Celery for weight loss: beneficial properties and contraindications. Allergy recipes

One of the oldest plants that man has ever eaten is celery, and even then they knew about its benefits. After all, the very first mentions of it date back to the 2nd century BC. The ancient Egyptians considered it a medicine that “saves from ailments and adds strength,” and the spicy aroma of celery was used to decorate houses on holidays to drive out evil spirits.

Botanical description

Celery is a herbaceous plant (biennial or perennial) belonging to the family umbrella. Representatives reach a meter in height, have a thickened fusiform root, branched grooved stem, pinnately dissected, shiny leaves and small greenish-white flowers, forming umbrella inflorescences. Fruit– round, slightly flattened on the sides, up to 1.5 mm long.

The plant prefers moist soils, grows both on sea coasts and in marshy areas of Europe, spreading all the way to Asia Minor, and is found on the southern coast of Crimea. Flowering period is the second half of summer.

The most famous species is celery is fragrant , which is a fairly common vegetable crop.

Benefits of celery

The general positive properties of all parts of the plant include:

  • treatment of kidney and liver diseases;
  • removal of sand and urate stones from the kidneys;
  • removal of uric acid from the body;
  • removal of bad cholesterol;
  • for beauty and prolongation of youth;
  • healing from heart and vascular diseases;
  • relieve irritation and eliminate stress;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • combating various skin diseases and allergies;
  • increasing tone and improving well-being;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • enveloping property;
  • cancer prevention;
  • treatment of malaria;
  • treatment of urticaria.

Beneficial properties of celery root

Due to its beneficial properties, literally all parts of celery are used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking, but special nutritional value is contained in the root this wonderful plant, which has very tender and aromatic pulp. Celery root is so beneficial that it is often compared to the healing properties of ginseng.

Celery is especially important for lovers of meat products containing large amounts of uric acid. The plant removes this substance from the body, thereby saving from many health problems.

Recipes with celery

Celery is most often used to make low-calorie salads. There are a huge number of different recipes for every taste: with vegetables and fruits, boiled eggs and cottage cheese, lean meat and chicken fillet.

Salad "Day"


  • one boiled carrot;
  • one cucumber (fresh);
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 packet of yogurt (natural).

How to cook:

Cut all products and mix with yogurt.

Salad "Spicy"


  • celery stalks – 2–3 pcs.;
  • raw carrots – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • 10% cream – 1 tbsp. l.


Grate everything, pour in honey and cream, mix well.

Borscht “Dietary”

Celery is very popular in the form of light and tasty soups for weight loss.


  • celery stalk – 3–4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes (fresh or canned) – 5 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • cabbage - half a small fork;
  • bouillon cube (vegetable) – 1 pc.

Let's prepare it like this:

Cut vegetables into cubes. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, boil, add bouillon cube and vegetables. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Soup "Tomato"

And this recipe should appeal to lovers of tomato juice.


  • tomato juice – 2 liters;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • cabbage – 200 g;
  • green beans – 3–4 pcs.;
  • greens, crushed garlic - to taste.


  1. Chop the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and pour in tomato juice.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook (stirring constantly) over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cover with a lid, reduce heat and cook for another 10 minutes.

If you have a desire to stay healthy and vigorous for as long as possible, improve your mental and physical activity, lose weight, or give up bad habits, then remember that an amazing plant rich in beneficial properties will always help you with this - celery.


Celery for health

Benefit or harm?

» Spices

The benefits of celery have been known since ancient times. It was credited with not only medicinal but also magical properties. There was a sign that if you hang root vegetables over the entrance to the house, then there will always be happiness and prosperity in the house. Celery was introduced into Russia during the reign of Catherine II. Since then, this healthy vegetable has gained well-deserved popularity.

Celery root vegetable is rich in such components as:

  1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Promotes tissue regeneration, improves blood clotting, increases immunity to infectious diseases, strengthens blood vessels, helps in the process of skin restoration and strengthening teeth and bones.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A). Participates in the formation of new cells, slows down the aging of the body, accelerates recovery from respiratory infections, measles, herpes, infections of the digestive system and genitourinary tract.
  3. Thiamine (vitamin B1). Normalizes brain function, improves memory, stimulates the heart muscle, improves appetite, slows down the aging of the body, and soothes toothache. It stimulates muscle and bone growth and eliminates motion sickness. Reduces the effects of tobacco and alcohol on the body.
  4. Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Necessary for improving thyroid function, nail and hair growth, and maintaining healthy skin. Reduces the effect of toxic substances on the lungs and respiratory tract. Reduces eye fatigue and improves visual acuity. Accelerates healing in case of tissue damage. Improves the functioning of the nervous system. Strengthens the immune system, participates in metabolism.
  5. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Helps prevent heart attack, stroke, migraine. Protects against blood clots and diabetes. Normalizes the functioning of the liver and stomach. Improves tissue growth, participates in the creation of hormonal levels. Removes cholesterol and promotes fat metabolism.

Celery root contains:

  • carbohydrates. They are a source of energy.
  • proteins. Serve as building material for building tissues and cells.
  • fats. Form protective shells of organs.
  • potassium. Maintains blood pressure, regulates heartbeat, improves kidney function, and normalizes intestinal function.
  • magnesium. Removes toxins, improves blood flow to the heart, relaxes muscles. A lack of magnesium leads to excessive fatigue, slow growth, tachycardia, and insomnia.
  • phosphorus. High concentration in bones. A deficiency in the body leads to hormonal imbalances.

The calorie content of the root vegetable is 34 kcal per 100 g:

  • protein - 1.3 grams;
  • fats - 0.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 6.5 grams.

Vitamins and calorie content of stems

Celery stalks contain vitamins, macro and microelements:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • alpha tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • retinol equivalent (vitamin A);
  • beta-carotene;
  • phosphorus (P);
  • potassium (K);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • sodium (Na);
  • calcium (Ca)
  • iron(Fe).

Calorie content of stems per 100 grams is:

  • proteins -0.9 grams;
  • carbohydrates -2.1 grams;
  • fat - 0.1 grams;
  • dietary fiber - 1.8 grams;
  • water - 94.1 grams;
  • ash - 1 gram.

The daily intake of celery for a healthy person is no more than 300 grams.

You can eat it raw, boiled or baked(root vegetable). The stems can be fried or stewed, and the leaves can be added to salad. Celery seeds can be used as a seasoning.

Benefits of celery root

This vegetable is not only a healthy product, but also has healing properties. Celery root has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Due to the high content of biologically active substances and essential oils, it has a good effect on the body when overworked, increases performance. Relieves nervous tension, increases stability in stressful situations, and helps improve sleep.
  2. For rheumatism, ulcers, respiratory diseases, and neuralgic diseases, tincture of the root helps well.
  3. Due to the high concentration of vitamins and microelements, when consumed regularly, the condition of lips, skin, hair, eyes improves.
  4. When adding to food, you can omit salt. Celery significantly improves the taste of dishes and is suitable for people on a salt-free diet.
  5. The root vegetable has diuretic properties. Used to prevent inflammation of the bladder and to treat kidney disease.
  6. Increases male potency, prevent inflammation of the prostate gland and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  7. It is recommended to add it to food for children over 1 year of age to prevent vitamin deficiency.
  8. When consuming 100 grams of fresh root in the daily diet, blood pressure in hypertension is reduced.
  9. Thanks to its high iron content improves the condition of anemia, anemia, exhaustion of the body.
  10. Thanks to the presence of fiber, it promotes weight loss.
  11. Strengthens the nervous system.
  12. Removes salts from the body, ensuring joint mobility.
  13. Stimulates memory and concentrates attention.
  14. Strengthens the immune system for diseases.

Useful properties of stems and leaves

  1. Cleanses the body of toxins;
  2. Prevents the progression of cancer;
  3. Strengthening the immune system;
  4. Reduces inflammation in rheumatism and arthritis, reduces swelling and pain in the joints;
  5. Strengthens the nervous system;
  6. In the treatment of genitourinary diseases it is used as a diuretic;
  7. Regulates blood pressure;
  8. Improves liver function;
  9. Reduces blood cholesterol;
  10. Stimulating digestion during weight loss;
  11. Increases the energy of sexual desire in women;
  12. Prevents the protrusion of blood vessels after prolonged walking in heels;
  13. High fiber content will relieve constipation, normalizes intestinal function.

Benefits of juice

You can use the juice only if there is sand in the kidneys. If you have stones, you should not take the juice! You should drink the juice in small sips an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

  1. Increases tone body;
  2. Normalizes acid regeneration;
  3. Reduces the desire to eat fatty foods and sweets;
  4. Helps eliminate cellulite, swelling, excess weight;
  5. Calms the nervous system;
  6. Removes sand from the kidneys;
  7. Removes redness of the eyes;
  8. Used as analgesic and antiseptic for wounds and cuts;
  9. In cosmetology it is added to face masks. Has a beneficial effect on skin condition.

Benefits of seeds

  1. Seed infusion reduces pain during the menstrual cycle;
  2. They help normalize hormonal levels in women during menopause, improve mood, and raise tone.


Despite all the beneficial properties, celery also has contraindications. It is strictly prohibited to eat it:

  1. The sick, the suffering epilepsy. Provokes an exacerbation of the disease;
  2. May cause harm with increased acidity, ulcers, gastritis;
  3. If you have varicose veins;
  4. Kidney stones, The movement of stones is activated;
  5. During pregnancy. Can cause miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in the late stages;
  6. When breastfeeding. Celery makes it difficult to produce milk; a higher content of essential oils can cause intestinal colic in a child. The presence of a specific taste can make the baby refuse the breast.

Use in cooking

The uses of this vegetable in cooking are varied:

  • greens are added to salads and decorate dishes;
  • used as a side dish;
  • celery soup is used as part of the diet;
  • Dried root vegetables are used to make seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes;
  • Vitamin cocktails are prepared from the juice and used in the preparation of sauces;
  • added during canning.

In cosmetology

Essential oil made from celery seeds is used:

  • in aromatherapy;
  • when performing a massage;
  • for bathing (has a relaxing and calming effect);
  • added to cream (whitening effect);
  • frozen celery juice is used for wiping the face. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, tones the skin, reduces the appearance of acne.
  • for oily skin, infuse celery with boiling water for 4 hours, filter and use as a tonic for wiping the face.
  • a mask of celery greens and egg whites, applied to the face for 5-10 minutes, will significantly narrow the pores;
  • rejuvenating mask for aging skin prepared from 50 milliliters of milk and 1 tablespoon of chopped celery. Bring to a boil by soaking gauze in this solution, then apply to the facial skin for 15 minutes. The remains of the mask are removed with a cotton swab.

In medicine

It is widely used in medicine:

  • reduces pain and inflammation due to stomach ulcers;
  • apply in case of malaria;
  • for the treatment of urticaria, lichen;
  • with inflammation of the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • for children to improve appetite;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • as a laxative;
  • to normalize water-salt metabolism in older people;
  • as a choleretic agent;
  • to enhance performance;
  • to improve brain function.

It’s not for nothing that celery is called a storehouse of nutrients. However, do not forget that moderation is necessary in everything. The daily dose should not exceed 150 grams. Judicious use of this vegetable will bring great benefits to the body.

Today, not a single diet, with rare exceptions, is complete without celery. This green vegetable has a huge amount of useful substances that normalize the functioning of the body and help in the treatment of a number of diseases. Let's figure out what's good about celery and how best to use it in your diet.

Chemical composition of celery

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. So, it contains:

Celery also contains fatty and essential oils, chlorogenic and oxalic acids. And this is not a complete list of useful substances that form the usefulness of celery.

Did you know? The plant came to the territory of the Russian Federation during the reign of Catherine II. At first it was grown as an ornamental plant, then its medicinal properties were discovered, and only many years later it was recognized as a cultivated vegetable.

Calorie content of celery

100 grams of product contains approximately 12–13 kcal. Its energy value is expressed in the following formula: 28% proteins, 7% fats, 65% carbohydrates.

  • Proteins: 0.9 g (~4 kcal)
  • Fat:0.1 g (~1 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 2.1 g (~8 kcal)

Useful properties of celery

Now let's figure out how celery is beneficial for the body. The greens of the plant are used for various intestinal diseases. It copes well with dysbacteriosis, inhibits fermentation processes, regulates water-salt metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels. It has been noticed that regular consumption of the green part of the plant helps calm the nervous system, relieves depressed mood and overwork. Freshly squeezed celery juice is used in the diet. It perfectly cleanses the body, while saturating it with valuable minerals, vitamins and other microelements.

Did you know? Celery is a plant from the Apiaceae family that lives for approximately two years. It is considered a vegetable crop, which today has several dozen varieties. It grows in almost all countries of the world.

The properties of this plant have been studied for a long time. Celery was recommended for consumption by the ancient Greeks. But already in our times androgens - male sex hormones - were discovered in it. Therefore, with regular consumption of the vegetable, sperm quality improves in men. In addition, the benefits of celery for men include the prevention of prostatitis and adenoma, since the plant has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Men are recommended to consume it raw, when it is possible to preserve its properties as much as possible, but it is also acceptable as an ingredient in dishes.

Since celery contains a lot of fiber, it is good for both sexes as an excellent tool in the fight against extra pounds, waste and toxins. There is even a special diet based on celery, since it is a low-calorie product.

Celery is useful for women during menopause and painful menstruation. In such cases, it is recommended to use a water infusion of seeds. For example, women over 35 years old are recommended to drink a course of celery seed infusion four times a year, so that later menopause goes unnoticed. The same drink can be used during painful menstruation - drink only the infusion of seeds. The fact is that the roots and stems of celery in this case are dangerous for women. They contain apiol, which stimulates contractions of the inner layer of the uterus and also, in principle, has a vasodilating effect. Therefore, menstruation may increase.

Did you know?The most valuable parts of celery are its root and stems. The seeds are often used as a seasoning in cooking, but they also have beneficial properties. Sometimes their oil is used in perfumery and pharmaceuticals. Celery salt is extracted from the root, which is rich in organic sodium.

But in general, celery has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, and also rejuvenates the body, improving the condition of hair and nails.

Use in folk medicine

The most valuable is still considered celery root, which has three main therapeutic effects:

  • treats the genitourinary system due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • improves digestion;
  • cleanses the blood and has an antiallergic effect.

Therefore, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas is impaired, appetite is reduced, and flatulence is observed. To do this, it is recommended to pour 3-4 g of crushed plant root into a liter of water and leave it for at least eight hours. Strain the resulting product and apply a tablespoon three times a day.

For inflammation of the duodenum, it is recommended to use the juice of the root; in the same form, celery is useful for the stomach in any inflammatory processes. The juice is extracted from the roots of the plant. This can be done until mid-winter, since the beneficial properties are not preserved with longer storage. For treatment, take two tablespoons of juice half an hour before meals three times a day. Closer to spring, for this purpose, you can prepare an infusion of dried celery roots. To do this, pour two tablespoons of powder into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. The infusion is taken in 50 ml doses according to the same scheme.

Its use is effective for rheumatism and gout. In this case, you can use not only the root, but also the leaves of the plant in the same proportions with water, but they must be infused for at least four hours. From this infusion you can make compresses and rubs, which will not only reduce rheumatic pain, but also cure various types of eczema.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, celery should be used as food for urethritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, and pyelonephritis. It is also recommended to drink a decoction of celery seeds, prepared as follows: pour 2 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for at least half an hour. The cooled and strained broth is taken in 2 tbsp. l twice a day.

This remedy also helps dissolve bladder stones. In addition, you can drink celery teas, which are not only an excellent diuretic, but also dissolve salts in the body, treat colds and have a calming effect. To do this, pour two full tablespoons of chopped dried celery into 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. It is advisable to drink no more than two glasses of this tea per day.

Ointment from the leaves and stems of the plant cures purulent wounds, ulcers, rashes, hives, lichen and other skin diseases. To prepare it, you need to pass fresh herbs along with the petioles through a meat grinder, and mix the resulting pulp with an equal part of melted butter.

Celery in cooking

The intense aroma and special taste of the plant cannot but attract culinary experts. It is actively used in the preparation of various dishes, most often as a seasoning, which has a slightly bitter aftertaste.

Important! The celery that is sold in our region is the so-called scented celery. It got its name for the spicy, pungent aroma that comes from both the stem and the root. Also distinguished are petiole, leaf, and root celery.

All parts of the plant are used in cooking. They are added to dishes made from vegetables, mushrooms, fish, and meat. The root is used in the preparation of soups, salads, egg dishes, and sauces. But celery tastes best when combined with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, and beans.

Preparation and storage of celery raw materials

For preparation, it is important to choose a healthy and fresh vegetable. It should have strong leaves, a bright green color, a slight shine and an intensely pleasant smell. The leaves and roots should feel strong to the touch and not have any damage. At the same time, the size of celery does not affect its beneficial properties.

When fresh, the vegetable can be stored from three to a maximum of seven days, provided it is kept in the refrigerator. It is recommended to wrap the root crop in foil or paper, and store the green part in water or well-moistened and wrapped in a plastic bag.

If you need long-term storage of root celery in winter, it is important to properly harvest it first. To do this, the leaves of the root crop are cut off, leaving a few petioles, the root is dipped in clay, dried and laid out on shelves in the cellar. You can also pour sand into boxes in the basement and “plant” the harvested crop in it so that the petioles remain on top. Or you can put the celery in boxes, cover it with 2-3 cm of sand and leave it in a cramped place with an air temperature of 0...+1°C.

The easiest way to store celery is in dried form. The greens should be washed and hung to dry in a dry, dark place. Drying takes about a month. Then the tops should be ground into powder and stored in a sealed container or canvas bags in a dark place.

For the winter, chopped celery leaves can be frozen, however, in this case the plant loses many of its beneficial properties. For freezing, only green branches are selected, which, after washing and cutting, are stored in plastic containers in the freezer.

Alternatively, chopped greens can be mixed with salt at the rate of 200–250 g of salt per kilogram of tops, put the resulting mixture in jars and wait until the juice appears on the surface. Then the jars can be put away in a cool place. When using it to prepare dishes, keep in mind that you do not need to add salt to them.

Another way to store celery is pickling. To do this, a kilogram of celery root is peeled, cut into cubes and dipped into a pre-prepared boiling mixture: a liter of water mixed with 3 g of citric acid and a tablespoon of salt. After boiling the cubes for a couple of minutes, they are taken out, cooled and placed in glass jars. Prepare the marinade in advance: for 4 glasses of water, 3-4 buds of cloves, the same number of black peppercorns, a glass of vinegar. After boiling it, pour into the jars and sterilize for 20 minutes. This way you get a savory appetizer or side dish for mushroom, meat, and potato dishes.

Celery, the health benefits and harms of which have been deeply studied by botanists and doctors for many years, has been in great demand in recent years.

Originally from the Mediterranean, the product has become widespread almost all over the world. Celery has received special attention from doctors due to its high magnesium content, which is necessary for the body.

Celery has gained popularity not only due to its unusual, pleasant taste. The peculiarity of the product lies in its beneficial properties. A teaspoon of celery juice taken in the morning will help you easily endure the heat all day.

Almost the entire plant is used without waste: greens, seeds, petioles, tubers. A special highlight of the product is its tart, bittersweet taste.

There are three types of plants:

  • sheet;
  • petiolate;
  • root.

Leaf celery

A biennial frost-resistant leaf plant that tolerates frosts down to -5°C well and produces crops right up to the onset of extreme heat. The product has dissected pinnate leaves and umbrella inflorescences.

Celery is obtained by planting seeds. Their shelf life is 2 years.

The benefits and harms of celery depend on the variety and quality of the seeds planted.

There are several varieties of leaf celery:

Root celery

Since the time of Catherine II, celery has been popular as a decoration and medicinal product. His roots were especially valued.

Later, the amazing plant was used in cooking, where a variety of dishes were made from the roots, some of which were included in a number of delicacies.

Several varieties of root celery are now grown:

Petiole celery

The plant is also called stalk celery. Originally wild celery stalks were used. When the product began to become increasingly popular, the need arose to grow it.

A year after planting, the plant develops dense stems. Seeds for planting are collected in the second year.

The leaves of the petiole variety are much larger than the leaves of leaf celery. The petioles are pink, red, green or pale green.

The plant comes in two varieties:

Composition and calorie content of celery

Celery, the health benefits and harms of which in no case outweigh each other, since the product has a lot of useful qualities, is very popular for its low calorie content.

The energy value of celery is 16 kcal. The value of vegetable crops lies in the richness of their chemical composition.

The plant contains a bouquet of the most necessary elements of the periodic table:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

The vegetable is rich in vitamins C, E, B.

Eating celery stimulates the easy secretion of gastric juices, which promotes excellent digestion and metabolism. By including vegetables in your diet, you can avoid dysbacteriosis. Fresh celery calms the nervous system and normalizes heart function.

The largest amount of calories is contained in the root of the plant - 32 kcal, in the leaves - 16 kcal.

Low calorie content allows you to include celery in your diet. The main feature of the vegetable is its ability to saturate, avoid feeling hungry for a long time.

Useful properties of celery stems, leaves, roots

Celery does not cause any harm to a healthy person; on the contrary, its properties are beneficial to the body. Each individual part of the wonderful vegetable - roots, stems and leaves - performs a specific function.

Celery stalks can be eaten raw or cooked in a variety of dishes.

One thin stem of the plant contains almost all the necessary vitamins:

The stems contain large amounts of glutamic and nicotinic acid.

For inflammation of the urinary tract or digestive tract, celery stalks are indispensable. They, having a diuretic effect, cleanse the body of excess fluid.

The product is able to prevent cancer in the early stages because it contains iron and magnesium. The stems are very useful for diabetes.

Celery leaves are usually used to prepare salads in combination with other vegetables. A particularly nutritious and tasty dish is obtained from vegetable leaves with apples or avocados.

Celery dishes and freshly squeezed juice have a calming effect against nervous stress. Celery leaf juice helps in treating salt deposits. Many other properties are similar to those of the stems of the product.

Root celery is grown in special conditions to obtain a juicy large root. The root crop often reaches a size of 8-10 cm.

The root of the plant is used not only as a remedy. It has become widespread in cooking. This part of celery contains the largest amount of vitamins.

Microelements and other beneficial substances of most vegetables are concentrated in the lower part. Celery, which has a lot of useful qualities, is no exception.

The vegetable root is capable of:

It is especially useful for hypertension.

Benefits of celery juice

When consuming freshly squeezed juices of any vegetables or fruits, beneficial substances are absorbed much more efficiently, and the process of distribution of vitamins is accelerated.

Doctors call celery juice a magical drink, and it fully lives up to its name. A natural antibiotic prevents frequent colds and lung disease.

As a laxative, many prefer the juice of the miraculous plant to medicines. The organic sodium content makes it possible to treat diseased joints and reduce their pain.

Celery juice does an excellent job as a preventative for heart disease., preventing the blood from thickening. As a cosmetic product, it is used as an anti-aging mask.

Benefits of celery seeds

In addition to the root, petioles and leaves, celery, the health benefits and harms of which have already been discussed above, is also known for the properties of its seeds.

Celery seeds are round in shape, have a transverse size of 1-2 mm, and are distinguished by a unique rich aroma and taste. They contain a large amount of iron, zinc, and protein.

Nutrients help treat various diseases:

  • oncology;
  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • colds.

You can make a healing tea from celery seeds that relieves nervous tension and anxiety.

If you prepare a rich, strong decoction, it can serve as a sleeping pill. It is not recommended to consume the seeds of the plant for people suffering from kidney inflammation.

How to take celery oil, what are the benefits

Celery essential oil has a peculiar warm, sweetish-spicy, pleasant taste, yellowish, sometimes orange color. Oil is obtained from the entire vegetable, but the seeds of the plant are more widely used for its production.

There are two ways to use celery oil:

  • outer;
  • internal reception.

2-4 drops orally before meals effectively affect digestion, preventing bloating.

The product is an excellent remedy for bronchitis and copes well with the problems of cellulite formation.

Celery essential oil is used as an external remedy for massages. 5-6 drops combined with 2 tsp. sunflower (preferably olive) oil is applied to the desired sector of the body. You need to rub with gentle movements so that the product has time to be absorbed into the skin.

Warm lotions are often given, mainly for cystitis, placing them on the bladder area. The lotions are also effective in improving kidney function.

Rubbing under the armpits or under the shoulder blades helps reduce high fever. Celery oil goes well with basil, orange, rosemary, and chamomile oils.

What is the healthiest thing about celery?

Everything in celery is useful: roots, stems, leaves. This versatile vegetable is consumed both boiled and fresh. Celery is tart, slightly bitter in taste, but the bitterness goes away, and the peculiar aroma makes you try it again.

Each part of the vegetable is rich in vitamins necessary for the body.

The presence of fiber suppresses appetite, promotes the removal of toxins, and reduces the amount of sugar.

Being a natural antibiotic, celery successfully fights inflammatory processes.

Celery has so many health benefits, that the last thing we can talk about is harmful qualities:

Good to know! One stem with leaves is enough to ensure uninterrupted functioning of the body for the whole day.

What are the benefits of celery for women?

Women prefer celery due to the minimal amount of calories. The plant helps remove toxins from the body. Regular consumption of the vegetable strengthens the hair roots, restores their natural shine, improves the condition of the nails, preventing peeling.

Women often have problems with the urinary tract. Celery has a disinfectant effect on the bladder and normalizes kidney function.

Having a low calorie content, the product has an amazing quality: it takes more calories to digest it than there are in the plant itself. It is this quality that prevents obesity. By including celery in your diet, you can confidently give up strict diets.

There are unlimited possibilities to combat excess weight: various diets, fitness clubs, a narrowed diet. Nutritionists consider celery the most effective means for losing weight. The antioxidant content significantly slows down the aging process.

The vegetable is valued due to its ability to supply the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. At the same time, having such a small amount of calories, the vegetable is very filling. A dish made from celery suppresses the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Based on celery whole line dietary nutrition aimed at weight loss. The main component of the diet is vegetable-based soup.

The celery diet is quite easy, only limits the consumption of salty, pickled, smoked, fatty foods.

Celery during pregnancy

It is celery, a healthy product in all respects, that is harmful to pregnant women.

After conducting research on the composition of the vegetable product, scientists determined that the stimulating components and organic substances contained in the product have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, thereby causing the risk of miscarriage.

Eating celery during pregnancy often affects digestion and causes flatulence. This leads to discomfort for the expectant mother.

Pregnant women are recommended to use special ointments that have a calming effect.

It is important to know!“Venoplant” is a product containing celery extract in small quantities and is absolutely harmless for expectant mothers.

What are the benefits of celery for men?

The product also contains a pheromone. Together with sweat, androsterone is released, attracting the attention of the female half.

The great advantage of the vegetable is the rejuvenation of the body necessary for men by reducing cholesterol.

Celery juice strengthens the body and increases endurance. Due to its beneficial qualities, the plant is called natural Viagra.

Useful properties of celery for diseases

Celery is rightly recognized as a cure for many diseases:

  • arthrosis and rheumatism;
  • wounds and burns;
  • gout;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diabetes.

Arthrosis is a complex disease that requires long-term therapeutic treatment, which is expensive. Many people prefer to be treated with traditional methods. Celery is the most suitable remedy to combat the disease.

There are several recipes based on celery, with a combination of other ingredients to treat arthrosis, for example:

Celery is very useful for rheumatism. First of all, it acts as a pain reliever.

Possessing diuretic properties, freeing the body from toxins, the product copes well with rheumatism.

To treat illness, celery is consumed in the form of tea:

  1. Half a liter of water is brought to a boil, 25 g of celery is added, covered with a tight lid and cooked for up to 5 minutes.
  2. After cooling, it is recommended to drink the finished tea throughout the day.

As an ointment, celery is widely used against burns and deep wounds.

It is necessary to prepare a homogeneous mass of fresh celery, add melted butter in equal proportions. The prepared ointment is an excellent remedy against burns, open wounds, and inflammation.

The seeds are used in combination with honey. Celery juice should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. The juice cleanses the body of toxins and relieves inflammation.

Diabetes mellitus is an almost incurable disease, but it is possible to alleviate the condition by lowering sugar levels.

Celery is able to maintain normal sugar levels:

  1. Place 0.5 kg of ground celery and 6 grated lemons with skins in a water bath and cook for 2-3 hours over low heat.
  2. The finished product is transferred to a jar and placed in the refrigerator.
  3. You need to take 1 tbsp in the morning. l. mixtures before meals.

Harm of celery

Celery, having endless beneficial resources for health, in some cases can harm the body.

The diuretic effect can cause stone activity and severe pain.

The vegetable is contraindicated for patients with epilepsy. Substances in the product significantly aggravate the disease. A large number of essential oils harm people suffering from venous diseases and colitis.

A number of contraindications to eating celery:

How to eat celery for health benefits

Celery is tasty and most beneficial if consumed correctly.

The root of the product has a pleasant aromatic taste and harmonizes perfectly with meat. Since celery is quite filling, meat can be added to the dish in small quantities.

In order to preserve the beneficial qualities of the plant, it can be slightly undercooked. The stems of the product are especially valued in first courses.

Celery can be used fresh or dried.

Aromatic tea is mainly prepared from the dried product. It is very useful for sore throat.

Essential oils are used as seasonings. Celery juice is useful as a dietary supplement.

Is celery peeled before cooking?

If the plant is no longer young, the stems (petioles) need to be cleaned. Before cleaning, they must be kept under warm water. The uncleaned surface is very hard. The young plant can be cooked without removing the outer skin.

Celery recipes

To eat a healthy product, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these recipes.

Celery salads

Waldorf salad:

Salad with celery and cheese:

  1. 5 peeled celery stalks should be cut into thin slices, 2 peeled apples should be cut into strips.
  2. Add 250 g of green peas and 100 g of grated hard yellow cheese, salt to taste.
  3. For dressing, vegetable oil is mixed with apple cider vinegar and mustard and the prepared sauce is poured over the salad.

Squid salad with celery:

Garnish of celery stalks

Stewed celery stalks:

  1. The celery stalks are divided into two parts diagonally and lightly fried (5 minutes).
  2. Pour in 5-6 tbsp. l. water, bring to a boil, cover with a tight lid and simmer for 40 minutes, bringing to softness.
  3. You can fry large vegetable stems like potatoes until they turn red.

Celery soup


Tomatoes with celery and garlic


Celery dessert


Carrot juice with celery


  1. 100 g of celery, 200 g of carrots, washed, cut so that it is convenient to put in the juicer.
  2. Fill them with a small amount of rapeseed oil.
  3. The lemon is peeled, cut and combined with the rest.
  4. Juice is prepared from this mass in a juicer. It should be orange in color and taste good.

You should eat celery carefully. The health benefits and harms of this product have been proven, but it all depends on how correctly this vegetable is used.

Health benefits and harms of celery:

Useful recipes with celery:

During the reign of Catherine II the Great, an amazing vegetable called celery came to Russia for the first time. For quite a long time it was considered an exclusively ornamental plant and was only occasionally used for medicinal purposes. Numerous studies were then conducted to determine whether celery root was edible. The benefits and harms of it, as well as other parts of the mentioned plant, have been thoroughly studied. It turned out that this vegetable is completely edible: the roots, stems, leaves, and petioles turned out to be edible.

For a long time, many generations worked to develop new species of the mentioned plant. The result of their work was petiole and leaf varieties.

general description

Celery is a biennial, cold-resistant plant with about twenty species.

Today, this vegetable is cultivated everywhere. The most popular types are leaf, petiole and root. The latter type especially appealed to housewives and gourmets. The thing is that it forms a fleshy, well-developed root crop. But we can see such luxurious varieties only on the pages of publications that are devoted to gardening, because such “beauties” do not grow in our area. The largest root vegetable reaches the size of a man's fist.

It has very aromatic and tender pulp. There are simply no alternative vegetables in nature. The plant owes such enviable characteristics to the exceptional substances that make up its composition. From time to time, celery is even put on the same level as ginseng, which has medicinal properties.

Celery for weight normalization

One of the most exciting topics for modern people is, perhaps, the desire to lose weight. And in this regard, celery root is immensely useful. Its benefits and harms are well known to nutritionists. With regular intake of the mentioned vegetable (along with food), extra pounds are removed easily and efficiently, without having a negative effect on the body.

And it will improve your nerves...

Celery has a positive effect on our nervous system. There is a so-called stress hormone in human blood. The substances that make up the plant in question calm and calm us. This occurs due to a significant decrease in the level of this hormone in the blood. Therefore, instead of resorting to taking a sedative, you can simply eat some of the magic vegetable or drink the juice obtained from it.

And the sugar will go down...

It would not hurt to remember about the wonderful plant celery for diabetes. Its roots contain substances with properties similar to insulin. Therefore, this vegetable is able to activate the functions of the adrenal glands, which is extremely important for diabetics.

Root for general health of the body

The success of treating various diseases using celery is explained by its high magnesium content. After all, the lack of this substance in the body leads to frequent attacks of inexplicable anxiety, fear, irritability, increased excitability, cramps at night, as well as the appearance of signs of atherosclerosis. Due to the fact that celery root (the photos presented in the article will help you get an idea of ​​this vegetable) is rich in iron, its consumption also improves water-salt metabolism. In addition, this product is also used as a prevention of premature aging.

The beneficial properties of celery root, which contains biologically active substances, are excellent helpers in the fight against atherosclerosis, because they significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels. Also, eating vegetables helps lower blood pressure, which is extremely important for a disease such as arterial hypertension. Celery root, raw and fresh, improves heart muscle function.

With the help of this product you can easily cope with ailments of the digestive system such as flatulence and constipation. Celery promotes rapid healing of ulcerative wounds in the stomach, and also serves as the basis for numerous diets prescribed for colitis or gastritis.

This root vegetable will decisively replace almost the entire contents of a home medicine cabinet, because it is characterized by wound-healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiseptic and diuretic effects. Note that the vegetable in question is especially recommended for men suffering from sluggish potency. It also helps women say goodbye to problems of the genitourinary system. Among other things, celery root strengthens nails and teeth, gives shine to hair, and gives freshness and elasticity to facial skin.

Precautionary measures

The root of which must be taken into account when consuming it has some contraindications. The negative effects of vegetables on the body for pregnant women (after the sixth month in particular) and nursing mothers have been known for a very long time. Studies have shown that the green plant causes excessive gas production. This has a negative impact on the fetus and the condition of the already born child, who feeds on mother’s milk.

Surprisingly, the harm of the vegetable is also manifested in its negative effect on the brain of a person suffering from epilepsy. It is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption of celery root for those who suffer from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hyperacid conditions. In addition, people with urolithiasis should limit the use of this plant, since it causes active movement of kidney stones, and this is an indisputable fact. Regular consumption of the mentioned root led to the need for surgical intervention. But for a healthy body, such a negative effect is not significant. However, in everything you need to observe moderation.

Based on the above, we can conclude that celery root, the benefits and harms of which are undoubted, should be consumed rationally. If you doubt whether you can eat this healthy vegetable, consult with specialists.

Methods for preparing tinctures and juices from vegetables

Let's take a closer look at what can be prepared from such a part of the plant as the root. the preparations of which are quite simple, can easily be included in the daily diet of a healthy person, but we must not forget about the wisdom of using this vegetable.

Of course, the most useful and effective is juice from fresh roots. Celery, which has a relatively short shelf life (until mid-February), is also suitable. In this case, it is recommended to take one tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Powder is also made from celery roots, but it should be noted that with this processing method, a significant part of the medicinal properties of essential oils evaporates.

However, if all storage conditions for this part of the green vegetable cannot be met, it can be crushed into large fractions (five to ten millimeters in size) and dried in the fall. In winter, just before use, you can prepare a powder, from which an infusion is then made.

Celery root extract is used in the same way as juice, only the dosage in this case is tripled. It is prepared as follows: brew 2 teaspoons of powder with one glass of boiling water, then leave for ten minutes.

You should also pay close attention to the use of celery roots for the prevention of joint diseases and the treatment of gout. To do this, one tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into two glasses of boiling water. Next, the drink is infused for a couple of hours in a tightly closed container.

How to eat celery root

Almost everyone has encountered this problem. How to properly eat celery root so that all its beneficial properties are preserved? The vegetable should be eaten fresh. This method is the most advantageous. Wash, dry, clean. You can simply gnaw the root, or you can add it to all kinds of salads (grate or finely chop). This vegetable goes well with spicy herbs.

The perfect solution would be to add celery root, apple and carrots to the salad. In addition, the appetizing plant perfectly enhances the taste of fish, mushroom and meat dishes, as well as seafood treats. Celery root can be baked if desired. This vegetable is often used as a spicy seasoning. All components are suitable for its production: roots, stems, seeds and leaves. Sometimes the seasoning from such a plant has a slightly bitter taste.

Celery: how to choose

When choosing, first of all, you should evaluate the integrity of the fruit and its hardness. The smaller the vegetable, the softer it will be. But both small and large fruits have beneficial properties equally. Therefore, size does not play a special role here.

Celery root - how to store

This vegetable, as a rule, does not have a long shelf life. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay attention to its freshness so that it stays with you for three to seven days in a similar condition. If you purchase an overripe vegetable, remember to use it as soon as possible.

When storing celery, you need to follow basic rules. The vegetable should be kept in the refrigerator, pre-packed in a plastic bag and placed in any container with water. You can slightly extend the shelf life if you wrap the vegetable not in plastic, but in foil.

If you do not plan to save the root for a long time, you should pack it in a paper bag before placing it in the refrigerator.



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