Celery juice for weight loss. Losing weight with celery and its preparation

In the understanding of many girls and young women, the concepts of “beauty” and “slimness” are inseparable, despite the fact that female body prone to thriftiness and “hoarding” in relation to fat deposits. It is for this reason that the fair sex spends most of its precious time searching for and using various effective methods fight against overweight, often not paying attention to the products that are always at hand and ready to help a woman in her difficult lot. So, for example, celery. This unusual vegetable has been valued since ancient times for its wonderful healing and taste properties. But we won’t delve too deeply into this issue, but rather talk about how beneficial celery juice is for weight loss and beauty. female body.

Composition of celery juice

Even the ancient Greek priestesses knew about the ability of celery to effectively cleanse and rejuvenate the entire body and actively used it, which largely explains the enviable beauty and “eternal” youth of these representatives of the fair sex.

Healthy sleep, strong nerves and vessels, good performance, sexual health, resistance to many dangerous diseases– sweat incomplete list beneficial effects, which we get by simply including in our daily diet this aromatic vegetable, undeservedly relegated to the background by many housewives. But you can cook a lot from celery delicious dishes using leaves, stems and roots so useful plant with a rich taste.

Particular attention should be paid to the stems of the plant, because the healing juice, which has been used by women for many years for weight loss, is being prepared from a celery stalk. Let's figure out why celery juice is so beneficial and how the weight loss effect is achieved.

We can obtain basic information on this issue by carefully studying the composition healing product. So, in the composition of celery juice we see wide range various substances beneficial to the body, ranging from vitamins (vitamins A, C, E and PP plus B vitamins) and minerals to amino acids and essential oils, fiber and flavonoids. The water in the juice helps the beneficial substances to be absorbed faster, easily penetrating the body's cells.

Vitamin A in the juice provides rejuvenation of the body, while vitamin E is involved in its absorption, helping to carry out reproductive function woman's body, improving immunity and cardiovascular function vascular system. Vitamin C protects the body from infections, slows down aging and improves reproductive function. Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, is involved in all metabolic processes in the body. It also improves the condition of the skin and hair. And so much has already been said about the benefits of B vitamins that it’s not even worth dwelling on this issue.

As for microelements, there is a whole periodic table of them. These are calcium and magnesium, iron and phosphorus, potassium and zinc. And also sodium, copper, manganese and selenium, which are considered unrivaled protectors of the heart and the entire body from the aging process and the associated prevalence of diseases.

Manganese, taking part in the production of thyroxine thyroid gland, helps normalize digestion by improving the digestibility of food. There is no need to talk about the benefits of iron for maintaining the required level of hemoglobin in the blood, but copper helps iron in its difficult work, which is also involved in the synthesis of collagen, elastin and the happiness hormones endorphins.

Sodium is responsible for conductivity nerve impulses and maintaining water-salt balance in the body. And potassium helps him in this, which maintains the vital activity of all muscle structures. Zinc stimulates protective functions body and promotes cell regeneration. Phosphorus, like calcium, takes Active participation in the formation and strengthening skeletal system. Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis and normalizes a person’s neuropsychic state.

Amino acids control weight. Fiber helps with rapid digestion and absorption of food. Flavonoids are responsible for youth, health and longevity of our body. Celery essential oil ensures the health of the nervous system, stimulates the production gastric juice, has a beneficial effect on skin, bone health and cardiovascular systems body.

Studying chemical composition celery juice, we have touched upon only a small part of the beneficial properties of its various components. And what kind complex action What effect does this drink have on the human body?

If you consume celery juice and other dishes regularly over a period of time, you will notice the following positive changes: cleansing bad cholesterol and strengthening blood vessels, increasing the tone and performance of the body, as well as the resistance of the nervous system to stressful situations, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and water-salt balance, etc.

Celery juice increases the body's resistance to colds, spurs immune system to fight against various viruses and infections, while simultaneously providing antimicrobial effect. In addition, it increases libido in women and restores stronger sex their male strength, being natural aphrodisiac. It also effectively helps fight nicotine addiction (thanks to nicotinic acid) and replenishes the deficiency of vitamin C, which was lost under the influence of nicotine.

Benefits of celery juice for weight loss

Since we are more interested in celery juice from the point of view of its benefits for weight loss, we will consider this issue in more detail.

The fact is that the beauty of the female body big influence affects not only the quantity and quality of food consumed, but also the coherence of work various organs and body systems. Therefore, it is often not enough to limit weight to just physical activity and a low-calorie diet. This will require general improvement of the body and normalization of the digestive, endocrine, excretory and other systems, which celery will help with due to its composition.

Regular consumption of celery juice helps complete cleansing the human body from harmful “decomposition products” that pollute and poison our body. But without cleansing the body, and the intestines in particular, it slows down therapeutic effect many medicines And healthy products. And the process of weight loss is very difficult to start and correct if you do not first carry out a complete preventive cleansing of the body.

Providing positive impact For digestion, celery juice has the ability to enhance the production of gastric juice. Due to this, the process of digesting food is accelerated, which means that the metabolic processes in the body, including the process of burning fat in exchange for energy.

A small laxative and carminative effect juice from celery stalks helps cleanse the body of harmful substances, and the diuretic effect stimulates excretion from the body excess liquid, which is very important in weight correction.

Among other things, celery juice, by reducing appetite, helps fight bad habit to overeating. And celery itself has a negative calorie content, which means that the process of digesting it will take the energy obtained from the product, plus the energy obtained from the body’s fat reserves. Well, what else is needed for effective weight loss?

Celery juice recipes for weight loss

We talked about the benefits of celery juice for losing weight and healing the body. But how to cook this healing drink to get the most out of it?

It’s worth mentioning right away that for weight loss use only freshly squeezed juice from the stem, leaves and rootscelery, but you need to drink it half an hour after preparation, which is recommended for any vegetable juice. In progress further storage it loses most of its beneficial properties.

To prepare the juice, take it cleaned of dirt and various damages vegetable. It is washed thoroughly, the root is peeled.

If you want to use the whole plant, you should stock up on a juicer, otherwise you will have to use only the stems and leaves. The stems can be crushed using a fine grater, and the leaves can be crushed with a pestle, after placing them in cheesecloth. By the way, using gauze you can squeeze out the juice from pre-grated stems, as well as from stems and leaves chopped in a blender.

There is no need to drink juice in glasses, maximum 100 g per day. For weight loss, 2-3 spoons at a time are enough. But you need to drink the juice regularly 2 or 3 times a day before eating.

As an option for those who don’t want to bother with making juice from healthy vegetable, you can use celery infusion, which is stored in the refrigerator. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. grated raw materials and pour cool boiled water, taken in an amount of 500 g. Leave to infuse at room conditions for 4 hours. The infusion, filtered through a piece of gauze, is drunk no more than 3 times a day, 100 g each. This should be done half an hour before meals.

But, of course, no infusion can compare in effectiveness with combined juices or cocktails, the main component of which is celery juice. The best compositions are considered:

  • Juice from celery and cucumber, which effectively removes toxins from the body.
  • Juice from celery and carrots (in a 1:1 ratio) with increased absorption of vitamins beneficial to the body.
  • Celery and turnip juice is a low-calorie drink, ideal for losing weight and improving the health of the skin, digestive and skeletal systems.
  • Celery and pear juice, which promotes weight loss and increases libido.

Multi-ingredient juice drinks will also be useful for weight loss:

  • Celery, carrots, radishes, the juices of which are taken in a ratio of 5:8:3.
  • Celery, cabbage, carrots. The ideal juice ratio is 5:4:1.
  • Celery, carrots, beets with a juice ratio of 5:8:3.

A composition of celery, beet and parsley juices burns fat well. And the combination of celery juice with honey improves digestion and reduces appetite. Tasty and beneficial drinks for the body can be obtained by mixing celery juice with orange juice (a vitamin cocktail that lowers blood pressure) or watermelon (a healing drink for kidney and bladder health).

For getting good taste and flavor, it is recommended to add low-calorie fruit juices to celery juice. This way you can diversify your menu to the benefit of your figure.

For improvement taste qualities You can add a few drops of vegetable juice to it natural vinegar made from apples. This will improve the taste of the drink, and the effect of drinking the juice will be more noticeable.

You need to consume 2.5-3 tsp of celery juice in fresh juices and cocktails. 2-3 times a day before meals, like pure juice.

Remember: you cannot use salt to improve the taste of vegetable juices used for weight loss, as this can significantly slow down the weight loss process.

Tomato juice with celery for weight loss

A very healthy dietary drink used in various diets for weight loss, considered home-cooked tomato juice , the taste of which noticeably improves if consumed with celery. Adding celery will make the juice taste fresh tomatoes more rich, aromatic and appetizing without the use of salt. Most often, juice from celery stalks is used as an additive, but you can also take the whole vegetable, including leaves and stem, chopped in a blender.

An indispensable drink for weight loss and skin rejuvenation can be obtained by passing cucumber (1 piece), tomatoes (3 pieces) and a stalk of celery (2 pieces) through a juicer. The result is a tasty drink that is healthy for your figure and skin.

A composition of celery, tomatoes and apples is considered a truly “miracle drink”. For half a kilo of celery we take 250 g of fresh aromatic apples of sweet and sour or sour varieties. Grind and pass through a juicer. Add half a glass of unsalted tomato juice to the mixture. homemade. And if you add a little cinnamon to it, it’s delicious and effective weight loss you're guaranteed.

It is not forbidden to add a little chopped parsley to such a fruit and vegetable cocktail (or use a sprig of parsley for a tasty and healthy decoration of the glass), because of which both the taste and the effect of the drink will only benefit.

As you can see, celery juice for weight loss is effective not only as an independent dish, but also in compositions with other fruits and vegetables. vegetable juices. For weight loss purposes, you can drink it separately, following low calorie diet, or you can replace some high-calorie dishes with fresh juice, thereby diversifying the menu. At the same time, you will feel full without threatening your figure.

Using celery juice and various drinks based on it in the above dosage will promote gradual weight loss (about 2 kg per week). Unlike fast weight loss, such a diet does not contribute to the deterioration of the skin, but on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on it. And the lost kilograms are subsequently not particularly eager to return.

Can everyone drink celery juice?

An important condition for safe weight loss is the careful use of weight loss products, taking into account various contraindications.

For example, celery's ability to enhance gastric acid production may play a role cruel joke for some gastrointestinal pathologies. It's about about stomach ulcers and gastritis with increased secretory function of the stomach. Basically acute course any gastrointestinal diseases and genitourinary system It is considered a contraindication to taking celery juice for weight loss or as a medicine.

For everyone else, celery is not only possible, but also necessary, because it is more valuable for the body food product still need to search. And celery juice, due to its composition, will be useful not only for weight loss, but also for the general health of the body. Especially if its intake is supplemented with other dishes from this healthy green vegetable.

Has long been known for its useful qualities. This is one of the few plants that humans eat entirely: roots, stems, and leaves. Leaves for greens for soups and salads are collected in June-July. Stems - in August, roots are harvested in September-October. The majority of essential oils are contained in tuber roots.

How to make celery juice?

Celery juice is considered a wonderful way to lose weight. It is usually prepared from the roots of the plant, but young stems are also suitable. Of course, using a juicer is the easiest and least energy-consuming way. Freshly squeezed celery juice can also be prepared using a grater and gauze. Drinking celery juice for weight loss is strictly dosed - no more than 100 ml per day.

Like any plant containing great amount active substances and essential oils, celery juice has a number of contraindications for use. It should not be used during exacerbations chronic diseases digestive system. Pregnant and lactating women and small children are not recommended to drink celery juice, as this can cause allergies.

How to take celery juice?

If everything is clear about how to prepare and squeeze juice from celery, then the question of how to take celery juice often remains unclear. Portions should be small. For weight loss, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. spoons before meals. In fact, celery is one of the foods with the so-called negative calorie content. This means that more calories are spent on digestion than it contains. Celery juice has low calorie content, less than 20 kcal per 100g. But it activates the digestion process, food is digested and absorbed faster. Due to the fact that weight loss accelerates and occurs.

Celery juice has a rather specific taste. For those who prefer to do without taste shocks in their diet, we can advise mixing it with other vegetable juices. Tomato and carrot juice are best suited for this; you can also use beet juice and sweet pepper juice.

Celery is a vegetable that can be used whole from tip to root or vice versa. Most often it is added to dishes as a spice and used in dietary cuisine. The benefits of the product for weight loss have been known for a long time; fat-burning soups and salads are prepared from it. But few people know that no less unique properties has vegetable juice. He will help you find slim figure, beautiful skin, improve your health, and get rid of many other problems.


All the benefits of celery juice

Juice makes everything better physical indicators thanks to high concentration vitamins and minerals. The drink is especially rich in sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium, zinc, and manganese. It contains essential oils, amino acids, flavonoids. The product has a versatile effect, can be used for treatment and general strengthening body.

Basic beneficial features juice:

  1. Reduces the level bad cholesterol, helps cleanse blood vessels, increases their elasticity.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on nervous system, helps fight fatigue, relieves irritability, and has a slight sedative effect. Regular consumption of celery juice improves performance and improves mood.
  3. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice, improves digestion.
  4. It has a mild laxative effect and can be used in the treatment of constipation.
  5. Promotes weight loss. Celery juice normalizes fat metabolism, speeds up metabolism, and can be used to treat obesity.
  6. Helps cope with acne, improve skin condition, increase elasticity.
  7. Cleanses the body of toxins, improves the composition and quality of blood, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the vascular system. The product is indicated for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, reduces the risk of strokes.
  8. It has a diuretic effect, celery is useful for swelling and cleanses the kidneys.
  9. Reduces nicotine addiction, can be used in the fight against smoking.

This is interesting! Celery juice is a strong aphrodisiac, increases libido in women, and increases sexual power in men.

Video: Celery juice for health


Not everyone can drink celery juice. In some cases it may bring great harm body, cause complications of chronic diseases and other health problems. It is important to study all the nuances before starting treatment therapy.

Contraindications to drinking raw juice:

  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • kidney stones;
  • childhood up to 3 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • heavy menstruation.

The drink should not be consumed by pregnant women. The juice contains substances that affect smooth muscles that can cause uterine contractions, increased tone, lead to miscarriage. During lactation, celery should also be avoided, as raw juice may harm the child, cause increased gas formation and abdominal pain. In addition, the product has pronounced taste, which will pass into milk.

All these contraindications relate only to raw celery and juice from it. For stomach diseases, you can eat baked, boiled or stewed foods. In addition, you can always use the vegetable externally to maintain health and beauty.

How to drink celery juice

An adult can drink up to 120 g of drink per day, but in most cases 70-80 ml is enough. Usually the daily portion is divided into 4-5 doses, consumed before meals. The specific taste and aroma of celery is transferred to the juice, so use it in pure form Not convenient for everyone. It is often mixed with other drinks. It is better to choose a vegetable or fruit whose action will also be aimed at solving the problem.

What juices can you mix celery with:

  • grapefruit, pineapple, carrots (will help you lose weight);
  • apple, lemon, orange (will increase immunity);
  • beet juice (will help fight constipation);
  • pumpkin juice (for constipation, improves stomach function):
  • tomato juice (will expel water, relieve swelling).

You can use any type of vegetables and fruits as a base, if not individual intolerance or any contraindications. You can also dilute the celery drink with regular boiled water, rosehip decoction, and various compotes.

Methods for making celery juice

All parts of the vegetable are edible. Because the recommended servings are small, using a juicer is often impractical. To extract the drink from the root, you can simply rub it and squeeze it. It is more convenient to chop the leaves and greens with a food processor and also squeeze them out using a cloth, gauze, or a fine strainer.

You can store the juice in the refrigerator for no more than ten hours, but it is better to consume it immediately. If you need to urgently recycle a large number of celery, you can use a juicer, pour the drink into ice cube trays and freeze. You will always have a supply of product for internal and external use at hand.

Celery juice for weight loss

Celery is the world's No. 1 vegetable for weight loss. ABOUT wonderful properties plants have been known for a long time. You can use it to prepare different dietary dishes, but it’s most convenient to use juice. Energy value The drink is only 31 kcal, while it speeds up metabolism, promotes fat burning, speeds up metabolism, and cleanses the body. The product can be used in different ways.

Consuming celery juice with diets

A celery drink can be included in any diet. When drinking juice 3 times a day, 20 to 30 ml before meals, you can see the first results within a week. If combined with proper nutrition or counting calories, weight loss can be dramatic. At the same time, the body will receive additional vitamins, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, and the blood and blood vessels will be cleansed. At the right approach Great benefits can be gained from such weight loss.

Fasting day with kefir

An effective option fasting day, which will help not only lose up to 1.5 kg of weight, but also cleanse the body and improve intestinal function. It is advisable to use kefir with bifidobacteria. Fat content of the product is up to 1%. It can be mixed with celery juice or consumed on its own. During the day you need to drink 120 ml of celery drink and 1500 ml of fresh kefir. Kefir days are carried out every 10 days. If you follow regularity, the result will appear quickly enough.

Video: Eat and drink celery and lose weight

Celery for allergies

Celery juice is effective in the treatment of dermatoses, dermatitis, urticaria and others skin diseases allergic origin. For treatment, drink 1 tbsp. l. before every meal. If the plant stems or roots are limp, an infusion can be prepared from them. Grind the raw materials, pour boiling water so that the liquid barely covers the product, leave for 2 hours and strain. For external treatment skin treated with pure juice or the same water infusion several times a day.

Use of celery in cosmetology

Celery juice is unique in that it is suitable for all skin types. The product rejuvenates and tightens, improves complexion, helps fight acne, inflammation and normalizes the production of sebum. Largely the action of domestic cosmetics from a vegetable depends on the type of additional ingredients. All masks are prepared from fresh or frozen celery juice. It is better not to use a product that has been in the refrigerator for more than a day, since useful substances there is no longer any left in it.

Nourishing celery mask

A product for nourishing dry, aging skin, has a slight whitening effect. The composition contains honey, the mask is not suitable for people who are intolerant to bee products.

Celery juice – 2 tsp.
Bee honey – 1 tsp.
Potato starch – 1 tsp.

If the honey is candied, you need to melt it. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Steam the skin of the face over chamomile infusion for 5-7 minutes, wipe dry. Apply a mask. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.

Celery compress for problem skin

Celery remedy is used to treat acne and dry out inflammation. It is recommended to apply the compress daily until positive result. Fresh Juice Heat celery to body temperature, moisten a clean cloth or several layers of gauze, squeeze lightly and apply for a quarter of an hour. Rinse your face with clean water.

Toner for oily skin

The product normalizes sebum production, prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples, and improves skin condition. It is recommended to use 2 times a day. Instead of vodka, you can use calendula tincture.

Celery (green part) – 100 g
Water – 200 ml
Vodka – 30 ml

Chop the washed celery greens, put them in a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for an hour. Squeeze out all the juice through cheesecloth. Add vodka, stir. Wipe your face after washing before applying cream and cosmetics. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

How to use celery in dishes to lose weight? The benefits and harms of celery.

Benefits of celery

The magical and healing properties of celery have been used since Ancient Greece. The plant was used to decorate the home from evil spirits. Wreaths were woven from celery leaves and the winners were glorified.

Despite the fact that celery is known in culinary arts has been around for a long time, the real glory of the vegetable came only recently. Today, scientists have studied all parts of the useful plant: petioles, leaves, roots and seeds.

Celery is a very beautiful spicy plant. The green stalks of the vegetable are extremely crispy, juicy and filling vital energy and strength.

What does celery contain?

  • Cellulose- the main component of the plant. We can say that in terms of the amount of fiber, the vegetable does not know its own kind. Regular consumption of celery leads to normal functioning gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation
  • Apigenin- the main flavonoid of celery. Has antispasmodic and choleretic effect. Recently scientists discovered anti-cancer property apigenin
  • Luteolin- a flavin derivative. The substance eliminates inflammatory processes in the brain, improves, prevents dementia
  • Ascorbic acid(3.1 mg) allows celery to take its rightful place among immunomodulator plants. restores the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes physiological processes in the skin
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) stimulates the production of serotonin - the “hormone of happiness”, works in the synthesis of protein and some enzymes
  • Retinol acetate (vitamin A) affects skin structure and vision
  • Potassium saturates and nourishes the heart muscle - myocardium
  • Sodium provides osmosis in cells and regulates water balance
  • Calcium influences development bone tissue, muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses
  • Magnesium participates in cell restoration and enzymatic reactions. Removes nervous tension, regulates mood
  • Ironimportant element in the process of hematopoiesis, provides tissue cells with oxygen

Celery is a source of vitamins and minerals

IMPORTANT: Celery does not contain cholesterol or saturated fat.

Video: Useful properties of celery

What are the benefits of celery?

  • Eating celery increases vitality body, lethargy and apathy disappear
  • Celery has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system
  • Celery petioles and roots are indispensable for weight loss
  • Celery is a famous aphrodisiac. Vegetable is good for the male body
  • The plant increases and prevents the occurrence

Celery for weight loss

IMPORTANT: Celery is an ideal product for weight loss. All parts of the plant contain practically no (100 g/16 kcal).

Nutritionists around the world have recognized celery as the No. 1 vegetable for weight loss. Dishes with celery are well digested, cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen and remove excess fluid.

Fasting day on celery and kefir

We offer an express method for losing weight using celery and... This type of weight loss should not be practiced more than once every 10 days.

It is best to arrange a fasting day on a day off, avoiding heavy physical and mental stress.

The main products of the express diet: 1.5 liters of 1% and 300 g of celery, which should be consumed during the day. You are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity to suppress hunger. This technique involves reducing weight by 1-1.5 kg per day.

IMPORTANT: Digesting celery requires more calories than the plant itself contains.

Harm of celery, contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties of celery, there is a category of people who should use this vegetable with caution.

  • With abundant and uterine bleeding It is not recommended to consume all parts of the plant raw. Apiol, contained in celery, promotes and can cause excessive
  • For the same reason, pregnant women are not recommended to eat celery. large quantities. This can trigger uterine contractions and create
  • Patients suffering from epilepsy should use celery with caution. Vegetable can cause epileptic seizures
  • Raw celery can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This fact must be taken into account by patients with gastrointestinal ailments. In this case, it is recommended to use celery in stewed or boiled form.

Recipes for celery stalks for weight loss

Juicy celery stalks are used to prepare various dishes for weight loss: side dishes, first courses.

Salad with celery, apple and tofu for weight loss

Celery and watermelon

An excellent diuretic that improves kidney function and urinary system. Beat two celery stalks in a blender with watermelon pulp. Drink the resulting juice in small portions throughout the day.

Celery, cucumber, parsley and lemon are the perfect combination for juicing

Celery, parsley, cucumber and lemon

Freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables perfectly reduces weight, tones the body, strengthens health, and normalizes kidney function. Blend two celery stalks, a cucumber and a small bunch of parsley in a blender. Add lemon juice squeezed from a mug. The drink should be consumed immediately after preparation.

Celery, carrots and apple

Grate the celery stalk on a fine grater. Do the same with carrots and apples. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. This cocktail is good for vision, improving the structure and color of the skin. In addition, the juice will help strengthen the immune system and. Drinking juice regularly will help you lose weight.

Celery root salad with carrots can be called a type of salad. Vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestinal walls of toxins. This salad enhances peristalsis, metabolic processes and has a diuretic effect.

For those who want to lose a few extra pounds, this salad is indispensable in their diet. You can have one fasting day a week, eating celery and carrot salad without salt.

Some tips for those who want to lose weight on a diet with celery
  • To lose weight on a diet with celery, use all parts of the plant: juicy petioles, roots and leaves
  • Get ready various dishes from celery. This will diversify your daily diet and will be easy and stress-free.
  • Use in dishes with celery minimal amount salt, but it’s better to do without it altogether
  • While eating celery, drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water
  • Small physical exercise during a diet will help you lose extra pounds faster

Video: Benefits of celery

Celery juice diet and contraindications

Celery appeared on our table relatively recently. Ten years ago, it was not cultivated or consumed in the CIS countries. But in vain! This is a tasty and healthy vegetable that rightfully occupies a leading place in the diet of people who want to be healthy and energetic. In the West, it has already become a good tradition to precede sports activities. vitamin cocktail with the addition of celery juice.

After all, such juice, thanks to a balanced amount of vitamins and microelements, has a tonic property, so the muscles will work especially well during training. Used frequently leaf celery and in the preparation of salads, it is added as a spice to meat and first courses, appetizers, vegetable stews, and side dishes. Celery tastes similar to parsley leaves, however, its aroma is more delicate, fresh and attractive.

Use of juice

As you know, celery comes in two types: petiole (leaf) and root. For weight loss, only the juice of the petiole type of this healthy vegetable is suitable, since celery root vegetables are rich in starch and quite high in calories. Undoubtedly, the root also has a large amount healing properties, however, it is not suitable for weight loss.

Celery juice successfully restores impaired metabolism, improves appetite, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This juice has a slight sedative and at the same time a tonic, so if you suffer from depression or simply a worsening mood during a diet, drink juice from celery stalks three times a day, this will significantly improve your mood and make you win for the beauty of your figure.

Celery juice has a strong diuretic and slightly laxative properties, so if your problem excess weight This is precisely the point – celery will quickly help solve problems. Celery juice can greatly suppress appetite, which also makes it an ally in the fight against extra pounds.

Juice Diet

In order for celery juice to bring maximum benefits, during dietary nutrition it should be consumed according to a certain pattern. First of all, you must choose the right vitamin mix for yourself. It could be carrot juice with the addition of 2-3 tsp. celery, or beet juice, cabbage, apple, tomato or others. Cannot be combined celery juice with citrus juice and pomegranate juice. You can try mixing 2-3 various juices and see how it will affect your body.

It should be remembered that in large quantities celery juice can cause flatulence, bloating and severe diarrhea. To prevent this from happening - if you are prone to such problems, add a little honey or lemon juice. It neutralizes active influence celery juice on your intestines. In any case, after some time the problems will disappear as the body regains its proper function.

Celery juice can be stored for no longer than one hour; in the light it quickly loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, before each use it must be specially prepared. It is best to chop a piece of celery stalk with a knife, then squeeze out the juice through several layers of cotton cloth or gauze. There won't be a lot of juice, but you won't need a lot of it. Celery juice should not be consumed in its pure form, as it can cause a stomach burn. You can drink no more than 60 g of this active but healing remedy per day.


Celery juice has a rather aggressive effect on the body, so be sure to stick to the dosage. If you feel that after the first intake of juice something bad is happening to your body, don’t take risks, it’s better to give up such a diet. Poisoning from celery juice is possible, especially if you have an individual intolerance to the vegetable.

This juice should not be consumed by people weakened after a serious illness, with infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract and genital organs, those suffering from hypertension and headaches should not drink celery juice. For all other people, this is an excellent way to quickly lose weight and improve your health.



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