An effective method of healing the body thanks to. Juices for healing the body

Review of the brochure “Improving the body according to the method of the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov”

Yesterday Ksenia Kravchenko’s brochure “Improving the body according to the method of the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov” was confiscated from the lovely ladies serving as cooks at the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow). - M., 2013 (exactly 2013, not 2012).

I bring to your attention a review of this brochure.

1. The brochure does not have the stamp “Approved by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church”, and therefore, according to accepted rules, it cannot be distributed through the church book trade. The number of copies of the brochure is not specified.

2. The brief annotation at the beginning of the brochure states “permitted for children over 12 years of age” (i.e. 12+), but does not say from whom exactly such permission was received. There is absolutely no information about the author, although it is stated (endpaper, cover) that the “practicing physician” K.P. Kravchenko has “more than twenty years of positive experience in treating patients using this method.”

3. The Holy Martyr himself is quoted in the brochure. Seraphim Chichagov, however there is not a single link to the source of citation.

4. The brochure is abundantly filled with stylistic, grammatical, punctuation and terminological errors, arbitrary conclusions (who gave this “ health system» name “Seraphim Chichagov system”? Isn’t it K. Kravchenko herself?) Why is there not at least an etymological explanation for the names of diseases of the past: “gnaw”, “fever”, “kondrashka” (p. 9)?

Typical examples:

“It is quite difficult to understand what it is, how it sounds in a modern way, one can only guess” (p. 10).

“If we were nervous the day before or while eating we discuss some problems, watch TV, empathize or worry, our valves are not closed” (p. 33);

“A patient who came to me with a uterine tumor (comma missing) said: “Help, my mother died of uterine cancer, I don’t want to follow her path”! In the course of our (correctly our) research, we found out this point: girls bear the problems of their father and father’s family, boys bear the problems of their mother and mother’s family” (pp. 69-70).

Indeed, an “outstanding” discovery by an “Orthodox” doctor!

On page 12, “doctor” Ksenia Kravchenko draws a blasphemous metaphor - a direct parallel between the Eucharistic Cup, which contains the Body and Blood of Christ, and the medical cup emblem:

“In an old medical textbook, the symbol of our medicine is a snake over a bowl. It is known that a person gets one or another problem if he has sinned. Next comes the symptom, and after some time the disease. A person, remembering, goes to confession, confesses, and then goes to the Chalice, he takes communion, and the illness goes away. Now a serpent is writhing around this Chalice. It is known who the snake is. We see him defeated on the icon of St. George the Victorious. The serpent is a prototype of Satan, the father of lies” (p. 12, quoted abbreviated).

This is how, no more, no less: the serpent-Satan is now writhing around the Eucharistic chalice!

5. There is almost no reference apparatus (at the end of the brochure there is only a mention of 2 books: “Conquer the Disease” (published by the Temple of the Nine Kizich Martyrs, 2012 and Chichagov L.M. “Medical Conversations” (reprint 1891) ; no links to authoritative medical reference books and manuals;

6. At the end of the brochure, the “rite of reading the Psalter of Metropolitan Peter Mohyla” is imposed on readers. The “Rite” is essentially so far from prayers for the dead, including the reading of the Psalter for the dead, that it is unnecessary to comment on it.

7. It is alleged that the “Chichagov system” helped many, but this and similar statements are unfounded and are not included in the brochure specific examples help and positive result, from which diseases cases of healing have been recorded, etc.

8) The history of the drug “Dekaris” (p. 66) begins like this:

“Somewhere in 1972, at the Sechenov First Medical Institute in Moscow, there was an interesting young man at the department of obstetrics and gynecology. He became interested in this Dekaris and wrote his dissertation. When he defended it, he was immediately given a doctorate. And immediately all clinics began to use this Decaris. The patient arrives and begins to be treated according to the regimen that we advise everyone. This is the scheme of that same young man.”

All this is reminiscent of cheap fiction, the fairy tale “once upon a time” and “once upon a time somewhere in the thirtieth kingdom”, “an old woman said.” What kind of “interesting young man” is this? What is the name of his scientific work, for which he was immediately given a doctorate, which was quite a rare phenomenon at that time?

8a. Ksenia Kravchenko arbitrarily interprets the medical practice of the holy martyr, which, according to her, consists, in particular, in the fact that he, it turns out, was not interested in what disease or disease of what organ the person turned to him for help:

“The Lord considered diseases regardless of the organ affected and, taking their forms, paid attention to general state: for the course and development, and most importantly – for the end of the disease” (p. 8.).

This is something unique about medical practice, only not Dr. L. Chichagov, but K. Kravchenko herself, freely interpreting the works of the archpastor. How can you treat a person “in general”?

9. The brochure contains many very controversial points, unsubstantiated generalizations and statements, catchy comparisons, and even extremely absurd statements:

"Practice and very great experience show that there is no disease that can be cured faster than “cancer”” (p. 13, bold here and below is highlighted by us; for some reason Ksenia Kravchenko put the name of the disease “cancer” in quotation marks. And what a great experience this is By quick cure Ksenia Pavlovna is referring to cancer?).

“The endocrine system produces hormones. Hormones are released in very small quantities, in hundredths, putting all organs into action. This system, despite its pathology, does not hurt: neither the thyroid gland, nor the pituitary gland, nor the adrenal glands. They may not work at all, but they don't hurt. The only one causative factor their failure is an emotional factor. Any emotion is passion: irritability, anger, envy, resentment. Any passion is a sin. Thus, the germ of all hormonal disorders is sin” (pp. 14-15, quoted in abbreviated form).

Here's how: get “irritated” a little - and your endocrine system goes haywire! Although every passion is a sin, not every emotion is a sin. The Apostle Paul commanded to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice not so that anything in the human body would go wrong.

“By producing a hormone from four iodine atoms, the thyroid gland must somehow obtain this iodine. To do this, you need to eat foods containing iodine, which must be digested, pass from the intestines into the blood, and then the thyroid gland, producing thyroxine, releases it into the liver. This is normal. But living in an endemic area, where there are no seas, oceans, and, consequently, no products containing iodine, no one’s thyroid gland works” (pp. 16-17).

Do you, reader, understand that no one, not K.P. Kravchenko, not you, not anyone from your immediate and distant circles, has a functioning thyroid gland?! No one has! This is the first thing. And secondly, Russia is still washed by seas and oceans, and purchasing iodine-containing seafood products in stores is now not a significant problem.

Now everyone has very weak hydrochloric acid, since the stomach does not produce it in sufficient quantity and concentration, hence viscous blood and thrombophlebitis (p. 33).

All ulcers (most ulcers) are not dependent on nutrition, they are dependent on emotions and stress (p. 33).

Due to the fact that we consume so many foods rich in potassium, everyone now has excess levels of potassium in their blood (page 37).

Another destructive factor affecting the thyroid gland is the emotional factor. The next one is radiation similar to the Chernobyl disaster. Today, this factor plays a significant role due to the increasing number cell phones and towers providing cellular communications. Thus, exposure is constant and affects everyone without exception. Because these radiations are not visible and we do not feel them, they become even more dangerous (p. 17).

Firstly, only the Chernobyl disaster itself (or to a certain extent comparable to it) can be similar to the Chernobyl disaster radioactive accident at the reactors of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima in March 2011). It is a lack of logic and common sense to compare the lethal radiation from radioactive fuel from nuclear reactors with the radiation received by users from mobile phones, laptops, plasma TVs, etc. In this case, all subscribers of cellular operators would die within 2-3 weeks, like courageous firefighters and liquidators, or become deeply disabled. Secondly, the danger electromagnetic radiation is determined by completely different parameters, for example, its intensity, and not at all by the fact that a person does not feel it.

“When a plant product ferments, and it ferments for two weeks, the fermentation process turns ordinary cabbage into meat” (pp. 41-42).

“Out of ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood daily” (p. 21).

“A person can do without any treatment at all” (p. 48).

“It is useless to treat all things. There is no cure at all. No matter how much you would like, no one system can ever cure anyone: neither herbalism, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture, you can only relieve the symptoms” (pp. 11-12)

Note. The phrase once again reveals the low educational qualifications of Ksenia Ravchenko. A competent doctor will write “It is useless to treat all diseases,” but not “things.” Such verbal nonsense haunts the author throughout the entire brochure.

10. Ksenia Kravchenko’s brochure contains contradictions of both a practical and theological nature, revealing the author’s incompetence in Orthodox anthropology. On the one hand, the author is trying to solve the problem of nutrition during fasting, on the other hand, he proclaims the slogan “no fasting”:

“There shouldn’t be any diet. Everyone has their own blood condition and need for different microelements: one needs zinc, another needs magnesium, and so on. The body begins to “ask” for microelements in the form of certain products containing necessary element, so there are no prohibited or permitted products” (p.35).

“People eat a huge amount of food, they take blessings on dairy products during fasting, but nothing is digested due to the lack of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, a person’s condition during fasting worsens even more” (p. 40).

Here comes anthropology. Think about what he writes

“The causes of most diseases are the sinful structures of man. When a person “violates something,” he “receives something”” (p. 12) - very similar to the doctrine of karma, and it is not clear what the author means by the new terminology: sinful structures, because This phrase is not further disclosed to them, and is not found in Orthodox anthropology.

“The Lord created man perfect; our body system is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism is often “broken,” first of all, by passions (emotions)” (p. 28).

“It cannot be that God created people dependent on any additives or microelements, so that people artificially support themselves with something. The human body is perfection itself” (pp. 45-46).

“In this case, why does the author talk about the need to maintain sodium-potassium and iodine balance, advertise “Dekaris” on three pages” (pp. 66-68), if a person is so perfect that he does not need microelements, supplements, medications drugs! Why pass off your “can’t be” prejudices as real phenomena?

“Children under 7 years old do not get sick, and if they do get sick, this shows that they are carrying the problems of their parents” (p. 69).

There are certain requirements for such brochures. Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov actually developed a method for treating diseases, which, however, is arbitrarily and distortedly interpreted by the respected K. Kravchenko and has nothing to do with what she writes about. The brochure has a pronounced pseudoscientific and pseudo-Orthodox character. If there is at least some benefit to a person from using this scheme or system in practice, it will be minimal.

By attributing her speculations to the Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov, hiding behind his authority, Ksenia Kravchenko harms the Church and also brings full responsibility before the memory of the saint for an arbitrary and unscientific interpretation of his medical practice.

Procopius Zhamkov, hierodeacon

Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

The first publication with this method of healing St. Metropolitan We staged Seraphim (Chichagov) on September 9th. Today there are already quite a few people, visitors to the portal, who have been living according to this system since September.

According to these people, effectiveness this method gives amazing results. And this is without the use of drugs. Quite the contrary. People refuse to take medications that they previously could not do without. In addition, almost everyone who strictly follows this technique notices weight loss and weight gain. vitality, improved mood and overall well-being. Some previously very sick people have now stopped taking medications altogether.

Our dear saint, Bishop Seraphim, pointed us to an invaluable source of physical and spiritual health.

Thank God for everything!

Medical system of St. Metropolitan. Serafima (Chichagova)

Metropolitan Seraphim Chichagov (in the world - Leonid Mikhailovich Chichagov) was an amazingly multi-talented person. Many of us are familiar with him as the author of the Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov himself, appearing to him in a dream, blessed and approved his work. At the same time, Vladyka devoted considerable time to church art ( composed church music1), church singing. He drew well was engaged in icon painting 2. Many people also know about his martyrdom. In 1937, at the 81st year of his life, Vladyka was shot at the Butovo training ground. In 1997, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church canonized as a new martyr.

But few people know that Lord Seraphim had medical education and was a practicing physician. According to him, the number of his patients was 20,000 people. The saint is the creator of a unique medical system based on deep knowledge of the entire spectrum of medical sciences available at that time. His medical system is unique in many ways. This strictly scientific system of human health has been tested for many years. It is very organic, includes and confirms the correctness of the natural laws of existence, laid down in our souls and bodies by the Creator, the biblical principles of human existence.

We invited a practicing physician, Ksenia Pavlovna Kravchenko, to the lecture hall of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and asked her to outline the main principles in the method of human healing according to the system of the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov.

Seraphim Chichagov came from a noble family. At the time when he was studying at the seminary, it was allowed to have a second education, and Father Seraphim, as a volunteer, attended medical school, where, in parallel with the spiritual, he received medical education. He analyzed many treatment systems of that time: the system of homeopathy, herbal medicine, hirudotherapy. All systems were considered with positive and negative side. From the advantages of these systems, we created our own system, which is called the “Seraphim Chichagov System”.

What is the Seraphim Chichagov system? You can quote Bishop Seraphim himself:

“Dear ladies and gentlemen! Now, by the will of the Almighty, the hour has come when I will finally raise my voice in defense of the truth that I am putting into practice. Until now, I was forced to remain silent and listen to complaints, finding this in the order of things. Of course, I was not the first and will not be the last to suffer such a fate as the author of a new treatment system. I had to wait, be patient, until my treatment penetrated into life and acquired supporters who were deeply convinced that I was right.

Time has taken its toll. Now I'm in a different position. Surrounded by thousands of people who have experienced my method of treatment, I can now very easily explain my system, which very few could understand a few years ago. Experience will guide my interlocutors. And if there were previously difficulties in understanding this system, it was not at all because it is difficult or complex, but only because it is too simple. The truth is always simple and cannot be different...”

Father Seraphim believed that there were no medicines to treat the disease at all. Medicines have the meaning of a symptomatic aid, that is, one that “eliminates more prominent or more severe attacks of the disease without changing its natural course.”

Studying the history of medicine and subjects in the seminary, he said that “even King Solomon, who foresaw in his wisdom that people were inclined to attach too much importance to medicines, bequeathed (as legend says) to hide his book of medicines so that the people would not believe in healing properties more medicines than in God."

Seraphim Chichagov studied the history of medicine since the time of Hippocrates and understood that its greatness as a science lies in the ability to “see and correctly grasp the totality of things (especially ancient medicine)". Hippocrates’ thought about the need to consider a person in connection with the world around him “laid a solid foundation for the natural scientific method, bequeathed by antiquity to future generations, which had such a powerful influence on the development of all medicine...”

The Bishop considered diseases regardless of the organ affected and, taking their forms, paid attention to the general condition: the course and development, and most importantly, the end of the disease. “Blood serves to nourish all parts of the body, and is the source of animal warmth, the cause of health and good color bodies. Health depends on the uniform mixture of substances and on the harmony of the inherent..., for the body forms a circle, in which, therefore, there is neither beginning nor end. And each part is closely connected with the rest of its parts.”

Hippocrates also said that “the name of the disease is of only secondary importance for the doctor,” because it does not matter what the disease is called, any human problem (and this is already main principle Seraphim Chichagov's system) lies in the disturbance of blood circulation and blood quality. “A disease is a disorder of metabolism or balance in the body, that is, a violation of the correctness of blood circulation due to painful condition blood."

This is the main point in the system of Father Seraphim. Health depends on the quantity and quality of blood, on the proper circulation of blood in the body and on the absence of organic defects in us, transmitted to us from our parents.

The main problem a person has with illness is a violation of blood quality. “The restoration of the patient’s well-being and the elimination of organic disorders will depend on the possibility of improving the properties of the blood. It is necessary to make the blood more nutritious by restoring proper blood circulation and metabolism in order to initiate healing processes in damaged organs and gradually eliminate these disorders. The removal of painful and obsolete particles of the body from the blood will, of course, depend on the proper functioning of blood circulation and functions and the improvement of the properties of the blood - on the growth of new juices with the help of normal digestion.”

This is the main thought of Seraphim Chichagov, his principle. Impaired blood circulation and quality is a major cause of medical problems.

Today, the terms and concepts of many diseases have changed. The system of Seraphim Chichagov is connected with the system of zemstvo doctors. And the system of zemstvo doctors and their terminology (their names of diseases) is quite complex for our understanding. (Names such as gnawing, fever, kondrashka - all this led “to a change and mucus in the vein”). It is quite difficult to understand what it is, how it sounds in a modern way, one can only guess. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the system at the level of modern terminology.

The human body is a single whole; it has many organs that do not work chaotically. All of them are subject to certain rules called unconditioned reflexes. These are things that a person cannot interfere with with his desire and consciousness; everything happens independently of the person. For example: after eating, hydrochloric acid, bile, and pancreatic enzymes begin to be produced. These processes are uncontrollable. They are not felt.

The body consists of many organs that are activated by the endocrine (hormonal) system. It consists of a number of glands that are closely interconnected with each other. If any hardware fails, the entire system will fail. But this is not felt symptomatically (clinically). One of the organs may not work at all, but it will not be sick. The pain and symptoms will appear on the organ that was not “included” in the work; one or another symptom will be felt there: pain, heaviness, heartburn, bitterness, and so on. These symptoms have a very distant relationship with the causative factor.

Since the hormonal endocrine system controls all the properties of the body (all functions), it is worth talking about it in more detail. It consists of a number of glands.

The hypothalamus is the connection between the physical and the spiritual. The remaining glands are “worker bees”: the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the mammary gland in women and the mammary gland in men, the pancreas, adrenal glands, appendages and ovaries. Anatomically, everything is the same for everyone. The glands are interconnected with each other. Of these glands, the mammary glands and appendages directly function as hormonal organs only during the period when a woman is pregnant and nursing a child. In the rest of the state, these glands are dormant. They reflect the correct or incorrect functioning of other, major glands. The main glands are the pituitary gland, thyroid and pancreas, which “turn on” all other glands.

Therefore, if adenomas are observed, fibroids are disorders of the thyroid gland. It is useless to treat all these things. There is no cure at all. No matter how much you would like, no one system can ever cure anyone: neither herbalism, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture, you can only relieve the symptoms. The Lord heals! Everything else only relieves symptoms by any means. Some are more dangerous, others less dangerous for humans, but only the symptoms are relieved. The causes of most diseases are the sinful structures of man. When a person “breaks something,” he “gets something.”

In an old medical textbook, the symbol of our medicine is a snake over a bowl. There is no such symbol in any country in the world. Everyone has crosses: red, green..., only we have a snake, and it appeared after 1917.

It is known that a person gets one or another problem if he has sinned. Next comes the symptom, and after some time the disease. With this “bell” the Lord gives a person the opportunity to think. A person, remembering, goes to confession, confesses, and then goes to the Chalice, he takes communion, and the illness goes away. The Lord heals him.

Now a serpent is writhing around this Chalice. It is known who the snake is. We see him defeated on the icon of St. George the Victorious. Satan tempted the first people by taking the form of a serpent. The serpent is a prototype of Satan, the father of lies. If such a snake is wrapped around the Chalice (the true cause of healing), it gives the appearance of healing. Modern medicine gives a pill that relieves the symptom, but does not cure.

When relieving symptoms, a person often does not think about the cause of the symptom. The disease accumulates, and as a result, as a result of these accumulations, which were turned a blind eye, a disease such as “cancer” arises. Practice and a lot of experience show that there is no disease that can be cured faster than “cancer.” The serpent, like the father of lies, gives everyone the wrong direction.

The pharmacology textbook says something that is not a military secret, for example: acute drug-induced hepatitis is caused by drugs. Most severe forms medicinal hepatitis, occurring with necrosis of the liver parenchyma (this is cirrhosis of the liver), arise as a result of taking anti-tuberculosis medicines- they are the heaviest. Then - paracetamol, all antibiotics, antibacterial agents, all drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, all psychotropic drugs, acetylsalicylic acid.

All medications kill the liver. A person believes that he is being treated, but in fact no treatment is taking place, only the symptoms are relieved. Seraphim Chichagov said that taking the medicine does not affect the treatment of the disease, it removes the symptoms. At the same time, the drug kills one or another organ in the body. If it resolves in the stomach, the stomach suffers; in the intestines, dysbiosis begins, the liver and kidneys are forced to remove it.

The endocrine system produces hormones. When the hormone is released into the blood, the vessel expands or contracts, therefore, the pressure increases or decreases. Hormones come out in very small quantities, in hundredths, putting all organs into action. This system, despite its pathology, does not hurt: neither the thyroid gland, nor the pituitary gland, nor the adrenal glands. They may not work at all, but they don't hurt. The only causal factor in their failure is the emotional factor. Any emotion is passion: irritability, anger, envy, resentment. Any passion is a sin. Thus, the germ of all hormonal disorders is sin. What needs to be removed by repentance and healed at the Chalice.

Since the thyroid gland produces a hormone from four iodine atoms, it is very difficult to “catch” it in pathology. Ultrasound examination, most often used to diagnose problems with the thyroid gland, does not reflect its work, but shows only the size, consistency, and any inclusions: cysts, stones, tumors.

When producing a hormone from four iodine atoms, the thyroid gland must somehow obtain this iodine. To do this, you need to eat foods containing iodine, which must be digested, pass from the intestines into the blood, and then the thyroid gland, producing thyroxine, releases it into the liver. This is normal. But living in an endemic area, where there are no seas, oceans, and, therefore, no products containing iodine, no one’s thyroid gland works. A person begins to have problems with blood pressure, and so on.

Another destructive factor affecting the thyroid gland is the emotional factor. The next one is radiation similar to the Chernobyl disaster. Today, this factor plays a significant role due to the increasing number of cell phones and towers providing cellular communications. Thus, exposure is constant and affects everyone without exception. Because these radiations are not visible and we do not feel them, they become even more dangerous.

Together with stress, this leads to the fact that in almost all people in our country the thyroid gland does not work, while it does not hurt and does not manifest itself in any way. To test the thyroid gland, there is a method of donating blood to determine the T-4 hormone.

However, there is one peculiarity: for the work of each organ there is its own certain time, organs work, rest, and regenerate according to a certain schedule; we are not able to influence this process.

The thyroid gland begins its work from 20 to 22 hours. That is why in Soviet times, blood sampling for thyroid hormones was carried out at 21:00. Now laboratories take blood for analysis in the morning, when it is impossible to determine the presence or absence of problems with the thyroid gland.

Because this system is called self-healing and our main task is to bring it back to normal human organ change, you need to clearly know how to check the functioning of the thyroid gland. Since this hormone consists of iodine atoms, you need to take pharmaceutical 5% iodine and apply it to both hands from the inside (on the wrists). Since the glands endocrine system paired, they, alternating, can work in different ways. Hence the one-sided pathology.

For example, a stroke is always one-sided. Consequently, the right or left gland works worse. To determine this, smears are made on both hands while the thyroid gland is working. If the thyroid gland does not need iodine, it will not be absorbed. Conversely, the greater the need for iodine, the faster it will be absorbed. It is necessary to pay attention to which hand (right or left) iodine is absorbed most quickly. It is in this side that the pathology is located.

The second hormone produced by the thyroid gland is thyrocalcitonin. Only in the presence of this hormone is calcium absorbed. Both men and women experience osteoporosis during menopause. Even with increased consumption of calcium, it will not be absorbed by the body if the thyroid gland does not produce the above hormone.

Since in almost everyone the thyroid gland does not function fully, due to our endemic situation and the lack of iodine products, osteoporosis is most common in our country, especially after forty years. Taking calcium doesn't help. The body system is a self-healing system. But what is responsible for self-healing, as a rule, “breaks”, for example, the thyroid gland. This is why metabolism is disrupted. Taking any medications and vitamins in this case is useless.

The thyroid gland stimulates the liver to produce immunoglobulins, bile and bile secretion, that is, it ensures with its hormone the correct reduction and release of bile during meals. In a calm state, bile accumulates in the gallbladder, and during meals it is released along with enzymes produced by the pancreas.

Bile is a very strong alkali, similar to laundry soap, it disinfects food, and pancreatic enzymes digest this food. Then food bolus enters the intestine where absorption occurs. Bile accompanies food until it leaves the body. During the passage of bile, all villi of the small intestine are disinfected and freed from pathogenic bacteria and mucus. All this happens only when normal functioning thyroid gland.

If not proper operation thyroid gland, there is a violation of the tone and motility of contraction of the gallbladder. Bile comes out slowly or not at all during meals (dyskinesia). The first portion of food enters the intestines undisinfected and undigested, which creates the presence of pathogenic microflora (worms) in the intestines. Food that is not treated with pancreatic enzymes will not be digested, which means it will not be absorbed.

This will cause fermentation and lead to discomfort. It is for this reason that many people have a feeling of heaviness in their stomach after eating. After all food will pass, bile and pancreatic enzymes continue to come out, but with a delay, since all the food has already gone into the intestines, and bile and enzymes still enter the duodenum. At this time, the pressure in the empty stomach drops, and in the intestines, into which the food has gone, it increases. Due to the difference in pressure, bile and pancreatic enzymes (a very strong alkali in quality) enter the stomach, which should not normally happen.

The stomach is the main organ that reveals the essence of Seraphim Chichagov’s system. IN in good condition the stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins. All this makes up gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid and pepsins are very strong acids that dissolve organic matter (for example, a piece raw meat). The stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice per day. Of these, only two liters are involved in digestion.

The stomach digests animal proteins: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products. The pancreas digests everything else, dissolving carbohydrate foods and producing alkali. Animal proteins dissolve in the stomach. Of the ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood daily. During normal functioning of the stomach, the human blood contains predominantly gastric juice. That is why blood, like tears, sweat, urine, has a salty taste.

All fluids in our body are sodium chloride (0.9%) or saline. The stomach must constantly maintain a certain percentage of sodium chloride in the blood. Chlorine is a disinfectant. It thins the blood, dissolves blood clots, plaques on blood vessels, dead cells, microbial flora, sand and stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, moles, papillomas, warts, cysts and tumors anywhere in our body. It is the stomach that maintains a certain quality of blood. If he does this correctly, the person does not have any diseases, including cancer.

Let's take a closer look at the work of the stomach.

In a normal state, the stomach is a muscular sac, which on both sides has sphincters (valves) on top and bottom (cardiac and pyloric), these valves separate it from other environments. In the human mouth there is a very strong alkaline environment, in the esophagus it is weaker, but still alkaline. All this goes into a very acidic environment, into the stomach, where the first valve stands, separating the acidic environment from the alkaline one. After stomach goes duodenum, small intestine. Bile and pancreatic enzymes come out there. These are very strong alkalis. Everything is closed with one valve. The system must clearly, at the level of unconditioned reflexes, with the participation of adrenal hormones, open and close. This is how the Lord created man.

If you have problems with the thyroid gland, after each meal, bile (due to the pressure difference) is squeezed into the stomach, where strong hydrochloric acid is located. When they react, the alkali and acid produce a neutral environment, resulting in the formation of salt (precipitate) and water. That is, hydrochloric acid is neutralized, which is produced after eating only to leave and be absorbed into the blood. If this happens after each meal, then the concentration of chlorine in the blood is not replenished. As the chlorine concentration drops, the blood increases its viscosity. Blood clots form (thrombophlebitis - lack of chlorine in the blood).

When thrombophlebitis appears, viscous blood begins to “glue” small vessels - capillaries, which are most abundant on the extremities - arms, legs and head. Blood circulation is disrupted: hands become numb, cold, and sweaty. The most serious is a violation of the microcirculation of the vessels of the head, since the head is our microprocessor, responsible for all the underlying organs, for all unconditioned reflexes. With this disorder, memory begins to suffer, fatigue increases, drowsiness and lethargy appear.

This is not vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is a little different. Vegetative-vascular dystonia gives one of the adrenal hormones. And here small vessels are “sealed”, the nutrition of the brain is disrupted, and as a result, blood circulation is disrupted. Not only the brain itself suffers (it is in hypoxia, the person gets tired, does not perceive a large amount of information), but also the hair follicles (they do not feed, which leads to hair loss), and the eyes. The eye muscle is constantly in motion and must receive oxygen in large volumes, which is impossible when gluing small vessels, so it begins to spasm, resulting in the formation of myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism - a complex condition.

The optic nerve, not receiving nutrition, first degenerates (the eyes begin to turn red and get tired), and after some time, atrophy of the optic nerve begins (a drop in diopters). A person begins to wear glasses, but the eyes are not to blame; it is long-term dystrophy caused by general degeneration of the brain that leads to such a pathological condition. Over time, when larger vessels begin to “seal”, a stroke or heart attack occurs. And when a person is admitted to intensive care, he is given intravenous saline, sodium chloride 0.9%, dripping for many hours. If the stomach maintained the correct percentage of chlorine, we would not have heart attacks or strokes.

All intensive therapy in the hospital it comes down to taking medications. Any tablet again enters the stomach, causing certain complications and side effects. The drug, while relieving the symptom, has a huge amount side effects and effects. If the causative factor of circulatory disorders in the body is poor secretion of hydrochloric acid, bad job stomach, and the drug entering there worsens this situation even more, which means by removing a symptom, we aggravate the causative factor. As a result, a person who has had a heart attack or stroke still dies from it (from the second, third), because the causative factor remains in the pathology of the stomach.

Viscous blood is filtered every second by the kidneys. The kidneys are a regular water filter. When using a conventional Barrier filter, the cassette must be changed more often, the worse the water quality, since the filter becomes clogged faster. Kidneys cannot be changed. The kidneys are an organic filter that filters the blood.

The bulk of the blood is sodium chloride 0.9%. If the stomach supports this percentage, then chlorine is a disinfectant. It kills all pathogenic microflora, while simultaneously dissolving salts, sand, and stones. This filter is forever, it never becomes clogged or clogged if the stomach maintains a normal chlorine concentration. If the concentration is insufficient, the blood becomes viscous, and filtering viscous blood, the kidneys begin to become clogged, kidney filtration worsens, creatinine appears in the urine, and excretory function kidneys, which prevents the removal of uric acid salts (ammonia) from the blood.

When properly filtered, urine has a certain color (yellow-brown) and strong smell. If this is not the case, then uric acid is not excreted, but remains in the body, since if there is a lack of chlorine, the kidneys do not filter out urea. Ammonia salts are very toxic, so the body begins to dump them into the spine, joints, and onto the walls of blood vessels so that they do not enter the brain and poison it. As a result, diagnoses of “-oses” appear: atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, scoliosis, all of these are urea salts in one place or another in our body.

When all places in the body are filled, urea is released onto the skin, and moles begin to appear on the body. Moles are urea, and the color of moles is the color of urea. With age, the kidneys become so clogged that urea is not filtered out at all, and “age spots” begin to appear on the skin, mainly on the face, arms and legs. This is an indicator of the presence of kidney stones, which do not hurt until the stone begins to move.

Nephrologists determine the functioning of the kidneys with a simple test: when a person sits down, he is asked to place his palms on his knees: if, when straightening his leg, the palm feels crunching and crackling, then the filtration of the kidneys is impaired. The kidneys are not to blame in this case; they are an ordinary filter that filters viscous, chlorine-free blood every second.

When salts are deposited, all vessels suffer, but most of all the vessels of the brain and heart (atherosclerosis of the brain and heart), which leads to poor circulation. When unfiltered urea salts remain in the blood, and reserve “warehouses are clogged” with urea; in order to save the brain, the body gives a command, and vasoconstriction begins to prevent urea from entering the brain. When a vessel narrows, the pressure in it increases. Previously, zemstvo doctors, diagnosing hypertension, said: “The urine went to the head.” There was no name, definitions were given in terms. Immediately appointed diuretic. Now they do the same, especially if the patient is elderly.

The blood vessels and stomach are not to blame, the problem is in the thyroid gland. When diagnosing a disease, the entire body must be considered comprehensively.

The Lord created man perfect; our body system is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism is often “broken,” primarily by passions (emotions).

Let's look at the adrenal glands. They produce fifty hormones, one of which is adrenaline. If adrenaline is produced more often and more than expected, then all forty-nine hormones drop, including aldosterone, which distributes the release of fluid or its retention in the body. A person begins to swell, swell, and gain weight, but this is not fat, but water that could not come out due to aldosterone.

The first thing to be checked is the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is mainly due to being in an endemic area. Created in our country Government program on iodization of food products ( iodized salt, iodized bread). However, it is impossible to eat the entire pack of salt at once, and when heat treatment or stored open, iodine evaporates and the person actually does not receive iodine. In addition, the daily dose of iodine is greatly underestimated due to the fact that dosages and standards have not been revised for a long time (taking into account the stressful situation and radiation). A person’s condition improves when he goes to the sea, because there is iodine and chlorine. Marine fish do not have tumors because they live in chlorine water, which dissolves any tumor.

When children are born, there are no moles on their body; they appear after the children are given antibiotics, injuring the stomach chemicals. This causes disturbances and leads to the appearance of moles. This is thrombophlebitis, which “sealed” the kidneys, and urea began to be released in this way. All moles that stand out on the skin are mainly not on the lower extremities, but at the top, because the heart and brain are located here, and the body will not allow these organs to be poisoned. The skin is the second excretory gate (with non-filtering kidneys). Often the entire area, from the lower back, is covered with moles.

Supported by good quality hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the latter will produce a sufficient amount of gastric juice, and the person will stop getting sick, because chlorine in the blood will dissolve dead cells that have already been used up and are released into the blood. If he does not do this, they clog the joints, spine, blood vessels, and so on (chlorine is a very powerful solvent).

The cells of the body have a certain composition: inside the cell there is potassium, outside the cell there is sodium chloride. The stomach maintains chlorine at a certain percentage (0.9%), then chlorine is a disinfectant. Bacteria live around the cell, and inside the cell there is a virus (therefore, the antibiotic does not treat viruses); the virus gains the ability to penetrate into the cell when the chlorine concentration drops.

Sodium and potassium are microelements that enter the body only with food (they are not synthesized in the body). Daily dose potassium 2-3 grams, and sodium -6-8 grams. This means that there should be more sodium in foods than potassium. With this distribution, the body maintains a sodium-potassium balance, or equilibrium, and it is in this ratio that a certain cellular permeability is maintained.

When food enters the cell, waste material leaves the cell into the blood and a nerve impulse is transmitted through potassium to sodium, and from sodium to potassium (to the brain and back). If more potassium is supplied than needed, it begins to accumulate in the cell and it swells. To prevent the cell from bursting, the body begins to pull water into it, which leads to its further increase. Internal and external swelling, excess weight appear, the load on the heart, legs, and blood vessels increases, and potassium begins to leak into the blood plasma.

Nerve impulse through potassium - potassium is not transmitted, blocking occurs, which leads to spasm. Often in such situations there are convulsions calf muscles, which indicates an excess of potassium, and not a lack of it. Spasm of blood vessels in the head gives headache. If this happens to the heart, angina pectoris begins. All this is excess potassium in the plasma. In such a case, the blood becomes not salty, but sweet, and therefore the kidneys cannot filter it and are blocked. This is not diabetes (sugar may be normal against this background), it is incorrect operation stomach.

If the stomach is working correctly, when eating regular buckwheat porridge (it, like any carbohydrate, immediately increases blood sugar levels, even if the porridge is not sweet), the sugar level increases. When potassium begins to enter the blood, the receptors react to this, the stomach begins to intensively throw gastric juice into the blood, while extinguishing potassium, increasing sodium chlorine, potassium leaves, the kidneys begin to filter well, and after eating we feel a surge of strength.

If the functioning of the stomach is disrupted after eating, drowsiness, lethargy, and weakness occur. These are the first signs of potassium in the blood plasma. If we were nervous the day before or while eating we discuss some problems, watch TV, empathize or worry, our valves are not closed. Bile comes from below, and hydrochloric acid comes from above, this causes heartburn. Atrophic gastritis occurs due to the fact that for decades bile entered the stomach from the duodenum and the cells stopped producing hydrochloric acid.

There is no pain or ulcer, but the stomach cannot cope with this problem. Now everyone has very weak hydrochloric acid, since the stomach does not produce it in sufficient quantity and concentration, hence viscous blood and thrombophlebitis.

Stomach ulcers are caused by the bacterium Heleobacter. This, translated from Latin, is a bacterium that lives in the bile environment. What does bile do in the stomach if it should be elsewhere? If gastric juice is neutralized by bile and pepsins, trypsins - pancreatic alkalis, then the stomach is filled with bile and alkali. All ulcers (most ulcers) do not depend on nutrition, they depend on emotions, on stress. This is a problem of the endocrine system.

What can each of us do to restore our health?

There is a working time and a recovery time for each organ - this is called physiology. Physiology is very limited due to the fact that the Russian physiologist, the magnificent scientist Pavlov, at one time had the imprudence to engage in higher nervous activity, which in Soviet times formed the basis of psychotronic weapons. Therefore, all his works were confiscated. All the main works of the physiologist Pavlov are kept classified as “Secret”.

Physiology is twenty-four hours, a period when each of the organs works or is restored, each at its own specific time. These are unconditioned reflexes, they do not depend on the person. If we do the right thing during the recovery or functioning of one or another organ, we never get sick.

The stomach begins to work at five o'clock in the morning, it produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins, which dissolve organic matter. The cells that produce this are also organic, also living, which means they cannot live around the clock, they are also digested by hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the stomach works for a maximum of twelve hours, from five o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the evening.

By six o'clock in the evening there is neither hydrochloric acid in the stomach nor the cells that produce it, therefore, food taken after six o'clock in the evening is not absorbed, not digested and will lie and rot in the stomach until the next day. From here it appears bad smell from the mouth in the morning, feeling tired, lack of appetite.

Since hydrochloric acid is a very strong solvent, so that the cells in the stomach do not dissolve, you need to eat something during the day, every two hours. These don’t have to be whole troughs, soups, and so on, you can just have something to snack on. Since the body’s system is self-healing, the body itself must tell you which microelements are more necessary in a given period.

There should be no diet. Everyone has their own blood condition and need for different microelements: one needs zinc, another needs magnesium, and so on. The body begins to “request” microelements in the form of certain products containing the necessary element, so there are no prohibited or permitted products.

When the whole body is restored, food will be medicine for the body, and the person will not get sick. The body itself will find the product necessary for recovery, just like animals, without knowing the name medicinal herb, find her and recover.

During the day, food should be supplied as often as possible, approximately every two hours, five meals a day (as in a sanatorium). The strongest hydrochloric acid is produced early in the morning, which causes a strong feeling of hunger. During this period, the cells in the stomach are young, the acid is strong, which means you need to eat animal proteins for breakfast (during fasting, this can be fish).

Lunch - soups, and for dinner - porridge, carbohydrates, because they are not digested by the stomach and will quickly go away, and the stomach will begin to recover. Consequently, dinner can consist of cereals with vegetables or pasta, especially since they give a long-lasting feeling of fullness, as they take a long time to digest.

From eighteen o'clock the kidneys start working. They begin filtering to remove all the dead cells that the stomach has dissolved. To help your kidneys filter very viscous blood, you can drink salted water after eighteen hours. similar to that saline solution, which is sold in a pharmacy (the salt concentration in the saline solution is very precisely determined, since the solution is intravenous). You can taste it, remember it and cook it yourself. Mineral water “Essentuki” No. 4 or No. 17 has the same composition; after eighteen hours you can drink mineral water.

Due to the fact that we consume a huge amount of foods rich in potassium, now everyone has an excessive concentration of it in the blood. The stomach cannot “quench” this excess potassium with acid, the body gives unconditioned reflex- the mouth begins to dry out. When the body itself cannot remove potassium, it tries to wash it away with water so that the blood does not clot, and a feeling of thirst appears. A person has no feeling of thirst at all if all body systems function normally. The entire daily fluid should not exceed 500 ml, and even then, only to “indulge” in tea, and not because of the need for it.

The most common reaction in the body is the neutralization reaction. Acid plus alkali - water. The mouth is alkaline. Food is determined reflexively, the receptors work, making a decision to produce pancreatic acid or enzymes. Next, the food enters the stomach and is treated with acid; after passing through the stomach, for example, buckwheat porridge, it goes to the intestines and is digested there by pancreatic enzymes. In the stomach it was treated with gastric juice, and in the intestines - with alkali, another neutralization reaction.

After the pancreas has digested this porridge, and there are proteins there plant origin, these proteins are broken down into amino acids, which go from the intestines into the blood. From these amino acids the body synthesizes its own proteins. An amino acid is a bipolar brick: on the one hand, an alkaline group, on the other, an acidic (carboxylic) group. Protein synthesis occurs due to the combination of carboxy and alkaline groups - heteropolar groups. The alkaline group and the carboxy group combine to give water.

Protein consists of thousands of amino acids, therefore, after processing buckwheat porridge, the body synthesized a huge amount of the purest distilled water of the highest quality. The body eliminates the excess in the form of urine.

The body is self-sufficient. Violation hormonal mechanisms restoration on an emotional level leads to disruption of the functioning of the whole organism. If you follow a diet regimen based on the physiology of the stomach, the recovery time for atrophic gastritis appears. From eighteen o'clock the cells regenerate, by the morning a large amount of acid appears and the person wakes up from a strong feeling of hunger. There is no need for large quantities of food. If all systems of the body are functioning correctly, it is enough for life to eat a piece of rye bread, from where the body can synthesize everything necessary substances both elements and vitamins, with the exception of vitamin C, which must come from outside.

Therefore, if everything works well, a person needs a piece of bread, salt and an onion. Everything else just clogs the body.

The stomach now cannot digest anything, people eat a huge amount of food, they take blessings on dairy products during fasting, but nothing is digested due to the lack of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, a person’s condition during fasting worsens even more, and with such nutrition the stomach is not restored.

A gastroenterologist, examining patients who must come for examination on an empty stomach, is faced with the fact that in the morning the patients full stomach, despite the fact that they all didn't have breakfast. The man ate at eight o'clock in the evening, all the food remained in the stomach. The stomach did not recover overnight, the person has a headache, because there is fermentation and rotting inside, bad breath, all this poisons the blood, the person does not feel well. The doctor cannot look at the stomach. Only by advising the patients not to have dinner, the doctor was able to properly examine the patients.

When switching to Seraphim Chichagov’s system, despite the absence of any treatment, a person notices changes taking place: the brain begins to work better, vision is restored, and appearance improves.

Since potassium and sodium are substances that are not synthesized by the body, but come from outside (mainly with food), and all food is now mainly potassium, the main task of a person is to increase the amount of sodium foods and reduce the amount of potassium in the diet . Yeast bread contains 2 grams of potassium per hundred grams of product (this is the daily requirement).

Thus, a piece of bread (100g) contains the daily requirement of potassium, since yeast is the strongest source of potassium. Therefore, it is better to use yeast-free products. Another source of potassium is all sweets: honey, jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, seeds. These products should be consumed in small doses, carefully.

Products containing sodium should be increased in the diet. If you do not take into account the time of fasting, then these are eggs, fish, meat, milk, i.e. something that stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. Sodium products are stomach products, proteins that the stomach digests, and all spices: mustard, horseradish, adjika (those that grow in our country). All this increases the production of hydrochloric acid, which makes the food entering the body sterile.

This also includes all pickled products (not pickled with vinegar) that have undergone fermentation. When the plant product ferments, and it ferments for two weeks, the fermentation process turns ordinary cabbage into meat. The stomach perceives sauerkraut as meat, is digested by the stomach, increasing the production of hydrochloric acid. The stomach does not suffer, which is very important, during fasting. Our ancestors knew this well, therefore, as soon as fasting began, in Russia they consumed a huge amount of products such as pickled apples, cloudberries, pickled mushrooms, sauerkraut, etc.

Fermentation ends when mold stops forming and gas formation stops. You can peel the carrots, place them in an enamel bowl, put Antonov apples on top and fill them with salt water. Place under pressure for two weeks. You can cook beets in the same way and store them until the next harvest.

Consumption of these products does not cause gas formation, they are digested by the stomach, they can be boiled, used in preparing vinaigrettes, added to soups, given that such beets take longer to cook than ordinary beets or carrots, because after fermentation they become denser. The stomach perceives such food as meat. This is very important during fasting, when a person eats mainly carbohydrate foods, which leads to thickening of the blood.

In addition to fermentations and pickles, you can eat any cabbage. It can be broccoli, seaweed, white cabbage, and not necessarily pickled. Cabbage contains vitamin K, which is an antigastritis vitamin. Cabbage juice used for ulcers and gastritis, as it enhances the production of hydrochloric acid.

You can eat soaked potatoes. Potatoes contain a huge amount of potassium; if you peel the potatoes and leave them in water overnight, the potassium will go away, and the potatoes, after draining the water, can be boiled, fried and baked.

Cereals also contain potassium, but if your diet contains more sodium foods, cereals and pasta can and should be eaten.

From drinks, tomato juice is well absorbed. You can take pastes, for example, “Pomodorka”, dissolve them, make tomato juice, or prepare them yourself in the fall. Tomato juice you need to drink it with salt.

Chicory contains a large amount of sodium. Chicory is our coffee. It is correct to collect chicory in the fall after flowering; the roots of the plant are collected. Another plant that can be used beneficially is Ivan tea, or fireweed. It is collected during the flowering period, but it is not the flowers that are used, but the leaves. The collected leaves must be fermented, that is, processed mechanically until the juice appears, and only then dried. All herbs and tea infusions: mint, lemon balm, currant leaves, cherries - must be fermented, then the color of the tea will be deeply saturated, and the tea will bring more benefits.

Japan and China are considered the origins of tea drinking, but they drink tea there in very small portions. Drinking sweet tea is not beneficial, since there is sodium chloride in the blood, and sweet tea and water are immediately absorbed into the blood, reducing the concentration of sodium, as a result of which the kidneys block it and do not remove it.

Very often the feeling of thirst is confused with other feelings. During last year's heat wave, patients were advised not to drink anything. The doctors themselves did not drink, did not sweat, and practically did not see the heat; it was difficult to breathe only because of the burning. To check whether a person is really thirsty, you can conduct the following experiment: give warm boiled water during a hot day. If a person does not want to drink it, but wants cold water, then he does not need water, but cooling.

Therefore, during the heat, it is enough to put a heating pad with ice on your head, or stand under a cool shower, then the feeling of thirst will disappear. If at this moment you drink sweet water or fruit drink, the sugar present there will increase the concentration of sugar in the blood, which will lead to drying out of the mucous membrane. There will be a feeling of thirst all the time. Sugar will rise and the body will constantly require water to avoid getting a heart attack or stroke!

Foods rich in sodium should become the basis of the diet, because a person eats not for pleasure, but to support his vitality. In patristic literature it is often mentioned that a person should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. The stomach cannot digest a large volume of food, and modern man Very little hydrochloric acid is produced. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the amount of food consumed, which for each person depends on height and physique.

It is best if the volume corresponds to two palms folded together (one meal), regardless of what we eat. No need to use

The author of this healing system is a priest and a doctor. Because of his beliefs, he was shot in 1937. Seraphim Chichagov was the first to oppose the treatment of symptoms, and this is still the basis of medicine in the modern world.

How does recovery work according to the Chichagov system?

From the point of view of the physiology of the body, the provisions of Chichagov’s healing system are correct. The basis of this system is the body’s self-healing and self-regulation.
From the point of view of Seraphim Chichagov, a person is already self-sufficient and perfect. He is the creation of God.

Human blood circulation is disrupted due to a violation of the composition and quality of blood, which is why the problem of diseases arises.

Chichagov believes that it doesn’t matter what kind of diagnosis the doctors made, what matters is the quality of the blood. Diseases cannot be cured by anything. Herbs, medications and other methods of treating the disease will not help. All types of disease treatment help relieve symptoms of the disease.
According to Chichagov, drugs are harmful and have a poisonous effect on the body. God is able to heal a person. The causes of diseases are the human sinful essence of the soul, disruption of the body.

Hormonal gland

The human body depends on the management of the hormone system. Among these glands, the main ones are the pancreas and thyroid. When the functionality of these glands is disrupted, the body does not function properly.

What is the reason for this process? The problem is emotions that disrupt the functionality of the glands. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, a large amount of adrenaline is released from the adrenal glands. This is followed by a decrease in the production of fifty other hormones. Afterwards, symptoms of VSD appear in other systems and organs.
The disease leads to spasms throughout the human body and contributes to disruption of the gastric valves.

Thyroid function

According to statistics, most of all diseases appear due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland. The purpose of the thyroid gland is to protect the human body. If you live in an area with insufficient iodine content, the thyroid gland will secrete less hormones.

Any human organ has a period of rest and activity. The thyroid gland works from 20 to 22 hours. Therefore, it is best to take blood for analysis at 21.00.


The hydrochloric acid that our stomach secretes can destroy worms and microbes and prevent them from entering the intestines.

Every day the stomach secretes ten liters of juice, which contains pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

The amount is distributed in this way: two liters of juice are used to digest food, the remaining eight are absorbed into the human blood. Blood composition and quality are regulated and blood is disinfected.

The substance chlorine can destroy viruses and microbes, dissolve stones, sand, and salt in the kidneys.

Blood circulation in the stomach is impaired due to improper secretion of hydrochloric acid inside it. The hormone, which is produced by the thyroid gland, accelerates the production of bile and helps regulate liver functions. If this hormone is not enough, bile is not released at the right time and passes into the duodenum, at the moment when there is no longer food in the stomach. Bile is thrown into the stomach and helps neutralize hydrochloric acid. As a result, food is not digested and absorbed so well, since there is not enough hydrochloric acid.

The human body functions properly if there is 0.9 percent sodium chloride in the blood. Blood tastes salty, as do tears, urine and sweat.
If the functioning of the stomach is impaired, the amount of sodium and chlorine in the blood becomes less. The blood becomes more viscous, and there is more potassium.

As a result, small vessels - capillaries - become blocked, and this disrupts the functioning of organs. Then a blockage occurs large vessels, which leads to heart attacks and strokes. The reason was improper functioning of the stomach.

Pay attention to the color of your urine. It should resemble the color of beer. The smell of urine resembles that of ammonia. The reason is the content of urea in the urine.

When urine is clear, urea is not filtered and remains in the human body. It settles in the spine, brain, joints and blood vessels. Blood containing 0.9% sodium chloride is filtered by the kidneys. If the concentration of sodium chloride increases or decreases, the kidneys no longer allow blood to be filtered. Your urine becomes clear, colorless and odorless. The taste of blood becomes sweet. There is an imbalance of potassium and sodium. A person experiences extreme thirst. Thus, the body strives to reduce the amount of potassium. The vessels narrow, they prevent urea from accumulating, and the pressure rises. The liver cannot cope with purifying such an amount of blood and suffers from this.

Sodium and potassium, their role

The cell contains potassium inside and sodium outside. These components are combined with chlorine. The balance of these components regulates the condition of the blood. Potassium and sodium enter the human body with food.

To provide normal work cells, a person should consume two to three grams of potassium and six to eight grams of sodium per day.

With an increased intake of potassium into the body, this component draws out all the water; the same thing will happen with a small amount of sodium in food. After this, a disturbance in the functioning of the heart will occur (extrasystoles or rhythm failure). The pressure will become higher and the person will begin to swell.
Potassium appears in the body outside the cell, and this slows down or stops the supply of nerve impulses, which leads to spasm. The first sign is cramps in the calves. This spasm also occurs in the heart vessels and brain vessels.

For these problems in the body, the doctor usually prescribes medications with potassium and a diet without salt. The situation is getting worse. According to Seraphim Chichagov, it is necessary to increase the consumption of sodium chloride, give the patient hot water with a little table salt. Extrasystoles and edema appear due to the sodium content in more, rather than potassium.

How to be treated according to Seraphim Chichagov’s system

There are certain rules that must be followed. The stomach should be active from five in the morning to seventeen in the evening. In the morning you need to eat animal protein. At lunchtime - soups, in the evening for dinner - eat vegetables and cereals.

Breakfast is of great importance in people's nutrition. When eating after eighteen o'clock in the evening, the food rots in the stomach until the morning. The body will be poisoned by food.

You need to eat small meals approximately every 2 hours. Good breakfast there will be fish, meat or eggs. It is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks and sugar from the diet. Do not eat set lunches.

You need to eat one product at a time. The liquid is drunk an hour before meals or an hour after the procedure. Do not use bread with yeast. Need to eat fewer products with potassium and more with sodium.

Avoid or reduce your intake of yeast, grapes, dried fruits, nuts, honey, bananas, raisins, dried apricots and seeds.
It is necessary to increase the consumption of meat, eggs, beets, fermented products, fish, cabbage, spices. They produce hydrochloric acid.
In the evening after eighteen hours the kidneys are activated. To help your kidneys, you need to drink salted water. It is necessary to get used to this healing regimen within a week. This will have a beneficial effect on the body. The most important thing is to maintain a calm emotional state and follow the rules of the system. The result can be seen within a week.
Seraphim Chichagov wrote a book about his system, which contains recipes homeopathic medicines from plants.

Do you want to maintain your health at the proper level? If yes, then I propose a few rules healing the body.

Everyone wants to live long and enjoy life.

Everyone can clearly see the difference between a young body and an old one. The old body is flabby and wrinkled, but the young body is elastic and beautiful. This can be explained by the fact that in old people, over time, there are more old cells than young ones.

But this does not mean that a person should look ugly. How more people the healthier he is, the better he looks. Therefore, prepare your body for a beautiful old age. Sooner or later everyone gets old.

Here are some ways to improve your body's health.

1. Removing old cells from the body

Over time, the human body loses the ability to eliminate old cells and replace them with new ones. Therefore one of the rules healing the body- assisting the body in destroying and breaking down old cells so that young cells can take their place.

To do this, you need to take a few crystals of salt on the tip of your tongue and keep it in your mouth until it dissolves, then swallow the salty saliva. This procedure must be performed every time 30 minutes after eating. This process will cause the release of an enzyme such as pepsin in the stomach.

There is no need to be afraid of salt. This amount will not have a harmful effect on the body; on the contrary, it will contribute to the health of the body. Yes, maybe salt is “white death,” but not in this case. Give it a try.

2. Pickled herbs, vegetables and fruits

If you don't trust this method healing the body, then in this case try to include plants of the Juvenile family in your diet. The very name of this family speaks for itself.

This family includes the following plants: sorrel, nettle, White cabbage, hare cabbage, seaweed, lemongrass, ginseng and many other plants. Eating them leads to improvement of the body, that is, to a greater appearance of young cells.

In order to make the effect of their use greater, you need to learn how to ferment them. For example: take hare cabbage or nettle in such quantity that this amount fits in a 3-liter jar.

Add one teaspoon of salt and 0.5 grams of yeast to this mass and fill the jar with it. Ferment for several days. Take one tablespoon during meals. During this process of improving the health of the body, do not use vegetable oil!

If you don’t want to keep salt in your mouth after eating or you don’t trust this method of healing the body, then try eating 1-2 teaspoons after eating seaweed or a small piece of salted herring.

Pickled vegetables and fruits help rejuvenate and heal the body. Borscht must be prepared from pickled vegetables, that is, from pickled cabbage, onions, and carrots.

It is no secret that the human body is capable of accumulating salt in organs such as the kidneys, gall bladder, bladder, and also in the bones. Oddly enough, but it is the use of pickled vegetables and fruits that helps remove toxins from the body and leads to healing the body, to cell renewal. This occurs due to the effects of acids formed as a result of fermentation of microorganisms in fermented products.

Fermented foods help convert toxins into salts, and salt is removed from the body through urine and sweat. During healing the body do not use vegetable oil! You must eat meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, and dairy products.

The consumption of natural lactic acid products, juices, beer, and wine also contributes to the conversion of toxins into salts. Another rule is to eat second courses of meat or fish before the first courses to enhance the effect of gastric enzymes.

3. Removing salts from the body

The next step towards improvement of the body- this is the removal of salts. It is known that not all salts are excreted from the body along with urine and sweat; some salts are deposited in the kidneys, gall bladder, bladder, connective tissues, and bones. Therefore, care must be taken to remove these insoluble salts from the body.


To dissolve such salts, it is necessary to drink tea from sunflower roots. Proper preparation of this tea and its proper use helps to improve the health of the body.

It is necessary to prepare thick parts of sunflower roots in the fall. Before preparing tea, you need to crush the sunflower root into small pieces the size of a bean.

Pour one glass of roots into an enamel pan, add 3 liters of water and boil for two minutes. Let it brew and then drink within 2-3 days.

Then re-fill the same roots with three liters of water and boil for 5-6 minutes and also drink within 2-3 days.

For the third and last time, pour three liters of water, but you need to boil for 10-15 minutes. Thus, to cleanse the body of salts, drink this tea for 1-2 months.

If you notice that while using sunflower tea, your urine has become cloudy, this means that you have begun the process of removing salts from the body, that is, the healing of your body has begun. In this case, you need to drink tea until the urine becomes clear. With this method of healing, you should not eat spicy or highly salty foods or drink vinegar.

4. Juices for healing the body

They also help remove salts and improve the health of some plants. Here is a recipe for black radish juice that helps dissolve minerals in bile ducts and gall bladder.

Ten kilograms of black radish are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and small roots and, without peeling, the juice is prepared. You should get about 3 liters of juice. The juice is stored in the refrigerator, and the cake is mixed with honey (300 grams of honey are added per kilogram of cake).

The cake is stored in three-liter jars in a warm place under pressure to prevent mold from forming. Drink one teaspoon of juice an hour after meals. If you do not feel any pain in the area, the dose can be increased to 0.5 cups.

If a person has a lot of salts in his body, he may feel pain in the liver. You can place a heating pad on the liver area. We must remember that the body must be prepared to remove salts, as described above.

During this period, limit spicy, salty foods. When the black radish juice runs out, you need to start using the prepared cake. It should be eaten with 1-3 tablespoons during meals.

This treatment helps to improve the health of the body, the appearance of large quantity young cells. Black radish juice can be replaced with the juices of plants such as horseradish, coltsfoot leaves, turnips, and parsley root juice.

Thus, improvement of the body available to everyone. You just need to have a great desire to be healthy and not be lazy on the way to improving your body.

If everything is not clear in this article, then you can read the reference book of medications developed by B.V. Bolotov. I have been reading books by this author for a long time and use many of the tips from his books to health improvement his body.

5. Tibetan food recipe

Firstly, you need to drink 1/4 cup of fresh milk every day. New milk helps with shortness of breath.

Secondly, be sure to eat semolina porridge. Those who are over 40 years old should eat several spoons of semolina porridge every day. Semolina porridge has a beneficial effect on bones, muscles, and the gastrointestinal tract.

Thirdly, eat dried apricots, they are especially useful for the stronger half of humanity.

Fourth, cook the fish soup often. Pike soup is especially useful for weakened people.

Fifthly, raisins and cheese should be in your diet every day. 30g walnuts or pine, 20 g raisins, 20 g cheese will strengthen nervous system, will help a sick liver, strengthen the heart. Do not eat more than the specified amount, these foods are very high in calories, especially nuts and raisins.

Sixth, eat at least 10 g of cottage cheese every day (atherosclerosis, liver and heart diseases).

Seventh, eat lemons and oranges, which will help with hypertension, women's diseases and thyroid disease. Grate half a lemon with the peel, add sugar. Eat one teaspoon 3 times a day.

And lastly: half a glass of berries 6 times a day (for kidney stones) and apples in any quantity and form (gout and vascular sclerosis).

Good health to everyone!

Man like biological system- is very complex, but ultimately it is a system of tubes and electrical wires that interact with all organs. Over time, the tubes (intestines, blood vessels) begin to become clogged, and the wires extending from the spinal cord to the organs become pinched due to deterioration in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. The result is numerous diseases.

To eliminate these age-related changes, daily stretching of the spine (hangs and flexibility exercises) and mandatory cleansing of the intestinal vessels during proper nutrition(mainly vegetable with a decrease in animal fats and proteins).

Cleansing steps on the path to health

Step one: colon lavage.

It is advisable to begin cleansing in the spring, when the nutrient sap begins to move in the plants.
Pour a tablespoon into two liters of boiled chilled water apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (or dry citric acid dissolves - about a teaspoon. (You can add table salt - 2 tablespoons per liter, removing sediment so that there is no absorption of water from the intestinal walls, but on the contrary - the reverse process occurs, cleansing the intestinal pores) And it’s better to replace the water with 3-5-day-old urine (urine) in the amount of 1.5 liters, which has an acidic reaction.Then you don’t need to add anything to it except salt (1.5 tablespoons per liter) and the procedure is smoother. The temperature of the water (urine) is about 30 degrees. The procedure is carried out using an Esmarch mug (a heating pad with a hose and a clamp or tap). Position - on the elbows and knees. Inhale through the mouth, the stomach is relaxed. After the water has poured into the colon, turn on right side, shake the lower abdomen, stand up and jump or shake the stomach.

In the first week - every day, in the second - every other day, in the third - after two days, in the fourth - after three, all further time- once a week.

This procedure eliminates penetration into the blood and body harmful substances contained in stagnant stool(perennial scale on the intestinal walls) actually stops the development of all diseases. The process of healing the body begins with it.

Step two: rational combination of products.

Separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, sugars and starches, because when assimilated, they require different environments and when consumed together they simply are not absorbed, but clog the body, and avoid dairy products containing casein, which is not digested by the adult body, but settles on the walls of blood vessels (sclerosis).

Proteins include: meat, fish, eggs, broths, seeds, nuts, beans, legumes, mushrooms, eggplants. Carbohydrates include: sugars - granulated sugar, sweets, honey and starches: bread, flour products, potatoes, cereals. It’s better not to eat meat at all, replacing it with vegetable proteins, or increase the amount of fresh plant food(greenery). At the same time, protein deficiency is not observed, since the body switches to feeding on its own tissues, primarily painfully altered ones, cleansing itself of them as during fasting. Then it begins to receive proteins from bacteria rich in them, which digestive tract process plant foods. Similar to the digestion of a cow, which eats grass (fiber) and produces protein (milk). The only sugars available are honey and sweet fruits or vegetables. White bread and butter products, as well as semolina porridge, it is better not to eat at all, because... they clog the liver.

Drink only structured water (distilled or snow, as well as contained in fruits or vegetables). If consumed
less salty, then you will not want to drink at all (water enters the body when digesting food and from fresh plant foods, which are 90 percent water). It is better to drink before meals, and after meals no earlier than 1-2 hours, so as not to dilute the gastric juice.

The method of rational nutrition prevents the penetration of undigested foods into the intestines, significantly saves energy and
energy, which is now spent not on trying to digest incompatible foods, but on eliminating foci of disease.

Step three: fight bacteriosis.

In addition, garlic is the only product containing dissolved germanium, which restores and strengthens valves in the body (vessels, stomach, heart, etc.).

Step Four: Cleaning the Joints.

To speed up the cleansing of joint deposits, you need to take 5 grams of bay leaf and boil in 300 milliliters of water for 5 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours. Drain the solution. Drink a teaspoon every 12 minutes for 12 hours. (You cannot drink in large doses or all at once!). Do it for 3 days in a row, then repeat the same thing a week later.

In the first year, clean the joints once a quarter. Subsequently, for prevention - once a year. A prerequisite is a thoroughly washed intestine and a vegetarian diet all days of the procedure. Otherwise - intensive dissolution of deposits of fecal stones and pruritus, urticaria and other forms of allergies.

The described technique will help get rid of salt deposits, weather pain, joint fatigue, osteochondrosis, and polyarthritis.
Be prepared for the fact that your attending physician, seeing such an effect, will utter the magic words: “They made a mistake in the diagnosis.”

Step five: liver cleanse. (most significant)

The procedure requires 300 grams lemon juice(can be dissolved in water citric acid, bringing the solution closer in acidity to lemon juice), 300 grams of vegetable oil (preferably olive). Warm all this to body temperature before taking. In the morning, you wash your intestines and eat only fresh apple juice all day (you can use sauerkraut or sour plant products, and even better - only with your urine, eating it with honey and washing it down with sour juice). If you can do it, repeat for another 2 days. No - not bad either. If you take hot baths every day to soften the tissues, it will be absolutely fine. The washing process begins at 16-17 hours of the last day.

Prepare the glass in advance by marking its outside with wax, soap or lipstick: pour three tablespoons of water - mark the level, then add three more tablespoons of water and again mark its level. Drain the water - the dishes are marked. Prepare a heating pad with boiling water, wrapping it in a towel to prevent it from burning (you can use a heating pad).

At 16-17 hours, start the procedure: lie on your right side so that the heating pad is under the liver: near the hypochondrium on the right side. Ask someone (otherwise you will have to get up all the time yourself) to pour three tablespoons of lemon juice into the glass (up to the first mark). Then carefully add three tablespoons of vegetable oil (to the top mark). Drink this cocktail and lie on a heating pad, reading a book or something else. After 15 minutes, drink your next glass of cocktail. After 15 minutes - another one, and so on, until the juice and oil run out. If you can’t drink everything and feel like vomiting, limit yourself to this amount for now: anything is better than nothing. But the juice and
oil cannot do you any harm. After drinking the cocktail, continue to lie down or fall asleep. Your task is completed.

The next morning (it’s different for everyone), when you go to the toilet, you will find green bilirubin stones of various sizes (destroyed blood cells stuck together in your liver and clogging your ducts and gallbladder for many years) and cholesterol plugs that look like cut cylindrical bodies worms Don't be afraid, because you have already gotten rid of it. Flush your colon the usual method and have breakfast when you have an appetite, juice, oatmeal or fruit. The procedure is completed. Follow a vegetarian diet for a week.

After a month, repeat the procedure (4 times in total according to the number of liver lobes). In the future, it is enough to do 1-2 procedures in a row once a year, preferably in the spring.

You will see the result of liver cleansing immediately by how you feel, because fatigue will disappear and the activity of all organs will be sharply stimulated, because Pure blood now flows through your vessels, washing all the tissues and organs of the body, which, getting rid of accumulated toxins, themselves begin to recover.

Step six: kidney cleanse.

We offer several procedures.
The first one is watermelon . In the middle of the watermelon season (in September, because early watermelons are grown on chemicals), eat only watermelons with black bread for a week. At the end of the week-long watermelon diet, take a warm bath late in the evening, combining it with eating watermelon. We hope that urinating directly in a bath of warm water does not shock you too much. After 2-3 weeks, kidney lavage watermelon juice can be repeated.

The second is with the help fir oil . You need fir oil and a collection of herbs: 50 grams of St. John's wort, oregano, sage, lemon balm and knotweed. Grind the herb like coarse tea. For a week, put yourself on a vegetarian diet and drink tea from these herbs with honey. And starting from the seventh day, drink an infusion of this collection with fir oil for another five days. The infusion is drunk three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Each time, five drops of fir oil are added to 100-150 grams of infusion, after which the infusion is thoroughly stirred. (You should drink through a straw to prevent your teeth from being damaged by the oil). After a few days during the month, heavy brown oily drops that smell like fir will fall out when you urinate. They smudge easily, often with a squeaking sound - from sand in them.

The third is urine . Take 1-2 times a day an hour before eating fresh urine. The result is increased urination and flushing
kidney Urine becomes light in color and has almost no odor. This method of cleansing the body can be carried out constantly - daily.

Step seven: cleansing the blood lymph.

Prepare a mixture of 900 gr. orange juice, 900 gr. grapefruit juice, 200 gr. lemon juice and two liters of distilled or melt water (to obtain melt water, you can use an ice “coat” from the freezer, but not from the bottom where the food is).
With the intestines washed and rational nutrition After spending the whole day without food, come to the steam bath (can be replaced with a warm bath with shower). Drink a glass of water there with a tablespoon of Glauber's salt dissolved in it (used on farms to feed livestock). After this, you will begin to sweat heavily. So, replenish the loss of moisture in the body by drinking a mixture of juices (100 grams every half hour). And so on for three days in a row.

As a result, the blood is cleared of many toxins. The procedure is carried out every quarter for the first year, and once a year thereafter.

Step eight: cleaning the vessels.

To clear blood vessels smeared with all kinds of deposits, when the flow of hormones and antibodies into the blood is disrupted, you need to make a special infusion.
Mix a glass of dill seed with two tablespoons of ground valerian root. Pour into a thermos, add two glasses natural honey and pour boiling water so that the total volume is equal to two liters. Leave for a day, and then take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.


A human cell lives for about 9 months. By starting and systematically cleansing the body of everything superfluous, unnecessary and harmful that has accumulated in it over decades of improperly organized life, we create conditions so that each subsequent cell created in us is healthy. Therefore, approximately 9 months after the main cleanses and 1 year from the start of working on yourself, you will not have a single cell left from a sick person. Now, regardless of age, you can safely take up sports and hardening.

Training your cleansed body from the method of accelerating through it and partially shaking out toxins will turn into a way to strengthen all body systems. Don’t be afraid of any complications, you are now in no danger. This technique has been tested by the positive experience of many
and many people who have found the most precious thing a person has - his health.

You can live a long time without getting sick, getting joy from life!

And if you teach ways to rejuvenate your body to your children, grandchildren and just other good people, you will contribute to the preservation and development of your (once the healthiest) people, your nation. This means your life has not been lived in vain.

On a good journey, which always begins with the first step. Do it. Life is worth much more than all your efforts!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs