The structure of the parenchyma is heterogeneous. Diffuse changes in the pancreas and liver. The echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma is increased

Parenchyma - cells that fill the glandular organs, they have different structure. Component various organs differ greatly from each other. A “bag” of connective tissue, the stroma, is formed around the parenchyma. Together they form a single whole, an organ.

Translated from the Greek parenchyma (what is inside), various bodies have their own composition. The glands are filled with epithelium. Nerves - nerve endings(neurons). diffuse changes in the parenchyma of various organs. What does it mean? This is our article.

The structure of the parenchyma of the pancreas

The human body has parenchymal organs, they consist of an internal filling (parenchyma) and connective tissue (stroma). Its basis is glands, divided into particles connective tissue. All this is in a special "bag".

Its functions:

  1. The pancreas produces substances (enzymes) for digestive system(pancreatic juice).
  2. Hormones (insulin) are produced that enter the bloodstream and take part in all body processes.

Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

It is uniform in its composition. Inflammations, infections change its structure, connective, adipose tissue appears.

The cause of diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma can be:

  1. Increase in blood sugar.
  2. Inflammation of the gland.
  3. Diseases near the lying organs (liver, gallbladder).
  4. Various neoplasms and tumors.
  5. Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol and nicotine, unbalanced diet.
  6. Stressful situations, overwork, fatigue.
  7. genetic failures. Age.

Normal echogenicity of the pancreas

  • Normal parenchyma in ultrasound examination of a homogeneous state.
  • There should not be any formations in it.
  • A clear shape with a smooth contour.
  • The size should be 35/30/25 mm.
  • The length of the duct is about 2 mm.

If there is an increase in volume, jagged edges glands - we can talk about a low-quality tumor. The pancreatic parenchyma with increased echogenicity is an increase in the duct ( chronic course pancreatitis).

The echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma is increased

With an increase in the indicators, the organ seems to be compacted, moisture comes out of it, and wrinkles appear in the tissues. various formations- fibromas, lipomas, tumors. Moderate diffuse changes, reduced rate, shows about the inflammatory process, or swelling of the tissues.

The principle of echogenicity is to reflect ultrasonic waves. Its indicator depends on the amount of liquid.

Homogeneity of the gland

Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma can be manifested in its homogeneity. Enlargement of the organ, blurring of the edge, heterogeneity are signs severe inflammation pancreas.

Inflammation causes diffuse compaction, the formation of cysts filled with blood or dying cells. Their size is not constant, it changes, depending on the edema. During inflammation, purulent cysts of the parenchyma, cancerous tumors appear.

The appearance of reactive changes in the pancreas

The pancreas, liver and bile have a single duct. The parenchyma of the liver and pancreas are closely related, when inflammation occurs in the liver or in the gallbladder - this causes allergic reaction, there are reactive changes in the parenchyma composition of the pancreas.

A reactive reaction manifests itself in pancreatitis, a violation of the production of enzymes, pain, diabetic manifestations (increased sugar).

Diffuse changes contribute to the appearance of reactive changes throughout the organ, without the appearance of any formations or stones. This is one of the most common manifestations of pancreatic disease.

Signs of diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma

What is the liver parenchyma? What threatens diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma? First of all, you need to know that the liver is a hematopoietic organ, consisting of many small capillaries filled with blood. Pass through it bile ducts that deliver bile.

The pathology of the organ can be determined by echo signs. Over time, they undergo changes - this is a constant process. If the work of an organ is disrupted under the influence of adverse conditions, its cells (hepatocytes) change their structure.

It begins to accumulate fatty, connective tissue. The composition of the liver changes, dying cells, other factors can form various cysts, hemangiomas. There are signs of hematomegaly (enlargement of the liver in volume).

Diffuse changes can be pronounced and weak. Minor diffuse changes occur after colds, infectious diseases.

Signs and symptoms:

  1. Unpleasant drawing pains in the region of the liver after eating.
  2. Protrusion of the liver from under the ribs, its increase in size.
  3. Bitter bite in the mouth.
  4. Skin rashes on the body, yellowing of the skin.
  5. General weakness, irritability.

These signs are a reason to see a doctor. Changes in the structure of an organ can cause serious illnesses:

Reasons for diffuse changes

  • Bad habits. Alcohol, nicotine.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. Abuse of fried, smoked, salty foods.
  • Diabetes of the second type. Hormonal disbalance in organism.
  • Constant use of medications.

Our liver is able to cleanse the body of harmful substances, when they enter allowable rate. When toxic components are constantly supplied, for example, alcohol, or enter the shock dose(mushroom poisoning), she is unable to cope.

Then the pancreas and liver work in "emergency mode", causing diffuse changes in these organs.

Focal changes in the liver parenchyma

There are several types focal lesions liver:

  1. Cysts - of various etiologies.
  2. Various tumors (benign, cancerous).
  3. Mechanical damage.

In time, ultrasound determines the echogenicity of the parenchyma of the organ. What it is? What to do if the echogenicity of the liver parenchyma is increased.

Increased echogenicity is a pathology that is characterized by fatty degeneration. In the liver, blood circulation is disturbed, it receives less nutrients, start to grow adipose tissue, it is increasing in volume.

There are many reasons for this state of affairs. It could be:

  1. Alcohol defeat.
  2. diabetic deposits.
  3. Taking certain medications.
  4. This pathology requires drug treatment, diet, lifestyle changes.

There are three types of damage:

  • Steatosis - when the liver enlarges due to the deposition of adipose tissue.
  • Fibrosis - the formation of scar tissue, impaired liver function.
  • Cirrhosis is the destruction of all liver tissues.

If you do not start treatment on time, then the third stage will quickly come.


The spleen is another hematopoietic organ. Its stroma is composed of muscular (reticular) tissue that forms small loops. These loops are filled blood cells(leukocytes, erythrocytes, macrophages).

This part of the spleen is called the red pulp, it occupies most of the organ. The white pulp is white blood cells that produce antibodies. Both types of pulp are the parenchyma of the spleen.


Like all organs internal secretion The thyroid gland produces the hormones needed to keep all organs functioning. The iron is supplied big amount blood vessels.

This is necessary so that the hormones quickly enter the bloodstream. It consists of two lobes, the parenchyma thyroid gland contains thyrocytes. They produce a hormone, without which they occur serious violations in the work of the body.

Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland are detected by ultrasound examination. Its echogenicity changes, the reflection of waves from the organ also changes. What happens in the proportions is established with the help of additional analyzes.

Reasons for diffuse changes:

  1. Lack of iodine.
  2. Improper hormone production (increase, decrease).
  3. Environmental impact (increased background radiation).
  4. Inflammatory processes in the gland.

Changes in the structure of the gland lead to various types goiter (endemic, mixed, diffuse). How does this manifest itself? What symptoms occur?

Symptoms of thyroid diseases:

  • Change in structure, increase in volume, the appearance of foci in the gland.
  • Deterioration general condition health (weakness, drowsiness, irritability).
  • Dryness skin and hair.
  • Distracted attention, inability to concentrate.


The lung parenchyma is formed by a large number of alveoli, a vascular network. Alveoli (cells) are filled with air and take part in the gas exchange of the lungs. Parenchymal diseases include:

  1. Pneumonia.
  2. Pulmonary edema.
  3. Airway obstruction.
  4. Neoplasms.

inflammation, smoking, harmful conditions works lead to diffuse changes in the body.


The brain parenchyma is separated from the vascular part by a special BBB barrier. This barrier ensures the exchange between the brain and the blood. With injuries, tumors, inflammation, the barrier is broken, which leads to serious consequences.

Violation of the parenchyma, which consists of neurons ( nerve cells) can lead to loss of vision, hearing, mental disorders, severe headaches.

The brain is an organ that is not fully understood. Its inner part is considered the most unpredictable and not fully understood.

Mammary gland

The breast parenchyma may vary slightly depending on the condition female body(pregnancy, breastfeeding, age). Its main part consists of alveoli and fat cells.

What does a change in the parenchyma of organs lead to?

The composition of the parenchyma of organs comes from the Greek word for "filling mass". Her qualitative composition at healthy person practically does not change. There are many reasons for diffuse changes in the body. For all organs there are the same reasons:

  1. Wrong nutrition.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Nervous stress, stress.
  5. Hormonal disruptions.
  6. Mechanical damage.

The work of organs are interconnected. Changes in one can cause diffuse changes in another organ. Read new publications on our website.

In the thickness of the pancreas there is its duct directed from the tail to the head. The gland produces pancreatic juice containing enzymes that help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The pancreas contains endocrine glands that produce insulin for glucose uptake. A healthy pancreas has a homogeneous tissue, large contours. The cause of diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma, according to doctors, is acute and chronic pancreatitis. elevated level blood sugar.

Often, diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma are diagnosed in elderly people, with various problems of cardio-vascular system, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, organs digestive tract. The reason for the change in the parenchyma of the pancreas can also be infectious and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs that contribute to metabolic disorders.

Increased echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma

When conducting ultrasound diagnostics you can find out the density of internal organs. If a decreased or increased echogenicity of the pancreas is detected, then this serious occasion to undergo a comprehensive examination, providing accurate diagnosis and determining how to fix problems.

Increased echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma is detected during inflammation with the formation of fibrosis that develops against the background of metabolic disorders, when healthy parenchyma tissue is replaced by fat, when acute pancreatitis and relapse chronic inflammation changing the density of the parenchyma.

The value of the absorption coefficient of ultrasonic radiation depends on the increased echogenicity of the parenchyma. Malignant tumors. formed in the parenchyma differ more high coefficient absorption of ultrasonic energy than benign tumors.

Thickening of the pancreatic parenchyma

Methods for studying the pancreatic parenchyma include questioning and examination of the patient, laboratory, instrumental and radiological methods. Parenchymal thickening may result from various diseases pancreas.

Symptoms include pain in the epigastric region and left hypochondrium, disorders of the digestive system that cause a person to feel discomfort, general weakness, weight loss. The mode and nature of nutrition, the presence of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cystic fibrosis.

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Heterogeneous structure of the pancreatic parenchyma

The pancreas of a healthy person has a homogeneous structure, the same echogenicity, well-visible contours, uncinate process, correct position And normal sizes head and tail. Deviation from the norm is determined by an increase in the size of individual parts of the pancreas and the heterogeneity of the structure of its tissues.

Heterogeneity of the pancreas is evidence of the presence of various diseases, including pancreatitis and diabetes. This pathology can be found in any part this body. Diffuse-heterogeneous changes can be caused by edema, inflammatory process and pseudocyst formation.

Reactive changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

Reactive changes in the parenchyma are a consequence of inflammation of the pancreas due to the aggressive effects of the liver and gallbladder on it. It causes pain syndrome, dyspepsia and increased blood sugar and occurs because glandular tissue parenchyma with a reactive pancreas produces pancreatic juice and hormones in not enough. One of the most common causes of reactive changes in the parenchyma can be an allergic reaction.

diffuse changes important body contribute reactive change, evenly distributed throughout the pancreas without the presence of local foci, indicating neoplasms or the formation of stones. The treatment of this pathology is one of the topical issues modern gastroenterology.

Combination medicines prescribed by the attending physician and correctly organized meals can prevent the development various complications. It must be remembered that a timely visit to the doctor and careful implementation of the prescriptions can be a guarantee of successful treatment.

On ultrasound, I found moderate changes pancreatic parenchyma. What is it?

Evgenia Vladimirova2

Tatyana, the pancreas is built of solid tissue (parenchyma). The parenchyma includes the main cells of the organ, specialized in performing the functions inherent in the organ, and the connective tissue base (stroma). You have moderate tissue changes, there is still time to reconsider lifestyle and nutrition.

On my ultrasound, it is shown as follows: the structure is fine-grained, the dimensions are increased. Everything seems to be fine, but the thing that worries me is that if I get up before 9:00 in the morning, I start to feel nauseous, I run faster for pills (cerucal, but after a cool drowsiness and a dead state for the whole day), because without a pill, vomiting will begin. I just don't know what to do. The gastroenterologist offers to swallow the tube, but I can’t stand it under execution, are there any other ways to view the pancreas? And can nausea (sometimes vomiting) be in the morning, so I can’t even eat a small piece of cookies, as they say it doesn’t fit, it’s caused by the pancreas. What to do?

Evgenia Vladimirova8

Nika, it’s very interesting that a pill is normally absorbed by you, but you can’t eat a piece of a cookie. You already pathological addiction from a pill and it’s not at all a fact that it helps you in some way. Problems with the pancreas are manifested by acute girdle pain in the abdomen, especially after fatty and plentiful meals. The pancreas can be seen more closely with an MRI.

I've had pain in my pancreas for 3 weeks now. Ultrasound showed a diffuse compaction of the pancreas, in the analyzes the level of sugar in the blood was 6.5. What is it and how to treat?

Olga, high sugar in the blood speaks of diabetes 2 types. You need to contact an endocrinologist to prescribe treatment for you. However, the main treatment for such diseases is only diet. Without a diet, there will be no positive result.

Hello, an ultrasound scan revealed a diffuse change in the pancreas, apparently due to a stone in the gallbladder measuring 8.9 mm. Tell me what to drink, what medicines? I'm still afraid to operate on the bile. Sometimes I feel sick from red caviar especially, right up to vomiting.

Evgenia Vladimirova0

Olga, a gastroenterologist can prescribe you drugs for the pancreas, in addition, you must follow the diet recommended for pancreatic diseases. Stones in the gallbladder along with the bladder can not be removed, unless there is an urgent need for this.

What is hidden under the increased echogenicity of the pancreas

Now very often you can encounter the conclusion of an ultrasound scan, which states that the echogenicity of the pancreas is increased. Some people, after reading this about their body, begin to urgently look for treatment on the Internet, while others, on the contrary, consider it absolutely unimportant. Meanwhile, such ultrasound symptom may indicate a very serious pathology of the gland. It is not a diagnosis and requires consultation with a gastroenterologist.

The concept of echogenicity

Hyperechoic pancreas looks like this

Echogenicity is a term that is used only in relation to the description of an ultrasound picture. It refers to the ability of the tissue to which ultrasound (that is, high frequency sound) is directed to reflect it. Reflected ultrasound is recorded by the same sensor that emits the waves. By the difference between these two values, a picture is built from different shades. gray color observed on the machine's monitor screen.

Each organ has its own echogenicity index, while it may or may not be homogeneous. There is such a dependence: the denser the organ, the more echogenic it is (displayed as a lighter shade of gray). Liquids do not reflect ultrasound, but transmit it. This is called "echonegativity", and fluid structures (cysts, hemorrhages) are called anechoic. For the urinary and gallbladder, cavities of the heart, intestines and stomach, blood vessels, ventricles of the brain, such “behavior” is the norm.

Thus, we have analyzed what the echogenicity of the pancreas is - this is the ability of this glandular tissue to reflect the high frequency sound emitted by the ultrasound transducer. It is compared with the properties of the liver (they should either be equal, or the pancreas should be slightly lighter), and based on the picture obtained, they talk about a change in the echogenicity of the gland. Also, according to this indicator, the homogeneity of the organ is evaluated.

Minor and extremely dangerous reasons pain in the pancreas

An increase in the echogenicity of the pancreas is described when there are fewer normal glandular cells in the tissue of the organ (as we remember, the liquid reduces echogenicity, and the glandular cells are rich in it). Such a change can be observed both locally and diffusely. In addition, some factors may temporarily affect this indicator.

Warning! The mere description of echogenicity is not a diagnosis.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract our readers recommend Monastic tea. This unique remedy which includes 9 medicinal herbs useful for digestion, which not only complement, but also enhance each other's actions. Monastic tea will not only eliminate all the symptoms of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, but will also permanently get rid of the cause of its occurrence. Readers' opinion. »

When the echogenicity of the entire gland increases

A diffuse change in the permeability of the pancreatic tissue for ultrasound can be a symptom of pathology, but can also be observed in the norm. This cannot be said about foci with increased echogenicity - this is almost always a pathology.

The gland has regular sizes, but its echogenicity is increased (this can be seen from a two-dimensional graph that displays the density of the liver)

The echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma is increased in such pathologies:

  1. Lipomatosis of the gland, when the glandular tissue is replaced by fat cells that contain almost no intracellular fluid; while the size of the pancreas is not increased. This state most often it is asymptomatic. Read more about this disease in the article: How to recognize and cure pancreatic lipomatosis in time?
  2. Swelling of the gland that develops in acute pancreatitis. Accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting.
  3. Organ tumor. If, at the same time, ultrasound describes the pancreas with increased echogenicity, then there are always symptoms of the disease: weight loss, pallor, weakness, lack of appetite, frequent violation chair.
  4. Pancreatic necrosis, accompanied by the death of organ cells, will also look like a lighter area on ultrasound. This disease has symptoms such as strong pain in the abdomen (up to the development pain shock), violation of the general condition, indomitable vomiting, diarrhea.
  5. As a result of diabetes mellitus, which is manifested by thirst in the absence of hot conditions, elevated temperature, active work, as well as frequent and profuse (including nocturnal) urination.
  6. The development of connective tissue in the gland (fibrosis) - usually as a result of previous inflammation or metabolic disorders. In this case, the person can remember cases unstable stool, abdominal pain. Ultrasound shows not only an increase in echogenicity, but also a decrease in the size of the gland, tuberosity of its contours.

A hyperechoic pancreas can also be a temporary phenomenon, manifested by:

  • as a result of reactive inflammation in many infectious diseases: influenza, pneumonia, meningococcal infection. This requires treatment of the underlying disease;
  • when changing the type of food consumed;
  • after a lifestyle change
  • V certain time year (more often in spring and autumn);
  • after a recent heavy meal.

Under such temporary conditions, the echogenicity of the pancreas is moderately increased, in contrast to pathologies, when significant hyperechogenicity is noted.

Local increase in echogenicity

Fat inclusions in the pancreas tissue will appear hyperechoic

What are hyperechoic inclusions in the pancreas? It can be:

  • pseudocysts - liquid formations that develop as a result of acute pancreatitis; with this disease, the contour of the pancreas becomes uneven, jagged, hyperechoic;
  • calcification of tissue areas - calcifications; they are also formed as a result of inflammation (usually chronic);
  • areas of adipose tissue; they replace normal gland cells in obesity and overuse fatty foods;
  • fibrous areas - where areas of normal cells have been replaced by scar tissue; this usually occurs as a result of pancreatic necrosis;
  • stones in the ducts of the gland;
  • fibrocystic degeneration of the gland is either independent disease, or outcome chronic pancreatitis;
  • metastatic tumors.

Treatment of pathological hyperechogenicity

Treatment of conditions when the echogenicity of the pancreas is increased is prescribed only by a gastroenterologist, who must find the cause of this ultrasound symptom:

  1. if the cause is in acute pancreatitis, therapy is carried out with drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and inhibiting the enzymatic activity of the pancreas;
  2. if hyperechogenicity is caused by lipomatosis, a diet with a reduced amount of animal fats in the diet is prescribed;
  3. If etiological factor calcifications, fibrosis or stones in the ducts have become, a diet is prescribed, the issue of the need for surgical treatment is being decided;
  4. reactive pancreatitis requires treatment of the underlying disease, diet.

Advice! Not a single specialist proceeds from the fact that it is necessary to treat the tests, and not the person. Increased echogenicity of the pancreas is an ultrasound symptom, not a diagnosis. It requires further examination, and therapy is prescribed only on the basis of subsequent data.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Galina Savina, how she cured her stomach. Read article >>

The echogenicity of the pancreas is increased - what is it?

Diagnostic studies conducted through ultrasound examination internal organs can tell a lot.

In most cases, the main criterion for assessing the state of internal organs is their echogenicity.

On the basis of an increase or decrease in this indicator, one can judge the processes taking place in the organs, as well as find ways to address negative changes. So, if the echogenicity of the pancreas is increased, only a qualified specialist can understand what it is.

Such an aspect as echogenicity is one of the most significant in the course of ultrasound diagnostics. It can be high, low, local and diffuse, and patients of diagnosticians do not always understand what is being said in the extract.

The concept of "echogenicity" - what does it mean?

Echogenicity is the ability of tissues to reflect various radiations and impulses. This property is inherent in all materials without exception, including living tissues and internal organs.

During an ultrasound examination, the internal organs, in particular the pancreas, are processed by pulses, which, reflected from the tissues of the organ, are displayed as a bitmap on the monitor of the device. Based on the resulting “drawing”, the specialist can draw conclusions about the change in density individual sections fabrics.

On the monitor of the ultrasound machine, the echogenicity of the pancreas is represented by a gray scale, which changes shades depending on the reflectivity of the organ. In addition, echogenicity readings may vary depending on the settings of the diagnostic equipment and possible interference.

An ultrasound picture of the pancreas

In diagnostic practice, there are several types of echogenicity:

  • low - looks like a dark or black spot on the monitor;
  • medium - displayed as a light area;
  • high - looks like a lighter than normal part of the organ.

The echogenicity of the pancreas on ultrasound (increased or decreased) is determined by comparison with the echogenicity of a healthy liver.

Causes and factors of changes in echogenicity

Changes in the echogenicity of the pancreas can cause some pathological processes, which involve the parenchyma of the organ, its ducts and blood vessels.

Most often, such changes are visible during ultrasound diagnostics in the following pathologies:

  • calcification of pancreatic tissue;
  • the presence of a tumor in the organ;
  • inflammation (pancreatitis);
  • lipomatosis (replacement of normal gland tissues with fat);
  • necrosis of the parenchyma.

All these changes, with rare exceptions, are clearly visible on the monitor of the ultrasound machine. However, even the presence visual signs an increase in echogenicity does not indicate pathologies.

Deviation from the norm - always a disease?

No specialist will judge the state of the pancreas only by changes in echogenicity. This indicator in most cases is just an excuse for a deeper examination of the state of the organ.

The following indicators are taken into account:

  • the presence of complaints in the patient;
  • deviations from the norm in the analysis of feces;
  • changes in blood counts;
  • Increasing the size of the pancreas in general and much more.

Based on the information obtained during a deeper examination, the doctor can draw up a clearer clinical picture and prescribe adequate treatment if it is really required.

Echogenicity is increased: what does it mean?

An increase in the echogenicity of the pancreas indicates the presence in the organ of formations and areas that are more dense in structure:

  • localized fatty inclusions, which may indicate pancreatic lipomatosis;
  • foci of inflammation indicative of acute or chronic pancreatitis;
  • sclerosis of the ducts of the gland, which indicates age-related changes in the organ.

Also, an increase in the echogenicity of the pancreas may indicate the presence of fibrosis in the organ, that is, the replacement of the parenchyma of the organ with connective tissue. Such a pathology is noted with long-term chronic pancreatitis.

Among other things, the increase in echogenicity may be temporary. Most often, a similar picture is observed in violation of the principles healthy eating: with regular consumption of spicy and fatty foods, smoked meats and spices, which greatly "load" the pancreas.

For diseases pancreatic treatment most often prescribed medication. Treatment of the pancreas medicines includes taking antacids, enzymes and other means.

How to treat the liver and pancreas, and how to recognize the disease, read here.

Diagnostic algorithm of examination

Specialists in ultrasound diagnostics adhere to a single algorithm for examining the pancreas. It is in comparison overall indicator echogenicity of the organ in comparison with neighboring ones - the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and spleen.

The essence of such a scheme is the possibility of changes in other organs, which may lead to a distortion overall picture, or a real change in some parameters: density, surface structure and parenchyma.

Echoes of pancreatic cancer

Differential diagnosis, that is, examination of all interconnected organs abdominal cavity, allows you to get reliable data and decide on therapy.

Diffuse and local echogenicity

In diagnostic practice, in addition to other indicators of pancreatic echogenicity, diffuse or local changes take place in an individual case. These two terms can mean various states organ, and therefore must be taken into account when making a primary diagnosis.

Diffuse, that is, a widespread increase in echogenicity, may indicate a large-scale change in pancreatic tissue that occurs in the following cases:

  • with lipomatosis - severe symptoms no, the subject does not need therapy;
  • with pancreatitis in the acute stage - the symptomatology consists in a change in stool, pain in the abdomen, the patient is sick;
  • in the formation of a tumor or a benign neoplasm, the symptoms are expressed in gas formation, impaired stool and a general deterioration in the patient's condition.

Also, a diffuse increase in echogenicity is recorded in the presence of mild diseases and conditions in the treatment of diseases and conditions: with a cold, a violation of the diet, and the like.

A local increase in echogenicity is characterized by a change in this indicator in limited areas of the pancreas.

depending on the presence additional symptoms and signs, the diagnostician may suggest the presence of the following pathologies:

  • pseudocystic formations ( additional feature pathology - uneven, as if jagged contour of the organ);
  • fat deposition (observed in the presence of obesity in the patient);
  • stones in the ducts of the organ (an additional sign is persistent indigestion, acute unbearable pain in the hypochondrium);
  • metastases (detected in the presence of cancerous tumor another abdominal organ in stages 3 and 4).

The changes described above cannot be used as the only source of information about the problem of an organ.

If any type of change in echogenicity is detected, differential diagnosis is necessary.

Treatment of gland dysfunctions

Therapy for any change in the echogenicity of the pancreas is made depending on the totality of factors and the diagnosis. In most cases, it is based on preparations with natural or synthetic enzymes. They help reduce the load on the organ or temporarily play its role for better assimilation nutrients from the food you eat. In addition, antispasmodics may be needed to reduce discomfort and pain.

An additional means of eliminating problems with the pancreas is a strict diet, which implies the rejection of alcohol, heavy and fatty foods, fried and smoked foods.

Preference in the first day after the onset of the disease should be given to alkaline mineral water. As the condition improves, it is necessary to introduce vegetables and lean meat into the menu, always in boiled form.

It is the diet that accounts for the main part of the treatment, because most often pancreatic diseases are somehow associated with nutritional errors.

In some cases, when we are talking about large-scale changes in the tissues of the organ or the presence of neoplasms on it, the doctor may suggest surgical intervention. In most cases, it is carried out using minimally invasive methods, which allows you to quickly go through the recovery period.

Diseases of the liver and pancreas are not always inflammatory or necrotic in nature. Hepatomegaly - diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas - one of the possible deviations in the work of organs. Details about this disease read on the website.

Read about the symptoms of pancreatic diseases and methods of treating diseases in this material.

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Diffuse changes in the pancreas and liver

The pancreas on the "picture" of the ultrasound should look like a homogeneous substance. In the presence of pathologies, it can be increased or decreased, its density (echo density) can deviate from the norm in any direction (increased or decreased). Also, foci of disease and heterogeneity of the structure can be noticeable. This can be shown by ultrasound, but only by the results of such an examination to determine the presence specific disease impossible.

Diffuse means the spread of the disease evenly throughout the organ.

What are diffuse changes in the pancreas?

Diffuse changes in the pancreas is not a diagnosis. This is a general terminology, which means that there is a pathology in the organ, and the specialist noticed it in the process of ultrasound diagnostics. The term "diffuse" itself means that the disease has spread evenly throughout the organ, the disorders are not focal.

At the same time, the ultrasound doctor checks the echo signs of other components of the abdominal cavity to make sure that changes in the gland are a sign of an independent disease of the organ, and did not appear as a result of the spread of pathology from the liver (hepatosis), bile, spleen (splenomegaly), etc. In such situations of deviation in the organ will be reactive.

In order to find the cause of diffuse compaction, other diagnostic procedures. Be sure to take blood for biochemistry, which will show deviations in the functioning of the pancreas. Held general analysis blood, the main indicator of which is an increase in the level of leukocytes, which determines the presence of inflammation in the body. To check the ducts of a compacted organ, endoscopy is done. duodenum, which makes it possible to examine the mucous membrane. The child is often characterized by heterogeneity of the diffusion of the gland.

The results of ultrasound and other studies of diffuse changes are analyzed by doctors.

What types of diffuse changes are detected on ultrasound?

Diffuse changes in the pancreas can be of a different nature:

  • The echo density (compaction of the structure) decreases, the echo structure is heterogeneous, but the gland becomes larger in moderate limits - this type is inherent in the pancreas when the patient has acute inflammation, which is caused by a deviation in the output digestive enzymes from the organ. This contributes to the self-digestion of the organ, the occurrence of puffiness; at the same time, diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma occur.
  • The pancreas is diffusely less dense (reduced echo density), the echogenicity of the pancreas decreases, it does not change in size. Similar echo symptoms are characteristic of chronic pancreatitis, the cause of which is the deviation of metabolic processes in relation to fats; the juice waste duct may be obstructed.
  • Increased echogenicity of the gland on ultrasound.

The echogenicity of the pancreas is increased (hyperechoic gland), the echo density is increased, but no deviations in size are observed - this is how lipomatosis can be recognized. The echo image shows that the walls of the pancreas are replaced by adipose tissue; if the situation is in an advanced stage, the parenchyma is covered with fat.

  • Echoscopically, diffusion changes in the pancreatic parenchyma, which is also shown in a change in the density of the echostructure (echo density), replacement of part of the fatty tissues, are typical of diabetes mellitus.
  • Sonographic disturbances in the echo examination of the organ are that the echogenicity is increased (hyperechoic organ), the pancreas is compacted (increased echo density), while it is normal in size or slightly decreased. These symptoms characterize the presence of fibrosis, which is why the tissues of the organ change to connective. It is provoked by inflammation of the pancreas or defects in the process of passage of food by the digestive tract.
  • Diffuser dystrophic changes echo-examination are irreversible, specific symptoms the disease does not have, develops moderately.
  • A hyperechoic gland is characteristic of pseudocysts or abscesses.
  • The heterogeneity of the diffusion of the echo structure of the gland means the mixing of areas.
  • Such echo changes in the organ are not analyzed separately, but simultaneously with the results of blood, urine, and other diagnostic methods. Only a complete examination will help to make an accurate diagnosis.


    Constant heaviness in the abdomen is one of the signs of pancreatic diffuseness.

    Diffuse changes in the pancreas can be recognized by characteristic processes:

    • the desire to eat disappears;
    • tight and liquid stool alternate;
    • there is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

    There are symptoms by which diffuse changes can be recognized for each specific disease:

    • Chronic pancreatitis. The disease develops for a long time; first of all, swelling appears, as well as small hemorrhages caused by tissue damage; after that, the diffusion of enzymes is disrupted, which is provoked by changes in the size of the pancreas to a smaller side and its sclerosis. As the disease worsens, the pain increases.
    • Acute pancreatitis. High blood pressure destroys the integrity of the tissues of the organ, which is why the excretion of digestive juices is disturbed, which contributes to intoxication of the whole organism. The patient complains about sharp pain on the left under the ribs, nausea and vomiting occur; there may be an increase in tachycardia, the pressure drops. Symptoms do not disappear without a course of high-intensity therapy or surgery.
    • When moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas are provoked by fibrosis, there may be no symptoms at all. This is due to the fact that the amount of enzymes produced decreases, which is why the digestion process is disturbed; there is nausea, vomiting, loose stools and a decrease in BMI. Due to the depletion of protein reserves in the body, insulin production is disrupted, which can lead to diabetes.
    • With lipomatosis, pancreatic tissue is replaced by fatty tissue, which is why metabolic processes in the body, which serves as a shortage useful substances. Diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas directly affect the manifestation of signs of the disease: if there is one focus, the symptoms are absent or mild; if the disease has spread to the entire organ, appear pain and organ dysfunction.
    • Unexpressed diffuse changes. Reasons - earlier past illness or problems with sugar.

    Treatment with traditional methods

    If the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, the patient does not need therapy, but undergoes auxiliary studies to find out if there are cysts or tumors in the gland.

    A common cause of changes in echostructure is acute inflammation of the pancreas. Initially, it is necessary to stop the pain, so the appointment is with anti-inflammatory drugs or narcotic analgesics, if the first do not help. To relax the spasm of the ducts, antispasmodics are used. Due to this, the outflow of enzymes is getting better.

    Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas caused by fibrosis are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas, which are caused by fibrosis, are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal), as well as antioxidants.

    If intoxication has begun, appoint antibacterial drugs. Sometimes the patient is referred for surgery. Lipomatosis, regardless of what type of disease it belongs to, is treated with diets. Sometimes an operation is needed.

    Treatment with traditional medicine

    Many like to treat any disease folk remedies. Grandmother's remedies can be used for changes in the functioning of the pancreas only if the attending physician has recommended or allowed such methods as an element of adjuvant therapy.

    • Pink radiola: tincture from the plant is taken half an hour before a meal, 20 drops.
    • Iris and wormwood: the same amount of plants is used in the preparation of a decoction to be drunk 15 minutes before meals.
    • Traditional methods of treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Collection of herbs that you can cook yourself:

    Mixed substance from the same amount components are poured in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. to be diluted in a glass boiled water and let stand for about an hour. The collection is drunk up to 5 times a day for half a glass. Usage traditional medicine in the treatment of children is not recommended.

    diet therapy

    For any disease of the digestive system, a mandatory component of treatment is adherence to a diet or, at least, the principles proper nutrition. The same applies to deviations caused by a diffuse change in the work of the pancreas. To cure the pancreas, a special diet is always prescribed.

    Food should only be boiled or cooked using steam. It needs to be eaten warm. The patient should completely exclude from the diet fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salty and any junk food. Also, you can not eat mushrooms, food with seasonings and spices. That alcoholic drinks prohibited, everyone who has experienced similar problems knows.

    It is best to eat dietary meat, lean varieties fish, some cooked vegetables, jelly, etc.

    Normal liver tissue is a weakly echogenic homogeneous structure, among which blood vessels and bile ducts are noticeable, which have increased echogenicity.

    Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma will indicate that the liver tissue is completely changed. Such changes are characteristic of minor functional changes and for extremely severe lesions (high echogenic liver parenchyma). Therefore, it is recommended to additional research. First of all, you need to laboratory research, which will allow you to find out how badly the liver is affected. In addition to examining the liver, the state of the biliary tract, duodenum, pancreas and, if necessary, other digestive organs will be studied.

    What diseases lead to diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma?

    Changes in the liver parenchyma may appear due to the following diseases: fatty degeneration, alcoholic hepatitis of any kind, all kinds of metabolic diseases of the liver. In the case of fatty degeneration of the liver, its size increases and the echogenicity of the structures increases. If the organ has increased slightly and there is slight increase echogenicity, this indicates chronic hepatitis(this disease occurs due to the many different reasons starting from viral infections and ending with alcoholism). To identify the cause of the disease, it is necessary to carry out whole line additional research.

    Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma, which are fixed ultrasonic method research, may occur not only in primary disease liver, but also due to some pathological extrahepatic changes. So, for example, amyloidosis of the liver is quite possible with diabetes mellitus. At the same time, the echographic picture will demonstrate an increase in the size of the liver due to all its lobes, an increase in the echogenicity of the liver tissue with attenuation in the deep sections, a manifestation of structural heterogeneity as an increase in the graininess of the image, and a slight smoothing of the pattern of blood vessels.

    With others pathological changes such as: hemosiderosis, galactosemia, von Willibrant's disease, metabolic disorder etc., non-specific changes occur in the echographic picture of the organ, which consist, first of all, in the formation of a less or more pronounced heterogeneous structure parenchyma. Such heterogeneity may appear in the form of large or small areas of reduced and increased echogenicity, which will reflect accumulations of pathological metabolic products - carbohydrates, glycogenoids, proteins, etc. The picture in some cases can be so polymorphic that it becomes necessary to implement differential diagnosis with many small focal lesions of the liver. In most cases, the most successful solution this issue is achieved by puncture biopsy.

    Based on the above material, it is necessary to draw certain conclusions.

    Ultrasound diagnosis of diffuse changes in the liver

    Ultrasound examination is one of the leading methods for assessing the structure and, to some extent, functions of the liver, and, accordingly, diagnosing its diffuse changes.

    Ultrasound diagnosis of diffuse liver changes is laborious and difficult process which requires a great deal of knowledge in physiology, anatomy and ultrasound liver.

    IN last years through advances in the development of diagnostic ultrasound equipment, and scientific research in the field of ultrasound diagnostics, the possibilities of differential diagnosis, including diffuse changes in the liver, have been significantly expanded and deepened.

    Despite the great success in the field of ultrasound diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases, the level of ultrasound diagnostic equipment and methods for quantitative and qualitative assessment of detected diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma for many pathological conditions, especially their early stages development with slightly and moderately pronounced morphological conditions is, at times, insufficient for an accurate and final solution to the problem of diagnosing the disease. This allows further research in the field of ultrasound diagnostics. diffuse diseases parenchyma.



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