What can you replace sweets and flour with? How to replace unhealthy sweets.









Sticking to a diet strictly is very difficult. From time to time there is a desire to eat something tasty, harmful and high in calories. However, it is extremely difficult to make a slim figure without giving up your favorite sweets. Few people know that there is a dietary complex that allows you to lose weight and does not prohibit sweet foods. You just need to choose the right one sweets for weight loss and do not exceed the recommended amount.

What sweets can you eat while losing weight?

High-calorie foods are contraindicated when losing weight. These also include carbohydrate sweets. This is due to the fact that such organic compounds are poorly excreted from the body. Instead, they are stored in the body as fat. But there are low-carb sweets that you can eat, but in a certain quantity. Abuse of them will negatively affect body weight and shape, digestion and well-being.

If you want to lose weight while eating well, the amount of sugar you consume must be kept to a minimum. But a reasonable question arises: where to get glucose, which is so necessary for the blood circulation process and brain function? This element is found in large quantities in dark chocolate, fruits and honey. Fructose is also of great value to the body. Its deficiency can cause depression. To avoid this, you need to replace cakes and pastries with dietary dried fruits. How do these sweets affect weight and why are they so necessary on a low-calorie diet?

Nutritionists say that such sweets are rich in light carbohydrates and pectin, which activates the fat burning process. Thanks to this combination, carbohydrates are absorbed worse, and metabolic processes are accelerated. Consequently, fat stops being deposited.

Dietary sweets for weight loss can only be consumed before 12 noon. They will provide the body with energy that will last for the whole day.

It is not recommended to eat treats in the afternoon, as they will take much longer to digest. Glucose will begin to be deposited in problem areas, and fatty layers will form. Such a diet will not give any positive results. The needle on your scale will remain in place. Unlimited consumption of sweets does not contribute to weight loss. Calories received in the morning will be spent during the day. They do not stay in the body.

During the diet, you are allowed to eat sweets no more than twice a week. And this applies even to low-calorie foods. If this is not enough for a person and he cannot cope with his desire to eat something sweet, then in this case he should limit himself to dark chocolate.

But are there other products that can replace tasty treats?

How to replace sweets when losing weight

What healthy foods contain a lot of glucose?

Below is a list of low-calorie sweets that you can eat, but only in the morning:

  1. This product activates metabolic processes and normalizes digestion, helps to lose a few extra pounds, calms the nervous system, improves immunity, cleanses the blood and supplies the brain with glucose. Honey reduces the feeling of hunger. Its composition includes many different minerals, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Great alternative to candy. These sweets have a positive effect on digestion, tone the body, have a barely noticeable laxative effect, and reduce appetite. It's better to eat them fresh. During the preparation of compote, due to heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances are lost.
  3. How to replace candy when losing weight , that's right, it's marmalade. It contains pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss. There is absolutely no fat in marmalade. It is not recommended to eat more than 25 g of product per day. A large amount of marmalade will ruin your figure.
  4. Marshmallow. In this case, we mean a product prepared at home. This dietary sweet contains pectin, which perfectly fights fat deposits. Marshmallow strengthens the immune system, reduces appetite and saturates the body with vitamins. You can eat up to 50 g per day. Otherwise, the process of losing weight will slow down and adjusting your figure will take much longer.

  5. It is of particular value for blood vessels and the heart. The antibacterial properties of this product have also been known for a long time. The daily dosage of dark chocolate is up to 30 g. But if you have the opportunity to eat sweets that do not contain sugar, then it is better to give preference to them. Only the highest quality chocolate is suitable for the diet. It strengthens the body's defenses against the negative effects of external irritants.
  6. These sweets replace milk chocolate. For cooking, you can use nuts, grains, dried fruits, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. This product dulls the feeling of hunger and supplies the brain with glucose. It is better to prepare sweets at home. So you will be completely confident in their fat-burning properties and usefulness.
  7. The product is rich in amino acids, which are involved in the production of the “happiness hormone”. For this reason, the diet is well tolerated and does not cause depression. This ice cream has very few calories. You can eat any amount of product per day.

Making low-calorie sweets at home

Above we have already given a list of permitted foods for weight loss. However, do not forget that their number should be strictly limited. Such dishes are consumed only in the morning. If you want to get the maximum benefit from them, you should prepare them yourself. This takes a significant amount of time, but the result is delicious food that does not lead to fat storage.

Many women suffer from sugar cravings. There can be many reasons for wanting to eat candy or a piece of homemade pie (or maybe both). Among them are hormonal imbalance (lack of the hormone serotonin), premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, stress. Many experts believe that regardless of the reasons, it can be overcome. Here are the main products, how to replace sweets and steps to help overcome this harmful addiction.

1st option - add whites

Protein foods, of course, are not an option, how to replace sweets. In the sense that proteins will not be able to completely eliminate the desire to eat halva or chocolate. But they can reduce these cravings. If you cook scrambled eggs with cheese or cauliflower and bacon for lunch or dinner, the portion of sweets will be significantly reduced.

2nd option - mint water

If sweets hidden in a closet or refrigerator still reveal themselves (and earlier than expected), then you need to think about how to replace sweets. The ideal option is mint or mint water or green tea with mint. Where to begin:

1. Chew a mint leaf when going to the store so as not to buy cookies (you can do this right in the store). Mint - perfectly satisfies hunger.

2. In order not to reach for another candy, you need to rinse your mouth with mint water after the permitted portion. Mint eliminates aftertaste. In the next hour or two, everything savory will taste much better than sweets.

3rd option - let's get distracted

Craving for sweets is a bad habit that needs to be replaced with another habit. So, the third option, how to replace sweets:

2. watch your favorite movie;

3. play the piano (or any other musical instrument);

4. just take a nap;

In general, try not to sit and think about delicious things.

4th option - healthy sweets

Sweets and sugar can be replaced with less harmful (healthy) sweets. Such sweets include: fruits, dried fruits, homemade jams (they definitely do not contain various additives). By the way, the fiber contained in fruits slows down the absorption of sugar.

5th option - a scoop of ice cream

Instead of 200-300 g of sweets or half a kilo of cookies, it is better to eat a piece of dark chocolate or a small scoop of ice cream. These foods can also help you enjoy your meal and reduce your sugar intake.

How to eat sweets correctly

Food should not only satisfy hunger, but also provide emotional pleasure. Under this condition, you can reduce your cravings for sweets. Measures:

1. You should not savor dessert at the table or in front of the TV, you need to find a place protected from extraneous noise and odors. This condition will allow you to focus on sweets.

2. Before you bite or swallow a piece of ice cream, you need to rinse your mouth or eat a piece of bread. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fully feel the taste.

3. To start, 20 g of chocolate is enough. If you fail to satisfy your “sweet hunger,” you can add another 10 g.

4. If the dessert is just out of the refrigerator, then most likely you won’t be able to fully experience its taste.

5. Before you start eating dessert, divide it in half. Hide the second part. If the feeling of satisfaction does not come, then you can eat the rest (it will create the illusion of a supplement).

6. An important component of saturation is aroma. So first, take a deep breath of the dessert.

7. Pay attention to what happens to chocolate, candy, dried fruits, honey. How they melt in your mouth and change their texture.

8. Close your eyes and enjoy the moment.

6th option - read the labels

Having found out what is contained in modern waffles and marshmallows (how much E, sugar and calories), you can get rid of the desire to buy another dessert for tea.

1. You need to eat more fats and proteins that will make you feel satisfied.

2. Eat less, but more often, thereby helping to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

3. It is healthy to eat sweets for breakfast, just as it is not healthy to avoid them in the morning. A sweet breakfast, such as oatmeal with dried fruits or honey, leaves a sweet taste in your mouth for a long time.

4. Stable sugar levels can be maintained by taking multivitamins.

5. Between breakfast and lunch, you can drink a sweet drink, such as green tea with honey and mint.

6. Avoid artificial sweeteners, which can cause cravings.

So, you’ve figured out your nutrition, coped with your pathological craving for desserts, but sometimes you still want something sweet. How to replace sweets without harming your diet?

There are two possible approaches: replace “harmful” sweets with healthy ones or use sugar substitutes.

We choose healthy sweets.

If you decide to go down that path, keep in mind that even healthy sweets remain relatively high in calories. Therefore, you won’t be able to eat enough of them – you will still have to limit the quantity. So, what can you replace sweets with:

  • Honey. Its calorie content is no lower than that of sugar itself, but unlike honey it contains many microelements, vitamins, and other biologically active substances. In addition, it is much sweeter than sugar, and if pouring five spoons of sugar into tea works for many people, then five spoons of honey will turn it into syrup. So the calorie content of the dessert is reduced solely due to the fact that you eat less honey than you would add sugar. It is not recommended to heat treat honey - it is believed that it loses its beneficial properties.
  • Pastila and marshmallows. They contain pectin, a natural substance that can absorb and remove toxic metabolic products and heavy metals from the body. True, for these products to be truly healthy, you will have to look at the composition: in the “correct” marshmallows and marshmallows, in addition to sugar and egg white, there must be applesauce. Keep in mind: 100 grams of marshmallows – about 300 kcal. Fortunately, this dessert is quite voluminous, so 1 – 2 marshmallows per day can even be included in your diet.
  • Marmalade. The benefits are the same as those from marshmallows, calorie content 305 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Dark chocolate. Stimulates the production of serotonin – the hormone of happiness. But it is extremely high in calories, so no more than 5–10 grams (1–2 squares) per day.
  • Dried fruits, raisins. Contains vitamins and microelements. The calorie content is the same as sugar, so you shouldn’t rely on frequently recommended candies made from ground dried fruits and honey. But you can add them to your morning porridge for taste.
  • Sorbet (ice cream without cream). Since it does not contain fat, it is low in calories (about 100 kcal per 100 grams).
  • Homemade jelly. Made from natural gelatin, crushed sweet berries and fruits, even with the addition of a small amount of sugar, such a dessert will contain relatively few calories, but a fair amount of vitamins. Avoid ready-made jellies in bags: as a rule, they contain nothing except dyes and flavor enhancers.
  • Homemade jelly (or good quality - with natural pectin and fruits). It has a relatively low calorie content, so indulging in jelly once a day is not forbidden.
  • Natural cocoa with milk. It has the same properties as chocolate, but is lower in calories (about 150 kcal per glass). Just use real cocoa powder for cooking and not instant analogues. And if you add cinnamon to the finished drink, you can reduce your cravings for sweets.

A fundamentally different approach when looking for something to replace sweets with is the use of sweeteners and sugar substitutes. On the one hand, this allows you to limit yourself much less actively in desserts (alas, most popular sweets contain not only sugar, but also fat, so you still have to limit them. On the other hand, many of these substances have a peculiar taste, and some are products exclusively synthetic, so if you don’t trust “unnatural” ones, they will have to be excluded.What can you replace sweets with tea using this approach?

Thus, the choice of products that can replace sweets is quite large. But you need to remember that baked goods, desserts, and sweets in themselves are not unconditionally evil. As the great physician Paracelsus said: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. ... And only the dose makes the medicine a poison and the poison a medicine.” Keep your consumption of sweets in moderation, and your figure will not suffer.

Who among us doesn't like sweets? I mean us women. I have never met anyone like this among my friends and acquaintances. But it happens that for some reason we cannot or should not eat sweets. For example, when dieting. So the girl wanted to get in shape for the summer, she goes on a diet and then finds out (if she didn’t know before) that sweets and rich foods are prohibited. So what should I do?

I personally have a terrible sweet tooth and it is very difficult for me to live without sweets. But it happens that I also have to limit myself in delicacies due to periodically worsening chronic gastritis. So, let's figure it out: what to do if you really want something sweet, but you can't? In what situations, and what sweets can be eaten, and which are strictly prohibited. Let's start in order.

How to replace sweets with proper nutrition and diet?

Everything here is simple and clear: a person decides to lead a healthy lifestyle (go on a diet) and eat right. This decision is followed by careful preparation and adherence to the diet.

Advice! Don't give up sweets completely. Especially if before this you regularly consumed cakes and chocolates. Giving up sweets is a big stress for the body. In addition, the body needs glucose for proper functioning of the brain and metabolic processes.

This is why you need to find low-calorie replacements for your favorite desserts and sweets. . And it’s natural to try to minimize sweet snacks, even with permitted and low-calorie foods.

Before moving on to specific tips and recommendations, it is worth understanding the reasons why our body craves sweets.

There are several of them:

  • Food addiction (common sweet tooth).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Eating sweets stress and fatigue (psychological addiction).
  • Psychosomatic symptom (sweet as a way to lift the mood or gain pleasure).
  • Hormonal disruptions and disorders.
  • Lack of magnesium and chromium in the body.

Advice! With proper nutrition and diet, it is advisable to eat sweets in the first half of the day.

Let's move on to the main question: what sweets are possible on a diet and with a healthy diet:

The best analogue of sweets. In addition to the fact that they contain healthy sugars, they also contain a lot of vitamins and microelements that our body needs.

An excellent option would be to eat apples, peaches, oranges, and kiwi. When dieting, it is advisable to include pineapple and grapefruit in your diet - they are excellent at burning excess fat in the body. It is not recommended to eat bananas and grapes, they contain a lot of sugar.

Fruits can be eaten raw or baked. It’s better to bake apples or pears with cottage cheese – it’s both tasty and healthy. Add a little honey to this baked dessert for a sweet treat.

Replacing sweets with dried fruits is a great option. You can supplement dried fruits with nuts. Both of them are very beneficial for the body, in addition, they quickly and permanently satisfy hunger.

But you need to carefully monitor the amount you eat. Since both dried fruits and nuts are high-calorie foods. You can consume no more than 40 grams per day.

Perhaps one of the safest and most permitted sweets. The advantage of these treats is that they contain no fat. They are made from pectin and agar-agar.

These natural substances are useful because they have an extremely beneficial effect on our body: they normalize metabolism, increase immunity, saturate the body with calcium and iodine, and lower cholesterol levels. Those who adhere to a strict diet should not eat marshmallows and marmalade. more than 50 grams every few days.

Advice! When choosing marshmallows or marmalade, make sure that they are not covered with sugar or chocolate icing!

The consumption of chocolate is allowed, but only bitter chocolate, which contains at least 72% cocoa beans.

This chocolate is very healthy; it contains many vitamins and antioxidants that will relieve depression, normalize blood pressure and give you a good mood. Daily dose – 25 grams.

The above sweets are the most popular and affordable, but there are several more products that are allowed and can satisfy the need for sweets:

  • Paste.
  • Muesli bars.
  • Ice cream.

Nutritionists allow eating ice cream on a diet, and claim that it is even healthy. The fact is that our body needs to expend a lot of energy to warm and digest ice cream. But not every type of ice cream can be eaten. You can safely eat ice cream, butter or creme brulee, but without syrup, glaze, nuts and other sweet additives.

But it happens that a person is forced to give up sweets for medical reasons and here, as they say, it’s a completely different story. This is not a conscious choice, but a forced limitation. In this case, it is much more difficult to cope with the desire to snatch a piece of sweets.

Sweets when the doctor prohibits them

The most unpleasant, but extremely necessary, ban on eating sweets, in my opinion, is a ban for health reasons. There are a number of diseases in which sweets need to be either eliminated or minimized as much as possible. As a person suffering from chronic gastritis, I am well aware of the list of prohibited foods for this disease. In the acute stage, sweets are generally contraindicated, with the only exception being marshmallows .


During the remission stage, you can eat the following sweets:

  • Marmalade.
  • Pudding.
  • Souffle.
  • Jam.
  • Puree.
  • Cookies (without filling and not very fatty).
  • Compote and jelly (the latter should preferably be consumed during an exacerbation).
  • Condensed milk (in small doses occasionally, boiled condensed milk is prohibited for any condition).
  • Natural and packaged juices (juice should be chosen depending on the type of illness, after consultation with your doctor).

These sweets can be consumed, but in limited quantities. They should not contain chocolate, nuts, or sour fruits.

  • Dairy desserts, yoghurts, fermented baked milk and ice cream are allowed

The latter will be very useful for increased stomach acidity. Gastroenterologists even recommend eating ice cream, as it coats the walls of the stomach and reduces the production of gastric juice.

Important! Ice cream for gastritis can and should be consumed only of high quality and in melted form! In case of exacerbation of the disease, ice cream is strictly prohibited!

  • Cocoa, tea and coffee

Weak black or green tea in small quantities. Coffee during the acute stage is strictly prohibited. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is also not recommended.

A must-have product for gastritis. It has a positive effect on the stomach: it reduces the production of gastric juice, promotes healing, and relieves heartburn and belching. To achieve this therapeutic effect, honey should be taken two hours before meals for at least two weeks. Naturally, honey intake is possible only in the absence of an allergic reaction to bee products.

Prohibited sweets for gastritis:

  • Chocolates, toffees and halva.
  • Cakes, pastries, muffins and pastries.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Honey kvass.
  • Raspberry jam.


For diabetes, the only remedy for hypoglycemia that is easy and convenient to always carry with you is sweets, chocolate and sugar. But these products are prohibited in the daily diet.

When choosing sweets for diabetics, you need to take into account the following indicators in the composition of the products:

  • Glycemic index.
  • Amount of sugar.
  • Content of carbohydrates and fats.

In principle, in any supermarket and large store there is a section for diabetics where fructose sweets are sold . But before purchasing this or that sweet product, you must first consult with your doctor.

For patients with diabetes, regardless of type, the following are strictly prohibited:

  • Cakes and pastries with cream.
  • Baking.
  • Jams, jams and honey.
  • Chocolates and caramel.
  • Sweet juices and carbonated drinks.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Sweet preservation.
  • Sweet and fatty varieties of cookies.

Prohibited foods should be replaced with foods containing fiber and complex carbohydrates. . Thus, they will take longer to digest and blood sugar will rise gradually.

Allowed use:

  • Dried fruits.
  • Sweets, cookies and pies without sugar.
  • Mousses, fruit jellies.
  • Casseroles with dried fruits.
  • Sweets from the diabetic department of the store.

Sweets, cookies and pies are best consumed in their own preparation. This way you will certainly be confident in their composition. There are many such recipes on the Internet, or you can ask a nutritionist.

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)

The list of prohibited and permitted products for pancreatitis is even more strict than for gastritis. If the disease worsens, a strict diet is prescribed for a month.

Adhering to a strict diet every day, you really want to pamper yourself with something tasty, filling, high-calorie and unhealthy. But what to choose: a slim figure or your favorite buns, cakes, and other sweets? Not all modern women know that these two concepts can be easily combined in one dietary complex. You need to find out what sweets you can eat while losing weight and in what quantities. The information collected below will help you.

How to replace sweets when losing weight

Eating high-calorie foods when correcting weight is contraindicated; the ban applies to carbohydrate sweets. These organic compounds are not completely eliminated from the body, they are deposited and form fat folds. But eating low-carb sweets is a reality, but it is not recommended to abuse such food ingredients. In unreasonable quantities, dietary goodies have a detrimental effect on your figure, digestion, and general well-being.

In order to eat well and not gain weight, portions of sugar from the diet menu must be kept to a minimum, and glucose, valuable for the brain and blood circulation, must be obtained from honey, fruits, dark chocolate and other dietary sweets. If the body does not receive fructose, the “happiness hormone” is not produced in the same volumes, and a woman losing weight may become depressed. To prevent this from happening, it is better to replace condensed milk, pastries, and cakes with low-calorie and dietary dried fruits. But what is the secret of such sweets for weight correction? How are they valuable for a low-calorie diet?

According to nutritionists, these sweets contain light carbohydrates diluted with fat-burning pectins. This combination reduces the absorption of carbohydrates, prevents fat deposition, the formation of the subcutaneous layer, and activates metabolic processes. You can consume dietary sweets only in the first half of the day - up to 12 hours, which provides an additional source of valuable energy for the whole day.

After lunch, the presence of tasty treats in the daily menu is extremely undesirable, since the digestion process is noticeably delayed, glucose accumulates in problem areas, and a layer of fat appears over time. For such a dietary diet, the effect of correcting excess weight is not expected, the extra pounds remain in their original places, and sweets interfere with losing weight. Calories received in the morning are consumed much faster throughout the day, do not linger and do not fill the digestive organs.

On a diet, you are allowed to indulge in sweets no more than twice a week, even if these are low-calorie dishes. If a person losing weight has a similar desire on other days, it is best to limit himself to sucking a small piece of dark chocolate. But how else can you suppress the irrepressible desire to eat something tasty and satisfying?

Review of the lowest-calorie and healthiest sweets for your figure

What foods with high glucose content are considered dietary, and how beneficial are they for the body? Below is a list of low-calorie sweets that you can eat in the morning:

  1. Honey. Periodic use of this product helps to lose extra pounds, activate metabolism, regulate digestion, ensure access of glucose to the brain, calm the nervous system, improve and purify the blood, and improve immunity. Low-calorie sweetness suppresses appetite, while in its natural composition it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and microelements.
  2. Dried fruits. These dietary sweets replace sweets, are good for digestion and the myocardium, have a mild laxative and tonic effect, and suppress a wild appetite. It is advisable to eat them fresh, otherwise, after preparing dried fruit compote, some of the beneficial properties are lost during heat treatment.
  3. Marmalade. In its natural composition, this low-calorie product contains pectins, so it can be safely used for weight loss. There are no fats at all, but the permissible dose of such sweets is 25 g per day; large portions of the delicacy only harm the figure.
  4. Marshmallows and marshmallows. This is another dietary sweet that helps you lose weight quickly. We are talking about low-calorie homemade delicacies that contain pectins to break down fats in the subcutaneous layer of a problematic figure. When losing weight, marshmallows strengthen the immune system, replenish the deficiency of valuable vitamins and microelements, and satisfy the feeling of hunger. You are allowed to eat no more than 50 grams of sweets per day, otherwise the process of correcting excess weight will slow down.
  5. Black chocolate. This low-calorie product is good for the heart and blood vessels and has antibacterial properties. When correcting problem areas of the figure, it is allowed to be consumed in limited quantities: the permissible daily dose is no more than 30 grams, but it is best to choose sweets without sugar content. Only high-quality chocolate can be eaten on a diet, further increasing the body's resistance to external irritants.
  6. Muesli bars. Such low-calorie sweets become an alternative to milk chocolate. To prepare them, you can use dried fruits, cereals, nuts, proteins, vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates. Low-calorie muesli not only suppresses hunger, but also feeds the brain with glucose. It is best to prepare homemade sweets without doubting their usefulness and dietary properties.
  7. Low calorie ice cream. Natural amino acids, as active components, stimulate the production of “”, so the diet does not cause melancholy and increased irritability. A small number of calories does not affect the condition of the figure, there are no folds of fat. Daily portions are not limited.

How to make dietary sweets with your own hands

The answer to the question of what low-calorie sweets you can eat while losing weight has been received. All you have to do is remember the following rule: portions should be limited, only eating such dishes in the morning is allowed. To maintain their benefits, you can prepare several low-calorie recipes at home. This is a safe way to eat deliciously and not gain weight, but a woman who is losing weight will have to spend a lot of effort and free time in the kitchen. Low calorie sweet recipes are available.

Oat cookies

If you want to prepare low-calorie sweets for tea, but a strict diet prohibits flour, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Pour boiling water over 300 grams of oat flakes according to the instructions on the package, cover with a lid, and leave until completely cool.
  2. Separately, pour boiling water over a handful of raisins and pre-chopped dried fruits.
  3. Combine the oatmeal puree with the filling, add nuts, seeds, and cinnamon as desired.
  4. Mix the mixture until smooth and form balls of the same size.
  5. Place the raw cookies on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. Low-calorie baked goods are ready!

Jelly from berries and fruits

Sweets with proper nutrition, if they are properly prepared, are good for your figure and health. Below is another low-calorie sweet recipe:

  1. Rinse 500 grams of frozen unsweetened berries through a sieve and dry on a towel.
  2. Grind in a mortar, add 2 cups of water and boil over moderate heat for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Separately, dissolve 20 grams of gelatin in a glass of warm water until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. Remove the berry broth from the heat, add the gelatin mixture, mixing the resulting mixture well.
  5. Pour the fruit liquid into molds, cool at room temperature, and put in the refrigerator overnight.

Baked Apples with Cinnamon and Honey

Sweets on a diet can be not only tasty, but also healthy and low in calories. Below is the favorite recipe of many losing weight women who could not refuse delicious food when correcting a problematic figure:

  1. Peel 6 large apples, core them, and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, and during this time combine honey and cinnamon in a separate container.
  3. Remove the baking sheet, place the filling in the core of each apple, and return to the oven for another 15 minutes.

Video: what sweets you can eat on a diet

There are a huge number of photos with step-by-step recipes for various low-calorie dishes. To clearly see and understand what dietary sweets you can eat while losing weight, watch the video below. After viewing it, you can choose a low-calorie menu, while eating sweets is possible even on the strictest diet. With the right approach, you can lose weight in a tasty and satisfying way, wisely, and also allow yourself some goodies. Then sweets during the diet will not remain strictly prohibited.



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