How to cleanse the house of negative energy. How to do sound cleansing

If you feel uncomfortable and anxious in your home, it's time to do an energy cleanup. Try to adjust your inner vision and look at the walls of your home. Everything dark and negative must be removed.
Where does negative energy come from? Quarrels, envious guests, just unfriendly people brought energy dirt into your house - it reproduces anxiety, instills confusion in the soul, prevents you from sleeping peacefully. Human energy-informational traces are the first source of negative information in the room.

2) Targeted malicious impact on the house. This can be expressed in the outflow of energy from a person to the room (damage in the room) or in the outflow of energy from the room (energy breakdown).

3) It happens that information remains in a house or apartment from previous residents (in the office - from previous owners). These traces are a kind of unconscious programs for new tenants, forcing them to copy the habits of the former. This information is dangerous because it has been stored for decades. There are "fatal" apartments, houses in which some kind of misfortune constantly occurs.

4) Information that current tenants create on their own. Any negative thought forms form a certain energy-informational field. This information can remain and grow in the apartment or go to the neighbors. Lasts a very long time. For example, 80% of divorces occur on sexual grounds. The reason for this may be in the processes of human thinking, which is influenced by negative energy structures in an apartment or house.

5) Information coming from neighbors.

6) Information from a seriously ill person. Reduces immunity, promotes cancer. Stored for a long time. It can act in a multi-storey building from one apartment to the entire entrance.

7) Information remaining from a suicide, as well as information from a person who died of natural causes. It acts negatively, lasts a long time. There is no need to hang photographs of dead people in the apartment. It can affect the fact that it will be very difficult to sell real estate. I especially want to highlight the restless souls, which are energy vampires. But they are not the only vampires. Entities associated with the dark world abound. Such entities create a connection between your home and the dark world, which takes away your vitality. The most "nourishing" for these forces are your negative emotions, for this an atmosphere of nervousness is created in your home. Channels of communication with the dark world are perceived as funnels, leaving their base to infinity. They are also called energy black holes. These black holes are created by entities, so it is impossible to simply close such a funnel without expelling the entity.

8) Information from photos of idols. If the idol tragically ended his life, then this information can lead to the fact that a person unconsciously begins to repeat his life path.

9) Information from stolen and old things. They also accumulate negative information that persists for a long time. Therefore, old things should be thrown away periodically.

There are many methods, ways to clean the house of negativity. But I think that the whole point is not in their quantity, but in the quality of execution. I think in the methods below, everyone will find what he likes and can do.

To find out what kind of energy is in your apartment, make a few different observations. For example, in a house with good energy, spilled water slowly dries up, flowers in vases do not fade for a long time, metal objects are cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm.

In “black” houses, a fallen coin does not ring, milk sours faster, hot food cools quickly, salt instantly dissolves in water, oil melts before our eyes, a candle smokes, its light rushes about and goes out.

It is good to check the energy places in the apartment with a pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Check places by asking, “Is this a good place? Rocking back and forth means yes, side to side means no. Gradually move away from the dirty place and define its boundaries.

Be sure to get rid of unnecessary things, especially with bad energy, left over from deceased relatives associated with your failures. If you have not used a thing for a year or more, you definitely do not need it. Get rid of the junk accumulated over the years, sort out the rubble and part with the past. Before energy cleansing, it is advisable to do a general cleaning.
Here I present cleaning methods proven by many years of practice. For all cleaning methods, the vents must be open.

1) Prepare wax candles (article what kind of candles are needed), a psalter or a prayer book to decide what you will read. Candles are needed according to the number of rooms, for the bathroom too. You need to start from the front door, go clockwise, light the first candle, a candle in your right hand, a book in your left. With a candle, we overshadow the wall with a cross, facing it, and drive from top to bottom with spiral movements, we pass the corners well. We read the psalter from the first psalm, or prayers overshadowing the wall with a cross. We turn clockwise to the next wall, read the next psalm. And so the whole room, a cross-psalm or a prayer, a cross-turn. Move to the next room. The next candle is lit from the previous one, and that one is extinguished with the fingers. If a candle starts to go out somewhere, it means that there is a lot of negative energy there: you need to stop and stand with the candle a little longer, especially intensely baptize this place with a flame and sprinkle it with holy water. After the rooms, the kitchen, then the hallway, and the bathroom. Get your bathroom done well. This is a place that absorbs a lot of negative information, especially the bathroom mirror. The last candle is a cross with the soot of a candle flame on the front door. It is better to seal the drawing of the cross with adhesive tape and do not wash it off. Twist all used candles into a flagellum and brick up under the threshold of the front door in the hallway. The apartment has been cleared. If you remove the candle ends, the protection will be broken.

2) Music has a wonderful cleansing effect. With the help of mantras or bell ringing, you can fill the room with positive energy. Bell ringing has great energy power. By the way, the bell ringing can be turned on at least once a week.

3) Christian way. Fumigate the house with incense, sprinkle the house with holy water, hold wormwood over the front door.

4) Put the pan with salt on the fire. If within 20 minutes the salt turns gray or takes on a brown tint, then there is no negative. If the salt suddenly turns black, then the salt must be fried to a coal-like state. I want to warn you that this method is dangerous, if there is damage on the house, voices, groans can be heard, and the pan can “explode” and damage the stove. This is due to the fact that salt is saturated with great internal energy, and its crystals serve as antennas that receive cosmic energy. When the salt is destroyed (fried), its energy is released and begins to destroy the forces of evil.

5) Fumigate the house with magical plants, whose smell the aliens from the dark worlds cannot bear.
Magic herb. We are talking about Peganum Harmalae, known among different peoples as rue, burial ground and white-flanked. In Uzbekistan, this plant is called “isirik” (uzb.) or “spand” (taj.). Chazor (thousand) is often added to the last name to emphasize: “hazor ispand” - “a cure for a thousand diseases”. And it is true - this plant, indeed, many times saved people from plague, viruses and other infectious diseases.
You can also fumigate the house with juniper, heather, St. John's wort. You can say the following words: “Let everything bad go away with this smoke: illness, witchcraft, misfortune, bad luck, curses!”

6) Virtual clearing with the help of mental magic is a somewhat rarer method, as it is somewhat more difficult to perform and requires certain concentration and visualization abilities.
The usual mental images that are used in a virtual cleansing (which is as effective as a real one) is either a fiery wall “roasting” everything it passes through, or a pure and bright all-penetrating white (less often blue) light that fills everything being cleaned space. Somewhat less often, “contracts” are used with the entities living in the space being cleared, the meaning of which is to ask to go from this space to their space “home” with the subsequent cleaning of the space with a fiery wall or all-penetrating light and “sealing” the cleared space into an impenetrable cocoon. After such sealing, the cleared space is often filled with some kind of comfortable feeling. I strongly advise against showing aggression or fear when settling relations with various entities.
Cleansing your home is good to do at least once a year, even if everything seems to be in order. If the cleaning went well, then it becomes very comfortable to be in the cleaned space: freshness is felt, as if the air is crystal clear, emotional uplift is felt; cleaned items seem new, they are pleasant to take in hands, etc.

After cleaning the house, we clean personal energy
It is important to remember that after the cleansing ritual, the energy dirt of space will settle on you in large quantities (hair and skin are especially sensitive in this regard). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for the physical body.
Very good, energetic dirt, jets of cold water wash away. If this method of cold dousing does not suit you, it can be replaced with an ordinary shower, but at the same time you must mentally remove all energy debris from your body. You can mentally say the following words: "As water off a duck's back, so blackness off me."
Special baths, especially with sea salt, give a wonderful effect. They have not only a cleansing ability, but also allow you to restore energy potential.

To make the house always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, anxieties, negative emotions materialize on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, and even flowers.
The quality of the space in which we live determines the quality of our life.

Olga Belikova

Everything around is filled with energy, every person, food, it lives even in rooms - residential buildings, offices and abandoned buildings. For a comfortable life, the energy must be positive and kind, and also beats in the same rhythm with yours. It often happens that at home you do not feel comfortable, everything falls out of your hands, there are constant quarrels with household members.

The reason for feeling unwell may be the presence of negative energy in the apartment. It can be brought by people who were with you as guests, and could envy your well-being, or even worse, they could damage your home. We will learn how to clean the apartment of negativity on our own, clean the aura and return harmony and balance to the house.

