Permitted noise level in decibels. Noise levels in decibels: permissible standards and requirements

The apartment is our fortress, our haven of silence and comfort. But very often, extraneous noise prevents us from calmly relaxing and resting after a hard day at work. Residents of large cities especially often suffer from such problems, for whom even new soundproof plastic windows cannot save them from the penetration of street noise into the room. The problem is aggravated by the summer heat, when it is impossible to close the window in a residential building or apartment, because not everyone has air conditioning. And if in the daytime the noise can still be tolerated, then at night it is simply impossible to deal with it. But there are also neighbors who, at night, begin to drill, knock, sort things out, have fun with guests and listen to music loudly. And on the other side of the house there is 24-hour construction going on, compared to which the noise from the neighbors seems like a moment of silence.

What law protects citizens from excessive noise in residential premises? What sanitary standards must be observed? What level in dB is acceptable in an apartment? Who can you complain to about a noisy cafe or construction near your home? What noise level will not violate established standards and harm your health? Yes, yes, you heard right. Constantly being in a noisy room is quite harmful to the human ear and the entire body as a whole. Is it possible to measure the noise level at home and which competent authority should I contact if the sanitary dB standard for residential premises is exceeded? How can you influence your neighbors to stop making noise? About seventy percent of citizens ask themselves all these pressing questions every day. The Internet won't help you much in finding answers. It is better to immediately contact experienced specialists who have experience in solving such problems.

Our website consultants are ready to help you competently, quickly and, most importantly, free of charge at any time.

In order to answer the questions posed above, you must first understand the basic concepts of the topic. What noise is is most likely clear to every person, so we won’t give it a scientific basis now. But the volume of a sound refers to the level of its (in the sense of sound) pressure in units of measurement, which are dB (decibels). The maximum noise level in an apartment means an increase in the norm by 15 dB. That is, if the law establishes a sanitary standard of 40 dB during the daytime, then the permissible level will be 55 dB. At night, the maximum norm in residential apartments is 40 decibels and cannot be exceeded. Why does the law establish different indicators for premises at night and during the day? Because at night the ears become the main organ of perception, there is even such a thing as light sleep. The noise sensitivity level increases by approximately 10-15 dB. This means that sharp, loud sounds interfere with sleep.

Constantly violating noise decibel limits can disrupt the normal functioning of your body. Regular noise in the apartment, for example from the actions of neighbors, in the amount of 70 dB will already have a negative impact on your health (the nervous system does not rest, irritability appears, headaches, etc.). In some cases, you don’t even want to stay in residential premises for a long time due to the increased background noise. There is no need to try to quarrel with the people responsible for the noise and screams. You can always find justice against neighbors, builders, and even the management of a neighboring cafe who violate the law on permissible noise during the day and at night. First, contact specialists and they will tell you an algorithm of actions according to law and justice.

Examples of noise levels

Measuring dB in residential areas is not enough. It is also necessary to understand how much exceeding the permissible sound level can affect your health and what degree of violation of the law is observed (with a standard norm of 40 sound units).

Comparative list of sound vibrations (the unit of measurement here will naturally be dB):

  • from 0 to 10 almost nothing is audible, can be compared to a very quiet rustling of leaves;
  • from 25 to 20 a barely audible sound can be compared to a human whisper in residential apartments at a distance of one meter;
  • from 25 to 30 a quiet sound (a clock ticking, for example);
  • from 35 to 45 noise effect from a calm (possibly even muffled) conversation; for residential buildings the standard by law is 40 dB;
  • from 50 to 55 a distinct sound wave, acceptable for non-residential premises, for example, for offices or work rooms using technical means (typewriters, fax, printer, etc.);
  • from 60 to 75 a noisy room, can be compared to loud conversations, laughter, screams, etc. We would like to remind you that 70 dB is already dangerous for your health;
  • from 80 to 95 very noisy sounds, in residential areas a powerful vacuum cleaner can work like this, in non-residential areas (including on the street) such sounds are produced by the subway, the roar of a motorcycle, very loud screams, etc.;
  • from 100 to 115 maximum sound for headphones, thunder, helicopter, chainsaw, etc.;
  • 130 – sound pressure level falling under the pain threshold (for example, the sound of an airplane’s engines when it takes off);
  • from 135 to 145 such sound pressure can lead to concussion;
  • from 150 to 160, such sound pressure can lead not only to concussion, but also to injury, as well as putting a person into a state of shock;
  • above 160, it is possible to rupture not only the eardrums, but also the human lungs.

In addition to audible sounds, those that are inaudible to the ear (ultrasound, infrasound) also have an impact on health. For details, please contact our consultants.

Legislation against noise

In our country there is no specific law protecting the peace of citizens during the day and at night. For example, the standards for maximum sound pressures (40 and 50 dB) were established not by civil or criminal proceedings, but by sanitary standards. You will also not find a definition of noise of 70 dB as harmful to health in modern legislation. And people themselves do not respect each other’s needs for rest. Regardless of age (a neighbor can play music loudly at night, even if he is 18 years old, even 40, even 70) and social status. Construction work is also being carried out day and night, bypassing the law with permission received from parliamentary bodies. It's easier to fight with neighbors. At night, you can call the police and prosecute them for disturbing the peace. During the daytime, if someone bothers you and you are sure that you are right, you can call SES or Rospotrebnadzor employees, who are required to measure the noise level and record your complaint.

There are provisions regarding which premises are recognized as residential and the acceptable conditions for living are prescribed therein. There you can find information about violations of sound pressure standards during the daytime, among other things.

In order not to get into trouble when calling the police, you need to understand what daytime and nighttime mean. So, SanPiN norms tell us that daytime is from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm, respectively, the night lasts from 11.00 pm to 7.00 am. in accordance with the Federal Law on the maintenance of normal living conditions, violations of these same norms face administrative liability.

The law also prohibits construction work that violates noise standards at night. If construction is still underway in a residential area, you can contact the municipal authorities or Rospotrebnadzor. Each situation is individual and therefore, before doing anything, consult specialists for advice.

Hearing preservation

In order not to harm your hearing, you must follow certain rules:

  • there is no need to drown out extraneous noise from outside with loud music in headphones, you can only make things worse;
  • if you need to spend frequent and long periods in noisy places (or at work), use special earplugs (they are called earplugs);
  • noise reduction in a room is possible by using special materials for sound insulation;
  • follow safety rules when diving, skydiving, flying, shooting range, etc.;
  • take care of your ears if you have a runny nose or contracted rhinitis (all actions listed in the line above are prohibited);
  • even if you have a great love for loud music, you don’t need to listen to it all day long;
  • Give your hearing a periodic break if you still cannot avoid noisy places.

Take care of your health, because no one will do this except you and your loved ones. And if difficult situations arise, if you need legal assistance, contact our lawyers. This can be done on the website without leaving your home and without any financial costs.

Loud noises in the apartment can poison life, making her simply unbearable.

Are there any acceptable standards in decibels established by law for the noise level in an apartment, are the limits the same day and night, and how to prove that extraneous sounds are too loud?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

Standards established by law

What noise level is acceptable in the apartment?

A completely quiet life in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as an apartment building) is unrealistic; people celebrate important events in their lives with feasts, make repairs, change furniture and plumbing fixtures.

Each of those living in an apartment building understands and accepts the need for repairs or the crying of a baby, but it’s a completely different matter when It’s impossible to calm down the neighbors or at least reduce the volume of the sounds produced.

The concept of loudness is a controversial issue based on the subjective perception of sounds, therefore standards for noise levels in homes have been established such legislative acts:

  • Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016);
  • Standards No. SN 2.2.4/;
  • SanPiN

Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation set their own restrictions on the levels and intensity of various sounds, because noise not only causes unpleasant sensations, it harms the health of others.

So, on the territory of Moscow, as a separate subject of the Russian Federation, the following legislative documents have been adopted for management:

  • Law of Moscow dated July 12, 2002 N 42;
  • Law of Moscow dated January 29, 2003 No. 4;
  • Moscow PP dated February 8, 2005 N 73-PP;
  • Moscow Law of November 21, 2007 No. 45.

