Non-contact hydromassage indications for use. Hydromassage baths: contraindications, indications, harm and benefits

Hydromassage is a procedure during which a person is under water, and strong jets are directed at his body, sometimes filled with air bubbles. Hydromassage has a positive therapeutic effect on the body and is often used in the treatment of diseases. Side effect This procedure can be called weight loss - a person’s body becomes toned, weight is reduced, and the skin does not remain flabby.

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The benefits of hydromassage

Doctors emphasize that only in water the human body completely relaxes, as it is as if in weightlessness. Exposure of such relaxed muscles and tissues to streams of water, with or without bubbles, inevitably has a positive effect:

Thanks to this complex effect, hydromassage accelerates metabolism, which makes the weight loss process faster and more successful. In terms of effect, this procedure is not inferior to classical and anti-cellulite massage, and according to physiotherapists, it is in many ways superior to them in effectiveness.

Indications for use

If we consider hydromassage only in relation to weight loss, then the indications for a course of procedures are:

  • sagging skin;
  • cellulite in any part of the body;
  • fat folds on the back and abdomen;
  • swelling in the limbs.

But there are a number of health conditions for which hydromassage will be an effective therapy:

  • menopause in a woman, which occurs in a severe form;
  • venous stagnation and swelling formed against it;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • chronic fatigue, overwork.

All of the above health problems lead to weight gain in most cases, so we can say that hydromassage has complex impact on well-being and leads to the restoration of a slim figure.


Before conducting a course of active water procedures, you need to consult with a therapist about their appropriateness. The fact is that there are clear contraindications to hydromassage:

Hydromassage cannot be performed when elevated temperature body, pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

How it helps for weight loss

Due to the active effect of water on the body, blood circulation and lymph flow are accelerated, which automatically leads to elimination from the body. excess liquid along with toxins and waste. A cleansed body is a necessity for effective correction figure, which is why weight loss during hydromassage occurs at an accelerated rate.

All metabolic processes, including lipid and water, begin to flow at a rapid pace, this requires more energy, and the body receives it from fat deposits - they literally “melt”.

Hydromassage is also aimed at restoring the smoothness of the skin. Under strong jets of water, cellulite simply “breaks”, collagen and elastin begin to be produced in the dermis, which makes the skin taut and elastic. Often people who have completed a course of water treatments note that they have to change their wardrobe, but their weight does not decrease. This is possible due to a decrease in body volume.

How does the procedure work?

The water procedure in question can be carried out in specialized clinics or beauty salons and at home. If it is possible to purchase a jacuzzi or a special hydromassage bathtub, then you can install it in your home and enjoy the effect of hydromassage every day. In this case, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • the duration of one session is 15 minutes, but every day this time increases and should reach 30 minutes;
  • the water temperature should be comfortable, but not hot, best optioncontrast effect on the body: jets of cool and warm water alternate every 15 - 30 seconds;
  • You need to direct streams of water or bubbles to the most problematic areas - the sacro-lumbar region, hips (over the entire surface), stomach and waist.

It is highly desirable that a jacuzzi or hot tub have jets at the bottom, as this makes it possible to massage the soles of the feet with water jets. It is well known that there are bio-points on the feet, when exposed to which the functionality is activated. different organs and systems.

Watch the video about the hydromassage procedure:

If you are going to take a hydromassage course in specialized institutions, you will need to stock up on a robe, towel, swimsuit and washable slippers. The water procedure is carried out by a specialist who directs a stream of water exactly to those places that are most in need of such an aggressive effect. He makes stroking, circular, upward movements with increasing speed.

The first 2 - 3 procedures last 15 minutes, then this time increases to a maximum of 40 minutes. Immediately after a hydromassage, a person feels relaxed, somewhat tired, and completely apathetic, so you will need to spend a few minutes in horizontal position. But after 20 minutes one notices vigor, a surge of strength, and a desire to be active.

Effect after

Doctors recommend short courses of hydromassage - daily for 2 weeks or 3 times a week for 2 months. After one of the courses, you must take a break for 30 days and, if necessary, repeat the procedures. After just 5 hydromassage sessions the following is noted:

  • skin tightening - it becomes smoother, firmer, more elastic;
  • smoothing out the “orange peel” (it does not disappear completely, but is not visually detectable);
  • reducing body volume, restoring a slim figure;
  • disappearance of swelling and muscle pain due to increased physical activity.

You can really lose weight with the help of hydromassage only if you combine this method with others. It's about on compliance low calorie diet and physical exercise.

Before and after complex procedures and hydromassage

Hydromassage will be an excellent addition and relaxing element after training in the gym.

If hydromassage is used only as a auxiliary method If you lose weight, you can speed up your figure correction - an extra 4 - 5 kg disappears per month.

Hydromassage is pleasant and healthy, but you still have to make an effort to lose weight. Nevertheless official medicine confirms the effectiveness of active water procedures and recommends them to those who want to restore their slim figure.

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Massage using a directed flow of water has a relaxing and restorative effect. Used to tonify and heal the entire body. If you want to use water procedures, you need to find out what the health benefits and harms of hydromassage are.

What is hydromassage

Hydromassage is the directed impact of water flows on the human body. This procedure combines beneficial effect water and massage. A person is immersed in a liquid at a comfortable temperature, and its flows with air bubbles affect the skin and muscles, providing a relaxing effect. Currently, hydromassage is included in the complex therapy of musculoskeletal disorders, nervous system, metabolism, obesity.

Types of hydromassage

Used in medicine and cosmetology different kinds hydromassage depending on the patient’s condition that needs correction. Underwater shower massage is often used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and Charcot shower for obesity and cellulite.

Underwater shower massage

It is used to reduce excess weight, correction of nervous system excitability, elimination of edema, treatment of the consequences of injuries. A person is immersed in a bath with a water temperature of 37 ° C, then alternated with colder water.

To get results, you need to go through 20–25 sessions of such dives. Water stimulates blood circulation, improves tissue nutrition, and accelerates their regeneration.

Shower massage

This type of therapy is used for injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Can be used after plaster removal. The skin around the injured area is massaged for several days and only then the bruise site. Movements should be light and vibrating. Soft fabrics knead for 15 minutes.

Shower massage is also used in cosmetology to combat cellulite, improve skin tone, and improve body contour.

Whirling underwater hydromassage

This procedure takes place in a bath where special vortex flows are created. They improve blood circulation, metabolism, relax, and relieve stress. The benefits of hydromassage in a swimming pool are also significant. The duration of the procedure is up to half an hour.

Sharko's shower

It is used only after a doctor's prescription. From a distance of 3 m, the patient is sprayed with a powerful stream of contrasting temperature. The impact starts from the feet. This hydromassage improves blood circulation and metabolism. Experts note the effectiveness and benefits of hydromassage for weight loss. Observe an improvement in the body's condition at high physical activity. May harm people with venous insufficiency.

Important! Massaging with a Charcot shower is harmful for more than 15 minutes.

A Charcot shower can be a fan shower, when water is sprayed using a special nozzle, or a Scottish shower, which is an alternation of jets of different temperatures.

The healing properties of hydromassage

Hydromassage was first used in the twentieth century to restore patients after injuries. Doctors noted its benefits: in patients who took such baths, swelling went away faster, sleep normalized, and the condition of the skin improved. The beneficial properties of hydromassage have made it one of the most popular therapeutic hydro procedures. It is used in complex therapy many chronic diseases.

Its beneficial properties include:

  • relieving muscle spasms, restoring motor function;
  • restoration of mobility of injured joints;
  • promotes healing of torn ligaments and fractures;
  • improving metabolism and digestive function, stimulation of blood circulation;
  • promotes weight loss, reduces the appearance of cellulite.

After a hydromassage session, you will experience a surge of strength and energy, and your sleep will improve. Using weight loss diets in combination with hydro treatments, you can get rid of inevitable sagging skin and improve its condition.

Does hydromassage help you lose weight?

Hydromassage will not help burn fat, but will only improve blood flow and metabolism, which will contribute to weight loss. The flow of fluid, affecting the skin, enhances the outflow of lymph, relieving swelling. The relaxing properties of warm massage fluid are used to relieve stress and tension. The tone of the whole body and skin in particular increases. It is smoothed and cleansed. Accelerating metabolism helps eliminate toxins and break down fats.

Hydromassage against cellulite

To combat cellulite, use hydromassage baths that can release fairly powerful vortex currents. At the beginning of the dive, a person simply relaxes in warm water. After a few minutes, the impact of water flows on problem areas begins. Mainly thighs, buttocks, legs.

The main beneficial property of this effect is the absence painful sensations and bruises as with manual massaging. The second useful property is complete relaxation and relieving fatigue.

The benefits of hydromassage for children

Water immersions are prescribed for children when various pathologies development and injuries:

  • neuralgia;
  • joint dislocations;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

It is useful to have a hydromassage session 3 months after birth, earlier it is harmful. The decision to use hydrotherapy is made by the attending pediatrician. Only he can evaluate the benefits of hydromassage for a child’s health.

Treatment is carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of relevant specialists if the child has injuries or pathologies. Anyone can massage with water at home. healthy child a few minutes a day. Hydromassage has a relaxing and calming effect on his nervous system and improves sleep. Such hydrotherapy sessions will not cause harm.

What are the benefits of foot hydromassage?

All the heaviness and burden working day lies down on his feet. By evening they tend to swell and hurt. Effective and useful tool Hydromassage can be used to treat leg diseases. Its beneficial, relaxing properties relieve fatigue and are effective for lovers of high heels.

By influencing biologically active points on the feet, massaging with water heals not only the legs, but also the internal organs, strengthens the immune system. At home, useful spa treatments for feet are done using a hydromassage bath, which definitely won’t cause any harm. It is important to read the instructions before using the device to avoid causing harm to yourself.

By acting on the legs, water jets relax ligaments and muscles, relieve painful sensations. After 20 minutes, swelling disappears, blood and lymph circulation improves. The walls of blood vessels become stronger, fatigue disappears.

Indications for hydromassage

Treatment and massage with water is beneficial in the treatment of chronic diseases. These could be pathologies internal organs and cosmetic imperfections.

Hydromassage is useful for the following problems:

  • nervous system disorders;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • swelling of the extremities and post-traumatic edema;
  • muscle weakness and sagging skin;
  • dysfunction of internal organs, in particular the intestines;
  • intoxication of the body
  • heavy physical activity;
  • early or complicated menopause.

How additional remedy used for people with musculoskeletal disorders. The calming and relaxing properties of warm water are used to treat insomnia and increase the body's resistance to stress. It is necessary to take into account that the benefits and harms of hydromassage baths in each individual case can only be assessed by the attending physician. At serious illnesses, it is important not to cause harm.

Features and rules of the procedure

A hydromassage session is carried out in a special bath. The person takes a comfortable, physiological position. Small streams of liquid affect every centimeter of the body from the nozzles. They are located on the bottom and walls of the container.

To enhance the benefits add sea ​​salt And essential oils. Bottom part the body is under the direct influence of water jets. For maximum effect, regulate the temperature and water pressure.

To benefit, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The water temperature should remain between 35–38 °C.
  2. The session should not last more than 20 minutes, it is harmful.
  3. The pressure is selected according to the injury.
  4. The jet should affect the skin tangentially, and not directly.

Strong pressure is used when massaging the limbs, and weaker pressure is used when working with the torso.

Important! Hydromassage of the heart, genitals, and mammary glands is not recommended.

