How to treat enteritis in children. Enteritis in children - how to recognize and treat

Enteritis in children rarely occurs in isolation. Most often there is a combination of signs of damage to the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis), small and large intestines (enterocolitis), or all of these sections gastrointestinal tract. The disease can be acute or become chronic.


The main cause of inflammation of the small intestine in children is infections, mainly viral. The disease can also be caused by bacterial infections, for example, salmonellosis, dysentery and others.

Enteritis may be caused by exposure to adverse external factors, for example, excessive use of antibiotics. It may be the result of poisoning with mushrooms and plant poisons.

Chronic enteritis is a symptom of intestinal diseases, for example, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis with exocrine insufficiency.

Other causes of inflammation of the small intestine in children are rare.


Acute enteritis appears suddenly. This disease, regardless of its causes, is characterized by a combination of intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms.

Signs of intestinal damage - multiple loose stool first with food residues, and then watery. There is bloating, rumbling and moderate abdominal pain. The area of ​​pain is located in the middle of the abdomen, in umbilical region. They can be stupid long-term pain, and cramping, preceding bowel movement.

Extraintestinal symptoms of enteritis in children are associated primarily with loss of water and mineral salts. The elasticity of the skin decreases, the eyes become sunken, and the tongue and mucous membranes become dry. The patient is losing weight quickly. Loss of salts can lead to muscle soreness (such as the calves) and cramps. At in serious condition drowsiness, lethargy, refusal of water, and impaired consciousness appear.

Chronic enteritis is accompanied by signs of deficiency nutrients and vitamins. The child is lagging behind in growth and development, his hair falls out, his nails peel off, his skin becomes dry and flaky, and his activity is impaired. internal organs And nervous system. Anemia develops.


Enteritis in children is diagnosed through examination, collection of complaints and anamnesis, that is, life history and illness.

Additional diagnostic methods are general blood and urine tests, coprogram, bacteriological examination feces


Treatment of enteritis in children is carried out in outpatient setting or in a hospital depending on the severity of the condition. An exclusion diet is prescribed whole milk and fiber. Breast-feeding not cancelled. Fermented milk mixtures are used for artificial feeding.

Etiotropic therapy is carried out when bacterial infections. Antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents are prescribed.

The basis of treatment is rehydration. It can be carried out by drinking special solutions (Regidron) or intravenous infusions. Often these methods are combined.

Additionally, enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, and enterosorbents may be prescribed. The use of antidiarrheal drugs (loperamide) in children is not practiced, as this leads to a slowdown in the evacuation of pathogens from the body.

In case of chronic enteritis, the underlying disease is treated, as well as the correction of disorders caused by a lack of nutrients and vitamins.

Prevention of acute enteritis comes down to compliance with hygiene rules and limiting irritating substances in the diet. You should not uncontrollably treat your child with antibiotics. It is necessary to increase the body's resistance to viral infections through hardening, good sleep and other general hygiene measures.

Enteritis in children can occur in acute and chronic forms. The course of this acute disease in children is usually accompanied by symptoms of acute gastroenteritis, which becomes chronic. Pathology can develop against the background past infection, allergic reactions, result from a deficiency of protein foods or be a complication of surgery.

The cause of enteritis may be accelerated transit of intestinal contents, disruption of the digestive process - both cavity and parietal. As a result of development pathological process there is a decrease in the activity of small intestinal enzymes and disruption of all metabolic processes, the severity of these symptoms has great importance, especially in severe cases of the disease and the child’s young age.

Symptoms of enteritis in children

The main symptom of enteritis in children is diarrhea. The child's stool becomes abundant, has a light yellow color and contains particles of undigested food mixed with mucus. In some cases, feces become gray in color and have clayey appearance and a characteristic shine, in this case the child may have a violation of the digestion of fats. When putrefactive processes occur in the intestinal cavity, the feces acquire a fetid odor; when fermentation processes predominate, the feces become foamy.

The child usually complains about painful sensations during bowel movements, the frequency of stools during exacerbation of enteritis in some cases reaches 20 times a day. In addition, children appear increased gas formation, rumbling in the abdomen, pain. On palpation, pain is detected in the navel area.

In addition to local manifestations of pathology, patients experience symptoms characteristic of metabolic disorders and functional changes in certain organs and systems. Enteritis is most severe in young children.

When making a diagnosis, attention is paid to intolerance to certain foods, especially milk, as well as a history of intestinal infections.

Treatment of enteritis in children

Treatment of enteritis in children requires integrated approach. The patient must adhere to a certain diet: the child’s diet must contain significant amount The patient must receive protein and fats in physiological quantities, but the consumption of carbohydrates should be limited. It is necessary to exclude milk and foods rich in fiber.

In case of severe illness, the child is prescribed antibiotics, parenteral nutrition, it is recommended to take B vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid.

Treatment with enzyme preparations is mandatory. After antibacterial therapy reception recommended medicines, normalizing intestinal microflora, as well as bacteriophages. Good effect give enveloping drugs, sorbents, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.

After long-term treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

Enteritis in children can be acute and chronic. There are also special forms occurring with damage to both the small and large intestines - pseudomembranous enterocolitis and necrotizing enterocolitis newborns.

Acute enteritis in children usually occurs in the form acute gastroenterocolitis. Chronic enteritis can be post-infectious, allergic, a consequence of enzyme deficiency, or post-operative. Often chronic enteritis is the outcome of acute enteritis. The main role in its pathogenesis, in addition to increasing the osmolarity of intestinal contents, intestinal hypersecretion and exudation, is played by the acceleration of the passage of intestinal contents and disruption of cavity and parietal digestion. The activity of many disaccharidases decreases early small intestine: lactase, invertase, maltase, etc. All types of metabolism are disrupted, the severity of which is the more significant, the more younger child and more severe illness.

Symptoms and signs of enteritis in children:

Main local symptom is diarrhea.
Excessive bowel movements light yellow color, with pieces undigested food, mixed with mucus. If fats are not digested, feces acquire a gray color, clayey appearance, and shine. The predominance of putrefactive processes causes the fetid odor of feces. During fermentation processes in the intestines, stool becomes foamy. Defecation is painful; during exacerbation, the frequency of stool reaches 10-20 times a day.

Other signs of local enteric syndrome are also expressed: flatulence, rumbling, abdominal pain. On palpation of the abdomen, pain in the mesogastrium is determined, and positive Obraztsov and Porges symptoms are noted. General signs diseases are manifested by disorders of all types of metabolism and functional changes other garfish and systems. Enteritis is especially severe in young children.
They may develop disaccharidase deficiency and exudative enteropathy.

When diagnosing chronic enteritis, anamnesis (intolerance to certain foods, especially milk, information about intestinal infections), clinical manifestations (abdominal pain, rumbling, flatulence), the nature of the stool and the results of a scatological examination are important. Investigate enzymatic, absorption and motor functions small intestine. An important role in diagnosis is played by intestinoscopy with targeted biopsy and subsequent morphological examination of biopsy samples of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. X-ray methods uninformative and unsafe for children.

Treatment of enteritis in children:

The treatment is complex. A complete diet is prescribed with a 10-15% increase in protein content, a physiological amount of fat and a restriction of carbohydrates.
Avoid products containing a large number of fiber, as well as whole milk (diet No. 4). The use of protein enpit and fermented milk lactobacterin enriched with lysozyme is effective. In severe cases, parenteral nutrition is used. Vitamins C, group B are administered, folic acid.

The use of enzyme preparations (Pancreatin, Panzinorm, Polyzyme, Festal) is indicated. In case of severe course of the process, it is prescribed antibacterial drugs: derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline (enteroseptol), nitrofuran series (furadonin, furazolidone), nalidixic acid (nevigramon), as well as sulfasalazine and biseptol.

After the course antibacterial treatment shown biological drugs, normalizing intestinal microflora (colibacterin, bificol, lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin). Bacteriophages (staphylococcal, pseudomonas, coli-proteus, etc.) are also used. Enveloping and adsorbing agents are effective (tanalbin, White clay, bismuth preparations), medicinal plants(chamomile, peppermint, St. John's wort, nettle, blueberries, etc.). Forecast at long-term treatment favorable.


Primary prevention is aimed at identifying and actively monitoring children with dysbacteriosis, convalescents after acute intestinal infections, and those suffering functional disorders intestines, food allergies. Secondary prevention provides early detection children with enteritis, their registration and observation. In spring and autumn, anti-relapse treatment is administered for a month (diet No. 4, vitamins, enzyme and biological preparations). In remission, but not earlier than after 3 months. after an exacerbation, it is indicated sanatorium treatment at the resorts of Arzni, Caucasian Mineral water, Truskavets, Lake Shira, etc.

Pseudomembranous enterocolitis:

Pseudomembranous enterocolitis occurs against the background oral administration antibiotics (usually lincomycin, clindamycin, ampicillin and especially cephalosporins). This is due to the increased proliferation of the enterotoxigenic strain Clostridiuni perfringens, which usually lives in the distal part of the intestine.


Symptoms appear already in the 1st week of antibiotic therapy. Characterized by diarrhea, which is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. The stools contain a lot of mucus and, less often, blood. In severe cases, the disease proceeds rapidly, resembling acute stomach. The diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical manifestations, results endoscopic examination. Sigmoidoscopy and colonofibroscopy make it possible to identify plaques and pseudomembranes consisting of mucus, fibrin, destroyed polymorphic and epithelial cells. In some cases, enterotoxin-producing clostridia are cultured from stool.


Treatment includes mandatory withdrawal of antibiotics that caused enterocolitis and parenteral nutrition. Vancomycin is prescribed orally, to which clostridia are usually sensitive; Festal, Digital, and bacterial preparations are used, and detoxification therapy is carried out according to indications. If ineffective drug therapy, increasing intoxication, threat of intestinal perforation, one has to resort to surgical treatment. Forecast at timely diagnosis and treatment is favorable, with progression of the process - serious.

Necrotizing enterocolitis of newborns:

Necrotizing enterocolitis of newborns is serious disease, accompanied by high mortality. Its etiology is unknown. Premature babies and low birth weight newborns are especially susceptible to the disease. Predisposing factors are intestinal ischemia and microcirculation disorders. The process is localized mainly in the distal small intestine and proximal large intestine. The resulting necrosis of the mucous membrane sometimes involves all layers intestinal wall, which leads to its perforation and peritonitis.

The disease usually develops in the 1st week of life, but can begin later - in the 2nd month. There is a sudden increase in the abdomen, as a result of stagnation of food in the stomach, vomiting occurs, first periodically, then constantly. Intestinal peristalsis reinforced, absent with perforation. Profuse diarrhea appears, quickly leading to acidosis; the development of shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation is possible.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture, results x-ray examination. On plain radiographs pneumatosis intestinalis is detected: pneumoperitoneum indicates intestinal perforation. Important role plays for subsequent treatment microbiological examination feces

During treatment, the child is transferred to parenteral nutrition. Correct violations electrolyte balance, acid-base state, blood coagulation system. Antibiotics (vancomycin, gentamicin) and oxygen therapy are prescribed. If there is no improvement in the child’s condition after 24-48 hours, as well as in case of intestinal perforation, it is indicated surgery- small bowel resection and ileostomy. The prognosis is serious.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children today different ages Not unusual. One of insidious pathologies are enteritis.

Enteritis is an inflammatory-dystrophic disease of the small intestine as a result of which various disorders develop.

Depending on how long enteritis lasts, it is divided into the following types:
Chronic. This is a fairly long-term manifestation of intestinal disorder;

IN childhood both acute and chronic enteritis are not uncommon. In any case, once a diagnosis is made, it is necessary to immediately begin active treatment up to the hospitalization of the baby in the hospital.
Quite rarely, enteritis exists on its own. As a rule, this disease is combined with inflammatory conditions of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis (with damage to the stomach), colitis (with damage to the large intestine).
The main danger of chronic enteritis in childhood is that it leads to a constant lack of nutrients and exhaustion of the baby. Moreover, it is long-lasting and sluggish inflammatory process in the intestinal walls leads to atrophic changes and quite serious violations in its functioning.

Main reasons:

In children, a disease such as chronic enteritis develops as a result various reasons. This pathology is characterized by high polymorphism. That is, it leads to its appearance big number various factors. If you arrange them in order of importance, you get the following picture:

1. Infectious diseases. Diseases such as cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, rota most often lead to the appearance of chronic enteritis in children. viral infections, enterovirus infection and many childhood infections, diseases caused by protozoan microorganisms - Giardia and Trichomonas;
2. Allergic reactions to foods and medications;
3. Nutritional factors, among which we can highlight such as early introduction of complementary foods, eating disorders, poor chewing of food (even with insufficient quantities teeth), non-compliance temperature regime food (extremely hot or cold), excessive amounts of food, lack of protein in the baby’s diet, aggressive and irritating the walls intestinal food (salty, spicy, sour);
4. Infection with worms (enterobiasis and other infestations);
5. Taking some medicines(sulfonamides);
6. Accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract, including chronic ones: pancreatitis and various enzymatic deficiencies, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, hepatitis;
7. Poisoning toxic substances(poisons, salts heavy metals, irradiation);
8. Other diseases: lesions thyroid gland, diabetes, neuroses, neurasthenia, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the above most common cause chronic enteritis in childhood are infectious diseases And allergic reactions. From eating disorders Most often, enteritis is a consequence of the introduction of foods that are not appropriate for the child’s age and complementary feeding before the age of six months.

Provoking factors that can trigger the onset of the disease if there are reasons:
Drink plenty of cold drinks;
Lack of vitamins;
Excessive amounts of fiber-containing foods.

How the disease develops:

Chronic enteritis is always preceded by acute enteritis. One cannot exist without the other. At the onset of the disease, a pathogenic agent or factor has a damaging effect on the intestinal walls. This influence can occur in three ways:
1. Direct effect (intestinal irritation);
2. Exposure through blood and blood vessels in the walls of the small intestine. This is how microorganisms and their toxins most often act. The latter, in turn, are released into the intestinal lumen and cause the development inflammatory reaction;
3. Autoimmune reactions.

Main symptoms of the disease:

Manifestations of the disease are:

Diarrhea, which usually occurs in attacks after almost any type of food. Stool frequency - up to 10 times a day;
- Visible undigested food remains in feces Oh;
- Stomach ache. The pain is not severe. Most often dull or in the form of spasms;
- Pain in the navel area when pressing to the left and above its location. This phenomenon called Porges' symptom;
- Sternberg's sign. It manifests itself as pain when pressing along the mesenteric part of the small intestine;

Important! The mesentery is a special fold through which the small intestine is attached to the wall of the abdominal cavity.

- Weakness;
- Polyfecalia. This symptom consists of a significant increase in the volume of feces (up to two kilograms per day);
- Significant loss of appetite;
- Appearance stool may be mushy, watery-foamy. The color of stool varies from ocher to yellow;
- The smell of feces is foul;
- Obraztsov's symptom. It manifests itself as a strong rumbling in the intestines and a sensation of fluid moving in it. Most noticeable when palpating the cecum;
- Anemia;
- Sometimes there is a very unexpected urge to defecate, which is accompanied by trembling and numbness of the hands, cold sweat;
- Children with this diagnosis, as a rule, are developmentally delayed and gain little weight;
- Reduced tissue turgor;
- Paleness of the skin;
- Intolerance fresh milk. It manifests itself in the fact that after eating it, the formation of gases and bloating significantly increases, and pain appears in the area near the navel.

For chronic and acute enteritis the clinical picture is very similar. The differences are that in the acute form of the disease, all symptoms are more pronounced and have a more vivid picture. With chronic enteritis in children, the symptoms are more sluggish with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.
Some children with a chronic form of the disease may not show the main symptom - diarrhea. They develop constipation as a result of digestive and intestinal dysfunction. As a rule, this symptom is characteristic of children with enterocolitis (with damage to the small and large intestines).

Treatment of chronic enteritis in children:

It should be noted that the approaches to the treatment of acute and chronic enteritis in childhood do not differ. In chronic form of the disease drug treatment indicated in the phase of exacerbation and manifestation of vivid symptoms.
In children with enteritis during an exacerbation, treatment in a hospital setting is indicated. Here therapy will follow two paths: medicinal and non-medicinal. Each of them is justified and requires strict adherence.

Drug treatment

Of the medications most often used to treat exacerbations of chronic enteritis the following groups:
1. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics.


These are preparations that contain living beneficial microorganisms. They populate the intestines and displace harmful pathogens. The action of drugs in this group is based on this effect.

All probiotics contain the following main groups of bacteria:
Propionic acid bacteria;
Saccharomycetes and some other spore-forming microorganisms.

All drugs in this group are intended for oral use.

Prebiotics in the treatment of chronic enteritis

By definition, prebiotics are all preparations that contain components of microbial and non-microbial origin and stimulate growth normal microflora intestines. Essentially it is food for microorganisms. It is recommended to saturate the foods that the child eats with them.
According to the mechanism of action, such agents maintain pH values ​​within normal limits to maintain reproduction and development beneficial bacteria, and also contain all the necessary components to stimulate their growth (sugars and others).


These are preparations that contain both live microorganisms and prebiotics for their nutrition and development.
The most common representative is the drug Bifiform. In children from 2 to 6 months, use 1 capsule 1 time per day. In this case, its contents must be diluted in a small amount of liquid (10 ml).
For children over 6 months of age, take 1 capsule 2 times a day.

2. Enzyme preparations. Their prescription is carried out only by the attending physician when violations of intraintestinal digestion are established. The most common drugs are Pancreatin, Festal, Pangrol, Creon, Cholenzyme and others.
3. Astringents and enveloping agents. The most commonly prescribed in hospital settings is basic bismuth nitrate (for children over 4 years of age).
4. Rehydration products for heavy diarrhea. They help restore fluid loss and prevent severe dehydration m of the body with a violation of its functions. Glucose solutions for intravenous administration are also widely used.
5. Sorbents. Prescribed to normalize the child's stool. The most commonly used are smecta and enterosgel.
6. Vitamin therapy. As a rule, against the background of chronic enteritis, a state of hypovitaminosis develops due to decreased absorption of vitamins from food. In order to compensate for this deficiency, they are appointed vitamin complexes, which are selected taking into account the age and condition of the baby.
7. Plasma substitutes - reopopliglyukin, hemodez are prescribed intravenously to eliminate manifestations of intoxication.

Important! Antibacterial therapy is used when proven bacterial nature enteritis. As a rule, when medium degree antibiotics are not prescribed for diseases.

Non-drug therapy

Among such methods of treating chronic enteritis, diet No. 4 is most indicated. Its essence is as follows:

Elimination of sour, spicy, fatty, irritating foods;
- Eating in fractional portions, but often;
- Predominance of milk-protein foods. Dairy products(not milk!), animal protein (low-fat varieties beef, veal, chicken, fish, eggs) - these products should form the basis of the diet of a child with chronic form enteritis;
- Exception large quantities coarse fiber;
- In case of profuse diarrhea, it is necessary to exclude foods such as dried fruits, all types of cabbage, grapes different varieties, rye flour bread, fresh flour pastries, nuts;
- Recommended: blueberries, black currants, pomegranate, pears.

By following all the recommendations for the treatment and prevention of this disease, the outcome in most cases is favorable. Dieting is usually lifelong and should be part of a lifestyle. It is important that from permitted products you can easily prepare a large number of tasty and healthy dishes for your baby!

Be healthy!

Enteritis in a child is a fairly common condition among such age group, which is caused by inflammation in small intestine. The danger of such a disease is that it can lead to the development of complications. In children, this disorder occurs in acute and chronic forms.

A wide range of predisposing factors can cause the appearance of such a disease, ranging from diseases and poisonings to decreased immunity and poor nutrition.

The clinical manifestation of this disease is practically no different from the symptoms of a similar disorder in adults. The most specific of them can be considered profuse diarrhea, vomiting, soreness near the navel, as well as an increase in body temperature.

Install correct diagnosis the pediatrician will be able to, based on the physical examination data and wide range laboratory and instrumental examinations. Treatment of the disease is carried out conservative methods, namely, the use of medications and adherence to diet therapy.


The formation of such a disease can be provoked by many reasons, both external and internal. The most common of them include:

In addition, predisposing factors include:

  • decreased resistance immune system;
  • prolonged hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the body;
  • addiction to bad habits– typical for teenagers;
  • lack of vitamins or nutrients in the diet;
  • excess fiber;
  • eating excessively hot or extremely cold food.


Enteritis in children can occur in two forms:

  • acute - this course of the disease is very common compared to chronic enteritis in children. In most cases, several other disorders develop against the background of such a disease. The main causes of this type of illness are intestinal viral infections and pathogenic bacteria;
  • chronic – characterized by periods of subsidence and recurrence of symptoms.

In turn, the acute form of the disease can be divided depending on the spread of the pathological process. It can be in the form:

  • gastroenteritis – with damage to the stomach;
  • enterocolitis – involving disease of the large intestine;
  • gastroenterocolitis – with a combination of signs of both forms.

In addition, there are several types similar disease:

  • parvovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • granulomatous;
  • rotavirus enteritis.

But not all of them pose a danger to humans.

A typical type of enteritis in childhood is rotavirus. Children are most susceptible to rotavirus infection. It is often diagnosed in children before three years and, quite rarely, in older people. The clinical picture of the disease is similar to acute enteritis.

There are several ways a child can become infected with rotavirus:

  • upon contact with a vector;
  • through contaminated water or food;
  • when using household appliances.

This condition requires immediate contact medical institution. It is worth noting that the disease is highly treatable and does not cause complications. An improvement in the patient's condition is observed on the sixth day of therapy, but to consolidate the effect, therapeutic measures continue for two weeks. Distinctive feature This type of illness is that after recovery the child develops immunity to the disease, which completely eliminates its occurrence in the future.

A rare type of disease that may affect children is granulomatous enteritis or Crohn's disease. His symptomatic manifestation completely corresponds to the course of chronic enteritis. The danger is that in children under five years of age this disease is asymptomatic. It is most difficult to diagnose this disease in newborns.


The external manifestation of the disease will differ depending on the form in which the disease occurs.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • bowel dysfunction, which results in diarrhea. The urge to defecate can reach twenty times a day;
  • the appearance of characteristic rumbling in the stomach;
  • increase in abdominal size;
  • greasy sheen of feces;
  • watery stool;
  • the occurrence of pain in the navel area - often expressed after eating food;
  • attacks of nausea ending with profuse vomiting;
  • loss of body weight, which is caused by refusal to eat;
  • increased fatigue;
  • dryness skin;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • increased hair loss;
  • sleep disorders;
  • tremor;
  • muscle pain;
  • stomatitis.

In case of severe acute form of enteritis in children, the main symptoms will be supplemented by:

  • internal hemorrhages;
  • severe dehydration, accompanied by profuse diarrhea and vomiting. This condition is life-threatening for the child;
  • anemia;
  • violation of the structure of the walls of the affected organ.

At chronic course In such a disease, the nature of the symptoms will be somewhat changed. Thus, clinical picture will be:

  • the appearance of diarrhea only after eating;
  • pathological impurities in stool, in particular blood;
  • discomfort during the process of defecation;
  • slight manifestation of pain;
  • appearance in language white plaque, which covers the entire surface of this organ;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • increased heart rate;
  • seizures severe dizziness;
  • increased gas formation.

Often, children are diagnosed with an acute form of this disease, which is caused by non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and food processing.


So that the clinician can establish final diagnosis, and also to understand how to treat enteritis in a child, several diagnostic measures will be required.

Primary diagnosis is aimed at:

  • conducting a survey of the patient or his parents;
  • the doctor’s examination of the patient’s medical history and life history;
  • performing a thorough physical examination.

This will make it possible not only to identify the causes of the formation of such a disorder, but also to assess the severity general condition sick.

The basis for diagnosing enteritis in children is laboratory research. These include:

If chronic enteritis is suspected, in addition, ultrasound and radiography of the abdominal organs with contrast may be prescribed, endoscopic examination with a biopsy of the intestinal mucosa.


The appearance of symptoms of enteritis in children is a signal for immediate appeal to a medical facility or call an ambulance. After the diagnosis is established, the child will be provided with first aid and treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment of enteritis in children is often performed in a hospital setting. Indications for hospitalization of a child are:

  • patient age up to one year;
  • acute course enteritis;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

Therapy similar illness carried out using these conservative techniques, How:

  • use of medications;
  • compliance with diet therapy.

Rules therapeutic nutrition are:

  • reducing the amount of food consumed by three times;
  • feeding infant only breast milk. For kids on artificial feeding– adapted mixtures;
  • the diet of patients six months of age should consist of mucous porridges on water based, jelly, vegetable purees, dairy-free formulas;
  • enriching the diet with baked fruits and boiled vegetables containing pectin;
  • cooking food only by steaming or boiling;
  • exclusion from the menu of whole milk and foods rich in fiber, fatty meats and fish, bread and confectionery, smoked meats and sodas, chocolate and ice cream.

Drug therapy includes taking:


At severe course acute form of the disease, high chance of formation the following complications enteritis in children:

  • perforation of the intestinal wall;
  • internal hemorrhages;
  • severe dehydration;
  • development of iron deficiency or B12 deficiency anemia;
  • coma.

Some of the complications pose a threat to the patient's life.


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