Social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens. The procedure for organizing social services for elderly citizens and disabled people

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Social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens


The process of forming Russia as a social state has necessitated the development of the institution of social services, which at the present stage is in the stage of active development. In accordance with the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2020, the key goal is to improve the well-being of citizens, including the elderly - one of the largest categories of the population. For a decent standard of living for these people, social services are of great importance, the satisfaction of their needs is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current federal and regional legislation.

For older people, special services are of particular importance, since they make it possible to completely or partially eliminate those limitations in life activity that are associated with changes in health due to age and/or as a result of impairments (due to diseases, injuries, defects), which occurs in almost everyone old people. These restrictions apply labor activity, self-care, movement, communication, orientation, behavior control, learning. Because of these restrictions, if they are not corrected, older people, as a rule, develop desocialization, social integration is destroyed, and physical barriers arise to independent living, movement, social mobility. Special services compensate for limitations in life activity and allow a person to live long enough in open society, to be a fully or partially autonomous person.

In the Russian Federation at the present stage, the range of needs of elderly citizens and people with disabilities is not fully met; there are significant regional differences in the situation of these categories of the population. Despite the measures taken by the state to maintain the level of income of Russians, in the context of inflation, rising prices for housing and utilities, the level of material support for socially vulnerable groups of the population remains low, which does not allow them to satisfy the basic needs of life. This exacerbates the need for social support from the state, including through the provision of social services.

The existing system of social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities in the Russian Federation is not able to satisfy the existing needs of these categories of the population for social services, which is reflected in the growing queue for receiving them.

In this regard, a detailed study of the issues of forming an institution of social services for elderly citizens and the disabled, development of scientifically based recommendations, proposals for improving the efficiency of its functioning is required.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem social work with elderly people and people with disabilities were considered in the works of such scientists as N.S. Anikeeva, S.A. Belicheva, M.V. Ermolaeva, Yu.N. Papaduka, P.V. Romanov, N.P. Shchukina, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova.

The most important direction of scientific research and practical activity in the field of social work is the search for new forms, methods, models of social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities, which is the subject of the works of A.M. Panova, A.N. Tychkina, O.A. Shatalova, L.N. Shipulina.

Our analysis showed that some areas of social services for the elderly and disabled at home have not been the object of study and have clearly been insufficiently researched; they need to be studied from various aspects, including from the point of view of prospects and opportunities for their development.

Our goal thesis: to determine the possibilities of developing areas of social services at home for elderly citizens and people with disabilities in GOUASON "Apatitsky" comprehensive center social services for the population" (hereinafter - GOAUSON "Apatitsky CCSON").

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) determine the content of social services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people;

2) determine the forms and methods of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people;

3) summarize the experience of developing areas of social services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people;

4) identify opportunities for the development of social services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people of the Apatitsky KSTSON GOAUSON.

The object of the thesis is social services at home for elderly citizens and the disabled.

The subject of the thesis is the possibility of developing areas of social services at home for elderly citizens and the disabled.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the thesis was the ideas of the development and functioning of the institution of social services for elderly citizens, the provisions of the theory of revitalization of the life of the elderly, developed by V.D. Alperovich, O.V. Krasnova, T.N. Sakharova, E. Erickson and others.

The information base for the thesis was federal laws, laws of the Murmansk region, regulatory acts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Murmansk Region, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Murmansk Region.

The empirical basis of the thesis was the results of an analysis of the activities of the ACCSON. Analysis was used as methods for collecting empirical information official documents, survey of social work specialists, survey of clients of home service departments. When processing the data, traditional analysis was used, based on understanding and interpreting the content of respondents' answers.

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results of the work in the activities of heads of social work institutions, in the development of development strategies and innovative planning. The work material can be used as part of teaching the discipline “Management in Social Work”, as well as become the basis for the development of a special course “Innovations in Social Work”.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used, and applications.

1.1 Elderly citizens and disabled people as an object of social work

In the Russian Federation, almost a fifth of the country's total population (about 30 million people) are elderly citizens and people with disabilities, including about 11% (3.2 million) of people over 80 years of age.

The boundaries of old age are fluid. They depend on the socio-economic development of society, the achieved level of well-being and culture, living conditions of people, the mentality and traditions of a particular society. The development of humanity and the increase in overall life expectancy have made adjustments to the age limits of the concept of “older person”. However, the precise establishment of these boundaries remains problematic due to the inconsistency of the timing of human biological, social and mental development.

From the point of view of understanding the social problems of older people in Russia, the beginning of old age can be considered the age of old-age retirement, that is, for women - 55, and for men 60 years. After all, it is the formal transition from the category of the working population to the group of pensioners that becomes one of the main reasons for the strengthening of social problems of older people.

From this position, in Russia among older citizens there are much more more women than men. They especially dominate in older age groups. This is explained by the greater longevity of women and partly by the earlier death of men.

Among older people, there are a variety of groups: vigorous, physically healthy; sick; living in families; lonely; happy with retirement; still working, but burdened by work; unhappy, despairing in life; sedentary homebodies; spending their leisure time intensively and variedly (visiting people, meeting friends, visiting clubs).

The transition of a person to the elderly group significantly changes his relationship with society and such value-normative concepts as the purpose and meaning of life, goodness and happiness, and so on. People's lifestyles are changing significantly. Previously, they were associated with society, production, and social activities. As pensioners (by age), they, as a rule, lose constant contact with production. However, as members of society they remain included in certain types activities in various spheres of public life.

Retirement is especially difficult for people whose work activity was highly valued in the past, but now (for example, in modern Russian conditions) is considered unnecessary and useless.

Practice shows that a break from work (this also applies to the large army of unemployed) in some cases negatively affects the health, vitality, and psyche of people. And this is natural, since labor is the source of longevity, one of the most important conditions maintaining good health..

People's lifestyles are largely determined by how they spend their free time, what opportunities society creates for this. By actively engaging in social activities, older people make their lives more fulfilling.

As a rule, pensioners living with a family take care of the housework. The well-being of older people is largely determined by the existing atmosphere in the family, benevolent or unfriendly, and by how responsibilities in the family are distributed between grandparents, children and grandchildren. But not all women retiring at 45-50 are ready to become housewives.

The changing position of older people in families is now largely determined by changes in the world. In modern conditions, when active scientific and technological development is taking place, the accumulated experience of the older generation does not have the same practical significance. More educated youth look at things differently older generation without showing the same respect. However, sensitivity, attention to elders, mutual respect in the family are determined, first of all, common culture family members, the atmosphere that develops in society at various stages of its functioning.

The well-being of an elderly person is largely determined by his marital status. The importance of marriage and family varies different stages human life. An elderly person needs a family, first of all, due to the need for communication, mutual assistance, due to the need to organize and maintain life. This is explained by the fact that an elderly person no longer has the same strength, the same energy, cannot bear the load, often gets sick, needs special nutrition and self-care.

Social problems of older people and people with disabilities are quite diverse, their range depends on both objective and subjective factors, however, you can try to conditionally unite them into several groups - these are problems of a material and financial nature, medical and social rehabilitation and psychological well-being. It should be noted that solving problems of psychological well-being is no less important than maintaining a decent level of income for older people and people with disabilities or providing them with quality services in the field of medical and social rehabilitation.

The transition to the category of older people is associated, first of all, with a person’s awareness that he is entering the last stage of his life. Ahead lies inevitable aging, illness, complete or partial limitation of life activity. Awareness of all this, reflections on the inevitability of approaching death cause psychological complications, and the level of these complications depends on the subjective qualities of the individual. And finally, psychological problems include a sharp narrowing of an elderly person’s contacts, which can lead to complete loneliness. The decrease in opportunities for communication is due to the fact that a person “falls out” of the work team and spends more time at home. At this age, many friends, relatives and peers pass away, which also narrows contacts, and making new friends becomes difficult. This problem is especially relevant for older people living separately from their adult children.

The material and financial problems of this category of the Russian population undoubtedly include the low level of pensions, which are sometimes below the poverty level.

Another social problem elderly people, the solution of which would greatly contribute to improving their well-being, is the problem of employment of this category of the population. Many people, due to health reasons, can continue to practice for many years. production labor, which means having another source of income. However, older people, and even people of pre-retirement age, are often practically “pushed out into retirement,” making way for younger people.

Disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid. Each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and capabilities, forms a social and economic policy towards people with disabilities. However, the capabilities of society in the fight against disability as a social evil are ultimately determined not only by the degree of understanding of the problem itself, but also by existing economic resources. Of course, the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as: the state of health of the nation, the development of the health care system, socio-economic development, the state of the ecological environment, historical and political reasons, in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts. In Russia, all of these factors have a pronounced negative orientation, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society.

Analysis of the situation of elderly and disabled people in modern society and the reasons causing the need to change it, reveals the main goal of change - maximum social integration, inclusion in creative activity. Defining a goal allows us to formulate the tasks of society in relation to both categories of the population: changing socio-cultural stereotypes by promoting partnerships, developing the belief that older people and people with disabilities can and should make a useful contribution to the life of society; creating a socio-psychological climate that motivates older people to continue working, and disabled people to be included in the socially protected labor market; these categories of the population; increasing the level of social and preventive territorial work with the elderly and disabled, promoting their unification for the purpose of mutual assistance and joint solution of common problems; organizing comfortable working conditions for the elderly and disabled: assigning them a flexible working time schedule, including elements of home work in the schedule, creating conditions for psychological and physical relaxation during working hours; prolongation of working capacity of working pensioners and disabled people by medical examination and health support at the place of work, sanatorium and resort treatment, medical and social preventive measures; assistance to people with disabilities in sociocultural development, obtaining vocational education, professional retraining, creating and maintaining a family.

In this situation, the development of scientific approaches to solving the problems of older people and disabled people becomes especially important; the problems of aging, psychological and social well-being, as well as the death of older people and disabled people acquire not so much a personal or family, but a significant social character, directly or indirectly affecting the interests of all members of society, including influencing the implementation of their economic and social interests.

1.2 Social services at home as an area of ​​social work with elderly citizens and people with disabilities

The Russian Federation is a social state, as evidenced by Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. And if the ideological model of the welfare state today is at the stage of definition, then the directions of social policy have legal, organizational and ideological design. The most important direction of modern social policy is the policy of social services for the population.

The UN General Assembly has developed a number of principles that should help older people lead full and fruitful lives. These principles are grouped into five groups: independence, participation, care, realization of inner potential, dignity. The implementation of the principles is aimed at helping older people to lead full and productive lives and providing them with the conditions necessary to maintain or achieve a satisfactory quality of life.

The main areas of social work with older people and people with disabilities are:

Social Security and Social Services;

Medical and social rehabilitation;

Social care;

Providing psychological assistance.

The key to understanding the direction of development of social services for older people is the norm of the European Social Charter (revised) of May 3, 1996, signed by the Russian Federation on September 14, 2000: “ give older people the opportunity to freely choose their lifestyle and lead an independent existence in their usual environment as long as they are willing and able to do so" (Article 23).

Individualization and humanization of social services for older people is a direction in the development of social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities, which must be followed in order to implement a client-centered approach.

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation,” social services are defined as the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation citizens in difficult life situations. The basic principles of social services are: targeting, accessibility, voluntariness, humanity, priority in the provision of social services to minors in difficult life situations, confidentiality, and preventive orientation.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 1995 N 122-FZ "On social services Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons" establishes forms of social services, one of which is social services at home (including social and medical services).

Elderly people, who have retained a partial ability for self-care and living in favorable housing conditions, are reluctant to move to government institutions, where they gradually lose ties with their usual environment. Living at home, they need assistance and periodic services. Social services at home are aimed at maximizing the possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and disabled people in their usual social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect their rights and legitimate interests. The client is the source of his own changes, and the social worker only coordinates this process, based on the level of his own professional and social competence. Those. in fact, the status of a “client-social worker” does not imply a loss of social subjectivity.

Home-based social services included in the list of state-guaranteed social services include:

1) catering, including home delivery of food;

2) assistance in purchasing medicines, food and industrial goods of prime necessity;

3) assistance in obtaining medical care, including accompaniment to medical institutions;

4) maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygienic requirements;

5) assistance in organizing legal assistance and other legal services;

6) assistance in organizing funeral services;

7) other home-based social services.

When serving elderly citizens and disabled people living in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply, home-based social services included in the list of state-guaranteed social services include assistance in providing fuel and (or) water.

In addition to home-based social services provided for in the list of state-guaranteed social services, elderly citizens and disabled people may be provided with additional services on full or partial payment terms.

In a market economy, special services for older people are provided both in the system of social sectors and complexes, and in the field of service activities. In the services market, they become the subject of purchase and sale according to supply and demand. Elderly people are stable consumers of guaranteed government social services. Paid services for this category are inaccessible, although government strategic development documents predict the likelihood that older people may become potential buyers in the future wide range services.

Social and medical services at home are provided for elderly and disabled citizens in need of home-based social services, suffering from mental disorders (in remission), tuberculosis (except for the active form), serious diseases (including cancer) in the late stages, beyond with the exception of elderly citizens and disabled people who are bacteria or virus carriers, or if they have chronic alcoholism, quarantine infectious diseases, active forms of tuberculosis, severe mental disorders, venereal and other diseases requiring treatment in specialized healthcare institutions.

In the Report on the results and main activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation for 2013-2015. It is noted that the priority area of ​​social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities is the provision of services at home. This form of providing social services is more socially oriented, since it preserves the familiar living environment for citizens, and is also more economical compared to stationary social services.

In 2012, departments of social services at home in the Russian Federation provided home services to 1.3 million elderly citizens and people with disabilities (in 2006 - 362.0 thousand citizens), specialized departments of social and medical services at home provided services to 103.3 thousand citizens (in 2006 - 150.5 thousand citizens).

The demand for home-based social services among the population is confirmed by the ongoing waiting list for receiving them in recent years. Despite noticeable decrease priority (across Russia: 2006 - over 131 thousand people, 2012 - about 12.4 thousand people), it remains high. For example, in the Murmansk region, as of January 1, 2013, there were 267 people on the waiting list for social services at home.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation has developed a “road map” for increasing the efficiency and quality of services in the field of social services for the population. The Road Map is a document reflecting strategic development sphere of social services for the population for the period from 2013 to 2018. The main goal of the road map is to ensure accessibility, significantly increase the efficiency and quality of providing social services to the population in the field of social services, as well as the introduction of modern forms and technologies of work in the activities of social institutions.

Also approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 287 dated July 1, 2013. Guidelines on the development by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies of performance indicators for the activities of subordinate state (municipal) institutions of social services for the population, their managers and employees.

Due to the fact that the procedure and conditions for social services at home are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Murmansk region adopted the Law of the Murmansk region dated December 29, 2004 N 572-01-ZMO "On social services for the population in the Murmansk region", which regulates social services at home as the provision of social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services.

Single citizens and citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-care due to old age, illness, disability, assistance is provided at home in the form of social, social, medical services and other assistance.

The regulation on the procedure for providing social services at home to elderly citizens and people with disabilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Murmansk Region of June 22, 2007 N 299-PP/11, guarantees the provision of services at home in accordance with the Territorial List of state-guaranteed social services provided to elderly citizens age and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Murmansk Region dated 02/08/2007 N 58-PP).

In addition to home-based social services provided for by the territorial list of state-guaranteed social services, elderly citizens and disabled people are provided with additional paid social services at their request.

Today, the task of improving the quality of social services provided comes to the fore, which is associated with overcoming differences in the quality indicators of social services characteristic of individual regions, populated areas, cities and villages. Given that improving the quality of social services is undoubtedly a priority, it is the specific needs of older people that determine development strategy and practice in this area. Elderly people should not receive the services that, due to various conditions and circumstances, social services can provide them with, but necessary services that strictly correspond to their individual needs.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Murmansk Region adopted the Action Plan ("road map") "Improving the efficiency and quality of services in the field of social services for the population for 2013-2018." In accordance with the “road map”, in the first quarter of 2013, the results of a survey of citizens on the quality of social services provided in social service institutions of the Murmansk region were summed up. in 2012. More than 4.5 thousand elderly and disabled people took part in the survey. According to the survey results, 98% of clients of social service institutions are satisfied with the quality of the services provided. 2% of respondents believe that social services do not contribute to solving their everyday, legal and psychological problems and that they do not have sufficient information about the services provided by the institution.

Thus, the sphere of social services for the needy population is at the stage of active development, and it receives significant attention from state and municipal authorities. The basic principles of social services are: targeting, accessibility, voluntariness, humanity, priority in the provision of social services to minors in difficult life situations, confidentiality, and preventive orientation. The priority area of ​​social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities is the provision of services at home. The demand for home-based social services among the population is confirmed by the ongoing waiting list for receiving them in recent years. Development strategy and practice in this area are determined by improving the quality of social services and increasing attention to the specific needs of older people.

When organizing social work with older people and people with disabilities, practical activities consist of three fundamental components:

Firstly, from selection (or selection), which implies a search for the basic, important components of an elderly person’s life activity that were lost with age. Individual needs must be brought into line with reality, which will allow the individual to experience a sense of satisfaction and control over his daily life.

Secondly, from optimization, which consists in the fact that an elderly person, with the assistance qualified specialist in social work, finds new reserve opportunities for himself, changes, and improves his life in a qualitative sense. That is, it awakens interest in life. It is more time-efficient for a social worker to perform some services himself than to patiently assist an elderly person to perform these operations independently. The work done, the achievement of a certain result always creates a sense of significance and increases the self-esteem of any person, and for an elderly person it is even more significant, as it serves as an incentive and motivation for subsequent “small victories”. Currently, caring forms of social services lead to the destructuring of the way of life of an elderly person, depriving the elderly of the right to choose and the opportunity to solve at least part of their problems themselves.

Thirdly, from compensation, consisting of the creation of additional sources, material payments that compensate for age limitations, the use of new modern devices and technologies that improve memory, compensate for hearing loss, limited movement, etc.

Achieving the goals of social work is facilitated by various shapes and methods, which are classified according to the methodological approaches being developed. Many methods are interdisciplinary, which is determined by the universal nature of this type of activity.

The forms of social work are differentiated: thus, according to the criterion of the scale of its subjects, it is customary to distinguish between public, collective and individual activities, by the method of execution - physical and mental activity, and by the sphere of manifestation - economic, political, spiritual, existential and social activity.

Such a criterion as the novelty of the use of technology allows us to distinguish between traditional and innovative forms of social work.

Traditional forms include individual forms of social and domestic services (purchase of products, assistance in cooking, cleaning the premises, etc.), social and medical services (provision of sanitary and hygienic services, assistance in obtaining first aid etc.) etc.

IN beginning of XXI century, the beginning of a systemic restructuring of the activities of social services in many regions of the Russian Federation led to the introduction of a more advanced mechanism for the provision of social services based on individual plans, the participation of the elderly and disabled themselves in planning the activities of social services. The system for the development and implementation of new technologies for social services for elderly and disabled people at home included:

Conducting research to study the needs of older people and people with disabilities in social services;

Studying the social and economic capabilities of social institutions providing services;

Development of new models of work to meet the needs of elderly and disabled clients;

Training of personnel, including social work specialists and senior social workers;

Monitoring and adjustment of the “working” model, taking into account the experience gained during its application.

New technologies include nursing services. This is a set of services provided for by the register of nursing services for social and medical care, which are provided on a permanent or temporary basis to elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and require constant outside care . Unlike the current home care system, caregiver services are provided to people who cannot be left alone during the day without support. They need help with eating, taking medications, dressing, carrying out hygiene procedures. At the same time, it is important for older people to remain in their familiar home environment, and not in a social or medical institution.

One of the directions innovative development is the implementation electronic services in the field of social services, which will expand the opportunities for citizens to access information to exercise the right to social services, including information on the activities of public authorities in this area, will eliminate duplication in the provision by public authorities of the data necessary for citizens to exercise their right to receive services. A citizen will not need to provide any documents containing information confirming his right to receive services, if such information is available in state and municipal bodies and institutions, which will lead to lower costs for the population and organizations associated with their provision, and will also reduce the number appeals from citizens and organizations to authorities.

The Internet has become a real salvation for those who, due to health reasons, cannot move or communicate with friends. Disabled people can now talk about issues of concern without leaving home. The task of social workers in this case is to teach Internet literacy, basic computer skills, as well as assistance in acquiring the necessary equipment.

The new form of social service “Sanatorium at Home” is based on enhanced medication, physiotherapeutic treatment and dietary food elderly citizens at home. This innovative form of home care requires large financial investments, as well as professional knowledge and skills of employees. This type of assistance includes a complex of social and recreational activities: carrying out hygiene procedures, performing medical procedures, consulting assistance from a psychologist, rehabilitation therapist, lawyer and social work specialists, providing social services, escorting to socially significant objects of the city, walking, organizing leisure (reading books, modeling, knitting, conversations), conducting educational adaptation classes (trainings, exercise therapy, self-massage training), etc.

Psychological assistance has great potential in providing support to elderly and elderly people. There are several types of psychotechnologies in the development of psychological and consulting areas: preventive, rehabilitation, socializing, correctional, integrative. Naturally, psychological assistance should be provided subject matter experts. Good results enables the inclusion of specialist psychologists in the work of social services when psychological methods used in combination with other forms of social assistance.

Currently, the area of ​​work on social and medical care at home, the provision of care services for seriously ill elderly people and disabled people, including terminally ill people in dire need of palliative care during the last year of life.

Hospice at home is a form of work that is currently under active development. Hospice is a free government institution that provides care for a seriously ill person, relief of his physical and mental state, as well as maintaining his social and spiritual potential. The main idea of ​​hospice is to provide a decent life for a person in a situation of serious illness. The entire range of medical, social and psychological assistance to the patient should be aimed at eliminating or reducing pain and fear of death while preserving his consciousness and intellectual abilities to the maximum possible extent.

A larger number of patients covered by hospice are at home, and a visiting team visits them, taking all necessary measures. Patient care is provided by specially trained medical and service personnel, as well as relatives of patients and volunteer assistants who have undergone preliminary training at the hospice.

Hospice funding sources are budget resources, funds from charitable societies and voluntary donations from citizens and organizations. Hospice services are free for residents of its assigned territory. But most Russian hospices have paid departments and paid services that can be provided at the patient’s choice.

In many regions of the Russian Federation, such a form of service as rental points for rehabilitation equipment and basic necessities has become widespread. This type of assistance allows us to some extent solve the problem of providing disabled people with means of rehabilitation.

In the last 5 years, a form of work has appeared in the practice of social services - “Social taxi”. The scheme of work is simple: a person dials the number of the local branch of the social service center, orders a trip and a car drives up to his house. Social taxi has its limitations. Certain categories of the population can use it no more than twice a month within two hours per trip. Many cars are equipped with lifts for wheelchair users.

One of the innovative ones is the team form of home service. Social workers of 4-6 people unite to perform labor-intensive work: cosmetic repairs of housing (whitewashing, painting, cleaning), storing fuel, cultivating a personal plot. A team can also look like an association of representatives of different specialties: a nurse, a psychologist, a social worker, a carpenter, an electrician, etc.

Many Social Service Centers create teams of social workers to grow garden produce. The Center for Social Services of the Population enters into agreements with citizens receiving home-based services to grow garden produce on their plots of land. Part of the harvest is given to low-income citizens as financial assistance, and part is sold to public catering establishments. The proceeds from the sale are also used to provide financial assistance to low-income pensioners.

Volunteers are involved in serving the elderly. Such activities are based on enthusiasm and a sense of social solidarity. Volunteer teams of young people, students and active pensioners provide assistance to the lonely elderly people in housekeeping, minor repairs, etc. Medical students and social workers teach self-care skills to those in need, and their relatives - the rules of care. Timur's detachments, known at the beginning of the twentieth century, received a new development under a different name, but while maintaining the main goal - providing all possible assistance to the sick and infirm. .

People who have finished active work often find themselves in the vacuum of their forced social restriction. Their circle of contacts is significantly narrowing, and due to financial insolvency, they cannot afford to organize an interesting and leisure. This often leads to depression and makes problems worse. In this case, pedagogical and socio-cultural methods can have a positive effect.

Substitution life goal, its compensation in the process of leisure activities at the level of creativity is manifested in such types of activities as wood carving, chasing, burning, embroidery, designing, sawing and other types of activities. Demonstration of handicraft samples at various exhibitions, assistance in visiting exhibitions can stimulate further creative activity.

Home library services can play an important role in organizing leisure time and stimulating mental activity. The modern method of bibliotherapy is based on the use of systematic reading to improve psychological state person. In Russia, bibliotherapy did not immediately become widespread. The therapeutic effect of a book can be based on a person recognizing his problem, a traumatic situation in a work of art and following the patterns of exiting problematic situations given in the work, their psychological overcoming. Moreover, the more similar the situation described in the book and the hero are to the circumstances and character of the patient, the more pronounced the effect.

One of the most accessible forms of creative leisure is collecting, which, as a subject of leisure activity, is ambiguous in its value. For some it is a haphazard collection of similar items, for others it is a purposeful, meaningful activity that enriches a person spiritually. Social workers can take it upon themselves to organize opportunities to socialize with other collectors.

For most older people, the content of leisure activities is focused on consumer values: communication with nature, the opportunity to be in society, listen to a concert, visit the theater. Off-site forms of work (to a club, to the Palace of Culture, to a concert hall) are troublesome, but very useful.

Awareness of clients about the possibilities of social services is of considerable importance. For this purpose, constant or periodic work of a “phone of communication” or an advisory and reference service is organized. Each caller has the opportunity to receive free consultation on issues of social services, provision of benefits and advantages, conflict resolution, family relationships, etc.

Attracting the resources of regional television and radio companies to create a system of outreach work with older citizens and people with disabilities can be implemented both through sponsorship funds and with the help of administrative resources. To optimize such work, it is possible to study the structure and content of requests from the elderly population, and then develop and broadcast thematic series of programs. And also write a special column or section in local newspapers.

One more additional measure social support for the elderly and disabled was the introduction of the “panic button” service. The “panic button” service is designed, first of all, to protect and support lonely people, as well as those who are left alone during the day when their relatives go to work. The presence of a “panic button” does not require the presence of a stranger, but it instills a sense of security, the feeling that help is always nearby, and this is very important for an elderly person and a disabled person. The panic button technology is implemented using stationary equipment or cellular communications. The system allows an elderly person, by pressing just one button, to contact a doctor operator at any time and receive medical, social and domestic advice. This social service technology significantly increases the availability of medical and social services for citizens. The innovation of the "panic button" technology lies in systematic approach organization and provision of the service itself, using modern information technologies.

Thus, the development of a system of social services for the population in all its diversity organizational forms and types allows you to satisfy customer requests and fulfill the tasks set by time.

1.3 Experience in developing areas of social services at home for elderly citizens and people with disabilities

The prospects for active demographic aging of the population and the growth of the socio-economic burden on society due to the need to support the elderly predetermine the conditions for the further development of the institution of social services for elderly citizens in Russia.

In Russia, social assistance departments at home were created as an experiment in 1987 and received widespread recognition from older people and people with disabilities. A definite milestone in terms of the dissemination of new approaches and technologies in social services for older people was the holding in November 2002 in Saratov of the first All-Russian Congress of Social Workers under the motto “Social work for older people: professionalism, partnership, responsibility.”

The congress resolution expresses the desire to ensure sustainable attention to the decision practical issues social security elderly and disabled people, guided by a realistic approach to modern social phenomena, it contains specific proposals for the development of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people in new legal and economic conditions, especially emphasizing the importance of new technologies. Clearly stated and in the public domain basic principle modern social services - focus on individual assessment of client needs. This is confirmed by the experience of social services in various regions of Russia.

In 2001-2002, a new model of social services at home was tested in Novokuznetsk, close to the model widespread abroad, dividing physical care, services, social and medical services and rehabilitation services.

In the presence of a new system for assessing need and developed new criteria for determining need, the provision of social services is organized according to the principle of reasonable necessity (sufficiency).

The organization of social services at home is divided into four components:

Ensuring delivery hot food, medicines, goods and more;

Performing housework that can be described as maintenance;

Providing personal and household services (hygiene services, bathing, dressing, putting to bed, getting out of bed);

Providing services to maintain social connections with an elderly person’s previous place of work, developing activities carried out with a former employer, providing medical and preventive care in health centers or clinics, transport services, organizing leisure activities.

An important point is the transition in the experiment to an hourly system of work of social workers with each client.

This model of organizing social services for older people at home, which has significant differences from the one common in the Russian Federation, was an innovation, the implementation of which could significantly advance the development of social services at home. Results of its implementation:

Reducing the number of home food delivery services by streamlining this work;

Reducing the labor costs of social workers for this activity;

Improving the quality of social rehabilitation work;

Significant adjustments to the responsibilities of social workers in providing social services.

The introduction of new models of social services at home is possible if there is interaction between social services and municipalities, veterans' organizations, healthcare institutions, etc. They can take part in determining the degree of need of an elderly person for social services, in developing mechanisms for introducing new technologies, in providing advisory and material assistance. support.

For example, the Center for Social Services for the Population of Balashovsky District, Saratov Region. Together with industrial school No. 47, a charity event “Social hairdressing salon at home” was organized. Thanks to this, over 700 people received the services of novice hairdressers at their place of residence. These are war veterans, home front workers, low-income pensioners and schoolchildren. The volunteer movement "Agency 55+" of the Comprehensive Center for Social Services was organized by pensioners with active life position providing assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people at their place of residence.

In the Amur Region, a new form of social services for elderly and disabled citizens has been introduced - social advisory centers for working with citizens at their place of residence.

In the Samara region, an “Experimental Center for the Rehabilitation of Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons” was opened, where training was organized for both elderly people, disabled people and members of their families in the rules of caring for people with disabilities. disabilities, use of rehabilitation means, provision of psychological assistance. In addition, the center has created conditions for training social workers, rehabilitation specialists, organizers of socio-cultural work, psychologists, programmers, students educational institutions, representatives of public organizations of disabled people, volunteers.

Social work specialists from the Trans-Baikal Territory have become convinced of the effectiveness of the team method of social services at home. In settlements where the population exceeds three thousand people, 17 brigades were organized. There are 40 social workers in 17 teams who provide social services to 159 clients. In the teams, foremen were selected who were assigned the following responsibilities: coordination of work in the teams, timely submission of reports on the provision of social services to clients, timely delivery of funds received from clients for the provision of paid social services to them.

Compared to the traditional form of organizing social services at home, the team method has a number of advantages. The number of social services provided has increased, and the amount of money earned from paid services has accordingly increased. Social workers also note an increase in psychological comfort when working together. Responsibilities have been divided between social workers in the team, which makes work easier and saves working time, the number of social services provided has increased, the time spent communicating with clients has increased, the clients’ social circle has expanded, the degree of satisfaction with social services has increased, and working in a team has significantly reduced the risk of developing burnout syndrome.

Thus, modern reality requires the strengthening of existing and development of innovative technologies, forms and methods of social services at home for elderly citizens and the disabled. And the experience of institutions providing social services speaks of progressive development in this direction.


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Social protection of the population is the provision of appropriate services to disabled people and other categories of incapacitated persons. Such measures make it possible to satisfy the social needs of certain groups of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Public services refers to the activities of services that provide support to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Support consists of the following types of services provided to older people and people with disabilities:

  • Household;
  • Medical;
  • Psychological and pedagogical;
  • Social and legal;
  • Material assistance.

Institutions and businesses that provide services to society (elderly and disabled people) are called social services. Their activities are regulated by generally accepted Russian legislation on older people in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation has several laws that regulate the relationship between government authorities and older people.

List of laws on older people and disabled people in the Russian Federation:

  • . It guarantees social security to every citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • regulates the legal framework for the following categories of citizens:
    • Low-income families;
    • Residents living alone;
    • Other categories of citizens provided for in this Federal Law;
  • He creates a state policy regarding elderly citizens and people with disabilities, the purpose of which is to ensure equal rights to protection with other citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • The main purpose of the Federal Law is to provide protection to disabled people and elderly citizens. Currently no longer valid.

Description of Federal Law 122

Federal Law No. 122 “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons” has lost its force. Now it is replaced by law no. He was accepted State Duma December 23, 2013, and entered into force January 1, 2015. Last changes were made on July 21, 2017.

Changes in the law on the elderly and disabled

As mentioned above, the latest changes to Federal Law No. 442 were made on July 21, 2017.

Article 7

Article 7 was supplemented with clause 7.1. It states that an independent social service organization is being created to assess the quality of services provided.

Article 8

Article 8 was supplemented with clause 24.1. It states that special conditions are created for an organization that conducts an independent assessment.

Article 13

Article 13 was supplemented with clause 12.1. Its essence is that the decision to conduct an independent assessment is made by the federal executive body.

Part 4 of Article 13 was completely changed. Now, in order to express your own opinion or leave feedback after providing services to the elderly and disabled, you can go to the official website and express your opinion in writing.

Article 23.1

Article 23.1 appeared after the introduction latest changes. It also talks about providing an independent assessment of the quality of service delivery. A quality indicator is one of the control methods that makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of services provided to the elderly and disabled.

Criteria for quality assessment:

  • Openness of information;
  • Comfortable conditions during the provision of services;
  • Waiting time;
  • Competence, politeness and friendliness of the company's employees, which provides quality service.

An independent assessment of the quality of services provided is carried out in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law.

Authorized federal executive body or other public administration can independently create public councils that will evaluate the effectiveness of their activities.

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on the topic: “Social services for elderly and disabled citizens”


2. Forms of social services, types of social services


elderly, socially disabled


In modern developed society, longevity is becoming the norm, and the main problem is the quality of longevity. As a person ages, not only his health status changes, but also a certain reorientation of vital interests and needs occurs, and his social status in society and family changes. By old age, a person acquires a number of diseases, mainly chronic course with frequent exacerbations, so elderly and old age experience an increased need for medical and social assistance.

One of characteristic features period of elderly and senile age, both in relatively healthy and sick people, there is an oncoming socio-psychological disadaptation. It is the change in the social status of an elderly person - retirement, loss of close relatives, difficulties in connection with self-care, deterioration of the economic situation - that violates the usual life stereotypes, requires the mobilization of one’s own physical and mental reserves, which at this age are significantly reduced, all this has a strong impact on the psyche of an old man.

The inability of people with disabilities to independently cope with everyday worries leads to dependence on other people, which causes many people to feel inferior, powerless, and unwilling to continue existing.

Methods of adaptation for older people and disabled people. Thus, along with severe experiences and developing depression, elderly and disabled people exhibit a tendency to an isolated existence without the need to see other people, a feeling of peace in solitude, and a desire for new activities and contacts. At the same time, a considerable part of them exhibit harmonious adaptation when they are present common sense, courage, optimism.

In this regard, the problem of providing social assistance, support for the elderly and disabled, which is carried out with the help of social services, is very relevant in society.

The purpose of the work is to study the features of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Job objectives:

Study the provisions and principles of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Consider forms of social services.

1. Basic provisions and principles of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people

Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 7 established that the Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. In the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, guaranteed minimum size wages, state support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens is provided, a system of social services is developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established. This legal norm reflects philanthropy and mercy; it is expressed specifically in the creation by the state of conditions that would ensure a decent life for elderly people and people with disabilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

A senior citizen will be considered when he reaches of a certain age. This age barrier is considered to be 55 years for women and 60 years for men. A person can confirm this fact simply by presenting a passport; no other documents are required for this. The fact that a person is disabled must be confirmed in accordance with clause 36 of the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95, by a certificate. According to clauses 5 - 13 of the Rules, the conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are:

a) health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;

b) limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);

c) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.

Depending on the degree of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions resulting from diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, a citizen recognized as disabled is assigned I, II or III groups and disability, and for a citizen under the age of 18 - the category “disabled child”.

Disability of group I is established for 2 years, groups II and III - for 1 year. The category “disabled child” is established for 1 or 2 years or until the citizen reaches the age of 18.

If a citizen is recognized as disabled, the cause of disability is indicated general disease, labor injury, occupational disease, disability since childhood, disability since childhood due to injury (concussion, mutilation) associated with combat operations during the Great Patriotic War, war injury, disease received during military service, disability associated with the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the consequences of radiation exposure and direct participation in the activities of special risk units, as well as other reasons established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the absence of documents confirming the fact occupational disease, labor injury, military injury or other circumstances provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation that are the cause of disability, a general illness is indicated as the cause of disability. In this case, the citizen is provided with assistance in obtaining these documents. When the relevant documents are submitted to the bureau, the cause of disability changes from the date of submission of these documents without additional examination of the disabled person.

A citizen recognized as disabled is issued a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group and the degree of limitation of the ability to work, or indicating the group of disability without limiting the ability to work, as well as an individual rehabilitation program.

Recognition of a citizen as a disabled person is carried out during a medical and social examination based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of the citizen’s body based on an analysis of his clinical, functional, social, professional, labor and psychological data using classifications and criteria approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The second mandatory condition for the existence of the legal fact itself will be that such a citizen must need permanent or temporary outside assistance. This is possible due to the partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy one’s basic life needs due to limited ability for self-care and (or) movement. But it is possible that there will be some other reasons by which one can judge such a citizen’s inability to satisfy his own needs, etc. In practice, when they contact the social protection authorities with an application, they do not find out the fact of the need for outside help, but look at the presence of a certain age or disability.

It is the presence of the first and second circumstances together that gives the composition of the legal fact itself, the basis for a citizen to receive social assistance from the state within the framework of the commented Law.

Social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities are carried out by decision of social protection authorities in institutions under their jurisdiction or under agreements concluded by social protection authorities with social service institutions of other forms of ownership.

Activities in the field of social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities are based on the principles. The first principle that is reflected in the Law - the principle of respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen - has its own constitutional significance, which boils down to the fact that the Russian Federation is obliged to fulfill its international obligations to respect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, reflected in international documents (conventions, protocols, covenants and agreements). At the same time, in relation to the Law, the principle of respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen also has its own content that is different from the constitutional one. However, it is again based on the constitutional enshrinement of this principle. Respect for human rights is expressed both in the equality of rights of all citizens to receive social assistance from the state, and in the freedom to choose to receive such assistance.

The following principle of providing state guarantees in the field of social services is not directly enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but it follows from a number of provisions of the Constitution. The Constitution of the Russian Federation declared Russia a social state and established the principle of state responsibility for its obligations to provide social services to citizens. The state cannot unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations to citizens, including their social services, which it previously guaranteed to them.

The principle of providing state guarantees for social services is based, on the one hand, on the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which guards the law, do not allow individual government bodies to in any way diminish the rights of citizens to social services, and, on the other hand, is being implemented on state budget guarantees. Government bodies when forming a budget for each fiscal year are obliged to include in it the necessary projected amounts of budget expenditures in order to fulfill their obligations to citizens in the next financial year.

Chapter 13.1 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation provided for the formation of the Stabilization Fund. Funds from the Stabilization Fund can be used to finance the federal budget deficit when the price of oil falls below the base price, as well as for other purposes if the accumulated amount of funds is available. The volumes of use of funds from the Stabilization Fund are determined by the federal law on federal budget for the corresponding financial year, the draft of which is submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The law also provided certain guarantees for the fulfillment of social assistance obligations by the state. Further, the state guarantees the receipt of the entire range of social services that is established.

At the federal level, there are two by-laws that regulate the content and quality of social services - this is the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52143-2003 “Social services to the population. Main types of social services”, adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2003 No. 327-st, and the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52142-2003 “Social services to the population. Quality of social services. General provisions”, adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2003 No. 326-st.

Next legal principle, formed by the legislator in Article 3, is formalized as the principle of continuity of all types of social services. This means, most likely, the continuity of our state’s policy in matters of social services.

Let us consider the content of the principle of focusing social services on the individual needs of elderly citizens and the disabled. This principle is dictated by the organizational need for social security for older citizens and disabled people. The needs of each disabled or elderly person are varied, primarily dictated by their state of health and the characteristics of their medical history. Also, not the least important role is played by such factors: whether a citizen lives together with someone or alone, whether he can independently provide for himself and serve himself in social and everyday terms. It is these factors that mainly influence the determination of the type and content of social assistance services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities. The orientation of social services towards the individual needs of elderly citizens and people with disabilities is achieved through the availability of a list of various social services that can be provided to citizens, and the choice for each person, in the end, not of the entire list of services at once, but only of those services that the disabled or elderly person really needs .

Thus, activities in the field of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people are based on the principles:

Respect for human and civil rights;

Providing state guarantees in the field of social services;

Ensuring equal opportunities in receiving social services and their accessibility for elderly citizens and people with disabilities;

Continuity of all types of social services;

Orientation of social services to the individual needs of elderly citizens and people with disabilities;

Priority of measures for social adaptation of elderly citizens and disabled people;

Responsibility of government bodies and institutions, as well as officials for ensuring the rights of elderly citizens and people with disabilities in the field of social services.

2. Forms of social services

Social services for elderly and disabled citizens include:

1) social services at home (including social and medical services);

2) semi-stationary social services in day (night) departments of social service institutions;

3) stationary social services in stationary social service institutions (boarding houses, boarding houses and other social service institutions, regardless of their name);

4) urgent social services;

5) social advisory assistance.

2. Elderly citizens and disabled people are provided with living space in special residential buildings for the elderly in the manner established by housing legislation.

3. Social services, at the request of elderly citizens and disabled people, can be provided on a permanent or temporary basis.

Social services at home

1. Social services at home are one of the main types of social services, aimed at maximizing the possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and disabled people in their usual social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect their rights and legitimate interests.

2. Home-based social services provided for by the federal list of state-guaranteed social services include:

1) catering, including home delivery of food;

2) assistance in purchasing medicines, food and industrial goods of prime necessity;

3) assistance in obtaining medical care, including accompaniment to medical institutions;

4) maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygienic requirements;

5) assistance in organizing legal assistance and other legal services within the competence of the social worker;

6) assistance in organizing funeral services;

7) other home-based social services.

3. When serving elderly citizens and disabled people living in residential premises without central heating, assistance in providing fuel is included in the number of home-based social services provided for by the federal list of state-guaranteed social services.

4. In addition to home-based social services provided for by the federal and territorial lists of state-guaranteed social services, elderly citizens and disabled people may be provided with additional services on full or partial payment terms.

5. Social services at home can be provided on a permanent or temporary basis in accordance with the needs and desires of elderly citizens and disabled people.

6. Social services at home are organized by creating appropriate departments in municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities.

7. The procedure and conditions for enrollment in social services at home are determined by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation.

Social and medical services at home are provided for elderly and disabled citizens in need of home-based social services, suffering from mental disorders (in remission), tuberculosis (except for the active form), serious diseases (including cancer) in the late stages, beyond excluding the diseases specified in part three of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

Social and medical services at home are provided by specialized departments created in municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities. The staff of these departments includes medical workers, medical professional activity which are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on health protection.

Semi-stationary social services include social, medical and cultural services for elderly citizens and the disabled, organizing their meals, recreation, ensuring their participation in feasible work activities and maintaining an active lifestyle.

Semi-stationary social services are accepted for elderly and disabled citizens in need who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and who do not have medical contraindications for enrollment in social services provided for in part three of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

Admissions decision on the floor inpatient care accepted by the head of a social service institution on the basis of a personal application from an elderly and disabled citizen and a certificate from a health care institution about his state of health.

Semi-stationary social services are provided by day (night) departments created in municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities.

Inpatient social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social and domestic assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people who have largely or completely lost the ability to self-care and who, for health reasons, require constant care and supervision.

Inpatient social services include measures to create living conditions for elderly citizens and people with disabilities that are most adequate to their age and health status, rehabilitation measures of a medical, social and labor nature, provision of care and medical assistance, organization of their rest and leisure.

Inpatient social services for elderly and disabled citizens are provided in inpatient social service institutions (departments) profiled in accordance with the age and health status of those served.

It is not permitted to place disabled children with physical disabilities in inpatient social service institutions intended for the residence of children with mental disorders.

Elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient general social service institutions and constantly violating the established rules of residence in these institutions may, upon the recommendation of the administration of these institutions, based on a court decision, be transferred to special inpatient social service institutions.

Special inpatient social service institutions are intended to provide social and other services to elderly citizens and disabled people who are under administrative supervision or have repeatedly been brought to administrative responsibility for violations public order.

Persons living in stationary social service institutions, who have been repeatedly subject to administrative sanctions for violating public order, are also sent to special inpatient social service institutions.

The decision to place persons specified in parts one and two of this article in special inpatient social service institutions is made by the court upon the proposal of the administration of inpatient social service institutions, internal affairs bodies or social protection authorities.

Elderly citizens and disabled people without a fixed place of residence can be sent to special inpatient social service institutions by social protection authorities at their personal request and in the absence of medical contraindications.

Ensuring public order in special stationary social service institutions is carried out by the staff of the said institution together with the internal affairs bodies.

The provision of social, medical and other services, as well as the organization of the labor process in special inpatient social service institutions, is carried out on the general basis provided for in Article 13 of this Federal Law.

Discharge of elderly citizens and disabled people from special inpatient social service institutions is carried out by court decision or at their request, subject to their voluntary admission to these institutions.

The administration of a stationary social service institution and its staff are obliged to:

Respect human and civil rights in the field of social services;

Inform elderly citizens and disabled people living in a stationary social service institution about their rights;

Perform the duties of guardians and trustees in relation to elderly citizens and disabled people in need of guardianship or trusteeship;

Carry out and develop educational activities, organize recreation and cultural services for elderly citizens and disabled people;

Provide elderly citizens and disabled people living in a stationary social service institution with the opportunity to use telephone and postal services for a fee in accordance with current tariffs;

Provide spouses from among elderly and disabled citizens living in a stationary social service institution with isolated living quarters for joint residence;

Ensure the safety of personal belongings and valuables of elderly citizens and disabled people;

Perform other functions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. Urgent social services are provided for the purpose of providing emergency one-time assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people who are in dire need of social support.

2. Urgent social services include the following social services from those provided for in the federal list of state-guaranteed social services:

1) one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need;

2) provision of clothing, shoes and other essential items;

3) one-time provision of financial assistance;

4) assistance in obtaining temporary housing;

5) organization of legal assistance in order to protect the rights of persons served;

6) organizing emergency medical and psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy for this work and the allocation of additional telephone numbers for these purposes;

7) other urgent social services.

3. Urgent social services are provided by municipal social service centers or departments created for these purposes under the social protection authorities.

1. Social advisory assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities is aimed at their adaptation in society, easing social tension, creating favorable relationships in the family, as well as ensuring interaction between the individual, family, society and the state.

2. Social advisory assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities is focused on their psychological support, increased efforts in solving their own problems and provides for:

1) identification of persons in need of social advisory assistance;

2) prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations;

3) work with families in which elderly and disabled citizens live, organizing their leisure time;

4) advisory assistance in training, vocational guidance and employment of disabled people;

5) ensuring coordination of the activities of government agencies and public associations to solve the problems of elderly citizens and people with disabilities;

6) legal assistance within the competence of social workers;

7) other measures to form healthy relationships and create a favorable social environment for elderly citizens and people with disabilities.

3. The organization and coordination of social advisory assistance is carried out by municipal social service centers or departments created under the social protection authorities.

Payment for home-based, semi-stationary and stationary social services in state and municipal social service institutions:

1. Social services included in the federal list of state-guaranteed social services may be provided to citizens free of charge, as well as on the terms of partial or full payment.

2. Social services are provided free of charge:

1) single elderly citizens (single married couples) and disabled people receiving a pension, including allowances, in an amount below the subsistence level established for a given region;

2) elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with help and care, provided that the amount of pension received by these citizens, including allowances, is lower than the minimum subsistence level established for the given region;

3) elderly citizens and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established for a given region.

3. Social services on the basis of partial payment are provided:

1) single elderly citizens (single married couples) and disabled people receiving a pension, including allowances, in the amount of 100 to 150 percent of the minimum subsistence level established for a given region;

2) elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with help and care, provided that the amount of pension received by these citizens, including allowances, is from 100 to 150 percent of the minimum subsistence level established for a given region;

3) elderly citizens and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is from 100 to 150 percent of the subsistence level established for a given region.

4. Social services on a full payment basis are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income exceeds the subsistence level established for a given region by 150 percent.

5. Payment is collected from all categories of elderly citizens and disabled people when providing, at their request, additional social services that are not included in the federal list of state-guaranteed social services.

6. The procedure and terms of payment for social services in the state and municipal sectors of social services are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Tariffs for social services provided by state and municipal social service institutions are determined by the social protection authorities of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. Payment for inpatient services for elderly citizens and disabled people is carried out by these citizens or their legal representatives in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. Funds received from payment for social services are credited to the accounts of social service institutions and are directed to the further development of social services and stimulation of the work of social workers in the amount determined by the social protection bodies in charge of these institutions, in excess of budgetary allocations. State and municipal institutions social services in part of funds received from payment for social services are subject to preferential taxation in the manner established by law Russian Federation.

9. Social service institutions providing social services are required to conclude agreements with elderly citizens and disabled people accepted for paid services, or with their legal representatives, that define the types and volume of services provided, as well as the procedure and amount of their payment.

10. Payment for social services can be made in the form of alienation of residential premises, land and property shares, and other property belonging to elderly citizens and disabled people on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Transactions on the alienation of real estate for the purpose of paying for social services are registered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, while simultaneously meeting the following conditions:

1) preserving the right of lifelong residence in alienated residential premises for an elderly citizen and a disabled person or providing him, with his consent, with another residential premises for living that meets the standards established by housing legislation;

2) obtaining consent in writing from local authorities of social services for the population to complete the transaction.

3. Legal regulation of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people

Below we present a list of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, which are in force to improve the situation of older citizens and people with disabilities.

Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated November 19, 2014 N 93-oz "On approval of the list of social services provided by social service providers in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra"

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 53058-2013 "Social services for the population. Social services for elderly citizens"

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52142-2013 "Social services to the population. Quality of social services. General provisions"

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52143-2013 "Social services to the population. Main types of social services"


Social work as the most important section of activities in the field of serving older people and disabled people has become increasingly relevant in recent years. Although the social concern of the state and society in relation to the disabled and elderly citizens in Russia has always been manifested, the issue of specialists who would carry out this activity has never been discussed or resolved. Social work (in in a broad sense this word) with such categories of persons as the disabled and the elderly, was carried out systematically in the bodies and institutions of social security (social protection). Among those carrying out this activity were employees of boarding homes, social service centers, municipal and territorial authorities. Since the introduction of these positions, social workers have been assigned a specific role, which is determined by the type of institution, the nature of the services provided, and the goals (objectives) and expected results. The place of activity of a social worker in connection with these circumstances seems to be moving, it is dynamic. At the same time, as workers of this category are introduced into the social protection system, their functions are expanded. The activities of social workers extend to all categories of disabled and elderly people, both in the population (including in families) and in boarding homes. At the same time, the specifics of the activities of social workers especially emerge. In some cases, it is in the nature of organizing assistance from various services (medical care, legal advice etc.), in others it acquires a moral and psychological aspect, in others - the nature of correctional pedagogical activity, etc. It must be emphasized that in addition to direct “consumers” (disabled people, elderly people), the scope of activity of social workers also extends to service personnel, for example, in boarding homes, with whom social workers have to interact. In this regard, the level of education of social workers, their professionalism, knowledge psychological characteristics disabled and elderly people. Due to the wide and varied functions of social workers in serving older people, there is a need for these specialists with different levels of education. For the category of disabled and elderly people who are in the population, the range of activities of social workers covers big circle tasks, ranging from the provision of social and domestic assistance to psychological and pedagogical correction and moral and psychological support. For disabled people and elderly people in inpatient institutions, the activities of social workers also have a wide range, ranging from social adaptation in boarding homes to the integration of disabled people into society. In this real-life situation with servicing the elderly and disabled in different conditions of their residence, there is an urgent need to introduce social workers into the staff of inpatient institutions in order to improve social support for disabled citizens.

List of sources used

1) Basov N.F. Social work with elderly people. Rostov-n/D.: Phoenix, 2009. 346 p.

2) Batyaev A.A. Commentary on the Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ “On social services for elderly and disabled citizens.” M.: Yurist, 2009. 542 p.

3) Dolzhenkova G.D. Social Security Law: Lecture Notes. M.: Yurait-Izdat, 2007. 187 p.

4) Craig G., Bokum D. Developmental psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. 940 p.

5) Fundamentals of social work. M.: Academy, 2008. 288 p.

6) Social security law: textbook / ed. K.N. Gusova. M.: Infra-M, 2007. 328 p.

7) Social protection of the population. Experience in organizational and administrative work. M.: "MarT", 2007. 400 p.

8) Tkachenko V.S. Medical and social foundations of independent life for disabled people. M.: Dashkov and Co., 2009. 384 p.

9) Firsov M.V., Studenova G.E. Theory of social work. M.: Academic project, Gaudeamus, 2009. 512 p.

10) Kharin K.S. Social security law: textbook. allowance. At 2 p.m. Part 1. St. Petersburg: GUAP, 2008. - 360 p.

11) Kharin K.S. Social security law: textbook. At 2 p.m. Part 2. St. Petersburg: GUAP, 2008. 297 p.

12) Yakushev A.V. Social protection. Social work: lecture notes. M.: A-Prior, 2010. 144 p.

13) 3. Social work: theory and practice: Textbook / Rep. Ed. E.I. Kholostova, A.S. Sorvina. M.: INFRA-M, 2004. 427 p.

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In pursuance of the Law of the City of Moscow dated 07/09/2008. No. 34 “On social services for the population of the city of Moscow” and in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of March 24, 2009. No. 215-PP “On measures to implement the Moscow City Law of July 9, 2008 No. 34 “On social services for the population of the city of Moscow” residents of the city of Moscow, foreign citizens permanently residing in the city of Moscow, stateless persons, and also refugees.

Social services at home are provided by:
- single or elderly citizens living alone (women over 55 years of age, men over 60 years of age) and disabled people who need permanent or temporary assistance due to a partial loss of the ability to independently satisfy basic life needs due to limited ability to self-care or movement;
- citizens living in families are provided with social (socio-medical) services at home if family members cannot provide them with help and care for objective reasons in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Moscow City Law of July 9, 2008 N 34 “On social services for the population of the city of Moscow.”
- Free social services in state social service institutions are provided:
1) citizens who are not capable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, and who do not have relatives who can provide them with help and care;
2) citizens who are in a socially dangerous situation or difficult life situation; in connection with natural disasters, catastrophes, other emergency situations; victims of armed and interethnic conflicts;
3) minors in difficult life situations, as well as adult incapacitated or partially capable citizens;
4) disabled people since childhood who are in inpatient social service institutions on a five-day stay;
5) other citizens who are in a difficult life situation or socially dangerous situation.
In accordance with the Territorial List of Guaranteed Social Services, approved by the Moscow Government, citizens are provided with the following free social services:
1. Services for catering, everyday life and leisure:
- purchase and home delivery of food products and hot lunches from retail establishments located in the district;
- assistance in food preparation (heating food, peeling vegetables, slicing bread, sausages, meat products, boiling water in a kettle);
- purchase and home delivery of essential industrial goods;
- assistance in cleaning residential premises;
- delivery of water, heating of stoves, assistance in providing fuel (for those living in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply);
- handing over items for washing, dry cleaning, repairs and their return delivery;
- assistance in organizing repairs and comprehensive cleaning of residential premises;
- assistance in paying for housing and utilities(taking meter readings, filling out receipts, visiting housing and communal services organizations, unified cash settlement centers, paying fees);
- assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade, public utility and communications enterprises, as well as other enterprises providing services to the population;
- assistance in writing letters;
- delivery of books, purchase of newspapers and magazines;
- subscribing to newspapers and magazines;
- assistance in providing “social taxi” services;
- carrying out explanatory work on safety, including fire safety issues;
- assistance in visiting theaters, exhibitions and other cultural events.
2. Social, medical and sanitary services:
- assistance in providing care based on health status;
- assistance in providing medical care;
- assistance in conducting medical and social examination;
- assistance in carrying out rehabilitation measures(medical, social), including for the disabled, based on individual rehabilitation programs;
- assistance in providing medicines and medical products according to the conclusion of doctors;
- provision of psychological assistance;
- assistance in hospitalization, accompanying those in need to medical institutions;
- visits to inpatient healthcare institutions in order to provide moral and psychological support;
- assistance in obtaining travel vouchers Spa treatment, including preferential ones;
- assistance in obtaining dental and prosthetic and orthopedic care, as well as in providing technical means care and rehabilitation.
3. Assistance in obtaining education and (or) profession for disabled people in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities.
4. Assistance in employment.
5. Legal services:
- assistance in the preparation of documents, excluding cases of preparation of documents affecting the interests of third parties;
- assistance in obtaining benefits and advantages established by law;
- providing assistance with questions pension provision and provision of other social benefits (including in the preparation of documents for refusal of the social package in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation);
- assistance in obtaining free assistance from a lawyer in the manner prescribed by law;
- assistance in obtaining other legal services.
6. Assistance in organizing funeral services:
- preparation of documents for the provision of funeral services to deceased single citizens or assistance in organizing funerals for their disabled relatives.

Additional services provided to clients at their request in addition to the Territorial List of Guaranteed Services are provided for a fee.
About paid social services at home.

In order to implement Article 9 of Moscow City Law No. 34 of July 9, 2008 “On social services for the population of the city of Moscow”, Moscow Government Decree No. 919-PP dated October 12, 2010 “On the provision of paid social services to citizens by state institutions of non-stationary social services of the city Moscow" approved the Procedure and conditions for citizens to pay for paid social services provided by government institutions of non-stationary social services in the city of Moscow, in accordance with which:
social services provided for by the Territorial List of State-Guaranteed Social Services, approved by the Decree of the Moscow Government, are provided for a fee to citizens who are not entitled to free social services in non-stationary social service institutions on a voluntary basis.
Paid social services are provided to citizens in accordance with an agreement for the provision of social services concluded between a non-stationary social service institution and a citizen (client) or his legal representative.

The volume of paid social services, their quality, terms of provision, and other obligations must comply with the terms of the contract.

The amount of payment for paid social services provided by non-stationary social service institutions is determined based on the duly approved Tariffs for social services provided to citizens by state non-stationary social service institutions in the city of Moscow, provided for by the Territorial List of State Guaranteed Social Services.

A citizen (client) or his legal representative independently pays for the services provided by a non-stationary social service institution by depositing a fee into a personal account for recording funds from income-generating activities through credit organizations independently, but no later than 3 days before the start of the provision of paid services.

Tariffs for social services provided to elderly citizens and people with disabilities by non-stationary social service institutions in the city of Moscow, provided for by the Territorial List of State Guaranteed Social Services

No. Type of social services Average rate time to perform one service (hour, min) Tariff
1. Services provided at home to elderly citizens and disabled people who need outside help due to partial loss of the ability to self-care
1.1. Catering, everyday life and leisure services:
1.1.1. Purchase and home delivery of food products and hot lunches from retail establishments located in the district, weighing up to 4 kg 1 hour 193
1.1.2. Assistance in cooking (heating food, peeling vegetables, cutting bread, sausages, meat products, boiling water in a kettle) 30 min 97
1.1.3. Purchase and home delivery of essential industrial goods weighing up to 4 kg 1 hour 193
1.1.4. Providing assistance in cleaning residential premises (assistance in cleaning residential premises up to 36 m2: bedroom and kitchen: dry or wet cleaning of floors, wiping dust from furniture, at height level, and window sills, removing garbage as necessary. Cleaning equipment and means hygiene products are purchased at the client’s expense) 1 hour 30 min 290
1.1.5. For those living in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply:

Water delivery 20 min 64

Furnace firing 20 min 64

Assistance in providing fuel 20 min 64
1.1.6. Delivery of items and their return delivery:

Wash 30 min 97

Dry cleaning 30 min 97
- for repair 30 min 97
1.1.7. Assistance in organizing repairs and comprehensive cleaning of residential premises (assistance in organizing apartment repairs is carried out by submitting an application or petition to the District Administration or an organization engaged in apartment repairs) 30 min 97

1.1.8. Assistance in paying for housing and utilities (taking readings of electricity and water meters, filling out receipts, visiting housing and communal services organizations, unified cash settlement centers, paying bills at the expense of the client) 30 min 97
1.1.9. Assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade, public utility and communications enterprises, as well as other enterprises providing services to the population 30 min 97
1.1.10. Providing assistance in writing letters 30 min 97
1.1.11. Delivery of books, purchase of newspapers and magazines 20 min 64
1.1.12. Subscribing to newspapers and magazines (subscription is carried out at the expense of the city budget, on a charitable basis and at the expense of the client) 30 min 97
1.1.13. Assistance in providing “social taxi” services 30 min 97
1.1.14. Assistance in visiting theaters, exhibitions and other cultural events unaccompanied (carried out by inviting clients to theaters and exhibitions on a charitable basis, to events of city, district and regional significance, as well as by purchasing tickets at the box office at the client’s expense, excluding evening tickets time, weekends and holidays) 30 min 97
1.2. Social-medical and sanitary-hygienic services:
1.2.1. Assistance in providing care taking into account the state of health (assistance in providing care taking into account the state of health through relevant institutions, including health care, in the absence of practically healthy, cohabiting persons bearing legal responsibility for the pensioner, including calling a doctor to the house, organization of medical care through specialized organizations providing home care) 30 min 97
1.2.2. Assistance in the provision of medical care (making an appointment) (assistance is provided in the scope of the basic program of target programs and territorial programs of compulsory health insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation, target programs and territorial programs of compulsory health insurance provided by state and municipal preventive institutions) 30 min 97
1.2.3. Assistance in conducting a medical and social examination (assistance in collecting the necessary documents and registering for an examination) 1 hour 193
1.2.4. Assistance in carrying out rehabilitation measures (medical, social), including for people with disabilities, based on individual rehabilitation programs
(assistance is provided through state and municipal health and social service institutions, including assistance in registration and issuance of technical means of rehabilitation) 30 min 97
1.2.5. Assistance in providing medicines and medical products based on doctors’ opinions (purchase, delivery of medicines) 30 min 97
1.2.6. Providing psychological assistance 30 min 97
up to 1 hour 97
1.2.7. Assistance in hospitalization, escorting those in need to medical institutions from 1 hour
to 3 hours 193
over 3 hours 579
1.2.8. Visiting inpatient healthcare facilities to provide moral and psychological support 40 min 129
1.2.9. Assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment, including preferential ones 30 min 97
1.2.10. Assistance in obtaining dental and prosthetic and orthopedic care, as well as in providing technical means of care and rehabilitation 1 hour 193
1.3. Assistance in obtaining education and (or) profession for disabled people in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities 1 hour 193
1.4. Assistance in employment (providing assistance in employment through the employment center of the population, enterprises and organizations of the city of Moscow) 1 hour 193
1.5. Legal services:
1.5.1. Assistance in the preparation of documents, excluding cases of preparation of documents affecting the interests of third parties 1 hour 193
1.5.2. Assistance in obtaining benefits and advantages established by law 30 min 97
1.5.3. Providing assistance on issues of pension provision and the provision of other social benefits (including in preparing documents for refusal of the social package in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) up to 30 minutes

Up to 1 hour 30 minutes 97

1.5.4. Assistance in obtaining free assistance from a lawyer in the manner prescribed by law 30 min 97
1.5.5. Assistance in obtaining other legal services (assistance in obtaining notary services at home, etc.) Based on actual time spent 193 per
1 hour

1.6. Assistance in organizing funeral services:
1.6.1. Preparation of documents for the provision of funeral services to deceased single citizens or assistance in organizing funerals for their disabled relatives 6 hour 1158
2. Additional services provided by specialized home care units
(social and medical care at home)
2.1. Monitoring and assessing the client's health status (monitoring blood pressure and body temperature, providing care based on health status through appropriate institutions, including health care). 30 min 97
2.2. Performance medical procedures, dressings, injections as prescribed by the attending physician (placement of cupping, mustard plasters, applying compresses, performing cleansing enemas, rubbing in medications, preparing the client for various studies, treating bedsores, wound surfaces, dressings, instillation eye drops, explanation to the citizens served of the features of reception medicines, checking expiration dates of medications and their storage) 1 hour 193
2.3. Providing sanitary and hygienic services (wiping, washing, hygienic baths, nail cutting, combing, changing bed linen, changing absorbent linen) 2 hours 386
2.4. Feeding weakened patients 30 min 97

Tariffs for additional social services provided disabled citizens elderly and disabled people at home, non-stationary social service institutions in Moscow, not included in the territorial list
state-guaranteed social services

Average rate
No. Type of social services time to perform one service (hour, min) Tariff
1. Sanitary and hygiene services
1.1. Hair cutting 30 min 97
1.2. Bed linen change 15 min 48
1.3. Change of underwear 30 min 97
2. Social services
2.1. Cooking hot food 1 hour 193
2.2. Help with housework (washing dishes, taking out trash) 20 min 64
actually 193 in 1 hour
2.3. Accompaniment when traveling around the city on public transport
time spent

2.4. General cleaning of the premises using the client's means:
2.4.1. Wet cleaning of all types of floor coverings 1 hour 193
2.4.2. Cleaning stubborn dirt from moisture-resistant walls (bathroom and toilet, kitchen splashback) 1 hour 30 min 290
2.4.3. Cleaning furniture from dust throughout the entire apartment 40 min 129
2.4.4. Cleaning carpets, rugs, carpets with a client’s vacuum cleaner throughout the entire apartment 1 hour 193
2.4.5. Cleaning kitchen and bathroom sinks, bathtub and toilet cleaning 40 min 129
2.4.6. Cleaning the stove (without oven) 20 min 64

Cleaning the stove (with oven) 1 hour 193
2.4.7. Cleaning and cleaning skirting boards 40 min 129
2.4.8. Wiping doors and doorways in the apartment 30 min 97
2.5. Cleaning one window 1 hour 193
2.6. Insulation of one window with window insulation (using the client’s funds) 1 hour 193
2.7. Minor repairs to clothes and linen 30 min 97
2.8. Ironing 20 min 64
2.9. Accompanying for a walk 1 hour 193
2.10 Provision of services by the Institution’s vehicles (by prior arrangement) for 1 hour 193
2.12 Reading periodicals and fiction 30 min 97

Social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law N 442-FZ) by providing social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services.

Single citizens and citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-care due to old age, illness, or disability are provided with assistance at home in the form of social, social, medical services and other assistance.

A citizen is recognized as in need of social services in the presence of circumstances that worsen or may worsen his living conditions, in accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ.

Social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities are carried out by decision of social protection authorities in institutions under their jurisdiction or under agreements concluded by social protection authorities with social service institutions of other forms of ownership.

Social services at home are one of the main forms of social services, aimed at maximizing the possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and people with disabilities in their usual social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect their rights and legitimate interests.

The list of home-based social services is established by the agreement on the provision of social services and may include:

  • Catering arrangements, including home delivery of groceries.
  • Assistance in purchasing medicines for medical use, medical devices, food and industrial essential goods.
  • Assistance in obtaining medical care, including accompaniment to medical organizations.
  • Maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygienic requirements.
  • Assistance in organizing legal assistance and other legal services.
  • Assistance in organizing funeral services.

When serving elderly citizens and disabled people living in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply, home-based social services may include assistance in providing fuel and (or) water.

In addition, elderly citizens and disabled people may be provided with additional services on full or partial payment terms:

  1. health monitoring;
  2. provision of emergency first aid;
  3. performing medical procedures;
  4. provision of sanitary and hygienic services;
  5. feeding weakened patients;
  6. carrying out sanitary educational work.

The procedure for social services at home is determined by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.



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