It is necessary to harden when why under what conditions. How to properly temper yourself with cold water at home? General principles of hardening

Hardening – the whole complex measures that help strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to viruses and infections, and make a person healthier and more resilient. Air and sunbathing, dousing and rubbing cold water, winter swimming and rubbing the body with snow - all this is a powerful stimulator of metabolism and great benefit for the functioning of all organs and systems. Let's figure out where to start hardening the body of an adult and what subtleties the hardening procedures have.

Pouring and rubbing with cold water gives instant results: the entire body is activated, metabolism and the removal of toxins are enhanced. Moreover, the body’s reaction, according to research results, is divided into three stages:

  1. Spasm blood vessels skin. Due to exposure to cold, the vessels become narrower to maintain normal heat exchange.
  2. Adaptation of the skin to new external conditions - cold water. At this stage, vasodilation occurs. Externally, this manifests itself as slight redness and decreased blood pressure. It is at this stage that the body’s metabolic processes are activated.
  3. Hypothermia. This stage of impact on the body cold water should be avoided during hardening. During this process, a new spasm of blood vessels occurs, but this time the body’s reserves and resources are depleted, and the body can no longer retain heat. The skin takes on a bluish or pale tint, and chills appear.

If you constantly harden the body with cold water and do it correctly, then over time the first phase will become much shorter, and the second will come faster and last longer.

Experts recommend starting hardening very carefully and not rushing. Wrong actions can lead to hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, runny nose and many other problems. Doctors advise to follow the following recommendations that help answer the question of how to start hardening without harm to health:

  1. Normalize your daily routine, sleep and wakefulness, and even try to eat at about the same time. This will improve your emotional and mental health, digestive and endocrine system, will help you work and relax more productively, and free up a lot of time for interesting things.
  2. Review your diet. Eliminate the baked goods from it, unhealthy sweets(cakes, sweets), fast food and all products instant cooking and those that contain a lot of synthetic additives, dyes, flavors, and preservatives. Try to fill your diet fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, dried fruits.
  3. Drink a lot clean water. During the day, an adult needs to drink 2-3 liters of clean water, but everyone’s needs are individual, so this indicator should be calculated independently based on your type of activity, age, weight and even weather conditions.
  4. Move more. Daily morning and evening exercises hiking, working out at the gym several times a week and many other types of activities will help maintain good condition health and will become support during hardening.

Important! To obtain the desired result, you need to think through a plan of hardening procedures for several days and even weeks in advance, and then follow it daily. The only exceptions may be days when you are sick, during pregnancy and menstruation.

How to start hardening for an adult

Hardening for beginners should always be done gradually. It is impossible to sharply lower the temperature. To strengthen your immune system and improve your health, you need to carry out the procedures correctly. Any hardening should bring positive emotions and should be done only with desire and proper motivation. You shouldn’t start hardening just to be fashionable or “like everyone else.” But a thoughtful approach and correctly chosen methodology will not keep you waiting long for positive results. After the first week you will feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength, self-confidence, increased general tone body and mood.

Hardening needs to be approached comprehensively. Pouring and rubbing with cold water must be supplemented with air and sun baths. But even here you need to know when to stop. After all, exposure to the sun can lead to overheating and sunstroke. Start hardening with the simplest. Sleep in warm weather with the window open, walk barefoot on pebbles and grass, and wash your face with cold water. Depending on the degree of preparation of the body, hardening for adults can be divided into several stages:

  1. For the unprepared and those who are often sick, rubdowns are suitable warm water. To do this, take a clean towel, moisten it with warm water and wipe first your arms, shoulders, legs, and then your entire body. Gradually lower the temperature and after a month you can wipe yourself with cool water. After such rubbing, it is necessary to rub the skin with a dry towel until a feeling of warmth appears.
  2. After the first stage you can begin contrast procedures. Here we harden ourselves with a shower with alternating water temperatures. At first, it is recommended to keep the amplitude small, but after training, the difference between hot and cold should be increased by 1-2°C every few days. It’s worth stopping when the cold water temperature reaches 12-14°C, but it can be lower. Optimally 4-5 temperature changes during one procedure.
  3. After mastering these two stages, you can begin dousing with cold water. It is recommended to do this twice a day. The air in the room in which hardening is carried out must be warm. To begin with, dousing is carried out with a water temperature of 20-25°C. Every day it is necessary to lower this indicator by a degree until it reaches a temperature of 8-10°C.
  4. Winter swimming and rubbing with snow. This method has contraindications and may not be used by everyone. It takes a long time to prepare for it. Short swims in the ice hole are suitable (at first no more than 1-2 minutes, and then the time can be increased). After such procedures, it is necessary to rub the body well with a towel, put on dry warm clothes. Maximum stay time ice water even for the most prepared person – 20-30 minutes.

Basic principles of hardening

Hardening procedures in adulthood are carried out in compliance with the following principles:

  1. Gradualism. It is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature of the water for washing and rubbing, as well as increase the number and duration of procedures.
  2. Systematicity. Many people start hardening, then give up for a few days and start the procedures again. But it doesn't give positive effect or leads to colds. Therefore, start hardening and do not interrupt it unless there is a good reason.
  3. Knowing of limits. You should not try to achieve any records in the most as soon as possible. Constantly monitor your health status. Irritability, lethargy, loss of appetite and sleep, nasal congestion and others negative manifestationsalarm signal, which cannot be ignored.
  4. Individuality. It is always worth considering age, health, weight, gender, season and other features that affect the result.
  5. Motivation. If you know how the hardening program you have chosen works and what you want to achieve as a result of following it, then any procedure will be a joy, since it is another step towards the goal.
  6. Diversity. Start hardening with cold water by rinsing your mouth and wiping your feet, and gradually move on to wiping or dousing your entire body. If you feel bored, add some variety to your life. For example, you can swim outdoors or visit the pool, take a shower in the bathroom or on the street.

Important! If you have any problems or don’t know how to properly start tempering, then seek help from a professional. The specialist may ask you to take some tests and undergo special tests, after which he will draw up an individual plan for hardening measures. In this case, you do not risk overdoing it and harming yourself. All that remains is to follow the recommendations of a professional.

Now you know how to start hardening an adult at home. Don't be afraid that it is very difficult or won't suit you. Definitely give it a try, but try to stick to the recommendations given here. If you hold out for at least a week, you will notice the first positive results: a surge of energy and strength, increased performance, improved functioning of the whole body. And after 20-30 days, most likely, you will not want to give up your new habit and dousing yourself with cold water will become as much a part of your daily routine as breakfast or going to the store.

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Answered by Rosa Tsallagova, doctor medical sciences, Head of Department preventive medicine and basics of health State University physical culture, sports and health named after. Lesgafta (St. Petersburg):

— Hardening is training protective forces body. Hardening procedures teach them to respond to uncomfortable external conditions quickly and in a timely manner. The procedures increase endurance, performance, normalize mental and emotional condition. Perfect timing Summer, when people get sick less and the conditions for carrying out the procedures are the best, is considered to be the time to start hardening procedures. air baths, dousing, swimming - more.

The three P rule

In order for hardening to be successful and beneficial to the body, you need to adhere to rules of three“P” - act constantly, gradually and consistently.

Constantly: hardening produces a kind of conditioned reflex which needs constant reinforcement. Therefore, procedures bring results only if they are carried out regularly and not from time to time. Otherwise, the reflex quickly fades: in adults - in 2-3 weeks, in children - in 5-7 days. That is why it is better to start procedures in the summer, when there are more conditions for carrying out procedures, and the likelihood of a cold or ARVI is lower (after all, after any, even trivial, illness, you will have to forget about hardening for at least two weeks).

Gradually: the intensity of hardening procedures should increase gradually. The most typical mistake- start hardening with extreme methods that cause overstrain of the body's defenses and breakdown of the immune system. It will take a very long time to restore health after such a “recovery”. A striking example- children who were constantly bundled up, and then began to be taken to the pool. For a pampered child, staying in a pool with a water temperature of 28˚C is comparable to swimming in an ice hole, so for the first six months, novice swimmers do not get out of runny noses and colds.

Consistently: methods of influence cannot be constantly changed, and loads cannot be sharply increased. It is better to develop a hardening tactic (ideally, together with a doctor) and strictly adhere to it.

Making a plan

You need to choose hardening methods for yourself taking into account your state of health. From the point of view of hardening, all people can be divided into three groups. Each group has its own hardening method and temperature difference. Determine which technique you need.

Absolutely healthy

Signs: you suffer from colds no more than 1-2 times a year, have experience in hardening (swim in the pool, go to the bathhouse).

Hardening scenario: Start by pouring cool water over it. The initial temperature is 20-22˚С. Gradually, the water temperature can be reduced to 18°C.

Without experience

Signs: you get sick no more than 2-3 times a year, but have never hardened before.

Hardening scenario: Start with a contrast shower. The temperature difference is 6-8˚С. Then add short-term dousing with cool water - its temperature is 24-26˚C, start time- 2 minutes. Rub yourself with a towel.


Signs: health weakened by stress, hard work, you get sick often, you haven’t hardened yourself.

Hardening scenario: start with air baths for 3-5 minutes. per day, air temperature 22-24˚С. If you have time, combine them with morning exercises. Then wipe with cool water (20-22˚С).

5 types of hardening procedures

Air baths are the most easy look hardening First, you need to make it a rule in the morning, when you get out of bed, to dress lightly (children and men in shorts, women in sundresses). Taking air baths in the open air should begin at an air temperature of 20-22°C. The first air bath should last no more than 15 minutes, each subsequent one should be 5 minutes longer. Air baths prepare the body for more complex procedures.

Rubbing with cold water - prepare a basin of water in the evening, in the morning with a clean towel soaked in water, first wipe your arms and legs, then in a circular motion on your chest, stomach and back. You need to start wiping with water at 34-36°C. Every 3-5 days, the water temperature is reduced by 1-2°C. At favorable course After hardening for 2-3 months, you can move on to further reducing the water temperature to 10-12°C.

Dousing - it is advisable to start dousing in the summer, using water at a temperature of 34-36°C. First, sequentially pour over the arms, chest, back, and then the rest of the body. After this, they move on to a one-step douche: in the evening you need to fill the basin with water (overnight it will warm up to room temperature). In the morning, after washing your face, pour the prepared water over yourself in one motion. As you get used to it, you can pour out the water not so abruptly, but within 30 seconds. After dousing, rubbing and self-massage are recommended.

Cold and hot shower- first you need to stand under it for a few minutes hot water, then for 30 seconds. turn on cold. Cold water can be turned on when the body has warmed up properly. There should be 5-7 such alternations.

Cool shower - the water temperature should be below room temperature. While standing under water, you need to rub your body with your palms.

Side effects of hardening:

A surge of strength - hardening procedures increase the production of hormones, including endorphins - the hormones of joy.

Fat burning - during cold loads, the body's metabolism is activated, cholesterol and sugar levels are reduced. Thanks to this, fat burns faster.

Mental health - hardening increases the tone of the central nervous system. Therefore, a seasoned person remains calm, cheerful and optimistic in any conditions.

Diving into an ice hole in winter (and, of course, not getting sick afterwards) is a merit not only proper preparation body, but also great strength will. After all, sometimes it’s hard to force yourself to even stand for half a minute under a cold shower, let alone ice water. And hardening, by the way, is a natural adaptation mechanism that has a beneficial effect on. True, he works modern man due to his living conditions with "glitches". Therefore, on the eve of the season of lower temperatures and, as a result, an increase in colds and other diseases, we have prepared material on why and how to harden yourself correctly.

Why toughen up?

The water temperature needs to be reduced over time, and the duration of the procedure needs to be increased, but always smoothly. Once you get used to the ice towel, you can move on directly to dousing. But before that, you need to make sure of a few things. You should not start tempering if you are sick or have any health contraindications. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. Also make sure that after the procedure you are not in a draft.

One of the main requirements is regularity. It is not possible to harden yourself from time to time; dousing must be constant. Here, as in sports, your body will get used to systematicity and what seems difficult at the beginning will become self-evident over time.

Even if you are psychologically and physically prepared, you should not immediately and for a long time douse yourself with cold water in the shower. At first, alternate between the usual temperature and cold temperature. Start with a session lasting 10 seconds and gradually increase it to 1 minute. Make switches no more than 3 times during one shower. When finished, dry with a towel and get dressed.

There are certain difficulties in finding clean snow in the city, but if you have such an opportunity, this type hardening is very effective. Experts note that if you walk regularly, even if only for a short time, bare feet in the snow - the immune system is strengthened, the throat will not hurt.

How to properly harden your feet with cold? Firstly, you need overall experience hardening the body with cold water. Without this, you risk getting sick. At first, the “walk” should not be long: 3 minutes will be enough. This time can be gradually increased, but not more than 15 minutes. Returning to the house, your feet should be rubbed well.

Impact high temperatures just like low ones, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body and contributes to its hardening. Therefore, if you have no contraindications, try to go to the bathhouse at least sometimes. Essentially, this is the same as a contrast shower, but the conditions are more extreme. After steaming well, pour cold water over your body and take a swim in the pool or ice hole. Even one visit helps cleanse the lungs, remove toxins from the body, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation.

What else do you need to know:

  1. , stick to it - this, in combination with hardening, will improve your health.
  2. You need to temper your thoughts. This attitude makes the process of getting used to the cold easier.
  3. Don't get too cold. The state of chills means that your body is not yet ready for such a temperature.
  4. The main indicator of effectiveness is how you feel, not someone’s advice from the Internet. Therefore, always listen to your feelings.
  5. Remember the school saying: “The sun, air and water are ours.” best friends! What we mean is that you need to be outside the office and home more often.

How to toughen up for children?

A child’s body can tolerate cold more difficult, but this does not mean that a child cannot be hardened. You just need to remember some details.

  1. You can start tempering at any age, but first it is better to get professional advice.
  2. It's worth remembering that children's body gives off 10% more heat compared to adults. These indicators are different for boys and girls.
  3. Hardening is best done in the form of a game.
  4. Children's bodies are more difficult to tolerate hypothermia, so it should not be allowed.
  5. Go for a walk with your child in any weather, but make sure that he is dressed correctly.
  6. Reduce the water temperature when swimming. And you should start by washing your face.
  7. Children should visit often fresh air. In addition, the room should be well ventilated.
  8. Avoid long influences cold, sun rays. Dose them wisely.
  9. Combine hardening with physical activity.
  10. Temper yourself. This will set the right example and teach you to better understand the process.

Be healthy!

Sun, air and water are our best friends! I remembered a poem from childhood... As a child, we were constantly in these elements, we ran, played, swam and hardened ourselves, so we grew up strong and healthy. The same cannot be said about modern children. They spend most of their time, if not at the computer, then in front of the TV.

According to statistics from Rospotrebnadzor, the incidence of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) ranks first in the structure of infectious morbidity. From total number In 65-70% of cases of acute respiratory viral infections, children are ill; the vast majority are children of preschool and school age. The reason is so high incidence respiratory infections is very low immunity to colds.

And although they try to harden children, starting from kindergartens, these measures, as it turned out, are not enough. To increase resistance to colds and other unfavorable factors external environment systematic, gradual and constant hardening is necessary. The sun, air, and water are the components that are necessary to harden the body.

Hardening is a system of procedures by performing which a person increases resistance to unfavorable temperature and meteorological conditions of the external environment. When exposed to low temperatures, thermoregulation reflexes are triggered in a hardened body. They save the body and prevent the pathological process from starting, and increase heat production. As a result, heat retention quickly occurs due to short-term contraction and expansion of skin capillaries, blood flow and metabolism increase. At this moment a person feels a rush of blood and warmth.

In an unhardened body, these processes do not work, the time of heat production is delayed, the skin vessels do not have time to adapt to the change ambient temperature, on the contrary, the vessels relax, which further increases heat transfer, metabolism decreases, immunity does not work and pathological process on the contrary it starts.

It should be added that the hardening mechanism helps strengthen the blood vessels of the whole body, which in turn plays a huge role in the prevention of not only colds, but also cardiovascular diseases.

General principles of hardening

  • hardening procedures must be carried out at least once daily;
  • gradually reduce the temperature of the hardening factor and the procedure time;
  • hardening procedures must be regular, otherwise the meaning of hardening will lose its purpose;
  • hardening procedures must be comprehensive, that is, it is necessary to carry out air, sun baths and water treatments simultaneously.
  • in case of illness, hardening procedures must be resumed immediately after recovery; If you have been seriously ill for a long time, then hardening procedures can be started no earlier than in a week and you will have to start from the beginning.
  • Hardening of children should be carried out only under the supervision of adults.

Hardening methods

Who are our best friends (see above)? That's right: sun, air and water. These are the methods or methods of hardening. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Air hardening

Air hardening or air baths can be started at any age, perhaps for this type of hardening there are no contraindications. The action of air is perceived nerve endings skin and upper respiratory tract. If you have never done hardening before, then it is best to start with air baths.

Air baths must begin with at least simple ventilation of the room. Ventilating the room daily, sleeping with the window open, walking in the fresh air for at least an hour - this is the beginning of the hardening procedure. Gradually, the hardening temperature must be reduced so that the body can adapt to lower temperatures.

The air temperature in the room should be no more than 20 degrees Celsius; over time, as the room is ventilated, a lower temperature should be optimal, approximately 15-16 degrees. Having become accustomed to this temperature, hardening procedures can be carried out in the fresh air, combining them with physical exercise. Exactly physical exercise contribute to the launch of the body's thermoregulation process.

Sun hardening

Everyone loves sun-hardening procedures. Relaxing at sea or just in nature is part of the hardening procedures - sunbathing. It should be noted that under the influence ultraviolet rays sun in human skin Vitamin D (ergocalciferol) is produced, which promotes normal growth and development bone tissue and is an important component in the prevention of rickets in young children and osteoporosis in the elderly, since vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in small intestine human, which are the building material for bones.

Sunbathing should be done in the morning from 7 to 11 o'clock and in the evening from 16 to 19-20 o'clock, but at the same time go into the shade or under a canopy every 30-40 minutes. If you stay under straight lines for a long time sun rays there is a chance to earn sunburn. A long-term passion for sunbathing can provoke the development of certain cancer diseases.

It is best to combine air and sunbathing with physical exercise or work in the fresh air. This is possible when playing beach volleyball or working in the garden. With this type of hardening and rest, the tan lies evenly and at the same time, thermoregulation mechanisms begin to work in motion.

Water hardening

Water hardening is the most powerful and proven remedy known since ancient times. Here active principle is cold and low temperatures. In order for the body to get used to such stressful conditions and to develop a hardening effect, the procedures must be started gradually. You need to start with water at room temperature and first pour this water over your feet. Within 4-5 days, the skin of the legs should get used to this temperature, then we lower the water temperature by 3-5 degrees and pour over the legs up to the knee. We gradually accustom our body to cold water, gradually raising the water temperature to 10-12 degrees and douse ourselves completely with such water.

A contrast shower is useful for training blood vessels; it trains our blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the skin and prevents stagnation in the body, improves functioning endocrine glands and activates redox processes. To take a contrast shower, you must first get used to cool water. Then we do this: warm waterhot water(60 seconds) - cold water (30 seconds) - hot water (30 seconds) - cold water (60 seconds) - hot water (60 seconds) - cold water (60 seconds).

Another hardening method water - winter swimming. But before engaging in this type of hardening, there must first be preliminary and, possibly, lengthy preparation. Some daredevils are hardened by dousing them with cold water in winter, if possible at the dacha or near a well. Now it has become “fashionable” in Orthodox holiday Baptisms. Honestly, I myself swam in the ice hole 3 times. The feeling is indescribable! But this can only be done by trained people; untrained people can cause reflex cardiac arrest, so be careful and don’t go into cold water without preparation. If signs of hypothermia appear, water hardening should be stopped.

Complex hardening

Hardening procedures cannot be carried out separately from each other. Whether we like it or not, sunbathing cannot be separated from air baths, and water procedures cannot be separated from physical exercise, for example, when swimming in cold water. Or exercise barefoot in the snow, or after a hot bath, rubbing yourself with snow. Each type of hardening gives us a sufficient dose of adrenaline, and this, in turn, contributes to normal operation all organs and systems of our body.

Why am I telling this now, because summer is coming, and in the summer we catch colds less often and don’t get sick? This is exactly what we need to talk about now! Summer is a great time to start hardening. As it was said earlier, the main thing when hardening is gradualness and regularity. Well, let's toughen up together?

Located on our skin great amount so-called “cold receptors”, by irritating which you can affect the entire body. If you carry out hardening procedures correctly, you will help strengthen the immune system and improve thermoregulation (the body’s ability to maintain constant temperature at different conditions external environment). In addition, hardening stimulates metabolic processes in your body, strengthens nervous system, tones the heart and blood vessels, eliminates arrhythmia. Finally, hardening promotes weight loss, improves skin tone and gives the body a boost of energy.

To start - simple rules hardening of the body, which everyone should know about. If you decide to douse yourself with cold water (or choose other types of hardening - we’ll talk about them below), keep in mind:

1. You can start to harden only when you are absolutely healthy

Colds and viral diseases(for example, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza), purulent wounds on the skin will have to be cured before hardening procedures begin. Also, hardening the body is contraindicated for those who suffer from increased eye pressure- when the temperature changes, the pressure can become even higher, which can provoke retinal detachment. Hypertensive, hypotensive and those suffering from kidney disease should consult a therapist before proceeding with the procedures. Ischemic disease heart disease, heart failure, tachycardia - diseases in which hardening the body is strictly prohibited.

2. Start hardening gradually to rid your body of stress

If your body is not in excellent health, start strengthening it yourself. in a simple way- accustom yourself to washing with cold water (do it gradually - let the water be at room temperature 20-22°C at first, then lower it by about a degree every day). Eventually, you will get used to washing your face with cold tap water and will be able to move on to the next step without negative consequences for the body.

3. Carry out hardening procedures regularly, systematically, without interruptions

If you have already decided, then harden yourself every day, in any weather and in any conditions. Even on a trip or camping trip, you must continue what you started, and what kind of procedure it will be - walking barefoot or wiping with a towel - decide for yourself. Keep in mind that hardening can cause a runny nose, but this is not a reason to stop the procedures. An exception may be an increase in temperature.

Types of hardening procedures

Let's discard such extreme procedures as winter swimming, and talk about procedures that are easy to perform and accessible to everyone.

1. Air baths

Air hardening should begin in a well-ventilated room at a temperature not lower than 15-16°C. On initial stage the session should last 3 minutes (over time you will increase it to 5 minutes). After undressing, do some vigorous “warming” exercises (walking in place, squats, push-ups - whatever your heart desires). You can start taking outdoor baths after at least a month of such preparation.

If you start to harden yourself now, then by summer you will be able to switch to air baths outside - it is recommended to start taking them at a temperature of 20-22°C. The first session is no more than 15 minutes (and only if you have prepared your body with winter home workouts), subsequent air baths can be longer (add 1-2 minutes every day).

In the cold season, outdoor sessions (on the balcony, for example) can only be carried out after a year preliminary preparation(start with 1 minute and gradually increase the “dose” to 15 minutes).

2. Rubdowns

Rubdowns are useful for everyone who has no contraindications and - especially - violations skin. The procedure consists of vigorously rubbing the body with a towel dipped in water. For 2 minutes, consistently rub with a wet towel until your neck, chest and back become red and warm, then wipe them dry. Repeat the procedure with your thighs and legs.

First, wet the towel with water whose temperature is 33-34°C, gradually (every 10 days) lowering the temperature by 5°C, so you will bring it to 18-20°C. Having consolidated the result for 2-3 months, you can proceed to lowering the temperature of the water to cold - also continue to lower it by 5°C every 10 days.

3. Pouring

The easiest way for beginners is partial dousing. Best time for the procedure - morning. I recommend preparing the water in the evening: fill a bucket with cold tap water(it will warm up to room temperature overnight). In the morning, spray your hands, feet and neck several times and rub them dry with a towel. After 2 weeks of daily douches, you can start dousing the whole body.

Regarding temperature, the effectiveness of hardening increases as the contrast between body temperature and water temperature increases. Every 10 days, as with rubbing, lower the water temperature by 5°C. Make sure that the air temperature in the room is not lower than 20°C - this way you will avoid hypothermia.

4. Contrast shower

Contrast effect water strengthens the heart and blood vessels, triggers metabolic processes in the body due to the rapid flow of blood to the organs. Without lingering for a long time on individual parts of the body, sequentially pour a stream of water from the shower over yourself. The simplest and most understandable procedure scheme that exists, in my opinion, is this: 10-30 seconds - hot shower, 10-30 seconds - cold shower, repeat the cycle three times.

Start with 10 seconds, after 2 weeks increase the time to 20 seconds, after another 2 weeks increase the time to 30 seconds. Water temperature in the first 2-3 weeks: hot - 40-45°C, cold - 28-30°C. Then you can lower the cold water temperature to 15-20°C.

5. Barefoot in the cold

Hardening the feet is a method accessible to everyone. Pour water at room temperature (20-22°C) into the bottom of the bathtub, stand in it for 2-3 minutes and alternately step from foot to foot. Every 2-3 days, reduce the water temperature by 1°C. Gradually you will “reach” the temperature of cold tap water.

Nice bonus- this method of hardening the body not only helps to increase immunity, but also serves as a prevention of flat feet and hyperhidrosis ( increased sweating) stop.



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