Symptoms of stomatitis in a child. Causes, treatment, prevention

Diseases oral cavity of various origins very common among children. Some of them are almost harmless, and some are not necessary treatment can greatly harm a fragile body. The article will discuss stomatitis, its causes, symptoms, types, methods of treatment, as well as Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on stomatitis.

What is stomatitis?

Stomatitis is irritation or damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. It appears in the form of ulcers and so-called “pimples” filled with liquid. Useful to study medical photos to know exactly what they look like and go to the hospital in time. Stomatitis can appear in both adults and children, but it is children who are most predisposed to it. The disease equally affects children both at 4 - 5 months of age and at 4 - 5 years of age.

Stomatitis in children is explained by the underdevelopment of the mucous membranes, from which they are easily damaged by the slightest influence of any factor. Do not forget that children constantly put dirty hands, toys and various objects into their mouths. The development of bacteria and microorganisms is a powerful impetus for the occurrence of stomatitis. Children also experience frequent disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, which increase acidity and change the composition of saliva. Such changes lead to problems.

Depending on what caused the disease, stomatitis is divided into many subspecies. The most common ones are:

  1. viral;
  2. candidiasis (fungal);
  3. aphthous (allergic);
  4. traumatic;
  5. bacterial.

Symptoms of the disease

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Stomatitis in children manifests itself characteristic symptoms, which is difficult to confuse with other similar diseases, especially if you compare photos of a healthy and affected oral cavity:

  • ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth, filled with white liquid (after 2–3 days they burst, and inflamed wounds appear in their place);
  • severe redness around the rash;
  • the light pink color of the mucous membrane changes to red or dark purple;
  • increased body temperature (with the progression of stomatitis, the temperature can reach 41 degrees);
  • intoxication of the body;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • mouth pain;
  • inflammation and swelling of the gums and tongue;
  • the appearance of a painful plaque on the tongue, gums, palate;
  • available bad smell from mouth;
  • increased salivation or vice versa, which is characterized by sticking of the lips.

Diagnostic methods

For parents, the first calls are characteristic changes in the mouth. Older children may complain of pain and feeling unwell. If you notice a rash or severe redness, you should not conduct an inspection yourself, especially with dirty hands and without gloves.

It is better to first show a child under 1 year of age to the attending pediatrician, who will then initial examination will refer you for tests and appointments to a specialist. Children after 3 years of age can be immediately taken to see a pediatric dentist; this is his specialization. To confirm the diagnosis, several types of diagnostics are used:

  • detailed analysis of blood, urine and, if necessary, stool;
  • mouth swab;
  • cytological examination;
  • testing for viruses and bacteria;
  • checking the state of immunity.

It is important to carry out full list tests and undergo a comprehensive examination. This will make it possible not only to make a diagnosis, but also to accurately determine the type of stomatitis. The specialist will prescribe correct therapy and will be able to quickly cure the patient.

Treatment of stomatitis in the mouth in children

Treatment depends entirely on the cause of the disease. It is prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the examination. The therapy includes medications (antiseptics, antifungals, healing), diet, hygiene rules and some home or folk remedies. On average, the illness period lasts up to 14 days, after which all symptoms disappear.

Viral stomatitis

Viral stomatitis in children occurs under the influence of various viruses on the oral mucosa. Most often it is a herpes virus, which is why it is also called herpes stomatitis. The disease is serious, as there is a possibility of infection spreading throughout the body. It can appear in a child as early as 2-3 months.

  • past infectious diseases (measles, influenza, chickenpox, etc.);
  • contact with a patient with viral stomatitis (it is transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also through toys and other objects);
  • weakened immunity, which allows viruses to attack the child’s body.

Signs viral stomatitis practically no different from common symptoms. The child experiences an increase in temperature, swelling and redness of the oral cavity, profuse rash with ulcers in which pus forms over time, lethargic state, severe pain, swelling of the lymph nodes.

Candidal stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis is caused by fungi that enter the body. Absolutely everyone is susceptible to it, but more often children of the first year of life. Such stomatitis one year old child may appear for a number of reasons:


  • poor health, lethargy, moodiness;
  • refusal to eat;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks;
  • plaque in the mouth with a cheesy consistency;
  • sour breath;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor and is comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to take care of careful hygiene, maintaining cleanliness and sterilization of objects that the child uses. You need to regularly treat your mouth with solutions that increase acidity. This helps kill the fungus on early stage. You can use a soda solution (take a tablespoon of soda per glass of water) or a 2% solution boric acid. It should be applied with a clean cotton swab or sterile bandage.

In addition, doctors prescribe local antifungal drugs, such as Candide or Fucis DT. Furacilin is suitable for disinfection, and Solcoseryl gel is suitable for rapid healing of canker sores.

Aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis can be caused by infections, past diseases, as well as allergic reactions, which is why it is often called allergic stomatitis. Its symptoms are identical to those standard symptoms all types of diseases (ulcers or aphthae, inflammation of the oral cavity, fever, pain).

Aphthous stomatitis can only be confirmed by a doctor. You may need to consult an allergist. He will be able to identify the allergen that negatively affects the body and provokes stomatitis. After eliminating prohibited foods, the child’s well-being improves and the illness goes away.

  1. rinsing (chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide solution) (more details in the article:);
  2. smear the affected areas with anti-inflammatory and healing topical preparations;
  3. inhalation;
  4. diet;
  5. proper hygiene;
  6. antipyretic medications if necessary.

Traumatic stomatitis

One of the most common reasons for the development childhood stomatitis is mechanical damage to the oral cavity:

  1. wounds caused by active games or foreign objects in the mouth;
  2. exposure to too hot foods;
  3. chemical damage;
  4. the child biting his cheeks and lips, as well as scratches from sharp teeth;
  5. incorrectly installed bracket systems or careless manipulations by the dentist.

Traumatic stomatitis is absolutely not contagious. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and fast healing. It includes antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing effects, antipyretic drugs, pain relief, correct routine day, healthy eating and compliance with all hygiene rules.

Bacterial stomatitis

In most cases, bacterial stomatitis affects children who often suffer from colds, ARVI, flu, bronchitis or sore throat (more details in the article:). Against the background of reduced immunity, bacteria enter the oral cavity and infect existing minor injuries, for example, scratches from teething or toys.

As the disease progresses, the blisters in the mouth (on the gums and cheeks) enlarge and fill with pus, the entire oral cavity becomes inflamed, a coating appears on the tongue, bad breath is felt, and the temperature may rise. The child feels general malaise, refuses to eat, and is capricious.

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis includes the use of antiseptics, antibacterial solutions (furatsilin) ​​or gels, healing agents (solcoseryl), and drugs to lower the temperature. Rinsing with a soda solution is useful. Small children need to irrigate their mouth with it. It is also allowed to treat the mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

Main principles of nutrition:

Sample list of products:

  1. dairy and fermented milk products without dyes and flavoring additives;
  2. non-acidic fruits (bananas, melon, watermelon);
  3. vegetables and juices from them;
  4. liquid porridge;
  5. homemade milk ice cream (cold relieves swelling and pain);
  6. teas and herbal infusions;
  7. ground lean meat or fish.

Disease prevention according to Dr. Komarovsky

To prevent the appearance of stomatitis in early childhood you can carry out simple preventive work. Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky gives useful recommendations for the prevention of stomatitis. In his video lesson, Komarovsky reveals in detail this topic. Main recommendations:

Possible complications

If untimely or not proper treatment, as well as in the chronic form of the disease, some complications may develop. After an illness, especially when the child has already suffered stomatitis several times, the immune system is disrupted. An unprotected body can easily catch a cold, ARVI, flu or other infection.

Chronic stomatitis destroys tooth enamel under the influence of fungi, viruses and unhealthy oral microflora. However, you need to visit regularly pediatric dentist. Don't forget about the risk of infection and spread of infection or fungus. Always treat ulcers or canker sores carefully and correctly. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and treat the child responsibly.

The most common oral disease in younger age In children, stomatitis is considered. Each age is characterized by a special type of disease, but sometimes exceptions occur. The essence of the disease is that at the site of minimal damage to the oral mucosa in children (due to biting with teeth or a tiny cut with a sharp product), irritations and ulcers form. The main thing is to recognize the onset of the disease in time and begin appropriate treatment.

Depending on the location of the lesion and the degree of spread of the disease, several types of stomatitis are distinguished:

  • Fungal or candidal stomatitis - manifests itself as a grayish or white coating cheesy consistency in the mouth. Often this disease is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, up to 40 degrees. Along with high fever, you may notice enlarged lymph nodes in children. Timely treatment the affected areas gives positive results at the most fast deadlines, since it is easily removed mechanically;
  • Herpetic stomatitis is the most common type of disease, which can manifest itself in both children and adults. With this type of disease there is active irritation mucous membrane in the mouth, which gradually turns into small bubbles with liquid. Acute form accompanied by high temperature, which is difficult to bring down with antipyretic drugs, dizziness, nausea, chills and other symptoms of ARVI may occur;
  • allergic stomatitis– occurs due to excessive intake allergy products or infection in an open wound. The symptoms of this disease are very similar to herpetic stomatitis, with one exception - bursting blisters in children do not go away, but turn into white wounds covered with a thin film;
  • Bacterial stomatitis is the simplest and most quickly passing type of disease. The cause of such irritation can be dirty hands, an infection introduced during the procedure, unwashed food, etc. Treatment consists of the use of antibiotics and disinfectant decoctions.

Stomatitis in children can manifest itself in different ways; the same form of the disease in one child can occur in mild form, while to another it will appear in the form of an acute disease that requires complete isolation and the use of antibiotics, so treatment must be carried out strictly according to the instructions of the attending physician, taking into account individual characteristics body.

Like any other disease, stomatitis in children should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, since depending on the type of disease, as well as the lesion in different situations various medications are required.

Treatment for fungal stomatitis involves treating the affected areas in the mouth. special drugs. Suitable for this purpose:

  • soda solution (tablespoon baking soda half a glass of water);
  • a solution of pharmaceutical boric acid diluted with water;
  • ointments: Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, nystatin ointment;
  • Candide cream;
  • suspensions: Diflucan, Fluconazole.

It is worth remembering that any medicine should be used only after consultation with a doctor, because most of the medications listed are contraindicated for use due to age. In addition to the use of healing agents, the fragile body of the baby will need vitamin supplementation, for which “Imudon” or “Immunoflazid” are often prescribed - suspensions and tablets to strengthen the immune system.

Along with the use of medications, the baby is prescribed a diet: it is necessary to exclude acidic foods from the diet, which contribute to an increase in alkalinity in the mouth. It is advisable to refrain from eating sweets; hot and spicy foods are not recommended for consumption.

Treatment herpetic stomatitis provides for the use medicines in combination with traditional methods.

  • Decoctions of sage and chamomile, which should be used to treat wounds using a cotton swab, will help relieve inflammation. Pharmacy ready-made compositions, for example, "Evkaron" or "Ingafitol", are suitable for both wiping ulcers and for rinsing the mouth. Propolis, a pharmaceutical spray with an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, has also proven itself well.
  • Older children can treat wounds with such products as Ocyclovir, Zovirax, Oxolin, etc. acute type diseases along with ointments the doctor will prescribe similar drugs in the form of tablets.
  • Used for pain relief antiseptics Stomatidin or Hexoral. They are most effective in combination with an oil fortified solution, for example, the drug “Karotolin”, which contains sea buckthorn oil, rose hips and vitamin A.

Stomatitis caused by the herpes virus requires thorough treatment, since until the virus is eliminated in the body, the use of medications will not have much effect. It is important to follow a diet - temporarily eliminate canned food, pickles, citrus products and strong spices from the menu.

Allergic stomatitis in children is quite rare; its causative agent can be individual intolerance certain products, as well as some microbes. For treatment in this case, the following medications are used:

  • treatment of mouth ulcers in children is carried out with herbal decoctions, solutions of blue, boric acid or soda;
  • will help eliminate allergic stomatitis antihistamines– “Citrine” or “Suprastin” – in the form of syrup;
  • It is also necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity, for which Iodinol, Lugol or Vinylin are prescribed.

Achieve maximum effect You can avoid treatment only by completely eliminating contact with the allergen, so it is imperative to exclude seafood, citrus fruits, sweets and preserves from your diet.

Stomatitis in any form is transmitted virally, therefore, an infected baby must be isolated from other children and given individual items personal hygiene and ensure complete peace. With proper treatment, within a few days severe symptoms diseases will disappear without a trace, and healing wounds will no longer cause such concern to the child.

The surest way to avoid any disease is to strengthen the immune system, which should be done from the very birth of children. The same rule underlies the prevention of childhood stomatitis. To prevent the development of stomatitis in the baby’s mouth, the following conditions must be met:

  • provide the baby with a healthy atmosphere at home - give up bad habits, regularly ventilate the room, regulate the air humidity in the room;
  • spend enough time in the fresh air - walk at least 2-3 hours a day, go outside even in the rain and cold (at least for a short time);
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands in a timely manner, brush your teeth every morning, monitor the condition of children’s clothes and shoes;
  • keep an eye on healthy eating baby – the child’s diet should contain fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and meat in sufficient quantities;
  • treat incipient diseases in a timely manner - often a common sore throat can lead to the development of other diseases, so any illness in children should be treated immediately;
  • avoid contact with sick children - stomatitis, being an infectious disease, is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is better not to contact carriers of the virus.

Minor wounds in the mouth may well be the cause serious illnesses with a complicated course, which is dangerous for children's health and development in the future. Parents should always pay attention to the slightest complaints of their children. Such things as stomatitis if left untreated can lead to ambiguous consequences.

Stomatitis and its types

Stomatitis is the appearance of painful ulcers and cracks in the mouth due to the inflammatory process occurring in the oral mucosa. The disease is often called childhood, it is common in children from 2 to 4 years old, when the immune system is still unstable, the mucosal tissues are thin, getting any kind of infection into the mouth injures the delicate mucous membrane, and inflammation progresses rapidly as the infection develops.

Stomatitis differs in types and can be caused by a number of reasons; treatment will directly depend on the factors that cause the development of viruses and bacteria in the mouth:

  1. Infectious stomatitis. The causative agent is the herpes virus, which leads to damage to the mucous membrane in children 1 year of age. Routes of transmission: toys, dishes, kisses.
  2. Microbial (bacterial) stomatitis, which is popularly called “disease dirty hands”, can quickly recur. Common in children aged 3 months to 6 years, who like to put dirty objects in their mouths.
  3. Traumatic stomatitis occurs as a result of injury to the mucous membrane by sharp scratching objects when entering the mouth, or when teething, biting the tongue, or burns from hot food.
  4. Fungal (candidal) stomatitis, caused by candida fungus, affecting the skin and mucous membranes, a common occurrence in children under 1 year of age. Against the background of long-term use of antibiotics or weakened immunity, the fungus quickly begins to multiply.
  5. Allergic (aphthous) stomatitis with the nature of its occurrence not entirely clear to doctors, but the development is facilitated by the use of certain medications, citrus fruits, and chocolate. Aphthae, rounded, form on the mucous membrane painful formations in the form of dark red spots with a white center. Aphthoses in children become chronic in the absence of proper and timely treatment.
  6. Herpetic stomatitis caused by a herpes virus that affects the mucous membrane with signs of intoxication. Often occurs in children aged 1-3 years, or in infants with artificial feeding. It can have an acute, chronic, or recurrent course. If left untreated, it leads to damage and depression nervous system, immunity. Children have fever profuse drooling nausea, loss of appetite, erosive rashes in the mouth.

Causes of stomatitis in children

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

Symptoms of stomatitis in children

Each type of disease has its own symptoms, often reminiscent of ARVI:

  • Appetite decreases;
  • The child is feeling sick;
  • The temperature rises to 40 degrees;
  • Slightly but enlarged lymph nodes;
  • The nose is stuffy, the mucous membrane is swollen and hyperemic;
  • A white, gray coating appears on the tongue, palate and mucous membranes; whitish plaques, ulcers, and pimples appear in the oral cavity.

Stories from our readers!
“I often have stomatitis and this is just first aid for it. I use it for problems with gums, odor, plaque and tartar.

There is always ointment in the house for prevention and oral care. The gums do not bleed, all wounds have healed, and my breath has become fresher. I recommend."

Comprehensive treatment of stomatitis in children, stages

We have already looked at it earlier, now let’s talk about childhood stomatitis.

Stage-by-stage treatment of stomatitis prescribed by a doctor after making a diagnosis and identifying the root cause that led to the disease. Regardless of the type of stomatitis, parents should understand that This infection, inflammatory process, which ultimately dries out and dehydrates the body, so it is important to increase drinking as soon as the first signs of illness appear.

Irrigation of the mucous membrane is necessary in order to remove intoxication products from the body. Especially in the first days, water consumption should be constant.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing drugs:

  • Painkillers containing lidocaine, choline salicylate when the baby complains of pain in the mouth, inability to eat, drink and swallow normally. If the teeth are at the teething stage, then Kamistad, Dentinox will relieve the symptoms. It is better for children to use gels because they are quickly absorbed into the oral mucosa.
  • Methylene blue solution Helps relieve pain, heal erosions and aphthae. Children should use only aqueous composition without alcohol or brilliant green. The mucous membrane is delicate and can burn and cause methylene blue poisoning. It is good to treat wounds in the mouth with cotton swabs, soaked in solution.

Lidocaine is not recommended infants, can cause spasms in the bronchi. Actually, just like self-medication for stomatitis, it is unacceptable. Prescriptions and choice of products must be fully agreed with the dentist and pediatrician.

  • Anti-inflammatory for heat, inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane. To combat microorganisms, Immunal (to maintain immunity), Viferon, Interferon will help. Suppositories are effective, but the dose and duration of use are determined only by a doctor. Also cetalkonium chloride, or Cholisal gel based salicylic acid with anise aroma is suitable for the treatment of stomatitis of any kind.
  • Antiviral, antifungal drugs. Prescribed for the treatment of herpetic, viral, bacterial stomatitis. These are solutions, creams containing antiseptics, fungicides for lubricating the affected areas to prevent the spread of infection: Gerpevir, Atsik, Viprolex, Viferon, Oksolin, Candid, Candizol in the form of eliminating candida fungus. Antiseptics for cleansing the oral cavity of bacteria: Orasept, Hexoral, Septolete, are recommended in the form of a spray for children under 1 year old, and lozenges for children over 6 years of age to avoid accidental asphyxia. You can use metronidazole denta gel, metrogil, miramistin rinse solution, which well regenerates the mucous membrane and eliminates pathogenic microflora.
  • Healing (restorative) agents in the presence of ulcers, cracks in the mouth, promote regeneration and acceleration of tissue epithelization. Gels and balms are suitable for children: Vinilin, Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Cholisol. Gels containing chlorhexidine soda are applicable for traumatic stomatitis.
  • Antiallergic drugs for swelling in the mouth. Antihistamines treat the allergic form of the disease: Suprastin, Fenistil, Diphenhydramine.

By the way, rinsing your mouth with soda is useful. Creating an alkaline environment in the oral cavity leads to the death of fungi, pathogenic flora around.

Decent product for home and complex application. Thanks to benzocaine and natamycin, the ointment anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, has an antifungal effect, and disinfects the oral cavity.

Propolis extract – restores damaged areas of the mucous membrane. I recommend it to my patients to restore tooth enamel and gum health, and also as a pain reliever.

Treatment of various forms of stomatitis in children

Therapy must be completely under the supervision of a physician. The prescription of drugs depends on the type of stomatitis and the severity of the inflammatory process. Self-medication can simply be ineffective and even dangerous.

  1. Herpetic stomatitis is treated by prescribing antipyretics, anesthetics (camistid gel), immunostimulating, antiviral agents, for example, acyclovir in the form of an ointment. Suitable for children under 1 year of age. To relieve inflammation, it is good to rinse the mouth with decoctions of sage, chamomile, and ingafitol.
  2. Candidal disease is treated soda solution 1% for treating mucous membranes - boric acid% 2, but is not suitable for application to hair or other skin. Antifungal drugs Fluconazole, Diflucan, Stomatidin are prescribed (to eliminate pathogenic flora). Can be applied in the form of applications. We use Candide 1% containing clotrimadol, it is safe for children from birth. you will find here.
  3. Aphthous stomatitis is treated by prescribing antipyretic, immunity-boosting drugs, vitamin C, B. For local use– hydrogen peroxide 3% (prepare a solution of 1 tbsp per 1 glass warm water), after 1 year of age, children can use methylene blue, an antiseptic for lubricating canker sores. If the disease is severe, antibiotics are prescribed.
  4. Allergic stomatitis. The main thing is to eliminate the allergen that led to the development of stomatitis. For local reception Irrigation of the cavity with a 1% soda solution is also useful antihistamines: Cetrin, Suprastin, Zodax drops, and antiseptics: Hexoral, Iodinol, Vinilin, Rotokan, Lugol. Fenistil has an anti-allergenic effect and is suitable for babies from 2 months.
  5. Microbial stomatitis caused by bacterial infection : Miramistin - for topical use 0.01%, you can simply lubricate the pacifier and antiseptics in the form of sprays: Tantum Verde, Hexoral gel. If stomatitis is caused by a fungus, then it is good to rinse your mouth with a soda solution or boric acid, and treat with Pimafucin ointment. You can give Fluconazole, Diflucan (suspension).
  6. For traumatic stomatitis – Cholisal gel(with caution for children under 1 year old), relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and relieves pain. Actovegin is suitable for children from 3 years of age based on calf's blood, heals wounds well and relieves inflammation. If there are wounds, use Lorgexidine (but for children over 6 years old). Effectively lubricates the oral cavity sea ​​buckthorn oil. You can apply applications of vitamin complexes, applying up to 5 minutes to the affected areas.
  7. Angular stomatitis is treated by prescribing Diflucan and vitamin therapy.
  8. Ulcerative stomatitis with necrosis of the mucous membrane, the appearance of ulcers and pustules causes children severe discomfort, if they hurt and bleed. For pain relief we use Tetraborate, Lidocaine, Hydrochloride. To soften crusts in the mouth - Trichopolum, Trypsin. To eliminate microbes - hydrogen peroxide, Stomatidin, potassium permanganate. Also vitamins in the Revit, Alphabet complex. Depending on the symptoms, for example, when the temperature rises, antibiotics are used: Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, also histamine Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil gel.

Rules for personal hygiene of a child with stomatitis

Stomatitis is painful when cracks form in the mouth. The baby's cavity is inflamed and it hurts to eat and drink. But the baby definitely needs to eat and recuperate, so You should only cook gentle steamed or boiled food. with the exclusion of irritating foods from the diet: salty, spicy and sour foods.

Main - minimize any irritation to the mucous membrane, let her recover properly. Will be ready to receive natural yoghurts, curdled milk. From whole milk It is worth refraining, it is better to give the babies warm boiled water.

In case of stomatitis, personal hygiene is extremely important:

  • Ventilation of the room, children's room;
  • Carrying out daily wet cleaning;
  • Children are fed only from separate dishes;
  • Brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day;
  • No overfeeding, better little by little, but more often;
  • Using a gentle, not hard brush to clean your teeth (you can wrap it in gauze to prevent scratching);
  • Timely check of the condition of nails and hands. For children, they should be clean, especially if the baby puts it in his mouth;
  • Cleaning teethers, pacifiers, bottles (it is good to pour boiling water over them before each feeding);
  • Rinsing the mouth after eating should be a mandatory procedure for children. It is important to get used to this.

Prevention of stomatitis

Oral hygiene is always important. It doesn’t matter whether stomatitis has occurred or not. Of course, babies need constant supervision. Older children need to be explained what the consequences of putting dirty objects in their mouth and sucking fingers can be.

Not getting stomatitis means:

  • Wash your hands frequently, disinfect toys, pacifiers and bottles;
  • Use immunostrengthening, anti-inflammatory toothpaste for cleaning teeth;
  • Do not lick spoons and pacifiers intended for children by adults;
  • It is imperative to support children’s immunity by feeding their diet with vegetables, fruits, vitamin complexes. It is important to treat any disease promptly inflammatory in nature, eliminate foci of infection at an early stage of their appearance.

Childhood stomatitis is dangerous, unpleasant and painful. Treatment must be mandatory; parental connivance can lead to complications and other serious consequences.

It is worth understanding that any infection of the oral cavity, teeth and mucous membranes various kinds infections will not go away on their own without treatment. It will go further into the bronchi, larynx, and lungs. The consequences can be extremely negative. If you respond to the disease in a timely manner, the combined therapy gives quite positive and lasting results.

By the way, while breastfeeding Children suffer from stomatitis much less often. The immune system is developed faster, the body better fights any infection, even if it gets into the oral cavity. It is important for mothers to know and remember this.

Stomatitis is a disease of the oral mucosa, manifested by the formation of ulcers. The cause is always pathogenic microflora in combination with reduced immunity. Therefore, prevention of stomatitis in children includes 2 aspects: strengthening immune system and quality care.

Types of childhood stomatitis

They differ in the nature of infection and the degree of manifestation of the disease:

  1. Fungal (thrush) often affects infants. It is expressed in the appearance of a “curdled” coating on the gums, cheeks, and less often the tongue. Accompanied acute manifestation intoxication of the body: high body temperature (up to 400), impaired nutrition, sleep and decreased general activity.
  2. Herpetic. The causative agent is the herpes virus. It is transmitted through household contact and airborne droplets. It can affect people at any age, but children from 1 to 3 years of age are more susceptible. Local signs of herpes appear against the background of general intoxication of the body: high body temperature, fatigue, and headaches. Redness occurs, a bubble with liquid appears, which, when opened, forms a slight erosion. With additional infection of the erosion, an ulcer occurs. May appear independently or against the background of another viral disease. In very severe cases, it affects the cardiovascular system.
  3. Allergic. Should be differentiated from herpetic. Appears in the background allergic reaction. In treatment it is important to identify the product allergic and exclude the child from contact with him. Treatment uses antihistamines and local agents to promote healing and reduce swelling.
  4. Bacterial occurs due to defective care, can be treated antibacterial drugs. Limited to local manifestations. Bacterial stomatitis It is considered a disease of “dirty hands”.

Any damage to the oral cavity affects the baby's health. Pain leads to eating and sleeping disorders. The infectious agent affects general health. In the absence of timely, quality care, various complications are possible.

The onset of stomatitis is difficult to miss. Pain appears, worsens when eating. If a child cannot speak, he will be capricious and refuse to eat. Body temperature rises. Saliva becomes viscous, and a feeling of dry mouth and burning occurs. Upon examination, redness and swelling of the gums are determined. Elements of stomatitis (ulcers, aphthae, erosion) are noticeable.

Treatment requires a comprehensive, competent approach. It consists of mechanical cleansing of the oral cavity (rinsing and antiseptic treatment) and anti-inflammatory therapy (tablets, applications, ointments).

Causes of stomatitis

The main cause of stomatitis in children is decreased immunity. Any disease, including the common cold, can provoke the development of oral pathology. But at the same time, stomatitis is not a manifestation of another disease, it is an independent pathology, the cause of which is a defect in care and infection.

The main causes of childhood stomatitis:

In young children, the disease occurs due to the fault of an adult. In order to prevent the manifestation of this disease, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s health and the microclimate in the family every day.

Prevention of stomatitis

The main condition for preventing any disease is a good immune response. Stomatitis is no exception. First of all, the body's resistance to the pathogenic agent should be increased. Provide a healthy environment and teach proper personal hygiene. The baby's health rests on these 3 pillars.

Boosting immunity

It consists of following simple rules for healthy image life. What are these rules?

  1. Children's diets must include raw vegetables and fruits: apples, carrots, which help strengthen gums and teeth. As well as a sufficient amount of meat, fish and fermented milk products. In families of vegetarians, the percentage of damage to the oral cavity is higher than with a normal diet without prohibitions on any foods.
  2. For stomatitis, the diet includes more fermented milk products and dishes that are gentle on the oral cavity. Meat is introduced only after the symptoms of stomatitis are relieved, and solid food after full recovery damaged mucosa.
  • Dream. The child should sleep at least 12 hours a day. This is 10 hours of sleep at night and 2 during the day. For children under 2 years of age, the daily routine should correspond to their age category. Have a good sleep helps to humidify the air in the bedroom and daily ventilation before bed.
  • Walks. At least 2 hours per winter time and 6 in summer. Ideally, walk with your child 2-4 times a day. While walking, the child should move more, walk long distances, and play outdoor games. You should ensure that the child does not freeze, but also does not overheat, both factors reduce protective properties body. Stomatitis is not a contraindication to walking. But, if you have a headache and weakness, it is better to refrain from walking.
  • Hardening. You can gradually harden a child from birth. You can rub with cool water and rinse your feet. Pouring cold water Not recommended for children. After a year, it is possible after consultation with a pediatrician if there are no contraindications.
  • Physical training. Swimming in the pool is considered an ideal sport for young children. It is possible to start from 9 months after consultation with a doctor. Beneficial Effects water on physical and mental development increases interest in this sport.
  • During quarantine, it is better to leave the child at home, even if he is healthy. Excessive contact with infection weakens the body.
  • Timely treatment of any disease together with specialists. Self-medication in childhood is not recommended.

If the oral mucosa is damaged, the child should not be taken to kindergarten. An untreated infection is easily transmitted to other children and can develop into chronic form. Both aspects will not add health to the child and his environment.

Personal hygiene includes keeping your mouth, hands and body clean. Babies under one year old are still weak protective functions body. Before picking up your baby, be sure to wash them with baby soap. Before each breastfeeding, you should wash the breast with water or wash it with baby soap (without fanaticism). If a child receives a bottle, pacifier or rattle, everything must be carefully processed and scalded with boiling water. Boil nipples and bottles for 5 minutes before use. If a child drops a pacifier, it should be rinsed with boiled water (can be cooled) before returning it.

From the moment the tooth erupts, the child begins to put everything in his mouth. During this period, it is important to process everything that the baby has access to. Toys, household items, crib, playpen. Once the first teeth appear, you can start brushing your baby's teeth in the morning. By one and a half years, 2 times a day. At proper education by the age of 3, the child will brush his teeth independently, but should not be left unsupervised; parents should monitor the quality of the procedure and help if necessary.

  1. The paste and brush are selected according to the age category. From the age of 3, a child should be taught to rinse his mouth after every meal.
  2. To treat toys you can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, special means for cleaning marked 0+, after treatment, rinse with boiled water.
  3. Hands should be washed before and after each use. Morning and evening, after every walk outside. After visiting the toilet. But don't abuse it. The soap should be soft and not dry out the baby's skin. If dryness occurs, reduce the amount of hand washing and provide care ( baby cream) after each wash, change the soap to a more gentle one.
  4. It is better to use a special children's cream-soap, cream-gel from 0 with the addition of caring additives (for example, celandine, aloe).
  5. IN early age Children try to taste everything. This time requires constant supervision from parents. You should wean your child off putting his fingers in his mouth and pulling various objects as early as possible.
  6. Additionally, monitor your child’s food. It should not be hot or spicy; this can injure the oral mucosa, which will reduce the body's protective properties.
  7. In case of microtraumas of the oral cavity, the mouth should be treated weak solution potassium permanganate.

An important factor in the prevention of childhood stomatitis is an annual visit to the dentist’s office and the elimination of all identified deficiencies. Compliance with all safety measures helps prevent the occurrence of the disease.

In the prevention of stomatitis great importance has a child's habitat.

  • Passive smoking (if someone in the family smokes) and inhalation of soot (when the room is smoky) have a detrimental effect on the child’s health. When a child is born, you should give up bad habits; this will have a beneficial effect on the health of both adults and children.
  • If it is necessary to heat the stove, wet cleaning should be carried out daily using detergents which prevent the deposition of dust on the surface and have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room every day, regardless of weather conditions. In winter it is enough to open access fresh air for 10–15 minutes. In summer, around the clock if possible.
  • If there are people with stomatitis in the house, limit contact with the child. At acute stomatitis You should handle the dishes more carefully and use them strictly individually.
  • Children's dishes under 6 years old should not be used by adults and it is better if each child has an individual set.

A healthy lifestyle and well-organized personal hygiene can save a child and his parents from the need for long-term and complex treatment stomatitis. Any disease is easier to prevent, especially since the prevention of stomatitis does not require special measures.

  • The cause of allergic stomatitis is removable dentures and metal crowns. In addition, allergies to the oral mucosa can occur as a result of Europeans ingesting exotic foods, such as live insects and oysters. The size of allergic mouth ulcers is very small, less than 1 mm. and not deep. Generalized (multiple) allergic stomatitis in adults and children requires emergency treatment from specialists.

Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis

  • Viral stomatitis of this type simultaneously affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and intestines. The oral mucosa is covered with small, shallow blisters, which burst a few hours after they mature. Treatment of viral stomatitis is complex, using antiviral drugs with simultaneous antiseptic treatment ulcers of the oral mucosa.

Herpes (herpetic) stomatitis

  • Herpetic stomatitis occurs in adults and children due to a virus oral herpes. The course of the disease can be acute or chronic. After 3-5 days from the moment of infection, blisters appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth, which burst with the formation of many painful ulcers. Depending on their quantity, severe swelling and pain occurs in the mucous membrane, which makes eating difficult and interferes with talking. Almost always when herpes stomatitis in children and adults, regional inflammation occurs The lymph nodes, and the temperature sometimes rises to 39 degrees, but most often to 37-38 degrees. With intensive treatment of the disease, it lasts about ten days.

Candidal stomatitis

  • Another name for this pathology is fungal stomatitis in adults and children. This type The disease is provoked by oral candidiasis, that is, an increase in the number of Candida fungi that are constantly present in the oral cavity. Most often, candidal stomatitis occurs in young children and elderly patients, as well as in persons with immune diseases AIDS, with long-term use antibiotics and cytostatics.
  • The signs of this disease are as follows: a white cheesy coating on the mucous membranes, a putrid taste, and when the plaque peels off, bleeding, painful ulcers appear. There may be a temporary loss or distortion of taste sensitivity. The main methods of treating fungal (candidal) stomatitis in children and adults combine the use of antifungal drugs (nystatin, levarin and others) and antiseptic treatment of the affected mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Aphthous stomatitis

  • There are chronic recurrent forms and acute forms. The main cause of HRAS of this type of disease is rheumatism, hereditary predisposition, chronic diseases intestines and stomach, systemic autoimmune and allergic diseases(Crohn's disease). Ulcers that appear in the oral cavity on the tongue, palate and cheeks look like small aphthae with a clear narrow red rim around, covered with a fibrous gray-yellow coating, very painful. At the time of exacerbation, the temperature always rises, the lymph nodes enlarge, it is possible general weakness. Fast and effective treatment chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis necessarily includes identifying the main cause of the disease. Average term treatment aphthous stomatitis various localizations may require 2 to 3 weeks.

Catarrhal stomatitis

  • Catarrhal stomatitis is considered the most common. It is characterized by the occurrence of swelling and soreness of the mucous membrane, with the appearance after 2-3 days of single or multiple ulcers in any part of the oral cavity. Accompanied by increased salivation, bleeding gums, and bad breath. One of the reasons may be the presence of worms, as well as vitamin deficiency and poor hygiene oral cavity.

Ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis Vincent

    It is considered the most severe form of stomatitis. The causes of Vincent's ulcerative and necrotizing stomatitis are intestinal ulcers, chronic enteritis, blood diseases, heavy metal poisoning, and radiation damage. The mucous membrane is affected throughout its entire thickness along with the submucosal layer, up to the periosteum. All this is accompanied by very severe pain, high temperature up to 38 degrees, with enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

    How to treat ulcerative necrotizing stomatitis? Considering the complexity and painfulness of the course, multiple ulcerative lesions mucous membrane, most rational way This immediate appeal see a dentist, a specialist in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (periodontist).

Herpes stomatitis photo

Candidal stomatitis photo

Aphthous stomatitis photo

Catarrhal stomatitis photo

Ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis photo

Treatment of stomatitis

Many patients are interested in how to quickly cure stomatitis? Which doctor treats stomatitis in adults and children?

Most often, local treatment of all types of stomatitis is carried out by a general dentist or periodontist. Treatment of stomatitis in adults and children is carried out mainly symptomatically, but with mandatory consideration main reason its occurrence. Medicines for stomatitis in adults are aimed at relieving swelling, pain and inflammation.

Local treatment of stomatitis begins with the removal of dental plaque, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory rinses of the mucous membranes, as well as anesthetic ointments and gels for the treatment of aphthae and ulcers are prescribed. Limit food, exclude hot, spicy and hard foods. If candidiasis is detected, then antifungal drugs are prescribed; if there is herpes, then antiviral drugs are prescribed. If necessary, antibiotics are also prescribed to prevent infection of large oral ulcers. At the final stage of treatment, keratoplatic preparations from sea buckthorn and rose hips, as well as propolis, are prescribed. On average, the treatment period for stomatitis lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Always identify and treat the main common root cause of stomatitis, gastrointestinal diseases, immune diseases, And so on. It is clear that this is not done by dentists, but by their colleagues - specialized doctors. However, the first person who can detect and pay attention to this and send the patient for examination to colleagues is the dentist.

Most actual question from many patients it sounds like this: “How much does it cost to cure stomatitis? Where can stomatitis be treated inexpensively and efficiently?”

Price for turnkey treatment of stomatitis in dentistry in Moscow and others major cities Russia is determined by the causes of stomatitis. Price local treatment Oral stomatitis on a turnkey basis starts from 2000 rubles and can reach 20 thousand rubles or more. Prices general treatment stomatitis depend on the main pathogenic factor and concomitant diseases, such as systemic herpes, the presence of Crohn's disease, enteritis and other health problems.

Home treatment for stomatitis

Home treatment of stomatitis using folk methods is aimed at solving two problems:

  1. For antiseptic and anti-inflammatory rinses.
  • For these purposes, you can use herbal decoctions of calendula, chamomile, plantain and antiseptic ointments based on propolis, sea buckthorn and vitamin A.
  1. To stimulate the immune system by drinking solutions of rose hips, sea buckthorn, taking amaranth oils and other means.
  • However, before home treatment, you need to consult a dentist, because very often it is necessary to eliminate not only local, but also general causes of stomatitis, such as Candida fungus or the herpes virus, not to mention more serious diseases.

Prevention of stomatitis

Prevention of any stomatitis in adults and children is ensured by several effective procedures.

  1. Maintaining oral hygiene at a high level.
  • For this you need right choice pastes and toothbrushes, as well as other mouth accessories, scrapers, flosses and rinses. This is especially important if you wear braces. To prevent caries and gum disease, it is necessary to remove dental plaque every half a year and do professional hygiene oral cavity in a dental clinic.
  1. It is necessary to normalize nutrition and limit bad habits. A complete vitamin diet is necessary, including drinking fresh fruit juices. It is necessary to limit spicy and peppery foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  2. Regular dental examination to assess the current general condition health.




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