Getting sick often is unusual for him. Frequent colds in adults

Why do I often get colds? This question arises for many adults. The norm is considered to be from one to two viral diseases in year, if they take place during the season of increased activity of microorganisms that cause illness. More frequent colds in adults are a reason to think about the state of your own body, its defenses and their strengthening.

A small child can pick up viral infections quite often, when entering kindergarten or high school if he wasn't in preschool institution, he gets sick about 6 times a year, sometimes more, and this is considered the norm. With age, the number of colds decreases. This indicates strengthening of the immune system.

What is immunity?

The immune system has several lines of defense.

  • When an antigen penetrates, that is, cells hostile to the body, phagocytes begin to be intensively produced, which are able to capture and extinguish the activity of enemies of health.
  • Next line – humoral immunity. Special blood proteins (immunoglobulins) block the active molecules of the harmful virus.
  • Nonspecific immunity is the epidermis, a special structure of the mucous membranes. All this is designed to prevent hostile cells from entering deep into the body.
  • If it happened that the virus still got inside cell membrane, the protein interferon begins to be produced. It is at this moment that a person’s temperature rises.

Why does immunity decrease?

Constant colds are a sign that protective forces the body malfunctioned. Today this process occurs due to a number of factors:

  • Insufficient activity. The human body is designed for movement. A modern comfortable lifestyle, especially in the city, involves hours and days spent lying down and sitting position, labor automation. In such conditions.
  • Little time spent outdoors. This is both a lack of oxygen and a lack of hardening, which negatively affects health.
  • Fatty, heavy, processed and refined foods that enter the body in abundance.
  • The stress associated with many activities, the urban rhythm of life.
  • Various kinds electromagnetic radiation, continuous noise, inability to sleep through the night in the dark (street advertising, street lights).
  • Alcohol, nicotine and others bad habits.
  • Recently, scientists have argued that the higher the sterility, the more a person uses antibacterial soap and wipes, and tidies up, the more often they suffer from colds.
  • An imbalance of microflora in the intestines leads to a general weakening of the body.

How to determine the fact of decreased immunity?

Frequent colds - serious signal to take care of your health. However, there are other signs by which this problem can be identified.

Firstly, a person constantly feels tired and drowsy. Many people complain that when they get up in the morning, “it’s as if they never went to bed.” Saved all the time persistent desire lie down, close your eyes, don’t want to do anything.

The second sign is disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs. This could be regular constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, bloating, heartburn.

Allergy is a powerful factor in reducing the body’s defenses and, at the same time, its consequence. This phenomenon represents a malfunction of the immune system when it begins to work against itself.

You should pay attention to the condition of your hair, skin, and nails. Dryness, fragility, dull color - all this indicates disorders that can lead to such phenomena as frequent ARVI.

Skin rashes also indicate a malfunction of the immune system.

If any of the chronic pathologies, this also speaks of problems and weakness of the body.

Methods to strengthen the immune system

The fact that an adult often gets sick is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. It is important to find the reasons that have weakened the body, begin to eliminate them, and most importantly, figure out how to increase immunity. Exists whole line natural ways strengthening it to protect the body, however, they require patience, consistency and a certain amount of self-discipline.

  • Changing the power system. As you know, a person is what he eats. You will get colds less often if you exclude them from your diet. junk food or at least reduce the amount of fatty, fried, processed and fast food. The most conducive to stopping getting sick is a plant-based diet. Vegetables and fruits are not only a storehouse of vitamins that help resist colds. It is also fiber, which improves intestinal function, microelements necessary for beautiful and healthy skin and hair.

Pay attention to including complex carbohydrates in your menu. Very often people believe that there is no difference between porridge that is diluted with boiling water and the one that has to be boiled. This is wrong. Real grains, especially for breakfast, provide a supply of energy for a long time and provide the body with necessary substances and help increase its protection.

  • Acute respiratory diseases, including rhinitis, always begin with a disruption of the nasal mucosa. The goblet cells that cover its surface dry out due to central or stove heating during the cold period, so viruses penetrate into the body. What to do to avoid getting sick? It is important to protect your home from harmful microorganisms. Buy an air humidifier, don’t be lazy to hang wet sheets on the radiators, regularly ventilate your living space, and you need to create a draft once a day.
  • Why do people often get colds? Sometimes it’s enough to feel a little cold while standing at a bus stop or walking with a dog - and the disease is already right there. The point is the lack of hardening. Of course, such a procedure requires consistency and daily implementation, but the result is worth it. Hardening should begin with rubbing, then proceed to pouring cool water over the legs and arms, gradually increasing the area and lowering the temperature. Sleeping with the window open, at least in the next room, will play a big role.
  • People with high immunity do not neglect regular walks. It is not for nothing that parents and educators of young children kindergarten They try to take him outside every day. City dwellers are accustomed to thinking that they have enough for a walk. short period when they leave the premises and get into the car, in public transport, or vice versa. To boost your immunity, you need to be outside, try to do it every day. A physical activity, combined with a walk, will bring double benefits to your body.

Preventive measures

During the season of cold weather and illness, when a runny nose in an adult is common, you can help yourself with natural remedies. They are often much cheaper and more effective than store-bought vitamins.

Why does it hurt so many people? frequent runny nose? The point is overdrying the mucous membrane and disrupting the functioning of the villi, which do not allow viruses to enter. To restore their function, regularly moisturize your nasal passages by irrigating them with saline solution or sea salt sprays.

Drink sufficient quantity clean raw still water. Its deficiency provokes a decline in immunity and weakness of the whole body. The norm for a healthy person who does not have kidney problems is from one and a half to two liters per day. This is approximately 8 glasses.

good preventive measure will become a habit of adding a slice of lemon, a spoonful of honey or a little bit of water to the water in the morning fresh ginger . This drink will be a real vitamin blow to viruses, and in addition, it will improve the functioning of the intestines and make the skin and hair more beautiful.

It is good to drink rosehip decoction, which will give the body a boost of vitamin C and the strength to fight diseases. You can brew the berries with boiling water in a thermos overnight and drink them instead of tea throughout the day.

Instead of synthetic vitamins It is worth using a mixture that is popularly called “Five Hares”. In a meat grinder or food processor, 200 grams of dried apricots, walnuts, prunes, one whole lemon with peel and three tablespoons of honey are ground until smooth. It's fragrant and delicious medicine You can eat one teaspoon per day for each family member. It is important not to overdo it because the mixture can cause allergic reaction and a considerable load on the heart muscle.

Don't forget about essential oils. If there is no infants, and none of your loved ones have a reaction, start an aroma lamp or just apply a few drops on home textiles– curtains, bed linen. It's good to use oil tea tree, eucalyptus or fir.

Replacement of regular teas and coffees herbal decoctions and natural fruit drinks will strengthen the body’s defenses, allowing it to resist various kinds acute respiratory diseases.

Without strong immunity active is not possible full life. Only taking care of it and regularly strengthening it will allow you to do what you love, and not lie in bed many times a year. If we are talking about truly frequent colds in adults and their causes, then how to increase immunity is a question that definitely needs to be understood!

Frequent colds can have various reasons, ranging from "worrying" to "very serious". Finding the true cause of frequent colds means ruling out or confirming every possibility - in other words, making a diagnosis.

Diagnosis is usually difficult process Due to the huge number of possible causes and symptoms associated with frequent colds, however, the main factors can be grouped into a small group:

  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Food allergies
  • Selenium deficiency
  • Weakened immune system
  • High histamine levels
  • Allergy to milk
  • Impact environment
  • Poor hygiene

Below we will talk in detail about some of the reasons why you have frequent colds.

Frequent colds are constant viral attacks

The most common cold viruses are called rhinoviruses (40% of all colds). By and large, the most important thing you should know about cold viruses is that rhinoviruses are real fans of cold weather. Rhinoviruses reproduce (produce offspring) fastest at a body temperature of 33-35 ° C. This simply means that if your body temperature is low, you are more likely to end up carrying the common cold virus. Coronaviruses cause about 20% of colds, while respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus cause 10% of colds

Constant colds love a cold body

The main changes in body temperature throughout the day depend on your activity level. Typically, body temperature is lowest in the morning. This is the best time to measure your body temperature. Lie quietly in bed under the covers, do nothing, just relax and take the measurement. Temperatures below 36.5°C may contribute to recurring colds. Don't be surprised if you see 34.5°C or 35.5°C on your thermometer. Such low temperatures are common for people with metabolic problems and weak immune systems.
You may not be aware, but some foods can make your body colder. Below is a chart of cold and heat foods so you can always remember which foods to avoid if you are prone to constant colds.

Environment can cause frequent colds

The cold of the body and the environment can “complement” each other. If you often get colds, using air conditioning and traveling to Salekhard may not be on your list of priorities. The environment plays a big role in your health. Where you work and where you live can have a significant impact on how often you get colds. If you work in an air-conditioned room where the cold wind blows directly at you, you will be more prone to catching colds. If you live in a cold, damp climate, this certainly doesn't help strengthen your immune system. The damp cold is very dangerous factor risk for those people who have frequent colds.

Constant colds? Check products

The foods you choose also affect your body temperature. That's why you shouldn't eat salads in winter, and it's wise not to forget about chili peppers. Traditional Chinese medicine very wise when it comes to energy and food. Cold people should avoid cold foods: wheat, tomatoes, citrus fruits, bananas, yogurt, and cucumber. Instead, they should consume more warm foods: garlic, ginger, cinnamon, oats, lamb, trout, coconut. If you don’t understand the rules of food energy, you can make things worse for yourself. You may think you're eating healthy, but it doesn't meet your energy needs. For example, yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch and a sandwich white bread, will make you colder in the future. This is the menu good idea for heat, but this is bad news if you have recurring colds.

Hypoglycemia and frequent colds

Low sugar, a condition called hypoglycemia, is a common reason for cooling off, but that doesn't mean you need to kick it up a notch. Low blood sugar is not due to low level sugar in the diet, but due to the inability to maintain stable blood sugar levels in the liver. There are several causes of hypoglycemia. Although hypoglycemia is one of the causes of persistent colds, we hope this situation does not apply to you.

Allergies and frequent colds

Low sugar can also happen after eating a food that you are allergic/sensitive to. Your sudden yawning, drowsiness, or low energy could simply be a sign that your body's sugar levels are low. Check your temperature at the time of these symptoms and see if it has dropped. Remember that body temperature does not decrease due to every food allergies and intolerance, but in some cases. Keep a list of foods that cause your temperature to drop handy - avoiding these foods can prevent your body from becoming unnecessarily cool and thus minimize the incidence of colds.

A weakened immune system causes frequent colds

Weakened immunity means that a person's immune system is unable to fight antigens. Antigens are like that harmful substances, So:

  • bacteria
  • toxins
  • cancer cells
  • viruses
  • mushrooms
  • allergens (eg pollen)
  • foreign blood or tissue

IN healthy body, the invading antigen meets with antibodies, proteins that destroy harmful substances. However, in some people, the immune system does not work as well as it should and is unable to produce effective antibodies to prevent illness, particularly the common cold.
You may inherit immune system disorders or they may come from malnutrition ( an insufficient amount vitamins and nutrients). Any immune system also tends to weaken with age. Therefore, older people get colds more often than middle-aged people.

Poor hygiene and frequent colds

Dirty hands “pick up” constant colds

Your hands come into contact with many germs throughout the day. If you don't wash your hands regularly and then touch your face, lips, or food, you can spread viruses and infect yourself.

Simply washing your hands with running water and antibacterial soap for 20 seconds will help you stay healthy and avoid illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria. Use disinfectants for hands when clean water and soap are not available.

Clean countertops, doorknobs, and electronics surfaces (like your phone, tablet, and computer) with wipes when you're sick. To prevent frequent colds, you need to wash your hands:

  • before and after cooking
  • before meals
  • before and after caring for a sick person
  • before and after wound treatment
  • after using the bathroom
  • after changing diapers or helping a child
  • after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
  • after touching animals or handling waste or food
  • after processing the garbage

Poor oral health and frequent colds

Teeth are not only the mirror of your health, but also the door to your body, and your mouth is a safe haven for good and bad bacteria. When you're not sick, your body's natural defenses keep your mouth healthy. Daily brushing and flossing also removes dangerous bacteria and viruses. But when pests get out of control, it can make you sick and cause inflammation and problems elsewhere in your body.

Long-term, chronic problems with the oral cavity can have great consequences. Poor health dental problems are associated with several problems, including:

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, you should brush and floss at least twice a day (especially after meals) and visit your dentist regularly.

