1 healthy lifestyle. Hygienic basics of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is the systematic behavior of an individual aimed at preserving biological, social and psychological health, maintaining working capacity and preventing diseases.

A healthy lifestyle includes:

Balanced diet;

Rational physical activity and occupational hygiene;

Compliance with life safety rules at home, at work, in public places, etc.;

Organization of proper rest and prevention of distress, overwork, mastering skills psychological protection and relaxation;

Abstinence from drugs, smoking, alcohol or moderate drinking;

Preventive measures (timely medical examinations and seeking medical help, vaccinations, hardening, etc.).

A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, based on awareness of the value of health. Therefore, he needs to teach children from the very beginning. early age, creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle, traditions of preserving and promoting health, healthy habits.

Let's take a closer look individual components human behavior as part of a healthy lifestyle. First of all, let's focus on a balanced diet.

Food is a multicomponent environmental factor. According to the formula for a balanced diet, the body should receive more than 50 different substances organic and inorganic nature, assisting food in performing its various functions in the process of vital activity of the body.

Considering the physiological aspects of the problem rational nutrition it must be emphasized that the most important functions food are:

Energy - providing the body with energy. The energy function of food is provided mainly by carbohydrates, which contain mainly baked goods, pasta, cereals, potatoes, sugar, fruits and dishes made from them;

Plastic function - providing the body with plastic substances. Metabolism occurs as a result of two interconnected processes- assimilation (anabolism) and dissimilation (catabolism). Assimilation processes are possible only if the body is supplied with plastic substances, primarily proteins, and to a lesser extent fats and carbohydrates, therefore the plastic function of food is provided mainly by meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Mineral elements play a special role in the implementation of plastic function - they play the main role in the construction of bone tissue;

Bioregulatory. Food contains substances from which enzymes and hormones are formed - biological regulators of metabolism in the tissues of the body. Mainly proteins, vitamins and microelements are involved in the formation of enzymes and hormones;

Adaptive-regulatory (adaptive). Each nutrient plays a specific role in the adaptive activity of different functional systems of the body that ensure its vital functions. For example, alimentary fiber(fiber, pectin, etc.), which until recently were considered ballast substances, take part in the formation feces and regulation of motor function of the intestine, the most important organ of the digestive system;

Immunoregulatory. The body’s ability to resist the effects of harmful factors (biological, chemical and physical) depends on the quality of nutrition, especially on its protein, vitamin composition, content essential (irreplaceable) fatty acids, microelements (Fe, Zn, I, etc.);

Rehabilitation. Nutrition allows you to restore the health of sick people: it helps speed up recovery and prevent relapses;

Motivational-signaling - this function is associated with the delivery of flavoring substances to the body, which help maintain food motivation (appetite) at an appropriate level, as well as, to some extent, maintain the psychological well-being of the individual. Mikheenko A.I. Rational and healthy nutrition. - M.: Phoenix, 2015. - 192 p.

Therefore, when maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is important to take into account the indicated functions of food and the characteristics of its biological effect on the body, namely:

A specific action that prevents the occurrence and development of undernutrition and overnutrition syndromes, i.e. nutritional diseases;

Nonspecific action that prevents development and progression infectious diseases;

Protective action that increases the body's resistance to adverse influence external, incl. labor factors;

Pharmacological action that restores homeostasis and the activity of functional systems of the body damaged due to disease.

Rational nutrition (from the Latin ratіo - “smart”) is physiologically good nutrition healthy people taking into account their age, gender, nature of work and other factors. Rational nutrition helps maintain health, the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, high physical and mental performance, as well as active longevity.

The concept of rational nutrition is based on the idea that food should perform all of the above functions. Therefore, rational nutrition is based on four basic principles.

The first principle is conformity energy composition food needs of the body. IN modern life Almost no one adheres to the principle of accounting for energy costs: people tend to consume high-calorie foods without taking into account daily requirement body in calories (Table 2, Mikheenko A., 2015). As a rule, bread and bakery products are consumed in excessive quantities, confectionery, sugar, fatty cheeses, mayonnaise, fatty meats. All this leads to obesity, which has become one of the most common diseases in the world (Fig. 2). As a result, people develop diseases of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system, etc., as consequences of obesity, which significantly reduce performance and often lead to death. The energy balance largely depends on the nutritional culture of people.

table 2

People's caloric needs depending on the type of work activity

The second principle of rational nutrition is compliance chemical composition food to the real needs of the body (Table 3. Mikheenko A., 2015). Every person’s body must receive about seventy vital substances daily, and such compliance can only be ensured through a varied and balanced diet. Of course, their number also varies depending on gender, age, employment, lifestyle and health status of a person.

Figure 2

Statistics of obesity in the worldData from the website of the TASS Information Agency. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://tassgraphics.ru/item?id=32463&categoryID=12

The third principle of rational nutrition is a wide variety of types of foods used every day. The richer the set of products, the easier it is to get all the necessary substances that the human body needs every day.

Table 3

Average requirement of the human body for essential nutrients

The fourth principle of rational nutrition is adherence to a certain regime eating. The regimen is regular, fractional meals, including at least 4 meals per day. The diet should also correspond to the lifestyle and work of a person, the age and daily activity of each individual.

Fully compensates for the body’s energy costs, but does not exceed them;

Provides the body's needs for plastic substances;

Contains all other substances necessary for life, primarily vitamins, microelements, dietary fiber, etc.;

Food ration by quantity and set food products fully meets enzymatic capabilities gastrointestinal tract of this person.

Subtypes of rational nutrition are preventive, therapeutic and therapeutic-dietary nutrition.

Depending on the nature of nutrition, different statuses of people are distinguished. Normal nutritional status indicates that a person consumes food according to average standards. Optimal nutritional status is characteristic of nutrition according to special standards, taking into account possible influence extreme conditions and phenomena. Excessive (extra) nutritional status and insufficient nutritional status are associated, respectively, with excess and insufficient intake of nutrients into the body.

For rate nutritional status and, accordingly, the quality of nutrition must be determined by the degree of adequacy of energy and vitamin nutrition.

The main criteria for assessing the energy adequacy of nutrition are:

Body mass;

Mass growth indicator;

Subcutaneous fat thickness.

The main criteria for assessing vitamin adequacy of nutrition are:

Capillary resistance (no damage, bruising, etc.);

Quantity ascorbic acid, which is excreted in the urine;

Symptoms of partial vitamin deficiency(primarily swelling, looseness and bleeding of the gums, follicular hyperkeratosis or the symptom “ goose bumps", dry skin, oily seborrhea, etc.).

That is, every person should know which products contain the basic necessary nutrients(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, fiber). The basis of nutrition should be grain products, incl. from unrefined grains, bran, flour coarse, vegetables, fruits and vegetable oils. They should be consumed every day (preferably steamed or boiled, but not fried). You can add some nuts, legumes, low-fat varieties meat and fish, as well as dairy products. It is advisable to consume eggs no more than once a week, especially if a person is over 40 years old. It is recommended to exclude foods from the diet or consume them as little as possible fast food, confectionery products, refined products (for example, refined rice, premium flour products), fatty meats, especially red, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee. It is advisable that during the day there should be breakfast, lunch and dinner with “snacks” in between. It is better to take the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. It's very harmful to do long breaks in meals, eat little in the first half of the day (for example, skip breakfast) and overeat in the evening.

In addition to proper nutrition, people must also properly organize their physical activity, especially if they drive sedentary lifestyle life associated with working conditions (office work, etc.). Under the influence of physical exercise, metabolism, blood circulation, breathing are activated, the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems are improved, i.e. The body's resistance to diseases increases. It is advisable that children, youth, people of working age walk or ride a bicycle every day, walk on fresh air, engaged in physical education according to gender and age standards (but not less than 30 minutes a day). Preferred types physical activity are: morning hygienic exercises, dosed walking; walks; sports games and also some sports (rowing, swimming, swimming in the river and pool, skiing, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, fishing, playing billiards, etc.). They can be combined with hardening procedures. Kobyakova Yu.P. Physical Culture. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. - M.: Phoenix, 2014. - 252 p.

It is important to develop active recreation skills that allow you to relieve stress, fatigue, strengthen not only physical, but also psychological health person. At the same time, family sports and sports activities are especially valuable. leisure. Today, fitness classes, visiting gyms, yoga complexes, dance classes, etc. are becoming popular. All this is a positive trend.

People's workplaces must be equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and every employee has the right to demand compliance with these standards. It is also important to take breaks during work, perform industrial gymnastics, and perform exercises to relieve muscle and psychological fatigue. Every worker, especially if he is engaged in intellectual work, is at leadership position must master stress management skills, including resolution conflict situations and proper communication with others. To maintain your ability to work, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and go to bed and get up at the same time, not too late. Before going to bed, you can take a walk or take a relaxing bath. It is also necessary to fully relax on weekends and during vacations, changing the type of activity and environment. Nikiforov G.S. etc. Healthy personality. Monograph. - M.: Rech, 2013. - 400 p.

In addition, in the culture of a healthy lifestyle, an important place is given to the skills of behavior in extreme situations. It is necessary to adhere to safety rules at home, at work, in transport (starting with the basic use of seat belts), and be able to provide first aid to yourself and others.

Generally healthy style life is a product of a high culture of society, its intellectual development, moral and spiritual health.


1. A healthy lifestyle as a means of maintaining and strengthening human health

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at maintaining and improving people's health. A healthy lifestyle is promoted by:

Physical exercise;


Proper nutrition.

Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs interfere with a healthy lifestyle.

A prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle is a properly structured work and rest schedule.

Human work is diverse. It includes both mental and physical activity of a person and represents, on the one hand, the content of life, and on the other, the stages of improvement of mental, spiritual and physical development personality.

However, in order to properly organize your work and ensure high performance, while avoiding overwork, it is necessary to provide for alternation different types activity and rest, based on the general physiological laws of the functioning of the body.

Throughout the day, the state of the body and its performance are subject to clear rhythmic periods. Most high level The body’s performance is noted in the morning (from 10 to 12 o’clock), and then there is a slight decrease. A repeated increase in performance is observed from 16 to 18 hours. In the evening hours, body functions decrease significantly, and the start of a new day is accompanied by low performance.

Due to changes in working capacity, labor productivity also changes. Therefore, work should be planned in such a way that the most difficult and responsible work occurs during those hours when performance is at a high level.

In order not to waste energy and time in vain, it is necessary that all activities be planned. Planning will allow you to evenly distribute work and avoid unnecessary overload and fatigue.

While working, it is advisable to take several breaks, which should be filled with physical exercise, or, especially if you spend time reading books or on the computer, eye exercises.

To ensure that the work is not accompanied by unnecessary waste of energy, it is necessary to prepare the workplace:

Ventilate the room;

Remove unnecessary objects that interfere with work;

Adjust lighting;

Eliminate everything that can distract from productive work.

Violation of these conditions contributes to the occurrence of fatigue, fatigue, which can become chronic and turn into overwork, which is much more difficult to cope with. This requires a long rest, and sometimes even treatment.

Free time can be spent, depending on your interests, in the world of art, literature, technology, and sports.

On the one hand, this is a switching of activities, and on the other, broadening one’s horizons, one of the ways of self-improvement. It is important that during free time there is a component active actions. You should exercise at least twice a week for 2-3 hours.

Periodic alternation of wakefulness and sleep is also one of the manifestations biological rhythms. Sleep is rest. The duration of sleep should be at least 7-8 hours, and the best time to sleep is from 22 to 6 am.

Inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex that occur during sleep must be replaced in the morning by excitation processes that are stimulated by exercise, breakfast, and a walk.

2. The influence of bad habits on human health

A healthy lifestyle involves eliminating or minimizing factors that negatively affect human health.

Factors that can cause irreparable harm to a person’s health, mental and spiritual development include the following bad habits:


Drinking alcoholic beverages

Use of toxic and narcotic substances.

According to the UN, 3 million people die from smoking every year in the world, that is, 1 person dies from smoking every 13 seconds. Wherein harmful substances affect not only the smokers themselves, but also those who are close to them and are forced to inhale tobacco smoke.

According to the data World Organization Health Authority (WHO), about 90-95% of lung cancers, 45-50% of all cancers and 20-25% of cardiovascular diseases are caused by smoking. Risk of dying from lung cancer smoking men 22 times higher than that of non-smokers. Smoking is the main cause of malignant neoplasms of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, and esophagus.

Smoking also contributes to the development chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Smokers are more likely to experience relapses of these diseases, and they are more difficult to treat.

Alcohol belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that inhibit the activity of brain centers, reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to weakening of brain activity and poor coordination of movements, confused speech, blurred thinking, loss of attention, the ability to think logically and make the right decisions, even to the point of insanity.

Statistics show that the majority of those who drowned were intoxicated, every fifth traffic accident is related to alcohol, a drunken quarrel is the most common cause of murder, and a drunk person is the first to be robbed.

In Russia, persons in a state of alcohol intoxication, is done:

81% kills

87% severe bodily injury,

80% of rapes

85% of robberies,

88% of hooligan actions.

Sooner or later, a person who constantly drinks develops diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, etc. In addition, the drinker experiences disintegration and degradation of personality (partial or complete).

The painful changes in the nervous system, various internal organs, metabolic disorders, and personality degradation that occur in drunkards lead to rapid aging and decrepitude. Average duration The lives of alcoholics are 15-20 years shorter than usual.

Drugs are poisons that have a depressing effect on all organs and tissues, and especially on the central nervous system. Unlike alcoholism, when a person continues to work, albeit with low productivity, drug addiction leads to rapid loss of ability to work and leads to death. The average life expectancy of drug addicts is 30 years.

Exists a large number of substances (drugs) that can have an intoxicating effect on humans. These substances, which actively affect the nervous system and human psyche, are called psychoactive or intoxicating substances (narcotics).

As a result of drug use, drug addiction develops - a special serious illness that consists in the formation of a persistent dependence of a person, his physical and mental well-being, on the presence or absence of a drug in the body.

Along with drugs, there are a large number medicines, as well as household and industrial chemicals that can cause, thanks to toxic effect on the brain, a state of stupefaction.

Such substances (drugs) are called toxicants, and painful condition, caused by dependence on them - substance abuse.

At the same time, the formation of drug and substance abuse is characterized by the development of the following signs:

Mental dependence;

Physical dependence;


The death of patients is caused not only by complications of serious diseases caused by drugs, but also by drug overdose, accidents and suicides while intoxicated or during withdrawal.

In addition, patients die from vascular thrombosis, HIV infection, and blood poisoning from using dirty syringes.

Currently, the legislative framework is being strengthened and punishments for people who contribute to the distribution of narcotic substances are being tightened (see Appendix No. 1).

