What is human metabolism? Additional risk factors are lack of physical activity, alcohol abuse, smoking and other bad habits.

Metabolism in the human body(or metabolism - “transformation, change”) is a process without which life is impossible. Noticed that without visible special reasons Are you experiencing various illnesses? It is likely that a metabolic disorder led to this.

The “first bells” will be weight gain, split ends, splitting nails and other appearance problems. In a word, you will want to look in the mirror less and less. However, you should not get rid of mirrors, but you need to understand what metabolism is, what are the reasons for its failure, and, of course, how to restore it.

What is metabolism

The basis of metabolism is various chemical reactions that constantly occur in the body of any living creature, including humans. Even when we sleep, reactions do not stop (we don’t stop breathing), they just slow down.

Schematically, the following chain is obtained:

a) we get useful material(for example, from food),

b) they are absorbed when passing through the digestive tract,

c) then redistributed in accordance with optimal need (i.e. substances will reach the organ or tissue that needs the most this moment, even to the detriment of another),

d) will be learned

e) and those that cannot do this will turn into decay products and leave the body in the most natural way.

All chemical and natural elements are involved in the metabolic processes of our body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water. Each of them plays its role: proteins create building material, fats and carbohydrates regulate the balance of energy costs. Minerals and vitamins come to their aid, creating a favorable environment for chemical reactions.

Our body is a kind of biochemical laboratory in which something is continuously synthesized, built and broken down, releasing energy. Ideally, there should be a balance: everything that was built = everything that fell apart.

If it is not equal, and no matter in which direction, then it is necessary to look for the reasons for the imbalance that has occurred.

Causes of metabolic disorders

1. Of course, diseases have a direct impact.

For example, changes in the functioning of the digestive organs (gastritis, peptic ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis) or failure in endocrine system(pituitary tumors, pathology thyroid gland, diabetes and other ailments).

2. Well, where would we be without a person’s lifestyle?

Metabolism is affected by everything: how we eat, how we rest, how we tax our loved ones physically, how often we get rid of the previously mentioned decay products, and more.

I would especially like to draw attention to presence of stress. It is clear that without them, dear ones, we can’t go anywhere in our time. However, if you know how to deal with them, then nothing bad will happen. But when one stress, no longer even smoothly, replaces another, and so on long time, then metabolic imbalance begins. And here and before serious violations near.

By the way, in such situations Most people regularly reach for sweets, and his mouth is constantly chewing something. Moreover, many complain about the feeling that these parts of the body live on their own, because it is very difficult to control them. I thought about my daily needs, woke up, and the box of cookies was empty... So the stress got stuck. The saddest thing is that the problem is not willpower or the desire to satisfy hunger. There is a failure in the fine regulation of metabolism nervous system. At the same time, the tone of individual brain centers that regulate construction and storage processes in the body changes.

3. We began to consume too many fats, and, unfortunately, not those that are healthy.

Us need essential polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 class, which are contained in vegetable oils walnuts, flaxseed, olive, oils from marine species fish

And we uncontrollably absorb oils from the omega-6 group (corn, sunflower) and solid saturated fats (butter, lard, sausages), which leads to metabolic failure. The result is atherosclerosis, impaired blood microcirculation and increased blood pressure.

4. Additional risk factors are lack of physical activity, alcohol abuse, smoking and other bad habits.

How to recognize a metabolic disorder

On initial stage you won't notice it at all. It seems like you want to sleep more, your head hurts, you get tired quickly. So, with our rhythm of life, all these troubles are possible just like that.

Over time, you may notice the following:

- general “weakness”, as at the beginning of a cold;

constant desire sleep, but, having reached the bed, inability to sleep;

- deterioration appearance(especially important for women): brittle nails, dull hair, dry, inelastic skin, bags under the eyes, etc.;

It's a dull pain in the head;

- persistent weight gain.

If such signs are detected, then you should think about metabolic disorders. Just don’t panic right away, but first visit a doctor.