Hypothyroidism and persistent colds

The term means low function thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism probably affects hundreds of thousands of people, but diagnosis is not always easy or straightforward. Clinical signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include many health problems, including such as a persistent cold or flu:

Low body temperature (as mentioned above, low temperature body affects the rate at which cold viruses multiply), dry skin/hair (red hair is at particular risk for hypothyroidism), inappropriate weight gain and/or inability to lose weight, brittle nails, insomnia and/or narcolepsy, short-term memory and poor concentration, fatigue, headaches pain and migraines, premenstrual syndrome and related problems, disorders menstrual cycle, depression, hair loss (including eyebrows), low motivation and ambition, cold hands and feet, fluid retention, dizziness, irritability, skin problems/infections/ acne, infertility, dry eyes/blurred vision, heat and/or cold intolerance, low blood pressure, increased level cholesterol, digestive problems (irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, constipation, etc.), lack of coordination, decreased libido, decreased or excessive sweating, frequent colds/sore throats, asthma/allergies, slow healing, itching, recurrent infections, food intolerance, increased susceptibility to abuse psychoactive substances, anxiety attacks/panic attacks, yellow-orange discoloration of the skin (especially the palms), yellow bumps on the eyelids, slow speech, fluid in the ears, etc.

Adrenal fatigue and frequent colds

Although adrenal fatigue resembles hypothyroidism in some aspects, there are also significant differences between these states. Hypothyroidism usually occurs with a number of key symptoms, although each person experiences thyroid dysfunction differently. In case of adrenal fatigue, individual experience even more diverse, since metabolism depends on the adrenal glands. The circadian nature of adrenal function often means that certain time day/night will be more troublesome than others; This circadian pattern is not observed in thyroid problems. More common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are listed below:

  • Loss of energy in different time per day
  • anxiety
  • Sugar/salt cravings
  • Poor appetite in the morning
  • sensitivity to loud noises
  • sleep disorders
  • episodes of hypoglycemia
  • frequent colds/infections
  • palpitations/chest pain
  • thin, brittle nails

Similarities between adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism

  • Low Energy
  • Constant colds
  • Cold hands
  • Low body temperature
  • Weight gain
  • Sluggish digestion

It may be noted that many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism were present in cases of confirmed adrenal fatigue and vice versa. This is intercom between the thyroid and adrenal glands, which is often referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal thyroid axis. Both of these glands are associated with energy production, and their work balances each other.

Denial of responsibility : The information presented in this article about common colds is intended to inform the reader only and is not a substitute for consultation with a healthcare professional.

It is not a very serious disease, but its symptoms in the form of a runny nose, cough and body temperature of 37.7 degrees often knock you down and simply do not allow you to move on. After a week, of course, we recover and feel incredible relief, remembering the cold, how horrible dream. But how to deal with such a phenomenon as constant colds.

Reasons for the development of persistent frequent colds

No matter how unnatural it may sound, many psychologists argue that the cause of the disease is often uncertainty and low self-esteem. A person endlessly loads himself with work, not giving himself the opportunity to rest. And a cold is perceived as the only true right to a well-deserved rest. But such a lifestyle entails a lack of energy and strength, which does not allow the body to fight viral infections and leads to colds that develop into permanent state body. But this is the opinion of psychologists. In addition, there are a number of factors that cause frequent colds.

Main of and especially common cause Constantly recurring colds are a careless and irresponsible attitude towards oneself and one’s health. The need to run out into the cold as quickly as possible warm room, is at that moment more important than being one minute late, but nevertheless the opportunity to throw on warm outerwear.

Having bad habits - possible reason persistent colds such as:

Frequent overeating;


Lack of a healthy lifestyle, constant overwork, inability to eat regularly and properly - all these are also causes of the disease. And there are many more factors that we do not highlight and do not pay enough attention to.

Prevention of persistent colds

If a person’s immunity is severely weakened, then he simply cannot avoid constant illness. Immunity is given to man by nature to protect himself from all sorts of diseases. But humanity has not been able to use this “gift” correctly, and as a result, all children are now born with already weakened immunity. The environment also influences junk food and bad habits. Therefore, to prevent frequent colds, all children need infancy start hardening. This could be activities in the pool, proper massage, daily walks, maintaining the correct temperature in the apartment, balanced and healthy food, exercises for development physical health. All this contributes proper development and strengthening necessary immunity. Which means absolutely healthy man will be able to forget about such a disease as a cold.

Currently, there are more than 460 items in our country various drugs for the prevention of disease from more than 20 countries. But their action does not always effectively restore and strengthen the immune system, often only, on the contrary, weakening it.

Tips for preventive treatment frequent colds

In addition to the medications mentioned above, which are necessary for the prevention of frequent colds and strong immunity, there are several more points that every adult and every parent should take into account.

You need to drink more fluid. Water washes the human body, re-degrades and removes toxins.

Fresh air. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, this is very important, since with central heating of the room, the mucous membrane becomes drier, as a result of which the human body becomes more vulnerable to influenza and cold viruses.

Charger. Exercise will help protect the body from frequent colds. It helps accelerate the exchange of oxygen between circulatory system and lungs. Charging exercises favor an increase in human body, so-called killer cells.

Fortified food. Must be eaten large quantity red, dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables.

Say no to alcohol to prevent frequent colds. Just like nicotine, alcohol abuse greatly reduces immune system person.

Know how to relax. If you learn to relax, you will be able to activate your immune system. After all, when the human body is in a relaxed state, the amount of interleukins increases in the bloodstream, which are responsible for the immune response in defense against influenza and cold viruses.

How to treat regular frequent colds?

Many people who are prone to frequent colds try to cure them, without even trying to find out the root cause of such diseases. After all, getting rid of the irritant that regularly affects the resumption of colds in the body will allow you to get rid of such an illness forever. Pay attention great attention your health, allow yourself a break from work, because you won’t earn all the money, even if you devote yourself entirely to this process. Every person deserves the right to healthy image life, with small joys and the right to regular good rest, and no one is an exception.

There are often cases when a persistent cold is the first symptom of some more serious disease. Psychotherapists won’t let you lie about this: constant colds for neurotics are a sad and harsh life norm. Also, constant colds may indicate that the sick person suffers from low self-esteem. He works tirelessly, not allowing himself to enjoy life and breathe full breasts. Such people subconsciously program themselves for illness, considering them the only possible reason for rest.

Treating the disease in such cases is a futile exercise. The first thing you need to do is deal with psychological reasons colds, become more self-confident, start loving yourself and being proud of yourself. And finally, give yourself the right to regular entertainment and relaxation. Then constant illnesses will be a mere memory.

Really, what should you do if you get sick often? First and most importantly, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. But, how? More on this later.

So, what should a person do if he gets sick very often? Not just every winter, but from almost any breeze and during any epidemics, as well as without them.

Until recently, doctors prescribed antibiotics for the slightest reason; even if you are sick with ARVI, even if you have an acute respiratory infection. So why prescribe antibiotics to patients at the slightest inflammatory process, you ask. Why are they poisoning us? The answer is simple. This profitable business. Produce a lot of cheap chemicals and sell them at tens or even hundreds of times more expensive.

Harm of synthetic antibiotics

Unlike the first (penicillin) antibiotics, the new generation of antibiotics have very wide range actions and therefore they are able to kill almost all bacteria (beneficial or harmful). But that's not all the harm! The worst thing is that pathogenic microflora reacts quite quickly to such “harassment” and adapts to the drugs. As a result, after about 2-3 months, new strains of bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic you are taking appear in your body. Beneficial microflora do not have such abilities to restore and adapt.

What do we see as a result of such a “vaccination”? Pathogenic microorganisms become stronger, they bombard the body weakened with our help (we killed beneficial microflora)… and further, at various kinds pathogens, there is a great opportunity to settle in our body and destroy it in more and more new ways. Here are the most serious diseases for you, immunodeficiency states, old age diseases V at a young age, malignant neoplasms, and so on.

If you get sick often, there is a way out - natural remedies

I wonder what gift you would give very important person? In biblical times, some incense and spices were worth their weight in gold, so they were even presented as gifts to kings. It is not surprising that among the gifts that astrologers brought to the “king of the Jews” (Jesus) were incense.

The Bible also says that the Queen of Sheba, while visiting King Solomon, gave him, among other things, balsam oil (2 Chronicles 9:9). Other kings also sent Solomon balsam oil as a sign of their favor. In the past, balsam oil and wine were used for many purposes, including medicinal ones. Until now, nothing better than existing essential oils has been invented against many types of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. Many of them are more powerful than the strongest antibiotics. You can notice this if you watch the popular science film “Mold”.

Natural antibiotics and antioxidants are indeed a solution for those who get sick very often. Plus, we could recommend heat treatment, because even cancer can be treated with the right temperature!

And also pay attention to immunomodulatory drugs that have no contraindications. IN Lately scientists are working in this direction to help the human body on our own quickly cope with illnesses.

Also pay attention to POLYOXIDONIUM. But let's go back to natural substances, improving immunity. Along the way, I would like to note that the article is of a general, advisory nature, and each person’s body is individual, therefore, do not forget to consult a doctor before you start using this very active substances obtained from the plants described below.

Of course, it’s simply impossible to cover everything about natural antibiotics in one article, so for now, let’s take a closer look at the two that I personally use all the time. Please pay attention to keyword"constantly". Nowadays, with our ecology, which is only getting worse year after year, and taking into account the fact that we are not getting younger, but on the contrary, use active plant matter necessary CONSTANTLY, and for those who are often sick, it will be especially important to learn about TURMERIC And CINNAMON.

The beneficial properties of turmeric are undeniable, but not because of the content of such substances as: vitamins K, B, B1, B3, B2, C and trace elements: calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. They are there, but in microscopic doses. Turmeric is useful and unique because of curcumin, which has long been of interest to medicine. During scientific experiments in vitro on cell cultures, curcumin has shown the ability to induce apoptosis cancer cells without cytotoxic effects on healthy cells. The use of drugs containing curcumin not only stopped growth, but also prevented the emergence of new malignant tumors!

Thanks to the presence of others useful substances in turmeric, it is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole. Since turmeric is a plant from the ginger family, its properties are very similar to ginger. Their general property– break down fats and speed up metabolism, which, by the way, also strengthens the body in the fight against diseases. Curcumin, which is part of turmeric, not only helps in the breakdown and absorption of fats, but also prevents the formation of fatty tissue.

Thus, a person who regularly consumes turmeric strengthens the immune system in two ways:

  • he cleanses his body. And he, in turn, getting rid of toxins, unnecessary fats and their compounds with water (cellulite), stops accumulating toxic substances;
  • exterminates pathogenic microorganisms due to the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of turmeric.

If you constantly use turmeric, you will help your body look younger, lose weight and not get sick.

Being natural antibiotic By stimulating brain function, turmeric destroys proteins that block brain function. Therefore, turmeric is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and is recommended to combat it as an antidepressant. Particularly useful are preparations from turmeric and other biologically active plants in the fight against. Turmeric helps mitigate the effects of radiotherapy used in treatment oncological diseases. Turmeric is also used in the rehabilitation of patients with liver cirrhosis. There are also cases where intensive use of turmeric helped patients with encephalitis survive.

But that's it positive properties Turmeric has not yet been fully studied, so experiments with this plant and the substances isolated from it continue and will continue for a long time. Here, in a nutshell, is some more information about what else is known about beneficial properties and the results of turmeric consumption. She:

  • is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, used in the disinfection of cuts and burns.
  • stops the development of melanoma and destroys its already formed cells.
  • with cauliflower prevents or delays the development of prostate cancer.
  • natural liver detoxifier.
  • halts the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing deposits of amyloid plaques in the brain.
  • can reduce the risk of leukemia in children.
  • powerful natural remedy, which helps with inflammation and does not give side effects.
  • prevents the development of metastases in cancer patients various forms cancer.
  • slows down the development of multiple sclerosis.
  • As a good antidepressant, it is widely used in Chinese medicine.
  • during chemotherapy enhances the effect of treatment and reduces side effects toxic medications.
  • Possessing anti-inflammatory properties, it is effectively used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • can stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors and fatty tissues.
  • are underway Scientific research about the effect of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
  • scientific research is underway positive impact turmeric for the treatment of multiple myeloma.
  • relieves the condition of itching, boils, eczema, psoriasis.
  • facilitates the healing of wounds and promotes the regeneration of affected skin.

Personally, I have already been able to experience positive influence turmeric. Specifically, this was reflected in increased immunity, improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and rapid suppression inflammatory processes, which have been bothering me for more than two years. Moreover, I didn’t take turmeric for that long, only about two months and only in two variations: powder and essential oil. Turmeric is available for sale in different types: roots, powder, essential oil, turmeric supplements, etc. For your convenience, I provide links to some sites where you can buy almost all of the options listed.

