Insomnia on a midsummer night. What can you do to prevent the heat from interfering with your sleep? Why is it difficult to sleep in hot weather?

Moscow and hundreds of other Russian cities are suffering from abnormal heat. As forecasters predict, in the western and central regions this weather will last for almost a month, and it is possible that we will have to see and experience more than one temperature record.

And while some are lucky enough to spend their days in air-conditioned offices, not everyone can afford such luxury at home. While the owners are “cooling off” at work, the city apartments are warming up and in the evening they greet us with heat and stuffiness, so it is not surprising that in such conditions many practically cannot sleep. The result is that it is impossible to sleep at night, and during the day at work the eyes close by themselves.

How can I get it back? healthy sleep? Shouldn’t you spend the night in the office and spend tens of thousands of rubles on air conditioners that have risen sharply in price?

Here are some expert tips and purely worldly “wisdom”. So:

Why is it so difficult to sleep in the heat?

Our nature is such that when the body “switches off” from wakefulness and prepares to go to sleep, body temperature naturally drops by almost a full degree. Therefore, a cool environment is considered the most optimal for falling asleep, but in the heat, on the contrary, it is so difficult to fall asleep. The higher the ambient temperature, the slower our body cools down - the more time it takes, accordingly, to fall asleep.

What to do during the day?

As already mentioned, any unconditioned rooms become very hot during the day and only have time to cool down in the morning. If you still want to fall asleep before the first rays of the sun appear above the horizon, do not let your bedroom heat up. Hang thick night curtains or blinds there that let in a minimum of sunlight and close them all day.

Even better is to provide the windows with a special light-repellent film or even thick white paper. It will reflect light, and with it thermal energy.

What to do at night?

The simplest solution is to open all the windows wider and turn on the fan. The cost of this device is several times lower than the price of an air conditioner (from about 600 rubles), and although it does not actually cool the air, at least you are guaranteed a feeling of coolness from a light breeze. In addition, the fan creates circulation of air masses: hot air that has warmed up during the day will exit through open window, and it will be replaced by a cool, street one.

But keep in mind: when the fan is on, be sure to open the windows! Otherwise the propeller will play with you cruel joke and it will simply drive hot air around the apartment. Moreover: the running motor of the device, although slightly, will heat up and, accordingly, heat everything around it.

What to put on the bed?

Bedding can also be your ally - or your worst enemy - in the fight against insomnia. Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that quickly evaporate moisture from the surface. And no synthetics: it disrupts the natural heat exchange of the body with environment and on the bed it will work as foil when cooking in the oven. You will literally fry, and even wake up on damp sheets.

The best option for comfortable sleep considered silk; This durable, pleasant fabric can absorb up to 30% of its own weight in moisture, while remaining dry to the touch. But keep in mind: such a sleeping set will be quite expensive. If you want to stay on a budget, choose linen, which also regulates heat transfer, breathes well and dries very quickly. And the cheapest “summer” underwear is cotton. Its downside is that it easily turns yellow, wears out and will serve you for a relatively short time.

How to sleep properly?

No matter how tired we are of the heat, we shouldn’t blame it for all our sins. In fact, she is not the only reason why we sleep so poorly in the summer. During this season, the daylight hours are significantly longer; it begins to get dark only around eleven, but it is extremely important for our body that it is dark around us when we fall asleep. Any bright light inhibits the production of the so-called sleep hormone melatonin in the brain, which means it is a subconscious signal that it is not time to sleep yet. In addition, as experiments have shown English doctors, bright lighting generally increases brain activity, relieves drowsiness and gives energy and vigor.

In general, darken your bedroom as much as you can. Better yet, try not to look at any bright light half an hour to an hour before going to bed. Close the curtains, use low-power electric lamps and, if possible, do not watch TV (do not work on the computer).

Another rule is not to exercise before bed. Whether it's squats, running up the stairs or even hand washing, any intense physical activity increases our body temperature, and, as we remember, in order to fall asleep, the body first needs to cool down. So you better accept cool shower and thus help your body get closer to the optimal temperature for sleep. And leave physical education for the morning - you will get more benefits in all respects.

What should you not drink or eat?

Intensive work of the stomach also contributes to an increase in body temperature. Therefore, in the evening it is better not to eat foods that take a long time to digest - meat, hard vegetables, fatty and fried foods. It is better to avoid alcohol altogether: contrary to popular belief, it does not calm, but irritates nervous system, preventing you from falling asleep normally.

As for other drinks, naturally, you need to limit your caffeine intake. Last dose This stimulant should enter your body no later than noon. And remember: it is found not only in coffee and tea; chocolate, cola, sports cocktails and many types sweet soda also loaded to the brim with it. If you suddenly want to drink something cold in the evening, opt for just mineral water.

As always, I will explain everything in in simple language, while being based on our own life experience. What do we do at night that keeps you awake? I think that at night you either watch TV or sit at the computer, in rare cases Are you doing something serious and worthwhile?

Sometimes I want to watch it at night interesting film, or surf the Internet for an hour. If after a good movie there is still a desire to sleep, then sitting down at the computer for an hour and leaving it a few hours later, you will not have much desire to sleep. Especially if you have read some smart instructive articles or watched documentaries then your brain is still for a long time will be in a state of good stress, so you won’t want to sleep. Plus, while watching TV or surfing the Internet, sooner or later you will want to eat, which will contribute to insomnia.

And the solution to the problem itself comes to mind; you need to somehow limit yourself from such nightly activities. There are some good ways to go to bed early and wake up with the sun. Try to go to bed 30-40 minutes earlier every day than you went to bed yesterday. And this way until you fall asleep at 00:00. Focus on this time; you should end up going to bed a little earlier than midnight.

That is, if you usually go to bed at 4 am, then according to this method, after 8-11 days you should already fall asleep before midnight. There is a way for those who have strong willpower. Start waking up early, well, how early, if you go to bed at 3 am, then try to wake up at 9 am. Try to keep the number of hours you sleep an even number.

Scientists have concluded that a person gets better sleep if he sleeps an even number of hours. In general, on average, you need to sleep 8 hours a day. If you get used to resting for 8 hours every day, then summer insomnia will not bother you, and you will feel invigorated :)

Also, the time you go to bed depends on how much energy you have spent during the day. Accordingly, the more energy you spend, the earlier you will want to go to bed. Not long ago I wrote a whole post about what healthy sleep is (read the article), I advise everyone to read this useful article...

Almost everything affects your sleep, how much energy you spend, how you eat properly (what is proper nutrition?), and much more, you need to try to settle everything, so to speak, start leading healthy image life and sleep will adapt to optimal time. Like this…

I think I explained everything clearly, if you have any questions or ideas, suggestions, additions and important tips on the question “why can’t you sleep at night”, then write them in the comments. Goodbye.

During the cold season, we really want summer to come soon. But when the heat begins, you immediately realize that this weather is very exhausting, and at night it is difficult to sleep. It is possible to combat insomnia in the summer. Here are some tips to help you sleep in the summer heat. Let's learn to treat summer insomnia without drugs.

Stock up on a good mood

Psychologists believe that the first thing you should do is get rid of stress, think more about positive things and be in a good mood. Imagine your wonderful dreams and the moment when you fall asleep with pleasant thoughts. Try to convince yourself that you do not have any problems or worries about your physical and mental health, and you can fall asleep peacefully. You can write down all your thoughts in a notebook and repeat them in front of the mirror to remember the settings well. Do not forget that everyone who can appreciate the minutes of their life and looks at the world not with malice, but only with kindness and love, will never suffer from lack of sleep.

Before bedtime

When you return home in the evening, open all the windows, allowing a draft and fresh air to ventilate all rooms well. It's time for . Don't forget to take a shower afterwards. Water will refresh your body, relax and relieve fatigue. If mosquitoes and flies bother you, you should not neglect modern means protection in the form of fumigators, nets and other devices. Even if you can fall asleep without difficulty, an unpleasant mosquito squeak can wake you up and disturb your sleep until the morning.

Before you fall asleep, try to calm down, breathe deeply, do special evening exercises and massage.

An important part of getting ready for bed is evening time. Try not to overload your stomach with heavy foods; eat vegetables, herbs, cereals, cheese, milk and fruits for dinner. Do not share foods that promote intestinal fermentation. Eating cereals relaxes the body, cheese and milk promote drowsiness, onions and garlic have a calming effect. You should not drink strong tea, coffee, alcohol, eat spices, or chocolate. Your stomach should also not feel full, otherwise you will not be able to sleep peacefully.

Learning to fall asleep

Consider a place to sleep - the bedroom and bed should evoke thoughts of future sleep. Do not use the bedroom as a place for showdowns, arguments, or heated discussions. The bedroom should be in your understanding a symbol of rest and relaxation. Sexual relations also relaxing, especially gentle caresses and a calm environment. You should have a comfortable bed, a soft pillow and good blankets from Ivanovo.

While in bed, you can do several psychotechnical techniques that will help you fall asleep quickly and easily. Lie down and take the most comfortable position for falling asleep. You should first concentrate on your breathing. Try counting your inhalation and exhalation to ten. Try to fully concentrate at this moment and not be distracted.

If your thoughts wander elsewhere, bring them back to your breath and start counting to ten again. After counting to 10, inhale and exhale and tell yourself in a whisper: “I am relaxing.” Say “I” as you inhale and “relax” as you exhale. Now close your eyes and imagine that you are relaxing your muscles: as you exhale, each muscle becomes relaxed, tension goes away, and the body becomes light and soft. When you feel that your exhalations are becoming longer, begin to say: “I am relaxing and calming down.” Remember to focus on relaxation, and if your thoughts begin to wander around today's problems, gently try to bring them back to relaxation and breathing.

Dreaming is good

Another way to relax can be to think about your trip. Imagine that you are not in bed, but have gone on an exciting journey to the place that is most desirable for you.

Imagine the coast of a warm and gentle sea, the sound of waves splashing near the shore, or beautiful mountains, beautiful scenery and fresh Mountain air. If you want to travel beyond the globe, fly into space, visit distant twinkling stars and explore new worlds. The most important thing is that you will remember the safety of your trip, which will contribute to relaxation and calmness of your body. Sweet dreams!

Insomnia causes: How to explain the origin of some types of insomnia? This is influenced by many factors. The main causes of insomnia are: age, severe stress, conflicts with loved ones and at work, financial difficulties, shift work work, not good rest,

chronic fatigue, consumption of coffee, alcohol and drugs, depression, panic, overeating before bed, lack physical activity, excess weight, shortness of breath when lying down, severe exercise stress, stuffy room, unusual place to sleep and much more.

Sleep disorders occur more often in older people, mainly in... Occur in the body physiological changes Therefore, sleep becomes superficial and short. IN mature age For a person with a weak nervous system, the events occurring in his life are more affected than for young people. Such a person reacts painfully to harmless situations, to which at another time he would not have attached importance. And when he goes to bed, he, remembering all the troubles of the day, suffers from insomnia.

IF this kind of insomnia occurs, it is recommended to drive away all sorts of intrusive thoughts associated with the troubles of the day. You should not think about how you would behave in this or that case and what would be appropriate to do, what you have to do tomorrow, how not to forget this and that, etc. You need to try to calm your nervous system and fall asleep. At night, when the main brain centers are in a state of inhibition, these problems cannot be solved, and you suffer, lying awake. In the morning, these issues can be resolved much easier, without much stress. As they say: the morning is wiser than the evening!

Exercise is good for your health. If you do morning exercises or during the day you do some kind of sports, then night sleep will be stronger than usual. But heavy physical activity in the evening or before bed (for example, a quick jog) will cause insomnia, because... It is a stimulant for the body, gives vigor and energy.

In the afternoon, you should not drink strong tea, coffee, or Pepsi-Cola - they are stimulants and will not allow you to fall asleep for a long time. Alcohol taken immediately before bed also causes insomnia.

Overeating before bed can cause insomnia, because... the food will take a long time to digest and will keep you awake for some time. But if you go to bed hungry, you won’t be able to sleep either. Insomnia often occurs when following different diets for weight loss, because It is difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach. Therefore, by eating 1 apple before bed, your weight will not increase, but falling asleep will speed up.

Thoughts that you definitely need to get enough sleep, because... tomorrow will be a hard day, important events, can cause insomnia. If you give yourself such an attitude before going to bed, then you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep - you will be going over all the events of tomorrow in your thoughts.

Types of insomnia: insomnia can be transient, short-term and chronic.

· transient – ​​lasts no more than a week,

· short-term – lasts from a week to a month,

Chronic – lasts more than a month. This insomnia is more difficult to recover.

In chronic insomnia, disturbances occur intellectual abilities, the nervous system is exhausted, the body is weakened. The person becomes inattentive, absent-minded, irritable, and fussy. In this state, a person often receives various injuries and gets into accidents. Subsequently, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity may develop.


For insomnia it is often enough change your daily habits.

At the end working day preferably a short walk before bed With deep breathing. Dinner should be light.

For deep sleep need to create certain conditions: limit to a minimum the flow of irritants affecting the nervous system ( various kinds noise, lights not turned off).
A stuffy, hot room or, conversely, a cold room can also cause shallow sleep.

Needed for someone constant influx fresh air , and for some, on the contrary, air vibrations interfere with sleep. The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 17-18 degrees.

An hour before bedtime, exclude the receipt of any information.

Before going to bed, it is useful to take a 10-minute warm bath(37-38 degrees), because It is a warm bath that promotes relaxation, but not a hot one - it invigorates. Instead of a shared bath, you can take only a warm one foot bath, but by no means a shower - it is a tonic. A warm foot bath will relieve fatigue, calm the nervous system, and improve sleep.

Before going to bed, you should not drink strong tea or coffee. Brew before bed Herb tea from mint, lemon balm, oregano and other soothing herbs and drink with honey - a good sleeping pill!

Dinner - 2 hours before bedtime.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back to sleep, do not despair. Remember, no one has ever died from insomnia. Try to distract yourself from thoughts about insomnia, think about something pleasant, imagine it in pictures, and you won’t even notice how you fall asleep. Also, you need to get up and do something or read - this will distract you from anxious thoughts, and you will feel drowsy.

Contrasts can be used for insomnia. Pull back the blanket until you feel cold. Although this is unpleasant, just be patient for a little while and then pull the blanket up. You will be covered pleasant feeling warmth, and the bed, which previously seemed unpleasant, will suddenly become cozy and desirable. Now you will be able to fall asleep easier.

Experts advise use the bed only for sleeping, so that it does not cause other associations. You need to watch TV or talk on the phone in another place.

Insomnia. How to deal with insomnia? — MUSCLE RELAXING EXERCISES:

Almost all people can master these muscle relaxation exercises for insomnia; they allow you to relax and fall asleep at the right time.

The brain and muscles have a two-way connection. Muscles send signals to the brain about what state they are in. In the evening, the number of impulses entering the brain decreases, creating favorable conditions for sleep. Therefore, if using special exercises, consciously reduce muscle tone, relaxation occurs, promoting the onset of sleep.

* Lie on your back, place a folded blanket under your head, roll another blanket and place it under your knees. Spread your arms and legs approximately 45 degrees. Breathing through the nose should be calm and even. Press with force right leg to the supported roller, and after 10 seconds, relax and keep in a relaxed state for 3 minutes. Spend at least 10 minutes a day on this exercise. Be patient because you will achieve complete relaxation It doesn't work right away. When you can completely relax your right leg, do the same with your left leg. Then you can begin exercises to relax one hand and the other.

* Then you can begin general relaxation. Lie on your back, put a blanket under your head and knees. Close your eyes, breathe calmly. Relax right hand, after 10 seconds, relax your right leg, after 10 seconds, relax left leg, after 10 seconds - left hand. now relax the muscles of your back, neck, head and other muscles of the body. Lie in this state for 2-3 minutes. Think about something pleasant and most likely you will fall asleep peacefully.

In addition to these exercises, it is good for insomnia to calm down. Having mastered the auto-training formulas, you can relax and fall asleep at the right moment.


These exercises reduce emotional stress, anxiety, and restlessness. Do them before going to bed or when you wake up at night and can’t fall back to sleep. Try to focus all your attention on your fingers, then you will quickly fall asleep.

1. Gently connect the index finger to the pad thumb, straighten the remaining fingers without straining.

2. Close all the fingers of both hands, pressing them tightly together, for 10-15 minutes.

3. Take before bed Valocordin- proven by generations sedative. Before use, read the instructions.

Insomnia. How to deal with insomnia? — MASSAGE FOR INSOMNIA:

Helps well with insomnia, general and acupressure and self-massage.

* For mental and physical fatigue, for headaches, for emotional stress, more effective before bed self-massage of the neck, shoulder blades, shoulder girdles and collarbones by smooth stroking, light rubbing and kneading. Do not apply sharp pressure to the skin. The massage begins with stroking and ends with it.
When stroking, your fingers glide over the skin.
When rubbing, the fingers move along with the skin.
When kneading, light pressure is applied.

* Often used for insomnia ear massage. To do this, make circular movements with the fists of both hands: 20 times in one direction and 20 times in the other, until you feel warmth.
Earlobe massage: With your thumb and forefinger, like forceps, grab your earlobe and lightly stroke it. At the same time you do deep breath and exhale for a long time 3 times. Then do a light kneading. The movements of the fingers are slow, first in the rhythm of each heartbeat, then by 2-3 beats. Often, just this massage is enough to induce sleep. Impact on right ear more effective.

* But if the duration and depth of sleep is disturbed Earlobe massage can be supplemented with acupressure. This point is located on the back of the head in the parietal fossa, at the intersection of the line between the outer ear canals and midline of the head.

* Helps with insomnia rubbing the area solar plexus on the foot, which is located on the sole in the center of the foot. Rubbing is carried out with the index finger, 3-5 minutes.

* Helps dry brushing the entire body. Movements are made towards the heart.

* Head massage for insomnia: Place a stick or rolling pin to the back of your head and roll it up and down, while simultaneously tilting your head to the sides, forward, back - 25-30 times. It's better annoying reflex zones back of the head

* Oriental back massage for insomnia:
Place the ends on your lower back thumbs to the left and right of the spine. While pressing, move your fingers up to the angle of your shoulder blades. Then, put your hands behind your shoulders, rest index fingers into the corners of the shoulder blades and move them up to the neck. Repeat the massage 3 times.

* Buttock massage for insomnia: Lightly spank the buttocks with your hands - 15-20 times.

*Shin massage for insomnia, it will restore blood circulation, warm the legs and divert blood flow from the head.

* In case of strong emotional stress, massage must be combined with taking infusions from medicinal herbs.

Insomnia. How to deal with insomnia? — HERBS FOR INSOMNIA:

VALERIAN for insomnia: Decoction: 1 table. pour a spoonful of valerian roots into 1 glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 10 minutes. Take 1 tbsp decoction. l. 3 times a day, children – 1 teaspoon.

Alcohol Valerian tincture, sold in a pharmacy. Take 15-20 drops, 2-3 times a day. For children - the number of drops according to the number of years of the child.

HOPS for insomnia: Alcohol tincture: hop cones - 25g and 100ml of alcohol or vodka, leave for 1 week in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, especially at night.

Infusion: 1 tbsp. spoon of hop cones per glass of boiling water. Cover for 4 hours and strain. Drink the whole glass at night.

Hops powder: crushed hop cones are taken at night as a sedative and sleeping pill.

Hop pillow: a pillow of thick fabric fill with fresh hop cones and store in the closet. If you have insomnia, shake and sleep on this pillow. Even with severe insomnia, success is guaranteed.

DILL for insomnia: Boil 50g of dill seeds and 0.5l of Cahors wine over low heat for 15-20 minutes, wrap, leave for 1 hour, strain and squeeze. Take 50g before bed. This folk remedy will provide you with a good sleep.

LAPEWAND OIL for insomnia: before going to bed you need to lubricate your temples lavender oil and put 5 drops on a piece of sugar and suck.

HAwthorn for insomnia : To reduce nervous excitement You can use hawthorn tincture 3 times a day, 20-30 drops before meals.

Hawthorn fruit decoction: pour 20g of dried berries with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, strain, squeeze, add boiled water to the original volume (1 glass), take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

PEONY (MARYIN ROOT) for insomnia: Pharmacy tincture of peony is used for insomnia, 15-20 drops, 3 times a day, 10-15 minutes before meals. Take courses for 2-4 weeks. Contraindications: increased acidity gastric juice, reduced arterial pressure, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Insomnia. How to deal with insomnia? — INSOMNIA IN SUMMER - SUMMER SLEEP:

What are the features sleep in general and summer in particular? Night sleep consists of 4-5 cycles, and each cycle begins with the stage slow sleep(falling asleep or dozing), then follows light sleep, followed by the third and fourth, more deep stages slow-wave sleep, called delta sleep. During slow sleep muscle tone decreases, pulse and breathing become less frequent and more rhythmic.

The cycle ends with REM sleep, during which heart rate and breathing increase, and blood pressure, the eyes move quickly, as if they are watching something, but most of the large muscles remain motionless, and sleep is deep. It is believed that during REM sleep the brain sorts information, cutting off everything unnecessary.

They say that in June the nights are short: before you have time to fall asleep, it’s time to wake up. But more often it happens that you toss and turn the whole night without sleep, and in the morning you go to work exhausted.

Insomnia in summer reasons: Insomnia in summer occurs for many reasons:

* In order to fall asleep, your body temperature must drop slightly, which is difficult to do on a hot summer night. Exit in air conditioner, fan or draft. Before going to bed, take a shower at a comfortable temperature – 22-37 degrees.

* Influence of solar activity: In summer, solar activity usually increases, and those who are sensitive to such changes experience increased excitability, nervousness, and sleep suffers as a result. Spend less time in the sun when it is most active, wear a hat and Sunglasses. You can take a siesta. So in Spain and in countries Latin America They call sleep after lunch, when the sun is scorching and life comes to a standstill. But some experts say that sleeping several times a day is not very beneficial, but it is better than not getting enough sleep.

* Physical work in the country on weekends can also cause difficulty falling asleep. Therefore, finish your country chores 2-3 hours before bedtime.

* Vacation in a holiday home or a hotel abroad causes pleasant stress, which will not allow you to sleep on the first night, and for some, even in the next 2-3 nights. Try to stick to your usual schedule and stay awake. Formerly specialists They believed that it was important to go to bed at the same time, but now they have a different opinion - the main thing is at the same time.

* Sleep duration: Science has proven that to restore vitality necessary good sleep. In order for a night's sleep to be complete, you need to sleep for at least 5 hours without waking up (necessarily “in one piece”). Healthy sleep can last longer depending on hereditary predisposition and habits.

* Stages of sleep: In our body, everything is subject to rhythmic fluctuations of hormones - their minimum or maximum release into the blood completely depends on the stages of sleep. It has been proven that 1 hour of sleep before midnight is equal to 2 hours of sleep after midnight in terms of effectiveness. It is the first half of night sleep (deep delta sleep) that provides complete rest. But in summer The time frame of the night is significantly narrowed, for example, June is the brightest month of the year. Therefore, go to bed as soon as it gets dark, so that the first half of the night's sleep occurs in the dark.

* Insomnia in women: According to statistics, women more often complain of insomnia in the summer, because they are more emotional than men, and they more often experience vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome, which is responsible for sleep disorders. Vegetovascular dystonia– this is not a disease yet, but a deviation from the norm – it manifests itself hypersensitivity to light, noise and other stimuli, to changes in temperature and air humidity. In this case, consult a doctor.

* Insomnia sleeping pills: Is it necessary to force a person to sleep with the help of drugs? Scientists say that it is still necessary. After all, alone a sleepless night or with insufficient, interrupted sleep, reduces brain metabolism by 7%. And this is a lot - it will take several days to recover such a loss. Only a doctor should prescribe sleeping pills! But if insomnia is short-term and occurs due to heat or stress, then you can take light sedatives for no longer than 2 weeks.

Insomnia on a stuffy summer night- this is real torture. If winter cold and the drowsiness inherent in this period of the year help to somehow overcome even the most chronic insomnia, then in the summer this problem turns into true madness, accompanied by severe headaches and causing extreme stress.

Of course, you can try to solve the problem by installing an air conditioner. However, this will not help everyone. In addition, it is not recommended to sleep all night with the air conditioner on, otherwise an unbearable summer cold threatens to add to insomnia.

There are simple home ways to set yourself up for healthy sleep. When you come home from work, open the windows and balcony doors - let the air ventilate the room clogged during the day. Take a nice cool shower.

Cover the windows with mosquito nets or turn on the fumigator in advance so that annoying insects do not bother you at night. Sit relaxing on the sofa, massage your hands.

And the most important part of the evening before bed is dinner. Oddly enough, what we eat at night has a strong impact on the process of going to bed. Therefore, in order not to roll over from side to side until 4 am, you should control your evening menu.

At dinner it is better to give preference to the following products:

. pasta
. rice
. barley
. green salad
. radish
. onion
. garlic
. fresh cheeses
. boiled eggs
. fresh milk
. sweet fruits

Some of these foods have sedative properties (lettuce, radishes, onions, garlic), others help relax (bread, pasta, barley) and induce sleep (fresh cheeses, boiled eggs, warm milk, sweet fruits).

But from following products It's better to give up before going to bed:

Black pepper
. salt
. curry
. bell pepper
. instant semi-finished products
. chips
. chocolate
. cocoa
. coffee;
. tea
. alcohol

Compliance correct mode Eating before bed can relieve insomnia much more effectively than many medications.



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