How long does the recovery period last after an ankle fracture? When to remove the plaster? Rehabilitation measures after an ankle fracture.

The ankles are the bones that, together with the heel, make up the ankle joint. The ankle experiences stress during the day when a person walks, more often if the person is overweight. An ankle fracture occurs when the leg is twisted, hit, fell, and many other cases. This is a complex injury, so rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is required, after the cast is removed.

A bone fracture is a violation of the integrity of bone tissue. When an ankle fracture occurs and the fragments are displaced, the doctor needs to set the bone, align the fragments, and only then apply a plaster cast.

Important! In many cases, surgical treatment of the injury is required.

Most often, an ankle fracture occurs as a result of forced rotation and twisting (twisted leg) of the foot. Rolling of the foot can be to the outer or inner side, including as a result of a rotational movement. There may also be a combined fracture with dislocation or involvement of other bones. It is very rare to have a direct fracture of the ankle due to a directed blow.

According to statistics, ankle fractures account for about 60% of all ankle injuries.
You can break your ankle if you fall, for example during icy conditions, or if you fall down stairs or because of high heels.

An ankle fracture can also occur when playing sports; sports such as alpine skiing, motorcycling, and cycling often lead to such injuries. It is also common to break an ankle while rollerblading, skating, or in an accident.

Types of injuries

  1. Fracture of the outer ankle. This type of leg fracture is localized in the lower part of the fibula. The doctor prescribes treatment for the patient based on which area is affected.
  2. Fracture of the inner malleolus. The medial malleolus is the lower part of the tibia. As in previous cases, damage occurs in different parts of the lower segment. Such injuries often appear in one place, but may be associated with disruption of the integrity of the fibula, rupture or sprain of the ligaments of the posterior part of the tibia.
  3. Damage to the back of the tibia. This disorder occurs in the ankle joint. This process can be combined with a violation of the integrity of the latent malleolus.
  4. Bimalleolar fracture. This type of injury combines injury to the outer and medial bones of the lower limb. In this case, the ankle joint also suffers. Often a fracture of the outer bone is combined with a sprain, and at this time the inner bone is not affected.
  5. Trimalleolar fracture. With a violation of this nature, the inner and outer bones, as well as the back of the tibia, are affected. Violations of the ligamentous apparatus are possible. Such damage involves displacement of tissue fragments and instability of the ankle joint.


An ankle fracture has very obvious signs.

As with any bone fracture, pain, swelling, hematoma and impaired joint mobility develop. When an ankle is fractured without displacement, as a rule, there is no deformation of the ankle; when displacement occurs, deformation of the contours is almost always visible.

Symptoms of an ankle fracture are:

  • pain;
  • crunch;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling;
  • impaired function of the lower limb.

Pain is felt immediately after bone damage, but in a state of passion it is felt later. This is an acute pain that prevents the patient from standing on his leg. It intensifies when touching the damaged area. A life-threatening condition for the victim is pain shock. A state of shock develops with massive injuries.

Important! If a crunch is clearly heard during the injury, this indicates that the bone has broken.

Swelling occurs quickly, and the tissues become harder due to damage to small capillaries. When large vessels are damaged, the entire leg swells. Hematoma appears as dark spots. It indicates hemorrhage into the soft tissues.

The foot is limited in movement, and the patient cannot walk or move the limb normally.

Treatment and surgery for injury

An ankle fracture requires a cast.

You urgently need to see a traumatologist if there is pain at the site of injury, the joint has changed its shape or has increased in size too much. To diagnose the type of fracture, the patient is given an x-ray.

The doctor puts an anesthetic injection at the site of the injury, then corrects the displacement, if any.

After measures have been taken, a plaster cast is applied to the injured leg. After casting, x-rays are repeated to ensure the correct position of the limb.

In severe cases, casting is performed after surgery, when the bone is collected using plates. When the integrity of the bone cannot be restored, a bone transplant is performed.

The treatment method depends on the type of fracture. In general, treatment can be divided into surgical and conservative. A fracture of the outer ankle, if it is not yet displaced, can be easily treated conservatively - by applying a plaster boot (from the tips of the fingers to the third part of the shin) for a period of three weeks. In general, any isolated ankle fractures are treated in this way.

If there is a fracture, an x-ray of the ankle is taken. The doctor also checks whether the arteries are injured and assesses the sensitivity and mobility of the leg.

Based on this, treatment is prescribed. First of all, the displacement of the ankle joint must be corrected (reduction of the fracture). This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Next, fixation is carried out using a plaster cast. Most often, a plaster cast extends to the upper third of the shin (“boot”). Fixation period is from 4 to 6 weeks. This is the most common treatment method.

In case of a fracture of both ankles at once and/or in combination with a fracture of the epiphysis of the tibia or fibula, plaster is applied to the middle of the third part of the thigh for a month, after which it is removed and a plaster boot is applied for another six weeks.

If there is displacement of bone fragments, they first try to match the bone parts using special methods under local anesthesia. If this is not possible or it is not possible to normalize the expansion in the area of ​​the ankle joint, a surgical intervention is performed in which parts of the bone are fixed with screws and/or plates and a cast is applied to the leg up to the middle part of the third of the thigh for six weeks. When comparing a week later, a control x-ray must be taken.


The duration of the rehabilitation period after injury to the ankle bones depends on the nature of the injury. If there were no complications, then recovery will occur within one or two months.

If the injury is displaced, the bone will take longer to heal and rehabilitation will take six months. At this time, it is important to follow the rules of proper nutrition and diversify the menu with iron, calcium and phosphorus.

During the rehabilitation period, you cannot lean on the injured leg; you can move only with the use of crutches.

For proper fusion of bones, a temporary cast is used, after which a closed cast is applied for a long time.

During the period of immobilization, you should perform general strengthening exercises and breathing exercises, exercises for the toes, knee and hip joint.

After an ankle fracture, swelling of the leg is observed. To improve blood circulation and reduce swelling, it is recommended to periodically lower the leg and then create an elevated position for it. After a few days, you can move around the ward on crutches.

Important! After the cast is removed, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation course, since during this period the limb does not move well. For this purpose, massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy are prescribed.


Rehabilitation after a fracture necessarily includes massage.

It is important to attend massage courses after removing the cast or do it yourself. In cases where the limb is swollen, massage helps remove the swelling and restore sensitivity to the tissues.

To do this, use stroking, rubbing movements, kneading. During massage, various oils are used with an effect that improves lymph flow.

At first, massaging the leg brings discomfort, so its surface is lubricated with anesthetic ointment.

Massage is performed exclusively by a specialist, especially in the case of a displaced injury.


Physiotherapeutic procedures must be performed throughout the recovery period. Such activities improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and pain.

Physiotherapy can speed up the healing process. This effect is achieved due to improved blood circulation in the area of ​​injury.

To speed up recovery and relieve swelling, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • therapeutic mud applications;
  • warming up;
  • electrophoresis;
  • harmless currents.


After performing physiotherapeutic procedures and leg massage, restoration of its function occurs with the help of physical therapy. Exercises develop a joint that has been immobile for a long time. Muscles regain mobility and elasticity.

The first exercises are carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and later the patient independently performs them at home. The duration of exercise therapy does not exceed 10 minutes per approach. The load increases gradually as you recover.

If the exercise is accompanied by pain, the patient needs to stop immediately and rest.

Special exercises will allow you to develop your leg after a fracture.

The exercises are quite simple:

  • walk with full support on the affected leg;
  • make rotational movements with the foot;
  • swing your leg forward and to the side;
  • perform cross leg swings while lying on the floor;
  • alternately rise on your toes and fall on your heels. You can do this on one leg.

Every day, patients study for 10 - 15 minutes, doing 3 or 4 sessions every other day. Daily exercises are carried out after the pain during exercise has passed.

Important! Don't try to develop a joint in a short time. Intense exercise in the first periods after recovery will harm the limb.

After removing the plaster, rehabilitation measures should begin. First, electromagnetic therapy is prescribed, this is done to restore blood and lymph circulation and relieve swelling. Then the patient is prescribed a complex of exercise therapy for an ankle fracture.

At first, the patient will not be able to do without support, so he needs to purchase an elbow crutch; thanks to such balanced support, the arm does not become overstrained and significant assistance is provided when walking.

However, after two weeks you need to gradually give up the crutch so that walking with a crutch does not become a habit. True, lameness still remains, but with the help of therapeutic exercises and physical therapy, you can get rid of it.

So, exercise therapy exercises for a broken foot (the leg is in a cast):

  1. I.P. - standing on a healthy leg. Stand near a chair or wall and lean on your hands so as not to lose your balance. Cross swings are performed. First, you need to start moving the affected leg - move it to the side (as you inhale), then perform an adducting movement, crossing it in front of the healthy leg (exhale). Perform for 30 seconds.
  2. I.P. - the same. Swing your legs to the side. In this case, take the sore leg as high as possible, hold for a few seconds, then lower the leg. Perform 10-15 times.
  3. I.P. - the same. Perform a knee lift. Raise your knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then lower your leg. Perform in two counts for 30 seconds.
  4. I.P. - the same. Raise your legs back. Raise the injured leg back as high as possible, then pause for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Attention! You cannot bend your lower back.

A few more simple exercises for rehabilitation after an ankle fracture are presented in this video:

Exercises in a lying position

A set of special exercises for fractured ankles in a prone position:

  1. Tighten your quadriceps muscle. Repeat 20-30 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
  2. Bend and straighten your feet. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
  3. Bend and straighten your toes. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
    Rest 1-2 min.
  4. Repeat exercise 3.
  5. Circular movements in the ankle joints in both directions. Repeat 10 times on each side. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  6. Bend your feet forward and backward with maximum amplitude. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  7. Alternately bend your legs towards your stomach (toes towards you). Repeat 10 times with each leg. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  8. Spread your toes to the sides, rotating your entire leg as much as possible from the hip. Repeat 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  9. Alternately, without bending, raise your legs to a right angle at the hip joints (toes towards you). Repeat 10 times with each leg. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  10. Repeat exercise 1.
  11. Raise, without bending, the injured leg to a right angle at the hip joint, while simultaneously bending and straightening the fingers and foot in weight. Repeat 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  12. Rest in a lying position with legs raised - 5-10 minutes.

An ankle fracture is a serious disorder with characteristic symptoms. In mild cases, healing occurs quickly, and in severe cases it lasts about 6 months. If you fracture your ankle, you must immediately contact a traumatologist for treatment. If you ignore this recommendation, the bone will heal incorrectly and will cause difficulties in moving in the future.

To preserve the function of the ankle joint after an ankle fracture, not only timely treatment, but also proper rehabilitation is of great importance. After the fusion of damaged areas of bones and removal of the plaster cast, complications arise due to prolonged immobilization of the limb.

Ankle stiffness and soft tissue swelling in the area of ​​injury, lameness and low exercise tolerance are common negative consequences of injury. To prevent complications and restore normal motor activity of the foot, rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is important, which is prescribed and developed by a traumatologist or rehabilitation specialist.

What is an ankle fracture?

Ankle fracture is considered one of the most common lower extremity injuries. The ankle is the tubercle in the lower third of the leg bones. The medial malleolus is located on the inside of the ankle joint and is the bony protrusion of the tibia. The lateral malleolus is located on the outside of the ankle and, accordingly, is the bony protrusion of the fibula. The junction between the bones of the lower leg and foot has a weak ligamentous apparatus, and at the same time bears a large load. The risk of fractures in the ankle area is especially high when playing sports, wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, or being overweight.

Schematic location of an ankle fracture

An ankle fracture can be open or closed. Diagnosis of a fracture and determination of its type is carried out using radiography. An open fracture is the most severe type of injury, in which the bones injure soft tissues and come out through the wound surface. A closed feather does not form an open wound, it can be with or without bone displacement. A fracture without displacement is less likely to cause complications and heals within 2-3 weeks. An injury with bone displacement takes longer to form a callus. Sometimes surgical intervention is performed to give the anatomically correct localization of bone fragments. These circumstances extend the recovery period.

Activities during the rehabilitation period

After applying a cast to the limb, the patient is recommended to rest and limit physical activity for 1-2 weeks after the injury. Rehabilitation measures are carried out after the end of the period of immobilization of the injured ankle joint. The plaster is removed after first taking a control x-ray to ensure complete fusion of bone fragments and the formation of a full callus.

To restore lost functions and develop the ankle, which has been in a stationary position for a long time, massage, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe some physical therapy exercises before removing the plaster cast if the fracture healing dynamics are positive. This approach helps to shorten the rehabilitation period and increase the effectiveness of restoration measures after plaster removal.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed immediately after the end of the period of immobilization of the ankle joint. The impact of physical factors on the fracture area improves blood flow, activates metabolic processes, reduces swelling of soft tissues, and has an analgesic effect. After the cast is removed, the ankle, foot, and lower third of the leg usually have a swollen appearance with areas of bruising and hyperpigmentation. Movements in the ankle joint are difficult and painful, the lower limb cannot perform a full support function, and while walking, lameness is evident in the affected leg.

Timely administration of physiotherapy relieves tissue swelling, helps resolve congestion and hematomas, and normalizes lymph movement and venous outflow. Periodic pain in the area of ​​the affected limb, which intensifies when walking, is effectively eliminated by injecting anesthetics directly into the ankle area using physical methods. The restoration of full joint function occurs in a short time without the development of complications, so you should not refuse to use physical procedures during the rehabilitation period. Electrophoresis with novocaine or lidase, phonophoresis with hydrocartisone, magnetic therapy, amplipulse, ozokerite, UHF are prescribed for 10-15 procedures per course of treatment.


Massage of the affected limb is prescribed as soon as possible after removing the plaster cast. During the procedure, anesthetic ointments and gels are used to reduce discomfort - the ankle area is sensitive after the ankle fracture has healed. Thanks to massage techniques, swelling of the foot is reduced, blood circulation in the area of ​​injury is improved, and metabolism in the muscles and joints is normalized. The course of treatment during the rehabilitation period is prescribed from 10 to 20 sessions, depending on the severity of the fracture. After the procedure, an elastic bandage is applied to the ankle joint. The foot and ankle area can be massaged independently, while the force of influence must be strictly dosed, and the technique must be agreed upon with a rehabilitation doctor.

Massage relieves swelling of the ankle joint

Therapeutic gymnastics exercises are considered the main method of restoring lost functions after an ankle fracture. Classes begin during the period of immobilization under the supervision of the attending physician and continue after removal of the plaster cast in exercise therapy groups at medical institutions. You can exercise at home after mastering the training methodology, performing the exercises correctly, with a gradual increase in the amplitude of movements and the duration of the workout. Thanks to physical therapy, the damaged ankle joint is developed after a long period of immobilization, the muscular-ligamentous system is strengthened, and full motor activity is restored. The return of lost functions in case of a non-displaced ankle fracture occurs after 1-1.5 months. For injuries with displacement of bone fragments, rehabilitation time can reach 3-6 months.

Features of exercise therapy at different stages of ankle fracture healing

To quickly return the patient to full motor activity and prevent undesirable consequences of an ankle fracture, exercise therapy is prescribed both during the period of immobilization and after removal of the plaster cast. The basic principle of physical therapy at each stage of rehabilitation is a gradual increase in load, regularity of exercise, and painless movements during training.

Fracture of the ankle joint with displacement of bone fragments on x-ray

Exercise therapy while wearing a cast

After 10-14 days, the attending physician prescribes simple exercises, which are first done in bed, and then while moving with the help of crutches.

  1. Tighten the muscles of your lower leg and thigh with rest intervals 20-30 times until you feel tired and warm in your leg.
  2. Move your toes every hour for 10 minutes.
  3. Sitting on the bed, alternately lift the sore and healthy leg to the maximum possible height 5-7 times.
  4. Standing on your healthy leg, lean your hand on a crutch, a wall, or the back of a chair. Swing your affected leg forward, backward and to the side 7-10 times.
  5. Without changing the starting position, lift the sore leg forward and hold it for 1-3 minutes. Do the same exercise when lifting your lower limb to the side.

You need to exercise three times a day, gradually increasing the number of exercises and time spent on training.

Exercise therapy after removing the plaster cast

The plaster is removed if the bone processes are completely fused in the correct position. This usually occurs 3-6 weeks after the injury, depending on the severity of the ankle fracture. During the rehabilitation period, the intensity of the load increases significantly, and therapeutic exercises become more varied. An individual training program is created for each patient. Classes are held in exercise therapy groups at clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

Exercise therapy is an important stage of the rehabilitation process

Here is an example of exercises for rehabilitation after an ankle fracture:

  1. Alternately walk on your heels and toes for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Squat as deeply as possible 3-7 times, first with your heels off the floor, and then try not to lift your heels off the hard surface.
  3. Jump left and right and back and forth 8-15 times.
  4. Run at a side step and in place for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Stand either on the inside or outside of your foot 10-15 times.
  6. Roll a gymnastic stick, a glass bottle, or a tennis ball with the foot of your sore leg.
  7. Grasp a pencil or pen with the toes of your sore foot.
  8. Pull your socks towards you and then in the opposite direction 10-15 times.
  9. Jump onto a step platform or step 3-10 times.
  10. Take the stairs.

At the beginning of the rehabilitation process, physical therapy classes are prescribed every other day, then training is carried out daily.

Restoring the function of the ankle joint after removing the plaster cast is as important as timely immobilization of the limb when a fracture occurs. Correctly carried out rehabilitation allows you to fully restore the range of motion in the joint, eliminate swelling and pain in the area of ​​injury, and prevent the appearance of lameness.

The ankle, in conjunction with the heel, forms the basis of the ankle. The lower legs experience the most stress during the day, especially when carrying excess weight. A fracture of this area of ​​the leg is considered a complex injury, the treatment of which includes professional rehabilitation and recovery.

If you ignore the agreed period of treatment, serious complications will develop, and the resulting fracture will remain for a long period, sometimes for life. It is possible to do leg rehabilitation yourself at home, but it is better to undergo rehabilitation under the constant supervision of a professional. The doctor will assess the risks and possible complications. Thanks to special knowledge, the process will take the shortest possible time. You should not rely solely on the doctor. It is important to follow the recommendations and appointments for the full period.

The first part of any rehabilitation after a fracture is wearing a plaster cast. The duration of the period depends on:

  • Difficulty of fracture;
  • Complications encountered during surgery or plaster application;
  • Nature of the ankle injury.

If no complications are observed, the plaster is removed after 5-10 weeks. If the fracture is displaced, the period may drag on for six months.

After a fracture, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and constantly be under his supervision. In practice, a temporary plaster cast is often initially applied and worn until the bone tissue heals. Then the temporary measure is replaced with a closed cast, which is removed after the fracture has completely healed.

In order for the fusion process to occur correctly and quickly, you should not lean on the injured leg until the doctor’s permission. Any recovery exercises are carried out with the permission of the doctor.

The second part of the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture is aimed at restoring the mobility of the leg that was in a cast. More often, the patient is prescribed procedures used in combination:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Physical therapy exercises.


During the recovery period, the patient is prescribed physical therapy procedures. Thanks to their use, clear and specific goals are achieved in restoring ankle mobility:

  • Strengthening bone tissue;
  • Acceleration of bone fusion processes;
  • Normalization of blood circulation processes;
  • Relieving swelling.

Effectiveness in recovery from ankle fractures are:

  1. Electrophoresis;
  2. Ultraviolet exposure;
  3. Warming up;
  4. Mud applications;
  5. Exposure to harmless currents.

At the beginning of recovery, procedures are carried out under the strict supervision of medical workers; in the future, it is permissible to develop the leg independently. Physiotherapy courses are often complemented by courses of therapeutic massage.

Features of massage during recovery

It is important to visit a professional massage therapist during the rehabilitation period to correctly perceive the treatment procedure. If there is swelling at the ankle fracture site, massage will help cope with the disorder. Regular manipulation helps restore sensitivity to tissues.

When performing a massage, the main procedures are:

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading.

To improve the result, the massage is supplemented with the use of flavored oils that improve lymph flow.

During the first procedures, there is noticeable discomfort, which gradually decreases.

It is advisable that the massage be performed by a master, but sometimes this is not possible. Then you should do the massage yourself at home, preferably in the morning and evening. When carried out, they are positioned standing. The techniques used during the procedures are similar to professional massage. Each technique is performed at least ten times.

Remember, when carrying out a massage procedure, it is important not to overdo it and not cause pain.

The Power of Physical Therapy

After attending physiotherapy and massage procedures, further restoration of the damaged ankle is carried out, and physical therapy exercises will be required. By performing each exercise, the damaged joint in the ankle area will gradually regain mobility, muscles and tissues will regain elasticity and firmness.

It is worth starting the exercises under the guidance and supervision of a master who will help in compiling the complex; you will need to monitor the correct execution. In the future, you can perform the exercises yourself at home. The duration of the lesson does not exceed 10 minutes. The load on the injured limb increases gradually; if pain occurs, it is recommended to temporarily postpone the exercise.

When restoring an ankle after a fracture, the physical therapy complex consists of simple exercises that can be performed easily and simply. Approximately the complex includes:

  1. Walking with full support on the injured leg. It is important not to overdo it so as not to worsen the condition of the ankle;
  2. Swing your legs in different directions, back and forth. When raising your leg, you should hold it for a moment;
  3. Translational rotations of the foot;
  4. Lying on the floor, perform cross leg swings;
  5. Gradual lifts from heel to toe. The exercise can be done on one leg;
  6. Performing neat swings in different directions with a slight delay of the injured leg in the top position for a moment;
  7. Raising the leg back without bending the back;
  8. Knee lift with a slight leg hold.

Walking is important during recovery. It is acceptable to simply walk on level ground or use exercise equipment. For the most basic exercise machine, choose a simple staircase in your home. Going down the stairs after a fracture is much more difficult than going up.

The main goal of therapeutic physical education is the gradual restoration of mobility of the affected area of ​​the leg. There are other goals achieved when performing exercises:

  • Thanks to exercises, swelling of the injured ankle is reduced;
  • Exercises become preventive measures for the development of flat feet and curvature of the finger;
  • Blood circulation improves.

Additionally, the set of exercises with which recovery is carried out is filled with flexion exercises, performed with the fingers and other joints. It is acceptable to pick up small objects with your fingers and roll a tennis ball on the floor. Slow walking alternately: on your heels, then on your toes, has a good restorative effect. It is important to wear shoes with special orthopedic insoles during the recovery period.

Remember throughout the recovery period that the duration of the course directly depends on the severity and nature of the ankle fracture. If you ignore gymnastics, the consequences of a fracture are expected to be serious. The damaged area of ​​the ankle can cause discomfort for a long time, causing pain in the damaged area.

Features of recovery from a displaced fracture

With such a displaced injury, the recovery period is much longer; the damaged lower limb after a fracture remains in a stationary position for a long time; it needs to be developed more carefully.

Recovery procedures begin already during the period when a plaster cast is placed on the leg. The start of procedures is scheduled from the second week after receiving a fracture; exercises in the first stage of recovery are as gentle as possible. The signal about the possibility of carrying out the first classes is an x-ray, when the doctor observes on film the beginning of the restoration processes of fusion and damaged tissues. Exercises begin to be introduced gradually.

Anterior ankle dislocation is often one of the most difficult and dangerous injuries; recovery is monitored at certain intervals using x-rays. Thanks to this examination, the slightest changes in healing are monitored.

If the ankle bone does not heal over a long period, surgical intervention by a surgeon and additional development are required. The complication will require an increase in the rehabilitation period.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture implies the return to the previous functionality of tissues destroyed or weakened by the injury and its consequences. In a cast, the load on the muscles almost completely stops, which leads to their atrophy and, as a consequence, a deterioration in the supply of nutrition and oxygen to all adjacent tissues of bones and joints.

The ankle joint has a complex structure. Any of the three bones can be injured, be it the fibula, tibia or talus, but in any case this will lead to rupture of muscle tissue and ligaments.

The symptoms of ankle injuries are minimal, so it is almost impossible to detect serious changes in the joint without photographs.

Main tasks of the recovery period:

  • reverse the processes of muscle atrophy and destructive changes in blood vessels;
  • restore mobility to the joint;
  • prevent stagnation of fluids in the reconstructed limb;
  • increase motor activity of the joint.

How can a person get an ankle injury?

As a rule, ankle injury occurs after a strong blow to the leg in the ankle area. Sometimes the injury occurs as a result of a twisted foot. This can happen if you jump or land poorly.

Gradually, the child learns to sit up independently in bed with his legs lowered to the floor. If this is already easy, you can begin a set of exercises to activate the muscles and tendons for both legs. Necessary:

  • collect and carry objects scattered on the floor (pencils, small stones, beads) with your toes;
  • roll a ball (stick, bottle) with your feet;
  • lean forward and backward, bending and straightening the ankle;
  • rotate your legs (depict the rotation of bicycle pedals);
  • with feasible amplitude do scissor swings with your legs while lying on your back;
  • bend the foot and straighten it, stretching the toe, as far as possible;
  • rotate your feet in different directions (this exercise can be done standing, rotating your feet alternately, or sitting, doing this with both legs).

Also, if possible, you should engage in therapeutic walking on your toes and heels, sideways, in a half-squat, backwards (carefully!).

If you experience pain, you can use an anesthetic ointment, but if the discomfort is severe and even unbearable, you should not overcome it, but consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of a complication.

Often an ankle fracture occurs due to deterioration of the bone tissue. Read about what arthrosis of the joints is and how to prevent it. You can find out how to detect a rib fracture.

A set of exercises to develop muscles after a leg fracture

You should regularly perform exercises that will help your muscles quickly gain tone and restore normal balance when walking. It is recommended that you first seek the help of a doctor or exercise therapy instructor, who will monitor the correct execution and explain in detail how to develop an ankle after a fracture.

With a ball

The patient presses his lower back against the wall special ball - Physiobol. The feet and torso are pushed forward. You should squat smoothly so that the ball does not fall. The knees should bend until a right angle is formed (90°).

On the platform

Standing on an unstable surface, the healthy leg should be slightly bent at the knee. First you just need to learn how to balance and keep your balance. After mastering it, you can take the ball and, without losing a stable position, throw it at the wall and catch it. Exercise activates stabilizer muscles and restores balance.


You need to jump on each leg alternately along the line marked on the floor. With each jump you need to land on different sides. The hip muscles are strengthened, balance and coordination of movements are trained. By how easily this can be done, one can assess the degree of development of the joint after an ankle fracture.

On a roller

Alternately stand with your foot on the bolster, and with the other foot you need to perform moderate swings back and to the side. For stability, the leg standing on the roller must be slightly bent, while keeping it straight. You can use a loop of elastic tape attached to the bottom of the wall. It is put on the leg that swings.

You can simply stand on your leg while maintaining your balance using the elastic loop on your other leg. Legs must be alternated.

If you follow the doctor’s advice and your own desire and perseverance, joint mobility is completely restored in a fairly short time.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is very important, since a person’s continued ability to walk depends on its proper use. All the details of this period can be found in the article.

Symptoms of an ankle injury

Doctors note that this injury is characterized by the following typical signs:

  • Severe pain, the appearance of a crunch and hematoma in the damaged area;
  • The formation of edema and loss of general performance of the limb.

Usually, pain appears in a person at the moment of impact, but most often the person is in a state of passion and may not feel it at all. Later, he experiences severe pain and is unable to step on his injured leg. If you do not consult a doctor in time, a person may develop pain shock.

If a strong crunch is heard during the impact, this indicates that the bone is broken. If this is the case, the person will later experience swelling in the injured area. If large vessels are damaged, swelling may appear on the entire surface of the damaged limb.

The appearance of dark spots on the surface of the skin indicates the formation of a hematoma at the site of injury. It forms when there is internal bleeding in the soft tissues. This phenomenon leads to a decrease in the performance of the injured leg.

Types of Ankle Injuries

Doctors distinguish the following types of injuries:

  • Supination and pronation.
  • Isolated. They are divided into lateral and medial. The lateral ones appear on the outside, and the medial ones on the inside of the ankle.
  • Multiple. They are classified into bimalleolar and trimalleolar. The latter are characterized by avulsion of the posterior part of the tibia.
  • Injuries with ligament damage.
  • Closed and open fractures.
  • Ankle fracture with or without displacement.
  • Damage with the presence of irregularities in the ankle ring. They form between the ankle fork and the ligaments. These fractures are also divided into stable and unstable. With a stable fracture, the damage affects only one ankle. Unstable fractures are characterized by double or triple malleolar fractures, as well as the presence of ligament tears. Such injuries are also characterized by the presence of external subluxation in the foot.

Thus, if unpleasant signs appear in a limb, the person should be immediately taken to the hospital. Only an experienced doctor, based on examination and additional diagnostic procedures, can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

Rehabilitation after injury

Most people are often interested in the question of how long rehabilitation will take. Doctors note that if a person does not experience any complications after breaking an ankle and removing the cast, the recovery period will take from 1 to 2 months.

Complications that the patient may experience may include:

  • The presence of swelling in the soft tissues;
  • Decreased joint activity and lameness.

If the injury was accompanied by bone displacement and surgery was performed with a plate, the rehabilitation period will be extended to six months.

After removing the bandage, the patient is recommended to bandage the leg. An elastic bandage after a fracture is necessary to give the limb an optimal position. At first, the patient is prohibited from stepping on the injured leg while walking. He usually gets around on crutches. Only after 2 weeks a person is allowed to use a cane instead of crutches. If the patient does not know how to walk correctly with a cane, then this should be discussed with the attending physician in advance.

Remember that the severity of the injury will determine how your recovery from an ankle fracture will proceed and how long it will take.

In general, during the rehabilitation period the following tasks are solved:

  • We increase muscle tone and elasticity;
  • We get rid of congestion and swelling in the leg and normalize blood supply and lymph outflow;
  • We restore the mobility of the injured limb.

Only the attending physician can prescribe additional procedures necessary during the rehabilitation period.

Thus, the rehabilitation process after a displaced ankle fracture generally consists of the following important stages:

  1. The patient undergoing physical therapy. He is also prescribed physiotherapy and massage;
  2. Eating only healthy foods;
  3. Using medications and wearing orthopedic devices.

Physiotherapy Basics

Initially, the patient is prescribed electromagnetic therapy. Next, mud baths are used, as well as influencing the damaged limb using ultrasound, electrophoresis and heating.

If the patient has a displaced fracture, he is prescribed oxygen and pearl baths, as well as the use of underwater massage, thermal baths, applications with ozokerite, paraffin and mud.

If there is severe pain in the ankle area, physiotherapy includes the use of UHF, electrophoresis, and the use of an Almag-type device.

When bone healing is slow, extracorporeal shock wave therapy is used.

Exercise therapy for a broken ankle is not performed for the following categories of citizens:

  • If they have severe chronic diseases;
  • When diseases appear in the circulatory system;
  • With the development of neoplasms of both malignant and benign nature;
  • With a tendency to heavy bleeding.

Massage technique

Typically, massage after an ankle fracture is prescribed to the patient after he has completed several courses of physiotherapeutic procedures. Massage makes the muscles elastic, improves blood flow to the damaged area and lymph outflow, and it also helps to work out the joint better and restores the mobility of the limb.

In general, massage for an ankle fracture is based on performing light circular and flexion-extension movements. It is done either by an experienced doctor or by the patient himself if he has knowledge of massage techniques.

  1. With warmed hands, stroke the shin. Movements are made from below and move upward. You cannot press on the limb.
  2. Next, the ankle is worked with knuckles or fingertips. Circles are drawn on it, it is rubbed and lightly pinched.

Also during recovery, the patient is given baths with an aqueous solution of sea salt. To improve the healing process of the limb, various ointments and compresses are used during massage.

Ointments and their recipes:

  1. Mix: 50 ml of olive oil, 15 mg of copper sulfate, 20 mg of spruce resin and 1 finely chopped onion. The resulting paste is applied to the damaged area after a massage or bath.
  2. Mix rose oil and mummy. The composition should be applied 3 times a day.
  3. To get rid of bruises, fistulas and wounds in the first days after removing the bandage, many people recommend using badger fat.
  4. In order to get rid of severe pain, apply a compress with potato pulp to the problem area.
  5. Alcohol compresses are used to improve blood flow and get rid of swelling.

The patient undergoes about 5-10 sessions of therapeutic massage using various ointments.

Stages of securing fixing bandages

Fixing devices are:

  • Soft and elastic;
  • Semi-rigid and rigid;
  • Pressing and protective;
  • Treating and corrective;
  • Immobilizing.

Additionally, you can purchase orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles for your shoes. They help relieve swelling and prevent the development of flat feet.

Stages of physical therapy

One of the important components of the entire rehabilitation period is physical therapy. This is a set of special exercises that develop the limb and restore mobility in it. Therapeutic exercises after an ankle fracture relieve swelling and reduce the risk of such phenomena as post-traumatic flat feet, bone deformities, and heel spurs.

Typically, physical training is prescribed by doctors in the first days after osteosynthesis with minimal load, but then it gradually increases. The first few days of leg development are carried out with a physician, who selects exercises and monitors the correctness of their implementation. When the patient has learned the entire complex, therapeutic exercises for a broken ankle are performed at home.

  • The patient flexes and extends his toes and grasps any small objects with them.
  • Rolling a shady ball or small bottle between the soles of your feet.
  • Rotation of the ankle joint: first counterclockwise, and then clockwise.
  • Walking by rolling your feet from heel to toe.
  • Performing adduction and deviation of the foot from the shin.
  • Walking around the room in a half-squat.
  • Performing the “bicycle” exercise.

A person at home should bend and straighten the ankle joint as often as possible.

If during exercise therapy after a fracture the patient develops unpleasant symptoms, then you should seek advice from a specialist.

A list of actions that a patient should not perform during rehabilitation:

  • Jumping, running and leaning heavily on a limb and walking for a long time on the outside and inside of the foot;
  • Raise a limb while overcoming obstacles;
  • Ride a bike;
  • Practice active sports

Often, doctors, when answering the question of how to develop a leg after a fracture, recommend that patients sign up for a swimming pool.

What to eat during recovery

Physical therapy after a broken ankle is not the only way to quickly heal your leg. The patient also needs to know how his nutrition should be structured during a fracture. Every day his diet should contain elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins and mineral complexes. A specialist may also prescribe medications that increase the amount of calcium in the bones.

Failure to follow the recommendations of a specialist can lead to a person developing complications that are dangerous to his health, which can appear both during rehabilitation and after a certain period of time after it. Proper rehabilitation is the key to quick recovery and resumption of physical activity.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture

The most common leg injury is a broken ankle. To maintain the functionality of the ankle joint, you will need a proper diagnosis, correct treatment and rehabilitation after an ankle fracture.

Features of the rehabilitation period

After the cast is removed, serious complications occur due to the limb being immobilized for a long time. In particular:

  • swelling of soft tissues at the site of injury;
  • insufficient joint mobility;
  • lameness.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture, after the cast is removed, solves the following problems:

  • increasing the elasticity and tone of the muscle tissue of the lower leg and foot;
  • eliminating stagnation of blood and lymph, and, as a result, swelling;
  • restoration of mobility of the ankle joint and the entire limb.

The purpose of treatment and the duration of rehabilitation vary depending on the complexity of the fracture. If it is not complicated, then recovery after removing the plaster lasts up to two weeks. However, with a three- or two-malleolar fracture, the bone is damaged in several places, tissues, muscles and tendons are injured, which leads to prolonged treatment and recovery.

During a prolonged stay in a cast, the damaged limb becomes weak and inactive. The patient begins to walk with crutches, which eases the load on the injured leg. After two weeks, the crutches are replaced with a cane, and only after some time (depending on the type of fracture and the patient’s state of health) can the legs be given full load, standing on them with all the weight.

In order to restore the injured limb to its previous functionality, the following are prescribed: physiotherapy, massage, and therapeutic exercises.


Recovery from an ankle fracture begins with a course of electromagnetic therapy. Subsequently, mud baths, ultrasound, electrophoresis, and heating of the damaged joint are prescribed.

If a patient has an ankle fracture with internal osteosynthesis, then oxygen and pearl foot baths with underwater massage are prescribed. Additionally, thermal procedures are provided: applications of ozokerite, paraffin and mud. For pain in the ankle, UHF and electrophoresis are performed. If bone healing is slow, extracorporeal shock wave therapy is prescribed.

All of the above procedures are painless and are used to restore blood circulation in the leg and eliminate swelling.

Contraindications to physiotherapy:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic organs;
  • the presence of malignant and benign tumors;
  • tendency to bleed.


Massage for an ankle fracture is prescribed after completing a course of physiotherapy. With the help of massage, it is possible to restore endurance to stress in the limbs, elasticity and mobility of muscles, improve blood and lymph circulation, and develop joints.

Massage of the ankle after a fracture is carried out in the area of ​​​​the injury - alternate flexion and extension of the leg is performed with light circular movements. The procedure is carried out by a specialist, or by the patient himself at home, if he has the necessary skills or after completing training.

  • With preheated palms, the shin is stroked from bottom to top, and then rubbed;
  • Use your knuckles or fingertips to walk along the ankle using circular, rubbing and pinching movements.

During the rehabilitation period, twice a day, the patient is prescribed foot baths using an aqueous solution of sea salt (20 g of salt is taken per 1 liter of warm water).

For massage, you can use ointments and compresses consisting of ingredients that promote rapid healing of the fracture:

  • For 50 ml of olive oil, take 15 g of copper sulfate, 20 g of spruce resin, one onion chopped with a knife - everything is mixed and the mass is applied to the damaged area after a massage session;
  • Shilajit is added to rose oil, and the resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the ankle;
  • badger fat is especially useful in the first few weeks after removing the plaster cast, as it eliminates hematomas, fistulas and wounds;
  • to reduce pain, apply a compress of peeled, grated raw potatoes;
  • alcohol lotions increase blood flow and eliminate swelling.

The duration of a massage course during rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is from 5 sessions, ideally 10–20 procedures.

Fixing bandages

During the development of the leg, during the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture, the patient is recommended to use a special brace that supports the fragile ankle, eliminates the possibility of additional injury and correctly distributes the load when walking.

A retainer is purchased as prescribed by a doctor, since bandages are produced in a variety of ways:

The latter is used during rehabilitation after a displaced ankle fracture - the clamp holds the bones well in place.


Exercise therapy for an ankle fracture is an important component of the rehabilitation process, which is a set of simple exercises for developing and fully restoring ankle mobility. Therapeutic exercises after an ankle fracture are prescribed first every other day with a minimal load, which gradually increases, and then daily.

Physical therapy for an ankle fracture, after removing the cast, eliminates swelling, prevents the appearance of post-traumatic flat feet, and eliminates bone deformation and the formation of heel spurs.

The first few classes are conducted with the help of an instructor, who selects a special set of procedures individually for each patient. A physical therapy doctor shows how to develop a leg after an ankle fracture and corrects the patient’s movements. After fully mastering the rules of gymnastic exercise, the patient can perform them at home.

Exercises for a broken ankle:

  • flexion and extension of the toes, grasping small objects with them;
  • rolling a tennis ball or glass bottle with your feet;
  • circular rotations of the ankle - counterclockwise and clockwise;
  • walking, rolling from heel to toe;
  • adduction and deviation of the foot from the tibia;
  • moving around the room in a half-squat;
  • “bicycle” – circular movements of the legs while lying on your back.

In addition to basic exercises, therapeutic exercises for an ankle fracture include slow flexion and extension of the damaged joint, which is carried out at any convenient time, as often as possible.

If after any procedure your leg becomes swollen or painful, you should consult a specialist to prevent further complications.

During the rehabilitation period it is prohibited:

  • run and jump;
  • lean on the injured limb;
  • Walk on the outer and inner parts of the foot:
  • overcome obstacles on the road;
  • make long walks;
  • ride a bike;
  • active sports;
  • dancing;
  • strength exercises.


Rehabilitation of the ankle bones after a fracture is impossible without properly selected nutrition. The menu of a sick person should be rich in foods high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, essential vitamins and minerals. It is possible to additionally use calcium supplements, which are prescribed by a specialist.

The largest medical portal dedicated to damage to the human body

Rehabilitation after removal of the cast for an ankle fracture (malleolus) takes on average about 60 days. However, this period may be prolonged if the fracture was of a complex type, there are concomitant or previously suffered pathologies of bone tissue, other diseases that impede the process of bone consolidation, the patient does not perform all the procedures that the doctor individually prescribed, taking into account all the nuances of the state of health, gender and age limit .

Duration of immobilization

Treatment of uncomplicated ankle fractures begins with the comparison of bone fragments and their fixation with traditional natural or modern polymer gypsum mixtures.

The timing of plaster removal directly depends on the severity of the injury.

If, at the end of the allotted standard time allotted for healing of a particular type of fracture, the control x-ray shows displacement, then it is necessary to perform a re-reduction and begin the countdown until the cast is removed again. If the doctor considers it necessary, re-matching can be done using osteosynthesis, after which a rigid type of immobilization is not needed, and the postoperative sutures, until they are removed after 7-10 days, are covered with an antiseptic bandage.

If a plastic cast with a zipper or an orthosis was used to fix the fracture, then they can and should be removed periodically to ventilate the skin and carry out physical procedures, a list of which will be presented below.

Attention! You can begin to wear a cast on your leg only after your doctor’s permission.

Medicines and measures for the rehabilitation period

Post-traumatic rehabilitation is aimed at complete functional restoration of the damaged joint.

It includes the following forms and methods of treatment:

  • Exercise therapy – morning exercises, a set of exercises for a broken leg, training on exercise machines, dosed walking and swimming;
  • therapeutic massage, acupuncture;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures - interference therapy with low frequency currents, electrophoresis, infrared and UV irradiation;
  • adherence to the principles of healthy eating and giving up bad habits.

If the victim’s leg was immobilized with a regular plaster mixture, then a massage, the first of 10 sessions, is prescribed on the same or the next day.

Advice. Don’t be shy and ask your massage therapist to teach you how to perform self-massage of the lower leg and ankle according to all the rules of this necessary medical procedure.

Rehabilitation will be more effective if you wear comfortable shoes, silicone insoles, and then orthopedic silicone arches, which will become an additional barrier to the development of ankle defects. It will not be superfluous to wear special compression products, but during the period of performing therapeutic exercises to develop the joint, the “elastic helpers” must be removed.

Medication support

In order for the treatment to be more intensive, and increasing physical stress on the joint not to cause discomfort, you can and should use pharmaceuticals.

What ointments should be used and when to use should be advised by a doctor, because they are available with both narrowly targeted and combined actions:

  • to relieve swelling - indovazine, heparin, lyoton, lizonil;
  • anti-inflammatory – diclofenac, voltaren, ibuprofen, fastum-gel;
  • painkillers - nurofen, ketorolac, nise, diklak.

All of these drugs are good in the first and second stages of treatment, and according to sports orthopedists, the best ointment after an ankle fracture, especially in the later stages of rehabilitation, is troxevasin. They advise limiting yourself to only this remedy along with taking the pills of the same name.

If necessary, take painkillers in tablet form, remembering to alternate them, and to prevent swelling, patients are advised to rest lying down with their legs elevated.

Important! Do not use ointments and gels with a warming effect, such as finalgon or capsicum, without a doctor’s prescription. They can cause the development of an inflammatory process. There is still fierce debate on this matter. So don't take any chances. To improve blood supply, it is better to give physical activity to the joint.

Many doctors recommend taking chondroprotectors for intra-articular fractures. However, these drugs are not only expensive and require a minimum dose of six months, but are also drugs with unproven effectiveness.

Dosed walking

The load should gradually increase in time and footage, and the following are gradually added to normal walking:

  • going up and down stairs, uphill and downhill, working on a step platform;
  • walking backwards;
  • walking on the heels, low and high toes;
  • side steps and jumps;
  • cross steps;
  • walking in lunges and on bent knees;
  • running at alternating speeds;
  • jumping on two legs, and then on the affected leg, in place and with movement;
  • walking and running barefoot on sand, grass, asphalt and stones of various sizes;
  • walking with support on hands and in single file.

Attention! Alternating walking on the outer and inner sides of the foot is prohibited. The type that should be done specifically for you should be prescribed by a doctor.

Typically, the limiter of motor load is the occurrence of discomfort or mild pain in the joint. However, according to individual indications, the doctor may prescribe walking, stepping on the foot correctly or performing exercises through pain.


When swimming, the main focus should be on movements in the ankle joints. Breaststroke and Crawl are good for this, both on the stomach and on the back. At the same time, you can forget about moving your arms and swim with a board.

After 4-5 workouts, it is recommended to gradually increase the load on the ankles, wearing special shortened and then regular fins. You won't be bored in the pool. The swimming coach on duty will suggest many different movements for a broken leg.

On a note. The inability to swim well and/or a ban on prolonged aerobic exercise should not be a barrier to visiting the pool. In the first case, the coach will come to the rescue, and in the second, he will show you a place on the track where you can swim in place, holding on to the side.

Exercises to develop the ankle joint

Gymnastics has a huge arsenal of physical exercises, including those performed with apparatus or devices. We do not present the original video in this article.

Here are a few photos of the exercises that everyone can do after removing the cast.

How to start walking after a broken ankle without crutches and with a cane

Why is it so important to undergo rehabilitation?

Putting a cast on the leg

A displaced ankle fracture is a serious injury that, if complicated, can leave a person with a limp for life. Even operating on her is very difficult. Patients who ignore the recommendations of their attending physician are the ones who end up with this outcome.

A displaced fracture of two ankles requires intensive rehabilitation after surgery, since it is the most serious type of injury. It requires special care. Other possible complications, barring a double fracture where a plate or screw is inserted frequently, include:

  • constant pain when walking;
  • increased weather sensitivity;
  • partial cessation of motor function;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin at the site of injury;
  • muscle rupture;
  • damaged ligament;
  • deformed appearance of the ankle.

Anesthesia briefly reduces sensitivity, but then disappears and leaves the patient alone with pain. This can also be considered a complication that will not go away immediately.

A structure formed during the regeneration of bone tissue after a bone fracture during the normal course of the fracture healing process; it is connective tissue formed at the fracture site.

Types of restoration complexes

There are several varieties:

Depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, the rehabilitation period can last from 7 to 21 days; medicine offers the following rehabilitation conditions for a speedy recovery of the patient after an ankle fracture:

  • massages;
  • electromagnetic therapy (heating, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure);
  • hydrotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.


You can understand that this injury has occurred by the following signs:

  • severe pain;
  • a crunch is heard;
  • hematoma formation;
  • presence of swelling;
  • incapacity of the lower limb.

Taking medications

Calcium supplements for ankle recovery

Recovery from an ankle fracture is largely determined by the ability of the bones to regenerate. To normalize fusion and improve overall well-being, the doctor prescribes calcium supplements, immunomodulators and chondroitins.

The first group of funds includes:

  1. Osteogenon - the pharmacological property of the tablets is characterized by the fusion and strengthening of bone tissue, the restoration of metabolic reactions in the bones of the lower leg. The drug contains calcium, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. Directions for use: 4 tablets per day. The duration of the course is determined by the traumatologist.
  2. Calcemin is a complex medicine containing vitamin D3 and calcium. These components are involved in the formation of bones and joints, connective tissue. The drug is used after meals, the duration is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the injury.

Immunomodulators are aimed at strengthening protective functions, they help in the fight against various diseases, including providing strength for complete and accelerated fusion of bone tissue. Effective drugs include:

  1. Timalin is an effective immunostimulating medicine, which contains thymus gland obtained from the thymus gland of cattle. Available in powders and injections. It has pronounced pharmacological properties and is used strictly under medical supervision. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, hypersensitivity and bronchial asthma.
  2. Rumanol is a solution of animal origin for deep intramuscular injections. The drug is also taken for sprained ankles. It has a pronounced stimulating and chondroprotective effect, which has a positive effect on the condition of bones and joints, promoting their rapid healing.

Prescribed by a traumatologist, it has contraindications and side effects. It is administered 2 times during the year or 4 times for severe bone damage. In case of fractures, the duration is determined by 6 weeks, the exact period is determined by the doctor.

Medicines with chondroitin have a pronounced regenerating effect and help treat after an ankle fracture after removing the plaster splint.

Popular and effective means:

  1. Teraflex is an effective drug that contains the main component - chondroitin sulfate. This substance stimulates the synthesis of bone and cartilage, restores connective tissue and prevents the formation of inflammatory processes. Take the drug 3 times a day, 1 capsule for 3 weeks, with a glass of water. Contraindicated in pregnant women, those with intolerance, liver disease and children under 15 years of age.
  2. Chondroitin is an effective remedy, available in various dosage forms - tablets, powder, gel and injections. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect, promotes increased regeneration of bones, cartilage and joints.

Tablets are used for 6 months, gel for 3 months, powder for 1 month. Injections are measured in courses; until complete recovery, the patient must be pierced 35 times.

Rehabilitation forecasts with and without special procedures

Massage after a broken leg

How long does it take for a displaced ankle fracture to heal after a complex operation? From 1.5 to 4 months depending on the type and severity of the injury. A fracture of the talus will take longer to heal than a fracture of the fibula, and a dislocated bone will finally snap back into place faster than both types.

With additional therapy, the period (postoperative) is reduced to 2.5 months. Such positive feedback is left by people who have undergone therapy.

Without it, taking into account the possibility of complications, therapy can be extended for 6 or even 12 months.

Ankle recovery massage

In addition to physical therapy, patients are prescribed massage courses after removing the immobilizing bandage. Thanks to massage, blood and lymphatic flow in the area of ​​injury is improved, metabolic processes are accelerated, which helps reduce pain, swelling and normalize limb regeneration.

Restoring a leg after a broken ankle using massage can be done at home. But the first sessions should be carried out by a qualified doctor using painkillers, anti-inflammatory ointments and gels. In the future, the procedure is carried out without them.

The duration of the massage is up to 10 - 20 sessions, 2 times a day - morning and evening. After several procedures, you are allowed to switch to home rehabilitation, after consulting with a traumatologist, resuscitator and massage therapist.

Special ointments with regenerating properties help speed up the fusion of the bone material of the ankle. You can rub them into the affected area yourself with light massaging movements. Do not put too much pressure on the bone; after each massage, the limb is fixed with an elastic bandage.

Ankle rehabilitation at home

Ankle rupture

To fully restore the ankle after breaking the integrity of the bone, it is necessary to perform rehabilitation not only in the hospital, but also at home. Most often they resort to physical therapy, massage, and nutrition correction.

You must first consult with your doctor about how to conduct self-therapy.


Physical education will help develop joints and muscles and restore them to motor activity. Thanks to it, the consequences of plaster are eliminated - swelling, impaired blood and lymph circulation, and the limb is strengthened, after which it will be easier for the patient to learn to walk.

Proper use of the leg after a broken ankle should be performed immediately after the cast. It is also recommended to start doing exercises at this time.

The duration of gymnastics on the first day should be 5-10 minutes, the load is minimal. As time increases, you should gradually increase your movements and try to stand on your leg with almost your full weight.

You can do the following exercises at home:

  1. Standing on your healthy leg and holding onto a chair or other support, you need to swing forward, backward, right, left. Movements should be carried out carefully, without rushing.
  2. Lying on the bed or sofa, we pull our socks towards ourselves, away from ourselves and move our toes.
  3. It is necessary to walk longer - on your heels, toes, walking barefoot on stones is useful.
  4. Sitting or standing with your bare foot, you need to roll the ball - to the side, forward, left, right, pressing on it with your foot.
  5. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. To begin with, train your step at home, under the supervision of family and friends.
  6. Starting position: standing, back straight. Holding onto a chair, you need to slowly lift your sore leg up. After doing 5-10 repetitions, you can rest.
  7. Lying on a hard surface, we raise our legs, stretch out our socks and begin to pull them towards ourselves - away from ourselves. During the exercise, we monitor our own well-being; if it becomes painful, we stop.

Examination of a leg after a fracture

About food

Rehabilitation of the ankle bones after a fracture is impossible without properly selected nutrition. The menu of a sick person should be rich in foods high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, essential vitamins and minerals.

It is possible to additionally use calcium supplements, which are prescribed by a specialist.

By ignoring your doctor’s advice, there is a risk of complications that can appear either immediately or after several years. If the patient’s rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is complete and proper care is provided, then recovery will not take long.

comments powered by HyperComments

I am a vegetarian, so during the fracture I did not eat the recommended “jelly”, “fish”, “meat”. Instead I took calcium D3 and Omega 6.

I don’t know if this affected the fusion of the bone, but nevertheless. At the same time, I ate quite a lot of dairy products: cottage cheese, yoghurts, cheesecakes.

My diet hasn't changed much.



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