What to expect if left untreated

The consequences of disorders are metabolic diseases.

Over the past century, several hundred metabolic disorders have been discovered. They can be divided into groups based on their underlying reasons.


- hereditary metabolic disorders;

endocrine pathology(diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, diffuse goiter and other diseases);

nervous disorders(the most common are bulimia and anorexia);

- directly metabolic diseases (gout, rickets, dystrophy, obesity and a number of others).

How to treat metabolic disorders

If there is an imbalance, then getting everything back to normal is very difficult and takes a long time. When the disorder occurs “due to” heredity, it is necessary to see a doctor. If you yourself acquired it as a result of your lifestyle, then it is possible to stop the progress of the disease at the very beginning.

The most important thing in treatment is to monitor your diet.(the amount of carbohydrates and fats you eat is especially important), stick to the regime, pamper your body with physical activity and believe in success.

Fractional meals (less, but more often) allows you to reduce the stomach, which was stretched by heavy meals, and over time reduce your appetite (which you just don’t get used to).

Daily regime, which determines the required duration of sleep, indispensable assistant to restore the metabolic process (you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day).

Sports activities(important: they should not be exhausting and regular) will help get rid of fat reserves.

Positive attitude will help you overcome your habits and start a new life.


Please adhere to the following simple tips, and you will significantly reduce the risk of metabolic problems.

1. We don’t leave home without breakfast. Give a signal to the body that it has woken up and “throw wood into the firebox.” All .

2. We also don’t leave home without morning exercises. Not only will you stop being a “sick fish” all day, but you will also get a boost of endorphins (they are known to be responsible for good location spirit). Besides, how nice it will be to praise yourself all day long for your endurance and willpower. , we study and practice every morning.

3. Treat yourself to good green loose leaf tea(we forget about instant tea bags). It contains polyphenols that cleanse the liver, helping the body get rid of toxins.

4. While eating, “I am deaf and dumb.” All attention is given to the dish and the process of its absorption. We turn off the TV, put away the newspaper, stop arguing at the table and enjoy the meal.

5. It’s corny, but we’ll repeat it: walk as much as possible.(at least an hour a day). No time for walks? Don't make up an excuse for yourself. Do you get from work by transport? Get off 1-2 stops early and go ahead with the song. Do you live above the second floor? You forget about the elevator button forever. By the way, walking up steps will burn 10 times more calories than walking on flat ground. Try to start: very useful look sports, especially for beginners and overweight people.

6. We help the body receive all vitamins and minerals. You can do this either by eating well, or by choosing with the help of a doctor special complex synthetic vitamins.

I wish you a balanced metabolism!

Metabolism is a rather complex process. It is characterized by the transformation of chemical components in the body. This process contributes to the activity, growth, development and life of the organism as a whole. Engels, characterizing it, said that this is the main sign of life, and noted that with the cessation of the process, life will stop. The transformation of chemical components produces the energy necessary to support life.

Metabolism, as is known, consists of two opposing processes occurring at the same time.

Dissimilation (catabolism) includes reactions caused by the breakdown of products, their oxidation and the subsequent removal of breakdown components. Assimilation (anabolism) implies all reactions that are associated with the synthesis of elements needed by the body, their assimilation and use for development, growth, and life.

Metabolism is a complex of energy and biochemical processes, which ensures the use food components for the needs of the body, satisfies its needs for energy and plastic products.

In the digestive system, substances and other high molecular weight compounds) are broken down into simpler compounds (low molecular weight). The latter, after penetration into the blood and tissues, undergo subsequent transformations: oxidative phospholation, aerobic oxidation, and others.

It should be noted that various biochemical processes occur in every living organism. At the same time, in inanimate bodies there is no replacement of the atoms and molecules that constitute them.

When conducting studies with the introduction of labeled atoms into the body of animals, it was found that metabolic processes in all cells and tissues occur continuously. At the same time, no restrictions were identified between “energy” and “building” molecules. Their movement equally constitutes the main metabolism.

