending on the causes and prevailing symptoms, diagnoses that are fully included in ICD-10 can be made, in particular:

— “disorder of the autonomic nervous system” (G90.9),

- “encephalopathy” (G93.4),

- “somatoform autonomic dysfunction” (F45.3).

“In essence, all this official names diseases that manifest themselves in the form of a bunch of symptoms of VSD, explains a well-known neurologist, candidate medical sciences, Corresponding Member of the American Academy of Neurology Victor Koss. — The main problem is that in our country, practicing doctors often brush it off: they say, you just have VSD, nothing serious - as they say, “lie down and get some sleep and everything will pass.” It is for this reason that the complex of symptoms called “vegetative-vascular dystonia” has been discredited. If the attending physician only states that you have VSD and does not prescribe further studies and tests to get to the bottom of the cause, then urgently look for another doctor, advises Dr. Koss.


With VSD, no matter what the main diagnosis is called (see above), there is a violation of control over vascular tone - this is the root of the problem, the expert explains. Due to such a violation, on the one hand, all those unpleasant symptoms, about which we often complain, and on the other hand, what’s even worse, there is a real danger of serious consequences. “If you do not establish the cause of VSD and do not eliminate it, then ultimately mature age, after 50 years, a disorder may develop cerebral circulation, fraught with stroke and death,” warns neurologist Viktor Koss.

According to modern data, the most common symptoms of VSD look like this:

- sweating, feeling hot or, conversely, chills;

- increased heart rate;

- headaches, dizziness;

- pain in the neck;

- impaired memory, concentration;

- weakness, fatigue;

- irritability;

- numbness of arms, legs;

- redness of the skin at the slightest mechanical influence (touch);

- superficial sleep.


As already mentioned, vegetative-vascular dystonia can signal a variety of problems in the body - sometimes ones that most people do not medical education It wouldn’t even occur to me to associate it with vascular tone. In particular, as Dr. Koss said, unexpected—at first glance—causes of the complex of VSD symptoms may be:

- liver pathologies, including a congenital disorder called Gilbert's syndrome;

- biliary dyskinesia (that is, malfunctions of the gallbladder and bile ducts);

— disturbance of intestinal microflora;

- gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

With such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, toxic products can be produced that affect the autonomic nervous system, leading to failures in the control of vascular tone and, as a result, the familiar unpleasant signs of VSD, the expert explains.

Also, the most common causes of VSD may be:

allergic diseases;

endocrine pathologies(thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus);

— diseases of the nervous system;

cardiovascular diseases;

- hormonal changes in the body - for example, during pregnancy, menopause.

It is also possible that there was a malfunction in the functioning of your autonomic nervous system due to a simple non-compliance with the daily routine and nutrition against the backdrop of abuse of bad habits, the expert says. This option is more common in older people or those whose bodies are severely weakened by stress, chronic diseases and other troubles.


Obviously, the main difficulty is to get to the bottom of the real reason VSD, that is, a disease or disorder due to which the autonomic nervous system ceases to adequately control vascular tone. But it’s worth starting with the simplest thing - finding out what kind of lifestyle the patient leads, says Dr. Koss:

— In addition to the diseases that we have listed, it is possible that a temporary disruption occurred in the functioning of your autonomic nervous system due to a simple non-compliance with the daily routine and nutrition against the backdrop of abuse of bad habits. This option is more common in older people or those whose bodies are severely weakened by stress, chronic diseases, etc.

That is, if it turns out that the patient sleeps less than 7 hours a day, moves little (walks less than 40 minutes a day), smokes like a locomotive and does not eat enough nutrients(abuses fast food, ignoring vegetables and fruits), then the first step is to correct these violations. If you switch to more or less correct image life and at the same time after a month and a half the symptoms of VSD do not go away, then you need to begin detailed investigations, going through all the organs and systems of the body with an intelligent and attentive doctor.


“In any case, reasonable physical activity, regular exercise, as well as hardening, or at least wiping with a cold towel, always help to improve vascular tone,” advises Dr. Koss.

Is it possible to cure VSD without medications?

VSD is not a disease, but a complex of symptoms. They can be of varying severity, but the answer to the question of whether VSD can be cured is positive. This is not only possible to do, but also necessary. The sooner the patient begins to take measures to improve his well-being, the easier it will be to achieve a positive result. Moreover, in the initial stages this is achieved without the use of antidepressants, with the help of psychotherapy or hypnosis. Do not wait until your condition worsens, seek help from a doctor and follow his recommendations. This will help you not only improve your well-being, but also maintain your health. VSD, left unattended, can cause the development of diseases.

Treatment of VSD at home - this is a set of measures aimed at improving the patient’s condition, relaxing him and balancing the work of the autonomic nervous system. They consist of following a daily routine, physical education, long walks on fresh air, sports, bath preparation, aromatherapy and herbal medicine. At home, you can create conditions favorable for recovery. A lot depends on the emotional atmosphere, on how comfortable the patient feels where he lives, and whether he can relax in his home environment. If you are wondering whether VSD can be cured at home, the answer will be yes.

Herbal treatment of VSD:

  • Herbal teas that soothe and normalize blood pressure will be useful if you choose the right mixture for you. Depending on what pressure you have with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to take various decoctions and infusions.
  • For normal blood pressure, valerian tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is suitable. You can also use its dry extract. A decoction of nine-sil and tinctures of sandy immortelle or hawthorn will be useful.

There is no universal collection for the treatment of VSD, since it must be selected individually, based on the severity of the pathologies that cause symptoms.

Is it possible to cure VSD by adjusting the patient’s lifestyle? Yes, this is a necessary measure on the way to full recovery. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is very difficult to cure without adjusting the patient’s lifestyle. You need to take care of the regime in which there will be enough time for good rest patient. No less important is the psychological atmosphere, in which there should be no negativity and stress. Organizing proper nutrition and avoiding excessive drinking and smoking are also important.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will be very useful for people with any type of VSD. Procedures such as laser puncture, acupuncture, vacuum therapy and therapeutic massage are indicated for disorders of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Performing a massage can improve blood flow, tone blood vessels and relieve nervous tension. If parasympathetic nervous system disorders predominate, he should have deep character and intensity. If there are problems with sympathetic system, then the massage effect should be soothing and relaxing.

Is it possible to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia forever?

To understand whether vegetative-vascular dystonia can be cured, you need to know that this is a disorder of the parasympathetic nervous system. It has extensive symptoms, which depend on its type. There are methods that help regulate the functioning of the nerve fibers that control the work important organs and systems. This not only improves the patient’s well-being, but also prevents the development of serious diseases.

On websites and forums dedicated to VSD, you can learn many ways to combat the problem using traditional methods, but before using them, consult your doctor, clarifying which methods are indicated for you depending on the complexity of the diagnosis.

What traditional medicine can be used for VSD:

  • Treatment with clay. This remedy allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. For a week, once a day you need to drink a glass of clay solution. It is better to purchase it at a pharmacy so that it does not contain harmful impurities. To prepare the solution, you need to take a tablespoon of clay and mix it in a glass of warm water. Every day its amount needs to be reduced and by the end of the week it will already be a teaspoon.
  • Bath with mustard. It is enough to take 5 tablespoons of powder and dilute warm water to the concentration of sour cream. Then you need to pour it into the bath, the water temperature of which is 39-40 degrees. You should take it for 7 minutes, then wipe yourself dry and go to bed. It’s great to drink hot herbal tea after this procedure.

Many patients want to know whether vascular dystonia can be cured using traditional methods. A doctor can fully answer this question by studying the condition of the patient’s body and the severity of symptoms.

If methods of treating VSD without the use of drugs are ineffective, the doctor prescribes drugs that will help get rid of the psychovegetative syndrome. You need to approach the choice of medications very responsibly and under no circumstances self-medicate. For the treatment of VSD, psychotropic and neurotropic drugs are prescribed, which should not lead to addiction and dependence on them. Homeopathic medicines are occasionally prescribed, but are not the main ones.

Once you start taking medications, you need to be attentive to your condition. Their effect should be felt fairly quickly. Deterioration in well-being, lack of results and the appearance of side effects after a certain period (the period will be determined by the doctor) from the start of taking medications may indicate that the therapy was chosen incorrectly. You need to contact your doctor to review your prescribed treatment regimen.

More about the disease

There are 4 syndromes:

  1. Cardialgic. Acute tingling in the heart, almost all people who have been diagnosed with VSD suffer from it.
  2. Tachycardic. Tachycardia is observed in elderly people.
  3. Bradycardic. A significant decrease in heart rate, dizziness, and fainting are observed in the younger generation.
  4. Arrhythmic. Heart arythmy.



Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that manifests itself in the form of panic attacks. The vast majority of cases of this disease occur as a result of nervous shock or breakdown. This means that the only doctor capable of treating this illness is a psychotherapist. Contacting an experienced psychotherapist in a timely manner is the key to success.

There are the following main causes of the disease:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Tobacco smoking, alcohol.
  3. Stress.
  4. Abrupt climate change.
  5. Overstrain (nervous and physical).

How to overcome the disease completely?

Despite the assurances of doctors that it is impossible to get rid of this disease forever, you should remember the following: it is very profitable for doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical factories, and private clinics to treat you for VSD. There is no other similar disease that affects so many human organs. This leads to huge lists of prescribed medications designed to treat every symptom. As a result, you are needlessly ruining your body with medications, helping certain people turn their capital back on you.

Remember, you can get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever. First, you need to see a doctor in order to rule out other possible diseases. Do a complete body examination. Get urine and blood tests. Get an electrocardiogram. You can do an MRI. You need to get a complete picture of the condition of your body before you begin to treat a non-existent disease.

Treatment with drugs

The basic rule for treating VSD with medications at home is reasonable planning of work and rest and elimination of the main cause that led the human body to this condition. You can spend months trying to cure a disease using expensive medications, and then in 1 day nullify the result by being overtired at work. People who have been ill once vegetative-vascular dystonia, remain at risk forever.

Treatment of VSD is aimed at normalizing the brain centers that control the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the human body.

It is possible to treat VSD with medications, but it is advisable to postpone this method in case all other treatment options do not lead to positive results. If the need for such treatment nevertheless arises, then the technique is as follows: medications are started to be taken in small doses and are brought to normal over time, while at the same time strictly monitoring the body’s reaction. A patient under the influence of such drugs must mandatory undergo examination in the hospital at least once every 3-4 months.

Treatment of VSD with medications is aimed at studying the state of the endocrine system and thyroid gland. If this disease manifests itself, the patient is prescribed sedatives and antidepressants. Assign psychotropic medications, means for normalizing blood circulation and blood supply to the brain. In mild stages, valerian and hawthorn can be prescribed.

Also very effective is the parallel administration of a course of vitamins and microelements to the patient. A progressive method to cure this disease is hypnosis, which allows you to put a person into a relaxing trance state, which has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Neurologists and psychotherapists often recommend using auto-training methods, that is, self-hypnosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

One cannot help but pay tribute to the experience of healers who are trained to treat great amount herbal diseases. Due to the fact that VSD is not such an isolated disease as a syndrome, you can bring the body to equilibrium and balance and get rid of the serious consequences with the help of medicinal herbs.

The influence of herbs, roots, and fruits of flora on the human nervous system is a long-proven fact. The main thing is to choose the right complex that suits you. Only then can we expect progress.

Let us remind you that imbalance in your body can occur according to several criteria:

  1. Violation of general circulation and blood supply to the brain.
  2. Violation of body heat exchange.
  3. Improper nutrition, due to which the supply of useful substances capable of regulating and restoring affected organs is depleted.

The following combinations of herbs at home are successful:

Freshly squeezed juice with honey and wine works great. You will need carrots, beets, radishes, lemon, honey and sweet red wine.

A very effective way to deal with a panic attack is to use a regular bag.

A person who feels the onset of an attack should inhale and exhale into this bag until carbon dioxide normalizes the nervous system.

There are treatments for this disease using breathing exercises. Its essence is that the patient needs to take a deep breath (lasting about 7 seconds), then exhale in the same way (as you exhale, say: i, e, o, y, a, w).

Doctor Brols, who invented this gymnastics, promises that with the help correct use With his methods you can get rid of this disease forever. He claims that pronouncing each of the above sounds affects different organs in your body. Thus, by inhaling and exhaling, you massage from the inside.

A good way to improve your health is a bath with herbs. Aromatic oils, herbs, and salts have a relaxing effect on the body. Don't forget about the sauna and steam bath. Drink herbal teas.

If you decide to try herbal treatment for this disease, you should first consult with your doctor. The fact is that many features and courses of this disease are regulated by different approaches using herbs. What type of VSD do you have, low or high blood pressure, age, degree of disease - all this is important factors when choosing a complex of herbs.


Physiotherapy is widely used for the prevention and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Why physiotherapy? It's simple. It has long been proven that this disease mainly affects the population leading a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system. Experts prescribe exercise therapy, relaxing massage courses, various water treatments, and sometimes even acupuncture.

Preference is given to physiotherapy, first of all, due to the fact that physical activity is the key to free, natural treatment, which not only does not cause harm to the body, but brings enormous benefits to every organ of the human body.

A proven remedy that has almost 100% success is a change of environment. It has been proven that monotony depresses any person. So ideal option for a sick person who wants to cure this disease, there will be a trip to a sanatorium located in a picturesque place. After all, contemplation of forests, parks and lakes has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Physiotherapy is often used together with drug treatment, because if the human body is constantly in a slight tone and receives restorative physical activity, then the effect of medical supplies will come much faster. Also, physical activity should become a constant companion for a person who has overcome vegetative-vascular dystonia.

No sedative has a more beneficial effect than running, cycling, swimming in the pool, and long walks in the fresh air.

However, along with the possibility of overdose in the drug treatment method, physical therapy also needs to be carried out wisely.

Overexertion and excessive physical activity may not only not improve your condition, but also lead to a significant regression of your health.


What should you do to avoid being exposed to this most unpleasant disease? It is necessary to monitor your health. Don't get overtired. On vacation - just relax. Get out of the house more often for walks in the park or along the shore of a pond. Check with your doctor regularly.

Play sports (it’s best to sign up for a swimming pool), read books, get a cat and pay very close attention to your sleep schedule. After all, sleep is the time when the body replenishes resources, heals wounds, and puts the nervous system in order. It is necessary to put your diet in order. Natural, balanced food, rich in vitamins and microelements, works wonders.

A person who sounded the alarm in time and turned to specialists can safely count on favorable outcome treatment. After the patient has been able to get rid of dystonia, it is necessary to be examined at least once a year for relapse.

On modern stage scientists studying this problem propose the term to denote this pathological condition autonomic dysfunction(VD), which most accurately reflects the essence of the emerging pathological changes in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a section of the nervous system that controls and regulates the work of all internal organs, helping to maintain homeostasis - relative balance internal environment body. Another name for the ANS is the autonomic nervous system, since its activity is not subject to the will and control of human consciousness. The ANS is involved in the regulation of many biochemical and physiological processes, for example, it supports normal temperature body, the optimal level of blood pressure, is responsible for the processes of digestion, urination, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune systems etc. The main divisions of the ANS include: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The activity of these departments most often has opposite effects: sympathetic division The ANS is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract, bladder, bronchi, increasing heart rate and strengthening heart contractions, narrowing most arteries and veins of the body; The parasympathetic section of the ANS is responsible for contracting the muscles of the digestive tract, which leads to increased motility and increased secretion of the digestive glands. Also, the activity of other glands of the body (salivary, lacrimal) is activated, heart contraction slows down and weakens, arteries and veins dilate. In addition, a number of organs (intestines, bladder) have their own nervous regulation system (usually represented by nerve plexuses), which is classified as the metasympathetic division of the ANS. Normally, there should be a “relative balance” between the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments, i.e. when the effects of the work of one of the departments predominate, the effects of the work of the other are reduced. Violation of the “equilibrium” between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS leads to the development of autonomic dysfunction.

In many medical publications you can find synonyms for autonomic dysfunction: cardiopsychoneurosis, cardiac neurosis, functional cardiopathy, psychovegetative syndrome, panic attack, angioneurosis, psychovegetative neurosis, vasomotor dystonia, etc. Currently autonomic dysfunction not considered independent disease, and a syndrome - a set of signs - symptoms that can occur in any pathology.

Manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia (autonomic dysfunction)

Manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia very diverse. Depending on the disturbances in the functioning of one or another organ system, they are divided into several groups, although these symptoms can manifest themselves either separately or together:

  • cardiac (heart) manifestations - pain in the heart area, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), a feeling of a sinking heart, interruptions in heart function;
  • respiratory (breathing) manifestations - rapid breathing (tachypnea), inability to take a deep breath or vice versa, unexpected deep breaths; feeling of lack of air, feeling of heaviness, congestion in the chest; sudden attacks of shortness of breath, similar to attacks of bronchial asthma, but provoked by other situations: anxiety, fear, awakening, falling asleep;
  • dysdynamic manifestations - fluctuations in arterial and venous pressure; disturbances of blood circulation in tissues;
  • thermoregulatory manifestations - unpredictable fluctuations in body temperature: it can rise to 37-38 degrees C or drop to 35 degrees C and below. Fluctuations can be constant, long-term or short-term;
  • dyspeptic manifestations - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation or diarrhea);
  • sexual disorders, for example, anorgasmia - lack of orgasm with persistent sexual desire; various violations functions of the urinary system - frequent, painful urination in the absence of any real pathology, etc.;
  • psycho-neurological manifestations - weakness, lethargy, decreased performance and increased fatigue under light load, tearfulness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, increased sensitivity to changes in weather, disruption of the sleep-wake cycle, anxiety, shuddering during sleep, which is most often superficial and short-lived.

Causes VSD

To the main factors, causing development Vegetative-vascular dystonia includes:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. endocrine changes in the body. VD often manifests itself most clearly during periods of active hormonal changes, for example, during puberty;
  3. diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, gonads);
  4. stress, neuroses, psycho-emotional tension;
  5. organic brain damage (trauma, tumors, cerebrovascular accidents - strokes);

Classification vegetative-vascular dystonia

Unified classification vegetative-vascular dystonia still doesn't exist. Depending on changes in the cardiovascular system and changes in blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia divided into types:

  • normotensive or cardiac type, manifested by pain in the heart or associated with various disorders heart rate;
  • hypertensive type, characterized by increased blood pressure in a state of stress or rest;
  • hypotensive type, characterized by low blood pressure, accompanied by weakness, fatigue, and a tendency to faint.

Depending on the predominance of activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, sympathicotonic, parasympathicotonic and mixed types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished. According to the nature of the flow vegetative-vascular dystonia can be permanent (with constantly present signs of the disease; develops more often with the hereditary nature of the disease), paroxysmal (occur in the form of so-called vegetative attacks) or latent (occur hidden). Autonomic attacks (vegetative-vascular crises, panic attacks) usually begin at the age of 20-40 years - this course of autonomic dysfunction, characteristic of adults, is more common in women. If the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system predominates in the work of the autonomic system, then a so-called sympathoadrenal attack (crisis) occurs. It usually starts with a headache or pain in the heart area, palpitations, and a flushed or pale face. Blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, body temperature rises, and chills appear. Sometimes there is unreasonable fear. If the activity of the parasympathetic department predominates in the work of the autonomic nervous system, then a so-called vagoinsular attack (crisis) develops, characterized by general weakness and darkening of the eyes. Sweating, nausea, dizziness appear, blood pressure and body temperature decrease, and the pulse slows down. Overwork, anxiety, and psycho-emotional stress cause more frequent attacks. After a crisis, a feeling of weakness, general malaise, and weakness may remain for several days. Most often, the manifestations of attacks are mixed, so the indicated division into different kinds(sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular) conditionally, but the approach to treatment is the same.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child: where does it all begin?

Most often, the disease begins in childhood. According to various sources, from 12 to 29% of children and adolescents suffer from autonomic dysfunction. This is facilitated by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, other pathologies of the central nervous system, diseases infancy. As a result, inferiority in the functioning of the ANS occurs, disorders appear on the part of various organs and systems, for example, the gastrointestinal tract (frequent regurgitation, bloating, unstable stool, decreased appetite) and the central nervous system (shallow, intermittent and nap with frequent awakenings). Such children are prone to frequent colds with “temperature tails” - maintaining an elevated temperature after recovery. They do not tolerate stuffiness, heat, changes in weather, complain of headaches, difficulty breathing (most often, the so-called “unsatisfied breath”), and feel a “lump in the throat.” During puberty, autonomic dysfunction is aggravated by a mismatch between the rapid development of internal organs, the growth of the entire organism, and the lag in the formation and maturation of nervous and endocrine regulation. At this time, complaints usually arise of pain in the heart area, interruptions in heart function, palpitations, and an increase or decrease in blood pressure is recorded. Psychoneurological disorders often occur: increased fatigue, memory loss, emotional instability (tearfulness, irritability, irascibility), high anxiety. In adults, symptoms appear vegetative-vascular dystonia provoked and aggravated by the presence of various chronic diseases, stress, personal characteristics, hormonal changes associated, for example, with pregnancy.

Diagnostics vegetative-vascular dystonia

How to recognize vegetative-vascular dystonia? If you easily turn pale or blush, you often feel dizzy, your vision becomes dark, especially after sudden movements or standing up, you experience a paroxysmal headache, excessive sweating, rapid or slow heartbeat, a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart, a feeling of difficulty breathing, cold or numb arms and legs, you get tired quickly, you have reduced performance, you often feel weak, tired - most likely you have vegetative-vascular dystonia and you need to see a doctor.

Due to the variety of symptoms, making a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is difficult and requires a specialist, this could be a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, to exclude or diagnose various diseases accompanied by similar symptoms. In this case, such diagnostic methods are used as electrocardiography (ECG), daily recording of an electrocardiogram, rheovasography - a method of graphically recording pulse fluctuations in the blood supply of blood vessels in organs and tissues. Gastrointestinal tract examined using gastroscopy, which allows one to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa using an endoscope (a tubular optical device with a lighting device). To study the nervous system, electroencephalography is performed - a method of graphically recording bioelectrical impulses of the brain; computed tomography is a research method in which images of a certain layer (slice) of the human body (for example, the head) are obtained using X-rays.

CT can be used to record minute changes absorption of rays, which in turn allows you to see what is not visible on a regular X-ray; the radiation exposure with CT is significantly lower than with a conventional X-ray examination. It is worth mentioning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a diagnostic method (not associated with x-rays), which allows one to obtain a layer-by-layer image of organs on a computer in various planes and to construct a three-dimensional reconstruction of a certain area of ​​the body. For NMR, various pulse sequences have been developed for imaging the structures under study, which make it possible to obtain optimal contrast between normal and altered tissues. Based on the examination data and the totality of external manifestations of the disease, a final diagnosis is made and treatment tactics are selected.

Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia

Prevention and treatment of autonomic dysfunction should begin in childhood and adolescence. It is a mistaken belief that autonomic dysfunction is a condition that reflects the characteristics of a growing organism, which goes away on its own over time. It has already been proven that arising in childhood or adolescence autonomic dysfunction, is an unfavorable background and a harbinger of many diseases. In adults, the presence of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires, first of all, exclusion various diseases, the course of which is accompanied by dysfunction of the ANS. Among them various diseases endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, reproductive system disorders); many mental disorders (from neurosis, neurasthenia to diseases caused by significant changes in brain structures). Moreover, almost everything chronic diseases accompanied by symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is why timely contact with a specialist is so necessary. With timely correction autonomic disorders In 80-90% of women, sleep and appetite are normalized, many complaints disappear or significantly decrease, and the body’s adaptive capabilities are restored. During treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia non-drug methods are widely used: normalization of lifestyle, physical therapy, country walks, tourism, spa treatment, hardening procedures, psychophysical training, outdoor recreation. The complex use of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures is carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Daily regime. You definitely need to get enough sleep. The duration of sleep can be varied individually, but on average it should be at least 8-9 hours a day. Chronic lack of sleep in itself causes various disorders in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems or can cause the appearance and aggravation of symptoms of existing VD. The bedroom should not be hot or stuffy. Do not rest on too soft or hard mattresses and pillows. It is better to sleep on orthopedic mattresses and pillows that promote the most physiological position of the body and head.
  2. Optimization of work and rest. You should alternate mental and physical stress, use various methods of psychological relaxation, and auto-training. If possible, reduce the time spent watching TV shows and working on the computer. If this is not possible, preventive breaks when working with a computer, eye exercises, etc. are required. Quitting smoking is mandatory.
  3. Physical education classes. Optimal for VD are swimming, water aerobics, walking, skiing, country walks, and hiking. With these types of loads, the heart muscle and blood vessels are trained, and blood pressure is stabilized. A woman becomes less dependent on weather changes, tolerates physical activity better, and the body’s adaptation to the environment increases, external stimuli. Game sports are good if they are carried out in the fresh air, not for the result, but for the sake of pleasure. They promote psycho-emotional relaxation and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Among the exercise machines, it is best to use a bicycle ergometer, a treadmill, a stepper, and a rowing machine. Exercises on simulators where the head is below chest level and exercises are performed upside down are contraindicated due to the risk of fainting and deterioration of well-being. Classes in martial arts, strength gymnastics, bodybuilding, aerobics with high jumps, somersaults, place a significant load on cardiovascular system. Exercises with a large amplitude of movement of the head and torso, sharp and quickly performed movements, and exercises with prolonged static effort should be avoided. If you do engage in these sports with autonomic disorders, reduce the intensity of the load as much as possible, give up sparring, and control your breathing and heart rate when performing exercises. It is not recommended to participate in any serious competitions. In addition, during exercise you should not experience discomfort, excessive fatigue, irritability. The main criterion for control is your well-being. Physical education should give you only positive emotions and pleasure from physical movement.
  4. Nutrition correction. The intake of potassium and magnesium salts into the body should be increased. These substances participate in the conduction of nerve impulses, improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and help restore the disturbed balance between the parts of the ANS. Potassium and magnesium are found in buckwheat, oatmeal, soybeans, beans, peas, apricots, rose hips, dried apricots, raisins, carrots, eggplants, onions, lettuce, parsley, nuts. For the hypotonic type of VD, products that increase vascular tone are recommended: milk, kefir, tea, coffee. For hypertensive type VD, it is recommended to limit consumption table salt, tea, coffee, marinades and pickles and include in your diet foods that reduce vascular tone: barley porridge, beans, carrots, lettuce, spinach, cottage cheese. For the normotonic type of VD, the diet should include foods that improve blood flow and reduce vascular spasm: vegetable oils, citrus fruits, moderate amount spices
  5. Physiotherapy. The range of physiotherapeutic procedures is different: electrophoresis on the cervical spine with medicinal solutions; sinusoidal modulated currents, applications of paraffin and ozokerite to the cervical-occipital region. These procedures are also aimed at restoring the balance in the activity of the main parts of the ANS, normalizing the functioning of blood vessels and nerve conduction, and improving metabolism and blood circulation in organs and tissues. Recently, red and infrared have been used to treat patients with VD. laser radiation in combination with magnetotherapy (on the liver, paravertebral, subscapular areas). This improves metabolism in cells, blood flow, and reduces pain in the heart area, however, it is better not to use this type of influence in case of hypotonic type of VD, as it can provoke the development of fainting and dizziness. Water treatments have a general strengthening effect on the body, therefore, for all types of VD, contrast baths, fan and circular showers, hydromassage, and swimming are recommended. In addition, for the parasympathicotonic type of VD, salt-coniferous and radon baths are used, and for the sympathicotonic type, carbon dioxide, chloride and sulfide baths are used.
  6. Acupuncture and various types of massage: for parasympathicotonic type of VD - superficial massage at a fast pace, rubbing, vibration massage. For the sympathicotonic type - a soothing massage at a slow pace, kneading the collar area. For mixed types of autonomic disorders - a combination of these massage techniques.
  7. Herbal medicine. For disorders of the parasympathicotonic type, herbal stimulants are used: eleutherococcus, ginseng, zamanikha, aralia, leuzea, various diuretic herbs and herbs (bearberry, juniper, lingonberry). For disorders of the sympathicotonic and mixed types - sedative (calming) herbs and herbs: valerian, motherwort, sage, mint, lemon balm, hops, peony root. Herbal medicine treatment regimens are prescribed by the attending physician.
  8. Psychological correction. The personal factor plays a major role in the development and course of VD. A sanguine person, for example, is the most resistant to the occurrence of VD. He is less susceptible to stress, tolerates illness more easily, and recovers faster. Melancholic and choleric people are most vulnerable to the development of autonomic disorders. Such patients should, if possible, avoid excessive emotional stress and respond correctly to stressful situations. They will be helped by calming herbs, auto-training, relaxation methods, psychotraining, and resolving psychological problems. Sometimes family psychotherapy is required, the purpose of which is to normalize a person’s relationships with others and relieve psychological stress.
  9. Sanatorium-resort treatment gives good results.
  10. Drug treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. It includes: potassium and calcium supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes, vascular drugs, nootropics (drugs that improve nutrition, metabolism and the functioning of brain cells), antidepressants, etc.

In order not to find yourself helpless in a difficult situation, it is best to learn how to cope with vegetative-vascular attacks (crises) on your own.

  • Take 20 drops of Valocordin or CORVALOL.
  • For palpitations and increased blood pressure, take one tablet (40 mg) of PROPRANOLOL (another name for the drug ANAPRILIN, OBZIDAN).
  • To remove nervous excitement you need to take 1-2 tablets of DIAZEPAM (RELANIUM) under the tongue (for quick and complete absorption).
  • If you are breathing rapidly, it is best to take a paper bag into which you will exhale and from there inhale air enriched with carbon dioxide, which will normalize your breathing.

A patient who has learned to cope with an attack on her own reduces the anxiety of anticipating new attacks. One of the forms of vegetative attacks is fainting - sudden momentary loss consciousness, accompanied by severe pallor, significant weakening of breathing and blood circulation. It is caused by a temporary disturbance of vascular tone, blood outflow from the brain and a drop in blood pressure. Usually, fainting occurs during severe emotional disturbance, in a stuffy room, etc. Precursors of fainting are pale skin, difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, ringing and noise in the ears, nausea. Then a loss of consciousness and a fall occurs (some women can anticipate the onset of fainting and manage to prevent the fall, i.e., sit up in time with support on their back, unfasten constricting clothing, etc.). Cold sweat appears on the forehead, breathing becomes shallow and slow, the pulse is rapid and weak, the hands and feet are cold. Most often, fainting does not last long. After a few minutes consciousness is restored.

First aid for fainting

First of all, you need to unfasten the collar, belt and loosen everything that restricts breathing, lay the patient down so that the head is lower than the body, or you can raise the legs (this way the blood flows better to the head). There is no need to fiddle with the victim or try to lift her. You need to open a window, a window, and, if necessary, take it out into the air. You should spray your face with cold water and warm your feet, for example, if possible, apply a heating pad to your feet. You cannot get up quickly after fainting, as you may lose consciousness again. After the return of consciousness, it is useful to give the person strong sweet tea or coffee, valerian drops.

Forecast vegetative-vascular dystonia

The prognosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is favorable; often its manifestations remain forever in childhood. However, without prevention and treatment, vegetative-vascular dystonia can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure, which changes the structure and functions of various internal organs; to disturbances in digestive processes, etc.. When vegetative-vascular dystonia It is necessary to conduct regular (usually seasonal) courses to prevent exacerbations, for which herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, massage, physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and sanatorium treatment are prescribed.

Strictly speaking, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a disease and is not included in international classification diseases. However, this diagnosis is often made. VSD is considered as secondary autonomic disorders that arose against the background of mental or somatic diseases. The quality of life suffers greatly if a person is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Getting rid of this disorder forever is a completely solvable task. And even at home you can do a lot, especially if you use different methods complex treatment.

It is not always possible to fight vegetative-vascular dystonia without the help of medications. The main classes of drugs prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • sedatives - inexpensive, sold without a prescription, made from natural plant materials;
  • anxiolytics will relieve excessive anxiety and anxiety;
  • antipsychotics will calm the nerves;
  • Antidepressants will help restore lost interest in life;
  • nootropics will solve problems with memory and attention;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • sleeping pills will help cope with sleep disorders.

Important! Only the attending physician prescribes medications and determines dosages; it is permissible to choose only sedatives on your own.

The medications used also depend on the type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which can manifest itself as heart rhythm disturbances (cardiac) or pressure surges (vascular), and also have both types of symptoms (). For the first type of VSD, beta-blockers are often prescribed. If the pressure tends to increase, it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs. If, on the contrary, the pressure is low and vegetative-vascular dystonia is diagnosed, caffeine and tinctures of tonic plants help get rid of the symptoms. For all types of VSD, antioxidants and vitamin complexes to improve immunity.

Herbal medicine

Traditional medicine has considerable experience in how and how to treat vegetative vascular dystonia at home. This is primarily treatment with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. These include valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, which have sedative properties, St. John's wort with the properties of a natural antidepressant, mint with a slight hypnotic effect, relieving pain syndrome hops, heart-soothing hawthorn and many others medicinal plants. If prevails hypotonic type vegetative-vascular dystonia, you can help yourself with the help of natural tonic plants - ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea.

Folk recipes are most often presented not in the form of individual herbs, but in the form of collections. Each component has an effect on one of the symptoms, and a mixture of them helps more effectively. There are many of them, here are just a few:

  1. A mixture of chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, and elecampane root is prepared as an infusion, filtered, and honey is added.
  2. Echinacea flowers, Rhodiola rosea root - 2 parts, hop cones - 1 part. Honey is also added to the finished infusion. A good general tonic.
  3. 2 parts each of the roots of Leuzea, Rhodiola, Angelica, mistletoe herb, 3 parts of valerian root and St. John's wort, 4 parts of licorice root and rose hips. The infusion is especially suitable for men.
  4. 2 parts each of dandelion roots, licorice, Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea, nettle leaves, wormwood, knotweed, rose hips, 3 parts each of angelica root and viburnum fruits. The gathering is considered female.
  5. Valerian root, cumin, motherwort, calendula and dill in equal parts - this infusion harmonizes the nervous system.
  6. Rose hips, barberries and black currants, taken equally, lemon balm and nettle leaves. Increases general tone, relieves headaches and dizziness.

To prepare infusions, you usually take two tablespoons of crushed and mixed ingredients per 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse in an enamel or glass container until cool or in a thermos. Drink 60–120 ml up to three times a day.

Is there some more interesting recipe, the healing effect of which is noticeable after two weeks of use. Pour a glass of oatmeal (not flakes!) into a liter of water and boil until thickened. Strain and mix the broth with the same amount of milk, add honey. Take 100 ml three times a day.

Hibiscus tea has unique properties. When hot it increases blood pressure, when cold it lowers it. You can prepare it directly in a mug or glass: one large flower is poured with boiling water, covered with a saucer and allowed to stand. In case of hypotension, it is better to drink immediately; in case of hypertension, it is better to cool it.

Juniper berries are often recommended for home treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia according to the following scheme: start with one and increase to 12 by the twelfth day of intake, then also begin to reduce one by one. These 24 days of admission constitute the course of treatment. Beekeeping products - honey, royal jelly, propolis and others - have a well-deserved reputation. The enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants they contain are useful for improving the functioning of the nervous system.

Finally, folk recipe, known as "seven glasses". This is a mixture of equal parts of Cahors, liquid honey and juices from radish, carrots, beets, lemon and garlic. Drink 100–150 ml three times a day before meals.


In order to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever at home, you need to remember such an accessible remedy as ordinary water. Of course, a circular or fan shower in ordinary apartment very rare, but here it is cold and hot shower Anyone can arrange it for themselves. For cyclic shifts of hot and cold water The body responds by producing stimulating hormones. Blood vessels alternately dilate and contract. This kind of training hardens them, strengthens their tone and reduces fragility. General metabolism improves. The procedure includes three cycles, each approximately 40-50 seconds, starting with hot and ending with cold water.

Note! The procedure should be enjoyable, otherwise its benefits will be questionable. The temperature contrast is selected individually; you can start with a small difference and gradually increase it. Severe discomfort there shouldn't be. Even a small temperature difference with regular exposure is beneficial.

A good way to relax is baths. Oxygen and pearl baths are available in a sanatorium or a special physiotherapy department. You can easily arrange a relaxation session for yourself at home:

  • In an aromatic bath, if you take care of suitable essential oils. In particular, oils of coniferous plants or ready-made pine concentrate have a good effect on mood and emotions;
  • In the bath with sea ​​salt: blood circulation is well stimulated, the skin is cleansed.
  • In a bath with mustard: dissolve 5-6 tablespoons in warm water in advance, pour into the bath (water at a temperature of 39 degrees). A bath taken before bed for seven minutes is effective against headaches.
  • In a bath with herbs - chamomile, mint, oregano, lemon balm, rosemary. Each of the plants is useful in its own way, but they all relieve stress and unnecessary tension.

Strengthening capillary blood flow and activating gas exchange in the lungs can be helped with a hot chest wrap. You need to prepare two terry towels and fold a not very thick blanket four times. Then soak a towel in hot (70 degrees) water, wring it out very well, wrap it around chest, a dry towel and a woolen blanket on top. Then quickly go to bed and cover yourself with a cotton blanket. After 20 minutes, remove the towels and spend another 40 minutes in bed, resting.

Physical exercise

Without physical activity It is unlikely that it will be possible to cure vegetative vascular dystonia at home. For those patients whose symptoms of VSD are very pronounced, older people, as well as those who have accompanying illnesses, physical therapy is more suitable. A doctor can recommend a set of exercises; the main thing is to do them regularly at home. Exercises with the body positioned upside down cannot be included in the complex. If you have hypertension, you should not lower your head low when doing exercises.

It's very good to go swimming. Playing sports are also useful positive influence on emotional background. Aerobic, moderate strength exercises are included in many modern views training. But if repeating monotonous movements seems boring or difficult, there are many types of dance fitness. In this case, there is also a load, but it is not so noticeable, and emotionally such training has a very positive effect.

Skiing and skating, cycling in the summer, light jogging, table tennis, hiking in the forest, in the mountains - all the opportunities to exercise yourself physically can be listed for a long time. But exercises with a barbell and on strength training machines are not for the period of VSD treatment. Useful exercise equipment is a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike.

Important! For exercise, especially with aerobic exercise, the flow of oxygen is important. Therefore, you need to practice in a well-ventilated area or go out into the fresh air.

Stress relief

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia at home must necessarily be accompanied by relaxation and stress relief. To do this, you can use various practices - meditation, yoga.


The role of yoga in relieving everyday stress has long been recognized throughout the world. It also allows you to gently get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Classes should not immediately become intense, you should start gradually, dosing the load individually. It is also necessary to take into account the type of VSD and which part of the autonomic nervous system gives symptoms.

If the sympathetic department predominates, there is a hypertensive type of VSD. During classes, you need to activate the parasympathetic department. The emphasis is on bending and short relaxations, twisting while lying and sitting. When breathing, it is important to focus not on the duration of exhalation.

The hypotonic type of VSD owes its appearance to the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. Dynamic techniques, deflections, lateral bends, standing poses, balances are preferred. All this stimulates the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system. Respiratory emphasis is on inhalation.


Breathing practices with regular exercise will improve the blood supply to the brain, give impetus to improving metabolism, the result will be improved well-being and relief from vegetative-vascular dystonia. There are many exercises. One of them is called “Full Breathing”. The exercise is performed standing, arms along the body, legs slightly apart. In the process of inhaling, you need to slightly rise on your toes, you can raise your arms up through your sides. As you exhale, lower your arms and lower them.

  1. Inhale, expanding your belly (filling the bottom of your lungs).
  2. Expansion of the chest (filling the middle part of the lungs).
  3. Inject air into the collarbone area (filling the upper part of the lungs).
  4. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  5. Release the air from your stomach.
  6. Release air from the ribs area.
  7. Complete the release of the upper part of the lungs.


You can find harmony with yourself, restore peace and tranquility by mastering meditative techniques. This immersion into oneself makes it possible to harmonize the energy of thoughts, extinguish anxious and panicky ones. This condition makes it possible to independently help yourself with vegetative-vascular dystonia. It will take willpower and concentration to do it regularly. But the effect will be long-lasting.

There are many meditation techniques, but you should not blindly imitate someone who is practicing. It is important to adhere to the general rules. It is necessary to completely retire, monitor your breathing and lengthen your exhalation, visualize the situation or image in which you would like to be. Body position is not that important. First of all, the lotus pose comes to mind, but during meditation you can sit on a chair or lie down. Convenience and comfort are important. The eyes are closed, but sometimes the gaze is focused on some object or point.

You can learn more about how to deal with various psychological problems using meditative practices at psychologist channel Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Balanced diet

Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia at home is impossible without harmonizing nutrition. Minerals and vitamins should be present in the diet in sufficient quantities, but foods containing harmful substances and toxins should be excluded from the menu:

  • less processed and canned food, fast food;
  • limit salt and salty foods;
  • forget about fried, smoked, fatty foods;
  • eat sweets and sugar less often.

Replace unwanted products you need fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits and nuts, lean meat and fish, cereals and legumes, fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese. Useful products even more than harmful ones, they will not let you go hungry.

It is possible to fight and defeat vegetative-vascular dystonia if you use everything possible ways complex treatment. However, bad habits will always be an obstacle on this path. Therefore, you need to gather your willpower and urgently change what is definitely not beneficial:

  • quit smoking, don’t drink alcohol;
  • establish a routine, go to bed before midnight, get enough sleep;
  • do not overwork - the balance between work and rest is important;
  • a walk in the fresh air should become a replacement for television programs and social networks;
  • find interesting and useful hobbies, hobbies that will improve your mood and distract you from bad habits;
  • choose pleasant, interesting people to communicate with;
  • enjoy life or just smile more often. A smile engages the right part of the brain, and a positive emotion will follow.

Anyone who is working on themselves, their character and health will benefit from the advice of a psychologist

Symptom complex complex nature, which spreads to different systems and organs and can have different clinical manifestations, is defined as vegetative-vascular dystonia. A fairly common ailment that begins to worry as soon as youth. Moreover, every third person suffers from VSD. Stress and other nervous experiences, pregnancy, and chronic illnesses can aggravate symptoms. The main danger of VSD is the lack of normal blood supply to the brain, and this increases the likelihood of a stroke.

This pathological process leads to dysfunction of several vital systems. But diagnosis is sometimes difficult, since the signs that appear may characterize other ailments. This is explained by the fact that the performance of all organs and systems is under the control of the PNS. It, in turn, has two main subsystems - parasympathetic and sympathetic. Their regulation has an opposite effect on the state of the body. For example, for parasympathetic system characterized by a slowdown in heart rate, while the sympathetic can only speed up.

At healthy body the two above systems interact harmoniously without disturbing the normal balance. When a pathological process in the form of vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs in the body, the performance of one of the systems begins to increase, suppressing the second. As a result, the patient begins to feel unwell (the symptoms will directly depend on the activated system).

Reference! According to statistics, almost 25% of children have VSD; if we talk about the elderly population, then the figure is more serious and the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is confirmed in more than 70%.

For diagnostics pathological illness The following research methods are used:

  1. Blood tests that show hormonal levels, an indicator of coagulation.
  2. In some cases, a urine test.
  3. Ultrasound of internal organs.
  4. Radiography.
  5. Tomography.

Video - Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Why does VSD occur?

This disease manifests itself in childhood and the main cause is considered to be a hereditary factor. In parallel, VSD is caused by an imbalance in the development of the neurohormonal apparatus with physical development in general.

The following factors can trigger the activation of the disease in an adult:

  1. The body is weakened after suffering chronic illnesses.
  2. Exhaustion of the body due to intoxication.
  3. Lack of normal sleep due to regular insomnia.
  4. Prolonged state of depression.
  5. Depressed mood.
  6. A person feels chronic fatigue.
  7. Physical overload.
  8. Hormonal changes that occur during adolescence during pregnancy.
  9. Climate change.

These factors, due to the body’s inability to adapt in a timely manner, lead to disruptions in the functioning of the ANS. As a result, metabolic dysfunction occurs in blood vessels and cardiac tissues. The result is an inadequate response of the body to a standard load.

Manifestation of symptoms

Signs of VSD are varied and can be misleading by simulating symptoms of others. serious illnesses. But, if we consider pathological condition in general, VSD manifests itself as certain syndromes.

Syndrome nameBrief description of symptoms
CardiovascularDuring of this syndrome Heart rhythm disturbances begin to appear, leading to arrhythmia.
Blood pressure surges.
Uncharacteristic marbling of the skin.
Blood flushes or unhealthy pale skin
CardialgicHeart pain occurs in the form of a burning sensation and discomfort in the sternum on the left side. It has been determined that the manifestation of such symptoms is absolutely independent of physical activity and can even occur when the patient is at complete rest
HyperventilationThe patient may feel slight suffocation. That is, problems arise with respiratory function when the frequency of inhalations is increased, but the patient feels a clear lack of air
Impaired sweatingThe patient begins uncharacteristically healthy condition the body sweats in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms
Irritable bowelPain in the lower abdomen.
Problems with stool. Nausea and vomiting.
Frequent urge to defecate.
Loss of appetite
Changed urinationThe patient does not have inflammatory process genitourinary organs but he still feels pain after urinating
Thermoregulation disordersIn general, the patient’s condition is normal, there is no infection in the body, but the body temperature ranges from a slight increase to a barely noticeable decrease

Note! The manifestation of such syndromes can be temporary and occur in the form of attacks or be permanent. If a patient does not use therapy for a long period of time and the disease progresses, then protracted depression, secondary asthenization, and even phobias arise.

Effective treatment of VSD

Only in rare cases is it required drug treatment, basically, patients make do with general therapy, which includes stabilizing the performance of the nervous system by revising their lifestyle.

Normalization of the daily routineThe patient needs to establish a daily routine with the correct balance of work and rest. Also duration healthy sleep at least eight hours, only during this time the body is able to fully restore its strength. At the same time, sleeping conditions are very important: constant ventilation of the room, a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress is necessary
Rest breaksThe patient is recommended to exercise and mental load alternate. Staying at the computer and watching TV should be reduced. During sedentary work, do not forget to do a warm-up in the form of exercises for the back and eyes every hour and a half
Physical education with adequate loadIt is best to exercise outdoors or in the pool. Exercises should be light and avoid strain on the cardiovascular system. In sports, it is recommended to give preference to swimming, cycling, and swimming gymnastics. Thus, there will be a moderate load on the heart muscles, which will improve not only general well-being, but also psycho-emotional state. Eliminate jumping and all sports with sudden movements from your lifestyle - this worsens the condition of blood vessels
Proper dietThe diet must be designed in such a way that it includes magnesium and potassium. These minerals will enhance the transmission of impulses. Potassium and magnesium also normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Must be consumed buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, dried fruits. If a patient has a hypotonic type of illness, then coffee, tea, and milk should be consumed. When the hypertensive type is diagnosed, then coffee and spicy food excluded
PhysiotherapyThe use of physiotherapy not only improves general state patient, but also promotes the normal interaction of two systems - sympathetic and parasympathetic, as well as vascular tone. Additionally, blood circulation will improve and metabolic processes will return to normal. To the number necessary procedures include:

Electrophoresis, which is used directly on the cervical spine.
Paraffin applications on the collar area, as an alternative, ozokerite applications can be used.
Laser treatment in combination with magnetotherapy.
Water procedures (contrast baths, underwater massage)

Application massage technicians and acupunctureThese procedures are necessary for a patient suffering from VSD to normalize sleep and blood pressure levels, and get rid of anxiety. The hypotonic type of illness requires intensive massage, while for hypertensive type slow massage shown
Taking herbal preparationsWhen a patient has high blood pressure, the doctor prescribes medications with antihypertensive and sedative effect(motherwort tincture). Drugs with an activating effect are necessary for patients with the hypotonic variant of the disease (ginseng tincture)

Drug treatment: cure VSD once and for all

When general therapy proves powerless against VSD, the patient is prescribed medications.

Drug treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist after examination and taking into account all individual characteristics and manifested symptoms. When self-medicating, the patient may become accustomed to the drugs and become dependent on them (relief of the condition only after taking the drug directly).

Video - How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia

To prevent the development of the disease, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Normalize your daily routine.
  2. Sleep at least eight hours.
  3. Balanced and rational nutrition.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.
  5. Avoid nervous tension and stressful situations.
  6. Play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

To summarize, it should be noted that VSD is not a complex disease that threatens human life, but despite this, it requires immediate treatment.

Dear friends! You can cure VSD. You just need to have the necessary information and have a burning desire to achieve it. We will help you with information, but if you are willing, try to come to an agreement yourself. Deal?

So, briefly about where vegetative-vascular dystonia could come from.

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Let us name the main paths that led to VSD.

First. An event occurs that causes a disruption in the body's nervous system. Such events could be:

  • A tragedy happened to a loved one.
  • The individual found himself at a “broken trough,” that is, he experienced the collapse of his capital or lost his future career.
  • Breaking off relations with your soul mate, whom you have been looking for all your life. And then she turned around and waved her hand. Life without her became impossible.

Second. A person himself goes to vegetative-vascular dystonia. With his intense work ethic, unstable diet, and systematic violation of sleep patterns, he drives himself into a dead end, which is called VSD.

A nervous environment in a team or at home adds fuel to the fire.

This happens faster if a person has abandoned physical education and forgotten about communicating with nature. In this case, you don’t need to mention mastering your consciousness and self-improvement. Most likely, they simply don’t exist!

Now let's move on to the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Medication approach

Don't take medications simply by reading about them on the Internet.

Come to see your local doctor. someone might look at you family doctor. Among the specialists, consult a neurologist, psychiatrist (or better yet, a psychotherapist). They may send you for examination, where you will see a cardiologist and other doctors. When you have been diagnosed with VSD, then you can talk about treatment.

What medications are prescribed for VSD?

Each person has a different symptom of the syndrome. What treatment brings to one patient may harm another. It is impossible to prescribe medications in absentia. This should be done by the doctor at the appointment.

But it’s no secret that doctors sometimes make mistakes in their conclusions, and you have to look for information on the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia on the Internet. Is not it?

Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the main types of medications that doctors prescribe for VSD:

  1. Sedatives – have a calming effect, normalize sleep, but without a hypnotic effect.
  2. Antidepressants – improve mood and mental activity, stabilize sleep and appetite, relieve emotional stress.
  3. Nootropics are brain stimulants. They are also called neurometabolics. The stimulation effect is achieved by a qualitative improvement in the processes occurring in the cerebral hemispheres at the cellular level.
  4. Tranquilizers. Another name for them is anxiolytics. They're filming anxiety, excitement.
  5. Neuroleptics ( antipsychotics) – for the treatment of mental disorders. In their effect they are similar to tranquilizers, but have a broader effect.
  6. Cerebroangiocorrectors - improve blood circulation in the brain.
  7. β-blockers - stabilize contractions of the heart muscle during tachycardia.
  8. Herbal medicines are any medicines of plant origin.

Potassium-containing () or calcium-containing (hypotonic type of VSD) drugs may be prescribed.

Attention! Try to take medications to lower or increase blood pressure that are used for hypertension or hypotension only once and every extreme cases! Systematic use of such drugs can lead to the fact that after restoration of the autonomic nervous system and recovery from VSD, you will get problems with the cardiovascular system!

Traditional methods

Our body is like a musical instrument: if it gets upset, then only a master or even a musician who can hear the notes well and understands the structure of the instrument can tune it.

We do the same: if we want to improve our body, then we need to hear the music of the soul and know the characteristics of our body.

There are few professional “tuners” of our body among doctors. Usually they prescribe a list of medications according to the disease reference book and that’s it.

It is impossible not to go to the doctor. He will prescribe medications because he has no right to let you out without a prescription.

But a doctor “from God”, who was born to heal people, will recommend you something besides a prescription. This is what the rest of the article is about.

Getting health from nature

All methods of healing the body are suitable for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  1. Water procedures.
  2. Camping.
  3. Daily walks in the park.

It is useful to include breathing exercises in physical education.

In our country, folk remedies often mean herbal healing. Let's move on to them.


In this article we will not be able to give a description of the herbs, but we will sort them according to the properties they use and name their representatives.


  • Melissa.
  • Hop.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Valerian.
  • Motherwort.


  • St. John's wort.
  • Valerian.
  • Borage.
  • Hop.

Normalizes heartbeat:

  • Hawthorn.
  • Horsetail
  • Adonis (Adonis).
  • Dying gorse.


  • Mint.
  • Chamomile.
  • Immortelle.
  • Tansy.
  • Oregano.

Each of the herbs can be used separately or as part of a collection of several plants. Decoctions and tinctures are made from herbs.

Excellent antidepressants - essential oils:

  1. orange;
  2. bergamot;
  3. basilica;
  4. jasmine;
  5. geraniums;
  6. lavender;
  7. roses.

To do this, use an aroma lamp.

Features of treatment of VSD in women

Women are more emotional, and therefore more often fall under the influence of VSD.

But in this feature of the female psyche we must look for the main source of recovery! How? Will explain. This is the best folk remedy.

Filling the mind with positive emotions helps relieve the burden of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Among women amazing organism: He is able to change depending on his emotions!

Rich emotions the fair sex gives an alliance with men. If a woman has truly fallen in love, then she does not need medicines or folk remedies.

Sexual relationships stabilize processes in the nervous and circulatory systems at the same time! Remember this, dear women, then it is likely that you will not need the rest of this page!

An important folk remedy against VSD for the weaker half of humanity is healthy family, children. Don’t rush to contact therapists and neurologists, start with the psychological environment at home!

Specifics of treatment during pregnancy

Carefully! It is undesirable and sometimes dangerous for pregnant women to use any medications! For example, β-blockers (beta blockers) increase uterine tone, which can pose a threat to the fetus!

During pregnancy, every woman should be under the supervision of a doctor. If any appointments are made, pregnancy is taken into account. All prescriptions must be approved by your obstetrician.

During pregnancy, a restructuring of all systems occurs in a woman’s body; they begin to be produced according to a different program; the supply of nerve and other cells changes. useful substances, thinking is transformed. As a result, many body functions are normalized. The body is renewed.

In the process of formation, failures are possible that can lead to nervous breakdowns and vegetative-vascular dystonia. But more often the opposite happens: a patient with VSD becomes healthy. Therefore, during pregnancy, try not to treat VSD: dystonia may go away on its own. Take care of your future child: it will be much more useful for both you and him!

If you cannot avoid treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, then use the following methods:

  • physiotherapy;
  • autogenic training;
  • balneotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • some types of massages.

From pharmaceutical drugs It is advisable to limit yourself to mineral complexes. The doctor may prescribe nicotinic acid to improve blood circulation.

For your information. If a calcium supplement was prescribed, then remind the doctor that you have vegetative-vascular dystonia: perhaps he will recommend you a potassium-containing menu for balance.

Alone with myself

When VSD comes to a person, it is a complete surprise for him! Out of the blue, - he says, – there was a headache, bad dream, hand tremors, anxiety.

In this case you need to think: Maybe the encounter with dystonia was preceded by certain reasons? I just didn’t notice them, I was used to this way of life, I didn’t know that it was possible to live differently.

It is better to start treatment by establishing a relationship with your consciousness. This is the main folk remedy for healing. Immerse yourself and understand these questions:

  1. What worries you?
  2. Why did you get to this point? (No reproaches here, please.)
  3. Why do you need to live further?
  4. Do you need someone else besides yourself?

If you need yourself and someone else, then fight! Adjust your routine and work!

Get on with your life, after all! Dystonia does not like assertive and life-loving personalities and will leave you!

Good luck to you, friends! It will be very useful to you!



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