What is colostrum in cows? Cow's colostrum: feed for calves or natural immunomodulator? Colostrum: our grandmothers' recipe

In the first hours after birth and even during pregnancy, all mammals begin to produce colostrum. Although it is a harbinger of milk, they are very different in composition. The value of colostrum for the body is much higher than milk. This substance is considered more useful because it contains a lot of vital important components and even looks like blood serum. There are no analogues in nature that are similar in composition to this substance.

Colostrum is necessary in order to create the basis for the immunity of a baby mammal. To this end, it contains important nutrients, which help the development and growth of tissues, feeding them with energy.

Composition of cow colostrum.

Cow colostrum, and indeed any mammal, contains several main components:

1. Components of growth. Growth factors include polypeptides that activate cell reproduction, healing and tissue repair.

2. Immunoglobulin component, which forms passive immunity. That is, if the mother has had an infection, then with the help of colostrum, resistance to this infection is transmitted to the fetus from the mother, which is very important for a person.

From colostrum the baby receives such important classes of immunoglobulin as IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD, IbE. IgG are antibodies that the mother's body produces against infection. Thus, the newborn also becomes the owner of immunity against the same diseases.

Other immunoglobulins work in a similar way. Thus, IgA is needed to protect the surface of mucous membranes, and IgM helps accelerate the absorption of bacteria and viruses, and IgD helps to form cell antibodies that help neutralize many bacteria, viruses, pathogens and yeast cultures.

3. Vitamins, enzymes, proteins, microelements. Colostrum contains a large amount of vitamins, enzymes, protein, hormones, antibodies, various trace elements.

When consumed, the human body receives passive immunity, which is resistant to any diseases.

Of the vitamins, cow colostrum contains the most great content vitamin A, which it contains almost ten times more than in blood plasma.

In addition, cow colostrum contains a large amount of vitamin B, which is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis, work nervous system and the course of enzymatic reactions in the liver. If there is enough vitamin B in the diet, the immune system will have the strength to resist disease. Colostrum also contains a lot of antioxidant vitamin E.

Among the microelements, colostrum contains magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium, iron and phosphorus.

One of the most important components of the cow's colostrum is the part that is responsible for transparency. This part also ensures complex transport of large molecules, their entry into the intestines without damage and absorption.

Colostrum from cows and goats is most often used as food. But goat milk and goat colostrum have some features that you can read about. Despite the fact that cow colostrum contains a lot of useful substances, it is not a medicine.

To a greater extent, this is food that contains a wide range of useful components necessary to improve digestion, reinforcement immune system, improving health and well-being through vitamins, microelements and important substances.

Natural natural medicines Today they are on a new wave of popularity. Refusing chemicals With a large number side effects, people are trying to find an alternative: healthy biologically active products of plant and animal origin.

Wanting to create an immunostimulant that can naturally protect the human body from unfavorable factors environment and support him during illnesses, scientists remembered colostrum. A viscous yellowish liquid with a unique composition is formed in a woman’s mammary glands at the end of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. Colostrum is different high content immunoglobulins, interferon, antioxidants, leukocytes that protect the newborn’s body from pathogenic microorganisms and ensuring the activation of his immunity. Colostrum is produced in all mammals and has similar properties.

Based on cow colostrum, optimal suitable for a person According to biological parameters, the drug colostrum was created - a concentrate with a pronounced immunostimulating effect.

What is colostrum?

ABOUT valuable properties Our ancestors knew about colostrum. Having a big nutritional value, colostrum made it possible to quickly saturate the newborn’s body, prepare internal organs for the normal performance of all functions, without overloading the kidneys and digestive system at first. Together with colostrum, the fragile child received unique protection against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Hemoglobin deficiency was excluded, and the intestines were cleared of meconium.

Immediately after birth, a baby fed colostrum undergoes modification of the epithelial cells in the intestines, which prepares for healthy digestion of food. The synthesis of DNA molecules is also activated in the newborn, which ensures its intensive development and growth.

Colostrum can have the same effect on the body of a child and an adult. the main problem- in preserving active components, because the product quickly loses beneficial features without being consumed. With help modern technologies And long experiments, carried out in Europe, Japan, and the USA, it was possible to invent a form that not only preserves the effectiveness fresh product, but also representing it in an enhanced version.

Colostrum is a concentrated preparation obtained by dehydrating colostrum, preserving unique properties raw materials. The dry product has pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial activity, fights inflammation, and is suitable for the prevention of oncology. Course application Colostrum can effectively correct the state of the immune system.

Colostrum for the production of colostrum is taken from cows in the first few hours after calving. The product has unique chemical properties, different from regular milk, includes a set of antibodies to a whole range of diseases.


100 % natural product completely safe. It is based on cow colostrum processed by soft drying (lyophilization). Multifunctional substance - not useful supplement to food, but a complete drug that regulates the immune system, improves hormonal background, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibiting the aging process in the body.

Colostrum contains:

  • Immunoglobulins of classes A, E, D, G, M. Protect the human body from all types of microorganisms and allergens;
  • Leukocytes. Provide immune protection, prevent growth cancer cells, fight toxins and allergens;
  • Interleukin. Activates the work of immunocompetent cells, prevents the development of inflammation;
  • Interferons. Have a pronounced antiviral effect;
  • Lysozyme. Inhibits the proliferation of pathological bacteria;
  • Polysaccharides. Stimulate the body's production of components important for the maintenance and development of immunity;
  • Oligosaccharides. Support healthy condition intestines, create favorable microflora for beneficial bacteria;
  • Polypeptides. They have a regenerating and stimulating effect on cells. Helps quickly cope with damage, promotes fast healing wounds;
  • Lactoferrin. Has a powerful antibacterial effect;
  • Endorphins. Antidepressant hormones;
  • Nucleotides. Promote the synthesis of DNA proteins;
  • Phospholipids. Promote fat synthesis and get rid of bad cholesterol;
  • Complex of vital minerals and vitamins.

Key components of colostrum help a weakened immune system fight degenerative changes in tissues, cell degeneration, attacks by pathogens. Thanks to the supply of immune activators, protective forces organisms increase tenfold. According to reviews, colostrum helps activate, restore and maintain immunity at high level. When taking the drug, a person develops passive immunity to a large number diseases. Similar action the effects of mother's colostrum on the newborn's body.

Beneficial features

Regular intake of colostrum:

  • Activates the immune system;
  • Increases resistance to disease;
  • Improves intestinal function;
  • Tones and improves performance;
  • Strengthens nerves;
  • Stimulates cell renewal;
  • Helps restore the functioning of organs and systems;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Increases healing after burns, wounds, injuries;
  • Improves appearance and skin condition;
  • Accelerates recovery;
  • Increases resistance to respiratory infections;
  • Ensures healthy growth of the child;
  • Cleanses blood and lymph from waste and toxins.

Use for treatment and prevention

For prevention seasonal diseases and colds, for strong immunity you can use colostrum for children. As a preventative measure, it is given in normal dosages, and at the first symptoms of the disease, the dose can be increased. Taking the drug helps the child quickly cope with a respiratory infection, maintains strength and prevents adverse reactions. To a healthy baby means provides high activity, good memory, excellent functioning of the digestive system.

Taking colostrum gives the same effect to adults. It also helps to cope or prevent whole line diseases:

  • For arthritis, reduces the risk of spreading infection;
  • In oncology, it suppresses the growth of altered cells;
  • During bronchopulmonary diseases helps the body get rid of viruses;
  • In diseases of an autoimmune nature, it prevents the development of abnormal autoimmune reactions and has a beneficial effect on the production of hormones thymus, normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • If you are overweight active ingredients the drug provides accelerated metabolism;
  • For allergies, it helps neutralize and remove allergens from the body;
  • The contained “growth factor” ensures cell renewal and launches rejuvenation processes.

