In which zodiac signs is it better to have surgery? Operations and the Moon

Today there is great amount diseases that cannot be completely eliminated using medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. In this situation it applies operative method, which requires very careful preparation, because in the process of directly performing the operation there is an impact on inner fabrics and organs.

This is done for the purpose of treating the disease or correcting pathological changes arising within us. The attending physician, based on the general condition of the patient, sets a date and time for the manipulation. also in medical practice There is a lunar calendar of surgical operations, which is predicted by learned astrologers.

In this article we will tell you in detail which days of the month it is best to carry out surgical interventions, and when it is not recommended to do this.
From historical data, the opinions of ancient doctors about the direct dependence of performance became known internal organs And various systems depending on the phase in which the moon is located. After conducting a lot of research and comparing the information received, a lunar calendar of operations was created.

There are principles of medical astrology, the main ones are.

Each of the twelve zodiac signs affects the functioning of a particular organ or system. It is generally accepted that if the queen of the night moves into a certain galaxy, it is not recommended to perform operations on the organs that she influences (this does not mean that one should categorically refuse surgical therapy).

Surgical interventions are not well tolerated during the period between the full moon and the new moon, that is, when the dark part of the sun becomes larger, and the light part, on the contrary, decreases. This is due to the fact that during this period the blood circulates much more actively and there is a risk of bleeding and a significant deterioration in blood clotting, as a result of which the sutures are poorly tightened, the regeneration processes are very slow, and inflammatory processes can develop.

Refrain from surgical treatment in the case of the location of the night luminary in “chameleon” signs, such as: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces. In such a situation, it is impossible to predict the outcome after the intervention. Even with 100% confidence in a positive result, everything can change dramatically and something will not go as planned.

The operation should not be performed during the transition of the night luminary from one constellation to another. Such time periods are called idle. At this moment, the Moon loses its bearings.

According to the lunar calendar for operations, surgery is not carried out one day before or after the full moon. Unsatisfactory days for surgical therapy are the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th days of the lunar month.

Impact of signs

When choosing the day on which the surgical intervention will be performed, it is necessary to find out in which constellation the star is located, because it is known that each zodiac sign affects a certain part body.

If it is located in the constellation Aries, surgery that will be performed on the face or head should be postponed. In addition, it is not recommended to visit a cosmetologist, dentist or hairdresser.

Taurus is responsible for the neck and surrounding areas. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform surgical manipulations on the throat.

The location of the Moon in the constellation Gemini means it is prohibited to perform interventions on organs related to the respiratory system.

A sign such as Cancer is responsible for the functioning of the stomach and intestines. During this period of time, it is recommended to perform manipulations aimed at cleansing the body of accumulated harmful substances. You should not perform surgery on the stomach. Operations performed on the lower extremities will be favorable.

When the night luminary is in the sign of Leo, you need to try to avoid stressful and nervous overstrain, which have a very negative effect on the cardiovascular system. Any intervention on the heart is not advisable.

Virgo is responsible for intestinal function. Astrologers advise maintaining proper nutrition and cleansing the body. As for surgical therapy, it is not advisable to operate on internal organs.

When the star is located in the constellation Libra, the kidneys become the most vulnerable organs. This time is perfect for dental and plastic procedures, as well as for the treatment of ear diseases.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is not advisable to undergo surgery on the genitals. But this favorable time to eliminate diseases of the endocrine system.

Capricorn is responsible for the skin and the processes occurring in it, so put off going to the cosmetologist and start treating stomach diseases.

The presence of the Moon in the sign of Aquarius indicates that there is no need to carry out surgical therapy on the lower extremities, and especially on the joints.

Pisces are responsible for the kidneys. During this period, you need to reduce the amount of fluid you drink and not subject your body to strong and prolonged physical activity.

Monthly calendar

Let's consider important dates for surgical interventions and find out which days will be most favorable for this.


At the beginning of the year, the nervous system becomes very vulnerable. This results in:

  • excessive anxiety;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • stress.

The most favorable days for plastic surgery is the period from January 6 to January 11. It is advisable to remove tumors from the 13th to the 27th, at this moment the Moon wanes.


All surgical interventions at the end of the month can be very dangerous.
You should not perform operations on the stomach and intestines on February 12 and 13.
Inappropriate days for kidney and pancreas therapy are the 14th and 15th.
From 16 to 18, operations on the pelvic organs are not performed.


In the first month of spring, you should not exercise excessively active therapy skin, hair teeth. This month is favorable for operations on the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system.

March 28 is not a good day for surgical intervention on the brain.
From March 4 to March 31, you should not perform plastic surgery procedures; the risk of developing undesirable effects greatly increases.

In the period from March 13 to March 27, the luminary is in a waning phase and this positive tense to eliminate neoplasms.


The most unfavorable days astrologers believe:

  • 12 and 13 no surgical therapy is performed on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • from 14 to 16, avoid operations on the liver and gall bladder;
  • April 17 and 18 are not suitable for bone interventions - the result may be unsatisfactory;
  • 20, 21 is very critical days for the eyes, and components of the musculoskeletal system such as joints.



This month, the rate of metabolic processes decreases significantly, so it is not recommended to carry out any intervention. This is fraught with prolonged wound healing and therapy.


Plan all operations for the first half of the month. It is necessary to completely abandon surgical therapy from the 17th to the 23rd. Intervention on the liver is not recommended from July 13 to July 15.


Women become vulnerable this month. They're starting to get worse gynecological diseases. Therapy is recommended to be carried out in mid-August, and from the 20th you should completely abandon it surgical intervention.


Unfavorable days this month are the numbers from 13 to 19.


It is recommended to treat the heart and blood vessels. From 6 to 18 are considered favorable days to remove stones from the kidneys and liver. The positive period for operations on the pelvic organs are the dates from 21 to the end of the month.


The most dangerous period is considered to be from November 11 to 17. It is also not recommended to operate on the upper shoulder girdle and respiratory organs on the 5th and 6th.


The last month of the year is perfect for treating diseases of the components of the locomotor system. December 3 is a great day for lung surgery. From 4 to 17 is considered favorable period removal of tumors.

Health (video)

The influence of the Moon on humans has been known since ancient times. It was not without reason that our ancestors followed the lunar cycles, choosing the right time in order to plow and sow the land, hunt and declare war, develop new territories and begin construction.

Nowadays, astrology in general and knowledge about the changing phases of the Moon in particular find their application in various fields: in gardening and horticulture, hairdressing, cosmetology and medicine. Since in medical practice professional doctor the main rule is not to harm the patient; planning surgical operations taking into account lunar cycles allows you to reduce the risks of complications and side effects to zero, thereby ensuring positive result procedures.

Since information about the phases of the moon is quite in demand today, astrologers compile special lunar calendars that help determine the most favorable days for applying for medical care. Of course, no one wants to face the need for surgical intervention, however, in some cases, timely operation is a the only way defeat the disease.

Knowledge about the lunar cycles of 2017 will allow you to most effectively resolve all emerging issues regarding the state of your body, and will help you maintain health and well-being.

When to perform operations according to the lunar calendar in 2017?

In general, the nature of the Moon’s influence on the processes occurring in human body, depends on its position in a certain zodiac sign. Many years of research and observations of astrologers allow us to make some general conclusions regarding this influence:

  1. Moon in Aries. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from any intervention in the head and face area: operations and cosmetic procedures, visits to the dentist, treatment and piercing of the ears and nose, and even from visiting the hairdresser.
  2. Moon in Taurus. This phase is characterized by the vulnerability of the throat and neck: you cannot operate on these parts of the body. In addition, there is an increased sensitivity of the body's endocrine system, so it is necessary to monitor the state of hormonal levels.
  3. Moon in Gemini. This period requires special attention to the respiratory organs: they should not be overloaded, and even more so should not be operated on.
  4. Moon in Cancer. This phase is most suitable for cleansing the body and removing toxins. Watch your diet, as the stomach becomes especially vulnerable. It should be noted that operations on the legs during this period are, on the contrary, recommended.
  5. Moon in Leo. During this period, it is necessary to protect the heart from stress and avoid physical overexertion. In this case, treatment of blood vessels and ailments is indicated nervous system.
  6. Moon in Virgo. The vulnerability of the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract determines the advisability of dietary procedures. Surgeries are not recommended abdominal cavity. It is better to give preference to cleansing the blood and liver.
  7. Moon in Libra. This period dictates the need to protect the kidneys, as they become vulnerable. However dental procedures, ear treatment and plastic surgery at this time promise a successful result.
  8. Moon in Scorpio. This phase is characterized by an increase in the sensitivity of the organs of the genitourinary system, so you should pay attention to any signals they give you, and also avoid excessive sexual activity. Treatment of the endocrine system is recommended.
  9. Moon in Sagittarius. Diseases of the liver and circulatory system may worsen. It is better to refrain from blood transfusions.
  10. Moon in Capricorn. The condition of the skin and metabolism during this period can be easily disturbed, so no cosmetic procedures and treatment of the endocrine system cannot be carried out. The sensitivity of the stomach during this period, on the contrary, is reduced, which indicates the possibility successful treatment his illnesses.
  11. Moon in the constellation Aquarius- unfavorable time for operations on the legs and treatment of joints. Shown water procedures, as well as treatment of cardiovascular vascular system.
  12. Moon in Pisces. During this period, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake, as the vulnerability of the kidneys increases. There is also an increased risk of allergic reactions, so you need to be very careful when taking medicines. Surgeries on the legs, liver, and foot massage are extremely undesirable.

Operations according to the lunar calendar 2017: main guidelines

There are several basic principles of medical astrology, which are recommended to be followed for the most effective and at the same time delicate medical effect on the body:

  • The moon in each of its phases has greatest influence for a certain physiological system. It is in relation to this system that surgical treatment methods are prohibited during this period. Other methods of therapy may be acceptable, but surgery is excluded.
  • The change of lunar phases is carried out smoothly: the intermediate periods between phases are characterized by the influence of each of the adjacent zodiac signs. In other words, when planning an operation, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each of the two phases.
  • The operation will be more gentle on the body when it is performed during the waning moon.

  • When the Moon moves from one zodiac sign to another, there is a high probability of serious errors, including medical ones. Therefore, this time is extremely dangerous for operations.
  • Every lunar month has unfavorable days for surgical intervention: 9, 15, 23 and 29. The full moon and the day preceding it can also be included in this category. Days lunar eclipses are also not recommended in this regard.

As for specific recommendations and contraindications regarding surgical operations, for each month of 2017 more specific data are known regarding the influence of lunar cycles on this aspect practical medicine. Let's look at them in more detail.

Lunar calendar of operations for January 2017

In the first month of the year, you should refrain from performing surgical procedures on the following days: 13th, 21st, 27th. An exception can only be made in extreme cases.

The remaining days of operations should be approached selectively:

  • January 14– it is not recommended to operate on the heart, spine, as well as the back and chest.
  • January 15-16. It's better to refuse surgical violation integrity of the integument in the abdominal cavity.

  • January 17-19. Surgeries on the kidneys and pancreas are strictly prohibited.
  • January 20th. It is better not to operate on the organs of the genitourinary system and pelvic area.
  • January 22-24. Surgical intervention in the liver, gallbladder, as well as blood transfusions and operations in the hip area are not recommended.
  • January 25-26. Do not plan to have gallbladder or bone surgery, and refrain from visiting the dentist or massage therapist.

Lunar calendar of operations for February 2017

  • February 12-13 do not operate on the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.
  • February 14-15 refrain from surgery on the kidneys and pancreas.
  • February 16-18. You should not operate on the pelvic or genitourinary system.
  • February 20th. Surgical procedures in relation to the liver, gall bladder and thigh area are undesirable. Blood transfusions are also prohibited.
  • February 21-23. skeletal system and gallbladder It is better not to expose it to a scalpel. Dental treatment and manual therapy are also contraindicated.
  • 24 February. Operations on the legs, as well as on the joints, eyes and ears are extremely undesirable.

Lunar calendar of operations for March 2017

In the first month of spring, remember the dates when operations are not recommended in principle: the 13th, 21st and 27th. On other days the situation is as follows:

  • March 14-15. The kidneys and pancreas should not undergo surgical treatment.
  • March 16-17. It is impossible to operate on the pelvis and genitals.
  • March 18-20. The liver, gall bladder, and hip bones must be protected from surgical intervention.
  • March 22. It is better not to operate on bone fractures and other skeletal disorders, as well as the gallbladder. It is also better to postpone dental treatment and massage sessions.
  • March 23-24. It is not advisable to operate on the eyes, ears, joints and lower limbs.
  • March 25-26. Surgical operations on the liver, sensory organs, and the feet should not be performed.

Lunar calendar of operations for April 2017

In April, exclude surgical procedures on the 19th and 25th. On other days, follow these tips:

  • April 12-13. It is highly undesirable to operate on the genitourinary system.
  • April 14-16. The liver, gall, and circulatory system must be protected from the scalpel. It is also better to postpone hip surgery.
  • April 17-18. The skeletal and biliary systems are especially vulnerable, so surgical procedures in relation to them are prohibited. During this period, the dentist and chiropractor can also apply to you more harm than good.

  • April 20-21. It is better not to operate on the eyes, legs and joints.
  • April 22-23. The feet, ears, eyes, and liver have increased sensitivity, therefore it is better not to use surgical methods in their treatment.
  • April 24. Surgeries on the head, face, and neck (surgical, plastic, and dental procedures) are strictly prohibited.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for May 2017

In May, unfavorable days for any surgical intervention are the 11th and 19th. Other days may be suitable for surgical procedures with some exceptions, as follows:

  • May 12-13. Liver, gall, hematopoietic system- all this is especially vulnerable, so it is not worth operating.
  • May 14-16. Bone disorders and gallbladder surgically should not be treated. toothache during this period it is also better to eliminate it using non-surgical methods. Massage and bone realignment are contraindicated.

  • May 17-18. Eyes, ears, joints and lower limbs cannot be operated on.
  • May 20. Surgical intervention in the functioning of the liver, the tactile system, as well as surgery on the foot area is undesirable.
  • May 21-23. Surgeries in the head, face, neck muscles, and dental surgeries are not recommended.
  • May 24. The throat and neck are very sensitive: operating on them is extremely dangerous.

Lunar calendar of operations for June 2017

In the first month of summer, you must refrain from visiting the surgeon on the 17th and 23rd. Regarding the month as a whole, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • June 10-12. You cannot operate on the biliary and skeletal systems. Manual therapy and going to the dentist are also excluded.
  • June 13-14. Surgical procedures on the legs, joints and eyes are contraindicated.
  • June 15-16. Surgeries on the feet, liver, and organs of touch (eyes, ears, skin) are extremely undesirable.
  • June 18-19. It is better to postpone facial plastic surgery, head and neck surgeries, and dental procedures.
  • June 20-21. The throat and neck should not undergo surgery.
  • 22nd of June. You cannot operate on the respiratory organs, as well as on the arms and shoulders.

Lunar calendar of operations for July 2017

As in the previous month, in July the 17th and 23rd are unfavorable for operations. Other days are suitable for visiting the surgeon selectively:

  • July 10-12. It is better not to operate on eyes, joints, legs.
  • July 13-14. Surgical procedures on the feet, liver and organs of the tactile system are contraindicated.
  • July 15-16. The head, neck and face become especially vulnerable, so it is better to avoid surgery in this area. The same recommendation applies to dental treatment.

  • July 18. The neck and throat require delicate handling, so surgical methods Treatment should not be applied to them.
  • July 19-20. Risk negative consequences operations on the lungs, bronchi, and also in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms are very high.
  • July 21-22. The stomach, intestines, and chest cannot be operated on.

Lunar calendar of operations for August 2017

In August, only one day is undesirable for the use of surgical treatment methods: the 15th. On other dates, astromedicine recommends the following tactics:

  • 8 August. It is better to protect the sense organs, legs and joints from surgical intervention.
  • August 9-10. It is not advisable to operate on the feet, liver, or eyes.
  • August 11-12. The face, neck, head, teeth - all of this becomes highly sensitive and therefore should not be exposed to the surgeon.

  • August 13-14. It is highly not recommended to operate on ligaments, throat, and neck.
  • August 16-17. It is better not to treat the respiratory organs, arms and shoulders surgically.
  • August 18-19. Surgeries on the stomach and chest can be dangerous.
  • August 20. The heart, spine, back and chest are very vulnerable, so it is better to postpone operations on them.

Lunar calendar of operations for September 2017

  • September 7. Surgery on the feet, liver and organs of the tactile system is undesirable.
  • September 8-9. Can be dangerous operations head, face and neck, and dental surgeries.
  • September 10-11. Ligaments, throat, and neck cannot be operated on.
  • 12-th of September. You should not lie under a surgeon’s scalpel to treat the respiratory system, as well as the bones and joints of the shoulder girdle and arms.

  • September 14-15. The stomach and chest are especially vulnerable, so it is better not to operate on them.
  • September 16-17. Surgeries on the heart, spine, back and chest can be dangerous.
  • September 18. It is undesirable to expose the intestines and gastrointestinal tract to surgical treatment methods.

Lunar calendar of operations for October 2017

In October, it is better not to plan operations on the 13th. The remaining days are quite suitable for visiting the surgeon, taking into account the following features:

  • October 6. The head, neck, face, teeth have increased sensitivity and need delicate treatment. Therefore, it is advisable to operate on them at a different time.
  • October 7-8. The neck and throat area is not recommended to undergo surgical treatment methods.
  • October 9-10. The respiratory organs, arms and shoulder girdle cannot be operated on.
  • October 11-12. It is better to postpone operations on the stomach and chest.
  • October 14. The heart, spine, back and chest can be affected by surgical procedures.
  • October 15-17. It is better to postpone operations of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • October 18. The kidneys and pancreas should not be placed under the surgeon’s scalpel.

Lunar calendar of operations for November 2017

In November, the 11th and 17th days of the month are extremely unsuitable for surgical operations. On other days, it is recommended to be careful in the following matters:

  • November 5-6. It is better to refrain from operating on the arms, shoulder joints, and respiratory organs.
  • November 7-9. Undesirable similar procedures in the stomach and chest area.
  • 10th of November. The spine, heart, back and chest are very vulnerable, so it is undesirable to violate their integrity through surgery.
  • November 12-13. Gastrointestinal organs cannot be operated on.
  • November 14-15. Surgeries on the kidneys and pancreas can be dangerous.
  • November 16. It is better to postpone surgery on the genital organs and urinary system.

Lunar calendar of operations for December 2017

IN last month The 11th and 17th of the calendar year are not recommended for visiting the surgeon. Otherwise, the Moon suggests the following precautions:

  • December 5-6. It is not advisable to operate on the stomach and chest.
  • December 7-8. It is better to postpone operations on the heart, spine, back and chest until a more favorable time.
  • December 9-10. The gastrointestinal tract organs are very vulnerable, so surgical intervention in their work is prohibited.
  • December 12-13. Surgeries on the kidneys and pancreas can be dangerous.
  • December 14-15. It is better to postpone gynecological and urological operations.
  • December 16. The liver, gall, and hematopoietic systems are very sensitive, so surgical methods of treating them are unacceptable.

Day of operation lunar calendar

In general, we can say that a comprehensive approach to planning such a serious intervention in the body as surgery is more than justified. So, experienced doctor understands that it is necessary to take into account all factors that may have an impact on the outcome of the procedure.

Today, many practicing surgeons use information about lunar phases, which allow us to determine the most favorable time for the use of surgical treatment methods.

It is necessary to understand that planning an operation according to the lunar calendar should also take into account the retrograde of the planets, eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, etc. The lunar calendar, compiled by a professional astrologer, is created taking into account the movement of not only the Moon, but also other planets solar system. This makes it possible to most reliably determine the degree of influence of lunar cycles on the functioning of the human body.

Video: Surgical operations according to the lunar calendar

“A doctor who does not know astrology has no right to treat”

Hippocrates (c. 460 - c. 370 BC)

Dear visitors, BELOW on this page is given where you will find the medical characteristics of each day of the current month and you can independently at least approximately determine favorable days for the upcoming medical manipulations(according to the movement of the Moon according to the signs of the zodiac).

As you know, on a good day, operations are more successful, healing processes go faster, without complications. But it is necessary to take into account that lunar calendar of operations 2019 shows only the most general astrological characteristics and is based only on the movement of the Moon in the zodiac, which is not the only and decisive factor when choosing the day of the operation.

How do you know when is the best time to have surgery according to the lunar calendar? And not only according to the lunar calendar...

For this purpose, the site operates

"astrological express consultation"

on individual selection of favorable dates and times for upcoming operations:

Any operation is associated with risk to a greater or lesser extent. And if in doubt, you can resort to such a tool as medical astrology and use the opportunity to eliminate the risk of surgery, or at leastreduce negativity (if operating days fall on days unfavorable for surgery).

If you know your doctor’s operating days (or visiting days at the dentist), then in this case it would be more logical to consider calculating favorable days only from these dates , by cost:

60 removal, prosthetics

70 rub. -selection of dates and timesThe price shown is for one day of consideration.

80 rub. -selection of dates and timesdental operations,removal, prosthetics. The price shown is for one day of consideration.

If you do not know the operating days, and you would like to choose favorable days for surgery (or dental treatment) from one full month , then in this case the cost is:

1200 rub. - selection of dates and times for a visit to the dentist (this includes the following types dental care: dental treatment, removal of tartar, whitening, treatment by a periodontist, i.e. everything except dental surgeries,removal, prostheticsand operations in the area of ​​gums and palate.).

1400 rub. -selection of dates and timesFor cosmetic surgeries(removal of moles, papillomas, etc. (except malignant ones), ear piercing, tattooing, etc.).

1500 rub. -selection of dates and timesfor all other surgical interventions, incl. plastic surgery, as well asdental operations,removal, prostheticsand operations in the area of ​​gums and palate.


Selection of a favorable date and time for surgery C-section - 6000 rub. It is clear that in this case it is not just the best day and time for surgery that is selected(from the period established for you by your doctor (but not more than 15 days)), but the date and approximate time of birth of a new life are actually calculated.

Sorry, but I reserve the right not to make calculations for the operation - abortion.

There is a difference in consultation when I select favorable days from dates and from the full month:

When selecting from dates, each date you specify is described,

When selecting from a month, I only indicate favorable dates and dates strict banfrom the whole month, without describing all other days.

Applications for consultations are temporarily not accepted.

Procedure for ordering an express consultation:

Attention! Without my consent to accept your application, please do not pay!

1 . You write a request to the email address:This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , in which you indicate the following:

A). Date of birth (day, month, year), local time birth,

b). Place of Birth ( locality, in which you were born),

V). Location(locality)surgery, visit to the dentist,

G). detailed information about the upcoming operation (on which organ), whether anesthesia will be used (local, general), etc.

d). Specify which dates or which month you want to analyze.

Let me explain: for example, the operation is scheduled for July. In July, the days on which your doctor can perform an operation on you are, for example, July 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, from 9:00 to 16:00. Accordingly, in this case, you send me these dates and these times, I consider them, choose the best. In this case, there is simply no point in considering other dates. The cost in this case is 6 days x 80 rub. = 480 rub. (If the time is unknown to you, I consider it within reasonable limits).

Another variant: for example, the operation is possible on any day from July 13 to August 12 (excluding weekends),- this is one full month. Lbecause you are simply scheduling favorable dates in any month, not knowing when the doctor’s operating days will be, then you write like that, and I, accordingly, select favorable days for surgery from a given month.The cost in this case is 1500 rub.

Both the days and the month can be set to any number, for any year.

2. In 1-2 days I confirm my ability to take on your request. You make an advance payment (100%). Possible various ways payment.

3. Within 2-5 days after payment you will receive an answer to your email address: individually selected better days and time for surgery (or dental treatment).

Applications for consultations are temporarily not accepted.


MARCH 2019


It is not advisable to perform operations when Mercury is retrograde, unless the operation is urgent. you can find out if Mercury is retrograde now.

01.03.19 Moon in Capricorn link) . . During the days of the Moon in Capricorn, it is easy to get a fracture, be careful. Surgeries related to skeletal system, gallbladder, you should not treat your teeth, or visit chiropractors. Do not torment your skin with aggressive cleansing. Take care of your spine, overload is excluded today. Surgeries on the stomach and chest area are allowed; treatment of gastritis and ulcers is beneficial. You can eat a hearty meal; today your stomach is not very sensitive.

02 .03.19 Capricorn, Aquarius. link).The legs (lower legs and ankles, calves, tendons, veins), periosteum, nervous system, and eyes become especially sensitive. Surgeries on joints, legs, eyes, as well as treatment of arthritis, the nervous system, and sensory organs, including the eyes, are highly undesirable. You should give your eyes a rest today. All water procedures will be useful: swimming, healing souls, baths, etc., because water has in the days of Aquarius healing power. Today, heart surgery, treatment of the vascular system are indicated, and physical activity is beneficial.

03.03.19 The moon is still in Aquarius

04.03.19 The moon is still in Aquarius, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

05.03.19 During the day the Moon moves into the sign Fish. (See the link for the exact transition time.) After the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces, the feet and the entire lymphatic system will become vulnerable. You cannot perform surgeries on the feet, liver, sensory organs, or treat ingrown toenails or calluses. You should be very careful with medications, alcohol (it is better to exclude it), various kinds chemistry. Allergies are possible. It is better to limit your fluid intake. If possible, on Pisces days it is better to avoid surgical operations altogether, because... The whole body these days is hypersensitive to all chemicals. Successful treatment of the intestines.

06.03.19 The moon is still in Pisces, which means all the recommendations from yesterday are valid. Important! Operations are not advisable today, because... Today is a new moon - the body’s energy potential is weakened (Peak of the new moon - at 19:04 Moscow time)

07.03.19 The moon will be in the sky almost all day Pisces, and only around midnight will it turn into a sign Aries(See the link for the exact transition time.)The head becomes vulnerable, incl. ears, teeth, brain,eyes and the entire face area. Accordingly, all operations in the head and face (including plastic surgery and hair transplantation, especially during the new moon), and throat are prohibited. It is not advisable to cut your hair. Postpone your visit to the dentist. During the days of the Moon in Aries, you should take care of your eyesight. Don't overwork, avoid stress. You can perform surgeries and procedures related to the kidneys, because... they are the least sensitive today.

08.03.19 The moon is still in Aries , which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

09.03.19 The moon is still in Aries , which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

10.03.19 Moon in Corpuscle link). Become vulnerable: throat, neck, vocal cords, the entire endocrine system, lower jaw, shoulders, shoulder joints. Don't get too cold these days, take care of your throat. You cannot perform operations on the neck, throat, or organs of the endocrine system. Postpone your visit to the dentist if dental treatment is planned lower jaw. You can perform operations and procedures related to the genitals and rectum. Today you should be selective in your food, eat only healthy food. Not to starve.

11.03.19 The moon is still inCorpuscle, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

12.03.19 In the evening the Moon will move into the sign Twins. (See the link for the exact transition time.) The trachea, lungs, bronchi, and arms (from fingers to shoulders) will become vulnerable. Operations are contraindicated here. All breathing procedures are also not advisable. These days it is more difficult to tolerate the smell of smoke, stuffiness, and general air pollution. Possible shortness of breath, exacerbation cervical osteochondrosis. Today, more than ever, it is useful to be on fresh air. Don't strain your arms. Surgeries on the liver, hips, and interventions in the circulatory system are allowed.

13.03.19 The moon is still in Gemini, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

14.03.19 The moon is still in Gemini, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

15.03.19 Moon in Cancer.(See the link for the exact transition time.) The stomach, chest, and diaphragm will become vulnerable. Surgeries on the stomach and chest area (except emergency ones) cannot be performed. It is undesirable to consume any heavy food, as well as alcohol and chemicals. The day is good for treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth, as well as procedures related to the removal of stones and toxins. You can perform surgeries on the spine and legs.

16.03.19 The moon is still in Cancer, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

17.03.19 Moon in Lev. (See the link for the exact transition time.) Very receptive heart, whole the cardiovascular system, spine, ribs. During the days when the moon is in Lev Stress on the heart and back should be avoided, because possible serious consequences. It is forbidden to perform operations on the heart, and in general, in the chest and back area (except for emergency ones). Avoid general physical overload. You can treat joint diseases, diseases of the nervous system, vascular diseases, organs of vision, lower legs.

18.03.19 Moon in zodiac sign a lion.

19.03.19 Moon V Virgo. (See the link for the exact transition time) The intestines and gastrointestinal tract(except rectum) , appendix. Try to follow a gentle diet. Abdominal surgery and bowel cleansing cannot be performed. If possible, it is better to reschedule even the operation to remove the appendix to another time, because During the passage of the Moon through the sign of Virgo, there may be complications, poor healing fabrics. Can cleanse blood and liver, treat skin diseases, perform operations on the feet.

20.03.19 Moon in zodiac sign Virgo, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid. Important! Operations are not advisable today, because... the day of the full moon is approaching, there is danger large blood loss!

21.03.19 Moon in Libra(exact time see link for transition).The kidneys will become vulnerable adrenal glands, spleen, bladder, endocrine system, especially the pancreas. Avoid stress on the kidneys, do not sit in the cold - the kidneys are very susceptible. People with diabetes and pancreatitis need to be careful today - there may be an exacerbation, follow your diet. It is forbidden to perform operations on the kidneys and pancreas (except for urgent ones), as well as to cleanse the kidneys. Favorable are plastic surgeries on the face, ear treatment and ear surgery, dental treatment and removal. And it is with the Moon in Libra that it is good to begin the fight against overweight. Important! Operations are not advisable today, because... Today is a full moon day, there is a danger of great blood loss! (Peak of the full moon - at 04:43 Moscow time)

22.03.19 Moon in zodiac sign Scales, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

Important! Operations are not advisable today, because... Too little time has passed since the full moon; the danger of large blood loss remains!

23.03 .19 MoonV Scorpio(for exact transition times, see link). The genitals, rectum, and ureters will become vulnerable. Surgeries in the pelvic area (except emergency ones) cannot be performed on these days. Recommended sexual abstinence or moderation in sexual intercourse. An exacerbation of hemorrhoids is possible, but it is not advisable to treat it today. Can be treated endocrine system(except prostate gland), throat, upper Airways, remove tonsils, adenoids, treat sinusitis, rhinitis, as well as treat and remove teeth.

24.03.19 Moon in zodiac sign Scorpion, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

25.03.19 Moon inSagittarius(for exact transition times, see link). The liver, hips, pelvis and hip joints, ligaments and tendons, circulatory system. Surgeries and treatment of diseases of the blood, liver, hips, gall bladder, and blood transfusion procedures are contraindicated. Effective: treatment of lungs, breathing exercises, operations on the respiratory system.

26.03.19 The moon is still in Sagittarius, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

27.03.19 In the afternoon the moon will crossin token of Capricorn (for exact transition times, see link) . Bones (the entire skeleton, especially the knee joints), tendons, gall bladder, skin, teeth will be vulnerable. On the days of the moon Capricorn It's easy to get a fracture, be careful. Surgeries related to the skeletal system and gall bladder are contraindicated; you should not treat your teeth, or visit chiropractors. Do not torment your skin with aggressive cleansing. Take care of your spine, overload is excluded today. Surgeries on the stomach and chest area are allowed; treatment of gastritis and ulcers is beneficial. You can eat a hearty meal; today your stomach is not very sensitive.

28.03.19 The moon is still in Capricorn, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

29.03.19 The moon is still in Capricorn, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

30 .03.19 The legs (lower legs and ankles, calves, tendons, veins), periosteum, nervous system, and eyes become especially sensitive. Surgeries on joints, legs, eyes, as well as treatment of arthritis, the nervous system, and sensory organs, including the eyes, are highly undesirable. You should give your eyes a rest today. All water procedures will be useful: swimming, therapeutic showers, baths, etc., because... water has in days Aquarius healing power. Today, heart surgery, treatment of the vascular system are indicated, and physical activity is beneficial.

31.03.19 The moon is still in Aquarius, which means that all recommendations from yesterday are valid.

Lunar calendar of operations
for March 2019

Astrology, back in the time of Hippocrates, figured out which zodiac sign is responsible for certain organs in our body. Based on the lunar calendar, you cannot perform operations: when the Moon is in Aries: on the head; in Taurus: neck, tonsils, pharynx, shoulders, vocal cords; in Gemini: bronchi, lungs, arms; in Cancer: chest, stomach, lymph nodes, liver, gall bladder; in Leo: heart, spleen; in Virgo: appendicitis, entire intestinal tract; in Libra: kidneys, groin area, lower back; in Scorpio: genitourinary system; in Sagittarius: hip, tibia, liver, you cannot perform manipulations related to blood; in Capricorn: all bones of the skeleton, knee joints, tendons; in Aquarius: lower leg and calf muscles, if possible, avoid surgery on the appendix, brain, nervous system and organs associated with the disorder blood pressure; in Pisces: ankle joints, avoid operations lymphatic system.

There is a rule, organs are governed by the opposite sign in relation to the one in this moment The Moon passes, become the least sensitive and therefore, procedures and operations can be performed with them. Opposite signs - for Aries it is Libra, for Taurus - Scorpio, for Gemini - Sagittarius, for Cancer - Capricorn, for Leo - Aquarius, for Virgo - Pisces. For example, the Moon in Aries is a favorable time for kidney surgery, the Moon in Libra is good for plastic surgery. Moon in Taurus - operations related to the genital area are indicated, but it is strictly forbidden to operate on the glands internal secretion. Moon in Gemini - all “bleeding” operations and liver operations are allowed. Moon in Cancer - it is allowed to treat and remove teeth. Surgeries on knee joints and tendons, etc. are indicated.

Operations are best done on the waning moon. Experience shows that complications and infections occur more often during a young moon, and the recovery process is delayed. During the full moon, heavy bleeding is possible. Scarring of wounds during a young moon can be more problematic, and the risk of unsightly scars increases. Therefore, the basic rule remains: if possible, the operation should be performed during a debilitated Moon.

It is advisable to avoid operations when the Moon is out of course. Try not to fall under the surgeon's knife on lunar and solar eclipses. Avoid unfavorable lunar days. Also, you should not have surgery on your birthday, the day before or after it.

The presented calendar takes all these basic rules into account. Often this is enough to avoid falling into extremely unfavorable periods for operations and harming yourself. It is clear that it is not always possible to choose the day for the operation (there are also urgent cases), but if such an opportunity does arise, use it. The indicated time in the calendar is calculated for the city of Moscow.

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The Greek physician Hippocrates said that doctors should not perform surgery on those parts of the body that are controlled by the currently dominant sign. So, in Leo days You can’t do surgery on the heart, on the days of Libra – on the kidneys and bladder, in the days of Capricorn - on knee joints. It should be understood that any method of treatment is doubly effective for treating the organs ruled by the dominant sign.
Surgery undertaken at the wrong time seriously complicates the compensation of damage to the body.

If you have a choice, operating table it is better to go to bed during the period of the flaw, since the operation during the young moon entails negative consequences. When the Sun passes through the constellation Leo (in August), no operations are advisable.
As already mentioned, the transition of influence from one sign to another occurs gradually, so it is impossible to accurately determine the hour on such days. For example, if two days of Pisces are marked on the calendar, then on the first the influence of Aquarius is still strong, and by the evening of the second day the forces of Aries are already manifesting themselves. In this regard, it is better to avoid the “neighbors” of the sign that controls this area of ​​the body. So, during jaw surgery it is better to wait it out last days not only Taurus, but also Aries. For clarity, below are recommendations for performing operations on the hip area:

Good: debilitated Moon, Sagittarius
50% good: debilitated Moon, Gemini
Bad: young moon, other signs
Very bad: young Moon, Sagittarius
Worst: Full Moon, Sagittarius

Every surgeon sooner or later comes to understand how important the right timing is for an operation. Surgical intervention carried out closer to the full moon leads to heavy bleeding. The young Moon contributes to the occurrence of complications and infections, and accordingly the recovery process is delayed; there is also a chance that severe scarring will be left behind.
The appearance of scars is especially important for plastic surgery. Often, after correction of appearance, people suffer when they see their own reflection in the mirror. Multiple scars, without exaggeration, can ruin your entire life. In addition, scars are unpleasant not only aesthetically: these disturbed areas lead to blockage of the entire body area and weaken the body. Many reflexologists are skilled in the art of removing blockages using acupuncture, but wouldn't it be better to prevent the evil before it's too late?
Of course, free choice of the timing of surgical intervention is impossible during forced operations. If there is a threat of peritonitis, there is no point in looking at the lunar calendar. When a doctor advises you to have surgery without delay, it is better to listen to his advice. Whether you want it or not, in such cases you have to trust the professional instinct and wisdom of the surgeon, and surrender to the power of the situation. It doesn’t matter if the operation was carried out in a “bad” situation. lunar time. You need to feel confident that everything is happening as it should. To do this, it is best to create individual horoscope which will help you choose necessary treatment, considering individual characteristics sick.

Moon and dentistry

Almost 90% of all people suffer bad teeth. Bridges, crowns and fillings are the harsh reality of life for most of us. To keep it for a long time good condition teeth, you need to pull yourself together and change many daily habits. It is important to consider that when caring for your teeth, energy lunar rhythms can help in sanitizing the mouth.
Dental health speaks volumes about general condition body. Nowadays, there are even small children with fillings. The reason for tooth damage lies, first of all, in poor nutrition, as well as in the fact that many of us have forgotten how to find the right “bite” in life - make bold decisions and not repent. Rarely is anyone able to make their way to a goal with teeth and claws through the jungle of difficult circumstances, and this also affects the condition of the teeth.
Tooth decay follows all the ills of civilization. Certainly, dental diseases provoke and poor nutrition, insufficient care, therefore, to prevent dental diseases, it is better to eat natural foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Ideally, if you have been eating such food since childhood, it is even better if your mother ate natural products during pregnancy.
Extremely dangerous microscopic purulent inflammation at the root of the tooth. They are not always noticeable to the naked eye, but they lead directly to diseases of the spine, inflammation of the nasal sinuses, asthenia, etc. The patient goes from specialist to specialist, but no one discovers the causes of the disease. In such cases, an experienced healer is required who can discern the source of the disease in the tooth. Often, disturbances in the circulation of energies between teeth are detected through acupuncture, acupressure, massage reflex zones arms and legs.
Tartar occurs due to poor care. Tartar leads to caries, then to atrophy, inflammation of the bone substance and ultimately to tooth loss. Any dentist will explain to you how to brush your teeth correctly.
The ideal time to remove tartar is the days of Cancer with a debilitated Moon.
Crowns and bridges should be installed during a debilitated Moon, then they will last much longer.
Surgery for periodontal disease is a temporary measure. Periodontal disease will soon recur if it remains untreated proper nutrition, poor care, and you will have to install dentures. Moreover, without proper massage Over time, the gums and artificial teeth will begin to loosen.
Periodontal disease and gum tumors are best treated during a debilitated Moon, except for the days of Aries and Taurus. If you follow the lunar calendar, your gums will heal quickly and bleeding will be minimal on these days.
At mild inflammation gums (gingivitis) on Libra days, vigorously massage your gums with a soft toothbrush moistened with sage infusion. Chamomile decoction is also useful.
It is better to remove teeth on the days of the debilitated Moon, avoiding the days of Taurus, Aries and air signs (Gemini, Aquarius).
Strengthening teeth. Of course, daily brushing of teeth does not depend on the Moon, but all other preventive procedures It is better to carry out during the young moon, when the body is more receptive. The method of cleansing the body using oil extracts is suitable for removing radioactive substances that have entered the teeth. Many of those who suffer from bad teeth know that the best medicine is sunflower oil.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs