Triglycerides are elevated: causes, treatment. Triglycerides: normal

When a blood test shows that the level is too high, it is necessary to take action, since your health is at risk, so we give you some tips on how to reduce triglyceride levels in simple ways and thus protect your health.

Too high levels of triglycerides in the blood, like high cholesterol levels, lead to a risk of cardiovascular disease, but also indicate signs of diseases such as cirrhosis, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hyperthyroidism or pancreatitis.

The first obvious condition for reducing triglyceride levels is to change your diet: you need to increase your intake of fiber, especially oats and whole grains, which help eliminate fat from the body, vegetables like spinach and broccoli and fruits: orange, tangerine and apple are also great sources of fiber .

Reduce the consumption of white bread, pasta, salty snacks, fried foods and alcohol, all this does not bring health benefits at all, it can only increase the content of lipids present in the blood. They should be replaced with whole foods and more healthy foods nutrition

Reducing the consumption of refined foods is not as difficult as it may seem: choose saccharin to sweeten, control the consumption of sugary carbonated drinks and prefer diet drinks, choose fruit salads and fresh fruits instead of confectionery sweets, choose dark chocolate with 70% cocoa and cook at home natural juices instead of buying them packaged. These are small but very useful changes.

Choose low-fat dairy products (cheeses and yogurts included), use olive oil to season food instead of heavier seasonings, eat lean animal protein, and avoid high-fat foods such as mayonnaise or butter.

Regarding sausages, replace them with turkey meat or lean ham and reserve only for special occasions such products as smoked sausage, salami, etc. If the choice falls on sausages, it is better to choose if they are made from chicken or turkey, with a reduced salt content. Consult in more detail what you can eat if you have high triglyceride levels.

It is important to increase physical activity, it really is quick way reduce triglycerides in the blood. If you are not very friendly with the gym or aerobic exercise, 30 minutes of walking a day will be enough to make this condition easier to bear.

Optional home remedy: Mix two tablespoons of natural oats in a glass of water and let steep overnight. The next day, drink this water, it will help remove fats and sugars by regulating the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

An infusion made from the peel of an orange or tangerine poured into boiling water is also a popular medicine for regulating triglycerides.

At first glance, these changes in eating habits may seem very difficult to stick to, but they are relevant to your health, so all the effort is worthwhile. These tips will help you lose some pounds. It's worth making the effort to eat better and lead a more active life.

Triglycerides are elevated

Most adipose tissue in the human body consists of triglycerides. These organic compounds are the most common type of lipids and the main source of energy.

Their bulk is stored in the tissues, but some of them circulate with the blood. Acceptable level triglycerides (TG) in the blood are limited to normal.

If there is a violation of fat metabolism and the amount of TG exceeds the optimal value, there is a threat of diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially atherosclerosis. The reason is that excess triglycerides settle on arterial walls and inhibit blood circulation.

Causes of elevated triglycerides

Exceeding the norm by triglycerides does not manifest itself as characteristic external symptoms. How high the risk of atherosclerosis is can be assessed by performing a lipid profile, which records the levels of various types of cholesterol.

Exceeding TG permissible values ​​can be caused by:

  • errors in nutrition. Negative influence has not only an unbalanced diet, but also the consumption of such an amount of calories that is not consumed per day and accumulates in the form of fat;
  • obesity - most often a consequence of a previous cause;
  • heredity and congenital disorder fat metabolism;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • taking certain medications, such as steroids, diuretics, beta blockers. Long-term use oral contraceptives and various sex hormones can also upset the balance of TG in the direction of its growth.

Elevated levels of triglycerides accompany illnesses or provoke their development. This applies to the following diseases:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombosis of cerebral vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • chronic renal failure.

Due to elevated TG levels, acute pancreatitis may develop, which is accompanied by severe pain, encircling the entire body.

A slight increase in triglyceride levels is observed in pregnant women. If a woman is healthy, then TG quickly return to optimal limits after the birth of the baby.

Features of increased triglyceride levels in children

Increases in permissible triglyceride values ​​in children are a common occurrence. The causes may be the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland, in particular hypothyroidism;
  • Down syndrome;
  • lipid metabolism disorder, congenital and hereditary.

In this case, only treatment of the underlying disease can help. True, Down syndrome is incurable.

Subjective reasons that should be avoided can also increase TG levels:

  • poor nutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity.

If you don’t adjust your diet in time and don’t teach your baby to exercise, he can quickly get better and even become obese. This is a serious health hazard.

To avoid an increase in triglycerides and subsequent problems, parents need to monitor the child’s menu and instill in him a desire to exercise. The child should be instilled with the understanding that weight should be appropriate for age.


Preventive measures are always useful and help not to solve existing problems, but to prevent their occurrence. Their list does not contain anything new, but suggests ways to help prevent an increase in TG levels:

  • The consumption of sweets and starchy foods should be limited to a minimum. Why spend money on such products when you can enjoy fresh fruits, berries and low-fat yoghurts. They will successfully replace sweet and flour desserts.
  • When choosing fruits, you should give preference not to sweet, but to more sour types: green apples, kiwi, oranges, blueberries, strawberries. Melon, bananas, grapes, peaches should also be in the diet, but in smaller quantities.
  • Alcoholic drinks in small doses? Yes. But in large quantities and often - in no case.
  • It is necessary to prepare dishes from fatty fish (salmon, salmon) at least once a week. It’s also good to eat seafood, such as mussels and oysters, shrimp, and squid. Crabs are also a great option.
  • The body must receive fiber. Vegetables and whole grain flour products will help you get it.
  • Prepared meat products should be consumed less frequently. Even in low-fat varieties contains up to 30% animal fat, which is harmful to the body.
  • Give preference vegetable proteins: beans, soy, tofu.
  • It is necessary to give up unhealthy street food and cook more on your own. It is very useful to use a steamer, oven, or grill in this process.

In addition to changing the nutritional structure, it is necessary to improve the food intake itself. You need to eat more often, chew foods thoroughly and under no circumstances overeat. This has also been known for a long time, but is often ignored.

Medicines that lower triglycerides

Quite often, sticking to a diet does not help improve the situation. And a person, due to his age, is no longer able to strictly limit himself in food and actively engage in physical education. Then they come to the rescue medical supplies, the intake of which helps to lower triglyceride levels.

The most effective of them are:

  • Statins are drugs that help reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver and, as a result, reduce its level in the life-giving fluid. Medicines help reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and prolong life.
  • Fibrates (derivatives). The mechanical effect of the drugs is associated with the normalization of fat metabolism by improving the activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). They are more effective than statins.
  • A nicotinic acid(niacin) - this vitamin is involved in many redox reactions, in the processes of formation of enzymes, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the cells of the body.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids help to quickly reduce TG levels. Transparent capsules filled fish oil, are sold in every pharmacy. Like all medicines, the drug should not be abused. In large quantities, omega-3 thins the blood, lowers sugar levels and blood pressure, and sometimes has a suppressive effect on the psyche.

Traditional medicine

Before swallowing pills, you can try the following methods of lowering TG:

  • Juice therapy. The most effective way to use lemon and beet juices is:
    • Prepare half a lemon and squeeze half a liter of juice out of it hot water. Stir well and drink in two or three doses throughout the day. Lemon juice can be poured over salads made from fresh vegetables. It will perfectly replace any other gas station.
    • Fresh beet juice should be taken for two weeks: one hundred grams twice a day (morning and evening).
  • Infusions. Here is the recipe for one of them: mix yarrow (20 g), St. John's wort (25 g) and flowers mountain arnica(5 g). Pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour.
    Drink the resulting infusion in small portions a day. In order for the product to help stabilize TG levels, it must be taken for at least a month.
  • Sea buckthorn oiluniversal remedy, relieving many painful conditions. Its use is also acceptable for normalizing TG levels. The oil should be taken half an hour before meals, one teaspoon.

When found high content triglycerides, you should not rush to take medications intensively. First of all, you need to improve your menu and remove bad habits. Exercising will also help get rid of the problem.

Triglycerides in the blood are elevated: causes, treatment, table of norms

Triglycerides are one of the types of fats that ensure full functioning human body. In other words, it is fuel for cells. They enter the body along with high-calorie - fatty and high-carbohydrate foods, and are synthesized inside the body: in the liver, intestines, and adipose tissue.

Positive properties of triglycerides

If we draw an analogy between a person and a car, then triglycerides are an analogue of gasoline. Until it enters the body required amount fuel, it is impossible to work productively.

If a person is about to undergo intense brainwork: working at the computer, interviews, studying documents, it is necessary to nourish the brain. Considering that gray matter is 80% fat, you should eat a good portion of steak or fatty fish, a sandwich with butter, chicken eggs and other products beneficial for brain activity. Residents of cold regions vitally need fat-containing products to protect them from frost.

A certain amount of triglycerides is absolutely necessary for the body. But excess lipids can lead to negative results.

An elevated level of triglycerides in the blood automatically places a person at risk. This applies to people of any age: young and old men, women and even children. It is believed that the problem becomes more severe with age. But modern abundance, the availability of products, the desire of parents to “pamper” their child with sweets and cakes lead to negative consequences. The disease is getting younger every year.

Consequence excessive consumption sweet and fat-containing foods lead to obesity and a number of others serious complications. If a heavy meal is not followed by vigorous activity, the body perceives this as a signal: “we are preparing for worse times, putting aside supplies.” All excesses received with food: carbohydrates, proteins and fats are sent to the pantry (fat cells) until better times. The content of triglycerides in the blood becomes excessive. This may cause difficulty curable diseases. The list of diseases can be very long. Here are just a few of them:

  • obesity;
  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis of cerebral vessels;
  • gout;
  • stroke;
  • heart disease of varying severity;
  • heart attack

Elevated triglyceride levels are rarely a congenital condition. It's mostly the consequences unbalanced diet, kidney disease, malfunction of the thyroid gland. Medication treatment with certain medications can also lead to negative consequences: steroids, beta blockers, diuretics, and taking birth control pills. In some cases, there is also a genetic predisposition to elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood - this is usually accompanied by xanthomas (visible subcutaneous fat deposits).

An increase in triglycerides in the blood occurs asymptomatically, and this creates serious problems, because violations can only be identified by passing a detailed blood test.

The normal triglyceride levels for people of different age categories are shown in the following table:

Units of measurement: mmol/l.

Alternative units: mg/dL = mg/100 ml = mg%

Conversion factors: mg/dL x 0.0113 => mmol/L.

How to normalize the amount of fat in the blood

Triglycerides in the blood test are elevated - what to do? There's no need to panic. In most cases, until the disease is advanced, its treatment is simple. There are 3 main methods to combat the problem:

  • diet
  • drug treatment
  • prevention

Diet involves replacing unsuitable foods with healthy ones. It’s worth getting rid of the habit of consuming “empty calories” once and for all. Pleasant taste sensations they do not always indicate high-quality and healthy products.

Those wishing to reduce their blood triglyceride levels should stop using or minimize their intake of refined sugar and confectionery, alcohol, rolls and cakes, fatty sausages, all kinds of sausages, as well as semolina.

Fish and seafood will help restore elasticity to blood vessels and improve blood circulation naturally.

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids daily.

It is enough to eat about 200 grams of fatty fish for lunch every day or eat crabs, squid, shellfish, shrimp, and oysters twice a day.

It is useful to take vitamins and nutritional supplements:

  • fish fat;
  • vitamin B3 or niacin;
  • soluble fiber.

Showed themselves well folk remedies, having properties to cleanse blood vessels. Recommended for active use in preparing food and drinks aromatic herbs, garlic, turmeric, ginger, green tea, artichokes.

Unfortunately, changing your diet does not always give positive result. In such cases, drug treatment is required. The doctor will examine your problem and prescribe a suitable course of medications.

The most effective drugs are fibrates. They reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and increase the amount of lipoproteins high density.

Another group of drugs are statins. They are designed to combat “bad” cholesterol. When used, the mechanism of suppression of the enzyme responsible for the production of cholesterol works.

Attention: do not self-medicate. Each drug has a number of side effects. Only a specialist can correctly determine the dosage and duration of taking the drug.

Based on your medical history, the attending physician will select individual treatment every patient.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it

Prevention is the most effective method prevention various diseases. Preventing a situation where triglycerides are elevated is much easier than treating the elevation. Moreover, the rules of prevention are extremely simple and natural:

  • the lifestyle should be healthy, the products should be healthy: more vegetables, herbs, fish;
  • sweet treats should be replaced with fruits, sugar with honey;
  • It is better not to drink alcohol at all or to reduce its intake to a minimum;
  • You can only drink clean water or weak tea; instant powdered juices and sweet soda are prohibited;
  • you cannot smoke - clouds of tobacco smoke have never brought any benefit to anyone;
  • It is advisable to spend as much time as possible in nature; feasible physical activity is useful: physical therapy, swimming, cycling, skiing.

It’s worth taking care of your own body, and your quality of life will certainly improve!

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General practitioner of the first category, private medical center "Dobromed", Moscow. Scientific consultant electronic journal"Diabetes-sugar.rf."

14 Ways to Lower Blood Triglycerides

As you gain weight, triglycerides accumulate in the blood

The risk of heart attacks and strokes is associated not only with high cholesterol, but also with elevated triglycerides in the blood. How to reduce them? Read and watch in the new slideshow...

1. Triglycerides gradually accumulate in the blood

If your weight has increased by a few kilograms, then check your annual blood test results. you may notice an increase in triglyceride levels. These fats are important source energy in your body, but at high levels in the blood they can harm the heart. Like cholesterol, triglycerides can lead to clogged arteries and cardiovascular events such as heart attack or stroke. Fortunately, there are many ways to lower your blood triglyceride levels.

2. Involvement of triglycerides in general disease

Metabolic syndrome is a serious disease

High triglyceride levels may be part of painful condition which is called “metabolic syndrome”. Other components metabolic syndrome may include:

Short HDL level(“good” cholesterol)

3. What foods increase triglycerides in the blood?

Sweet fatty foods increases triglycerides in the blood

This is a latte with lots of cream, a hot cheese sandwich, a large portion of ice cream before bed - all this can lead to an increase in triglycerides. If you frequently eat more calories than you burn, triglycerides may gradually begin to accumulate in your body over time. cardiovascular system. The main culprits of this process that threatens you are sugary foods and foods high in saturated fats, such as cheese, whole milk, red meat.

4. Say no to sugar

Giving up sugar is difficult, but necessary

If you have high triglycerides, keep your sugar intake under control. Simple sugars, especially fructose (the sugar found in plant fruits), raise triglyceride levels. Cut down on foods made with added sugar, including soft drinks, baked treats, candy, most breakfast cereals, flavored yogurts and ice cream.

5. Uncover Hidden Sugars

Read the labels on the foods you buy, paying attention to the amount of added sugar and words such as brown sugar, corn syrup, words ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose), concentrated fruit juices, cane syrup, cane sugar, honey, malt sugar, molasses, unrefined sugar.

6. Focus on fiber

Vegetable salad is a source of fiber

Replace products made from white flour with products made from whole grain flour. This will increase the amount of fiber in your diet, which helps lower triglyceride levels. For breakfast, eat porridge, for example, oatmeal with berries instead of sugar, and at lunchtime, a vegetable salad with peas or beans. For dinner, choose brown rice or quinoa seeds instead of potatoes or pasta.

7. Eat the right fats

Avocado and walnuts- sources of healthy fats

Eating some fat is good for your health, as long as it is healthy fat that does not clog your blood vessels. Choose foods that contain natural mono- and polyunsaturated fats: avocado, nuts, skinless chicken, canola, flaxseed or olive oil. Avoid trans fats, which are found in many processed foods such as French fries, crackers, cakes, chips, and margarine. Avoid eating a lot of saturated fat, found in red meat, ice cream, cheese, and baked goods with shortening.

8. Choose fish instead of red meat

Fatty fish are a source of omega-3

The same omega-3 fats. which are so good for the heart, may also help lower triglyceride levels. So from time to time (at least twice a week) eat fish instead of a hamburger or steak - salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, tuna, sardines - all of them are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Eat nuts and greens

Brussels sprouts with walnuts

Good sources of omega-3:

10. Do you need omega-3 supplements?

Omega-3 Supplement Capsules

Consult your doctor. Capsules can provide you with concentrated omega-3 fatty acids. but not all of them are needed and some may be redundant. You can do without them by lowering your triglyceride levels through healthy eating choices. Please note that high doses Omega-3s can cause bleeding in some people, but if your doctor says you won't, look for capsules labeled EPA and DHA, two powerful types of omega-3s.

11. Reduce your alcohol consumption

Do you like white wine? Switch to a savory herbal tea

Do you like to relax with a glass of wine, beer or cocktail? Switch to sparkling water with a squeeze of lime juice. Or try a zesty herbal iced tea that tastes great without added sugar. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the reasons high level triglycerides, so it is recommended not to drink more than one drink per day for women and two drinks for men ((1 drink = 1 glass of vodka or cognac (25–30 ml) = 1 glass of wine (100–120 ml) = 1 small glass of beer (220–260 ml) Even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels in some people.

12. Avoid sugary drinks

Cold water with lemon instead of sweet soda

One of the simplest things you can do to lower your triglyceride levels is to avoid drinking sweetened drinks altogether. Soda and other sugary drinks are loaded with fructose, a known culprit in raising blood triglycerides. If you cannot completely give up sugary drinks, reduce them to 1 liter per week, no more.

13. Lose excess weight

Excess weight increases triglycerides in the blood

Excess weight, especially with an increased waist size, increases triglyceride levels. One of the biggest things you can do to lower your triglycerides is to remove overweight weight. It's not as difficult as you think. Lose 3-5 kg ​​and your triglycerides can drop significantly.

14. Move more

Losing weight will lead to a decrease in triglycerides in the blood

If you have a few extra pounds around your waist, then start regular exercise. You will not only improve your figure, but at the same time reduce the level of triglycerides in your blood. Exercise every day for 30 minutes for five days a week until you break out in a sweat and feel a rush of adrenaline, then your triglycerides will decrease by 20% to 30%. If you are a beginner and have never practiced before physical training, go to a dance class, swim or walk every day, gradually increasing the distance.

15. Get a physical exam

Blood test results received

As a result of your physical examination, a simple blood test can determine if you have high triglyceride levels. Your doctor may also look for related health problems, which include kidney disease. sluggishness of the thyroid gland. diabetes and obesity. Here's what the triglyceride blood test results look like:

Normal - less than 150 mg/dl (1.7 mmol/l)

Borderline value mg/dl (1.7 – 2.2)

Increased mg/dL value (2.3 – 5.6)

Very high mg/dL (5.6) and higher

16. When you need a helping hand

A helping hand wouldn't hurt

If lifestyle changes do not help enough, seek medical help. He may give you a prescription for medications such as fibrates, niacin, statins, high-dose fish oil, and a few other options. To correctly choose the best way to protect your heart, your doctor must examine the content of all fat-like (lipid) substances in the blood ─ triglycerides and all types of cholesterol.

Increased triglycerides in blood tests

Many abnormalities in the human body can be detected even at the testing stage. For example, if a blood biochemistry analysis shows that triglycerides are elevated, then this is a signal that changes in the blood may affect internal organs. It is necessary to treat the problem right now, and the first thing you should do is start collecting information, so that you can then, together with your doctor, develop tactics for improving your body’s health.

Causes of increased triglycerides

First you need to find out what triglycerides actually are. This word refers to a whole group of fat-soluble blood components, and each of these components is needed by the body in certain quantities and is also necessarily contained in the cells. Moreover, the cells feed on the energy that triglycerides give it, so it cannot be said that this component of the blood plasma is harmful or useless.

A chemist would describe triglycerides as an organic ester in which three molecules of different fats are combined with one molecule of glycerol. Triglycerides enter the bloodstream through food and are also synthesized independently in the liver from carbohydrates. The synthesis of triglycerides can also occur due to fat depots, which are present in many people who consume large amounts of high-calorie foods, however, this only happens if the reserves of glucose in the blood are depleted.

Also, triglycerides should not be confused with cholesterol. Yes, both of these components of blood plasma are the fatty fraction, and they often enter the human body with food, but there is a difference between them and significant differences. Thus, triglycerides, unlike cholesterol, are extremely rarely deposited on the walls of arteries and do not form plaques. We can say that triglycerides are the same fat, only without cholesterol.

U healthy person analysis of blood plasma biochemistry should show a triglyceride level of up to 1.5 mmol/l. Doctors note that an increase in the level to 2 units is not yet dangerous or critical and does not require decisions to be made to reduce it, but it does provide an opportunity to think about the reasons why the balance is upset. Elevated triglycerides should be treated equally with concomitant diseases.

The main causes of elevated triglycerides in the blood are as follows:

  • chronic kidney and thyroid diseases;
  • regular overeating and consumption of high-calorie foods;
  • anorexia;
  • frequent consumption of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • gout;
  • thalassemia (a type of anemia);
  • taking certain medications;
  • diabetes;
  • low physical activity.

For many people, it may be a revelation that the causes include not only typical diseases associated with in the wrong way life (overeating, physical inactivity), but also those diseases in which a person, on the contrary, feels and looks weak and exhausted. In other words, an increase in triglyceride levels does not indicate a tendency to obesity, but a fundamental disruption of metabolism and the functioning of all organs, and there may be several reasons for this. Treatment should only take place under the supervision of a physician.

Features of increase in women

Indeed, an increase in triglycerides per milliliter of blood for men and women can mean that there are different problems going on in their bodies that need to be treated differently. It is better to identify the cause and begin treatment in a timely manner to avoid provoking many diseases. So, if a woman’s triglycerides are elevated, then you need to find out how often she takes hormonal drugs. The fact is that most of them violate the natural hormonal background, which leads to a change in the metabolic processes that occur in a woman’s body. Contraceptives can change the activity of the phases of the female cycle, increase or shorten one of them, and thereby give the body incorrect signals and urges. This reason may serve as a signal to the gynecologist that it is better to replace the drug being taken, and additional treatment may not be required.

Many women try to treat the problem excess weight by taking thiazide diuretics, without completely addressing the underlying reason for its recruitment. Many articles talk about the dangers of this method for the entire body, and in this case there is no benefit in the form of direct breakdown of fat from the depot. In addition, diuretics greatly increase percentage triglycerides in the plasma, and also thicken the blood. Doctors consider this situation very dangerous. Without treating obesity and losing excess weight, women only aggravate the situation and worsen their well-being.

Also, increased levels of triglycerides in women are observed in the first months of pregnancy. An increase in blood lipid composition during this period is associated with a restructuring of all systems in the body. Now the woman’s body is working to accumulate energy and calories that will be required to nourish the fetus. Lowering triglyceride levels and treatment during pregnancy may be inappropriate and even harmful, but your doctor can still make recommendations for proper nutrition, which will help a woman easily enter the second trimester without additional problems.

Identification in analysis is critical high content triglycerides in a woman’s body during pregnancy, associated with excessive overeating, actually makes the blood thick and greatly increases its density. For a gynecologist, such a high rate in a pregnant woman indicates that nutritional components from the blood to the fetus through the placenta are not so active, and treatment of a pregnancy that occurs with pathology may still be required.

Features of enhancement in men

To begin with, you should please men with the fact that the value of the optimal level of triglyceride content in the blood plasma for men is higher than for women, and therefore you should compare your results only using the table. The difference between the values ​​for men and women can be almost 50%.

In men, the cause of high triglyceride levels is almost always the same, and it is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. This can include a lot, from frequent large feasts with high-calorie foods and alcoholic drinks to the love of men to spend time sitting in front of the TV or behind a monitor screen. Stress along with overweight can also cause an increase in the lipid component, and this affects men much more often, because they get irritated for any reason much faster. By the way, some immunosuppressants, such as cyclosporine, can also negatively affect the biochemical parameters of the blood and increase some lipid components of a man. If this drug is prescribed for the treatment of stress by a doctor, then you should inform him about the changes that it caused.

There are other causes of elevated triglycerides in men, and most often this concerns amateurs. speed dial muscle mass. Thus, the use of androgens and corticosteroids, once popular among male bodybuilding fans, leads to dangerous increase the content of this component of blood plasma. Stopping the drug is the main treatment and improvement of the situation with blood lipid components.

If cholesterol is normal but triglycerides are increased

Doctors do not see this situation very often, since triglycerides increase in parallel with other fatty components of the blood, which also turn out to be elevated. If cholesterol is normal, but triglycerides are elevated, the reasons should be sought in the actions that the person carried out most recently. Very often this situation happens on the second or third day of the diet, when cholesterol actually decreases, but increased triglyceride levels are less sensitive to such rapid changes. As the main treatment measure, you can suggest a consultation with a nutritionist who will tell you the basic rules for following a diet.

The results of tests when donating blood on an empty stomach, where only the triglyceride content is increased, indicate that the reason for the patient’s poor health lies in problems with the spleen and liver. This may mean that these organs are enlarged, and treatment in this case will be lengthy.

Also, with normal cholesterol levels, triglycerides may be elevated if systemic diseases, such as diabetes. Due to impaired glucose tolerance, triglyceride levels are constantly high. Managing diabetes takes a lifetime for many people.

The reason for the increased level of triglycerides may also be due to excessive work of the adrenal cortex, as well as pancreatitis and hyperchylomicronemia. Tests of patients with alcoholism, nephrotic syndrome or hypothyroidism will also show constantly elevated triglyceride levels, but cholesterol levels will be normal. Treatment in this case will involve taking special medications.

In all of these situations, a discrepancy between triglyceride and cholesterol levels may indicate the need for additional research, to install the real reason the current clinical picture, and only then the doctor should give professional recommendations on how to treat it.

Symptoms of elevated triglycerides

The symptoms will closely resemble the typical clinical picture obese person. This includes increased blood pressure for no reason, instability of blood sugar, and decreased levels of high-density lipoproteins (“good” cholesterol). By the way, frequent insulin resistance can also be a symptom, which makes it possible to dismiss diabetes as the only disease occurring in the body.

High blood pressure for no reason can also be a symptom of an imbalance in the biochemical balance of the blood, in particular the level of triglycerides. It is important to understand that elevated triglyceride levels lead to increased blood viscosity. The plasma becomes very viscous, and this creates a number of problems. Blood can no longer flow quickly through the bloodstream, which is why pressure increases. Hemoglobin cannot freely deliver oxygen to blood cells, which is why they are nourished worse and cannot function fully. All this greatly affects a person’s well-being. Fatigue for no reason, lethargy, bad feeling These may all be symptoms of dangerously high triglyceride levels and may require immediate treatment.

How to lower triglycerides

If a blood biochemistry test showed an increase in blood lipid components and the person has already developed the first unpleasant symptoms, then you need to start active actions, to lower triglyceride levels and prevent numerous complications that can arise from inactivity.

Follow a diet

You need to watch your diet. This does not mean that you need to limit yourself in everything and reduce your caloric intake to critical level. Fats are just as necessary for the body as carbohydrates and proteins, as well as vitamins and microelements. It is only important to reduce the amount of high-calorie food, and also to correctly evaluate all food in terms of its nutritional value, not just calories, and that is what the diet is all about. So, most Incoming fats must not only be reduced, but replaced with vegetable oils. This will help create an optimal balance of high-density lipoproteins, which help in the fight to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. It's important to remember that vegetable fats much higher in calories than animals, and therefore their amount taken with food must be reduced.

Also, when following a diet, you should reduce the amount of sugar you take, since it does not help reduce elevated triglyceride levels and even provokes their increase. Most people know that the human brain and liver are powered by glucose, but it is also produced from complex carbohydrates, which are broken down gradually in the body. Experts do not talk about completely eliminating simple sugar from the diet, but reducing its amount is quite possible. By the way, many products contain hidden sugar, as stated on the packaging. This is ketchup, yogurt, mayonnaise, some alcoholic drinks and even bread. Many of these products market themselves as healthy foods when they really are not. Of course, it is better to reduce the consumption of these products or completely eliminate them from your diet.

Rejection of bad habits

Alcohol is a source of extra “empty” calories that provide no nutritional value. Moreover, alcohol often destroys a person’s life, his family and professional sphere. This subsequently leads to frequent stressful situations, which does not have a positive effect on the state of the body. With a high degree of probability, a biochemistry test will show an increased level of triglycerides. Reducing the amount of alcohol you drink means improving your life in all respects. The same can be said about nicotine.

Despite the fact that this habit does not entail an increase in total caloric intake, nevertheless, the components cigarette smoke components affect the composition of blood plasma. Cigarettes help thicken the blood and increase its density, which means an increased concentration of triglycerides is almost inevitable. You can reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day gradually, or you can do it in one day. In this case, it is better to seek the help of a specialist so as not to return to the starting point after a few weeks, when the number of cigarettes smoked has been reduced and brought to a minimum.

Physical activity

It is difficult to list the diseases that you can get rid of if you regularly engage in physical exercise. Nobody talks about setting running or cycling records on the first day. Physical activity can even mean dancing, which also improves your mood, and two problems have already been solved - stress and elevated triglycerides. If for some reason it is impossible to fit into a gym, then you can simply start walking more.

For example, in the first week you can leave one stop earlier than required, and walk the remaining distance to work. On next week need to get out public transport even earlier, and so on. Very soon a person will begin to feel lightness throughout his whole body, and even an extra couple of kilometers will seem like a short walk, thanks to which his mood will improve, his whole body will become toned, and a healthy glow will appear on his face. Reflection appearance a person will be fully consistent with the improvements in biochemical blood analysis that will soon occur, which means that it will be possible to forget about problems in blood analysis. Once elevated triglyceride levels return to normal, it is important to continue living active life and do everything possible to maintain your shape. This should now become the norm, because this is the only way to stay healthy in the modern world.

Drug treatment

Medications can only be used under the strict supervision of a physician. The main drugs designed to lower elevated triglyceride levels are fenofibrate and gemfibrozil. Both of these drugs belong to the group of fibrates, which are essentially carboxylic acids that have the ability to attract fat and water molecules. Another effect of fibrates is the ability to reduce the liver's production of components that transport triglycerides. It is important to know that fibrates are not absolutely by safe means. In some cases they provoke the formation gallstones and cause digestive upset. When used together with statins, they can cause muscle damage. They should not be taken together with blood thinners.

A special type of carboxylic acid is nicotinic acid, known as vitamin PP. Taking it helps reduce triglycerides in the blood. Its additional property is the ability to increase the content of “good” lipid particles in the blood. Side effects when taking it are extremely rare, but you should be aware of them: dizziness, difficulty breathing, yellowness of the face.

Statins are powerful drugs that help reduce the level of all types of lipoproteins in the blood plasma. The main property of this drug is the ability to lower cholesterol levels, and the normalization of triglyceride levels is only a positive side effect. Meanwhile, statins increase the risk of diabetes and can cause liver problems. Statins should only be taken under the supervision of a physician. Some people have to take drugs from this group for the rest of their lives.

Finally, another group of drugs that help reduce elevated triglyceride levels in the blood is omega-3. This component was first isolated from fish, and it was Marine life contain it in the greatest number. Unfortunately, fish consumption is not so popular in some countries, and therefore one should not be surprised by public health problems. On sale, omega-3 is most often found in the form of capsules with a gelatin shell. Thanks to this shell, the capsule has no taste or smell, which is especially important for those who do not like fish. The capsule is broken down in the stomach, from where omega-3 enters the blood and helps reduce elevated triglyceride levels. Omega-3 is not considered independent medicine, however, this does not make it worth underestimating the effect of its use. Sometimes only this remedy can significantly reduce blood lipid components, and generally improve the results of blood biochemistry tests. In addition, omega-3 contains valuable element– iodine, but hypothyroidism is a disease that often goes along with elevated triglycerides. In this way, the patient solves two problems at once to improve his physical condition.

Several traditional medicine recipes

Juice therapy

To reduce blood lipid components, traditional medicine experts say that juice therapy is excellent in lowering blood lipids. To do this, it is recommended to drink juices, especially vegetable juices. Fruit juices contain too much fructose, which quickly transforms into glucose and increases sugar levels in the body. Even when eating fruit, this does not happen, because in this form the product has not yet been cleared of fiber.

So, beetroot juice is great for reducing high triglyceride levels. It should be drunk in small sips 2 times a day, 100 ml before meals. This should be done for two weeks. Analyzes after this folk recipe will be stunning, and this is without the use of drugs. In addition, lowering lipid components in this way means providing yourself with vitamins and microelements. You can’t drink beet juice immediately after squeezing; you need to let it sit for 20-30 minutes so that the essential oils contained in beet juice great amount, lost their aggressiveness and became less active. Lemon juice is also used for juice therapy. You need to combine the juice of half a lemon with 0.5 liter of hot water and let it brew for 10 minutes. You need to drink this mixture in small sips between meals, 2-3 times a day. It can also be made and used as a salad dressing, allowing you to discreetly reduce your fat intake.


Herbal medicine has enormous potential and a large number of traditional medicine recipes that can be used by anyone who suffers from high triglyceride levels. Experts say that herbs can completely replace drugs created in the laboratory. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 20 g of yarrow flowers, 5 g of arnica flowers and 25 g of St. John's wort flowers. All ingredients are mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. To obtain a strong infusion, the collection must be infused for at least an hour. Then the infusion must be filtered. You need to make this infusion for a day, and then prepare a new one. It is important not to drink it like a regular liquid, but to retain it in the mouth, which promotes rapid absorption into the blood. The course of treatment to lower blood lipid levels is one month. If, after the course, triglycerides are still elevated, then the treatment can be repeated again, after a month. Another simple and inexpensive infusion consists of the simplest components, or rather, from the cores that people usually throw away. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over the skins of tangerines, oranges and lemons (in different combinations), let it brew for 2-3 hours, and then drink this infusion throughout the day. This recipe allows you to reduce triglyceride levels in any season, because citrus fruits can always be found on sale.

Sea buckthorn oil

Herbalists note that regular use can significantly improve different indicators blood biochemistry analysis. Sea buckthorn oil can lower elevated triglyceride levels very gently and almost imperceptibly for humans. It is recommended to take the oil 3 times a day, one teaspoon half an hour before meals. The course of such treatment is one month.


Pour two tablespoons of natural oats (not rolled oats!) into a glass of water. The cereal must be allowed to brew overnight. The next day you need to drink this water periodically between meals. Traditional medicine experts say that this recipe allows you to remove excess sugar from the blood plasma, as well as regulate cholesterol and triglycerides.

Example of a daily diet

Breakfast. It is the same for all days, as it provides the necessary amount of energy and calories to start your day. So, breakfast consists of:

  • 1 cup low-fat milk (200 ml);
  • unsweetened coffee (ml);
  • 40 g of bread with bran.
  • bean and barley soup, steamed cauliflower, unsweetened fruit;
  • 70 g (the norm is given for a dry product) durum wheat pasta, 2 baked sardines, unsweetened fruit, a portion of boiled spinach;
  • 70 g brown rice, arugula, 100 g low-fat goat cheese, unsweetened fruit;
  • 70 g barley (in the form of porridge), arugula salad, 150 g roast beef, unsweetened fruit;
  • soup with vegetables and wheat, 1 carrot, 200 g of boiled sturgeon, unsweetened fruit;
  • brown rice, unsweetened fruit, vegetable salad;
  • 70 g durum pasta, 2 baked sardines, baked peppers, seasoned with olive oil, parsley and lemon juice.
  • 200 g grilled salmon fillet, a piece of bread with cereals, salad with arugula, unsweetened fruit;
  • green bean salad, 2 eggs and tomatoes, a piece of bread with cereals, unsweetened fruit;
  • 100 g low-fat goat cheese, 200 g tomatoes, a piece of bread with cereals;
  • 60 g (standard for dry product) boiled chickpeas, 2 boiled radishes, a piece of bread with cereals, unsweetened fruit;
  • 200 g of baked mackerel, vegetable salad, a piece of bread with cereals, unsweetened fruit;
  • 100 g lean pork, 200 g boiled beets, a piece of bread with cereals, unsweetened fruit;
  • 150 g grilled turkey breast, vegetable salad, a piece of bread with vegetables, unsweetened fruit.

All salads can be dressed with a mixture of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice, which also allows you to reduce fat components blood. As a snack, it is better to use baked vegetables or fruits, among which you cannot choose starchy ones. The diet is designed for two weeks, after which the norm of some foods can be increased.

Largely lipid metabolism is disrupted in middle-aged and older people, but in some cases, the presence of elevated triglyceride levels has been observed in a child since childhood. Most often this is associated with high body weight, but it can also indicate problems with the thyroid gland. Elevated triglyceride levels are also seen in Down syndrome. If this biochemical component is overestimated, the child must adhere to a diet that should satisfy all the needs of the growing body, but at the same time not contribute to the increase in fat mass. If the diet does not produce results, then from the age of 10 the child can be prescribed statins, initially with very small doses. And of course, parents will have to instill in such a child the desire to healthy image life, constant monitoring of your body weight.

In fact, triglycerides (TG) are considered the main fat reserve of energy for the human body, because they are deposited and accumulated in every cell of adipose tissue. Triglycerides enter the body with food and are formed in the liver from carbohydrates. They circulate in the blood only as atherogenic lipoproteins and in large quantities often lead to the development of atherosclerosis. That is why it is very important to know what a person’s triglyceride levels are in order to prevent the onset of the disease at the slightest increase.

An increase in triglycerides in the blood threatens the formation atherosclerotic plaques in vessels

Normal TG levels in the blood

First of all, the content of these substances in the blood is affected by a person’s gender and age. Namely:

  • in women, the normal concentration of TG in the blood varies from 0.40 to 2.70 mmol/l;
  • in the male half the norm is higher: in young people – 0.5-3.6 mmol/l, in older people – 0.61-2.8 mmol/l;
  • triglyceride levels in children should not exceed 0.33-1.5 mmol/l.

Important: these indicators are approximate, since each laboratory indicates its own in the analysis data reference values, and the doctor looks at them when assessing the results.

Despite this, it is advisable for all adult patients optimal indicator, which is 1.9 mmol/l.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

Increased TG levels in the blood

To accurately determine the content of these substances in the blood, biochemical analysis blood. Triglycerides can increase as a result of the development of such diseases as:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • primary hyperlipidemia (has a hereditary predisposition);
  • liver diseases caused by alcoholism;
  • pathologies in the kidneys;
  • hypothyroidism – decreased secretion of thyroid hormones;
  • gout;
  • lycogenosis–hereditary genetic disease, in which glycogen synthesis is disrupted;
  • Anorexia nervosa.
In addition, an increase in triglycerides is observed in pregnant women and women who drink for a long time. birth control pills, as well as those who are prescribed diuretics, beta blockers and interferons.

Advice: the day before taking the test, you should refrain from large quantity food, drinking alcohol and smoking, as this can sharply increase the concentration of TG in the blood.

Decrease in TG concentration

A strong decrease in these substances in the blood is also an indicator of the presence of health problems and one or another pathology. Among them are:

  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • disruption of the parathyroid glands;
  • chronic pathologies in the lungs;
  • illness;
  • violation of intestinal absorption function;
  • infrequent eating or poor nutrition.

The level of triglycerides in the blood can also be reduced as a result of taking medications, for example, Progesterone, ascorbic acid, Heparin, Prazosin and fish oil.

How to reduce triglyceride levels in the blood

If you have a question about how to lower triglycerides in the blood, you should first contact your doctor. If lipid levels are high, in order to bring their levels back to normal, measures such as:

  • diet;
  • use of medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle and increasing physical activity;
  • quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.

Combining all these methods into one single complex will allow you to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible.


To reduce the content of these substances in the blood, it is necessary first of all to reduce the calorie content of the foods consumed. In the presence of overweight The diet will contribute not only to weight loss and normalization of TG concentrations, but also to the overall health of the body.

At the same time, it is advisable to choose food products that contain many healthy fatty acids (in particular, omega-3), namely, consume more vegetable oil, nuts and seafood. It is better to avoid fried and smoked foods. In addition, you should try to reduce your consumption of highly sweet flour products. Instead, it is advisable to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Active lifestyle

Physical activity will also help speed up the process of lowering triglyceride levels. To do this, just start moving more, walking. If desired, and on the recommendation of a doctor, daily half-hour exercise is recommended. This could be a workout in the gym, swimming, a morning jog, a bike ride, or regular exercise.

A few months after following a diet in combination with physical activity, it is necessary to retake a biochemical blood test and check the TG concentration. If the process of normalization of these substances is delayed, the doctor prescribes drug therapy.

Taking medications

If the level of triglycerides in the bloodstream is elevated, then it can be influenced using drugs included in a separate group of medications:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • statins – Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin and others;
  • fibrates – Fenofibrate, Clofibrate and others.

What it is - triglycerides in the blood, as well as their normal level, only a specialist can tell you. Along with this, it is he who must prescribe all the above drugs, since each drug on this list has quite serious contraindications. The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only; detailed advice can only be obtained from a doctor. A specialist will also be able to tell you how advisable it would be to take various nutritional supplements that contain fatty acids. This, for example, can serve as fish oil.

Triglycerides in the blood in children

An increase in the amount of TG in the blood can also occur in children; in them this occurs due to congenital dysfunction lipid metabolism, in the presence of Down syndrome, diseases associated with the thyroid gland or too heavy weight. If a child has an elevated level of these lipids, he is given a full examination, based on the results of which a specialist will be able to make the right decision.

In general, the set of supporting measures consists of compliance correct mode nutrition and diet described earlier. You can take fish oil as a support. If the child is over ten years old and the new diet does not have the desired effect, the doctor prescribes statins. Initially, he looks at what the triglyceride level shows in the blood test, and then prescribes specific medications.

Important: the dosage should be minimal, but it is extremely important to comply with it!

Along with the diet, the child is advised to exercise and bring body weight to normal levels for his age.

You looked at the results of your lipid profile and found that triglycerides (TG) were elevated. This occurs if fat metabolism is disrupted. Along with an increase in cholesterol levels, an increase in neutral fats signal possible heart disease.

Normal triglyceride levels for men, women, children

Fat metabolism has its differences in people of different ages and gender. The norm of triglycerides, like cholesterol levels, has its own age and gender differences. Lipid profile results may vary between laboratories due to various techniques determination of neutral fat content.

Table. Normal triglyceride levels for children, men, women.

Age, yearsFloorTriglycerides, mmol/l
5-10 m0.34-1.12
10-15 m0.36-1.40
15-20 m0.42-1.66
20-25 m0.5-2.26
25-30 m0.52-2.80
30-35 m0.56-3.00
35-40 m0.61-3.61
40-45 m0.62-3.60
45-50 m0.65-3.69
50-55 m0.65-3.60
55-60 m0.65-3.22
60-65 m0.65-3.28
65-70 m0.62-2.93

In newborns, TG levels are 20% lower than in adults. As we grow older, the concentration of neutral fats in the blood increases. Increased triglycerides in children – alarming symptom, these children are at risk of developing early heart and vascular diseases. Most often, high triglycerides are recorded in overweight children, lovers of flour and fast food.

Most people interested in their health have heard and know about cholesterol and lipoproteins. However, not everyone knows about triglycerides, an increase in which can also cause an increased risk of heart and blood vessel diseases.

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides (TG) are chemical compounds that are absorbed by the body to provide energy for metabolism. TG is the most common form of fat in the body. They are the main ingredient in vegetable oils and animal fats. The triglyceride molecule consists of glycerol and three fatty acids. In the intestine, these parts are broken down, and after entering the blood they combine with cholesterol and form chylomicrons. It is a source of energy for the body's cells. Fat cells and hepatocytes are used as a site for storing and releasing chylomicrons when energy is needed.

Elevated triglyceride levels pose a risk of developing atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries associated with the formation of fatty plaques that can lead to heart attack, stroke and disease. peripheral arteries. Severely elevated TG levels can also cause fatty liver and pancreatitis.

Why does TG level increase?

Elevated triglyceride levels can be caused by several medical conditions, including:

  • poorly controlled diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease;
  • cirrhosis or other liver diseases;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • a genetic predisposition in which the body produces excessive amounts of triglycerides;
  • use of certain medications (for example, beta blockers, diuretics, contraception).

Triglyceride levels can also be increased by alcohol consumption, which causes the liver to synthesize more fatty acids. However, there are also certain benefits of moderate drinking that can balance out this increase. Moderate drinking may slightly increase levels of good HDL, and red wine, which contains antioxidants, may reduce the risk of heart disease. However, one should not think that this means that people should start drinking alcohol to get this effect. Elevated TG levels are more often observed in:

  • People who are obese or overweight.
  • Women, especially pregnant women and those taking estrogens or hormone replacement therapy.
  • People who develop heart disease before they reach 50 years of age.


In general, in people with elevated triglycerides, coronary heart disease may develop more severely. at a young age. Since this disease has no obvious symptoms, routine blood lipid testing is a good idea. Blood triglyceride levels are measured using simple analysis blood. Quite often they are determined as part of the lipid profile, which consists of triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL and LDL.

Before taking the test, do not eat for 8 to 12 hours because lipid levels in the blood are affected by recent food intake, which can lead to falsely high results. Normal triglyceride levels are less than 1.7 mmol/L. Values ​​of 1.7 – 2.0 mmol/l are considered borderline. Triglyceride levels above 2.0 mmol/L are considered high and are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Extremely high values ​​(above 6 mmol/l) can cause pancreatitis.

The danger of increasing TG

Regardless of the cause, the presence of very high TG levels is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease, myocardial infarction, or stroke. It is also known that elevated triglycerides can combine their effects with other risk factors for atherosclerosis, including obesity, high arterial pressure and hypercholesterolemia.

What to do if you have high triglycerides?

Any goal treatment program with increased triglycerides is as follows:

  • Reducing the amount of triglycerides in the blood.
  • Controlling conditions that can increase their levels (these include obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney disease).

If a person has elevated triglycerides, returning their levels to normal values may reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and peripheral artery disease. Controlling elevated triglycerides and cholesterol levels is a lifelong challenge for these patients that primarily requires lifestyle changes.

A healthy lifestyle includes balanced diet, regular exercise, quitting smoking and losing weight. These measures may be enough to lower triglyceride levels, but some people may need to additional use medicines.

Lifestyle modification

Lifestyle changes to lower triglycerd levels should include the following steps:

1. Physical activity – regular exercise can reduce TG levels and increase levels good cholesterol.
2. Improving your diet:

  • Reducing caloric intake by limiting the amount of unhealthy fats. Fats should make up 25–35% of the calorie intake.
  • Eating and limiting fiber-rich vegetables and whole grains simple carbohydrates (White bread, pasta, potatoes).
  • Limit your drinking, which can cause triglyceride levels to rise in some people.
  • Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which include certain types of fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, lake trout), fish oil or flax seeds.
  • Avoiding refined carbohydrates.

3. Weight loss and maintenance normal weight body - reducing weight by just 5 - 10% can significantly reduce TG levels.
4. To give up smoking.

When we're talking about to lower triglyceride levels, these lifestyle changes are as effective as taking medications for this purpose. They may return triglyceride levels to normal indicators in many patients. Moreover, these steps also help improve general state human health.

Drug therapy

If lifestyle modifications are not effective enough, your doctor may prescribe the following medications to lower triglycerides:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids – these can be found not only in foods, but also in medications, which are generally well tolerated and reduce triglyceride levels by 50%.
  • Fibrates are medications that work by reducing the liver's ability to release triglycerides.
  • Niacin or vitamin B3 - reduces the activity of the chemical, necessary for the body for the production of triglycerides.
  • Statins – are used to lower LDL cholesterol, but may also reduce triglyceride levels.


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