Where to buy turmeric

Turmeric is also called Turmeric. It is her international name. This is how it is indicated in products, for example as a dye. Turmeric is also called turmeric supplements. Also the word turmeric in English language you should see on natural essential oil from turmeric. If this word is not there, then it’s a fake, even if it says “100% natural.” So where to buy? You can simply follow the links below, register, enter the desired product in the search and add the selected item to your cart. And as a bonus, you will also get a discount!

The team wishes you good health

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Recently, many have been complaining of constant weakness and fatigue, and getting sick up to 10 times a year. Question: I get sick often: what should I do? - they ask doctors, friends, traditional healers. If you are one of those “lucky” ones, let’s try together to find the answer to this pressing question.

Insidious viruses

The leading disease among diseases is, of course, the cold. It is especially prevalent in the autumn-winter-spring period. And this? of the year! What could be the reason?

The answer is simple - viruses. But common colds from hypothermia are rare. But how can you protect yourself from these nasty viruses if you can’t count them? And, without having time to recover from one, the organism, weakened by the previous “invader,” falls into the clutches of another.

Rule No. 1 – be sure to complete your treatment. We rush to work as soon as we feel slightest improvement condition. And the absence of fever is not always an indicator of recovery. It is known that viruses remain active for 5 days. After this, another three days must pass for the body to cope with them.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Increased susceptibility to viruses is facilitated by the presence of chronic diseases- gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, nasopharynx (tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.). Those with chronic troubles should focus all their efforts on combating them. For example, if your throat often hurts, what should you do? For prevention, you need to gargle with a solution sea ​​salt, decoctions of chamomile, calendula; use tinctures of eucalyptus and propolis (a few drops per glass of water).

In advanced cases ( purulent plugs) otolaryngologists recommend washing the tonsils twice a year. It is performed by a doctor manually or using a vacuum method using the Tosillor apparatus.

If there is a purulent component, you need to take a smear for staphylococci and streptococci. It is possible that antibiotic treatment will be needed. But antimicrobial agents Also, don't get carried away. The body gets used to their frequent use, and the immune system is weakened.

What is immunity and how to fight for it

Immunity is the human body’s ability to resist various infections, viruses, foreign substances.

When this ability is impaired, doctors talk about immunodeficiency. There are many reasons for it: unfavorable environmental conditions, poor quality nutrition, long-term use medications, stress, poisoning, bacterial and viral infections, etc.

If you suspect immunodeficiency, it is better to consult an immunologist. He may recommend testing, such as an immunogram. This is a blood test from a vein, showing the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, immunoglobulins - cells and molecules responsible for the body’s ability to repel attacks from viruses and bacteria.

Based on the test results, treatment is prescribed ( vitamin preparations, immunomodulators).

Folk remedies to strengthen the immune system

You can increase your body's resistance by traditional methods. Among them, a large role is given to hardening procedures. If you thought that we're talking about about dousing ice water and walking barefoot in the snow - don’t be scared. Hardening includes a daily portion fresh air and physical activity. Those. Morning and evening jogging may well combine these two points. It is also important to maintain cleanliness and humidity in the room (drying out the mucous membranes increases their susceptibility to viruses). All these tips can be given to parents who are wondering: if a child is often sick, what to do?

To avoid stuffing the child chemical vitamins and medications, it is better to use natural immunostimulants: onion, garlic, honey. The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits all year round.

Infection with worms or protozoa (giardia) also causes frequent illnesses in children. You need to get tested for their presence. At the end of summer, it is advisable to take antihelminthics for prevention.

Nerves as a reason

Diseases can appear from nervous overstrain. So, the question is: I often have a headache, what should I do? – This is usually asked by people whose work schedule is characterized by increased intensity. This leads to overwork and lack of sleep - hence the headaches. To get rid of them, it is enough to learn to relax (go to nature, go to the theater, i.e. change the environment). You can drink sedatives herbal teas. But if headaches do not go away, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, their cause may be vascular problems(eg hypertension).

Frequent illnesses can be caused by psychological problems: feeling of dissatisfaction, conflict situations. Problems at school can have an impact on a child's health. This doesn't mean he's pretending to be sick to avoid going to class. Conflicts with teachers, peers, and falling behind in subjects can contribute to a weakened immune system. Therefore, parents whose children are often sick need to find out what their child’s state of mind is.

We hope that after reading this article, the problem is: I get sick very often, what should I do? - will torment you much less often.



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