Signs of negative energy in the home

How to recognize that the cause of family troubles was the negative energy that one of the ill-wishers settled? There are several reasons that indicate that damage has been made to the apartment, among them are the following:

  • There was an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, fear, which were previously absent. Moreover, the sensations become stronger with every hour of stay in the home.
  • Sleep is disturbed, insomnia appears, you cannot put your child to bed for a long time, pets cannot find a place for themselves, dogs whine at night
  • You began to hear inexplicable sounds at night, for example, the sound of rattling dishes in the kitchen, footsteps, although at this moment everyone is asleep
  • Thoughts at home are in the clouds, away from family and comfort

However, not every person can immediately feel the negative energy in the house, only sensual natures are capable of this. The majority of people find the root cause of the problems too late, when the damage has time to do a lot of trouble.

How can you clean your home

People have come up with many ways to cleanse an apartment from unfavorable energy, consider effective and easy-to-use tools:

  • Cleaning the house
  • Candle
  • Incense
  • amulets

Let's consider each method in more detail.

General cleaning in the house

Routine cleaning involves cleaning the house of dirt, dust, scattered things and clothes. If you want to get rid of the negativity in the apartment, you need a general cleaning, preferably with furniture rearrangement, at least minimal.

You need to dry-clean carpets or knock them out yourself on the street. Clean out closets, neatly fold clothes, put shoes that are not currently worn in boxes. You need to climb into those places where it was always too lazy to clean up, for example, wash the baseboards, wash the curtains, wash the shades on the chandelier.

However, general cleaning in the presence of a negative has some differences from the usual one. You must clean up with the thought that, along with dirt and dust, you are getting rid of other people's thoughts, envy and ill will.

It is worth throwing out old things, chipped dishes, a burnt pan or unnecessary soft toys, perhaps they are not the subject of negativity, but they carry dead and stagnant energy, blocking the filling of the apartment with fresh clean energy.

We clean the house with ordinary salt

Who would have thought that ordinary table salt could help in getting rid of negative energy inside the house. Why is salt endowed with such a property? In magic, salt plays the role of a kind of sorbent that can absorb negative energy, which is what we need to get rid of spoilage. Magicians and sorcerers use salt in an unchanged state, as well as in the form of a saline solution.

Consider the most effective cleaning methods with salt:

  1. It is necessary to put jars of salt in every corner of the apartment, without missing a single one. Particular attention should be paid to the living room and bedroom, in which the household spends the most time. Salt should act for at least 2 months, and ideally it does not need to be removed so that it serves as a kind of prevention from negative infection.
  2. If the apartment has carpets or carpeting, sprinkle large table salt over the entire area, leave it for 3 hours to act with energy. Then use a vacuum cleaner to collect it from the floor, the dust bag must be destroyed.
  3. A popular way to deal with negativity in apartments is wet cleaning with saline. Preparing it is very simple, you need to add 4-5 tablespoons of salt to a bucket of plain water.

Common and sea salt is widely used not only for cleansing houses, you can also cleanse yourself personally from possible evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to take a full bath of warm water, dissolve a handful of sea salt in it, lie down in it for at least 20 minutes with thoughts about a cloudless future, getting rid of negativity and current problems, restoring your biofield.

Clearing negativity with sound

Sound is an integral part of human life. We can feel equally comfortable both in a noisy atmosphere and in complete silence, it will depend on the mood and the environment. However, few people know that a loud sharp sound can destroy negative energy and transform dead zones into living ones.

Cleaning an apartment from negative energy with the help of sound can occur as follows:

  1. Walk around the perimeter of the apartment, loudly clapping your hands or banging a spoon on the pan. In the corners, clap especially loudly until you hear an echo. After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands under running water and soap.
  2. Use a small bell to go around the house, ringing every corner, paying particular attention to dimly lit areas such as pantry, closets, etc. It is desirable that the ringing sound be continuous.
  3. For the third method, you will need a special magical item - a Tibetan bowl, which has long been used to expel evil spirits and cleanse the home of negativity. You need to determine the central point in the apartment, sit in this place and play the bowl until you yourself feel the change around you.
  4. To prevent the penetration of negativity into the house, you can hang a special pendant above the front door - wind music.

You can strengthen this method with prayers and reading special conspiracies so that the effect is more lasting.

Aromas in the fight against negativity

This method is available to anyone, even men often resort to it. In the house, you can burn special incense sticks that came to us from distant India, use aroma lamps or drop a few drops of essential oil on upholstered furniture and carpet.

