What are diffuse liver changes on ultrasound. What is moderate diffuse liver changes

What is diffuse change?

Very often in the clinic you can hear such a phrase - diffuse changes in the liver. Most patients who come for an ultrasound examination do not know what diffuse liver changes are, so they are reasonably worried about such a diagnosis. This means that pathology can provoke serious diseases, and in itself is a symptom of an already existing disease.

Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma cannot be distinguished as an independent disease, since this condition is a symptom of a number of pathologies that affect the liver. Basically, diffuse changes tend to increase the parenchyma. The nature of these changes is very diverse. They can be sclerotic, fibrous, dystrophic or hypertrophic in nature, but such changes always indicate one thing - liver damage is a serious illness. To determine what kind of ailment led to this pathology and what diffuse changes in the liver mean, you need to go through thorough examination at the doctor's.

Signs and causes

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver occur due to various ailments. Most tangible Negative consequences bring chronic ailments, during which the liver is exposed to destructive changes. Among the reasons that affect this organ, we note the following:

  1. hepatitis of various types;
  2. cirrhotic lesion;
  3. obesity;
  4. fluctuations in body weight;
  5. alcohol abuse;
  6. long-term medication;
  7. autoimmune pathologies.

Similar liver diseases and violations of its work are found in people of both sexes at any age, so a change in the structure of the liver threatens all people suffering from the above pathologies. For example, in children, most often, moderate diffuse liver changes may appear after suffering jaundice or drug treatment, but adults are more susceptible to cirrhosis or fatty lesions of the organ. In some cases, the causes of diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma cannot be established. Therefore, doctors here suspect the influence of ecology on humans, and it is also possible hereditary factor. In any case, diffuse changes in the liver require careful and competent diagnosis.

For a very long time, manifestations of diffuse changes can not be observed. The liver does not make itself known characteristic symptoms- pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, so most patients are completely unaware of what is happening with the tissue of the organ.

Already with severe disorders, the liver gives the expected symptoms, which, with nausea, constant heaviness. In severe lesions (cirrhosis, hepatitis), this organ gives more clear signs diffuse changes in the liver:

  1. yellowing of the skin and sclera;
  2. constant pain on the right side;
  3. pain radiating to the right shoulder.


Diffuse changes are classified according to several criteria. Depending on the volume of lesions of the organ, there are focal forms, local and total. At focal form structural changes occur in a small area, it can be delimited by a healthy parenchyma and the pathology will stop in its development. At local form diffuse lesions the volume is much larger - violations are observed in a significant area, and can completely cover one of the lobes of the organ. The most severe form is total, when the entire liver is affected and there is no healthy parenchyma left.


It is possible to diagnose a change in the structure of the liver by echoscopically using ultrasound examination patient, as well as by biopsy. On ultrasound, you can determine the size of the organ and establish a deviation from the norm, consider irregularities in its structure. Upon receipt of the results of the study, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe drugs for the treatment of pathology.

Moderately diffuse changes are most common - this disorder occurs as a result of malnutrition, after suffering ARVI, in case of poisoning. For most people, they go away on their own if the person past illness restored correctly.

Echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver can be more threatening - pronounced. In this case, they are provoked by severe pathologies - hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Wrong structure bile ducts, the common hepatic duct, their narrowness, can also cause diffuse changes.

In addition to an ultrasound examination, the attending physician prescribes additional diagnostic measures which will help to clarify the picture of the pathology. This means that ultrasound alone may not be enough. As additional research appoint:

  1. CT scan;
  2. radiographic examination;
  3. blood analysis;
  4. analysis for antibodies to hepatitis.

Echostructure changes on initial stage may not require treatment - it will be enough just to adjust the patient's diet and habits. In some cases, ductal changes in the liver can be a variant of the norm, most often it is diagnosed in children. With properly organized child care, echographic signs of diffuse disorders disappear after a while.


Diffuse changes in the liver tissue can also be caused by non-inflammatory pathologies, which are combined into one common group and are called hepatosis. They are called either harmful external factors or are caused by heredity. Feature hepatosis - a violation of metabolism in the body and degeneration of its cells, as well as the absence of inflammatory processes. Like most organ pathologies, hepatoses are manifested by dyspeptic disorders, jaundice and inability to perform their functions. Hepatosis can also be diagnosed using ultrasound or MRI.

Among all hepatoses, the confident superiority holds fatty degeneration- its signs are found in every fourth biopsy result, and in overweight people, fatty organ damage occurs in almost one hundred percent of cases.

Least of all, doctors are faced with a violation of bilirubin metabolism - this is a rare hereditary pathology for which there is no cure today.

Causes of hepatosis include:

  • toxic effect on the body;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excess weight;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • diabetes.

These diseases lead to necrosis of liver hepatocytes, which immediately leads to the replacement of hepatocytes with fat cells, and they can be deposited both in the parenchyma itself and outside it.

Hereditary hepatosis is most often associated with impaired metabolism of bilirubin or bile acids. The leading role in this case will be played by the deficiency of enzyme production. Such violations are not common - on average, in 3 percent of cases of all hepatoses.


Treatment of diffuse changes in the liver should be aimed primarily at eliminating the cause that caused the violation. The method of treatment is chosen depending on what pathology is diagnosed in a particular patient. If the causes are of an exogenous nature, then it is enough to eliminate minor diffuse changes in the liver - go to rational nutrition stop drinking alcohol, go in for sports. After the elimination of these causes, a slow recovery of the parenchyma will begin. Additionally, hepatoprotectors can be prescribed - their composition has a beneficial effect on hepatocytes.

At serious pathologies doctors prescribe special preparations- hepatoprotectors that will help protect the cells of the body from adverse external influence. Hepatoprotector - good remedy for the treatment of pathologies, however, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, and a special diet may be needed. The treatment of the body must be taken very seriously.

If diffuse changes in the liver cannot be cured conservatively, then the patient is operated on. This is a necessity for tumors, cysts, metastases, portal hypertension.

It is important to remember that disorders in work appear already with a serious organ damage, therefore, treatment folk remedies cannot be used - it will only aggravate the course of the disease and you can miss precious time for drug therapy.


In order for a person not to have a change in the parenchyma, it is extremely important to prevent diseases that cause such pathological abnormalities. At the same time, you don’t need to take mountains of pills or drink other medicines at all - you just need to follow simple rules:

  1. eat right, balance the diet according to the main indicators - proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  2. exclude sublimated foods, do not use preservatives and thickeners, refuse fast food and fatty foods;
  3. drink enough water;
  4. eat fractionally and often;
  5. play sports, walk daily in the fresh air;
  6. avoid alcohol as much as possible, stop smoking;
  7. when the first negative symptoms appear gastrointestinal tract contact the clinic for treatment in time to eliminate all possible reasons pathology.


People suffering from organ pathologies should treat diffuse changes not only with pills, but also with the help of a diet. Do not think that the diet does not affect the liver in any way - this is one of the main stages of treatment, which should not be neglected in any case.

The patient should avoid fatty and fried foods, exclude preservation and heavy-to-digest dishes. Diet based on proteins and plant food. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. Diet with diffuse changes in the liver is necessary condition for recovery.


An important component of the prognosis for liver disease is the treatment of pathology. from timely and quality treatment largely depends on the outcome of the disease. Usually, doctors do not give encouraging prognosis only for cancer - hepatocarcinoma and its total lesion, and other disorders can be stopped to one degree or another. The question of the quality of life with diffuse changes is individual.

If it is possible to correct diffuse changes in early stage, then the patient can live normal life adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. At focal lesions the diet will be more strict, will need additional drugs to maintain organ function.

If local changes that are not amenable to therapy are detected, an operation is possible to remove part of the organ, after which patients live, but with significant restrictions on nutrition, physical activity, etc.

Total organ damage with extensive fatty hepatosis, rapidly developing hepatitis and cirrhosis cause the greatest difficulty in treatment. Today it is not possible to help such patients, death occurs as a result of intoxication of the body, internal bleeding development of severe infectious complications.


Diffuse changes do not indicate serious illness, however, they can talk about the onset of pathology and an increase in the tissues of the organ. With a timely visit to the doctor, it is possible to restore the working capacity of the liver and pancreas in 9 out of 10 cases. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the causes of the deviation, which can be identified by tests and instrumental examinations.

What it is

The liver and pancreas belong to an unpaired type of organs that do not provide for cavities, but consist of tissues. Since they are interconnected by ducts, the failure of one affects the second.

Diffuse changes are violations of the tissue structure. Organs lose density, shape, size. It is not recommended to start self-treatment of the pathology, since the symptoms are similar to the diagnosis of hepatosplenomegaly. This syndrome is characterized by a simultaneous increase in the size of the liver and spleen and requires different types treatment.

The reasons for the deviations are:

  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • inflammatory processes.
  • JCB (kidney stones).

Pancreatitis, stress, alcoholism, drug addiction. Chronic cholecystitis also causes tissue deformation, in which gallbladder formed inflammatory process.

When exposed to the body negative factors patients may develop steatosis (fat deposits in the parenchyma).

Symptoms of the disease

There are specific signs of diffuse changes in the liver and gland, which can be used to diagnose the disease. Often they are accompanied by pain in the right side. Discomfort occurs during physical activity, while running or due to the intake of fatty foods. Pain are permanent and aggravated by stimuli.

Diffusion changes can be observed at any age and sometimes appear even in children.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • nausea;
  • appetite decreases;
  • there is an eructation of bitterness after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • body weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent migraines.

In men with liver diseases, there may be malfunctions in sexual function. With a similar diagnosis, women experience hormonal disorders.

In patients, skin tone and the color of the whites of the eyes change. In some cases, there is a darkening of the urine and discoloration of the feces.

Forms of change

There are several types of illness. All of them are due to various diseases.

Types of pathology of the liver and pancreas tissue:

  1. Minor damage. A common occurrence among young people and adults. Such deviations occur at various stages of hepatitis. Unfavorable factors can also cause small changes.
  2. Defeats medium degree. The main causes are poisoning, frequent use alcohol, junk food. You can correct such a pathology by taking vitamins and natural food.
  3. Strong defeats. There are changes in people with diabetes. Often, the pathology of the tissues of the liver and pancreas is manifested in obesity and the presence of tumors.

There are several types of parenchymal changes. To date, there are swelling, hypertrophic, sclerotic, dystrophic types. They all appear for different reasons.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are manifested:

  1. Moderate tissue density (pathology due to acute form pancreatitis. Accompanied by digestion of the parenchyma gastric juice. In this case, the body increases in size. Swelling of the walls is often observed).
  2. Decrease in tissue thickness (manifested due to chronic pancreatitis. The reason for the change in the parenchyma is a violation of the digestive tract).
  3. Lipomatosis of the gland (pathology is due to the development of a fatty layer in the tissues of the organ).

Regardless of the forms and types of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. Only a full examination can reveal the causes of tissue deformation.

echo signs

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must accurate diagnosis. A number of procedures are carried out, among which the main place is occupied by ultrasound.

Echo signs of diffuse changes, which are determined by ultrasound:

  1. Reduced density of the tissue structure. Such an echo sign indicates its heterogeneity. The organ increases in size. Inflammatory processes cause pathology.
  2. Reduced echo density. In this case, the liver and pancreas do not change in size. Such a deviation can be caused by chronic pancreatitis.
  3. Increased echogenicity. The structure is compacted. The walls are replaced by adipose tissue.
  4. echoscopic changes. Indicate the presence of a high density of the parenchyma.
  5. sonographic abnormalities. The organ is compacted, hyperechogenicity is observed. At the same time, its size can be both within the normal range and reduced.
  6. Diffuser dystrophic deviations. The main reason is fatty infiltration.

At healthy person echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma is very similar to that of the liver and spleen. The gland consists of a head, body, tail. All parts of the body must be within normal limits. Often, under the influence of negative factors, they are modified. The pancreas should have a homogeneous structure.

On this video you can see how the ultrasound is performed.

Treatment with folk remedies

After defining exact reasons, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics, painkillers, enzymes. Sometimes treatment involves taking antibiotics and antiemetics. Hepatoprotectors such as Karsil and Liv-52 are also prescribed. For the regeneration of the organ, "Gepabene", "Essentialle" is prescribed.

Diffuse changes can be cured even with the help of folk remedies. For this, apply various infusions from herbs. Liver cleansing is carried out with the help of oats, birch buds, rose hips, mint.

Honey infused in pumpkin. To do this, you need to take a small vegetable, get the seeds out of it and fill it with honey. Insist in a dark place for 3 weeks. Drink a teaspoonful of liquid three times a day.

Infusion with cranberries. You only need leaves. They can be both dry and fresh. Add a handful of the plant to a liter of water and brew for 20 minutes. Cooled liquid take a glass a day.

Also, the patient must adhere to a diet. Proper nutrition must be followed for 5 months. It is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamins (tomatoes, apples, fish, beef, cottage cheese, eggs). Meals should be boiled or steamed.

With inefficiency conservative treatment surgical intervention is performed. To prevent the pathology from reappearing, the patient must be healthy lifestyle life.

Quite often, in the conclusion to the ultrasound examination protocol, you can find such a diagnosis as diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas, the echo signs of which will be described in this article. Those patients who have been given a similar diagnosis are wondering how dangerous this condition is for the body. Echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas indicate that some uniform structural changes in tissues occur on the surface of these organs due to the influence of various factors. The degree of this diffuse deformation can be different. And this conclusion suggests that there are no local foreign inclusions in the organs, for example, stones, cysts, tumors. But what do the echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas include? This and other issues should be explored in more detail.

What do the echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas mean?

Normally, the tissue of the pancreas and liver during ultrasound should have the same density absolutely throughout the organ, and outwardly represent a homogeneous substance. If its density evenly increases or decreases, then this indicates the presence of echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas. They may have the following character:

  • Increased echo density. During this, echoes of diffuse changes in the liver or pancreas are characterized by an organ structure that is heterogeneous. A moderate increase in the size of these organs can be observed. This usually happens during acute pancreatitis.
  • Decreased echo density. At the same time, echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas do not include any changes in the size of the organs.

Such conditions indicate the presence of chronic pancreatitis in a patient, if we are talking specifically about the pancreas.

With an increase in echogenicity, the walls of the pancreas are replaced by adipose tissue, but the size does not deviate from the norm. This condition is characteristic of lipomatosis. With hyperechogenicity, the tissues of the organ are strongly compacted, and the dimensions may remain normal or decrease. Wherein healthy cells begin to be replaced by connective tissues, which indicates the presence of fibrosis.

In the pancreas, degenerative dystrophic changes develop only gradually, being considered an irreversible consequence.

Echo-signs of diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas can be a sign of both minor deviations and complex pathologies in the work of these organs. They are evaluated according to such parameters as the lumen and the condition of the bile ducts, the change in size, the condition of the arteries and veins, the uniformity of the border of the edges.

Echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma can indicate many diseases, which include the following:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver, during which the organ increases or decreases in size, and the structure of its tissue also changes. It can become bumpy, rough or dense.
  • Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is caused by a virus.
  • Alcoholic disease, which is an inflammation of the body due to fatty degeneration.
  • Cholangitis, which is an infection of the bile ducts.
  • Hepatosis, which is a change in liver cells, as well as a violation of the metabolic process in them.

With moderate echo-signs of diffuse changes in the liver, the patient experiences symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, an increase in the size of the organ, pain and heaviness in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Quite often, diffuse transformations that are observed in the liver extend to the spleen, as a result of which it also increases in size.

If, after the ultrasound, moderate echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver were noticed, then this may indicate the degeneration of parenchyma cells, which is characteristic of cirrhosis. The surface of the organ in this case is bumpy, uneven, replaced by connective tissue and dense.

Description of hepatomegaly

Hepatomegaly is a syndrome in which the liver increases in size. Such a pathology can be triggered by exposure to the hepatitis virus, fatty degeneration, alcoholic disease, infectious mononucleosis or cirrhosis. The main signs of this pathology are: a feeling of heaviness, localized in the right hypochondrium, as well as severe pain, dyspeptic disorders and a feeling of constriction.

The severity of this symptomatology will depend on the degree of the course of the disease, against which the liver has increased in size.

Moderate hepatomegaly, developing due to exposure to an acute viral infection or resulting from a violation of the diet, may be asymptomatic. Symptoms of malaise in this case will appear only when the liver begins to increase significantly in size. Echo signs of hepatomegaly diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are observed during viral hepatitis. In this case, the organ becomes compacted.

Quite often it happens that diffuse changes in the pancreas, as well as the liver, occur simultaneously. This combination can be noted during reactive pancreatitis. Echo signs of hepatomegaly of diffuse liver changes should not be ignored, as this can be fraught with serious consequences.


As a rule, no disease develops for no reason. Among the factors that can cause echo signs of changes in the liver and pancreas, there can be both internal and external. The external ones include toxic substances that enter the body from environment. It can also happen while taking medications, drinking alcohol, or smoking tobacco. The changes that occur under the influence of these factors are considered temporary and reversible. Internal causes echo signs of moderate diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma should be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • Diseases directly related to the liver.
  • Age changes.
  • Violations of the functions of other organs and systems in the body.

Among other pathologies that only indirectly affect the functioning of the liver and pancreas, thereby causing changes in their tissue, experts distinguish the following:

  • Autoimmune diseases such as
  • Gallstone disease of the gallbladder.
  • Viral infections in the intestine, characterized by a severe course.

Symptoms and signs

Reviews of echo-signs of changes in the liver and pancreas suggest that the symptoms will be different depending on the underlying cause. However, among common features experts distinguish the following:

  • Chair disorder.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Soreness and feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

During acute pancreatitis, the patient may experience bouts of nausea, vomiting, intense pain in the left hypochondrium, lowering blood pressure, palpitations, and general intoxication.

During fibrosis, symptoms initial stage there is no development of the disease, but as the disease progresses, there is constant pain in the region of the left hypochondrium, a feeling of nausea, gag reflexes, and also begin to be disturbed metabolic processes. All of the above signs refer specifically to diffuse changes that occur in the pancreas.

If we talk specifically about the signs of diffuse changes in the liver, then the symptoms do not appear immediately, or they are mild. In most cases, they remain unnoticed. Echo-signs of ductal changes in the liver include decreased performance, lethargy, fatigue, minor skin hemorrhages, and headaches.

When diffuse changes in an organ are more extensive, some symptoms can be found in a patient:

  • In the morning bad taste in the mouth.
  • The appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium after eating.
  • Lightening of feces.
  • Dark color urine.
  • rashes and pruritus.
  • Swelling of the abdomen in the area of ​​the liver.
  • Yellow shade of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes.

If minor diffuse changes are detected during ultrasound, then this indicates a moderately severe hepatomegaly. This condition is usually due to unbalanced diet as well as alcohol abuse.

Diagnostic methods

Diffuse changes occurring in the tissues of the pancreas and liver are detected by ultrasound. Ultrasound shows exactly how much this or that organ has increased. Echosigns of diffuse changes are pathological vascular plexuses and compaction of parenchyma structures. Such foci of compaction, as a rule, are found throughout the organ.

But the results of ultrasound are not enough to diagnose a particular disease that is associated with diffuse changes. For this, it is necessary to carry out additional instrumental examination. Plain radiography and computed tomography are organized for this purpose.

Features of treatment

Methods for the treatment of echo-signs of changes in the liver and gallbladder imply a phased and integrated approach. First of all, you need to give overall rating the patient's condition. Methods of therapeutic action should be selected based on the degree of intensity of the existing symptoms of the disease.

Medical therapy

Hepatomegaly, which was provoked by diffuse transformation of the liver or pancreas, should without fail subject to drug therapy. Such treatment is aimed at alleviating the symptoms, however, it will be impossible to restore the previous state of the tissues of these organs.

Therapy of diffuse changes in the liver

Medical measures, which are aimed at combating diffuse transformations, will depend on what kind of disease is the cause of the development of this pathology. With less pronounced changes, the patient is prescribed medications, contributing to the restoration of body cells. The most effective are the drugs "Gepabene" and "Essentiale".

With moderate diffusion, they are prescribed antibacterial agents, vitamin complexes, and antihistamines.

Surgery is required only in cases where significant restructuring and stone formation occurs in the parenchyma tissues.

In some cases, with a small size of the formed stones, therapy may be limited only to taking choleretic drugs.

Treatment of diffuse changes in the pancreas

The specialist cannot prescribe therapy to combat this pathology. Surgical intervention it is also irrelevant. With the help of drugs, you can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, as well as help this body perform its direct functions. For this, painkillers and enzymes are most often prescribed. Enzymes compensate for the deficiency essential substances in the body for normal operation pancreas, and painkillers help to stop soreness.


All patients suffering from such a pathology should adhere to a sparing diet. Such a diet involves the rejection of the use of many foods, which include the following:

  • Fatty varieties of fish, poultry and meat.
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat content.
  • Salted, fried, spicy dishes.
  • Fatty broths, as well as first courses that are prepared on their basis.
  • Fresh baked goods and treats.
  • Canned food and smoked meats.
  • Sorrel and spinach.
  • Sweets and by-products.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Radish.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Strong black tea.
  • Hot sauces.
  • Coffee.
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

With a diffuse change in the liver parenchyma, it is not forbidden to use in any amount following products:

  • Homemade jam and honey.
  • Biscuit and toasted bread.
  • Non-acidic berries and fruits.
  • Vegetable puree.
  • Vegetarian or milk soups.
  • Vegetable and fruit salads.
  • Protein omelette or soft-boiled eggs.
  • Boiled sausages.
  • Dietary varieties of fish and meat.
  • Cocoa and green tea.
  • Freshly squeezed juices and compotes.

Alternative medicine

Experts recommend using prescriptions in combination with the main therapy traditional medicine. However, this should be done strictly after consultation with your doctor. You can easily make your own at home healing decoctions, as well as infusions based on the following ingredients:

  • Mint.
  • Oats.
  • Propolis.
  • Corn silk.
  • Chamomile.
  • Fennel.
  • Yarrow.
  • Birch buds.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Rose hip.
  • Calendula.
  • Cowberry leaves.
  • Apricot kernels.

Possible Complications

Depending on the severity of diffuse lesions of organs, this pathology can provoke some dangerous complications, which include the following:

Forecast and prevention

In order to never allow the development of such a pathology, it is necessary to follow a number of general simple rules. Preventive measures include the following:

  • Constantly control your body weight.
  • Forever give up addictions.
  • Try to eat well and eat well.
  • Constantly strengthen your immune system.
  • Do not allow toxic substances and toxins to enter your body.
  • Accept only those medicines that were prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, the dosage, as well as the duration of the use of drugs, should be strictly observed.
  • Diagnosis should be early in order to eliminate those diseases that can provoke the development pathological change in the liver and pancreas.
  • Regularly undergo a complete preventive examination, as well as visit all specialists.


By her own this pathology does not pose a particular danger to human life. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the prognosis and the risk of developing possible complications will dictate the main provoking diseases. It should be remembered that each disease is a provocateur that has its own consequences, sometimes ending lethal outcome. Therefore, when the first signs of any disease are detected, it is necessary to immediately seek help from the medical institution. It is there that the specialist must prescribe the appropriate treatment, as well as prescribe certain medications.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of traditional medicine recipes is only an addition to the main therapy. Besides this, even unconventional means should only be used after consultation with a qualified person.

It is also worth noting that such changes in the liver are almost asymptomatic. In rare cases, there is mild pain in the right hypochondrium, heaviness, in some cases pain is felt in the right forearm, the skin around the eyes and sclera turn yellow.

Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma, which are fixed ultrasonic method research, may occur not only in primary disease liver, but also due to some pathological extrahepatic changes. So, for example, amyloidosis of the liver is quite possible with diabetes. At the same time, the echographic picture will demonstrate an increase in the size of the liver due to all its lobes, an increase in the echogenicity of the liver tissue with attenuation in the deep sections, a manifestation of structural heterogeneity as an increase in the graininess of the image, and a slight smoothing of the pattern of blood vessels.

Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas

The liver, like the pancreas, is an unpaired organ that does not have a cavity and consists of tissue.

The digestive organs are united by ducts, therefore, in most cases, a violation of the work of one organ is reflected in the work of another.

Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas may occur due to metabolic disorders, vascular diseases, infectious diseases in acute or chronic form.

Violation of the liver can be suspected by the yellowness of the eye proteins, skin, dark urine, light-colored stool. At wrong work liver, itching of the skin may occur, as it enters the blood a large number of bile.

Changes in pancreatic tissues occur for various reasons: swelling, pancreatitis, lipomatosis (replacement of organ tissues with fat), tissue proliferation and scarring due to an inflammatory process or metabolic disorders.

Diffuse changes in the liver and kidneys

Diffuse changes in the liver and kidneys is a multifaceted concept and is not considered the main diagnosis. This conclusion is based on the results of the ultrasound examination.

In some diseases, the structure of the organ changes, in addition, congenital or acquired pathologies can lead to such changes,

With diffuse changes, thickening of the parenchyma, an increase or decrease in the sinuses, accumulation of fluid in the pelvis, purulent inflammation, thrombosis.

In some cases, changes in kidney tissue may be associated with the presence of kidney stones.

Diffuse changes in the liver and spleen

Diffuse changes in the liver and spleen affect the organ completely.

The spleen is responsible for normal blood circulation, enriched blood flow; in case of diseases or dysfunction of the organ, weakness, decreased appetite, and sleep disturbance appear.

With an increase in the spleen due to disturbances in work, pain and a feeling of pressure appear. An organ that is too large in size can protrude strongly and put pressure on adjacent organs. Often, a person confuses diseases of the spleen with a violation of the function of the pancreas.

The spleen fails, usually due to malnutrition or malnutrition, as a result of which the right amount does not enter the blood nutrients and trace elements and the body independently compensates for the lack of substances. But under such conditions, the work of the spleen is quickly disrupted, as a result of which changes in the tissue and structure of the organ begin.

Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma

The liver tissue has a homogeneous structure with a low density. With diffuse changes in the parenchyma in the liver during ultrasound examination in the tissues of the liver, blood vessels with bile ducts, the density of which is increased.

Diffuse changes in the liver indicate a complete change in the liver tissue, which can be associated with both serious pathologies and minor ones. functional disorders in the work of the body.

The degree of edema of the liver parenchyma depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. With diffuse changes, there may be the following diseases: obesity, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, tumors, chronic hepatitis, cystic formations.

The onset of diffuse changes in the liver can provoke headache, nausea, weakness, bitterness in the mouth, frequent shift mood, irritability.

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver are detected by ultrasound. Structural change can begin not only as a result of primary diseases liver, but also in pathologies not related to the organ. For example, in diabetes mellitus, a violation of protein metabolism may occur and deposits will appear in the liver.

In this case, the lobes of the liver increase in size, the density of the organ also increases, in the deeper layers the structure of the organ loses its uniformity.

The heterogeneous structure can be viewed as small or large areas of different density with pathological metabolic products (proteins, carbohydrates).

Diffuse changes in liver tissue

For any negative influences changes occur in the liver diffuse tissue organ. Such changes can lead to alcohol addiction, smoking, drugs, hereditary anomalies, as well as viruses and bacteria.

Often, diffuse changes in the liver are detected in combination with diseases of the pancreas, since ducts are connected in these organs.

Diffuse heterogeneous changes in the structure of the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver, in which tissue heterogeneity appears, may be associated with obstruction of the gallbladder ducts, growth or decrease in connective tissue, accumulation of any substances in the liver cells.

With heterogeneity of the liver, as a rule, cirrhosis, calcifications, obstruction of the liver veins, hepatitis, metabolic disorders (with obesity or diabetes mellitus) are diagnosed.

Quite often when heterogeneous structure tubercles appear in tissues, decreases or increases connective tissue, dystrophy of liver cells, bile ducts is not excluded.

The causes of tissue changes can be associated, as already mentioned, with inadequate, unhealthy nutrition, alcohol abuse, etc.

Majority pathological conditions liver are detected on ultrasound examination.

To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to establish the main diagnosis, which caused diffuse changes in the liver.

The liver is unique body a person who has the ability to self-repair, but irreversible consequences lead to serious violations in the work of the body.

Diffuse dystrophic changes in the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver occur as a result of negative impact on the body due to malnutrition, diseases or other violations of the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Dystrophic changes lead to strong suppression hepatic function. These changes are caused by acute or chronic diseases organ.

In most cases, dystrophic changes in diffuse tissue are due to the hepatitis virus. In some cases, poisoning (mushrooms, nitrates, etc.), the use of halothane, atophane lead to such lesions.

Also, cirrhosis of the liver, inappropriate use of diuretics, sleeping pills or sedatives can lead to such changes.

Diffuse changes in the walls of the liver ducts

The liver consists of lobules, in the center of which are veins and bile ducts. The ducts are necessary to collect the produced bile, they pass through the entire liver and have closed ends.

Diffuse changes in the liver affect the entire organ, including the walls of the liver ducts. Changes in the walls of the ducts occur mainly for the same reasons as in the rest of the organ tissue (viruses, bacteria, junk food, etc.).

Diffuse liver changes in chronic cholecystitis

Diffuse changes in the liver chronic cholecystitis occur quite often.

In chronic cholecystitis, a long-term inflammatory process is observed in the gallbladder, sometimes with exacerbations. The disease is always secondary, which develops as a result of biliary dyskinesia or congenital pathologies. Women are more likely to suffer from cholecystitis (five times), especially those with blonde hair and prone to fullness.

Diffuse changes in the liver with hepatomegaly

Hepatomegaly is pathological increase liver. The most common cause of this condition is poisoning with toxins or toxic substances. Diffuse changes in the liver in this case completely affect all tissues, while the organ is easily felt under the ribs (with a healthy liver, it is extremely difficult to feel the organ).

In addition, when pressed, pain is felt, which also indicates a violation of the liver. Hepatomegaly is not considered independent disease, experts attribute given state to a symptom that indicates the need for urgent treatment of the liver.

The liver carries out the destruction and neutralization of toxic and poisonous substances that enter the body. Passing through the liver, toxins are eliminated from the body neutralized.

Diffuse reactive changes in the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver are sometimes reactive in nature, in other words, if the liver is disturbed, a pancreatic reaction is observed, which is expressed by reactive pancreatitis.

Such a conclusion during ultrasound examination makes it possible with a high degree of probability to exclude neoplasms, tumors, stones, etc. Ultrasound also shows focal lesions of tissue density.

Diffuse changes are not a diagnosis, they only indicate the need for additional examination.

Diffuse focal changes in the liver

Diffuse liver changes affect the entire organ. During an ultrasound scan, the doctor diagnoses tissue changes over the entire surface of the liver. normal tissue liver foci of change.

With diffuse-focal changes, the doctor identifies individual foci on the affected liver tissue, which differ from diffuse ones. Such changes occur in hepatitis accompanied by metastasis or abscess.

Diffuse liver changes in a child

Diffuse changes in the liver can occur as a result of congenital pathologies (underdevelopment). It can also be caused by hepatitis during pregnancy (usually in such cases, an abortion is prescribed).

Changes in the liver in a child can begin during antibiotic treatment, which are extremely toxic drugs, and the baby's body is not strong enough and formed.

Diffuse liver changes in a newborn

Diffuse liver changes in newborns often result from congenital anomalies.

Also, the liver of a newborn can be affected by maternal diseases during pregnancy, medications (especially antibiotics).

If diffuse liver changes are detected in a newborn, first of all, an additional examination (blood, urine test) should be carried out, if necessary, biochemical analysis blood, biopsy, laparoscopy.

  • Changes in the parenchyma in various diseases
  • Diagnosis of diseases
  • Treatment of change

In his normal condition the liver parenchyma is a completely homogeneous structure with weak echogenicity. Against this background, vessels and ducts are usually clearly visible. If diffuse changes are observed in the parenchyma, then the entire hepatic tissue has undergone changes. And pathologies can be very serious, therefore, if pathologies of the liver parenchyma are detected on ultrasound, it is often necessary additional research, instrumental and laboratory.

Changes in the parenchyma in various diseases

Diffuse changes usually include hepatitis (acute and chronic), fatty infiltrates, cirrhosis, changes in other diseases. In hepatitis, the organ is enlarged, and the parenchyma may remain unchanged. If hydrophilicity increases, then the tissue of the liver parenchyma changes, the walls of the organ thicken. The more acute the inflammation, the more swelling parenchyma. In such cases, echogenicity decreases, and sound conductivity increases. Moreover, with hepatitis, echogenicity can be different: low in one part of the organ and high in another.

In the case of cirrhosis, the tissue of the liver parenchyma is characterized by diffuse heterogeneity, it contains a large number of areas of increased and reduced echogenicity. The sizes of heterogeneous areas are usually from 5 mm to 2 cm. Heterogeneity of the parenchyma can also be the result of congestion in the ducts of the liver or as a result of fatty degeneration of the liver tissue, liver damage due to wrong exchange substances.

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Diagnosis of diseases

The liver is sole organ that performs the function of detoxification food products. It neutralizes substances harmful to the body, fights an excess of hormones. If the liver is not doing its job well, toxic substances gradually poison the entire body. That's why early diagnosis pathological processes in the liver is of great importance for our health.

Changes in the liver parenchyma are usually manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • taste of bitterness;
  • mood swings;
  • weakness.

Very warning sign- pain in the right hypochondrium.

Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Due to its structure, the liver can reflect quite well sound waves, what is he doing ultrasound diagnostics very effective even early stages pathological processes. If, as a result of such a diagnosis, diffuse changes in the parenchyma were determined, you should not immediately panic. Minor diffuse changes may indicate previous viral diseases, poor diet. But they can also mean such serious conditions as cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty disease, metabolic disorders. Therefore, to clarify the causes of changes in the parenchyma, it is necessary to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental research. This is, first of all, a blood test (general and biochemical), X-ray or MRI. In some cases, even laparoscopy may be required and



2023 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs