What is an adenoma in the chest. Nipple adenoma

Breast adenoma is the most common type of benign tumor in females. A feature of the tumor is the occurrence at a young age, up to 40 years.

Breast adenoma is a benign neoplasm that responds well to treatment and is relatively rarely malignant.

Adenoma mammary gland- a benign neoplasm that occurs due to excessive proliferation of the epithelium excretory ducts mammary glands. This tumor occurs at a young age and is characterized by tissue atypia. The adenoma has clear edges and a spherical shape of an elastic consistency.


The reasons

Disease of the hormonal nature and occurs when there is a pronounced hormonal imbalance in the female body.

  • progesterone deficiency- is the leading factor, in connection with which there is an excessive synthesis and secretion of the hormone - prolactin. Prolactin stimulates the development and proliferation of glandular epithelium in the female breast.
  • Excess estrogen- leads to excessive proliferation of stromal elements of the breast and excretory ducts.
  • Metabolic disorders- a disease such as diabetes mellitus contributes to the violation of all major metabolic processes in the body, which leads to a secondary hormonal imbalance.
  • Decreased levels of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. This condition is called hypothyroidism and leads to disruption of synthetic processes in all cellular elements.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol contributes to dysmetabolic disorders and contributes to the development of tumor processes in the female body.
  • Stress factors and psycho-emotional overstrain entails an increased risk of homeostasis disturbance in the body and the development of oncological processes.


In the classification developed World Organization Health care highlight the following types breast adenomas:

  • tubular form- this adenoma is characterized by a clear structure in which two layers of cells are distinguished: myoepithelial and epithelial. Tubular adenoma is characterized by a clearly demarcated zone from healthy tissues, which gives it a certain mobility.
  • lactating form- characterized by the growth of the lactiferous lobules and excretory ducts. Capable of producing breast milk with the release of it from the nipple.
  • Nipple and surrounding area- adenoma of the nipple zone is not associated with glandular tissue. With this form, there is often a slight ulceration of the nipple with the release of a clear liquid.


In most cases, breast adenoma develops without any obvious symptoms and clinical picture. Such a tumor is often detected incidentally, during palpation. mammary glands.

Symptoms characteristic of adenoma include:

  • Palpable seal of elastic consistency, movable. In the form of a ball with a diameter of up to 2 cm. Usually, with such small sizes and the absence inflammatory process in this zone form female breast does not deform.
  • Seal increases during the menstrual cycle and decreases with a similar cyclicity.
  • Untreated breast adenoma slowly proliferating. It increases in size and can reach 10 cm or more, which is already becoming visible to the naked eye.
  • May appear secretion of milk or clear liquid not related to lactation.

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It is very important to correctly approach the diagnosis of breast adenoma. This consists not only in the examination by a specialist - a mammologist and the appointment of instrumental research methods, but also in the correct self-examination.

  • Self-examination. Self-examination of the mammary glands involves a careful examination, careful palpation of the mammary gland and determination of its consistency. It is best to divide the breast into quadrants and probe from the nipple area to the periphery.
  • Examination at the mammologist- the second stage of diagnosis, since the specialist will be able to correctly assess the nature of the changes in the mammary glands. Install exact dimensions, shape and localization tumor process.
  • Blood analysis. Held general analysis blood, in which the main indicators are determined peripheral blood, onco-markers are determined. Be sure to look at the concentration of female sex hormones: estrogen, prolactin and progesterone, as well as other major hormones.
  • Mammography- held in without fail and allows you to determine the exact localization, shape, contours of relatively healthy tissues of the oncological process.
  • Ultrasound procedure- allows you to assess the consistency of the tumor.
  • Ductography- examination of the ducts of the mammary glands using radiopaque substances.
  • Biopsy tumors at large sizes adenomas. Allows you to accurately confirm the nature of the tumor process.


Therapeutic tactics will depend on the nature of the breast adenoma, its size and location. Such surgical methods of treatment are used: enucleation and sectoral resection, as well as expectant management.

  • Expectant tactics It is used for small sizes and slow growth of adenoma. This method consists in periodic examinations, constant monitoring of the proliferative process. If the tumor is less than 1 cm in size and slowly progresses, then surgery is postponed.
  • Enucleation or husking. It is used for adenomas with a clear capsule and a small size, up to 5 cm. Enucleation is performed without resection of surrounding healthy tissues.
  • Sectoral resection consists in excising a benign tumor along with anatomically similar healthy tissues within the affected sector. Sectoral resection is used for large adenomas.

Sectoral resection


Since breast adenoma has a high prevalence and affects women young age, then prevention should be appropriate. First of all, it is necessary to conduct regular self-examination of the mammary glands, since there are practically no symptoms in benign tumors, especially in the early stages of the development of the tumor process.

Self-examination consists not only in a visual assessment of the shape and size of the mammary glands, but also in a thorough palpation of the chest, since only tactilely it is possible to identify a mammary gland adenoma on early stage.

Separately, it is worth considering the risk factors for the development this disease. Timely withdrawal of bad habits like: smoking and regular drinking can significantly reduce the risk of benign neoplasms breast.

Separately, it should be noted that conducting healthy lifestyle life and sufficient activity support the metabolic systems of the body in good shape and prevent hormonal disruptions.

Right balanced diet nutrition with a sufficient content of vitamins, micro-, macroelements and other nutrients allows you to support the immune and enzymatic systems in physiological state, and they, in turn, play the most important link in the activation of the tumor process in the body.

The antioxidant properties of vitamins help to avoid errors in the formation of new cells in tissues with high proliferative activity, which include the epithelium of the mammary glands.

It is imperative to take into account the genetic predisposition to this process, since a burdened family history several times increases the risk of a tumor process with the above risk factors.

If there are chronic hormonal diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism, follow-up with the appropriate specialists and correction is mandatory hormonal background.


Breast adenoma is a benign pathology with slow progression, but treatment should not be neglected in connection with this. There is always a risk of malignancy - the degeneration of benign oncological cells into cancerous ones. especially if risk factors are not taken into account.

In almost 100% of cases, the prognosis is favorable. If a tumor is detected at the earliest stages, when its size does not exceed 0.5 cm, regression of the tumor process is possible with normalization of the hormonal background and restoration of the body's homeostasis. In other cases, it is necessary to control the proliferation of cancer cells and timely surgical treatment tumors.

Adenoma is not an obstacle to pregnancy and lactation, however, monitoring of its development must be thorough.

Depending on the cellular composition tumors, the risk of malignancy varies, so if there is a large amount of fibrous component in the biopsy, the risk of malignancy increases, respectively, and the risk of recurrence of the disease also increases.

The degeneration of breast adenoma into adenocarcinoma is quite rare and with gross violations of the molecular genetic mechanisms of the functioning of the body.

It is worth noting that some women have a genetic predisposition to the formation of adenocarcinoma, in which case the risk of malignancy increases significantly.

In general, when eliminating risk factors and conducting timely surgical intervention the risk of recurrence of breast adenoma is minimal.

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Update: October 2018

When something is wrong in the body - this leads to confusion, when the mammary glands are out of order - it causes panic in any woman. But before you despair and mentally say goodbye to life, you should undergo an examination and the necessary treatment, because not all diseases, including breast adenoma, threaten to degenerate into cancer. Breast adenoma is more often diagnosed in women reproductive age(20 - 35 years), but can occur in adolescent girls 14 - 16 years old, and in the premenopausal and menopausal periods, the tumor resolves on its own.

breast adenoma disease

The mammary gland is made up of glandular tissue(organ parenchyma), the main function of which is the secretion of milk and stroma (the skeleton supporting the parenchyma), represented by adipose and connective tissue, as well as Cooper's ligaments. An adenoma can occur in any organ containing glandular tissue, such as an adenoma thyroid gland or prostate.

All adenomas, including those of the mammary glands, are benign tumors and rarely become malignant. The disease occurs as a result of proliferation (growth) of the glandular epithelium and is observed quite rarely. This tumor-like formation is one of the forms of mastopathy, that is, a hormone-dependent tumor and changes from the level of hormones in the body (change of phases of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation).

After 40 years, breast adenoma does not form, and by the age of 45-50, existing tumors are reduced, since this age period the composition of the mammary glands changes, the glandular tissue is replaced by adipose and connective.

Many women, and even doctors, believe that adenoma and fibrous adenoma of the mammary glands are one and the same disease. In terms of the clinical picture, these diseases are similar, but differ in histological structure. If the adenoma consists of glandular tissue, then the fibroadenoma includes glandular and connective tissue. In the case of a predominance of connective tissue, they speak of breast fibroma.

Causes of breast adenoma

Proliferation of glandular epithelial cells occurs more often in women of childbearing age, which is associated with active growth and the development of the lobules, milk and intralobular ducts of the breast and the maximum functional load of the mammary glands (pregnancy and lactation). The development of breast adenoma is based on hormonal imbalance, in particular, a violation of the production of sex hormones and their ratio. For the formation and growth of glandular tissue, progesterone is “responsible”, which is produced in the second phase of the cycle and during gestation.

Under the influence of estrogens, the ducts and connective tissue grow. If the production of progesterone is insufficient and its content in the tissues of the mammary glands decreases, an adenoma develops. Prolactin also plays a role in the formation of a tumor, the level of which increases in the second phase of the cycle, during pregnancy and especially during lactation. It is prolactin that contributes to the onset of symptoms such as engorgement and soreness of the glands. An increase in prolactin and a decrease in progesterone is the main cause of adenoma.

Also, the pathology of the thyroid gland (in 30% of women with breast adenoma) can serve as the cause of the development of the disease, in particular, the lack of production of thyroid hormones and the pancreas (diabetes mellitus). The pathology of the liver is also important in the development of the disease, which, together with bile, removes excess hormones from the body. With liver diseases, it does not cope with its functions, which leads to the development of hormonal imbalance.

Predisposing factors

A number of factors can contribute to the development of a tumor:

  • heredity (cases of mastopathy along the female line);
  • ovarian tumors;
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs;
  • long-term use of birth control pills;
  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • forced suppression of lactation;
  • overweight (adipose tissue produces estrogen);
  • bad habits;
  • spontaneous and artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • parity (number of births and pregnancies);
  • dissatisfaction with family and social status, chronic stress;
  • lack of sexual life or its irregularity;
  • sexual dissatisfaction.


According to the WHO classification, an adenoma can be located in the nipple or areola and in the thickness of the mammary gland. In turn, breast adenomas are divided (according to localization) into:

  • nodular, which are clearly demarcated from nearby tissues;
  • leaf-shaped, consisting of many layers and rapidly growing;
  • pericanalicular, growing around the milk ducts;
  • intracanalicular, tumor growth occurs inside the milk ducts.

By histological structure nipple adenomas can be simple and syringomatous. Simple adenomas are characterized by the growth of cylindrical and muscular epithelium in the ducts. Syringomatous adenomas arise in the areola of the nipple and develop from the epithelium. sweat glands. It is characteristic that such tumors do not have clear boundaries, although their growth is non-invasive (do not grow into the surrounding tissues).

Breast adenomas are divided into:

  • tubular adenomas, arise only from the glandular epithelium in young women in childbearing age and are presented as a single and well-defined seal, not associated with the skin or nipple;
  • lactating adenomas, develop in pregnant and breastfeeding women, disappear on their own after normalization of hormonal levels;
  • pleomorphic adenomas, growing from glandular, fibrous, adipose tissues ( mixed tumor) and is similar to an adenoma of the salivary and sweat glands;
  • apocrine adenomas, growing from the glandular epithelium and undergoing pronounced apocrine changes (proliferation of the epithelium of the sweat glands);
  • ductal adenomas - growing inwards milk duct in the form of a glandular polyp.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of breast adenoma appear only with a significant size of the tumor (more than 5 cm). In other cases, the disease is asymptomatic and the tumor is detected by chance during a routine examination or self-examination of the breast. Palpation determines a small, pea-sized, about 1 - 2 cm, formation that has round shape and clear contours. To the touch it is elastic, smooth, rarely bumpy, not soldered to the skin and surrounding tissues. As a rule, the tumor is painless. The tumor is usually localized shallow and tends to increase on the eve of menstruation. After graduation critical days adenoma again returns to its size. Single tumors are usually diagnosed on one side, but multiple adenomas may also appear in both mammary glands. Breast adenomas grow very slowly, but the effect adverse factors can lead to their rapid growth. It is characteristic that during pregnancy the tumor increases significantly in diameter, and after childbirth and the cessation of lactation, it decreases or disappears altogether.

With a significant size of the formation (7-15 cm), the mammary gland is deformed, its pain occurs (the tumor compresses the nerve endings) and burning. Axillary lymph nodes are not enlarged.

Nipple adenoma is characterized by swelling, redness, the appearance of serous or blood secretions from the nipple. The skin of the nipple and areola is ulcerated and crusted due to irritation from the discharge. To the touch, in the depth of the nipple, a soft-elastic knot with preserved mobility is determined. The color of the areola does not change, there are no symptoms orange peel” and pronounced wrinkling, which are signs of breast cancer.


To diagnose the disease, you must contact the department of mammology. The doctor will find out the history of the disease, the presence / absence of complaints, and will conduct a physical examination of the mammary glands in a standing and lying position. Palpation of the chest reveals a single mobile formation (sometimes several) the size of a pea or a small ball. Regional lymph nodes are not enlarged. Must be appointed clinical tests blood and urine, blood biochemistry, blood for sex hormones and prolactin, in suspicious situations, blood for tumor markers. To confirm the diagnosis, the following instrumental methods of examination are used:

  • Mammography

X-ray examination of the mammary glands in direct and lateral projections. The method is highly informative, the reliability of breast cancer detection reaches 95%. Mammography is not performed for women under 35, lactating women and pregnant women.

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands

Allows you to identify a tumor-like formation, its localization and quantity, its cohesion with surrounding tissues, to conduct a differential diagnosis of adenoma with other breast diseases. Advantages of the study: harmlessness, the possibility of examining young women and conducting multiple studies.

  • Biopsy

Under the control of ultrasound, the site of formation is taken. The resulting material is sent for histological examination, confirming the good quality of the tumor and determining its structure (with adenoma, glandular tissue is detected).

In case of concomitant gynecological, somatic and endocrine pathology the therapist, endocrinologist and gynecologist are involved in the diagnosis of the disease. Differential diagnosis breast adenomas are carried out with cysts, fibroadenoma and breast cancer.

In case of suspicion of nipple adenoma, the following are carried out:

  • Nipple swab cytogram

For cytological examination discharge is taken from the nipple. Allows you to determine the presence / absence of atypical cells

  • Ductography

Introduction to the lactiferous passages of a radiopaque substance with further implementation x-rays. Allows to identify intraductal formations.

  • breast MRI

Allows you to study the structure of the mammary gland in layers and determine the swelling of the nipple. Ultrasound and mammography due to inefficiency in nipple adenoma are not indicated.

  • Biopsy.


How to treat breast adenoma? There is only one method of treatment for this disease - surgical. No hormone therapy, and even more so folk remedies, will not help to cope with the disease and get rid of the tumor. If the formation does not exceed 10 mm in diameter, the specialist recommends that the patient be monitored regularly (2 times a year) and undergo an annual ultrasound of the mammary glands. In parallel, the mammologist advises maintaining a healthy lifestyle, observing proper nutrition, taking vitamins (A, C, E, P, B6), with problems with the thyroid gland, taking iodine-containing drugs. When diagnosing lactating adenoma, the doctor will prescribe Bromkriptin (Parlodel), which suppresses prolactin synthesis and milk production.

Removal of breast adenoma is carried out according to the following indications:

  • significant size of the formation, which leads to breast deformity;
  • suspected malignancy of the tumor;
  • intensive growth of adenoma.

Surgical intervention is carried out in two ways: enucleation of the formation and sectoral resection of the gland.

Enucleation is the excision of the tumor without affecting healthy tissue. It is carried out only when a histological examination confirms the good quality of the formation. Runs under local anesthesia.

Sectoral resection is a more serious surgical intervention, which consists in excising the adenoma along with a few centimeters of healthy tissue (resection of the gland sector). It is carried out when there is doubt about the quality of education. As a consequence of the intervention, the formation of a rough seam, but you can get rid of it in the future with the help of cosmetic surgery.

An established nipple adenoma also requires surgical intervention. Either excision is performed - excision of the tumor without affecting healthy tissue, or sectoral resection. Stitches after surgery on the chest are removed on the 8th day.

Of the innovative methods of treating the disease, cryoablation is used (destruction of the tumor low temperaturesliquid nitrogen) and laser ablation (effect on the tumor laser irradiation). The advantages of such techniques are the absence of a cosmetic defect (a small and inconspicuous scar) and a minimum of complications during the removal process (no bleeding).

Question answer

Can breast adenoma turn into cancer?

Malignancy of adenoma is extremely rare, therefore, when timely treatment and regular observation by a specialist, the prognosis for this disease is favorable.

How can breast adenoma be prevented?

There is no specific prophylaxis for this disease. It is necessary to regularly check with a doctor (gynecologist, mammologist), conduct breast self-examination, timely diagnose and eliminate endocrinological problems, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and refuse abortions.

Three years ago, I had an operation to remove a breast adenoma (husking the tumor). Now I want to insert breast implants to increase their size. Is it possible?

No way. Any disease of the mammary glands (cyst, adenoma, fibroadenoma and others), even if you got rid of it, when installing implants, threatens with relapse and complications. Better small breasts, but healthy.

I had a biopsy of the adenoma, and according to the results of histology, it became known that I had leaf-shaped adenoma. The doctor insists on surgery, although the size of the formation is small, only 14 mm. Should the tumor be removed?

Necessarily. It's not about the size of education, but about its structure. Leaf adenoma is one of the most unfavorable adenomas and the risk of its transformation into cancer is much higher compared to other types of these tumors. Therefore, education should be removed, and the sooner the better.

Before pregnancy, I was observed for an adenoma measuring 9 by 8 mm. When I got pregnant, the tumor increased to 3 cm. What should I do?

If there are no other complaints and additional research it is confirmed that the tumor is benign, then it is not touched during pregnancy and lactation. After childbirth and cessation of lactation, the tumor will most likely return to its original size. Otherwise, it should be removed.

Breast adenoma is an elastic and mobile neoplasm of a spherical or spherical shape, usually close to the surface of the gland. It happens single and multiple, develops in one breast or in both. It is considered a type of mastopathy along with fibroma, fibroadenoma, lymphadenoma. Most often, the neoplasm does not exceed 3 cm in diameter, very rarely grows up to 5 cm.

Breast adenoma very often occurs during pregnancy. In premenopausal and menopausal age, existing neoplasms are reduced (reduce in size or disappear), but new ones do not appear. Breast adenoma does not degenerate into malignant tumor, and depends on hormonal balance woman's body. Diagnosis and treatment of such formations are carried out by such specialists as gynecologists, mammologists and oncologists.

Adenoma in the mammary gland in women, like other neoplasms of the breast, is formed by pathological growth of the glandular tissue, which consists of the peripapillary region, nipple, intralobular ducts and lactiferous lobes. 85% of women are diagnosed with benign breast hyperplasia.

Adenoma is most often found in young women from 18 to 30 years old, since it is at this age that the largest hormonal load associated with pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. After 45 years, the glandular tissue in the mammary glands is replaced by adipose and fibrous (connective) tissue. That is why in adulthood breast adenoma appears very rarely. Men are also prone to developing adenomas. The most common is the prostate gland.


Breast adenoma consists of a combination of fibrous, glandular and fatty tissues. The name of the tumor depends on the predominance of any of these types of cells in the tumor tissues. For example, the term "fibroadenolipoma" shows that the neoplasm consists of approximately the same number of fibrous, glandular and fat cells.

Breast adenomas are divided into several varieties:

  • Fibrous - the most common, formed in fibrous tissues;
  • Phylloid (leaf-shaped) - characterized by rapid growth;
  • Pericanalicular - most often localized near the milk ducts, formed from connective tissue;
  • Intracanalicular - is formed inside the ducts, is considered one of the most dangerous;
  • Mixed - the neoplasm has signs of several types of adenoma.

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The pathologies of adenomatosis of the mammary glands also include fibro-epithelial neoplasms: fibro-cystic adenoma, leaf-shaped tumors, complex fibroadenoma.

By location and tissue type, adenomas are classified:

  • Tubular - is a node of cylindrical epithelial cells (tubular elements);
  • Lactating - a neoplasm of the milky lobes and ducts, characterized by the release of milk;
  • Apocrine - similar to tubular, but differs from it in the structure of the epithelium;
  • Pleomorphic - rare, formed from a combination of adipose, glandular and fibrous tissues, can degenerate into carcinoma;
  • Ductal (ductal) - a rare form of a tumor in which the expansion of the duct is characteristic;
  • Nipple adenoma - is formed in the milk ducts in the nipple area, is characterized by soreness and discharge.

Reasons for education

The main reason for the appearance of breast adenoma is hormonal imbalance (violation of the functionality of sex hormones). Breast development is closely related to hormonal system the female body and depends on steroid hormones: somatropin, progesterone, prolactin, estrogen. Behind development fibrous tissue and the milk ducts respond with estrogen (a hormone produced by the ovaries). The development of the alveoli that produce breast milk and the lactiferous lobules is influenced by progesterone (a hormone of the adrenal glands and ovaries).

In the female body during life, the ratio of sex hormones is constantly changing. Changes in the correlation of hormones are associated with age characteristics: onset of puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding (lactation), cessation reproductive ability, the onset of menopause. When the natural ratio of hormones is disturbed, then there are various diseases including breast adenoma.

Factors affecting the development of breast adenoma:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Absence up to 25-35 years of sexual life;
  • Infertility;
  • Obesity;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion);
  • Refusal to breastfeed the child;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • The use of oral contraception;
  • Smoking;
  • Diabetes;
  • Nervous stress.

In addition, the cause of hormonal imbalance is thyroid disease (lack of thyroid hormones), infectious and inflammatory diseases genitals.


Usually breast adenoma for a long time does not manifest itself in any way, has no obvious symptoms and is detected by chance. Signs of tumor formation can be detected during an independent breast examination or at an appointment with a mammologist. The localization of neoplasms is diverse, there are no special areas for the formation of pathology. Breast adenomas are both multiple and single. In some cases, such tumors tend to disappear on their own, usually this phenomenon is observed in young women.

Symptoms of the formation of breast adenoma:

  • The appearance of a small seal, which has a clear outline and a smooth surface;
  • The seal is easily displaced by pressure;
  • The occurrence of pain;
  • An increase in the size of the tumor before menstruation.

In cases where the neoplasm develops not only in the glandular tissue, but also in the connective tissue, a burning sensation may appear in the mammary gland. With nipple adenoma, there are: hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels), edema, sanious or serous discharge. The surface of the nipple may be covered with crusts and small sores. During palpation, a seal is felt in the thickness of the nipple, the skin around the nipple has a normal color.

Attention! If a seal is found in the mammary gland, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, mammologist or oncologist for timely examination, diagnosis and treatment.


In order to accurately determine the characteristics of the tumor and correctly diagnose, apply following methods research:

To clarify the properties of adenoma and to prescribe necessary treatment additional research is underway:

  • Blood test for the level of estradiol, progesterone and other hormones;
  • A blood test for tumor markers (reveals a predisposition to cancer).

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*Only subject to obtaining data on the patient's disease, a clinic representative will be able to calculate an accurate estimate for treatment.

Need to know! It is very important to identify breast adenoma at an early stage. In 15% of cases small tumors(about 10 mm in diameter) disappear without treatment. If the neoplasm is larger, constant medical supervision and periodic examinations are recommended.


In cases where the neoplasm does not exceed 2 cm in diameter, it is possible conservative therapy hormonal drugs. When the size of the tumor exceeds 3-4 cm, actively grows and there are suspicions of its malignancy, the neoplasm is removed surgically. In some cases, the adenoma affects the shape of the breast, and then cosmetic surgery to correct defects.

Breast adenomas are operated on by two surgical methods: enucleation and sectoral resection. Enucleation takes place under local anesthesia and consists in enucleation of the tumor through a small incision. The operation is simple and does not require hospitalization. Sectoral resection is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the areas affected by the tumor and adjacent tissues are removed.

After surgery, it is necessary rehabilitation treatment vitamins, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs. Control examinations should be carried out every six months in order to identify in time possible relapses diseases.

Many patients in the treatment of breast adenoma resort to treatment with folk remedies. However, to traditional medicine should be treated with extreme caution. Before using any folk remedies you should definitely consult with your doctor.


The prognosis for breast adenoma in almost all cases is favorable, degeneration into malignant appearance unlikely. Most often, there are no obstacles to pregnancy and breastfeeding with adenoma. If found fibrous form breast adenomas, then malignancy (degeneration into oncology) is possible. In such cases, the prognosis will be conditionally favorable. Fibroadenoma appears against the background of hormonal imbalance in the body and is not precancerous disease. None of the forms of breast adenoma is life threatening if detected at an early stage and appropriately treated.

Prevention measures

There are no special measures for the prevention of breast adenoma. To detect neoplasms at an early stage, experts advise self-diagnosis (palpation - self-palpation of the mammary glands). It is also necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and a mammologist 2-3 times a year, undergo medical examination and periodic examination.

These simple preventive measures will help protect a woman's body from the appearance of neoplasms or identify them at an early stage. Usually, breast adenoma does not pose a threat to health and life. But, if possible, should be protected from the causes that provoke the development of the tumor.

Breast adenoma is a disease in which there is a pathological, abnormally rapid growth of the cellular structures of glandular tissues. Pathological formations in the chest is a solid, elastic nodular seal of a spherical, cylindrical, spherical shape.

Neoplasms can be localized in one or both mammary glands. At strong increase their size is approximately 25-30 cm. At the same time, women feel unpleasant pain due to a violation of the innervation of the affected areas in the tissues.

With an adenoma, predominantly cellular structures, elements of fibrous, glandular tissues take part in its formation. They consist of milky lobes, intralobular ducts, as well as nipples, the peripapillary region.

Benign tumors in the mammary gland may consist of single, multiple nodular neoplasms of various diameters. The disease has a benign course. Neoplasms are not prone to malignant degeneration, therefore, they rarely provoke breast cancer. The development of breast adenoma occurs gradually and on initial stages the development of pathology, the symptoms are mild or completely absent.

Most often, a benign tumor in the mammary glands is diagnosed in girls after 15 and up to 29-33 years. At this age, there is an active formation, development of the lactiferous passages of the intralobular ducts. This pathology often develops during menopause, in the premenopausal period, while breastfeeding, pregnancy. The disease belongs to the group of benign mastopathy.

AT medical practice breast adenoma is detected less frequently than fibroadenoma, in which a benign pathological formation is formed from connective tissue, cellular structures of fibrous epithelium. It is a painless lump. Fibrous tumors are nodular, sheet.

Fibroadenomas are also noted in women after 35-40 years. At this age, the glandular tissue is replaced by adipose, connective tissue, so breast adenoma in rare cases diagnosed in older patients.

Varieties of adenoma

Breast adenoma, depending on its location, characteristic features, has the following forms:

  • tubular;
  • lactating;
  • apocrine;
  • ductal.

Also, in the representatives of the fair half, neoplasms can be localized in the nipples, the peripapillary region.

With a tubular form, the neoplasm is a small nodule, which is formed from tubular elements. Adenomas in the breast usually consist of cylindrical epithelial cell structures. AT pathological process other elements of the mammary glands may be involved.

With lactating adenoma, the formation of a dense small nodule is provoked by increased functional loads mammary glands during the period of feeding newborn babies. It is a tumor of the milk lobules. Formations can also form in the area of ​​the excretory ducts. As a rule, neoplasms of this type disappear spontaneously after the end of the lactation period, after it normalizes, the hormonal background in the body of women will be restored.

With a nipple adenoma, the appearance of formations in the peripapillary zone, a light cloudy liquid is released from the nipple. Small red sores on the surface of the dermis are clearly visible. The dermis is slightly compacted.

Nodular neoplasms in the breast also include fibroepithelial tumors, pleomorphic neoplasms, mixed, leaf-shaped fibroadenomas. This pathology has the most diverse genesis, causes of development.

Possible causes of pathology

Adenoma in the mammary gland most often occurs due to hormonal imbalance, namely due to a violation of the production of sex hormones. All processes in the mammary glands are carried out under the influence of steroids - progesterone, growth hormone, estrogen (sex hormones).

Important! Estrogen is involved in the development of fibrous tissues. Progesterone is responsible for the formation of glands. If the concentration of progesterone exceeds the allowable physiological norm, this invariably leads to the development of breast adenoma.

Causes of breast adenoma:

  • Stressful situations, strong emotional experiences, which are accompanied by increased production of corticosteroids.
  • Lack of thyroid hormones.
  • Chronic pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the liver.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Irregular sex life.
  • Painful periods, unstable menstrual cycle.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Abortions, infertility, reproductive dysfunction.

Tumors, neoplasms in the ovaries, overweight (obesity), diabetes mellitus, abrupt cessation of breastfeeding can cause this pathology. Adenomas in the breast often develop against the background of long-term use oral contraceptives, incorrectly selected hormonal preparations.


With breast adenoma, symptoms clinical manifestations depend on the diameter, localization of the pathological neoplasm, stage, form of the disease. In most cases, neoplasms do not cause discomfort to women. Often, pathology, especially in the initial stages of development, is asymptomatic. Neoplasms in the breast can be detected by chance during palpation (palpation) or during a routine medical examination.

Adenoma in the mammary gland resembles a mobile small dense ball with even borders. Has a rounded spherical shape, hard consistency. The formation surface is smooth. On palpation, it can move within the glandular tissue.

Adenomas in the mammary glands can be localized in any part of the glandular organ.

Clinical manifestations, symptoms:

  • discomfort when pressed, palpation;
  • expressions on the dermis, hard crusts, cracks in the nipples;
  • burning in the chest;
  • appearance" orange peel» in the peripapillary zone.

A characteristic symptom of breast adenoma is copious discharge colorless, whitish liquid, ichor, milk from the nipples.

Neoplasms may also have a coarse uneven surface. Pathology is not accompanied by any changes in the epidermis. In this case, neoplasms can increase in diameter in a few days or during menstruation. After the end of the "critical days" they return to their original parameters.

If the neoplasm is enlarged to 5-15 cm, when pressing on the chest, the patient feels discomfort, unpleasant pain, burning.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of complex diagnostic examinations. Patients are prescribed:

  • mammography;
  • contrast radiography;
  • physical diagnostic methods (palpation, examination);
  • radioisotropic scanning;
  • serological tests (general, biochemical analysis blood);
  • tumor tissue biopsy.

Conduct a comprehensive examination, take into account the data of anamnesis, the results of additional clinical studies.

A biopsy allows you to distinguish adenomas from fibroadenomas, to establish the nature of the neoplasm (benign, malignant). To perform this method, a piece of the affected gland tissue is taken, examined under a microscope. If necessary, conduct a differential diagnosis.

Therapeutic techniques

Treatment for patients should be prescribed by the attending physician, having the results in hand diagnostic tests. In the initial stages of the pathology, with properly selected, adequate treatment, the prognosis, as it should be, is favorable. Often benign tumors in the chest passes spontaneously, without drug therapy.

Therapeutic therapy, complex systematic treatment for breast adenoma is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background, adjusting, and reducing the concentration of sex hormones. Treatment is selected individually.

For the treatment of breast adenoma in the initial stages, if the size of the benign formation is within 3.5-4 cm, the neoplasms are painless, patients are prescribed symptomatic drug therapy. Apply conservative treatment methods with hormonal pharmacological preparations. Methylgesten, Ora-gest, Parlodel, Diferilin are prescribed.

If, based on the results of the biopsy, there are doubts about the nature of the tumor, the formation grows rapidly, disrupts the function of the gland, and with a tendency to malignancy, an operation is prescribed. The excision is carried out under the general local anesthesia. The operation is also carried out in cosmetic purposes if the pathological formation spoils the shape of the breast.

Removal of a benign tumor occurs by enucleation, as well as during sectoral resection. Enucleation is performed under local anesthesia. rehabilitation period short. The tumor is removed through a small incision in the skin made with a scalpel. The operation is accompanied by minimal traumatism, but relapses are not excluded.

With sectoral resection, the adenoma of the mammary gland is completely excised from the affected tissues. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The neoplasm is captured, nearby tissues in the affected area. After surgery, patients are prescribed a course hormone therapy. Prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, general strengthening medicines for normalization general condition(immunomodulators), vitamin and mineral complexes (vitamin A, B6. B12, E, C, P), preparations based on organic iodine, homeopathic remedies.

If the size of the nodular formation exceeds 10-12 cm, women after medical therapy should constantly monitor their condition, visit a mammologist, endocrinologist.

AT modern medicine with adenoma of the mammary gland, laser therapy, cryoblasting are also used. Treatment methods are absolutely painless, have a short recovery, rehabilitation period.

As additional therapy at the same time with drug treatment with breast adenoma, alternative medicine techniques can be used. Well helps tincture of the shell walnuts, herbal preparations, normalizing the function of the liver, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract.


For the prevention of adenoma of the mammary gland of a girl, women several times a year must undergo a comprehensive examination in medical centers and clinics. Representatives of the fair half need to be very careful about their health. You should not allow severe hypothermia, frequent visits to solariums, sunbathe on the beach without the use of sunscreens.

To avoid the development of this pathology, it is worth giving up bad habits. It is necessary to observe the diet, daily routine, pay attention to the state of the immune, endocrine system, moderate physical activity is recommended.

Every day, after evening dress, girls should palpate their breasts daily for the presence of neoplasms, especially with a genetic predisposition to this pathology.

If you suspect the presence of neoplasms in the mammary gland, the appearance of the first symptoms, you should immediately undergo a comprehensive examination, visit a mammologist. If you start medical therapy at the initial stages of the development of pathology, the prognosis is favorable.

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Breast adenoma is benign education that grows from fibrous tissue. This problem mostly occurs in women under 30 years of age. The composition of the tumor, as a rule, includes not only glandular cells, but also stromal and fibroconnective cells. The tumor, as a rule, does not exceed 1-3 cm in diameter. Very rarely, the formation increases to 5 cm. In this case, the formation is called fibroadenoma.

Reasons for development

Causes of the formation of breast adenoma:

  • violation of the production of sex hormones;
  • pathology of the thyroid and pancreas;
  • liver dysfunction.

Among the predisposing factors, frequent stresses can be distinguished. This is due to the fact that in the presence this factor there is a multiple increase in the production of corticosteroids in the body, which leads to a violation of the metabolic processes in the body.

Among the factors contributing to the development of adenoma, one can distinguish childbirth, lactation, abortion and painful menstruation (). Pathology may develop against the background chronic diseases sexual organs, smoking and frequent use. In this case, the hereditary factor must be taken into account.


Adenoma is a hormonally dependent disease, that is, the growth of the tumor in this case depends on the level of estrogen in the woman's body. Most often, these pathological formations occur in women of reproductive age, who experience significant changes in hormonal levels. In this case, we can consider postpartum hormonal imbalance, spontaneous abortions, the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of breast adenoma are as follows:

  • the presence of a slight hardening in the thickness of the glandular tissue, which has a smooth surface and a clear contour;
  • the seal is movable and can be moved when pressed;
  • before menstruation, an increase in the tumor is possible;
  • presence of pain syndrome.

Pathology can appear simultaneously in two mammary glands. In two out of ten cases, multiple adenomas are noted. Not only glandular, but also connective tissue can be involved in the pathological process, which causes a characteristic burning sensation in the chest area.

Adenoma classification

  • Nodular - characterized by a clear isolation from the nearest soft tissues.
  • Leaf-shaped - education has a large number of layers and is characterized by relatively rapid growth. In this case, breast adenoma with fuzzy contours requires a more serious approach to treatment.
  • Tubular - nodular compaction, composed of closely adjacent structures, limited by myoepithelial and epithelial cells.
  • Lactating - the tumor has an active secretion, which is typical for natural lactation processes.

In addition to these forms, adenoma of the peripapillary and nipple zones can be distinguished. At the same time, other tissues are not involved in the process. Education in this case develops directly inside the milk canals. Education can be seen with the naked eye. In this case, it is possible that clear secretions and the formation of small ulcers on the skin.

Like all benign tumors, adenoma is characterized by the absence of damage to the nearest lymph nodes and fabrics. The tumor, as a rule, does not undergo decay, therefore, there is no development of the intoxication syndrome typical of neoplastic malignant processes.

Large adenoma, deforming outer surface mammary gland

Establishing diagnosis

Treatment of breast adenoma requires preliminary diagnosis. First of all, the specialist collects an anamnesis of the disease and palpates the mammary glands. It is recommended to independently conduct a monthly examination after the end of menstruation in order to exclude the possibility of developing diseases of the mammary glands. This preventive measure allows you to identify pathological changes in the initial stages of development and take timely measures to eliminate them.

A mammologist without fail prescribes biochemistry and a complete blood count to detect steroid hormones and hormone-like compounds in the serum.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following hardware methods are prescribed:

  • - contrast radiography is used to detect adenoma. This research method allows you to identify the tumor and determine the patency and condition of the channels.
  • MRI - is used to visualize the layer-by-layer image of the tumor, which allows you to assess the structure of the formation.
  • Radioisotope scanning - allows you to determine the etiology of the tumor and the likelihood of metastasis to other organs and systems.

When identifying pathological changes additional research activities and laboratory tests are assigned. Without fail, blood is taken to determine the level of estradiol and progesterone. A blood test is carried out for the presence of tumor markers, which allows you to determine whether the patient is prone to malignant degeneration.

Disease prognosis

The degeneration of breast adenoma into a malignant formation is unlikely. The development of tumors of this nature cannot be considered as a contraindication to pregnancy and lactation. With an increase in adenoma in size by more than 5 cm, the risks of malignancy increase and the prognosis becomes conditionally favorable.

Breast adenoma is a consequence hormonal disorders but not a precursor to breast cancer. Such a pathological formation requires the consultation of a specialist. The doctor will conduct diagnostic measures and prescribe effective treatment in accordance with the results obtained.


In the presence of a tumor that does not exceed 1 cm in size, it is required dynamic surveillance. At the same time, at certain intervals, it becomes necessary to undergo ultrasound diagnostics and mammography. The doctor individually sets the terms of consultations and gives certain preventive recommendations.

Medical treatment of neoplasm is impossible. Hormone-containing drugs and drugs of a different spectrum of action are not able to eliminate pathological tissues. homeopathic remedies can be used as an adjuvant measure to stop tumor growth.

Removal of breast adenoma is carried out in the presence of the following indications:

  • Suspicion of the presence of malignant changes. During ultrasound and mammography, adenoma can simulate cancer, so doctors play it safe and prescribe surgical removal education.
  • Intensive tumor growth. The appearance of a cosmetic defect requires its timely removal. This makes it possible to exclude the development of complications provoked by squeezing of the milk canals and nerve endings in the chest area.

Surgical treatment of adenoma

Surgery for breast adenoma is performed in several ways. The appropriate technique in each individual case is determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. If the adenoma develops into fibroadenoma and intraductal papilloma, then the operation is prescribed immediately.

Today, there are two main principles of surgical treatment of breast adenoma:

  • Enucleation - used to remove an adenoma. In this case, only pathologically altered tissue is excised, healthy areas are completely preserved. Given surgical intervention may be performed under local or general anesthesia.
  • Secretory resection - characterized by excision of the tumor formation together with the surrounding tissues, which are located at a distance of 1-3 cm from it. This technique appointed in the case when there is doubt about the good quality of the process. After the operation, in some cases, an aesthetic defect in the shape of the breast is noted. This type of operation does not require medical correction and radiotherapy.

In the world's leading clinics, breast adenoma is treated using cryoablation and laser ablation. In this case, hospitalization is not required. After treatment, there is no visual defect, which is very important for every woman. Price similar treatment exceeds the usual excision procedure.


Every woman should take care of her health. Mandatory monthly preventive examination breasts in front of a mirror. This is especially necessary for those who have had diseases of the mammary glands and organs of the reproductive system in their family. Once every 6 months, you should visit a gynecologist for testing and monitoring the development of breast disease.

With the development of diseases of the pancreas, ovaries and thyroid gland, you should take remedial measures as soon as possible. This approach eliminates the possibility of a change in the hormonal level of the body, and, accordingly, excludes the possibility of developing breast pathologies. An important role in the prevention of breast adenoma is played by timely weight loss and the organization of proper nutrition.

The slightest signs of the disease should alert the woman. As soon as possible, you should consult a doctor for help: an obstetrician-gynecologist or a mammologist. It is important to give up bad habits and normalize the daily routine. Simple measures aimed at preventing the development of the disease will help eliminate the likelihood of adenoma formation and maintain the attractiveness of the breast for many years.



2022 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs