Systemic vasculitis mcb 10. Systemic vasculitis mcb

Sometimes parents complain that their children are naughty a lot, suffer from lack of appetite, do not want to go to Kindergarten do not do well in school, and do not see that some of these problems are explained wrong mode day or lack thereof. If the child does not get enough sleep, is not used to eating in certain time, then this leads to a weakening of his health, nervous system, and rapid fatigue. It is necessary to accustom the child to the optimal mode of sleep and wakefulness from a very early age.

Some moms don't recognize the need to make a daily routine one year old baby, believing that both the time of sleep and the time of feeding should be at the request of the child. But the fact that you do not create an individual daily routine for your one-year-old baby does not mean that it does not exist. It's just that in this case, the time of sleep and wakefulness, feeding and play for the baby are added arbitrarily and if they do not coincide with what is convenient for parents, then they lead to the fact that everyone suffers. A sleep-deprived child is capricious and falls asleep badly from overwork; parents who do not get enough sleep also lose strength and health.

Therefore, each family should draw up a child’s daily routine in accordance with his physiological characteristics and his lifestyle, Dr. Komarovsky convinces. The wake-up time is desirable to be common to everyone in the house. The main meals should also take place at approximately the same time for all family members, and the additional ones necessary for the crumbs should be at a time convenient for mom and baby. The time of eating will depend on the time daytime sleep crumbs.

If you stick to the same hour for morning awakening, evening bedtime and feeding throughout the day, choosing a routine that is convenient for the whole family, then the baby will easily get used to the regimen, which will strengthen his health and make life easier for parents. But in order for the baby to get used to the observance of sleep and wakefulness, nutrition and hygiene, it is necessary that the mother adhere to the same routine both on weekends and on weekdays.

An approximate daily routine for a baby per year and month is recommended as follows:

Daily routine for children from 1 year to 1.5 years:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

wakefulness: 7-10, 12-15.30, 16.30-20.30

Dream: first 10-12, second 15.30-16.30, night sleep 20.30-7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

Daily regime. Child 1 year 2 months

Menu for a child at 1 year old

The first birthday of a baby, which is celebrated with joy by relatives, does not mean that immediately after the baby has become one year old, his sleep and nutrition immediately change dramatically. A child has five meals a year, in which he receives from 1000 to 1200 grams of food. The food should be grated, but already include small pieces to teach the baby to chew food. Food should still only be boiled, baked or stewed, nothing fried or smoked.

The basis of nutrition is still milk and dairy products. If the baby remains on, then from the year you can gradually replace it with regular baby food. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then the preparation of the menu must be approached even more carefully, since only from it does he get everything essential trace elements, vitamins, etc. At the same time, it is easier for a formula-fed baby to “overfeed”, which also requires a more careful menu preparation from the mother.

For the growth and development of a child, first of all, protein is needed, therefore meat and fish must be included in the baby’s menu every year. Since the protein is digested for a long time, the recommendations say that meat or fish meals give the kids no later than lunch.

  • Lean types are chosen from meat - veal, beef, chicken. It must be carefully cooked - boiled or stewed for a long time. Served as a puree or pate. Cutlets and meatballs are suggested by nutritionists to give babies less often.
  • They give fish lean varieties, such as pollock, cod, etc. at least one hundred grams per week.

The second mandatory item on the child's menu after a year is cereal. The leaders in health benefits among them are oatmeal and buckwheat, but you should not refuse rice, semolina, barley either. Porridge for crumbs is cooked in milk and is usually given for breakfast, adding a little butter (12 gm daily rate).

Speaking of oil: a child should receive no more than 1 teaspoon per day vegetable oil. It must be included in the diet of crumbs, as it contains the necessary for development useful material. It can be added to a salad or minimally used in cooking.

Be sure to include vegetables and fruits in the baby's menu. In a year it is usually mashed potatoes, but you can already gradually accustom yourself to salads - finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater of carrots, boiled potatoes and beets, pumpkins or apples. Vegetable salads are preferably made from no more than two components; a little more components can be included in fruit salads.