It has been established that, on average, in a person, half of all tissue proteins change every eighty days. Liver enzymes (this organ is characterized by the presence of the most intense reactions) are renewed every two or four hours. There are some elements that update every few tens of minutes.

Provide dynamic balance to a living organism as a system. At the same time, the processes of synthesis and destruction, death and reproduction are balanced. Wrong exchange substances is accompanied by an imbalance. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the functioning of systems and organs.

The basis of metabolic reactions is the interaction of molecules and atoms at the physicochemical level. This relationship is subject to uniform laws for inanimate and living matter.

Metabolic processes are inextricably linked with energy exchange. are considered open systems (with energy point vision). Depending on the environment, surrounding the body, energy formation occurs inside it (the body). Thus, existence is ensured under the condition of a continuous supply of energy from the outside.

For humans and animals, the primary energy source is radiation from the Sun. Thanks to its influence, food formation occurs.

The food is varied and complex composition. Most of all, it contains major nutritional components - macronutrients. These include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Food also contains mineral components (macroelements). These include calcium and others. Microelements are also present in food: selenium, manganese, iodine, zinc, cobalt, copper and others. Together with vitamins, microelements belong to the class of micronutrients.

Metabolism (metabolism) is a set of chemical transformations occurring in living organisms that ensure their growth, development and vital processes.

For all living organisms, including humans, the basis of life is metabolism and energy.

These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to environmental influences.

Thanks to metabolic processes, each organism not only maintains its existence, but develops and grows. Metabolism determines the cyclical nature of life: birth, growth and development, aging and death.

Metabolism occurs continuously in the human body. Some substances are created in the process of biosynthesis, others decay. In addition, a person continuously expends energy on muscle work, internal organs, for the biosynthesis of new proteins, hormones, enzymes, for the formation of cells and other structures.

All processes in the body related to metabolism and energy occur with the participation enzymes. With the participation of enzymes, some biologically significant molecules are sequentially converted into others.

Metabolic stages

Preparatory stage of exchange. Metabolism begins with the entry of air into the lungs and nutrients into the gastrointestinal tract.

First stage. Our body receives ready-made organic substances with food, but in order for these compounds to be included in the metabolism, they must be broken down into elementary parts.This is facilitated by enzymatic processes of the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into water-soluble amino acids, mono- and disaccharides, glycerol, fatty acids and other compounds that occur in various departments gastrointestinal tract, as well as the absorption of these substances into the blood and lymph.

Second (main) stage. The main stage of metabolism consists of the transport of nutrients and oxygen by the blood to tissues, as well as in complex chemical transformations substances that occur in cells. Cells simultaneously carry out the breakdown of nutrients into the final products of metabolism, the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, components cytoplasm.

The second (main) stage consists of two interconnected processes:

  1. Plastic exchange(assimilation, anabolism), due to which substances necessary for the body, its cellular and non-cellular structures are synthesized. In the processes of anabolism, more complex substances are synthesized from simpler ones and this is accompanied by energy expenditure.
  2. Energy metabolism(dissimilation, catabolism), as a result of which accumulated in organic matter ah energy is released as a result of their biological oxidation and is used by the body for vital processes. During catabolism, complex organic substances are degraded to simpler ones, usually releasing energy.

The third and final stage is the removal from the body of the final products of oxidation and breakdown from cells, their transport and excretion by the kidneys, lungs, sweat glands and intestines.

Types of metabolism

Conversion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water occurs in close interaction with each other. The metabolism of each of them has its own characteristics, and physiological significance they are different, so the metabolism of each of these substances is usually considered separately.

The main types of metabolism are:

Metabolism regulation

Metabolism is constantly affected various factors external and internal environment. Most of them are effectively used by organisms for their growth and development. This occurs due to the functioning of metabolic regulation mechanisms.

Two systems regulate metabolism:

  1. endocrine;
  2. central nervous system.

The endocrine system carries out hormonal regulation of metabolism, the sources of hormones in which are the central and peripheral glands internal secretion. Hormonal regulation coordinates metabolism in various tissues and organs and integrates it within the body into a holistic system.

The nature of the control connections in this system illustrates the mechanism for maintaining the concentration of glucose in the blood at a constant level. Thus, an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood increases the production of insulin, which stimulates cells to increase the consumption of glucose.The resulting glucose deficiency leads to an increase in the production of another peptide hormone, glucagon, which stimulates the restoration of glucose concentrations due to the breakdown of glycogen in cells.

Typically, mechanisms hormonal regulation multi-stage. The effect of hormones on metabolism occurs through the cell membrane.

Feedback in the endocrine system is often closed through the nervous system. At the same time, the nervous system, receiving signals from external environment or from internal organs, controls the endocrine glands.The latter stimulate the secretion of hormones by peripheral endocrine glands. These hormones influence metabolism in the corresponding organs and tissues in such a way as to compensate for changes in the internal environment or to prepare for possible changes predicted by the central nervous system (for example, during stressful situations).

The hypothalamic-pituitary system, in particular, plays a central role in the regulation of water-salt metabolism.

Regulation with the help of control connections allows the emergence of states with self-oscillating regimes in metabolism, causing periodic changes in the concentrations of some metabolites.Such self-oscillatory modes underlie various periodic processes, such as heartbeats, circadian rhythms of activity, etc.

Types of metabolism

Scientists have found that humans have three types of metabolism:

  • accelerated;
  • average (normal);
  • delayed.

Scientists are sure that we inherit metabolic rate.

At accelerated exchange We can eat a lot of substances and not gain weight - fats are burned faster than they are accumulated.With normal metabolism, it is better not to overeat, otherwise the perfect balance in the body will shift towards the accumulation of fat.With a slow metabolism, every extra calorie will turn into extra pounds.

It should also be taken into account that, regardless of the metabolism given to you by nature, in youth metabolic processes will proceed faster than in old age. Starting from about 30 years of age, metabolic processes in the body will begin to gradually slow down.

Metabolic disorders

The main building materials of our body are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are destroyed and synthesized in every cell of our body not chaotically, but according to strict individual formulas. And enzymes are integral components of these formulas.

What causes deformations, disturbances and failures to appear in the chain of synthesis and decomposition of these substances?

There are internal reasons (failure of organs or systems) and genetic, when nothing really depends on us, and all kinds of disorders are passed on to us by inheritance. But control external factors (healthy image life, sports, proper nutrition) that have a positive effect on our health are entirely dependent on us.

The main causes of metabolic disorders:

  • unbalanced (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), depleted (lack of vitamins and microelements), and irregular nutrition;
  • poor sleep;
  • minimum physical activity;
  • a lack of sun rays and fresh air;
  • frequent stress, which negatively affects the endocrine and immune systems;
  • toxic substances (alcohol, nicotine, drugs);
  • environmentally unfavorable places to live (polluted air, emissions chemical substances, poor quality water);
  • the presence in the body of fungi, helminths, viruses, protozoa bacteria (the existence of which we often do not suspect).

How to improve metabolism?

What to do? Things accessible to everyone: eat right, exclude from your diet harmful products, drink clean water. We also need physical activity, Fresh air, hardening, cleansing the body, observing circadian rhythms, And, - positive attitude. This is the key to managing metabolism, the key to building your body and spirit.

How to control your metabolism?


Is it true that metabolism always needs to be accelerated?

No it is not true. Very thin people who suffer not from excess weight, but from lack muscle mass, metabolism needs to slow down. And when normal metabolism substances, there is also no need to increase its speed.


How to speed up metabolism?

  1. Eat at least 5 times a day. The interval between meals should be no more than 3 - 3.5 hours, while simple carbohydrates: sweets, flour, sugar, chocolate.
  2. Not to starve!
  3. Breakfast is a must!
  4. Eliminate fatty foods.
  5. Do not give up meat, but it is better to eat it boiled or baked. Pork - limit.
  6. Drink more water, as well as green and ginger tea!
  7. Replace unhealthy store-bought sweets (sweets, ice cream, soda, packaged juices, etc.) with healthy sweets: marmalade, dried fruits, fresh fruits, black chocolate.
  8. Use hot spices!
  9. Move as much as possible!

And if you just can’t gain the few kilograms you need, or you gain weight slowly and lose it quickly, then your metabolism needs to be slowed down.


How to slow down your metabolism?

  • You need to eat no more than 3 times a day.
  • Eliminate (or minimize) hot spices and seasonings from your diet.
  • Do not eat cold food or drink cold water, but only warm or hot!
  • If possible, sleep during the day.
  • Minimal physical activity!

Many people who want to lose weight, get rid of excess weight, improve their health, often have a question about how to speed up metabolism (metabolism) in the body, because it is precisely this that causes the accumulation of fat and toxins in the body.

Metabolism or metabolism, with scientific point view, these are all chemical reactions that allow us to grow, develop, interact with environment, that is, reactions that support the life support of the body. In other words, metabolism is the rate, or intensity, of energy production in the body, which is formed as a result of the consumption of food (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Accordingly, the higher the rate of energy formation from the food eaten, the higher the person’s metabolism.

Catabolism- the breakdown of complex organic substances into simpler ones in order to maintain the life support of the body (usually energy is released in the form of heat and ATP). It is catabolism that is responsible for muscle breakdown.

Anabolism– synthesis of complex substances from simpler ones, as a result of which tissue renewal and the formation of new cells and substances (nucleic and fatty acids, sugars, amino acids, ATP) are observed. In contrast to catabolism, anabolism is responsible for muscle growth and development.

Diagram of metabolism in the human body

Factors human body that affect metabolic rate:

  • Age (the older a person is, the slower his metabolism, the work of the cell’s energy station slows down, thus, there is a slower conversion of nutrients into energy)
  • Gender (men have a higher metabolism than women)
  • Heredity (bad genetics, chronic diseases may slow down metabolism)
  • Body weight (than more people, the higher his metabolism, therefore girls who by nature have modest, not so impressive body sizes, unlike muscular guys, have more low rate metabolic rate level)
  • Obesity (fat people who are overweight have an impaired metabolism, mainly due to a lack of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, in addition to excess weight provides additional load on the body, sits down cardiovascular system. However, scientists have not identified direct evidence of the effect of excess weight and obesity on metabolism.

Therefore, we have to conclude that overeating, consuming extra calories, comprehensively destroys the body.)

Metabolic speed affects not only how quickly you can get rid of excess weight, but also the functioning of all internal organs, accordingly, the slower the metabolic rate, the worse the body will be supplied with energy.

As you already understand, everyone’s metabolic rate is different and depends on many factors, but there is a general universal formula which will help you determine basic exchange substances (BOS), read about this below.

How to find out your metabolic rate (metabolism)

To judge your metabolism (whether it is slow or fast), you must always start from plausible facts. One of which is that every person, depending on height, weight, and age, has a universal, unchanged metabolism, that is, the body will spend at rest, without taking into account physical activity a constant amount of energy to maintain your life and activity.

So, we come to the fact that the basic metabolism ( BOV), or basal metabolic rate ( BSM), universal, which depends on height, weight, and age. Below is a universal calculation of basic metabolism, depending on gender.

Formula for calculating basal metabolic rate

The resulting figure will show you minimal amount calories that must be expended to maintain the body's performance at rest.

For men:

M:(66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height) – (6.8 * age)) * 1.2

For women:

AND:(655 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) – (4.7 * age))* 1.2

The resulting figure can be easily used as a starting point when you calculate how much you need to spend and consume kcal in order to lose weight and speed up your metabolism.

Calorie consumption depending on the girl’s figure

Why does metabolism slow down?

Factors that contribute to slow metabolism. Get rid of them in your life if you think not only about your figure, but also about your health.

