How to treat sore gums. How to treat gum inflammation near a tooth at home and how to quickly remove swelling: folk remedies

One of the most common reasons patients visiting the dentist - gum inflammation. This problem needs to be dealt with urgently, because in advanced stages the disease is much less treatable. Today, not only medications are used to treat gums, but also folk recipes, which show no less effectiveness at home.

Causes of gum inflammation

Anyone can face the problem of swollen and painful gums, regardless of age and gender. There are quite a few reasons for gum inflammation; the main thing is to consult a doctor in time. Some of the most common causes of gum inflammation include:


Symptoms of periodontitis - swelling and suppuration in the gums, the appearance of a fistula with pus, which is accompanied by severe pain. A cyst that forms near the root of a diseased tooth may disappear or appear. The cause of periodontitis is usually caries and low quality filling.

To treat the disease, folk recipes are often used, which have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on gums that are swollen (we recommend reading:). Among the herbs from which decoctions for rinsing are prepared oral cavity for periodontitis, sage, chamomile and mint are recommended.


Gingivitis is another disease whose symptom is inflammation of the gums. A common cause of the disease is poor oral hygiene. If in urgently If gingivitis is not treated, the disease can quickly turn into periodontitis. For gingivitis, various folk recipes are also used, available for preparation at home. To treat the oral cavity, decoctions of St. John's wort, plantain, thyme, linden and chamomile are prepared.


If gingivitis is not treated, periodontitis soon appears. It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the gums, suppuration on them and, at times, exposure of the neck of the teeth. Unlike gingivitis, here the gums hurt and this pain is quite severe (we recommend reading:). Sometimes the cheek swells. As home therapy You can rinse your teeth with herbs; chamomile, linden, lingonberry leaves and berries, oak bark are suitable - they will help strengthen your teeth. Moreover, they are used both individually and as a collection.

In addition to these herbs, to restore and cure gums from periodontitis, it is recommended to use fir and sea buckthorn essential oils, photos of which are available on the Internet. To do this, oils are taken in equal quantities and applied to the gums using a bandage. This way you can quickly remove the swelling from your cheek.

Inflammation under the crown

Often the installation of a crown is accompanied by pain. If they appear immediately after the procedure and continue for a couple of days, then this is very normal phenomenon. However, if the crown was installed a long time ago, and the pain appeared after wearing it for a long time, then this may indicate inflammation of the tooth under the crown.

In most cases, inflammation under the crown occurs for the following reasons:

  • low quality of medical services;
  • if the pin was installed incorrectly, a hole may form in the dental canal, which caused inflammation;
  • non-compliance with the rules when installing a crown;
  • nerve inflammation.

While waiting for a visit to the doctor, it is useful to rinse your mouth with decoctions and herbal tinctures. This will help relieve some of the pain and reduce swelling. An excellent tool Propolis is a remedy for toothache and inflammation.

How to remove inflammation at home: treatment with pharmaceutical products

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What to do if a tumor appears on the cheek as a result? Today at the pharmacy you can buy both expensive and budgetary means from inflammation of the gums. They are simple and convenient to use. With the help of various pharmaceutical drugs you can get rid of these unpleasant symptoms like itching, burning, pain. These drugs stop the inflammatory process. Most effective pharmaceutical products for rinsing gums - Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt and Rotocan.


Such powerful drug, like Chlorhexidine, is often used to rinse teeth when various diseases gums It is also used to treat sore throat, laryngitis and other throat diseases.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is often used in medicine in different forms. The medicine is available in the form of a solution, tablets, gel, and aerosol. In dentistry, namely for rinsing, the first option is used.

Before you start rinsing with this tool, you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with boiled water. Next - measure out a tablespoon ready solution Chlorhexidine and rinse your teeth with it. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.


An excellent medicine based on eucalyptus is Chlorophyllipt. Thanks to the fact that he has antimicrobial effect, it is actively used for rinsing the mouth for diseases such as gingivitis and stomatitis.

Before using the product, you need to do a special test to determine if you are allergic to Chlorophyllipt - apply a few drops to the crook of your elbow and check after 15-20 minutes to see if allergic reaction. To rinse the mouth, take 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of medicine. You need to rinse your gums with the resulting solution 2-3 times a day.


Rotokan - alcohol tincture based on a collection of herbs - yarrow, chamomile and calendula. The product is widely used in dentistry, including for rinsing teeth for gum inflammation.

Before use, the bottle of medicine must be shaken well, and then diluted with a teaspoon of tincture in a glass. warm water. You need to rinse your gums for a minute, and then spit out the medicine. If necessary, it is allowed to increase the dosage by 2 times.

Folk remedies for inflammation

There are many causes of oral diseases, and not only medications are used in the treatment of gum tumors. No less effective are traditional methods. However, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor with this problem. What to do when the gums suddenly become inflamed and hurt, but there is no medicine at hand for this disease? The answer is simple - use folk recipes.

Based on hydrogen peroxide

For periodontal disease, such a familiar remedy as hydrogen peroxide 3% is often used. You need to take 50 ml of water, add a couple of drops of peroxide there and rinse your mouth thoroughly. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

For local treatment of inflamed gums, you need to moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and anoint the affected areas with it. This procedure will perfectly remove bacterial plaque.

Recipes with aloe

Aloe can be used to rinse the mouth and relieve inflammation. Surely, this flower is in almost every home. A young leaf of the plant is cut, the juice is squeezed out, mixed with a small amount of water, and rinsed in the mouth. However, a more common way to use aloe for inflammation is to apply it to the gums.

Dead Sea mud

Nowadays mud treatment Dead Sea It is gaining popularity every day - the result of such therapy is amazing. The healing properties of Dead Sea mud can cure even initial stage periodontal disease. To prepare a compress, a small amount of mud is heated in a water bath and placed on the affected teeth. With your jaws closed, you need to wait about 20 minutes, then remove dirt from your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Less effective method using Dead Sea mud - rinsing.

How to rinse your mouth when your gums are swollen?

It happens that the gums swell, but the tooth does not hurt at all. If pain is not observed, with symptoms of gingivitis, in any case, you should urgently consult a dentist. The inflammation will progress more and more every day and eventually more serious illness- periodontitis.

The swelling can be relieved at home, however, under no circumstances should you apply hot compresses. To treat gums with the help of folk remedies for swelling, it is useful to prepare a decoction of chamomile, violet, and St. John's wort. You can also apply compresses from the following to the sore spot. essential oils, like fir and sea buckthorn.

To remove swelling from the gums, you can use the following recipe: brew nettle, calamus, sage and oak bark in equal proportions with boiling water, leave for 2 hours and rinse your mouth with the tincture. To choose the right recipe and prepare the decoction, watch the video instructions.

Salt and soda solution

To reduce gum swelling and pain (if any), you should use the familiar solution of baking soda and kitchen salt. To do this, you need to take a cup of warm water, add a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda to it, mix everything thoroughly. You can rinse your mouth with the prepared solution 3 times a day.

Chamomile and calendula decoction

A decoction of chamomile and calendula is a useful remedy for gums, which is why it is used so often. To prepare the solution, you must first mix the herbs in equal quantities, pour boiling water over it and simmer for about 5 minutes. After this, the broth should be filtered and cooled. By using of this composition It is permissible to rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day. Due to the properties of these herbs, they have an anti-inflammatory effect on gums that are swollen.

Oak bark decoction

To get rid of gum inflammation, you can also use a decoction of oak bark. Two teaspoons of bark should be poured into two glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Strain the finished broth and then start rinsing. You can use oak decoction no more than 5 times a day. For adults, for greater effectiveness, rinsing with a decoction of oak bark can be alternated with a soda solution.

Are conspiracies effective?

It often happens that without receiving the desired result from treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth traditional medicine, people are trying to find a solution using conspiracies. Since ancient times, it was believed that a conspiracy is a strong and effective magical formula. Now everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in the power of a conspiracy or not. If you managed to get rid of pain and inflammation with the help of a conspiracy, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor either.

Dental diseases are not only the cause of increased discomfort, but also indicate disturbances in the functioning of the entire body as a whole. They are accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, bleeding and sensitivity of soft tissues. Often discomfort is caused by gum damage, which in most cases indicates the presence of diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. Having identified the first symptoms, you need to seek help from a specialist, since the neglect of the disease can lead to rather grim consequences. An experienced dentist will make a diagnosis and tell you how to relieve gum inflammation using both traditional medications and the use of folk recipes.

The article provides detailed information about the causes of gum tissue damage and how to eliminate it. In order to reduce the symptoms of pathology, traditional medicine is usually used. In the early stages of the disease, you can also use folk remedies. Healing properties medicinal plants help reduce symptoms and achieve full recovery. After reading the following material, you will learn how you can relieve gum inflammation at home, without resorting to classical methods of therapy.

Note! The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of it complete cure. Lack of timely and quality treatment promotes development chronic form illness.

Stages of gum tissue damage

The process of gum damage occurs in several stages:

  1. the appearance of redness on soft gum tissues;
  2. slight bleeding of the gums that occurs during hygiene procedures;
  3. increased sensitivity of soft tissues, swelling;
  4. the appearance of bad breath;
  5. reduction in the size of the gums, exposure of the neck of the tooth, accompanied by mobility of teeth, and sometimes their loss.

Causes of the disease

To relieve gum inflammation, the first step is to establish the factors that triggered its development. Having established the cause of the disease, it will be much easier to get rid of its symptoms, because having enough information about the causative agent of the disease, it will be much easier for the doctor to choose and prescribe effective treatment.

You can relieve gum inflammation at home if the cause of its development is:

  • periodontitis. This disease is classified as infectious; it manifests itself against the background of pathologies such as sinusitis and advanced pulpitis. In addition to damage to gum tissue, the disease is characterized by a number of accompanying symptoms, in particular, bleeding gums, acute pain, swelling of the cheeks, mobility of dental units and the formation of purulent wounds on the oral mucosa;
  • periodontitis. The danger of the disease is that its development can lead to tooth loss. The characteristic signs of the disease are: bleeding gums during hygiene procedures, discomfort when chewing food, the appearance putrid smell from mouth. At the same time, it is possible for the gum tissue to peel off from the bone, which leads to the formation of a pocket, which is a favorable environment for the settlement and development of pathogenic microflora. Lack of treatment may result in acute pain, the formation of pustules, from which pus comes out over time. The development of pathology is accompanied by an increase in temperature and redness of the affected gum tissue. An advanced form of gingivitis can provoke periodontitis;
  • gingivitis. The disease is characterized following signs: fighting sensations when mechanical impact on the affected tissues, bleeding, redness of the gums, plaque deposition on the enamel surface. If the patient’s immunity is weakened, the dynamics of the disease’s development are higher. The lack of body resistance leads to an increase in temperature and a general deterioration in the patient’s condition. Forms on the mucous membrane white coating, appears unpleasant putrid smell from mouth. Factors contributing to the development of gingivitis include hormonal imbalances, improper oral care or complete absence, as well as mistakes made by dentists during treatment. Thus, constant injury to the mucous membrane with a filling or crown that was incorrectly installed by a doctor can lead to the manifestation of pathology.

Ways to relieve inflammation

Having identified symptoms of inflammation, you need to visit the dentist. The doctor will conduct an examination, differentiate the disease from other pathologies with similar symptoms, and then diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If inflammation has already led to the development of complications, the use of medications. In the early stages, signs of the disease can be eliminated at home using folk recipes.

Traditional treatment with medications

If the inflammatory process was provoked by an adverse effect on the gums of a filling or crown, you will have to visit a specialist. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The purpose of the visit will be to reinstall the filling. After performing the necessary manipulations, the problem should go away on its own.

Note! Inflammation is accompanied by pain, so while waiting for a visit to the doctor, you can use painkillers that will temporarily relieve pain. Most effective means– these are Ketanov, Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

Medicines are used as anti-inflammatory and painkillers local remedies external use, in particular medicinal ointments and gels.

  • Matrogil-Denta. Applying the product to the affected area reduces pain, prevents further development of inflammation, and eliminates burning and itching. You can use the drug yourself at home. How to use the product: apply to the affected area in the morning and evening, having previously cleaned the oral cavity of food debris using a special solution;
  • Solcoseryl. The product exists in the form of a gel and ointment. The gel is primarily used to heal abrasions and wounds on the mucous membrane, and the ointment is used to eliminate inflammation inside the gum tissue. It is recommended to apply the ointment three times a day. Solcoseryl has an analgesic and healing effect;
  • Dental. The product is made on the basis corn oil, which allows it to well envelop the affected area and relieve pain. Apply to sore gums should be at least 4 times a day, rubbing the ointment massage movements into damaged tissue;
  • Holysap. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the gel make it possible to stop the further development of inflammation and eliminate microbes that contribute to the progression of pathology. In addition, the product has a good analgesic effect. Directions for use: apply to inflamed gums at least three times a day for 7 days;
  • Asepta. The medication is made on the basis of propolis, which indicates its antimicrobial characteristics. Stops bleeding of affected soft tissues, has a regenerating and analgesic effect.

The above drugs have a healing and analgesic effect.

Treatment with folk remedies

Remove inflammation on initial stage can be done using folk recipes. The following have a beneficial effect:

  1. mask made from raw beets. Method of preparation: grate the vegetable on a fine grater, add a small amount vegetable oil, apply to the affected area and leave for at least 15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day;
  2. a product based on medicinal herbs and tooth powder. Medicinal herbs are ground in a blender and mixed with tooth powder. The resulting mixture should be applied to the damaged tissue using a pre-moistened toothbrush. The manipulations need to be done twice a day for 10 days. After the manipulation, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity of any remaining product. This can be done using a rinse solution. To prepare the drug, as a rule, they use bergenia root, dried cloves, galangal (leaves);
  3. freshly squeezed vegetable juices;
  4. beeswax.

Mouth rinse as a way to relieve inflammation

I remove inflammation with rinsing solutions - it is quite possible, since these products contain elements that have an antimicrobial effect. Rinse solutions are indispensable at home. Besides therapeutic effects, they cleanse the oral cavity of food debris and contribute to better hygiene procedures.

Doctors advise using the following drugs:

  • Chlorhexidine. The product disinfects the oral cavity; it is recommended to use it after eating;
  • Furacilin. Method of using the antiseptic: dissolve the tablet in warm water and rinse your mouth with the resulting solution;
  • Chlorophyllipt. The product should be diluted in water. The rinsing procedure is carried out in the morning, lunch and evening;
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dilute in warm water and rinse your mouth after eating.

How to relieve inflammation in a child

In case of inflammation of the gums in a child, it is better to consult a dentist. At home you can use:

  1. rinsing solutions based on calendula, chamomile, yarrow, sage. These herbs tend to have a disinfecting and analgesic effect;
  2. infusions for rinsing from oak bark. The drug helps strengthen gums and teeth;
  3. if the child is small and does not yet know how not to rinse his mouth, you can use healing gel Holisal.

To avoid inflammation of the gum tissue, dentists recommend visiting a doctor at least twice a year, eating hard foods with high content vitamins, follow the rules of oral hygiene. Special attention should be given to the choice of toothpaste. It is advisable to use pastes containing extracts medicinal herbs and anti-inflammatory elements.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth is common and dangerous disease oral cavity, which has characteristic symptoms.

How the disease is treated at home, how it is affected by the patient’s age, and other characteristics of his body.


Why does inflammation of the tissues near the tooth occur? Depending on the symptoms, the disease can be called differently and each case has its own reasons for its appearance.

Most often, the disease is called gingivitis, but this is only one of the scenarios for its course, which is characterized by a violation of the gum-tooth connection. Doctors identify several reasons:

If gingivitis is not cured in time, it develops into a more complex form - periodontitis, which is also an inflammatory process, but with subsequent destruction of periodontal tissues. The reasons for this are as follows:
  • untreated gingivitis;
  • injuries received after tooth extraction and during implantation;
  • improper nutrition;
  • defects in the structure of the dentition;
  • tartar;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Periodontitis is another form of gum inflammation. Main causes: complications of deep pulpitis, osteomyelitis, inflammation maxillary sinuses, harmful effects of medications during dental treatment.

Various forms of dental inflammation appear after dental procedures, for example, after grinding teeth or prosthetics.


The signs of gum inflammation, as well as the causes of the disease, depend on its form. The following symptoms are observed with gingivitis:

  • the gums swell significantly and bleeding appears;
  • body temperature rises;
  • deposits appear on the enamel;
  • felt;
  • proliferation of periodontal tissues, their death;
  • change in gum color - it becomes dark red or acquires a blue tint;
  • the spaces between the teeth are filled with overgrown gums;
  • painful feelings when

In turn, periodontitis is characterized by:

  • loosening of teeth and bleeding of gum tissue;
  • patients notice that the gum has moved away from the tooth;
  • difficulty eating;
  • exposure of the subgingival parts of the tooth;
  • bad breath and pulsation in the periodontal tissues.

For periodontitis:

  • strong and constant pain in the teeth, their gradual loosening;
  • increase in gum tissue;
  • swelling of lips and cheeks;
  • in some cases, a hole () may appear on the gum. Through it, the products of purulence that occur inside the soft tissues are removed.

Inflammation of the gums near a tooth can be effectively cured if you remember that the disease appears with equal frequency and probability on any part of the gums: both near the front teeth and near the wisdom teeth.

These diseases are very similar to each other and only a specialist can correctly distinguish them. Correct and timely diagnosis- the key to successful treatment.


The gum around the tooth is inflamed - what to do, how to treat it?

Therapy is carried out using drugs, but the most important point is correct diagnosis which can only be performed by a doctor. To remove inflammation of the gums near the tooth with medications, you need to get specialist recommendations for effective treatment.

If inflammation is accompanied by pain, it is recommended to take painkillers: Analgin or will help to quickly stop the pain, and Paracetamol will relieve the temperature.

You can also purchase a number of solutions and antibiotics at the pharmacy. local action, which quickly relieve the main symptoms. These include:

  1. Miraslavin.
  2. Miramistin.
  3. Polyminerol.

Antibiotics wide range cannot be used without a doctor's permission. They are used if other methods fail positive results. Among these funds are:

  1. Metronidazole.
  2. Lincomycin.
  3. Nomincin and Siflox (in special cases).

Inflamed areas of the gums are also treated with special gels. Cholisal, which relieves bleeding and irritability of the gums and strengthens them, is very popular for these purposes.

For complex treatment Doctors recommend using balms for rinsing the mouth - and Asept. There are also a number of toothpastes, the use of which is both a measure of prevention and treatment. At the same time, dentists recommend taking a vitamin C complex.

If you are pregnant, that is, pregnant, and you notice bleeding gums, then be sure to start treatment, read more about this.

Treatment at home

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth can also be treated with folk remedies, some of them are recommended by traditional medicine, while debate continues about the action of others. It is recommended to use traditional methods as an addition to the main one, classical way fight the disease.

Most folk recipes involve rinsing the mouth with medicinal infusions. Here are some of them:

  • a decoction of oak bark and sage leaves - for preparation you will need the same proportion of the two ingredients, which is poured with boiling water and cooled. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with the product once every 2-3 hours;
  • soda - take 1 teaspoon of soda and stir it in a glass boiled water, it is recommended to rinse your mouth no more than 2-3 times a day. The product has an antibacterial effect;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution - pour 3-4 teaspoons of peroxide per 100 grams of boiled water. Rinse your mouth for 5 minutes, and upon completion of the procedure, rinse it with clean water;
  • infusion of chamomile flowers - pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the dried plant and leave for 30-40 minutes. You need to rinse your mouth every two hours for several days. For greater effectiveness, calendula (St. John's wort) can be mixed with chamomile in equal proportions;
  • a decoction of strawberry leaves, mint or calamus root - some traditional medicine specialists recommend mixing these ingredients, others say that they need to be prepared separately from each other.

Except various decoctions They also use homemade ointments for gums. Add a few drops to 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda lemon juice and 10 drops of peroxide, after which everything is thoroughly mixed and the teeth are cleaned with the prepared mixture. You should not eat food for the next half hour after the procedure.

Video: gums hurt, what to do?

Nuances of treatment in children

If a child has severely inflamed gums near a tooth, then this requires an even more serious attitude than the same problem in an adult, since an unsuccessfully treated disease will negatively affect the formation of the dentition. It is strictly not recommended to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment on your own; the child must be shown to a dentist.

The use of antibiotics, even local ones, is undesirable, so the importance of folk remedies is increasing. Of the above folk recipes, it is recommended to use decoctions of chamomile, sage, and calendula. From the use of peroxide and others aggressive means need to refuse.

Dentists recommend drug treatment using Cholisal ointment and Chlorhexidine solution (0.05%) for rinsing the mouth. It is very important to strengthen the child’s immunity with the help of children’s vitamin complexes.

How to avoid relapse? Prevention measures

After finishing medical procedures, care must be taken to ensure that inflammation of the gums around the tooth does not reappear. Adhere to the following rules:

  • Brush your teeth efficiently and regularly, use mouthwash. Pay attention to the condition of not only the teeth, but also the entire oral cavity;
  • monitor hormonal and vitamin balance body, constantly strengthen it.
    Consume more products containing vitamin C;
  • refuse if possible bad habits(this is especially true for smoking and holding foreign objects in the mouth);
  • Get regular checkups with your dentist and change your toothbrushes at least once every 2-3 months;
  • massage your gums with with the help of the lung shaking them with clean fingers;
  • eat fibrous foods that will help clean your teeth from non-fossilized plaque;
  • Monitor the stress on the body - excessive amounts of it can provoke not only inflammation of the gums, but also more serious diseases.

By following these tips, you will maintain the health of your oral cavity and the whole body, and also save money and time spent on treatment.

Video: how to remove gum inflammation?

Additional questions

What to do if a child has inflamed gums near a baby tooth?

Contact your dentist immediately, as neglect of this disease will affect the growth of permanent teeth. The doctor will diagnose accurate diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate medications and procedures, taking into account the age of the child.

Can gum inflammation occur when wisdom teeth erupt?

Yes. When cutting through the eights are damaged soft fabrics, which are located in the tooth growth zone, and when infection gets there, inflammatory processes begin. Dentists recommend especially careful monitoring of oral hygiene during the growth of wisdom teeth. If you have this problem too often in the same place, then contact your dentist; perhaps you have a growth pathology of the figure eight.

Is inflammation of the gums around a tooth dangerous during pregnancy?

The danger lies in the unpredictability of the disease and the impossibility of using classical methods of drug treatment. The situation is in many ways similar to gum inflammation in a child, but with the difference that in this case the health of two people is at risk, so contact your dentist immediately.

Swollen gums after filling: how to treat?

Treatment is underway classical methods described in the article. It is more important to determine the cause that caused the inflammation, and only a dentist can do this. Often this reaction occurs due to the effects of drugs that were used during filling, they need to be identified and re-use in the future should be avoided.

Inflamed gums can cause tooth loss. At this disease the smile loses its former beauty. Among other things, the mentioned disease is often accompanied by unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. Lots of reasons to be sad, right? However, if you start treating gum inflammation on time, then short term everything can be fixed. Both experienced dentists and proven folk methods will come to the rescue, which will relieve inflammation and you will be able to feel better. Let's look below at what gum inflammation is, the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

What is the disease?

As a rule, the term “gum inflammation” usually means whole line pathologies. This is what the common people call both periodontitis and gingivitis. To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Timely trip to dental clinic minimizes the risk of developing the disease. It's not correct treatment or its complete absence leads to deterioration of the condition of not only the gums, but also the teeth.

Medical types of the disease: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. The latter means receding gums exposing the tooth root. And periodontitis is the second stage of the development of gingivitis - inflammation of the gums near the tooth, the treatment of which is reduced to removing swelling of the periodontium and stopping its bleeding.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons for this problem. Malocclusion and filling by an inexperienced dentist are just the first of them. The most common cause of inflammation and bleeding is poor oral hygiene.

Causes of development of periodontal disease and periodontitis - overuse coffee drinks, smoking, and refusal to remove tartar. Gingivitis occurs as a result of brushing your teeth too infrequently and not rinsing your mouth thoroughly enough.

The main causes of gum inflammation:

Bacteria found in the oral cavity;

Unsuitable toothbrush or toothpaste;

Poor or lack of oral hygiene;

Other diseases such as diabetes;


Change hormonal levels as a result of pregnancy.

Manifestations of gum inflammation

Symptoms of gum inflammation:

Bad breath;

Yellow plaque and tartar on teeth;

Swelling of the gums, their modification (different shape and color);

Tooth mobility;

Unpleasant sensations and/or bleeding of the gums when brushing teeth or eating food.

If the problem is not given enough attention, it will only get worse. With periodontal disease, the cervical area of ​​the teeth is exposed. This phenomenon may be accompanied by a rotten smell from the mouth. Small blisters that are filled with pus may form on the gums.

During illness, gums may become loose and swollen. This is what causes teeth to become loose. To prevent this, it is necessary to stop gum inflammation in time, the symptoms and treatment of which we discuss in our review. Next we'll talk about some folk methods therapy of the disease.

Inflammation of the gums - treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies aimed at treating gum inflammation do not have a specific author, because this is a real heritage. Since a long time traditional treatment(gum inflammation is a problem, known to mankind has long been) consisted of rinsing the mouth with all sorts of herbal decoctions, some of which not only reduced the inflammatory process, but also did a good job of eliminating bad breath.

Almost all folk recipes are also characterized by a hygienic effect:

Clean the area between the gums and teeth;
. remove food residues mechanically.

Traditional methods

Honey, vegetables and fruits contain enzymes and natural acids which help relieve gum inflammation. Treatment with folk remedies helps reduce the inflammatory process by getting rid of pathogens. Some of the remedies eliminate swelling and other consequences. For example, water decoctions intended for rinsing the mouth.
To prepare such a decoction, you need to add about 40-45 ml of raw materials to 400 ml of water heated in a water bath. plant origin. At all times, supplements from pharmaceutical chamomile, calendula flowers, and alder buds have been especially popular.

For those who don't have enough time to create herbal decoctions, you can try to crush several mummy tablets and then dissolve them in a mug of water. Do not forget that you should rinse your mouth only after meals, as well as before bed and in the morning.

You can also brush your teeth mechanically using natural chewing gum. In Siberia, when gums became inflamed, locals chewed cedar resin. Now this product can be purchased at any pharmacy. But despite this, the resin is very hard, and at an advanced stage it can cause even more harm.

However, there was a solution here too - melt half a kilogram of so-called beeswax in a water bath, add half a glass of lemon juice and a couple of drops peppermint. Cool the resulting mixture, cut into individual pieces.

In the field of traditional medicine, all kinds of compresses specifically designed for sore gums are also popular. They are applied before bed to damaged tissues. The composition of such masks includes birch tar, to which are added mashed beets with the addition of sunflower oil. In some cases, it can be applied to the gums raw potatoes for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Therapeutic treatment in a dental clinic

At the initial stage of gum inflammation, the clinic’s dentists correct your hygiene skills. After all, proper and thorough brushing of teeth allows you to remove most of the supragingival plaque and prevent its further spread under the gum.

If such deposits are already present, then only a dentist can carry out a complete cleaning of subgingival plaque. Such measures are often enough to relieve gum inflammation.

Treatment of gumboil, or rather purulent gingivitis, with shallow periodontal pockets (up to 3 mm), consists of the procedure professional hygiene. In addition, it is often prescribed drug treatment. A couple of weeks after the procedure, the gums are back in place, and the doctor conducts a follow-up examination to check whether all deposits have been removed and whether the inflammation of the gums has been relieved. Treatment usually stops there.

Above is the illustration “Inflammation of the gums - treatment.” The photo gives an idea of ​​what they looked like before going to the dentist (left) and after (right).

Surgical treatment in the clinic

When therapeutic measures become insufficient, the dentist resorts to surgical measures to treat inflammation of the gums.

Treatment of this nature consists of an operation during which the gum tissue (periodontal) is cut and a rubber drainage is inserted. It is needed to drain accumulated pus out.

After surgery, you need to rinse your mouth with medications recommended by your doctor. This is necessary to prevent re-inflammation.

Medications for treating gums

In the pharmacy you can find harmless drugs that will help relieve gum inflammation at home.

Examples of such publicly available substances:

1. Furacilin solution: two furatsilin tablets are dissolved in one glass of hot boiled water. Rinse the mouth with liquid once every hour.

2. Hydrogen peroxide: one tablespoon diluted in half a glass of water. Rinse the mouth with this solution twice a day.

3. Chlorgesidine 0.05%, water solution. Sold in pharmacies in finished form. Has a strong antimicrobial effect. Rinse is done every time after brushing your teeth, but less than three times a day.

4. Miramistin 0.01, solution. Analogue of chlorhesidine in functions and method of application.

5. All kinds of elixirs and rinses for gums. Apply after brushing your teeth in accordance with the attached instructions.

6. “Metrogil denta”, ointment. Helps relieve inflammation and has an anesthetic effect. Apply to the affected periodontal tissue after brushing your teeth twice a day.

7. “Dental”, ointment. It is used in the same way as the previous one.

8. Toothpastes for gums, for example “Parodontax”, “Lakalut”, “President”. These pastes often contain medicinal substances and herbs: fluoride, mineral salts, mint, sage, chamomile and so on. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Usually, teeth are brushed with such pastes for a month.

Inflammation of the gums - treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat moderate to severe periodontitis and necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

Examples possible antibiotics

Name of medicine

Type of medicine

Projected treatment period

Antibiotics of the glycosamide group

Lincomycin 0.25

Lincomycin 30%

Clindamycin 150 mg

Clindamycin 300 mg - 2 ml

Solution for injection intramuscularly

Antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group

Nomicin 400 mg


From 7 to 10 days

Siflox 250 mg


From 7 to 10 days

Tarivid 250 mg


From 7 to 10 days

It is strictly not recommended to take medications on your own. Since only the attending physician can correctly prescribe the dose and period of treatment.

Cases of gum inflammation after going to the dentist

Inflammation of the gums after dental treatment can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Happened mechanical damage gum tissue, after which pathogenic bacteria penetrated the wound.
  2. The previous treatment was incorrect from the point of view of the selected drugs.

In both cases, the attending dentist is insufficiently qualified. But it happens that a patient confuses gum inflammation syndrome with post-medical swelling. It should go away approximately on the second day after treatment. If this does not happen, then it is better not to delay your return visit to the dentist.

Inflammation of the gums in the expectant mother

Cases of gum inflammation during pregnancy are quite common. Many women are afraid to undergo treatment, fearing for their unborn baby. But failure to respond to the disease can have serious consequences.

As a rule, inflammation begins in the second or third month of pregnancy. And if no measures are taken, the situation will worsen by the last trimester. Even ulcers may appear in the mouth.

In order to prevent illness, it is recommended that pregnant women undergo preventive examinations at the dentist. Only he can identify the disease early stage and get rid of such a scourge as gum inflammation. Treatment at this stage consists of removing tartar and plaque. If such measures are not enough, then the doctor may recommend mouth rinsing and herbal baths.

What to do to strengthen your gums and teeth?

To prevent gum inflammation, dentists recommend following these rules:

  1. Include in diet more products containing calcium (dairy products, dark green vegetables, fish (salmon)).
  2. Add foods containing vitamin C to your list of favorite foods (it helps with bleeding gums).
  3. Fall in love raw vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices (especially carrots).
  4. Get rid of bad habits, if any (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  5. Try not to be nervous and not to succumb to stressful situations.
  6. Follow the rules of brushing your teeth.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, undergo preventive examinations at the dentist at least twice a year.

For a problem such as gum disease, treatment at home includes A complex approach to solving the problem.

In most cases, therapy using medications of a different spectrum is carried out not in a hospital, but on an outpatient basis.

For this reason, it is not surprising that when the first signs of an inflammatory process appear, the doctor prescribes medications to the patient rather than sending him to hospitalization.

Causes of the disease

There are several causes of the disease, they depend on the age of the patient, as well as other factors.

Gum inflammation can occur:

  1. due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  2. for injuries and burns of the oral cavity;
  3. with the accumulation of coarse dental plaque.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules leads to plaque accumulating on the surface of the teeth.

Food gets stuck in the interdental spaces and causes inflammation. As a result, unpleasant symptoms appear.

Burns and trauma to the oral cavity can also lead to soft tissue inflammation. For this reason, it is worth carefully monitoring oral hygiene even if the gums, tongue or palate are injured.

Inflammation of the gums can occur in the presence of the following diseases:

Stomatitis is the most common cause of gum inflammation in children. Ulcers appear in the mouth.

A child can become infected with stomatitis simply by putting a toy in their mouth; in most cases, the disease occurs in children aged 1 to 5 years.

Gingivitis is the most common cause of inflammation in adults. The disease progresses rapidly and can cause periodontitis in the absence of adequate and timely therapy.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease are diseases that are difficult to treat. In this case, the inflammatory process in the tissues can lead to teeth becoming loose and falling out. Periodontitis is considered an advanced stage of gingivitis.

It is necessary to treat caries, since this is the main reason why gingivitis and other diseases occur that can lead to serious consequences.

An incorrect bite can cause a person to have gum problems.

In this case, the disease may be chronic nature and arise for no apparent reason.

Any of the above diseases can be cured or stopped if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. The doctor will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms and stop tissue necrosis and save your teeth.

The inflammatory process in soft tissues is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. pain when pressing on the gums or when eating.
  2. bleeding of soft tissues.
  3. increase in body temperature.

The main symptom that patients complain about is pain, which intensifies when eating or pressing on the gums.

At the same time, the intensity pain syndrome so high that a person refuses to eat or eats only cereals and purees. Another symptom of gum inflammation can be considered a decrease in appetite, which occurs against a background of general malaise.

Blood appears when eating solid foods or when brushing your teeth.

But without treatment, gum bleeding increases and can even cause anemia.

If the cause of inflammation is an infection, the disease may progress with an increase in body temperature. A similar symptom is most often observed in children with stomatitis.

With gingivitis, for example, there is no widespread inflammation of the gums. The tissues are affected in the area of ​​one or two teeth, but if the disease is not treated, the inflammation will spread to other tissues of the oral cavity.

How to treat gums at home?

Treatment of gums at home is carried out using the following means:

  • gels and ointments (medicines);
  • antibiotics;
  • mouth rinses;
  • toothpastes.

As a rule, when the gums become inflamed, the doctor advises what to do at home, based on his state of health.

Medicines can be complex. The composition of the drugs includes antibiotics, antiseptics and herbal extracts.

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed, but if the disease is advanced, then such a prescription is quite justified. Because antibiotics can quickly stop the inflammatory process and prevent further development of the disease.

Rinse aids are used as auxiliary treatment, which complements and enhances the main therapy. The products can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared yourself. Antiseptics are often used as a rinse aid.

Treatment of gums at home quickly gives results when choosing the right toothpaste, which will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. And toothpaste used as a prophylactic agent.

How is care provided?

Oral care for inflammation should take place in several stages:

  1. teeth cleaning;
  2. rinsing;
  3. applying ointments or gels to the gums.

Teeth brushing is carried out using a special toothpaste.

Before treating sore gums, you should choose a brush with soft bristles, as hard bristles can cause further injury to the soft tissues of your mouth.

Rinsing will help remove food debris from the mouth, as well as relieve inflammation and alleviate symptoms of the disease.

Gels and ointments are applied directly to the gums, while you should refrain from eating and drinking for a while. During the treatment process, you should avoid eating foods that are too cold or too hot; they can be harmful.

Ointments and gels are used several times a day. They help not only reduce the intensity of pain, but also prevent the proliferation of pathogens.

Rinse procedure

Rinsing has the following effects on soft tissues:

  • prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • promotes the death of pathogenic microflora;
  • has a weak anesthetic effect.

In most cases, rinses contain antiseptics and/or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Antiseptics prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, promote the death of bacteria, thereby stopping the process of inflammation.

Herbs enhance the effect of antiseptics; they also have a weak antiseptic effect and help to quickly cope with the main signs of the disease.

Inflamed gums: how to rinse at home?

The procedure can be carried out using herbal decoctions and medications that have an antiseptic effect.

As useful herbs can be used:

Sage soothes sore gums, chamomile is considered one of the most powerful antiseptics, calendula stimulates recovery processes in organism.

Yarrow has long been considered a stimulant immune system humans, and oak bark has an astringent effect.

Herbal decoctions are prepared before the procedure; the herbs are brewed, cooled and filtered. It is not worth preparing the decoction in advance, as it can lose its healing properties during storage.

Antiseptics that are used for rinsing the mouth include:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • Furacilin;
  • baking soda.

Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide includes preliminary preparation of the solution. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted and then used as a mouth rinse.

Chlorhexidine is most often included in gels and ointments; the drug can also be used as a mouth rinse. You can enhance the antiseptic effect with lemon and honey.

Miramistin is also included in some medications. It can be used as a rinse aid.

Raster of potassium permanganate, Furacilin and baking soda Can be used as first aid. This rinse will help relieve the main signs of inflammation and wait for medical help.

You need to rinse your mouth every 2 hours; if your gums bleed or hurt a lot, you can apply a teething gel to the tissue. Such agents have an anesthetic effect. They contain lidocaine.

Cleaning process

The process of brushing teeth during gum inflammation has its own characteristics.

Cannot be used due to pain toothbrush with hard bristles, you need to change it to another.

Select a brush with soft bristles that will not injure the tissue.

You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day, moving the brush from top to bottom.

The procedure should be carried out carefully, since there is a high risk of injuring the gums. After cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth and rinse the bristles of the brush under running water.

When treating the inflammatory process you can use:

  1. Lakalut;
  2. Mexidol dent phyto;
  3. Parodontax;
  4. The president;
  5. Forest balm.

Toothpastes have proven effective in therapy.

But the greatest efficiency funds have when carrying out preventive procedures. They are not suitable for long-term use, if they contain antiseptics.

The pastes contain extracts of plants and herbs that help prevent the occurrence of inflammation in the oral cavity.

Useful video

5 more sensible tips on how to treat gums at home:

It is possible to treat gum inflammation at home, but only under one condition: that the therapy is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Contacting a dentist is mandatory, since only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment and, if necessary, adjust therapy.

How to treat gum inflammation near a tooth at home and how to quickly remove swelling: folk remedies

One of the most common reasons patients visit the dentist is gum disease. This problem needs to be dealt with urgently, because in advanced stages the disease is much less treatable. Today, not only medications are used to treat gums, but also folk recipes that show no less effectiveness at home.

Causes of gum inflammation

Anyone can face the problem of swollen and painful gums, regardless of age and gender. There are quite a few reasons for gum inflammation; the main thing is to consult a doctor in time. Some of the most common causes of gum inflammation include:


Symptoms of periodontitis are swelling and suppuration in the gums, the appearance of a fistula with pus, which is accompanied by severe pain. A cyst that forms near the root of a diseased tooth may disappear or appear. The cause of periodontitis, as a rule, is caries and poor quality fillings.

To treat the disease, folk recipes are often used, which have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on gums that are swollen. Among the herbs from which decoctions are prepared for rinsing the mouth for periodontitis, sage, chamomile and mint are recommended.

Gingivitis is another disease whose symptom is inflammation of the gums. A common cause of the disease is poor oral hygiene. If gingivitis is not treated promptly, the disease can quickly turn into periodontitis. For gingivitis, various folk recipes are also used, available for preparation at home. To treat the oral cavity, decoctions of St. John's wort, plantain, thyme, linden and chamomile are prepared.


If gingivitis is not treated, periodontitis soon appears. It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the gums, suppuration on them and, at times, exposure of the neck of the teeth. Unlike gingivitis, here the gums hurt and the pain is quite severe. Sometimes the cheek swells. As home therapy, you can rinse your teeth with herbs; chamomile, linden, lingonberry leaves and berries, oak bark are suitable - they will help strengthen your teeth. Moreover, they are used both individually and as a collection.

In addition to these herbs, to restore and cure gums from periodontitis, it is recommended to use fir and sea buckthorn essential oils, photos of which are available on the Internet. To do this, oils are taken in equal quantities and applied to the gums using a bandage. This way you can quickly remove the swelling from your cheek.

Inflammation under the crown

Often the installation of a crown is accompanied by pain. If they appear immediately after the procedure and last a couple of days, then this is a very normal phenomenon. However, if the crown was installed a long time ago, and the pain appeared after wearing it for a long time, then this may indicate inflammation of the tooth under the crown.

In most cases, inflammation under the crown occurs for the following reasons:

  • low quality of medical services;
  • if the pin was installed incorrectly, a hole may form in the dental canal, which caused inflammation;
  • non-compliance with the rules when installing a crown;
  • nerve inflammation.

How to remove inflammation at home: treatment with pharmaceutical products

What to do if a tumor appears on the cheek as a result? Today at the pharmacy you can buy both expensive and budget remedies for gum inflammation. They are simple and convenient to use. With the help of a variety of pharmaceutical medications, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning, and pain. These drugs stop the inflammatory process. The most effective pharmaceutical products for rinsing gums are Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt and Rotocan.


Such a powerful drug as Chlorhexidine is often used to rinse teeth for various gum diseases. It is also used to treat sore throat, laryngitis and other throat diseases.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is often used in medicine in various forms. The medicine is available in the form of a solution, tablets, gel, and aerosol. In dentistry, namely for rinsing, the first option is used.

Before you start rinsing with this product, you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with boiled water. Next, measure out a tablespoon of the prepared Chlorhexidine solution and rinse your teeth with it. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.


An excellent medicine based on eucalyptus is Chlorophyllipt. Due to the fact that it has an antimicrobial effect, it is actively used for rinsing the mouth for diseases such as gingivitis and stomatitis.

Before using the product, you need to do a special test to determine if you are allergic to Chlorophyllipt - apply a few drops to the crook of your elbow and check after 15-20 minutes for an allergic reaction. To rinse the mouth, take 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of medicine. You need to rinse your gums with the resulting solution 2-3 times a day.

Rotokan is an alcohol tincture based on a collection of herbs - yarrow, chamomile and calendula. The product is widely used in dentistry, including for rinsing teeth for gum inflammation.

Before use, the bottle of medicine must be shaken well, and then diluted with a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm water. You need to rinse your gums for a minute, and then spit out the medicine. If necessary, it is allowed to increase the dosage by 2 times.

Folk remedies for inflammation

There are many causes of oral diseases, and not only medications are used in the treatment of gum tumors. Traditional methods are no less effective. However, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor with this problem. What to do when the gums suddenly become inflamed and hurt, but there is no medicine at hand for this disease? The answer is simple - use folk recipes.

Based on hydrogen peroxide

For periodontal disease, such a familiar remedy as hydrogen peroxide 3% is often used. You need to take 50 ml of water, add a couple of drops of peroxide there and rinse your mouth thoroughly. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

For local treatment of inflamed gums, you need to moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and anoint the affected areas with it. This procedure will perfectly remove bacterial plaque.

Recipes with aloe

Aloe can be used to rinse the mouth and relieve inflammation. Surely, this flower is in almost every home. A young leaf of the plant is cut, the juice is squeezed out, mixed with a small amount of water, and rinsed in the mouth. However, a more common way to use aloe for inflammation is to apply it to the gums.

Dead Sea mud

Nowadays, treatment with Dead Sea mud is gaining popularity every day - the result of such therapy is amazing. The healing properties of Dead Sea mud can cure even the initial stages of periodontal disease. To prepare a compress, a small amount of mud is heated in a water bath and placed on the affected teeth. With your jaws closed, you need to wait about 20 minutes, then remove dirt from your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly. A less effective method using Dead Sea mud is rinsing.

How to rinse your mouth when your gums are swollen?

It happens that the gums swell, but the tooth does not hurt at all. If there is no pain, symptoms of gingivitis should in any case urgently consult a dentist. The inflammation will progress more and more every day and eventually a more serious disease will appear - periodontitis.

The swelling can be relieved at home, however, under no circumstances should you apply hot compresses. To treat gums with the help of folk remedies for swelling, it is useful to prepare a decoction of chamomile, violet, and St. John's wort. You can also apply compresses made from essential oils such as fir and sea buckthorn to the sore spot.

To remove swelling from the gums, you can use the following recipe: brew nettle, calamus, sage and oak bark in equal proportions with boiling water, leave for 2 hours and rinse your mouth with the tincture. To choose the right recipe and prepare the decoction, watch the video instructions.

Salt and soda solution

To reduce gum swelling and pain (if any), you should use the familiar solution of baking soda and kitchen salt. To do this, you need to take a cup of warm water, add a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda to it, mix everything thoroughly. You can rinse your mouth with the prepared solution 3 times a day.

Chamomile and calendula decoction

A decoction of chamomile and calendula is a useful remedy for gums, which is why it is used so often. To prepare the solution, you must first mix the herbs in equal quantities, pour boiling water over it and simmer for about 5 minutes. After this, the broth should be filtered and cooled. Using this composition, it is permissible to rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day. Due to the properties of these herbs, they have an anti-inflammatory effect on gums that are swollen.

Oak bark decoction

To get rid of gum inflammation, you can also use a decoction of oak bark. Two teaspoons of bark should be poured into two glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Strain the finished broth and then start rinsing. You can use oak decoction no more than 5 times a day. For adults, for greater effectiveness, rinsing with a decoction of oak bark can be alternated with a soda solution.

Are conspiracies effective?

It often happens that, having not received the desired results from treating gum and dental diseases with traditional medicine, people try to find a solution using spells. Since ancient times, it was believed that a conspiracy is a strong and effective magical formula. Now everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in the power of a conspiracy or not. If you managed to get rid of pain and inflammation with the help of a conspiracy, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor either.

How to relieve gum inflammation at home

Practicing dentists often encounter patient complaints of gum inflammation. At first, the disease occurs with almost no symptoms, then blood appears during brushing, pain, an unpleasant odor, and tooth instability up to the point of tooth loss. Therefore, the question “how to relieve gum inflammation” is a topical one, and captures the attention of more than one thousand people around the world.

Inflammation of the gums is not only an unpleasant process and disrupts the comfort of its owner, but also the first signal of diseases and improper care behind the oral cavity. According to the experience of thousands of patients, you can relieve gum inflammation at home by rinsing with herbal infusions, using antiseptics or antibiotics. But first it is necessary to determine the origins of the inflammatory process that has arisen.

Causes of inflammation

It is possible to relieve gum inflammation at home, but in cases where the process arose as a result of an advanced disease, the help of a dentist will be required. Inflammation can occur in the following cases:

Before deciding how to relieve gum inflammation at home, you need to visit the dentist's office.

Drug treatment

If inflammation occurs due to an incorrectly installed filling, attempts to relieve gum inflammation at home will not be successful. You should definitely visit the dentist who placed the incorrect filling and tell about the problem. After reinstalling the seal, the problem should go away on its own. But before visiting a doctor, the condition can be alleviated with painkillers:

How to relieve gum inflammation at home if the filling is placed correctly, but bleeding still bothers you? In this case, topical gels will come to the rescue.

They effectively relieve pain and reduce inflammation at home, covering the gums with an invisible film that eliminates burning, itching and redness of soft tissues. Dentists recommend the following types drugs:

  • "Metrogil denta." It anesthetizes the affected area well, has anti-inflammatory properties, and eliminates itching. When used at home, the product should be applied to the damaged gum a couple of times a day, after rinsing your mouth before doing so to get rid of food debris;
  • "Solcoseryl". The drug is offered in pharmacies in the form of gels - for the treatment of open abrasions on the gums, and in the form of ointments - for the treatment of the inflammatory process inside the tissues. An excellent home remedy for gum inflammation. Has an active regenerating effect on the mucous membrane and anesthetic effect, it is recommended to apply three times a day;
  • "Dental". Contains corn oil, which coats the damaged area well and relieves pain. It is necessary to apply with light massage movements no more than 4 times a day;
  • "Holisal." A gel that acts instantly at home and has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect along with local anesthesia. Pain relief occurs within a couple of minutes after application. To completely eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to rub the product into the surface of the mucous membrane no more than 3 times a day for a week;
  • "Asepta". The drug contains propolis, which already indicates its antimicrobial properties. Relieves bleeding gums, provides good anesthesia and has a restorative effect. The gel is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention inflammatory processes in tissues.

Rinse for gum inflammation

Rinsing can be called an indispensable way to relieve gum inflammation at home. They help remove food debris and carry out necessary curative measures. Pharmacy solutions or infusions of medicinal herbs are suitable for the procedure.

Pharmaceutical drugs are convenient to use, they have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, help relieve burning sensations and get rid of pathogens.

Helps relieve gum inflammation medical supplies, and medicinal herbs:

  1. Calendula or chamomile have disinfecting properties;
  2. Yarrow and sage effectively cure inflammation and pain;
  3. St. John's wort and oak bark will help strengthen gum tissue.

How to relieve gum inflammation at home medicinal herbs? To prepare the infusion, dry flowers or leaves must be poured with boiling water, left for half an hour and rinsed with the cooled infusion. You need to use an infusion to relieve inflammation of the gums, the sooner the better, since the healing properties of herbs do not last long.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to relieve gum inflammation at home? The answer to this question is also found in folk medicine. Medicinal compositions are prepared from any natural ingredients, at hand in this moment. For applications and masks use medicinal plants, beeswax, honey, freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

A mask made from raw beets works well at home. You need to grate it on a fine grater, add a little vegetable oil to the mass and apply it in the form of applications to the damaged area 3-4 times a day, keep the mask on for about 15 minutes.

Is it possible to relieve gum inflammation with anything else? ethnoscience offers interesting recipe based on tooth powder and herbs. To do this, you need to take bergenia roots, several dried clove buds, galangal leaves and grind them using a blender. Mix the resulting mass with tooth powder and apply to the gums twice a day for 10 days with a wet toothbrush, leaving it on for a couple of minutes. Then you need to rinse your mouth with chamomile solution.



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