
Main characters: Leopold the cat and two mice.

Cat Leopold

Ginger Cat Leopold lives in house number 8/16, next to a cafe and an atelier, on Murlykina street. He is portrayed as a typical intellectual: he does not smoke, does not drink, does not raise his voice. Leopold is a real peace cat, and his main credo, repeated almost at the end of every episode, is "Guys, let's live together." At the same time, in the first three episodes, Leopold nevertheless preliminarily taught mice a lesson.


  1. - Leopold and the goldfish. The cat Leopold caught a goldfish, but let it go without asking anything from it. Later, mice caught the fish and asked to make them big and scary - but whoever the fish turned them into, they found only problems. Then they ask to be turned back into mice and they end up at Leopold's house. When they break into Leopold's house, he asks the goldfish to make him invisible. The mice look for the cat and organize a pogrom in his house - then Leopold, using his invisibility, scares the mice.
  2. - Revenge of the cat Leopold. After another antics of mice, a dog doctor came to the cat Leopold, who prescribed him Ozverin to help him cope with the mice. But Leopold, instead of taking one tablet according to the prescription, drank everything at once and went berserk. After the mice were defeated for real, he became kind again.
  3. - Treasure of the cat Leopold. The mice received a map in the mail, on which the treasure is marked. In the place indicated on the map, a chest really turned out to be buried, but it turned out to be not what the mice were waiting for.
  4. - Leopold the Cat TV. The cat Leopold has bought a TV, and the mice are trying their best to stop him from watching his favorite cartoon in peace.
  5. - Leopold the cat walk. Leopold the cat is cycling along a suburban highway, and the mice are trying to set up an accident for him.
  6. - Leopold's birthday. Leopold the cat is getting ready to celebrate his birthday, and the mice are trying to ruin his birthday.
  7. - Summer of the cat Leopold. The cat Leopold goes to the dacha, where the mice are preparing new dirty tricks for him.
  8. - Cat Leopold in a dream and in reality. The cat Leopold is sunbathing and swimming, and the mice are trying to scare him. As he falls asleep on the beach, he dreams that he has landed on a deserted island.
  9. - Interview with the cat Leopold. Cat Leopold gives an interview to an invisible interlocutor.
  10. - Polyclinic of the cat Leopold. Cat Leopold has a toothache, and he goes to the clinic to the dentist, and then for a physical examination. Meanwhile, the mice are trying to set up another dirty trick for him.
  11. - Leopold's cat car. Leopold the cat built a car on his own, equipped with a variety of electronic devices. When Leopold drove out of town, the mice stole the car, but were unable to figure out all its functions.
  1. "Just Murka". A film-parody of modern advertising, created on the basis of animated films by TO "Ekran". Popular actor cat Leopold refuses to appear in commercials on principle. But it is him, with the help of the charming Murka, that the mafia is trying to drag into the advertising business. Insidious mafiosi conspire with well-known cat-haters - mice, Gray and White, who are trying to force Leopold to watch ads on TV. Leopold falls in love with the cat Murka.
  2. "Every day is not Sunday". The mice, having colluded with the cat Leopold, spread rumors that Leopold is a racketeer. The cat receives an invitation from the mafia Kozebayan to a social event in the gangster "raspberry", where Leopold hopes to meet Murka.
  3. "Soup with a cat". Murka and Leopold begin a "happy" family life. Murka makes the cat watch commercials. Leopold agrees to filming, but suddenly disappears ... The mafia kidnaps Murka in the hope that Leopold will still go on the air.
  4. "Puss in Boots". Captain Pronin enters the game, who goes to the international mafia. The cat Leopold and the cat Murka help him.

video games


"The New Adventures of Leopold the Cat"

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An excerpt characterizing Leopold the Cat

- I don't want to sleep. Marie, sit with me.
- You're tired - try to sleep.
- No no. Why did you take me away? She will ask.
- She's much better. She spoke so well today,” said Princess Marya.
Natasha was lying in bed and in the semi-darkness of the room she examined the face of Princess Marya.
"Does she look like him? thought Natasha. Yes, similar and not similar. But it is special, alien, completely new, unknown. And she loves me. What's on her mind? Everything is good. But how? What does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she's beautiful."
“Masha,” she said, timidly pulling her hand to her. Masha, don't think I'm stupid. No? Masha, dove. I love you so much. Let's be really, really friends.
And Natasha, embracing, began to kiss the hands and face of Princess Marya. Princess Mary was ashamed and rejoiced at this expression of Natasha's feelings.
From that day on, that passionate and tender friendship was established between Princess Mary and Natasha, which happens only between women. They kissed incessantly, spoke tender words to each other, and spent most of their time together. If one went out, the other was restless and hurried to join her. Together they felt a greater harmony with each other than separately, each with himself. A feeling stronger than friendship was established between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent for whole hours; sometimes, already lying in their beds, they began to talk and talked until the morning. They talked mostly about the distant past. Princess Marya talked about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dreams; and Natasha, who previously with calm incomprehension turned away from this life, devotion, humility, from the poetry of Christian self-denial, now, feeling bound by love with Princess Marya, fell in love with Princess Marya's past and understood the previously incomprehensible side of life to her. She did not think of applying humility and self-sacrifice to her life, because she was used to looking for other joys, but she understood and fell in love with another this previously incomprehensible virtue. For Princess Mary, who listened to stories about Natasha's childhood and early youth, a previously incomprehensible side of life was also revealed, faith in life, in the pleasures of life.
They still never spoke about him in the same way, so as not to violate with words, as it seemed to them, the height of feeling that was in them, and this silence about him made them forget him little by little, not believing it.
Natasha lost weight, turned pale, and physically became so weak that everyone constantly talked about her health, and she was pleased with it. But sometimes not only the fear of death, but the fear of illness, weakness, loss of beauty suddenly came over her, and involuntarily she sometimes carefully examined her bare hand, surprised at its thinness, or looked in the mirror in the morning at her elongated, pitiful, as it seemed to her , face. It seemed to her that it should be so, and at the same time she became frightened and sad.
Once she soon went upstairs and was out of breath. Immediately, involuntarily, she thought up a business for herself below, and from there she ran upstairs again, trying her strength and watching herself.
Another time she called Dunyasha, and her voice trembled. She called to her once more, in spite of the fact that she heard her footsteps - she called in that chesty voice with which she sang, and listened to him.
She didn’t know this, she wouldn’t have believed it, but under the impenetrable layer of silt that seemed to her that covered her soul, thin, tender young needles of grass were already breaking through, which were supposed to take root and so cover the grief that crushed her with their life shoots that it would soon be invisible and not noticeable. The wound healed from within. At the end of January, Princess Marya left for Moscow, and the count insisted that Natasha go with her in order to consult with the doctors.

After the clash at Vyazma, where Kutuzov could not keep his troops from wanting to overturn, cut off, etc., the further movement of the fleeing French and the Russians who fled after them, to Krasnoe, took place without battles. The flight was so fast that the Russian army, which was running after the French, could not keep up with them, that the horses in the cavalry and artillery were becoming more and that the information about the movement of the French was always incorrect.
The people of the Russian army were so exhausted by this continuous movement of forty miles a day that they could not move faster.
In order to understand the degree of exhaustion of the Russian army, it is only necessary to clearly understand the significance of the fact that, having lost no more than five thousand people wounded and killed during the entire movement from Tarutino, without losing hundreds of people as prisoners, the Russian army, which left Tarutino among one hundred thousand, came to Red among fifty thousand.
The rapid movement of the Russians behind the French had the same destructive effect on the Russian army as the flight of the French. The only difference was that the Russian army moved arbitrarily, without the threat of death that hung over the French army, and that the backward sick of the French remained in the hands of the enemy, the backward Russians remained at home. The main reason for the reduction of Napoleon's army was the speed of movement, and the corresponding reduction of the Russian troops serves as an undoubted proof of this.
All the activities of Kutuzov, as was the case near Tarutin and Vyazma, were aimed only at ensuring that, as far as it was in his power, not to stop this disastrous movement for the French (as Russian generals wanted in St. Petersburg and in the army), but assist him and facilitate the movement of his troops.
But, in addition, from the time of fatigue and the huge loss that appeared in the troops, which occurred from the speed of movement, another reason seemed to Kutuzov to slow down the movement of troops and to wait. The goal of the Russian troops was to follow the French. The path of the French was unknown, and therefore, the closer our troops followed on the heels of the French, the more distances they covered. Only by following at some distance, it was possible to cut the zigzags that the French made along the shortest path. All the skillful maneuvers that the generals proposed were expressed in the movement of troops, in increasing the transitions, and the only reasonable goal was to reduce these transitions. And to this end, throughout the campaign, from Moscow to Vilna, Kutuzov's activities were directed - not by chance, not temporarily, but so consistently that he never betrayed her.
Kutuzov knew not with his mind or science, but with his whole Russian being he knew and felt what every Russian soldier felt, that the French were defeated, that the enemies were fleeing and it was necessary to send them out; but at the same time he felt, along with the soldiers, the whole burden of this campaign, unheard of in speed and season.
But to generals, especially non-Russians, who wanted to distinguish themselves, to surprise someone, to take some duke or king prisoner for some reason - it seemed to these generals now, when every battle was both disgusting and pointless, it seemed to them that now is the right time give battles and defeat someone. Kutuzov only shrugged his shoulders when, one after another, he was presented with projects of maneuvers with those badly shod, without sheepskin coats, half-starved soldiers, who in one month, without battles, melted to half and with whom, under the best conditions of continued flight, it was necessary to go to the border the space is greater than that which has been traversed.
In particular, this desire to distinguish themselves and maneuver, overturn and cut off, manifested itself when the Russian troops ran into the French troops.
So it happened near Krasnoe, where they thought to find one of the three columns of the French and stumbled upon Napoleon himself with sixteen thousand. Despite all the means used by Kutuzov, in order to get rid of this disastrous clash and in order to save his troops, for three days at Krasnoy the exhausted people of the Russian army continued to finish off the defeated gatherings of the French.
Toll wrote the disposition: die erste Colonne marschiert [the first column will go there then], etc. And, as always, everything did not go according to the disposition. Prince Eugene of Wirtemberg shot from the mountain past the fleeing crowds of the French and demanded reinforcements, which did not come. The French, running around the Russians at night, scattered, hid in the forests and made their way further as best they could.
Miloradovich, who said that he did not want to know anything about the economic affairs of the detachment, which could never be found when it was needed, "chevalier sans peur et sans reproche" ["a knight without fear and reproach"], as he himself called himself , and a hunter for conversations with the French, sent truce deputies, demanding surrender, and wasted time and did not do what he was ordered to.
“I give you guys this column,” he said, driving up to the troops and pointing to the French cavalrymen. And the cavalrymen on thin, skinned, barely moving horses, urging them on with spurs and sabers, trotted, after strong tensions, drove up to the donated column, that is, to the crowd of frostbitten, stiff and hungry Frenchmen; and the donated column threw down its weapons and surrendered, which it had long wanted to do.
Near Krasnoye they took twenty-six thousand prisoners, hundreds of cannons, some kind of stick, which they called the marshal's baton, and argued about who distinguished themselves there, and were pleased with this, but very much regretted that they had not taken Napoleon or at least some hero, marshal, and reproached each other for this, and especially Kutuzov.
These people, carried away by their passions, were blind executors of only the saddest law of necessity; but they considered themselves heroes and imagined that what they did was the most worthy and noble thing. They accused Kutuzov and said that from the very beginning of the campaign he prevented them from defeating Napoleon, that he only thought about satisfying his passions and did not want to leave the Linen Factories, because he was calm there; that he stopped the movement near Krasnoe only because, having learned about the presence of Napoleon, he was completely lost; that it can be assumed that he is in a conspiracy with Napoleon, that he is bribed by him, [Wilson's Notes. (Note by L.N. Tolstoy.)], etc., etc.
Not only did contemporaries, carried away by passions, say this, - posterity and history recognized Napoleon as grand, and Kutuzov: foreigners - a cunning, depraved, weak court old man; Russians - something indefinite - some kind of doll, useful only by its Russian name ...

In the 12th and 13th years, Kutuzov was directly accused of mistakes. The sovereign was dissatisfied with him. And in a story recently written by the highest command, it is said that Kutuzov was a cunning court liar who was afraid of the name of Napoleon and, with his mistakes near Krasnoye and near the Berezina, deprived the Russian troops of glory - a complete victory over the French. [History of 1812 by Bogdanovich: characterization of Kutuzov and discussion of the unsatisfactory results of the Krasnensky battles. (Note by L.N. Tolstoy.)]
Such is the fate not of great people, not grand homme, whom the Russian mind does not recognize, but the fate of those rare, always lonely people who, comprehending the will of Providence, subordinate their personal will to it. The hatred and contempt of the crowd punish these people for the enlightenment of higher laws.
For Russian historians - it is strange and terrible to say - Napoleon is the most insignificant tool of history - never and nowhere, even in exile, who did not show human dignity - Napoleon is an object of admiration and delight; he grand. Kutuzov, the man who, from the beginning to the end of his activity in 1812, from Borodin to Vilna, never betraying himself with a single action, not a word, is an extraordinary example of history of self-denial and awareness in the present of the future meaning of an event, - Kutuzov seems to them something indefinite and pathetic, and, speaking of Kutuzov and the 12th year, they always seem to be a little ashamed.
Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine a historical person whose activity would be so invariably and constantly directed towards the same goal. It is difficult to imagine a goal more worthy and more in line with the will of the whole people. It is even more difficult to find another example in history where the goal set by a historical person would be so completely achieved as the goal towards which Kutuzov’s entire activity was directed in 1812.
Kutuzov never talked about the forty centuries that look from the pyramids, about the sacrifices that he brings to the fatherland, about what he intends to do or has done: he did not say anything at all about himself, did not play any role, he always seemed the most simple and ordinary man and said the most simple and ordinary things. He wrote letters to his daughters and m me Stael, read novels, loved the company of beautiful women, joked with generals, officers and soldiers, and never contradicted those people who wanted to prove something to him. When Count Rostopchin on the Yauzsky Bridge galloped up to Kutuzov with personal reproaches about who was to blame for the death of Moscow, and said: “How did you promise not to leave Moscow without giving a battle?” - Kutuzov answered: "I will not leave Moscow without a fight," despite the fact that Moscow had already been abandoned. When Arakcheev, who came to him from the sovereign, said that Yermolov should be appointed head of artillery, Kutuzov replied: “Yes, I just said it myself,” although he said something completely different in a minute. What did it matter to him, who alone then understood the whole enormous meaning of the event, among the stupid crowd that surrounded him, what did he care about whether Count Rostopchin would attribute the disaster of the capital to himself or to him? Even less could he be interested in who would be appointed chief of artillery.

More than one generation has grown up on the creations of Soviet animators. The best of the old domestic cartoons are also appreciated by modern children - for the decent quality of animation (although in those days they didn’t know such a word!), For interesting stories, for high-quality voice acting.

And every Soviet cartoon has its own secret.

Well, hare, wait!

According to the original plan, this sacramental phrase was supposed to be spoken by none other than Vladimir Vysotsky. However, in his performance, the wolf turned out to be too ferocious. It was decided that Anatoly Papanov's comic intonations were needed here.

It turned out so well that the wolf from "Well, wait a minute!" now it is difficult to imagine speaking in a different voice. Papanov himself, as often happens, was angered by the popularity of this role. He said that the wolf gnawed through his acting biography.

Soviet children, and adults too, were completely delighted with the animated series - but in Finland it was banned! Because the hare, it turns out, is depicted in the film as too cruel, and through his fault the poor wolf constantly finds himself in dangerous situations. The fact that the poor wolf now and then tries to eat a "cruel" hare did not bother anyone for some reason.

Frame of the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"

But in Poland, the cartoon was appreciated. In 2010, there was even a collector's coin with the characters "Just you wait!".

The Adventures of Leopold the Cat

Frame of the cartoon "Leopold"

In honor of this cartoon, a special coin was also issued - and also not here, but already on the Cook Islands. The coin is silver, with a denomination of two dollars, and cartoon characters are depicted on it - Leopold the cat and mice: white Mitya and gray Motya. Yes, that's what they are called. True, only in the script for the cartoon; in the picture itself, the hooligan rodents remain nameless.

Frame of the cartoon "Leopold"

Attentive viewers could not help but notice that the first two episodes of the cartoon are different from the next. And all because they were made using the technique of shifting: fragments of the bodies of the characters and elements of the scenery were first cut out of colored paper, and then moved a tiny distance after each frame. The subsequent series are already drawn cartoons.

Frame of the cartoon "Leopold"

Falling last year's snow

Initially, the name of this cartoon sounded like “Spruce-sticks, thick forest” - at least if you believe the word of the composer Grigory Gladkov, who wrote the music for it. And the narrator's text was read by Liya Akhedzhakova. And I read great.

However, Alexander Tatarsky (oh, those storytellers!) did not approve of her reading for reasons unknown to us. So both the narrator and the main character were voiced by the same person - Stanislav Sadalsky. Which, alas, is not even listed in the credits: shortly before the release of the cartoon on the screens, the actor, oh horror, was seen in the company of a foreigner, and they decided to punish him in this way.

Frame of the cartoon "Last year's snow was falling"

By the way, the phrase "Oh, these storytellers" has a long history: it was first used by Vladimir Odoevsky in the story "The Living Dead", then it was used by Dostoevsky as an epigraph to "Poor People" - and only after that it got into the cartoon.

Hedgehog in the fog

This ingenious, without exaggeration, cartoon was officially recognized as the best in the world at the Tokyo Animation Festival in 2003.

Meanwhile, it was created in those years when modern animation technologies had not yet been invented. So, in order to achieve the effect of fog, they used an ordinary tracing paper for drawings - they slowly raised it above the drawing. And in order to achieve realism at the moment when the hedgehog falls into the river, real water was filmed on camera.

Frame of the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog"

The director of the cartoon, Yuri Norshtein, argued that a specific prototype was needed to create a lively, bulging character. For the Hedgehog-out-of-the-fog, this was the writer Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.

Frame of the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog"

Winnie the Pooh and all

Before the Winnie the Pooh and Piglet we know were created, a lot of paper was ruined by artists. It's scary to imagine how many cubs and pigs went into the trash!

So, one of the first Poohs was desperately furry, his eyes were of different sizes, and his ears looked as if Christopher Robin nibbled them daily. And Piglet, as befits a normal piglet, was very, very well-fed. And only later came into the world a nice brown Winnie and a thin-necked squeaky Piglet.

Frame of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh"

By the way, when voicing the latter, Iya Savina took Bella Akhmadulina's speech as a model - more precisely, her manner of reading poetry. And Winnie the Pooh was voiced like this: Evgeny Leonov was recorded on tape, and then released in a fast version.

flying ship

The text of Vodyany's song ("Oh, my life is a tin!"), poet Yuri Entin wrote while lying in the bathroom. Apparently, as an artist, he needed the appropriate environment in order to imagine the train of thought of the one whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs. Or maybe it just happened.

Entin, by his own admission, spent ten minutes writing the text. But the composer, Maxim Dunaevsky, had to tinker with the song - Entin constantly demanded that he remake the music. How true all this is, we do not know, but one way or another, and the song quickly became mega-popular. Like all cartoons.

Frame of the cartoon "Flying Ship"

It was assumed that there would be only one Baba Yaga in the cartoon. Antin even wrote lyrics for her:

You know me so little

You see me as an enemy.

And I, firstly, just a woman,

And only secondly - Yaga!

And then I decided that it would be more fun to create a whole choir from her kind. So the masterpiece ditties of Babok-hedgehogs were born.

Frame of the cartoon "Flying Ship"

"The Adventures of Leopold the Cat" is an animated series about the kind cat Leopold, who is taken out by two hooligan mice. Filming began in 1975 and ended in 1993.

Anatoly Reznikov is the director of one of the most popular animated series for children about the adventures of the cat Leopold. "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat" is a very kind, funny animated series in which 11 different episodes were filmed. This wonderful series was created by playwright Arkady Khait, artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk. For this work, the authors even received (!!!) the State Prize of the USSR.

Leopold is the main character who lives on the street. Murlykin. He is an ordinary cat, distinguished by his innate intelligence - he does not smoke or drink, does not raise his voice, and endures all the antics of mice. Leopold is a cat who does not want to quarrel with anyone. Leopold's words: "Guys, let's live together!" - This is a phrase that has long entered our everyday life. Yes, and Leopold taught mice hooligans friendship!

Mice-hooligans ... They are annoyed by a kind cat. They call him a "mean coward", they constantly find a reason to spoil something, but still repent ... In the series "Revenge of the Cat Leopold", the gray one walks in a cap, and the white one has a disgusting squeaky voice. In the series - "Leopold and the Goldfish", gray already without his headdress. From episodes 3 to 10, gray is already distinguished by its fullness, low voice, and white is thin, squeaky. In the first two series, gray is in command, but already from the third series, white breaks into the lead, and gray obeys him.

“Revenge of the Cat Leopold”, “Leopold and the Goldfish” were made using the transfer technique, i.e. characters, scenery were drawn on cut-out pieces of paper, and subsequently rearranged under glass. And all the rest are created by the technique of hand-drawn animation.
"Revenge of the Cat Leopold" was released after 1981. "Leopold and the Goldfish", which was created at the same time as the first, appeared in 1978.
Series of animated series:
1. 1975 - Revenge of the cat Leopold
2. 1975 - Leopold and the goldfish
3. 1981 - Treasure of the cat Leopold
4. 1981 - Leopold the Cat TV
5. 1982 - Walk the cat Leopold
6. 1982 - Leopold's birthday
7. 1983 - Summer of Leopold the Cat
8. 1984 - Cat Leopold in a dream and in reality
9. 1984 - Interview with the cat Leopold
10. 1986 - Polyclinic of the cat Leopold
11. 1987 - Car of the cat Leopold

"The Adventures of Leopold the Cat" is a Soviet cartoon familiar to several generations of children and parents. If you characterize the project, then the story of the adventures of an intelligent cat and two restless mice is an animated series consisting of 11 episodes. The directors of cartoons about the role of friendship and peaceful coexistence were Arkady Khait and Anatoly Reznikov. The first series of the project was released in 1975.

The simple storyline captivated the kids. Each episode described instructive episodes from the life of Leopold. Many noted the similarity of the episodes with the American animated series Tom and Jerry. The domestic cartoon against the background of its foreign counterpart looks peaceful and kind, and the characters are less bloodthirsty and selfish.


Haight and Reznikov met in 1974. Shortly before that, the cartoon “Well, you wait!” started showing. Reznikov, inspired by success, planned a new project for young viewers. The director could not pick up a curious plot, and the composer Boris Savelyev came to the rescue. The musician introduced Hite and Reznikov, laying the foundation for a productive creative union. The idea of ​​a new serial cartoon and the famous phrase were born in it:

"Guys let's be friends!".

The main idea was to flip the plot against logic. According to the plan of Hite and Reznikov, the cat Leopold did not chase mice, but escaped from their attacks. The moral of the project was an important component of life - friendship. To make the idea accessible to children, the creators of the project put the famous quote into the mouth of the protagonist.

Leopold the cat in the first cartoon

The Soviet Union proclaimed the idea of ​​world peace, and the animated series was the best fit for it. The first series presented to the attention of the public was "Revenge of the Cat Leopold". It was followed by the Leopold and the Goldfish series. The cartoons were created using the transfer technology, which involves the use of cut out parts, with the help of which the mise-en-scene and the appearance of the characters are recreated. The animators drew the images, placed them on the glass, and then carefully moved them around to create an animation effect. The following episodes were created using the drawing technique.

Despite the presence of a classical moral background, the project was not immediately approved by the artistic council of the Soyuz studio. After the premiere in 1975, it was banned with wording about anti-Soviet views and pacifist sentiments.

The chairman of the artistic council, Zhdanov, was embarrassed that the cat could not deal with rodents. Nevertheless, the creators continued to work on the project, and their perseverance was rewarded. The story of an intelligent cat and hooligan mice has been broadcast on the first channels of the country since the 80s of the twentieth century. The audience was delighted with the new characters: the cat and mice quickly fell in love with the children, the parents thanked for the project, voicing the basics of education. The success motivated the authors to visualize new ideas.


Unusual characters became the main component of a successful animated series. The central character was a decent, well-mannered cat with the aesthetic name Leopold. He is dressed in neat clothes, and wears a magnificent bow around his neck. Frant walks around the house in slippers and speaks in a simple but beautiful language. Unlike the wolf from "Well, wait a minute!", he does not smoke or drink, he speaks modestly and quietly, is hospitable and clean.

Leopold is used to solving problems peacefully and encourages the mice attacking him to live together, not to harm each other. The peace-loving good-natured hero forgives insulting pranks and is ready to come to the rescue of two cocky mice.

Some viewers considered the cat weak-willed, because sometimes the intrigues of mice were offensive. The creators of the project tried to stand up for him, so in one of the episodes he received the Ozverin medicine, which would help repel the offenders.

Cat Leopold after "Ozverin"

But Leopold's character does not allow rudeness, so the mice remain intact, and the audience understands that patience and a good attitude will melt any heart.

Leopold's antipodes are two mice - White and Gray. Although there is not a word about this in the cartoon, the characters have names: Mitya and Motya. Bullies are opposed to the cat and take his decency and restraint for cowardice. In each episode, the hooligans try to annoy Leopold, and in the finale of the action they will certainly repent, asking for forgiveness.

The grey, speaking in a squeaky voice, wore a cap at first, but eventually lost it. In the course of the story, he became very stout and gained bass. White remained skinny and retained his high voice. At first, the leader was Gray, but from the third episode, the leadership passed into the clutches of the White, who was distinguished by greater cunning and prudence.

Who created the Leopold cat. Secrets of Soviet cartoons

A country
Number of seasons
Number of episodes
Series length
TV channel

1975 - 1993



Main characters: Cat Leopold and two mice - Gray and White.

Cat Leopold

Cat Leopold lives in house number 8/16 on an unknown street in a provincial (judging by the situation) city. He is portrayed as a typical intellectual: he does not smoke, does not drink, does not raise his voice. Leopold is a real peace cat, and his main credo, repeated at the end of each episode, is "Guys, let's live together." At the same time, in the first three episodes, Leopold nevertheless preliminarily taught mice a lesson.



The first two episodes (“Revenge of the Cat Leopold” and “Leopold and the Goldfish”) were created using the transfer technique: characters and scenery were created on cut-out pieces of paper that were transferred under glass. Further series were realized with hand-drawn animation.

The first was the series "Revenge of the Cat Leopold", but it appeared on the screen only after 1981. The second series ("Leopold and the Golden Fish"), created in parallel, was released in 1975.

  1. - Revenge of the cat Leopold: after another trick of mice, a doctor came to the cat Leopold, who prescribed Ozverin for him to help him cope with the mice. But Leopold, instead of taking one tablet according to the prescription, drank everything at once and went berserk.
  2. 1975 - Leopold and the goldfish: The cat Leopold caught the Golden Fish, but did not ask her for anything. Later, mice caught the fish and asked to make them big and scary - but no matter what animal the fish turned them into, they found only problems. Then they ask to be turned back into mice and they end up at Leopold's house. When they break into Leopold's house, he asks the Goldfish to make him invisible. The mice look for the cat and organize a pogrom in his house - then Leopold, using his invisibility, scares the mice.
  3. - Treasure of the cat Leopold: The mice received a map in the mail, which marked the treasure. In the place indicated on the map, a chest really turned out to be buried, but it turned out to be not what the mice were waiting for.
  4. 1981 - Leopold the Cat TV: The cat Leopold bought a TV, and the mice are trying with all their might to prevent him from watching his favorite cartoon in peace.
  5. - Leopold the cat walk: Leopold the cat is cycling along a suburban highway, and the mice are trying to set up an accident for him.
  6. 1982 - Leopold's birthday: Leopold the cat is getting ready to celebrate his birthday, and the mice are trying to ruin his birthday.
  7. - Summer of the cat Leopold: The cat Leopold goes to the dacha where the mice are preparing new dirty tricks for him.
  8. - Cat Leopold in a dream and in reality: The cat Leopold is sunbathing and swimming, and the mice are trying to scare him. As he falls asleep on the beach, he dreams that he has landed on a deserted island.
  9. 1984 - Interview with the cat Leopold
  10. - Polyclinic of the cat Leopold: The cat Leopold goes to the clinic for a physical examination, and the mice are trying to set up another dirty trick for him
  11. - Leopold's cat car: Leopold the cat built his own car, equipped with many electronic devices. When Leopold drove out of town, the mice stole the car, but were unable to figure out all its functions.

In 1993, The Return of the Cat Leopold was made, a parody film created by editing from previous series and ironically reimagined other cartoons. It included 4 episodes:

  1. "Just Murka": Film-parody of modern advertising, created on the basis of animated films TO "Screen". Popular actor cat Leopold refuses to appear in commercials on principle. But it is him, with the help of the charming Murka, that the mafia is trying to drag into the advertising business. Insidious mafiosi conspire with well-known cat-haters - mice, Gray and White, who are trying to force Leopold to watch ads on TV. Leopold falls in love with the cat Murka.
  2. "Every day is not Sunday": The mice, having colluded with the cat Leopold, spread rumors that Leopold is a racketeer. The cat receives an invitation from the mafioso Kozebayan to a social event in a gangster "raspberry", where Leopold hopes to meet Murka.
  3. "Soup with a cat": Murka and Leopold start a "happy" family life. Murka makes the cat watch commercials. Leopold agrees to filming, but suddenly disappears... The mafia kidnaps Murka in the hope that Leopold will still go on the air.
  4. "Puss in Boots": Captain Pronin enters the game, who goes to the international mafia. He is helped by the cat Leopold and the cat Murka.


  • Stage director: Anatoly Reznikov
  • Screenwriter: Arkady Khait
  • Composer: Boris Saveliev

video games

  • Cat Leopold's Cottage or Features of Mouse Hunting (09/15/1998)
  • Leopold the Cat: Catcher (02.12.2005)
  • Cat Leopold: Learning English (04.02.2009)
  • Cat Leopold: Learning Russian (18.02.2009)
  • Leopold the Cat: Leopold the Cat's Vacation (03/11/2009)
  • Leopold the Cat: Adventures in the Forest (16.09.2009)


  • 1983 - "Guys, let's live together." Songs of the cat Leopold (music: B. Saveliev, text and lyrics: A. Khait, sings and reads A. Kalyagin, music is performed by the Melodiya ensemble) - Melodiya, C52 20151 007, C52 20153 001 (on two minions) .
  • Some series parody famous Soviet films. So, in the series "Walking the Cat Leopold" there is a clear reference to the film "White Sun of the Desert", where the scene of Said's digging by Sukhov is parodied. And in the series "Polyclinic of the Cat Leopold" there is a reference to the film "Operation" Y "" - the white mouse plans to put the cat to sleep with the help of chloroform, but his gray friend falls asleep.
  • In the series “Summer of the Cat Leopold”, Leopold uses the Svema spray gun (Shostka chemical plant, which produced film and magnetic tapes), manufactured by the Ekran t / o.
  • In 2008, the main characters of the animated series were depicted on the collectible two-dollar Cook Islands silver coin.
  • The first series (Revenge of the Cat Leopold) was created in 1975, but was released in 1981. The reason for this was cruelty (Words in the form of blood). The second series was released in parallel in 1975 (Leopold and the goldfish), but was also released in 1981.


In Ukraine, in the city of Komsomolsk, Poltava region, on the street. Lenin 40 installed a sculpture depicting the cat Leopold and mice. In Khalobinensk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) there is a monument to Leopold the Cat, who holds a white mouse by the tail, and a gray one tries to escape. Cat Leopold's car looks like a 1979 Ford Mustang, that is, an early copy of the 3rd generation, and there is also a resemblance to the 3rd generation Chevrolet Camaro. In the Leopold Cat Car series, you can see a Volvo-VESC car. Interestingly, this model was not launched into the series and existed in a single copy. In the series "TV Leopold the Cat" Leopold watches on TV a fragment of the cartoon "Revenge of the Cat Leopold"

By date

All 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1994



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