Colostrum is used for candidiasis, mycosis, herpes, protozoa infection, for prevention and treatment peptic ulcers, with vitamin deficiency, loss of strength. Effective in cases of immunodeficiency.

In what form is it used?

Most often you can find 2 types of the drug: in the form of chewable tablets for children. The composition is slightly different. The children's version is enriched with lactoferrin - one of the main factors innate immunity. Capsule form Children can also take it, but in a smaller dosage. Chewable tablets have pleasant taste, milky white shade. To make it palatable, manufacturers produce the drug with a fruity aroma (cherry, orange). By the way, there is fruit-flavored colstrum for children and children.

Occurs. Take half a scoop before meals. It is allowed to mix powder with liquid (any cold drink). Some manufacturers enrich the powder with a vitamin-mineral complex and plant extracts.


Colostrum has no strict contraindications. People with lactose intolerance, reactions to gluten and casein should take it with caution. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking the drug due to insufficient research in this area.

What do we know about colostrum? Everything and nothing at the same time. We know that cow colostrum is a kind of pre-milk that is secreted into cows 1-3 days after birth, we know that cow colostrum healthy and nutritious. But, despite this, cow's colostrum is not as popular a product as, say, milk and is used rather by lovers of this product. In general, there was some kind of persecution of colostrum in the twentieth century. For some reason they didn’t talk about the usefulness and importance of the product. Vice versa, colostrum considered somehow by-product, a mistake of nature. This, of course, concerned not cow’s colostrum, but woman’s colostrum. In many popular books about newborns, famous pediatricians wrote completely wild things. For example, one of the authors recommended (literally): “In the first 10-12 hours after birth, the baby is not placed on the mother’s breast. If a child screams without calming down, you can give him a few spoons of weak tea,” “In the first days, the newborn only “gets on track” and may not eat for several days. However, it is important to give him something to drink - 10 spoons of weak sweetened tea every three hours ". Unfortunately, books with such “useful” advice can still be bought today. Why did we jump from cow's colostrum to woman's colostrum?

What did people of the twentieth century miss?

What does colostrum look like?? Colostrum is a thick substance colostrum color yellow. Colostrum is released mammary glands of mammals, including humans, at the end of pregnancy and in the first 2-3 days after birth. It contains immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgD, IgE, IgM), of which 90% is IgA; cytokines that ensure intercellular interaction in the immune system (for example, interferon); growth factors (epithelial, insulin-like, platelet, transforming, etc.) - stimulate the growth of various tissues; lactoferrin - prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, enhances phagocytosis and the effectiveness of cytokines; factors nonspecific immunity(lysozyme and so on), amino acids (proline - important for regulatory peptides immune system, taurine - necessary for brain development); highly digestible proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, beta-carotene, E, B12, D), minerals and so on. When fed with colostrum, the newborn's body develops an immune system and develops passive immunity (immunity acquired without exposure to diseases). Such immunity does not last long - while the injected antibodies (gamma globulins) circulate in the body, but this time is enough for that. So that the cub’s immune system becomes strong enough to cope with the enemy on its own. It turns out that colostrum is a kind of vaccination for the baby against many viruses, bacteria and microorganisms that children's body and his immature immunity is absolutely defenseless. Information about all diseases and methods of combating them is transmitted through colostrum from mother to child. In this sense, calves are much luckier than human cubs. The calves were not weaned from their mother's breast and they received all the necessary information, grew and became stronger. Human babies had a hard time in the twentieth century; the refusal of colostrum and the fashion for artificial feeding led to the fact that a whole generation of weakened people grew up, with a whole “bouquet” of diseases. In this generation, the immune system has not received a lot of “information” to fight foreign agents. Weakening of the immune system has become a major source of health problems. Even weight gain, Alzheimer's disease, heart and kidney disease, and oncology are primarily associated with weakened immunity. Now, finally, they have realized the importance of early attachment of the baby to the mother’s breast and feeding with colostrum. After all, it contains the proteins and mass necessary for the baby. useful substances, also antibodies for immunity. It is best if the baby tries maternal colostrum immediately after birth in the delivery room.

Composition of bovine colostrum

But for many of us, maternal colostrum is no longer available. In this case, can cow colostrum be beneficial for us? The composition of cow colostrum is so powerful and unique that one can only be amazed at the capabilities and “mind” of Mother Nature. Colostrum composition has a well-balanced and optimally suited for the baby's first days of life:
1. Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgD, IgM, IgE). 90% of them are IgA.
2. Cytokines. They are responsible for the interaction of cells in the immune system. Cytokines strengthen the human immune system, stimulate the production of immunoglobulins, have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, and relieve pain.
3. Growth factors: insulin-like factors 1 and 2, epithelial factor, transforming factors A and B, platelet factor. These substances stimulate tissue growth.
4. Lactoferrin functions to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, acts as a catalyst for phagocytosis and increases the effectiveness of cytokines. It is an iron-bound protein with exceptionally strong antiviral and antibacterial properties.
5. The amino acid proline is found in bovine colostrum. It regulates the peptides of the immune system and has an extremely beneficial effect on our body.
6. Taurine is indispensable for brain function and development.
7. Highly digestible fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals.
8. Interferon is the main element of the antiviral defense of the cells of our body.
9. Lysozymes are natural antibiotics.
10. Prebiotics - natural factors, providing normalization intestinal microflora body.

Colostrum for strengthening immunity and healing

But the main advantage of cow colostrum is its ability to effectively increase body immunity. It contains all the necessary immune defense factors, including significant amount immunoglobulins with wide range specific antibodies against bacteria and yeasts commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract. Basics protective effect immune factors of colostrum manifests itself inside the stomach, on the intestinal walls and in the bronchi, that is, in places where pathogenic microorganisms accumulate. Immune factors prevent colonization of the latter and their production of toxins. The immune factors found in cow colostrum are preserved when transferred from one mammal species to another, so it can also be used by humans. It turns out that this is an alternative for people for whom strengthening the immune system and immunity is vital important question!
Cow colostrum has a beneficial effect on the human body in the following diseases:
-syndrome chronic fatigue;
-Alzheimer's disease;
-multiple sclerosis;
-bronchitis and pneumonia;
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis;
- dysbacteriosis;
-rheumatoid arthritis.

The most valuable part of colostrum

A revolutionary discovery has been made in 1949, when transfer factor molecules (transfer factors) - carriers of immune memory - were discovered. IN large quantities these molecules are found in colostrum, including cow colostrum. Conducting numerous studies in the field of transfer factors, the American company 4life began producing drugs called Transfer Factor. The drug is based on these transfer factor molecules, which are obtained from cow colostrum. The unique effect of transfer factors is to accelerate the immune system's response to a threat. Transfer Factors are perhaps the most valuable part of colostrum. Over 3000 have been published so far clinical trials and articles on transfer factors. That's why colostrum is much more than a nutritious liquid. However, whole colostrum may cause allergic reaction in people sensitive to cow's colostrum. In this case, best option - Transfer Factor drug. You can purchase the drug on our website.

Cow's colostrum is the milk produced by a healthy cow within 72 hours of the birth of her calf. Since it contains a large number of immune factors necessary for a person to resist disease, as well as factors in growth and development, it is called “nature’s immune protector” in medical circles. Cow's milk, unlike the milk of other animals, is most similar to human milk. Moreover, it is rich in nutritional content. Cow's colostrum has many health properties. Doctors and biologists believe that widespread antibodies in cow colostrum and other immune factors have joint functions: they can more effectively resist the disease and reduce its development, strengthen the power of resistance; can stimulate normal development cells, restore tissue and heal wounds, enabling older people to maintain their youth. Therefore, cow's colostrum is considered a product with the potential of immune regulation, stimulates growth and development, and resists aging. Very little cow's colostrum is produced, so its price is expensive. Experts consider it “soft gold.”
To make our Cow Colostrum product, YOFOTO only sources colostrum from healthy cows raised on New Zealand pastures. It contains the perfect balance of nutrients, strengthens the immune system, regulates the balance of nutrients and the balance of the immune system in the body, restoring the health of the body.

Product Features
Colostrum is the first precious food of a born baby. Cow Colostrum is created from the colostrum of healthy New Zealand grassland cows (taken from the highest quality cow colostrum within 72 hours of birth). It contains large amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Is a pure natural nutrient.
Main components: cow's colostrum, milk powder (New Zealand), taurine, vitamin C.

Nutrient Content Table
Name in every 100g%
Energy value 1377KJ 16%
Proteins 28.8g 48%
Fats 24.0g 40%
Carbohydrates 30.3g 10%
Sodium 0g 0%
Vitamin C 80.8 mg 81%

Every 100 g contains 20,000 live active immunoglobulin units
Recommended proportions for use (each spoon contains approximately 10 grams)

Infants (6 months-1 year) 1-2 times a day, about 1 spoon, the required course of administration is 30-90 days
Children (1 year-3 years) 1-2 times a day, 1-1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 22 - 45 days
Children (3 years - 6 years old) 2 times a day, 1 - 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15-22 days
Adults 2 times a day, 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15 days
Pregnant women 2 times a day, 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15 days
Take twice a day: morning and evening. One spoon must be diluted with 50 ml of boiled warm water(measuring spoon in a jar)
Directions for use: To ensure that the immunoglobulin remains active, please dilute with warm boiled water below 50 degrees (check with your hand, the water should be warm, but not hot).
Step by step explanation:
Pour in some pre-prepared warm boiled water below 50 degrees in a clean container;
Add required amount"Cow's colostrum", stir;
Pour all the remaining water into the container, mix with the added water until the colostrum is completely dissolved.
For a child, it is better to add “Cow's Colostrum” to food and drinks so that the child has a better taste while eating. You can also add colostrum to porridge, regular milk and other products. But should not be added to juice to avoid curdling, which affects absorption (regular milk can also cause curdling). In order for the effect of use to be better, you should not drink carbonated water, cola and other carbon dioxide drinks for an hour after eating.

Did you know?
Cow's colostrum contains large amounts of living active substances and immunoglobulin. These nutrients cannot come from the placenta. Calves (cubs) can receive them only with the colostrum of the cow (mother), thus the calf (calf) receives immune abilities to resist diseases, and the development of its immune system is stimulated.
Cow colostrum contains large amounts of protein, minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, etc.), vitamins and other nutrients. But more importantly, it contains large amounts of immunoglobulin, growth factor and so on. Antibodies IgG、IgA、IgM、IgE、IgD and others effectively increase children's immunity. Colostrum helps children avoid colds, diarrhea, respiratory infections. Cow's colostrum contains 50-100 times more IgG than human milk.
At the end of the 20th century, cow's colostrum was used only to create a product with immunoglobulin. This immune globulin has been clinically proven to have the properties of resisting a variety of infectious diseases. Now scientists have already confirmed that cow's colostrum contains not only immunoglobulin, but also contains a variety of growth factors and an immune regulatory factor.

About immunoglobulin
How is milk different during the first 72 hours after birth?
Those who have already become mothers know that after the birth of a child, milk is released in the first days yellow color, It's a little sticky. Since all the nutrients a newborn needs come from colostrum, it contains all the nutrients needed for growth and development. The most important thing is that it contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, growth factor and other substances. Bovine colostrum contains a wide variety of growth factors, including: skin growth factor, insulin growth factor, motor factor growth factor, cell fiber growth factor, nerve growth factor, skeletal growth factor, red growth factor blood cells and placenta blood.
Where does so much cow's colostrum come from?
The population of New Zealand does not reach 4,000,000 people; 3,460,000 head of cows are raised there. New Zealand ranks first in terms of the number of exported dairy products. According to statistics, the amount of cow's colostrum released (within 3 days after birth) averages 30-39 kg. The amount of colostrum fed after birth is actually 5.1 - 8.8 kilograms. The rest can theoretically be processed into cow's colostrum. Every year the amount of potential valuable resource is approximately 800,000 tons (according to powder calculations). Due to strict time constraints and processing requirements, New Zealand currently has the capacity to process 200,000 tonnes of bovine colostrum powder (based on powder calculations) annually.
Is it normal for Cow Colostrum to have an odor?
Cow's colostrum is the milk that the cow secretes within three days after giving birth, it is yellow in color, has a bitter taste and an unusual odor. Therefore, products made from bovine colostrum may also have a slight odor. It is important that the form of the product fully complies with the quality standards and sanitary control standards of the country so that the consumer can safely accept it. "Cow's colostrum" especially for children has a fragrant taste and is easily digestible, so that children take cow's colostrum with pleasure.
Is it harmful to take Cow's Colostrum constantly?
Not harmful at all! Since Cow's Colostrum is made from milk taken from dairy cows within 72 hours of giving birth, regardless of the duration of use, it cannot have any negative effect per child.

A little about health
We have noticed that as we get older, we get sick easily, including colds, pain in the joints appears, fatigue appears, sexual functions decrease, and after external injuries they quickly arise skin diseases, chronic ulcers that take a long time to heal. Now we know: as a person approaches old age, immunity gradually decreases.
Cow's colostrum, which supplies the body with immune globulin and other effective elements, delays the aging process human body, increases resistance. Cow's colostrum serves as a prophylactic and is used in the treatment of many diseases. Including: AIDS, atypical pneumonia, allergic diseases, arthritis, asthma, bacteriological infections, lupus erythematosus, depression, common severe skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

Milk is a favorite product of both adults and children, since it can be used to prepare many different dishes. What colostrum is, only a certain category of gourmets knows. It is not sold in stores and supermarkets, therefore it is not so popular among consumers. So what is colostrum? The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed in our article. We will also talk about how to cook it correctly and whether it should be included in the diet.

What is colostrum

Colostrum is the milk that is secreted from the mammary glands of a cow immediately after the birth of a calf. Its secretion ends approximately on the fifth day. Colostrum is a thick cream or yellow liquid that has a unique composition and general strengthening properties. The product has a slightly salty taste; it is released in small quantities, which is why it has such high value. There is no product in nature that has a similar composition as colostrum.

What does colostrum contain?

As written above, cow's colostrum has the most unique composition and contains vital necessary substances. It contains:

  • Immunoglobulins, including percentage immunoglobulin IgA is 90%.
  • Lactoferrin is an iron-bound protein that prevents the proliferation of microorganisms and has a powerful antiviral effect.
  • Substances that stimulate tissue growth.
  • Cytokines are substances that strengthen the immune system and promote greater production of immunoglobulins.
  • Prebiotics are special substances that normalize work gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lysozymes are antibiotics of natural origin.
  • Interferon is a substance that protects cells from the action of the virus.

Colostrum: calories

Colostrum is not considered high-calorie product, however, provided that no sugar was used during its preparation. The calorie content of cow's colostrum depends on what day after the birth of the calf it was collected. On the first day after birth, colostrum has the highest calorie content; 100 ml contains 150 kcal. On the second day, colostrum has a calorie content of 110 kcal per 100 ml. For the third - 80 kcal, for the fourth - 75 kcal, for the fifth - 70 kcal. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 ml of bovine colostrum is as follows: 27.63 g of protein, 1.70 g of fat and 13 g of carbohydrates. There is a large amount of protein in the product. Their advantage is that they are easily digestible, since they are whey and are absorbed in the body in a couple of hours.

How is colostrum different from milk?

When comparing two dairy products, you should first compare the calories. Colostrum is higher in calories (150 kcal) than milk (46 kcal) and contains more protein. In addition, in colostrum more contains:

  • Vitamin A and carotene - 2-10 times.
  • Vitamin C - 2-3 times.
  • Salts - 1.5 times.

Immunoglobulin is contained in large quantities in colostrum, and it is this that saves the calf from various dermatological and immune diseases.

Colostrum contains much less fat and lactose than milk.

Benefits of colostrum

Colostrum is a dairy product that has a restorative, rejuvenating and regenerative effect. For this reason, it should be eaten by both children to strengthen the immune system, and adults, since the product has a beneficial effect on the work of everyone without exception. internal organs. For a calf, colostrum has enormous nutritional value, since thanks to it the animal develops strong immunity. All antibodies to infections that the cow suffered during pregnancy pass into colostrum. Cow's colostrum has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, in addition, the product supports growth function and stimulates the immune system. This is especially true with age, when the immune system begins to weaken and the body becomes more susceptible to the action of bacteria, helminths, viruses and fungi.

Since cow's colostrum contains immunoglobulins, its regular consumption prevents the development of malignant tumors and other negative processes.

For what diseases should colostrum be consumed?

There are a number of diseases for which the use of cow's colostrum is indicated. These are diseases such as:

  • Respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.
  • Viral diseases: otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis.
  • Central nervous system diseases: depression, Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, frequent headaches, multiple sclerosis.
  • Dermatological diseases: skin irritations, allergies.

In addition, cow's colostrum is recommended for use when diabetes mellitus, candidiasis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The dairy product is recommended to be consumed during severe physical and mental stress, autoimmune diseases and in case premature aging, since colostrum has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Harm from colostrum

Before we talk about how to prepare colostrum, let's consider whether it has contraindications. Despite the fact that the product has many beneficial properties, its use can still cause harm to the body. Yes, when individual intolerance product or its components, colostrum should never be consumed. It is also worth considering that if you use this milk product constantly, the digestive system may not be able to cope with the absorption of immunoglobulins, and in this case an allergy may appear. Therefore, like any food, primary milk should be consumed in moderation.

Also for people who suffer from excess weight, it should be remembered that the product has a high calorie content, therefore, its excessive consumption, especially as a sweet pudding, is highly discouraged.

Secrets of preparing colostrum

Colostrum is a product from which very delicious desserts, incredibly useful for young children because they contain a lot of useful substances. They bake it either in the oven, or in the oven, or in a slow cooker. How to prepare colostrum? It is very important to follow the cooking recipe and not add soda and a lot of eggs (three is enough), otherwise it will turn out too hard.

When pouring colostrum into a container, it is very important to ensure that at least two fingers remain to the edge of the container, since under the influence of temperature the product begins to rise slightly. Before you take out the finished pudding, you need to let it stand after turning off the oven for at least another half hour. If it settles a little, it’s not scary - that’s how it should be.

You can also cook colostrum in a slow cooker, the only thing is that it will not get such a golden brown crust as the one baked in the oven. However, the dessert will retain its delicate taste and porous structure. If you keep colostrum in a slow cooker for longer than 40-50 minutes, you will get a tender sponge cake; to prepare a soufflé, 40 minutes is most often enough.

Colostrum recipe in the oven

Cow's colostrum can make an incredibly tasty milk pudding, very similar to a souffle and having a soft creamy color. The recipe for colostrum in the oven is not at all complicated. In order to prepare it, you need 200 g of sugar, half a spoon of vanillin, two liters of colostrum and 3 eggs. Pour colostrum into the pan and beat eggs and sugar separately. After the sugar has completely dissolved, you need to mix the colostrum and egg-sugar mixture. Afterwards, the resulting pudding base should be poured into a baking dish and placed in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Colostrum should be baked until milk oozes out. This is very easy to check; just pierce the pudding with a match. Colostrum pudding turns out very tender and tasty, with a beautiful golden brown crust.

The baking time depends entirely on the thickness of the pudding and the temperature in the oven. Optimal temperature baking no more than 200 degrees.

If desired, you can add more sugar to the pudding. If you want homemade colostrum to have a delicate, rich milky taste, you should add a little butter. Bon appetit!



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