It is worth saying that not every oil is able to cope with the task and save you from someone else's negative energy. The most effective oils are presented in the table:

Home plants against negativity

Home plants and flowers serve not only as a decoration of the house, but can also contribute to a better circulation of energy in the house, preventing its stagnation. There are many plants that can become effective defenders against ill-wishers and bad words, such plants include: geranium, cactus, dracaena, cyclamen, aloe vera and others. These properties are in no way possessed by plants - vampires, which, on the contrary, suck out positive energy from their owners. These include fern, ivy and some types of palm trees. It is also worth getting rid of sick or dying plants and flowers.

Monstera is a dangerous plant for the human aura. It looks cute, with large green leaves, but it is able to draw all the energy from the people living in the house.

Magical and sacred items

The most effective among magic professionals are paintings, images of saints, mandalas, painted in a special way. These items themselves are charged strong attributes that carry a considerable charge of energy.

To be more precise, they are a kind of conductor of energy flows. Therefore, be responsible for choosing a seemingly harmless image. It is necessary, at a minimum, to study the meaning on the Internet before hanging it on the wall.

Clearing stagnant energy with candles

Candles are an indispensable attribute of almost any magical rite, as they represent the element of fire in it, which is a source of inexhaustible energy.

To clean the room, it is better to use church candles, but if there are none, use those that are at hand. The meaning and mechanics of the rite is similar to sound cleaning. You need to walk around the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house with a lit candle in your hand. Particular attention is paid to the so-called portals - doorways, places under the bed, sofa or behind the closet. Linger in those places where the flame of the candle will burn more strongly or you will hear crackling from the fire. This signals negative energy clots that the candle flame successfully fights. After the completion of the ceremony, the candle cannot be extinguished, it must burn out on its own, preferably on the altar while reading the prayer.

After you have cleared the house of negativity and other people's energy, it's time to think about protection and prevention of re-infection.

How to protect your home from negativity

For self-defense, you can take a few simple measures at home so that the energy of the home is unchanged and not negatively affected. The following methods are used:

  • Use purple in the interior. It is believed that negative energy does not take root in his environment.
  • Put an imaginary protection at the entrance by connecting an image. This is best done during meditation.
  • You can try the old method that our great-grandmothers used. Place an inverted birch broom near the front door. There is evidence that he is able to keep negativity out of the house, acting as a security guard.
  • place candles in the apartment

Of course, it is better if a shelf or a permanent place on the table is allocated for the altar with candles, but it is possible that the altar will be created only as needed.

Now you are familiar with popular methods of dealing with negative energy at home, and you can clean your apartment on your own, and forewarned is forearmed. Clean the house as needed, but no more than 4 times a year.

Health, well-being, financial situation, personal happiness and quality of life in general are directly dependent on the energy of our home. If the energy in your home is bad, then you should not be surprised that you have more and more problems every day.

But do not rush to get upset and give up, because there are several effective ways to cleanse the house of negative energy. How to do it? Now let's figure it out!

Negative energy in the house: the main signs

How to understand what kind of energy prevails in your home? You need to be alert and take action if:

  • cockroaches appeared;
  • animals get sick and die;
  • ants appeared;
  • you have moved to a new home;
  • someone died;
  • indoor plants do not take root and die;
  • household members swear all the time and sort things out;
  • someone from the household is sick for a long time;
  • light bulbs often burn out;
  • doors slam by themselves;
  • you bought a new home;
  • household appliances often break;
  • things disappear and are not located or are not in their places;
  • someone from the household is constantly in a bad mood and / or feels tired;
  • incomprehensible noises, sounds, screams are constantly heard;
  • periodically you feel unpleasant odors of unknown origin;
  • one of the strangers, being your guest, praised something too violently;
  • you feel out of place, etc.

If at least a few items from the list write off the situation in which you find yourself, then you should immediately start cleaning your house from negative energy.

call the priest

Inviting a priest to the house, who competently and correctly conducts the rite of consecration and purification of the home, is the best option for those people who do not want to do it on their own. As soon as you have suspicions that bad energy prevails in your house, immediately call the clergyman. It will help you get rid of negativity.

But not always and not all people have the opportunity or desire to invite a priest every time. What else can be done in such a case?

Go around your home with a church candle

The priest has more experience and opportunities in such matters, no one argues with that. But you can clean your house of a bad aura yourself with a candle bought in a church.

To perform the ceremony correctly:

  1. tune in to the positive, calm down, throw out of your head all the anger, hatred, resentment;
  2. take the candle in your right hand;
  3. light it with a match;
  4. start reading the prayer “Our Father” to yourself;
  5. go around the entire dwelling from right to left, not missing a single corner;
  6. take your time and do not think about the bad while cleaning the house of bad energy.

If you want to do everything as quickly as possible, then you should not even start. If during the ritual you notice that in some places the candle begins to smoke heavily, then you should stay there longer and read the prayer several times.

If you can guess who exactly could spoil the energy in your house, then you should forgive this person and in no case feel hatred or anger towards him.

Forgive all your enemies, because no one has yet repealed the boomerang law. All the evil that they did to you will very soon return to them.

The more candles the better.

Candles not only fight negative energy in the house, but also prevent its occurrence. Light candles as often as possible in rooms, corridors, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. If you don’t have church candles on hand, then ordinary ones, which can be purchased at almost any store, will do.

Even our ancestors knew very well that fire has a unique cleansing power, an analogue of which is very difficult to find. Don't forget about it!

Sprinkle the house with holy water

Holy water is very effective in combating negative energy in the house. Collect holy water in a temple or church (it is best to do this at Baptism). Then go around your dwelling from right to left, read the prayer "Our Father" and sprinkle all the corners.

The purification ritual must be performed:

  • thoroughly;
  • carefully;
  • without too much haste;
  • with a calm and bright soul.

Before starting the ritual, retire for a while, meditate, try to forgive all your enemies, wish them all the best and feel inner peace.

Get rid of the trash

If you have a lot of old things at home that no one has used for a long time, then they should be thrown away immediately without any regret. The fact is that such things do not carry any benefit, but only accumulate negative energy.

Don't be afraid to get rid of old junk! Pick up an old thing that is difficult for you to part with, look at it carefully and ask yourself the question: “When was this thing last used?”. If more than 9-12 months have passed since then, you can safely throw it away, because the probability that you will use it in the future is 2-3%.

This rule also applies to clothing. Don't want to throw it away? Give to relatives or people in need. So you will kill two birds with one stone: and clean the house of trash and negative energy, and free up space in the closet for new clothes.

Wash floors often

Every self-respecting housewife keeps the house clean and regularly cleans the floors. But the bottom line is that you need to wash the floors not with ordinary water, but with water to which you need to add herbal decoction.

St. John's wort, juniper, string, sage, wormwood- These are the herbs that have a special power. They effectively clean the energy of the house.

How often should floors be washed like this? The best option is once or twice every six months. It should be noted that in this case, you need to wash the floor with your hands, and not with a mop. These simple actions will help create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house.

Salt is an excellent remedy against negative energy and all kinds of evil spirits. Experts recommend using sea salt, but if you can’t get it at the moment, regular kitchen salt will do.

Take small saucers, rosettes for jam, any other utensils, pour salt into it and place it in all corners of the house. When you see that the situation begins to improve, the salt must be collected and poured onto the ground or under a tree. In no case should you use such salt for food purposes or throw it into the bathroom, because it has absorbed all the negative energy.

Salt can be used in another way: it can be diluted in water and washed with this solution of mirrors, reflective surfaces, baseboards, floors in the house. To perform the cleansing ritual correctly, you should:

  • Dilute 5-8 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water;
  • wet a cloth in the solution and carefully wipe the mirrors, handles, reflective surfaces throughout the room;
  • start washing the floors from the room farthest from the front door;
  • do not forget to wipe the baseboards and corners;
  • finish mopping the front door;
  • wipe the door first from the inside of your home, and then from the outside;
  • do not forget to wipe not only the front door, but also the door frame, the floor near it.

So that the salt does not eat into the floors and mirrors, you must immediately wash it off with plain water. All the rags that you used during the cleansing ritual with saline should be collected in a plastic bag, tightly tied and thrown immediately into the street trash can. Do not throw rags in your household trash can.

If in the process of washing floors and mirrors you need to change the saline solution, then pour it into the toilet in no case. Go outside and pour the solution, but not on the asphalt, but on the ground, so that the ground absorbs it along with negative energy. The water with which you will wash off the salt from the floors and mirrors can no longer be carried outside, but simply poured into the toilet.

Ring your bells

Small bells will not only help cleanse the house of negative energy, but also improve your well-being. It has been scientifically proven that bell vibrations:

  • attract positive energy into the house;
  • cleanse the home of a bad aura;
  • have a beneficial effect on people and cheer them up.

How to use bells correctly? Take the bells in your hands and go around the house with them clockwise. If you don’t have bells at hand at the moment, then on the Internet you can find a recording of their ringing and just turn it on.

clap your hands

You can clear the room of negative energy with the help of loud clapping. Walk around the perimeter of each room. Think positive and pleasant, read the prayer "Our Father". At each corner, pause briefly and do a few claps from top to bottom.

Continue clapping vigorously and loudly until you hear a distinct echo, which indicates that the room has been cleared of negative energy.

After the ceremony, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and running water at room temperature.

Don't forget to ventilate your home

Fresh, clean air will easily force bad energy out of the room. But to do this, air must be given access. Therefore, every day, regardless of the weather, season and mood, be sure to ventilate your home.

When you leave home, do not forget to open the window (if it is winter) or open the windows and balcony wide open (if it is warm outside). You yourself will be surprised, but very soon the energy in the apartment will noticeably improve, and when you come home, you will feel much better!

Fumigate your home with sage

If in your house household members often quarrel, speak in raised tones and sort things out, then fumigating the room with sage will help in this case.

To properly conduct the ceremony, you need:

  • take a small bunch of dried sage;
  • set it on fire;
  • as soon as the beam begins to burn, it must be immediately extinguished;
  • the grass should smolder slowly and give off a light smoke.

Start at the front door, move clockwise. Fumigate every room, don't forget the corners. Perform the ritual in a good mood, think positively or read the Our Father prayer, take your time. It is best to fumigate a room with sage when none of the household members is at home.

Negotiate with the brownie

Many people think that the stories about the brownie are children's fairy tales, in which it is somehow ridiculous and ugly to believe in an adult. But in fact, one cannot deny the fact that brownies are real characters, not fictional ones.

To negotiate with the brownie, you should leave bread and milk in a saucer in the kitchen for him, and then say the following words: “Dear owner of this house, I beg you and I beg you, please put things in order here! Drive away the dark and evil forces, leave only the light and positive forces!

If you ask well and convince the brownie that you really need his help, then he will definitely do everything possible to cleanse the house of negative energy. Do not forget to leave food for the brownie so that he understands that you are very grateful to him.

Helpful Hints

Home is a place where we should feel safe, where we come to feel comfort, relaxation and rest.

But, when a house is filled with negative energy, it has a tangible impact on our emotions and health .

You can't see this energy naked eye , but you can feel it in your home, as it often reflects the internal emotional state of a person.

Bad energy can destroy your self-confidence, interfere with sleep, and stifle your abilities.

It also brings discord into relationships, leads to conflicts, and life in such a situation leads to stress. and anxiety.

Cleansing from negative energy

How to identify negative energy at home?

Our feelings, emotions and thoughts radiate a certain energy, but also attract a negative aura.

Negative energy can be recognized by the presence tension in the house, feelings of unhappiness, money problems. If you have pets, they may behave strangely and unusually, be more restless or make sounds for no apparent reason.

Since all of these symptoms are difficult to spot right away, there is an easy way to determine if there is negative energy in the house.

Here's what to do:

Take a glass that is completely transparent and has no patterns or flowers on it.

· Fill the glass with 1/3 sea salt.

Then add to glass apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, filling the glass 2/3 full.

· Fill the remaining space with water.

· Put a glass in the corner of the room where you think there is negative energy, and leave it there for a day.

Look at the glass the next day. If the color in the glass has not changed, then there is no bad aura in this room.

Move the glass to another room and repeat the procedure. If you notice that the water in the glass has changed color, turned green or brown, you need to clear the energy in the house.

· In this case, pour the contents of the glass into the toilet and flush the water. Repeat the procedure in all rooms.

Fortunately there are simple ways to cleanse your home of negative energy and again fill it with an aura of joy and comfort.

How to cleanse your house of negative energy

1. Get organized.

When you walk into a clean and tidy room, you feel much better than when you walk into a dirty or cluttered room. This is due to the fact that all garbage and rubbish attracts negative energy.

Every time you clean, you automatically clear the space of negative energy. It is for this reason that cleaning your home or workplace should come first if you want your home to radiate positivity.

· Wash and vacuum all rooms regularly your home, including bathroom and kitchen.

· Wash doors, doorknobs and windows- they should be free of dirt and dust.

Every time before going to bed, make sure that the place where you cook is clean and no dirty dishes left in the kitchen.

· Keep things in order and in their designated place.

