Homeopathic sulfur granules. Where to buy and how much it costs

One of the most common drugs in classical homeopathy is Sulfur. The drug is made on the basis of sulfur.
Indications for use of sulfur, modern instructions on its use in classical homeopathy is the topic of this article.

Sulfur in homeopathy. Main indications for use or key symptoms of sulfur

In homeopathic Materia Medica about one and a half thousand (!!!) key symptoms of the drug.
Let's consider the main ones, those that make up the essence of the drug, essence.

You've probably met such people.

Philosopher, loves to speculate and criticize, but is not inclined to practical activities. Lazy and untidy. There is a mess on the desktop, but he knows exactly where everything is and try to restore order - there will be a scandal! He loves sweets and fatty foods, does not tolerate hunger well and is always hungry. Sticks his feet out from under the blanket at night. Any rash on the skin is itchy.

These people are often indifferent to their appearance. Old clothes and rags seem attractive to them. They don't like to wash. Genitals, armpits - and he's clean!
Their room and desk rarely look neat. Sulfur can be neat, but this is rather an exception to the rule.
Lazy if they are not interested. If you're interested, they can work for days. Doesn’t it remind you of programmers - unkempt, always hungry, with a mess in their apartment and literally obsessed with programming?
High sensitivity to foreign odors and disgust. They will not drink from someone else's glass.
Very critical. They tend to express their disapproval of everyone. On the other hand, they are prone to enthusiasm, which may seem ridiculous to others.
They generate a large amount of heat. Feet, crown, palms - everything burns, especially at night. Rash with itching in the sun. Wear long-sleeved shirts in hot weather.
Foul discharge. Chair with pungent odor, characteristic odor rotten eggs. Redness around the anus, often sticky moisture with itching.
Dryness and redness of the eyes, lacrimation. Worse from washing.
They love to eat. They may have overweight, but this is rare. Classic sulfur - thin, stooped and always hungry. He especially loves sweets and fatty foods, and most often does not like eggs and fish. Children who put everything in their mouth. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach at 11 o'clock in the afternoon.
Stool in the morning, maybe diarrhea, almost immediately after waking up.
They may find it difficult to stand still. The lower back is stiff.
Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. A very sensitive dream.
Headache, relieved by wrinkling the forehead or narrowing the eyes.
Senile arch, arcus senilis on the cornea.
Horny calluses on the hands.

Nosologies for which sulfur is most often used

Eczema, atopic dermatitis, sun allergy.
Inflammatory diseases of ENT organs, respiratory organs, bronchial asthma.
Allergic diseases
Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Pathology of the genitourinary system.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis and joint diseases.
Neurotic conditions and insomnia.
Hypertonic disease.

Sulfur can be successfully used for other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

Sulfur. Instructions for use

Sulfur can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
What potency to treat and how often to use the drug is decided by the homeopath, depending on initial state the patient and his response to treatment.
As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

The main task of a homeopath is to maintain activity protective forces body (homeopaths call it vitality) at a level sufficient for successful fight with illness. Therefore, the homeopath determines the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used individually for each patient.

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Sulfur is a sulfur preparation prepared according to homeopathic principles and has a high affinity for skin, bone tissue, mucous membranes. Affects the vegetative nervous regulation. It resonates with the body, transmits information that gives impetus to changes in tissues towards normalization. It has a modifying effect on protein structures and affects their functional organization. In experiments, changes in the conformational characteristics of protein molecules and their transition to a higher energy level are observed. The protective effect of Sulfur in relation to protein structures has been proven. Sulfur has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable effect, has antibacterial activity. It is a reactogenic agent, that is, it increases the body's sensitivity to the effects of other drugs.

Indications for use

- laryngitis of various etiologies, incl. loss of voice, hoarseness, fatigue of the vocal cords.

Mode of application

The ointment is used for a course of up to 10 days. Lubricate the affected areas in the evening, before bedtime. Granules and drops are prescribed mainly in dilutions C3, C6, C12. The doctor selects the potency of the drug individually. In the 30th dilution the drug is indicated as a reactogenic agent. Sulfur can be prescribed once a week or a month. The treatment regimen depends on the type of pathology and the patient’s condition.

Side effects

On currently Information about side effects there is no drug available. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

Possible allergic reactions.


Sulfur is not recommended for use in the presence of severe weeping. The drug is contraindicated when pulmonary tuberculosis, hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations, conditions that can become dangerous when opening abscesses, suppurations.

Sulfur during pregnancy

Sulfur is approved for use if indicated by a pregnant woman. It is able to alleviate the condition of intoxication in pregnant women and prolonged contractions.

Drug interactions

At the moment, there is no information on the interaction of the drug with other drugs.

Taking homeopathic medicines does not exclude treatment with other medicines.


Cases of overdose have not been reported to date.

Release form

For external use, Sulfur is available in the form of an ointment (packed in 25 g). Sulfur is produced in granules (potency D6, D12, D30, C3 and higher) and drops with potency D3, C3, C6 and higher.


The shelf life of drops, granules is 5 years, ointment is 2 years. For storage, you must choose a dark, dry place that is not exposed to electromagnetic radiation.


Sulfur contains purified sulfur different concentrations. Excipient granules - sugar, drops - purified water, purified medical alcohol.

Part homeopathic granules includes Juniperus communis C6, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni (Conchae) C6, Hepar sulfuris C6, Carbo vegetabilis C6, Calendula officinalis (Calendula) calendula)) C6, Sulfur (sulfur) C6.

Release form

Since Sulfur is used in homeopathy, it is available in the form of homeopathic capsules.

pharmachologic effect

Is multi-component homeopathic medicine. Sulfur is a sulfur preparation, which is prepared according to homeopathic principles, and has a high affinity for the skin, mucous membranes and bone tissue. Affects vegetative nervous system , and also enters into resonance with the body, transmits information that gives impetus to the beginning of tissue changes towards normalization.

Modifies structures squirrel . The protective effect of the drug on protein structures has been proven. It is a reactogenic agent – ​​it has an enhancing effect on the body’s sensitivity to the effects of other drugs.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

No data available.

Indications for use

Sulfur is indicated in homeopathy for conditions chronic to speed up recovery. Shows high efficiency in relation to the most various pathologies to potentiate the effects of others medicines, showing low efficiency.


  • mental retardation and a tendency to in children;
  • therapy post-vaccination complications;
  • And ;
  • melancholy And hypochondria ;
  • , with mucus, ;
  • pneumonia And catarrh of the lungs ;
  • And cough with mucous sputum;
  • accompanied by a feeling of melancholy;
  • with itching and burning anus;
  • with blisters on the throat;
  • asthenia after the flu;
  • myalgia ;
  • barley And ;
  • haemorrhoids with significant itching and severe blood filling;
  • hypertonic disease with severe flushing and headaches;
  • recurrent purulent infections, for example, furunculosis ;
  • recurrent ;
  • vulgar, pink ;
  • with sweat that irritates the skin;
  • hair loss due to taking medications;
  • combination of dermatological and respiratory allergic manifestations;
  • , , , ;
  • decreased sense of smell and chronic ;
  • mercury and lead poisoning;
  • conditions after abuse of alcohol and stimulants.

In homeopathy it is used to treat stubborn skin diseases that do not respond well to standard therapy.

Sulfur-iodatum It has no contraindications or side effects, promotes the health of the entire body and is well tolerated.


It is prohibited to take when:

  • pulmonary ;
  • pronounced weeping;
  • hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations;
  • under 18 years of age.

Side effects

The symptoms of the underlying disease may intensify. In this case, you should not stop taking the drug - this indicates good effectiveness. When manifested allergic reactions, you must consult your doctor.

Instructions for use Sulfur C6 (Method and dosage)

According to the instructions, it is necessary to dissolve under the tongue three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for two months.

Sulfur 30 indicated as a reactogenic agent.


Theoretically impossible. When consumed large quantity and if you are concerned about the consequences, you can drink strong tea or coffee as an antidote.


Can be used simultaneously with other medications.

Terms of sale

Dispensed without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Best before date

Shelf life – 5 years.

special instructions

If missing therapeutic effect within two weeks or appeared not described in the instructions side effects, you must consult your doctor. Sick It should be taken into account that the reception daily dose sugar granules corresponds to 0.08 bread unit. Does not affect the ability to operate machinery or drive vehicles.

Sulfur is a sulfur preparation prepared according to homeopathic principles and has a high affinity for the skin, bone tissue, and mucous membranes. Acts on autonomic nervous regulation. It resonates with the body, transmits information that gives impetus to changes in tissues towards normalization. It has a modifying effect on protein structures and affects their functional organization.
In experiments, changes in the conformational characteristics of protein molecules and their transition to a higher energy level are observed. The protective effect of Sulfur in relation to protein structures has been proven. Sulfur has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable effect, and has antibacterial activity. It is considered a reactogenic agent, which means it increases the body’s sensitivity to the effects of other drugs.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for chronic pathologies to speed up recovery. It is also useful for the most various pathologies to potentiate the action of other drugs that have shown insufficient effectiveness.
The drug Sulfur is used for:
- conditions due to abuse of stimulants and alcohol;
- lead and mercury poisoning;
- chronic sinusitis, decreased sense of smell;
- rashes without weeping with itching during atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
- combination of respiratory and dermatological manifestations allergies;
- hair loss due to medication use;
- hyperhidrosis with skin-irritating sweat;
- rosacea, vulgar acne;
- recurrent herpes;
- recurrent purulent infections(in particular, furunculosis);
- hypertension with severe headaches and facial flushing;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- hemorrhoids with strong blood filling of the nodes and significant itching;
- conjunctivitis, barley;
- myalgia;
- asthenia after influenza;
- constipation with burning and itching of the anus;
- tachycardia, which is accompanied by a feeling of melancholy;
- cough with mucous sputum, shortness of breath;
- pulmonary catarrh, pneumonia;
- tonsillitis with blisters on the throat;
- dyspepsia, vomiting with mucus, flatulence;
- hypochondria, melancholy;
- dizziness, migraines;
- therapy of post-vaccination complications;
- mental retardation and a tendency to hydrocephalus in children;
- hemorrhoids Bladder.
The drug especially helps patients of a certain constitutional type: thin, stooped, angular, with constant dyspepsia and a feeling of hunger. Sulfur is sometimes prescribed to obese, loose patients with characteristic symptoms, which tends to increase in winter time, after contact with water, in a warm bed. Such patients do not really like to swim, prefer to sleep long in the morning, and are active. They are prone to collecting, quick-tempered, selfish, strong owners, cannot stand unpleasant odors, have “unclean” skin, prone to hyperemia, bright mucous membranes. A patient who is suitable for Sulfur also has distinguishing feature– the onset of weakness and hunger at 11 o’clock in the afternoon.

Mode of application

The ointment is used for up to 10 days. Lubricate the affected areas in the evening, before bedtime. Granules and drops are usually prescribed in dilutions C3, C6, C12. The doctor selects the potency of the medicine individually. In the 30th dilution, the drug is indicated as a reactogenic agent. Sulfur can be prescribed once a week or a month. The treatment regimen depends on the type of pathology and the patient’s condition.

Side effects

There may be a significant increase in the symptoms of the underlying disease while taking Sulfur. Medication withdrawal this result does not require and is considered an indicator of good performance. When symptoms appear that are distant from the symptoms of the underlying disease, allergic manifestations, you need to contact your homeopath. He will decide to change the medication or make adjustments to the treatment regimen.


It is not recommended to use sulfur in the presence of severe weeping. The drug is contraindicated for pulmonary tuberculosis, hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations, conditions that can become dangerous when opening abscesses and suppurations.


Sulfur is approved for use if indicated by a pregnant woman. It is able to alleviate the condition of intoxication in pregnant women and prolonged contractions.

Interaction with other drugs

Sulfur goes well with Arsenicum album. Its purpose is shown with other homeopathic remedies, since it potentiates their effect by increasing the body’s sensitivity to action medicines. Sulfur is not prescribed before Lycopodium. The drug is incompatible with products that contain alcohol, caffeine, and alkaloids. Reduce the impact of this homeopathic medicine cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids.

Home healer on homeopathy

According to the publication "Home medicine for homeopathy"
St. Petersburg, 1895

Appendix 2

Homeopathic remedies


General. According to studies, sulfur (sulfur) increases urea in urine and uric acid. With small doses, the lungs initially release more carbon dioxide, and with longer use and large doses Less carbon dioxide is released. Solid components of blood in terms of sulfur consumption in most cases decrease. Pigment-containing blood cells decrease in number at small doses, and multiply at large doses; Accordingly, the color of the blood changes. All discharges (secretions) and discharges (excreta), namely the skin and mucous membranes, according to Bocker, are significantly intensified.

Tests for gave healthy people following results: weakness and relaxation of the limbs, weakness when standing and walking and the need to sit down, shortness of breath from short walking, trembling of the arms and legs and the whole body, attacks of lightheadedness, dizziness with vomiting and sweating, muscle twitching, as if from electric current, epileptiform convulsions with inability to speak, attacks of extreme weakness, severe anxiety, flushes of blood, constant chills, pale face, blue under the eyes, release of strong internal cold at night in bed, sensitivity to fresh air and cold, worse during rest and better during movement, external heat relieves many pains, cold worsens; a warm covering in bed enhances nerve pain; conversation is unpleasant and tiring; the slightest physical and mental stress causes sweat.

Dream: Severe drowsiness during the day, the need to fall asleep even while sitting; long, deep sleep, reluctance to get up in the morning, want to sleep longer, heaviness of limbs in the morning.

State of mind: Painful agitation and restlessness, irritability. Weakening of mental energy, depression, indifference and loss of spirit, hypochondria, melancholy.

Skin and glands: Severe itching in the evening in bed, all kinds of rashes, skin damage, hair loss, damage to nails - the formation of abscesses (nail beetles).

Painful swelling of the submandibular glands, tonsils and various lymph glands.

Nervous system

Brain and nerves: Excitement, then depression of mental energy, weakening of thinking, intelligence, memory, absent-mindedness, confusion, delusional ideas, paraphasia, dullness. Dizziness, headaches, sensation of pulsation and heat, rush of blood to the head.

Organ of vision. Swelling and redness of the eyelids, itching and burning in the eyes, increased mucus secretion, eyelids sticking together at night; barley; lacrimation, photophobia, catarrh of the connective membrane with the formation of bubbles on it.

Hearing organ. Itching in the ears increased sensitivity to marmots, dullness of hearing, deafness, tinnitus.

Olfactory organ. Discharge of serous fluid, bleeding, deception of smell, dullness of smell.

Spinal cord. Pain in muscles, joints with heaviness and relaxation of the limbs.

Circulatory organs

Palpitation, congestion of blood to the heart and lungs with a feeling of melancholy. Fever, chills, heat, sweat. Feeling of chills and heat, sweat at night and in the morning.

Respiratory system

Catarrh of the palate of the larynx and bronchi, coughing attacks, expectoration of mucous sputum, suffocation, shortness of breath, attacks of chest convulsions with palpitations, rushes of blood to the lungs.

Digestive organs

Inflammation of the oral mucosa and soft palate with the formation of bubbles, swelling of the tonsils, difficulty swallowing. Bad taste, lack of appetite, aversion to food. Belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting of mucus, light watery and salty food, blood, pain, heaviness in the stomach.

Bloating, rumbling, colic. Catarrh of the intestinal mucosa, increased secretion of intestinal glands of bile. Urge and difficult stool. Constipation. Watery diarrhea with attacks of lightheadedness. Swelling hemorrhoidal cones: mucus discharge.

Genitourinary organs

Pain in urethra, stabbing, burning, urge, after urination, a few drops of blood from the canal with a stabbing sensation in the neck of the bladder (bladder hemorrhoids); increased urination, highly saturated urine with sediment of urates, mucus and blood. Excitement, then weakening of sexual feeling. Pain in the spermatic cords and testicles, wet dreams. Juice release prostate gland after stool and urination.

Early onset of menstruation, increased bleeding with pain, longer periods. Severe leucorrhoea.

Use in patients

Sulfur has a powerful effect on the entire vegetative sphere of the body and therefore finds a variety of applications in cases where functional disorders individual organs develop due to neoplasm or destruction components fabrics. All tissues of the body, without exception, are exposed to its action, both bone and skin and mucous membranes. In chronic suffering, sulfur gives impetus to a change in the tissues, favorable for the cure of the disease, but requiring another specificity: the effect of the latter is reinforced by the administration of sulfur. It increases the body's sensitivity to medicinal effects facilities. Sulfur is prescribed: for disorders due to abuse of alcoholic and stimulant (coffee) drinks, mercury and lead poisoning, for rheumatic inflammatory and paralysis disorders due to colds, intermittent fever, for pain in the joints and nerves, worse from rest, better from movement with muscle twitching, cramps various kinds, ease of sweating, in cases of gouty and scrofulous dyscrasia, various skin lesions, swelling and suppuration of the glands with rickets, inflammation of the bones of the tissue, insomnia, hypochondria, stupidity, headaches, attacks of lightheadedness, dizziness, toothache, inflammation of the eyelids, catarrh, clouding of the lens, cornea, tinnitus, deafness, chronic runny nose, hoarseness, cough, chest cramps with shortness of breath, palpitations, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue and mouth, swelling of the tonsils, digestive disorders, nausea, belching, heartburn, vomiting, cramps and stomach ulcers, colic, catarrh of the intestines, constipation, liver damage with bile secretion disorder, hemorrhoidal disorders, rectal fistula, prolapse of the rectum and vagina, uterine infarction, irregular periods, hemorrhoids of the bladder, spasms and weakness of the bladder, risk of hernia formation.



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