3. Basic criteria of human health

Along with other means that heal our body, prevent diseases, slow down the onset of old age, and lengthen our lives, adequate sleep and a balanced diet are extremely important.

For sleep disorders and poor nutrition In the shortest possible time, everything that gymnastics, athletics, and the strictest health regime have given to health can be negated.

Sleep is the most the right remedy, eliminating all symptoms of fatigue and quickly restoring strength in the body. During sleep, consciousness turns off and only some areas not covered by inhibition continue to function and give rise to extraordinary dreams.

Falls during deep sleep blood pressure, heart activity weakens, breathing becomes rarer, metabolism slows down, often decreases muscle tone, skeletal muscles relax. Thanks to this, the body rests.

Healthy people immediately fall asleep into a deep sleep, which becomes more superficial in the morning. They wake up cheerful and refreshed. Neurosthenics and overtired people have shallow sleep.

The experiments of a number of scientists have found that in people whose sleep time was delayed by 3 hours, their memory was weakened by 50%. The same was recorded in relation to intelligence and perceptual ability.

Systematic disruption of sleep patterns can cause hypertension and stomach ulcers. The time of night's sleep sufficient to rest the central nervous system varies for different ages.

People aged 20-50 should sleep at least 8 hours a day, older people - 6-7 hours, and teenagers aged 14-16 years - 9-11 hours.

Normal nutrition is one of the the most important factors, promoting health, increasing the ability to work and the body’s resistance to all external influences.

For each of us, whether we work physically, enjoy sports or engage in mental work, food is a source of the energy that is necessary both when our body is in motion and when it is at rest.

Energy is consumed during active muscle contraction and during sleep. At the same time, during sleep, the work of the heart and blood supply to all organs and tissues continue, the work of the respiratory apparatus and gastrointestinal tract continues. Energy consumption in an animal body is associated with the formation of heat, without which our body could not always maintain the same temperature necessary for the life of its cells.

The main nutrients for humans are:


Mineral salts,


All these substances that make up our body do not remain unchanged. Some of them undergo transformation, destruction, disintegration into simpler ones chemical structure substances or, as they say, “oxidizes,” “burns,” releasing the energy necessary for the life of the organism.

At the same time, food coming from outside provides the body throughout a person’s life with the material that maintains the warmth necessary for tissues and constant cell growth. Rich foods rich in sugar and starch in the absence physical work, much to the displeasure of lovers of sweets and starchy foods, leads to obesity.

With a lack of iodine in food, thyroid disease develops, a lack of sodium and chlorine (table salt) leads to disruption of cardiac activity and water metabolism, dizziness and fainting. Magnesium takes part in processes related to cardiac activity, and potassium is related to water content in tissues, and acid-base balance.

Excessive salt content in food contributes to gout, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension.

Food should be varied and tasty prepared. It must be taken at least three times a day, hot, at strictly prescribed times.

4. The need for physical education

Physical culture and sports are the most effective means for long-term preservation of youth, health and prolongation of human life.

Physical exercises, varied in form, have a comprehensive effect on the body, are accessible and can be successfully used by a person of any age. Selected taking into account health status, age and gender characteristics, physical exercise, activating, strengthening and training all organs and systems of the body, are a source of unique sensations of bodily joy, muscle freshness, excess energy and general cheerfulness.

It has been proven that any movements that possibly affect the muscles, for example, walking, breathing exercises, gardening, different kinds games have their effect positive impact on all body functions to the same extent in both mental and physical workers.

Sport has a positive effect on the central nervous system and everything the most important organs and systems human body. By playing sports, you can change your strength physical stress, shorten or lengthen distances, reduce or increase the time allotted for training.

When engaging in physical exercise, you must follow the following basic rules:

1. Graduality and accessibility. This means that exercises should be selected that are accessible at first and only as they are mastered should they be gradually complicated. The load should also be accessible, and only as your training level increases should it be gradually increased.

2. Classes should be emotional.

3. During classes, it is necessary to make maximum use of fresh air.

4. Systematicity and regularity of classes. This is absolutely the necessary conditions when doing physical exercise. If you cannot exercise regularly, it is better not to start exercising.

5. Use of environmental factors for hardening

It is necessary for every person to understand the exceptional importance of hardening the body.

Hardening natural factors nature, with the help of sunlight, ambient temperature and water procedures, protects the body from colds(for example, flu, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract), often occurring with severe complications.

Hardening is available to everyone; it does not require any special devices, special home environment and can be carried out throughout the year. Hardened people are able to walk in severe frosts in winter in light clothing, without a coat, and make long swims in icy water.

Any type of hardening is inevitably associated with skin care, which performs such functions as protecting the body from various damages, adapting it to the external environment, releasing end products of metabolism, regulating the heat consumed by the body. Skin that perceives various irritations to which it is exposed human body, through the nervous apparatus embedded in it, is in constant and close connection and interaction with external environment and with the cerebral cortex.

External irritations received by the skin from sun and air baths or water treatments, through complex reflexes, affect the central nervous system, and through it, the functions of the body.

The sun's rays have healing properties due to their thermal, light and chemical properties.

Sun hardening increases metabolism, increases the number of red blood cells (balls) in the blood, increases sweat secretion and poisonous products exchange.

Impact noted sunlight on mood, performance, which occurs due to the stimulating effect of solar radiation on the nervous system.

Sunbathing should be taken in a lying position with the head slightly elevated and, if possible, protected, wearing sunglasses. They're starting sunbath from 5 to 10 minutes, adding 5 minutes daily and gradually increasing the exposure to one hour. Physically strong people can take it up to two hours.

Hardening air baths perhaps within all year round: in summer - outside the room, and in winter - in the room. Morning hygienic exercises should also be accompanied by an air bath and performed in the nude.

According to thermal sensations, air baths are divided:

For cold weather (6-14 °C),

Cool (14-20 °C),

Indifferent (20-22 °C),

Warm (22-30 °C).

Hardening should begin at an air temperature of 20-22C°, the duration of the first air bath is 10-15 minutes.

By increasing the daily air bath intake by 10-20 minutes, gradually increase it to two hours.

Hardening with cold water- the most common and most effective way to make the body immune to low temperatures.

Cold water procedures when used systematically, they significantly improve human health, protect against diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as influenza and sore throat. Cold baths invigorate, revitalize, and increase performance.

According to thermal sensations, they are distinguished:

Cold water treatments (below 20 °C),

Cool (20-33 °C),

Indifferent (34-35 °C),

Thermal (36-40 °C),

Hot (above 40 °C).

Hardening the body should firmly become part of our everyday life, just as morning exercises became part of it.

1. Organization of work and rest of students in the system of secondary vocational education

The learning process in the system of secondary vocational education, the forms of its organization, methods and requirements differ significantly from school ones.

This causes a number of difficulties:




Didactic difficulties are associated with changes in teaching methods, with a larger volume of classes than in secondary school, and often with poor school preparation or a significant break in studies.

Social and psychological difficulties are caused by changes in students’ lifestyle. Many people change their place of residence, which causes a change in environment and the need to independently manage their household.

Professional difficulties arise for students due to the fact that major disciplines do not begin in the first year;

The process of shaping the future of students initial stage requires the study of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, a foreign language, mathematics and natural sciences.

And only later does more in-depth special (professional) training begin.

Students’ knowledge of the basics of a culture of mental work contributes to the preservation of health and ensures high efficiency intellectual work with minimal nervous costs.

A special science is devoted to these aspects - mental hygiene, which studies educational activities and the working environment from the point of view of their influence on the human body.

At the same time, the negative factors that await a person engaged in mental work depend not only on the specifics of the work itself, but also on the conditions in which it is performed.

Students become overtired, to avoid which it is necessary to observe correct mode day. Following a daily routine helps improve performance, successfully complete tasks, and learn new material. During mental work, three stages of fatigue are observed.

Many people want to remain healthy and full of energy for as long as possible, but have no idea what to do to achieve this. Tossing between and reception herbal decoctions, but in fact, to maintain strength and health, it is necessary to constantly maintain healthy lifestyle (HLS). It is of great importance because it affects not only health, but also prolongs life itself. What you need to do to achieve these results, stop being lazy and take charge of yourself.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle is a set of rules, the implementation of which leads to an improvement in the physical and psychological state of the body. By following these rules, all systems and organs begin to function well in a person. Which improves physical and emotional well-being and increases life expectancy.

It is a healthy lifestyle Lately has become relevant among people who want to improve their well-being. The age of technological progress, physical inactivity, and disgusting ecology suggests problems with internal organs, and various, often chronic, diseases develop. Therefore, the people see salvation in healthy attitude to life. Modern people They strive to live quickly, they have no time to pay attention to how he and his family live, the main thing is to be in time for everything. They are fed and treated with drugs that help them recover instantly, but eliminate only the symptom, not the disease itself. When you're stuck, you don't have a moment to relax, and then your body fails.

If a person leads a healthy lifestyle since childhood, then he has healthy body And a strong character. But these results can be achieved by performing all its directions in a complex. If, from early childhood, parents instill in their child what is included in the concept of a healthy lifestyle, then it will not be difficult at all. You can move on to this life rule yourself, but this requires a lot of willpower.

What does a healthy lifestyle consist of:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Performing the hardening process in different ways.

In addition to the fact that a person follows the rules aimed at his health, he must create safety in his environment in order to eliminate the risk of harm to health.

Aspects that determine general concept Healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical. Maintenance good health and strengthening the body's defenses.
  • Emotional. The ability to control emotions and react correctly to a situation.
  • Intellectual. The ability to find the required information and apply it correctly.
  • Spiritual. The ability to correctly set priorities and strictly follow them.

The social definition of a healthy lifestyle cannot be excluded. Here propaganda is carried out by various educational institutions, media and public organizations.

Balanced nutrition in a healthy lifestyle

This means eating only healthy foods. They carry only useful and nutrients necessary to maintain the vital functions of the human body. To those who have overweight or prone to weight gain, there are several tips for...


  • Food needs to be varied; the diet should include plant and animal products.
  • The calorie content of the diet should not exceed the prescribed level. To calculate calories, the presence of physical activity, excess weight, and illness is taken into account.
  • Fractional meals. At least 5 times a day, three main meals and two snacks. It is necessary to eat at the same time. It is forbidden to go hungry.
  • Chew food slowly. By eating this way, you will never overeat, receive the signal of saturation in time and enjoy the taste of the dish. Thoroughly chewed food will bring joy to the stomach.
  • You need to eat the first thing every day. Soups promote the secretion of gastric juice, then the rest of the food will be better digested.
  • Fortification with vegetables and fruits. This the best option snack. Hunger will be satisfied and the body will receive the vitamins it needs.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. No need to count soups, tea and coffee. Plain, still water can be flavored with lemon for taste.
  • Include in diet dairy products. It is better to take low-fat ones, but not low-fat ones. They will fill you with protein and promote digestion.
  • Eat only fresh food. Don’t be lazy and cook everything fresh every time; dishes that sit for a long time lose all their benefits.

What is a healthy lifestyle - the system of proper nutrition is quite simple, it is not at all difficult to master and follow it. The availability of products and cooking techniques will not complicate, but make the task of proper nutrition easier.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

The problem of a healthy lifestyle is especially acute for residents of large cities, who have physical inactivity, whose food contains a large amount of preservatives, palm oil and very often there are periods of stress. But in addition to following the principles of proper nutrition, playing sports, following the rules of hygiene, hardening and giving up bad habits, it is necessary to include harmonious sexual relationships in the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Man is a social being, and, very accurately following all the rules described in the article, but without having a full intimacy, one can hardly count on harmony in other areas physical health. This topic is avoided for good reason. The fact is that all of the listed principles of a healthy lifestyle, in addition to this, depend on the person himself, and establishing relationships presupposes the ability to communicate, and this takes adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle to a completely different level. And it is precisely the harmony of relationships and the ability to communicate, the desire to be attractive and attract others that can be called the spiritual level of a healthy lifestyle.

Physical activity for a healthy lifestyle

Modern people and more young, are chained to TV and computer screens and move little. Poor muscle activity causes enormous problems. Physical inactivity, according to a WHO study, leads to death in 6% of cases. As the same medicine claims, even regularly performing physical exercises that are suitable for a person’s age and condition only bring benefits to the body:

  • Prevents depression and psycho-emotional disorders from developing.
  • Provide assistance in maintaining health in diabetes mellitus.
  • Reduce the possibility of developing cancer.
  • Strengthens bone tissue.
  • Helps maintain normal weight.
  • Strengthen the immune system.

If a person has free time, you can attend group classes, fitness, swimming pool or dancing. If you don't have time, you can start doing morning exercises.

Spending only 10-15 minutes on this every day will be enough for the good condition of your body. Running has a good effect; a morning or evening run will bring pleasure, lift your spirits and help you relax.

Hardening in the practice of healthy lifestyle

Hardening helps reduce the risk of disease to zero. It helps the body cope with external influences unfavorable factors. This is the undeniable benefit of a healthy lifestyle.

There are many methods of hardening:

  • Air baths. The simplest and most accessible method of hardening for a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to be outdoors more often, to go to the forest; forest air ideally prevents the development of diseases.
  • Sunbathing. In summer, try to sunbathe more. At the same time, avoid being in direct sunlight to avoid burns or heat stroke.
  • Walking barefoot. The sole of the foot has many points responsible for the health of organs. Massaging sensitive points will bring healing to the body.
  • Rubbing. This method is suitable even for children. The body is rubbed with a special massage glove, washcloth or wet towel.
  • Pouring. They are held cold water, you can water yourself completely or just your feet. Be sure to dry the skin with a terry towel.
  • Cold and hot shower. Alternating water with different temperatures, gives tone skin and rejuvenates the body.
  • Winter swimming. This is swimming at any time of the year in open water, even in winter. But this method requires a responsible approach and consultation with a doctor.

Strengthening the body requires immediate intervention if the following main symptoms are present: pain in the joints, muscles and headaches, frequent colds, feeling tired, insomnia, skin rashes.

Eliminating bad habits for a healthy lifestyle

Almost everyone knows about the harm that alcoholic drinks, nicotine, and also drugs cause to health. If you want to have good health and an excellent psycho-emotional background, these hobbies are better left in the past.

Please note: Your life and health are in your hands. How you want to see yourself in the future depends only on the individual.

Therefore, it is important to follow the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle that have been laid down since childhood. IN mature age do not become like society and do not accept their habits of drinking and smoking.

Personal hygiene for a healthy lifestyle

A person should always keep his body clean, then infectious diseases can be avoided. Sleep plays an important role in your lifestyle - you need to rest at least 8 hours a day, this will give energy and lightness to the body. It is better to give rest hours from 22:00 to 6:00.

The definition of what a healthy lifestyle is is quite broad. It includes a lot of interconnected moments that together help a person feel active, strong and happy.

Definition of the concepts of “health”, “healthy lifestyle”

Health is the state of the body, all functional systems of which fully perform their functions. This phenomenon can also be described as the absence of disease and physical defects.

It is also worth paying attention to the definition of what a healthy lifestyle is. This is human behavior aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases and creating satisfactory well-being.

If we consider this concept from a philosophical point of view, it is not just a way of life for a particular person. This is a problem of society. If you look from the perspective of psychology, then a healthy lifestyle is considered as a motivation, and with medical point vision is a way to improve health.

Prerequisites for the development of the healthy lifestyle concept

Among other things, it is necessary to find out exactly what prerequisites helped define the named phenomenon. began to be of particular interest to society in the 70s of the last century. This was due to the fact that the development of scientific and technological progress radically changed human life, due to which the issue of strengthening the immune system and increasing life expectancy became acute.

As for modern times, doctors have sounded the alarm. Considering the improvement in working conditions (compared to previous centuries), the expansion of opportunities for obtaining quality food and the availability sufficient quantity free time, life expectancy is nevertheless constantly decreasing. This is due to the fact that people have become more passive and susceptible harmful influences. The number of diseases is growing rapidly.

Based on the above, a healthy lifestyle is important not only for a specific person, but also for society as a whole. Only those who feel well can be active and do their work efficiently. Following the principles of a healthy lifestyle helps a person become a valuable member of society.

and its components

A healthy lifestyle is a systemic phenomenon that consists of many components. These include several components:

  1. Education from early childhood (in the family and educational institutions).
  2. Creating a safe environment that promotes the comprehensive development of the body and does not harm health.
  3. Giving up bad habits and forming negative attitude to them.
  4. Formation of a nutrition culture that involves the consumption healthy food in moderation.
  5. The need for regular physical activity, the intensity of which is appropriate for age and general condition body.
  6. Knowledge and adherence to hygiene rules (both personal and public).

Key Aspects

It is worth noting that healthy lifestyle has a fairly diverse definition. What a healthy lifestyle is can be confidently formulated, taking into account the combination of several aspects:

  1. Physical involves maintaining good health and strengthening defense mechanisms body.
  2. Emotional - the ability to control emotions and respond adequately to problems.
  3. Intellectual - the ability to search for the necessary information and use it rationally.
  4. Spiritual - the ability to set life guidelines and follow them.

How is a healthy lifestyle formed?

The definition of “healthy” is not limited only to physical condition and satisfactory well-being. It is a multifaceted phenomenon, the formation of which occurs at several levels.

Thus, propaganda is carried out on the social, which is carried out by educational institutions, means mass media and public organizations. The infrastructural level implies changes in living conditions, material and physical capabilities, holding preventive measures, as well as control environmental situation. And personal - a person’s own motives, his life values and organization of life.

A person’s desire for self-improvement in the physical plane has a specific definition. What is a healthy lifestyle can be answered by listing the entire range of targeted actions that are aimed at improving functional state body. If you want to follow this philosophy, start following these guidelines:

  • Start every morning with exercise. Exercise stress allows you to activate your work lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.
  • Plan your meals so that you consume as many nutrients as possible. In winter and spring, when there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables, take a vitamin complex.
  • Practice hardening, which will protect you from colds and strengthen your nervous system. Start by washing with cool water, gradually moving on to rubbing and dousing.
  • Be sure to consume protein, which is found in meat, fish, dairy and cereal products. It is this substance that is responsible for the formation of the immune system.
  • Nutritionists recommend drinking 5 cups of high-quality black tea daily. It saturates the body with theanine, which strengthens protective barriers body.
  • Keep track of your emotional state. Protect yourself from negativity and stress. Listen to calm music, watch funny movies, admire nature.
  • Take time to meditate. Even if you are not familiar with this practice, just relax for a few minutes, immerse yourself and try not to think about anything.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy immune system. Nevertheless moderate amount quality alcohol, for example, on a holiday, will not harm you.
  • Every day, 7-8 hours should be devoted to sleep in order to fully restore the body’s strength for further fruitful work. But you shouldn’t sleep too long either.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. Washing your hands before every meal and after visiting public places is mandatory.

Maintaining a daily routine

As you can already judge, a healthy lifestyle consists of many elements. Its basic concepts and definitions represent numerous components that make up complex structure Healthy lifestyle Perhaps, vital role plays the correct daily routine. If there is a clear schedule, the body begins to work automatically. Thus, fewer resources are spent on certain tasks. Stress exposure is also significantly reduced.

The human body is a complex mechanism, the functioning of which can begin to malfunction if treated carelessly. The first thing you should pay attention to is good sleep. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time. In addition, sleep and wakefulness should coincide, respectively, with dark and light times of the day.

On labor activity should be allocated no more than 8 hours a day. Wherein active work should be accompanied by short but regular periods complete relaxation. This applies not only to professional duties, but also to home activities.


Nutrition plays a decisive role in such a task as creating a healthy lifestyle. Determining the right diet helps saturate the body with everything necessary substances which will ensure its uninterrupted operation. Healthy eating means the following:

  • reducing the amount of animal fats;
  • avoidance of fatty meats (preference should be given to poultry);
  • refusal fast carbohydrates(sweets, fast food, baked goods);
  • fractional meals (frequent, but in small portions);
  • refusal of late dinner;
  • intensive fluid consumption;
  • eating fresh products that have undergone minimal heat treatment (or without it at all);
  • matching the amount of energy consumed and consumed.


To ensure the smooth functioning of all body systems, as well as good health, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. To take this path will require serious efforts of will. However, after some time this will become a habit, and the rules of a healthy lifestyle will be carried out at an automatic level. You'll be productive and look younger.

I present to your attention the basics of a healthy lifestyle or good habits. When we hear the expression “healthy lifestyle,” we mentally imagine completely different, but I’m sure, correct things. Our whole life, our existence and happiness depend mainly on health. The transition from a habitual rhythm to a healthy one may seem difficult and unattainable, but it is not at all so. The most important thing is to want it and make every effort. After all, how much should a person be his own enemy in order not to strive for health?

Subconsciously, everyone wants to be healthy and beautiful. But beauty and health can only be preserved by those who consciously and wisely approach their lifestyle. While we are young, our body is able to withstand many harmful external factors. Taking advantage of this, many people take their health lightly, preferring to hold a cigarette in their hands and abuse alcoholic beverages.

But the years go by quickly. The older a person gets, the more his body’s defenses weaken. Over time, all the once excessively drunk alcohol and cigarettes will come out sideways with a bunch of diseases. Only maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a young age can protect against such cases.

1. Giving up bad habits.

This point should be the first. Try changing your perspective. Think that a bad habit is not only an addiction, but also a poison that takes over you. You poison not only yourself, but also people, children living next to you, or ordinary people you meet on the street. According to statistics, smoking kills about 5 million people every year! These are crazy numbers.

2. Proper, balanced, organized nutrition.

Remember the phrase - “You are what you eat.” Be interested in the principles of proper nutrition, consult with specialists. Pay attention to the Food Pyramid, developed by nutritionists. Its scheme is very simple - use everything that is at the base as often as possible, and use what converges towards the top less often or carefully. With food we get strength, energy, vitamins to maintain vital functions. But its excess is also fraught with bad consequences.

3. Active activity sports.

This does not mean that you need to spend your time exhausted in the gym from dusk to dawn. You just have to choose activities that you like and bring a lot of emotions and pleasure. Then visits will only be a joy. Since I took up fitness, my daily mood at any moment can be rated 5 plus! Neglect of sports leads to muscle atrophy, disruption of organ function, and decreased immunity.

4. Maintenance normal weight bodies.

Nothing complicated for those who follow steps 1, 2, 3. Much has already been said about excess weight, about severe consequences which it entails, about the disruption of body functions. But there is also a psychological side - excess weight irritates a person, depresses the mood, leads to isolation, complexes, and limitations. It is especially sad if obesity started in childhood.

A very important point in the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Only proper and complete rest will help you relax and gain strength. Organize your day, but don’t forget to set aside the required 8 hours for sleep. He who works well rests well. A person who does not get enough sleep has poor performance, decreased brain activity. This all affects the quality of the day, as well as life in general.

Learn to cope not only with your habits, but also to use them rationally. external factors(sun, air, water) to maintain the health of body and soul.

7. Psychological balance.

Turmoil, stress, disappointment - all this undermines our psychological health. As a result, we sleep poorly, eat poorly, and don’t exercise. Day after day, we still cannot escape our problems. It is important to learn to take care of yourself and your health. Remember how often any trouble later seems like a mere trifle to you? Support yourself with the thought that you are strong modern man. And if necessary, turn to your loved ones for help. Anyway .

8. Personal hygiene.

Since childhood, we have been accustomed to this: wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth; before eating, after playing - wash your hands; Before going to bed, take a bath and brush your teeth. These simple rules should never be neglected. Throughout the day, we touch a lot of objects that can be infested with germs: money, handrails, elevator buttons, door handles, telephones. We take food with dirty hands, touch our face...

  • Add variety to your everyday day. Find a hobby that gives you a lot positive emotions. This way, you will fill your day with work and be able to find yourself in a new business.
  • Identify an authority for yourself and try to keep up with it as you move forward.
  • Start studying useful literature. You can start from the excellent book by Stephen Covey, coordinate your actions with qualified people.
  • Constantly motivate yourself to achieve your goal as well.
  • Communicate more with people and think about beautiful things.

Quitting smoking, eating right, playing sports, keeping a routine and keeping fit - this is all accessible and understandable. It would be worthwhile to include ecology in the foundations of our healthy lifestyle. But today we can't fix it environmental situation, but not to aggravate it is entirely within our power. The improvement that we created is within the power of everyone.

One person once told me this phrase: “All our problems are because of our heads.” Therefore, do not litter it with grievances, problems, and troubles. Better choose your right path - the path to a healthy lifestyle and emotional balance.

Sincerely, Anna Statsenko



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