Propolis its properties and uses. Medicinal and beneficial properties of propolis

Bees produce not only honey, but also other products, including propolis, a special substance with healing functions.

The healing properties of propolis are truly amazing. This bee product perfectly strengthens the body, and is also used to treat various diseases. How to use propolis for treatment and what remedies based on it is best to take, you will learn from this article.

What is propolis

Propolis (bee glue) is a dark, viscous substance that is used by bees to seal cracks, isolate foreign objects (such as mice) that have entered the hive, and also to disinfect cells before laying eggs in them (Figure 1).

Picture 1. Appearance natural bee glue

In addition, bees use it to regulate the diameter of the notch to maintain the microclimate inside the hive.

Bee glue is known for a fairly broad spectrum of action on various microorganisms. Therefore, the following medicinal properties of this substance are distinguished (Figure 2):

  • Disinfectants;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antitoxic;
  • Vasoconstrictor;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Immunomodulating.

Figure 2. The main medicinal properties of the product

Since bee glue is a bee product, it can cause allergic reactions in people with honey intolerance. Another disadvantage is the fact that bee glue is almost impossible to dissolve in water, only ethyl alcohol is well suited for this.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

In medical practice propolis is often used to treat gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum. The medicinal properties of the product is that it forms a protective film on the mucous membranes of these organs and protects them from exposure. gastric juice.

As a result, inflammatory processes decrease, motility and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract normalize. However, the medicinal properties of the substance are also limited by some contraindications of the product: it should not be used by people with allergies to bee products.

For respiratory diseases

The healing effect of the substance on the organs of the respiratory system is well known. So, in the treatment of a runny nose, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with an ointment based on this substance twice a day, after which you should not go outside for 2-3 hours. And with severe rhinitis, tampons with ointment and a few drops of alcohol tincture are placed in each nostril. This procedure is short and takes only a few minutes (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Use of the product for colds

With the help of this substance, it is possible to treat bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and even lung diseases. In this case, the tincture is used for both internal and external use. For gargling, an alcohol tincture of bee glue mixed with a decoction of herbs is used. It is also suitable for inhalation, and the oil from it has a positive effect in the treatment of pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

Treatment of prostate adenoma

Beekeeping products, including bee glue, contribute to the restoration of functions reproductive organs. Rectal suppositories with this substance not only have a strong local action, but also allow useful substances to penetrate as quickly as possible into circulatory system. Such candles can be purchased at a pharmacy or made by hand. Apply them after cleansing the intestines, at night, for one month. After a two-week break, the course can be repeated.

Note: The therapeutic effect is due to the composition of the substance. After all, it contains minerals necessary for men's health, more than 2 dozen types of amino acids, including essential, vitamins A, B, C, E, P, as well as flavonoids with high antibacterial properties.

The best result in the treatment of prostate adenoma gives the combined use of propolis, honey and subpestilence. Good result in the treatment of this disease, it also gives a combination of bee glue with medicinal herbs, such as echinacea and kalanchoe. You can also use alcohol tincture in its pure form, adding 30 drops to water or full-fat milk. Drops are taken 3 times a day before meals. An oil-based alcohol tincture is used for microclysters (50 ml of liquid per procedure). Such enemas are carried out before going to bed, after complete cleaning intestines.

More useful information about the preparation and use of the product - in the video.

For skin diseases

This product is effective for skin diseases. Ointments based on it are used for psoriasis, chronic and fungal eczema and dermatitis, skin itching (Figure 4). So, ointment with the addition of bergamot oil has a special effect in the treatment of fungal diseases. Bee glue combined with wax and the juice of one lemon will help reduce calluses. Alcohol tincture has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells. Ointment based on this substance is widely used in the treatment of acne, boils and herpes rashes. In addition, it has a quick analgesic effect and stops itching.

Figure 4. Use of a substance for the treatment of skin diseases

One bee glue is enough to treat small everyday wounds, because this beekeeping product not only disinfects the cut, but also tightens it with a protective film, so dressing is not needed. The substance has positively proven itself in the treatment of ulcers that appear in patients with varicose veins. It not only cleanses and prevents infection of ulcers, but also improves their local blood supply.

Treatment of pigmentation

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin is a consequence of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, the use of cosmetics and medicines, the abuse of certain procedures that thin the stratum corneum of the skin, as well as a sign of natural aging.

It helps to reduce the accumulation of pigments, resulting in the disappearance of blackheads and dark spots. With everyday use cosmetics based on this bee product, it is possible to activate the work of skin cells and slow down its aging.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child in the body of a woman, hormonal changes occur, while activity sweat glands rises several times. prevent excessive sweating preparations based on this bee product will help.

Note: In addition, they increase the elasticity of the skin, so their use is the prevention of prenatal and postnatal stretch marks. The product normalizes bowel function, maintaining and strengthening health future mother and child.

So, rosehip infusion with the addition of bee glue will be useful. However, despite all the positive qualities of this beekeeping product, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using drugs.

Candles with propolis in gynecology

Propolis is also widely used in gynecology: as part of suppositories, ointments, tinctures and solutions for douching and soaking turundas. Because it potent agent, and the body's response to it is unpredictable, then women need to be careful when using it in its natural form or as an integral part of drugs.

Candles with this substance are indicated for fungal infections and vaginosis, parametritis and cervical erosion, myoma, endometriosis and colpitis. Depending on the diagnosis, suppositories are administered vaginally or rectally. The advantage is that suppositories directly affect the mucous membranes without creating additional load on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. In addition, suppositories do not destroy lactobacilli contained in the vagina and do not injure the mucous membrane of the vagina or rectum.

For inflammation of the gums and diseases of the oral cavity

In dentistry, the product is used both for rinsing the mouth, and for all kinds of lotions. So, 20 drops of alcohol tincture are diluted in half a glass of water and used for rinsing 4-5 times a day. A piece of a substance or an ointment based on it will help overcome a toothache.

How to prepare propolis

In order for the medicinal properties of the product to be fully manifested, you need to know how to properly prepare and take funds based on it. Traditional medicine knows many recipes for tinctures, ointments and other remedies based on this substance, which will help to cope with many diseases.

Alcohol tincture

Propolis tincture has many medicinal properties, although there are contraindications. To finished product benefited, you need to know the secrets of its preparation.

Figure 5. Preparation of spirit tincture

To prepare an alcohol tincture, frozen bee glue is finely rubbed and poured cold water(Figure 5). Floated waste is removed, and the purified bee glue is dried. The cleaned and dried product is poured with vodka, alcohol, or alcohol infusion medicinal herbs. This mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a warm and dark place, stirring regularly. After straining, the tincture can be used.

The author of the video tells in detail how to prepare a tincture for alcohol.

Propolis on the water

If the use of alcohol-containing preparations is contraindicated (for example, for children, pregnant and lactating women), prepare a tincture with water. Its only drawback is the short shelf life: only one week.

Figure 6. Preparation of tincture on water

To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to defend boiled water, then pour it into a glass (enamelled) dish and add propolis (2 parts of liquid to 1 part of glue). The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath for no more than 1 hour at a temperature of 80 degrees, cooled and allowed to brew for 6 hours. Next, the resulting solution is filtered and poured into a dark glass container. Store in the same way as alcohol tincture (Figure 6).

To prepare the oil, you will need 150 g of crushed bee glue and 1 kg of melted butter. The powdered product is added to the melted butter and carefully mixed every 5 minutes until the wax is at the bottom (Figure 7).

Figure 7. What natural oil looks like

This lower layer is removed, and the oil in the form of heat is laid out in glass containers and stored in a cold place.

Honey with propolis

The combination of bee glue with honey improves the taste and smell of bee glue, and honey has even more medicinal properties. Such a remedy can be taken orally, and also used for inhalation, douching and compresses, both for the treatment of existing diseases and for their prevention.

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about 2 months. Such healing agent easy enough to cook at home.

Figure 8. Application of honey with propolis

Pre-cleaned and crushed bee glue is melted in a water bath and honey is added to it with continuous stirring (Figure 8). The resulting mixture must be heated to 60 degrees until the particles of bee glue are completely dissolved. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

How to make propolis ointment

As you know, ointments based on this bee product are quite effective in the treatment of skin diseases. For example, they are used to heal cracks and eczema (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Application of ointment with bee glue

To make an ointment, melt and bring to a boil 100 g of butter, then add 20 g of crushed and purified bee glue to it and keep the mixture on low heat until all components are completely dissolved. Vaseline can also be used instead of butter. If it is used, 100 g of petroleum jelly must be brought to a boil and cooled to 60 degrees. Then add 10 g of crushed bonds and heat a little with constant stirring until completely dissolved. The hot mixture is filtered through gauze, cooled. The ointment is applied to the veins varicose veins, trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds, as well as with sciatica.

You should be aware that the amount of added substance depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future application of the ointment. So, for the treatment of fungal diseases and boils, a 20% composition will be needed; for healing wounds, ulcers and erosions of mucous membranes - 15%; in the treatment of cervical erosion, hemorrhoids, as well as burns and frostbite, a 10% composition is used.

Contraindications for use

Like any beekeeping product, propolis in alcohol or in the form of an ointment has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. It can be potentially dangerous for people predisposed to allergies.

Note: Although it is an all-purpose remedy with proven efficacy, it is important to follow the correct dosage when applying bee glue and remember that it is difficult to digest in concentrated form.

There are certain restrictions for pregnant and lactating women, asthmatics, patients with insufficient blood clotting and patients subject to elective surgery.

Propolis tincture: medicinal properties and contraindications

Alcohol tincture not only mobilizes protective functions organism, it is able to neutralize some poisons bacterial origin, and also promotes wound healing and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. The use of tincture will be effective in the fight against the herpes virus, tuberculosis, hepatitis, influenza, Candida fungi.

You should know that in addition to medicinal properties, tincture has a number of contraindications. It should not be taken constantly for more than one month, as this leads to the suppression of the body's immune system. In addition, alcohol tincture cannot be taken orally in its pure form: it must be diluted with water or milk. And, of course, importance has the age and state of health of the patient, his tendency to allergic reactions and individual tolerance of bee products.

Everyone knows that bees are engaged in the manufacture of honey, but this is not the only product that is produced as a result of the activity of insects. In addition to honey, there is also wax, perga, propolis and royal jelly. Propolis can be considered the most popular product after honey, which is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. But only few people know what propolis treats and how to use it correctly. What are its medicinal properties and contraindications?

What is propolis

Propolis is a sticky substance that the bees themselves collect from the buds of trees, bring and put in the hive, adding wax, pollen to it and enriching it with useful enzymes.

Bees cover the gaps in their hive with propolis to protect it from viruses and various pathogens. If suddenly another insect gets into the hive, then its bees first bite, and then embalm using propolis. It can for a long time be in a hive and not decompose.

Propolis is a building material of bees, which contains resins, balms, essential oils, wax, pollen and aromatic substances.

Propolis can be different color: greenish, gray, brown or reddish. If it is stored for a long time, it may be black.

This bee product is very useful for human body. It smells good and tasty, reminiscent of honey, because pollen is present in its composition. fragrant herbs and resinous greens. But how to use propolis correctly so that it brings to a person maximum benefit?

Useful properties of propolis

Propolis is not yet a fully studied substance, so the whole range of its effects on the body has not been clarified, but it is already known that it has the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • dermoplastic;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Due to the fact that propolis has a disinfectant effect, it helps to destroy pathogens and destroys toxins. It inhibits the activity of bacteria and viruses, helps slow down the growth of some of their species. In addition, this product has the ability to neutralize poisons released by decaying cells, accelerates the regeneration and healing of tissues. It is believed that propolis has an anesthetic effect, but this fact has not been officially confirmed.

Useful composition of propolis

It is important to know not only whether it is possible to use propolis inside, but also how it is useful for the body. It contains great amount trace elements, which are simply necessary for proper development and functioning of the body. Propolis contains:

  • magnesium is essential element for the work of the heart and organs of the digestive system;
  • potassium - supports genitourinary system, normalizes intestinal motility, helps the brain to function;
  • sodium - promotes vasodilation, maintains the correct water-salt balance, is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys;
  • iron - helps the thyroid gland in the right amount produce hormones, strengthen immune system, gives the skin freshness and healthy color;
  • zinc - helps the body fight viruses and pathogens that get inside;
  • manganese is indispensable for correct operation nervous system;
  • copper − accepts Active participation in the synthesis of hemoglobin, affects pigmentation skin and hair;
  • cobalt - helps activates the growth of red blood cells, supports the pancreas;
  • Phosphorus is indispensable for maintaining good condition of teeth and bones, supports the functioning of the heart, is responsible for muscle function and cell growth.

Can you use propolis? It is simply necessary, because in addition to the microelements described above, its composition also contains other equally important for the proper operation of all internal systems of the human body: aluminum, fluorine, tin, antimony, strontium and others. All of them play an important role in the work of each of the organs.

Of the minerals, the leading place is occupied by calcium, which is responsible for the process of blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots. The strength of bones and teeth depends on the amount of this element. In addition, it is calcium that is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

How to use propolis in its pure form? And just chew it, because it contains the whole group of vitamin B, as well as others: A, C, E, H and R. It also contains amino acids essential for the functioning of the body, including valine, glycine, asparagine and others .

For what diseases and how to use propolis correctly in order to get maximum amount nutrients and improve your health?

Propolis: what diseases helps?

For many years, traditional healers have been actively using the product of the activity of bees to treat numerous ailments. They know exactly how to use propolis correctly so that it has its beneficial effect on the body and helps to get rid of the symptoms and the disease itself without consequences. And it helps with such diseases:

  1. With stomach ulcers and gastritis. Propolis cannot completely cure an ulcer, but it can relieve inflammation and enrich the body with vitamins. It relieves pain well, removes the feeling of nausea and helps to speed up the regeneration process.
  2. Myoma of the uterus. Officially, this method is not supported by doctors, but it certainly will not harm the body. You can use propolis in gynecology in the form of tinctures or suppositories that are inserted into the vagina.
  3. Fungal lesions. Due to its bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, propolis can relieve itching and inflammation, and also prevents the further spread of the fungus. As a result of the treatment of the fungus with propolis (how to use, we will tell further), the diseased nail is replaced by a healthy and strong plate.
  4. Propolis is excellent at fighting Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that settles in the stomach and causes peptic ulcer. It is enough to use propolis tincture - and the bacterium dies.
  5. Due to the healing properties of propolis, it easily copes with the inflammatory process in the pancreas, restores the digestive system.
  6. This type of life activity of bees helps with sinusitis, colds.
  7. The use of suppositories, ointments and microclysters with propolis helps to effectively cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They promote absorption hemorrhoids.
  8. Propolis extract is an excellent catalyst for the restoration of damaged liver cells. Propolis does not help with all liver diseases, but as an adjuvant it can be used, it will not get worse.
  9. Men over 40 often complain of problems with male power and is associated with disease prostate. Propolis can help here too.
  10. The bee product perfectly copes with intestinal inflammation, helps to restore damaged cells.

Thanks to unique properties bee product can become auxiliary means in the treatment of many diseases. But it is important to know how to use propolis correctly in order to get rid of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Propolis treatment: recipes

Uniqueness bee product lies in the fact that various means can be prepared from it: tinctures, aqueous extracts, ointments, pastes, oils, tablets, candles and others. It can be used for inhalations, compresses, baths, rinses. Sometimes they even chew it.

There are many recipes for preparing propolis, but so far none of them have received a quality certificate. Therefore, before using it to treat a particular disease, it is better to consult a doctor. It is important not only to know what propolis treats and how to use it, but also to learn how to cleanse it of excess impurities before using it as a remedy. The preparation procedure will be stretched, but in the end, the product for treatment will turn out to be more effective. Purified bee glue is softer.

Propolis treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis

An ulcer is an injury to the lining of the stomach. In order to effectively cure the disease, it is necessary to find out the cause that adversely affects the mucous membrane. An ulcer appears in cases where the factors of aggression prevail over the factors of defense of the body. As a result, the mucous layer is destroyed, and propolis helps to create additional protection. It helps cells recover. Propolis tincture can be taken orally, it destroys bacteria, disease-causing helps to regenerate epithelial tissue.

Patients who suffer from peptic ulcer, recommend taking 60 drops of 30% propolis tincture, which is diluted in a glass of milk. Drink the remedy three times a day before meals. Some experts recommend using an oil or water extract in the treatment. Warm drinks with honey have proven their effectiveness. The improvement is noticeable already in the first days after the start of the reception. Nausea is less common, pain decreases, acidity normalizes, ulcers scar.

How to use propolis for gastritis? In the treatment, you can use tincture, decoction with the addition of medicinal herbs or tincture.

Propolis oil can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to take 10 parts of an alcohol solution and 1 part of any oil, for example, sea buckthorn, olive or cream. The composition must be boiled and passed through cheesecloth, rolled up in several layers. Store in the refrigerator, take 30 drops with milk for 21 days before each meal.

And you can cook propolis with herbs like this: take a tablespoon of fennel fruits, licorice root, linden flowers and mint, add three glasses of water, boil for 20 minutes and leave for 3 hours, add three tablespoons of propolis honey to the broth. Take 1/2 cup before each meal.

Is it possible to use propolis tincture inside? It is possible and necessary for all diseases that affect the digestive system.

Fibroids treatment

Propolis acts on tumor cells, stopping their development. Myoma develops from the wall of the reproductive organ. Benign formations dangerous because they can easily develop into oncology. Propolis effectively copes with pain and uterine bleeding.

Take alcohol or water tincture three times a day, 10 drops for 10 days. They also put tampons in the vagina, which are pre-moistened in the therapeutic mixture. To prepare it, you need to mix 40 grams of butter and propolis and add 120 g of sunflower oil.

Treatment with propolis for uterine fibroids is a good alternative hormone therapy and surgical intervention.

Propolis for pancreatitis

Propolis, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, will help get rid of inflammation of the pancreas.

It is necessary to take 1/2 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of propolis, diluted in 1/2 cup of water. The tincture gradually restores the damaged pancreatic mucosa and accelerates cell regeneration. Also, warm milk at night with a tablespoon of propolis honey will give a positive effect.

How to use propolis inside correctly? It is better to do this before meals to prevent rejection of food.

Propolis for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease that causes a "collision" of the circulatory and digestive systems. Inflamed veins put pressure on the rectum, which leads to its dysfunction. Using propolis in such situations, it is possible to quickly remove inflammation, normalize digestion and blood flow.

Propolis can be used to make suppositories that have anesthetic effect, relieve swelling, itching and burning, help wounds and cracks heal faster. Often, hemorrhoids occur in women during childbearing, and during this period most of the drugs are contraindicated for them, so propolis suppositories are an excellent solution to the problem.

Candles can be made at home or purchased at a pharmacy. Also, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you can make baths with an aqueous solution of propolis.

Propolis for liver diseases

The liver is difficult to treat, but propolis copes with the task. It must be taken orally. How to use propolis tincture if there are problems with the liver?

You can use a 20% alcohol tincture or an aqueous extract. If the patient has jaundice, then drip 20 drops of tincture into a glass of water and drink for a week. After that, the dosage is increased by 10 drops and they drink again for a week and continue until complete recovery, but you can not increase the dose by more than 40 drops.

Chaga with propolis helps well, which is prepared as follows: mix 30 g of crushed propolis with 0.5 kg of birch fungus, place in a clay container, pour a liter of water and leave to infuse for 12 hours, strain. Take 3 tbsp. l. before every meal.

Propolis in the treatment of liver diseases has an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect.

Propolis for colds

Every person in his life suffered from bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza. During the illness, I had to take a lot of drugs, which then negatively affect the work of the intestines.

Good for bronchitis propolis canvas. This is a piece of cloth that beekeepers put under the hive cover to protect it from drafts. This piece of fabric is well disinfected by bees, because they treat everything inside the hive with propolis.

When the tissue touches the human body, it heats up, propolis softens, has a beneficial effect on the epidermis and fills the air with a pleasant aroma, while the respiratory tract is inhaled. It is necessary to apply it on the chest and back in the area of ​​the bronchi. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. You can store the canvas for about 4 years, wrapped in polyethylene.

A person's cough may be due to various reasons. infections, foreign body in the respiratory tract, effects on receptors, and others. If pharyngitis is diagnosed, then inhalations and rinses with propolis help well. In the treatment of tonsillitis and flu, chewing propolis gives a positive effect.

For rinsing, you can use this recipe: a spoonful of St. John's wort is poured 250 ml hot water, infused for about an hour, filtered and 60 drops of propolis infused with alcohol are added.

How to use propolis tincture for influenza or acute respiratory infections? Helps well medicinal milk which is best drunk warm. Milk combined with propolis helps medical composition better absorbed and relieve symptoms faster. Such a remedy perfectly protects against spring-autumn exacerbations of viral diseases. It is enough for children to add a couple of drops of tincture to warm milk before going to bed.

Any cold is easier to treat if you approach the problem comprehensively. You can not only take medicines inside, but also use them externally. Propolis-based preparations help stop inflammatory process, relieve pain, kill the infection that hit the respiratory tract. You can treat the throat with a propolis-based spray, do inhalations and rinses, apply compresses, and chew. You can make lollipops with propolis at home, just put a couple of drops of tincture on a piece of sugar and the medicine for treating the throat is ready. It is already known how to use propolis tincture on alcohol, and you can still eat healthy honey with propolis.

Bee honey and propolis: the most useful mixture

At first glance, it may seem that it is completely absurd to mix honey and propolis, because these two components are already so beneficial for the body. But in folk medicine There are many recipes in which these two products of bee activity are present.

This composition contains a large number of carbohydrates and proteins, but no fats. And this is a huge plus for those who are afraid to spoil their forms or want to get rid of extra pounds.

Also this useful mixture contains glucose and fructose, which are responsible for the energy of the body and constantly support it. And this means that using honey with propolis, you can constantly keep the body in good shape, the central nervous system stabilizes, due to which insomnia and stress disappear. But this is all very important for modern man.

Have we already told you how to use pure propolis? But little is known about propolis honey, it can be bought ready-made on the market or cooked at home. To prepare it, you need 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey of any kind. All components are sent to a container and placed in a water bath, you should wait until the propolis begins to soften. Mix well and strain the mixture through cheesecloth.

Honey with propolis can be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, adding a tablespoon to a glass of water. Thus, you can support the immune system and tone the body.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

It is important to know how to consume propolis in solid form, but it is also necessary to understand the contraindications so as not to harm the body. Pediatricians do not advise giving this product of the activity of bees to children under 3 years old, and all because they have not yet fully developed internal systems, and propolis can cause allergic reaction. But this ban does not apply to those children who do not have manifestations of allergies, because the bee product can benefit a weakened immune system.

People who have contraindications to the use of alcoholic beverages? In this case, they simply need to opt for an aqueous extract.

  • acute liver disease;
  • oncology;
  • alcohol intolerance;
  • allergic bronchial asthma.

There are no special contraindications to the use of propolis, but a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

In the article, we told how to use honey with propolis and other components, now it is up to the patient himself, who will comply with the dosage and course of therapy. Only in this case, propolis will bring positive results and without consequences will cure a lot of diseases.

Hello again! human race actively uses bee products to maintain health, prolong youth and life. No wonder, because everything that these amazing insects produce is very often useful.

Even children know that honey is useful, you can read about the record usefulness indicators in a recently published article, but what do we know about propolis? Let's not play broken phone, but once and for all remember the healing properties of propolis and understand why we need it.

The consistency of propolis is viscous, sticky, plasticine-like, has a brown color and a pleasant strong aroma that combines honey notes and echoes of woody origin. The taste is not as pleasant as the smell, in places it is bitter, in general, as they say, for an amateur.

With this viscous resinous substance, smart insects close up all the cracks in the hive. This protects the hive from cold, dirt and uninvited guests in the form of small animals and other insects.

If the animal nevertheless made its way into the hive, the bees immediately sting the victim with their poison, and then mummify the carcass with propolis. Surprisingly, in this form, the carcass does not decompose and the necessary temperature and purity are maintained in the hive.

The method of creating propolis is also unusual - bees collect resin from the buds and branches of resinous trees, process it with the enzymes of their saliva, add wax, pollen, bee bread to it, and at the output they get a sticky substance called propolis, bee glue or bond.

As a result, what is not in the composition of such a rich mixture: resins, balms, essential oils, sugars, proteins, and more. etc. It does not have a permanent composition, tk. it all depends on which trees organic compounds were collected from and in what proportions are all the elements present.

Scientists generally still do not fully know the whole chemical composition bee glue, in different studies identified from 100 to 200 biologically active compounds.

Among them: essential and non-essential amino acids, natural antibiotics, tannins, enzymes, flavonoids, flavones, phenolcarboxylic acids, ferulic, benzoic, caffeic acids, vanillin, alcohols, aldehydes, polyphenols, a huge list of trace elements, calcium, vitamins (A, C, E, H, P, B1, B2, B6) and a lot more.

Healing properties

Forms and rules of use

The use of propolis can be in a variety of forms:

  • chew a piece like chewing gum (swallowing a whole piece is not recommended, because it does not dissolve well in the stomach);
  • apply or rub massage movements in a sore spot a melted plate of propolis;
  • dissolve lollipops based on propolis;
  • drink tincture on water (recipe: frozen propolis is rubbed on a fine grater, added to boiled water, boiled for about an hour, then infused for 6 hours, filtered and stored in a dark container);
  • use alcohol tincture externally (I draw your attention to the word “externally”, because alcohol tincture of propolis is essentially a poison and it is strictly forbidden to use it inside!);
  • use in a mixture with honey, butter or milk to enhance its medicinal properties;
  • inject into the ears turundas soaked alcohol solution propolis;
  • treat gynecological problems vaginal and rectal suppositories, ointments, solutions for douching based on propolis, etc.


  1. The first and most important contraindication is, of course, an identified allergy to at least one of the bee products. In this case, there is a high probability that everyone else is also allergic. Be careful, because this can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash, redness, shortness of breath, swelling.
  2. Alcohol tincture, as I said, is not applied internally. But it should not be applied to children under 18 years of age, as well as to adults who do not drink alcohol in any form.
  3. pregnant women due to special condition their body should be used with caution to the bee glue discussed here.

Do not forget that propolis is strong active substance, therefore, when trying to be treated with it for the first time, prepare your body for it. If it is chewing gum, then chew for a maximum of 20 minutes and take a break, make sure that there is no negative reaction from the body.

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The production of honey by bees is a well-known fact. But not everyone knows about other products resulting from the activity of these insects. But there are not so few of them: wax, snowstorm, propolis, royal jelly. About propolis, the second most popular bee product after honey, you will learn today.

We will talk about the medicinal properties of propolis, contraindications. You will learn how to use propolis inside, whether it is possible to chew it, how much, whether it is harmful or not, and how to do it correctly.

Propolis or bee glue is a special substance produced by bees from resin and necessary for insects to seal cracks in the hive. Often in everyday life you can hear the statement that the product is bee droppings. Well, let's dispel this myth.

The true nature of the appearance of this substance is as follows: the bees collect and carry the resinous secretions of plants on their paws, process them in the hive with special secrets of the jaw glands, add wax and pollen. This is how propolis is obtained - an interesting and useful product for both bees and people.

Medicinal properties of propolis honey

The natural product has been famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Benefit this product in phenolic components. So, propolis contains phenolic acid, flavones, flavonols, as well as ferulic, caffeic and benzolic acids.

These substances are biologically active components and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains B-group vitamins and amino acids.

How and how much to take a healing product for angina and tonsillitis

Application possible different methods. It can be applied, chewed, used "inside" with honey or in the form of introductory and alcohol tinctures, sometimes it is advisable to use medicinal candles.

The method of using this substance is primarily dictated by the disease, and its use is recommended to be agreed with the doctor in advance. The main contraindication is an allergy to bee products.

What diseases can it help?

  1. stomach ulcer. Propolis, of course, is not able to cure an ulcer completely, but it will be an excellent addition to a complex of more powerful drugs. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the vitamins it contains, it will help to cope with pain, as well as speed up the healing process. The recommended way of use is in the form of oil or alcohol tincture.
  2. Gastritis. Use for gastritis is one way to get rid of pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. This effect can be achieved by chewing or sucking the product, using it as part of tinctures.
  3. uterine fibroids. Treatment in this case is a tribute to traditional medicine. This method is not officially supported, but in any case it will not bring harm and will positively affect general state organism. Use propolis for this gynecological disease recommended in the form of tinctures or suppositories (balls) inserted into the vagina.
  4. Onychomycosis or nail fungus. Due to its high bactericidal, fungicidal and bacteriostatic qualities, propolis will relieve itching and inflammation, and also prevent the further spread of the fungus. Thus, the problem will be solved by the natural replacement of the diseased nail with a healthy plate. The recommended method of use is to soak the diseased part with the appropriate tincture.
  5. Helicobacter. Helibobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in the human stomach and causes ulcers. One of effective ways to get rid of it is the use of water or alcohol tincture.
  6. Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas. Propolis, which has unique healing properties, will not only help get rid of the disease, but also normalize the work of the entire digestive system. The correct way to use is alcohol tincture, the greatest effectiveness is achieved in combination with complex medicines.
  7. Sinusitis. The most common treatment option for this disease is antibiotics, but traditional medicine offers its own alternative - propolis. And thanks to the antibacterial and regenerating properties of the substance, this method very justified. When sinusitis is recommended to use in the form of tinctures, drops or inhalations.
  8. Haemorrhoids. According to alternative medicine, the use of suppositories, ointments or microclysters is one of the most effective methods of treatment. this disease. This "environmentally friendly" method has been tested by many and confirmed its effectiveness among the general public.
  9. Gastroduodenitis. Propolis setting is one of the main folk ways treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis. Efficiency this method lies in the ability of the product to relieve inflammation and envelop the walls of the intestine and stomach, protecting them from further irritation. Thus, over time, the covers are restored, and the disease disappears by itself.
  10. Liver disease. The benefits of propolis extract in this disease is manifested in the ability of the substance to become a catalyst for the restoration of damaged cells, while not harming the rest of the body.

    Propolis will not be effective and useful for all liver diseases and, in any case, is only an adjuvant.

  11. Bronchitis. To improve or treat the bronchopulmonary system, propolis can be consumed both in the form of tinctures, and chewed or included in inhalations. By removing inflammation in the patient's airways, this substance will be an excellent addition to the general complex of drugs and will help alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  12. Gum disease. Bleeding and rotting gums bad smell from the mouth - these not the most pleasant symptoms can be mitigated by applying and chewing propolis, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. This substance can completely cure minor diseases and become an assistant in getting rid of more severe gum diseases. Before using it, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  13. Prostatitis. Prostate problems are fairly common. male disease. You can get rid of it using candles, which you can buy at a pharmacy or make yourself.
  14. Bowel disease. With this problem, propolis will be a useful addition to the main course of treatment, it will help get rid of inflammation and restore damaged tissues.
  15. E ndometriosis or endometritis. The treatment of this disease is a rather long and laborious process that requires integrated work medicines and folk remedies. A good result is the use of the product in the form of a tincture (for douching the vagina) or special suppositories.
  16. Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis. With this disease, the use of propolis is one of the most effective and environmentally friendly ways to get rid of irritation in the throat, as well as increase immunity. The recommended method of use is alcohol tincture, rinse solution.
  17. acne. The most effective will be the application of special plates to the desired areas of the skin or wetting them with tincture, and in a pharmacy it is possible to purchase a special ointment containing this substance.

Due to its unique properties, propolis will indeed become an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of various diseases and help maintain strong immunity. However, it would be foolish to rely only on him - the most effective is always used by complex method treatment that combines medicines and elements of alternative medicine.

And now let's take a closer look at the most common ways to use propolis.

Can you chew propolis?

The therapeutic method, which is chewing propolis in its pure form, is quite controversial and has both advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of chewing

  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, making chewing effective in solving problems of the oral cavity and throat.
  • Pain-relieving action.
  • Improving local immunity and preventing recurrence of diseases.

Cons of this method

  • Propolis is an active substance, close in its action to antibiotics and, if used improperly, will not only bring benefits, but also harm the body.


  • The most important restriction applies to anyone suffering from an allergy to bee products. This problem occurs in about 1% of all people and its owner chewing propolis is categorically contraindicated.
  • Pregnant women should refrain from: perhaps the mother's body does not react to the substance in any way, but there is a possibility of individual intolerance in the fetus.
  • Refuse this method of treatment or significantly limit it should be people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract.

If you are the owner of the diseases listed in the paragraph above, pay attention to propolis tinctures. They are much easier to perceive by the body and have much fewer contraindications for use.

How to use propolis correctly?

We have considered the pros and cons of this method, as well as contraindications. If you are still determined to try the following method of treatment, read the following rules for chewing propolis:

  1. Propolis should be consumed in strictly limited quantities. The rate will depend on your gender, age and physical characteristics. Average dose is only about 3 grams, but during the period of illness can be increased to 10.
  2. Accustom the body to this substance should be carefully. Be gradual: start chewing with a small amount, observe the state of your body, and only then bring the amount of the substance used to your norm.

Making tinctures for gargling

Propolis tinctures are one of the most versatile and convenient ways application of this beekeeping product. Propolis tincture helps with sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, sore throat. It alleviates the symptoms of the disease and alleviates the condition. Consider the types of such drinks, as well as best recipes their preparation.

Alcohol tincture

For the treatment of diseases, alcohol tinctures with a concentration of 5 to 40% can be used: the higher the percentage of alcohol, the stronger the effect of the drink. However, the use of tinctures with excessive concentration is not recommended - they have too high an effect on body tissues and can irritate.

Thus, the optimal percentage of alcohol is only 15%. You can buy such a solution at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself, following this recipe:

To prepare 100 grams of tincture you will need: 15 grams of propolis and 85 milliliters of 75% alcohol.

The highest quality tincture is obtained by using pre-purified raw materials. If you could not find this, take the amount of the mixture, taking into account impurities (that is, not 15, but, for example, 22 grams).

Cooking algorithm: Put the propolis in the refrigerator. When the product has hardened, take it out and cut it carefully so that the size of one piece does not exceed 4 milliliters. Place the crushed propolis in a bottle (preferably opaque) and fill with alcohol, seal tightly and shake several times (to ensure the best penetration of the liquid between the particles).

Place the solution in a dry, dark place and infuse for two weeks, removing and shaking daily. When the infusion process is completed, strain the resulting solution through a sieve or gauze into a separate container.

The tincture prepared in this way will be most useful and, if stored properly, will last up to 3 years.

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Water-based tinctures without alcohol

Compared with tincture on water, an alcoholic solution of propolis has much more contraindications (for example, it is absolutely not suitable for children), and also retains fewer useful properties of the bee product itself. Most often, an aqueous solution of propolis is part of more complex medicines, but it can also be used as an independent drug.

For cooking you will need: propolis and distilled water in a ratio of 1/10 (that is, for example, for 10 grams of bee product, you need to take 100 grams of liquid).

Algorithm for preparing the tincture: First of all, cool the propolis to a solid state and grind it with a knife or grater so that individual pieces are about 2-3 millimeters in size. Then add the crushed substance to the water and insist for a day, shaking occasionally - you should get a clear drink with a slight greenish tint and a characteristic fragrant aroma. Filter the liquid and pour it into a dark glass vessel.

Shelf life is about a week.

Contraindications to the use of tincture

  • Individual intolerance to bee products;
  • The presence of acute eczema.

Beneficial features

Among all uses, this option confidently takes the honorable first place: in tandem, the properties of propolis and the properties of honey complement and exaggerate each other.

Thus, this combination is the strongest active substance comparable to antibiotics and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

How to use for treatment

  • In the form of an ointment for the treatment of hard healing external wounds;
  • As a basis for inhalation of the respiratory tract;
  • Dissolve against diseases of the oral cavity (½ spoon at a time);
  • At acute diseases accept healing propolis 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day;

Is it normal that honey with propolis has a green tint? Yes, absolutely normal. Such honey (and propolis, respectively) is called honeydew, and is explained unusual color lack of flowering plants around the hive. Note that in terms of its beneficial properties, such honey is no different from a golden comrade and is also recommended for use. They can treat all the same diseases. And besides, you can gargle every 2-3 hours.

Propolis is unique and useful product beekeeping. It can be used in many ways and to combat a variety of diseases.

Propolis is an amazing natural medicine from the hive, effective and harmless. In folk medicine, it was dubbed a natural antibiotic, antivirus, a remedy for 100 diseases. This is a product of the future that will help humanity minimize the use of synthetic drugs.

Propolis, or bond, is a sticky substance of dark green or yellow color. Brown, tastes bitter, with a forest balsamic smell. It is produced in the goiter of winged insects. To do this, they collect sticky resin from the buds of poplar and willow, spruce and fir, birch and alder. In the hive, bees add their own enzymes, wax, particles to the adhesive substance. flower pollen. Propolis is found in hives in two forms: hard, with a high percentage of wax - for construction tasks, viscous - to protect the family from infection. The latter is more valuable, it contains up to 70% of the secretion of bee glands and resinous substances.

When buying propolis, choose one that is uniform in appearance and contains minimal amount impurities: pieces of wax, particles of insects. Quality product smells pleasantly of incense and pine needles. It tastes bitter and slightly burning, sticks to the teeth when chewed. A freshly picked lump is light and soft, and a yellowish or green-brown color indicates quality. Dip the lump in the water: the propolis will fall to the bottom, and a piece of wax will float to the surface.

Store propolis in a dry and cool room, far away from odorous substances and sunbeams. Roll the substance into balls (if it is hard, soften in warm water), wrap in cellophane, put in dark glass jars and seal tightly. The medicinal properties of the product will not change until 10 years.

The composition of propolis

The composition of bee balm is complex, the lion's share of the components is still unknown to science. There are about 50 substances in propolis. A significant proportion are biologically active ingredients: flavonoids, vitamins, proteins, organic acids, minerals.

Bee glue is rich in zinc and manganese, cobalt and chromium, copper and tin. Important role potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other components of natural matter play a role in human health.

Percentage composition of propolis:

  • Balms, vegetable resins (50 %);
  • Wax (30%);
  • Essential and aromatic oils (10%);
  • Pollen (5%);
  • Tanning, mineral and other substances (5%).

Propolis is a complex complex of substances of animal and plant origin. It is natural and does not harm the body. The composition of the product differs in each locality, depending on the plants of the region and the time of collection.

Medicinal properties of propolis

The healing properties of bee balm are underestimated by official medicine, and in vain. It is called the "antioxidant bomb" because it alkalizes internal environments body and stops the reproduction of microbes and viruses. Propolis does not cause intoxication, like antibiotics, therefore it is indicated even for children from the first days of life. This is a formidable weapon against the pathogens of hundreds of infections.

If you place propolis in a Petri dish with colonies of pathogenic bacteria, it blocks harmful microorganisms and leaves useful. The antibiotic will indiscriminately destroy both harmful and beneficial flora, while the remnants of microbes will continue to multiply. Scientists have not yet found a single strain of microorganisms that would have adapted to propolis. Its mechanism of action remains unknown.

In the human body, propolis:

  • Increases defenses;
  • Stops the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Destroys 100 types of microbes;
  • It has a detrimental effect on 11 types of fungi;
  • Anesthetizes stronger than novocaine;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Suppresses cancer cells.

Thanks to the natural remedy, the processes of growth and reproduction are activated, the metabolism is normalized. Propolis cleanses the body, lowers cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on all human organs. It is a recognized antioxidant that prolongs youth.

Propolis contraindications

Contraindications to folk remedy extremely few. Propolis should not be taken if you are allergic to beehive products. Start taking with scanty doses: apply the ointment on the palm of your hand, add a drop or two of water infusion to the tea.

Doctors forbid the use of propolis oil for acute liver problems. Alcohol extracts are not recommended for children to drip. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol tinctures are more effective, but they can increase pain in the stomach.

The use of propolis

Bee balm is used to strengthen the body, prevent and treat ailments. It is used internally and externally. Ouzu is mixed with honey, pollen, royal jelly; include in the composition of suppositories, vaginal balls.

Natural medicine is used for physiotherapy and in cosmetology, added to dental care products. Thanks to a few drops of an antibacterial extract, homemade pickles keep better.

Propolis is prepared from:

  • Ointments and pastes;
  • Water, alcohol solutions;
  • Dry powders and tablets;
  • Aerosols;
  • Oil balms.

Bond potions are easy to make at home. There are dozens of companies in Russia that produce natural medicines.

Propolis treatment

Propolis is well combined with chemical medicinal preparations, increases their therapeutic effect and reduces side effects. Unlike antibiotics, a natural drug does not suppress the body's defenses, does not cause dysbacteriosis, candidiasis.

Propolis in diseases of the stomach and intestines

bacterium Helicobacter pylori considered the culprit of diseases of gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers and even cancer of the stomach and intestines. The harmful bacterium dies under the action of a natural antibiotic. Gastrointestinal Disorders it is recommended to treat with propolis oil or milk, aqueous extract bonds.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis

The stomach ulcer is tightened if you drink an aqueous extract of propolis for a month. Under its action, the ulcer is covered with a protective film, which relieves pain, removes inflammation. A month later, even chronic ulcers heal, sometimes repeated courses treatment. Helps and propolis oil, which is used for 3-6 weeks three times a day for a teaspoon. To avoid relapses, after scarring the ulcer, the healing elixir is taken every other day for six months.

Treatment of gastritis with propolis

With gastritis water propolis drink a tablespoon three times a day, about an hour before meals. Treatment lasts 3-4 months. Natural medicine normalizes the acidity of gastric juice. The patient's condition improves after the first week of therapy. For gastritis with low acidity, we recommend taking a mixture of alcohol extract with honey.

Recipe for the stomach: pour 100 g of propolis crumbs into 1.5 liters of milk, boil, filter, take 100 ml three times a day shortly before meals.

Treatment of pancreatitis with propolis

The pancreas is healed with alcohol and aqueous solutions of propolis, using them up to 5 times a day. The first is taken 5 drops per half a glass of water, the second - a tablespoon. Treatment lasts at least a month, then a healing elixir is taken to prevent relapses.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis with propolis

Inflammation of the duodenum is treated with an aqueous extract (a teaspoon three times a day), as well as a mixture of honey with a knot. For the treatment of ulcers, crushed propolis is poured with rosehip or sea buckthorn oil, kept for half an hour in a water bath, after filtering it is taken orally daily.

The healing agent cleanses the intestines from fungi, bacteria, infections, and normalizes the microflora. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a natural antibiotic is recommended in any form: with milk, butter, honey.

Propolis for respiratory diseases

Preparations from bee glue are suitable for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections. Water, alcohol extracts are taken orally, used for hourly rinses and inhalations. Ointments and apibalms lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose, throat; tonsils, maxillary sinuses, lung area. It is recommended to chew a piece of natural propolis 2-3 times a day.

War on infection must be declared in the very first hours of the disease, until it has spread in the body. If you drink a 5% aqueous solution in shock doses(up to 6 teaspoons) in the first three days, the disease curtails in a matter of days and does not develop into complications.

Treatment of bronchitis with propolis

During illness, it is recommended to take an aqueous extract of bee glue by a teaspoon three times a day. An alcohol solution is added to any liquid in 10 drops and drunk 3 times a day. lubricate upper part sternum with propolis ointment. To rid the patient of mucus in the bronchi, tilt chest, smear with cream and tap. Continue this process for a week.

Cough treatment with propolis

Propolis oil relieves cough well, which is taken 10-15 grams 2-3 times a day, along with warm milk. When coughing, inhalations with therapeutic pairs are effective. To do this, place 40 g of wax and 60 g of propolis in an enamel bowl and place in a water bath. Inhalations are done for 15 minutes twice a day until recovery.

Treatment of sinusitis with propolis

In acute illness, an aqueous extract of the bond is instilled into the maxillary sinuses 5 times a day. It is recommended to rinse the cavities with it twice a day, mixing with a weak NaCl solution. In chronic inflammation, propolis ointment is used inside and outside.

PhD M. M. Frenkel described the treatment purulent sinusitis who did not respond to antibiotic therapy. A 10% solution of propolis was injected into the maxillary sinuses. After 2-5 punctures the patient recovered.

Treatment of the common cold with propolis

To get rid of rhinitis, you need to clean all the nasal chambers 3-6 times a day. cotton swab dipped in an aqueous elixir of propolis. Then drip the named medicine into both nostrils. After that, an ointment with a natural antibiotic is applied inside and outside the sinuses. So you disinfect and soften the mucous membrane, remove the burning sensation and irritation in the nose. Treatment is more effective when bee medicines are taken orally at the same time.

It is also recommended to put tampons with propolis oil in the nasal passages in the morning and evening for 10-15 minutes. To prevent a runny nose, you need to apply bee ointment before leaving the house, instill an aqueous extract.

Propolis for skin diseases

For the treatment of the skin, preparations are used in the form of creams, balms, aerosols, water and alcohol extracts. Among the people, propolis is used to treat lichen and warts, burns and abscesses, cracks and frostbite, bedsores and trophic leg ulcers.

Acne treatment with propolis

Treatment of eczema and neurodermatitis with propolis

For the treatment of eczema, neurodermatitis, at least 2 times a day, the affected areas are lubricated with 15-30% ointment. The course is 2-3 weeks. The more severe the disease, the higher the percentage of propolis is expected. A similar ointment treats seborrheic eczema of newborns. With dry chronic eczema, under the action of the ointment, itching decreases, the condition of the lesion improves, but recovery requires long-term treatment. You can use emulsions, aerosols instead of ointments, make lotions with the help of alcohol tinctures.

Treatment of corns with propolis

Watery corns heal quickly if they are lubricated with propolis cream or oil. To remove dry calluses, a half-hour warm bath is arranged, then a small heated cake of bee glue is placed on the sore spot. Keep it for 3-5 days. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. When, after another warm bath, the corn becomes soft, it is cut off.

Treatment of skin tuberculosis with propolis

With the help of concentrated ointments (30-60%), skin tuberculosis is treated, infiltrates resolve. Patients improve, most recover. The course is from 3 to 6 months. Treatment is best combined with anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Treatment of fungus with propolis

Toenail fungus must be treated patiently. Steam the nail plate daily, cut off the affected areas, soak the nail with an alcohol extract of propolis. Once a week, lubricate with propolis oil the heels affected by the fungus, the sinuses between the fingers.

Drugs with a natural remedy relieve itching, inflammation, and reduce pain. Propolis ointment helps the wound heal, destroys bacteria, and prevents scars from growing. The bandage with ointment does not dry out to the wound and cleanses it of pus. Positive effect noted when using a miracle drug for psoriasis and herpes.

Propolis for various diseases

A natural antibiotic helps to defeat inflammation of the mucous membrane (stomatitis, gingivitis,), oral herpes. Healing tincture removes . Propolis slows down the growth of tumors, regulates the work endocrine glands, stimulates hematopoiesis, effective in initial stage atherosclerosis.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with propolis

Bee ointment, suppositories with natural medicine are injected into the rectum. For elimination discomfort 1-2 procedures will suffice. Warm propolis oil is injected into the empty intestines with a syringe without a needle, held for 20 minutes. A 10-day course is recommended, procedures in the morning and evening.

Treatment of prostatitis with propolis

Recommended microclysters with water extract (a teaspoon of 5% solution per 50 g of water). Then inject propolis oil into the rectum with a syringe without a needle or place candles. Course - 10 days. Massage the prostate and sacrum area with healing ointment.

Treatment of the liver with propolis

For liver diseases, propolis extracts are taken in combination with bee pollen. An aqueous solution of a natural medicine is indicated for viral hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.

The range of use of natural drugs is unusually wide. They treat diseases of the ear, nose (otitis media, neuritis auditory nerve, hearing loss), eye infections (conjunctivitis, barley). Water elixir relieves inflammation of the gallbladder, kidneys, removes sand from them. With the help of natural medicine, gynecological problems are solved: erosion, inflammation.

Propolis at home

Propolis oil and ointments, water and alcohol extracts are prepared at home. Pros of self-preparation: you can make medicine of any concentration, in the right amount. But there is also a minus. Natural propolis is difficult to clean, at home it is not possible to separate useless resins.

The concentration of home solutions and tinctures is approximate. There are many recipes, we will give common ones, without herbs and other components.

Aqueous extract of propolis

The aqueous solution is a brownish liquid. Propolis does not dissolve well in water. To prepare the elixir, take the propolis left over from obtaining the alcohol tincture.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare warm distilled or boiled water.
  2. Take 1 part propolis to 2 parts water.
  3. Heat the bowl with the mixture for 10-20 minutes in a water bath, stirring, at t ° up to 80 ° C.
  4. Filter the liquid.

The concentration of aqueous solutions - from 0.8 to 5% - depends on the manufacturer. A clean solution suitable for instillation into the eyes is produced by the Perm company Tentorium.

Propolis tincture on alcohol

Propolis alcoholic extract is a brown odorous liquid with a bitter taste. It is prepared from alcohol of various concentrations. More effective solutions based on strong alcohol (70 and 96%).

Preparing alcohol tincture:

  1. Crush 100 g of propolis into crumbs.
  2. Place it in a dark glass vial, pour 100 ml of alcohol.
  3. Close the cork, transfer to a dark place.
  4. Infuse indoors for 3-7 days, shaking occasionally.
  5. Filter, store in a closed glass bottle in a dark place.

Pharmacy solutions contain 9-11% of the healing substance. Alcohol tinctures do not lose bactericidal activity. The extract is used externally and internally.

Honey with propolis

Propolis honey strengthens, tones the body, restores vigor during mental and physical fatigue. The drug relieves pain, inflammation, improves immunity.

How to cook:

  1. Place 5 to 20 grams of crushed propolis in an enamel bowl.
  2. Soften it in a water bath.
  3. Add 80-95 g of honey (for a total of 100 g).
  4. Stirring, heat the mixture for a few minutes on reduced heat until smooth.
  5. Strain and refrigerate the mixture.

Propolis ointment

Homemade ointment is easy to prepare from a thick extract of propolis. For a fatty base, it is better to take not vaseline, but lanolin or vegetable oil. A thick brown mass is mixed with an oil base in the right proportion. Ointments are prepared with a concentration of propolis from 5 to 40%.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the required amount of crushed propolis (up to 40 g) in an enameled bowl.
  2. Melt in a water bath until viscous.
  3. Add lanolin, butter or vegetable oil to a total weight of 100 g.
  4. Warm up for half an hour in a water bath (up to 80 ° C).
  5. Strain the hot mass through a double gauze and refrigerate.
  6. Store in the dark and cool.

Ready-made creams and ointments contain 3 or 10% propolis. Known cosmetic ointment "Apifort". Cream "Tentorium" of the company of the same name contains, in addition to propolis, bee venom. Pharmacy ointment"Propoceum" has an impressive range of applications.

propolis oil

Healing balm yellow or greenish color treat diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract. Mix 5-20 g of propolis crumbs with olive oil(100 ml) and heated in a water bath for an hour.

Recipe from Professor A.F. Sinyakov:

  1. Pound 10 g of propolis in a porcelain mortar.
  2. Add 5 g of butter and rub the mixture.
  3. Pour in 35 g vegetable oil, stir.

Keep the resulting drug in the refrigerator. When warm, the oil becomes fluid. An alternative to a homemade mixture is ready-made oil balms: Oleum Propolis, Propolengiant.

In this video you will learn the secrets of folk remedies based on propolis. How is the miraculous substance collected in the apiary? You will learn how to prepare eco-friendly medicines and use them wisely. Hear the story of a beekeeper and the opinions of people who prefer natural remedies to drugs from a pharmacy.

The healing agent gives results even in cases where official medicine is powerless. Effective and safe antibiotic not only cures diseases, but also restores human health, is a powerful prophylactic.

The number of supporters of medicines from the hive is growing. They are promoted by hundreds of doctors, but official medicine is in no hurry to change the standards of treatment. Invaluable experience has been accumulated in the preparation and use of propolis, which will become one of the building blocks of the medicine of the future.



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