Noise is measured in decibels, and these are the units used limiting values.

During the daytime

From 7-00 to 23-00 the upper level of the limit of any noise permitted by law is is 40 dB.

To make it clear how loud it is, we can give the following examples for comparison:

  1. At conversation Average pressure on the ears will be about 65 dB.
  2. Weapon shot near it will produce a noise of 160 dB.
  3. Alarm clock(mechanical) gives a volume of 80 dB.

From these examples it is clear that the 40 dB level represents sounds of modest intensity, comparable to a quiet conversation, and From 13-00 to 15-00 afternoon rest time is announced when there should be complete silence.

On weekends and holidays The schedule changes: the morning is allowed to start only from 10-00, and you can make noise (not too much - up to 40 dB) no later than 22-00. Exceeding the specified limits is permissible by 15 dB, but no more.

But what about when there is a repair to be made, because you will need to drill and knock?

It is possible, but not on weekends or holidays, when such activities are completely excluded.

Allowed to make repairs and carry out construction work during weekdays, from 9-00 to 19-00, and the total time should not last more than 6 hours, and with a 1-hour break for lunch. Limit term Repair work in a MKD apartment is 3 months.

At night time

At night, taken from 23-00 to 7-00, the maximum permissible noise level is up to 30 dB.

This is the same volume as a quiet conversation, and completely unacceptable:

  • turn on the TV and other audio or video equipment with sound;
  • shout, knock, rattle, whistle, sing, etc.;
  • explode pyrotechnic devices;
  • carry out repairs and loading and unloading operations.

In every case there are exceptions, because you can’t do without loud sounds, If:

  1. Citywide festive events are held with concerts, fireworks, etc.
  2. The noise is caused by the action of intruders and their capture.
  3. An emergency situation occurred, such as military action, fire, flood and other force majeure circumstances, etc.

But constantly ignoring requests from neighbors not to make noise, especially when there is a sick person in the family or someone who works shifts, is unacceptable and illegal.

Why is increased sound dangerous?

Frequent exposure to loud sounds above normal levels dangerous to human health, as it can cause:

  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • deafness;
  • diseases of a nervous nature.

Constant long-term exposure to elevated background noise can be catastrophic, and 200 dB sound is fatal for each of us.

What could be the sources?

In an MKD apartment, many sounds can irritate with their volume, preventing you from resting, falling asleep calmly and quickly, reading a book and just living normally. Sources of increased background noise can be:

  • TV, tape recorder and other playback devices turned on at high volume;
  • playing musical instruments, especially piano, piano, trumpet;
  • sounds of scandal, screams;
  • loud feasts with songs and dances;
  • operation of elevators, pumps;
  • noise made by the fan. equipment;
  • sounds of working power tools, etc.

There can be many sources of cacophony; everything that happens in the apartment can be heard behind the wall, under or above the home, as well as in the yard– the roar of a motorcycle, car, tram, train, construction site, loading and unloading work at a built-in store, etc.

But it is important to understand that playing musical instruments is tenants' right, as well as sorting things out or celebrating a birthday.

Another thing is that the loudness of what is happening annoys the neighbors, however, such actions can be regarded as nothing more than petty hooliganism, and have nothing to do with the noise that is subject to measurement.

Where to contact?

What to do if you think your apartment is noisy? First of all, you need try to determine where the apartment is coming from disturbing sounds.

Regardless of the result of your research, you should contact the letter, HOA or other service company.

The board must respond - send your employee, who must verify the presence of noise and report it to management.

At the expense of the company, the management company must attract specialists to measure sound levels and identify their source. The problem must be solved.

If the management company fails to act, you need to contact to the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor, each of these bodies is obliged to order an examination (at the expense of the Criminal Code) to determine the level of impact, its intensity and duration, as well as the source.

If the sounds come from outside - from a club, construction site, store, workshop, enterprise, then such a question is beyond the competence of the Criminal Code, and you should immediately address your request to the prosecutor’s office or Rospotrebnadzor.

Representatives of these services will find where the noise is coming from and, based on the results of the examination, will issue a prescription. Upon expiration of the agreed period, experts will check to what extent the situation has changed, and may follow fine requiring immediate cessation of sound exposure.

If the noise has already harmed the residents, then if the results of the examination are available, there is a right and grounds go to court, but the fact of causing harm must be documented.

Why is expertise needed?

The fact of the presence of noise impact on people while they are in the apartment can only be confirmed by an examination; all other arguments will remain unfounded, that is, unproven, and there will be nothing to present to the court.

An examination of the noise level in an apartment is a documentary basis for applying to the judicial authorities.

When is a sanitary and epidemiological examination regarding noise not carried out? A sanitary and epidemiological examination may not always be carried out; there is Circumstances that exclude the involvement of experts:

  1. When noises are caused by natural or random phenomena.
  2. The operation of the alarm system – anti-theft, fire, etc. – is a concern.
  3. When holding cultural, sports, religious or political events.
  4. Work is being carried out to eliminate the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, etc.
  5. Traffic causes inconvenience.
  6. Grinding and rumbling noises are heard when removing ice, snow, etc.

Expert actions will also be denied in the case where neighbors are making noise - this falls within the competence of law enforcement agencies.

How and with what to measure?

A resident suffering from noise exposure must submit a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, a sanitation authority, or an independent company.

Upon request from residents, specialists travel with equipment called sound level meters.

There are special technologies, following which, experts take measurements at several points in the room, then display the average and compare it with acceptable standard values.

The result of the experts’ work is measurement protocol, which will indicate the frequency and dynamic noise levels. They can also check the effectiveness of sound insulation.

Carrying out such studies at your own expense by commercial companies is unprofitable: the price bar is very serious (3 measurements during the day will cost 10 thousand rubles, at night - 15 thousand rubles for 3 measurements, and regarding sound insulation, the actions of experts are estimated from the starting cost services 30 -50 thousand rubles).

Forensic or pre-trial examination will cost 25-35 thousand rubles, and if the issue concerns sound insulation - then up to 70 thousand rubles.

You can learn how and with what you can measure the noise level in an apartment from the video:

Who measures?

Measure the noise level in a residential area with the issuance of a protocol, conclusion, examination Only specialists have the right– representatives of Rospotrebnadzor or independent expert organizations that have the appropriate level of accreditation and are members of the SRO.

Such procedures cannot be performed independently.– we need special instruments and methods known to professionals.

In addition, you need a document that will be recognized as legal if it is issued by an independent accredited company or the expert service of Rospotrebnadzor. The examination can be ordered by the court, in which case one of the forensic institutions will work.

What is the cost of measuring the noise level in an apartment by Rospotrebnadzor? For measuring the noise level in an apartment by Rospotrebnadzor they will take 540 rubles. for 1 point, in total, the visit of experts during the daytime hours will cost about 5 thousand rubles, at night - no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Responsibility for violation of norms

Systematic violation of noise exposure standards, such as non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, punishable by fines according to Art. 23.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If a private person is deaf to the requests of other people who are forced to seek help, then for the first time they may be given a warning or a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles.

For repeated violations, the fine is doubled, and if the law on silence is chronically ignored, a fine in the amount of double the minimum wage may be imposed, the amount of which will be 2x9 = 18 thousand rubles.

If sounds interfere with normal living in an apartment, then you need to fight for your rights.

All bells should be rung– go to the Criminal Code, complain to the prosecutor’s office or Rospotrebnadzor, call the police.

Having collected the evidence, the tenant suffering from the effects of sounds has the right to go to court and win the case.

ABOUT permissible noise standards in the apartment, as well as about responsibility for violating them, you can learn from the video:

In the last article we touched on the topic of cleaning ears with cotton swabs. It turned out that, despite the prevalence of such a procedure, self-cleaning of the ears can lead to perforation (rupture) of the eardrum and a significant decrease in hearing, up to complete deafness. However, improper ear cleaning is not the only thing that can damage our hearing. Excessive noise that exceeds sanitary standards, as well as barotrauma (injuries associated with pressure changes) can also lead to hearing loss.