Hydromassage at home

At home, hydromassage can be done using a shower and a jacuzzi. For a shower, you need to purchase a special nozzle in which you can adjust the pressure. Mono mode is ideal for massage. A powerful jet of water will allow you to thoroughly work out all problem areas.

At home, a jacuzzi is used for health benefits. The body is under water, as relaxed as possible. This procedure is good to do in the evening, but not in the morning. People with diseases of cardio-vascular system and with skin lesions, it is better to refuse hydromassage. It is harmful.

Harm of hydromassage and contraindications to the procedure

The hydrotherapy procedure is carried out only after consultation with the attending physician.

Important! The presence of diseases in the acute stage - direct contraindication to the hydromassage.

For which diseases it is not used:

  • in case of thrombosis, exposure to a stream of water can provoke the detachment of a blood clot;
  • for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, bleeding, hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • skin infections, water can cause their spread;
  • urolithiasis, cholelithiasis is a contraindication;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases.

In general this is useful, but there are also harmful properties. The jets of massage bathtubs are difficult to clean; large quantities various microorganisms multiply. They are harmful: they cause skin infections and genitourinary tract.


The benefits and harms of hydromassage appear only after a course of diving. This should be carried out after consultation and under the supervision of a specialist. It's not only harmless cosmetic procedure, but also serious therapeutic.

Our body is mostly made of water. And the state of the body directly depends on water balance. Since ancient times, women have used water procedures to rejuvenate and improve skin condition.

Currently, hydromassage procedures are a very popular and effective method for losing weight.

But in order not to harm your body in pursuit of beauty, before using this technique, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with all the indications and contraindications for hydromassage.

Hydromassage is salon procedure which takes place in a special hydromassage bath. Its essence lies in a special therapeutic hydromassage with directed streams of water to certain areas of the body. Hydromassage is also called SPA massage.

It is generally accepted that this treatment method was invented in Germany by rehabilitation doctors. During medicinal baths Patients endured their injuries much faster, their breathing and blood circulation returned to normal.

During this procedure, the massage therapist, using special water hoses, conducts a hydromassage session and performs active stimulation every cell of your body.

Water-air flows are created from special nozzles, which are regulated depending on the purpose. The direction and strength of the flow is determined by the doctor who prescribes the massage session.

With the help of this effective method can improve skin condition, reduce overweight, get rid of cellulite and stretch marks, improve blood circulation. Hydromassage normalizes blood pressure and helps relieve nervous tension and improves the general condition of the body.

Medicinal properties

This procedure combines several therapeutic techniques: this includes massage, healing baths and thermotherapy. To enhance effectiveness, all these procedures are used comprehensively. Water massage is effectively used to treat various chronic diseases.

Hydromassage is effectively practiced to treat obesity and improve the skin. Under water massage incredibly useful for general condition body.

It speeds up metabolic processes, improves emotional condition, normalizes blood pressure, increases resistance to viral diseases.

After aqua-therapy sensation, the body’s performance and endurance increases, brain function improves and sleep normalizes. Hydromassage is useful for normalizing heart function, it harmonizes the functioning of organs abdominal cavity. With the help of water procedures, intestinal motility improves, it acquires the correct position.

During this procedure, the nervous system is activated. It can have an invigorating or calming effect on the body depending on the temperature of the water.


The benefits of hydromassage are incredibly great; it is used:

  • to reduce excess weight and treat cellulite;
  • elimination of postpartum stretch marks;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face and body;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • increasing the strength of blood vessels and capillaries, treating varicose veins;
  • treatment of various injuries and fractures, postoperative period;
  • restoration of injured joints;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • recovery from spinal injuries;
  • speedy healing of wounds and smoothing of scars.


Underwater massage

Manual underwater hydromassage is the most common type of water procedures. The patient is placed in a special bath and the massage therapist manually performs a massage using a directed hose.

The massage therapist applies a stream of water to the patient’s problem areas: stomach, arms, thighs, calf muscles, face and neck. Using this method, they reduce excess weight, treat cellulite and shape the figure, and effectively relieve swelling and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Sharko's shower

This is a “impact type” shower. When the patient is in the shower, the massage therapist uses a large hose to massage problem areas. At the same time, the water from the hose hits very hard, which creates a powerful stimulating and healing effect.

First, the water jet is applied fan-wise, then the water temperature changes and the procedure becomes contrasting. Charcot's shower activates the work of all human systems. Normalizes blood and lymphatic system, reduces the appearance of “orange peel”, reduces excess weight, improves skin condition and heals the entire body.

Charcot's shower relieves stress and effectively treats neuroses and depression.


This is a type of SPA procedure that combines the effects of air and water currents. The patient lies down in a special wide bathtub, which is equipped with special nozzles from which air-water streams emit.

This is very pleasant procedure when the whole body is enveloped by a weightless cloud of air bubbles. To enhance therapeutic effect added to water medicinal salts and essential oils. Such baths promote muscle relaxation, tone the skin, reduce stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite.


This is the most modern look hydromassage, which has not yet gained much popularity. It is carried out in a special bathroom, which is equipped with special nozzles - ultrasound sources. Ultrasonic massage produces more active therapeutic effect and is considered more effective.

As a rule, it is combined with a jacuzzi and other types of massage. Used to normalize the functioning of internal organs, reduce high blood pressure, promotes weight loss.

Vibrating bath

Vibration bath is also one of the methods of physiotherapy. With the help of waves different frequencies There is an impact on certain areas of the body. The vibration mechanism can move along a certain area of ​​the body or be stationary.

The water in such baths can be regular or with the addition of mineral salts or essential oils. It is used to treat the respiratory and digestive organs, to prevent cellulite and reduce fat deposits, and to treat gynecological diseases.

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Benefits and harms

Advantages of hydromassage:

  • An effective way to lose weight and get rid of excess weight.
  • Visible improvement in the condition of the skin and muscle tissue.
  • Hydromassage helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Active saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Hydromassage helps to relax the body and is an excellent prevention of spasms.
  • Pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Strengthening blood supply and normalizing blood pressure.
  • Restoration of motor function and joint mobility.
  • Intestinal function improves and metabolic processes in the body are activated.
  • Increases the strength of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins.
  • Water procedures reduce stress, improve mood and general condition.

Disadvantages of hydromassage:

The aquatic environment can stimulate reproduction harmful microorganisms. Therefore, after each procedure, the bath must be thoroughly washed with special disinfectants. Injectors also often become clogged and require constant cleaning.

Hydromassage is not useful for everyone and has whole line contraindications. Also, the hot tubs and equipment are very high cost, which makes the procedure quite expensive.

Indications for hydromassage:

Who shouldn't

Contraindications to hydromassage:

  • acute inflammation in the body;
  • the presence of severe viral and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the blood-forming organs;
  • oncological diseases, the presence of malignant tumors;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • ischemic disease;
  • persons who have suffered strokes and heart attacks;
  • with caution for patients with an installed pacemaker.

For children and elderly patients, the procedure is carried out strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

The use of hydromassage during pregnancy is also not recommended; it is better to postpone this procedure until after childbirth.

For weight loss

Many people are interested in the question: does hydromassage help with weight loss? This type of massage promotes intensive breakdown of fats and therefore this method is actively used for weight loss and reduction of adipose tissue. Its action is based on activating blood circulation and normalizing lymphatic drainage, which in turn leads to a reduction in fat deposits in the arms, hips and abdomen.

Aqua massage actively helps normalize digestion, thereby regulating appetite and reducing the amount of calories consumed. Reducing toxins and removing excess fluid also has a positive effect on the fight against extra pounds.

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In the fight against cellulite

For effective fight With " orange peel» use all types of water massage: underwater, Charcot shower, ultrasonic and vibration massage. To enhance the effect, various salts and minerals, seaweed extracts and essential oils are added to the water. Most effective essential oils is rose, lavender, orange and lemon oil.

Hot tubs are very effective method to combat various diseases. Water procedures have a lot useful properties, they are prescribed for weight loss and improving the condition of the nervous system and the whole body.

You can see how pleasant this procedure is by watching the video:

The hot tub is not a new phenomenon. At the dawn of the last century, the Italian brothers came up with the idea of ​​using Jacuzzi active movement water in the bath in order to massage the body. The effect of bubbling water, which was achieved using a pump installed in the bathhouse, had a beneficial effect on general health person, fatigue went away, the skin became elastic and healthier. Noticing these phenomena, doctors and cosmetologists began to study its nature and use it purposefully for treatment. certain diseases and improving appearance.

How do hot tubs work?

The principle of operation of a hydromassage bathtub is to install a pump, a water intake and nozzles for hydromassage into a regular bathtub. The water intake exists to pump out water, which is pumped through a hose system and flows with pressure into the hydromassage nozzles. Water is supplied through nozzles with which the nozzles are equipped. Filling a jacuzzi with various elements depends on the design of the bathroom; the nozzle is designed so that the water in it is mixed with the air at the outlet, which makes the effect of the jets moving in the bathroom more effective.

The nozzles can be different and are intended for separately massaging the back, lower back, legs, and so on. Additionally, the Jacuzzi is equipped with:

  • aero compressors, to obtain turbulent movement and air bubble massage in order to increase the tone of the muscular system;
  • they are equipped with backlights that contribute to the appearance electromagnetic waves, affecting various organs human body. Wherein great value has a highlight color because different colors affect the body differently;
  • There are mechanisms by which you can use ozone therapy, aromatherapy, light music, and so on.

The bathroom control system is simple; all manipulations boil down to turning buttons and switches on and off. Thus, in a hydromassage bath you can completely relax, take any relaxation and healing procedures. Therefore, Jacuzzis are becoming more and more popular and interest in them is constantly growing.

The benefits of hydromassage

The benefits of hydromassage are not only pleasant sensations, hydromassage brings health to a person and relieves him of many problems. One of them is the problem of excess weight, which today affects 80% of the world's population.

  1. Losing weight, and quite quickly, occurs because active influence water jets and air bubbles, the use of the geyser effect stimulates the breakdown of fats in tissues, activates metabolic processes, which helps remove excess fats from the body.
  2. Getting rid of cellulite is based on the same effect: splitting fat tubercles and smoothing the skin with water jets.
  3. Hydromassage helps restore limb mobility as it relieves heaviness, fatigue and spasms.
  4. Hydromassage is also necessary for blood vessels, it restores their elastic properties and strengthens the walls, lymph exchange and blood supply to body tissues are more active, and cardiac activity improves. Thanks to the stimulation of metabolism, they are activated protective systems body, including increased immunity.
  5. For rejuvenation, you also need to do hydromassage. It helps remove old epidermal cells, improves blood flow in the skin, enhances turgor and has a tonic effect on the skin. skin covering. In addition, hydromassage stimulates the removal of waste and harmful toxins from the body.

The harm of hydromassage lies only in the fact that in the water that circulates through additional systems hoses, there are more bacteria and microbes due to the fact that these hoses, like the pipe system, have their own bacterial environment, which is added to that coming from the water supply. Some scientists believe that the increase in the number of microorganisms is influenced by water vibrations: they also feel good in these streams, just like humans, so why not multiply? The fact that there are more microbes in the water used in a jacuzzi than in a regular bath has been proven by tests; the reason for this phenomenon is not yet clear.

The second aspect of the harmfulness of hydromassage procedures lies in the plane medical contraindications, which you will read about below.

Hydromassage baths: indications and contraindications

How hydromassage baths affect the body, indications and contraindications for their use are ultimately given by the doctor to each individual person. Therefore, you cannot ignore the recommendations of doctors; you must listen to them and follow them. General indications for use come down to a specific list that everyone who decides to install a jacuzzi at home should become familiar with.

  • in the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome, including leg fatigue;
  • during menopause;
  • in case of illness peripheral part nervous system;
  • with edema, venous stagnation and disruption of lymph flow;
  • for post-traumatic edema;
  • for recovery after plastic surgery;
  • to eliminate sagging skin and muscle weakness, to improve trophism and regenerate elasticity;
  • with intestinal dysfunction;
  • to get rid of harmful deposits and toxins.


  • infectious diseases in the acute stage
  • feverish conditions;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • presence of urolithiasis;
  • hypertension and ischemia grade 2-3;
  • previous heart attack;
  • oncology.

Doctors warn that a hydromassage foot bath also has contraindications., it lies in the presence of such a common disease as thrombophlebitis. In any case, if you have health problems, start by consulting a doctor about the admissibility of using hydromassage procedures, so as not to harm your health and get maximum pleasure from the SPA complex, which will provide you with a jacuzzi.

Are you thinking about buying a hot tub but don't know where to start? Just the other day we were asked whether there is any benefit from a hot tub, or is it just entertainment and nothing more? In this article we will answer this and other questions. By the way, thanks for asking. A very interesting topic.

A little story

This story happened more than 70 years ago. In 1943, Candido (an Italian-American) fell ill younger son Kenneth. Doctors discovered Kenneth was seriously ill rheumatoid arthritis and, among other things, prescribed hydrotherapy sessions for him. During the treatment process, Candido noticed that monthly hydrotherapy sessions in the hospital significantly alleviated the symptoms of his son’s illness.

Candido was not just a loving, caring father, but also an engineer, and one of the founders of a famous American company producing aircraft engines and fuel pumps. After a series of studies, in 1956 he developed a special compact pump, thanks to which hydrotherapy could be carried out not in a hospital, but at home. And already in 1968, his nephew Roy, based on this invention, developed a bathtub with built-in nozzles and a pump. So, as a result of paternal care, hydromassage baths appeared. By the way, Candido, Kenneth and Roy's last name was... Jacuzzi.

By the way, some people call hydromassage bathtubs a Jacuzzi bathtub, regardless of the manufacturer.

Briefly about types of massage

The benefits of massage depend on the correct ergonomics of the bath bowl and the correct placement of the nozzles. The bath should be convenient and comfortable so that lying in it you can relax as much as possible. The injectors must be located in in the right place and release water under right angle and with the required intensity. Only then is it achieved therapeutic effect, and not “glug-glug-glug, the water is bubbling.”

So you want to buy a hot tub

If you are serious about buying a hot tub, then we will convince you, you should know a few things:

  • Before buying a hot tub, consult your doctor. Contraindications and harm from hydromassage are no less than benefits: tuberculosis, thrombosis, skin diseases and infections, urolithiasis disease, hypertension and much more. Even if it seems to you that you are not sick, it is better to play it safe and go.
  • Wash the bathtub promptly and conscientiously before and after each use, as well as at regular intervals. Where there is water and hard-to-reach areas, bacteria, fungus and other bad guys always appear there. Firstly, during a water massage, the water will forcefully throw them at you (provoking skin and genitourinary tract diseases). Secondly, when breathing along with hot steam, they can enter the lungs and, hello, pneumonia. If you have children, the danger is multiplied by two.

Advice! Choose bathtubs with a built-in disinfection system and turn it on regularly. This will reduce the likelihood of microorganisms appearing inside the bathtub and will save you a lot of time when cleaning.

  • We interviewed people who had previously bought a hydromassage bath and found out: the bath was used as often as possible immediately after purchase, and then the frequency of use of the hydromassage decreased and reached 0 within a year. If you are not planning a bath for treatment or ongoing skin care, then consider whether it makes sense to significantly overpay and sign up to regularly spend your personal time on cleaning (or money for a cleaner). Perhaps using a hot tub in a SPA center will be easier and more economical.

During the survey, we heard an excellent phrase: “first of all, you need to immediately buy a cleaner for the hot tub.”

  • If you choose a bathtub exclusively for parties, champagne and fun, then we envy you very much and recommend buying a bathtub. Such baths bubble beautifully and powerfully, making it comfortable for two or three to lie in them and indulge in hedonism and carelessness.
  • A number of hot tubs don't like people using bubble bath and bath salts. They wither and eventually break. Just be aware.

Jacuzzi Aquasoul Extra hot tub

Have you changed your mind yet? Fine. Then one more thing

If in a store or on a website they tell you that this bath has the most powerful equipment, is equipped with the strongest compressor for a powerful massage, then ask yourself: is such a massage useful? What does the manufacturer think about first of all when producing such bathtubs? Most likely, he is thinking about how to surpass his competitors by creating a separate niche of “power baths”, and he is definitely not thinking about your health (however, this is the thing for parties).

Advice! If you're renting out an apartment, buying a hot tub can add a nice premium to your rental price.

If you want an inexpensive hot tub “just to try”, not for therapy, then most likely its effectiveness is reduced to the detriment of the price. Ask yourself: is it worth taking something that has virtually no impact? positive impact on the body? Is it worth buying something that you will tend to more often than enjoy? It is not so rare for people to buy a massage bath and understand that after 2-3 massage sessions it becomes uninteresting.

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Important information!

Before we tell you about the benefits of a hot tub, it’s worth reminding you of the following:

  • Do not take the text below with 100% confidence and do not self-medicate based on it. Only a doctor, and not the Internet, will tell you the most accurate indications for using water massage.
  • Always always! read the instructions for using the bath, the duration of the procedures and other accompanying literature. It’s not for nothing that the manufacturer includes it with the bathtub.

Whirlpool bath Gruppo Treesse Vision

The effect of massage on the human body

In the human body, it is customary to distinguish 12 systems. Let's look at how massage in the bathroom affects each of them.

1. Central nervous system

  • Autumn-spring depression and high psychological stress at work or during school are common. Subsequently, they become the cause of insomnia, nervous breakdowns, help reduce mental activity and the development of various chronic diseases in the long term. A massage bath will help you calm down after a hard day at work and get back to normal. Especially in combination with aromatherapy.

Advice! For the most effective impact– the water temperature should be equal to body temperature.

  • Underwater massage is indicated for chronic fatigue syndrome and menopause.

2. Respiratory system

  • (no direct impact)

3. Circulatory system

  • Hydromassage has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, helps them restore their elasticity, improves venous blood circulation and, thanks to this, activates the work of the heart. Indications for hydromassage may be venous insufficiency And varicose veins veins
  • Hydromassage relieves swelling due to impaired venous circulation.

4. Hematopoietic system

  • (no direct impact)

5. Digestive system

  • Hydromassage can be beneficial for intestinal dysfunction.

6. Urinary system and skin

  • Air massage (aeromassage) effectively affects human skin, increases its tone and helps fight “ orange peel"and cellulite.
  • Hydromassage gently polishes the skin and removes dead cells.

Hot tub BluBleu Lucky Color

7. Reproductive system

  • (no direct impact)

8. Endocrine system

  • Hydromassage treatments improve performance thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • Hydromassage can be useful for obesity, as it activates fat burning, but this does not cancel the hypoglycemic diet and physical exercise, and don't get your hopes up!

9. Musculoskeletal system

  • Hydromassage has a tonic and relaxing effect on muscles, improves their trophism, increases joint mobility, relieves accumulated heaviness and reduces the tendency to spasms.
  • Air massage (aeromassage) can be used as rehabilitation therapy after suffering fractures and muscle tears. Just don't get into the bath until your cast is removed.

10. Lymphatic system

  • Along with improving venous blood flow, hydromassage activates the lymphatic system.


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