How does lupus erythematosus manifest itself? What are the complications and prognosis for life with systemic lupus erythematosus? Dermatological manifestations

At the mention of lupus erythematosus, many patients do not understand what is at stake, and there is a wolf. This is explained by the fact that the manifestation of the disease on the skin in the Middle Ages was considered similar to the bites of a wild beast.

The Latin word "erythematosus" means the word "red", and "lupus" - "wolf". The disease is characterized by complex development, complications and not fully understood causes of occurrence. There are the following forms of pathology - skin (discoid, disseminated, subacute) and systemic (generalized, severe, acute), neonatal (found in young children).

Drug-induced lupus syndrome also occurs, and is caused by taking medications. In the medical literature, the following names of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are found: Liebman-Sachs disease, erythematous chroniosepsis.

What is lupus erythematosus

SLE is a connective tissue disease accompanied by its immunocomplex lesion. In systemic autoimmune disease, antibodies produced by the immune system damage healthy cells. Pathologies are more prone to women than men.

Selena Gomez was diagnosed with the disease in 2016. As a result, the girl said that she knew about the disease in 2013. At 25, she had to undergo a kidney transplant.

The famous singer is struggling with the disease

According to Wikipedia, according to the nature of the symptoms, the causes of occurrence, the classification of systemic lupus erythematosus according to ICD-10 is as follows:

  • SLE - M 32;
  • SLE caused by medication - M 32.0;
  • SLE, accompanied by damage to various body systems - M 32.1;
  • SLE, other forms - M 32.8;
  • SLE unspecified - M 32.9.

Symptoms of autoimmune lupus erythematosus

Common symptoms of an autoimmune disease include:

  • temperature increase;
  • fast fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • poor appetite, weight loss;
  • fever
  • baldness;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • muscle pain, aching joints;
  • headache.

The first signs of lupus include an increase in body temperature. It is difficult to understand how the disease begins, but fever appears at first. The temperature in lupus erythematosus can be over 38 degrees. The listed symptoms do not serve as a reason for the diagnosis. If systemic lupus is suspected, one should focus on manifestations that unambiguously characterize the pathology.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is a rash in the form of a butterfly, located on the cheeks, bridge of the nose. The earlier the disease is detected, the lower the risk of complications.

Photo of what systemic lupus erythematosus looks like

Many are interested in such a question, whether lupus erythematosus itches - with pathology, itching is not observed. Systemic lupus erythematosus affects not only the condition of the skin, as in the photo above, but also the health of internal organs, and therefore causes serious complications.

Characteristic signs of lupus

Every 15th patient with pathology has symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome, characterized by dryness of the mouth, eyes, and, in women, the vagina. In some cases, the disease begins with Raynaud's syndrome - this is when the tip of the nose, fingers, and auricles become numb or white. These unpleasant symptoms occur due to stress or hypothermia.

If the disease progresses, then systemic lupus will manifest itself with periods of remission and exacerbation. The danger of lupus is that all organs and systems of the body are gradually involved in the pathological process.

System of criteria for diagnosing lupus

With SLE, American rheumatologists use a special system of criteria for diagnosis. If the patient has 4 of the following signs, then the diagnosis is "systemic lupus". Also, knowing these symptoms will help to self-diagnose and consult a doctor in time:

  • the appearance of antinuclear antibodies;
  • the appearance of a red rash not only on the nose, cheeks, but also on the back of the hand, in the décolleté area;
  • immunological disorders;
  • lung damage;
  • the formation of discoid scales on the chest, scalp, face;
  • hematological disorders;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin to exposure to sunlight;
  • unexplained convulsions and a feeling of depression (pathologies of the central nervous system):
  • the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth and throat;
  • impaired renal function;
  • motor stiffness, swelling and pain in the joints;
  • damage to the peritoneum, cardiac muscle.

SLE Disability and Complications

Suppressed immunity during illness makes the body defenseless against bacterial and viral infections. Therefore, to reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to minimize contact with other people. When diagnosed, study or work is interrupted for a year, making out the 2nd group of disability.

The inflammatory process that accompanies systemic lupus affects various organs, causing severe complications, such as:

  • kidney failure;
  • hallucinations;
  • headache;
  • behavior change;
  • dizziness;
  • stroke;
  • problems with expression, memory and speech;
  • seizures;
  • tendency to bleeding (with thrombocytopenia);
  • blood disorders (anemia);
  • vasculitis or inflammation of the blood vessels of various organs (the disease is aggravated by a smoker);
  • pleurisy;
  • violations of the cardiac system;
  • pathogens in the genitourinary system and respiratory infections;
  • non-infectious or aseptic necrosis (destruction and fragility of bone tissue);
  • oncology.

Consequences of lupus during pregnancy

Lupus in women in position increases the risk of preterm birth and preeclampsia (complications of normal pregnancy that occur in the 2nd-3rd trimester). With an illness, the likelihood of a miscarriage increases.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a disease that is associated with a violation. She simply perceives the cells of her own body as foreign and begins to actively fight them. During this process, harmful, toxic substances are produced in the body - they affect almost all organs and systems.

According to statistics, systemic lupus erythematosus is more often diagnosed in women aged 15-25 years.

Causes of the development of systemic lupus erythematosus

It is recognized throughout the world that the only reason for the development of the disease in question is the formation of abnormal antibodies in the body. This occurs under the direct influence of genetic factors, which confirms the relationship of the disease with the congenital deficiency of the components of the immune system.

Despite the established fact of diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus in most women, no evidence of a connection between the disease in question and hormonal disruptions has been found.

Note:hormonal disorders only provoke manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus, therefore, when diagnosing this disease, doctors prohibit patients from taking oral contraceptives.

The disease in question can be asymptomatic for a long time - patients will only notice a pain syndrome of low intensity in the joints and muscle tissues and periodically appearing rashes on the skin. But during such an asymptomatic course of lupus erythematosus, abnormal antibodies accumulate in the body - at any time they can result in serious pathological organ damage.

There are two forms of systemic lupus erythematosus - acute and chronic. Depending on which form the patient is diagnosed with, the symptoms of lupus erythematosus will also differ. The only visible phenomenon that is considered the main symptom of the disease in question is a rash on the face, affecting the bridge of the nose and extending to the cheekbones. Doctors call this rash a "butterfly".

acute form

In this case, systemic lupus erythematosus always begins its development suddenly - fever, inflammation of the characteristic "butterfly" on the face. Interestingly, the acute course of the described disease can last 1-2 years. But if a competent prescription of medications is made and hormonal preparations are selected, then a long-term remission may develop.

Chronic form

The course of this form of the disease is long, characterized by a wave-like character and frequent relapses. The chronic form is manifested by polyarthritis, polyserositis, Raynaud's syndrome. Within 5-10 years of the chronic course of systemic lupus erythematosus, pathologies of the lungs, kidneys, and heart are necessarily added to all the described manifestations of the disease.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between three degrees of development of systemic lupus erythematosus:

  • minimum;
  • average;
  • high.

They are determined during the manifestation of morphological and immunological disorders.

What happens in the body?

Patients with the development of systemic lupus erythematosus present a variety of complaints, some specific ones simply do not exist. Here are just a few of them:

  • spontaneous, unmotivated increase in body temperature;
  • recurring pain in large and small joints;
  • sleep is disturbed - at night, patients often wake up, which leads to fatigue;
  • there is a general weakness.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a progressive disease, so over time, pathological changes occur in the body.


According to statistics, almost all patients diagnosed with lupus erythematosus are diagnosed with lupus arthritis. And most often these pathological changes are exposed to small joints - hands, ankle joint, wrist. Often, deformation of the joints of the fingers of the upper extremities is diagnosed, which provokes severe pain in the muscles.

Skin lesions are the most typical manifestation of the disease in question. Systemic lupus erythematosus is characterized by the appearance of rashes in the region of the bridge of the nose and zygomatic arches, referred to as a "butterfly". These rashes can have different manifestations.:

  • vascular "butterfly" - unstable redness with a bluish tint, which most often worsens when exposed to external factors (cold, heat, internal excitement of the patient);
  • erythematous-edematous spots - "butterfly" is characterized by keratinization of the skin;
  • "butterfly" with dense swelling in the area of ​​localization of rashes - this happens against the background of a general swelling of the face;
  • in the "butterfly" there will be a clearly defined atrophy, which looks like a scar.

In some cases, rashes are not only localized in the face - they are also observed on the neck (décolleté), and in the scalp, and on the lips, and even over the affected joints of the lower / upper limbs.

A separate case - rashes on the mucous membranes, can be diagnosed, thrush and small hemorrhages.

Skin manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus are both vasculitis and trophic disorders, which include ulcers, bedsores, nail deformity, and hair loss.

Serous membranes

Polyarthritis and polyserositis - it is this triad that is the basis for diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus. Polyserositis - this term refers to inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy), inflammation of the heart bag (pericarditis), less often, but peritonitis (inflammatory process in the peritoneum) also occurs. It is noteworthy that the inflammatory process in systemic lupus erythematosus "migrates" from one serous membrane to another.

With the development of systemic lupus erythematosus, doctors note the defeat of two, and in some cases, three, heart membranes. Against the background of the disease under consideration, pericarditis, atypical warty-type endocarditis, and myocarditis are diagnosed.

Damage to the vascular system leads to the appearance of signs of Raynaud's syndrome.


The disease itself does not affect the lungs, a secondary infection occurs - pneumococcal. In rare cases, vascular pneumonia can be diagnosed - its appearance is associated with damage to the vascular system.

Gastrointestinal tract

Patients in connection with the development of systemic lupus erythematosus note loss of appetite and dyspeptic disorders. Very rarely, necrotic processes can develop - for example, esophageal ulcers, aphthous stomatitis.


Most often, with the disease under consideration, glomerulonephritis develops. This is a rather dangerous condition that can lead to disability of a person.

Neuropsychic sphere

In 50% of cases, patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus are diagnosed with disorders in the psycho-emotional background: irritation, fatigue, unmotivated aggression. This should include sleep disorders,. And the most severe manifestations are considered meningoencephalitis, encephalomyelitis.

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus is made on the basis of examination of the patient and laboratory tests. In the blood, "lupus cells" - LE cells - will be found in large numbers. But for the diagnosis of the disease in question, it is very important to have a complete clinical picture. In medicine, there are certain criteria:

  • characteristic rashes on the face - "butterfly";
  • alopecia - baldness;
  • discoid lupus;
  • ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • false positive Wasserman reaction;
  • arthritis with no deformities of the affected joints;
  • hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays;
  • pleurisy;
  • pericarditis;
  • manifestations of psychosis;
  • Raynaud's syndrome.

If any 3 of the above criteria are present, and LE cells are found in the blood, then this is the basis for the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus.

Principles of treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

If the disease in question was diagnosed at an early stage of its development, then the treatment will be very effective. But doctors give such a prognosis only if they undergo therapy in a hospital with each exacerbation of the disease.

If the patient's complaints are dominated by signs of inflammatory processes in large and small joints, then the following appointments are made:

  • salicylates;
  • analgin;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • indomethacin.

Treatment with these drugs is long-term. Physicians should take into account the possible occurrence of allergic reactions during long-term therapy and the ability of these drugs to provoke the formation of edema.

The chronic form of the disease in question is treated with quinoline drugs. They should be taken no more than 14 days in a row, because they provoke the development of side effects - nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, headache.

The main method of treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus are drugs of the glucocorticosteroid line. Doctors must prescribe them to patients who have affected serous membranes, as well as the heart / kidneys / blood vessels. Prednisolone is most often prescribed, but if the body does not respond to therapy with this drug, then doctors make a replacement for dexamethasone or triampcinolone.

In the absence of effect in the treatment of glucocorticosteroid drugs, experts recommend the use of cytotoxic immunosuppressants. In general, these drugs are indicated for severe systemic lupus erythematosus, when many organs and systems are affected in a patient.

Important:it is strictly forbidden for patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus to visit resorts and undergo treatment in southern sanatoriums - this can provoke the onset of another exacerbation of the disease.

Preventive actions

Primary prevention is the identification of patients with a similar disease in the family. Even if the most distant relative has been diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, or the subject has isolated skin lesions, it is worth adhering to certain recommendations. They are next:

  • avoid ultraviolet radiation;
  • not to be under direct rays of the sun;
  • follow a salt-restricted diet;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations by a dermatologist and an infectious disease specialist.

In the case of diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus, it is necessary to minimize the risk of developing an exacerbation of the disease - this will be secondary prevention. It is necessary to undergo adequate, competent treatment in a timely manner, it is desirable to avoid vaccination and surgical interventions.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is not treated by traditional medicine - the cause of this pathology lies in internal immune processes, so no medicinal plants will help.

Systemic lupus erythematosus- a systemic autoimmune disease that affects blood vessels and connective tissue. If, in the normal state of the body, the human immune system produces, which should attack foreign organisms that enter the body, then with systemic lupus, a large number of antibodies to the cells of the body, as well as to their components, are formed in the human body. As a result, an immunocomplex inflammatory process is manifested, the development of which leads to the defeat of a number of systems and organs. As lupus develops, it affects heart , leather , kidneys , lungs , joints , and nervous system .

When only the skin is affected, it is diagnosed discoid lupus . Cutaneous lupus erythematosus is expressed by clear signs that are clearly visible even in the photo. If the disease affects the internal organs of a person, then in this case, the diagnosis indicates that the person manifests systemic lupus erythematosus . According to medical statistics, the symptoms of both types of lupus erythematosus (both systemic and discoid forms) are approximately eight times more common in women. At the same time, lupus erythematosus disease can manifest itself in both children and adults, but nevertheless, most often the disease affects people at working age - between 20 and 45 years.

Forms of the disease

Given the characteristics of the clinical course of the disease, three variants of the disease are distinguished: acute , subacute And chronic forms.

At acute SLE is marked by a continuous relapsing course of the disease. Numerous symptoms appear early and actively, resistance to therapy is noted. The patient dies within two years after the onset of the disease. Most often found subacute SLE, when the symptoms increase relatively slowly, but they progress. A person with this form of the disease lives longer than those with acute SLE.

Chronic the form is a benign variant of the disease, which can last for many years. At the same time, with the help of periodic therapy, it is possible to achieve long-term remissions. Most often, with this form, the skin is affected, as well as the joints.

Depending on the activity of the process, three different degrees are distinguished. At minimum activity of the pathological process in the patient there is a slight decrease in weight, normal body temperature, there is a discoid lesion on the skin, articular syndrome, chronic nephritis, polyneuritis is noted.

At middle activity, body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, body weight is moderately lost, exudative erythema appears on the skin, dry pericarditis, subacute polyarthritis, chronic pneumonitis, diffuse homerulonephritis, encephaloneuritis are also noted.

At maximum of SLE activity, the body temperature can exceed 38, a person loses a lot of weight, the skin on the face is affected in the form of a “butterfly”, polyarthritis, pulmonary vasculitis, nephrotic syndrome, encephalomyeloradiculoneuritis are noted.

In systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus crises , which consist in the highest activity of the manifestation of the lupus process. Crises are characteristic of any course of the disease, with their manifestation, laboratory parameters change markedly, general trophic disorders are swept aside, and symptoms become more active.

This type of lupus is a form of skin tuberculosis. Its causative agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. With this disease, the skin of the face is mainly affected. Sometimes the lesion extends to the skin of the upper lip, the oral mucosa.

Initially, the patient develops a specific tuberculous tubercle, reddish or yellow-red, having a diameter of 1-3 mm. Such tubercles are located on the affected skin in groups, and after their destruction, ulcers with swollen edges remain. Later, the lesion affects the oral mucosa, the bone tissue in the interdental septa is destroyed. As a result, teeth become loose and fall out. The patient's lips swell, covered with bloody-purulent crusts, cracks appear on them. Regional lymph nodes enlarge and become dense. Often, lupus foci can be complicated by the addition of a secondary infection. In about 10% of cases, lupus ulcers become malignant.

In the process of diagnosis, diascopy is used and a probe is examined.

For treatment, medications are used, as well as large doses. vitamin D2 . Sometimes x-ray irradiation, phototherapy is practiced. In some cases, it is advisable to remove tuberculous foci by surgery.


Until now, the causes that cause this disease have not been clearly defined. Doctors are prone to versions that the hereditary factor, the impact on the human body of viruses, certain drugs, and ultraviolet radiation is of some importance in this case. Many patients with this disease have suffered from allergic reactions to food or medicine in the past. If a person has relatives with lupus erythematosus, then the likelihood of the disease increases dramatically. When wondering if lupus is contagious, one should take into account that it is impossible to become infected with the disease, but it is inherited according to a recessive type, that is, after several generations. Therefore, the treatment of lupus should be carried out taking into account the influence of all these factors.

Dozens of drugs can provoke the development of lupus, but the disease manifests itself in about 90% of cases after treatment. hydralazine , and procainamide , phenytoin , isoniazid , d-penicillinamine . But after stopping the use of such drugs, the disease goes away on its own.

The course of the disease in women worsens markedly during menstruation, in addition, lupus can manifest itself due to,. Therefore, experts determine the influence of female sex hormones on the occurrence of lupus.

- this is a kind of manifestation of tuberculosis of the skin, its manifestation is provoked by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


If a patient develops discoid lupus, then initially a red rash appears on the skin, which does not cause itching and pain in a person. Rarely, discoid lupus, in which there is an isolated lesion of the skin, passes into systemic lupus, in which the internal organs of a person are already affected.

The symptoms that appear in systemic lupus erythematosus can have a variety of combinations. Muscles, joints can hurt, ulcers appear in his mouth. Characteristic of systemic lupus is a rash on the face (on the nose and cheeks), which is shaped like a butterfly. The skin becomes particularly sensitive to light exposure. Under the influence of cold, the blood flow in the fingers of the limbs is disturbed ().

A rash on the face appears in about half of patients with lupus. The characteristic butterfly-shaped rash may worsen if exposed to direct sunlight.

Most patients in the process of developing SLE note symptoms. In this case, arthritis manifests pain, swelling, a feeling of stiffness in the joints of the feet and hands, their deformation. Sometimes joints with lupus are affected in the same way as with.

It may also appear vasculitis (inflammatory process of blood vessels), which leads to impaired blood supply to tissues and organs. Sometimes develops pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart) and pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs). In this case, the patient notes the occurrence of severe pain in the chest, which becomes more pronounced when a person changes body position or inhales deeply. Sometimes SLE affects the muscles and valves of the heart.

The development of the disease can eventually affect the kidneys, the damage to which in SLE is called lupus nephritis . This condition is characterized by an increase in pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine. As a result, kidney failure can develop, in which a person needs dialysis or a kidney transplant. The kidneys are affected in about half of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. With damage to the digestive tract, dyspeptic symptoms are observed, in more rare cases, the patient is disturbed by periodic bouts of pain in the abdomen.

The brain may also be involved in pathological processes in lupus ( cerebrite ), that leads to psychosis , personality change, manifestation of convulsions, and in severe cases - to. After involvement of the peripheral nervous system, the function of some nerves is lost, leading to loss of sensation and weakness of certain muscle groups. Peripheral lymph nodes in most patients are slightly enlarged and painful on palpation.

The results of biochemical analyzes of tissues are also taken into account.


Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for lupus. Therefore, therapy is selected in such a way as to reduce the manifestations of symptoms, stop the inflammatory, as well as autoimmune processes.

With the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, you can reduce the inflammatory process, as well as reduce pain. However, drugs from this group, when taken for a long time, can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, and, as a result, gastritis And ulcer . In addition, it reduces blood clotting.

Corticosteroids have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. However, their prolonged use in high doses also provokes serious adverse reactions. The patient may develop diabetes , appear , are noted necrosis of large joints , increased arterial pressure .

The drug hydroxychloroquine () has a high efficiency of exposure in SLE patients with skin lesions and weakness.

The complex treatment also includes drugs that suppress the activity of the human immune system. Such funds are effective in severe form of the disease, when a pronounced lesion of the internal organs develops. But taking these drugs leads to anemia, susceptibility to infections, and bleeding. Some of these drugs adversely affect the liver and kidneys. Therefore, immunosuppressive agents can only be used under the close supervision of a rheumatologist.

In general, the treatment of SLE should have several goals. First of all, it is important to stop the autoimmune conflict in the body, restore the normal function of the adrenal glands. In addition, it is necessary to influence the brain center in order to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Treatment of the disease is carried out in courses: on average, six months of continuous therapy is required. Its duration depends on the activity of the disease, its duration, severity, on the number of organs and tissues involved in the pathological process.

If a patient develops nephrotic syndrome, treatment will be longer and recovery more difficult. The result of treatment also depends on how the patient is ready to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and assist him in the treatment.

SLE is a serious illness that leads to disability and even death. But still, people with lupus erythematosus can lead a normal life, especially during remissions. Patients with SLE should avoid those factors that can negatively affect the course of the disease, aggravating it. They should not be in the sun for a long time, in the summer it is worth wearing long-sleeved clothes and applying sunscreen.

Be sure to take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor, and not allow abrupt withdrawal of corticosteroids, as such actions can lead to a serious exacerbation of the disease. Patients treated with corticosteroids or immunosuppressants are more susceptible to infection. Therefore, he should immediately inform the doctor about the increase in temperature. In addition, the specialist must constantly monitor the patient and be aware of all changes in his condition.

Lupus antibodies can be passed from mother to newborn, resulting in what is known as neonatal lupus. The baby develops a rash on the skin, the level in the blood decreases erythrocytes , leukocytes , platelets . Sometimes a child may develop a heart block. As a rule, by the age of six months, neonatal lupus is cured, as the mother's antibodies are destroyed.

The doctors


Diet, nutrition for systemic lupus erythematosus

List of sources

  • Rheumatology: clinical guidelines / Ed. S.L. Nasonov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M. : GEOTAR-Media, 2011;
  • Ivanova M.M. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment. Clinical rheumatol., 1995;
  • Nasonov E.L., Baranov A.A., Shilkina N.P., Alekberova Z.S. Vascular pathology in antiphospholipid syndrome. - Moscow; Yaroslavl. - 1995;
  • Citydin Ya.A., Guseva N.G., Ivanova M.M. Diffuse connective tissue diseases: Handbook. for doctors. M., "Medicine", 1994.

Lupus erythematosus is one of the diffuse connective tissue diseases. Under the general name, several clinical forms are combined. From this article, you can learn about the symptoms of lupus erythematosus, the causes of development, as well as the basic principles of treatment.

Mostly women are ill. Manifests, as a rule, at the age of 20 to 40 years. It is more common in countries with a maritime humid climate and cold winds, while in the tropics the incidence is low. Blondes are more susceptible to the disease than brunettes and blacks. Common signs include sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, vascular rashes on the skin (erythema) and mucous membranes (enanthema). A characteristic symptom is an erythematous rash on the face in the form of a butterfly.


There is no single classification today, and all existing ones are very conditional. The division into two varieties is common: skin - relatively benign, without damage to internal organs; systemic - severe, in which the pathological process extends not only to the skin and joints, but also to the heart, nervous system, kidneys, lungs, etc. Among the skin forms, chronic discoid (limited) and chronic disseminated (with many foci) are distinguished. Skin lupus erythematosus can be superficial (Biett's centrifugal erythema) and deep. In addition, there is a drug lupus syndrome.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is acute, subacute and chronic, according to the phase of activity - active and inactive, the degree of activity - high, moderate, minimal. Cutaneous forms can be transformed into systemic. Some experts tend to believe that this is one disease that occurs in two stages:

  • presystemic - discoid and other skin forms;
  • generalization - systemic lupus erythematosus.

Why does it occur?

The reasons are still unknown. The disease belongs to autoimmune and develops as a result of the formation of a large number of immune complexes deposited in healthy tissues and damaging it.

Provoking factors include some infections, drugs, chemicals, coupled with a hereditary predisposition. Allocate drug lupus syndrome, which develops as a consequence of taking certain medications and is reversible.

Discoid lupus erythematosus

Symptoms of this form of the disease appear gradually. First, there is a characteristic (in the form of a butterfly) erythema on the face. Rashes are localized on the nose, cheeks, forehead, on the red border of the lips, in the scalp, on the ears, less often on the back surfaces of the legs and arms, upper body. The red border of the lips can be affected in isolation; elements of the rash rarely appear on the oral mucosa. Skin manifestations are often accompanied by joint pain. Discoid lupus, the symptoms of which appear in the following sequence: erythematous rash, hyperkeratosis, atrophic phenomena, goes through three stages of development.

The first is called erythematous. During this period, a pair of clearly defined pink spots with a vascular network in the center is formed, slight swelling is possible. Gradually, the elements increase in size, merge and form pockets, shaped like a butterfly: its “back” is on the nose, the “wings” are located on the cheeks. There may be tingling and burning sensations.

The second stage is hyperkeratotic. It is characterized by infiltration of the affected areas, dense plaques appear on the site of the foci, covered with small whitish scales. If you remove the scales, under them you will find an area resembling a lemon peel. In the future, keratinization of the elements occurs, around which a red rim is formed.

The third stage is atrophic. As a result of cicatricial atrophy, the plaque takes the form of a saucer with a white area in the center. The process continues to progress, the foci increase in size, new elements appear. In each focus, three zones can be found: in the center - an area of ​​cicatricial atrophy, then - hyperkeratosis, along the edges - redness. In addition, pigmentation and telangiectasias (small dilated vessels, or spider veins) are observed.

The auricles, oral mucosa, and scalp are less commonly affected. At the same time, comedones appear on the nose and ears, the mouths of the follicles expand. After the foci resolve, areas of baldness remain on the head, which is associated with cicatricial atrophy. On the red border of the lips, cracks, swelling, thickening are observed, on the mucous membrane - keratinization of the epithelium, erosion. When the mucous membrane is damaged, pain and burning appear, which are aggravated by talking, eating.

With lupus erythematosus of the red border of the lips, several clinical forms are distinguished, among which:

  • Typical. It is characterized by foci of infiltration of an oval shape or the spread of the process to the entire red border. The affected areas acquire a purple color, the infiltrate is pronounced, the vessels are dilated. The surface is covered with whitish scales. If they are separated, pain and bleeding occur. In the center of the focus there is an area of ​​atrophy, along the edges there are areas of the epithelium in the form of white stripes.
  • No marked atrophy. Hyperemia and keratotic scales appear on the red border. Unlike the typical form, the scales flake off quite easily, hyperkeratosis is mild, telangiectasias and infiltration, if observed, are insignificant.
  • Erosive. In this case, there is a fairly strong inflammation, the affected areas are bright red, swelling, cracks, erosion, bloody crusts are observed. Along the edges of the elements are scales and areas of atrophy. These symptoms of lupus are accompanied by burning, itching, and pain that gets worse when you eat. After resolution, scars remain.
  • Deep. This form is rare. The affected area has the appearance of a nodular formation towering above the surface with hyperkeratosis and erythema from above.

Secondary glandular cheilitis quite often joins lupus erythematosus on the lips.

Much less often, the pathological process develops on the mucous membrane. It is localized, as a rule, on the mucous cheeks, lips, sometimes in the palate and tongue. There are several forms, including:

  • Typical. Manifested by foci of hyperemia, hyperkeratosis, infiltration. In the center there is an area of ​​atrophy, along the edges there are areas of white stripes resembling a palisade.
  • Exudative-hyperemic is characterized by severe inflammation, while hyperkeratosis and atrophy are not too pronounced.
  • With injuries, the exudative-hyperemic form can turn into an erosive-ulcerative form with painful elements, around which divergent white stripes are localized. After healing, scars and strands most often remain. This variety has a tendency to malignancy.

Treatment of discoid lupus erythematosus

The main principle of treatment is hormonal agents and immunosuppressants. These or other drugs are prescribed depending on the symptoms of lupus erythematosus. Treatment usually lasts for several months. If the elements of the rash are small, they should be applied with corticosteroid ointment. With abundant rashes, oral corticosteroid drugs and immunosuppressants are required. Since the sun's rays aggravate the disease, sun exposure should be avoided, and if necessary, use a cream that protects against ultraviolet radiation. It is important to start treatment on time. This is the only way to avoid scars or reduce their severity.

Systemic lupus erythematosus: symptoms, treatment

This severe disease is characterized by an unpredictable course. More recently, two decades ago, it was considered fatal. Women get sick much more often than men (10 times). The inflammatory process can begin in any tissues and organs where there is connective tissue. It proceeds both in a mild form and in a severe one, leading to disability or death. The severity depends on the variety and quantity of antibodies formed in the body, as well as on the organs involved in the pathological process.

Symptoms of SLE

Systemic lupus is a disease with a variety of symptoms. It occurs in acute, subacute or chronic forms. It can begin suddenly with fever, general weakness, weight loss, pain in the joints and muscles. Most have skin manifestations. As with discoid lupus, the face develops a characteristic erythema in the form of a well-defined butterfly. The rash can spread to the neck, upper chest, scalp, limbs. Nodules and spots may appear on the tips of the fingers, erythema and atrophy in a mild form - on the soles and palms. There are dystrophic phenomena in the form of bedsores, hair loss, deformation of the nails. Perhaps the appearance of erosions, vesicles, petechiae. In severe cases, the bubbles open, areas with erosive-ulcerative surfaces are formed. The rash may appear on the legs and around the knee joints.

Systemic lupus erythematosus occurs with lesions of many internal organs and systems. In addition to skin syndrome, muscle and joint pain, diseases of the kidneys, heart, spleen, liver, as well as pleurisy, pneumonia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia can develop. In 10% of patients, the spleen is enlarged. In young people and children, an increase in lymph nodes is possible. Cases of damage to internal organs without skin symptoms are known. Severe forms can be fatal. The main causes of death are chronic renal failure, sepsis.

If systemic lupus erythematosus is mild, the symptoms are as follows: rash, arthritis, fever, headache, minor damage to the lungs and heart. If the course of the disease is chronic, then exacerbations are replaced by periods of remission, which can last for years. In severe cases, there are serious damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, as well as vasculitis, significant changes in the composition of the blood, severe disorders of the central nervous system.

The changes occurring in SLE are very diverse, the process of generalization is pronounced. These changes are especially noticeable in the subcutaneous fat, intermuscular and periarticular tissues, vascular walls, kidneys, heart, and immune system organs.

All changes can be divided into five groups:

  • dystrophic and necrotic in the connective tissue;
  • inflammation of varying intensity in all organs;
  • sclerotic;
  • in the immune system (accumulations of lymphocytes in the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes);
  • nuclear pathologies in the cells of all tissues and organs.

Manifestations of SLE

In the course of the disease, a polysyndromic picture develops with manifestations typical of each syndrome.

Skin signs

The skin symptoms of lupus are varied and are usually of paramount importance in the diagnosis. They are absent in about 15% of patients. In a quarter of patients, changes in the skin are the first sign of the disease. Approximately 60% of them develop at different stages of the disease.

Lupus erythematosus is a disease whose symptoms can be specific and nonspecific. In total, about 30 types of skin manifestations are distinguished - from erythema to bullous rashes.

The cutaneous form is distinguished by three main clinical features: erythema, follicular keratosis, and atrophy. Discoid foci are observed in a quarter of all patients with SLE, and they are characteristic of the chronic form.

Lupus erythematosus is a disease whose symptoms have their own characteristics. A typical form of erythema is the figure of a butterfly. Localization of rashes - open parts of the body: face, scalp, neck, upper chest and back, limbs.

Biette's centrifugal erythema (surface form of CV) has only one of the triad of signs - hyperemia, and the layer of scales, atrophy and scarring are absent. The lesions are localized, as a rule, on the face and most often have the shape of a butterfly. Rashes in this case resemble psoriatic plaques or have the appearance of an annular rash without scarring.

With a rare form - deep Kaposi-Irgang lupus erythematosus - both typical foci and mobile dense nodes are observed, sharply limited and covered with normal skin.

The skin form proceeds continuously for a long time, aggravated in the spring and summer due to sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Changes in the skin are usually not accompanied by any sensations. Only the foci located on the oral mucosa are painful while eating.

Erythema in systemic lupus erythematosus may be localized or confluent, varying in size and shape. As a rule, they are edematous, have a sharp border with healthy skin. Among the skin manifestations of SLE, one should name lupus-cheilitis (hyperemia with grayish scales, with erosions, crusts and atrophy on the red border of the lips), erythema on the fingertips, soles, palms, and erosion in the oral cavity. The characteristic symptoms of lupus are trophic disorders: constant dryness of the skin, diffuse alopecia, brittleness, thinning and deformation of the nails. Systemic vasculitis is manifested by ulcers on the lower leg, atrophic scarring of the nail bed, gangrene of the fingertips. Raynaud's syndrome develops in 30% of patients, characterized by such signs as cold hands and feet, goosebumps. Lesions of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, oral cavity, vagina are observed in 30% of patients.

The disease lupus erythematosus has skin symptoms and is more rare. These include bullous, hemorrhagic, urticarial, nodular, papulonecrotic and other types of rashes.

Articular syndrome

Joint lesions are observed in almost all patients with SLE (more than 90% of cases). It is these symptoms of lupus that make a person see a doctor. It may hurt one joint or several, the pain is usually migratory, it lasts for several minutes or several days. Inflammatory phenomena develop in the wrist, knee and other joints. Morning stiffness is pronounced, the process is most often symmetrical. Not only the joints are affected, but also the ligamentous apparatus. In the chronic form of SLE with a predominant lesion of the joints and periarticular tissues, limited mobility may be irreversible. In rare cases, bone erosion and joint deformities are possible.

Approximately 40% of patients have myalgia. Focal myositis, which is characterized by muscle weakness, rarely develops.

Cases of aseptic bone necrosis in SLE are known, with 25% of cases being a lesion of the femoral head. Aseptic necrosis may be due to both the disease itself and high doses of corticosteroids.

Pulmonary manifestations

In 50-70% of SLE patients, pleurisy (effusion or dry) is diagnosed, which is considered an important diagnostic sign in lupus. With a small amount of effusion, the disease proceeds imperceptibly, but massive effusions also occur, in some cases requiring a puncture. Pulmonary pathologies in SLE are usually associated with classical vasculitis and are its manifestation. Often, during an exacerbation and involvement in the pathological process of other organs, lupus pneumonitis develops, characterized by shortness of breath, dry cough, chest pain, and sometimes hemoptysis.

With antiphospholipid syndrome, PE (pulmonary embolism) can develop. In rare cases - pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary hemorrhage, fibrosis of the diaphragm, which is fraught with pulmonary degeneration (a decrease in total lung volume).

Cardiovascular manifestations

Most often, with lupus erythematosus, pericarditis develops - up to 50%. As a rule, there is dry, although cases with significant effusion are not excluded. With a long course of SLE and recurrent pericarditis, even dry, large adhesions form. In addition, myocarditis and endocarditis are often diagnosed. Myocarditis is manifested by arrhythmias or dysfunction of the heart muscle. Endocarditis is complicated by infectious diseases and thromboembolism.

Of the vessels in SLE, medium and small arteries are usually affected. Possible disorders such as erythematous rash, digital capillaritis, livedo reticularis (marble skin), necrosis of the fingertips. Of the venous lesions, thrombophlebitis associated with vasculitis is not uncommon. Coronary arteries are also often involved in the pathological process: coronaritis and coronary atherosclerosis develop.

One of the causes of death in long-term SLE is myocardial infarction. There is a relationship between coronary artery disease and hypertension, so if high blood pressure is detected, immediate treatment is required.

Gastrointestinal manifestations

Lesions of the digestive system in SLE are observed in almost half of patients. In this case, systemic lupus has the following symptoms: lack of appetite, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, abdominal pain. Examination reveals esophageal dysmotility, its dilatation, ulceration of the gastric mucosa, esophagus, duodenum, ischemia of the gastric and intestinal walls with perforation, arteritis, degeneration of collagen fibers.

Acute pancreatitis is rarely diagnosed, but it significantly worsens the prognosis. Of the pathologies of the liver, both its slight increase and the most severe hepatitis are found.

renal syndrome

Lupus nephritis develops in 40% of patients with SLE, which is due to the deposition of immune complexes in the glomeruli. There are six stages of this pathology:

  • disease with minimal changes;
  • benign mesangial glomerulonephritis;
  • focal proliferative glomerulonephritis;
  • diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis (after 10 years, 50% of patients develop chronic renal failure);
  • slowly progressive membranous nephropathy;
  • Glomerulosclerosis is the final stage of lupus nephritis with irreversible changes in the renal parenchyma.

If systemic lupus erythematosus has kidney symptoms, then, most likely, we need to talk about a poor prognosis.

Nervous System Damage

In 10% of SLE patients, cerebral vasculitis develops with such manifestations as fever, epileptic seizures, psychosis, coma, stupor, meningism.

Has systemic lupus symptoms associated with mental disorders. In most patients, there is a decrease in memory, attention, mental capacity for work.

Possible damage to the facial nerves, the development of peripheral neuropathy and transverse myelitis. Often migraine-like headaches associated with damage to the central nervous system.

Hematological syndrome

With SLE, hemolytic anemia, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, and lymphopenia may develop.

Antiphospholipid Syndrome

This symptom complex was first described in SLE. It is manifested by thrombocytopenia, ischemic necrosis, Libman-Sachs endocarditis, strokes, pulmonary embolism, livedo-vasculitis, thrombosis (arterial or venous), gangrene.

drug-induced lupus syndrome

About 50 drugs can cause it, including: Hydralazine, Isoniazid, Procainamide.

Manifested by myalgia, fever, arthralgia, arthritis, anemia, serositis. The kidneys are rarely affected. The severity of symptoms is directly dependent on dosages. Men and women get sick equally often. The only treatment is drug withdrawal. Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes prescribed. Corticosteroids may be indicated in extreme cases.

SLE treatment

It is difficult to talk about the prognosis, since the disease is unpredictable. If the treatment started on time, it was possible to quickly suppress the inflammation, then the long-term prognosis may be favorable.

Medications are selected taking into account the symptoms of systemic lupus. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

In the case of a mild form, drugs are shown that reduce skin and joint manifestations, for example, Hydroxychloroquine, Quinacrine and others. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs may be prescribed to relieve joint pain, although not all doctors approve of taking NSAIDs for lupus erythematosus. With increased blood clotting, aspirin is prescribed in small doses.

In severe cases, it is necessary to start taking medications with prednisolone (Metipred) as soon as possible. The dosage and duration of treatment depend on which organs are affected. To suppress the autoimmune reaction, immunosuppressants are prescribed, for example, Cyclophosphamide. With vasculitis and severe damage to the kidneys and nervous system, complex treatment is indicated, including the use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressants.

After it is possible to suppress the inflammatory process, the rheumatologist determines the dose of prednisone for long-term use. If the test results have improved, the manifestations have decreased, the doctor gradually reduces the dose of the drug, while the patient may experience an exacerbation. Nowadays, it is possible to reduce the dosage of the drug in most patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

If the disease developed as a result of taking medication, then recovery occurs after the drug is discontinued, sometimes after several months. No special treatment is required.

Features of the disease in women, men and children

As mentioned earlier, women are more susceptible to the disease. There is no consensus on who has more pronounced symptoms of lupus erythematosus - in women or men - does not exist. There is an assumption that in men the disease is more severe, the number of remissions is less, the generalization of the process is faster. Some researchers have concluded that thrombocytopenia, renal syndrome, and CNS lesions in SLE are more common in men, and articular symptoms of lupus erythematosus are more common in women. Others did not share this opinion, and some did not find any gender differences regarding the development of certain syndromes.

Symptoms of lupus erythematosus in children are characterized by polymorphism at the onset of the disease, and only 20% have monoorganic forms. The disease develops in waves, with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions. It is distinguished by an acute onset, rapid progression, early generalization, and a worse prognosis than in adults for lupus erythematosus in children. Early symptoms include fever, malaise, weakness, poor appetite, weight loss, rapid hair loss. In the systemic form, the manifestations differ in the same variety as in adults.

The appearance on the face of a specific rash that has a red color is very often confused with allergies and the wrong treatment is used. The formation of the first symptoms of the disease on the skin, lupus erythematosus can only be diagnosed by a specialist. Many people have no idea about the concept of lupus erythematosus, what kind of disease and how dangerous it is to health.

This type of disease is most common in young women and belongs to the category of complex types of skin diseases. At an advanced stage, the disease can begin to progress strongly, spread to healthy areas of the body.

What is lupus erythematosus disease?

The disease refers to skin infections of the autoimmune type.

When manifested, it has the following types of characteristics:

  • Appears as, which is localized in the cheeks and nose;
  • During the progression of the disease, increased production of antibodies begins body and damage to healthy cells;
  • The human body recognizes healthy cells of the epidermis as infected, and starts the processes of elimination of this type of cells;
  • Most often exposed to females under 30 years of age;
  • Refers to rare diseases and is hereditary.
  • Most often, with this type of skin disease, lesions of the connective cells occur. and epithelium.

The disease has the property of reducing and increasing its symptoms, transmitted from mother to child at birth.

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Disease history

The disease lupus erythematosus is very often popularly called simply lupus, which arose a long time ago and has its own history.

It has the following development features:

After a detailed study of the disease, experts came to the conclusion that lupus erythematosus tends to affect not only the skin, but also internal organs, which is why the disease is called systemic lupus erythematosus.

For many years, patients with psoriasis and eczema are hostages of their diseases. There were remedies that could alleviate the course of the disease, but not eliminate them completely. After the appearance of this gel, dermatologists recognized that this is a completely new word in medicine.

Forms and classifications

The disease lupus erythematosus can be of various forms, which is reflected in the rate of progression of the disease and the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.


There are the following forms:

  • acute form- the disease develops rapidly, tends to affect large volumes of skin. Accompanied by a large number of symptoms, including an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • Subacute form- manifested by general symptoms of weakness, clear boundaries of the rash on the epidermis. The disease gradually spreads to new parts of the body;
  • Chronic form- this type of disease very often does not attract much attention and is confused with other types of skin infections. Symptoms appear blurry, the rash on the body may disappear on its own, after a while it will manifest itself with renewed vigor.


In addition to the forms of the disease, the following types of classification are distinguished:

  • Discoid lupus erythematosus- Most often, symptoms appear on the face in the shape of a butterfly. The epidermis becomes red and edematous, may gradually move to the ears and scalp;
  • Lupus erythematosus deep- characterized by the manifestation of symptoms of small sizes throughout the body. In this case, the color of the rash can be dark red with blue impurities;
  • Centrifugal lupus- manifests itself on the face in the form of mild symptoms of a rash on the cheeks and nose. Scales gradually form, the skin begins to peel off and swell;
  • Lupus erythematosus systemic- is considered the most difficult class of this type of disease. The first signs of lupus are observed on the face, the disease quickly spreads throughout the body and is accompanied by a large number of symptoms. As the disease progresses, the joints are damaged and their normal functioning is disrupted;
  • drug lupus- manifested as a reaction to the use of drugs.

Correctly establish the form and type of lupus erythematosus can only be a specialist after the necessary diagnosis.


Experts in the field of medicine have not yet determined the causes of the formation of such a disease as lupus erythematosus.

However, there are the following types of causes that can contribute to the formation of such symptoms:

Some experts argue that lupus can occur as a result of hormonal disruptions or after the use of contraceptives. However, this opinion remains controversial and direct evidence does not yet exist.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Skin Diseases

I have been working in a private clinic for many years and give consultations on skin problems. You have no idea how many people come to me with different types of dermatological skin diseases, as a rule, these are all kinds of rashes, redness and suppuration on various parts of the body.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

The disease develops as follows:

  • Failure in the immune system, resulting in the production of antibodies by the body;
  • High concentration of antibodies in the body after a certain time;
  • Starting the foreign body removal process for which the body mistakenly takes healthy cells;
  • As a result of a pathogenic reaction formation of an inflammatory process is observed;
  • Change in blood vessels and connective tissue;
  • Damage to the skin and internal organs.

Depending on the type of lupus, the mechanism of action of lupus can develop rapidly or over several years.

There are times when a person, ignoring all the symptoms, can live for more than 10 years, however, such types of disease progression lead to death and are not amenable to drug treatment.

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Symptoms and signs

Depending on the type of manifestation of the disease, the manifestation of various symptoms and signs of the disease lupus erythematosus is observed.

Each patient may experience individual symptoms and signs of the development of the disease, which depend on the general state of the immune system and the characteristics of the organism.

Dermatological manifestation

The characteristic manifestations of this type of lupus are the presence of a rash of varying intensity on the skin.

The first signs of the formation of the disease:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • Soreness when touched;
  • The manifestation of single formations in the face and neck.

Symptoms of the disease:

The person may feel a lack of appetite and indigestion. Very often, with such symptoms, prolonged headaches can be observed. A rash on the body can manifest itself in the genital area, arms and abdomen.

Manifestation of orthopedic type

Very often, with advanced and complex types of lupus erythematosus, a decrease in the functions of the human skeletal system occurs.


  • Burning in the joints;
  • Pain symptoms at the end of the day;
  • Violation of the integrity of the bones;
  • Rheumatology;
  • When moving the limbs, unpleasant symptoms occur.

The following symptoms are observed:

A person has reduced functioning of the joints and frequent pain symptoms. The area of ​​the joints becomes red and swelling of the skin is observed.

Hematological signs of the disease

The development of the disease lupus erythematosus can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Anemia;
  • Formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • Leukopenia.

In rare cases, there may be a violation of the walls of blood vessels, a reduced level of blood clotting.

Expression of the heart

From the side of the cardiac organs, the manifestation of the disease lupus erythematosus can manifest itself with the following symptoms:


  • A sharp increase in the speed of the heartbeat;
  • Pain in the chest area;
  • General weakness.

Symptoms are chaotic in nature, often go away on their own, after which they appear with renewed vigor. Very often, these types of symptoms are confused with other types of heart muscle damage, and inappropriate treatment is used.

Sign factors associated with the kidneys

In cases where the disease lupus erythematosus affects the kidney area, the following symptoms may appear:


  • Puffiness in the eye area;
  • Observation of a large amount of protein in the urine;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Kidney disease.

Very often, the manifestation of such symptoms affects all nearby organs, disrupts the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.

manifestation of a neurological nature

The disease can be manifested by neurological symptoms:

Signs and manifestations:

  • Disruption of normal sleep;
  • Irritability;
  • overexcitation;
  • Nervousness.

In addition to disorders of the nervous system, symptoms of indigestion, respiratory disorders and pain in the stomach area are very often manifested.

Often there can be situations when the patient suffers from a partial loss of vision or the formation of inflammatory processes on the visual organs.

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Is the disease contagious?

The disease lupus erythematosus is not contagious, despite the large number of unpleasant symptoms. This is due primarily to the fact that the causes of the development of the disease are located inside the body.

The only cases of infection from another patient can be observed during childbirth from mother to child.

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Tired of dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, rash, itching, ulcers and blisters, cracks - these are all unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis.

Without treatment, the disease progresses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin affected by the rash increases.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first application
  • Restores, softens and moisturizes the skin
  • Eliminates rash and peeling of the skin in 3-5 days
  • After 19-21 days completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

Features of the disease in children

The onset of lupus disease is much more difficult than in adulthood. This is primarily due to a weakened immune system, which is unable to resist this type of damage to the body.

The very first signs of the formation of this type of disease are:

  • specific red color in different parts of the body;
  • Especially often the rash appears in the face and scalp., which leads to complete baldness;
  • The most obvious signs of the onset of the disease in the lip area appear, mucous membranes, causing ulcerative lesions of the skin.

In childhood, lupus is manifested by the following features:

It is very difficult to treat this type of disease and often leads to severe cases of consequences. The child loses its mobility and there may be a sharp loss of weight and blocking the normal development of internal organs.

Disease during pregnancy

Lupus symptoms can occur during the period of bearing a child absolutely in any trimester. Very often, many women confuse the first signs of the disease with changes in the body during pregnancy.

If lupus develops during pregnancy, a woman may experience the following types of complications:

If a woman is diagnosed with a disease during pregnancy, the entire period of prenatal activities is carried out under the close supervision of doctors in a stationary mode.


Only a specialist can correctly establish the diagnosis after conducting an appropriate examination.

Diagnostics consists of:

Depending on the complexity of the disease, additional types of diagnosis may be prescribed, which will determine the intensity of treatment.


Treatment of lupus erythematosus involves the use of various methods of treatment that are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and blocking the further development of the disease.

The following treatments are most commonly used:

  • Medical impact- is prescribed to reduce the symptoms of the disease and eliminate damage to healthy areas of the skin. The use of drugs can strengthen the natural functions of the immune system and eliminate the disease;
  • Local impact problem- used to activate the natural processes of repairing damaged cells;
  • Complementary Therapy The most commonly used blood purification procedure is plasmapheresis. This method allows you to reduce the production of antibodies and stop the elimination of healthy cells by the body;
  • Compliance with a special diet- it is necessary to strengthen the body, the intake of all the necessary substances.

Methods of treatment of the disease depend on the degree of damage, selected individually for each patient.

The use of medicines

It implies the complex use of drugs to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Depending on the type of disease, the following types of drugs may be prescribed.

Hormonal remedies

The action of the funds is aimed at influencing the immune system to suppress the inflammatory response. The duration and course of the use of funds depends on the complexity of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The following types of medicines are most commonly used:

  • Methylprednisolone- a corticosteroid substance is aimed at eliminating antibodies that damage healthy skin cells. Reduces inflammation in the joints. It is used once a day in a course that will be prescribed by the attending physician individually for each patient. It is not used for children, it is recommended to carry out treatment strictly according to the recommendations of specialists. With improper treatment, it tends to cause an overdose, which leads to complications of systemic lupus erythematosus. Price 220 rubles ;
  • Prednisolone- used to treat various skin diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus. The drug suppresses the development of the inflammatory process and blocks the further development of the disease. For the treatment of lupus erythematosus, it is recommended to use the remedy three times a day for up to 21 days. It is forbidden to use in diabetes mellitus and patients who suffer from low blood pressure. Not prescribed for children, average cost 130 rubles ;
  • Dexamethasone- It is recommended to use as injections. The hormonal substance is aimed at restoring damaged cells, reducing the production of natural enzymes that negatively affect healthy skin areas. It is used once a day, the course of treatment is individual. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age. It tends to cause a large number of side effects. Price 400 rubles ;
  • Advantan ointment- hormonal ointment for local treatment is used to reduce the external symptoms of the disease. Proper application eliminates inflammation and reduces swelling of the epidermis. It is applied twice a day to the affected skin. The course of treatment is 14 weeks. If necessary, use in childhood, the duration of treatment should not exceed 5 weeks. Appointed from the age of 6 years. Price 460 rubles ;
  • Flucinar gel- eliminates unpleasant symptoms, soothes the skin and starts the processes of cell membrane restoration. It is applied twice a day for a course of no more than 14 days. Prohibited under the age of 12 and elderly patients. Price 220 rubles .

Cytostatic drugs

They are used for complex types of lupus for more effective treatment with hormonal drugs.

Most nominated:

  • Azathioprine- has an immunosuppressive effect, reduces the production of protective functions of the body. Promotes the rapid elimination of antibodies in the blood. The course and method of use is prescribed individually for each patient. Contraindicated for children under 14 years of age and during periods of reduced kidney function. average cost 1300 rubles ;
  • Endoxan- powder for the preparation of the solution is used to reduce inflammation and as an antitumor agent. It is forbidden to use under 18 years of age and for the elderly. It is applied twice a day, the duration of treatment is determined by the specialist individually. Price 800 rubles .

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

Used for mild symptoms of the disease, in childhood.

Most nominated:

  • Nurofen- used to relieve symptoms of pain and fever. It is recommended to take as the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, no more than once every 8 hours. It is used for children from 3 months. average cost 350 rubles ;
  • Ibuprofen- a remedy for relieving inflammation and symptoms of pain. Suitable for various ages. Recommended to use as needed. Appointed from the age of 6 months. Price 90 rubles .


The action of such medications is aimed at blocking the symptoms of lupus and reducing their manifestation.

The most popular drug is:

  • - suitable for long-term use. The course of application is prescribed by the attending physician. Suitable for treating children over 5 years of age. Price 600 rubles .

Each patient may experience individual characteristics of the course of the disease, so the list of drugs is selected individually.

Therapy with folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine methods can help improve the condition and reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

The most commonly used recipes are:

The use of traditional medicine methods cannot completely cure lupus, however, regular use will reduce symptoms and improve the overall well-being of a person.

Complications of the disease

Lupus erythematosus disease tends to cause a large number of side effects that require additional treatment.

The most common types of complications can be observed:

If left untreated, lupus erythematosus is often fatal.

Forecast values

Lupus erythematosus is difficult to treat.

The following picture of the development of the disease is very often observed:

  • With complex types of disease, which progresses very quickly over several years, there is a complete defeat of the internal organs;
  • With timely treatment have an 80% chance of getting rid of unpleasant symptoms;
  • After diagnosing 60% of patients die due to infectious diseases;
  • In case of injury during pregnancy 60% of cases are observed preterm birth.

This type of disease does not pass without a trace, even with timely treatment, a person may experience any malfunctions in the body.

It is most easier to cope with the disease in the early stages of its occurrence, otherwise it is necessary to undergo a long and complex treatment.


To prevent the formation of the disease, lupus erythematosus is recommended to follow the following prevention methods:

Compliance with such methods allows not only to reduce the risk of developing symptoms of the disease, but also, in case of occurrence, to improve the general well-being of the patient.


The occurrence of lupus erythematosus greatly reduces the course of the patient's normal life process. However, with proper treatment, following the doctor's recommendations, a person can reduce discomfort and lead a normal life.

Modern medicine allows not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also, if necessary, to endure a healthy child, the main condition for this type of illness is to plan the pregnancy correctly in a timely manner to visit a specialist for a comprehensive examination and reduce the level of progression of the disease.



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