orthostatic collapse- human condition (orthostatic hypotension). It consists in the fact that with a sharp change in body position when standing up or with prolonged standing, there is insufficient blood flow to the brain due to a decrease in blood pressure. Initially, a person experiences dizziness, and his eyes darken. Syncope may then develop. It appears mainly in individuals with weakened vascular tone. Quite often observed at puberty, when normal development vascular system temporarily lags behind the needs of a growing organism.

Orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed when one or more of the following are present after 2-5 minutes of standing still:

  • decrease in systolic pressure by 20 mm or more;
  • decrease in diastolic pressure by 10 mm or more;
  • orthostatic collapse, dizziness or other symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion.

What is orthostatic collapse? Orthostatic collapse: clinical picture and methods of treatment of postural hypotension

Which of the people is not familiar with the symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness when standing up abruptly? Surely such a state has met at least once in every person. This phenomenon is called orthostatic collapse. Interesting to know where these come from. discomfort and what is their reason.

Orthostatic collapse - what is it?

What is orthostatic collapse? This condition is caused by a sudden decrease blood pressure when standing up due to cerebral hypoperfusion. In other words, if you lie down or sit for a while, and then get up abruptly, you may experience symptoms of dizziness, blackouts, and nausea. As an extreme manifestation, fainting (loss of consciousness) is possible.

Orthostatic collapse cannot be called separate disease, since this is just a symptom of some kind of pathology. Do not confuse this concept with orthostatic hypertension, in which blood pressure rises while standing. This happens when the kidneys prolapse (nephroptosis).

In what cases can you get the consequences, first aid.

What happens to the body in terms of physiology? The human body, like all objects, is affected by the force of gravity. It is under its influence that when standing up, the blood rushes to the lower extremities, and the brain at this time suffers from a lack of circulating fluid and oxygen, which is manifested by a drop in pressure. In all people, hypoxia is expressed in varying degrees, but it depends on the processes of regulation of vascular tone.

Reasons for the appearance

So, what controls the tone of the arteries and makes them respond adequately to external and internal influences? Medulla, in which the vasomotor center is located, as well as the autonomic nervous system are responsible for blood pressure (BP). Under their influence, the vessels are compressed and blood pressure rises, with relaxation, the pressure drops. Such competent control of veins and arteries gives a person the opportunity to run, jump, stand up abruptly, stay in a stuffy room or in the cold, without experiencing unpleasant symptoms.

But when the body is affected harmful factors, his harmonious work is violated. Vessels cannot or do not have time to adequately respond to extraneous influence, leading to the occurrence dangerous symptoms collapse. Thus, the main reason for the collapse is a sharp decline blood pressure.

Causes of orthostatic hypotension:

  • defeat of the autonomic nervous system, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of vascular tone ( , different kinds anemia, diabetic polyneuropathy);
  • hypovolemia (decrease in the amount of blood in the vessels): diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss, edema, pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • genetic disorders (Shy-Drager's disease): the production of norepinephrine, which is responsible for vasoconstriction, is significantly reduced;
  • orthostatic hypotension with an unspecified cause;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities of a pronounced degree, when a large volume of blood is deposited below, leading to collapse;
  • prolonged stay in bed (, paralysis, fracture of the femoral neck);
  • heart defects;
  • acute conditions (thromboembolism pulmonary artery or myocardial infarction), in which blood pressure decreases in big circle blood circulation;
  • taking certain medications (diuretics, nitrates, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists and other drugs for the treatment of hypertension);

Clinical manifestations of collapse

So, orthostatic collapse is a drop in pressure. How does it manifest itself? Lying or standing there are no symptoms, but if you try to get up, it gets dark before your eyes, your head starts to spin, objects “float”, there is a feeling of a coma in your chest, it becomes hard to breathe.

Fainting is sometimes accompanied by urination disorders, convulsions. The absence of consciousness lasts during the collapse from a few seconds to 15 minutes. How longer man does not come to his senses, the more damaged the neurons of the brain.

Diagnosis of hypotension

Suspect the patient has orthostatic collapse it is possible only on the basis of symptoms and anamnesis (repeated loss of consciousness when standing up abruptly). It is quite difficult to establish the cause of the collapse. Used to clarify the diagnosis whole complex surveys:

  1. Careful measurement of blood pressure on the arms lying down and after getting up in the first 3 minutes (if the systolic pressure has fallen by more than 20 mm Hg, and the diastolic pressure is more than 10, then the test is considered positive).
  2. General and biochemical analyzes blood (to determine the level of glucose, hemoglobin, hormones, trace elements).
  3. Electrocardiogram (ECG), Holter monitoring, ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels (detect rhythm disturbance, conduction of impulses through the myocardium, atrial and ventricular hypertrophy, malformations of the heart valves).
  4. Vagus tests detect pathology of the autonomic nervous system (Ashner test, carotid minus massage, Valsalva test).
  5. Consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist to determine concomitant diseases.
  6. Orthostatic test, manifestation similar symptoms collapse in the next of kin, as well as a detailed medical history, are of great help in the diagnosis of orthostatic hypotension.

Types of complications

To the number frequent complications include fainting, although it does not always occur, and injuries resulting from a fall due to dizziness. dangerous complication considered a stroke (stroke -). It occurs due to sharp fluctuations in pressure and a decrease in the elasticity of the arteries.

If symptoms appear frequently, then the brain is constantly experiencing a lack of oxygen and glucose. This factor plays a decisive role in the occurrence, decrease in intelligence, deterioration of memory, thought processes, and learning.

collapse therapy

Pledge successful treatment- elimination of the cause of a sharp decrease in pressure:

  • correction hormonal disorders(especially in women);
  • surgery valvular defects hearts;
  • the appointment of venotonics, wearing compression stockings for varicose veins;
  • treatment of neurological diseases.

What is the danger, treatment, complications.

Note: how the mechanism of the onset of an attack manifests itself.

What is: the main manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.

Regardless of the cause of the collapse, all patients can be advised to carefully get out of bed in the morning, as well as after long sitting. This rule will help to avoid a pronounced decrease in pressure and loss of consciousness. Dosed loads are required (walking, swimming), cold and hot shower, exercise therapy, walks in the fresh air, constant airing of the room.

Orthostatic collapse is a fairly common pathology, which is accompanied by a sharp development of insufficient blood flow in the brain, which is associated with a decrease in blood pressure. The condition is accompanied by dizziness and often ends in fainting. Mild forms of orthostatic hypertension can be corrected (sometimes even without the use of drugs), while severe collapses are fraught with dangerous consequences.

Understanding Orthostatic Collapse

Orthostatic collapse is a pathological condition that develops with a sharp transition of the body from a horizontal to a vertical position. Due to a drop in vascular tone and a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, an acute vascular insufficiency, because of which nerve cells brain is not received enough oxygen. The collapse is accompanied severe dizziness, which often ends in a short-term loss of consciousness.

Frequent fainting may indicate serious violations in the work of the body. Sometimes orthostatic collapse is caused by a drug taken by the patient. The causes, as well as the severity of the pathology can be different.

A similar violation is observed both in adults and elderly patients, and in children. For example, this frequent occurrence among teenagers. In 23% of people over the age of 60, short-term collapses are observed.

The main causes of the development of the disease

There are many factors that can lead to short-term fainting:

  • Causes include disease cordially- vascular system including aortic stenosis, thromboembolism, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, severe forms varicose disease, myocardial infarction.
  • Orthostatic collapse can also cause blood loss, including internal bleeding.
  • The causes include primary neuropathies, in which there is a violation of the peripheral nervous system. Similar pathologies are observed, for example, in Parkinson's disease.
  • Orthostatic collapse is observed in patients with secondary neuropathies, which, in turn, develop against the background of severe beriberi, autoimmune reactions, paraneoplastic syndromes, diabetes, alcoholism, porphyria.
  • The list of reasons should include the reception medicines. Drugs that cause orthostatic collapse are nitrates, diuretics, barbiturates, calcium antagonists, quinidine, some antidepressants, and anticancer drugs.
  • Collapse is observed in patients with anemia, dehydration and infectious diseases.
  • Problems with the adrenal glands are also accompanied by syncope (pheochromocytoma, primary hyperaldosteronism, adrenal insufficiency).
  • A short-term collapse may be the result overuse eating foods that lower blood pressure, as well as prolonged bed rest, circulatory disorders when squeezing blood vessels (for example, from wearing a narrow corset).

As you can see, there is great amount factors provoking orthostatic collapse. It is important to find out the causes of fainting, because the treatment regimen will depend on this.

Development mechanism

Research in this area is still ongoing. Today, scientists know that orthostatic collapse can develop according to two scenarios:

  • Many patients experience a decrease in the tone of the venous and arterial walls. This happens if adverse factors(e.g. toxins, infections) affect the vascular wall, nerve recipes or vasomotor center. This leads to relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, pathological increase their capacities. Blood accumulates in peripheral vessels leading to a decrease in blood volume in the heart and sharp drop blood pressure.
  • Orthostatic collapse may be associated with a strong decrease in the volume of circulating blood (for example, with bleeding). Due to insufficient blood flow to the heart, the microcirculation system is disrupted, as a result of which fluid begins to accumulate in small capillaries, only worsening the situation. Because of not enough oxygen in the tissues develops hypoxia and acidosis, which leads to an increase in the permeability vascular wall. At similar pathology dangerous is not only oxygen deficiency but also the formation of blood clots.

Classification: varieties of orthostatic collapse

Such a pathology is classified depending on the causes of its occurrence. In addition, there are three levels of severity:

  • The first (mild) degree of collapse is accompanied by dizziness when changing the position of the body and pre-syncope. But the person does not lose consciousness.
  • The second degree (moderate) is characterized by rare, episodic fainting that occurs with a sharp attempt to rise or as a result of prolonged immobile standing.
  • The third degree is the most severe. Patients are observed frequent losses consciousness that arise even in a sitting position. Fainting occurs with short-term immobile standing.

When diagnosing, the nature of the course of the disease is also taken into account, highlighting several forms:

  • Acute orthostatic hypotension is accompanied by episodic fainting and weakness, which lasts for several days or weeks, as it is caused by temporary disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This form is usually associated with the reception certain drugs, penetration into the body of toxins or infections.
  • Chronic hypotension is said to occur if collapses recur over several months. Pathology is associated, as a rule, with diseases of the nervous, endocrine or circulatory system.
  • Progressive chronic hypotension develops over the years, while its causes are still poorly understood.

Mild collapse and its symptoms

What are the symptoms of orthostatic collapse? Symptoms directly depend on the degree of hypotension and the reasons for its development. If speak about mild form, then it is characterized by a sudden, but rapidly growing weakness, blurred vision, a veil before the eyes. Patients note the appearance of dizziness, which is accompanied by a feeling of falling through - this fainting.

If the collapse is caused by prolonged standing, then there may be additional symptoms in particular chills, perspiration and nausea. Easy stage rarely ends in loss of consciousness.

Moderate degree of pathology

Orthostatic collapse begins with dizziness and great weakness. The skin of a person quickly turns pale, and the limbs (especially the fingers) become very cold. Patients note the appearance of cold sweat on the neck and face. The palms become wet.

Possibly a sharp decline systolic pressure and development of tachycardia. Often, a moderate degree of collapse is accompanied by loss of consciousness for several seconds. During fainting, involuntary urination is possible. Symptoms tend to come on gradually, so the person has a few seconds to crouch, lean, or take some other precaution.

The main symptoms of severe orthostatic collapse

Severe collapse is also accompanied by the above disorders. The only difference is that they appear instantly. A person suddenly loses consciousness, which is fraught with additional injuries when falling. Fainting in patients is deeper and longer.

During loss of consciousness, urination often occurs. Fainting is often accompanied by convulsions. The patient's skin is very pale, and breathing is shallow. In such cases, the patient needs urgent medical attention.

Diagnostic methods

The task of diagnostics in this case is to determine the root cause of the development of the collapse. To this end, the doctor collects a complete history, finds out what diseases the patient and his relatives suffer from. Be sure to measure blood pressure, and in a standing position and lying down. The specialist also examines the veins, listens to heart sounds. A blood test helps to determine the presence of anemia, an imbalance of electrolytes. They also check the blood for cortisol levels.

As for instrumental analyzes, first of all, electrocardiography is performed to detect rhythm disturbances. An echocardiogram allows a specialist to check the condition of the myocardium and heart valves. Held orthostatic tests, which demonstrate the body's response to a change in body position. The patient needs an examination by a neurologist to diagnose neurological diseases.

Orthostatic collapse: emergency care

Of course, the person needs help. If you lose consciousness, you should call an ambulance. While waiting for the doctors, the patient should be laid horizontally, preferably on a hard surface. Legs should be raised with a pillow or roller.

Since fainting is associated with a lack of oxygen in the brain, it is necessary to provide an influx fresh air(if you are indoors, you can open a window or a door). Clothing that restricts the patient's movement or compresses blood vessels should be removed or unbuttoned. You can sprinkle on the face and chest of a person with cool water. You can get the patient out of a fainting state with the help of ammonia(smelling salts).

Orthostatic collapse: treatment

As you can already understand, this is quite dangerous state which may be a symptom of a serious illness. What to do if orthostatic collapse occurs? Treatment depends on the cause of fainting.

In order to narrow the vessels and increase the pressure in the arteries, a solution of caffeine or cordiamine is administered to the patient. After the patient has regained consciousness, tests and analyzes are carried out. In mild forms of the disease, sometimes it is enough to monitor nutrition and not overwork. Medications are selected individually. For example, if anemia became the cause of the collapse, then the patient is prescribed iron-containing drugs. For persistent hypotension, use vasoconstrictor drugs. If there is stagnation of blood in the vessels of the extremities (observed with varicose veins), patients are advised to wear compression underwear.

Preventive methods

Prevention of orthostatic collapse is simple - you just need to follow some simple rules:

  • It is very important to identify and eliminate the cause of frequent collapses - all diseases must respond to adequate treatment in time.
  • Patients are advised to sleep on comfortable mattresses with raised top(so that the head and shoulders lie higher) and slowly get out of bed.
  • It is important to eat right, monitor the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamins in food, and maintain the correct water balance.
  • You need to create a suitable work schedule, follow the regime physical activity and rest.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the patient's condition.
  • It is worth giving up drugs and products that cause a decrease in blood pressure.

If you have any symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist and do not miss regular preventive medical examinations.

ICD-9 458.0 458.0
DiseasesDB 10470
eMedicine ped/2860 ped/2860
MeSH D007024 D007024

orthostatic hypotension


Orthostatic hypotension, or orthostatic collapse, is caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, a delay or insufficiency of the heart's response to a change in body position in a gravitational field, and a corresponding drop in blood pressure.


Orthostatic hypotension may be the result of water loss from the body - dehydration, hypovolemia (for example, with massive blood loss, or under the action of diuretics, vasodilators, with prolonged bed rest). Occasionally seen in anemic patients.

Side effects of drugs

Orthostatic hypotension can be a side effect of taking certain antihypertensive drugs or antidepressants, such as tricyclic or MAO inhibitors.


The syndrome is often associated with diseases such as Addison's disease, pheochromocytoma, atherosclerosis (due to narrowing of the lumen of the vessels), diabetes, dysplasia connective tissue e.g. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, anemia, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, wasting (usually disappears after normalization of body weight) and some neurological diseases, for example, Shy-Drager syndrome (multisystem atrophy, myotonic chondrodystrophy, atypical form parkinsonism), Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome, with other forms of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, for example, often manifests itself in vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. It is often observed in patients with parkinsonism and during the development of the disease itself, and how by-effect dopamine therapy, but without the presence of other heart conditions, very rarely leads to syncope. It can manifest itself in all people as a result of prolonged lying (especially often in the elderly and after childbirth) or being in weightlessness, taking not only antihypertensive drugs, but also juices that reduce blood pressure, for example, juice chokeberry. When seat belts are tightly tied around the legs when bungee jumping, roof cleaning, industrial or sport mountaineering, these belts can interfere with the outflow of blood to the heart and contribute to orthostatic hypotension. At the same time, a loose leg harness can contribute to a fall. Orthostatic hypotension can also be caused by tight

Orthostatic collapse or syncope is a sudden loss of consciousness. This condition occurs due to impaired metabolism in the brain. The slowdown in metabolism occurs as a result of a decrease in blood circulation in this body. Also, do not compare orthostatic collapse with epilepsy, as these are two different diseases.

If the patient has given state, first of all, you need to understand what is wrong with him. To figure out what is wrong with a person - epilepsy or just fainting, you need to know the symptoms of conditions. Fainting very often appears as concomitant symptom a serious illness that can be life threatening.

Causes of pathology

This condition in a patient may occur as a result of such violations:

  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Violation heart rate, which caused a decrease in pressure.

Orthostatic syncope also occurs as a result of intense physical activity. It turns out this is due to the fact that the muscle vessels remain dilated for some time after the load and contain a lot of blood, which is needed for complete removal metabolic products from muscle tissue. But at the same time, a decrease in the pulse is observed, and the blood ejected by the heart during contraction also decreases. Therefore, there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which leads to fainting.

A sharp decrease in the volume of circulating blood can also provoke fainting:

  1. During periods of dehydration or bleeding.
  2. With diarrhea.
  3. With copious perspiration.
  4. With diseases of the body.

The main causes of this pathology also include:

  1. nerve impulses.
  2. Pathological or physical processes in organism.
  3. Diseases of the esophagus.
  4. Decreased blood glucose levels.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Decrease carbon dioxide in blood.
  7. Hyperventilation of the lungs.
  8. Anxious state.
  9. Microstroke in the elderly.

Symptoms of the disease

If a patient exhibits the following symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist for additional advice and, if necessary, diagnose and treat. Do not ignore the alarming manifestations of diseases and pathologies, as this can lead to negative consequences. It is also not recommended to self-treatment, as this is an ineffective method of therapy in this situation.

Before losing consciousness, the patient feels:

  1. An attack of nausea and vomiting.
  2. Veil before the eyes.
  3. Tinnitus.
  4. "Flies" before the eyes.

Also, a harbinger of orthostatic collapse is considered:

  • Weakness and yawning.
  • Legs become "".
  • Feeling of impending fainting.

The characteristic symptoms of fainting are:

  • Pale skin of the face and body.
  • Cold sweat breaks out.

After losing consciousness skin become gray, the pulse is barely palpable, blood pressure drops below normal, the heart rate decreases, reflexes are dulled. During a fainting state, the patient has an expansion of the pupils, their slow reaction to light stimuli. Symptoms of orthostatic collapse continue, but their duration is on average no more than two seconds. If the fainting state lasts more than five minutes, the victim may experience convulsions, involuntary emission of urine.

Syncope treatment

Treatment of orthostatic collapse involves therapy of the disease provoking this condition, or relief of fainting is carried out. Therefore, in a patient who has lost consciousness, it is necessary to ensure the flow of blood flow to the brain.

First aid for fainting:

  1. It is recommended to lay the victim on his back, on a flat surface, it is advisable to turn his head to one side.
  2. Then he is raised to his feet or planted, while you need to lower your head and place it between your legs.
  3. It is also recommended to sprinkle cool water on the face if it tight clothing, then it must be removed.
  4. A stuffy room in such a situation should be opened to increase the flow of air.

To tone up blood vessels, increase blood pressure, you need to take medications prescribed exclusively by a specialist. If a person has lost consciousness and in order to bring him to his senses, it is necessary to use ammonia.

Patients who are prone to orthostatic collapse should not make sudden movements and be in a standing position for a long time. If the decrease in blood pressure is provoked by the accumulation of blood in the vessels of the legs, it is recommended to use an elastic bandage.

If fainting was provoked by a long stay in a supine position, then it is recommended gradually increase sitting time. In parallel, you need to take drugs that maintain blood pressure at the proper level. Also, the blood level is able to increase if you increase the intake of salt, they can also prescribe a reception hormonal drugs, if it is necessary to ensure the retention of salt in the body.

There are quite a few dangerous processes arising in human body that can have a significant devastating effect. But sometimes serious diagnoses hiding behind which may initially seem to be a consequence of weakness or exhaustion. In fact, there are many more dangerous reasons, which can lead to a similar result.

Collapse orthostatic

Similar state they also determine how. Such a diagnosis is used to indicate insufficient blood saturation of the brain, which was the result of a sharp change in body position. A similar reaction of the body can be observed in the case when a person stands for a long time. This condition is facilitated by lethargy of the walls of blood vessels or low blood pressure.

Most often, this problem manifests itself in those whose vascular tone weakened. Often such a diagnosis is made to persons who are in puberty, since during this period there is a lag in the development of the vascular system from the constantly growing needs of the body.

What the symptoms look like

There are several signs of a problem such as orthostatic collapse. Symptoms relevant to this diagnosis are as follows:


Loss of consciousness;

Feeling of emptiness or heaviness in the head;

Sudden weakness;

The veil before the eyes or the flickering of flies;

Vomiting of central origin or nausea;

If we are talking about a severe case, it is possible involuntary urination and development of a convulsive syndrome.

Such a problem as orthostatic collapse can also develop against the background of impaired blood supply not only to the brain. In this case, you should pay attention to symptoms such as angina pectoris (signs of myocardial ischemia), pain in the neck muscles and changes in breathing.

The occurrence of such symptoms is possible as with a long stay in vertical position, and in the case of a sharp change in body position. Strong and sharp exercise stress can also lead to fainting. In some cases, signs of hypotension may occur after taking a large number food. This is explained by the activation

Orthostatic collapse: causes

Quite often, when getting out of bed, redistribution of blood begins, since its main part is concentrated in the veins that are in lower limbs. This process is a consequence of the effect of gravity on the blood.

The venous return to the heart at the same time significantly decreases, which leads to a subsequent decrease in pressure. Baroreceptors, which are located in the carotid sinuses and the aortic arch, respond to the above process and activate the autonomic nervous system.

As a result, there is an increase in vascular tone and a return of pressure and heart rate to the normal range.

If we turn to the opinion of experts and try to express the essence of the problem more concisely, we can come to the following conclusion: orthostatic collapse, in fact, is not a disease, it is rather a consequence of the fact that the vessels lose the ability to keep stable pressure within normal limits. And there can already be many reasons for this, sometimes very serious ones.

What diseases can lead to collapse

The condition of the vessels, which was mentioned above, can be influenced by some diseases and processes:

Nervous strain and stress;

Diseases of an infectious nature;

Significant blood loss;

Diseases associated with the endocrine system;

Intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in the form excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea;

Diet abuse and proper nutrition;

The use of antihypertensive, vasodilator and diuretic drugs as a means of treating hypertension for several years.

But if you select key reason the main feature that characterizes orthostatic collapse, precisely loss of consciousness, then you need to pay attention to ischemic anoxia. It is based on several mechanisms that are worth mentioning.

First of all, it is the inability of the myocardium to perform the necessary cardiac output. Cardiac arrhythmia can also lead to collapse, which prevents adequate cerebral perfusion.

It is impossible to ignore the decrease in blood pressure due to active peripheral vasodilation. The result of this process is an inadequate blood supply to the brain.

The impact of various drugs

Beyond Influence various diseases, it is worth considering the fact that some drugs can also lead to loss of vascular tone and not only.

Drugs that cause orthostatic collapse must be determined by the doctor on an individual basis, after which their use must be discontinued or the dose should be correctly reduced. These can be various inhibitors, nitrate blockers, vasodilators, diuretics and other antihypertensive agents.

Therefore, it is always worth remembering that Dibazol and other similar drugs can cause orthostatic collapse.

What you should know about ganglionic blockers

Initially, drugs that belong to this group are designed to disrupt the conduction of impulses through This effect needed to reduce the tone of the muscles of arterioles, venules and precapillary sphincters.

The result of such processes is the improvement of microcirculation in tissues, which is very important during the treatment of various widow diseases, infectious toxicosis, pneumonia and other diseases.

Using ganglionic blockers, it is possible to increase the degree of blood accumulation in the veins and thereby reduce its return to the heart, and thus reduce its preload. In other words, there is an improvement in the work of the heart.

But in this barrel of honey there is also a fly in the ointment, namely, orthostatic collapse when using ganglionic blockers. This is one of possible consequences use this drug. Such complications have been seen in a certain group of patients. The reasons for such a reaction of the body is the inhibition of impulses in the sympathetic pathways to the veins.

Complications such as urinary retention, atonic constipation and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice are also possible.

What examination can be considered relevant

If signs characteristic of orthostatic hypotension were recorded, it is necessary to palpate the organs. It is also important to check your blood pressure. It is also necessary to conduct it. Its essence boils down to the fact that the patient gets up, and the doctor at this time observes the hemodynamic adaptation of the muscles.

A passive form of the test is also possible. It must be carried out on a rotating table, while the muscles will remain inactive.

In the process of diagnosis, anamnesis is also studied, the study of drugs that were previously prescribed and could cause a deterioration in the condition. Along with this, other factors of influence are revealed, an examination is performed, as well as a study of the systems and organs of the patient. For these purposes, percussion, palpation, auscultation and other diagnostic procedures can be used.

It is always worth remembering that orthostatic collapse can cause certain complications, since in some cases it is the result of serious diseases (cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction). This means that at obvious signs problem, you need to call your doctor.

How do children cope with collapse?

Orthostatic hypotension in early age proceeds significantly more complicated than in adults. This diagnosis may be due to various pathological conditions. Examples include starvation, dehydration, overt or covert blood loss, and fluid sequestration in the abdominal and pleural cavities.

In children, collapse quite often makes itself felt against the background of infectious diseases and toxicosis, and much more often than in adults. This condition is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and high fever.

With regard to impaired blood flow in the brain and lowering blood pressure, in children's body they proceed with a noticeably deeper hypoxia, accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Treatment methods

In order to overcome orthostatic collapse, treatment must be carried out competently and with the participation of qualified specialist. In general, methods of influencing this problem can have two main directions: lifestyle changes and the use of drug therapy.

If speak about natural methods recovery, these include:

Reception of small portions of food;

Short stay in hot places;

Formation during sleep with the help of pillows of elevation under the feet;

Use of isotonic loads for all muscle groups;

Frequent walks in the fresh air;

If circumstances so require, use compression stockings, which helps to maintain the tone of the veins located in the lower extremities;

Protection from a sharp rise from a bed or chair (first you need to lower your legs and only then take a vertical position).

For drug treatment, erythropoietin, vasopressin analogues (Vazomirin, Minimirin), mineralocorticoids (Desoxycorton, Florinef), cholinesterase inhibitors (Galantomin, Prozerin), etc. are used. But you should always remember that that orthostatic collapse can be caused by a drug that was used without regard to contraindications in the case of a particular patient or at the wrong dosage.

Do not forget about the underlying disease, which may be the cause of the collapse. Without his treatment, significant results are unlikely to be achieved.


So, if orthostatic hypotension has been recorded, there is no need to panic, this problem is overcome. In order for the collapse not to make itself felt again after successful treatment, it makes sense to remember some preventive measures.

These include the above-mentioned constant walks on the street, control of reception antihypertensive drugs, proper nutrition and, of course, healthy lifestyle life. It is important at the first sign of such a problem to diagnose without delay, since the cause of fainting can be serious illness, ignoring which is fraught with significant complications.



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