Arab capitals. What is the best way to rest? Health and welfare

The UAE is a country located in the Persian Gulf. The full name is the United Arab Emirates, the place is popular with Russian tourists. For everyone, the UAE evokes different associations, for some it's mosques and minarets, for others it's gorgeous beaches, and for others it's a bunch of chic boutiques and shops.


The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries of the Middle East, occupies a certain part of the Arabian Peninsula. To the east, Oman is adjacent to the UAE, Saudi Arabia is adjacent to the south and west, and Iran is to the north. The area of ​​the United Arab Emirates is 83.6 thousand square meters. km., it is comparable to the size of the Czech Republic, Serbia or Austria.

Much of the territory goes under the Arabian Desert. For human life, only five percent of the territory falls, and for agriculture, even 1.2 percent.

Population statistics for 2017 - 10 million people.

Division into Emirates

Abu Dhabi is considered the largest emirate, its area is 67320 sq. km, which is 80.5 percent of the territory of all emirates. Second place is occupied by Dubai with 3880 sq. km, almost 17 times inferior to Abu Dhabi. The smallest is Ajman, its area is 259 square meters. km.

Dubai is recognized as the most convenient and populated emirate. Dubai is home to 2.5 million people. Least of all people live in Umm al-Quwain, only 75 thousand. Sheikh is given full power, it is determined by the constitution.

Climate conditions in the UAE

Summer in the Emirates is unbearably hot, daytime temperatures can approach 40-44 degrees. On the territory of the Arabian Desert, the thermometer scale can show up to 51-53 degrees. In the Persian Gulf, the water temperature often reaches 36-38 degrees, it can be dangerous when swimming for a long time. Also, at the maximum air temperature in the summer season, the sand heats up very much, it becomes literally “burning”.


Emirates tourism statistics are hard to track as all Emirates maintain their own visitor statistics. It often happens that the same tourist flies to Dubai airport, but wants to live in Abu Dhabi, then this tourist can be counted more than once.

In 2017, according to statistics, about 19 million tourists visited the Emirates.

The tourism industry is rapidly going up in the Emirates. In 2015, 14.2 million people visited the country, in 2016 - 17 million people, but by 2030 the UAE wants to receive 30 million visitors.

Due to tourism in the country for the year there is an increase of approximately 68.6 billion dirhams, which is as much as 18.3 billion dollars. The Emirate of Dubai in tourism GDP is twice the oil revenue.

The country's tourism industry employs 3 percent of the population, and the figure is increasing every year. One of the main tourist destinations is Dubai. In 2017, out of 19 million people who visited the country, 15.2 million people ended up in Dubai.

Dubai will soon overtake London in retail sales and become the main "Mecca of shopping".

However, in 2018 the growth rate of tourism and retail is likely to decline. In the emirates, there are no VAT and VAT taxes, which gives the minimum price on the shelves. In 2018, it is planned to introduce VAT at a rate of 5 percent, then prices will start to rise. The United Arab Emirates wants to significantly increase the flow of tourism. By 2020, it is planned to build many more hotels, in which the capacity will reach 57,000 rooms.

In addition to shopping, many tourists are interested in visiting sandy beaches, as well as world-famous ones: Dubai Mall, Sheikh Zayed Mosque, the famous fountains of Dubai, Ferrari World parks. Dubai is home to 200 different nations, so there are chic restaurants with various cuisines.

Politic system

The UAE is 7 emirates, each has its own ruler, whose power is limited.

Now federal structures regulate the banking sector, territorial waters, labor relations, extradition of people who have committed crimes. Other issues can be decided by the emirs. The highest representatives of the state are the President and the Prime Minister. The main authorities are:

  • The Supreme Council;
  • Council of Ministers;
  • federal supreme court;
  • federal national council

The supreme body representing the executive and legislative power is the Supreme Council, in which there are 7 emirs. The Supreme Council can elect / remove the President, as well as the Prime Minister, reserves weighty decisions. For a decision to be made, the consent of 5 emirates is required, and two of them are mandatory - Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Such an interesting democratic form is taking place in the United Arab Emirates. The Supreme Council is convened 4 times a year, and also in cases of urgent need.

Council of Ministers. When the Prime Minister is appointed by the Supreme Council, he proposes the composition of ministers to the President. With the approval of the president, cabinet work begins. The Council of Ministers resolves important issues at the current moment in the country, it consists of 22 members.

The Federal Council is the parliament of the Emirates, it has 40 deputies. Dubai and Abu Dhabi present 8 candidates each, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah nominate 6 candidates each, Umm al-Quwain, Ajman and Fujairah nominate 4 candidates each.