After the first birthday, it's time to teach kids to the first courses: soups and broths. Meat broths for children at this age should be light, not greasy. To do this, they are prepared as follows: the meat is cooked for 10-15 minutes, after which the broth is drained, and soup is prepared from it for children, and the meat is cooked further

Children are very fond of sweets and you can offer sweet fruits, cookies, marmalade or marshmallow as a dessert. In limited quantities and safe sweets will delight the baby.

Physical development

After a year, the baby becomes more and more active, he quickly builds up his motor skills. He walks more and more confidently, can pick up objects of interest to him from the floor, squat down and stand up on his own, step over obstacles and start running. To help him consolidate his successes and master new opportunities, it's time to accustom the child to morning exercises, which are given no more than 10 minutes. Exercises are carried out in a playful way and only if the baby wants it.


In a year, there is a smooth transition in sleep and wakefulness to a more active pastime than in infants under one year old. At this age, the baby should sleep 14 - 16 hours a day, of which three to four hours are allotted for daytime sleep. Dr. Komarovsky calls a slightly lower figure of 13.5 hours, but this is all within the framework of individual differences. Even for one child, the need for sleep can change from day to day.

Therefore, the regime should not be a dogma. It is quite acceptable to compensate for more than one day of daytime sleep deprivation. early bedtime for the night and the other due bad sleep let you sleep more during the day at night. But this should still be rather an exception, one should strive to sleep at the same time. In a year when the activity of the child is growing, it is especially important to teach him to sleep and wake up convenient for the family.

In a year, the child sleeps twice a day, one of which is longer. But after a year there is a gradual transition to a single sleep. Do not rush to cancel one of the laying, you just need to watch the baby. The second daytime sleep will depend on the needs of the child: if he is tired or has not slept, then he will fall asleep on his own, and if he is active, then you should not insist, but it is better to put him to sleep earlier in the evening, already at night.

Continue to maintain your evening bedtime ritual. This soothes the baby and helps him fall asleep easily. At one year old, it is already worth accustoming a child to fall asleep without a mother - without breastfeeding and motion sickness.

baby sleep rules children's sleep, baby sleep

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.1 to 2 years

After a year, every month the baby’s motor activity increases during the day, and night sleep becomes stronger. But in the first 6 months, the child still quickly gets tired, periods of hyperactive behavior are replaced by lethargy, and he still needs to rest twice a day. Even if the baby does not fall asleep for the second time, it is necessary that he lie quietly for a while, otherwise the baby may overwork.

By the age of one and six months, the child improves his physical and intellectual abilities, and therefore his skills and abilities expand. He already runs, uses a spoon, can hold a cup, knows the words "can" and "impossible", etc. grown up physical forces and the strengthening of the nervous system allows him to move on to a single daytime sleep. Recommend approximately next mode day.

Daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Bathing: 18.30.

The daily routine of a child from 2 to 3 years

After two years, a child is already actively mastering speech, speaks in sentences and actively expands his vocabulary. Compared to a one-year-old baby, he controls his body well, can eat neatly, put on and take off his T-shirt and panties himself. During the day, the child asks for a potty, at night it is not yet given to him. Feeding should be four times a day, daytime sleep once.

A child in the period from two to three years can already restrain his desires for a short time and do something. But he is still hyperactive, cannot engage in monotonous activities for a long time and is easily aroused. The baby can do one thing for no more than half an hour, so long periods of wakefulness should be filled with alternating activities.

Daily routine for children from 2 to 3 years old:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (in winter) and before dinner (in summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.

Children after a year are very fond of swimming, but you can already wash it two to three times a week. If there is a need and desire, then it is possible more often, but in this case, the skin must be lubricated with baby cream or oil. After a year, it is time to regularly care for your teeth. While this is, of course, the concern of the parents, as well as teaching him to wash himself and wash his hands.

After a year, the child gradually begins to learn how to use a spoon,.

Walks in the open air

Regardless of the weather, after a year, children must definitely walk on the street both on weekdays and on weekends. Even in frost, the baby should be in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes a day, and in good weather - the longer the better.

Experts believe that if the weather and the possibilities of parents allow, then you need to walk twice a day from one and a half to two hours. Now, when the child is already walking not only in the stroller, but walking with his own feet, the walk gives the child and motor activity and knowledge of the world. Prolonged exposure to fresh air contributes to good appetite and sound sleep child.

The Child and the Regime – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Reading time: 7 minutes

The schedule of a one-year-old baby is different from the daily routine of a newborn baby. This fact is due to the intensive formation of the child. Daily schedule optimal mode day of the child in 1 year, as before, combines good nutrition, hygiene procedures, street walks, exercises. However, the intervals between feedings, the volume of servings, and the diet are changing. Some hygiene measures water procedures ah, you can already trust a one-year-old toddler, and with daily walks, the baby is more and more awake.

How to organize the daily routine of a one-year-old child

In order to properly organize the daily routine of children, it is better to teach them to live according to a schedule from the first months. If from the birth of a baby he becomes a habit of observing the regimen, then upon reaching the age of one year, he will not have to radically rebuild. The approximate schedule that parents of a twelve-month-old baby should adhere to consists of two meals a day, four meals a day with one afternoon snack, several walks in clean air, and also morning exercises, developing active games and evening swimming.

What to do if your baby is an owl

Upon reaching one year, it already becomes clear what type of cyclical rhythm of life a particular child belongs to. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the regimen of a child at 1 year old, taking into account individual biorhythms. The baby who has biological rhythms"owls", can be identified by difficulty falling asleep and late morning awakening around 9 o'clock. No need to try to rearrange life cycle of his child, biorhythms are determined by heredity.

Correct for an hour or two the time of falling asleep and waking up in a small "owl" is real. In order for the baby to fall asleep well in the evening, he must spend the day actively and preferably as much as possible in the fresh air. Toward evening, it is only allowed to occupy a peanut calm games. Perfectly soothes, relaxes and prepares for sleep a bath, especially with lavender, mint, lemon balm, and if after bathing a baby is massaged, then healthy sleep secured.

The daily routine of a little "lark"

The standard day regimen of a 1-year-old child with "lark" biorhythms does not require correction. Such biological type An "early bird" for households often serves as an alarm clock. If you try to teach a child who is predisposed to early awakening to go to bed a little later, he will wake up anyway at his usual time. In this case, the behavior of the little one will be nervous all day, they become lethargic and capricious. There is only one way out for adults - to organize the morning leisure of their child, providing him with access to his favorite toys or activities after waking up.

The diet of a child at 1 year old

Closer to the age of one, the night break between feedings lasts from dinner to the first breakfast. The baby is trying to eat on its own. This process does not need to be hindered, because thanks to such amateur activity, the child develops useful skills, and do not have to feed the child against his will. The process of eating takes place in an exciting cognitive-game form. If a one year old baby poor appetite, fruits before the main meal, walks in the fresh air and outdoor games will help to improve it.

The well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky recommends "cooperating" with his baby when compiling his menu. The number of feedings should be four basic reception food and one light snack after lunch to get hungry in time for dinner. The volume of the main portions eaten by a child for breakfast, lunch, dinner varies from 300 to 450 g and about 200 g for an afternoon snack. The interval between feedings is no more than 3-4 hours.


During the period of intensive growth of a one-year-old baby, it is very important to adhere to correct mode day. In children at this age, not only all organs are rapidly developing, but every month new abilities appear. Adherence to the daily schedule will allow all biological, psychological and physiological processes happen correctly.

morning exercises

Full Mode right day a child of 1 year is impossible without charging. Due to excessive activity during the day, many mothers believe that morning exercises are not needed yet. This is not so, because charging contributes to the rapid and complete activation of all vital important functions child's body. Exercises should be directed to all muscle groups and sections of the spine, including jumps, squats and bends.

Learning to wash

It is necessary to start teaching the baby to wash himself from the moment when he knows how to stand firmly on his feet. You need to start with simple steps: wet your hands under running water, collect it in your palms, rinse your face and rinse your eyes. Then you need to teach the little one to brush his teeth, first just with a brush soaked in water. The child must master the actions with a toothbrush, and only then the use of paste is allowed.


They walk with one-year-old children twice a day in good weather; on frosty days, you can reduce the number and duration of being outdoors. The duration of walks during the day is about 4-5 hours with pauses for sleeping and feeding the child. one year old baby on the street is already showing more activity, prefers to walk and run than to sit in a wheelchair.

Developing classes

On the age stage one year, the development of the child is aimed both at the knowledge of surrounding objects, and at the formation of correct speech skills, intellectual and creativity, fine sensory and motor skills. Developing activities must take place in the form of a game. They should not tire the baby, optimal duration is from 7 to 15 minutes in one approach according to the mood of the baby.

Hygiene before bed

It is necessary to accustom the child to water procedures in the very early age. A one-year-old peanut may already be in the bath on its own under the supervision of adults. It is especially useful to carry out hygienic sessions before going to bed. It is advisable to start bathing after the baby goes to the potty. The well-being of the child, after he luxuriates in warm water, is improving. It calms and relaxes, which promotes deep sleep.

Sleep of a child per year

The sleep schedule of a one-year-old baby begins to undergo age-related changes. The duration of sleep during the day is gradually reduced, the time intervals increase. More and more peanuts get by at night, and it becomes more and more difficult to put them to sleep during the day. So that the little one can fall asleep in daytime, often one of the parents has to lull him lying next to him while the baby falls asleep. To observe the daily routine, if the child sleeps for a long time, you need to wake the baby.

How much sleep should a baby sleep per day

The total daily sleep duration of a one-year-old baby is 14.5-16.5 hours. Of this amount of time, about 4-5 hours fall on daytime rest in the first and second phases of the day. However, the body of every child has individual characteristics, therefore, periods of wakefulness, and besides, the cycles of daytime and nighttime sleep may differ slightly even in children with similar biorhythms.

Daytime sleep of a child at 1 year old

The correct daily routine of a child at 1 year old should be organized taking into account the amount and duration of waste for sleeping in the afternoon. A two-time rest is considered the norm, but it often happens that a child sleeps only once. It is unlikely that a one-year-old baby will be able to be retrained, so it is better to adjust the entire schedule to the individual needs of your crumbs. To do this, you can increase the walking time by adjusting the additional hours of feeding.

The daily routine of a one-year-old child by the hour

In families where there are already children, parents are familiar with a certain routine throughout the day. It will be useful for young parents expecting their first child to study the approximate schedule of daily activity of babies with distinctive cyclical features of the life of the body. Table daily regime for one-year-old babies with the “larks” biorhythm, it reflects the daily routine of a child at 1 year old with an early rise:

Schedule elements Time
Climb 6-7 hours
Water procedures 6:00-6:15 or 7:00-7:15
morning exercises 6:15-6:30 or 7:15-7:30
1st meal (breakfast) 7:35―8:00
Active games, walk in the fresh air 8:05―10:00
2nd meal (second breakfast) 10:05―10:30
Relaxation 10:35―11:30
Dinner 11:35―12:00
Walk 12:05―15:30
Afternoon snack 15:35―16:00
Evening walk 16:05―19:00
Dinner 19:05―19:30
Night rest From 19:35 to approximately 6:30

Table of the daily schedule for a one-year-old child with an "owl" biorhythm. The correct day regimen for a child at 1 year old with a late rise.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about the features of compiling a daily regimen for children at 1 year and 2 months.


Every day your baby should be carefully planned. This will not only make your life easier today, but will also help your child in the future. For example, setting the right hours for eating, sleeping, resting and walking can have a positive effect on the fact that when the baby comes to kindergarten, it will be easier for him to adapt to the regime in it. Some mothers, think about it in advance, find out what the daily routine is in preschool institutions. Based on these indications, they make up a daily routine for their child.

Table with possible mode


Daily regime

8 am to 9 am The baby wakes up. Mom washes him, offers to brush his teeth. It is good to do morning exercises at this time.
9 am to 9:30 am The child is having breakfast.
9:30 am to 10:30 am The baby may take a nap.
10:30 am to 11 pm The child may have a snack. Although some children have already given up this meal.
From 11 noon to 12 noon Dedicate time mental development baby.
From 12 pm to 1:30 pm You can go outside.
From 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. The baby has a hearty lunch.
From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The child can go to sleep.
4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Offer your child a snack.
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Take your child for a walk.
6 pm to 7 pm Dedicate time to physical and intellectual exercise crumbs.
7 pm to 8 pm Carry out water procedures, massage the little one. A little gymnastics is possible.
8 pm to 8:30 pm Get your child ready for bed.
8:30 pm to 8 am The baby is sleeping.


Children have five meals a day, but more often four meals a day.

The intervals between the baby sitting down to eat are approximately 4 hours.

Since most children already have several teeth in a year and two months, it would be logical to drive solid food. Don't worry that your baby won't be able to handle it.

Try to refrain from eating sweets.

An approximate menu for a baby at this age:

  1. First meal. It is possible to give porridge, but do not grind it to a homogeneous state. For an appetizer, vegetables or half an egg are served. You can drink, for example, tea.
  2. For the second meal, it is advisable to give the baby soup (vegetable or meat). For the second vegetable salad. Recording everything the kid can compote.
  3. For the third meal, you can give your child cottage cheese with fruit. Have a few cookies for a snack. Wash it all down with juice.
  4. The fourth feeding should be light so that it does not interfere with the child's normal and full sleep. You can offer your baby fruit puree or just pieces of chopped fruit.

Time to sleep

The baby continues to sleep for a day until 13 hours. At this age, two naps can still be maintained. At the same time, more time is spent in the morning. Although, if the baby is on time daytime walks gets very tired, then the evening sleep will last longer.

Games with a child at 1 year and 2 months

It is important that all kinds of toys are present in the development of the child. Today, manufacturers offer us a wide range of such products. Do not forget to play with your child not only toys, but also games, such as what is hidden in a saucepan, loto, hide and seek.

I am from the very early childhood staged performances for her son using toys that can be put on hands. Such a puppet theater. When the child was one year and two months old, the son began to show the performance on his own. Of course, he still couldn't speak. However, this did not stop him from babbling in his own way. Therefore, such performances were very funny.


As before, they occupy most of the child's day. Mom should understand how useful it is to go outside the apartment. The baby can not only breathe fresh air, but also take sunbathing. And what is important, the child communicates with his peers, while acquiring social skills. It should be understood that in the sandbox the kid will meet not only his peers, there will also be older children. And this will have a positive effect on the development speech apparatus your crumbs.

Bathing and hygiene

  1. The reception of water procedures is no longer a daily event. Now the baby can bathe 3 times a week. Although it is recommended on the days when he does not take a bath, at least take a shower. This is especially true during the hot season.
  2. The child should already know that after he wakes up, you need to brush your teeth and wash your face.
  3. A baby in a year and two months is already sitting on the potty on his own. Mom can gradually accustom him to the fact that after the defecation process you need to wipe the ass.
  4. It is also important to clean the nose and ears of the crumbs, but you should not do this more than 3 times a week, but preferably two.
  5. It is important to teach the baby to comb himself, wash his hands before and after eating, and also wash his face.

Physical exercises

In a year and two months everything is the same great importance have physical activity. Therefore, it is worth trying to do such exercises in morning time. But do not be discouraged if your baby is categorically against these actions. At this age, children are already quite active and mobile. Therefore, the baby will receive a certain physical activity during their games. But still important is the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is still worth it, at least from time to time, to do gymnastic exercises with the baby.

So we got acquainted with what should be the regimen of a child at the age of one year and two months. Parents should understand that the timely schedule of the day, as well as the timely instillation of these rules in the baby, contribute to normal development crumbs. It is the presence of a routine in the life of a child that will not only teach him discipline in adulthood, but will also help him adapt more easily in kindergarten.

The first year of a baby's life brings a lot of joyful moments and discoveries to both the baby and his parents. The baby grows and matures every day, at twelve months he already faintly resembles that small bundle that recently arrived from the hospital in his mother's arms.

Every baby is different, and achievements by the thirteenth month of life can also be different. Some children already walk confidently a year, others are just taking their first steps. The same can be said about the nervous system of babies: in some it is still weak, in others it is so strong that it allows you to stay awake for a long time. good mood, only once interrupted for daytime sleep.

The daily routine for children from a year old should be set taking into account the characteristics of the baby

Advice to parents: do not adjust the baby's daily routine to your own rhythm of life. The child's body itself will tell him and you when it is necessary to put aside other things and go to bed.

If the baby is naughty, rubs his eyes with his hands, yawns, he needs to sleep, despite the fact that it is so difficult to break away from his favorite toys.

The day of a one-year-old baby includes the following activities:

  • gymnastics;
  • feeding;
  • walks;
  • educational activities and games;
  • bathing (not necessarily daily);

morning exercises

Physical development will be complete with daily morning exercises. It may include exercises such as squats, jumping, crawling through the "obstacle course", swinging the legs and arms.

Children are happy to repeat the exercises

It will be interesting for the baby to perform exercises together with his mother to the music or suitable rhymes.


The diet of the baby consists of cereals, light broths, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat and fish dishes, chicken or quail eggs. The child is gradually moving to a common table and mom no longer needs to cook food

Diet at 1 year old - example

A child under the age of 1 year should not eat:

  • salty, fried, fatty and spicy foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • desserts from the store.

During the day, the child eats an average of 1100 grams of food.


Being in the apartment most of the day, the child needs daily walks. Fresh air promotes good mood and sleep. In good weather, it is advisable to walk with the child twice for 1.5 - 2 hours.

A winter walk is also a must. like summer

Advice to parents: during a walk, talk with the baby, tell him about what is happening around. He already understands everything, although he cannot express his thoughts in words. Regular conversations contribute to a more active development of speech.

Poems for walks in the spring - for children from a year
Poems for walking in the summer - for children from a year
Poems for walks in the fall - for children from a year
Poems for walking in winter - for children from a year

The baby is already old enough to start communicating or at least watching other children, so you can go with him to the playground.

If the baby likes to sleep in the air, you should not interfere with this, daytime sleep can be combined with one of the walks.

Development during games

The child is awake most of the time. He becomes curious and eager to familiarize himself with all household utensils, electrical appliances and the contents of the lower shelves of cabinets.

Advice to parents: give your child freedom, but always keep the situation under control.

Game at 1 year old - important way development

Let's explore pots with lids, plastic utensils, non-sharp cutlery while you prepare dinner. Let him take out the contents of the closet with clothes, but help return everything to its place. Do not stop the curiosity of the baby, even in such everyday moments.

The development of a small discoverer occurs during the game. The most suitable toys for a 1 year old baby will be:

  • pyramids;
  • cubes;
  • sorters (toys with holes where you need to insert figures of the appropriate shape);
  • clockwork toys;
  • wheelchairs;
  • musical instruments.

It is worth focusing on the needs of the little man, it will not be difficult for an attentive parent to determine what types of toys their baby is more drawn to.

Do not forget that during the game the child repeats the actions of an adult, so you can “feed” your favorite toy together, put it to bed and take it with you for a walk, dressed according to the weather.

In addition to games, you can do joint drawing with finger paints for kids, reading books with interesting pictures or modeling from children's plasticine.

If possible, buy a sports corner for your child.


From birth, the baby needs water procedures. In a year, they can no longer be carried out daily, but twice a week it is necessary to bathe the child using children's products. The water temperature should be about 35 degrees, before the end of the bath it is useful to pour water even one degree colder.

Fun bathing is a real pleasure

So that the restless baby does not interfere with his mother to carry out hygiene procedures on him, you can take him with rubber toys designed for playing in the bathroom.


An important role in the daily schedule of any person, and especially so young, is played by a good sleep.

It depends on whether the baby has slept enough, how active and cheerful he will be during wakefulness.

In order for the baby to fall asleep quickly and sweetly, it is necessary to change outdoor games to more calm activities about an hour before bedtime, for example, read a book, slowly collect all the toys. Bathing with the use of soothing herbs is possible.

A baby's sleep per year should be at least 12 hours a day

By the age of the baby, it is important to teach him to fall asleep without the use of motion sickness in his arms or in the crib, as well as feeding or nipples. So he will fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.

The total amount of sleep per day is now about 13 hours.

How the day of the crumbs is built directly depends on the number of daytime dreams, as a rule, sleep is required 1-2 times a year. Let's present approximate options for the daily routine of a child at the age of 1 year in the form of a table.

Kind of activity

Start time a certain kind activities
Sleep 2 times Sleep 1 time
Waking up, morning hygiene procedures, gymnastics 6.30 7.30
Breakfast (porridge, tea) 7.30 8.00
Wakefulness accompanied by active games 8.00 8.30
Light snack (such as fruit puree) At any convenient moment
Walk, possibly combined with sleep - 10.00
Dream 10.30 -
Lunch (soup, mashed vegetables and steamed meat/fish) 12.30 12.00
Walk 13.00 -
Wakefulness with moderate exercise 14.30 12.30
Dream 15.30 13.30
Afternoon snack (cottage cheese, fruit juice or compote) 16.30 16.30
Walk 17.00 17.00
Games/activities with parents 18.30 18.00
Dinner ( boiled egg, vegetable puree, juice or compote) 20.00 19.00
Taking a warm bath 20.30 19.30
Wakeful activities involving quiet activities, such as reading books 21.00 20.00
Dream 21.30 20.30

A similar daily routine will continue until the baby is 1.5 and even, possibly, 3 years old.

Video: How to organize a day regimen for a child over 1 year old

The first birthday of a child is very important date both the day of himself and his parents. The baby grows, his needs change, respectively, the child’s regimen per year should be planned so that he eats, sleeps and rests on time. Today we will tell you what is included in the regimen of a one-year-old baby and how to plan a day taking into account his needs at this age.

Approximate daily routine of a child (1 year old)

Below is exemplary mode days one year old baby by the hour:

  • 6.00-6.30 - getting up, breastfeeding or formula milk;
  • 6.30-10.00 - morning procedures: brushing teeth, washing, air baths, morning exercises;
  • 10–10.30 – breakfast, porridge is recommended butter;
  • 10.30–12.00 - sleep;
  • 12.00–14.00 - walk;
  • 14.00–14.30 – lunch;
  • 14.30-15.30 - time for creativity - reading, drawing or modeling;
  • 15.30–17.00 - second dream;
  • 17.00-18.00 - physical education and outdoor games for the child;
  • 18.00–18.30 – dense high-calorie dinner;
  • 18.30–20.30 – second walk;
  • 20.30–22.00 - educational games that help develop fine motor skills, swimming;
  • 22.00–22.30 – light snack;
  • 22.30-6.00 - night sleep.

Sleep of a 1 year old

The day regimen of a child at 1 year old should have a sequence similar to that before, if the child still sleeps twice during the day. However, some one-year-old babies already have a fairly strong nervous system, respectively, the schedule should be built so that there is only one dream.

The daily routine of a one-year-old baby should be built taking into account two options for daytime sleep:

One or another sleep regimen for a one-year-old baby is chosen by his parents depending on his behavior. Most often, he is ready to move to one daytime sleep when the following phenomena appear:

  • even if the time comes for the first sleep, the one-year-old baby remains energetic and alert, does not show signs of drowsiness and is ready to play;
  • when you try to put him to bed, he starts to act up and cry;
  • the laying process is so delayed that because of this, all regime moments are greatly shifted.

If such behavior of the child is observed frequently, then the usual daily routine will gradually change, he is given one long sleep per day. It is categorically impossible to change the routine forcibly and abruptly.

Feeding schedule for 1 year old baby

The diet of the baby is directly related to the amount of daytime sleep.. So, if he sleeps twice, then you need to feed five times a day. Breast milk, if mom still has it, suitable for morning feeding after waking up and before bed at night. With artificial feeding, in the same order, the baby is fed with a mixture.

The second breakfast, lunch and dinner consists of products from the common table. The diet should include the following:

  • cereals;
  • stewed and boiled vegetables;
  • soups;
  • fish and meat.

It is no longer necessary to wipe additional food. Fish and meat can be cooked in the form of meatballs or cutlets, and they can also be cut into pieces whole to form correct bite and developed a chewing reflex.

There is a list of products that at this age are also contraindicated:

  • fried, spicy and spicy;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • confectionery;
  • canned food.

Factory sweets and cakes are better to replace fresh fruit or berries.

If the child sleeps once for a long time, then the number of meals should be four. At the same time, it is not necessary to increase the volume of the offered portions. At one meal, the baby should eat a maximum of 250 ml by volume.

In this feeding mode, the baby does not have breakfast immediately after waking up, but after he performs morning hygiene procedures and gymnastics. That is, at least at 8.30, and after four hours it is time for lunch. It should consist of the following:

Fish should be given twice a week, and beef liver twice a month.

Daytime sleep continues until about 16.30, after waking up the child is offered an afternoon snack which may include:

  • casserole, cheesecakes or cottage cheese;
  • fruit puree;

The optimal time for dinner is around 19:00. At this time one year old baby you can offer vegetable puree or milk porridge, sometimes a boiled egg or a steam omelet is allowed. You can drink compote, juice or weak tea.

Physical activity at 12 months

At this age, the baby needs to strengthen and build muscle mass. Gymnastics in the morning and physical complexes are shown. They may include the following:

  • hanging on a horizontal bar or rings;
  • walking on a flat or bumpy, straight or sloping surface;
  • squats;
  • slopes;
  • crawling;
  • ball games;
  • crawling through obstacles or a hoop;
  • exercises that strengthen the abdominal press;
  • circular movements of the limbs;
  • strengthening skills to safely get off a bed or chair.

Classes with a child should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, the window should be open, but so that there are no drafts. To make them happy, you can turn on fun music.

Also, at this age, it is no longer necessary to do a general strengthening massage for the baby, because thanks to active movement muscles develop without external effort, except when there is a medical prescription. It is very useful to walk long distance unhurried step, you can also try to give the baby to special development centers, where he will perform certain active actions along with other children.

Hygiene Features

At the age of one, most children already know that every morning and evening you need to wash your face and brush your teeth, and wash your hands before eating. These skills must be formed and eventually develop into a habit..

There is no need to bathe the baby every day, but if you still do it daily, then after water procedures do not forget to lubricate the baby's skin with cream or special oil. Mineral-based salts and salts can be added to the baby bath. medicinal herbs that have a moisturizing effect.

If the child is hardened, then the water temperature during bathing can be up to 29 degrees, you can practice dousing, if not, then the temperature should be from 34 degrees and above.

Educational games per year

In a year, a child already has a lot of educational toys that allow him to better know the world. Among the recommended:

  • dice sets made of plastic or wood, or of soft materials;
  • nesting dolls;
  • pyramids different forms;
  • musical toy instruments, such as a drum, glockenspiel or piano;
  • sorters with slots and a set of liners;
  • sensory mats that help develop fine motor skills;
  • game centers;
  • big puzzles;
  • children's loto;
  • balls;
  • rubber toys in the form of animals and birds;
  • wheelchairs.

But educational games for children from one year old more interesting for the parents themselves. For example:

At the age of one, it is best for children to adhere to certain regime day, which regulates the time of rest, active games or meals. This makes the baby healthy and disciplined. In the future, he will be able to quickly adapt to the conditions in kindergarten.



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