Factors that can affect the formation of cysts. Choroid plexus cyst

If a brain cyst is diagnosed in a child of the first year of life, especially a retrocerebellar or pineal cyst, many questions arise about treatment, consequences and prognosis. A cyst is a formation with a spherical cavity. This is not a tumor! But this does not mean that the cyst is not dangerous to health. Many cystic cavities do not require treatment, but in some cases it cannot be avoided.

The cyst is located in the place of the dead nerve tissue. The pathological focus looks like a spherical cavity filled with liquid. Often there is only one formation, but there are cases of multiple cystic growths. Parents are concerned about the prognosis, consequences, and the need to treat cystic formation in a newborn.

A cystic cavity in the brain in newborns is formed due to congenital pathology of the central nervous system or postpartum trauma. Among the causes of formations are circulatory insufficiency in the newborn’s brain, as a result of which the nervous tissue becomes necrotic.

Injuries and diseases of the brain lead to the formation of cysts inflammatory in nature(encephalitis, meningitis), strokes.

Due to these phenomena, degeneration of brain tissue occurs, death and the formation of a cavity filled with liquid substance. Tissues located nearby can be compressed, and symptoms characteristic of a cyst appear, the consequences of which are a lag in the growth and development of children from their peers.

Types of cysts

There are three groups of pathology:

  • Located in the choroid plexuses;
  • Subepindymal (retrocerebellar cavity);
  • Arachnoid.

Arachnoid cystic cavity

The arachnoid fluid cavity is a cavity formation, the size of which varies individually. An arachnoid cavity can form in the intercerebral membranes. It develops after inflammation of the meninges, strokes, traumatic injuries. This cavity is characterized by rapid growth. Tissues located nearby are compressed, which leads to serious consequences. Patients need constant monitoring, and often in serious treatment.

The arachnoid cavity can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, convulsive syndromes. If such signs appear, you need to as soon as possible See a specialist to decide on treatment: a child may die from a rupture of an arachnoid cyst.

Retrocerebellar cystic cavity

Subependymal - considered one of the most severe forms of cystosis. Such children need to be constantly and dynamically monitored. R It is recommended to perform an MRI to monitor changes in the size of the subependymal cystic formation once a year.

The development of subependymal fluid growth is associated with impaired blood flow in the ventricles. As a result, their oxygen supply is disrupted (ischemia), resulting in the formation of a necrotic focus.

If the cause of the cavity is a blockage of the ducts, then the formation rarely increases in size and causes a disorder. When the process is caused by a helminth, the cavity can grow rapidly and cause sensations characteristic of a cystic process in the head.

In addition to the symptoms inherent in cerebral cystic growths, with large sizes formations in the pineal gland of a child are noted, which develops due to compression of the gland. The patient in this case suffers from severe headaches that cannot be relieved by painkillers.

Cystic cavities of the pituitary gland

The pituitary gland is a small but important part of the brain that regulates the functioning of each gland. internal secretion, and itself produces many hormones in the body. A cystic formation near the pituitary gland, in the area of ​​the sella turcica, will lead to endocrine disorders. Such a child will experience delayed puberty and be stunted in growth.

Intermediate velum cyst

Having children is the greatest happiness on earth. However, this exciting event may be overshadowed by problems with his health. Congenital cystic formation in the head of babies is one of these problems. It is even more difficult to understand the convoluted terms that poor parents have to deal with. For example, such as cystic formation of the intermediate velum of the medullary substance. Despite the scary name, this is not the worst type of cystic vesicle. What is cystic formation of the intermediate velum, what is the treatment, and the consequences of this pathology?

The intermediate velum refers to the fold of the pia mater of the medulla in the roof of the 3rd ventricle.

There are four ventricles in the human head - these are cavities that are filled with fluid. In this case, the third ventricle is interesting. The upper wall of the third ventricle is called the roof. The intermediate sail is formed from the cavity of the ventricle. Hence the name of this pathology; it is also called a third ventricle cyst in a child. Sometimes during intrauterine development of the fetus, the leaves of this formation do not grow together and a cistern forms between them.

If the sheets of fold are soft meninges after the birth of the child they do not fuse, an intermediate velum cyst develops.

Pathology is detected by chance during examination of the ventricles of the brain. Usually this cyst does not grow and does not cause unpleasant symptoms. But it is necessary to diagnose it once a year. Such a bubble can begin to grow due to injury, poisoning, or the addition of a severe infection.

Colloid cystic cavity of the third ventricle

No cases of malignancy of this process have been recorded. But this education is capable of rapid growth. Its danger lies in compression of the cerebrospinal fluid ducts of the ventricle, leading to hydrocephalic syndrome. If growth is too rapid, children experience headaches, vomiting, memory loss, and tinnitus.

Treatment of colloid cysts is surgical: the formation is removed from the ventricle and the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is restored.

Dermoid (congenital cyst)

Rarely found. This is a congenital pathology. They begin to form together with the fetus. In its thickness, particles of body tissue, fat, and hair are found. Is it necessary to treat this pathology? It is recommended to remove such formation immediately, as it leads to severe consequences.

Regardless of location, newborns may experience fluid cavity symptoms such as:

  • Convulsions;
  • Paralysis;
  • Numbness;
  • Trembling;
  • Paresis of arms and legs;
  • Hearing impairment.

Tinnitus without hearing loss is often present. Sometimes - momentary loss consciousness, epileptic seizures, sleep disturbance. Children under one year old become restless and irritable. Older children complain of hallucinations.

Symptoms of increase intracranial pressure– bursting and throbbing pain in the head, drowsiness, in infants – swelling of the fontanelles, lethargy, vomiting and nausea. For severe cases of suependymal and pineal gland fluid vesicles, fontanelles that do not heal for a long time are characteristic, and the bone sutures diverge. The consequence of this is that children lag behind in mental and physical development.


Main diagnostic event if you suspect that there is a cystic growth in medulla in newborns - ultrasound (neurosonography). As long as the fontanelles have not healed and the cranial bones have not fused, this procedure is highly effective.

Often, bubbles in the head form in premature babies, in newborns after complicated pregnancy and childbirth, and during prolonged oxygen starvation. These categories should undergo neurosonography to prevent cystic formations at least once a year.

If an ultrasound reveals a cystic vesicle in the child’s head, treatment is prescribed only after more accurate information about its location, shape and size. Such data can be obtained using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Only after these studies can we say with confidence whether the baby has a cystic growth. In children, the symptoms and treatment of this disease are specific.


Not every cystic growth in a child’s head requires surgical or medicinal intervention. Most of these formations have favorable outcome and requires only observation.

Only a doctor should decide whether a child needs treatment. Medicine knows of cases where, when unfavorable circumstances occurred, patients lost their hearing and vision forever and suffered a sudden death.

Cystic blisters of the brain in children can be treated using conservative and surgical methods.


If the formation does not progress, drug treatment is prescribed. It is aimed at combating the causes that caused this anomaly. The doctor prescribes medications that improve blood flow in this area and blood supply to the brain. Such medicinal substances called brain metabolites. If a cavity with liquid is formed due to infectious process, prescribe drugs that have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of this infection (antibacterial, antiviral). If the body's immune strength is reduced, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. Prescribe vitamins with microelements.


Surgical operations used to treat this disease are usually divided into two types:

  • Palliative;
  • Radical.

Palliative methods come in two varieties:

  • Shunting. A special shunt system is used for it. This technique is low-traumatic, but also has negative points, such as the possibility of infection (the shunt remains in the medulla for a long time, only the cystic fluid is removed, and not the formation itself);
  • Endoscopic way of removing cystic contents. Punctures are made and an endoscope is inserted into the cavity, through which the fluid is removed. This technique is considered the most minimally invasive and safe.

The radical method is based on cranial trepanation. In this case, the cyst is removed with the walls and all contents. This operation is highly traumatic and dangerous. It is resorted to only in the most extreme cases.


The diagnosis of a cyst causes little concern for anyone. Everything is perceived differently if a cyst is discovered in the brain of a newborn. Parents, even just hearing about such a diagnosis from friends, panic and begin to examine their own child. Consultation on this issue, of course, would not be superfluous. But is there a way to prevent this pathology?

– great joy for the whole family. Mom and dad will watch his growth and development. However, parents should always be on guard so as not to view dangerous illness. Recognizing the disease early stage guarantees quick resolution of problems. A cyst in a child’s head is a diagnosis that can frighten anyone. First you need to figure out whether there is a reason to panic.

In contact with

Timely diagnosis

Neurological pathologies in babies are most often detected before the age of one year. For this it is important to visit preventive examinations at the children's clinic. The doctor usually prescribes them once every 1-3 months. If the baby is already one year old, then you will have to visit the hospital much less often.

If a cyst in a newborn’s head was detected on time, then a correctly selected course of treatment will not leave a trace of it. However, the child’s condition will need to be constantly monitored and medications adjusted.

What is a brain cyst in newborns? This is a special type of pathological formation that grows and develops directly in the cavity itself. However, there are cases of the disease developing in the back, because the spine is also filled with a special brain fluid. If deviations from the norm are detected, the child will be registered. The pediatrician will need to monitor the condition for changes.

Important! Any formations inside the human body are very dangerous; such patients should be observed by doctors.

To detect pathology, you need to contact a neurologist. It is impossible to do without consulting a neurosurgeon.

Location of the tumor

The choice of further course of treatment directly depends on the location of the tumor. IN medical practice there were cases when doctors found her “inside” or “outside”.

Cysts in the head of a newborn are divided into several types:

  • arachnoid;
  • cerebral;
  • choroid plexus.

An arachnoid formation is diagnosed if it is located between the brain and the arachnoid membrane. Inside most often there is cerebrospinal fluid - a fluid consisting of spinal or cerebrospinal components.

At the same time, they are significantly expanding soft fabrics. Against the background of these processes, a pathological growth is formed. If treatment is not started in time, the formation will constantly increase in size.

Arachnoid growths in the head of a child are a congenital type of pathology, which is usually attributed to primary signs. The reasons for the formation lie in too rapid growth or problems in brain formation with intrauterine development. Past infectious diseases can also play a negative role. Doctors say that the disease develops under the influence of the herpes virus. This type of disease can be acquired during life; the pathology occurs after injury, inflammation of the brain, or during the development of a tumor.

The cerebral type of formations develops in a child after suffering a trauma. The birth process itself is very stressful, not only for the mother, but also for the child. During this period, his brain and skull bones are exposed to strong pressure, therefore, pathology occurs as complications after labor.

It is impossible to completely exclude hemorrhages, which can also cause growths. Cerebral disease develops against the background inflammatory process or injury. If he dies certain part brain substances, then the free space is occupied by a new formation.

Choroid plexus cyst in newborns is diagnosed during the period of intrauterine development. Unfortunately, today it is found more and more often. The pathology is temporary and resolves after a certain period of time without drug treatment. Doctors only need constant monitoring of the recovery process.


A cyst in a child’s head manifests itself extremely rarely. The situation is dangerous, because parents and doctors may miss the moment when it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention. To eliminate the pathology, bypass surgery is used. Thanks to this method, it is possible to stop the growth of the tumor. Against the background of the disease, intracranial pressure increases, because the formation compresses the brain. This situation leads to swelling. If treatment is not started on time, the consequences may be irreversible. The child develops blindness and significant developmental delays. Cases of deafness and death have been recorded.

A newborn is too young to report dizziness or pain to their parents.

Damage to the cerebral vessels in a baby is accompanied by a number of characteristic manifestations:

  • lethargic and apathetic state;
  • periodic occurrence of seizures;
  • improper coordination of movements.

The disease contributes to developmental delays, both mental and physical. However, the nature of the manifestations directly depends on the location of the formation and its size.

The lethargic state of the child should alert parents

Therapeutic measures

Dr. Komarovsky claims that removal surgically It is advisable to perform only if the cyst is constantly increasing in size. Depending on the nature of the formation, the type of surgical intervention is selected. However, additional assessment is needed general state health little patient, because the situation can be aggravated due to a number of related problems.

Removal will require craniotomy. Only after this will it be possible to remove the cyst along with the walls. This method allows you to quickly get rid of the growth. However, it is rarely used, because the operation poses a danger to the baby. The young body is not yet strong after childbirth, so a number of complications may arise.

Shunting is prescribed if it is necessary to drain fluid outside. It is pumped out of the cyst, therefore intracranial pressure is significantly reduced. After a certain period of time, the walls fall down and completely grow together.

The method is dangerous because it opens the brain. This situation can lead to tissue infection, so special care must be taken when installing a shunt.

More recently, it has become possible to perform surgery through small holes. The cyst is removed through small punctures - an endoscopy technique. This method has minimal risk. However, with the help of an endoscope it is not possible to gain access to all areas of the brain.

Cysts in the brain are increasingly being diagnosed in children under 1 year of age. However, one should not panic and record this event as an epidemic. Scientists also refuted the hypothesis that pathology is developing due to the rapid increase in the number of technologies. Ten years ago, this disease was considered rare. Many children grew up never knowing that they had a cyst in their brain during the first year of life. However, it is best to take similar condition under control.

Important! IN childhood neoplasms quickly resolve and do not remain with the person for life.

If your baby has been diagnosed with this, then there is no need to panic. The doctor will advise parents to monitor the baby’s health. You will need to monitor his behavior. Measures are taken only if education begins to grow rapidly. Today, a number of diagnostic tests are used that allow us to determine the nature of the pathology. Parents should completely avoid self-medication. Only a doctor can suggest taking additional measures as a last resort.

Useful video: brain cyst

A child is a great gift. The mother’s task is to constantly monitor his health. If an unfavorable diagnosis has been made, the baby will be registered. In the future, you will have to visit the hospital much more often for a series of tests. With their help, it will be possible to detect developmental disorders at the first stage and negative impact can be minimized. We should not forget that this problem cannot be ignored.

IN Lately Infants are increasingly experiencing various pathologies, among which a cyst in the head of a newborn occupies a leading position. Indeed, according to statistics, almost every third baby has this disease. But until recently, experts did not even suspect that even a newly born child could have cysts in the head. However, modern technological advances have also affected the field of diagnostics. Improved equipment is becoming available that makes it possible to accurately image tumors, even if they are too small, and located in the head of premature babies. But for what reasons similar pathology affects newborns?

More about the disease

A cyst in a child’s head is a cavity filled with secretion, related to large group intracranial tumors. Though cystic formations do not equate to malignant type and most of them can resolve on their own, they require thorough examination and close supervision by specialists. The fact is that further growth in education can lead to developmental disorders in infants and even death.

Important! A cyst in a newborn is an intracranial neoplasm of benign origin and develops during embryogenesis or during labor.

A similar disease can be detected using ultrasound when scanning a large fontanel. However, this procedure is performed quite rarely (usually when some pathology is suspected), so neither doctors nor parents know about the existence of a cystic tumor until visible abnormalities appear in the infant.

Varieties of the disease

Cystic neoplasms are recognized among themselves by their location in patients.

A cyst in a newborn can be of the following types:

  • arachnoid;
  • cerebral.

The first type of tumors are born on arachnoid membrane, outside the brain itself, and the second type is formed directly inside the organ. Depending on the location, as well as the brain tissue affected by the tumor, it is divided into several types with individual clinical characteristics:

  1. A colloid cystic tumor occurs during the formation of the embryonic brain. The disease may long years proceed without severe symptoms, but if the cyst grows, there is a risk of developing hydrocephalus, which requires urgent intervention by neurosurgeons.
  2. An epidermoid cyst is one of the safest pathological objects, whose secretion includes horny scales, and the walls of the tumor are flat epithelium.
  3. Cystic type dermoid tumor occurs against the background of the germ layers of the epidermis, and therefore includes hair follicles and undifferentiated pigment tissues.
  4. A cerebellar cyst may have certain symptoms or occur in the patient without pronounced signs presence of disease. Cystic formations of small size may disappear on their own, but if the pathology begins to increase, then there is a high probability of disturbances in coordination, changes in gait, as well as other negative signs (changes in handwriting, gestures, etc.).
  5. A porencephalic cyst is a fairly rare pathology that can form in any part of the brain. Typically, a neoplasm occurs on necrotic organ tissues and can lead to the development of serious complications such as hydrocephalus and schizencephaly.
  6. The intermediate velum cyst is formed due to embryonic brain development or postembryonic process. At the embryonic level, the velum intermedius cyst occurs during the development of folds of the soft membrane of the brain in the form of a cavity pocket. In the postembryonic period, in some cases, a cyst of the intermediate velum remains along with the cavity pocket. However, this pathology is not inherently serious illness, since neoplasms usually do not increase in volume and rarely progress. If the cyst of the intermediate velum has not worsened in childhood, then it may not show any signs of its existence throughout the patient’s life. However, the development of secondary formations of the cystic type in the brain may be the root cause of the cyst of the intermediate velum triggering pathological progression.
  7. A pseudocyst of the brain in newborns is similar in structure to a regular cystic formation, since it is also a cavity filled with secretion. Tumors can occur singly or in pairs, located on both sides in certain areas of the brain. Pathology often occurs against the background of injuries during birth process or due to disturbances in the development of the embryo in the womb (circulatory disorders, hypoxia, hemorrhages). Pseudocyst of the brain in a newborn does not affect his health and further development mental and physical direction. These tumors usually disappear on their own 10-12 months after birth.

Depending on the type of cystic formation and its location in the baby, specialists, having collected sufficient information, will be able to determine the causes of the development of the pathology and its possible consequences.

Why do they arise?

The main reasons for the formation of cystic formations of the brain in a child lie in developmental disorders nervous system embryo. Pathology may be related to diseases infectious nature that she suffered from expectant mother. Viruses tend to penetrate the placental barrier and cause inflammation of the fetal brain. As a result of these intrauterine ailments, a cystic formation may develop.

The formation of a cyst in the head of a newborn child may be caused by an injury received during childbirth. Successful overcoming by a child birth canal requires not only serious effort, but also special properties, which the crumbs have - a change in the skull (tapering for comfortable passage). But certain structural features of the skull and abnormal positioning of the head are the root causes of injuries and the development of cysts.

After injury, a hematoma of intracranial origin occurs, where brain cells are replaced by secretions, giving birth to a cerebral cystic tumor. According to an identical principle, a cyst is formed after damage and inflammatory processes. Regular inflows of cerebrospinal fluid into the resulting cavity provoke intracranial hypertension with the risk of developing swelling of brain cells and problems in functionality vital centers. This factor leads to impulsive pain in the head and vomiting. The above reasons can lead to the death of brain tissue, as well as cause serious problems in the development of the baby. IN in rare cases in the absence of qualified intervention, the child may die.

How to notice the presence of pathology?

A small child may not feel a cyst in the brain unless it grows to a certain size, causing problems in the brain. psycho-emotional state newborn

Already 2 months after birth, the mother will be able to notice the first signs of pathology in the baby’s brain based on certain symptoms:

  • regular, excessive regurgitation of food;
  • problems with coordination of movement of the upper and lower extremities;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • psychomotor retardation;
  • baby's lag in weight and height;
  • convulsive attacks.

The clinical picture directly depends on the location of the cyst in the head and the areas of the brain on which the pathology puts pressure.

The formation of brushes in the brain in newborns may for a long time occur without symptoms, thereby causing no cause for concern for parents. But trauma or infectious diseases experienced by a child can trigger the active progression of the disease, the tumor doubling in size and the appearance of acute brain symptoms.

From the first month of a child’s life, the local doctor measures his head circumference. A significant excess of the norm should alert you, as it may be a symptom of a brain cyst.

A cyst is a spherical neoplasm containing fluid inside. Most often, one tumor is found in the brain, less often there are several. Some formations do not require special treatment.

The pathology is located at the site of dead nerve tissue. Any part of the child's brain can be affected.

More information about the disease in this video:


In most cases, cysts are not classified as tumor processes, they are of a different nature.

The main reasons for the formation of a tumor in a child:

  • congenital pathology of the central nervous system– a common defect in children, develops due to viruses, some medicines, carcinogens, oxygen starvation, gene mutations;
  • postpartum trauma– provokes pathological compression of the head, which leads to disruption of adaptation mechanisms and damage to the integument, bone tissue, and contents of the skull;
  • circulatory failure– leads to the death of nervous tissue and the formation of a cystic cavity in this area;
  • inflammatory process of the brain– these include encephalitis and meningitis,

All of these phenomena lead to the degeneration of the child’s brain tissue, its death and the formation of a cyst, which is filled with fluid. This leads to compression of adjacent healthy tissues and the manifestation of symptoms.


New growths with cavities can appear in any part of the child's brain. Depending on the location and cause of the formation, neurosurgeons distinguish the following types cyst:

  • Pituitary gland– part of the brain is responsible for the production of hormones that are responsible for the growth of the body, the formation of follicles and other work endocrine system. The neoplasm grows from ferrous particles; it does not make itself felt when its size is less than 1 cm.
  • Cerebellum– the formation is called a lacunar cyst. It is quite rare and is more often diagnosed among male children. The pathology requires immediate treatment, since its growth can lead to paralysis and other complications.
  • Pineal gland– the department performs endocrine function, called the pineal gland. It is characterized by abundant blood supply, especially at night. Particles of the gland synthesize a secretion that is released into the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. If the outflow of secretions is disrupted, a cavity with fluid is formed in the pineal gland.
  • In the arachnoid membrane– a neoplasm develops after inflammation of the membranes of the brain, injuries. The tumor causes compression of nearby tissues. The rupture of the pathology leads to the death of the child.
  • Dermoid– formations are extremely rare in the brain; in children it is usually detected in the first year of life. The formation differs in that it is filled not with liquid, but with embryonic particles. Elements of sweat and sebaceous glands, bones and hair.
  • Vascular plexuses– this neoplasm is characteristic of intrauterine development; it occurs more often at the 28th week of fetal development. The tumor can persist until birth and in very rare cases remain forever.

    It is not life-threatening, so it is not examined or treated. It has been proven that cystic cavity is not capable of causing abnormalities in the development of the child. It appears due to disturbances in intrauterine development.

  • Pseudocyst– the neoplasm cavity contains cerebrospinal fluid, has no symptoms and does not affect the child’s health. Most often, the formation resolves by 10 months of life.
  • Liquor– the formation consists of a shell with a cavity that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Fluid circulating inside the brain accumulates inside the cavity due to negative factors, affecting the rudiment of the brain.
  • Subependymal- neoplasm refers to frequent occurrences children in the first months of life. A cyst is a small cavity with cerebrospinal fluid, which is located under the lining of the brain cavity. Occurs as a result of surface damage small vessels during childbirth. It usually disappears during the first months of the child's life.
  • Porencephalic- refers to very rare diseases, leads to porencephaly. In other words, this is the formation of cysts different sizes in the brain.
  • Lacunarnaya– neoplasms are mainly located in the subcortical ganglia or pons. Less commonly, tumors are diagnosed in the optic thalamus and cerebellum. Pathology is more common among male patients.
  • Colloidal– pathology is formed in the third ventricle of the brain during intrauterine development, but is detected at an older age.

All cysts must be monitored regularly, as their growth can lead to serious consequences. Small tumors are discovered, usually by chance, during head diagnostics. Large cavities with cerebrospinal fluid are manifested by a number of symptoms that worsen the quality of life of children.


The clinical picture in the presence of a brain cyst depends on its location and size. The presence of pathology in a certain area of ​​the organ disrupts those body functions for which the department is responsible.

Frequent symptoms:

  • headache– associated with the growth of formation and compression of the parts of the brain where the nerve endings are located;
  • increase in head size– occurs due to an increase in pathology and expansion of the skull;
  • the fontanelle swells and noticeably pulsates or there is noise in the ears– indicates strong intracranial pressure, which is provoked by a cyst;
  • disturbance in movements of the body and limbs– this is most often caused by a formation in the cerebellum;
  • visual impairment, including double vision– pathology compresses optic nerve, often located in the cerebellum;
  • premature sexual development – the cyst compresses the pituitary gland;
  • delayed growth and development– education affects the functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • epileptic seizures– the formation is located in the arachnoid membrane.

Symptoms in early childhood include restless behavior, bad sleep or, on the contrary, excessive calmness and drowsiness. Frequent heavy regurgitation should also be a concern.

If there is confirmation of the presence of a cyst in the brain with the manifestation of at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately seek advice from a neurosurgeon.


If you suspect the development of a cyst, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic examination. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe regular monitoring of the condition of the tumor.

Basic methods of examining the brain:

  • Ultrasound– the method is called neurosonography, it is recommended for premature infants in the first year of life. Screening allows you to get a good image.
  • CT– the method has a high degree of resolution, it allows you to identify even small cysts in children.
  • MRI– specialists obtain a detailed image of the child’s brain. It is performed with or without contrast. Contrast agent does not accumulate as a cyst, unlike a tumor.

In children under one year old, the state of the brain can be studied well, since there are areas on the head that are not overgrown bone tissue. In more mature age It is more advisable to carry out CT or MRI. The contrast agent is used with extreme caution as it may cause an allergic reaction.


Most cystic formations have a favorable prognosis without medical intervention.

The specialist can choose one of two ways of behavior regarding the diagnosed pathology:

  • Observation– the doctor chooses the method if the tumor is small in size, there are no symptoms and there are no developmental disorders in the patient. Children under one year of age are prescribed regular ultrasound scans, and at older ages, diagnostics are carried out once a year.
  • Operation– surgical intervention is performed when the tumor increases in size. A palliative method may be chosen, in which fluid is drained from the cyst. Radical method consists of craniotomy and removal of the cyst with its contents.

The decision on the advisability of treatment is made only by a specialist. A radical form of treatment is used in extreme cases.

This video shows the process of surgery to remove an arachnoid cyst in a teenager:


In most cases, the cyst gradually resolves and only requires observation by a specialist. Less commonly, it begins to increase in size, causing serious complications in the functioning of the brain. This leads to the failure of many body functions.

Frequent complications in early childhood are associated with developmental delays and stunted growth.

Children experience constant headaches that cannot be relieved with painkillers and cannot familiar image life due to visual impairment, impaired motor coordination, and hearing problems.

The child may lose consciousness and go into epileptic shock. Paralysis may occur. Some forms of cysts, such as archanoid cysts, may rupture. This ends in death.

Treatment of a cyst is aimed at reducing its size and preventing possible complications. This is especially important for children infancy, in which all body functions develop, and disruption of any of them can lead to irreversible consequences.

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Cyst in a newborn is quite common benign tumor, which occurs in almost half of newborns. It is dead brain tissue filled with fluid. Often the tumor is diagnosed at the embryonic stage, and by the time of birth it can resolve on its own. As a rule, the consequences of a cyst in the head of a newborn child do not leave traces after birth and do not affect development in any way.

A brain cyst is a benign tumor and cannot cause direct harm to the child’s health.

However, the presence of a tumor big size may affect normal mental and physical health child. If the doctor has diagnosed a cyst in the head of a newborn, then it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

Reasons for education

The most responsible and most vulnerable period in the development of the embryo is the laying. internal organs. Throughout the development of the fetus, neoplasms may appear, but often they all go away on their own before birth. If a newborn child is diagnosed with a cyst in the head, this may indicate various violations in the functioning of the nervous system.

Factors that may affect the formation of cysts:

  • infectious and venereal diseases suffered during pregnancy by a woman. The causative agents of these diseases penetrate the placenta and infect the brain cells of the fetus, resulting in the formation of a cyst, accompanied by inflammation;
  • injuries received at birth and after childbirth. If a child while passing through fallopian canal suffers a head injury, he may develop a cyst;
  • congenital pathologies, due to which the brain receives an insufficient amount nutrients and oxygen. Subsequently, the dead brain cells begin to accumulate fluid, resulting in the formation of a cyst;
  • heavy inflammatory diseases, which include meningitis, encephalitis, and so on.

All of the above factors contribute to the death of brain cells and the formation of an empty cell sac, which over time is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. In most cases this can cause neurological disorders that negatively affect the growth and development of the child.

Classification of cysts

Depending on the location, time of appearance and properties, brain cysts in newborns are divided into three types:

  1. Arachnoid cyst. This type of cyst is located between the surface of the brain and the arachnoid membrane. The size of the tumor can reach several centimeters in diameter. The cause of this neoplasm may be severe inflammation or mechanical trauma. The main feature of an arachnoid cyst is its rapid development, which quite often leads to various complications associated with compression of brain tissue. Statistics show that this type of tumor occurs predominantly in boys.
  2. Subelendemal cyst. This type the tumor is quite dangerous, and in the absence of proper treatment can lead to severe complications. A cyst occurs when poor circulation blood vessels in the brain, causing the brain to receive insufficient oxygen. The consequences of this oxygen starvation– death of cells in the cerebral cortex, from which a new cyst then forms. Children with a subelendema cyst should be examined every three months. The best examination method for this type of tumor is MRI. If the cyst in a newborn continues to grow rapidly, and more and more fluid accumulates in it, then this can have a detrimental effect on the adjacent brain tissues, changing their location and structure. The sublendemal cyst provokes seizures and abnormalities in the functioning of the child’s nervous system, worsening his overall well-being.
  3. Choroid plexus cyst. This type of cyst can be diagnosed even at the stage of development inside the womb. In medical practice the presence of such cysts is considered normal, and they almost always occur during pregnancy. This type of tumor is considered the safest and usually resolves on its own. If a choroid plexus cyst remains in the child after childbirth, this may indicate that the mother suffered a serious illness during pregnancy. infection, or she had a difficult birth.


A large cyst in a newborn can cause pathological disorders in the newborn’s organs. A cyst in the head of a newborn may increase due to the following factors:

  • with increasing fluid pressure on the walls of the cyst;
  • during inflammatory processes in children's body;
  • head injuries of any nature - concussion, bruise, etc.

Even if a child has a cystic tumor, it may not manifest itself in any way until adolescence. But even in this case, the child needs regular medical supervision.

Most dangerous period when a cyst develops, it is adolescence, since it is during this period that even the most inconspicuous and harmless cyst can begin to rapidly develop to enormous sizes.

If a child has a large cyst, it can put pressure on the brain tissue, causing the following negative consequences:

  • constant headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased hearing, impaired vision, sense of smell;
  • absence healthy sleep;
  • poor coordination in space;
  • high intracranial and arterial pressure;
  • seizures, loss of consciousness;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • numbness of arms and legs.

Symptoms largely depend on where the cyst is located. If the tumor is located closer to the back of the head, then it is fraught poor eyesight, double vision, the appearance of a “blurred” look.

A cyst-like formation in the cerebellum area negatively affects the child’s coordination in space. If the tumor is located in the area of ​​the pituitary gland, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted. With the most severe types of cysts, the child may lag behind in development, both mental and physical.


In children under 1 year of age, the cyst is diagnosed using neurosonography. The first risk group that needs to be examined for the presence of a cyst is premature, weakened children who had a brain cyst during pregnancy. In addition to them, children who were resuscitated during childbirth need examination. Children over 1 year old undergo MRI and computed tomography.

If a child has an infection or impaired blood circulation, as a result of which a cyst has formed, then other types of studies will be needed:


Treatment depends entirely on what type of cyst the child has. Treatment is not required if a child is diagnosed with a choroid plexus cyst, since by the age of 1 year the cyst should resolve on its own. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the infection and inflammatory process that could lead to the formation of a cyst in time.

If the cystic formations are too large and constantly growing, then you need to resort to surgical intervention. There are three types of treatment for such cysts:

Radical. In this case, the child undergoes craniotomy and the cyst with all excess is removed. Operations of this kind are extremely dangerous and are used as a last resort.
Palliative. This method involves bypass surgery. This method of treatment is less traumatic, but also has its disadvantages. When shunting, there is a chance of infection through the shunt into the skull. Also this method does not remove the cyst itself, and only sucks out the accumulated fluid from it.
Endoscopy. This procedure treatment is much safer and has good feedback, but requires high skill from the doctor and great experience. The essence of the procedure is to make punctures in the skull and remove the cyst-like formation.

Consequences of the cyst

A cyst is a benign tumor, but even its consequences in the head of a newborn child can be very serious.

Small cystic formations, as a rule, go away on their own, but at any time they can begin to grow rapidly. The main thing is to never lose sight of them and undergo regular preventive examinations.

Lack of timely medical care may cause irreversible pathologies:

  • loss of hearing and vision;
  • malfunction the part of the brain responsible for coordination;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • hemorrhages in the brain, and as a result, death.


2023 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs