Chronic bronchitis treatment. Chronic bronchitis in adults: symptoms and treatment at home

A diagnosis of chronic bronchitis does not mean that a sick person will have to cough for the rest of his life. The disease is successfully treated until the stage of remission and may not bother the patient for years.

Chronic bronchitis: what is it?

The diagnosis of “chronic bronchitis” is made to a patient who has been bothered by a cough for more than 2 years, and the cough continues for 3 or more months throughout the year.
What happens in the body and why is cough the main symptom of the disease?

Chronical bronchitis occurs as a consequence of irritation of the upper respiratory tract which is accompanied by their inflammation. After acute period A disease that is successfully treated may develop into a chronic form of the disease.

With chronic bronchitis, there is always a factor that causes irritation of the upper respiratory tract, for example, smoking, chronic sinusitis, harmful fumes, etc. If after treatment acute illness In the upper respiratory tract, the pathogenic factor is not eliminated, and constant chronic inflammation of the bronchi occurs. How to cure chronic bronchitis forever? First of all, eliminate the factor that provokes the disease.

The bronchi try to cope with pathogenic agents on their own and begin to intensively secrete mucus. Inner epithelium After some time, the bronchi “get tired” and stop coping with large amounts of fluids. Sputum accumulates in the bronchi, pathogenic microflora multiply on it and inflammation begins.

Accumulations of leukocytes appear, which contribute to damage to the mucous membranes of the bronchi and the formation of scars; some small bronchi become completely clogged.
A constant painful cough occurs, which should help the bronchi cope with the fluids accumulated in the bronchi. The amount of sputum produced is constantly increasing, and over time, sputum with purulent contents appears.

Chronic bronchitis: symptoms

We can talk about chronic bronchitis when the cough does not go away for the second year and lasts more than 3 months in 1 year. Cough is the main symptom of the disease.
Cough accompanied by discharge large quantity sputum, including purulent.

As the bronchi are damaged, shortness of breath occurs. At first, difficulty breathing appears with movement and exertion, then constantly.

One of the symptoms of the disease is bronchospasm - an attack of suffocation when the patient cannot exhale air. At the same time, a coughing attack begins with the release of a clot of sputum.
During an exacerbation, the patient feels weak, tired, and the temperature rises.

Chronic bronchitis: causes

The answer to the question: how to treat chronic bronchitis is clear: under the supervision of a doctor. Doctors also say: it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but its cause. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that provoke irritation of the upper respiratory tract and, if possible, eliminate them.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps strengthen the immune system and restore the bronchi. What do doctors advise?

Chronic bronchitis: how to treat

Patients are often concerned about the question: how to cure chronic bronchitis at home? It is very difficult to treat the disease on your own, you need to long-term treatment subject to bed rest. Conservative medical treatment, after which long-term (several months) treatment with home remedies will allow you to forget about the disease for a long time. Well-treated bronchitis may not bother you for years.

How do doctors treat chronic bronchitis?


They are prescribed only in the acute phase, when general intoxication of the body begins and the composition of the blood changes. At the same time, the patient’s temperature rises, weakness and weakness appear.

Sputum culture will allow you to determine the individual sensitivity of the body to a certain group of drugs. Antibiotics of various types are effective in treatment.

  • Penicillin derivatives: amoxicillin, amosiclav. The period of their use cannot be less than 5-7 days.
  • Macrolides: Sumamed, Rulid, azithromycin. They are appointed for more short time, since they accumulate in the body and continue their therapeutic effects after stopping use.
  • New generation cephalosporins: Cefaclor, Cefuroxime.
  • Fluoroquinolone derivatives: Sparfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin.


When you are constantly bothered by a cough, how to treat chronic bronchitis?

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis, a wide range of wet cough remedies and mucolytics are used. ACC and Mucodin are suitable for thinning sputum. As mucoregulators – Ambroxol, Bromhexine. For reflex treatment for cough use potassium iodide, preparations of plantain, thyme, marshmallow. As a rule, the type of remedy is determined by the attending physician depending on the course of the disease.

In order to ensure the thinning of sputum, simultaneously with cough medications, take a large amount of warm drink: tea, compotes, still mineral water, milk with soda.

Essential oils

Inhaling essential oils has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. You can use an aroma lamp or a special ceramic pendant in which a ball of cotton wool moistened with oil is placed.

Eucalyptus, fir, rosemary, and camphor oils help. You can also breathe over a saucer with chopped pieces of onion or garlic.


For chronic bronchitis, inhalation using a compression nebulizer is effective. The device will allow you to deliver remedy to the smallest bronchi. For inhalation, mineral waters (Borjomi), expectorants (ACC, saline), anti-inflammatory drugs (Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan), antibacterial agents (Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt) are used.


The most convenient inhalers are: Atrovent, Salbutamol, Berodual, etc. Their use requires some skills - you need to simultaneously press the bottle and inhale the drug. They are used 2-3 times a day if shortness of breath occurs.

Massage and gymnastics

Every day, systematically massage the chest and breathing exercises according to Buteyko or Strelnikova methods. Breathing exercises are very effective in treatment chronic form bronchitis, but it must be done constantly without interruption.

Boosting immunity

For successful treatment Prescribe medications to strengthen the immune system. Be sure to take them in the autumn-winter period.


  • vitamins B and C;
  • extracts of eleutherococcus, ginseng, leuzea and aralia;
  • propolis and aloe preparations;
  • immunocorrectors Bronchomunal, Bronkhovaxom.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis at home

After drug treatment, you can continue treating chronic bronchitis at home. There are many simple ways increase immunity, strengthen the bronchi and stimulate their normal activity.

How to cure chronic bronchitis on your own?

First of all, you need to acknowledge the presence of a chronic disease and accept its constant presence in your life. At the same time, measures are taken to ensure that the disease does not worsen and does not bother the patient for years.

Exist simple rules for a patient with chronic bronchitis.

  • A weakened body requires good rest, in the acute phase it is advisable to observe bed rest.
  • Diseased bronchi require a sufficient amount of fluid - preference is given warm drink: tea, juices, mineral water without gas.
  • Simple healthy food without spicy seasonings and sauces.
  • Humidifying the air in the bedroom. It is recommended for a patient with chronic bronchitis to have a humidifier in the house. Can be applied simple remedies: Cup of water or damp cloth on the radiator.
  • Patients often experience increased sweating, which leads to hypothermia. You should dress warmly and change wet clothes as quickly as possible. He considers it very effective in the cold season, when going outside, to place a piece on your chest natural fur lint to skin.
  • Healthy lifestyle. This means quitting smoking, walking in the fresh air, moderate physical exercise and gradual hardening.
  • Change if possible harmful work.

Chronic bronchitis: traditional medicine recipes

If chronic bronchitis occurs, how to treat it without medications? In folk medicine, recipes for restoring the bronchi have been accumulated for centuries. It should be remembered that the effect of herbal treatment occurs after a long period, when a sufficient concentration of medicinal agents is formed in the body. Drink herbal remedies it takes months.

1. Mixed infusion. The effect occurs after 1 month - shortness of breath stops, coughing attacks disappear. After 3 months, the disease goes into remission.
You will need: peppermint - 3 teaspoons, coltsfoot - 3 teaspoons, calendula flowers - 5 teaspoons. The mixture is poured with 3 liters of boiling water and left for 3 hours in a warm place. The infusion is filtered and taken 5-6 glasses a day for 3 months.

2. Honey syrup from black radish. Black radish is grated or finely chopped, honey is added in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp every hour. spoon.

3. Rubbing the chest. tablespoon castor oil mixed with a tablespoon of purified turpentine. Rubbing can be done at night, and if the patient is at home, then during the day.

4. Sage infusion. Place a tablespoon of sage in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of milk and bring to a boil. The infusion is filtered and boiled again. Drink hot before bed.

5. Herbal preparations.

  1. Coltsfoot leaves, black elderberry flowers, and knotweed grass are mixed in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Drink warm.
  2. Coltsfoot leaves, oregano, and chamomile are mixed in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and left for 8 hours (cook overnight). Drink warm.
  3. Thyme (thyme) 2 tablespoons pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and add the broth to 200 ml. Drink 3 times a third of a glass during the day.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis is a long process. After treatment, the patient will have to constantly follow the recommendations to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

Cough, shortness of breath, pain in chest, a feeling of lack of air and general weakness, a temperature that long time stays at 37 o C or higher - these are symptoms of chronic bronchitis, a serious disease that is often diagnosed in adults, especially in the second half of life. Fortunately, treatment for it exists, and if it is taken in time, complete relief from the disease is possible.

According to WHO ( World Organization healthcare) chronic bronchitis is the second most common nonspecific disease of the bronchopulmonary system in adults, after bronchial asthma, with which they go to medical institutions.

Chronic bronchitis and its symptoms appear if there is progressive diffuse inflammation in the bronchi. The disease is characterized by a sluggish course and occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to the mucous membrane bronchial tree aggressive agents. In this case, changes occur in the mechanism of sputum production, and a disruption occurs in the mechanism of self-cleaning of the bronchi.

There are WHO criteria, according to which the diagnosis of the chronic form inflammatory process in the bronchi is possible if the patient coughs up sputum for three months (in a row or in total for a year).

Chronic inflammation of the bronchi occurs:

  • primary (independent disease);
  • secondary (due to bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, other diseases).

According to the type of course, non-obstructive and obstructive bronchitis in chronic form is distinguished. Obstructive is diagnosed if oversecreted sputum clogs the bronchial lumen and impairs its patency. Treatment for this type of disease is more complex.

The causes of the disease are:

  1. Infections. The history of patients with chronic bronchitis in adults includes frequent acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and others. infectious diseases respiratory system. Viruses and bacteria also become provocateurs of exacerbations of the disease.
  2. Colds and hypothermia. Signs of chronic bronchitis in patients worsen in late autumn or early spring against the background of a sharp change in weather conditions.
  3. Smoking. Tobacco smoke has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree, the normal mechanism for its production of sputum. The clinical picture of smoker's bronchitis in adults is the same as if the disease had a different cause. But its treatment is impossible without giving up the bad habit.
  4. Industrial-production pollutants (pollutants). A prolonged inflammatory process in the bronchi occurs in people who work industrial enterprises or live in a contaminated area.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation in the bronchi

According to WHO, the symptoms of chronic bronchitis are:

  • cough with sputum;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • hemoptysis;
  • body temperature is about 37 o C.

In addition, adults with this disease may have complaints of general weakness, loss of appetite, bad dream, lack of air, cyanosis.

  1. WHO identifies a mandatory sign of low-grade inflammation of the bronchi - persistent cough with sputum separation. Cough occurs reflexively in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. With its help, the body tries to clear the respiratory tract of mucus. Once the disease worsens, the cough is usually dry. The secretion secreted by the bronchial mucosa is still viscous and cannot be coughed up. Therefore unproductive paroxysmal cough literally exhausts the patient; during his attacks, pain may be felt in the chest and throat. If the diagnosis of the disease in adults is correct, treatment begins with the onset of an exacerbation; already on the 3rd day, the sputum thins out, the cough becomes productive and not so painful.
  2. If the inflammation of the bronchi is obstructive, the cough is accompanied by scanty sputum, mainly in the morning. Sputum itself is not the main sign of a chronic form of bronchial inflammation. It is not a sign of disease at all. By this term, WHO understands the secret produced by goblet cells that form the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. They provide the respiratory system local immunity. If the mucous membrane is exposed to dust for a long time, harmful substances, viruses, bacteria, and this effect is protracted, the number of goblet cells increases, and accordingly, the amount of secretion they produce also increases. At the same time, it is viscous and difficult to separate. When the mucus is too thick, it can completely block the small bronchioles or more. large bronchi, an obstructive process will begin in the organ. Moreover, due to its chemical composition bronchial secretions are a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it often happens that acute inflammation viral nature develops into a chronic bacterial infection, the treatment of which is mandatory will be treated with antibiotics. If the chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi is obstructive, the sputum may be purulent.
  3. Dyspnea, as a WHO-designated symptom of a chronic form of inflammation in the bronchi, especially if it is obstructive, occurs due to narrowing of the respiratory lumen and spasm smooth muscle. A sufficient amount of air ceases to flow into the lungs, and the body is forced to turn on a compensatory mechanism.
  4. Hemoptysis is a very bad sign for many serious illnesses bronchopulmonary system, such as tuberculosis or lung cancer. If blood is present in the sputum, WHO recommends differential diagnosis. In adults, in the first half of life it is necessary, first of all, to exclude tuberculosis, in older people - oncology. As a rule, hemoptysis in the chronic form of bronchitis is scanty; blood is present in the expectorated mucus or purulent secretion in the form of small veins. The reason for this is a strong cough, during which small blood vessels. In this case, blood loss is insignificant, in adults it is up to 50 ml per day, and does not result in anemia. A more significant blood loss, from 100 ml per day, according to WHO, is no longer hemoptysis, but pulmonary hemorrhage. This rarely happens with an inflammatory process in the bronchi, even if it is advanced.
  5. Chest pain may be of various origins, but, as a rule, they are signs of bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems. Pain in the lungs and bronchi, radiating to the back, collarbone, and diaphragm in adults, occurs with pneumonia, COPD, emphysema and lung cancer, pneumothorax, and pleurisy. Usually, it is intense, affecting the quality of life. Becomes necessary treatment analgesics or stronger painkillers. With chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, the occurrence of pain is more likely discomfort. More often, pain accompanies a cough at the start of an exacerbation, when it is dry and unproductive. If sluggish bronchitis is obstructive, chest pain may be constantly present.
  6. The temperature during chronic inflammation of the bronchi rises to 37 o C or slightly higher, but always remains within the subfebrile range. WHO believes that this occurs due to general intoxication of the body, when waste products of pathogenic microorganisms enter the blood. Since the inflammatory process caused by them is sluggish, clinical picture characterized by the fact that the temperature rises to 37 °C and stays at this level for a long period of time, up to several months. The temperature is accompanied by other manifestations of intoxication: lethargy, loss of appetite, decreased ability to work.

How is chronic bronchitis diagnosed?

Since some manifestations of chronic bronchitis in adults, such as low-grade fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, blood present in the sputum can manifest themselves in more severe, sometimes irreversible bronchopulmonary diseases(bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, COPD, oncological neoplasms lungs), its diagnosis is quite complex and multi-stage.

According to WHO recommendations, diagnosis of chronic bronchial inflammation includes:

Treatment methods for chronic bronchitis

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa is long-term. It consists of taking etiotropic and symptomatic drugs.

Etiotropic treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, which was identified when the anamnesis was taken. In the case of sluggish bronchitis, it comes down to taking antibiotics from the groups of penicillins (Flemoxin), cephalosporins (Augmentin) and macrolides (Sumamed). The course of taking the drug is at least 7 days, and sometimes 2 weeks. Do not stop taking the antibiotic if the patient's temperature normalizes or the cough clears up. If the cause of chronic inflammation is not completely eliminated, it will soon worsen again.

To relieve swelling and reduce swelling of the bronchial mucosa, treatment with antihistamines is used. It is advisable for adults to take Suprastin, Cetrin, L-cet, Claritin.

If sluggish bronchitis is obstructive, so that the patient’s shortness of breath goes away, he is prescribed bronchodilators, for example, Ventolin by inhalation.

Cough is treated symptomatically for chronic bronchitis. At the first stage of the disease, when it is dry and literally interferes with life, antitussive drugs are prescribed. For adults, they can be codeine-containing, for example, Cofex or Codterpin.

To reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretions, mucolytics are prescribed: Ambrocol, ACC, Inspiron.

There is no need to bring down the temperature below 38.5 o C, therefore anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen or Nimesil are taken only to relieve pain.

For chronic bronchitis, physiotherapeutic treatment is effective. According to WHO, it is recommended to carry it out for another month after the patient’s temperature returns to normal and other symptoms of exacerbation disappear. Methods of inhalation, UHF, electrophoresis, as well as gymnastics, exercise therapy and massage are used.

Video: Live Healthy! Symptoms of bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is inflammatory disease bronchial tree, characterized by cough with sputum and shortness of breath. The inflammatory process occurs with constant exacerbations and remissions.

Chronic bronchitis should be treated only conservatively. What methods apply to conservative treatment? These are all non-invasive treatment methods, namely drug treatment, treatment using inhalations using inhalers, folk and physiotherapeutic treatment.

It should be noted that drug treatment is the most effective means against chronic bronchitis. IN this treatment includes both tablet and injection forms of drugs. Typically, medications such as antibiotics and antivirals are prescribed to treat the disease in adults, followed by anti-inflammatory drugs, mucolytics, antitussives, antihistamines, hormones and bronchodilators.

Medicines in tablets and injections

  • One of the very first drugs for the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults are antibiotics, which act against bacteria that cause an exacerbation of the disease in the bronchi. It should be remembered that if within 3 days after starting antibiotic treatment general state has not improved, and the temperature has not returned to normal, then you need to prescribe another antibiotic, since this one did not give the desired effect.

The following antibiotics are used to treat chronic bronchitis:

Antibiotics penicillin series: Amoxicillin (Amoxil, Flemoxin), Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab), which have antibacterial activity wide range actions, i.e. effective against gram-positive (staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal flora) and gram-negative (legionella, proteus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) infections. Penicillin antibiotics are prescribed at a dose of 1000 mg, they must be taken 2 times a day. They need to treat chronic bronchitis for 7–14 days.

Cephalosporin antibiotics - Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin - have a pronounced antibacterial and bacteriostatic effect only for gram-negative flora; such a narrow focus on bacteria makes their effect much stronger than antibacterial drugs just a wide spectrum of action. For adults, the drug is prescribed 200 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is on average 10–14 days.

Antibiotics from the macrolide group - Klabax, Fromilid, Azithromycin, Rovamycin - have a bacteriostatic effect and are effective primarily for intracellular forms of infections, which makes them indispensable in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. For adults, the drugs are prescribed at a dose of 500 mg; it should be taken at the same time, on an empty stomach, 1-2 times a day. This disease needs to be treated for 3–7 days.

Antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group - Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Leflock - belong to broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, but these drugs are effectively used only for the treatment of the bronchopulmonary system; another name for this group is respiratory fluoroquinolones. Chronic bronchitis in adults should be treated with these drugs for no more than 7 days at a dose of 500 mg once a day. Leflock has an injection form of release, which allows intravenous or intramuscular injections. It is also necessary to remember that antibiotic injections should only be taken for severe exacerbations.

  • If viruses have contributed to the exacerbation of the disease, then medications against viruses are prescribed:
  • Mucolytics are substances that promote expectoration of sputum. Depending on which cough predominates in the patient, different drugs are prescribed:

When a dry cough predominates, medications are prescribed that help thin the sputum, i.e. reduce its viscosity - this is Acetylcysteine ​​(Acysteine, Mukobene, Mukonex) 200 mg 4 times a day, 400 mg 2 times a day or 800 mg 1 time a day. You can also use plantain syrup, which you take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The cough first becomes unproductive, and then productive with the release of a large amount of sputum. It takes quite a long time to treat a cough, up to 10–15 days.

When the disease appears immediately moist cough, for adults, drugs from the ambroxol group are prescribed (Flavamed, Abrol, Ambroxol). The drugs are prescribed at 75 mg 1 time per day or 30 mg 3 times per day. If the cough is with a large amount of sputum, then Erespal should be added to this group of drugs, which is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day; if the cough is with a small amount of sputum, then this drug is not needed. The cough must be treated for 10–20 days.

One of the representatives of this group, Lazolvan, has an injection form of release and allows intramuscular injections. Due to the speed of action medicinal substance, injections are considered more effective.

Inhalation therapy

Inhalations with delivery medicinal substances through inhalers directly into the bronchi are one of effective methods treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Inhalations are done with medicines– hormones, antihistamines, mucolytics and bronchodilators. Through inhalation, the active substances enter the sufficient quantity directly to the source of the inflammatory process, and do not require initial passage gastrointestinal tract and absorption into the blood. Inhalations deliver unchanged medications in active forms.

Inhalations can also be carried out with soda and aromatic oils, which have an antibacterial and bronchodilator effect. The following oils are suitable for inhalation: pine, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus and thyme.

For inhalations, you can use special inhalers - nebulizers, as well as, although less effective, inhalers, but at home from a saucepan or kettle.

Unconventional methods

Traditional methods treatments are well suited for chronic bronchitis in remission. Traditional methods reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease, and also improve general health, increase immunity and give strength.

Traditional methods of treatment using decoctions and infusions of herbs help the body fight cough and reduce the amount of sputum secreted by the bronchi. Suitable for decoctions: plantain herb, medicinal chamomile, licorice root, sage, mint, linden leaves, marshmallow root.

Traditional methods of treatment using rubbing help better cleansing bronchi from bacteria, viruses and sputum, normalize the function of the lungs and bronchi in general. Suitable for rubbing are honey, goose, lamb or badger fat.

Video: Chronic bronchitis. Description, symptoms and treatment

Bronchitis is called chronic if inflammation of the bronchial mucosa lasts for long period. Symptoms are usually vague, the main symptom is a cough with viscous sputum.

Today it is one of the most popular respiratory diseases. Smokers and men over 40 years of age are most susceptible to it. The cough continues with chronic bronchitis for at least three months and can occur periodically over several years.

The inflammatory process disrupts drainage function bronchial tree, the patency of the tubes and the outflow of bronchial secretions are disrupted. Against this background, the infection in the bronchi constantly progresses and can cause COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). This disease has more severe symptoms, which is characterized by difficulty breathing.

Most common reason any chronic disease is an acute form that is not fully cured. There are a number of other causes of chronic bronchitis:

  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • anatomical features of the bronchi and heredity;
  • occupational hazardous environment;
  • urban smog, inhalation of dust, chemicals;
  • cold climate;
  • weakened immune system;
  • allergy.

Repeated infection only causes an exacerbation of the chronic process.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a cough that lasts for several months a year, then subsides, then worsens again. Sputum that is difficult to cough up may be clear or mixed with pus and blood.

Usually the cough is painful in the morning. With the development of obstructive bronchitis, shortness of breath appears. Sweating increases, general weakness and malaise are observed. When breathing, wheezing or whistling may be heard in the chest.

To pick up effective drugs, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and find out what type of bronchitis and at what stage it is. IN acute stage Antibacterial therapy is necessary; in the remission stage, other drugs are prescribed. According to the characteristics of the inflammatory process, the following types of chronic bronchitis are distinguished:

  1. catarrhal type - passes without any particular pathology, sputum is usually mucous;
  2. purulent appearance - sputum with pus is first separated only during an exacerbation, and then constantly.

Also, based on the nature of changes in the bronchi, bronchitis is divided into non-obstructive and obstructive. Obstructive bronchitis occurs when pathological disorders, which narrow the lumen in the bronchi and make breathing difficult.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults can be done at home. Medications do not use independently, treatment must be comprehensive, prescribed by a doctor. When prescribing treatment, several factors are taken into account:

  1. severity of the disease;
  2. presence of complications;
  3. allergic reactions to medications;
  4. type of bronchitis.

Except medical supplies the doctor can prescribe breathing exercises and physical procedures; medicinal herbs and folk remedies are also widely used in treatment.

Treatment for exacerbation of bronchitis in adults

During periods of exacerbation of bronchitis, especially purulent ones, antibiotics are used for treatment for 7 to 14 days. The main goal is to change purulent sputum on clear mucus and eliminate inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

The most suitable are: Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Levomycetin. Antibiotics are used until the result is achieved, then they need to be discontinued. In cases where there is a need long-term use, in parallel, antifungal therapy is prescribed, this may be Nystatin.

Concomitant medications containing lactobacilli should be used. The intestinal microflora is disrupted when antibacterial therapy and causes dysbacteriosis.

To relieve cough and remove sputum, it is necessary to use expectorants: Bromhexine, Rinatiol. At home you can use inhalations based on baking soda. They help soften the cough, thin the mucus and clear it away.

At obstructive bronchitis ventilation of the lungs is impaired, which can lead to respiratory failure and edema. The bronchial alveoli become irritated and the lumen narrows, preventing the accumulated mucus from escaping.

Obstructive bronchitis is dangerous because it can quickly become chronic and go away. for a long time asymptomatic. Viral infections are not always the cause of the disease. Often this type of bronchitis is caused by processes of lung degeneration.

Symptoms and causes

The chronic form of obstructive bronchitis can alternate between exacerbations and remissions. The exacerbation period has its own symptoms:

  • a persistent morning cough of a lingering nature, which can occur in the cold or from a smell;
  • difficulty breathing, especially during physical activity;
  • a whistle may be heard when exhaling, and blood may be present in the sputum;
  • purulent mucus due to secondary infection with bacteria;
  • elevated body temperature.

A person quickly gets tired, feels general weakness, and needs bed rest. Chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults without treatment can result in asthma.

Causes of the disease:

  • smoking and inhalation of tobacco smoke;
  • constant inhalation of air containing chemicals;
  • people over 40 years old;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • frequent infectious diseases, ARVI;
  • allergy;
  • frequent respiratory diseases;
  • intoxication, burns of the respiratory tract, injuries.

Acute obstructive bronchitis develops mainly due to the penetration of bacteria and viruses.

Drug treatment

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is carried out according to a scheme that involves drugs of different effects:

  1. bronchodilator anticholinergics - Bromide, Beradual;
  2. hormones to stop the obstruction process - Prednisolone;
  3. antispasmodics – Berotek, Eufillin, Salbutamol;
  4. drugs for liquefying and removing sputum - Lazolvan, ACC, Gerbion, Ambroxol, Bromhexine;
  5. synthetic and semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics, the dosage and regimen are chosen by the doctor, the appointment lasts at least 7 days, the most popular are: Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Flemoklav;
  6. anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs: Diclofenac;
  7. if the nature of the disease is allergic, use antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor.
  • optimal air humidity in the patient’s room;
  • maximum fluid intake;
  • dietary ration - dairy products, fresh vegetables, lean meat and fish;
  • compliance with bed rest.

If you have obstructive bronchitis, you should not use cups and mustard plasters, or take a steam bath in a sauna or bathhouse. If they appear serious complications, the patient is transferred to inpatient treatment:

  • development of pneumonia;
  • treatment at home was not enough;
  • violation of pulmonary ventilation;
  • for bronchoscopy;
  • for heart failure.

If a period of remission occurs, antibiotics are not prescribed.

Traditional methods

For better discharge the patient needs sputum drinking plenty of fluids. These could be decoctions medicinal herbs:

  • A decoction of rose hips or cranberry juice contains a lot of vitamin C, helps strengthen the immune system and treat inflammatory processes;
  • you can dissolve a pinch of propolis in 100 ml of milk and drink 12 drops for cough;
  • inhalations based on medicinal herbs - mint with lemon balm, coltsfoot with chamomile, kill germs and thin sputum;
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of sage into a glass of hot (not boiling) milk and leave, drink at night for a month;
  • a decoction of plantain leaves thins and removes mucus well, has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates cough, can be used for a month;
  • you can use badger fat, which is sold in capsules, or dilute a spoonful of fat in a glass warm milk and drink at night.

Cancel all physical activity and ensure that the patient does not become hypothermic or overheated. A special massage promotes relaxation of the chest muscles; its result is the liquefaction and removal of mucus from the bronchi.

Diet during treatment is also important, food should be protein and calorie, at the same time time is easy and easily digestible:

  • low-fat milk, cottage cheese, cheeses;
  • citrus fruits, raspberries;
  • sea ​​fish containing Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • foods containing magnesium large quantities– bananas, nuts, olives, pumpkin seeds, tomatoes;
  • foods that contain a lot of vitamin A and E - avocados, carrots, spinach, peaches, green peas.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and sugar, exclude coffee, cocoa, chocolate, black tea. Avoid foods that can cause bronchospasm - hot, spicy, smoked.

Chronic bronchitis must be carefully treated, especially with bronchial obstruction. It may gradually turn into bronchial asthma. In addition, it may develop pulmonary failure, which leads to death.


One of the best ways to prevent obstructive bronchitis is healthy image life. An important factor is good nutrition containing everything essential vitamins and microelements.

Monitor the microclimate of your home, strengthen your body and strengthen your immune system. All diseases must be treated completely to avoid secondary infection.

Chronic bronchitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the lungs. In the chronic form, some functions are disrupted, such as cleansing and protective.

The typification of chronic bronchitis is based on the following principles:

  • nature of the inflammatory process: simple, purulent and mucopurulent bronchitis,
  • cause of occurrence (etiology),
  • exacerbation phase: presence of exacerbation or remission,
  • presence of complications: hemoptysis, respiratory failure, pulmonary hypertension, emphysema,
  • functional changes: obstructive and non-obstructive,
  • course of the disease: continuous, secretive (latent), with frequent or rare exacerbations,
  • level of damage: damage to small or large bronchi.

The classification is conditional, none among doctors general principle division of chronic bronchitis by type. But in medical practice This classification is used more often.

Is bronchitis viral or bacterial disease? We answered this question in detail in ours.


The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a frequent cough that lasts 3 months or more.

Important! If periods of exacerbation severe cough repeated several times over two years, a diagnostic examination is required.

Cough is often accompanied by hard-to-clear viscous sputum of various nature(mucous, purulent, mucopurulent). When damp, the cough gets worse. The most painful cough occurs in the morning, the rest of the time it is dry. In some patients, a debilitating cough may not stop around the clock.

In addition, patients may experience nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting, cyanosis skin during an attack. Temperature is within normal limits. At acute course can rise to 37-38 °C.

On initial stages There is moderate shortness of breath. With advanced disease, shortness of breath becomes permanent.

Important. Constant shortness of breath indicates a progressive course of the disease, which can lead to emphysema.

Laboratory tests and x-rays of patients are usually within normal limits, sometimes with minor deviations. The nature and extent of bronchial lesions can be determined by bronchoscopic examination.


IN in rare cases may be hereditary.

With a genetic predisposition, the bronchi are susceptible to any provocateurs of the disease.

Chronic bronchitis can develop against the background of acute bronchitis, but can also be caused by non-infectious causes.

Etiology of chronic bronchitis:

  • bacterial,
  • dust (occurs among workers in hazardous industries),
  • mycoplasma,
  • arising from chemical factors(prolonged inhalation of chemicals, smoking),
  • on the background physical factors(exposure to cold or dry air).

Chronic bronchitis often occurs in people who have problems with respiratory system who have had pharyngitis or sinusitis. Workers at risk tobacco factories, cloth production, flour mills. Smokers and residents of cities with heavy gas pollution are especially susceptible to the disease.

Read from our article.

Treatment in adults

Treatment of chronic bronchitis should be comprehensive.

The prognosis is often favorable, and patients do not lose their ability to work.

During treatment, it is important to exclude irritating factors: limit visiting hazardous work, if this is the reason, limit smoking, use air humidifiers at home.

How to treat with herbs

Herbal treatment gives positive dynamics. Patients are shown medications based on the root of deyasil, marshmallow, and thermopsis herb..

The following herbs are used to treat bronchitis:

  • horsetail,
  • coltsfoot,
  • naked licorice,
  • plantain,
  • wild rosemary,
  • sage leaves,
  • Linden blossom,
  • creeping thyme,
  • oregano,
  • St. John's wort,
  • drupe leaves,
  • succession grass.

They are taken in the form herbal infusions. Have disinfectant properties pine buds, essential oils coniferous trees.

What to treat - choosing drugs

For chronic bronchitis with fever and increased sputum, antibiotics are used.

Their use in case of intoxication is relevant. Mainly prescribed are amoxiclav, augmentin, azithromycin, cefuroxime, avelox, lefofloxacin, cyprom.

The patient is advised to use expectorant drugs, such as flavamed, ACC, bromhexine, lazolvan and analogues.

Bronchodilators are used to improve airway clearance: neophylline, aminophylline, atrovent, berodual. Medicines in the form of mini-inhalers instantly deliver active substance to the source of infection, relieve inflammation and improve breathing.

Immunomodulators help increase resistance to infections.

How to cure with traditional methods

Traditional treatment knows many remedies that relieve the symptoms of chronic bronchitis. As a distraction therapy, mustard plasters and cupping are used on the back. Honey, dried fruits, and herbal teas are used to strengthen the immune system.

Important. ethnoscience Helps patients who are contraindicated to take antibiotics, such as pregnant women and people whose bodies have been weakened by previous antibiotic therapy.

When treating, recipes with lemon, viburnum berries, and garlic are used. A collection of chamomile, coltsfoot, oregano, infused in boiling water for 6 hours, is useful.

Additionally useful are the classic and honey massage, breathing exercises, warming compresses, fortified drinks (freshly squeezed juices, cocktails). Take a glass of the product every 2 hours.

Traditional medicine is a more gentle therapy compared to traditional treatment. However, before use folk remedies you should know about allergic features your body.

During treatment, honey massages alternate with honey-water and potato compresses.

A grain decoction of wheat, barley and wheat is taken as a drink. The grains in equal proportions are boiled in a saucepan over low heat for 1 hour, then filtered, the grains are crushed and sent to the decoction.

Measures during remission

In the remission stage, anti-relapse treatment is advisable:

  • eating garlic, onions,
  • inclusion of honey in the diet,
  • inhalations with furatsilin, aloe,
  • for bronchospasm, bronchodilators are administered,
  • prescription of physical therapy,
  • vitamin complexes.

All groups of patients should follow a work-rest regime and master breathing exercises to strengthen muscle tissue.

Actions during an exacerbation

During an exacerbation, wheezing in the chest may appear, sometimes the temperature rises, and weakness is observed.

In the acute phase, the use of antibiotics and inhalations is necessary. Complex drug treatment is combined with traditional recipes.

Antipyretic medications are prescribed when the temperature rises above 38 °C.

Important. Patients with diabetes mellitus Licorice root syrup is contraindicated. In case of atherosclerosis, steam inhalation is prohibited.

Inhalations at home are carried out using a purchased inhaler, a kettle with hot infusion, and a pot of water.

For inhalation use:

  • pine buds and needles,
  • dog-rose fruit,
  • essential oils of eucalyptus, fir, cedar, camphor, rosemary,
  • sea ​​salt,
  • elderberry color,
  • fennel seeds,
  • raspberry leaves.

Halotherapy also has a therapeutic effect. Its simplest imitation at home is a salt lamp made from salts mined in caves. Using a lamp at home, a microclimate favorable for treatment is created.


It is necessary to consume foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins. The patient benefits from year-round consumption of fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, and lean meat.

You should not consume less high-calorie food, the patient’s diet should be varied and rich. You should give up for a while fried foods(during exacerbation).

Important. With bronchitis, patients often experience protein deficiency. Therefore, it is important to include protein foods in your diet.

Mineral water, jelly and fruit drinks, as well as purified water should be consumed in quantities at least 3 liters per day.

Prevention procedures

Timely cured acute bronchitis reduces the risk of developing a chronic form. Strengthening the immune system and general hardening help the body avoid reinfection on initial stages diseases. Patients with long experience shows annual trips to sanatoriums in pine forest, mountains, steppe, useful spa treatment in Crimea (Kislovodsk).

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