Folk remedies for kidney problems. How to treat kidneys with folk remedies quickly and effectively

Kidneys are the main filters human body. They purify the blood, take Active participation in functioning endocrine systems s and . Therefore, treatment of the kidneys, if they begin to bother you, must be approached with maximum responsibility.

All more people interested in how to treat kidneys at home. It's connected with high efficiency folk methods. Moreover, herbs can be used to prevent kidney pathologies. However, everything should be discussed with your doctor.

When should you sound the alarm?

  • nagging or aching pain in the lower back;
  • decrease in urine output per day;
  • the color of the urine changes to cloudy, it may contain stones, sand and blood;
  • swelling appears, temperature rises and vision deteriorates.

If in the morning there is nagging unilateral pain from the back, perhaps one of the kidneys has a cold. But one or both kidneys can also become diseased after taking antibiotics.

To eliminate symptoms, you must:

  • carry out for the body fasting days;
  • increase the intake of calories into the body;
  • Limit your salt and protein intake as much as possible.

Kidney treatment at home will be more effective if the patient refuses chocolate, sausages, meat broths, cheeses, pickles and marinades. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of sea fish, cottage cheese, nuts and dried fruits. Here are the things you need to pay attention to:

  • vegetable oils;
  • porridge;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable soups;
  • jelly, juices;
  • fermented baked milk and kefir;
  • fruits and berries.

Before choosing a diet and arranging fasting days, you should consult your doctor. He will adjust the treatment regimen and select not only effective medications, but also folk remedies.

Herbs to help

Herbs are one of the effective ways kidney treatment. They have diuretic properties and treat chronic diseases are good.

For these purposes, decoctions and infusions using many herbs are used:

  • horsetail;
  • cornflowers;
  • knotweed;
  • calendula;
  • caraway;
  • juniper fruits;
  • bearberry;
  • sunflower roots;
  • St. John's wort.

They treat kidney cystitis and other diseases. Initially, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins. Again, this can be done using herbs. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of crushed dandelion roots into a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion should be divided into three doses.

Such as horsetail, bearberry, lingonberry leaves, will help restore kidney function within short term. All herbs are finely chopped, mixed and poured with boiling water (300 ml). This decoction should steep for at least two hours, after which it is taken three times a day before meals. The duration of such treatment takes 3 weeks.

You can treat your kidneys at home using. To do this, fill a glass of cereal with three liters of water. The precipitate that appears after 24 hours is effective means for treatment renal pathology. Millet water can be consumed in unlimited doses.

Kidney problems can be caused by a weakened body. In this case, soda will come in handy as it stabilizes general state. How to treat kidneys at home with soda? You just need to add it to milk or water (1 teaspoon) and drink it about 2 hours before meals. This food product reduces pressure and swelling, creates an alkaline environment in the body, as a result of which unpleasant symptoms recede.

It is important to remember that such therapeutic manipulations as warming up the lower back during an inflammatory process are strictly prohibited. This will only harm the body.

Treatment of kidney stones with traditional methods

Surprisingly, in some cases, representatives of the flora become an alternative to surgical intervention. With the help of herbs, you can gradually crush kidney stones into stones, which will be excreted from the body along with urine, and this process is painless. During treatment, infusions from sunflower roots, as well as watermelons, will be useful.

Get rid of kidney stones folk remedies at home you can use black peppercorns and seedless raisins. The zest is divided into two halves, a peppercorn is placed in the middle and everything is put back together. The treatment regimen is as follows: on the first day - 1 raisin, on the second day - 2, on the third - 3, and so increase the number of raisins up to 10 days. And starting from the 11th day, their number also decreases by 1 piece per day. The product must be taken before breakfast, chewing thoroughly.

After a 20-day course of treatment, it is necessary to take diuretics within three days. To do this, pour half a liter of boiling water into 2 tablespoons of finely chopped birch branches. After the decoction has infused, drink it over several servings.

The course of taking raisins with pepper and diuretics must be repeated three times. This method will help without surgical intervention. However, do not forget that before you cure your kidneys using traditional methods, you need to know exactly what pathology caused it. unpleasant symptoms, and this can only be done after a visit to the doctor.

Kidney inflammation

To relieve kidney inflammation, they are used, which have proven themselves in this pathology. An infusion of these berries should be drunk in an amount of at least two cups per day. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to supplement the diet with such folk remedies at home as bearberry tea, decoction of lingonberry leaves, pumpkin and horsetail infusion. However, these drugs should be used along with drug treatment.

The following drugs are used to treat kidney pathologies:

  • antibiotics, in case of inflammation infectious nature And antihistamines– if the nature of the inflammation is allergic;
  • uroseptics, to suppress pathogenic microflora;
  • drugs that remove waste products from the body;
  • medications that lower vascular pressure.

Treatment with oats

The choleretic and diuretic properties of oats have been glorified for more than one generation. And these processes are very important in renal pathologies. But it’s immediately worth clarifying that oat treatment is not used for heart diseases.

To prepare this miracle infusion, you will need to combine a glass of oats and 4 glasses of water. Evaporate until a quarter of the content remains. Take 100 ml before meals.

Kidney pain after alcohol

How to treat kidneys when they appear discomfort after drinking alcohol the night before, especially beer? In this case, it is worth treating the kidneys with folk remedies immediately, since lower back pain will only increase, and this is dangerous to health. Required condition is also adherence to a diet for the entire period of exacerbation.

In this case, you will need, namely. It consists of lingonberry leaves, cat's whiskers and bearberry leaves. However, the collection has contraindications; it is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, young children and people with a history of heart failure.

Summarizing the above, we can say with confidence that treatment with folk remedies is very effective and in some cases helps to avoid surgical intervention. But the result will only be if treatment is started on time. In advanced cases, more than long-term therapy under medical supervision.

Throughout life, the human body is periodically clogged with a variety of toxins and waste. All toxic substances are removed from our body in various ways: through the skin - with sweating, through pulmonary system– with exhaled air, through gastrointestinal tract- With feces. Moreover, an equally significant part of the toxic components leaves our body through the kidneys with urine. Along with the liver, this cleansing paired organ with good reason can also be considered a natural filter of the human body.

But the kidneys are responsible not only for excretory function. They support in internal environment processes of fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, ensure acid and alkaline balance in the blood plasma and even produce vital hormones. This is renin, which regulates blood pressure and water-salt balance, as well as erythropoietin, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells in bone marrow. Therefore, at the first signs of a malfunction of the renal system, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct special examination, make an appropriate diagnosis and prescribe drug therapy together with compliance therapeutic diet. And to speed up recovery, you can additionally treat your kidneys with folk remedies at home. You need to know that nutrition and any kidney treatment should be carried out on, then in combination with herbs the treatment will have maximum success.

Kidney diseases

There are many pathologies that affect the renal system, but most often urologists and nephrologists are faced with diseases such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis and urolithiasis.

For glomerulonephritis inflammatory lesion The glomeruli of the kidneys (glomeruli) are affected, as a result of which the filtration function of these paired organs is disrupted. Most often the cause of development of this disease are autoimmune reactions of the human body to the penetration of viral or bacterial agents. To fight infections the immune system starts to secrete a large number of antibodies-antigens, some of which settle in the kidneys, causing inflammation of the glomeruli.

Other common inflammatory disease, pyelonephritis, occurs due to damage collecting system kidneys by a number of pathogenic microorganisms, mainly staphylococci, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.

In turn, with hydronephrosis, the outflow of urine is disrupted due to pathological expansion renal pelvis, caused by congenital dyskinesia (disorder of contractile function) of the urinary tract, their narrowing, traumatic injuries, or the development of tumors compressing the ureter.