· Get rid of things, which you no longer need, otherwise the trash will only accumulate.

Get rid of everyone toxic products.

· Do not put dirty laundry in the wrong place. Keep it always in the laundry basket.

2. Fumigate your home with herbs.

Fumigation is one of the oldest and most effective ways to get rid of negative energy in the home.

One of the most popular herbs for fumigation is sage. When burned, sage releases a large amount of negatively charged ions into the air, which neutralize the positive charge of the house.

Negative ions also improve well-being and clear the mind. In addition, the aroma of sage has a calming and relaxing effect.

Purchase sage sprigs from the market and dry in the sun, tie them into a bun and use as fumigation stick.

before the procedure you you need to clean the house and open all doors and windows, as well as cabinets and drawers.

· For fumigation, light the bundled sage sprigs by placing them in a bowl or other fireproof container where the ash and embers will collect.

Slightly dispel the smoke with a feather or hand.

Start the cleansing by directing the smoke towards yourself a little, starting from the feet and up to the head.

Walk slowly around the house, walking in circular motions and focusing on walls, corners, floors and ceilings. Try to be on the left side of the room.

· Speak positive affirmations during the process to promote positive energy.

· Finally, take the burning sage out of the house and leave it outside to burn.

In addition to sage, you can also use for fumigationcedar, lavender, fir and other sweet-smelling herbs.

3. Rearrange the furniture.

Negative energy needs things to settle on That is why it is so important to rearrange the house from time to time. Simply moving furniture is enough to destroy negative energy.

Rearrange the furniture in the house, at least once a month, but consider open space and your comfort.

Experiment with rearranging until you feel the house is brimming with life and you feel comfortable in your new surroundings. Ask family members and friends for advice.

Do not keep broken items or items that you have not used for a long time at home..

Throw away or give away unwanted furniture and other items.

4. Open windows.

Fresh air and sunlight have an incredible cleansing power. Strong natural energy helps us feel better.

Letting sunlight and fresh air into the house, you fill it with positive both in your life and in the house.

Open windows and doors early in the morning to let in fresh air and release negative energy.

You can also stand in front of an open window so that the sun's rays hit your body. This will help him produce vitamin D, which has a positive effect on overall health. Bright sunlight also reduces anxiety and reduces depression.

It is also important dry clothes in the sun, and let your houseplants get some sunlight from time to time.

5. Sprinkle in sea salt.

Sea salt is another way to get rid of negative energy in the house and in yourself. Sea salt is also believed to generate negative ions in the air, creating positive vibes.

· Add a few tablespoons of sea salt to a glass of warm water and stir until the salt dissolves. Put the solution in a spray bottle and spray it in different corners of your house.

You can also sprinkle some sea salt in the room, especially in the corners, which are located in the northwest and southeast direction. Leave the salt overnight and then vacuum up the salt and discard it.

· To cleanse your body, put 1 glass of sea salt in the bath filled with warm water and soak in the tub for 15-20 minutes.

6. Clap your hands loudly.

Vibration sounds of loud hand clapping dissipate negative energy. In fact, loud and clear sounds are a powerful way to cleanse your home.

In nature, for example, the sound of thunder has the same effect, and the sounds of fireworks and church bells have a calming and cleansing effect.

Walk through the house clapping your hands especially in corners, on shelves and under stairs so that negative energy does not accumulate in your space. Clap sounds should be clear and light.. Avoid heavy and slow clapping as this indicates negativity.

In addition to cotton, you can use bells, drums and Tibetan bowls.

Cleansing the room from negative energy

7. Fill your home with essential oils.

Another good way to get rid of negative energy in your home or office is essential oils.

The strong aroma of essential oils dissipates negative energy and at the same time refreshes the home in a natural way, attracting positive energy into the home and into life.

In addition, many aromatic oils have a positive effect on health, having antibacterial and antiviral properties.

To remove negativity from home, use essential oils of lemon, sweet orange, lavender, sage, mint and rose.

· Fill a small bottle with spring water (but tap water can also be used).

Mix 15-20 drops of essential oils of your choice and add them to the water.

Diffuse this essence in the air, especially in corners, near windows and doors.

· Do this procedure once a week, or when you feel down.

8. Keep indoor plants.

Nature has provided us with many means to combat negative energy, including flowers and plants.

Plants brighten our home and add greenery to home decor, balance your inner connection with the outside world, and supply oxygen to the space.



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