Deciphering the analysis of the lipid spectrum of blood. Lipid Analysis - Lipid Profile

Cardiac and vascular diseases are the most common today. The reason is a change in fat metabolism and atherosclerosis, which affects the walls of blood vessels. The assessment of the risk of atherosclerosis is determined by laboratory tests, including a lipid profile. What is the norm for women, possible deviations will be shown by this analysis.

The presence of cholesterol and other lipids in the circulatory system of a healthy body is considered normal. Thanks to fat-like substances, the structure of the cell membranes of all cells occurs. In addition, blood transports fats to tissues from the intestines, as well as from the body's savings to the site of their use.

As you know, lipids are an efficient source of energy. Therefore, in the diagnosis, it is important not to identify lipids, but to determine their overestimated rate compared to the permissible norm. However, this level can be subject to significant fluctuations due to the influence of various internal and external factors.

Because of these factors, in order to reflect a more accurate picture of the lipid index, before taking the analysis, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Exclude before analysis the consumption of food, especially fatty. Eat as normal, but avoid evening meals.
  2. Before the study, there is no need to physically and emotionally overload, since these phenomena can cause the mobilization of the body's savings and affect the outcome of the analysis.
  3. Do not smoke before the examination: this leads to an increase in the fat index in the blood, which distorts the diagnostic environment.
  4. If the patient takes any medication all the time, the doctor should be told about this moment. Some anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, hormonal drugs effectively affect the lipid and cholesterol index.

The index of total cholesterol during therapy with beta-blockers becomes higher. They are often prescribed for pathology of the heart and blood vessels, which gives rise to a lipid profile.

A decrease in cholesterol levels is observed in people who take lipid-lowering drugs, estrogens, androgens. Taking corticosteroid and sex hormones increases not only cholesterol, but LDL and HDL. Contraceptives lead to an increase in cholesterol, LDL and lower HDL.

The possibility of various drugs to influence the parameters of the examination obliges both to take this into account when deciphering the analysis, and to carefully monitor patients using these medications. Such people may face the threat of increased development of pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

A blood test to detect the lipid spectrum is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The last food intake should be at least 12 hours before. 30 minutes before the examination, do not overstrain physically and emotionally.

The outcome of the study may be influenced by:

  • injury;
  • physical work;
  • consumption of food, alcohol, smoking shortly before sampling;
  • diet starvation, impotence;
  • concomitant ailments with damage to the kidneys, liver;
  • period of pregnancy.

When the analysis is passed, important lipidogram norms are identified and explained.

Indications for a lipid profile

The analysis of blood lipids is not only in detecting the threat of cardiac and vascular pathologies, but also in evaluating the effectiveness of therapy with an already diagnosed diagnosis (diabetes, hypertension, ischemia). The study is important for the dynamic control of patients who are on a lipid-lowering diet and use cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Lipidogram is carried out in a number of such cases:

  • as a prophylaxis once every 5 years for people over 20 years old;
  • an increase in the total norm of cholesterol in a biochemical blood test;
  • the presence of impaired cholesterol saturation earlier;
  • hereditary predisposition to an unfavorable course - the presence of a severe form of atherosclerosis in relatives, disorders with metabolic processes;
  • there are risk factors: diabetes, overweight, smoking, hypertension, age category of people 45 - 55;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • the presence of painful attacks behind the chest, strokes, heart attacks;
  • ongoing therapy with lipid-lowering agents, prescription of a special dietary food (observation of effectiveness).

Often, the results of the examination are interpreted by the therapist, who also prescribes the treatment.

Components of the lipid spectrum

The main index in the lipid profile is total cholesterol, which can be:

  • endogenous - generalized by the body most often in liver cells;
  • exogenous - getting outside, often with food.

It also takes part in the development of all cell membrane tissues, favors the absorption of nutrients, acts as a precursor of growth hormone, and is responsible for the sexual and general development of the body.

The established norm for people suffering from changes in lipid metabolism is 1.8 mmol / l. This is realized by changing food addictions, connecting physical loads to life, eliminating addictions, and taking medications.

At a cholesterol level of 5.2 - 6.2, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is moderate, if more than 6.2 - the risk is overestimated.

The blood lipid spectrum includes 5 indicators.

High density lipoproteins - HDL

They are an anti-atherogenic factor. The main goal is to transport free cholesterol from cells.

HDL exposes cholesterol to liver cells. Then, if the fat metabolism is normal, it is excreted from the body with the help of fatty acids.

This indicator refers to good cholesterol. With its high concentration, the threat of the formation of atherosclerosis and diseases of the heart and blood vessels is greatly reduced.

Low density lipoproteins - LDL

This indicator is considered bad cholesterol. Even if total cholesterol is at a normal level, high LDL indicates a change in fat metabolism and the threat of atherosclerosis. This process occurs due to the ability of this type of lipoprotein to remain on the walls of blood vessels, resulting in the formation of plaques.

LDL in blood plasma in the structure of cholesterol is about 65%.

Highly reduced density lipoproteins - VLDL

They belong to the category of bad cholesterol. However, their influence on the occurrence of atherosclerosis is insignificant. They carry out more of a transport function and are summarized in the liver.

This indicator is important for a rare form of dyslipidemia or for the replacement of LDL, if the study is carried out without abstinence from eating.

Triglycerides - TG

They are present in small amounts in plasma. Most often accumulate in fatty tissues and are considered a combination of glycerol and fatty acid ester.

The main principle is energy. In the circulatory system, triglycerides are present in the structure of VLDL, and then converted into LDL. Therefore, this index should be monitored.

Atherogenic coefficient - KA

Provides a combination of good and bad cholesterol. This ratio more accurately indicates the risk of atherosclerosis. Calculate it by subtracting the difference between HDL and cholesterol divided by HDL.

Research results

Deciphering the lipidogram, the doctor initially makes an assessment for the presence of deviations in the numbers of individual coefficients. An increase in normal levels of cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, TG indicates an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Pathology is when the atherogenic index is greater than 3 and the presence of high density lipoproteins is reduced.

For lipoproteins that have a high density, various typical indices are calculated. In the case of an overestimated admissibility of atherosclerosis and pathology with the heart, blood vessels in women, an HDL of at least 1.3 is indicated. Low threat if HDL is above 1.55 mmol/L.

The coefficient of atherogenicity is deciphered as follows.

KA<3, тогда высокое содержание антиатерогенных групп – угроза возникновения атеросклероза минимальная.

KA 3 - 4 - there is a possibility of the formation of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

KA>5 - a high probability of illness, which contributes to an increase in diseases of the vessels, heart, brain, kidneys, limbs.

A positive lipid profile is considered if there is an increase in its atherogenic indices. It is seen in various diseases.

  1. Genetic types of dis- and hyperlipidemias.
  2. Cardiac ischemia in atherosclerotic disorders of the coronary arteries.
  3. Different types of hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. Diseases of the urinary organs.
  5. Decreased production of thyroid hormones.
  6. Diseases of the pancreas.
  7. Excess body weight.

An increase in cholesterol can be observed during the bearing of a child at a physiological level.

The decrease in cholesterol and its groups occurs due to:

  • low-quality formations;
  • lung diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • viral diseases, sepsis;
  • burn pathologies;
  • fasting.

High-density blood lipids are most often reduced in diseases such as:

  • ischemia;
  • heart attack;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stomach ulcer.

The coefficient of fat metabolism is significantly affected by the consumed products. Even in the absence of atherosclerosis, disturbances in the lipid spectrum already lead to the threat of diseases with the heart and blood vessels. With the abuse of quickly digestible carbohydrates, animal fats, fatty and fried foods, alcohol, there is an unnecessary addition of cholesterol, which the body is not able to metabolize. After a while, the increasing saturation of its derivatives settles in the layers of vessels.

Blood test: lipid metabolism and other indicators are of great importance in making a diagnosis.
Lipids are low molecular weight substances that do not dissolve in the aquatic environment. Each person has lipids in the blood plasma, but they are contained there in the form of lipoproteins.

Why do I need a blood test for lipid metabolism

Lipoproteins are complex proteins that are somewhat similar in composition to simple proteins.
Many studies that were conducted in order to study lipid metabolism as deeply as possible showed that the exchange of lipoproteins (LP) and cholesterol (CS) has not only diagnostic, but also social significance for a person. Because by their exchange it is possible to determine whether a person has cardiovascular diseases or not.

Cholesterol is one of the types of fat (lipid) present in the human blood.

If during the tests it turns out that the patient has a high cholesterol level, then this means that the person has a predisposition to heart vascular disease (coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease). These diseases are the leading cause of death in most parts of the world.

Coronary artery disease develops when there is insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle through the coronary arteries. The main cause of this disease is atherosclerosis, which forms plaques and narrows the lumen in the coronary arteries. This disease lasts differently for each person. Some patients are chronic, while others are acute.

Ischemic heart disease can manifest itself in the form of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac arrest can occur. But if you seek help from a doctor in time or call an ambulance during a heart attack, then specialists will help you and prescribe all the necessary medicines that you will need to take. Special preparations and medicines will help the patient improve the functioning of the heart.

In most cases, coronary heart disease begins to develop due to the narrowing of the arteries through which blood passes to the heart. When it begins to flow to the main organ of the human body in insufficient quantities or does not enter, this can lead to death.

Biochemical blood test: indicators of lipid and pigment metabolism

A lipid profile is a special blood test that determines abnormalities in a patient's fat metabolism. If a person has any disorders, this means that a change in blood vessels gradually begins.

What is the interpretation of the results of the analysis? Cholesterol is the only product that enters the human body with the food that it consumes.
The lipid spectrum of the blood is done in order to diagnose various diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system in time. Some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis or obstructive jaundice, are accompanied by an increased content of lipids in the blood. In a healthy person, this figure should not exceed 4.5-7.0 g / l. in blood.

In addition to the amount of lipids, a biochemical blood test shows the level of cholesterol, which in a healthy person should be 3.63-5.2 mmol / l. An increase in cholesterol occurs with the following diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, and diabetes mellitus.

If the level of cholesterol in a person's blood is too low, then this indicates the following diseases: cirrhosis of the liver, hyperthyroidism, any chronic lung disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

There are also other indicators of lipid metabolism. When assessing the lipid spectrum of blood, experts take into account the atherogenic coefficient, which should be equal to three units. The next indicator is alpha-lipoprotein cholesterol, which in a healthy person is slightly more than 0.9 mmol / l. In addition, beta-lipoprotein cholesterol is determined, which should not exceed 4.9 mmol / l, and the level of triglycerides. The indicators of pigment metabolism can also be taken into account, by which it can be determined whether a person has jaundice or some other disease.

In what cases will the doctor take into account lipid metabolism indicators?

High cholesterol levels can lead to serious health problems. Throughout life, this substance accumulates in our body and by the age of 40-50 can make itself felt. After you have contacted a specialist with a disease, he will appoint you to take tests. Here are the cases in which it is necessary:

  1. Learn about the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  2. To identify disorders in lipid metabolism.
  3. Assess how your liver is working.

All tests, including this one, are taken by the patient on an empty stomach.

There are many factors that can affect the level of lipid metabolism in the human body, such as the following:

  1. Old age.
  2. Wrong diet.
  3. High cholesterol intake.
  4. Excessive alcohol abuse.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Hypothyroidism.
  8. Nephrosis.
  9. Hereditary hyperlipidemias.
  10. A diet low in coarse fibrous foods.

Of all the above diseases, diabetes is the most common disease in which there is a violation of lipid metabolism. These disorders are so pronounced that diabetes is often referred to as a disease of lipid rather than carbohydrate metabolism. These are the disorders in the human body that occur due to improper metabolism: increased lipid breakdown, increased formation of ketone bodies and reduced synthesis of fatty acids and triacylglycerols.

Remember that if your closest relatives had diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system, then you also have a risk that by the age of 50 you will also have them. In order to avoid such problems, you will need to seek the help of a highly qualified specialist who will tell you how this can be done.

The specialist will prescribe you all the necessary medications that will help you avoid the disease. But before prescribing drugs, the doctor should give you directions for tests that will help determine the lipid profile (lipid profile), and, most importantly, the level of cholesterol. After all, a lot will depend on him. Based on the data received, the specialist will prescribe the necessary preventive course for you.

In order to prevent the occurrence of many diseases, you will most likely need to follow a special diet in which you need to eat as few foods containing cholesterol as possible.

Lipid Panel

Lipidogram is a comprehensive study that includes the determination of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (cholesterol-...

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Study Description

Preparation for the study:

The study must be carried out strictly on an empty stomach (at least 12 hours after the last meal), you can drink water;

24 hours before the study, do not drink alcohol, avoid increased physical activity.

Material under study: Taking blood

Lipidogram is a comprehensive study that includes the determination of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) and triglycerides (TG) in blood serum. This analysis allows diagnosing lipid metabolism disorders, as well as assessing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Cholesterol is an important organic substance produced by the liver. In large quantities, it is found in the brain, adrenal glands, adipose tissue, and is also part of the membranes of almost all cells. Cholesterol is a precursor of steroid hormones necessary for full development, growth and puberty, takes part in the synthesis of bile acids, which ensure the absorption (absorption) of nutrients from the intestine and their entry into the blood. An increase in cholesterol levels leads to atherosclerosis - the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which are an outgrowth on the inner wall of the vessel, consisting of a fatty core and membrane. Growing, atherosclerotic plaques narrow the lumen inside the vessels and disrupt the blood flow in the organ. As a result, ischemia (oxygen starvation) of the organ that receives blood from the affected artery develops. If the arteries of the heart are affected, then chronic ischemic heart disease develops, but if the plaques are located in the vessels of the brain, then brain disorders appear - headaches, dizziness, memory loss, etc. Over time, blood clots form on cholesterol plaques, which can break off and enter the bloodstream, causing blockage of blood vessels in various organs and tissues, which leads to acute oxygen starvation. Acute ischemia of the heart muscle leads to myocardial infarction (necrosis of part of the heart), acute ischemia of the brain - to a stroke.

Cholesterol and triglycerides are insoluble in water, and only soluble substances can be carried in the blood. The soluble form of these lipids are lipoproteins - their compounds with proteins.

When cholesterol is combined with plasma proteins, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are formed.

HDL cholesterol is called "good" cholesterol, the main role of which is the removal of free cholesterol. HDL carry it from the tissues (including from the vessels of the heart, arteries of the brain, etc.) to the liver and prevent it from accumulating on the walls of the arteries. In the liver, cholesterol is converted into bile acids and excreted from the body. Thus, HDL prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and related diseases.

Pre-menopausal women have higher HDL-cholesterol concentrations than men, hence the risk of cardiovascular disease is lower. After menopause, there is a decrease in the amount of HDL-cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases.

LDL cholesterol is the "bad" cholesterol and one of the most important indicators of the risk of atherosclerosis. LDL is the most numerous class of lipoproteins in blood plasma. Their main function is the transfer of cholesterol from the places of its synthesis in the liver and intestinal mucosa to the places of its use (storage) in peripheral tissues (vessels of the heart, brain, etc.). LDL carry about 70% of all cholesterol in the blood plasma.

An increase in the level of LDL and cholesterol in the blood plasma increases the risk of atherosclerosis, therefore these lipids are called atherogenic (causing a degenerative change in the walls of the arteries).

Triglycerides are fats that make up 60-85% of adipose tissue and only a small amount is detected in the blood. Triglycerides enter the body with food or are synthesized in the body itself (in the liver, adipose tissue, small intestinal mucosa, muscles). Triglycerides are the main source of fatty acids and energy in the body.

Triglycerides in the blood, like cholesterol, circulate in the form of soluble compounds - lipoproteins and also come in two types:

Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), the content of triglycerides in which is 50-80%, protein 20-50%. In blood plasma taken on an empty stomach, they are contained in low concentrations;

Chylomicrons, which contain 85-90% triglycerides and 0.5-2.5% protein. Normally, they are determined in the blood only in infants after feeding.

An elevated level of triglycerides in the blood indicates the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease (damage to the vessels of the brain, leading to disruption of its functions).

In addition to the indicators described above, the lipid profile usually includes an atherogenic coefficient (CA), which is calculated by the formula:

KA = (total cholesterol - HDL) / HDL or KA = (LDL + VLDL) / HDL.

An atherogenic coefficient exceeding normal values ​​indicates an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Using this analysis, the concentration of cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoprotein), HDL (high density lipoprotein) and triglycerides in blood serum (mmol / liter), as well as the atherogenic coefficient (CA) are determined.


Colorimetric photometric method. Reagents are sequentially added to the blood serum, with which the test substances form colored compounds. The color intensity of these compounds is directly proportional to the amount of substances to be determined and is determined on a special device - a photometer.

Reference values ​​- norm
(Lipidogram (lipid status), blood)

Information regarding the reference values ​​of the indicators, as well as the very composition of the indicators included in the analysis, may differ slightly depending on the laboratory!


total cholesterol:


Age, gender Cholesterol-HDL, mmol / l.
up to 14 years old: 0,9 - 1,9
14 - 20 years: 0,78 - 1,63
20 - 25 years: 0,78 - 1,63
25 - 30 years: 0,80 - 1,63
30 - 35 years: 0,72 - 1,63
35 - 40 years: 0,75 - 1,60
40 - 45 years: 0,70 - 1,73
45 - 50 years: 0,78 - 1,66
50 - 55 years: 0,72 - 1,63
55 - 60 years: 0,72 - 1,84
60 - 65 years: 0,78 - 1,91
65 - 70 years: 0,78 - 1,94
> 70 years: 0,8 - 1,94
14 - 20 years: 0,91 - 1,91
20 - 25 years: 0,85 - 2,04
25 - 30 years: 0,96 - 2,15
30 - 35 years: 0,93 - 1,99
35 - 40 years: 0,88 - 2,12
40 - 45 years: 0,88 - 2,28
45 - 50 years: 0,88 - 2,25
50 - 55 years: 0,96 - 2,38
55 - 60 years: 0,96 - 2,35
60 - 65 years: 0,98 - 2,38
65 - 70 years: 0,91 - 2,48
> 70 years: 0,85 - 2,38


Age, gender Cholesterol-LDL, mmol/l.
up to 14 years old: 1,60 - 3,60
14 - 20 years: 1,61 - 3,37
20 - 25 years: 1,71 - 3,81
25 - 30 years: 1,81 - 4,27
30 - 35 years: 2,02 - 4,79
35 - 40 years: 2,10 - 4,90
40 - 45 years: 2,25 - 4,82
45 - 50 years: 2,51 - 5,23
50 - 55 years: 2,31 - 5,10
55 - 60 years: 2,28 - 5,26
60 - 65 years: 2,15 - 5,44
65 - 70 years: 2,54 - 5,44
> 70 years: 2,49 - 5,34
14 - 20 years: 1,53 - 3,55
20 - 25 years: 1,48 - 4,12
25 - 30 years: 1,84 - 4,25
30 - 35 years: 1,81 - 4,04
35 - 40 years: 1,94 - 4,45
40 - 45 years: 1,92 - 4,51
45 - 50 years: 2,05 - 4,82
50 - 55 years: 2,28 - 5,21
55 - 60 years: 2,31 - 5,44
60 - 65 years: 2,59 - 5,80
65 - 70 years: 2,38 -
> 70 years: 2,49 - 5,34


Age, gender Triglycerides, mmol/l.
up to 14 years old: 0,30 - 1,40
14 - 20 years: 0,45 - 1,81
20 - 25 years: 0,50 - 2,27
25 - 30 years: 0,52 - 2,81
30 - 35 years: 0,56 - 3,01
35 - 40 years: 0,61 - 3,62
40 - 45 years: 0,62 - 3,61
45 - 50 years: 0,65 - 3,80
50 - 55 years: 0,65 - 3,61
55 - 60 years: 0,65 - 3,23
60 - 65 years: 0,65 - 3,29
65 - 70 years: 0,62 - 2,94
> 70 years: 0,60 - 2,90
14 - 20 years: 0,42 - 1,48
20 - 25 years: 0,40 - 1,53
25 - 30 years: 0,40 - 1,48
30 - 35 years: 0,42 - 1,63
35 - 40 years: 0,44 - 1,70
40 - 45 years: 0,45 - 1,91
45 - 50 years: 0,51 - 2,16
50 - 55 years: 0,52 - 2,42
55 - 60 years: 0,59 - 2,63
60 - 65 years: 0,62 - 2,96
65 - 70 years: 0,63 - 2,70
> 70 years: 0,60 - 2,70

According to WHO, the optimal level of triglycerides in the blood serum<1,7 ммоль/л. Концентрация триглицеридов 1,7 - 2,3 ммоль/л. расценивается как пограничная, а концентрация >2.3 mmol/l. - how high.

Atherogenic coefficient (KA):
1,5 - 3,0

KA<3,0 - низкая вероятность развития атеросклероза

CA 3.0 - 4.0 - moderate risk of atherosclerosis

CA >4.0 - high risk of atherosclerosis

Atherogenic Plasma Index (AIP):

AIP<0,11 - низкий риск развития атеросклероза

AIP 0.11 - 0.21 moderate risk of atherosclerosis

AIP>0.21 - high risk of atherosclerosis


Assessment of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;

Dynamic monitoring of patients with coronary heart disease (I20-I25), hypertension (I11-I13), atherosclerosis of the heart and blood vessels (I70.0), kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus (E10-E14);

Examination of patients with a family history of hypercholesterolemia;

Control of lipid-lowering (fat-poor) therapy and diet.

Increasing values ​​(positive result)

total cholesterol:

1) primary hyperlipoproteinemia:
- family hypercholesterolemia (phenotype IIa, IIb);
- family combined hyperlipoproteinemia (phenotype IIa, IIb);
-polygenic hypercholesterolemia (phenotype IIa);
-familial dis-β

Lipoproteinemia (phenotype III);

2) secondary hyperlipoproteinemia:
- coronary artery disease;
- liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);

Kidney damage (nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure);

Diseases of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis, malignant tumors);


Lipidogram: the essence of the analysis, which shows the norm and deviations, how to take

Cardiovascular diseases lead in the number of cases worldwide, and the main cause of them is considered to be a violation of fat metabolism with atherosclerosis that affects the vascular walls. Laboratory tests, including a lipid profile, help to objectively assess the degree of risk.

You can learn about the amount of total cholesterol from a biochemical blood test, but only this indicator does not make it possible to reliably judge the presence or absence of pathology. The study of the lipid spectrum involves determining the concentration of not only cholesterol, but also other fatty blood fractions. These indicators are very important in assessing the degree of risk of pathology of the heart and blood vessels, therefore, they are indicated for people predisposed to atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia, and diabetes.

For analysis, venous blood is taken, and the patient must know some of the features of preparing for it and the conditions that may affect the result. The decoding of the lipidogram is carried out by a general practitioner, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist.

Lipidogram indicators

The pathology of fat metabolism plays a key role in the genesis of various diseases and, above all, vascular lesions. It is no longer in doubt that lipid metabolism disorders influence the development of atherosclerosis, and this disease is the path to dangerous lesions of the aorta, kidney vessels, and limbs.

Timely detection of deviations from cholesterol and lipid fractions is necessary not only for the early diagnosis of the pathology of the cardiovascular system, but also for the prevention of severe complications of atherosclerosis.

Many people know that the level is the most important indicator of fat metabolism, so its increase is always a concern. However, for correct conclusions, only this indicator is not enough, because cholesterol can also increase in absolutely healthy individuals without provoking atherosclerosis. To assess fat metabolism, it is important to establish the concentration of lipid fractions, the fluctuations of which characterize the pathology or the norm to a greater extent.

Lipidogram with the study of all fatty components of blood plasma makes it possible to more accurately assess the risk of atherosclerosis. The analysis may reveal abnormalities even when the total cholesterol concentration is within normal limits.

Cholesterol is an integral component of cell membranes, it is part of the bile necessary for proper digestion, it is the precursor of sex hormones, without which there is no development, puberty and functioning of an adult organism. In plasma, cholesterol is bound to lipoprotein proteins.

In addition to cholesterol (Cholesterol), lipidogram - a blood test for lipids includes indicators such as high, low and very low density - HDL, LDL, VLDL. It is they who make up the total cholesterol, but their role is different, therefore, the disease is not judged by total cholesterol. Based on the content of these components, plasma atherogenic coefficient, which serves as a prognostic factor for cardiovascular disease.

Cholesterol is formed by liver cells and enters the body from the outside with food, and its excess is excreted. VLDL are not saturated with cholesterol and are able to bind it, becoming LDL. High-density lipoproteins capture excess cholesterol from the blood and deliver it to hepatocytes, where cholesterol is converted into fatty acids or incorporated into very low density lipoproteins, thus “neutralizing”.

High-density lipoproteins are classified as anti-atherogenic fractions, that is, these components prevent atherosclerosis, removing "bad" cholesterol from the circulation. With their decrease, the likelihood of atherosclerosis increases.

The bulk of blood fats are LDL, which are endowed with the ability to "stick" to the walls of blood vessels and participate in the formation of fat-protein plaque. They account for up to 70% of total cholesterol. If these substances do not go beyond the limits of the norm, then the risk of pathology is minimal, because the exchange occurs in the right way. In cases where LDL is elevated and settles on the vascular walls, we can talk about a high probability of atherosclerosis, even if total cholesterol retains normal values.

Triglycerides are a normal component of the blood, they are considered natural metabolites that are part of VLDL, ingested and excreted by the liver. Their main volume is concentrated in adipose tissue, they are the main energy substrate in the body. Being an integral part of metabolic processes, they, at the same time, can cause serious harm when normal concentrations are exceeded.

It has been established that triglycerides increase in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, excess weight, hypertension and play a significant role in the genesis of coronary heart disease and vascular changes in the brain.

So, the lipidogram consists of the definition:

  • total cholesterol;
  • triglycerides;
  • HDL;
  • LDL;
  • VLDL.

The coefficient of atherogenicity, which makes it possible to quantify the risk of atherosclerotic lesions of the vascular endothelium, is calculated according to these indicators: the sum of VLDL and LDL values ​​is divided by the HDL level. (Normal - up to 3.5).

For the correct interpretation of the lipidogram, some other conditions must be taken into account:

  1. Age;
  2. Heredity in relation to cardiovascular pathology;
  3. The presence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  4. The presence and degree of obesity;
  5. Blood pressure level;
  6. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Only an objective assessment of the lipid spectrum, taking into account these factors, gives the most accurate prognosis for atherosclerosis and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

When should the lipid spectrum be examined?

The study of the lipid spectrum aims not only to determine the risk of heart and vascular diseases, but also to assess the effectiveness of treatment with an already established diagnosis,. It is important for the dynamic monitoring of patients who are on and taking drugs to reduce cholesterol.

Indications for a lipid profile are:

  • Examination as part of preventive measures for people over 20 years old - once every five years;
  • Increase in total cholesterol in a biochemical blood test;
  • The presence of changes in the concentration of cholesterol in the past;
  • Unfavorable heredity, when among close relatives there are patients with severe atherosclerosis, hereditary forms of fat metabolism disorders;
  • The presence of risk factors - smoking, diabetes, overweight, arterial hypertension, age over 45 and 55 years for men and women, respectively;
  • Ongoing treatment with lipid-lowering drugs, the appointment of a special diet (control effect).

How to pass the analysis correctly and what affects the result?

Heading for any study or analysis, we all want to get the correct and most reliable result, and in the case of a lipid profile, as with other analyzes, you need to know and follow some rules so as not to distort the indicators.

The lipid spectrum of the blood is very sensitive to external conditions. This doesn't just apply to eating. The result can be affected by excitement, excessive physical effort, medication, recent other studies, infections, etc., so all these factors must be borne in mind.

Blood sampling for lipid spectrum is recommended in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 12 hours after the last meal. Half an hour before the study, physical activity and psycho-emotional experiences, as well as smoking, should be excluded. The analysis should not be carried out in patients with acute myocardial infarction and during the first 3 months from the moment of its occurrence.

The result can change:

  • Infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • Food, alcohol, smoking shortly or immediately before the analysis;
  • "Hungry" diet, exhaustion;
  • Concomitant diseases with damage to the liver, kidneys, endocrine glands;
  • Pregnancy.
  • Many medications can cause an increase or decrease in both total cholesterol and its fractions, so if you are taking any medication, be sure to notify your doctor about this.

    Total cholesterol rises in the treatment of beta-blockers, by the way, often prescribed for pathology of the heart and blood vessels, which at the same time serves as a reason for the lipid profile. Hormones, some diuretics and tranquilizers also increase total cholesterol.

    Decrease in total cholesterol noted in persons taking lipid-lowering drugs (,), as well as when prescribing estrogen, androgen, allopurinol and others.

    Corticosteroid and sex hormones cause an increase not only in total cholesterol, but also in HDL and LDL. Hormonal contraceptives increase cholesterol, LDL and lower HDL.

    The ability of many drugs to influence lipid profile indicators makes it necessary not only to take it into account when interpreting the results, but also to closely monitor patients taking such drugs, because their risk of developing vascular and heart pathology may be increased.

    Norm or pathology?

    When deciphering the lipidogram in adults, the specialist first assesses whether there are deviations in the numbers of specific indicators. It is believed that the risk of atherosclerosis is increased if total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and TG exceed normal values. The pathology is also evidenced by an atherogenic coefficient of more than three and a reduced content of high density lipoproteins.

    The norm is considered the values ​​​​of lipid spectrum indicators:

    • Atherogenic coefficient - 2.2-3.5;
    • TG level up to 2.25 mmol/l;
    • HDL - 1.03-1.55;
    • LDL up to 3.3;
    • VLDL - 0.13-1.63 mmol per liter;
    • Total cholesterol - up to 5.2 mmol / l.

    High-density lipoproteins have different normal values ​​for women and men. So, an increased likelihood of atherosclerotic lesions and cardiovascular pathology is indicated by HDL below 1 mmol per liter of blood in men and less than 1.3 in women. Low risk is defined for people of both sexes if HDL exceeds 1.55 mmol per liter.

    The coefficient of atherogenicity can also serve as a prognostic indicator. If it is below three, then the risk of atherosclerosis and vascular lesions is minimized. The level of the coefficient in the range of 3-4 may indicate an increased risk of atherosclerosis, and with a value of 5 or more, patients usually already have certain manifestations of atherosclerosis - coronary heart disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, kidney pathology, impaired blood flow in the extremities. With such figures, vascular complications are quite likely.

    A positive lipid profile result, i.e. an increase in its atherogenic indicators can be observed with a variety of pathologies:

    1. Family, hereditary forms;
    2. with atherosclerotic changes;
    3. Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
    4. Pathology of the urinary organs;
    5. Decreased production of thyroid hormones;
    6. Diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, diabetes);
    7. Overweight.

    A physiological increase in cholesterol is possible during pregnancy.

    Reducing total cholesterol and its fractions is possible with:

    • malignant tumors;
    • Pulmonary pathology;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • Infectious diseases, sepsis;
    • burn disease;
    • Starvation.

    High-density lipoproteins usually decrease with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, diabetes, and stomach ulcers.

    The nature of the food consumed has a great influence on the indicators of fat metabolism. Even if there is no atherosclerosis yet, changes in the lipid spectrum already create a risk of heart and vascular diseases. Abuse of quickly digestible carbohydrates, animal fats, fatty and fried foods, alcohol creates an excessive load of cholesterol, which the body is not able to metabolize. Over time, increasing concentrations of its derivatives are deposited in the vascular endothelium.

    If the doctor noticed elevated cholesterol in a biochemical blood test, then he will send for a lipid spectrum study to exclude metabolic disorders. Patients with normal cholesterol levels still need such a detailed analysis if they are exposed to risk factors. Persons who have an unfavorable heredity for dyslipidemia are examined regularly, at least once a year, regardless of age.

    The price for the study of the lipid spectrum depends on the level of the clinic and the locality, varying between 500 and 1500 rubles. The analysis is quite common, so there is usually no difficulty in finding a clinic or laboratory where it can be performed.

    If you are concerned about your health, then it is important to know what a lipid profile is. Under this concept, a series of blood tests is hidden, with the help of which deviations in the balance of body fats are found. If abnormalities are found during the lipid metabolism check, then atherosclerosis is likely.

    Patients with suspicions of a certain list of ailments need a biochemical blood test. These diseases include:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • IHD - ischemic heart disease;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • vascular diseases of the brain.
    Lipids: characteristic

    The analysis of the lipid composition of the blood is of the greatest importance in the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. The survey is aimed at an objective assessment of disorders that occur in lipid metabolism. Deviations from the lipid profile, which revealed a biochemical test, indicate the likelihood of developing the disease. At the same time, they are directed to the vessels, heart and brain. The list of potentially diseased organs includes:

    • gallbladder;
    • liver;
    • thyroid gland.

    To ensure their functioning, it is required to donate blood and conduct a lipid profile analysis.

    What indicator is included in the concept of lipid profile:

    1. Cholesterol. It is considered one of the main fatty substances in the body. A certain percentage of cholesterol comes from food, but the lion's share is produced in the liver. Its amount is considered an important indicator in lipid metabolism. The content in the blood in large quantities indicates the likelihood of atherosclerosis. Normally, the amount is 3.2-5.6 mmol / l.
    2. LDL. Low density lipoproteins are one of the most harmful components of the fat balance. The danger is that LDL is highly likely to form atherosclerotic deposits in the vessels. These deposits are called plaques. Normal values ​​for LDL are from 1.71 to 3.5 mmol / l.
    3. HDL. The results of biochemical studies confirmed that high-density lipoproteins are safe for lipid health. Therefore, it is believed that they play a positive role - they do not allow plaques to be synthesized and attached to the walls of blood vessels. For the norm, it is necessary to maintain a value of more than 0.9 mmol / l.
    4. VLDL are very low density lipoproteins. They are synthesized while taking drugs aimed at reducing the amount of HDL in the body. They are considered dangerous lipids.
    5. Triglycerides. Specific fatty compounds called neutral fats. They are among the sources of energy. If triglycerides enter the blood in excess, this will lead to the development of atherosclerosis. It is worth monitoring them so that the test results do not exceed the norm of 0.41-1.8 mmol / l.

    Do not forget about KA - the coefficient (index) of atherogenicity. The KA norm is below 3.5. This number indicates the ratio of atherogenic lipids to the harmless fat fraction.


    One of the lipids is cholesterol. Represents a fat-like substance that is required for the synthesis of hormones. The substance is used as a building material for cell membranes and nerve fibers.

    So that it can safely move in the blood of women and men, the body covers cholesterol cells with proteins. This is how elements called lipoproteins are formed. 85-90% of cholesterol molecules are produced in the liver. The rest comes into the body with food.

    The level of total cholesterol in the blood does not mean anything, because it consists of two components - good and bad substances. The first is to understand low-density lipoproteins. Good cholesterol is HDL, or high-density lipoprotein. Ideally, you should strive to ensure that the indicators of the second are as high as possible, and the number of LDL is smaller.

    To determine the risk of a heart attack, you will need to do calculations. In this case, good cholesterol acts as a divider. The lower the number, the less cause for concern.

    To find out the amount of bad and good substances in the blood, you will need to analyze lipid cells. One of the best solutions is to donate blood from a vein.

    Triglycerides: the importance of studying in lipid profile analysis

    What does high triglycerides mean? This indicates serious violations in the body. This lipid works as a thickener, due to which it contributes to the formation of blood clots, which impede blood flow. This indicates the risk of a heart attack. Speaking statistically, ¾ of patients with a heart attack (among women) had an elevated triglyceride content in the blood. If they had analyzed the lipid profile in time, they would have avoided such tragic consequences.

    Note! As the concentration of triglyceride increases, the risk of breast cancer increases. Recent evidence has shown that lifestyle changes should be made when pre-meal triglyceride levels are 180 mg/dl.

    This type of lipid adversely affects health in combination with low levels of “good” cholesterol in the blood. Many years of experience in Germany made it possible to find out that 4% of people can acquire such a combination, but the proportion of heart attacks in such patients was 25% of all cases.

    What to do when the tests say that there are problems with the blood flow? In advanced situations, one lipid profile and diet is unlikely to be limited. You will have to resort to medical treatment. But it works best when combined with a diet. If you take medication, but do not adhere to proper nutrition, therapy may not bring the desired results.

    But do not panic in advance. In any case, the doctor will prescribe a diet. If you stick to it, then even difficult situations will not lead to sad consequences.

    Preparation for lipid analysis and conduct

    A lipid (fat) profile is an important blood test, and therefore it is worth preparing for it thoroughly. To do this, it is enough to follow three rules:

    • we exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages 2 weeks before the analysis;
    • the last cigarette before the examination an hour (preferably more);
    • It is impossible to consume food in the morning - blood is taken on an empty stomach.

    Otherwise, carry on as usual. Some doctors for reinsurance exclude intense emotional and physical stress, coffee and tea. It is advised to undergo a lipid blood test every 5 years, starting at the age of 20 years. If you neglect the rules, that is, there is a risk of losing time and money - the result of a biochemical analysis will be far from the truth.

    You can conduct an examination in any clinic where there is a laboratory. The analysis is carried out in a short time - the determination of the indicators included in the survey will take no more than an hour. And the very collection of blood from a vein will take a few minutes. The procedure is carried out by a chemical or enzymatic method. The latter is less accurate, but differs in speed. As a result of the test, you can find out the quantitative indicators of all lipids that are contained in venous blood. The form you receive shows the current levels and an indicative value to aim for.

    How to read the results

    Do not panic if you have found high levels of total cholesterol. First of all, you should assess your age. The older the person, the higher the amount of this substance in the body - this is how nature intended. Along with this, the highest limit for this lipid is also growing. In addition, lipid metabolism is affected not by the total supply of cholesterol, but by quantitative. It is worth checking it, otherwise there is a risk of ringing the bells in vain, losing precious time and nerves. When evaluating a quantitative indicator, pay attention to LDL. If the content is less than the lower limit of the range, then there are failures in the circulatory system that transports fats.

    Note! Only a blood test for a lipid profile will provide an opportunity to examine in detail all these substances in the body, to assess their impact on health.

    In the fat balance, LDL plays a much larger role if its content is above 3.37 mmol / l. The higher the final number, the greater the risk of “picking up” atherosclerosis. Exactly the same conclusion can be drawn with an LDL / HDL ratio of more than 3/1. If the number exceeds 4.14, then it is better not to postpone a visit to a cardiologist. In this case, the risk of ischemia is high. Therefore, there is a need to control the amount of fat in the blood.

    Why is the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol

    The norm is achieved either by optimizing nutrition, or with the help of medications. There is always a risk of receiving an ailment as a gift as an inheritance, but you can get rid of this. The main thing is to conduct analyzes in time, to achieve a competent decoding. Then you can find out which indicators to correct with the help of diet or therapy.

    Why is a personal lipid profile so important?

    A blood test, called a lipid profile, must be carried out even when you are completely healthy. What is its need? .

    Everyone is used to going to the doctor when something already hurts. Both women and men are afraid to visit therapists - that's the way it is. But when a certain time has already been treated, we periodically check ourselves: is there a relapse, is there an exacerbation. Exactly the same picture with interest in the lipid profile. The interest of many people in biochemical analyzes wakes up after a heart attack, the detection of atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease.

    But it was necessary to go to the doctor 15-20 years ago, when it was possible to quickly correct the state of affairs, without waiting for the climax of life. The vessels that feed the heart do not clog in one second. The process takes years. Ultimately, the blood flow through them weakens so much that the "pump", experiencing a deficit, begins to act up. All this speaks of how necessary biochemical research is.

    Conducting a laboratory examination

    In order to prevent such a turn of events, it is recommended to conduct a detailed examination, a blood test for lipids. Only then the doctor will draw conclusions, make a diagnosis or confirm good health.

    Important! Do not forget that you should not consider the content of each fat separately. It's worth seeing the big picture. All lipids individually can only tell about themselves. But a comprehensive decoding will allow you to assess health.

    Blood flow screening will exclude diseases in an adult and in a fetus if a pregnant woman was examined.



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