And urolithiasis speaks for itself - the formation of stones (oxalates, phosphates, urates) in the urinary system due to metabolic disorders.


Everyone has it specific disease kidneys there are certain symptoms. With glomerulonephritis, an excess amount of protein and leukocytes is formed in the urine, which is why it becomes foamy and acquires pink color(bleeding). The disease is accompanied by rapid fatigue, severe swelling face and limbs, pronounced arterial hypertension.

The inflammatory process in pyelonephritis causes an increase in body temperature to 39 - 40°, dull aching pain in the lumbar region, frequent urination with a predominance of urine of a cloudy consistency and a reddish tint.
Also characteristic of attacks of hydronephrosis pain syndrome in the lower back, hematuria (blood in the urine), high blood pressure.

And the signs urolithiasis– these are cramping intense, sometimes unbearable, renal colic due to irritation of the pelvis and ureter due to the movement of stones, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and painful sensations when urinating.


Of course, first of all, a survey of the sick person is carried out, his complaints are listened to and a general examination of the patient is carried out. But, given the anatomical subcostal location of the kidneys, without ultrasound examination and radiography, as well as data biochemical analysis blood and urine, to reveal the true pathological condition this paired organ is impossible. As additional diagnostic methods sometimes it is necessary to resort to a puncture (needle) biopsy of the kidneys, as well as the injection of an X-ray contrast agent into them - excretory urography. After making a diagnosis and prescribing appropriate therapy, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and additional beneficial effect Time-tested recipes may well have an impact on your kidneys traditional medicine.

Methods for treating kidneys with folk remedies

Kidney cleansing

1. Oat decoction.
Powerful tool To cleanse the kidneys, it is prepared on the basis of oats. This remedy not only cleanses the body, but is also effective in treating inflammation. renal pelvis And Bladder. This remedy helps to get rid of alcoholism and smoking addiction if desired.

This remedy is prepared as follows. A saucepan (not aluminum), 2-3 liters in volume, is filled halfway with washed oats in the husks, water is added to the top, put on fire, let it boil and cook for half an hour over medium heat. At the end of cooking, the resulting liquid is drained, calendula flowers are added, the container is wrapped in a warm blanket and allowed to brew until the morning. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink warm, 1.5 liters per day. Course – 2 weeks.

During treatment, it is necessary to adjust nutrition, reduce consumption meat products, spices, animal fats, be sure to exclude alcohol. Give up tea, coffee and cocoa, replacing them with jelly and fruit drinks made from lingonberries and cranberries, vegetable and fruit juices, with the exception of apple.


2. Kidney tea. Special kidney tea prepared at home helps reduce inflammation in glomerulonephritis and improve urine excretion. It is necessary to grind and mix 20 grams of calendula flowers, 10 grams of yarrow and horsetail, 15 grams of string, rose hips and plantain. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Kidney tea is taken three times a day, one-third of a glass, for three weeks, brewing a new portion each morning. Then, after a week's break, the treatment can be repeated.

3. Medicinal collection with glomerulonephritis. Restores very well damaged tissue(parenchyma) of the kidneys another medicinal collection consisting of many medicinal plants given by nature. You will need to grind and mix in equal quantities the herbs of hernia, horsetail, string, centaury, bearberry and sage, tansy flowers, as well as raspberry, lingonberry, strawberry and birch leaves. From the prepared mixture, take 2 tablespoons, which are poured with 500 milliliters of boiling water and left for 3 hours. The healing infusion is taken half a glass three times a day, half an hour before eating for a month.


4. Propolis. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of propolis are well known. IN traditional medicine preparations based on this waste product of bees are most often used as an external remedy, but with the development of pyelonephritis, a very effective home remedy can be prepared internal use. You will need to grind 20 grams of propolis, then melt 200 grams in an enamel saucepan butter. Mix propolis with melted butter until it completely dissolves. Strain the resulting homogeneous mixture through cheesecloth folded in four, place in a glass container, cool and put in the refrigerator. Every day, half an hour before each meal, you should eat one tablespoon of propolis oil, washed down with warm milk. In addition to alleviating the general condition of pyelonephritis, this remedy significantly improves immunity.

To relieve inflammation and cleanse the kidneys of toxic components during the development of pyelonephritis, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe. You need to pour out one glass oatmeal into a saucepan, pour a liter of milk into it and cook over low heat until the volume of the mixture is reduced by half. When the product becomes warm, add a tablespoon of natural honey. It should work out healing agent, reminiscent of jelly, which is consumed half a glass three times a day before meals.

Fees for chronic pyelonephritis

6. Collection No. 1. The collection includes: rose hips, St. John's wort, birch leaves, centaury, goldenrod, hop cones, chicory. This composition kidney tea has a diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial effect. All components are taken equally, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water and brought to a boil. Let it brew, strain and drink warm, 0.5 cups 2 times a day.

7. Collection No. 2. Ingredients: chicory, calendula, centaury, coltsfoot. All herbs are taken in equal quantities. 1 tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, infuse, add honey and drink half a glass before bed. The course of treatment is one month. But if necessary, you can drink it for several months, there is no addiction.


8. Pumpkin stalks. Traditional healers have long known about the analgesic properties of the stalks (fruit petioles, tails) of the common pumpkin. For auxiliary treatment of hydronephrosis, they recommend taking the stalks of 5 pumpkins, rinsing, crushing, pouring 500 milliliters of water and leaving for half an hour. water bath. After this, the container with the infusion should be wrapped in a warm blanket and allowed to brew for 3 hours. Take home medicine four times a day, half a glass, until the pain disappears completely.

9. Medicinal collection for hydronephrosis. To maintain kidney function in the event of hydronephrosis, many adherents of home treatment prepare a special medicinal mixture consisting of one tablespoon of horsetail and hoof grass (blakotnik, crippled grass), 2 tablespoons of bean leaves and corn silk, 5 tablespoons of bearberry grass and birch leaves. The entire collection is thoroughly mixed, after which 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a thermos, poured with 500 milliliters of boiling water and left to infuse overnight. The infusion is taken three times a day, a quarter glass, for 2 to 3 months. Some may not like the bitter taste of the above herbs, so a small amount of jam or honey can be added to the healing potion.

Urolithiasis disease

10. Medicinal collection for urolithiasis. Among the numerous herbal medicine recipes for urolithiasis, it is worth highlighting one very effective diuretic and “stone-crushing” herbal collection. It is necessary to take and thoroughly mix 10 grams of horsetail and horsetail, as well as 20 grams of wheatgrass rhizomes, calamus, agrimony grass and lingonberry leaves. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a teapot, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover and let steep for an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and taken one glass in the morning and evening, preparing a new drug every day.

11. Millet groats. To cleanse the kidneys, remove sand and small stones from urine excretory system Millet has long been used, which was added to soups or consumed as porridge. And to speed up the process of removing stones, they took one glass of millet cereal, poured it into a 3-liter jar, poured boiling water over it, wrapped it up and left it overnight. The resulting liquid in the form of a white suspension was taken several times during the day in any volume.

Of course, kidney treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in parallel with traditional drug therapy. If the renal system is damaged, antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverine, Spasmoverine, etc.), diuretic loop diuretics (Torasemide, Furosemide, etc.), antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions from drug group cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides. To relieve renal colic, painkillers such as Veralgan, Tramolin, Metamizole sodium are used. It should be remembered: if you use only “grandmother’s” recipes, you can drive any disease into a chronic form. Take care of yourself!

Kidney diseases always require timely treatment, since this paired organ is responsible for purifying the blood and removing it from the body excess fluid. It is also involved in the formation of hormones and metabolism. If you suspect diseases of the excretory system, a person should consult a nephrologist as soon as possible.

The therapy uses both traditional and alternative medicine. Treatment of kidneys with folk remedies at home, provided it is carried out correctly, allows you to quickly and effectively cope with the disease.

Causes and symptoms of diseases

Kidney diseases occur mainly in adults, and they develop for the following reasons:

  • the presence of untreated foci of inflammation in the body;
  • violation of healthy eating rules;
  • systematic use of poor quality water;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sudden loss body weight;
  • congenital pathologies of the excretory system.

Conventionally, all kidney diseases can be divided into groups:

  1. 1. Diseases inflammatory in nature(nephritis): this group includes pyelonephritis, carbuncle, glomerulonephritis. These diseases develop under the influence of pathogenic microflora, which, together with the blood flow, spreads throughout the body from untreated foci of inflammation. Chronic form proceeds without pronounced symptoms. During exacerbation there is heat body, lower back pain, chills, nausea and vomiting. Advanced kidney inflammation can lead to prostatitis in men, cystitis and inflammation reproductive organs in women, threatening infertility. The fact is that the infection from the kidneys spreads downward and can penetrate into nearby organs. For this reason, such pathologies must be treated immediately.
  2. 2. Diseases caused by the formation of stones in the kidneys: this group includes urolithiasis, the complications of which include blockage of the urinary ducts and kidney failure. As a kidney stone forms and moves, a person may experience discomfort when urinating. There is pain in the lower back, which intensifies with movement and after drinking heavily. With an infectious complication, body temperature rises.
  3. 3. Diseases caused by impaired blood supply to the kidneys. A person develops diseases such as nephrosclerosis, thromboembolism renal artery. Signs appear gradually. The patient develops hypertension and following symptoms: shortness of breath, cyanosis of the extremities, general loss of strength.

There are also diseases such as nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney) and kidney cyst. The first is characterized by the adoption of a position by the kidney that is significantly different from normal, and its significant mobility. The main causes of pathology are considered infectious lesion organ, its injury or sudden loss of body weight. The main symptom of the disease is pain in the area of ​​the prolapsed organ, and it is progressive.

As for the formation of cysts on the kidneys, this disease is most often congenital. The number and size of the cyst may vary. As they grow, the patient develops symptoms, which include renal hypertension, dull pain in the lumbar region, impaired urine flow.

All kidney diseases require long-term treatment under the supervision of a nephrologist. The use of traditional medicine methods is an effective addition to therapy. The use of herbs can relieve symptoms, strengthen the immune system and eliminate inflammation.

Secrets of traditional medicine

All applicable medicinal plants conditionally divided into groups depending on the specifics of kidney disease:

  1. 1. If you need to cure inflammation, then use yarrow, bearberry, thyme and birch buds.
  2. 2. For impaired urination, use St. John's wort, valerian root, oregano, calendula, pharmaceutical chamomile and thyme.
  3. 3. To cleanse the kidneys of toxins, products containing flax seeds, bearberry, parsley, and elderflower are suitable.
  4. 4. The most effective healing herbs for removing sand and stones: rhubarb root, corn silk, immortelle flowers
  5. 5. An effective remedy for the treatment of cysts or polycystic kidney disease is considered Fresh Juice burdock.

How to relieve inflammation?

Effective traditional methods that help relieve inflammation:

  1. 1. If your kidneys are sick, then take one part each of comfrey and shepherd’s purse, 2 parts each of rue and motherwort. A tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 4 hours, and filtered. The medicine is drunk half a glass 4 times a day.
  2. 2. An infusion prepared from violet, calendula, poplar buds and shepherd’s purse, taken in equal proportions, will help relieve pain and a feeling of heaviness in the kidneys when they are inflamed. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a glass of fresh boiling water and allowed to brew for several hours. The strained product is taken 2 teaspoons three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  3. 3. Restore kidney function and relieve inflammation when acute pyelonephritis The infusion, for the preparation of which they use budra, meadowsweet and millennial, helps. These herbs should account for 50% of the harvest. Also take equal parts of celery leaves, parsley, immortelle, coltsfoot and agrimony (10% each). Place two tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. The infusion is ready for use after 3 hours. The resulting amount is divided into 4 equal portions and drunk throughout the day.
  4. 4. If the kidney inflammation is chronic, then you need to drink an infusion prepared from the leaves of fireweed, St. John's wort, marshmallow, birch, chamomile, calendula and clover flowers, taken in equal parts. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Drink half a glass of the strained liquid in 4 doses before meals.
  5. 5. For inflammation of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, you should take an infusion of dandelion leaves. To prepare it, take 20 grams of the plant’s root and mix it with 50 grams of vodka. The product is placed in a dark place for 12 hours. Take 2 teaspoons three times a day.

Herbs for stone removal

If you need to quickly and effectively get rid of stones and sand, then you need to use the following means traditional medicine:

  1. 1. Take a glass of flax seeds and crush them in a mortar. Also prepare 3 glasses fresh milk, add seeds and boil. The fire is turned off when two-thirds of the liquid has boiled away. The remaining remedy is taken in a glass 1 time per day for 1 dose. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  2. 2. Three teaspoons of knotweed are poured into two glasses of boiling water, infused for 4 hours and filtered. The medicine is taken half a glass a day before each meal.
  3. 3. Brew a tablespoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and infuse. Drink in 5 doses a day.
  4. 4. To remove stones, take the juice of one lemon diluted with half a glass boiled water, every day.


If you have trouble urinating, they will help you herbal remedies having a diuretic effect.

There are several recipes for their preparation:

  1. 1. Tea from rose hips: take a tablespoon of raw material, crush it, place it in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The drink is infused for several hours. Drink a glass no more than 3 times a day.
  2. 2. A tablespoon of corn silk is poured with 300 milliliters of boiling water, the mixture is infused for 2 hours, filtered and taken half a glass 3 times a day for a week.
  3. 3. Brew a tablespoon of lingonberries with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, filter the infusion and drink half a glass three times a day.
  4. 4. Take 2 teaspoons of horsetail, pour a glass of boiling water over the medicinal herb, boil for 3 minutes and leave for several hours. The decoction is useful for the treatment of kidney diseases and cystitis in women.

At renal failure The patient benefits from alcohol tincture of Echinacea. To prepare this remedy, you need to take a liter of vodka and pour 50 grams of dry plant with alcohol. The product should be left for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take the prepared tincture 10 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is six months.

Burdock root will help support kidney function. You need to take a tablespoon of dry raw materials and pour a glass of fresh boiling water over it. Let the preparation sit overnight. The next day, divide the drink into equal portions, which should be drunk throughout the day.

In case of kidney disease, it is necessary to comply salt-free diet. The diet is enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals, lean meat, fish and dairy products.

Treatment of diseases of the excretory system with herbs will help speed up recovery and avoid complications.

All organs in human body- priceless. Big or small, but each of them is endowed with certain functions that ensure the vital functions of the whole organism. Kidneys – including. The range of their responsibilities is very significant. They are conscientious cleaners" Augean stables» of the human body, removing from it unnecessary substances that are harmful to health, and, in addition, play an extraordinary role in the functioning of the genitourinary and endocrine systems. Treatment of kidneys with folk remedies at home, how to determine that your kidneys have problems? And, most importantly, is it possible to overcome the disease at home?

Problems with the kidneys: the first “flowers”

As a rule, a person does not remember these organs until they feel pain and discomfort. The first step is to determine the symptoms that accompany the problems that arise in the kidneys.

Characteristic manifestations of renal dysfunction:

  • heaviness and unpleasant, increasingly painful sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • urination is frequent, but not profuse, with painful urges;
  • the color of the urine becomes cloudy, dark brown, sometimes with bloody discharge;
  • possible increase in temperature;
  • suspicious drowsiness, weakness throughout the body;
  • legs swell, circles appear under the eyes;
  • in some cases vision decreases.

The main litmus test for the appearance of renal pathology is urine, biological research which will help determine the situation. There is no need to delay diagnosis, as this is fraught with serious consequences, even complete failure in kidney function.

Types of kidney diseases and causes of their occurrence

Medicine is aware of many pathologies associated with kidney function. Among the most common:

If you experience suspicious sensations, do not rush to start treatment yourself. First you should consult a doctor, find out the reasons and find out the diagnosis. Correctly diagnosing kidney disease can only be done in a medical facility by performing certain tests and procedures. When will it be known accurate diagnosis, you can begin to find a solution to the problem.

Nuances of home treatment

The question often arises: is it possible to treat kidneys with folk remedies at home, without resorting to traditional: therapeutic or surgical intervention, although this is the first thing that is offered in medical institutions? In some cases from medical treatment You can refuse it altogether or successfully combine it at home with traditional medicine methods.

Folk remedies and diet, as practice shows, can work wonders, relieving various diseases kidneys, including removing stone deposits from them.

Some proven traditional medicine tips on how to treat kidneys at home. Mother Nature has gifted humanity medicinal herbs, plants and trees in huge quantities.

Even the legendary Avicenna called potions and powders a false path to health, pointing to the effectiveness of healing by nature: “in the garden and in the open field.”
For many centuries, people have experienced the miraculous properties of decoctions from wild and domestic plants to cure kidney disease.

How to relieve the inflammatory process

First you need to remove it from the body excess water, the excess of which leads to edema. To prepare a special decoction, it is recommended to use a collection of herbs from horsetail, bearberry, yarrow, birch buds and leaves in equal proportions.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. mixture per glass hot water. Using this mixture will help relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.

The following recipe will also be useful: a mixture of 50 g of birch leaves and flax (seeds) is poured with boiling water. It is recommended to consume 1-2 glasses of decoction during the day.

What to do if a disease is detected

Patients who decide to treat their kidneys at home are recommended to use the following herbal infusions:

  • from rosehip ( daily norm– 2 glasses of water and two spoons of berries);
  • from bearberry (2 tablespoons and 200 ml of boiling water). Drink as tea several times a day.
  • from lingonberry leaves (decoction of one glass of boiling water and 2 tablespoons, heat using a steam bath and take 0.5 glasses each time before meals).

Mix: immortelle, St. John's wort and calendula (40 g each), as well as chicory flowers and buckthorn bark (30 g each), 20 g knotweed herb and 10 g. For a daily serving you need 20 g. herbal mixture and 2 tbsp. boiling water After 10 hours, boil the infusion for 5-7 minutes and drink the day before.

Pumpkin is extremely useful for kidney inflammation. Recommended for consumption in any form: boiled, baked, in porridges and puddings.

If you are prescribed antibiotics, home herbal medicine can be used in between doses.

For pyelonephritis (in the absence of edema), drinking plenty of fluids is very useful. You need to drink 2, or even more, liters of water, definitely not carbonated. But a feature of treating glomerulonephritis at home, since it is usually accompanied by edema, is, on the contrary, a reduction in the dose of fluid consumed to 0.6 liters per day.

If present inflammatory processes, it is useful to take baths from herbal decoctions. To prepare them, plants with appropriate properties are used. These are calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus. Sage, horsetail and birch leaves are added to them in equal quantities. Pour three tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour and you can take a bath. But don't overuse it. 15 minutes of water-herbal relaxation for one time will be enough.

Traditional medicine practices decoctions of plants that have diuretics. The following plants effectively cleanse the kidneys and retain potassium in it, which prevents the formation of stones: flax, shepherd's purse, bearberry, tricolor violet.

Several recipes for folk remedies for cleansing the kidneys:

Flax seeds
, their use in the form of a decoction is very effective in these cases. To prepare, take 1 cup of water for 1 cup of seeds. When it boils, leave for half an hour. Use for two days, 0.5 cups every 2 hours.

Birch juice, performs a good cleaning function. It can be taken 1 glass per day.

Radish juice It can not only cleanse the kidneys, but also remove small stones from them. Getting ready folk medicine this way: grate the washed vegetable on a fine grater. Take 1 tbsp of juice squeezed from the pulp. spoon every other day for two to three weeks, depending on the complexity of the condition (consult your doctor).

Cleansing decoction for kidney treatment, can be prepared from a mixture of bearberry and horsetail in equal proportions. You need to drink the infusion 2 tbsp. daily for 2 weeks. Then take a two-week break. And so on until the condition improves.

Cucumber Diet
, for those who love this vegetable and want to take advantage of a diet consisting exclusively of this product. It is recommended to eat 1-1.5 kg of green vegetables per day, washed down with herbal diuretic decoctions and teas. This must be done for a week (the use of salt is strictly prohibited). If you cannot satisfy your hunger, then you can supplement the cucumber menu with baked or boiled potatoes.

Infusion of birch branches at home, helps in the treatment of kidneys, it can be treated in the following proportions: 2 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water, drinking it throughout the day

Stones out of the body

Treatment of urolithiasis with traditional medicine against the background of medication, and even more so surgical intervention, looks like the best alternative. Moreover, if you strictly follow the instructions in the fight against stones, you can achieve the desired result.

Excellent “fighters” for urolithiasis are watermelons and infusions of sunflower roots.

Also good for removing kidney stones is “blowing” seedless raisins and black pepper (a peppercorn is placed inside the raisin). The dosage regimen is as follows: we start with one zest per day, gradually increase the consumption to 10. From the 11th day, on the contrary, we reduce the amount of medicine taken every day. The bittersweet dessert should be chewed well, taken on an empty stomach, and washed down with water.

To achieve an effect in the treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to carry out 4 raisin-pepper courses. After each completion, for three days, you should take diuretics. You can choose from the ones above.
When removing stones at home traditional healers It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - up to 2 liters per day.

Eating the right foods is the way to healing your kidneys

Diet plays a role important role in the treatment of kidney diseases. In case of exacerbation, the first thing you need to do is:

  • exclude from the menu: all kinds of smoked meats, marinades, pickles, mushrooms, spicy and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic drinks and soda;
  • reduce protein consumption (nuts, dried fruits, sea fish, cocoa and cottage cheese);

Give preference healthy food, usage:

  • vegetable soups;
  • juices, tea, jelly;
  • watermelon;
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • pasta and cereals (especially oatmeal).

Let's sum it up

Successful kidney treatment at home depends on carefully following the advice and recommendations of your doctor. It should be remembered that in the preparation of decoctions and infusions it is necessary to observe proportions. It is better to collect plants yourself, but if you cannot prepare them yourself, you can buy them in pharmacies. After all, random sellers at markets may not be distinguished by honesty and decency. The herb for the decoction needs to be changed after a while. The article provides enough various recipes herbal infusions, alternating the use of which you can avoid getting used to them.

It will be possible to achieve effective treatment at home by following a number of practical tips:

  • move more (Plutarch called movement the treasury of life);
  • keep the body, especially the legs, warm;
  • drink plenty of fluids (meaning clean, still water, especially with urolithiasis);
  • minimize, or even completely abstain from, alcoholic beverages;
  • eat exclusively wholesome and healthy food.

Traditional medicine recipes will relieve pain and aggravation, but still, after the condition has improved, do not forget to visit your doctor and undergo qualified medical supervision and follow preventive measures.

To maintain health and not waste it on constant illnesses, help yourself without doctors and healers, the basis wellness This - moving image life and without bad habits. As it says folk wisdom: sick - get treatment, healthy - take care.

Share in the comments your tips and working recipes for treating kidneys, without the help of doctors at home.



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