Minor brain dysfunction symptoms. How to Treat Minimal Brain Dysfunction (MMD) in Children

MMD is characterized by a pronounced predominance functional changes over organic. Children with this syndrome are very hyperactive, cannot concentrate, cannot fix their attention, are constantly distracted and do not adapt well in an unfamiliar environment.

A child with minimal brain dysfunction very often has great difficulties during school, and perception disorders are often detected, including own body(for example, the child is not able to distinguish parts from the whole, distinguish figures from the background, learning to write and read is difficult). MMD is characterized by: increased impulsivity and excessive excitability, low level self-control, nail biting, finger sucking, swaying of the head and body, difficulties in communicating with peers and poor orientation in a team are often noted. It is also possible to identify incorrect pronunciation of words, a decrease in performance abstract thinking, disturbances in spatial representation.

During an external examination with this syndrome, a number of anomalies are sometimes revealed, for example, deformation of the skull, ears, abnormal growth of teeth, hypertelorism (anomaly in the development of the skull bones), high sky, syndactyly (complete or partial fusion of the fingers or toes). Sometimes it is possible to detect a number signs of lung organic brain damage: strabismus, asymmetric nasolabial folds, muscular dystonia, disturbances in coordination of movements.


Treatment for MMD should begin as early as possible, involving not only the child, but also his environment, in order to create a calm and consistent attitude towards him. Directed motor activity, psychological and pedagogical correction, as well as drug treatment– are the main directions in the treatment of minimal brain dysfunction.

The purpose of directed motor activity is to train coordination and dexterity. It is necessary to conduct sports activities and games that are aerobic exercise, such as long runs, skiing, swimming or cycling. You should avoid overwork and sports that have an emotional component.

Psychological and pedagogical correction should begin with the child’s obligatory adherence to a clear daily routine, limiting work and watching TV to 30-40 minutes a day. Support your child in all his endeavors and praise him in every case, if he deserves it, emphasize his successes. Encourage your child for all activities that require concentration.

Medications are prescribed only in cases where MMD does not respond to psychological and pedagogical correction alone. Currently, several groups are used in the treatment of minimal brain dysfunction, these are psychostimulants, nootropics, and tricyclic antidepressants. The most effective: Cerebrolysin, Phenibut, Piracetam, Semax. Selection medicines carried out by the attending physician, taking into account individual characteristics child.

1.What is minimal brain dysfunction (MMD)?

First, MMD is associated with the consequences of early brain damage in children. Of course, some of the parents are probably quite aware of what it is, but there are probably mothers among readers who know little about minimal brain dysfunction and have not yet thought about what it leads to.

It sounds quite serious, I agree, but it’s true that they say that “he who is armed is protected”; in this context, it is the parent who knows what kind of help his child needs if the neurologist diagnoses minimal brain dysfunction. Let's try to start understanding this topic deeper.

In the 60s the term became widespread "minimal brain dysfunction" MMD. Minimal brain dysfunction is expressed in age-related immaturity of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking). MMD is associated with difficulties in learning, social adaptation, emotional disturbances, and behavioral disorders not associated with severe impairments of intellectual development. MMD in children manifests itself in the form of disorders of psychological development, these include: the formation of writing skills (dysgraphia), reading (dyslexia), counting (dyscalculia), speech development disorders, motor function development disorders (dyspraxia); behavioral and emotional disorders include: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioral disorders. MMD are the most common form of neuropsychic disorders in childhood, which, according to statistics, unfortunately, occur in every third of our children.

2. How MMD manifests itself at different ages.

Neurologists usually make a diagnosis of MMD already in the first months of a child’s life; during this period, parents should pay attention to the presence of increased excitability in the child, sleep disturbances, unmotivated, causeless crying, excessive motor activity, increase muscle tone, tremors of various parts of the body, redness or marbling skin, increased sweating, feeding difficulties and gastrointestinal disorders.

Aged from 1 year to 3 years Children with MMD often experience increased excitability, motor restlessness, sleep and appetite disturbances, poor weight gain, and some delay in psycho-speech and motor development.

By 3 years of age, attention is drawn to increased fatigue, motor clumsiness, distractibility, motor hyperactivity, impulsiveness, stubbornness and negativism. There is often a delay in the formation of neatness skills (enuresis, encopresis). Symptoms of MMD increase towards the start of kindergarten (at the age of 3 years) or school (6-7 years). This pattern may be associated with the inability of the central nervous system(CNS) to cope with new demands placed on the child in conditions of increasing mental and physical stress.

The maximum severity of MMD manifestations often coincides with critical periods of psychosis. speech development in children. The first period includes the age of 1-2 years, when intensive development of cortical speech zones and active formation of speech skills occur. The second period occurs at the age of 3 years. At this stage, the child’s stock of words increases, phrasal speech improves, and attention and memory actively develop. At this time, children with MMD exhibit delayed speech development and impaired articulation. The third critical period refers to the age of 6-7 years and coincides with the beginning of the development of skills writing(writing, reading). Children with MMD at this age are characterized by the development of school maladjustment and behavior problems.

3. How to recognize MMD yourself?

We can say that the causes of MMD are varied, these are:

    pathology of pregnancy and childbirth (severe pregnancy);

    toxicosis first half of pregnancy, (especially the first trimester);

    risk of miscarriage;

    this is harmful to the body of a pregnant woman chemical substances, radiation, vibration, infectious diseases, some microbes and viruses;

    this is a violation of the timing of pregnancy (the child is born premature or post-term), protracted labor with stimulation of labor, accelerated, quick birth, lack of oxygen (hypoxia) due to compression of the umbilical cord, asphyxia, entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck, C-section, birth injuries;

    infectious, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases mothers;

    incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother according to the Rh factor;

    mental trauma of the mother during pregnancy, stress, physical activity;

    a child under one year old has suffered an infectious disease, accompanied by various kinds of complications, has been injured or has undergone surgery.

This all means that, unfortunately, your child is at risk!!!

4. Ways to help a child with MMD.

If you recognize child mmd, then you understand that he, like no one else, needs the attention of specialists and early medical, psychological and pedagogical support.

What kind of specialists does a child need most of all?


  1. neuropsychologist;

    speech pathologist;

    teacher speech therapist

    Doctors, a neurologist and a pediatrician will help you choose an adequate course of drug treatment for your child.

A speech pathologist-defectologist will help develop your child’s cognitive and speech spheres, select an individual program for correcting delays in psycho-speech and mental development, and help children with intellectual development disorders.

A neuropsychologist will conduct an express diagnosis of a preschooler’s readiness for school, a diagnosis of the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking) and the emotional and personal sphere. She will help you understand the reasons for the child’s school failure and conduct remedial classes, develop an individual program for correcting the child’s cognitive sphere (development of attention, memory, thinking), and help understand the reasons bad behavior child and choose an individual or group form of behavioral and emotional-personal correction. It will teach you new ways to respond to and communicate with your child. This will give you the opportunity to better understand your child, be closer to him and be more effective as a parent, and will give your child the opportunity to become successful in society, mature and developed.

A speech therapist teacher will select an individual program for the correction of speech development disorders, help you understand what the problem of a child’s speech disorder is, and develop writing, reading and counting skills.

ENT will detect diseases of the ENT organs (ear, nose, throat).

What distinguishes a child who has functional disorders in the brain or (MMD, SPR) from normally developing children:

    Delay and disturbance of speech development.

    Problems of learning at school.

    Rapid mental fatigue and decrease mental performance(while the general physical fatigue may be completely absent).

    Sharply reduced possibilities of self-government and voluntary regulation in any type of activity.

    Behavioral disturbances from lethargy, drowsiness when alone, to motor disinhibition, chaotic behavior, disorganization of activities in a crowded, noisy environment.

    Difficulties in the formation of voluntary attention (instability, distractibility, difficulties in concentrating, distributing and switching attention).

    Volume reduction random access memory, attention, thinking (the child can hold in his mind and operate with a limited amount of information).

    Lack of orientation in time and space.

    Increased physical activity.

    Emotional-volitional instability (irritability, hot temper, impulsiveness, inability to control one’s behavior in play and communication).

Dear parents, if your child is at risk and has an unfavorable neurological status, he needs early help, support and prevention of developmental disorders, combining psychological, educational and drug treatment. Your child will be helped by specialists such as a neurologist, speech pathologist and psychologist.

Nowadays, all these problems can be overcome if parents contact specialists in a timely manner and provide joint comprehensive assistance to your child. There are now enough ways to provide assistance to help your child grow harmoniously and develop their potential.

There are various psychological programs for individual and group assistance to children with MMD, which are aimed at:

    decrease in motor activity in children during the educational process;

    increasing the child’s communicative competence in the family, in kindergarten and school.

    development of attention distribution skills, motor control;

    training in self-regulation skills (the ability to control oneself and constructively express one’s emotions);

    developing skills of constructive communication with peers;

    developing the ability to control the impulsiveness of one’s actions;

    recognition of one's strong qualities and their more efficient use.

    Forming in parents an idea of ​​the characteristics of children with manifestations of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.

Every caring parent, deep down, knows for sure that early contact for qualified help will prevent and avoid many problems in the development of the child and prevent the difficulties that the child will encounter while studying at school.

I know that loving and sensitive parents, who are the majority, always think about the future of their children and provide them with timely support, without postponing the resolution of important issues until later.

Minimal brain dysfunction - neuropsychiatric disorder, resulting from mild damage to the central nervous system. These disorders are caused by the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as various types of infections and lack of care in the

The picture of disorders with minimal brain dysfunction is very diverse and changes with age, as a rule, its manifestations increase towards Minimal brain dysfunction in children can affect the appearance in changes in structure facial bones skulls, in incorrect formation skeleton oral cavity, asthenia of the tongue muscles, which can lead to problems with speech development. Violations of muscle tone are likely, the presence of autonomic reactions is noted increased sweating, drooling. Children with minimal brain dysfunction are characterized by motor disinhibition, hyperactivity, and are subject to frequent mood swings. Psychologists working with children with a history of “minimal brain dysfunction” note the presence of auto-aggression, susceptibility to anger, and rage in such children. Among psychological disorders It should be noted social immaturity, which is expressed in the desire to play and communicate with younger children. Such children are distinguished by disturbances in the process of falling asleep and shallow, intermittent sleep; children may cry out during sleep. As noted above, children with MMD have problems with learning at school (some have difficulty with computational actions, others have problems with error-free writing, and others have impaired spatial orientation).

Variants of impairment with minimal brain dysfunction:

  • Minimal brain dysfunction with hyperactivity due to attention deficit. Such children are characterized by a high threshold of excitability and impulsiveness. What distinguishes them is high level aggressiveness, decreased concentration and voluntary attention;
  • Minimal brain dysfunction with hypoactivity due to attention deficit. These children are characterized by lethargy, lethargy, and decreased concentration;
  • MMD associated with impaired motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • MMD associated with imperfect spatial orientation;
  • MMD, manifested in speech development disorders.

Negative factors may also affect adolescence, expressed in a tendency to use drugs and alcohol, antisocial behavior, and a tendency to have early sexual intercourse.

Minor cerebral dysfunction manifests itself in the form of psychomotor excitability, mild degree absent-mindedness, vegetative instability. In 70% of children with minor minimal dysfunction, the disorders resolve with minimal drug intervention. The remaining 30% face learning difficulties at school.

MMD of the encephalopathic type is characterized focal lesion NS, expressed in the underdevelopment of higher cortical functions. These children are characterized by mirrored writing, difficulties in recognizing “right” - “left”, and poor speech memory. Only a third of children with this type of MMD have a favorable compensatory prognosis.

During infancy, children with MMD are characterized by increased excitability, sleep disturbances, and tremor of the chin and limbs. In more late time They are characterized by retardation in psycho-speech development, disinhibition, and difficulties in general motor skills. Enuresis develops very often. As a rule, such manifestations with adequate treatment disappear by 5 years. If before this age the manifestations are not compensated, then by the beginning schooling they may increase in size and the child will need specialist help.

Minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) is a complex of relatively mild disorders and diseases of the central nervous system that manifest in the form deviant behavior, speech disorders, learning problems. MMD also includes: attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, delayed psychomotor development, childhood psychosis, etc.

Signs of disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, which subsequently lead to the occurrence of various brain dysfunctions in children, are observed in approximately 20% of newborns. With age, in almost half of those observed, the disorder is corrected either independently or under the influence external factors(upbringing, training, etc.). Among schoolchildren, symptoms of MMD are registered in 5–15% - depending on social status and region of residence. Most often, the disease manifests itself in children to whom parents do not pay due attention, in dysfunctional families and, conversely, in families with great income, where the child is given enormous freedom of action and is brought up in an atmosphere of permissiveness.

Although the term “mild impairment” may seem harmless to parents, it is not. The consequences of uncorrected brain dysfunction can be serious problems in psychological, mental and physical development child. For example, disorders of personal development: frequent depressive and depressed states; educational lag associated with difficulties in mastering exact and creative subjects; vegetative-vascular diseases. Often, in adulthood, children with MMD show signs of social inadequacy, expressed in a tendency to alcoholism and drug addiction, lack of professional skills, and inability to adapt to society.

Brain dysfunction in children or suspicion of it should be the first signal for parents to seek help from an osteopathic specialist.

Causes of the appearance and development of brain dysfunction

The main and most common cause The appearance of MMD in children is due to birth trauma received both during pregnancy and during childbirth. The child’s spine and especially his cervical region experience enormous loads while driving birth canal. Squeezing between the bones of the pelvis, children make a turn of almost 360 degrees, which often affects the position of the cervical vertebrae, causing their displacement, and subsequently, a disruption of the blood supply.

No less common and dangerous is compression, deformation and damage to the bones of the skull, which can be caused by incorrect and careless actions of the midwife. All this directly affects blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain.

Another important and common reason is the mother’s non-compliance with the regime during pregnancy. Unbalanced diet, insufficient sleep, stress, treatment using potent pharmacological drugs, toxicosis - all this causes metabolic disorders in the body and can cause prolonged fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is important that during pregnancy a woman is always under the supervision of not only a therapist and gynecologist, but also an experienced osteopathic doctor who can quickly correct any disturbances in the body caused by the adverse effects of external factors.

Symptoms and diagnosis of MMD

The symptoms of MMD in children are very extensive and varied. Possible deviations in a child’s development should be monitored from the very first days of his life. At the same time, the manifestation of one or more symptoms does not mean that your baby needs treatment, but it is imperative to show him to a specialist and tell him in detail about the deviations you observe. Perhaps this will help detect and correct the course of the disease, save your child from problems and make him happy.

Minimal symptoms brain disorders may manifest themselves in at different ages. Usually over the years they become more pronounced and more difficult to correct. Therefore, it is better if you or an osteopathic specialist detects them at the most early stages. The most pronounced and common symptoms of a central nervous system disorder include:

  • increased concern in infancy. The baby often screams and cries for no reason, tosses and turns in his sleep, has difficulty falling asleep and often wakes up, demonstrates an inadequate reaction to the world, of people;
  • slow development. The child turns over later than his peers, sits up, stands on his feet, begins to walk, and talk. Sometimes retardation in children can manifest itself in the fact that they for a long time continue to tiptoe, poorly coordinate their movements when walking and running;
  • non-standard head shape. It may be disproportionately large or small, or have an uneven shape. The child may have an asymmetrical face or excessively protruding ears;
  • vision problems. Usually they begin to appear at an early age in the form of strabismus, myopia or astigmatism and progress with age, especially after starting school;
  • hyper- or hypodynamia. Violations manifest themselves in constant fuss and nervousness or, conversely, too calm a reaction to external stimuli;
  • restless sleep. Can be observed in children at any age. The baby may wake up in his sleep, worry about nightmares, and often get up at night to go to the toilet. It is often difficult for a child to fall asleep due to overstimulation, before tests and/or exams, in anticipation of a birthday or New Year, or some other event. Typical manifestations"owl" character childhood- late falling asleep and inability to wake up early are also symptoms of MMD;
  • frequent illnesses. These can be banal acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections or “harmless”, in the opinion of parents, “sniffing”, allergic reactions for flowering and food allergy, increased fatigue and frequent headaches, as well as causeless psychological emptiness, depressive states;
  • Digestive problems. May manifest as nausea after eating, inability to control satiety, leading to constant overeating, diarrhea and constipation, increased flatulence;
  • problems with posture and gait. Usually expressed in the appearance of flat feet, club feet, initial signs scoliosis;
  • weather dependence. The child does not feel well during a sudden change in weather, experiences pain in the joints before rain, headaches due to solar activity, etc.;
  • speech problems. Children with MMD experience not only delayed speech development, but also stuttering, inability to pronounce complex words, confusion with accents and endings, problems with memorizing poetry, retelling books they have read;
  • problems with coordination of movements. Expressed in the inability to quickly master sport games, learn to ride a bicycle, control a ball, jump rope, etc.;
  • violation of fine motor skills. Children with minimal brain dysfunction have difficulty performing small movements - buttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, threading a needle, trimming their nails.

The list of symptoms is quite wide and the presence large quantity of them talks about possible problems in child development. If you observe not just isolated signs that may be the result of individual personality characteristics, but whole line symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist. For an accurate and reliable diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations by an ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychologist, or osteopath. Only comprehensive examination The child will be able to confidently talk about the presence of brain dysfunction. This will make it possible to take further measures to treat the disease and correct existing behavioral deviations.

Treatment of minimal brain dysfunction using osteopathic methods

It is a mistake to believe that osteopathy is a panacea for all diseases and the doctor will easily relieve your child of all symptoms of MMD, make him an excellent student at school and successful person in life. Effective treatment must be comprehensive. At the same time, the osteopath only makes adjustments, directly and precisely influencing the child’s central nervous system, his internal organs, circulatory system. It is the activation of the latter that most often is the impetus that the osteopath gives children's body, allowing it to develop in the right direction.

To prescribe competent treatment, a specialist must have full picture diseases, which is impossible without tests and anamnesis. Heredity plays a significant role in a child’s development, so don’t be surprised by questions from a specialist about the health of mom and dad, and grandparents.

Based on the nature of the disease and the manifestation of symptoms, treatment is prescribed, the first step of which is usually the correction of microtraumas and disorders that have become the primary causes of deviations. In parallel, there is an impact on meninges and skull bones. After all, the blood supply to the brain depends on their equilibrium position and the possibility of free micro-oscillations. The lack of oxygen, vitamins and microelements in certain areas of the cerebral cortex leads to the fact that areas of the central and peripheral nervous systems do not work correctly, which results in strabismus, impaired motor skills, and deviations in the speech apparatus.

It should be remembered that changes do not occur immediately and not even after several sessions. The osteopath works with very subtle matters and not so much heals as it directs the child’s body to independently adapt to the changed external conditions and correction of congenital and acquired abnormalities.

Osteopathic effects must be combined with a complex of other therapeutic and preventive measures, including physical therapy, constant classes and exercises with the child, work on his upbringing, etc. That is, if a child, due to a violation of the speech areas of the brain (hypoxia), pronounces words incorrectly, restoring the blood supply will not yet “teach” him to speak correctly. The brain must restore neural connections, and speech apparatus adapt to new ones internal conditions organism - it is necessary to work with the child, instilling in him the correct pronunciation. Over time, this will become his habit, and he will learn to speak and think correctly without outside help. The same applies to other deviations - in physical development, psychological state etc.

Minimal brain dysfunction in children requires special attention from parents and teachers. In parallel with treatment by an osteopath, sessions with a psychologist, linguist and other specialists, it is necessary to constantly work with the child, teach him and educate him. All of the following recommendations from an osteopathic specialist are equally applicable to healthy children. But specifically for those who suffer from MMD, these tips are important on the path to full recovery:

  • compliance with the daily routine. This will not only allow you to discipline the child, but also, by instilling regular habitual actions, will synchronize the work of his nervous system and body;
  • healthy sleep. For children preschool age You need to sleep at least 10 hours a day. It is advisable to divide the sleep period into two periods, for example, 8 hours of night sleep and 2 hours of afternoon sleep. If your child has insomnia, try to engage him more physical activities, sports games, walks on fresh air;
  • dispensing educational material. Don’t be embarrassed by your child’s inability to master all the educational material at once. Try to present it in small portions with short breaks. Require your child to frequently repeat information already covered. It is easier for many children to learn new knowledge through games, films, books;
  • movement. Do not force your child to sit motionless in one place for hours, absorbing educational material. Minimal brain dysfunction in children can be expressed in underdevelopment of the diaphragm muscles, which is why their body experiences oxygen starvation in the absence of movement. That is, the child literally “has difficulty breathing” when he is immobile for a long time;
  • creative development. Fantasy activities and creative tasks stimulate imaginative thinking in children, which leads to activation of neighboring areas of the brain. Practice shows that often with the development creativity schoolchildren begin to better master the exact sciences;
  • friendly homely atmosphere. The child should not worry stressful situations, psychological pressure, insults from peers due to the fact that he exhibits minimal brain dysfunction, treatment will be effective only if the child’s body itself begins to work to correct the abnormalities. And this requires a favorable psychological atmosphere both at home and at school.

MMD syndrome or, as it is also called in ICD-10, “hyperkinetic behavioral disorders” with code F-90, manifests itself already in early childhood. Minimal brain dysfunction suggests the presence of neurological disorders that are detected in behavior and psychological reactions child. For example, these could be violations speech activity, poor coordination of movements, hyperactivity, learning difficulties.

Psychologically, disorders are expressed in emotional lability (instability), increased distractibility, and absent-mindedness. Parents need to take the manifestations of MMD very seriously, since according to the latest medical data, up to 25% of children have such a diagnosis.

Severe hyperactivity of a child may be one of the signs of MMD

What are the causes of MMD?

To the causes of neurological disorders causing minimal brain dysfunction, include various factors- for example, experts note that a child is affected even before birth by:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • pathology of pregnancy (prematurity, threatened miscarriage, anemia, illness and poor nutrition expectant mother, fetal hypoxia, etc.);
  • pathology of childbirth ( imminent birth, weak labor activity, asphyxia of the newborn).

In addition to these factors, the appearance of dysfunction in children can be provoked by:

  • Not good nutrition and even malnutrition;
  • various diseases associated with oxygen deficiency (for example, with bronchial asthma the lungs do not enrich the blood with oxygen well).

Attention deficit

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Parents raising preschool children must be attentive to behavioral and mental reactions baby in order to recognize neurological disorders in time.

It is worth considering that outwardly minimal brain dysfunction can manifest itself in different ways - it depends on the severity of the disorder and the characteristics of the child’s psyche. It is important not to confuse the disorder with normal manifestations of childhood activity or common speech disorders.

And yet, determining the presence of this syndrome is not so difficult. Experts have classified the symptoms that occur with minimal brain dysfunction. Their main symptoms include attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity in children.

A child with attention deficit disorder often switches between different activities, is not ready to listen and follow instructions and requests, and has difficulty remembering

The essence manifests itself in pronounced inattention and has the following characteristics:

  • the baby does not respond to the call, although he hears it;
  • cannot concentrate for long even on interesting activity(game, reading a fairy tale, film);
  • the older preschooler willingly begins to complete the task, but does not finish it;
  • in preparation for learning and during the learning itself, the child experiences difficulties mainly associated with organizing activities (games, completing tasks);
  • at any age, cannot concentrate on activities that require attentiveness and certain mental efforts, rejects such activities;
  • characteristic of them frequent loss of things;
  • Children have difficulty remembering even the simplest texts or rhymes.

Hyperactivity as a symptom of dysfunction

With minimal brain dysfunction, it manifests itself from infancy by the following actions:

  • the baby sleeps restlessly or very little;
  • With early age the preschooler becomes restless and is in constant motion;
  • even in a calm state, he makes aimless movements with his arms and legs;
  • there is instability when walking, frequent falls are possible;
  • the child constantly touches objects and hits corners;
  • characterized by anxiety in different situations, especially disturbing him;
  • the baby can often break things and toys;
  • fine motor skills are poorly developed, which may later manifest itself in poor handwriting and rapid hand fatigue when writing;
  • although there are minimal disturbances in speech, the child is often very talkative, interrupts, and interferes in the conversations of adults;
  • If they have problems articulating speech, it is difficult for them to construct long sentences, so they have difficulty retelling the text.

Impulsivity syndrome

Minimal brain dysfunction in impulsivity syndrome is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • manifests itself very sharply emotional lability(changes in mood from elated to depressed);
  • children may experience unreasonable outbursts of anger not only towards others, but also towards themselves;
  • the preschooler quickly answers questions without thinking, without listening to the instructions;
  • admits destructive behavior during classes;
  • the child does not know how to lose, during a loss he can be aggressive and get into fights with other children;
  • cannot wait for a distant reward, demanding immediate delivery;
  • does not obey the rules (of behavior, games);
  • commits actions that are dangerous to himself and others, although he does not understand this;
  • While performing tasks, the child’s unstable behavior easily changes from calm to aggressive (gets angry if the task does not work out).

What are the diagnostic criteria for MMD syndrome? The diagnosis is made by the presence of at least six symptoms that have been observed over the past six months. Parents need to take into account that children experience great difficulties when studying at school, but remember that it is not the level of development that plays a significant role intellectual abilities, but the impossibility of realizing them.

Treatment of children with MMD syndrome

Parents of children with MMD syndrome do not need to despair or expect that everything will go away as the child grows up. As a rule, those of them who are actively involved with their children, fulfill all the appointments of specialists, receive good results. The main thing is that it is carried out timely diagnosis and appointed correct treatment. According to experts, 70% of children, as a result of actively spent therapeutic measures They catch up with their peers in development and do not differ from them in their behavior.

When treating MMD, it is necessary to understand that it must take place in the interaction of a specialist, the child and the people around him in order to create a positive atmosphere around him. The main directions in treatment are psychological and pedagogical correction, drug treatment, patience and consistency of parents.

A corrective treatment program can be structured as follows:

  1. Medications are prescribed only by a specialist. Medicines, course, doses - everything should be under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. In psychological and pedagogical correction should include activities, games, and psycho-gymnastic exercises that take into account all the problems of children with MMD. The correction system is compiled by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, teacher) and carried out under their supervision. Tasks should be aimed at concentration, development of thinking, memory, fine motor skills, have clear instructions with repeated repetition, because it is difficult for a child to focus on verbal explanations. At first, it is better to use clarity - for example, when doing graphic dictations with a pencil, show the beginning of the work. It is also necessary to take into account that it is difficult for preschoolers to immediately absorb educational material, so repetitions and a return to what has been covered are needed.
  3. Children with MMD must follow a strict daily routine, which is organized and supported by surrounding adults. They simply have to make sure that the baby wakes up, gets proper nutrition, goes for walks, plays games, and goes to bed at the same time. This implementation of the regime makes the work of the nervous system synchronous, while deviations undermine the nervous processes.
  4. Adjust physical activity The child will be helped by physical therapy, which recommends feasible exercises, sports games, swimming, cycling, and skating.

Thoughtful physical activity- the best way to release the baby’s accumulated energy. Suitable for sports, group classes, swimming, cycling, roller skating

Raising a child with MMD in a family

  1. In a family setting, parents should remember that their frequent mood swings and family quarrels have a bad effect on the child’s emotional well-being and can aggravate the course of the disease. brain disorder Therefore, it is necessary to have unity of requirements between parents, adequacy and clarity of actions, slow and friendly speech. Parents should be careful when their child communicates with his peers. It is necessary to encourage friendship with a slow child in order to reduce emotional outbursts.
  2. For the same purpose, children should not be among large cluster people, for example, in mass city events.
  3. Experts also advise that instead of traveling abroad to hot countries, organize summer rest in a familiar place, for example, at the dacha. Include outdoor games, swimming in a pond, and walks in the forest in children's leisure time, as this calms the nervous system.
  4. To correct fine motor skills, develop attentiveness, and memory, it is recommended to engage in creative activities with the child at home: draw, sculpt, cut, glue. It is useful to read fairy tales, memorize poems in a playful way, listen to music, children's songs.
  5. Psychologists do not recommend attending sections or clubs at this time until the treatment is completed. When a preschooler begins to study, the teacher must be told about the diagnosis in order to provide him with an individual approach.

When raising a child with MMD, parents must remember that coping with problems in short time will help complex treatment. According to the famous doctor Komarovsky, it is possible to influence children with minimal brain dysfunction by example, patience and proper upbringing. This way, parents will quickly find an approach to their child.



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