Thesis: Properties and application in medicine of African plum. African plum

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Molecular weight extract 414.71,
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active ingredients– betta phytosterol, pentacyclic terpenines, ferulic ester acid.

We deliver to the regions - after all, health should be accessible to everyone, and no one should be left alone with their weaknesses!

Pygeum and medicine

Pygeum (African plum bark extract) – “weaknesses” of the stronger sex

For a long time, there was a confrontation between traditional and official medicine . Today we can observe a truce. The official one borrows its health recipes from the people. Narodnaya draws attention to the results of the scientific work of her “official” sister.

Pygeum - African plum (bark and fruits) is a striking example of friendship and cooperation between two medicines. Pygeum-based drugs (Trianol, Tadenan, Spermatrend) have been used since 1990 to treat prostate diseases. Pygeum bark and fruits in their natural form, without synthetic additives, are also recommended by traditional medicine in the fight against “male diseases”.

Who can benefit from Pygeum extract, which has been added to the assortment of our online health store? Where did it come from and why is it valued all over the world?

What men don't talk about...

At the age of 45-60 years, every second man suffers from prostate adenoma or hyperplasia. These are statistics that cannot be used in dry language to describe the decrease in quality of life with prostate diseases. Male “weaknesses” are difficulty and frequent urination, incomplete emptying of the bladder, inflammation of the urinary tract, and sexual disorders. Living with such companions is uncomfortable—inconvenient and painful.

But the aborigines of one of the African tribes of Cameroon do not suffer from male “weaknesses”. This phenomenon was discovered by French scientists at the end of the 20th century while studying the health of the natives. When studying the causes of this phenomenon, scientists were able to establish a connection between strong men's health and the diet of the aborigines. Powdered dried bark/fruit of the African plum (Pigeum Africanum) was a traditional “condiment” on the menu of this tribe!

Composition and properties

Composition of Pygeum: “seasoning” for real men!

Returning to France, scientists examined the composition of pygeum and found in it ferulic esters, triterpenoids, phytosterols and tannins - substances whose medicinal properties are now adopted by official medicine. Let's talk about the key effects of the plant components:

  • ferulic esters of fatty alcohols: stabilize hormonal levels, normalizing the level of lutropin, testosterone, androgens and corticosteroids;
  • triterpenoids: prevent excess cell growth (hyperplasia) of connective tissue in the prostate;
  • phytosterols: produce a strong anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the development of aseptic inflammation.

In this regard, the use of African plum is recommended for the following conditions.

African plum is a little-known plant species. Rarely used in medicine, despite proven effectiveness in the auxiliary treatment of prostatic hyperplasia.

African plum - what does it look like and where does it come from?

The origin of the plant is already clear from its very name. The African plum is a wild tree, reaching a height of five to forty meters, native to the mountain ranges of the tropical forests of Africa, as well as in southern Africa. It has been established that, in addition to the mountain climate, the African plum also “loves” areas with residual manifestations of volcanic activity (volcanic ash and dust).

Content of medicinal substances in African plum

African plum bark extract contains phytosterols, tannins, triterpene esters, fatty acids and phenolic acids.

The most important, from the point of view of therapeutic action, are phytosterols. Explaining what phytosterols are, we can equate them to hormones, and even consider them substitutes (substitutes/analogs) of hormones. The action of phytosterols is to “imitate” natural hormones. In the treatment of prostate hyperplasia, the phytosterols used “imitate” the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone - a derivative of testosterone). When phytosterols are present in a man’s body, they undergo the same metabolism as the hormone DHT. However, it should be noted that the testosterone derivative, as a result of these transformations, promotes further prostate hyperplasia, and compounds resulting from the metabolism of phytosterols do not have a destructive effect on the prostate gland.

What’s interesting: the absence of harmful effects of phytosterols on the prostate gland is not the only advantage of African plum extract. Phytosterols contained in African plum bark have the ability to regenerate prostate epithelial cells. At the same time, the tone of the muscles of the urethra and ureter is reduced, which promotes the free excretion of urine. It should be noted that phytosterols, in addition, have anti-inflammatory properties, which may also prevent the development of prostate hyperplasia, since hyperplasia is usually accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Indications for use of African plum extract

The main indication, which is benign prostatic hyperplasia, has already been mentioned. African plum bark extract is also used as an aid for polyuria or nocturnal enuresis (involuntary urination during sleep). In addition, African plum extract can be used for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.

An interesting indication for the use of African plum is skin diseases such as psoriasis, rosacea (as a result of hormonal changes). In addition, African plum is used in the treatment of rheumatic and autoimmune diseases (resulting from increased activity of the immune system).

Poldanene - a medicine for the prostate gland

The effectiveness of phytosterols in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia is undeniable. It is also known that their source should be African plum bark extract. The drug Poldanen meets these requirements. This is a drug that allows patients diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia to effectively combat the progression of the disease and reduce associated painful symptoms such as frequent urge to urinate, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, pain or burning during miction (urination).

Poldanen - application

The drug Poldanen is taken for at least a month. The usual recommended dose is four tablets per day according to the regimen: two tablets twice (preferably with meals). Treatment with the drug Poldanen, if necessary, can be extended.

1.1 Description and taxonomy

1.2 Title

1.3 Botanical description

2.3 Pharmacological use

2.4 Threat of extinction

3. Medicines containing African plum bark extract

3.1 Tadenan

3.2 Trianol

3.3 Vero-Pygeum

3.4 Prostate formula

3.5 Mail Active Complex

3.6 Tongkat Ali Pro

3.7 Lycoprofit

3.8 Sanoprost

3.9 Adeno-Ritz


List of used literature


Man always strives to know the unknown. Europeans have always been attracted to Africa - the mysterious “dark continent” that hides many mysteries. Gradually, fewer and fewer “white spots” remained on the map of Africa. It would seem that in the 20th century it is hardly possible to discover anything new here and surprise the world.

However, in the late 60s, French researchers, while studying the inaccessible mountainous regions of Cameroon, discovered a tribe of Africans that interested ethnographers. A long-term expedition was organized to study it. Collecting more and more new facts, scientists noticed that elderly aborigines do not have the same problems that beset most Europeans in old age (the need to urinate frequently, the need to strain when urinating, caused by prostate adenoma). This fact was first attributed to anthropological features, but then it was found that the natives managed to avoid the mentioned troubles thanks to the peculiarities of their diet, which included the crushed bark of a local tree - Pygeum africanum (African plum) as a permanent component.

Tests conducted by French doctors in the 60s of the last century confirmed that African plum bark extract is active in the treatment of prostate adenoma, a serious disease that affects every second man on the planet.

Prostate adenoma is manifested by changes and proliferation of prostate tissue, which leads to disruption of its functions (excretory and sexual). As a result, urination becomes difficult, it becomes incomplete and frequent. A man loses peace day and night. Previously, it was possible to get rid of this torment only through surgery.

Now there is an "African recipe" - Pygeum africanum bark. The medicine effectively affects not only the prostate tissue, but also the bladder, normalizing its function. Bark extract relieves inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland, which helps a large number of patients with adenoma aggravated by chronic prostatitis (or only prostatitis), get rid of constant discomfort and suffering, and normalize their lives.

In my course work I will talk in detail about this plant, its properties and use in medicine.

1. Botanical characteristics of African plum

1.1 Description and taxonomy

medicinal African plum pharmacological

African plum is a tree that grows up to 35 m in height with huge spines, oblong leaves, large white fragrant flowers and sweet bright red fruits, reminiscent of plums in appearance and strawberries in taste and smell, with dark brown bark, which is still a subject of collection.

African plum(lat. Prunus africana) is an evergreen woody plant from the genus Prunus (Prunus) of the Spiraeoideae subfamily of the Rosaceae family.

1.2 Title

African plum (Prunus africana) also has the following common names: Pygeum, Ironwood, Red Stinkwood, African Prune, African Cherry, Bitter Almond.

In other languages, in the growing areas, it is known as, in Amharic "tikur inchet", in Chagga "Mkonde-konde", in Kikuyu "Muiri", in Luganda "Entasesa" or "Ngwabuzito", in Xhosa "uMkakase", in Zulu "Inyazangoma-elimnyama" and in Afrikaans "Rooistinkhout".

The height of mature trees is 10-25 meters.

The tree is tall, with a branched crown, 10-20 meters in diameter.

The bark is brown or black, ridged or broken and scaly.

The leaves are alternate, simple, long (8-20 cm long), straight or sharply pointed. The shape of the leaves is elliptical, the edges are serrated. The petiole is pink or red, 2 cm long.

The flowers are bisexual, 10-20 stamens, pollinated by insects. Flowering occurs from October to May.

The fruits are red to brown, 7-13 mm in diameter, wider than long, and bitter in taste, but are nevertheless a favorite food for many mammals.

African plum grows in the mountainous regions south of the Sahara, on Madagascar and its adjacent islands, at an altitude of 900 - 3,400 m above sea level.

1.4 History of the discovery of the plant and its name

The name of the remedy, Pygeum, comes from the name of a plant that was discovered by botanist Gustav Mann during his now famous first European expedition to the Cameroon region, along with Richard Francis Burton and Alfred Saker, in 1861. Mann's letter to the Linnaean Society in London, read by William Jackson Hooker, then director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, on 5 June 1862, describes the names of the peaks of the Cameroon region (for example Mount Victoria, later renamed Mount Cameroon) and the collection of plant specimens there . The latter were sent back to Kew for classification, which was duly carried out by William Hooker and his son Joseph Dalton Hooker, who was responsible for publications, after William's death in 1865.

When the publication was published, Hooker named the plant Pygeum africanum, and then used the designation "n. sp.", an abbreviation for the new species. The habitat was listed as “Cameroon Mountains, altitude. 7000-7500 feet", which was higher than tropical forests and alpine meadows. Hooker also noted that another specimen was "collected in tropical East Africa" ​​at 3,000 feet by Dr. Kirk of David Livingstone's expedition.

Hooker gives scant hints as to why he chose the name "Pygeum", but indicates that the name was well known among botanists. The fruit sample delivered by Kirk was a "significantly deformed sphere." Therefore, as Joseph Gartner explained, Pygeum comes from the Greek word, πυγή - “croup, buttocks”, because the two lobes of the fruit resemble the human gluteal muscle.

In 1965, Cornelis Kalkmann changed Pygeum to Prunus and this name is currently in effect. However, it is noted that the relationship of Pygeum to Prunus has not yet been fully verified.

2. Pharmacognostic characteristics of African plum

2.1 Main uses of bark extract

African plum bark has an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissue and enhances its secretory activity, helps prevent the formation of tumor tissue, reduces and eliminates functional urination disorders in prostate adenoma, prevents the occurrence of infections of the genitourinary organs, and helps establish hormonal balance.


The effect of African Plum Bark Extract is the cumulative effect of its components, so kinetic observations are not possible since all the components together cannot be traced using markers or biostudies. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma);

Dysuria - functional disorders of urination (moderate) associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia;

· urinary disorders after adenomectomy and prostatectomy.

Side effect:

From the digestive system: rarely - dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

From the reproductive system: rarely - pain in the testicles, gynecomastia.

Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash, asthmatic phenomena.

Special instructions and precautions:

Treatment with African plum bark extract preparations cannot serve as an alternative to surgical treatment of adenoma if there are appropriate indications.

While taking African Plum Bark Extract, it is necessary to continue systematic medical monitoring of the condition of the prostate gland.

The drugs may contain lactose, so they should not be prescribed for lactase deficiency, galactosemia, glucose and lactose malabsorption syndrome.

The effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery has not been established.

Drug interactions:

No drug interactions have been reported for African Plum Bark Extract.

2.2 Main active components

· ferulic esters of fatty alcohols (docosanol and n-tetracosanol) - stimulate the hormonal system, reduce the tumor process in the prostate;

African plum (Prunus africana) grows in the mountainous regions south of the Sahara Desert, on the island of Madagascar and its neighboring islands, at an altitude of 900 to 3400 meters above sea level.

African plum is an evergreen tree up to 25 meters high with a branched crown, or less commonly a shrub.

The fruits are round, two-seeded drupes, ten millimeters in diameter, from red to brown.

African plum bark

The bark of the African plum tree is wrinkled, corrugated or fissured, sometimes peeling and scaly in texture, forming a characteristic rectangular pattern. The color is dark brown or almost black.

When harvesting raw materials, pieces of bark up to one and a half meters long and up to two centimeters thick are removed from the trunks of mature African plum trees. It is estimated that bark is harvested from 35,000 trees annually. The harvesting of African plum bark for medicinal and other purposes has led to the depletion of natural reserves of raw materials and a threat to the survival of this plant species in its habitat. Currently, to meet medical needs, African plum is specially grown.

African plum bark contains (beta-sitosterol), pentacyclic triterpenoids (ursolic, oleanolic, ferulic acids) and their esters with long-chain fatty alcohols (docosanol, tetracosanol).

Phytosterols (P-sitosterol) inhibit synthesis, exhibiting an anti-inflammatory effect. Pentacyclic triterpenoids suppress inflammation by blocking enzymatic activity, help strengthen the vascular wall of capillaries and small veins, which reduces and, as a result, allows the size to be reduced.

The leaves of the African plum are leathery, shiny, dark green in color, with a finely crenate edge. The leaf petioles are usually reddish-brown in color. African plum leaves contain biologically active substances similar to the bark, used in local medicine to treat the same diseases. The branches of young plants are used as medicinal plant raw materials.

African plum bark extract (Pygeum africanum)

African plum bark extract (Pygeum africanum) inhibits prostate proliferation stimulated by b-FGF (basic fibroblast growth factor). The extract is used both for the treatment of the prostate gland and as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic. In addition, African plum bark extract (Pygeum) is used as a means to help remove cholesterol deposits characteristic of prostatic hyperplasia.

Preparations from African plum bark

Drugs, created on the basis of African plum bark extract (Pygeum africanum):

  • Trianol is a drug in capsules that improves the secretory activity of the prostate gland,
  • Tadenan is a drug in capsules used for urinary disorders due to prostate adenoma. In Italy, Tadenane is sold under the brand name Pigenil.
  • Spermotrend is a dietary supplement in capsules produced by the Spanish company Catalysys (Madrid, Spain).

African plum contraindications

The only contraindication to African plum is individual intolerance (hypersensitivity).

Buy African plum extract

You can buy African plum bark extract online. The price is from 250 rubles for 20 grams of extract (as of May 2017).

Denial of responsibility

An article about the leak of the African medical portal “My Pills” is a compilation of materials obtained from authoritative sources, a list of which is located in the “Notes” section (at the bottom of this page). Despite the fact that the accuracy of the information presented in the article “African plum” has been verified by qualified medical specialists, the contents of the article are for reference and informational purposes only. is not guidance for independent(without contacting a qualified medical specialist, doctor) diagnostics, diagnosis, choice of means and methods of treatment (including folk, alternative, and traditional (including medical tourism) medicine).

The editors of the portal “My Tablets” do not guarantee the truth and relevance of the materials presented, since methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases are constantly being improved. To receive comprehensive medical care, you should first make an appointment with a doctor, a qualified medical specialist.


Notes and explanations to the article “African plum”.

  • Phytosterols– Steroidal alcohols naturally present in plants. Phytosterol has the property of reducing cholesterol (the volume of its absorption in the intestine decreases) and can be used as a means of preventing cancer.
  • Prostaglandins– a group of lipid physiologically active substances formed in the body enzymatically. Prostaglandins are found in almost all tissues and organs; they are lipid mediators that affect mast cells, endothelium, platelets, and the uterus.
  • Edema– excessive accumulation of fluid in organs, extracellular tissue spaces of the body, shaped like a tumor.
  • Prostate adenoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia is a benign tumor, often occurring in men over the age of 40-50, which is the proliferation of prostate tissue with the formation of benign neoplasms (“nodules”, tumors) in it. Due to the fact that the prostate gland covers part of the urethra, as it grows, it compresses it, making urination difficult.
  • Proliferation– proliferation of body tissues by cell multiplication by division.
  • Fibroblasts(from the Latin fibra - “fiber” and Greek ^6,_5,^0,`3,`4,_1, - “sprout”) - connective tissue cells of the body that synthesize the extracellular matrix, secrete mucopolysaccharides, as well as precursors of elastin and collagen. Fibroblasts play an important role in wound healing.
  • Hyperplasia– an increase in the number of structural elements of tissues through their excessive new formation.
  • Urology, urology (from the Greek _9,P22,`1,_9,_7, - “urine” and “_5,a2,^7,_9,`2,” - “knowledge, study, word, science”) - the field of clinical medicine , studying the etiology (origin), pathogenesis (course), as well as developing methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary system, diseases of the adrenal glands, the male reproductive system, and other pathological processes in the retroperitoneal space.

    Urology is a surgical discipline, a branch of surgery, and, unlike nephrology, deals with issues namely surgical treatment the above organs and systems.

    The most common urological diseases are cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, tuberculosis of the genitourinary system, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, testicular tumors, prostate cancer, and other diseases that are accompanied by albuminuria (total protein in the urine, proteinuria).

    Emergency urology specializes in providing emergency medical care when the following pathologies occur: acute urinary retention, severe hematuria (occult blood, red blood cells / hemoglobin in the urine), renal colic, anuria.

When writing an article about the African plum, materials from information and medical Internet portals, news sites Nature.Com, NationalGeographic.Com, Wikipedia, as well as the following printed publications were used as sources:

  • Dunaevsky L. “Prostate adenoma.” Publishing house "State Publishing House of Medical Literature", 1959, Moscow,
  • Varfolomeev S., Varfolomeeva A. “Prostaglandins – molecular bioregulators.” Publishing house "Moscow State University Publishing House", 1985, Moscow,
  • Aromire O., Lesovoy V., Arnoldi E., Tereshchuk S. “Benign prostatic hyperplasia and sexual function.” Publishing house "Phoenix", 2001, Rostov-on-Don,
  • Managadze L., Lopatkin N., Laurent O., Pushkar D., Darenkov S., Turmanidze N., Hohenfellner R. “Operative urology. Classics and innovations. A guide for doctors." Publishing house "Medicine", 2003, Moscow,
  • Tolmacheva E. (editor) “Vidal 2015. Vidal reference book. Medicines in Russia". Publishing house "Vidal Rus", 2015, Moscow.

Table of contents


1.1 Description and taxonomy

1.2 Title

1.3 Botanical description

2.4 Threat of extinction

3.1 Tadenan

3.2 Trianol

3.3 Vero-Pygeum

3.4 Prostate formula

3.5 Mail Active Complex

3.6 Tongkat Ali Pro

3.7 Lycoprofit

3.8 Sanoprost

3.9 Adeno-Ritz



Man always strives to know the unknown. Europeans have always been attracted to Africa - the mysterious “dark continent” that hides many mysteries. Gradually, fewer and fewer “white spots” remained on the map of Africa. It would seem that in the 20th century it is hardly possible to discover anything new here and surprise the world.

However, in the late 60s, French researchers, while studying the inaccessible mountainous regions of Cameroon, discovered a tribe of Africans that interested ethnographers. A long-term expedition was organized to study it. Collecting more and more new facts, scientists noticed that elderly aborigines do not have the same problems that beset most Europeans in old age (the need to urinate frequently, the need to strain when urinating, caused by prostate adenoma). This fact was first attributed to anthropological features, but then it was found that the natives managed to avoid the mentioned troubles thanks to the peculiarities of their diet, which included the crushed bark of a local tree - Pygeum africanum (African plum) as a permanent component.

Tests conducted by French doctors in the 60s of the last century confirmed that African plum bark extract is active in the treatment of prostate adenoma, a serious disease that affects every second man on the planet.

Prostate adenoma is manifested by changes and proliferation of prostate tissue, which leads to disruption of its functions (excretory and sexual). As a result, urination becomes difficult, it becomes incomplete and frequent. A man loses peace day and night. Previously, it was possible to get rid of this torment only through surgery.

Now there is an "African recipe" - Pygeum africanum bark. The medicine effectively affects not only the prostate tissue, but also the bladder, normalizing its function. Bark extract relieves inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland, which helps a large number of patients with adenoma aggravated by chronic prostatitis (or only prostatitis), get rid of constant discomfort and suffering, and normalize their lives.

In my course work I will talk in detail about this plant, its properties and use in medicine.

1. Botanical characteristics of African plum

1.1 Description and taxonomy

medicinal African plum pharmacological

African plum is a tree that grows up to 35 m in height with huge spines, oblong leaves, large white fragrant flowers and sweet bright red fruits, reminiscent of plums in appearance and strawberries in taste and smell, with dark brown bark, which is still a subject of collection.

African plum

1.2 Title

African plum (Prunus africana) also has the following common names: Pygeum, Ironwood, Red Stinkwood, African Prune, African Cherry, Bitter Almond.

In other languages, in the growing areas, it is known as, in Amharic "tikur inchet", in Chagga "Mkonde-konde", in Kikuyu "Muiri", in Luganda "Entasesa" or "Ngwabuzito", in Xhosa "uMkakase", in Zulu "Inyazangoma-elimnyama" and in Afrikaans "Rooistinkhout".

The height of mature trees is 10-25 meters.

The tree is tall, with a branched crown, 10-20 meters in diameter.

The bark is brown or black, ridged or broken and scaly.

The leaves are alternate, simple, long (8-20 cm long), straight or sharply pointed. The shape of the leaves is elliptical, the edges are serrated. The petiole is pink or red, 2 cm long.

The flowers are bisexual, 10-20 stamens, pollinated by insects. Flowering occurs from October to May.

The fruits are red to brown, 7-13 mm in diameter, wider than long, and bitter in taste, but are nevertheless a favorite food for many mammals.

African plum grows in the mountainous regions south of the Sahara, on Madagascar and its adjacent islands, at an altitude of 900 - 3,400 m above sea level.

1.4 History of the discovery of the plant and its name

The name of the remedy, Pygeum, comes from the name of a plant that was discovered by botanist Gustav Mann during his now famous first European expedition to the Cameroon region, along with Richard Francis Burton and Alfred Saker, in 1861. Mann's letter to the Linnaean Society in London, read by William Jackson Hooker, then director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, on 5 June 1862, describes the names of the peaks of the Cameroon region (for example Mount Victoria, later renamed Mount Cameroon) and the collection of plant specimens there . The latter were sent back to Kew for classification, which was duly carried out by William Hooker and his son Joseph Dalton Hooker, who was responsible for publications, after William's death in 1865.

When the publication was published, Hooker named the plant Pygeum africanum, and then used the designation "n. sp.", an abbreviation for the new species. The habitat was listed as “Cameroon Mountains, altitude. 7000-7500 feet", which was higher than tropical forests and alpine meadows. Hooker also noted that another specimen was "collected in tropical East Africa" ​​at 3,000 feet by Dr. Kirk of David Livingstone's expedition.

Hooker gives scant hints as to why he chose the name "Pygeum", but indicates that the name was well known among botanists. The fruit sample delivered by Kirk was a "significantly deformed sphere." Therefore, as Joseph Gartner explained, Pygeum comes from the Greek word, πυγή - “croup, buttocks”, because the two lobes of the fruit resemble the human gluteal muscle.

In 1965, Cornelis Kalkmann changed Pygeum to Prunus and this name is currently in effect. However, it is noted that the relationship of Pygeum to Prunus has not yet been fully verified.

2. Pharmacognostic characteristics of African plum

2.1 Main uses of bark extract

African plum bark has an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissue and enhances its secretory activity, helps prevent the formation of tumor tissue, reduces and eliminates functional urination disorders in prostate adenoma, prevents the occurrence of infections of the genitourinary organs, and helps establish hormonal balance.


The effect of African Plum Bark Extract is the cumulative effect of its components, so kinetic observations are not possible since all the components together cannot be traced using markers or biostudies. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma);

Dysuria - functional disorders of urination (moderate) associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia;

· urinary disorders after adenomectomy and prostatectomy.

Side effect:

From the digestive system: rarely - dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

From the reproductive system: rarely - pain in the testicles, gynecomastia.

Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash, asthmatic phenomena.

Special instructions and precautions:

Treatment with African plum bark extract preparations cannot serve as an alternative to surgical treatment of adenoma if there are appropriate indications.

While taking African Plum Bark Extract, it is necessary to continue systematic medical monitoring of the condition of the prostate gland.

The drugs may contain lactose, so they should not be prescribed for lactase deficiency, galactosemia, glucose and lactose malabsorption syndrome.

The effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery has not been established.

Drug interactions:

No drug interactions have been reported for African Plum Bark Extract.

2.2 Main active components

· ferulic esters of fatty alcohols (docosanol and n-tetracosanol) - stimulate the hormonal system, reduce the tumor process in the prostate;

· triterpenoids (ursolic and olenolic acids) - normalize the functioning of the urinary system: relieve frequent urges and incomplete emptying of the bladder;

· phytosterols (beta-sitosterol) - reduce pain when urinating;

· tannins - have an anti-inflammatory effect.

2.3 Pharmacological use

Stimulating the functioning of the hormonal system - the active components of African plum restore the hormonal balance of the male body, and thereby normalize the functioning of the reproductive system: ferulic acid esters increase the secretion of the prostate and bulbourethral glands qualitatively and quantitatively, reduce the level of luteinizing hormone and testosterone, increases the secretion of androgens and corticosteroids by the adrenal glands; Docosanol reduces prolactin levels.

Improves the functions of the urinary system - due to the content of sitosterols and triterpenoids, the elasticity of the bladder increases and its age-related hyperactivity decreases, the frequency of urination decreases and the process of urination is facilitated.

Anti-inflammatory - beta-sitosterol prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins in the prostate, reducing blood stagnation and blockage of blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation, restoring prostate function; triterpenoids, by blocking enzymatic activity, improve the integrity of small veins and capillaries, reduce blood stagnation, reducing inflammation of the prostate; ursolic acid, which has a mineralocorticoid effect, like hydrocortisone, can delay the development of aseptic inflammation.

Antitumor - the biologically active components of African plum prevent the excessive growth of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) in the prostate, affecting the main factor of their growth (b-FGF), reducing the process of prostatic hyperplasia.

Anti-sclerotic - the active components of African plum help remove cholesterol deposits characteristic of prostatic hyperplasia, thereby reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels and directly in the capillaries of the prostate.

2.4 Threat of extinction

Since the extract prepared from the bark of the African plum tree is used to treat prostatic hyperplasia, collecting the bark for this purpose threatens the existence of this species. In the 1990s, it was estimated that up to 35,000 trees were processed annually.

Recently, researchers have paid attention to the fact that the extraction of medicinal plants is often carried out in large quantities by the population of the poorest countries. The disappearance of certain plant species can lead to even greater impoverishment of a large part of the population. The same poverty pushes people to barbaric mining methods, which only leads to a worsening of the situation.

Thus, the bark of the African Prunus was traditionally peeled off only by half, thanks to which a constant number of plants was maintained. The increased need led to the fact that they began to remove the entire bark or even cut down trees. As a result, bark exports fell by half from 1997 to 2000.

The growing demand for the bark has led to the fact that African plum is now specially grown for medicinal use.

3. Medicines containing African plum bark extract

3.1 Tadenan

Soft gelatin capsules, opaque, size No. 4, oval, consisting of two longitudinal halves of white/light green color; the contents of the capsules are a brown oily liquid.

1 caps. - African plum bark extract 50 mg.

Excipients: peanut oil (150 mg).

Shell composition: gelatin, glycerol, titanium dioxide, copper-sodium chlorophyllin.

pharmachologic effect

A herbal preparation for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Reduces proliferation of prostate cells. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. The action is determined by the antiproliferative effect on fibroblasts stimulated by b-FGF (the main fibroblast growth factor). Eliminates and reduces functional urination disorders - dysuria, nocturia, pollakiuria in diseases of the prostate gland. Reduces the inflammatory reaction in the tissues of the prostate gland and enhances its secretory activity; reduces the amount of residual tissue after surgery.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Tadenan are not provided.


treatment of moderate functional disorders of the urinary system with benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) (frequent urination during the day and at night, weak stream pressure, intermittent urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urgency and urination);

condition after adenomectomy and prostatectomy.

Dosage regimen

The drug is prescribed orally at 50 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day in the morning and evening or 100 mg (2 capsules) 1 time a day, preferably before meals. Daily dose – 100 mg. The course of treatment averages 6 weeks and can be extended to 8 weeks. If necessary, a repeat course of treatment is possible.

Side effect

From the digestive system: rarely - constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea.

From the reproductive system: very rarely - gynecomastia, pain in the testicles.

Allergic reactions: rarely - urticaria.


hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

Tadenan is not intended for women.

special instructions

Benign prostatic hyperplasia requires regular monitoring of the prostate gland, including periodic digital rectal examination to rule out prostate cancer.

Therapy with Tadenan does not replace surgery, if necessary.

Due to the fact that the drug contains peanut oil, there is a risk of hypersensitivity reactions.


Currently, there are no data on overdose of the drug Tadenan.

Drug interactions

Currently, there is no data on drug interactions with Tadenan.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life – 3 years.

3.2 Trianol

Release form, composition and packaging

Capsules are opaque, hard, gelatinous, size No. 3, pale blue; the contents of the capsules are granules or a pressed mass of brownish-yellow color.

1 caps. - biologically active lipidosterol complex extracted from the bark of the African plum (Pygeum africanum) 25 mg.

Excipients: purified talc, magnesium oxide, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose.

Clinical and pharmacological group: Herbal medicine used for functional urination disorders associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

pharmachologic effect

Herbal preparation. It has an antiproliferative effect on fibroblasts stimulated by b-FGF (main fibroblast growth factors). The drug does not affect the hormonal levels of the male reproductive system.


urinary disorders in benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Dosage regimen

The drug is prescribed orally at 50 mg (2 capsules) 2 times a day in the morning and evening (before meals). The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks. If necessary, a repeat course of treatment is prescribed.

Side effect

From the digestive system: rarely - nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea.

Other: rarely - allergic reactions.


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that treatment with Trianol does not replace surgical intervention, if necessary.


Currently, no cases of overdose of the drug Trianol have been reported.

Drug interactions

Drug interactions with Trianol have not been described.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

3.3 Vero-Pygeum

Trade name:


International name:

African plum bark extract (Pygeum africanum corticis extract)

Group affiliation:

Treatment for prostate adenoma

Description of the active substance (INN):

African plum bark extract

Dosage form:

30 pcs - dark glass jars - cardboard packs.

Pharmachologic effect:

A drug that reduces the proliferation of prostate cells. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. The action is determined by the antiproliferative effect on fibroblasts stimulated by b-FGF (the main fibroblast growth factor). Eliminates and reduces functional urination disorders - dysuria, nocturia, pollakiuria in diseases of the prostate gland. Reduces the inflammatory reaction in the prostate tissue and enhances its secretory activity; reduces the amount of residual tissue.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia, dysuria, condition after adenomectomy and prostatectomy.



Side effects:

Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite; allergic reactions (skin rash), testicular pain, gynecomastia.

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, before meals, 100 mg/day, once, or 50 mg 2 times a day; course of treatment - 4-6 weeks.

Special instructions:

During treatment, systematic monitoring of the condition of the prostate gland is necessary.

The description of the drug Vero-Pigeum is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor.

3.4 Prostate formula

NSP: 60021-9 - 45 capsules - Parapharmaceutical

Provides support to the prostate gland.

Normalizes the functioning of the prostate and urinary system.

Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications: recommended as a product for men, enhancing urinary and sexual function and increasing the overall tone of the body, as well as for the prevention and comprehensive restoration of impaired body functions in case of prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia (adenoma).

Contraindications: it is not recommended to take it if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the product, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension, cardiac dysfunction, severe atherosclerosis. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Store in a cool dry place.

The parapharmaceutical "Prostate Formula" includes extracts of three types of ginseng, dwarf palm fruit extract, pygeum bark extract, vitamin E, zinc, octacosanol.

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a tall shrub with a highly branched root system. Eleutherococcus roots contain lignan glycosides (eleutherosides D and E), coumarins, flavonoids, chromones, triterpenoids, alkaloids (aralia), essential and fatty oils, carbohydrates, starch, gum, phenol carbonic acids, phenols and their derivatives, steroids, resins substances and calcium salts.

Siberian ginseng, or Eleutherococcus senticosus, improves blood flow to organs and increases the diameter of blood vessels. It has an antitoxic effect in acute and chronic poisoning, helping to restore liver function, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Eleutherococcus exhibits restorative, anabolic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antidiabetic effects. Eleutherococcus extract increases the sexual activity of men, their physical and mental performance, enhances fat metabolism and delays the elimination of vitamin C from the body, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar. It was found that Eleutherococcus stimulates the function of the gonads and adrenal cortex, and enhances RNA synthesis in the body. It has been experimentally shown that its extract inhibits the involution of the genital organs, activates spermatogenesis, increases the mass of the seminal vesicles, prostate gland and increases the volume of sperm during ejaculation. In this regard, Eleutherococcus is indicated for functional and hormonal disorders of the reproductive system, sexual neurasthenia and psychasthenia, hypoandrogenemia, testicular hypoplasia and sexual infantilism, exhaustion of the nervous system and fatigue, hypochondriacal conditions due to sexual disorders. It can also be prescribed for impotence resulting from chronic adrenal insufficiency. Eleutherococcus is contraindicated in hypertensive crises, myocardial infarction, and acute infectious diseases.

Chinese ginseng. Belongs to the Araliaceae family. The study of ginseng was mainly carried out by scientists from the former Soviet Union, China, Korea and Japan. The chemical composition of ginseng root includes panaxosides (strengthens metabolic processes and promotes faster breakdown of fats), glycosides panaxaponin, panaquilon (stimulates the endocrine apparatus and increases the level of hormones in the body), panaxosides A and B, ginsenin (regulates carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the content of blood sugar and increases glycogen synthesis), alkaloids, essential oil (panacea), which has an analgesic effect, vitamins C, Bl, B2, phosphoric acid, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, aluminum, strontium, sulfur, starch, phytosterols , tannins, mucous, resinous and pectic substances.

For many centuries, ginseng root has been used in all countries of the Far East. He is credited with all-healing properties. Ginseng root is also widely used in all countries of the world. The work of scientists has established that the plant has a tonic, stimulating and adaptogenic effect in cases of physical and mental fatigue, disorders of the cardiovascular system, hypofunction of the gonads, neurasthenia, and after suffering debilitating diseases. Being a tonic, ginseng enhances excitation processes and weakens inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, is a synergist of caffeine, camphor and picrotoxin and an antagonist of chloral hydrate, alcohol and urethane. The potency of ginseng is superior to the mixture of phenamine and proserine. Ginseng is prescribed for disorders of sexual function (cortical and corticospinal impotence with decreased libido, sluggish erection, loss of orgasm, premature ejaculation), including against the background of hypoandrogenemia, exhaustion, decreased performance, fatigue, anemia, hysteria, and various asthenic conditions. In medicine in eastern countries (Japan, China, Korea, India), ginseng is recommended to be taken not only by sick people, but also by healthy people over 40 years of age.

The dwarf palm grows on the east coast of North America. From inconspicuous flowers, berries similar to olives ripen in the fall. The fruits of the dwarf palm contain about 1.5% oil, which is called permixon. Scientific studies have shown that permixon blocks the action of the enzyme 5-alphareductase, which promotes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, and also blocks the absorption of dihydrotestosterone by prostate cells. Excessive synthesis of dihydrotestosterone leads to the development of prostate adenoma. With regular intake of dwarf palm extract, stimulation of the hormonal system, including the gonads, is observed. Sperm synthesis increases. This extract also helps strengthen the body after illnesses. Traditionally, the fruits of the dwarf palm were used to restore impaired functions of the urinary and reproductive tract, as well as to support the body as a whole. After some time, it began to be used as a diuretic, a remedy for the treatment of impotence and frigidity. It is noted that when taking dwarf palm, the act of urination improves, the frequency of night urination decreases, the residual volume of urine decreases, urinary retention decreases and the urine stream increases, and the quality of life of patients also increases.

African plum (pigeum), due to the content of sitosterols and triterpenoids, increases the elasticity of the bladder, reduces age-related bladder overactivity, reduces the frequency and facilitates the process of urination, reduces swelling and restores prostate function. The antiproliferative effect of Pygeum africanum on fibroblasts stimulated by b-FGF (the main fibroblast growth factor), which currently plays a significant role in the etiology and pathogenesis of prostate adenoma, has been experimentally proven. In addition, African plum extract stimulates the regeneration of the glandular epithelium of the prostate acini, which leads to improved drainage and an anti-inflammatory effect. Pygeum does not affect the hormonal activity of the reproductive system in men: it does not reduce potency and libido.

African plum extract is an effective remedy for functional disorders of the bladder and urinary tract associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia, sclerosis of the bladder neck, and inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Reduces and eliminates functional urination disorders - dysuria, nocturia, pollakiuria in prostate adenoma.

Garden parsley. The homeland of parsley is Southern Europe. The plant is extremely rich in useful substances. Parsley contains from 2 to 6% essential oil (epiol), allyltetramethoxybenzene, bergapten, coumarin, myristicin, as well as up to 22% fatty oil (mainly petroselinic acid glycerides), flavone glycosides (epinin), carotene, ascorbic acid, apigenin, quercetin , mineral salts. Parsley is superior to many fruits and vegetables in terms of ascorbic acid content. 100 g of young green parsley shoots contains approximately two daily values ​​of vitamin C (up to 180 mg%). This is 10 times more than in lettuce, almost four times more than in lemons. In terms of beta-carotene content (8-12 mg%), parsley is not inferior to carrots. Again, 100 g of parsley contains two daily norms of provitamin A. In addition, parsley contains vitamins Bl, B2, K, PP, folic, nicotinic acids, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron salts, enzyme substances, including inulin. The large amount of potassium in parsley makes it indispensable for diseases of the cardiovascular system and urinary disorders, as well as for diabetes. The high content of vitamins and other biologically active substances allows parsley to be used for medicinal purposes. It is used as a diuretic for urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder, indigestion, poisoning, liver disease and cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, fever and neuralgia, and heart disease. One of the features of the diuretic effect when using parsley is its ability to intensively remove salts from the body. This is associated with the content of epiol and myristicin in it. Due to its antispasmodic and diuretic effect, parsley is prescribed for acute and chronic cystitis and prostatitis, especially accompanied by spastic pain in the lower abdomen, perineum, sacrum, testicles and anus. The use of parsley is justified for urolithiasis and pyelonephritis, especially against the background of renal tubulopathies (uraturia and oxaluria). At the same time, parsley can irritate the renal parenchyma, so it is not prescribed for glomerulonephritis. There is evidence that fresh parsley juice affects oxidation processes in the body and is useful for maintaining normal function of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. There is a strengthening effect of parsley on blood vessels, and above all, on capillaries, which is of particular importance in the diet of patients with diabetes. Parsley perfectly eliminates bad breath, has a bactericidal effect on the oral cavity, and is therefore useful for inflammatory processes in the gums and oral mucosa.

Vitamin E normalizes the body's redox processes. It has strong antioxidant properties, protecting biologically active substances (unsaturated fatty acids, selenium) from oxidation, protecting cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine, and reproductive systems. Promotes the absorption of fats, vitamins A and D, takes part in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

Zinc is an integral part of about 100 enzymes in the body. It is a constituent of insulin and many important enzymes, including the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. By doing this, it protects the body from free radicals. At the same time, under the influence of zinc, the activity of enzymes that inhibit redox processes is suppressed and tissue respiration is normalized. The body needs zinc for cell growth, protein production, normal prostate function, wound healing, and to maintain healthy skin. Zinc is required for protein synthesis and collagen formation, improves the protective ability of the immune system and wound healing. It protects the liver from harmful chemicals. A lack of zinc in the diet leads to slow growth, the appearance of immune deficiency, and can cause infertility, stomach ulcers, anemia, fluctuations in blood sugar, and loss of appetite.

Octacosanol - wheat germ oil concentrate. The ability of octacosanol to increase the utilization of oxygen by tissues during physical activity, as well as to improve the process of glycogen deposition in muscles, has been clinically confirmed. As a result, the manifestations of stress are reduced and tissue oxygenation improves. Octacosanol has an antioxidant effect and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

Composition of the 1st capsule:

· American ginseng extract (Panax guinguefolia) - 25 mg

· Chinese ginseng extract (Panaxginseng) - 47.1 mg

· Siberian ginseng extract (Eleutherococcus senticocosus) - 50 mg

· Palmetto extract (Serenoa repens) - 50 mg

· Pygeum africanum bark extract - 25 mg

Parsley extract (Petroselinum salivum Parsey) - 50 mg

· Vitamin E - 50 ME

Zinc gluconate (Zinc) - 12.5 mg

Octacosanol - 3 mg

3.5 Mail Active Complex

Manufacturer - AD Medicine ltd., UK

Colloidal Mail Active Complex was created specifically to restore men's health, increase sexual function and correct hormonal balance in general, have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, and prevent vascular crises. In the production of the colloidal phytoformula Mail Active Complex, unique technologies are used that preserve up to 100% of the natural activity of plant substances.

Basic properties

Using Colloidal Mail Active Complex naturally activates and balances the hormonal system, increases libido, helps normalize blood pressure, relieves excessive psycho-emotional stress, protects against stress, and increases self-esteem. Periodic long-term use of the colloidal drug increases the activity and sexual stamina of a man, helps reduce fat deposits, and rejuvenates a man. It has been proven that taking the colloidal formula Mail Active Complex for 3 months produces a pronounced positive effect that lasts for about 4–6 months.

The components of Mail Active Complex prevent the transition of the hormone testosterone into the product dihydrotestosterone, which causes the growth of prostate tumor cells in men over 40 years of age.

The most important safety factor of the colloidal phytoformula: Mail Active Complex consists of bioactive components that DO NOT MASK prostate cancer in the presence of this disease.

Mail Active Complex:

· Prevents the development of prostate adenoma.

· Increases sexual desire (libido), erection quality, prolongs sexual intercourse; helps strengthen general health and sexual activity, increases “male strength” and “erotic mood” in men.

· Normalizes the functioning of the prostate. Improves blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs, thereby promoting the normal functioning of the prostate.

· Facilitates urination in patients by normalizing the tone of the urinary tract: reduces the frequency at night, reduces the amount of “residual urine”.

· Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the male reproductive organs.

Indications for use

Colloidal Mail Active Complex is necessary for the prevention and improvement of the effectiveness of drug therapy for the following male diseases:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma);

· prostatitis;

· male impotence;

· prolonged stress and asthenic conditions;

· male menopause;

· oncological diseases.


increased nervous excitability;

· insomnia;

· high blood pressure;

· cardiac arrhythmia;

· severe atherosclerosis;

· individual intolerance to components.

1 teaspoon or 5 ml of solution contains:

Bioactive component Quantity (in 5 ml) % of daily consumption
Zinc citrate 20 mg (corresponding to 6.4 mg zinc) 53%
Selena aspartate 700 mg (corresponding to 70 mcg selenium) 100%
Magnesium citrate 100 mg (corresponding to 16 mg magnesium) 4%
Beta-carotene (2% emulsion) 1750 ME 50% vit. A
Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) 20 ME 130%
Vitamin A (retinol palmitate) 3300 ME 110%
Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacaceae olacoides), root extract 4:1 70 mg (corresponding to 280 mg of raw materials) -
Palmetto (Serenoa repens), fruit extract 35 mg -
Lycopene 2% emulsion 35 mg (corresponding to 0.7 mg lycopene) 14%
Lemon acid 30 mg -
Oat stem extract 25 mg (corresponding to 250 mg of raw materials) -
Evening Primrose Oil - Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) 17 mg -
Eleutherococcus senticosus root extract 10 mg (corresponding to 0.1 mg eleutherosides) 10%
Pygeum africanum, bark extract 30:1 8 mg (corresponding to 240 mg of raw materials) -
Pumpkin (Cucurbitae peponis semen), seed extract 10:1 8 mg (corresponding to 80 mg of raw materials) -
Ginseng (Panax ginseng), root extract 8 mg (10% panaxosides) (corresponding to 0.8 mg panaxosides) 16%
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 8 mg -

The auxiliary components of the dietary supplement include: potassium citrate, deionized water, glycerin, xanthan gum, potassium sorbate.

Oat stalk increases “male strength”, physical and sexual endurance. Especially useful for middle-aged and elderly men. Relieves discomfort associated with andropause.

Ginseng is a universal tonic that restores the balance of energy in the body, activates an adaptogen, gives physical and mental endurance, and heals the nervous system.

Eleutherococcus is effective for male impotence, relieves anxiety, and improves sleep. Heals the immune, cardiovascular, reproductive systems.

Muira puama is used in Brazil as the most effective treatment for impotence and as a tonic for the nervous system. Optimizes the functions of the nervous system, especially that part of it that is responsible for the “erotic mood” of a man.

Pygeum facilitates urination during infections and benign prostatic hyperplasia, and increases libido. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Pumpkin seed helps improve overall health and fertility in men.

Ginkgo biloba is an effective neuroprotector.

Soy bioflavonoid, genistein is a strong antioxidant with proven anti-cancer properties.

Lycopene reduces the risk of carcinogenesis. Used to normalize the prostate gland.

Evening primrose oil regulates cholesterol and insulin levels, controls inflammatory processes. Improves the condition of the prostate gland.

Vitamins A and E protect cell membrane lipids from peroxidation. Essential nutrients for the reproductive system.

Selenium enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E and activates glutathione. Together with vitamin E, it prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, and also improves thinking abilities and psycho-emotional state in middle-aged and elderly people, reduces depression and fatigue.

Zinc is essential for cell growth and reproduction. Zinc deficiency provokes the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) (BPH).

Magnesium is involved in the activation of more than 300 enzymes.

Application schemes

1. Complex therapy of male diseases

It is achieved through the combined use of several dietary supplements that affect different mechanisms of pathology development.

For diseases of the genital area in men, it is necessary to simultaneously influence all the main causes leading to the development of pathology.

Maximum effect

The phytoformulas indicated in the REQUIRED column effectively eliminate all the main disorders leading to the development of prostate diseases, effectively complement and enhance each other’s action: eliminate inflammatory phenomena and inhibit the development of benign prostate hyperplasia (adenoma); have an antioxidant effect.

The combination of phytoformulas effectively improves a man’s well-being, eliminates unpleasant urination problems and sexual dysfunctions.

Phytoformulas can be taken for a long time, for 2-3 months, with short breaks (45 days on - 15 days off). It is recommended to apply in stages.

2. Male menopause

The combination of colloidal phytoformulas, influencing the main links in the development of male diseases, has a beneficial and effective effect on a man’s well-being, improves prostate function, and eliminates emotional and mental disorders.

Maximum effect

Herbal formulas effectively eliminate all the main causes leading to the development of major hormonal disorders in men, actively complement and enhance each other’s effects: eliminate characteristic hormonal disorders; have an antioxidant effect. It is recommended to use it in stages, in courses 2-3 times a year, to effectively combat male genital disorders.

Shake before use! Take 10 minutes before meals or during meals.

At the first signs of urination problems, unpleasant “pulling” sensations in the perineum, increased fatigue, decreased performance, weakened concentration, decreased libido, sleep disturbances, decreased overall body tone, and impaired sexual function. Take 5 ml 2 times a day, course - 30 days; repeating the course - after a break of 10–15 days. It is advisable to combine it with the drug Imun Support.

For diseases of the prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia of the 1st and 2nd degrees, BPH), frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, with pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, in the perineum, a feeling of insufficient emptying of the bladder, difficulty urinating, take 5 ml 3 times per day, for a course of about 20–30 days, repeating the course after a 7-day break. It is advisable to combine it with the drug Imun Support.

With reduced sexual function, to increase male sexual attractiveness and sexual stamina, start with a dosage of 5 ml 2-3 times a day and adjust it according to your well-being. It is advisable to combine it with the drug Imun Support.

If you want to lose weight, use the drug regularly, interrupting it periodically. The optimal dosage is 5 ml 2 times a day for 30 days. Take 4 courses per year with equal breaks between courses. It is possible to use the drug undiluted. If desired, you can dilute it in 100–200 ml of juice, water, or any liquid (except broths, starchy and dairy products).

Release form: colloidal solution (colloidal stabilized salt suspension, microactivated) in a dark glass bottle, measuring cup, branded packaging, instructions for use.

After opening, it is advisable to store in a cool place or refrigerator. Precipitation may form, which is completely normal for a colloidal solution.

3.6 Tongkat Ali Pro

Tongkat Ali Pro is a unique drug developed on the basis of the legendary Tongkat Ali root, which gives men not only excellent potency and powerful erections, but also normalizes urination, the violation of which accompanies prostate adenoma and prostatitis. This is a fundamental difference between this product and existing drugs based on the root of Tongkat Ali (Eurecoma longifolia), which only affect potency.

Compound: 1 capsule (450 mg) contains:

Tongkat Ali Root Extract (Eurycoma Longifolia) – 150 mg

Tribulus terrestris root extract – 100 mg

African plum bark extract (Pygeum Africanum) –50 mg

Palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens) – 150 mg

Tongkat Ali root extract stimulates the production of testosterone and also blocks the binding of free testosterone to blood proteins, increasing its content in the blood up to 4.5 times, thereby rejuvenating the body to adolescence. Spermatogenesis increases, orgasm intensifies, potency increases, erection increases, sexual desire increases, blood circulation in the pelvis improves. Sexual sensitivity also increases and immunity is strengthened. The activity of sperm increases due to which the drug is actively used in the treatment of male infertility.

Tribulus terrestris root extract – the active components of Tribulus terrestris are steroidal saponins of the furostanol type. Tribulus terrestris root extract has a pronounced effect of increasing the secretion of testosterone by Leydig cells. The drug also has diuretic and restorative properties. Increases potency, sperm count and sperm count.

African plum bark extract is a herbal remedy that affects metabolism in the prostate gland and corrects urodynamics. It has an antiproliferative effect on fibroblasts stimulated by b-FGF (the main fibroblast growth factor), which currently plays a significant role in the etiology and pathogenesis of prostate adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy). It has an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissue, enhances the secretory activity of the prostate, can reduce the amount of residual tissue, reduces and eliminates functional urination disorders in prostate adenoma (dysuria, nocturia, pollakiuria).

Palm fruit extract – used for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), formerly called prostate adenoma, urinary tract infections and impotence. Some components of dwarf palm have been found to effectively reduce prostate hyperplasia. The mechanism of action is to inhibit the process of converting testosterone into DHT, which is responsible for prostate enlargement. In addition, the drug blocks DHT receptors.

Indications for use:

It is recommended to use for weakened sexual activity, impotence and reduced potency, for a disorder of sexual desire, for infections of the genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis), prostate adenoma, difficult and intermittent urination, a weak stream of urine, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent urination , unbearable urge to urinate, urination in small portions, prostatitis, chronic prostatitis, low quality and quantity of sperm, decreased intensity of orgasm, unstable erection, premature ejaculation, inability to have frequent sexual intercourse, infertility.

Dosage and method of use:

To enhance erection, take 1 capsule 1-1.5 hours before intimacy. To normalize urination and treat prostatitis, take 1 capsule once a day. Course intake from 1 to 6 months. To stimulate spermatogenesis, take 1 capsule once every three days for three months.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement, high blood pressure, severe atherosclerosis.

Release form:-10 capsules in blister, 450 mg each

Vacation rules: available without a prescription

Storage conditions and shelf life: store in a dry, cool place, out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 2 years.

3.7 Lycoprofit


Biologically active food supplement.

Component properties:

Lycopene is a carotenoid that selectively accumulates in prostate tissue and protects cells from damage by free radicals. Reduces the activity of inflammatory and autoimmune processes in prostate tissues, prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and controls the excessive proliferation of prostate cells. Lycopene improves sperm quality by increasing the number of normal active forms of sperm. One of the most important properties of lycopene is a proven reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer when used systematically.

Palm dwarf fruit extract blocks the main mechanisms of development of prostate adenoma by suppressing the activity of enzymes involved in the activation of testosterone, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect in prostatitis, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of nighttime urge to urinate, a decrease in the volume of residual urine and an increase in the speed of urine flow .

African plum bark extract reduces the proliferation of prostate cells, protects the vascular wall, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation, and also helps normalize the tone and eliminate spasms of the muscles of the bladder and urethra.

Nettle root extract reduces the proliferation of prostate tissue and eliminates urination disorders.

Vitamin E has pronounced antioxidant activity and significantly enhances the anticancer effect of lycopene.

Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions, and supports the enzyme system of antioxidant defense.

Vitamin D 3 is the active form of vitamin D, which has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of prostate cancer cells. A high level of vitamin D 3 in the blood reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Chromium controls the growth and differentiation of normal and cancerous prostate cells.

Selenium, an antioxidant necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate, together with vitamin E promotes the death of prostate cancer cells.

Zinc plays an important role in ensuring the antimicrobial activity of prostate secretions. Additional zinc intake reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction and, accordingly, prostatic symptoms.

Microelements are included in the preparation in the form of organic compounds (chelate complexes), which improves their digestibility.

The dietary supplement inhibits the activity of 5-alpha reductase and excess production of dihydrotestosterone, normalizes the metabolism of androgens and androgen-binding proteins, the production of growth factors and the sensitivity of prostate cells to them, suppresses the expression and sensitivity of steroid receptors that regulate the metabolic processes of prostate cells, improves microcirculation in prostate tissues, increases the antimicrobial properties of prostatic secretions; helps reduce dynamic and mechanical obstruction of the urinary tract; inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, PG and LT; supports enzyme and coenzyme systems of antioxidant protection of cells and tissues; increases immunoresistance and reduces the activity of autoimmune processes.

Likoprofit reduces prostate hypertrophy, has an anti-inflammatory effect, which leads to the elimination of urinary difficulties and the easing of pain.

Composition and release form:

10 pcs in blister; There are 3 blisters in a cardboard pack.


· For prevention and as a component of complex therapy:

· chronic prostatitis;

· prostate adenomas;

· prostate cancer.


Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, during meals, for prevention - 1 capsule. in a day.

As part of complex therapy - 1 capsule. 2–3 times a day. In case of severe symptoms and severe course of the disease, the daily dose can be increased to 6 caps. in a day.

The therapeutic effect appears a month after starting the drug. A persistent therapeutic effect develops after 4–6 months of use of the drug.


No data on interactions with other drugs have been identified.

Side effects:

In rare cases, mild nausea or heartburn may occur when taking the drug on an empty stomach.


Ecomir (Russia)

3.8 Sanoprost


The dietary supplement Sanoprost (Sanoprost) is produced at the best production facility in the USA in full compliance with international standards for the production of pharmaceuticals - GMP. Registered in Russia, USA, Canada, CIS countries and most European countries and officially supplied to pharmacy chains and pharmacy points.

The product is developed on the basis of natural ingredients using innovative technologies and the latest scientific achievements. The result is an exclusive formula to ensure full functioning of the prostate gland.

Efficiency is ensured by extracts with a guaranteed content of active ingredients: sabal palm berries (8:1), African plum bark (4:1) and stinging nettle root (25:1).


· Standardized (8:1) Sabal Berry Extract (Serenoa repens) (90% sterols and free fatty acids) (equivalent to 1280 mg Sabal Berry Powder) - 160 mg

· Standardized extract (4:1) of African plum bark (Prunus africana) (25% sterols) (equivalent to 200 mg of African plum bark powder) - 50 mg

· Standardized root extract (25:1) of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) (equivalent to 3000 mg nettle root powder) - 120 mg.

Sabal palm has been used for centuries to enhance male sexual performance and increase sperm production. Sabal palm has also traditionally been used to combat baldness. Sabal palm is an antiseptic and is used as a diuretic.

Sabal palm is the most effective in correcting the condition of the prostate gland with benign hyperplasia. The extract included in the dietary supplement Sanoprost™ TR is made from the berries of the dwarf palm Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Repens) and contains phytosterols - substances that slow down the growth of prostate cells (the main cause of hyperplasia). Many clinical studies have shown that the use of sabal palm extract helps reduce the size of the prostate gland and improve urination after a month of use.

The results of clinical trials show that the maximum effective dose is 160 mg 2 times a day, or 320 mg 1 time a day of lipophilic extract of sabal palm, containing from 80 to 90% sterols and free fatty acids.

One tablet of Sanoprost™ TR contains 160 mg of standardized sabal palm extract, which, when taken 2 tablets per day, corresponds to the maximum effective dose.

African plum, growing on the mountain plateaus of South Africa, has a similar effect.

African plum bark has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, helps remove cholesterol deposits that accompany prostate hyperplasia. Sanoprost™ TR uses the most effective dosage of African plum bark extract (25% sterols) - 50 mg per tablet (100 mg - 2 tablets per recommended daily dose)

Millennium nettle leaf is traditionally used for high blood pressure, arthritis, rheumatism, allergic rhinitis, prostatitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Nettle root is an excellent diuretic, which also improves the condition of prostate dysfunction. Sanoprost™ TR contains the most effective dosage of nettle root, proven by many clinical trials - 120 mg of extract (25: 1) in one tablet (240 mg in the recommended daily intake dose ).

In the production of the product, the company's patented Timed Release™ Technology (TR marker on the product) was used, which ensures prolonged action. The technological process uses special natural fiber, which, under the influence of gastric juice, forms a jelly-like mass, as a result of which the components are absorbed gradually, similar to how regular food is absorbed. Fiber lengthens the transit time of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which ensures more complete absorption of the active ingredients.

Basic actions:

· Comprehensively supports prostate health;

· Relieves the symptoms of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma);

· Has antiseptic properties;

· Increases the volume and enhances the flow of urine, minimizes the amount of residual urine;

· Increases sexual activity in men;

· The action is prolonged, which provides round-the-clock protection and a constant beneficial effect on the prostate gland;

· Improves quality of life;


· Maintaining prostate health;

· Urinary disorder;

· Inflammatory and congestive phenomena in the genitourinary system;

· Hyperplastic processes in the prostate gland;

· Decreased sexual activity;

· Deterioration of sperm quality;


individual intolerance.


1 tablet 2 times a day with meals, with a glass of water.


60 tablets.

3.9 Adeno-Ritz

Registration number:

RK-LS-5№014540, 09/18/2009

Dosage form:


One capsule contains - active substances:

· dry extract of dwarf palm (Serenoa serrulata) - 160 mg,

· dry nettle extract (Urtica urens) - 50 mg,

· dry extract of African plum (Pygeum africanym) - 50 mg, excipients:

· microcrystalline cellulose,

· magnesium stearate;

capsule shell composition:

· indigo carmine (E 132),

titanium dioxide (E 172),

iron oxide yellow (E 171),

· gelatin.


Hard gelatin capsules with a green cap and body. The contents of the capsules are light to dark brown powder.

Pharmacological properties:

A combined herbal preparation, the pharmacological action of which is determined by its constituent components.

Serenoa repens dwarf palm extract (synonym Sabal serrulata) has inhibitory properties against testosterone 5-reductase and aromatase, key enzymes responsible for the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Nettle extract inhibits the aromatase enzyme; together with Serenoa repens extract they exhibit synergism against this enzyme. Nettle extract also has a diuretic effect, improves regeneration processes, increases the volume of urination, and reduces the residual volume of urine.

African plum extract Pygenum africanum has an inhibitory effect on bFGF - the main fibroblast growth factor and EGF - epidermal growth factor, which play a significant role in the pathogenesis of prostate hyperplasia. By inhibiting the proliferation of fibroblasts, it inhibits the proliferation of connective tissue in the prostate gland and prevents its fibrosis. Reduces and eliminates functional urination disorders in prostate adenoma: dysuria, nocturia, pollakiuria. Has an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissue.

All plant components of the drug are characterized by anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects due to inhibition of the activity of the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase, inhibition of the formation of inflammatory mediators, and reduction of increased vascular permeability caused by histamine. The drug reduces the severity of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland during benign hyperplasia of the gland in combination with prostatitis.

The drug reduces the severity of urination disorders that occur due to narrowing of the urethra at the early stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia, reduces pain and burning during urination, increases the volumetric flow rate of urination, facilitates emptying the bladder and reduces the imperative urge to urinate.

Indications for use:

· prevention and treatment of functional urination disorders caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) (I and II)

· as part of combination therapy for prostatitis of various etiologies.

Directions for use and dosage:

Adults: prescribed 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals, for a long time (at least 30 days). Capsules are taken without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. Repeated courses of treatment are determined by the doctor depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

Side effects:

Sometimes: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea.


prostate carcinoma

· hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Drug interactions:

Not described.

Special instructions:

The drug does not affect the hormonal status of men, does not have a negative effect on sexual function (does not reduce libido and sexual activity), and does not reduce blood pressure. Does not affect the concentration of the tumor marker - serum prostate specific antigen (PSA), i.e. does not mask the presence of a malignant tumor, which makes it possible to control PSA during drug therapy. Treatment with the drug, like other herbal remedies, cannot serve as an alternative to surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia if there are appropriate indications.

The drug is not used in pediatric practice.


Overdose symptoms are not described.

Release form:

10 capsules per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil. 2 blisters each, along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

Store away from light and moisture at a temperature of 10-25? C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

The drug should not be used after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Over the counter


GM Pharmaceuticals

Country of Origin:


African plum is an evergreen tree , growing on the mountain plateaus of South Africa. The lack of raw materials in the wild has led to the creation of cultivated varieties of African plums, which grow successfully on plantations in places with a similar suitable climate.

African plum(lat. Prunus africana) is an evergreen woody plant from the genus Prunus (Prunus) of the Spiraeoideae subfamily of the Rosaceae family.

The African plum is a tree that grows up to 35 m in height with huge spines, oblong leaves, large white fragrant flowers and sweet bright red fruits, reminiscent of a plum in appearance and a strawberry in taste and smell, with a dark brown cetus bark, which is still a subject of collection.

Active components can be divided into three groups:

· phytosterols (beta-sitosterol);

· pentacyclic triterpenoids (ursolic and olenolic acids);

· ferulic esters of fatty alcohols (docosanol and n-tetracosanol), tannins.

African plum bark has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the hormonal system - the active components of the plant restore the hormonal balance of the male body, and thereby normalize the functioning of the reproductive system: ferulic acid esters increase the secretion of the prostate and bulbourethral glands qualitatively and quantitatively, reduce the level of luteinizing hormone and testosterone, increase secretion adrenal androgens and corticosteroids; Docosanol reduces prolactin levels.

The bark also improves the functions of the urinary system - due to the content of sitosterols and triterpenoids, the elasticity of the bladder increases and its age-related hyperactivity decreases, the frequency of urination decreases and the process of urination becomes easier.

The anti-inflammatory effect occurs due to a number of substances: beta-sitosterol prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins in the prostate, reducing blood stagnation and blockage of blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation, restoring prostate function; triterpenoids, by blocking enzymatic activity, improve the integrity of small veins and capillaries, reduce blood stagnation, reducing inflammation of the prostate; ursolic acid, which has a mineralocorticoid effect, like hydrocortisone, can delay the development of aseptic inflammation.

Antitumor effect: the biologically active components of African plum prevent the excessive growth of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) in the prostate, affecting the main factor of their growth (b-FGF), reducing the process of prostatic hyperplasia.

The bark also has an anti-sclerotic effect. The active components of African plum help remove cholesterol deposits characteristic of prostatic hyperplasia, thereby reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels and directly in the capillaries of the prostate.

In combination with the fruits of the saw palmetto, an even better positive effect is achieved from the use of African plum bark extract.

There were no significant adverse effects of African plum extract on the body, although there were rare complaints of diarrhea, constipation, dizziness, stomach pain and hallucinations in case of overdose.

The following medicinal products are presented on the pharmaceutical market containing African plum bark extract:

· Tadenan

· Trianol


· Prostate formula

· Mail Active Complex

· Tongkat Ali Pro

· Lycoprofit



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