Andropause in men: symptoms and treatment. Andropause (male menopause): causes, signs, adjustment

Andropause in men, or male menopause- a common phenomenon, and not a single elderly representative of the stronger sex can avoid it. The first symptoms appear closer to fifty, they are not always disturbing and, as practice shows, most men are left without attention.

The inevitable decrease in the production of testosterone, the main marker of puberty, inexorably leads to a general deterioration physical health and is the cause of mental lability. Consider the main typical moments of menopause in men and possible ways treatment of its manifestations. What is andropause?

Hormonal fading

The term "andropause" refers to a condition that occurs against the background of age-related hormonal changes in a man's body. The main factor in sexual aging in men is the decrease with age in the synthesis of androgen hormones, which indirectly affect almost all functions of vital organs.

The resulting testosterone deficiency leads to the appearance of a complex of symptoms, referred to by experts as a "biochemical syndrome". Among them:

  1. Sexual problems.
  2. Changes in mood.
  3. Bad feeling.

The difference between male and female menopause is less pronounced, but its symptoms often complicate the life of the "not yet old" representatives of the stronger sex.

Pain and more serious problems with health on the background of andropause often require treatment. In order to adequately respond to an unpleasant condition that has arisen and know how to help oneself, a man of any age must have an idea of ​​​​what testosterone is and what is its role in the body.

Age dynamics

Testosterone is a male sex hormone synthesized mainly by the testes and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal cortex. Responsible for virilization in men and performs following features in organism:

  • Maintaining sexual activity.
  • Sperm production.
  • Influences development muscle tissue and bones.
  • Keeps the mood "in good shape".

Testosterone in the body of a man affects the development of muscle tissue and bones.

The peak level of androgenic hormone in men falls on the period of 20-25 years of age, at the end of puberty. Upon reaching puberty, the amount of the hormone becomes relatively stable, largely depends on the sexual constitutional characteristics of the individual and can be:

  1. closer to upper bound(strong sexual type).
  2. Have an average value (average type).
  3. To be at the lower limits of the norm (weak type).

For information - the reference values ​​of testosterone in men in age period 18-50 years old: 8.64-29 nmol/l. Since the onset of andropause, the indicators begin to decline.

Starting from the age of 45, and in some cases even earlier, the concentration of androgens gradually decreases, this is the beginning of menopause in men. This process is especially noticeable after 55-60 years. This is a period of increasing symptoms and a decrease in sexual function.

Typical manifestations

Symptoms of menopause, although specific, can differ markedly in different men. Most of the male elderly population does not notice the arrival of the sexual "sunset" at all. In this case, the decrease in testosterone production occurs gradually (up to 1% per year) and special problems does not bring to his master.

Not everyone is so lucky, and it happens that menopause is more noticeable, the symptoms of androgen deficiency cause a man enough physiological and psychological inconvenience. The main symptoms of androgen deficiency:

  • Physiological
  1. Decreased sexual activity.
  2. Erection problems.
  3. Loss of orgasm.
  4. prostatic disorders.
  5. Decreased muscle mass.
  6. Increase in body fat.
  7. Density reduction bone tissue.
  8. Vascular problems, autonomic disorders (hypertension, arrhythmia, sensation of "heat").
  9. Baldness (alopecia).

With a decrease in testosterone in the body, problems with erection occur.

  • Psychological
  1. Irritability, periods of angry outbursts.
  2. Sudden mood swings.
  3. depressive states.
  4. Insomnia.

It has been noticed that men of a strong sexual type are more difficult to endure menopause. Mental problems often join their bodily suffering. Among them: rejection of criticism, reduced mental flexibility and loss of former interest in life. This is enough difficult period, not everyone understands the main reason disease state so don't hesitate to ask for help.

Specialized assistance

Meanwhile, there is one. Andropause - natural process, which cannot be stopped, but it is quite possible to postpone and facilitate the course.

The cause of all troubles is testosterone deficiency, which will inevitably lead to a violation metabolic processes and decreased reproductive function. It is logical to assume that taking drugs that can normalize the concentration of androgens in the blood plasma can reduce the manifestations of the disease state.

This treatment has been successfully applied, but only after complete examination patient. Many parameters are taken into account: the characteristics of the course of menopause, the age of the man and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Currently, two methods of treating menopause in men are used:

  • Artificial stimulation of testosterone synthesis.
  • Replacement hormone therapy.

The principles of treatment methods are different, but the goal of therapy is the same:

  1. Reduce symptoms and improve the health of the body.
  2. Restore sexual function.
  3. Remove vegetative disorders.
  4. Increase muscle mass.
  5. Normalize the psycho-emotional background.

Pathology can be treated with the help of artificial stimulation of testosterone synthesis.

Stimulant and replacement therapy

Stimulant therapy - relatively new method treatment of male menopause, in which the patient is prescribed drugs of luteinizing hormone (LH). The use of LH is based on its function: to stimulate Leiding cells involved in the production of testosterone and maintaining the reproductive functions of the body.

Luteinizing hormone has a number of serious contraindications, for this reason it is prescribed only by an andrologist after a complete examination of the patient. How older age, the higher the percentage of contraindications to taking LH. During the period of therapy hormonal drugs periodic monitoring of the content of androgens.

Replacement treatment is prescribed after determining the lack of total or free testosterone in the body of a man, which is determined by the analysis. The appointment of testosterone-containing drugs, their dosage and the necessary therapeutic course is carried out by an andrologist or urologist. Independent application sex hormones dangerously deteriorating health.

Useful activities

Avoid or delay an attack androgenic pause a man will help a number of proven recommendations. Combined with the main intake of hormones or used as separate measures:

  • Zoom in motor activity: this will help keep the muscles in good shape, the weight is normal, and the nerves are in order. For an adequate physical activity age is not a hindrance.
  • Eat right, the inclusion of seafood and the “right” oils in the diet after a certain period of time will certainly have a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole.
  • Train your memory, learn new things - this will return your former interest in life and make it richer. After a certain period of time, the state of the body returns to normal.

Menopause in men is a difficult period, but this is not the end of life, including sexual. Andropause symptoms are not a serious obstacle to a full-fledged, age-specific relationship. If its manifestations completely tortured your body, contact a specialist, he will prescribe necessary remedy, the treatment of which will improve sexual function, relieve symptoms and delay the onset of andropause. Maybe it will even be hormones.

Andropause is normal phenomenon, which occurs in men after fifty, but sometimes earlier. It is caused by a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body. A man's libido level decreases, and a number of changes occur in the body. Sometimes the process goes almost unnoticed. However, some specifics of this period are still found.

Features of treatment

Currently, andropause is most often treated with a special replacement therapy or prescribe an additional testosterone intake. True, such therapy does not normalize the level of male sex hormone directly in the blood serum. In addition, androgens often have negative impact on the human liver prostate, lipid profile, cardiovascular system and social and emotional behavior.

Natural testosterone preparations are used for androgen replacement therapy. They are given as an injection. The composition of such preparations includes esters having different speed absorption and excretion. Thus, it is achieved fast action on the body, which persists for a long time. Similar drugs help stabilize many processes in the body, bring them to a level similar to young man. For example, calcium will be better fixed in the bones, muscle mass will increase, and sexual function normalizes. However, these drugs have many contraindications. That's why similar treatment will not suit everyone.

If the doctor for some reason cannot prescribe testosterone preparations, then the choice is made in favor of funds that support and stimulate the production of male sex hormones. Help prevent premature menopause and special vitamin medicines with antioxidants.

Basic symptoms

Symptoms of male menopause are divided into physiological and physical. At first they are weakly expressed. For men, they are invisible. However, the first thing they begin to manifest themselves in the sexual sphere. Violations include the following:

  • decrease in sexual desire (the need for regular sex decreases);
  • erection comes more slowly;
  • erection becomes unstable;
  • ejaculation - excessively delayed or premature;
  • the opportunity to conceive a child disappears;
  • inability to get satisfaction from sexual intercourse;
  • process intimacy brings only a feeling of fatigue.

Often appear and physical changes V male body:

  • the prostate enlarges, problems with urination (or frequent urges, or slowing down the process);
  • in the perineum there are unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations;
  • muscle tissue is transformed into adipose tissue. As a result, it is collected excess weight, and muscle strength decreases;
  • bone density decreases, resulting in shrinkage of the spine and a slight decrease in growth;
  • the proportions of the figure change (there is a pronounced belly, stoop);
  • in the joints, spinal muscles, in the spine, unprovoked pains appear;
  • temporarily numb the muscles of the neck, shoulder, face;
  • blood pressure becomes unstable;
  • migraines, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia occur;
  • sweating increases, dizziness;
  • there is a feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • a person gets tired faster, his performance decreases sharply.

Special attention deserves mental and mental disorders:

  • the person becomes forgetful;
  • it is difficult for him to concentrate;
  • the flexibility of thinking is reduced (ideas that contradict the opinion of a man are not perceived, he does not assess the situation comprehensively and makes non-trivial decisions);
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • there is nervousness and excessive irritability;
  • V daytime the person is drowsy, apathetic, and indifference is formed even to what was very interesting before;
  • sensitivity to stress increases;
  • depression occurs;
  • a person strives to “customize” everything for himself, criticizes opponents and family members, as well as everyone around him;
  • a man becomes intolerant of criticism, does not perceive it adequately.

Of course, the symptoms listed above do not appear simultaneously. However, if at least four or five signs from the list listed above are noticed, you should think about your own health and contact a psychologist, andrologist, urologist. Such doctors will help mitigate the identified symptoms and correct them as much as possible. There is no need to deny the possibility of changes in the body. Also, do not go to extremes, regularly observing whether negative symptoms menopause.

The relationship between unusual manifestations of the body and age can only be adequately assessed by a doctor. Pessimism, as a rule, becomes one of those factors that transform apparent problems into real pathologies. Andropause is not a disease at all, it is natural stage vital activity. Therefore, you need to monitor your health without making a tragedy due to changes in the body.

Preventive measures

There are a number preventive measures that allow you to resist early manifestation male menopause. Among them:

* Regular but moderate exercise.

* Adjustment of nutrition by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed.

* Maintenance of sexual activity.

* The use of androgens in hormone replacement therapy.

* Constant use vitamins.

* The use of drugs that increase libido, as well as eliminating erectile dysfunction.

* The use of medications that favorably affect cerebral circulation.

* The use of drugs that improve vascular tone.

True, when a man’s menopause has already begun and manifested itself with many symptoms, no preventive measures won't help anymore. Medication required complex treatment. Therefore, every man needs to regularly lead a healthy lifestyle, excluding bad habits. This will keep male power for a long time.

Andropause is natural hormonal processes that occur in the male body and are essentially very similar to the female menopause. All men endure a decrease in the production of the hormone testosterone in different ways. Age category– 40-50 years old, but sometimes there are cases early offensive male menopause. What exactly happens in a man’s body, what processes can be felt or seen with one’s own eyes, in detail about the symptoms and ways to correct andropause - in this article.

What is characteristic of menopause

What exactly can be noted with andropause? One glance is enough for a specialist to make a preliminary diagnosis - the appearance of a man during andropause can change, the skin becomes dry, flabby. Appears overweight- the buttocks increase and weakness in the muscles appears. Like female menopause, andropause causes many disorders. Decreased functioning endocrine system in general, the hormone testosterone greatly reduces its performance.

Symptoms can be recognized based on abnormalities in sexual activity:

  • Indifference to sexual life, attraction and cravings disappear.
  • The need for sexual contacts decreases (there is no desire to engage in it often).
  • Slow (or premature) erection, decreased sperm count.
  • Problems in conceiving a child.
  • There is no satisfaction from sex.
  • Feeling severe fatigue during and after sex.
With andropaesis, a man has problems with the prostate.

There are also changes in physiological health:

  • Problems with the prostate (increase in size). There are painful discomfort in the perineum, problems with urination begin.
  • Violations in the structure of bone tissue.
  • Overweight, the appearance of a large belly.
  • Pain in muscles, joints without visible reasons.
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • Periodic numbness of the extremities, which goes away by itself after a few minutes.
  • flushes of heat, increased excretion sweat, fast heartbeat.
  • Decreased performance.

In addition, there are symptoms of psychological state: absent-mindedness, memory disorders, irritability, insomnia, apathy, depression. There is a desire to be alone. This is affected by a decrease in testosterone.

These symptoms can occur with other disorders, but if a man has noticed several of them, you should go to the doctor. There are ways to help you easily survive andropause.

Important: menopause is not a disease. This is a certain period of life that you just need to go through. Despite this, only 20% of the stronger sex recognize the onset of menopause and turn to an andrologist to correct the physiological state.

As far as possible to avoid and methods of therapy

Decreased testosterone is an irreversible process, but medical attention is needed. The state of the hormone level can be controlled by slowing down its decline. Treatment is prescribed individually after a complete examination of the patient. Most often prescribed medical preparations, consultations of the psychologist, urologist.

Two methods of treatment of andropause are used:

  1. Hormonal drugs that stimulate an increase in testosterone, its natural production.
  2. Replacement hormone therapy.

To prevent testicular atrophy, androgen hormones are prescribed. Among them are popular: Testosterone, Sustanon. The course of treatment is short. You can increase erection with the help of adaptogenic agents: eleutherococcus, ginseng. However, the age of the patient must also be taken into account.

During treatment, it is recommended to healthy way life and eat right.

Vitamins are essential for good circulation. Tentex is often prescribed. Their use improves sexual function, normalizes the work of all organs and systems.

It is recommended to apply ointments to the penis to improve erection, use supportive therapy by using hormonal injections. They are made 1-2 times a month. It helps slow down the decline. male power, save reproduction. Improving general state men.

In addition, antidepressants are prescribed and compliance with the regime of work and rest. should be adhered to healthy lifestyle life, eat right. It will be useful physiotherapy, physical training. Positive emotions strongly affect the production of the hormone.

A man should constantly go for massage and various physiotherapy procedures. It is useful to do erotic, acupressure, relaxing massages. It is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking. Drink drinks from nettle, mint, currant, chamomile. Improves the function of the urinary tract.

Medications are prescribed to increase androgens. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, take such medicines without the recommendation of a doctor. Thus, it is possible to significantly worsen not only sexual function.

Sessions of psychotherapy will help to calmly survive this period. Andropause, like menopause in women, is accompanied by depression. The sense of one's own strength, of oneself as a person, is lost. But such is nature human body. It is impossible to avoid the onset of the androgenic pause. With the help of medicine, this process can be slowed down or stabilized.

This period is not the most pleasant, but any representative of the stronger sex should adequately accept and survive it. Thanks to drug treatment it will be painless and easy. It is important to remember: andropause in men is not a sentence, but a way to reach a new level of life and think about your health!

Andropause is a series of processes that occur in the male body and are analogous to menopause.
In the strong and weak sex, similar changes have different symptoms. Male menopause is caused by a decrease in testosterone levels. During this period, there is also a decrease in libido. This process proceeds in each man in different ways, but in most cases, asymptomatically. The aging of the body in the representatives of the stronger sex is observed after 50 years, but it happens even earlier.

Important! Level side effects andropause depends on how much androgen has decreased in the blood and its amount in youth.

What are the causes of andropause?

Decreased testosterone levels are normal in older men. Such changes are associated with the aging of the testicles. As a result, androgen secretion decreases and an increase in the amount of the DES hormone is observed, which entails a decrease in free testosterone.

Important! As a result of andropause and a decrease in androgen levels in men, a deterioration in the physical and psychological state is observed.

The main causes of early andropause:

  • a decrease in the level of Leydig cells inside the testicles;
  • decreased sensitivity to a hormone called lutein;
  • falling activity of steroid enzymes;
  • there is an imbalance between the pituitary and hypothalamus.
  • genetic propensity.

Can also cause the development of early andropause surgical intervention or untimely treatment various infectious diseases that affect the testicles. Often causes such changes in the body taking drugs. More often Negative influence have medications that are used to treat malignant tumors or prostatitis.

What are the signs of andropause?

Andropause is accompanied by many symptoms. Each one shows up in varying degrees. For men of a strong sexual type, changes in the body are much more difficult.

Lead to early andropause can:

  • big weight;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • increased lipids;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • alcohol, drug addiction.

Important! Male menopause is much longer than female. On initial stage symptoms are practically absent.

The main signs of andropause:

  • decrease in physical strength;
  • overweight;
  • decrease in the amount of muscle mass;
  • memory impairment;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • dizziness;
  • sharp manifestations of heat;
  • deterioration in visual acuity;
  • there is rapid fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • erectile dysfunction.

During this period, there may be a lack of orgasm. Often occur psychological disorders, prolonged depression. The representatives of the stronger sex are no longer interested the world, interest in something disappears.

Features of treatment

In men whose testosterone levels are average, the andropause period will be much easier. Such people should occupy themselves with something useful. It is recommended to do a jog in the morning, read books, engage in self-development.

Important! Stop natural process aging is impossible. There are ways to make it easier.

You can level the course of andropause with the help of:

  1. drug therapy. This method implies a hormone therapy. After a full examination, the doctor prescribes drugs that contain synthetic testosterone. This hormone is prescribed in the form of injections or tablets.
  2. folk methods. In order to relieve symptoms, you can use an infusion of hawthorn flowers. To prepare such a remedy, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry grass in 200 ml of water. The cooled mixture is recommended to drink 0.5 cups twice a day.

Also, older men need to eat daily. pumpkin seeds. It is important that the seeds are raw and not roasted.

In patients in whom the testicles still perform their functions, stimulating hormone therapy is prescribed. Its goal is to force the body to produce testosterone on its own.

Prevention of andropause

The severity of menopause depends on how correct image life is led by a man. Patients are encouraged to spend more time on fresh air engage in mental and physical activity.

It is also worth giving Special attention diet. During this period, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't forget about seafood. Eat only lean meat. They can be turkey or chicken. All dishes are best steamed.

The diet of a man should without fail include nuts and vegetable oil. It is strictly forbidden to eat smoked meats, fried, salty and spicy. It is also worth forgetting about fast foods and sweets.

Male menopause is a rather difficult period, but it does not mean the end personal life. By using modern medicine even in old age, you can feel full and a healthy person. Be healthy and be happy!

“A woman at forty and a man at forty are two huge differences, she has already moved into mature age, while he is still in his prime, ”- this opinion is shared by many representatives of the stronger sex, who are confident in their own indispensability, originality and strength. True, such self-confidence continues until the andropause comes, which "hit below the belt." In these moments, the fear of real loneliness arises. In order to save a family in such a crisis stage, when an invulnerable and courageous husband begins to be overcome by age-related weakness, you need to know the essence of the problem and its signs, as well as help in the development of such a condition.

Menopause in a man: changes in behavior and body

Most men are arranged in such a way that they hide even the strongest experiences and difficulties deep in themselves and look for independent ways to solve problems, fearing at the same time to seem weak, thereby humiliating their own dignity. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who are recognized in the onset of age-related changes are quite rare. Not surprisingly, many men continue to claim that andropause is a woman's invention. However, in the case of health, emotions and superstitions are inappropriate, facts are very important here, which are difficult to argue with even extremely self-confident men.

Male menopause really exists. This is a fact, if only because andropause is a natural process of transformation of the reproductive system, just like puberty. If puberty in boys occurs at the age of 11-18, then menopause in men occurs at about 40-45 years. It is in this period of life that the representatives of the stronger sex observe a decrease in the production of testosterone - the male sex hormone, which is responsible for mood, performance, muscle development and male strength.

According to experts, the level of testosterone in the body of a man begins to imperceptibly decrease by about 2% per year, starting from the age of 35-30 years. By the age of 80, the rate of decline is 40%. Both menopause in the weaker sex and andropause in men proceed purely individually, both by age and by signs. The rate of decrease in testosterone secretion depends directly on the lifestyle that a man leads, the absence or presence of bad habits, venereal infections, chronic diseases organs of the genital area, regularity of sexual contacts with permanent partner or random connections and other factors.

Of course, independence from drugs, alcohol and nicotine, playing sports, balanced diet taking care of your own health and happy marriage are the main guarantees vitality men. Whereas, for example, prostatitis, arterial hypertension, diabetes and other ailments lead to a decrease in testosterone levels by 10-15 percent. In addition, a decrease in testosterone secretion is also associated with natural changes that occur with age in the hypothalamus - the center that regulates the functions of the pituitary gland, which, in turn, releases hormones and activates the activity of the testicles. It is also worth noting that with age in the testicles connective tissue begins to be replaced by fat, which adversely affects the intensity of orgasm, sexual arousal and sexual desire.

That is why strong feelings are observed in men who cease to be so omnipotent and passionate, as in the days of turbulent youth. Depression and disappointment, apathy, increased irritability demonstrate a midlife crisis and specifically one of the reasons for its development - andropause. Menopause in a man can be determined by the presence of such symptoms:

    disorders genitourinary system: fatigue during sexual intercourse, delayed ejaculation, prolonged absence sexual desire, rare arousal;

    dysfunction vegetative-vascular system: lack of oxygen, redness of the face, sudden changes blood pressure, dizziness, increased sweating;

    violation nervous system: depression, weakness, insomnia, aggression for no apparent reason, increased irritability, memory loss, inattention;

    somatic disorders: thinning of the skin, hair loss and baldness, decreased bone density, obesity, weight loss (applies to muscle mass, not fatty).

Menopause in a man can manifest itself in the form of specific deviations from the list of symptoms listed above, among which the greatest concern is the decrease in potency and the consequences resulting from this.

Some representatives of the strong half of humanity come to terms with natural changes in the body. However, do not despair - the situation is fixable. The main thing is the support and understanding of family and loved ones and faith in own forces and possibilities of modern medicine.

Andropause: diagnosis, therapy, prevention

Advances in modern medicine can help alleviate symptoms age-related changes and will help to ensure normal well-being, if you turn to a competent specialist in a timely manner. For appointment proper treatment you need to undergo an examination, which involves performing screening tests, determining the level of male sex hormone in the blood, prolactin and gonadotropins.

According to doctors, it is especially important that in the process of therapy, next to a man is his wife, who must be psychologically prepared for two extremes. deep depression, alienation and isolation in oneself due to shame in front of one's own weakness is the first extreme. Whereas the second is treason, when a man, in a rush to prove his worth as a man, begins to lead a wild life, trying to get closer to younger partners. To save the family, a woman should show love, patience and understanding. Especially given the fact that quite often the therapy is effective.

Treatment for andropause may include:

    phytopreparations: "Garlic oil" (normalizes the functioning of the genital organs), "Oil watermelon pits» (improves sexual life), "High Potential" (mitigates the manifestations of andropause), "Fitomax-Pro" (increases potency), "Milona-11" (stimulates the secretion of male sex hormones), "Spermaplant" (increases mobility and sperm count), "So Palmetto" (saves reproductive function), "Trisil" (slows down the aging process), "Phytosupport for men" (restores hormonal balance);

    testosterone patch: designed to stimulate testosterone production (currently available for purchase only in Europe and the USA) and quite easy to use, but can cause an allergic reaction;

    medicines: various capsules and tablets that maintain testosterone levels at the proper level, but they must be taken in courses, since long-term treatment is required to obtain the result, and side effects are also quite possible;

    injections: quite often, one injection is enough to restore hormonal balance, however, one should take into account the fact that sharp rise testosterone levels in the blood can lead to a jump in blood pressure or the production of an excessive number of red blood cells. Before applying any medicine you need to consult a specialist. This is primarily due to the fact that the treatment of andropause has a number of contraindications: prostate adenoma, cancer prostate. Do not engage in experiments on the functionality of the reproductive system.

As with any pathological condition, it is much more effective to carry out the prevention of male menopause:

    brain nutrition: to improve mental activity and memory, you need to read a lot, solve crossword puzzles, watch intellectual programs;

    keeping muscles in good shape: in order to lose fat mass, not muscle mass, and even in the presence of gray hair to attract the opposite sex, you need to exercise regularly or at least do exercises daily;

    giving up bad habits: alcohol abuse and smoking lead to premature aging, which manifests itself not only externally, but also inside the body;

    balanced nutrition: a man's diet should contain fresh and rich in vitamins, fats, proteins, minerals, while you also need to control the absorption of carbohydrates and salt to prevent obesity;

    active sex life: abstinence only exacerbates the manifestations and progression of the disease by naturally reducing the secretion of testosterone.

In conclusion, it is worth once again reassuring worried men. Unlike menopause in women, male andropause is usually much milder: there is only a slight decrease in libido, which does not imply categorical denial or complete absence intimacy. And, of course, the most important thing: andropause, unlike menopause in women, is not an obstacle for a man to know the joy of fatherhood, even in adulthood.



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