To have an idea of ​​the danger that noise poses to hearing, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the permissible noise standards for different times of the day, as well as find out what noise level in decibels certain sounds produce. In this way, you can begin to understand what is safe for your hearing and what is dangerous. And with understanding comes the ability to avoid the harmful effects of sound on hearing.

According to sanitary standards, the permissible noise level, which does not harm hearing even with prolonged exposure to the hearing aid, is considered to be: 55 decibels (dB) during the daytime and 40 decibels (dB) at night. Such values ​​are normal for our ear, but, unfortunately, they are very often violated, especially within large cities.

Noise level in decibels (dB)

Indeed, the normal noise level is often significantly exceeded. Here are examples of just some of the sounds we encounter in our lives and how many decibels (dB) these sounds actually contain:

  • Spoken speech ranges from 45 decibels (dB) to 60 decibels (dB), depending on the volume of the voice;
  • Car horn reaches 120 decibels (dB);
  • Heavy traffic noise – up to 80 decibels (dB);
  • Baby crying – 80 decibels (dB);
  • Operation noise of various office equipment, vacuum cleaner - 80 decibels (dB);
  • Noise of a running motorcycle, train - 90 decibels (dB);
  • The sound of dance music in a nightclub is 110 decibels (dB));
  • Airplane noise - 140 decibels (dB);
  • Noise from repair work – up to 100 decibels (dB);
  • Cooking on a stove - 40 decibels (dB);
  • Forest noise from 10 to 24 decibels (dB);
  • Lethal noise level for humans, explosion sound - 200 decibels (dB)).

As you can see, most of the noises that we encounter literally every day significantly exceed the permissible threshold. And these are just natural noises that we cannot do anything about. But there is also noise from TV and loud music, to which we expose our hearing aids. And with our own hands we cause enormous harm to our hearing.

What noise level is harmful?

If the noise level reaches 70-90 decibels (dB) and continues for quite a long time, then such noise with prolonged exposure can lead to diseases of the central nervous system. And prolonged exposure to noise levels of more than 100 decibels (dB) can lead to significant hearing loss, including complete deafness. Therefore, we get much more harm from loud music than pleasure and benefit.

What happens to hearing when exposed to noise?

Aggressive and prolonged noise exposure to the hearing aid can lead to perforation (rupture) of the eardrum. The consequence of this is decreased hearing and, as an extreme case, complete deafness. And although perforation (rupture) of the eardrum is a reversible disease (i.e., the eardrum can recover), the recovery process is long and depends on the severity of the perforation. In any case, treatment of perforation of the eardrum is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who chooses a treatment regimen after examination.

Hearing loss is a pathological condition characterized by decreased hearing and difficulty understanding spoken language. It occurs quite often, especially in the elderly. However, nowadays there is a tendency towards earlier development of hearing loss, including among young people and children. Depending on how much hearing is weakened, hearing loss is divided into different degrees.

What are decibels and hertz

Any sound or noise can be characterized by two parameters: pitch and sound intensity.


The pitch of a sound is determined by the number of times a sound wave oscillates and is expressed in hertz (Hz): the higher the hertz, the higher the pitch. For example, the very first white key on the left on a regular piano (the "A" of the subcontractave) produces a low sound at 27.500 Hz, and the very last white key on the right (the "C" of the fifth octave) produces a low sound of 4186.0 Hz.

The human ear is capable of distinguishing sounds within the range of 16–20,000 Hz. Everything below 16 Hz is called infrasound, and above 20,000 is called ultrasound. Both ultrasound and infrasound are not perceived by the human ear, but can affect the body and psyche.

By frequency, all audible sounds can be divided into high-, mid- and low-frequency. Low-frequency sounds include sounds up to 500 Hz, mid-frequency sounds within the range of 500-10,000 Hz, high-frequency sounds all sounds with a frequency of more than 10,000 Hz. The human ear, with the same impact force, hears better mid-frequency sounds, which are perceived as louder. Accordingly, low- and high-frequency frequencies are “heard” quieter, or even “stop sounding” altogether. In general, after 40–50 years, the upper limit of audibility of sounds decreases from 20,000 to 16,000 Hz.

Power of sound

If the ear is exposed to a very loud sound, the eardrum may rupture. In the picture below there is a normal membrane, at the top there is a membrane with a defect.

Any sound can affect the hearing organ in different ways. This depends on its sound intensity, or loudness, which is measured in decibels (dB).

Normal hearing is capable of distinguishing sounds from 0 dB and above. When exposed to loud sound of more than 120 dB.

The human ear feels most comfortable in the range of up to 80–85 dB.

For comparison:

  • winter forest in calm weather - about 0 dB,
  • rustle of leaves in the forest, park – 20–30 dB,
  • normal conversational speech, office work – 40–60 dB,
  • engine noise in the car interior – 70–80 dB,
  • loud screams – 85–90 dB,
  • thunderclaps - 100 dB,
  • a jackhammer at a distance of 1 meter from it - about 120 dB.

Degrees of hearing loss relative to volume levels

Typically, the following degrees of hearing loss are distinguished:

  • Normal hearing - a person hears sounds in the range from 0 to 25 dB and above. He can hear the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds in the forest, the ticking of a wall clock, etc.
  • Hearing loss:
  1. I degree (mild) – a person begins to hear sounds from 26–40 dB.
  2. II degree (moderate) - the threshold for the perception of sounds starts from 40–55 dB.
  3. III degree (severe) – hears sounds from 56–70 dB.
  4. IV degree (deep) – from 71–90 dB.
  • Deafness is a condition when a person cannot hear a sound louder than 90 dB.

An abbreviated version of the degrees of hearing loss:

  1. Mild degree - the ability to perceive sounds less than 50 dB. A person understands spoken language almost completely at a distance of more than 1 m.
  2. Medium degree - the threshold for the perception of sounds begins at a volume of 50–70 dB. Communication with each other is difficult, because in this case a person hears speech well at a distance of up to 1 m.
  3. Severe degree – more than 70 dB. Speech of normal intensity is no longer audible or is unintelligible at the ear. You have to scream or use a special hearing aid.

In everyday practical life, specialists can use another classification of hearing loss:

  1. Normal hearing. A person hears spoken speech and whispers at a distance of more than 6 m.
  2. Mild hearing loss. A person understands spoken speech from a distance of more than 6 m, but hears whispers no more than 3–6 meters away. The patient can distinguish speech even in background noise.
  3. Moderate hearing loss. Whispers can be distinguished at a distance of no more than 1–3 m, and ordinary spoken speech – up to 4–6 m. Speech perception may be disrupted by extraneous noise.
  4. Significant degree of hearing loss. Conversational speech can be heard no further than at a distance of 2–4 m, and whispering – up to 0.5–1 m. There is an illegible perception of words; some individual phrases or words have to be repeated several times.
  5. Severe degree. Whispers are practically indistinguishable even close to the ear; spoken speech can hardly be distinguished even when shouting at a distance of less than 2 m. He reads lips more.

Degrees of hearing loss relative to the pitch of sounds

  • Group I. Patients are able to perceive only low frequencies in the range of 125–150 Hz. They only respond to low and loud voices.
  • Group II. In this case, higher frequencies become available for perception, which range from 150 to 500 Hz. Usually, simple spoken vowels “o” and “u” become perceptible.
  • III group. Good perception of low and medium frequencies (up to 1000 Hz). Such patients already listen to music, distinguish the doorbell, hear almost all vowels, and grasp the meaning of simple phrases and individual words.
  • IV group. Frequencies up to 2000 Hz become available for perception. Patients distinguish almost all sounds, as well as individual phrases and words. They understand speech.

This classification of hearing loss is important not only for the correct selection of a hearing aid, but also for the placement of children in a regular or specialized school for hearing loss.

Diagnosis of hearing loss

Audiometry will help determine the degree of hearing loss in a patient.

The most accurate and reliable way to identify and determine the degree of hearing loss is audiometry. For this purpose, the patient wears special headphones into which a signal of appropriate frequencies and strength is supplied. If the subject hears the signal, he lets him know by pressing the device button or nodding his head. Based on the results of audiometry, a corresponding curve of auditory perception (audiogram) is constructed, the analysis of which allows not only to identify the degree of hearing loss, but also in some situations to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the nature of hearing loss.
Sometimes, when conducting audiometry, they do not wear headphones, but use a tuning fork or simply pronounce certain words at some distance from the patient.

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to contact an ENT doctor if:

  1. You began to turn your head towards the one who was speaking, and at the same time you strained to hear him.
  2. Relatives who live with you or friends who come to visit make comments about the fact that you have turned on the TV, radio, or player too loudly.
  3. The doorbell does not ring as clearly as before, or you may no longer hear it at all.
  4. When talking on the phone, you ask the other person to speak louder and more clearly.
  5. They began to ask you to repeat what you were told again.
  6. If there is noise around you, then it becomes much more difficult to hear your interlocutor and understand what he is saying.

Despite the fact that, in general, the earlier a correct diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the better the results and the greater the likelihood that hearing will persist for many years.

In apartment buildings, the maximum permissible noise level in an apartment in decibels during the daytime is 55 units. Exceeding the equivalent noise level during the daytime is allowed by no more than 5 decibels.

Why are the norms on noise levels in residential premises of apartment buildings established by law?

It has been proven that prolonged noise exposure above 100 dB leads to hearing loss. The expressions “deaf from the noise”, “eardrums burst” are not a common cliché, as many people think, but a possible injury.

The legislator regulates the permitted noise level in the apartment. The norm by law has a certain numerical maximum, mandatory for execution by all individuals, legal entities, officials, and organizations without exception. To avoid the temptation to ignore the requirements of the laws, serious administrative liability is provided for non-compliance, especially for enterprises.

Noise issues in residential premises are regulated by:

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right to inviolability of home.
  2. "Rules for the use of residential premises dated January 21, 2006" Paragraph 6 of the rules requires taking into account the interests of other residents in the premises or house.
  3. Federal Law No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” obliges to comply with the provisions of regulations and not take actions that infringe on the rights of other citizens to protect health and comfortable living conditions (Article 10).
  4. SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” regulates noise levels.

To better imagine what noise with a volume of 40 decibels is, you can compare it with the volume of the most common sounds in everyday life:

As the above figures show, in many cases there is an increased noise level in the human environment that is hazardous to health. Maximum permissible sound levels in and around the home are also limited.

Maximum permissible sound volume in residential buildings

According to clause 6.2.1 of SanPiN, exceeding the noise standard in an apartment during the daytime is permissible by 5 dB. That is, if in your region the time of day from 7.00 to 23.00 is designated as daytime, then the standard noise level during this time interval should not be higher than (40 + 5) = 45 dB.

The maximum possible noise level during the day can be no more than 55 decibels (clause 3 of Article 23 of the Federal Law No. 52).

As mentioned earlier, sanitary and epidemiological standards establish the equivalent noise level in an apartment. At night, the legal limit is no higher than 30 dB. There will be no negative health consequences even with prolonged exposure to sounds of such volume on the hearing organs. The maximum possible volume at night is 45 dB.

Exceeding at night is not allowed. If in your region night time begins, for example, at 10 p.m. and after night time in the neighboring apartment continues to listen to your favorite performers with a sound intensity clearly not up to 45 dB, it is your legal right to demand that the volume be reduced.

Exceeding the equivalent and maximum noise levels for residential areas facing highways and railways is permitted by 10 dB.

Deviation from the optimal sound volume values ​​established by law is unacceptable.

What to do if the apartment is noisy? Watch the video:

Sanctions for non-compliance with the “Law on Silence”

You can do everything in your apartment 24/7, as long as it does not qualify as an illegal action.

If you violate the legal rights of your neighbors by allowing your life to include listening to loud music at night, noisy repairs on weekends, or commit other actions that are classified as illegal based on the rules of the law on silence, the rules provide for up to 500 rubles (Article 6.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) .

Legal entities will pay more - from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. For repeated violations, the fine is doubled. In case of systematic violations, you will have to pay up to 2 minimum wages.

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2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs