Causes of ear disease in a child. Why is otitis media dangerous for a child? Nasal vasoconstrictors

When a child complains about the appearance of acute pain in the ear, cries and is naughty - such a state of the baby will unbalance even the most persistent and experienced parent. Sharp shooting pain in the ear is not easy for an adult to endure, let alone children.

Pain signals the appearance of an inflammatory process in the ear. That is, otitis media develops. According to statistics, by the age of five, almost every child at least once, but manages to get sick with this disease.

To alleviate the condition of the baby and get rid of otitis media, each parent should be able to distinguish the first signs of the disease, know what treatment is right for the child, and also what measures should be taken to prevent otitis media in the future. Let's figure it out!

Varieties of the disease

Our ear is made up of three regions: outer, middle and inner. The first is the visible part of the ear, which we Everyday life and call it an ear. The middle and inner sections are not visible and have a complex structure. The appearance of acute inflammation of the ear in children can affect each of its parts, so the diagnosis is divided into otitis externa, otitis media and internal, respectively.

Two-thirds of the recorded cases of the disease account for acute otitis media. In children under one year - two years, this percentage is even higher. Since pathogens enter the middle ear from the nasopharynx.

Acute inflammation of the middle ear is represented by catarrhal, exudative and purulent stages. Catarrh is considered acute inflammation initial stage. During this period, the patient begins to feel congestion in the ear and hearing loss. At exudative form a viscous secret is formed - it is he who, accumulating, causes pain. Distinctive feature acute process of this type of inflammation - suppuration from the ear. This is the most severe form of the disease, accompanied by high fever.

If acute otitis media in children is not treated, otitis media develops. internal department- labyrinthitis. For children, this condition is extremely dangerous and requires proper treatment. Otherwise, the consequences of otitis media can be very severe.

Based on the duration of the disease, otitis media is divided into acute, subacute and chronic. The acute course of the disease is characterized by a rapid onset, this condition lasts for more than three weeks. If otitis media in a child lasts from three weeks before three months, we are talking about subacute form. If an acute illness is left untreated or treated for an acute inflammatory process wrong, there will be a chronicization of the inflammatory process. Such a disease will already last for more than three months.

Why does middle ear inflammation occur?

As we mentioned, children are prone to ear diseases much more often than adults. And this is easily explained. main reason The development of the disease is directly related to the characteristics of the auditory tube of the child. The anatomy of the Eustachian tube of a child is such that it is shorter and wider than the auditory tube of an adult. And the absence of bends allows the infection to freely penetrate from the nasopharynx into the middle ear cavity.

The causes of otitis media are:

  • hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the body;
  • available in the body chronic infections in children (for example, chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx, from where the infection can easily get into the ear);
  • adenoids;
  • weak immunity;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • ear damage;
  • improper feeding of infants: children on breastfeeding you can’t feed while lying on your back - in this position, milk can get from the nasal cavity and pharynx into the tympanic cavity and start an inflammatory process there.

Outer and inner ear: causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the outer ear manifests itself when trying to clean the ears foreign objects, during which the infection penetrates into them. Otitis can occur when bacteria enter the bloodstream through wounds and damage to the skin of the ear. Therefore, parents need to ensure that the baby never picks a sharp object in the ear canal.

Some parents are overzealous, cleaning their children's ears every day and cleaning out the wax from them, which is fundamentally wrong. Wax is a natural barrier against disease-causing organisms, so such excessive cleanliness opens the way for bacteria to the far areas of the ear.

The appearance of otitis externa can be triggered by the ingress of water into the ear, which contains pathogens, for example, while swimming in polluted reservoirs.

Labyrinthitis or internal otitis in acute form manifests itself in the absence of timely treatment of the acute course of otitis media. The infection can enter inner ear through the lining of the brain (in meningitis) or into the bloodstream if pathogens are already present in the body. Children with this diagnosis need immediate assistance otorhinolaryngologist. If proper treatment of an inflammatory disease inner ear It does not appear that the prognosis for life and health may be unfavorable.

Signs of otitis media

What are the symptoms of otitis media in babies faced by parents? Symptoms directly depend on the location of the inflammation.

With external inflammation, the visible part of the hearing organ turns red and swells, the patient is worried about itching. Another sign of external inflammation is pain while chewing food or swallowing. If a child’s auricle hurts, it’s easy to check: slightly pull on the earlobe, and everything will be immediately clear from the baby’s reaction. External ear disease can be focal or diffuse. With focal inflammation, boils appear, that is, point inflammation. As soon as the boil matures, and purulent contents come out of it, pain syndrome passes. At diffuse type the current inflames the ear canal completely or some of its area. Skin ear canal at the same time peel off, itch, sometimes blisters appear.

In acute otitis media, the manifestations of the disease depend on the nature of the inflammation. With otitis media in children with catarrhal form The child has the following symptoms:

  • acute pain, which periodically radiates to the temples or jaw (shoots in the ear);
  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • drowsiness, the baby becomes capricious, restless;
  • sometimes vomiting is possible.

If timely treatment acute otitis in a child at the initial stage is not carried out, the disease will turn into purulent stage. With it, the pain becomes more intolerable, hearing is noticeably reduced. If a perforation (rupture) of the eardrum has occurred, suppuration begins from the ear.

If treatment acute form otitis did not pass at the proper level or was started very late, with a high degree of probability the disease will become chronic. With this disease, the symptoms are mild, pain is tolerable. The chronic diagnosis is characterized by purulent discharge from the ear, since eardrum does not have time to overgrow, ringing in the ears is characteristic, and hearing will gradually weaken.

With labyrinthitis, frequent dizziness, nausea and vomiting are observed.

Earache in the baby: what to do?

With kids, things are much more difficult. baby unable to tell what and how it hurts, and parents can only carefully observe changes in the behavior of the baby. A sick baby becomes capricious, lethargic, loses his appetite. For no apparent reason, he begins to scream piercingly, especially during a night's sleep. It becomes painful for babies to suck or swallow. The sick child is constantly holding on to sore ear or tries to lie on it to reduce pain.

Babies up to a year are much more likely to suffer from inflammation of the organ of hearing, because they spend a lot of time lying down, and this leads to the accumulation of mucous masses in the nasopharynx, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea are observed.

During treatment, infants are prescribed not ear drops and nasal drops. Otherwise, the methods of treating the disease coincide with the treatment of preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Treatment of an acute illness: where to start?

Seeing the reaction of the child to acute pain, many parents are lost and do not know what to do to alleviate the condition of the baby. At the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the ear, you need to seek medical assistance, especially if you notice purulent discharge from the ear. The sooner you start treating otitis media, the faster recovery will come, and the risk of complications will be reduced to zero.

Otitis media should only be treated by an ENT doctor! If for some reason it is not possible to immediately contact the doctors for treatment (for example, sharp pain occurred at night), you need to anesthetize the ear. For acute pain, children are given medicines based on paracetamol or ibuprofen (for example, Panadol or Nurofen). And in the morning you need to go to the clinic.

At the appointment, the ENT will examine the child using an otoscope or a special ear funnel, determine the location of the inflammatory process, its nature (the baby suffers from an acute or chronic disease) and give recommendations for treatment.

Do not treat otitis media on your own! At home, in addition to taking painkillers, you need to gently blow your nose, and extract the mucus from the baby with a special aspirator. On this treatment on their own should end.

Some parents mistakenly, without consulting a doctor, try to alleviate the patient's condition and cure acute otitis in a child with the help of ear drops. But if the tympanic membrane has burst, using, for example, alcohol drops is not only undesirable, but also dangerous!

Treatment of otitis media in children

For inflammation of the outer ear, local treatment is used: a boil or the site of inflammation is lubricated with antiseptics and made alcohol compresses. As soon as the boil matures, the place of its localization is treated with "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine" and applied gauze bandages impregnated with "Levomekol". Antibacterial drugs are prescribed if necessary.

The symptomatic treatment plan for inflammation of the middle section (attention, the treatment is under medical supervision) includes:

  • use of ear drops;
  • treatment with antibacterial drugs (choice of agent, its dosage and duration of treatment acute illness depend on the age of the child and are determined by the ENT doctor);
  • regular cleaning of the nasal passages and the use of baby vasoconstrictor drops for the nose;
  • taking antihistamines to relieve swelling;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • in particularly severe cases - surgical intervention(paracentesis of the tympanic membrane or anthrotomy).

Labyrinthitis is treated exclusively in a hospital, since this type of disease can provoke severe complications of otitis media (for example, meningitis or sepsis).

As you can see, the consequences of otitis are very serious, and at times very dangerous. Seek professional help in a timely manner and exclusively to competent otolaryngologists. Properly selected therapy and adherence to recommendations for treatment is the key to a speedy recovery.

Please call, make an appointment and come.

We will be glad to help you!

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear of any origin. most common cause call the doctor is a middle ear infection. Up to 3 years, about 2/3 of children had otitis media at least once. And almost half of the children had such inflammation at least 3 times.

The disease is common among all age groups and in different regions. The peak incidence of ear infections is 7-9 months. In children at this age, it is very difficult to immediately suspect otitis media, since the causes of crying and anxiety can be different.

Disease classification

Depending on the location of the infection in the ear (external, middle, internal) Otitis is divided into 3 types:

  • Otitis externa - affects the external auditory canal to the tympanic membrane, the auricle.
  • Otitis media - starts from the ear membrane and includes the tympanic cavity, eustachian tube, antrum.
  • Internal (labyrinthitis) - inflammation of the cochlea, its vestibule or semicircular canals.

The most dangerous forms of otitis media are medium and internal. They are often accompanied by purulent formations, after which the child may develop deafness.

Most often, children suffer from otitis media, which occurs against a background of weakened immunity in acute respiratory infections. It, in turn, is divided into 2 types:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent otitis.

Reasons for the development of inflammation

Otitis in children develops as a result respiratory disease top respiratory tract caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria. In newborns the immune system not yet formed and they are exposed to otitis media more often.

Lead to the development of otitis media:

  • Anatomical features of the structure of the middle ear in newborns. It is shorter and wider than in older children and adults, so pathogenic agents can easily enter inside.
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract and nose (bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.) caused by bacterial microflora.
  • Viral diseases (adenovirus, influenza).
  • Improper ear care.
  • Ear injury.
  • Heredity.

The development of otitis in children under 1 year old can be affected by:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheating;
  • incorrect position during feeding;
  • lingering runny nose.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

At the very beginning of ear inflammation, there may be only a slight discomfort in the ear canal, which can be ignored. Gradually, the symptoms of otitis media increase and the child has:

  • intense pain of a different nature;
  • stuffiness in the ears with hearing loss;
  • heat;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite.

Acute otitis media is sudden and severe when general state child is normal. You can suspect ear inflammation in infants by the following signs:

  • anxiety;
  • inexplicable crying;
  • shaking head in different sides;
  • breast rejection;
  • grasping the sore ear with the hands.

Symptoms of otitis externa in children can have different signs, depending on the complexity of the inflammation. The child has a throbbing pain around auricle skin swells. In severe cases, there is purulent discharge. Redness, an inflammatory tubercle appears on the furuncle of the auricle, in the center of which a purulent core forms. The pain will remain intense until tissue receptors die from pus. After opening the boil, a wound remains, a scar forms. If otitis externa caused by a fungus, itching appears in the ear canal, the skin peels off, crusts appear on it.

Otitis media can be catarrhal and purulent. In the catarrhal form, redness, swelling, shooting or stabbing pain. The intensity of pain can vary depending on the severity of the inflammation. She can give in the throat, cheek, whiskey. Ear congestion appears. When the abscess ruptures, exudate with blood impurities flows out. The child's hearing is reduced, he may be disturbed by signs of intoxication, high fever.

At chronic otitis media, which is exudative, purulent and adhesive, the symptoms are mild. They manifest as tinnitus, persistent hearing loss due to permanent perforation of the membrane. Periodically, the ear leaks with purulent exudate.

Internal otitis occurs with pains of varying intensity, hearing loss, frequent dizziness, since the organ of balance is involved in the inflammatory process. There is nausea and vomiting.


If you suspect otitis in a child, you should definitely contact an otolaryngologist. Using an ear mirror and an otoscope, he examines the ear cavity and assesses the condition of the ear.

You can determine the presence of otitis media at home:

  • Press the child on the protruding cartilage near the ear canal. When the pain increases, the child may cry or scream.
  • Gently check with a cotton swab for purulent discharge from the ear.

Treating a child at home

How to treat otitis? Be sure to take into account the nature of the disease, its cause and characteristics of the patient's body.

Note! Adequate treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. Treatment otitis media at home is unacceptable and is possible only in a hospital setting.

First aid

If for some reason the trip to the ENT has to be postponed, then you can try to alleviate the child's condition for a while, to stop the pain. To do this, you can use NSAIDs based on paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen in the form of syrup, tablets or suppositories:

  • Panadol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Kalpol;
  • Cefekon;
  • Tylenol.

If there is no damage to the eardrum and there is no discharge from the ear, you can drip ear drops inside with otitis media in children:

  • Otipax;
  • Otirelax.

For infants 2 drops in each ear, for older ones - 3-4 drops. Before the procedure, the product must be warmed up in the hands to room temperature. Put the child with the affected ear up and keep it in this position for another 10 minutes after instillation. Babies need to first remove the pacifier from their mouth.

Therapy for otitis externa

Before the formation of the rod, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to dissolve it. After opening the boil, the cavity is washed with solutions:

  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

After washing, apply a bandage with Levomekol ointment until the wound heals.

If the child has a high fever and signs of intoxication and lymphadenitis, antibiotics may be prescribed. At fungal infection external ear use local antifungal ointments:

  • Mixept;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Candide.

Treatment of otitis media

The emphasis in the treatment of this form of otitis is on local funds. If the child has uncomplicated catarrhal otitis, ear drops with anti-inflammatory drugs are used for 7-10 days. Necessarily in the presence of a runny nose, treatment with drops:

  • Protorgol;
  • Polydex;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Isofra.

Combined drops are suitable for ears, which have antimicrobial and analgesic effects:

  • Albucid;
  • Otipax;
  • Otofa;
  • Polydex.

In complicated otitis media, if the patient has severe pain relief, there is no result for 3 days from local treatment, appointed systemic antibiotics. The course of admission is usually 7 days (except for funds with a cumulative effect, for example, Azithromycin). Preference is given to semi-synthetic, inhibitor-protected penicillins, cephalosporins of 2-4 generations, macrolides:

  • Flemoxin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Flemoklav;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefazidime;
  • Sumamed;
  • Fromilid.

Sometimes with otitis media they give antihistamines to relieve swelling and inflammation (Claritin, Zodak, Loratidin). But many experts consider such therapy not appropriate due to the fact that there is no direct relationship between the intake of antihistamines and the speed of recovery.

There is no universal remedy for otitis media. This disease has different forms and features of the flow. This causes different tactics and approach to treatment in each case. When treating at home, parents need to adhere to certain rules so as not to harm the child.

  • At purulent otitis media throughout the day should be carefully removed from the ear purulent exudate with the help of cotton wool.
  • Ear drops should be at room temperature.
  • Can't do warm compresses if the child has discharge of pus from the ear.
  • Children under one year should not apply alcohol compresses to the ear.
  • The use of camphor or boric alcohol allowed only after 6 years, no more than 2 drops.

Preventive measures

To avoid otitis, it is necessary to protect the ears from exposure to various annoying factors and take proper care of them.

  • It is impossible to penetrate deep into the ear canal while cleaning the ears. For the procedure it is better to use cotton swab or soft cotton swabs.
  • Children under one year old should not be without a hat in drafts and in windy weather.
  • After bathing, remove residual water from the ears.
  • Timely treat all ailments of ENT organs (rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis).

Otitis media is a fairly common problem in childhood. It usually accompanies acute respiratory infections, which children often get sick with. The main task of adults is not to miss the moment, to start the treatment of otitis media in a timely manner. A triggered inflammatory process can lead to severe complications including total hearing loss.

School of Dr. Komarovsky about the treatment of otitis media in a child:

Perhaps every parent remembers how capricious and weak the baby becomes, whose ears suddenly hurt. In such a situation, even the most calm mom she will be confused and will randomly go over in her head all the methods of getting rid of otitis media known to her. After all, it is this disease that first comes to the mind of parents when a child complains of ear pain.

Otitis is a traditional childhood disease that occurs in babies from newborn to 3 years of age. There may be several reasons for this - from the anatomical features of the structure of the auditory tube to the weak immunity of the child. Even if your two-year-old baby has never had otitis media, it would be useful to play it safe and find out how to behave in such cases and what treatment to use.

Causes of children's otitis media

First of all, otitis in a baby can manifest itself as one of the complications after suffering the flu or acute respiratory infections. The same consequences are not excluded due to a prolonged cold, chronic inflammation of the adenoids, or penetration into the body of a pneumococcal or staphylococcal infection.

Another reason explaining why ear inflammation attacks infants more often than older children is the special structure of the auditory canal. The ear tube in newborns is almost 2 times shorter than normal parameters, and in addition to this, it is also very wide.

These anomalies in the structure allow various microorganisms to freely move into the auditory tube from the nasopharynx along with mucus and other secretions.

The next factor that provokes children's otitis is the way the baby is fed. If you feed your baby in a supine position, then food particles will certainly fall into the nasopharynx, and from there into the Eustachian tube. For this reason, it is recommended that babies be fed strictly vertically, and also wear them more often in a “column” during malaise.

As time passes, the auditory tube begins to change and takes on its own normal sizes. Its position relative to the nasopharynx also changes. It becomes not so easy for bacteria to penetrate the Eustachian tube, which is at a great inclination to the pharynx.

However, older children also often complain of ear pain. The reason for this may be a weak immune system, unable to protect the body from pathogenic bacteria that have entered it.

Another risk factor for catching otitis media is any frequent illnesses nasal passages and upper pharynx. This includes all kinds of rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis and others pathological conditions in which it is difficult for the child to breathe through the nose.

Only a qualified otolaryngologist can establish more accurately. Remember that further treatment depends on understanding the nature of the disease and the factors that provoked it.

Symptoms of ear inflammation in a child

The onset of the disease is usually sudden and rather abrupt. The baby may suddenly rise in body temperature to critical levels.

Children also often refuse food and cannot sleep, because any movement of the head and jaw causes discomfort to the baby. acute pain in the ear can occur during sneezing or blowing your nose, because in the auditory tube it rises because of this.

Newborns and babies cannot yet explain to their parents what exactly worries them. The kid simply feels unbearable pain and from this he begins to cry, act up, refuses to lie alone and cannot fall asleep for a long time. It is not uncommon for newborns to even stop breastfeeding due to discomfort when suckling.

Only in aggregate indirect signs pretty hard. A more reliable way is to press on the child's ear tragus. If at the same time the baby began to behave restlessly, inflammation in the ear is undoubtedly present.

From the age of four months, the baby can give signals to parents that something is wrong with his ears. For example, the baby often begins to twist and wave his head in different directions, tries to touch his hand or pulls on a sore ear, rubs it against various objects.

When especially severe course otitis, the baby may have next row signs:

  1. Protrusion or retraction of the fontanel;
  2. Nausea and vomiting;
  3. uncontrolled head movements;
  4. Disorder of the digestive tract.

Note! Similar states should encourage parents to take their child to the doctor as soon as possible, because treatment should begin immediately!

Despite the complexity self diagnosis otitis, the symptoms in a child of 2 years of age are more pronounced, and the disease itself becomes easier to recognize. As a rule, older kids can already inform their parents about ear problems.

The child experiences a sharp throbbing pain that radiates to all parts of the skull. Pain can give to the temple, jaw or crown. The child often says that he began to hear worse, and his ears seem to be bursting from the inside or there is a strong congestion in them.

In older children, as in babies, there is fever and chills, signs of intoxication, disorders gastrointestinal tract. The child loses appetite and sleep, confused consciousness, possibly impaired coordination of movements.

A symptom such as profuse purulent discharge from the ears indicates that a rupture of the eardrum has occurred. As a rule, the condition of the child after this returns to normal.

Periods of exacerbation of chronic are characterized by the same symptoms as its acute initial stage.

Medicamentous and folk treatment

Otitis in childhood can be treated with medications and folk remedies. But before you self-medicate, you need to consult a specialist.

Otitis media treatment

The therapeutic course for children's otitis includes the appointment antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections for a period of at least 5 days.

Antibiotics are necessary for children in order to prevent the occurrence of parallel diseases, as well as to prevent possible complications. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the Eustachian tube in order to eliminate the resulting obstruction in time.

For this purpose, the child is prescribed vasoconstrictor drops for the nose and local medical procedures:

  1. During acute, the application of dry heat to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased ear helps very well. Such manipulations normalize blood circulation and contribute to the development of additional protective bodies. Dry heating includes exposure to the affected ear with a blue or red lamp, therapeutic ear turundas, warm bags of salt and alcohol-containing compresses.
  2. The purulent stage of otitis media requires regular manipulations to clean out pus from the ears. You can do this at home with antiseptic solutions(such as hydrogen peroxide), and then remove the remaining pus with a cotton turunda. In case of complications, the doctor may give the child injections of antibacterial solutions directly into the middle ear.

For a child under the age of 2 years, it is mandatory to take antibiotics, among which are ceftriaxone, amoxiclav and cefuroxime. The course of treatment lasts from 5 days to a week. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, based on the weight of the baby. Any of the above antibiotics is administered intramuscularly into the body.

Possibly also intravenous administration if complications develop rapidly in the crumbs. Older children are prescribed an antibiotic only if the child experiences unbearable pain in the ear, feels unwell, and his body temperature does not drop below 38 ° C.

Children over 1 year old are already allowed to use some vasoconstrictor drugs, however, before this, it is necessary to carefully clear the nose of the child from mucus. Nose drops should be used no more than 2 times a day - shortly before bedtime and before one of the feedings.

The most popular drug of this plan is Nazivin - vasoconstrictor drops for children. It is necessary to dig in each nasal passage with 2-3 drops of the product.

If you have any doubts about whether it is possible to use ear drops for a newborn, be sure to consult a specialist. As a rule, doctors do not recommend instilling any funds into the ears or nose of babies under the age of one year.

Despite the fact that many drugs are allowed from birth, it cannot be ruled out individual intolerance or allergic reaction in a child for any remedy.

It is also important to know how you can bring down the high temperature in the crumbs before the doctor arrives. Children are allowed to give such drugs as: panadol for children, efferalgan, panadol baby, as well as other drugs, in the instructions of which there are no contraindications for children. Prohibited for use in pediatrics are aspirin and analgin.

Local preparations and alternative treatment

In addition to basic medical treatment, the doctor may also recommend a course of warm compresses on the affected ear. They are prescribed only if the eardrum is intact, and no suspicious discharge is observed from the ear.

Treatment with alcohol or vodka compresses has long been renowned for its effectiveness. The process itself is not complicated and consists of just a few sequential steps:

  • In a sterile cloth or gauze folded 4 times, it is necessary to make a hole for the ear;
  • The size of the napkin should protrude beyond the edges of the auricle by about 2 cm;
  • The resulting napkin is moistened in a pre-prepared warming solution and applied to the area of ​​the affected ear;
  • The outer auricle should remain outside;
  • On top of the gauze, it is necessary to tightly apply a plastic film, 2–2.5 cm larger than the first layer;
  • Another layer is applied on top of the polyethylene - cotton wool, which protrudes beyond the edges of the film or wax paper;
  • The resulting design should be secured with a scarf or other warm cloth, tied around the baby's head;
  • Keep the compress for at least 3 hours. However, do not remove it for 4 hours and no longer makes much sense, because the thermal effect of the structure will have dried up by that time.

Another effective remedy for the treatment of otitis media in a 2-year-old baby is special drops for the ears. However, you also need to be able to bury them at home correctly. With a non-professional eye, it is almost impossible to determine what nature the inflammatory process occurs in the ear, whether the tympanic membrane is damaged, and so on.

In the event that there are perforations in the eardrum, the entry of ear drops into its cavity can lead to unpredictable consequences- up to disruption auditory ossicles and further hearing loss.

In order not to harm the baby with your actions, it is necessary to bury the sore ear in a special way. A turunda is twisted from a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad and placed shallowly in the ear canal. Medicine should drip on the turunda, but not directly into the ear itself. For achievement best result, ear drops should be warmed up a little in the hands before use.

As a rule, children are prescribed safe and fast-acting drugs, which include such popular remedy like otipax. If there are no special drops at hand, they can be replaced folk recipes. For example, moisten a cotton turunda in onion juice or boric acid and then put it in the child's ear.

It is important! The above recipes are not a guide to action. Only an otolaryngologist can assess all the risks from the use of this or that remedy.

No matter how strong the concern for the baby, parents should remember that it is strictly forbidden to start any treatment without first consulting a doctor. Children's otitis requires medical intervention even more so than adults.

The fact is that not a single mother who is not an otolaryngologist will be able to predict how this or that drug will affect her child.

TO dangerous consequences can lead not only to self-treatment, but also complete inaction in the event of the onset of an inflammatory process in the ear. Therapy not started on time is a guarantee of complications such as chronic otitis media, hearing loss, and even inflammation of the meninges.

Otitis media is one of the most common childhood diseases. More than half of babies get otitis in the first year of life. What is this insidious "sore"? Can you warn her? How to treat otitis media in a child? And what undesirable consequences otitis media, transferred in infancy, can overtake a child in the future?

Ear pain in a child - a headache in parents

Otitis media, of course, also happens to adults. However, most often this disease occurs in children aged 6 to 11 months.

As proof of this, ruthless statistics: about 60% of children under the age of one year had otitis media at least once, and up to 20% of them had otitis media three or more times.

The essence of the disease comes down to this:

Human auditory organ divided into three sections - the outer, middle and inner ear. The most important part of the middle and inner ear is the Eustachian (auditory) tube, which is directly connected to the nasal cavity. Why did nature connect the ear and nose together? And then, that the process of receiving information through hearing “starts” from the eardrum, which is pressured by air from the outside (it comes from the external auditory canal) and air from the inside, which passes just through the nasal cavity and further along the Eustachian tube.

When a virus develops in the nose (for example, during a cold or flu), or when a lot of fluid accumulates in the nasal cavity, often some of this mucus enters the Eustachian tube and clogs it. As a result, air loses access to the eardrum from the inside, but continues to exert pressure on it from the outside. This causes severe pain, which is one of the obvious symptoms of the onset of otitis media.

And if in this liquid (essentially snot) accumulated in the Eustachian tube, an inflammatory process begins (that is, in other words, pus forms), then we are talking about acute purulent otitis media.

Inflammation can also occur on the other side of the eardrum - in the area of ​​​​the outer ear. But in infants, otitis externa is less common than otitis media.

In addition, otitis media can be of different origin: viral (as a rule, it occurs against the background of SARS) or bacterial (caused by bacteria such as Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci or streptococci). It is gratifying that in Lately throughout the civilized world, children are actively vaccinated against two of the three listed bacteria - vaccines exist against Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcus.

Why does otitis occur in a child

Why are small children particularly prone to otitis media? For several objective reasons:

  • They are much more likely than adults to form mucus in the nasal cavity. Indeed, in addition to all kinds of colds, babies also actively cry - daily and quite strongly. And with strong crying (especially if the child roars and chokes), the liquid almost instantly forms in the nasal cavity.
  • breastfed babies often vomit. And these milk residues can also easily get into the Eustachian tube.
  • The Eustachian tubes in a baby up to a year are still much short and narrow, which means that the fluid accumulates in them faster and more willingly.
  • Finally, the trouble is that babies do not know how to blow their noses “qualityally”. And if, at the same time, an overly active and assertive mother (grandmother or nanny) with a handkerchief in her hands looks after them, this can aggravate the situation even more.

When a mother tightly closes her child's nose (for example, with a handkerchief), and at the same time makes him blow "with all her strength" (supposedly in order to "properly" blow her nose), then the snot eventually "fly away" not outward as they should, but vice versa - rush through the Eustachian tube to the middle ear. And thus, such an overly zealous mother literally “organizes” the onset of otitis for the baby with her own hands.

Signs of otitis in a child

As already mentioned, the most obvious symptom of otitis media is strong pain in the region of the middle ear. Alas, babies cannot tell about it, but they can show: they are worried and crying, rubbing their ears with their hands, actively turning their heads.

Other symptoms include:

  • Refusal to eat;
  • Nausea and vomiting, imbalance;
  • Insomnia;
  • Nasal congestion, redness of the nose;
  • Raised temperature is often observed;
  • One hundred percent sign of otitis media is purulent discharge from the ear (yellowish, greenish or transparent);

The most accessible and obvious sign of painful otitis media that every mother can notice is the following: apply gentle pressure index finger on the tragus of an infant's ear. If the baby screams, cries, pulls his hands to his ear - most likely, he is rapidly developing acute otitis media. Go to the doctor immediately!

How to treat otitis in children up to a year

One of the most "popular" ways of folk self-treatment of otitis media in infants is to instill drops of oil into the child's ear walnut, camphor oil, etc. However, doctors actively criticize any "amateur" in this case. Let's explain why. The fact is that if inflammation and stagnation of mucus or fluid occurred in the Eustachian tube (that is, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner or middle ear), then any drug injected through the ear canal simply will not reach this area - the eardrum will delay it.

However, with otitis in children under one year old, damage to the eardrum often occurs. And in this case, the consequences can be even worse. Because many drops (including oil ones) intended for the treatment of otitis media in the outer ear, when they enter the inner ear through a “broken” eardrum, have an extremely Negative influence on the auditory nerve (which can cause partial or complete hearing loss in the child in the future).

So, if in the description of pharmaceutical preparation for the treatment of otitis media, you see the inscription "contraindication - perforation of the eardrum", in no case do not use this remedy without a doctor's prescription. First, the specialist must find out if the eardrum is damaged in the baby with otitis media.

With a much greater degree of success (and safety!) You can act on the Eustachian tube area not through the ear, but through the nose.

To quickly eliminate swelling in the auditory (Eustachian) tube, the easiest way is to use vasoconstrictor drops for the nose. We instill them into the nose, but in the same way as the snot, the drug easily enters the middle ear area, helping to relieve inflammation and fluid stagnation there.

What to do in order not to harm the child with otitis media?

Again, for the health and safety of your baby, treating otitis media with any medication given through the ear can be very effective. But only if the eardrum is not damaged, or if this drug can be used for perforation of the membrane. The difficulty is that only a specialist can assess the situation and prescribe adequate treatment, and only after a detailed examination of the child.

Therefore, for civilized and reasonable parents, the most adequate solution for suspected otitis in a baby will be the following: BEFORE seeing an otolaryngologist(or at least a pediatrician armed with an otoscope) should not instill any drugs in the ear. It is enough to use vasoconstrictors by dropping them into the baby's nose.

But only AFTER the doctor examines the ear and makes sure that the eardrum is not damaged and functions normally - you can use drugs that are injected through the ear. What kind of means it will be - the doctor will tell you.

Self-medication is not the best way out in case of otitis media in infants! If only because you are in no way able to look into the area of ​​​​the middle and inner ear, and make sure that there are no deformations, plugs or damage. And that your “medicines” that you instill or put in the baby’s ear will not harm his health even more.

In addition, as a rule, antipyretics and painkillers are also prescribed - but their selection is individual (the age of the baby, weight, general condition, the presence of other diseases, etc. are of great importance). The most commonly used are paracetamol and ibuprofen.

In the bacterial form of otitis media, antibiotics are prescribed (moreover, the course is 10 days and must be maintained very strictly in order to avoid recurrent otitis media).

How to treat otitis in a child incorrectly

The most common mistake of most parents who have discovered otitis media in their baby (besides instilling all sorts of oils into the baby's ear) is an irresistible desire to wrap the child's head with a pair of Vologda scarves in order to "warm up the ear properly." No need to warm your ear! You can't heat!

If an inflammatory process has occurred in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe middle or inner ear - pus has appeared (which very often happens when mucus from the nose, along with a virus or bacteria, enters the Eustachian tube), then any warming will serve as a catalyst. As a result, inflammation will increase. Worse, you will cause additional pain to the baby.

A few words about compresses on a sore ear: modern medicine does not have any evidence that compresses in any way affect the course of otitis media. The maximum that a compress on the baby's ear will give is an illusory idea among his relatives that they are really actively treating the child. But no more.

The child has pus flowing from the ear - what does this mean?

When the area of ​​​​inflammation or fluid accumulation during otitis occurs in the middle ear (which happens most often), then with a successful course of the disease, mucus or pus flows through the Eustachian tube into nasal cavity. And accordingly, it leaves the body of the child through the nose. But if the auditory tube is firmly laid (clogged with secretions arising again and again in the nasal region), then the pus formed during inflammation has no choice but to look for another way out. In this case, pressure in the middle ear increases and eventually the tympanic membrane ruptures.

Through the formed "hole" purulent fluid rushes into the ear canal and flows out of the child's ear. We have already mentioned the perforation (damage) of the tympanic membrane, in which in no case can you independently use anti-otitis media that are instilled through the ear canal. However, inflammation needs to be dealt with urgently.

Therefore: as soon as you notice that any liquid is flowing from the baby’s ear (most often it is yellow or green discharge), you should immediately contact the emergency service.

What is dangerous otitis in a baby: negative consequences

Hearing impairment. Otitis media is usually accompanied by a slight deterioration in hearing, however, when the inflammation passes, hearing is restored to its previous level after, as a rule, 1-3 months. Not proper treatment otitis media can cause more long-term hearing problems. In addition, if a child's eardrum or other part of the middle ear is injured as a result of inflammation, hearing impairment can almost certainly be expected.

Running otitis media, which causes damage to the ear ossicles or auditory nerve can lead to complete and irreversible deafness.

further spread of the infection. Launched otitis media in infants or otitis media that is not treated correctly can spread to nearby tissues and cause disease. One of these diseases is mastoiditis - inflammation of the cellular structures of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, which is located immediately behind the auricle. Running otitis can even cause damage to the bones of the skull. In some cases, middle ear infections spread to the tissues of the skull and sometimes to the tissues of the brain.

Why does my child have otitis media on a regular basis, but the neighbor Petka never got sick?

Do not reproach yourself for improper care and supervision of the baby, if he continually "catch" otitis media. Alas, the development of this disease does not depend on how tightly you wrap the child in sheep's earflaps or downy shawls, going for a walk.

First of all, the "persistence" of otitis media is due to individual anatomical structure Eustachian tubes - in some they are located at a rather steep angle, in which case it is very problematic for snot or other fluid to accumulate in them. Others, on the contrary, auditory tubes straight, narrow, with dense walls; they seem to be specially designed so that the liquid in them is retained and accumulated.

For example, Koreans, Japanese or Vietnamese in terms of the potential likelihood of otitis media are “tailored” the best way- due to pronounced anatomical features, representatives of these peoples almost never suffer from otitis media. And worst of all is the North American Indians, Chukchi and Eskimos - these peoples suffer from ear infections almost constantly and without exception.

In addition, "active" adenoids can be the cause of regular otitis media. They are located in close proximity to the place where the Eustachian tube "flows" into the nasal cavity. The fact is that with even a slight inflammation in the middle ear, in many people the adenoids also swell. And, of course, they literally "lock" the Eustachian tube, making it difficult for the outflow of fluid and mucus. In these cases, as a rule, the adenoids are safely disposed of.

These days it's simple and painless procedure(in scientific terms it is called adenotomy), at the end of which the baby is officially allowed to enjoy ice cream.

Why is a child pierced?

The structure of the ear is individual for all people, including the “strength” of the eardrum. In most babies, it breaks on its own when acute otitis media middle ear. By the way, do not be afraid ahead of time - the eardrum then safely scars and this damage does not affect hearing acuity.

But in some children, on the contrary, it is unnecessarily persistent. And to "release" purulent accumulations from the middle ear area, and begin to eliminate inflammation, doctors have to make an “artificial” puncture in the eardrum. If a puncture is not made, the consequences can be monstrous, up to purulent meningitis. It’s enough just that with increasing inflammation in the middle ear terrible pain increases. And if the eardrum does not rupture, the pressure in the middle and inner ear becomes unbearable.

Otitis in infants: a reminder on the refrigerator

So, let's repeat in a nutshell the most correct scenario of your actions in case you suspect otitis media in a baby:

  • We instill a vasoconstrictor into the nose (you can use only drops, do not spray!);
  • IN urgently we go for an examination to the otolaryngologist;
  • If necessary, we give the baby antipyretic and analgesic drugs (for example, as an option - paracetamol and ibuprofen);
  • And before visiting the otolaryngologist, we do nothing more! Further actions and the doctor will give recommendations after a thorough examination.

Surely you have noticed that there can be dozens of scenarios for the development of otitis media in infants. And at each stage of this or that "plot" you can take both favorable actions, and vice versa - to aggravate the disease. What is the point of "playing roulette"? At the first suspicion of otitis in a baby, hurry to a specialist. And throughout the illness let the experienced medical gaze objectively assess the situation and the chances of recovery. Otherwise, the consequences of otitis can be very sad.

Otitis media - common inflammatory disease ear. Suffer, most often children under three years of age. Sometimes it occurs after an untreated runny nose, sometimes on its own, for no apparent reason.

When can otitis media be treated at home?

Like any disease, otitis has several degrees of severity and proceeds in different children in different ways. To understand whether otitis media can be treated at home, without the help of a doctor, answer a few questions:

  1. What is the child's temperature? If there is no strong increase (more than 38.5 °) - you can not go to the hospital.
  2. The general condition of the baby. Home treatment of children who do not tolerate the disease is unacceptable, because sometimes otitis media gives severe pain that is not relieved by analgesics.
  3. What age? How less baby, the more he needs to be examined by a specialist.

To determine the presence of otitis in a child under one year old, lightly press the tragus at the ear canal. If the action caused crying, then the child has inflammation of the ear. But accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can put it with the help of an ear mirror!

The main rules for the treatment of otitis media

If otitis mild degree- there are no indications for hospitalization of the child, you can safely treat him at home. There are some mandatory rules for this:

  1. Regardless of the age of the person, the treatment of otitis should be accompanied by bed rest. If a child is sick, try to spend as much time as possible in bed, resting.
  2. Use dry heat. This will help the child recover faster and ease the course of the disease.

Important: when elevated temperature, with purulent otitis media, do not use heat and compresses!

  • give preference to natural treatments, folk remedies. Herbal preparations are well suited;
  • start treatment for otitis media after rhinitis has been cured.

Treatment of otitis should take place according to the standard scheme:

  1. We provide peace.
  2. We remove the temperature (above 38, 5 °)
  3. Painkillers - analgesics.
  4. Warming agents, compresses.
  5. Antiseptics - to combat microorganisms.
  6. Antibiotics as directed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis media

Essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus

For treatment in this way, you need to drop two drops of each oil into a bowl with boiled water. After that, cover your head with a towel and bend over the steam. It is important that as much steam as possible enters the ear. It will not be superfluous to inhale the fumes.


Works great on microbes. One of good methods treatment of otitis is the application of boiled peeled garlic to the ear canal. It can be left overnight, previously covered with gauze or bandage and secured with a band-aid.

White vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions

Well removes itching, reduces pain. For achievement desired effect a couple of drops in the ear are enough. It is important to drip both ears, as otitis media is more often bilateral.

Drops from mullein

  • boil a decoction of mullein flowers;
  • mix in equal proportions with olive oil;
  • leave to stand overnight.

The next morning, you can bury a few drops.

Advice! Dry mint leaves infused with vodka are instilled into the sore ear every 4-5 hours.

Raspberry root decoction

It will help with purulent otitis media. To do this, pour three tablespoons of chopped roots with boiling water and let it brew. Drink every day, depending on the age of the child (100-600 ml), for one month.

Bay leaf

One of the best means, against otitis purulent secretions, is a tincture of bay leaf. To do this, pour the crushed leaves with boiling water and insist until the water turns into yellow. Moisten a cotton swab and put it in your ear. Change every hour. As you recover, gradually reduce the number of such compresses.

Important! Onion juice dripped into a sore ear - excellent tool which helps quickly.

Roasted onion compress

Has no restrictions on the age of the patient. For implementation, you need to put a warm baked onion in a cloth and attach to your ear until it cools.

Aloe juice

Instill one drop into each ear canal. Repeat the procedure three times a day until recovery.

Warming up the affected ear

  1. Potatoes boiled in their jackets work great as dry heat. You can change often. Apply only through tissue.
  2. Heated salt in a cloth bag is another option for a dry heat compress.
  3. Sollux - warms up well and helps with non-purulent forms illness.

Treatment of otitis media with folk remedies can often be the only method of treatment, but with a more severe course, complicated by pain, temperature, you need to use and medications offered traditional medicine.

Medical treatment of otitis media

The first drug prescribed by a doctor for inflammation of the ear are analgesics. the main objective- pain relief. For these purposes, you can use: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aliv.

Important! Do not use aspirin to relieve pain in a child! Scientists have proven its detrimental effect and the ability to cause dangerous disease- Reye.

Be sure to take care of anesthesia at night. Read the instructions carefully and give the pills no more than the prescribed dose.

If the child has a high fever, knock it down until the doctor arrives. For this, any means indicated for children are suitable: Nurofen, Panadol for children, etc. By the way, they not only reduce the temperature, but also anesthetize. With a purulent course of otitis media, consultation with a specialist is mandatory, especially if the child's age does not exceed two years.

Antibiotics for treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of culture from a laboratory tank. Why is seeding necessary? To correctly determine the type of bacteria that has settled in your baby's ear and choose the antibiotic to which it is most sensitive. Although many antibacterial drugs are now being produced that have wide range its action (coping with many strains of microbes), it is better to wait for the result of sowing. This does not apply to cases where help is needed immediately. Antibiotic treatment is prescribed for severe forms otitis, as well as small children. If you undertook to treat the baby yourself - do it without antibiotics, as the wrong medicine can be dangerous!

A rule that should never be ignored: if the baby does not improve within two or three days, contact a specialist.

Remember, even if you decide to treat your child at home, a preliminary consultation with an ENT doctor is essential. After all, only he can correctly assess the condition, degree and form of the disease, distinguish catarrhal otitis from serous, purulent or exudative, prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Prevention measures

So that in the future the baby does not suffer from otitis media, learn and follow simple rules:

  • always be attentive and treat diseases of other ENT organs (tonsillitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis) in a timely manner. This is the most important rule, failure to comply with and ignorance of which lead to inflammation of the ear in most cases;
  • hygiene is the key to health! This also applies to the ears. Clean your ear canals promptly and thoroughly;
  • Try not to get water in your baby's ear. Otherwise, try to get her out.

Herbs that provide good prevention otitis, is a string, eucalyptus, licorice root and calendula. It is recommended to drink the tincture of these herbs in boiling water at a dosage of 1 cup per adult (for children from two years old - 2-3 tablespoons). The course of treatment is four weeks.



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