What breeds of guinea pigs are there? Breeds of smooth-haired guinea pigs

Currently, there are about a dozen breeds of guinea pigs, which have their own distinctive characteristics. These pets have become very popular for quite some time and can be purchased at almost every pet store.

If you decide to buy a guinea pig, then first of all you need to decide on its breed.

In addition to the fact that all guinea pigs are classified into one breed or another depending on the length of their coat and its color, the following characteristics are also taken into account:

  • socialization;
  • color;
  • the presence or absence of curls that are inherent in rosette breeds;
  • weight category;
  • degree of skin hardness;
  • constitution;
  • general form;
  • hair quality.

Only in the aggregate of all these signs and characteristics are guinea pigs classified into breeds. Buyers of these cute pets face a truly difficult choice, since they are all very attractive and have their own unusual characteristics.

These guinea pigs are also called smooth-haired. They differ from other varieties in that they have a smooth and even coat, the hairs of which fit very tightly to each other. As for their color, they can be plain or variegated.

Short-haired guinea pig

Short-haired guinea pigs, in turn, are:

  • ordinary - the peculiarity of this breed is the compactness and stockiness of the animal, which is distinguished by rather large round black eyes. The ears of this animal have no hair at all. The color of the coat can be absolutely any;
  • self - these guinea pigs have evenly colored fur and can have different shades. Eye color is red and black;
  • satin or satin - a feature of this breed is the incredible shine of the hair, which amazingly shimmers in bright light. The colors of these guinea pigs are only monochromatic;
  • Russian or Himalayan - these rodents have a snow-white color, and the peculiarity is that their paws, ears and muzzle have a black or chocolate tint;
  • Pied - This breed is different from all the others, which includes several varieties of rodents, which include Dutch, Agouti, Speckled and Tortoiseshell. All these varieties have their own distinctive characteristics. The Dutch differs from all others in its unusual color, which is characterized by dark spots in the back half of the body and in the cheek area. Agoutis are mostly golden or silver in color. This breed can sometimes be found with chocolate, cream or brown fur. The speckled coat has black and red stripes alternating throughout its entire coat, while the tortoiseshell coat is distinguished by the presence of black, red and white spots.

As for the varieties of guinea pigs that are distinguished by long hair, they are:

  • Peruvians - this breed is distinguished by very long hair, which is very soft to the touch. The coat is silky and has white, red, silver, agouti and white-black shades;
  • Sheltie - This breed of guinea pig is the result of crossing the Abyssinian and Peruvian varieties. The length of the fur of this breed can reach half a meter, so you will have to take special care of this rodent. Among other things, these guinea pigs are very demanding not only in care, but also in nutrition, so it is recommended that only experienced owners keep them;
  • Coronet – a feature of this guinea pig is the presence of a rosette on the head, as well as a parting along the entire back. These rodents have a very mischievous character and require close attention;
  • alpaca - this breed, like all others, is distinguished by its rather long, curly coat and the presence of two rosettes;
  • texel - this breed is considered one of the most unusual and funniest. The fur of this rodent is very long and curly. But despite this, rodents of this breed are among the most undemanding in maintenance and care.

Long-haired breed – Coronet

The most common hairless breed guinea pigs include skinnies and baldwins. These guinea pigs are distinguished by the fact that they have no hair at all. The only thing that distinguishes these two pigs from each other is that the skinny still has a slight fluff on the surface of the body, as well as short hairs on the back of the nose and paws.

Note! When purchasing naked guinea pigs, you should be prepared for the fact that they should be kept in a warm and dry room, and also be protected from drafts.

Hairless breed of guinea pig

Despite the fact that hairless guinea pigs have no hair, they also have their own characteristic colors. It is not recommended to bathe guinea pigs, especially hairless breeds. It is not recommended to bathe guinea pigs, especially hairless breeds. Failure to follow this recommendation may result in your pet catching a cold and dying. They are bathed only in the most extreme cases at a temperature of at least thirty degrees.

The main feature of guinea pigs is that they mate for life.

We have found out what kinds of guinea pigs there are, now let’s decide how to care for them so that the pets feel cozy and comfortable.