The federal national council can discuss laws and make constitutional changes. The Federal National Council is an advisory body, it has no power, it can propose ideas to the government.

The Federal Supreme Court is the highest body representing the judiciary.

History of the UAE

About 8 millennia ago, on the site of the present Arab Emirates, a civilization was born - Umm-an-Nar. At that time, the climate was milder, and agriculture developed. Then came the era of deserts, the centers of culture began to fade.

Before the onset of the 12th century, there were no large settlements on the territory, the territory was inhabited by nomads, residents from oases.

The year 632 was remembered for the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah by an important battle.

The 12th century is characterized by the flourishing of ports, the establishment of trade across the Indian Ocean, the development of trade, and the exchange of cultures.

The 16th century is remembered by the arrival of the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, there is a partial capture of ports.

In the 17th century, the Dutch come to replace the Portuguese, they take the Persian Gulf under their control.

18th century - the displacement of the Dutch by the British, then the emirates fall under the rule of Britain.

1971 - Great Britain leaves the Persian Gulf, 7 emirates form the state - the United Arab Emirates.

Who lives in the Emirates

In the Emirates, there is a difficult system of legal relations. For each emirate there is a choice - the presence of its own judicial system or adjacency to the federal one. Often in the UAE they rely on Sharia prohibitions. Sharia courts can resolve issues related to guardianship, divorce, and family disputes. Secular courts are responsible for the criminal and administrative part. There is a place for Islamic punishment in the UAE. For example, dozens of people receive lashes as punishment. The death penalty, stoning to death, is legal in this country, but it is used extremely rarely.

In the UAE, many things are subject to prohibition and punishment. For apostasy from Islam - execution. Abortions are not respected in the country - they are given 1 year in prison or a fine of 10,000 dirhams. For homosexuality there is a risk of getting up to 12 years in prison. Oral humiliation with sexual overtones is punishable by a battle with whips. Drunk driving can also land you in jail and get a hefty fine. Drinking alcohol in public places is also punishable by fines. An interesting feature is that 40 percent of all violations are committed by minors.


As many people think that the United Arab Emirates only do what they pump oil. In fact, this is completely false. Not all emirates are engaged in oil, its reserves are concentrated in two emirates, these are: Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Umm al-Quwain has small oil reserves, but they do not need to be taken into account. If you look at the 2017 statistics, you can see that only 4 percent of Dubai's GDP is allocated to oil. The main oil rigs are concentrated in Abu Dhabi. GDP in this emirate reaches 60 percent.

All emirates are rapidly advancing their economy, the growth of agriculture is noticeable. Cultivation of dates in the Emirates is widely developed. The Emirates are engaged in the development of the financial sector, the insurance business, and the service sector. One of the most profitable industries for the UAE is tourism. Transport plays an important role in the country's GDP.


The biggest successes of the UAE are the widely developed air and water transport. In the UAE, you will find many of the world's leading airlines. This:

  • Emirates;
  • Etihad;
  • Air Arabia;
  • Fly Dubai

Emirates is often used for long distances with transfers.

Dubai International is a huge air hub between the European and Asian parts, it is in 3rd place in the world in terms of passenger traffic. In 2016 alone, 83,600,000 people were received by the airport in Dubai.

Dubai is famous for its giant harbour. There are luxurious aircraft carriers belonging to the US Navy flotilla.

Transport within the country does not lag behind, a subway was built in Dubai, besides, automation is widely developed here, you will not meet drivers in the subway. Buses, a taxi network are widely used in the Emirates, there is a place for trams.

Armament in the UAE

The UAE has its own small army, the number of which is 65 thousand people. This is explained by the fact that only their own citizens are taken to the service, there is no recruitment of Indians or Pakistanis into the army, and there are not so many indigenous people in the Emirates.

The Emirates Air Force has 100 F-16 fighters, 30 transport aircraft, 2 reconnaissance aircraft, 13 helicopters, 2 AWACS aircraft.

As for ground weapons, here you can find powerful tanks from France, there are 388 of them, there are armored vehicles, tanks from England in the amount of 76 pieces, a lot of armored vehicles. The biggest disadvantage of the UAE army is the lack of experience.

Officially, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces.

In fact, the emir of Abu Dhabi, the president of the UAE.

Third son of Sheikh Zayed. An interesting point is that he and Khalifa are stepbrothers. Khalifa was born to his first wife, Hassa bint Mohammed ibn Khalifa. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed was born to his third wife, Fatima bint Mubarak Al-Ketbi.

Sheikhini Fatima bint-Mubarak Al-Ketbi had only 6 sons: Mohammed, Hamdan, Hazza, Tanun, Mansur and Abdullah. They are called "Bani Fatima" or "sons of Fatima" and form the most powerful bloc in the Al Nahyan family.

The sons of Fatima have always been influential, some political scientists even assign them a leading role in the changes in Abu Dhabi that have taken place since 2004. They received full power only in 2014, when Sheikh Khalifa had a stroke. Now it is difficult to say whether the vector of their domestic and foreign policy will change. Wait and see.

Mohammed bin Zayed went to school in Al Ain, then in Abu Dhabi. Entered Sandhurst Academy (UK) in 1979. Trained in military skills of piloting a helicopter, driving armored vehicles, parachuting. After returning from England, he underwent military training in Sharjah, became an officer in the UAE Armed Forces.

He was an officer in the Amiri Guards (an elite unit), a pilot in the UAE Air Force, and eventually became the Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces.

In 2003, he was proclaimed the second Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. After the death of his father on November 2, 2004, he became crown prince. Since December 2004, Chairman of the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi, member of the Supreme Petroleum Council.

So far, world leaders and political scientists are eyeing Sheikh Mohammed. It is known that he believes that the UAE should play a much larger role in world politics. He loves falconry, like his father. He is interested in poetry and writes poetry himself in the Nabati style.

Sheikha Fatima bint-Mubarak Al-Ketbi

The third wife of Sheikh Zayed, the mother of six of his sons, including Crown Prince Mohammed (the de facto ruler of Abu Dhabi and President of the UAE).

This woman played a big role in UAE politics during the reign of her husband Sheikh Zayed and remains very influential to this day. She is called the "Mother of the Nation".

The exact date of her birth is unknown. She was probably born in the mid-40s. In the 60s, she married Zaid Al-Nahyan, becoming his third wife.

In 1973, she founded the Abu Dhabi Women's Awakening Society, the first women's community organization in the UAE. In 1975, she created and headed the Main Women's Union of the UAE. The main sphere of interest of these organizations was education, because at that time girls in the UAE did not study at all. In 2004, Fatima facilitated the appointment of the first female minister.

Now she still heads the Main Women's Union, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, the Family Development Foundation and several other organizations. And this despite the advanced age! Naturally, Fatima has a gigantic influence on the politics of Sheikh Mohammed and the affairs of Bani Fatima.


The emirate of Dubai is ruled by the Al Muktum family.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Muktum

Ruling Emir (officially since January 4, 2006, actually since January 3, 1995), Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE since February 11, 2006.

Sheikh Mohammed is called the "Architect of Modern Dubai". This is a very versatile educated person and is now the most famous leader in the UAE.

Mohammed became the third son of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid ibn Said Al Muktum. His mother Lafita was the daughter of the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Hamadan ibn Zayed Al Nahyan. As a child, Muhammad received both a secular and a traditional Islamic education. In 1966 (at the age of 18) he studied in the UK at the Mons Cadet Corps and in Italy as a pilot.

In 1968, Mohammed attended his father's meeting with Sheikh Zayed at Argoub el Sedira, where the rulers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi agreed on the imminent establishment of the UAE. After the formation of the UAE, he was the Minister of Defense and the head of the police in Dubai.

On October 7, 1990, Mohammed's father and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid ibn Said, died. Power passed to the eldest son - Sheikh Muktum ibn Rashid, who was very fond of equestrian sports, was an excellent athlete, but did not reach for politics and government.

On January 4, 1995, Muktum ibn Rashid appoints Mohammed as crown prince and, in fact, transfers power to him in the emirate of Dubai. On January 4, 2006, Muktum ibn Rashid died of a heart attack, Mohammed ibn Rashid becomes the official ruler of Dubai.

The list of achievements of Muhammad ibn Rashid is huge. He diversified the economy of Dubai, now oil revenues account for only 4% of the emirate's GDP, Dubai has become a shopping mecca, second only to London, the largest trading and financial center.

With his support or on his initiative, the following have been created: Burj Al Arab, the Emirates airline, the Palm and World artificial islands, the world's largest artificial harbor Jebel Ali, the Dubai Internet City zone and hundreds of other projects.

He became famous for his raids on enterprises, where he personally checked whether employees were in their places, and fired those who were absent. Sheikh Mohammed ibn Rashid is famous for his intolerance of corruption, and hundreds of officials were imprisoned for his rule, convicted of taking bribes and using their position for personal gain.

Now (note: the article was written at the end of 2017), he is already 68 years old, but he is full of energy and successfully implements his plan for the development of Dubai until 2021. He recently took part in the Arab Strategic Forum, and you can’t say that he is 68.

There is no bad weather or low season in the Emirates - here in July and in February excellent hotels for a real vacation and exciting shopping at attractive prices await the tourist. Perhaps the policy of the UAE (we will present photos of stunning views in our article) regarding tourism can be expressed in the following words: “We want to surprise everything that the country has, and if something is not there, it will be built, and then we will surprise you again more!"

A little about comfort

The flow of tourists wishing to visit the country is growing. After all, everything is combined with everything in it: in the dunes from the nomad camp you can see the luminous needle of Burj Khalifa, and camel races are held on a platform neatly squeezed between modern skyscrapers. If you value comfort above all else, but at the same time are not indifferent to Arabian exoticism, the Emirates is a place that can satisfy your needs by 100%!

UAE: map of the state and geographical features

A new country that appeared on the world map in 1971, which united six emirates that were under the protectorate of England, in a short time turned into a developed state with the lowest crime rate in the world and a high standard of living.

The UAE (you can see the photo in the article) are located mainly on the coast of the Persian Gulf (except for the emirate of Fujairah, located on the Indian Ocean). Moreover, a significant part of the state falls on the areas occupied by the Arabian desert. In order to see such beauty: the azure sea, the velvet desert, the majestic Hajjar mountains, luxurious cities and masterpieces of palace architecture, it is worth visiting this pearl of the East.

Climate is no problem

The Emirates is a country with a dry climate close to tropical. Rains here are rare and mostly in winter. Imagine that no more than 10 rainy days are accumulated in this territory in a year! And the temperature in January is surprisingly comfortable: +24 °C. By the way, despite the fact that the UAE in August turns into a real "brazier" (with a temperature of +48 ° C), at this time there are still a lot of people who want to visit a hospitable country that offers surprisingly comfortable conditions for recreation.

Let's go there now!

capital - get acquainted!

Abu Dhabi is perhaps the greenest city on the coast. He is proud of his parks, fountains and sculptures that adorn the boulevards and squares. Abu Dhabi can be compared to a colorful jigsaw puzzle of ultra-modern landscapes and ancient architectural traditions. Skyscrapers, mosques, overflowing with aromas of spices and colors of exotic fruits - all this will make an unforgettable impression on the traveler.

The streets of the city are perfectly straight, and the inhabitants are friendly and always friendly. A special sign of Abu Dhabi is a huge number of mosques with intricately decorated minarets. They can be admired endlessly.

The pride of the capital (and the whole country) has always been considered its stunning hotels, built with all kinds of luxury and comfort. They are famous all over the world for their service, interiors and a huge range of additional services. It is in the hotels that most of the galleries, shops, gyms and diving centers of the city are located.

The UAE, whose photo of the capital is offered here, is fighting for the attention of tourists, is actively building more and more unthinkable buildings. Let's take a look at these mind-blowing human creations already available in Abu Dhabi.

On Al Raha Beach, you can admire the round skyscraper in the form of this symbol of perfection and stability, designed by the MZ studio, it is impossible to ignore.

Capital Gate (the so-called falling skyscraper), built at the end of 2011, will cause you no less delight. Imagine that the angle of its inclination is 4 times greater than that of the Leaning Tower of Pisa! On the upper floors of this building there is a helipad owned by the Abu Dhabi Sheikh family.

Don't forget the Marina Mall tower with its slowly rotating top.

Why, it is impossible to describe all the wonders of the city in a short article: go and see for yourself!

Local restaurants are a gourmet paradise

But what are the skyscrapers of the UAE compared to the cuisine of the Middle East! Go to any restaurant you like and you won't go wrong. Among them are those who prefer only the Lebanese, Moroccan or Iranian tradition. And for lovers of European cuisine, there are enough Italian, French, Greek, etc. restaurants, where dishes will be selected and served with unforgettable elegance.

For travelers: special attention in the menu should be given to fresh fish from the Persian Gulf or seafood: lobster, crabs, shrimp. In any kitchen, they are the decoration of the menu!

Fans of hearty and inexpensive food are offered a huge number of small cafes and eateries, which, nevertheless, offer visitors a high level of service and, most importantly, quality products. You will not be bored while your order is being prepared: as soon as you sit down at a table, you will be offered salads and bread. Special tip: be sure to try the local fruit drink - mocktail.

By the way, lunch will cost a hungry tourist an average of about $ 10. And tips are already included in the bill, so there is no need to leave them.

A few tips for tourists, or "To a strange monastery with its charter ..."

Coming to a Muslim state, you need to be especially attentive to the traditions of the people who have welcomed you. You should not appear on the streets in mini, transparent or low-cut clothes.

It is not recommended to photograph Muslim women and flirt with them, and it is unacceptable to show more than friendly feelings in public places. In the UAE, whose photo you can see here, littering, drinking alcohol-containing drinks or offering them to local residents are serious offenses.

Staying in the UAE during Ramadan requires tourists to be especially respectful of the religious feelings of believers, and non-compliance with regulations is a crime in this country even for foreigners.

Please note that during Ramadan, many shops open from 20:00 to 3:00 am, and most bars and restaurants do not provide musical or other entertainment performances. During daylight hours, fasting is observed in the country (you can not only eat and drink, but also smoke, and even just chew gum on the street). True, tourists are allowed to do all this on the territory of their hotels.

What is the best way to rest?

The United Arab Emirates is famous for its opportunities for outdoor activities and various sports, which more than makes up for the lack of historical attractions.

So, a jeep or motorcycle safari is very popular in the country, which allows you to get to know the life of the Bedouins better. In addition, go-kart racing, horseback riding, camel racing, as well as excursions to the Sheikh's Stables and zoos are also offered. Sea fishing is very popular, or sand skiing is no less common.

And shopping in the Emirates has long been a special attraction. After all, the UAE is a huge trade zone, on which duties are not imposed, a similar circumstance, in turn, allows you to set competitive prices for popular goods in countries.

If you miss the snow, then in this situation, the Emirates will be able to offer you a great vacation: the Ski Dubai ski resort. This is a unique indoor complex that offers skiing, snowboarding and sledding. Given that the Arabian desert is spread around, bathed in the hot sun, you can imagine how exotic such a vacation (possible only in the UAE) looks like!

federal supreme court is the highest body of the judiciary. As in any modern civilized state, in the UAE the judiciary is separated from the executive.

The Federal Supreme Court is composed of five judges appointed by the Supreme Council. Judges determine the constitutionality of federal laws and arbitrate disputes between the emirates and disputes between the federal government and the emirates.

Such a system of government may seem authoritarian, but it is natural for the Emiratis, has developed as a result of the history of the country.


Even 8,000 years ago, an ancient civilization arose on the territory of the modern UAE - the culture of Umm an-Nar. The climate then was much milder, which allowed the full development of agriculture. Over time, desertification occurred, and the ancient culture died out.

Until the 12th century, there were no large settlements here, the area was inhabited by nomads, fishermen from the coast and a few inhabitants of the oases. In 632, on the territory of the modern emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, one of the most important battles of the “War against the Apostates” took place - the Battle of Daba.

Since the 12th century, port cities have been flourishing, the emirates have been participating in the developed trade network of the Indian Ocean, cultural and commodity exchange is flourishing. In the 16th century, the Portuguese came to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, capturing part of the ports.

In the 17th century, Portugal loses its power, the Dutch take control of the Persian Gulf. In the 18th century they were replaced by the British. For a long time, the emirates fall under British influence and partial control.

Read a detailed story in our large and interesting article “”.

Who lives in the UAE

Now (note: the article was written in 2017), only 10% of the population are indigenous Arabs (citizens). The rest are temporary workers from India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Iran, Egypt and other countries.

Their relationships are complex, which we wrote about in detail in the article “”.


The UAE has a very complex legal system, but also very interesting, it is a unique fusion of Islamic and Anglo-Saxon legal traditions.

Each emirate chooses for itself whether to have its own judicial system or join the federal one. At the moment (note: the article was written in 2017), only Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah have their own judicial system.

Sharia does not have the status of law in the UAE, but the country's legislation is largely based on Sharia law. There are Sharia courts in the country that deal with cases of divorce, guardianship, and family disputes. Secular courts handle criminal and administrative cases.

The UAE uses Islamic forms of punishment. For example, lashing is used, several dozen people a year receive similar sentences. Throwing stones as a form of the death penalty has been legalized, although it is now almost never used.

Much that we are already accustomed to is prohibited and punishable in the UAE:

Verbal abuse with sexual overtones can be punished with imprisonment or 80 lashes;

Abortions are punishable, up to 1 year in prison and up to AED 10,000 fine;

Apostasy from Islam is punishable by death;

Homosexuality is punishable by imprisonment - up to 12 years in prison;

You can go to jail for drunk driving or even drinking in a public place, which we talked about in the article "".

An interesting fact is that crime in the UAE is very “young”. According to statistics in 2015, about 40% of all offenses were committed by minors (persons under 18).



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