Consequences of a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle: a medical perspective. Sedentary lifestyle: how to get yourself in order

Do you want to become a "potato on the couch"?

Consequences of office work

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity can lead to various diseases. And stress at work and at home, if it does not have the opportunity to “splash out” in the form of physical relief, will lead to depletion of physical and mental health. Find out the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and urgently change for the better!

I'm a sofa-fridge - love triangle

A sedentary lifestyle is the reality of our world today. This term refers to irregular or minimal physical activity, which is a bad habit for most people.

We work hard every day at our desks in air-conditioned offices, every day we experience a lack of exercise, and then we pile our bodies into the car in an air-conditioned vehicle to get home, where we can relax on the soft cushions of the sofa, under the cool air conditioning and under the soothing flickering light of the television. .

Reading, watching TV, sitting at the computer and any other activity where you hardly use physical force - all this can be classified as an inactive lifestyle. But this does not mean that you urgently need to quit your job or stop reading books. Living with insufficient physical activity, in a broad sense, means that your body and muscles are not used fully, blood circulation is reduced, the body does not receive more oxygen, and all this leads to diseases of various types.

This is why sports and preventative health measures are so important in our lives.

How does a sedentary life affect us?

Doctors say that over the years we lose vital energy. But it is no secret that even 20-35 year old people who lead a sedentary lifestyle get sick more often, and over the years the situation gets worse. Do you know the names of such wrecks in America? "Potato on the sofa"! You don't want to become her, do you?

Physical activity is our vitality accumulator; the more we move, the more we accumulate strength for the future. Optimal oxygen supply, healthy blood circulation, efficient absorption of nutrients and proper cellular processes in the body will all work like clockwork.

When you exercise vigorously, you sweat and toxins are flushed out of your body. And physical activity in the fresh air in the sun has a powerful healing effect, it is the prevention of many diseases!

Causes and consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

Laziness is generally considered the main reason for a sedentary lifestyle. There are always endless reasons not to engage in sports or any active activities. It should be remembered that weak physical activity will inevitably lead to poor health!

The most common consequences that people can face if they do not pay enough attention to exercise are obesity, heart disease, muscle atrophy and many other diseases.

Obesity, overweight

Obesity is defined as excess fat in the human body as a result of poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle. It usually occurs when the number of calories consumed is significantly higher than the body needs. And then obesity comes. Sometimes the cause of obesity can be genetics or health problems, but in most cases it is the result of a sedentary lifestyle.

Risk of developing heart disease

To keep the body functioning smoothly, the heart pumps our blood. And if there is no physical activity, blood circulation is impaired. The blood begins to move slowly, and the blood vessels narrow.

Therefore, the development of heart disease is always associated with a lifestyle where one does not take care of one’s own health and does not exercise. You need to take care of your heart from a young age to minimize the risk of developing heart disease.

A bouquet of diseases is a companion to a sedentary lifestyle

Osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer, insomnia, Alzheimer's disease. The list could go on for a long time. All of them can be a consequence of insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Get on your skis!

By introducing some active activities into your daily routine, such as race walking, running, or maybe just a walk before bed, you can be proud of yourself. By replacing a sedentary lifestyle with an active lifestyle, you will live a long and productive life!

I have a friend Rais, who really has a battery that will last him until the end of his life! This man never stands still, he is truly the Energizer of our time. Who cares -

Nowadays, when you and I need to do less and less in our daily lives, a sedentary lifestyle has become a real problem. If you think about it, our day consists of a bus ride to work, sitting at the workplace for about seven to eight hours and returning to our native land. However, only ten percent of the population regularly engages in sports.

And the other ninety will definitely do it tomorrow. But unfortunately, tomorrow morning “today” will come again, which means that active pastime can be postponed a little more. So it turns out that people live from year to year without much movement. And such a daily routine cannot have a positive effect on our health.

As a result, we get a huge number of diseases, which are not so easy to get rid of. Why is a sedentary lifestyle dangerous?

Obesity as a result of a sedentary lifestyle

One of the most common consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is obesity. Indeed, take a closer look at the people around you: if they hardly go anywhere, eat a lot and do not exercise, then 99% are overweight.

The causes of obesity are a slowdown in the body's metabolism as a result of lack of physical activity. The speed of blood circulation through our vessels also slows down. And as a result, our body stops burning most of the calories. And these “extra” calories are miraculously transformed into fatty tissue, which forms on our hips, stomach and legs. And it would be nice if fat formed only under the skin.

But unfortunately, obesity of internal organs has become quite common lately. And you cannot cure such a disease with the help of physical exercises and a special diet with a sedentary lifestyle. So we advise you to think about how you look at the moment. Perhaps you shouldn’t put off losing weight until tomorrow and start doing something today.

And since you are reading our article, we hope that you have already understood what a sedentary lifestyle can lead to, have made a fateful decision and are now looking for an opportunity to put your body in order. First of all, you and I need to consider the nutritional features for people who lead a predominantly sedentary life.

For starters, forget about snacking while working. If you have lunch from twelve to one, then be kind enough to eat at this time. And between meals you can drink tea, but without candy.

Now as for the diet itself. You should exclude everything sweet, fried, spicy and fatty from it. You should also not look into all kinds of cafes, because there you will definitely be tempted by something and all your efforts will go down the drain. A prerequisite for successful weight loss is the transition to fractional meals.

Attention! You should not sharply reduce your food intake from the first days. Such a transition usually leads to a deterioration in your emotional state, which means that sooner or later you will snap and buy yourself some high-calorie crap.

In addition to eating for a sedentary lifestyle, you should pay attention to the amount of water you drink per day. Only clean water should be used, not including juices, soups or yoghurts. You need to drink about one and a half to two liters per day.

By the way, green tea with ginger is considered an excellent way to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. It is advisable to use fresh ginger, then you will get a kind of vitamin cocktail. And sugar can be replaced with honey, so you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also reduce blood sugar levels.

And in order to support the body during such a difficult transition period, you can include nuts in your diet. But remember that this product is very high in calories, that is, you cannot abuse such treats.

The complex of losing weight with a sedentary lifestyle is not only a diet, but also a certain physical activity. To start, replace your usual comfortable chair at work with a stool. This will force you to keep your back straight, while straining a fairly large group of muscles. Forget about elevators, even if you live on the tenth floor, then walk along the stairs.
You won't find a better way to train your body! The first week will be very difficult, but then you will notice that each time you climb it becomes easier. By the way, if you live two or three stops from work, you can get up a little earlier and walk there. And if you are sitting alone in your office, you can wear headphones and dance a little on your chair.

Of course, you won’t get pumped up muscles after such movements, but we guarantee you a reduction in the layer of fat in problem areas.

And one more thing: laugh more often, because laughter also helps you lose weight. In ten minutes of cheerful laughter, you can get rid of forty kilocalories. And this is not so little!

Musculoskeletal problems

We have already told you about the increase in fat layers in the body due to a sedentary life. But unfortunately, the matter is not limited to excess weight alone. Quite a lot of damage is caused to the musculoskeletal system.

Negative consequences include:

  • Gradual leaching of calcium from bones. As a result, bones become more brittle and the likelihood of limb fractures increases;
  • Muscle strength decreases and ligaments stretch. As a consequence, there is a violation of coordination and the ability to position the body in space in a certain way;
  • Constant inflammation of the joints, which, believe me, is not a very pleasant sensation. A symptom of this disease is constant pain when bending the knees, elbows, etc.

As you can see, there is nothing pleasant about such diseases, and if you do not want to move with difficulty, you need to constantly train your muscles.

Problems with the cardiovascular system

A sedentary lifestyle is also dangerous for the cardiovascular system. After all, if you think about it, the heart is the same muscle that will deteriorate if it is not trained. But, if in the case of the knee, you can slowly develop it, then this will not work with the heart.

This requires serious drug treatment and constant examination by a doctor, since heart disease can even be fatal. So don't joke about it!

In addition, if the blood flow in our body is slow, it can lead to diseases such as hemorrhoids and blood clots. And if the first disease is simply unpleasant, then in the second case you can die.

The more humanity develops, the less need there is for physical labor. The overwhelming majority of modern people engaged in intellectual work are constantly at the computer, and when they come home, they sit down at the TV or again at the computer. It seems that everything is logical, a comfortable life is ensured, but why does sitting have a negative impact on health? Fewer and fewer people can boast of unlimited energy, no headaches, no back pain.

In fact, the human body is designed to withstand static and even long-term loads. If they are not there, and the body is in a constant sitting position, problems begin. Muscles lose their elasticity, atrophy, blood circulation slows down, and weight only increases. This is a natural reaction of a living organism to the lack of opportunity to burn calories.

How to determine if you are at risk?

It is enough to simply determine whether you will have problems with a sedentary lifestyle in the near future. If these statements are true for you, then you are at risk:

  • Spend about 6-7 hours in a sitting position at your workplace;
  • take breaks very rarely;
  • you practically don’t move on foot;
  • you get to work and home by your own vehicle or convenient public transport;
  • do not walk up the stairs, move only by elevator;
  • you prefer passive relaxation: going to the movies, watching TV shows, and so on;
  • additional activities or hobbies also involve sitting;
  • you don't play any sports.

And the easiest way to check is to observe yourself for one day, and if you spend 7 or more hours sitting, you automatically fall into the risk group.

Negative consequences

It can cause the development of all kinds of diseases. And it can aggravate the situation with an existing pathology and accelerate its development.

In addition, most of the population of large cities eats the “wrong” foods, preferring fast food and convenience foods. And this is another important provoking factor in the development of dangerous pathologies. And all this happens against the backdrop of dirty air, both on the street and in the office.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The most common consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is problems with the spine. These are pain in the lower back, cervical spine, scoliosis and curvature. Over time, osteochondrosis develops, limited motor function, and pain in the lower and upper extremities appear. Sprains, dislocations, and even fractures often occur.

This problem arises against the background of leaching of calcium from the bones. The muscles weaken and decrease in volume, and the condition of the ligamentous apparatus worsens.

Changes definitely occur in the joints; they become inflamed because they do not perform their intended function. Today, problems with joints no longer occur in old age, but also appear in young people.

Problems with blood vessels and heart

What are the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle? It can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The heart muscle weakens so much that even a short run to the same tram causes the heart to work at its limit.

Rapid heartbeat occurs and tachycardia develops, which can cause arrhythmia. And all this can end in myocardial infarction.

Constant sitting causes pressure surges, and with persistently elevated blood pressure there is a huge risk of developing a stroke.

Excess weight

Another problem that inevitably arises with a sedentary lifestyle is obesity. Excess fat layer is essentially a “freeloader” for the body. Fat takes oxygen and nutrients from food from the body without giving anything in return.

Another consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is belly fat. The abdomen appears especially in men, but fat in this area is quite difficult to remove. In men, fat lies deep inside the body, mainly around the intestines, so getting rid of such a belly is quite difficult. As a result, heart problems and shortness of breath appear.

Changes in psychological state and headaches

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to? Mental health problems appear. It means that without physical activity, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is reduced. And this inevitably leads to a depressive state, people constantly feel moral and physical fatigue, and are in a bad mood. Some people even have suicidal thoughts and have no sense of fulfillment. After all, there can be no question of any social activity if a person is in a depressed state and is only capable of solving his current everyday problems.

Modern people often experience nervous disorders, in particular chronic fatigue syndrome, which is accompanied by insomnia.

And, of course, if physical activity is reduced, then why not have headaches? After all, blood circulation is impaired, an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the brain, hence the migraine and bad mood. How can you be in a good mood if you have a headache?

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that a person moves little, he experiences stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. And this is a direct path to the development of hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins are another scourge of modern man. If earlier it was believed that this disease was more characteristic of the female half of humanity, now it is often found in men. the formation of blood clots, which at any time can block blood vessels leading to the lungs, heart muscle or brain.

The risk of developing varicose veins increases if a person has a genetic predisposition to this disease. A sitting position is especially harmful when the legs are stacked on top of each other, then the blood vessels are additionally compressed.

Genital area

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for men are a huge risk of developing impotence and prostatitis. Lack of physical activity leads to congestion in the pelvic area, and this is a huge risk for both men and women.

Respiratory problems

Doctors have long noticed that the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are frequent colds. And everything is connected with the fact that if physical activity is reduced, then the functional capacity of the lungs also decreases. During the respiratory act, special cells called “macrophages” are produced, which protect the alveoli from microbes. Their life cycle is short. Their number is sharply reduced if a person moves little and stays in a polluted room for a long time. Hence the conclusion is that in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, polluted office air poses a huge risk to the respiratory system. After all, macrophages quickly die from inhaled dust. In addition to dirty office air, the risk increases with smoking and constant inhalation of exhaust fumes from vehicles.

A person who moves little breathes shallowly, that is, all the alveoli of the lungs do not participate in the process. As a result, dead microphages are poorly removed and blood flow weakens. This creates unprotected areas of the alveoli, into which germs and viruses penetrate without any problems. Hence colds and lung diseases.

What other problems might arise?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in women are stagnant processes in the pelvis, and these are problems with the uterus, appendages and other organs. In addition, both men and women may experience problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a huge risk of developing diabetes mellitus and connective tissue hypertrophy.

Recent studies conducted by specialists from the University of California (USA) have proven that a sedentary lifestyle is directly related to the thinning of the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory.

What to do?

The easiest and best way is to change your lifestyle. Although this is not always possible.

How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? You should follow some rules that will reduce the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

Throughout your workday, try to take every opportunity to move. Set an alarm to remind you to stretch every 30 minutes.

For lunch, go to the furthest food establishment. If possible, play active games during breaks or do some exercise with your employees.

Don't deny yourself a visit to the gym or swimming pool. It is best to devote time to sports activities at least 2-3 times a week. If the office has an elevator, then refuse it, go down and up the stairs. Walk to and from work, at least a few stops. When you get home, don’t immediately sit down at the computer or TV. If you have children, go for a walk with them, or take the dog and go for a walk with it.

Yoga can help solve back problems. Sign up for a course of classes and don't miss them.

Don't be lazy, do gymnastic exercises for at least 10 minutes in the morning. On the weekends, also keep yourself active. A trip to nature is a great opportunity to combine relaxation and a game of badminton or ball.

If there are problems with the veins, then compression hosiery can act as a preventative measure. It is suitable for both healthy people and those with varicose veins at an early stage.

Constantly follow the path of reducing the amount of food you consume. Every year you grow older it will be harder and harder to get rid of the fat layer. Although you can fight obesity not only with the help of the gym, but also with healthy and passionate sex.


To reduce and get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to eat on a schedule. No need to snack on chips and chocolates. Snacks on good food should be every 2-3 hours. Portions should be small. Look at your lunch taken from home - don’t be afraid, divide it into two, or better yet, three meals.

Avoid any foods that may cause excess weight or cellulite. These products include: smoked meats, fried poultry with skin, sweets and baked goods, full-fat sour cream, coffee, carbonated drinks and bananas. Healthy foods include: fresh and steamed vegetables, fruits, crumbly cereals, dried fruits, dairy products.

It is unlikely that anyone can be surprised by stories about the dangers of sedentary work, which smoothly flows into a sedentary lifestyle. Almost everyone is sitting: are there any options?

As a rule, we all work in an office and spend a lot of time sitting. On the way to work and home, we sit or stand on public transport, and if we drive a car, we spend almost the entire day sitting. In accordance with the dress code, we wear high heels in the office. As a result, work adds up to a lot of factors that negatively affect health.

A new look at a sedentary lifestyle

Research into the effects of a sedentary lifestyle is regularly conducted in Europe and the USA. It’s not surprising: after all, according to WHO reports, every second European suffers from physical inactivity.

A dozen years ago, the conclusion in such studies was clear: in order to cope with the negative consequences of constant sitting, you need to actively move every day for half an hour to an hour. More recent studies show a slightly different picture.

Lack of movement affects life expectancy

This conclusion was reached by scientists from King's College London, whose experiments involved 2,400 pairs of twins with different levels of physical activity. There were also couples in which only one of the twins led a sedentary lifestyle.

It turned out that people who lead an active lifestyle age 10 years later than their peers. Moreover, we are not talking about appearance, but about the mechanism of aging: in passive people, the length of telomeres—the end sections of chromosomes—shortened faster. Scientists believe that telomere length is an indicator of body aging.

Lack of movement alters metabolic processes

Researchers from the University of Missouri, studying people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, came to the conclusion that those who remain inactive for a long time change their metabolic processes and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, not to mention obesity. And finally, lack of movement leads to back and leg problems.

Back problems

Despite the long evolutionary path, the human body remains poorly adapted to long-term static postures. Meanwhile, the heaviest load on the spine occurs in a sitting position.

Diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle can manifest in any part of the spine. Starting from the neck (by the way, neck tension can cause headaches and tension) - and down the spinal column. But the most vulnerable place is the lumbar region; it experiences the highest pressure in a sitting position. Problems here can be very serious - even a herniated disc. In addition, incorrect body position at the table leads to back problems. For those who constantly work at a computer, the pain is usually localized on the right side: the reason for this is the hand constantly resting on the mouse and a slight tilt of the body to the right side.

How to help your back?

The first and most important thing to do is not to wait for the thunder to strike.

1. Do not hesitate to get up from your workplace from time to time and walk around - along the corridor, along the stairs. If possible, do a dozen squats.

The results of a number of studies confirm that the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle will have much less impact on health if you pay attention to at least ten minutes of walking or other physical activity every hour.

Exercise in the workplace is the second most important thing. So, for example, if you have neck problems and tension headaches, imagine that you have a pencil in your teeth and write the entire alphabet in the air in large letters. You can keep a hand expander on your table and periodically squeeze it with your free hand. Yoga can help solve problems with the spine, but you must practice under the guidance of an instructor.

2. Organize your workplace correctly. Ergonomic furniture that corresponds to physical parameters (primarily an armchair, as well as a table of appropriate height) is not an empty phrase. Although they cannot replace active exercises, they help to partially relieve the load on the spine.

3. You need to know your “problem areas,” but you can only find out for sure by consulting a doctor. When exacerbations begin, a waist bandage will help, and for prevention, a posture corrector. If you have a flight or a long journey while sitting, and you already have problems with your back, then your doctor will help you choose a special bandage.

Leg problems

The cause of leg problems lies in a person’s upright posture, and the unphysiological nature of the sitting posture leads to blood stagnation. The fact is that venous blood moves upward thanks to the valves of the vessels, which prevent it from going in the opposite direction, and due to the contraction of the leg muscles. Muscle contraction acts as a kind of pump that pumps blood.

During sedentary work, such “pumping” practically does not occur - therefore, the likelihood of blood stagnation in the veins increases. As a result, the vascular walls begin to expand and lose elasticity. This is how varicose veins begin - the most common leg problem affecting office workers. They are at risk for varicose veins. Especially if there is a hereditary predisposition. The problem is aggravated if a person, in addition to what has been said, has the habit of sitting cross-legged, which contributes to pinching of individual veins and deterioration of blood flow.

How to maintain healthy veins?

  1. Varicose veins are indeed a very common disease of modern man. Moreover, it occurs three times more often in women than in men. The reasons for this are “aggravating circumstances” in the form of constantly wearing high-heeled shoes, taking hormonal contraceptives, etc. The saddest thing is that varicose veins at the initial stage are often outwardly invisible: spider veins do not appear on the legs, and even more so, dilated ones are not visible veins - the only concerns are evening leg fatigue and swelling. The best thing that can be done for such symptoms is to undergo an examination by a phlebologist.

    A twenty-minute completely painless procedure, carried out using special ultrasound equipment, will make it clear whether there are varicose veins, or not, and if so, at what stage.

  2. One of the best means of prevention is wearing compression stockings. It is suitable for both completely healthy people and patients with the initial stages of varicose veins. In appearance, compression knitwear is not much different from ordinary tights, stockings and knee socks. If you have a vacation coming up, then there are special travel compression socks specifically for maintaining veins during long trips.
  3. Try not to be lazy and go to the pool a couple of times a week (swimming is very good for your back and blood vessels), get off at the bus stop earlier and walk to work or home, drive your car into nature and walk on the ground in comfortable shoes. And the best sports for the prevention of varicose veins are cycling and swimming.


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