In order for your pet to feel comfortable, you need to buy him a cage. It must be spacious, the floor must be covered with a bedding of paper or sawdust.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use sawdust from coniferous trees for bedding in the cage, as it can cause various diseases in guinea pigs.

Among other things, the cage must be equipped with a drinking bowl and feeder. The cage should be systematically cleaned to prevent bacteria from growing in it. You should definitely trim your pet's nails at least once a month. As mentioned earlier, bathing guinea pigs is not recommended, as this can even lead to the death of the pet.

Feeding guinea pigs is considered the simplest and does not require any specific skills or effort. You should definitely include hay, fresh vegetables and grass, as well as kibble food in your pet's diet.

Pelleted food can be purchased at any pet store. But when choosing food, you should be extremely careful, since feeding guinea pigs with food intended for hamsters or other rodents is strictly prohibited.

Water, which should always be fresh and clean, is considered an essential component for proper nutrition of guinea pigs. This requires replacing it daily. At the same time, no substances should be added to the water, since guinea pigs may refuse to drink such a drink, and this, in turn, can cause illness.


The guinea pig is rightfully considered one of the most peaceful and calm pets. That is why you can buy this animal even for a small child. Before purchasing a particular breed of guinea pig, you should first familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the care and maintenance of this animal. This is necessary for the guinea pig to feel comfortable and cozy. And for this you need to provide her with all the necessary attributes, as well as pay attention to her and take care of your pet.

Breeds of guinea pigs delight with their diversity. Breeders have worked hard to improve existing breeds and develop new ones. To assess the quality of animals, exhibitions are organized, including those with international status. In the exhibition rings you can meet representatives of popular breeds and rare exotic specimens.

Domestic rodents

The guinea pig belongs to the order of rodents. Their homeland is South and Central America. They have lived on Earth for almost 40 million years. They were domesticated in the 4th-3rd millennium BC. And not at all as pets, but as a source of meat.

Subsequently, animals of bright colors became the first pets, and from them came the fashion of keeping these rodents not only for their meat. Breeds of guinea pigs are varied, but they have common basic indicators (average data are given):

· body length - up to 30 cm;

· weight - up to 1.8 kg (males are somewhat heavier);

· body temperature - 37 o -39 o;

· life expectancy - up to 8 years;

· sexual maturity in males occurs at 2 months, in females - at 1.5 months;

· duration of pregnancy - up to 70 days;

· litter - up to 5 heads.

They have excellent hearing and a well-developed sense of smell. They communicate using sounds ranging from contented muttering to aggressive clicking of teeth.


The Teddy guinea pig received this name for its striking resemblance to a teddy bear (from the English teddy - “little bear”). The breed appeared in the late sixties of the last century in Canada. Due to gene mutation and careful selection, it was possible to consolidate not only the unique structure of the coat, but also the unusual shape of the ears and the “Roman profile” of the nose.

Currently, there are several varieties of the Teddy guinea pig breed:

· American Teddy, characterized by the presence of hard wool. Short (no more than 2 cm), standing on end all over the body, it feels like plush to the touch. The head is wide and short, the eyes are round and large. The pigs' ears stand out - they simply hang down without forming creases. The coat color can be any.

· The Swiss Teddy has longer, protruding hair, up to 6 cm. It is much stiffer (can break under mechanical stress) than that of its American counterpart. Only on the belly do pigs have a peculiar insertion of wavy hair. Breeders consider the formation of partings on the back of an animal (due to long hair) a defect. This breed variety is considered young. In Switzerland, it began to actively develop in the mid-nineties.

· The long-haired Teddy has a second name - Moscow Texel. Since the breed appeared in Russia only in the late 90s, there is no generally accepted and approved standard yet. Animals have soft, wavy, long (15 cm) coat. Shorter hair grows on the head, forming a kind of bangs.

Representatives of the Teddy breed have a good, sociable character. Disadvantages include a predisposition to colds.


The Sheltie guinea pig is one of the most beautiful. Belongs to long-haired breeds. The length of the hair is at least 15 cm on the body and 7 cm on the cheeks. The breed standard was developed and approved in England in 1973.

Sheltie representatives have a wide head, large and protruding eyes, and a short nose. The ears are shaped like rose petals.

Description of coat:

· the mane falls back with a smooth transition into a train, there should be no parting;

· on the shoulders, the hair should be long enough, thick and gently flowing from the sides;

· the train covers the back of the body, ideally it should be longer than the hair on the sides.

The structure of the hair is good density and silky. Color options are specified in the breed standard and are very diverse. Single-color and multi-color options are allowed. The direction of correct hair growth is clearly defined - from the muzzle downwards; rosettes on the body are unacceptable.


Skinny guinea pigs were first bred in Montreal in 1978. A random gene mutation made it possible for guinea pigs to be born with virtually no hair. There was a small amount of fur only on the head and paws. The mutation made itself felt again in 1984, and from that moment on, breeders began to work closely on the Tabernacle breed.

Experts managed to fix the “bald” gene. The body of the pigs is covered with light fluff, very pleasant to the touch. The colors vary, although the first hairless animals were pink with red eyes.

This breed is afraid of drafts and requires adherence to temperature conditions. Too low threatens colds, too high - overheating. The optimal temperature for comfortable keeping is 22 o -24 o.


The Abyssinian breed of guinea pigs, also called rosette guinea pigs, is one of the oldest known breeds. Since the distant 1861, it has enjoyed enormous popularity on both sides of the ocean - both in America and in Europe.

The breed appeared due to an original mutation of the gene responsible for coat. The peculiarity of hair growth is that it is arranged in a circle, having one growth point for all. This became the second name of the breed - rosette. Although this mutation also occurs in other breeds: Cresteds, Peruvians and mixed breeds from Abyssinians.

When combined, the wool forms smooth ridges. It seems that the entire body area is covered with squares. The 3.5 cm long coat has a rigid structure and stands on end, not lying tightly to the body and emphasizing the unusual hair pattern.

Rosette guinea pigs can come in a variety of colors. There are individuals of monochromatic and combined colors. The most common suits:

· golden;

· brown;

· chocolate;

Appearance of the breed:

· physique - strong;

· muzzle - small, blunt;

· eyes - large;

· ears - hanging down like a wave, large.

Abyssinian pigs are distinguished by good health, playfulness and curiosity. They are not too picky about their diet - they eat whatever they give them. Rapidly growing teeth require a constant supply of solid food in the feeder.

Content Benefits

Almost all breeds of guinea pigs are kept the same. Caring for them is not very difficult. Some positive points can be noted:

· lack of aggression towards humans;

· does not take up much space;

· leads a daily lifestyle;

· perfectly tamed and amenable to training;

· not burdensome financially.

Content Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of keeping guinea pigs is their nutrition. They eat often and a lot. The requirements for proper balanced nutrition are very high. Food from the hosts' table is absolutely not suitable. It can cause serious illness in the animal (even death). There are special factory feeds. They are produced by various manufacturers, the price depends on the quality and brand.

Like any rodent, pigs have good and strong teeth that they don’t mind using, whether it’s their own cage or computer wires.

Some breeds are prone to colds; delayed treatment of a simple runny nose can lead to very sad consequences.

Exhibition specimens require careful and daily grooming, especially for long-haired guinea pig breeds.


Buying a guinea pig for the fun of your beloved child is unwise. Like any other living creature, a guinea pig will require care and attention to its person.

Choosing a breed is quite simple. The criterion may be the length of the pig's fur (long-haired animals are more difficult to care for, but look more attractive) or its complete absence. This is a great option to avoid allergy attacks.

You should immediately determine who will care for the pet and who can leave it to in the event of a long absence of the owners. The main requirement for future owners is a willingness to take care of their pet every day for a long time (pigs with proper care can live up to 15 years).

The smooth-haired Guinea Pig has a short, even, dense, soft and shiny coat, consisting of fine silky hairs about 2.5 cm long. The coat covers the Guinea Pig in an even layer with a slope from the head to the back of the body.
Smooth-haired Guinea pig breeds differ in coat color options, which can be divided into three groups:

  • Solid color options (Self);
  • Ticked color options;
  • Marked color options.
Any variation of the color of Smooth-haired breeds, as a rule, is found in other Guinea pig breeds, which differ in the type of hair of the animal.

Crested Guinea pig - Crested Guinea pig breed group

The Crested guinea pig has a characteristic rosette (tuft) on its head, while the rest of the body should be covered with soft, silky and short hair without rosettes. The crest is a rosette in the shape of a regular circle, growing from a point center located in the middle of the forehead. The color of the rosette should be clean, bright and even. The requirements for the fur of other parts of the body are the same as for a smooth-haired guinea pig.
An American Crested pig should have a white rosette with any other color of the overall coat color, and in English Crested Guinea pigs the color of the rosette completely matches the overall color of the entire body.
The Crested guinea pig in Russia is often called the Crested Guinea Pig (Crested - crested, crested, decorated with a crest).

Satin Guinea pig - breed group Satin (Satin Guinea pig)

Guinea pig Satin has a satin coat with a satin sheen, which shines and shimmers due to the special hollow structure of the hair, which reflects and refracts light. Wool with a satin sheen is found in all known breeds of Guinea pigs.

Ridgeback guinea pig (back Guinea pig)

The Ridgeback Guinea Pig is a short-haired, smooth-haired guinea pig with a straight comb of vertical hair on the back that looks like a mountain range and runs along the entire spine. The smooth coat of the Ridgeback Guinea Pig is distinctly different from the distinct, continuous ridge that consists of erect hairs and runs from the ears to the hips. The height of the crest is about 2.5 cm; females, as a rule, have a lower crest than males. Ridgeback guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination. Selection work on breeding this breed was most actively carried out in the early 90s of the last century in Great Britain. In 2004, the Ridgeback Guinea Pig received its own BCC Preliminary Standard for show competition.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is the only South African dog breed recognized by the FCI. The most noticeable breed characteristic is the "ridge" on the back - the "back" (back), formed by hair growing in the direction opposite to the rest of the dog's coat. The ridge should be clearly defined, symmetrical, starting just behind the withers and continuing towards the croup, tapering towards the end, reaching the pelvic bones.

Rough Guinea pig breeds

Abyssinian Guinea pig

The Abyssinian rosette guinea pig is one of the most ancient breeds of guinea pigs, known since the nineteenth century. The Abyssinian rosette Guinea pig has rosettes formed in a circle, emanating from a point center and not merging. The sockets are arranged as follows: 4 on the back, 4 on the back, and one socket on each shoulder. Some animals even have a rosette on their nose. The rosettes should be evenly distributed throughout the body and have clear boundaries. The total number of rosettes can range from 10 to 12. The Abyssinian rosette guinea pig has a crest, a collar around the shoulders and pronounced whiskers. The animal looks symmetrical and has an almost square body shape. The Abyssinian rosette guinea pig has coarse hair up to 3.5 cm long.

Rex Guinea pig

A distinctive feature of the Rex guinea pig is its short, very dense, thick and curly hair, 2.5 cm long. The structure of the Rex guinea pig's hair ensures vertical placement of elastic hair throughout the body, without deviations or sagging. The Rex Guinea Pig has a curled mustache.
Guinea pigs with this type of fur were first described in 1919, but the breed was formed much later. All current stock comes from a litter produced in 1975 in England. Rex Guinea Pig has longer, coarser fur than Teddy pigs.

Teddy American Guinea pig

The American Teddy Guinea Pig has a bouncy, erect, plush coat that is soft to the touch. Unlike Rex Guinea Pigs, the American Teddy has shorter and less coarse hair. With a soft touch, the wool shows elasticity and returns to its original appearance.
Teddy guinea pigs were developed in Canada in the 1960s and, as the name suggests, bear some resemblance to the popular American toy Teddy Bear.

Two Russian immigrants, Morris Michton and his wife Rosa, decided to name a toy teddy bear after Theodore Roosevelt - "Teddy". After some time, Michton received official permission from the White House to use the shortened name of Theodore Roosevelt.
"I'm not entirely sure that using my name will bring success to the teddy bear industry, but if you really insist, then please, you can name it after me." - Theodore Roosevelt, 1903.

Teddy Swiss Guinea pig

The Teddy Swiss guinea pig has a very hard, coarse, erect and elastic coat of equal length throughout the body (about 6 cm). The Swiss Teddy Guinea Pig has curled whiskers and wavy fur on his belly. Very dense and erect hair gives the Teddy Swiss pig a fluffy appearance, the animal resembles a pile of fluff or a ball of hair. The Swiss Teddy breed was developed in Switzerland in the 1990s, which is reflected in its name.

Longhair Guinea pig breeds

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Alpaca (Alpaca Guinea pig)

The Alpaca guinea pig has long, curly, thick, soft-to-touch fur and two closely spaced rosettes on its back. The Alpaca Guinea pig breed is considered a curly-haired analogue of the Peruvian Guinea pig. The Alpaca Guinea Pig has curled whiskers and curly fur on its belly. The coat of the Alpaca Guinea Pig forms a curtain of hair of equal length around the body, parted along the spine. Alpaca guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination.

Alpaca is a domestic artiodactyl animal descended from the vicuna (vigoni). Bred in the highlands of South America (Andes). It is valued primarily for its wool (24 natural shades), which has all the properties of sheep, but is much lighter in weight. Alpaca wool fibers are straighter than sheep wool, are not squeaky and are extremely silky with a subtle sheen. Such qualities are not found in any other type of fur.

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Coronet (Coronet Guinea pig)

The Coronet guinea pig (coronet - crown) has long, smooth hair and a characteristic rosette (crown) on the head of the Crested breed. The Coronet guinea pig breed is a Crested, long-haired guinea pig, similar to the guinea pig breed, but with a rosette on the head. The long, smooth coat of the Coronet Guinea Pig has no parting and grows from the head back along the entire body of the animal. Coronet guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination.

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Lunkarya Guinea pig

The Lunkaria guinea pig has long, coarse, curly fur with a coarse texture, giving it the appearance of a small sheep. The Lunkarya guinea pig breed was bred in 1986 by sisters Monika and Annika Lundqvist from Stockholm (Sweden). The name of the breed "Lunkaria" connects the name of the discoverers of the Lunka breed from Lundqvist and the appearance of the animals "ria" - "long-pile carpet" (Swedish), pronounced with an emphasis on the "i". After bathing or combing, the hair of the Lunkaria Guinea Pig gathers into tight curls again, this is what distinguishes it from the Texel, Alpaca and Merino breeds. Lunkaria guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination.

Long-haired breed of Merino Guinea pig

The Merino guinea pig has a long, soft, curly coat of uniform density throughout the body and a single rosette on the head, like the Coronet breed. The Merino Guinea Pig's head is covered with short hair, with long hair starting on the cheeks and between the ears, then covering the entire body. The Merino Guinea Pig has curled whiskers and curly fur on its belly.

Merino is the wool of sheep grouped under the “merino breeds” group. Merino is a breed of fine-wool sheep, the largest population of which is found in Australia and New Zealand. Merinos differ from other sheep breeds in the high quality of their worsted (combed) wool. Ultrafine (11.5-15 microns) Merino wool is suitable for blending with other fibers such as silk and cashmere. Merino wool is a very valuable yarn, used exclusively in the production of clothing.

Long-haired breed of Peruvian Guinea pig

The Peruvian Guinea Pig has a very long, soft, straight and silky coat and long bangs that hang over the eyes and completely cover the face. The body of the Peruvian Guinea Pig is covered with thin flowing hair up to 50 cm long, forming a kind of mantle around the animal and having a characteristic parting along the entire spine. On the back of the Peruvian Guinea pig there are two parallel and close to each other rosettes, which determine the growth of hair in the direction of the head. The first Peruvian Guinea Pigs were shown in Paris at an agricultural exhibition in the late 19th century. Peruvian Guinea pigs in Russia are sometimes called Angora (Angora).

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Texel (Texel Guinea pig)

The Texel guinea pig has long curly hair, collected in curls and directed from the head to the rump. The Texel Guinea Pig has upright, short, crimped hair covering its face, while longer, curled hair begins between the ears and forms a kind of mane that extends to the end of the animal's body. The Texel Guinea pig breed is considered a curly counterpart.

The Texel breed in agriculture is an easily recognizable, white-fronted breed of sheep without hair on the head and legs, with well-developed muscles and dense, thick wool. The meat-and-wool breed of Texel sheep was bred on the small island of Texel in the south of Holland. Now Texel is considered one of the best meat sheep breeds and is famous for its high-quality wool. Texels are characterized by simply phenomenal adaptability to environmental conditions. They easily tolerate both extreme heat and severe frost.

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Sheltie/Silkie Guinea pig

The Sheltie Guinea Pig (Silkie) has a long, soft, silky, smooth and straight coat that grows from the head to the back of the body. The Sheltie Guinea Pig has a head covered with smooth, short hair, long hair starts from the cheeks and ears, grows from the muzzle and forms a kind of mane, falling over the shoulders and back of the animal. The Sheltie Guinea Pig, also known as the Silkie Guinea Pig, is one of the newer guinea pig breeds. Sheltie guinea pigs were bred in the early 70s of the 19th century; the first standard was developed in England (1973).

There are a large number of species of guinea pigs (other names: kewi, cavy), and breeders continue to work on developing new breeds. They are usually grouped into four large categories according to the properties and length of the coat:

  1. 1. Shorthair(or smooth-haired). These representatives have smooth, very hard fur that fits tightly to the body. This group includes the subspecies Rex, English Self, Teddy, Crested and others.
  2. 2. Long-haired. The body hairs of pigs from this group are of varying degrees of length, and the texture of the coat can be absolutely any. These include Peruvian, Scottish, Coronet and others.
  3. 3. Rosette (wire-haired). The hairs grow in different directions, forming numerous “vortexes”. This includes the Abyssinian breed.
  4. 4. Hairless (hairless). Baldwin, skinny.

Rare species of guinea pigs stand apart. These include Kui, Curley, Ridgeback, Mini-Yak, Panda, Somalia and other breeds.

Guinea pigs are also divided into subspecies according to the color of their coat. However, it must be taken into account that each of the colors can be observed in representatives of any of the breeds. The following color groups are distinguished:

  • Satin. They are distinguished by shiny fur of a rich tone. The quality of the wool is soft and long. Despite the fact that each hair is very thin, the hair coat is thick.
  • Tortoiseshell, or tricolor. The main feature of their coloring is the original pattern on the coat in the form of smooth, large and clear spots of white, red and black, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Agouti. This color is similar to the color of wild rodents, in which each hair is unevenly colored, that is, it has dark and light zones and shimmers. There are lemon, chocolate, cream, golden, silver, brown colors.
  • Brindle. It assumes the presence of two shades on the coat - black and red.
  • Buff. The so-called buffalo coloring resembles the color of roasted peanuts.
  • Dutch or piebald. Kevy has an alternating white tone with other bright shades (black, red, etc.).
  • Roans (with gray hair). The fur is painted in a mixture of white and primary colors.
  • Tans. The animals are supposed to have different fur around the eyes and on the belly from the main color.
  • Himalayan or Russian. Dark ears, paws and muzzle stand out against the background of a light body; this color is similar to the color of a Siamese cat.
  • Tan and Fox. Relatively new types of colors in which the coat has a tan color of black or white.
  • Dalmatian. Small spots of a darker tone are evenly scattered on a light base.

When determining the breed, in addition to the length and color of the coat, the following characteristics are additionally taken into account:

  • degree of hair hardness;
  • color (distribution of shades on wool, saturation);
  • wool quality;
  • physique and general appearance;
  • body weight, etc.

If you've decided to get a guinea pig, you've probably learned that there are several breeds of these animals. And which one should you choose? If you are having difficulty making this choice, don’t worry, we have compiled a list especially for you of all the popular breeds of guinea pigs that differ in color, size and, of course, character. However, rest assured that no matter what type of pig you decide to choose, they will be a sweet companion with whom you can build a wonderful relationship.

American guinea pig

With its short, smooth coat and round body, the American guinea pig is one of the most common. She has a pleasant disposition and generally gets along well with other pigs and children.

American pigs are easy to care for and this is one of the reasons why they are so popular. Their coat comes in many colors and requires virtually no maintenance, unlike long-haired breeds.

Abyssinian guinea pig

One of the oldest breeds, the Abyssinian guinea pig has long hair with so-called rosettes or curls, which provide it with a unique and quite impressive appearance. To participate in exhibitions, the recommended number of sockets should be from 8 to 10.

On the other hand, a pet's long hair is more difficult to care for. This guinea pig also requires more frequent grooming. However, their sweet and loving nature certainly outweighs the possible extra care they will require.

Peruvian guinea pig

Another long-haired breed, the Peruvian has the longest coat of all guinea pig species. Unlike the Abyssinian, the Peruvian pig has straight hair. Another feature of the fur is a kind of “bang” that falls on the animal’s eyes.

This breed also requires extra grooming, although many owners choose to trim their coat short as it is easier to maintain. If you want to get this breed, then you should know that regular brushing is really important for them, otherwise their coat will simply get tangled and cause discomfort.


Sheltie guinea pigs are very similar to Peruvian guinea pigs in that they have long, smooth coats. However, there is a difference between them. The Sheltie's coat on the head looks like it's combed back. It is on this basis that the breed is difficult to confuse with any other.

The Sheltie's long, beautiful coat requires proper care, so you'll want to take that into account if you're considering getting one. The breed has many colors and is perfect for small children, but not for grooming, but just for playing. As with other long-haired breeds, the parents must take on most of the grooming.

American Teddy Guinea Pig

The American Teddy has a thick coat that is often called wiry due to its harshness. The breed is relatively easy to maintain, but its coat is quite tough, so it requires regular brushing to remove various objects and debris. Believe me, as soon as the time comes for the next combing, with a 99% probability you will find garbage there.

The breed is also known for its uncanny resemblance to a teddy bear. It comes in many colors, ranging from light sand to chocolate.


The Texel guinea pig has a truly special appearance. This breed has a curly, soft coat all over the body, including the belly. The unique coat and spectacular appearance of Texel pigs provide them with some of the best results at exhibitions.

However, as you probably already understood, their fur requires special care because it often gets tangled. However, if you want to show off such an exotic pig to your friends and acquaintances, then keeping it will be worth it!


These little furry pets have many fans all over the world. Crested pigs are very easy to recognize because they have a kind of “crown” of rosette wool on their heads. Guinea pigs that have a white "crown" and a different overall color than white are known as white Crested, or American Crested.

With the exception of the "comb" these pigs are very similar to the American guinea pig. They have short, smooth hair, which makes them fairly easy to care for. They are also great for kids. Although Cresteds are much more difficult to find than American pigs, they are essentially the same.

Rex (royal guinea pig)

Rex guinea pigs are a short-haired breed with fur that does not exceed 1 cm in length. Most mammals have three different types of hair, including the main, guard type, which performs protective functions. A special feature of the Rex breed is that it does not have guard hair, so its fur is dense, elastic and generally strange to the touch.

This breed seems to be a favorite among children because of its unique texture and appearance of coat. These pigs' coats are also relatively easy to care for.


Coronet guinea pigs are a combination of 2 breeds: Crested and Sheltie. They have very long hair and an easily recognizable "crown" crested on their head.

Himalayan guinea pig

The Himalayan guinea pig is also known as the Siamese. This wonderful breed has a special color, reminiscent of the Siamese color of cats. The breed has a truly special appearance, but is quite rare and not widely distributed throughout the world.

The coat of Himalayan pigs is quite short and therefore does not require much care.

Skinny guinea pig

Almost naked, skinny pigs still have a little hair on their legs. The breed arose as a result of selection and crossing of short-haired and hairless pigs. Although they are not the most attractive breed, they are quite common today and make excellent pets in many families.



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