List of veterinary drugs. Main groups of immunobiological drugs


Pharmacological agents

Pharmaceuticals (pharmacy) (from the Greek pharmakeia -; or use of medicine), or medicine, is a system of practical activities and scientific knowledge designed for the research, manufacture, standardization, storage and dispensing of medicines. Pharmacy in unity with pharmacology constitutes the science of medicines. Pharmacy includes pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical technology, toxicological chemistry, organization of pharmaceutical economic management and other sections.

Drug dosing

Classification of drugs by action and use

Medicines affecting hematopoiesis

Uterine drugs

Vitamin preparations

Hormonal drugs

Medicines containing phosphorus

Tetracycline drugs. Protein preparations, amino acids and protein substitutes. Bacterial and vitamin preparations. Tissue preparations and other stimulants. Microelements


: penicillins, aminoglycosides, streptomycins, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolide antibiotics and antifungals.

Medicines to enhance renal excretory function

They are mainly divided into three groups: potassium-sparing, saluretics, osmotic diuretics. Saluretics include thiazide and thiazide-like drugs (dichlorothiazide, oxodoline, cyclomethiazide, etc.), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (diacarb), derivatives of sulfamoylanthranilic and dichlorophenoxyacetic acids (fetacrynic acid, urosemide, etc.).

To drugs that regulate metabolic processes, includes a large group of diverse drugs that differ in chemical structure, mechanism of action and indications for use: hypoglycemic drugs, anabolic steroids, immunostimulants, enzyme and antienzyme drugs. rooting a rose from a bouquet.

Short description. A specific amount of a drug is called a dose. Doses can be one-time or single, daily and course, that is, for the entire duration (course) of treatment.

Descriptions of natural remedies for animal health

Paraffin treatment Paraffin baths Cold clay Clay Hot water bottles Sand treatment Ozocerite therapy Vacuum therapy Massage techniques Inhalation Massage Mud therapy Mustard plasters Wrapping Medicinal compresses Cold water procedures Enemas Water Dosage forms Preservation of bile Use of antlers Massaging enemas Rubdown Thermal procedures Water warming compress Bathing Pouring Washing Animal bile

Veterinary clinics

Compound feeds and premixes for cattle. Application of Pharmacy in veterinary medicine. Dry food for animals: cats, dogs, cows, goats. Grooming cosmetics for dogs. Flea and tick remedies, toys for dogs. Construction of cowsheds.

Construction of houses in rural areas

Construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber. Construction of wooden houses. Construction of tent hangars for agriculture.


1.General characteristic And features of veterinary formulation

Veterinary- the science of treating and preventing animal diseases. It is an independent branch of pharmaceutical science.

The main task facing veterinary pharmacy is the development of rational dosage forms to provide rapid, high-quality care to animals.

Features of the veterinary formulation:

=> The use of dosage forms that have fallen out of use in medical practice: porridge, boluses.

=> Anatomical features and structure of animal organs, forcing changes in the volume and weight of dosage forms, as well as the type of dosage form.

=> Dosage of medications.

=> Introduction into dosage forms of special flavor and odor correcting agents.

Single, most commonly used doses medicinalfunds For different types of animals are given in the GF X ed. p.1042, doses are given taking into account the type of animal (horse, cow, sheep, pig, dog, chicken) and its weight. A convenient scheme is in which the GDV for an adult is taken as a unit.

To correct the taste and smell of medications for internal use, substances that are pleasant to animals are used. For example, salty substances (sodium chloride, sodium sulfate) are added to dosage forms for cows and horses, bitter substances (magnesium sulfate, wormwood) for sheep, sweet substances (sugar, honey) for pigs and dogs, and valerian tincture for cats. The smell is corrected with the help of essential oils: anise, cinnamon, mint. Smell and taste can also be imparted by mixing the drug with the animal’s favorite food: oats, rye flour, milk, minced meat.

Substances with an unpleasant odor and taste are added to medications for external use. They should prevent animals from licking the dosage form (for example, kerosene).

2. Technology of veterinary dosage forms of Kashka (Electuaria) - one of the specific veterinary dosage forms, which are masses of mushy consistency for internal use. They are obtained by mixing medicinal and auxiliary substances. There are thick porridges (Electuaria spissa) and thick porridges (Electuaria tenia seu mollia). The first ones don’t flow from a spoon, the second ones flow like honey. Liquorice root powder, rye and flaxseed flour, marshmallow root powder, flaxseed cake powder, as well as extracts, syrups, honey, molasses, and vegetable oils are used as formative substances. Porridges should not include drugs from lists A and B, irritating substances with an unpleasant taste and odor.

Pills They are dense balls rolled out of a specially prepared mass consisting of one or more medicinal substances and a form-building base, which is used as marshmallow root powder and extract, licorice powder, rye flour, and white clay. The weight of the pills ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 g. The pills are dosed by weight, so they can contain drugs from List B. The pills are prescribed to small animals and birds.

Boluses- dosage form intended for internal use. It has the consistency of bread crumb. The shape is egg-shaped, weight 3-5 g for cats and dogs and 30-50 g for large animals. The same substances as in pills are used as auxiliary substances. Apply on the day of preparation, because during storage they harden and do not disintegrate in the gastric contents.

At home, bread crumbs (preferably rye) are often used, into which the medicinal substance is rolled. Boluses can be placed on a rod or split stick and given to animals.

Granules(grains) - dosage form weighing up to 0.05 g for internal use in birds and small animals. The shape of the granules is round or cylindrical, the consistency is denser than that of pills. Among the excipients, rye flour and milk sugar are widely used.

If the granules do not contain substances from lists A and B, then they can be obtained by rubbing the mass through a sieve and then drying.

A type of granules are premixes- dosage form obtained by granulating a mixture of medicinal substances with 1 kg of feed or 1 kg of bran. Premixes may include: vitamins, microelements, antibiotics, bactericidal preparations and other substances. When consuming 1 kg of premixes, mix with 99 kg of feed and feed to animals. Premixes are dosed per 1 kg of feed.

Powders. Prescribed for all types of animals. There are dosed and non-dosed powders for internal and external use. The peculiarity is that drugs are prescribed in large quantities. Preparation is carried out according to general rules. It is possible to add corrective substances or dyes to medicinal substances to obtain a color similar to the color of the animal’s coat. To avoid licking, substances with an unpleasant odor and taste are added.

Powders are usually mixed into an animal's favorite drink or well-eaten food: pigs' milk, birds' water, cats' sweet tea, dogs' minced meat. For large animals, powders can be poured into the nostrils - from there the animals lick it off with their tongue. For cats and dogs it is poured onto the root of the tongue.

Tablets are manufactured in a factory. Use internally and externally, crushed with food or whole.

Briquettes can be square, oval, rectangular or cylindrical. Obtained by pressing under industrial conditions. Sodium chloride, chalk, starch, rye flour, and other feed products are used as forming substances.

Macroelements, vitamins, antibiotics, microelements, salts, disinfectants and anthelmintic substances are dispensed in the form of briquettes. Feed briquettes are prescribed for group feeding in the form of licks (for cattle) or, after dissolving and grinding, they are added to feed and swill.

Solutions made according to general rules. In addition to purified water for preparing solutions used for disinfecting premises and washing skin, it is allowed to use ordinary water (river, lake, pond) (Aqua communis). Tap and well water (Aqua fontana) is allowed to be used for the preparation of solutions for internal, external, rectal use, except in cases where medicinal substances are not compatible with the salts of ordinary water.

In the preparation of non-aqueous solutions for external use, ether, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, kerosene, gasoline, and diesel oil are used.

Suspensions And emulsions. Unlike medical suspensions, veterinary suspensions can contain List B drugs and medicinal plant powders.

In veterinary formulations, emulsions from poppy, flax and hemp seeds are most often found. Egg yolk and various gums, such as gum arabic, are used as emulsifiers.

Infusions, decoctions, mucus. Prepared according to the pharmacopoeial method. At home, ready-made collections of medicinal plants are used for preparation, which are placed in an enamel bucket or pan and filled with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and left to cool. Then filter through a double layer of gauze or linen. Additionally, both soluble and insoluble drugs are administered.

Rectal medicinal forms. Common rectal dosage forms in veterinary medicine are enemas and suppositories. Manufactured according to general rules. The size of the suppositories depends on the size of the animal. The weight for small animals is 1.5 - 10.0 g, for large animals 5.0 -30.0 g, and the length is from 2.0 to 8.0 cm. Suppositories for animals are prescribed for insertion into the rectum, vagina, urethra . Basics - cocoa butter, butyrol, etc.

Injectable dosage forms. Manufactured according to general rules. Double-distilled water, mineral oil, benzyl alcohol, and propylene glycol are used as solvents for preparing injection solutions. Chlorobutanol is used as a preservative.

External dosage forms. Ointments, pastes, liniments. They are used quite often due to the high incidence of animal injuries. Apply them with a spatula, brush or swab to previously cut skin, washed with water, and wipe dry.

As excipients in ointments and pastes, substances of natural origin are preferable, because they can be licked by animals. To prevent licking from the skin, kerosene can be added to the ointment.

Stripes- a dosage form intended to combat With mites in bees, which are lowered into the inter-frame space of the hive. They are produced in bags of 10 and 50 strips per box (“Apisan”, “Bayvarol”, etc.). For the same purpose they are issued smoke-generating pills.

Inhalation dosage forms. Aerosols. The inhalation route of drug administration ensures rapid absorption of many drugs, on the one hand. and on the other hand, it allows the mechanization of the introduction of drugs into the animal’s body, taking into account intensified animal husbandry. Spraying the active substance in the air over large areas allows for active vaccination and chemotherapy.

3. Storage of veterinary drugs

Store in a specially designated place, preferably in a separate cabinet. They should not be stored near feed or food products. The containers in which medicinal substances are stored must be labeled, otherwise they may cause poisoning. Many drugs, under the influence of light, moisture and other factors, can become damp, form toxic decomposition products, and evaporate. Therefore, the following conditions are necessary: ​​store them in a dry place, protected from light, in a well-closed container.

The study of medicinal products, including those intended for the treatment of animals, is carried out by many disciplines, while various clarifications are made to the definition of the concepts of “medicine”, “medicinal form”, “medicinal product”, reflecting the characteristics of the points of view from which these studies are taught. disciplines.

In pharmaceutical marketing, it is customary to clearly distinguish between such concepts as “medicinal raw materials”, “drug”, “drug substance”, “excipients”, “dosage form”, “medicinal product”, etc.

Medicinal raw materials are a set of natural and artificial materials and substances used for the production of medicines.

Medicine - a medicinal substance of natural or synthetic origin or a mixture of substances used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, reproductive purposes.

A medicinal substance is a drug that is a single chemical compound or chemical element.

Excipients are ingredients included in medicinal products that enhance or weaken the effect of the drug substance or do not have a pharmaceutical effect, but allow obtaining the required dosage form.

When conducting a commodity examination, it is necessary to pay attention to the legal status of the drug. The Law “On Medicines” distinguishes between:

patented medicines - medicines, the right to produce and sell which is protected by the patent legislation of the Russian Federation;

illegal copies of medicinal products - medicinal products put into circulation in violation of the patent legislation of the Russian Federation;

original medicines - medicines put into circulation under registered proper names;

generic medicinal products - medicinal products that came into circulation after the expiration of the exclusive patent rights for original medicinal products.

In addition, the international nonproprietary name is used - INN (English INN - International Nonproprietary Names) of the World Health Organization (WHO) system. This is the name of a medicinal substance, registered and recommended by WHO for the convenience of identifying the drug by belonging to a specific pharmaceutical group and accepted by all members of this organization.

When a medicinal product is marketed, its patented commercial name (Brand name) is most often used. It is patented by drug manufacturing companies, and this patent has no expiration date, unlike patents for an original drug, which has a validity period determined by the legislation of the country that issued it.

Dosage form is a condition given to a medicinal product or medicinal plant material that is convenient for use and in which the required therapeutic effect is achieved.

Depending on the consistency, dosage forms are: solid (powders, tablets, dragees); soft (ointments, pastes, suppositories);

liquid (solutions, drops, tinctures, decoctions, extracts, mixtures).

According to the method of administration, dosage forms are:

inhalation - for administration through the respiratory tract in the form of inhalation of steam, gas, aerosol;

parenteral - bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, on the skin, mucous membranes);

enteral - through the digestive tract.

A medicinal product is a dosed medicinal product in a ready-to-use form.

A veterinary drug is a medicinal product intended for the treatment and maintenance of animal productivity.

In merchandising, a “medicinal product” is understood as a medicinal product in primary packaging with instructions for medical use.

The following types of medicines and drugs are distinguished:

standard - with precisely measured physical, chemical and/or biological parameters, intended for use in comparative studies;

galenic - based on plant or animal raw materials,

new galenic - based on plant or animal raw materials, containing active ingredients purified from ballast substances;

nutritious - containing nutrients that can be absorbed by the body without additional digestion;

durable (long-acting) - having a longer therapeutic effect than other drugs containing the same medicinal substances;

radioactive or radiopharmaceutical - containing a radioactive isotope of any element included in its composition. They are used for diagnostics and radiation therapy.

In the Russian Federation, medicines based on herbal raw materials are traditionally widely used. The raw materials for the manufacture of such products are medicinal plants. From them a medicinal collection is prepared - a medicinal form, which is a mixture of several types of dried and often crushed medicinal plants or their parts, fruits with the addition of medicines; in turn, medicinal preparations serve as raw materials for the preparation of dosage forms such as infusions and decoctions.


As noted earlier, veterinary pharmacology has a lot in common with medical (humanitarian) pharmacology. At the same time, it also has very significant features.

The commonality is due to the fact that most medicinal substances act similarly on humans and animals. It is further strengthened by the fact that at the first stage, the study of new medicinal substances is carried out on the same types of laboratory animals using the same methods. Veterinary pharmacology very widely uses the achievements of medical pharmacology. In turn, many data from veterinary pharmacology are used in medicine. In medicine and veterinary medicine, there are two basic principles for classifying medicinal substances: according to their systemic effect on the body and according to their chemical structure. The first principle is used in pharmacology, the second - in pharmaceutical chemistry.

The difference between veterinary pharmacology and medical pharmacology is primarily due to the fact that animals with different anatomical and physiological characteristics have different species-specific reactions to the action of medicinal substances. In addition, there are many diseases specific to a particular animal species, and each of them requires its own arsenal of pharmacological agents. Modern intensive livestock farming requires special preparations to maintain the health and high productivity of animals.

The composition and properties of the most widely used medicinal substances are described in the State Pharmacopoeia (the current pharmacopoeia of the 11th edition), pharmacopoeial monographs for medicinal products (including pharmacopoeial monographs of enterprises). Requirements for veterinary drugs are set out in the relevant state standards (GOST) and technical specifications.

The arsenal of medicinal substances is constantly being replenished with new, more effective drugs, thanks to which it is possible to systematically replace them with new, more advanced ones. With the development of pharmacology, new opportunities for obtaining more advanced drugs appear. Previously, they were obtained only from plants. The plant world is still a rich source, and methods for studying substances are constantly being improved.

Currently, more than 20 thousand names of medicines are registered in the Russian Federation, not counting their trade names, the number of which exceeds 100 thousand. Each pharmaceutical substance and excipient of pharmacopoeial quality has an international non-proprietary name.

A rational classification, i.e., distributing them into classes, groups and subgroups, which may also have narrower divisions, should help to understand such a huge array of medicines to a large extent. It is possible to classify drug substances in various ways. For example:

by origin (mineral, plant, animal, biotic, synthetic);

state of aggregation (solid, ointment-like, liquid, gaseous);

stabilizing properties (stabilized, unstabilized);

septic properties (sterile, non-sterile);

chemical classification (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.);

pharmacotherapeutic groups (based on basic pharmacological properties, main areas of medical use, chemical “affinity”).

The number of characteristics can be increased many times (by packaging, manufacturers, etc.).

The basis for the classification of medicines may be the following:

1. Pharmacotherapeutic. At one time, M.D. Mashkovsky classified drugs into 14 classes:

acting predominantly on the central nervous system;

affecting mainly peripheral neurotransmitter systems;

acting predominantly on afferent nerve endings;

acting primarily on the cardiovascular system;

acting primarily on the excretory function of the kidneys;

hepatoprotective agents; uterine preparations;

means regulating metabolic processes; antihypoxants and antioxidants;

agents regulating immunological processes (immunomodulators, immunostimulants, immunosuppressants);

drugs of different pharmacological groups;

antimicrobial, antiviral and other anti-infective agents;

drugs used to treat cancer;

some diagnostic (for example, radiopaque) agents.

These classes of drugs are divided into groups, which, in turn, in some cases, into subgroups, based on the following main features:

basic pharmacological properties;

main areas of medical application; chemical "kinship".

2. Nosological. “Register of Medicines of Russia - Encyclopedia of Medicines” includes seven classes of medicines; classification (by disease or indication for use) has 28 main sections.

3. Alphabetical order. “State Register of Medicines Approved for Use in Medical Practice and Industrial Production” - a list of medicines registered in the Russian Federation, is an official document of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

4. Belonging to pharmacological groups. The Great Russian Encyclopedia of Medicines contains a classification by pharmacological groups in accordance with the State Register and a clinical and pharmacological classification, including 20 groups of medicines grouped in alphabetical order by medical discipline.

5. Chemical structure and method of preparation. Classification can be determined by the chemical structure and methods of obtaining drugs. According to this classification, all medicines are divided into two groups - inorganic and organic. Inorganic preparations are classified according to the position of elements in D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and the main classes: oxides, acids, hydroxides, salts, complex compounds. When classifying organic drugs, two classification criteria are used: the structure of the carbon chain or cycle and the nature of the functional group.

6. Dosage form (ointments, tablets, capsules, etc.).

7. According to storage conditions (requiring protection from light, moisture, etc.).

The “Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification of medicinal substances” (ATC), developed by WHO, appears to be close to the optimal solution to the general problem of classification. According to this classification, substances and drugs are divided into groups depending on the organ or system on which they act, as well as their therapeutic and chemical characteristics, for example, the digestive tract, blood and hematopoietic organs, cardiovascular system, etc. Each group includes therapeutic and pharmacological, and in some cases chemical subgroups, which have their own letter and additional digital designations. Each medicinal substance and dosage forms have their own letter and numeric index.

The ATC classification is very extensive and clearly indexes each drug substance. It is a large data bank on modern medicines and their distribution into these groups.

According to the classification of drugs by origin, drugs are divided into classes:

1. Mineral origin:

soda (baking soda), carbon (activated), Al(OH) 3, MgCl 2, Mg(OH) 2, NaCl, AI 3 PO 4, NaAL(OH) 2 CO 3, KAl(SO 4) 2, silt therapeutic mud , mineral raw materials based on bismuth, potassium, calcium, iron, lithium, lead, trace elements, etc.

2. Plant origin:

medicinal plant materials (about 240 species) are represented by various morphological groups (collections, leaves, herbs, flowers, fruits, seeds, roots, rhizomes, bark, etc.); vegetable oils (essential, fatty); juices; syrups; extracts (dry, liquid, aqueous, alcoholic, ethereal, oily, freon); tinctures.

3. Animal origin:

from blood; blood plasma; tissues and organs; poisons

4. Biotic origin:

allergens; toxoids; bacteriophages; vaccines; immunoglobulins; immunomodulators; nutrient media; probiotics; serums; test systems.

5. Synthetic origin. The bulk of medicines belong to this class (including subclasses, such as, for example, semisynthetic penicillins).

Biological preparations in accordance with GOST 4.492-89 “Veterinary biological preparations. Nomenclature of indicators" can be divided into groups:

diagnostic tools (diagnosticums);

immune sera and vaccines;



biogenic stimulants.

The State Register of Veterinary Medicines registered in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation is similar to the State Register of Medicines of Russia, officially published by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and accessible to a wide range of veterinary and other specialists; currently the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia does not publish it. Therefore, the names of veterinary drugs, their physicochemical properties, conditions, shelf life and dosages are given in numerous reference books on veterinary drugs in accordance with the State Pharmacopoeia.

Classification is important for ensuring machine processing in planning, organizing production and accounting, standardization, and pricing of medicines. It is an integral part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical and Economic Information. For this purpose, the 93rd class of OKP products “medicines, chemical-pharmaceutical products and medical products” was developed. The objects of classification in the 93rd class of this classifier are medicines, intermediates, excipients, etc.


Aerosols are a dosage form that are solutions, emulsions, suspensions of medicinal substances that are under pressure together with propellants in a sealed package equipped with a valve-spray system (dosing or non-dosing).

An aerosol that releases the contents of a package using air is called a spray.

Aerosols are intended for inhalation (inhalation). A type of inhalation is powders for inhalation (inhalers), which can be produced in special packaging and dosing devices such as rotodiscs, ventodiscs, etc.

Aerosols can also be intended for applying a medicinal composition to the skin, mucous membranes, and wounds.

Briquettes are a solid dosed dosage form obtained by pressing crushed medicinal plant materials or a mixture of various types of plant materials without the addition of auxiliary substances and intended for the preparation of infusions and decoctions.

Granules are a solid dosed or non-dosed dosage form for internal use in the form of agglomerates (grains) of spherical or irregular shape, containing a mixture of active and auxiliary substances.

Granules can be coated, including gastro-resistant ones, and uncoated - for the preparation of oral liquids and with a modified release of active ingredients.

Dragee is a solid dosage form obtained by layer-by-layer application of active ingredients onto microparticles of inert carriers using sugar syrups.

Drops are a liquid dosage form containing one or more active substances dissolved, suspended or emulsified in an appropriate solvent, and dispensed in drops.

There are drops for internal and external use.

Capsules (boluses) are a dosage form consisting of a hard or soft gelatin shell containing one or more active ingredients with or without the addition of excipients. Boluses are intended for internal use in veterinary practice. As a rule, they are prescribed to horses.

Capsules can be hard, soft, microcapsules, gastro-resistant, pellets.

Gastro-resistant - capsules that ensure the release of drugs in the intestinal juice.

Microcapsules are capsules consisting of a thin shell made of polymer or other material, spherical or irregular in shape, ranging in size from 1 to 2000 microns, containing solid or liquid active ingredients with or without the addition of excipients.

Soft - solid capsules of various shapes (spherical, ovoid, oblong, etc.) with liquid or paste-like substances.

Solid - cylindrical capsules with hemispherical ends, consisting of two parts that fit into one another without forming gaps. Capsules can be filled with powders, granules, microcapsules, pellets, tablets.

Porridges are dosage forms for internal use with a mushy or doughy consistency. In veterinary practice it is used mainly for the treatment of pigs.

Spansules are capsules for internal use containing a mixture of drugs in the form of microdragées with different dissolution times.

Pellets are shell-coated solid spherical particles containing one or more active ingredients with or without the addition of auxiliary substances, having sizes from 200 to 5000 microns.

Plasters are a dosage form for external use that has the ability to soften and adhere to the skin at body temperature. Patches are one of the oldest dosage forms, included in all pharmacopoeias in the world. They are distinguished both by the composition of the incoming medicinal and formative substances, and by their state of aggregation. Very often they are produced in the form of strips of fabric base, onto which a mass of a special composition is applied. The components of the patch can be resins, paraffin, wax, rubber, lanolin, petroleum jelly, volatile solvents (ether, ethanol) and various medicinal substances.

Dosage forms for injections are sterile dosage forms for parenteral use in the form of solutions, suspensions, emulsions, as well as solid medicinal substances (powders, tablets, porous masses), which are dissolved in a sterile solvent immediately before administration. There are small volume injections (up to 100 ml) and large volume injections (100 ml or more) (infusions).

Ointments are a soft dosage form intended for application to the skin, wounds, mucous membranes and consisting of a base and medicinal substances evenly distributed in it. Ointments (including pastes) are classified as non-dosed medications.

Based on the type of dispersed systems, ointments are divided into homogeneous (alloys, solutions), suspension, emulsion and combined; depending on the consistency properties - on the actual ointments, creams, gels, liniments, pastes.

Gels are ointments with a viscous consistency that can retain their shape and have elasticity and plasticity.

Based on the type of dispersed systems, hydrophilic and hydrophobic gels are distinguished.

Creams are ointments of soft consistency, which are emulsions such as oil in water or water in oil.

Liniments are ointments in the form of a viscous liquid.

Pastes are ointments of dense consistency, the content of powdery substances in which exceeds 25%. If the prescription of medicinal substances is less than this amount, then indifferent substances (starch, talc, white clay, etc.) are added.

Potions are a liquid dosage form obtained by dissolving or mixing various medicinal substances in liquids. As a rule, mixtures contain at least three ingredients.

Infusions and decoctions are a liquid dosage form, which are aqueous extracts from medicinal plant materials. They contain various active principles - organic acids, essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, etc. These medicines are prepared from natural (native) raw materials.

Tinctures are an alcoholic or aqueous-alcoholic extract from plant materials, obtained without heating or removing the extractant. Tinctures are prepared in pharmaceutical factories, and therefore they are all official drugs.

Solutions - a liquid dosage form obtained by dissolving liquid, solid or gaseous substances in an appropriate solvent. Solutions are used for internal and external use, as well as for injection.

Medicinal mixtures are mixtures of several types of crushed, less often whole plant materials, sometimes with the addition of salts and essential oils.

Syrups are a liquid dosage form for internal use, which is a concentrated solution of various sugars, as well as their mixtures with medicinal substances.

Suppositories are a solid dosed dosage form consisting of a base and medicinal substances that melts (dissolves, disintegrates) at body temperature.

Suppositories are intended for rectal (suppositories), vaginal (pessaries, balls) and other routes of administration (sticks).

Suspensions are a liquid dosage form. It is a dispersed system containing one or more solid medicinal substances suspended in an appropriate liquid.

Suspensions are used for internal and external use, as well as for injection.

Tablets are a solid dosage form obtained by pressing powders and granules containing one or more medicinal substances with or without the addition of excipients.

The tablets are divided into: gastro-resistant, uncoated, coated, and modified release.

Gastroresistant - tablets that are stable in gastric juice and release the drug substance or substances in the intestinal juice.

Produced by coating tablets with a gastro-resistant coating (enteric-soluble tablets) or by compressing granules and particles previously coated with a gastro-resistant coating or by pressing a mixture of medicinal substances with a gastro-resistant filler (durules).

Uncoated - single-layer or multilayer tablets obtained by single or multiple compression. In multilayer tablets, each layer may contain a different drug substance.

Coated - tablets coated with one or more layers of various substances, such as natural and synthetic materials, carbohydrates, possibly with the addition of surfactants. A thin coating (constituting less than 10% by weight of the tablets) is usually called a film coating.

A sugar coating containing one or more medicinal substances and applied to microparticles of inert carriers makes it possible to obtain a dosage form - a dragee.

Modified release - coated or uncoated tablets containing special excipients or obtained using a special technology that allows you to program the rate or location of release of the drug.

Extracts are concentrated extracts from medicinal plant raw materials or raw materials of animal origin, which are mobile, viscous liquids or dry masses. There are liquid extracts (mobile liquids); thick extracts (viscous masses with a moisture content of no more than 25%); dry extracts (loose masses with a moisture content of no more than 5%).

Elixirs are a liquid dosage form, which is a transparent mixture of alcohol-water extracts from medicinal plant materials with the addition of medicinal substances, sugars and flavorings.

Emulsions are a liquid dosage form that is a dispersed system containing two or more mutually insoluble or immiscible liquids, one of which is emulsified by the other.

Emulsions are used for internal and external use, as well as for injection.


Allergens, allergoids - substances of antigenic or hapten nature, used for hyposensitization and allergy diagnostics.

Anatoxins are bacterial exotoxins that have lost their toxicity as a result of exposure to an inactivator (for example, formalin), but have retained their antigenic properties.

Bacteriophages are viruses that can penetrate a bacterial cell, multiply in it, cause lysis or transition to a state of lysogeny (phage carriage).

Vaccines are medicines obtained from live attenuated strains or killed cultures of microorganisms or antigens, intended for active immunization.

Diagnosticums are products of biological or synthetic origin intended for the diagnosis of diseases or the physiological state of animals, as well as for the identification of microorganisms, their metabolic products and other biological objects.

Diagnostic immunobiological medicinal products are intended for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are an immunologically active protein fraction of human or animal blood serum containing antimicrobial and/or antitoxic bodies.

Immunomodulators are substances that change the level of the body’s immune response, including cytokines, interferons, etc.

Probiotics are bacteria apathogenic for humans and animals that have antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, ensuring the restoration of normal microflora.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs