Qigong meridians of the human body. Each channel has periods of maximum and minimum activity


Among the various problems that can be solved using computer pulse diagnostics"VedaPulse" includes analysis of 12 main meridians. To understand the results of their analysis, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts accepted in traditional oriental medicine. This article outlines these basic concepts. Moreover, if we usually focus on the Ayurvedic approach, in this case the issue will be considered from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.

Meridians, organs and vital energy qi

Meridians are usually called energy channels through which vital energy circulates between “organs”. The term “organ” implies a concept much broader than the physiological organ of the same name. Let us dwell on this in more detail, for which we turn to the textbook, which has become canonical for specialists in oriental medicine - Vogralik V. G. “Fundamentals of Chinese therapeutic method zhen-jiu":

“According to the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, human body 5 main, and with them 12 essential “organs”, i.e. structural and functional units, united in the concept of “organ” not so much by morphological delineation and topographic limitation (as is customary in our “school” medicine), but by common functional activities. This should be well understood."

So, when we say “organ” we mean “functional system”.
The term “functional system” was introduced by Russian physiologist P.K. Anokhin. He realized that the traditional anatomical approach does not explain the ability of organisms to maintain homeostasis and interact with external environment and adaptation to it. Therefore, he proposed to shift the focus from individual organs on physiological functions. And he described the unified principles of the structure of a wide variety of functional systems. For more details, see Anokhin P.K. Essays on the physiology of functional systems

Only by perceiving the organs accepted in traditional Eastern medicine as certain prototypes of modern functional systems can one realize the insight of ancient healers and the significance of their systematic approach.

Let's look at the 5 main organs, as described by V.G. Vorgalik:

“Heart” is the entire cardiovascular system with its circulatory function, which is closely connected with human mental activity;
“Spleen” is the entire digestive system, which carries the function of perceiving and processing food, absorbing and using it by the body, and excreting the resulting waste;
"Kidneys" - urinary system, total water-salt metabolism body and excretion of liquid wastes, all humoral regulation(endocrine glands);
“Lungs” - the entire respiratory system, including the skin;
“Liver” - with its most active metabolic activity and central nervous, autonomic nervous regulation of this activity and influence on other organs.”

Please note that in some cases there are very significant differences in the interpretation of the functions of the organ in the traditional Chinese medicine from the ideas accepted in modern medicine. In particular, the “spleen” in traditional Chinese medicine is in charge of the entire digestive system, that is, it is in charge, among other organs digestive system, are located: stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder and the pancreas are physiological organs that give their name to "organs" in traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, the role of the spleen as a physiological organ is much more modest - fine blood purification, removal of obsolete blood cells and platelets, plus hemoglobin processing.

It is important to once and for all separate the concepts of morphological organ and “organ” in traditional Chinese medicine, otherwise confusion in the minds and, accordingly, incorrect interpretations of diagnostic results cannot be avoided.

It is also important to note that the work of all “organs” is closely related, and the same real organs (i.e., real, physiological organs) can be involved in the work of different structural and functional systems called “organs” in traditional Chinese medicine.

As an example, I will again quote from V. G. Vorgalik’s textbook:

“Excitement of the nervous system (“liver”) entails increased blood circulation. This places increased demands on the digestive apparatus, but is moderated by the excited state of the nervous system. Increased digestion entails increased breathing, especially in case of insufficiency of circulatory functions. Stimulation of lung function and tissue gas exchange increases the activity of the entire humoral system and kidneys. This, in turn, can maintain an excited state of the nervous system, but moderates the activity of the heart. Good respiratory function reduces the agitation of the nervous system.”

The functions of the 12 organs are described in more detail in the appendix at the end of this article. And we will move on to the story of what “meridians” are.
For this purpose, let us again quote from V.G. Vorgalik’s textbook.

“Since ancient times, Chinese doctors began to notice that when receiving injections at certain points of the body, patients notice special sensations of current running, heaviness, deep aching, and flushing.” vital energy» in a certain direction, and subsequently strengthening the function certain organs. Irritation of some groups of points causes the “energy” to move in one direction, others - in another. These paths for the movement of “energy” from the periphery inward when the corresponding points are irritated, at the same time, in many cases, turned out to be the paths of propagation (irradiation) pain from the inside to the periphery in case of damage to the corresponding organs. In other words, the ways of connecting the integument of the body with the internal organs were emerging. It was suggested that these “channels” are like paths for the movement of “energy” that interconnects the integument of the body with the internal organs, and that by influencing them, for example, using the Zhen-Ju method, it is possible to influence that “energy”, its movement and change it in the functional state of organs and the body as a whole in the right direction.”

It is very important to understand what kind of energy we are talking about.

“The Chinese doctrine of “vital energy” is “chi*.” Functional status, in which in each this moment there is a person and which is, as it were, the resultant of all flowing in him life processes, we call vitality. We say that one person is in good vitality, he is full of strength, energy is boiling in him; the other is characterized by weakened vitality, loss of strength, loss of energy; the first is, so to speak, full of “vitality”, the second lacks it. We are talking about muscle, nervous and other tone, the strength and energy of muscle contraction, the activity of the heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, etc. All this is based on a certain direction and tension of metabolism in the organs and the body as a whole. This concept of vitality, vitality, vital energy or vitality was expressed by Chinese doctors many millennia ago with the word “chi” (in Japanese - “ki”, in Hindu - “prana”).
“Chi” in our understanding is integral function all the activities of the body, its energy, tone, vitality. Each organ, each organ system has its own “chi” as an expression of exchange and function at any given moment. The resultant of all these “chi” is the “chi” of the body.
G. Bachman writes that “energy is beyond matter and is accessible only to theological analysis.” We must emphasize that the Chinese themselves do not share this view and the concept of “vital energy” (chi) expresses the objective reality they notice and objective necessity the very existence of living organisms. Naturally, we fully share this opinion. IN Lately the problem of bioenergy in a broad sense was posed by A. Szent-Gyorgyi Laureate Nobel Prize 1937 for work on biochemistry (A. Szent-Gyorgyi. Bioenergetics. M. 1960).”

Summarize. Main thoughts of the article:

"Organ" is a functional system.
Meridian- the path of energy movement from the “organ” to the surface of the body.
Vital energy- an integral indicator of all life processes in the body.

*When transcribed into Russian, the Chinese term for vital energy is sometimes translated as CHI, and sometimes as QI. In the quotations used in the article, the spelling used by the author of the cited source was preserved.

Appendix to the article

12 organs (functional systems)

1. "Lungs". They include both the lungs themselves and the skin, central and peripheral nervous systems. That is, by “Lungs” we mean the system that controls the gas and water exchange of the body with the external environment. At the same time, the lungs as a physical organ consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide, as well as the release of moisture. And through sweating on the surface of the skin, a significant part of the regulation of water-salt metabolism occurs. Also from skin protection depends on external influence environment. To manage such a complex and extensive system that provides contact with the external environment and filtration various processes exchanges between the body and the external environment, the concept of “Lungs” includes the central and peripheral nervous systems. This refers to only a certain part of the functions of the nervous system - control of the processes of interaction of the body with the external environment. (It must be remembered that we're talking about about classification not according to morphological, but according to functional sign. Accordingly, the nervous system is included in all 12 "organs", but each time refers to different functional tasks performed by the nervous system.)

2. “Large intestine.” Responsible for transporting waste products and digestion, and also plays a significant role in water absorption. The “Large Intestine” is a paired organ of the “Lungs”. With normal circulation of qi in the “Lungs” colon also functions normally, ensuring good emptying. Impaired circulation of qi in the “Lungs” causes difficulty in bowel movements. And when a state of overcrowding and heat occurs in the large intestine, accompanied by constipation, a condition may also arise when the qi of the “Lungs” stops descending, which causes shortness of breath.

3. "Spleen". The function of the “Spleen” as a functional system includes the management of all processes of absorption of food and moisture and their transportation throughout the body, as well as the control of blood and muscles. Naturally, such broad functions extend significantly beyond the scope of the spleen as a physiological organ. This was already mentioned at the beginning of the article. Blood control mainly refers to the function of restraining the flow of blood. When this function is violated, various bleeding. And the connection with the muscles and the functioning of the limbs arises from the function of transporting nutrients to them. If nutrients reach the muscles, they retain elasticity and strength, and if the transport of nutrients is disrupted, the muscles weaken.

4. "Stomach". Responsible for receiving and digesting food. This paired organ"Spleens." To understand the difference between the role of the “Spleen” as the manager of the digestive process and the “Stomach”, you need to take into account that the “Spleen” is a “Yin” organ, and the “Stomach” is a “Yang” organ. Based on the dialectical principle, the digestion process is divided into two parts: the “yang” processes of grinding and digesting food are the function of the “Stomach”, and the “yin” processes of assimilation of nutrients are the function of the “Spleen”. Maintaining a balance between these two processes ensures quality digestion.

5. "Heart". Responsible for transporting blood. But the task of “Heart” is not limited to this. According to the ideas accepted in traditional Chinese medicine, the “Heart” plays a leading role in managing many mental and mental functions, which belong in modern western medicine to the sphere of activity of the central nervous system. (By the way, in many European languages cordiality and sincerity are synonymous words; the connection between the heart and mental qualities can be traced in the traditions of many cultures. At the same time, the separation of physiological and psychological processes- this is destiny modern medicine, and in traditional Chinese medicine both physical and mental processes are considered holistically and through the circulation of vital energy in the organs.) Another function of the “Heart” is sweating. In Chinese medicine there is a rule: “Blood and sweat have the same origin.” “Lack of sweat means lack of blood, lack of blood means lack of sweat. And when excessive sweating there is a waste of blood." In particular, in diseases there are signs of palpitations and rhythm disturbances if too much sweat has been produced and thus too much blood has been used.

6. " Small intestine». According to Chinese medicine, the “Small Intestine” is responsible for the “reception and transformation of substances.” It receives nutrients from the stomach, processes them, simultaneously separating clear and cloudy substances. The transparent part (nutritive substance) is absorbed and sent through the spleen, distributed throughout the body, providing nutrition. The cloudy part goes to the large intestine. Remaining from metabolism is watery digestive juice descends lower to the bladder.
“Heart” and “Small Intestine” are paired organs. The heart meridian leaves the heart and goes to the small intestine. The small intestine meridian comes out of it and connects to the heart. This intercom carries out the movement of the element of fire. Disruption of fire circulation leads to pathological conditions. For example, when the fire of the heart moves down to the small intestine, it evaporates the body fluid in it. This leads to infrequent urination and pinkish, hot, steamy urine. And the movement of the “heat of the small intestine” to the heart can “sear” it. In this case, the patient experiences a state of excitement, rashes and blisters in the mouth and tongue.

7. Bladder. Refers to the number of organs responsible for the exchange of fluids. The “bladder” is a paired organ of the “kidney”. An important function of the Bladder is “evaporation,” which depends on the strength or weakness of the Kidney Qi. The Kidney Qi helps the Bladder when urinating, i.e. when controlling the opening and closing of the Bladder.

8. "Kidneys". According to the views of Chinese medicine, the function of the “Kidneys” is primarily to produce bone, spinal cord and brain. The “kidneys” are in charge of the bones and are at the same time the source of conception and growth. They manage sexual functions and are responsible for water metabolism. According to Chinese medicine, the retention and release of urine depends not only on the bladder, but also on the kidneys as a dense organ related to this process. With a sufficient amount of Kidney Qi, the Bladder is fully capable of holding urine and opening and closing normally. This is a condition for normal water metabolism in the body. If there is a lack of Kidney Qi, the Bladder loses the ability to hold urine. The function of opening and closing the bladder is impaired, urination becomes uncontrollable, and excessive urinary output or urinary incontinence occurs.

9. "Pericardium". Physically it is the outer lining of the heart. The “pericardium” seals off the heart from other organs chest. But besides protective function heart, according to Chinese medicine, it is in charge of blood circulation blood vessels. Together with the “Heart”, the “Pericardium” affects the central nervous system, affects the activity of the intellect and mental condition.

10. "Three heaters." The concept of “Three Heaters” includes the top, bottom and middle heaters. The “upper heater” is located above the diaphragm and covers the dense organs “Heart” and “Lungs”. The “middle heater” lies in the upper part of the abdomen, approximately at the height of the stomach, and includes the dense organ “Spleen” and the hollow organ “Stomach”. The "Lower Warmer" is located below the navel in the lower abdomen and includes both dense organs - the liver and kidneys - and the hollow organs: "Small Intestine", "Large Intestine" and "Bladder". “Three heaters” control the work of all internal organs, and if you try to draw a parallel with functional systems from the perspective of modern medicine, the most adequate option is endocrine system. Although, of course, this will only be a physiological correspondence, which does not include the fullness of ideas about energy circulation accepted in traditional Chinese medicine.

11. “Gall bladder.” According to Chinese medicine,
he has dual purpose- accumulation of bile and its release into digestive tract. Gallbladder Qi is in relationship with a person’s mental state. Mental illness and psychosomatic disorders such as insomnia, excessive dreaming, palpitations, etc. are often treated through the gallbladder in Chinese medicine. The “Gall Bladder” is in close connection with the “Stomach” and “Spleen”, supporting them in performing the function of digestion.

12. "Liver". According to Chinese medicine, it performs the following functions:
1. Accumulation and regulation of blood.
2. Transportation and excretion of various substances from the body.
3. Leading by ligaments.
During the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese physician Wang Bing wrote in a commentary to the book “Su-wen”: “The liver accumulates blood, and the heart transports it. When a person moves, blood is directed into the vessels. If a person is at rest, blood flows back to the liver.”
And such an important blood function as filtration, according to Chinese ideas, is explained by the “liver’s love of order.”
Violation of the functions of the “Liver” manifests itself primarily in two areas - the psyche and digestion. In Chinese medicine, there is a rule according to which a person’s mental state is not only controlled by the heart, but is also in close connection with the “Liver” qi. Violation of the functions of the “Liver” leads to depression. According to the Chinese, “the liver loves order, it does not like sadness and sorrow”; “Extreme anger is bad for the liver.”
Another function of the “Liver” is managing the ligaments. This is explained by the fact that the tendons are fed by blood, which accumulates in the liver. And with a lack of blood in the liver, the tendons are not supplied with nutrition.

Do you know your body? Do you know how to manage it? Most often it happens that he commands his master, and you follow the lead of illnesses.

But you can understand a lot about yourself if you learn to manage your vital energy, conduct self-diagnosis, and control your condition.

Until recently, European science recognized two systems that regulate the vital activity of the body: nervous and circulatory (with endocrine glands). Both of these regulatory systems interact closely.

Over the past decades, our medicine has adopted a third regulatory system - the energy system. Its essence is as follows: vital energy (in Chinese - qi, in Japanese - ki, in Hindu - prana) circulates throughout the body, sequentially passing through all organs of the body and completing its cycle within a day.

Vital points are located on human skin. They do not have an anatomical substrate, but are all interconnected, forming channels(ancient Chinese name), or meridians(European name).

The classical theory of acupuncture describes 14 channels: 12 symmetrical, named after the organs or systems associated with them, and 2 median ones, which affect not only the functioning of the organs, but also the mental state of a person.

Once upon a time in Japan, the day was divided not into 24 hours, but into 12 - according to the number of activities of twelve paired channels. Thus, the hour of the rat - from 23 to 1 am - corresponded to activity, that is, the maximum rise in vital energy in the gallbladder channel. By the way, European clinicians note that hepatic colic most often bothers people in the first hour of the night, precisely at increased activity gallbladder canal. Asthma attacks most often occur between 3 am and 5 am, that is, during the activity of the lung channel.

Violation for any reason of the rhythm of the transition of qi from channel to channel (excess and retention of energy in some channel or its lack) leads to functional disorders the corresponding organ, that is, to the disease. And, of course, this gradually begins to affect the activity of other organs, and therefore the whole organism.

Disturbances in the circulation of qi in the channels are eliminated by acupuncture, cauterization of the corresponding points with wormwood cigarettes, electropuncture, as well as acupressure - acupuncture. You and I will use last method. Of course, acupressure does not exclude or replace the help of a doctor, but the widespread use of the method acupressure due to its practical harmlessness, relative simplicity, physiology, small area of ​​influence, and the possibility of use as first aid.

But, before you begin self-diagnosis, you need to know that the number of vital points on each of the 12 channels is different. Thus, the heart channel has 9 vital points, and the bladder channel has 67. On each paired channel there are tonic points, the massage of which increases the flow energy into this channel, and sedatives - sedatives.

According to European time, each paired channel is active for 2 hours. In the first hour, the activity of qi in it increases, in the second it decreases. With the maximum rise of qi in the lung channel from 3 to 5 o'clock, a minimum of qi is noted in the bladder channel. From 15 to 17 hours there is a maximum of qi in the bladder channel, and a minimum in the lung channel. It is at these hours low-grade fever signals trouble in a sick person with lungs.

In addition, it is believed that it is during the hours of minimum qi in the channel that the corresponding organ or system is most susceptible to therapeutic effects. For example, a medicine that treats cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) will work more effectively if it is taken during the hours of passivity of this channel, that is, from 3 to 5 am.

Now let's move on to self-diagnosis, to identifying dysfunctional channels in which the circulation of qi is disrupted. This is necessary to correctly determine when, which point, with which hand and how to massage to eliminate the imbalance of energy flow.

Table 1 lists symptoms of distress for each of the 12 channels. As you can see, the same symptoms occur in different channels. For example, unstable appetite, insomnia and the like. Therefore, for the accuracy of analysis and diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the totality of symptoms.

Table 1. Symptoms of trouble

I. Channel of the Lungs
(active from 3 to 5 am)

1. Bad hair(split ends, dull, falling out).
2. Frequent hiccups.
3. Yawning.
4. Drowsiness.
5. Cough.
6. Increase in body temperature from 15 to 17 hours.

II. COLON channel
(active from 5 to 7 o'clock)

1. Flatulence (gases).
2. Bad stool (either weakens or strengthens).
3. Abdominal pain.
4. Bad breath.
5. Hemorrhoids.
6. Memory impairment.
7. Defects of the mucous membrane (cracks, pain in the anus).

III. STOMACH channel
(active from 7 to 9 o'clock)

1. Appetite disorder (that is, that is not).
2. Pain in the stomach area.
3. Headaches.
4. Temperature surges.
5. Nervous breakdown stomach.

IV. Channel of the SPLEN and PANCREAS
(active from 9 to 11 a.m.)

1. Daytime sleepiness.
2. Poor memory.
3. Loss of vigilance (self-control).
4. Weak legs (difficult to walk for a long time).
5. Brain exhaustion (a person sits idle, stares at one point).
6. Unstable appetite.
7. Craving for sweets.
8. Defects connective tissue(prolapse of organs, muscle weakness).

V. HEART Channel
(active from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

1. The whites of the eyes are streaked with red.
2. Under-eyes (puffiness, blackness).
3. Skin defects of the nose and forehead.
4. Redness of the armpits.
5. Hasty speech.
6. Fear of an audience (speaking in front of an audience).
7. Fear of heights.
8. A tense manner of working (gritting your teeth or lips).
9. Unreasonable anxiety or fear.
10. Shyness, subjective feeling of mental exhaustion.

(active from 13:00 to 15:00)

1. Inability to turn the head 180° (from shoulder to shoulder).
2. Double chin.
3. It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen.
4. Sore throat.
5. Pain in the forearm (from shoulder to elbow).
6. Neck tension.
7. Blisters in the mouth or lips.
8. Sometimes heaviness or sharp pain in the chest.
9. Feeling hot.
10. Sweating.

VII. BLADDER channel
(active from 15 to 17 hours)

1. Pain in the back of the neck.
2. Pain in the spine.
3. Pain in the neck area.
4. Pain in ankles (Achilles tendon).
5. Pain in the crown.
6. Pain in the upper jaw.
7. Visual impairment (usually myopia).
8. Watery eyes.
9. Itchy eyes.
10. Increased sensitivity to the cold and wind.
11. Insomnia.
12. Mental imbalance.
13. Tearfulness
14. Hemorrhoids.
15. Heavy discharge from the nose and eyes.

VIII. KIDNEY channel
(active from 17 to 19 hours)

1. Sweating after eating.
2. Insomnia.
3. Yawning.
4. Edema.
5. Bloated belly.

(active from 19 to 21 hours)

1. Feelings of inferiority.
2. Abundant, causeless laughter.
3. Red face.
4. Hot palms.
5. Swelling of the glands under the arms.
6. Bad breath.
7. Heaviness in the heart.
8. Fatigue.
9. Attacks of anger and malice over trifles.

(active from 21 to 23 hours)

1. Chilliness.
2. Inability to fully bend and straighten your elbows.
3. Acute pain in heart.
4. Disorder of thoughts.
5. Bizarre dreams.
6. Pain in gums and teeth.
7. Involuntary clenching of teeth.
8. Swelling of the throat.
9. Dry mouth.
10. No appetite.

(active from 23 to 1 am)

1. Pale, sallow face.
2. Bitterness in the mouth.
3. Pain under the liver.
4. Pain in the sides.
5. Pain in the heart.
6. Pain and feeling of compression of the head and chin.
7. Hot feet.
8. Chills.
9. Sweating.
10. Swelling of the glands under the arms.
11. Pain in the hips, knees, joints.

XII. LIVER Channel
(active from 1 to 3 am)

1. Dry throat.
2. Pain in the liver.
3. You cannot bend over or bend back at the waist.
4. Grey colour faces.
5. Pain in the upper part right scapula(right shoulder).

To determine in which channel the qi flow is disturbed, you must first put a “plus” against each unfavorable symptom of this channel, if you observe it in yourself. Against warning sign, which you don’t have, is “minus.” Then take the total number of symptoms for each channel of trouble as 100% and calculate the percentage of trouble for this channel in yourself.

Let's take the stomach canal. You note the 1st, 2nd and 5th symptoms and put a “plus” against them; You haven’t observed the 3rd and 4th symptoms in yourself yet - put a “minus” against them. You take all symptoms, 5 of them, as 100%, unfavorable ones - 3, therefore, the percentage of unfavorable symptoms in your STOMACH channel is 60, and this is already a sign of anxiety. A small percentage of troubles in a number of channels may be accidental (duplicate symptoms), and it can be ignored.

Ancient Eastern medicine always used the patient’s horoscope; it helped the healer to reach the main channel of trouble. Taking into account the year, month and date of birth, you can determine with 70-80% accuracy the channels that are most vulnerable to you when exposed to unfavorable factors environment or stress.

Having identified your particularly vulnerable channels, you must add antiphase ones to them, that is, those that correspond to the opposite sign of the year or zodiac. For example, Goat is Ox, and Aries is Libra. The first pair has horoscopic channels: the small intestine - the liver, the second - the lungs and bladder. By the way, according to doctors who observed Olympic athletes, everyone, even healthy person, reduced vitality. Thus, Aries does not give the usual records in Libra (October) and is vulnerable to diseases.

Now - homework.

For convenience in further work, draw a circle. Divide it into 12 parts and, starting from the lung channel (from 3 to 5 a.m.), plot all two-hour periods of activity of all 12 channels. Then enter the percentage of unfavorability of those channels that you identified in table 1. Next time we will calculate excess or lack of qi in the alarming channel and... we will master the method of healing.

Figure 1. Correspondence of energy channels to the Chinese calendar

Energy channels (meridians) This is a combination of biologically active points located on the body on energy channels. A channel is a path along which energy is distributed to nourish organs. physical body. In the usual view, an organ is a light bulb, a channel is a wire, and points are switches. Energy meridians connect etheric body human and physical. These points were opened ancient Chinese medicine. They are characterized by increased electrical conductivity, increased painful sensitivity. The circulation of energy through the channels is carried out regardless of a person’s awareness of it. But awareness can increase circulation. In addition, the channels may be poorly passable and this passability needs to be strengthened.

Ancient Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels: the lung channel, the colon channel, the stomach channel, the spleen-pancreas channel, the heart channel, the small intestine channel, the bladder channel, the kidney channel, the pericardial channel (sexual channel), the triple warmer channel, the gall channel bladder, liver canal, posterior-median canal and anterior-median canal.

Ancient Chinese medicine argued that the circulation of energy begins with the lungs. Air is not only the main supplier of oxygen for body tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide, but also the main supplier of energy. There is one little secret In order for the energy to remain in the body when breathing, you need to hold your breath after inhaling, although on a count of one or two.

The energy sequentially passes through 12 main paired meridians in 24 hours, staying in each for 2 hours. They, of course, work around the clock, but activity in them is reduced. The maximum energy in the channel is achieved during the passage of energy through it, and the minimum after 12 hours. Knowing the time of maximum and minimum energy in the channel is important for influencing the channel. All channels are paired, i.e. completely identical on both sides of the body. 2 unpaired channels anterior-median and posterior-median operate around the clock.

Massaging an arousing point means that you excite the type of energy that circulates in the channel, and massaging a calming point means that it calms, i.e. reduces the circulation of this energy. For example, if you have inflammation on a channel of some organ, and this channel contains warm Yang energy, you need to slow down the movement of energy, since the inflammatory process occurs from an excess of Yang energy. Yang energy overheats the body, and Yin energy overcools. In the best way 20 the effects are gentle rotational movements clockwise, accompanied by light continuous pressure for about 30 seconds. at every point. Typically, massage of the points is performed with the thumb or index finger. When the energies of Yin and Yang are balanced, thermoregulation works perfectly in the body. The main ones are marked in red

points for all channels. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Energy is polar, it can be positive - Yang and negative - Yin, channels with positive energy are located on outside limbs, and with on negative energy inside

. The disease begins when there is an imbalance in the channel of opposite energy.. LUNG CHANNEL. Energy begins to circulate from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m., and the minimum will be from 3 to 5 p.m. The lung meridian runs along the arms, starting from the chest and ending with the thumb. By activating the channels with a point-by-point massage, in the hand whose points will be more painful, then this lung is weaker. If the energy in the lung channel is disturbed, shortness of breath, coughing, and suffocation in the chest are observed. Increased sensitivity to cold. Lung disease worsens at night and, of course, massage to improve lung energy should be done at night from 3 to 5 o’clock. If you constantly wake up at 3-5 am and realize that there are problems with your lungs, you can begin to strengthen your lungs on your own by stimulating them with acupuncture magic point channel - point 10 Yu Ji, one of the main points of the channel. In this way, the condition of the lungs can be harmonized. Try stimulating her and you will quickly notice the results.

The lung channel is considered a yin channel and the movement of energy comes from top to bottom. This channel can also be called channel thyroid gland and when it increases, calm the energy in the channel, and when it weakens, excite the energy in the channel. The main points are marked in red.

The lungs are not only located next to the heart, belonging to the Metal element, they absorb heart Fire, thereby regulating heartbeat. When our heart rate increases, we begin to breathe deeply and frequently. Breathing helps direct the Fire of the heart to the lungs and thus normalize the heartbeat.

Very effective point 10 Yu Ji and for the fight with shortness of breath and asthma. It needs to be massaged in circular movements. Many people complain about lack of air; it’s as if they cannot breathe in the right amount of air. In this case, I advise you to massage the point 9 Tai Yuan, this point is the source of the lung channel, very effective. Dot 8 Jing Qu can be used to cope with cough, it is very convenient and easy to massage. To nourish the kidneys it is very good to use the point 5 Chi Jie, this will help lower excess lung qi into the kidneys. THOSE. this point regulates fluid in the lungs. Dot 5 Chi-tse a calming point, and a point 9 Taiyuan exciting point.

Active from 5 to 7 am COLON CANAL. E then the channel Yan. Minimum energy in the colon canal from 15 to 19 hours. As you know, the stomach is acidic, and the intestines are alkaline. And if the intestines act up, then acidity predominates and he is not able to neutralize it. If at this time the intestines are “grumbling”, then you need to cleanse the large intestine with a laxative and an enema. This channel is paired, i.e. it is located on both hands, it begins with index finger inside the hand and, moving to the outside, ends near the nostril. The large intestine has an alkaline environment and when cleaning it, you need to add a little to the water apple cider vinegar. Depending on the time, the intestines can be cleaned both in the morning and in the evening. Main points are marked in red. Dot 11 Qu-chi exciting and is the most important point to calm the fever inflammatory processes, and also by massaging it can be reduced arterial pressure and reduce heart rate. Dot 1 Shan-yang soothing, also relieves fever, used for sunstroke.

STOMACH CANAL active from 7 to 9 am. This is the YANG channel. It's breakfast time. It starts on the face and ends on the middle toe. When the channel becomes dirty, the digestive fire decreases and the channel needs “repair”. Exciting point 41 Tza-si located in the bend of the leg as it transitions to the foot. Calming point 1 Lead end point of the channel. Dot 36 Zu san li is considered the point of longevity, its massage should be carried out according to lunar calendar. It is also practiced to cauterize this point with wormwood cigars. Dot 34 Liang Qiu counts analgesic point, it is located 2 cun higher than the upper edge kneecap, at the site of palpation there is a small depression. Massaging this point relieves lower back pain and lower limb, restrictions of movement and pain in knee joint, decreased sensitivity of the skin of the lower limb, with mastitis, pain in the mammary gland, with heaviness in the stomach and diarrhea.

CANAL OF THE SPLEN AND PANCREAS active from 9 to 11 am. This is the YIN channel. It starts from the big toe moving up the inside of the foot. At poor nutrition increase thumbs legs An imbalance in the channel manifests itself in daytime sleepiness and weakness in the legs. The arousal point is 2nd point Yes do on the big toe. Soothing, 5th Shang Qiu, on the bone of the ankle joint.

HEART CHANNEL open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is the channel YIN, it starts near the armpit and ends on the conic of the little finger on the inside. Exciting point 1 Ji Quan is in the middle armpit with raised hand, calming point 7th Shen Men located at the beginning of the wrist. 3rd point Shao hi It is considered a water point; it sends water from the pericardium to the kidneys; it is located in the place where we take blood from a vein. Of course, if the pulse is abnormal, the massage is carried out throughout the entire channel to ensure the free movement of energy. I have done massage through this channel so many times that I can find the points with my eyes closed.

At the end I will write how to find the points, but to know all the points you need additional literature. You can find them approximately by looking at the drawing; when you act on points with plugs in them, you will feel pain or distension. Listen carefully to these sensations. Point massage can also be done using essential oils. If you feel pain at the point, drop oil on your finger and massage.

SMALL INTESTINE CANAL open from 13:00 to 15:00. This is the channel YANG. It starts on the outside of the little finger and runs along the outside of the arm and shoulder blade and ends on the face. The small intestine carries out chemical transformations of food and their disruption is manifested by pain throughout the entire canal and especially in the neck area. Exciting point 3 Hou si a point along the line of the little finger near the bone of the beginning of the little finger. Calming 8 Xiao Hai located in the elbow area.

BLADDER CHANNEL active from 15 to 17 hours. This is the channel YANG. It begins on the face and passes along the skull through the crown of the head down the spine and the back of the leg and ends at the little toe. This is a complex channel with many active points. On the bladder channel there are points from other channels. Excess Yang causes frequent urination and pain along the channel. The end point on the little finger is stimulating Yang, the calming point is 3rd point along the channel from the little finger.

KIDNEY CHANNEL active from 17 to 19 hours. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts in the middle of the sole. This channel is very sensitive to cold, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Keep your feet warm.” Since the kidneys are closely connected with the adrenal glands and with the production of hormones, normalizing the energy in the channel normalizes the potency of the genital organs. Well, you know about the function that the kidneys cleanse the body of toxins. Exciting Yin point, Shui Quan 7th point from the sole. Calming point Yun Quan first a point located in the middle of the sole of the foot. Since the kidneys love warmth, it is necessary to vigorously rub this point.

PERICARDIAL CHANNEL(sexual channel) is active from 19 to 21 hours. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts on the chest near the armpit, goes down the arm and ends on the inside of the arm on the third finger. This channel circulates energy in the liver, gall bladder and genitals. The most important functions 6th point Nei-guan are calming the heart and the vital spirit Shen, which is stored in the heart, as well as normalizing the condition of the spleen and stomach. Exciting point on the channel 9th Zhong Chun at the tip of your finger, and soothing 7th Yes lin . 3 point Qu jie located in the middle of the elbow, the function of this point is to cool the blood and expel heat, the word jie translated as a lake, it is also a water point; it sends water from the pericardium to the kidneys. I remind you that they are marked in red 20 main points for all channels.

CHANNEL OF THREE HEATERS active from 21 to 23 hours. This is a channel with Yang energy. It begins at the tip of the ring finger on the outside of the hand and travels up the arm to end on the outside of the eye, intersecting with other channels along the way. This channel has two internal inputs. Entering top part(1st heater) provides energy oxidative processes in cells due to oxygen. Its branch (2nd heater) goes down to the diaphragm and provides energy for the processes of digestion and oxidation of food. Connecting with the pericardium (3rd heater), it provides additional energy to the genitals. The channel provides bioenergy to the respiratory, digestive and reproductive system, supplying energy to the following bodies: lungs (breathing), small intestine(absorption process), kidneys and associated genitals and heart. As you understand, this is a very important channel and judging by the picture, it is very accessible for massage and, accordingly, rejuvenation of the body. The 3rd excitatory point on the arm is called zhongzhu, it enhances the processes of food oxidation and is one of the points for weight loss. Calming point 10.

GALL BLADDER CHANNEL active from 23 to 01 hours. This is the channel Yan. There are many points on it, it intersects with other channels. It begins at the outer corner of the eye, runs along the side of the body and ends at the 44th point at the end of the little toe. Along the way, the channel enters the body in the area of ​​the diaphragm, connects with the liver, enters the gallbladder and descends into the hip joint. So if they start acting up hip joints, which means the Yang energy in this channel is weakened, as is the energy of the gallbladder. Exciting point on the foot 43 . Calming 38 right there. They write that this channel greatly stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder and it finishes everything to cleanse the blood at night until we load it with food. Dot 25 Jing-men refers to the foot shao yang channel of the gallbladder, is the abdomen point of the kidneys, can reflect the condition of the kidneys, and also help replenish kidney qi. The point can be used to treat lower back pain caused by kidney qi deficiency. The point is located in the hypochondrium, near the point 26 May and can be used in the treatment of certain digestive disorders - bloating, rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea.

LIVER CHANNEL active from 01:00 to 03:00. This is a channel with Yin energy. It starts from the big toe and goes inside, rising further to the head, passing along the parietal region of the head and connecting on the back with the back - the middle meridian. An imbalance of liver energy begins with overeating, apparently there is not enough energy for detoxification modern products. Also, even a little food before bed disrupts its functioning. Exciting point 8 is located in the area of ​​the knee, calming point 2 is on the foot.

The anterior-median channel is not included in the general circulation of channels and begins in the center of the perineum and ends in the center of the chin; it unites all the Yin channels.

The posterior-median channel runs along the spine, its energy is directed from bottom to top, uniting the Yan channels.

The circulation of energy through these channels is called TAOIST CIRCLE. We can direct it consciously.

Here is the exercise: Sit on a chair, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, closing the upper chakra. At the bottom, squeeze the perineum and the circle closes. Mentally take energy from the 2nd chakra, lower it to the first and raise it along the spine to the top of the head, then lower it down the front - middle channel down to the 2nd chakra. And so on several times. It won't be easy at first. Along the way, the work of all energy centers will normalize. But the effort is worth it. Even if you do not do any acupressure along the channels, but only this exercise, you will gradually eliminate energy blockages and normalize energy in the body. This method is more suitable for people young whose sexual intercourse is still full of energy.

There is a more complex option that is suitable for older people. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes inward, knees bent. Hands in front of you, palms open up. The tongue is pressed to the roof of the mouth.

Now imagine that a network of capillaries emerges from your legs and descends into the ground to the level of magma. The magma begins to rise, feel its warmth. It reaches the sacrum and the second chakra is filled with energy. When it is full, lift it up the spine and lower it down through the midline of the head and lift it through the compressed perineum to the second chakra at the back. At shoulder level, send the energy through your arms and out through your hands. Here, energy jams are removed with the help of the energy of the Earth, with which we have mostly lost contact. Do this as many times as you need.

I don’t know why I wrote so much, I should have given this exercise from the very beginning and that’s all. I wish you success.

What are human meridians?

Let's talk today about what is it?
A meridian is an invisible line on the human body; it cannot be seen or touched.

The human body is penetrated by a network of meridians-channels through which nutrients move, life-giving energy circulates and everything that is necessary for life, a complete exchange of information occurs between all internal organs.

Meridians carry out such important functions, How
control the flow of blood and vital energy,
harmonize yin and yang,
revitalize muscles and bones,
ease the work of joints.

According to ancient Eastern medicine, knowing the structural features of the meridian system, one can trace the paths of disease penetration into the body, its movement and the factors that cause the development of this disease. And along these same paths one can remove diseases from the body, which is what the doctors of Eastern medicine have done since ancient times.

European medicine did not recognize the presence of meridians in humans for a long time.
In 1986, at the Necker Institute in France, with the introduction of technetium into biological active points trajectories were established on the human body, which completely coincided with the meridians described in ancient Chinese tracts (“Huangdi Neiqing” in the 5th–3rd centuries BC). This is how the existence of meridians (energy channels) was proven.

In ancient Eastern medicine, everything internal organs The body is united into organ systems, and the meridians are also united into the meridian system, thanks to which our body works as a single whole.

Exist huge variety meridians,
Ancient Eastern medicine identifies 12 main ones:

Yin - meridians correspond to the organs that fill,
store and process substances and energy in the body

Yang - meridians correspond to the hollow organs, which
perform the functions of excretion (removal), metabolism

1. Lung meridian
2. Large Intestine Meridian
3. Stomach meridian
4. Meridian of the spleen and pancreas
5. Heart meridian
6. Small Intestine Meridian
8. Kidney meridian
7. Bladder Meridian
9. Pericardial meridian
10. Meridian of three heaters
11. Gall Bladder Meridian
12. Liver meridian

The meridians communicate with each other through complex scheme, while transferring energy from one to another.

As a result, in healthy body the required energy level is maintained.

Human meridians

When we are sick, our illness is expressed either by an excess or lack of energy in one or several organs at once.

If there is an excess of energy in an organ, then it is in the Yang state,
and if a deficiency is felt, then in the YIN state.

Exists big circle circulation of energy, along which the meridians, in a certain order, following each other, form closed system, which alternately stimulates each organ, provides uniform distribution energy throughout the body.

If, for example, a channel is blocked in the area of ​​the limbs, then the movement of energy is hampered throughout the entire channel (remember from physics: when the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...), and this leads to the fact that the organs do not receive enough energy. As a result, they do not work in normal mode and do not perform their functions.

And no matter how much we fill our body with medications and dietary supplements, they will not be able to process them and all our treatment efforts will be in vain.

Along the meridians there are many biologically active points (BAPs), subject to certain laws.

Through them from ancient times (acupuncture) and to this day, already with the help modern technologies(electroacupuncture), carry out bioresonance diagnostics and treatment with bioresonance therapy of the root causes of the disease.

As a result of this treatment
meridians-channels are cleansed,
the balance of the Yin and Yang ratio is regulated,
the disease matrix is ​​erased,
the functions of damaged organs are restored,
immunity increases.

Energy channels or energy meridians of the human body are a concept that came to us from Eastern medicine. Detailed map used to diagnose various diseases, the cause of which is energy leakage. Let's consider the topic in more detail.

Eastern medicine treatment methods are based on restoring the correct flow of energy in. It is believed that all diseases and problems arise due to improper circulation of the life-giving energy Qi, which is responsible for most processes in the human body.

There are also two more types of energies:

  • Yang - personifies the masculine principle
  • Yin is a symbol of feminine energy

Energy cannot enter the human body on its own - it penetrates through energy meridians. Every eastern healer knows the layout of these meridians - after all, it is along the energy channels that the biologically active points are located, which are affected during the treatment process.

What are energy points on the human body?

In Eastern medicine it is believed that the cause of all diseases is an imbalance of energies, male and female. The disease originates in the subtle body of a person (in his energetic essence), and then passes into the physical body.

Energies can be controlled using the power of thought. For this purpose, special spiritual practices, meditation, and yoga are used. That is why almost any person is able to restore their energy potential and achieve energy balance. Which ultimately contributes to recovery.

There are also special exercises, which allow you to influence biologically active points. To do them correctly and effectively, it is important to know how human energy channels are located. The diagram is shown in the figure:

It is worth talking in more detail about the energy structure of the human subtle body.

The most important meridians:

  1. The main energy channel is called the yin meridian and is located in the center of the front of the human body
  2. Along spinal column passes through the “male” yang meridian

As a result, the main meridians unite and intertwine with each other. If feminine energy Yin is responsible for service, then the male Yang is the energy of the owner, responsibility.

And on both sides of the body there are twelve more energy channels, which are also the main ones. The remaining meridians are located in various parts bodies and have their own names, consonant with the parts of the body for which they are responsible:

  • Yin meridian passing through thumb, responsible for the lungs
  • Yin meridian passing through middle finger and little finger are responsible for heart health
  • Yang meridian: passes through the little finger, responsible for the large intestine
  • The Yang meridian passes through ring finger, is responsible for the temperature of the human body
  • Yin meridians passing through the big toes: correspond to the kidneys, liver, spleen
  • The Yang meridians of the legs pass through: the stomach - the second finger, the gallbladder - the fourth, bladder- heel or little toe

This educational video clearly shows the location and meaning of all energy meridians:

How to cleanse energy meridians?

Most often, diagnosing energy channels and cleaning them is available only to specialists; not everyone is able to do everything correctly on their own. But you are totally welcome to try.

Each meridian has special points. By influencing them, you can regulate the flow of energy in the energy channel. You just need to look at the picture, find on your own body and memorize the 12 main points corresponding to each of the main meridians.

Here, for example, is how they are located energy points on human hands and feet:

It is best to begin the actions necessary to balance your energy and balance the energy structure by influencing the point that is called “from a hundred diseases.” It is located in the area of ​​the kneecap, on its outer side.

You should regularly massage this point and the area around it. Such actions will help stimulate the desired energy center, restore the mobility of the channels, and heal from many signs of illness.

It is recommended to do massage in the morning while lying in bed. A small nuance - if morning comes at 12 am for you, you will have to sacrifice daytime dreams. You should get up before dawn, preferably no later than six o'clock in the morning.

Rejuvenating practice

This topic will be of particular interest to women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for as long as possible. You should learn to stimulate the Feng Fu point. It is located in the center of the back of the head, just above the neck.

Eastern doctors perform acupuncture at this point or do cauterization. Of course, doing such things at home is quite risky.

You can apply ice to this point: the cold provokes an outflow of blood, after which a powerful influx occurs. Thus, the energy balance is established.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, apply an ice cube to the Feng Fu point and hold for a minute. Then take a three-day break and repeat. You can do this endlessly.

Of course, don’t forget about traditional medicine. If you have any diseases, you do not need to rely only on the power of Yin and Yang vital energy. Be sure to visit doctors and follow their recommendations. And working with energy meridians will allow you to achieve the desired result much faster.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:



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