Low-calorie diet, lack of kcal

Very often, especially girls, limit themselves in nutrition, consuming as few calories as possible in their diet, as a result of which metabolism can be disrupted. The body reacts to a sharp lack of calories as stress, as a result, the metabolism slows down, food begins to be stored as fat. That is, fasting will really help you, your weight will decrease, but not by reducing fat, but by destroying your muscles and proteins. But then, when you resume your normal diet, you will not only gain all the previous weight, but also gain extra kg of fat, which will be the result of your extreme fasting. Now, you understand why not eating after 18-00 is not only useless, but also harmful.

Rare meals

Very often, you can come across such a picture, especially in the current rhythm of life: a person eats rarely, but eats a lot at a time. This is very harmful to the stomach; such a diet threatens not only various diseases gastrointestinal tract, but also fatty deposits. A long break between meals slows down the metabolism, bringing it to a state of rest, the body begins to slowly digest food, storing energy in the form of fat as reserves.

Thus, excess weight is deposited in the fat depot, with rare meals, constant feeling hunger (nature protects the body from a lack of calories, reducing energy consumption for its needs).

Lack of physical activity (sedentary lifestyle)

Nature has endowed man with arms and legs, not so that he can lie on the couch all day and watch TV, but so that he can work; when this does not happen, metabolic processes begin to slow down, muscles atrophy unnecessarily, that is, nature argues so, since a person does not work with this, it means that he does not need it (the same applies to our brain, so we must always find mental occupation for ourselves, develop ourselves, so as not to fall into insanity). As a result, when minimum costs energy, zero physical activity, metabolic disorders occur.

Keep in mind that the likelihood of people with developed muscles gaining weight by consuming large amounts of calories is minimal, relative to a person who has never exercised, due to the fact that muscles, large consumers of calories, are necessary for their life support and maintenance. much more energy than to maintain fat. That's why bodybuilders eat a lot and don't get fat.

Poor nutrition And sedentary lifestyle life

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Our body is a complex interconnected structure of organs that must always be nourished and saturated. useful elements( and ) when this does not happen, we begin to get sick, our the immune system is suppressed, metabolism is disrupted, and ultimately we get sick.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that our digestive system all important nutrients were supplied.

Violation of water-salt balance in the body

In our body, various chemical reactions occur, which are possible thanks to the water we enter (60% of the total volume of liquid). A water-salt solution is an electrolyte, that is, a liquid that conducts electrical impulses through nerve endings, from the brain to the muscles. Thus, dehydration and lack of salts can lead to disruption and slowdown of metabolism.

Lack of water puts the body in stressful state, so always drink water during your workout.

Ways to speed up metabolism

We list 4 main ways by which you can speed up your metabolism, and therefore lose weight.

Play some sports

Decide on the goal of what you want from sports. If you want to build muscle mass, then you need to go to Gym, if you want to lose weight, lose weight, then go on the treadmill. And now, in order, we will list all the advantages, from building muscle mass to losing weight.

By nature everything power training anaerobic, which means that oxygen is not involved in energy supply. In practice, to anaerobic strength training include everything related to dumbbells, barbells, exercise machines, these are the exercises that help build muscle mass.

Thus, by building muscle, you will save yourself from the constant, debilitating problem of counting the calories you eat in order not to gain weight.

Maintaining muscle requires much more energy than maintaining fat, which means that by increasing muscle mass, you will speed up your metabolism.

Aerobic training (energy production occurs with the participation of oxygen), unlike anaerobic training, promotes weight loss and fat burning. First of all, aerobic training includes: running, rolling pin, swimming, jumping, skiing, skating and others. active species sports. Such training always takes place at sufficient high heart rate, training the cardiovascular system, and speeding up the metabolism. In addition, after aerobic training, depending on the intensity, the metabolism remains at high level another 12-24 hours.

Athletic girl on a treadmill

Eat right

Fractional meals (6-8 meals), rich in all essential microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates guarantee healthy digestion. When we start eating infrequently, skipping meals, our body begins to go into “starvation” mode, slowing down our metabolism to conserve energy and reduce hunger.

By eating small, frequent meals, you increase your metabolic rate, so if you're still eating three times a day, break your meals into six (it's better to have small, frequent meals than frequent, but high meals).

Try to eat foods rich in fiber in your menu, it allows you to speed up your metabolism, due to the fact that it is poorly absorbed, the body has to spend additional energy on it.

Drink water

A lack of water in the body leads to dehydration, as a result of which all physiological and biochemical processes in the body begin to suffer, body temperature drops slightly, and metabolism slows down.

Drink at least 2-3 water every day, preferably cool, as our body will strive to “heat” it, thereby expending energy, that is, metabolism will accelerate.

Depending on the intensity of training and physical activity, the volume of water you drink should be adjusted. For example, one professional bodybuilder admitted in an interview that he generally drinks 7-8 liters of water a day.

Clean mineral water

Regain your strength

First of all, avoid overtraining, which occurs when the body does not have time to restore strength after training. More often than not, overtraining occurs when a person does not get enough sleep and eats poorly. You need to sleep at least 8-10 hours; when we sleep, growth hormone is produced, which is responsible for the development of the body. Meals should be reusable, with all the necessary nutrients.

Overwork leads to a slowdown in metabolism, which triggers processes of energy saving and fat deposition.

And the last thing I would like to say is about lifestyle modern man. Despite all the stress that surrounds us, people start going to the gym, running, swimming, but still, the percentage of those who are active, healthy people, from all of humanity leaves much to be desired. It's never too late to give up bad habits, go in for sports, start eating right, thereby you will not only improve your well-being, speed up your metabolism, tone your muscles, but also give a great example to your children and others of how to live , and enjoy life.

Metabolism is a set of biochemical processes that provide the body with nutrients and energy necessary for life. Complex substances during the digestion process are broken down into elements that serve to form chemical compounds to nourish organ cells active action oxygen. The removal of decay products from the body is carried out using the excretory system.

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    Stages of metabolic processes in body cells

    Metabolism (metabolism) consists of two inextricably linked metabolic processes in the human body: catabolism and anabolism, which maintain homeostasis - the constancy of the internal environment.

    Catabolism is an energy metabolism that occurs in three stages:

    1. 1. Preparatory - transformation of complex organic compounds included in food products into simpler ones: proteins are converted into amino acids, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, polysaccharides into monosaccharides, nucleic acids into nucleotides. These reactions occur in gastrointestinal tract under the catalytic action of enzymes. The released energy is transformed into heat and dissipated. Next, educated organic compounds undergo oxidation or participate in synthesis necessary for the body substances.
    2. 2. Oxygen-free (incomplete oxidation) - characterized by further breakdown of organic substances without the participation of oxygen. The main source of energy in the cell is glucose. The process of oxygen-free oxidation of glucose is called glycolysis.
    3. 3. Respiration (complete oxidation) - step-by-step oxidative reactions involving oxygen, leading to the formation carbon dioxide and water.

    Anabolism (assimilation) is a process that includes reactions that convert simple compounds obtained as a result of catabolism into complex organic substances.

    The energy released during catabolism is necessary for assimilation, which ensures the formation of enzymes. The latter serve as a catalyst for chemical reactions occurring during catabolism. The energy released during the decomposition reaction of organic substances is not immediately used by the cell, but is stored in the form of the compound ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The cellular supply of ATP is replenished during respiration.

    The biology of metabolism is controlled by regulatory mechanisms: nervous and hormonal, affecting the synthesis of enzymes directly or by changing the permeability of cell membranes towards an increase.

    Calculation of metabolic rate

    For each person, the biochemistry of metabolic processes is individual. Metabolic rate reflects required amount calories for the functioning of the body and depends on the following factors:

    • gender;
    • age;
    • physique;
    • growth;
    • genes.

    A person's activity during the day regulates the rate at which calories are burned.

    Basal Metabolic Index - the number of calories needed per day - is calculated in the following way:

    Let's calculate the basic metabolic index of a 40-year-old man weighing 92 kg with minimal physical activity

    DCI = (92x10+180x6.25–40x5+5)x1.2= 2220

    Calculation of BMI (body mass index) is performed as follows:

    Normally it should be less than 25 units. More high performance indicate obesity.

    For our example, the body mass index will be:


    Metabolism is significantly affected hormonal balance And psycho-emotional state person. If thyroid produces an amount of thyroxine insufficient to provide carbohydrate metabolism, this disorder reduces the use of calories obtained from food, storing excess weight in body fat.

    Metabolic age

    Metabolic processes in children have more high speed than in adults. This ensures the growth of the developing organism. Over time, metabolic processes slow down due to physiology. And the older the person, the more pronounced the slowdown. Calculation of the basal or metabolic age indicator, reflecting the age at which the body's metabolism corresponds, is performed using the Katch McArdle formula:

    The level of body fat is measured by the size of the skin fold and determines the body type:

    The measurement is performed with a caliper and a measuring tape.

    An example of calculating the actual metabolic rate taking into account the percentage of fat in body weight (this can be determined using a calculator on sports sites - for this you will need to enter measurement data skin folds different parts body). Let's say fat in our example is 10.5% of body weight:

    1. 1. Calculation of fat mass: 92 x 0.105 = 9.6 (kg).
    2. 2. Determination of fat-free mass: LBM = 92-9.6 = 82.4 (kg).
    3. 3. Calculation of basic calorie expenditure: BMR = 370 + (21.6 X 82.4) = 2149 (kcal).

    Comparison of the results obtained with age standards calorie consumption:

    Analysis of the results of the obtained indicators helps to determine the basal age.

    A decrease in basal calorie expenditure is typical for older people over 60 years of age.

    Fat deposits in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract and liver, located not in the subcutaneous layer, but around the internal organs, are called visceral fat. They significantly reduce your metabolic rate.

    If the mass index is too high, then you are overweight. But if the general physique is thin, this indicates the presence of visceral fat.

    A basal age higher than the actual age requires adjustment of the diet towards reducing its calorie content, and physical activity towards increasing it in order to ensure an acceleration of metabolism.

    Increase Metabolic Rate

    Physical activity of any kind: strength training, heavy physical activity helps build muscle mass. A large number of muscle tissue requires more energy consumption even at rest, increasing the speed of metabolic processes.

    Aerobic respiration will significantly speed up your metabolism ( scientific name cardio training) Bodyflex, performed every day for 15 minutes.

    A balanced diet that avoids hunger and overeating will have a beneficial effect on the speed of metabolic processes. During the digestion of food, metabolism accelerates, so it is better to eat more often, in small portions.

    Metabolic disorders

    Disturbances in metabolic processes result from disruptions in the functioning of the following organs:

    • adrenal glands;
    • thyroid gland;
    • gonads;
    • pituitary gland

    Poor or excess nutrition has a negative effect on metabolic processes in the body. In this case, a failure occurs in the regulation of metabolism by the nervous system: the tone of the hypothalamus, which regulates the rate of energy exchange, changes, and storage and construction processes are disrupted.

    With lipid metabolism disorders, fats cease to be broken down normally in the liver, which leads to an increase in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins in the blood. Vascular damage occurs, causing stroke and heart disease.

    Treatment and prevention of metabolic disorders

    Normalization of nutrition – important factor treatment and prevention of disorders in metabolic processes in organism.

    Foods that provide fast metabolism:

    • protein food;
    • hot spices;
    • green tea;
    • coffee;
    • iodine-rich foods: seafood, seaweed.

    Metabolic rate also increases nutritional supplements with content:

    • linoleic acid;
    • coenzyme Q10;
    • iodine;
    • ephedrine;
    • L-carnitine;
    • creatine;
    • caffeine


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